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2 results for Brewer, J. Mason
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It is though by some folklore scholars that narrators of folk songs and folk tales sing their native songs and tell their traditional tales more enthusiastically and more vividly when they are dwelling in localities far distant and far different from their original habitat. Although the folk song and the folk tale have no natural boundaries and no linguistic barriers when it comes to their expansion and survival, they nevertheless undergo some changes when being translated from one language to another, and are affected, to some extent, by the forces and materials in a new environment whenever they are transplanted. This article relates animal tales told by African American students attending Livingstone College--tales possessing the qualities of geographical-spread, historical longevity, and group property status, and are authentic reflectors of folk life in a particular region.
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There is probably no oral literature in America as varied and as localized as that of the African American. Although it is stemmed from a common African heritage, foreign cultures and indigenous traditions have wielded a powerful influence on the African American's comment on his American existence. This is especially true of that phase of lore labeled folk narrative, which although retaining certain communal traits and characteristics of its aboriginal background, has nevertheless been strongly flavored by American regional factors. It is not surprising then that the North Carolina African American's stock of oral narratives should vary to some extent from those in other sections of the South.