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3 results for "Tournament fishing--Morehead City"
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The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament, held each June in the Gulf Stream off Morehead City, boasts five decades of history and millions of dollars in prize money. From a humble beginning in 1957, when a few boats competed for a $250 prize, the tournament has grown to 2004's competition with over 200 boats and a $700,000 prize to the winner. Blue marlins are highly prized for their fighting ability. They fight until they are either released or boated, and they have never been captured and kept alive in an aquarium.
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At the beginning of 1957's fishing season, several Morehead City businessmen, headed by Tom Potter, met at the Sanitary Restaurant and decided to put up prize money to encourage fishermen to participate in offshore marlin fishing. This first pot of seasonal prize money was the start of what would eventually become Morehead City's Annual Blue Marlin Tournament. On September 14, 1957, the MARY Z, a private fishing vessel, headed offshore helmed by Capt. Bill Olsen. Angler Jimmy Croy, of Raleigh, reeled in Morehead City's first boated blue marlin on this trip. The fish weighed 143 and one-half pounds and measured 8 feet, five inches.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 36 Issue 20, Mar 1969, p11-12, il
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The capital of Carteret County has had a long history in the Crystal Coast. Dubbed Fish Town in the early 1700s, the town received its next moniker from John Motley Morehead in the 1850s. Incorporated as Morehead City in 1861, the town lives up to its original identity through its famous Blue Marlin Tournament, Seafood Festival, and Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant.