NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

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2 results for "Roberson, Christie S."
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Record #:
Peace and freedom: states of being Vic Gillispie, resident of a land eighty percent surrounded by water, also endeavored. What was exceptional about this Dare County painter’s endeavor: his refusal to paint the ocean. Instead of representing the nautical environment on a canvas, he preferred to paint nautical-related objects like decoys.
Tar Heel (NoCar F 251 T37x), Vol. 8 Issue 6, Aug 1980, p28-29
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The author provided a Dare County guide with information about the county celebrating its quadricentennial. Cited were the Lost Colony’s history and historic landmarks like Kittyhawk. Described were must see sites like Cape Hatteras, must do recreation like hang gliding off of Jockey’s Ridge; and must visit towns like Southern Shores. As pictorial accompaniment was a hand drawn map of Manteo depicting its historical homes like the Meekins house, businesses like The Old Bank Building, and event sites like the Battle of Burnside.
Tar Heel (NoCar F 251 T37x), Vol. 7 Issue 4, July/Aug 1979, p30A-30T