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4 results for "Morrill, Dan L"
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Electric streetcars brought cities many advantages. They were the fastest form of city transportation for their time. They promoted the growth of suburbs, and they made the central business districts thriving markets for goods and jobs. In 1891, Charlotte businessman E. D. Latta, having observed the cars' use in other cities, determined to bring them to the city. Morrill recounts how Latta's idea developed.
Tar Heel Junior Historian (NoCar F 251 T3x), Vol. 23 Issue 2, Winter 1984, p13-14, il, por
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The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Properties Commission is the historic preservation agency for the City Council of Charlotte and the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County. The commission is empowered to recommend the designation of buildings, structures, sites, and objects as historic property. Such designation, enacted under the police power of the local governing board which exercises zoning control over the subject property, places historic landmarks under land use regulations which protect the property from insensitive alterations and inadvertent demolition. Moreover, the commission has the power to secure the fee simple or lesser interest, and can dispose of the same properties through lease or sale with protective covenants included to ensure their preservation.
Carolina Planning (NoCar HT 393 N8 C29x), Vol. 10 Issue 1, Summer 1984, p10-13, f
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Entrepreneurs transformed the state's industry in the 19th-century. Charlotte's D.A. Tompkin's entrepreneurial endeavors included founding the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER and developing the cottonseed oil industry. Edward Dilworth Latta, also from Charlotte, founded the Charlotte Trouser Company, opened the E.D. Latta and Brothers clothing store, and was president of the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company.
Tar Heel Junior Historian (NoCar F 251 T3x), Vol. 29 Issue 1, Fall 1989, p24-27, il
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A look at the businesses of Edward Dilworth Latta, a Charlotte businessman who opened his men's clothing store in the town in 1876 and formed the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company with the mayor and four others in 1890. The company developed a suburb, Dilworth, housing members of the middle and upper classes, as well as mill hands for the city's textile industry. Dilworth's utilities, trolley lines, and parks were installed by Latta's company. Labor troubles and competition to provide services caused the decline of the company by 1910 and Dilworth was annexed by Charlotte in 1907.