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2 results for "Wahab, Stanley, 1888-1967"
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One of the most enterprising individual's in the state's history was Ocracoke native Stanley Wahab. Leaving the island to get a higher education and to make his fortune, Wahab returned in the 1930s to bring Ocracoke out of its isolation. Among the numerous things he did were building Wahab Village, the light plant, and ice house; building modern hotels, motels, and cottages; financing the Ocracoke- Hatteras ferry and bus line; and establishing a flying service between Manteo and Ocracoke.
Our State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 67 Issue 6, Nov 1999, p18-20, il, por Periodical Website
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The Outer Banks’ association with aircraft can also be attributed to David Driskill. In fact, from his ferrying of provisions, parcels, pay, and people, he became synonymous with flight for generations of locals. Acknowledgment of his two decades’ plus of service is attested in an article from another local famed figure, Aycock Brown, and a monument, erected after his death in a plane crash in 1952.