NCPI Workmark
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2 results for DeBry, Theodore
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The Historic Bath Foundation opened an exhibit hall in a renovated section of the town’s old high school building. Bringing history to life were exhibits such as Blackbeard, featuring an historic interpreter for the pirate who had a house in Bath. Putting history on display were artifacts, such as Theodore DeBry illustrations from 1590; historic maps; and antique firearms. Preserving history was extended to maintaining much of the original architectural structure of the 1920s building while adding a library, gallery, gift shop, and town offices.
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Helping to preserve the past is the current Historic Bath Exhibit Center, formerly Bath High School. Even if the word museum is not part of its title, the facility acts as such. Fulfilling this function are seasonal exhibits, like the summer’s history of barbecue exhibit, long term exhibits like Theodore de Bry illustrations, and anticipated long term exhibit about Blackbeard.