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Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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99 results for "Politics--North Carolina"
Currently viewing results 16 - 30
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In this article Joseph Golden got a phone call that accused him of voting in two different states for the same election. Allegations like this all started coming after Roy Cooper won the election against Pat McCory. Republicans around this time was filling out voter protest forms will allegations that votes were coming from dead voters, felons, and people voting in multiple states. It was seen as attempts to discredit the election.
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In this article the author discusses the connection and blame being tied with Donald Trump during the Charlottesville incident. The author states that Trump did not murder Heather Heyer because she was ran over by a new-Nazi named James Fields Jr. This article highlights Trumps blame for sparking this fire through supporting racists, the KKK, and white supremacists. One big factor the article discusses is Trump allowing individuals from these groups to be a part of his team in the White House.
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This article is discussing the actions Deputy Sheriff Mike Andrews during a riot/protest in Durham, North Carolina. The article discusses how Deputy Sheriff Mike Andrews did not stop the protesters from pulling down a confederate statue.
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In this article the author is discussing the shifting political environment of Durham, North Carolina, due to Pierce Freelon running for mayor. Pierce Freelon would be the next youngest candidate to be the mayor of Durham.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 34 Issue 32, August 2017, p10-11 Periodical Website
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In this article the author is discussing the confederate statue Silent Sam on UNC’s campus. Students camping around Silent Sam to protest stated they would not be leaving until Silent Sam was taken down. The week before protesters were not stopped while taking down another confederate statue. The article follows the theme of confederate statues through the south being taken down or protested to be taken down.
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In this article the author is discussing the reaction of Randi Harrison when they learned the history of the neighborhood they were moving into. The Uneven Ground project helps to show how white privilege has changed Durham in the past and presently. The Uneven Ground projects are photographs that try and show how minorities groups resided in these areas but they were influenced by “white privilege.”
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This article is discussing Christopher Ross’ statement on most events being canceled due to a Jewish holiday. Christopher states this can open the door for other groups having reasons to cancel pride events. Christopher states that in New York no matter the weathers or other activities was pride ever canceled.
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In this article the author is discussing Trumps twitter posts and response to Hurricane Maria destroying Puerto Rico. The author goes on to discuss that Trump goes after people of color peacefully protesting police brutality but stand up for white supremacists that marched in Charlottesville march. This was also while not sending enough aid and disregarding Puerto Rico which was just destroyed by Hurricane Maria.
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In this article the author is discussing how the Durham county Commissioners are trying to put a value on the confederate statue that was torn down. Some people in the community talked about how the statue had historical, cultural, and sentimental value while others in the community talked about the statue reminded them of the racial issue the statue represented. The Durham County Commissioners want to take the communities feelings into consideration and think that the confederate statue goes against the inclusive nature of the community.
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In this article the author is discussing different topics like Pride being canceled for a Jewish holiday and confederate statues. The author discusses that canceling pride events for religious holidays sets a dangerous precedent. Where many Jewish LGBTQ+ community members argue that they want to participate in these events but they conflict with one of their holidays. In regards to confederate statues the argument is that there is no need for them and that they are not worth keeping up. One argument made was that they do not have statues of Nazi soldiers in Berlin so we should not had statues of confederate statues in America.
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In the article the author is discussing a conflict about gathering of residents on Gearwood Avenue and Drew Street for a game of horseshoes. The argument is that the gatherings should be moved to a park or facility or should stay where it is at. The conflict is between longtime residents and new property owners. This horse shoe pit is the meeting place for the local horseshoe league called the Atlantic Coast Conference horseshoe league and new property owners are complaining about the gatherings to be large loud, blocking residential roads, the use of profanity, and the consumption of alcohol. The city council is hesitant to make a decision on keeping the pit there or having it moved. Local residents say that it is a tradition but new residents say that it is a nuisance.
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In this article the author is discussing a case where a protester scratched a sheriff, who was counter protesting, and could be facing legal action. The protesters in the article is Rann Bar-on and the sheriff is Terry Johnson. Rann’s legal counsel is seeking to get a change of venue for the case because they believe that they judge and jurors would be biased against the protester because the sheriff was a like elected official in the county. One piece of evidence of the biased nature of the case was the sheriff and district attorney was post billboards regarding the case which showed their political relationship.
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In this article the author is discussing how others view John Mace, youth pastor, teachings about inclusivity and progressivism in Christianity. The comments about John range from agreeing, disagreeing, and agreeing with some of what he says. One commenter states that the church does not need someone like John because he says he does not fully believe in the bible and is only doing this to gain popularity with the younger generations. Another commenter states that they love John’s view and teachings but does not like how it is trying to separate between right and left politics and thinks it should include everyone. The views on John’s teachings about the bible very from each end of the spectrum but many fall in the middle.
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In this article the author is discussing a North Carolina based charter flight company, Aero, being involved with CIA and the transport of suspected terrorists. Aero is a charter flight company based in Smithfield, NC that uses the local public airport to take off at. In the article Abou Elkassim Britel talks about his experiences with being detained and tortured because the CIA suspected him to be a terrorist. Critics called Aero flights “torture taxis” and demand that the NC government would investigate this situation but the government responded by ignoring the requests. Aero uses public airports which mean that these flights are paid and funded by tax payer money. This cause the creation of NCIT, North Carolina-based Commission of Inquiry on Torture.
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In this article the author is discussing the implications from made from scratch school lunches to the more modernized premade and heated up school lunches. One of the debates was that finding funding for school lunches was hard because it would normally cost $2.91 to make a single school lunch, the student paid $2.60 for the lunch, and if it was a free lunch the state would only pay back $2.50. The author argues that this impacts students from lower economic backgrounds because these students normally eat through free lunch programs. Lastly, the author discusses that the two major reasons that school lunches became a thing was to teach children about nutrition but to also Americanize immigrant children.
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