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23 results for "Palmer, William M."
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One of North Carolina's largest snakes is the pine snake, which can attain a maximum length of over six feet. It is easily recognized by its whitish coloration and brown or rust-colored blotches down its back and by its loud hissing when disturbed. Because it feeds mostly upon rats, mice, and other small mammals, it is considered a beneficial species.
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The corn snake is a member of the well-known Rat Snake Family. Because of its markings, it is said to be the most beautiful snake in North America. It is found across North Carolina but is most abundant in the coastal plain. Rodents are the chief food item. The name “corn snake” comes from the fact that it is often found in corn and other grain fields providing beneficial rodent control. It is one of the most valuable of all harmless snakes.
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The eastern kingsnake is one of the most colorful and best known of North Carolina's snakes. Except for the higher mountain regions, it is found throughout the state. It is an efficient predator of small rodents and a notorious, indiscriminate eater of other snakes, both venomous and harmless alike.
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The first yellow-lipped snake known to science was discovered in Carteret County in the late 1880s, near Fort Macon. In the state its range is the coastal plain and the coastline. It has been found inland only as far as Bladen County. It is in no way harmful to humans and feeds mostly on frogs and lizards. This species is among the state's most secretive snakes and is seldom seen crawling about.
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The rat snake is one of the most widely distributed and abundant of all the North Carolina snakes. Two subspecies inhabit the state, the black rat snake, found in the piedmont and mountains, and the yellow rat snake, found in the lower coastal plain. The largest one ever found in North Carolina measured over seven feet. This snake feeds mostly on rodents and small mammals, with an occasional visit to chicken houses for variety. However, their extensive predation on rodent pests more than makes up for the occasion chicken or bird egg.
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The scarlet kingsnake is one of North Carolina's most colorful snakes. This species is readily identified by its scarlet or crimson color and rings of yellow and black completely encircling its body. Its range covers the piedmont and coastal plain. The scarlet kingsnake is harmless to man and feasts mainly on lizards, small snakes, and the young of smaller mammals.
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The brown snake is one of the most abundant species in North Carolina. Its secretiveness, coloration, and small size make it difficult to observe. This snake inhabits both rural and urban areas and is harmless to man.
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The eastern hognose snake is found mostly in the coastal plain and piedmont, although it has been reported in the mountains as high as 3,000 feet. This snake is known by a number of names, including spreading adder, puff adder, and cornfield adder. What sets it apart from other snakes is the flat, slightly upturned snout. The hognose has an extremely variable coloration and is harmless to man.
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The eastern coachwhip attains the greatest length of any North Carolina snake. The largest one ever recorded measured seven feet nine inches. It prefers dry areas of sand, pine, and scrub oak, and is found mostly in the Sandhills region. In the Coastal Plain it ranges as far north as Carteret and Craven Counties. This snake feeds on small mammals, birds and their eggs, and smaller snakes. Because it is elusive, there is very little known about the snake's young or its breeding habits in the state.
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The eastern garter snake is one of the most common and widely distributed of all the state's snakes. Its coloration is typically some shade of olive, green, or brown with three longitudinal yellowish stripes along its sides. It is seldom found far from moist areas, and its food consists primarily of earthworms, insects, small fish, frogs, toads, and salamanders. It is one of the most prolific species in the state, often producing fifty or more living young during the breeding season.
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This species of snake has as many vernacular names as color-pattern variations. In North Carolina it is known as the highland moccasin, pilot, poplar-leaf, white oak and red oak. In coastal areas it is often confused with the corn snake. The copperhead accounts for 90 percent of all the venomous snake bites in the state, but its bite is seldom fatal. It can be considered a beneficial snake because part of its diet consists of mice and small rodents. Breeding usually occurs in the spring and three to twelve young are produced.
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Cottonmouths are very dangerous snakes, and their bite can be fatal. Their distribution in the state is generally limited to permanent or semi-permanent bodies of water in the Coastal Plain. This species breeds in the spring, and their young are born alive. Coloration is variable and ranges through shades of brown, olive, and sometimes yellowish. Their average length is around four feet. When aroused, the cottonmouth's rapidly vibrating tail and gaping mouth readily distinguish it from harmless water snakes.
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The scarlet snake, one of the state's most colorful snakes, has a pattern of black-edged red blotches separated by yellow or grayish interspaces. Though harmless, it is often mistaken for the poisonous coral snake. Scarlet snakes are most abundant in the Coastal Plain, but some have been found as far west as Clay County. The largest scarlet snake ever found in the state measured two feet. It is very secretive and spends most of its time underground or under groundcover, like rotting stumps and logs. Very little is known of its breeding habits.
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The brown water snake is harmless, but its bad temper, heavy body, and large flattened head make it appear dangerous. It is the largest of all the water snakes and has a maximum length of five feet. North Carolina's largest specimen measured fifty-seven inches in length. The brown water snake is very abundant along lakes and sluggish waterways of the Coastal Plain. It has a tendency to climb trees and bushes, often to a height of fifteen feet or more. The snake's food consists mostly of fishes.
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The rainbow snake is a colorful, inoffensive reptile. Its average length is 3 to 3 and one-half feet. The largest ever found in North Carolina measured 4 and one-half feet. It is an aquatic snake and is rarely found any great distance from water.
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