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3 results for "CRISSIE WRIGHT (Ship)"
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One tale involved whiskey runners during the Prohibition, which inspired the transcribed tune about the town's role in the flourishing of the alcohol trade. Another story that could be considered legend involved the crew of the Crissie Wright, a ship first found drifting around Diamond Shoals. Added to the mystery were the frozen crew of the ship whose drifting ended in Beaufort harbor. The discovery inspired a saying still known in Carteret County, “cold as the night the Crissie Wright came ashore.”
Sea Chest (NoCar F 262 D2 S42), Vol. 3 Issue 2, Spring 1976, p22-23
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In January 1879, a two-mast schooner, Crissie Wright grounded off Shackleford Banks. Measuring 120 feet long and drafting 18 feet of water, the schooner was hauling guano from South America to Baltimore. One of the coldest nights on record, 21 men perished in the wreck of the Crissie Wright.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 20 Issue 8, July 1952, p5, 17, il
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The family of Abner Guthrie, of present-day Emerald Isle, was an accidental witness to one of the most infamous shipwrecks on the coast of North Carolina. On January 11, 1886, the CRISSIE WRIGHT ran aground just off of Shackleford Banks near Moore's Landing. As the men struggled to repair a damaged rudder while waiting for high tide to float them free of the sandbar, a fierce northeast gale blew in, dropping the temperature from near 70 degrees to below freezing in less than an hour. The crew, already soaked from working on the rudder, scrambled on board and sought what refuge they could find, some wrapping themselves in the mainsail and lashing themselves to one another. As the night went on and the conditions worsened, the men became unconscious and fell into the icy water one by one as horrified and frustrated would-be rescuers watched from the beach. Finally, at 4:30 the next afternoon, the weather broke and rescuers were able to reach the battered ship, but by then, only one survivor remained.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 36 Issue 11, Nov 1968, p12-14, il
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