Minutes of the Staff Meeting of the Psychology Department, October 4, 1971

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Psychology Department
Cetober 4, 1971

The Psychology Department held its October meeting in EP 104 at 4 o'clock,
October 4, 1971.

PRESENT: Prewett, Lao, Daugherty, Higgins, Martoccia, Roberts, Castellow, Tacker,
Moore, Mitchell, Williams, Harris, Long, Grossnickle, Stapleton, Means.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Dr. Martoccia, reporting for the Library Committee, announced that the Department
had an emergency allotment of $300 for the remainder of the year. There is a bal-
ance of a little over $200 in this fund at this time. Anyone desiring to have a
book ordered may put the order in and it will be processed as soon as funds become
available. The Library will continue to pay for continuing journals without charg-
ing the Department for these. Any new journals ordered this year will have to be
paid for out of the Departmental funds this year and next year also. Continuation
of old serials are not charged to the Department.

Dr. Mitchell reported for the Curriculum Committee and stated that the Committee
is working on some changes that have been suggested and also some new course
proposals. The recommendations will be presented at the next staff meeting.

Dr. Tacker stated that he had no report for the Arts and Sciences Curriculum

ee Listed below are the University committees and the names of the Psychology
faculty and their committee assignments:

Dr. Long--Admissions Committee

Mrs. Harris--General College

Dr. Tacker--Scholarship Week Fnd and Review Board
Dr. Mitchell--University Evaluation

Dr. Prewett~--Athletic

Dr. Roberts-~Teacher Effectiveness

Dr. Prewett presented a copy of a staff evaluation that Dr. Susan McDaniel of the
Teacher Effectiveness Committee had brought in and asked that it be brought before
the staff for acceptance. He further stated thet she said if the staff did not
want to accept this report that one should be developed within the Department that
would be acceptable. Dr. Roberts moved that the form be accepted. Dr. Mitchell
seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion the motion did not pass. Dr.
Higgins was asked to chair a committee to develop a form for the Psychology
Department. He is to ask other staff members to serve with hin.

Dr. Long reported that the Schedule Committee had put together the winter schedule.

Dr. Moore reported for the Comprehensives Committee and stated that the next exam-~
ination would be given on October 26 and would consist of the same multiple choice
items used before and the staff wishing to submit questions in the specialty areas
should get them in to him within the next few days.

S Dr. Roberts asked if there was any official word yet on released time for the
winter quarter as the memo from Dean Capwell referred to the fall quarter. Dr.

Prewett stated that as yet no official word had come through for the winter quarter.

Date. : 19

a (-W Utz fame

FROM - Robert L. Holt, Vice President and Dean

[ J Please note and (1) File
(2) Return to me
Please note and see me about this
Prepare reply for my signature

Please answer, with copy to me

Prepare information for responding

Please handle this, acknowledge direct

For your information
Your comments, please |

4 Please follow up


Mrs. Stapleton as Chairman of the News Comittee thanked everyone for being so
cooperative in getting the forms in to her promptly. She urged everyone having
anything newsworthy to please see her tor a form for reporting the item.

Dr. Tacker urged the staff to return the questionnaire distributed this summer for
information Sigma Xi is seeking about the staff of the Department.

Dr. Mitchell reminded the faculty that this was time for the United Fund drive and
asked that they return the cards to his box as soon as possible, whether they were
contributing or not, as he had a report to make later on during the week.

Dr. Prewett commended Dr. Harry Williams on his talk on the radio at 7:30 p.m. g

October 3. Ny

Mrs. Harris announced that a new procedure was now in effect whereby a student no
longer had to go through drop/add in order to change from one section of a course
to another if both professors involved approved the switch and also the

Departmental Chairman. one s
fy * ee
Dr. Tacker presented the following resolution: a ju

elected by the Department of Psychology represent that constitueocy
by voting the wishes of a wajority of the Psychology Department
faculty. If a significant minority of the Department (1/3) or more
votes against the majority opinion, one senator will vote for, the
other against, on issues where the wishes of the Department are
known. Any three faculty may request a polling of the Department
by Senate representatives on any issue listed for discussion on the
Senate Agenda. Ctherwise, the Senate representatives wiil represent
the Department to the best of their knowledge.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate representatives duly ye"

Dr. Tacker moved the adoption of this resolution; Mrs. Stapleton seconded. After oa
lengthy discussion the motion passed with ten voting for and three against the

Dr. Grossnickle stated that the Department could not bind a representative to the
Senate and,although the majority cf the Department favored the scinoster system,
he was voting ageinst it in the Senate. He would resign from the Senate if the
Department wished.

Dr. Daugherty moved that the Department accert Dr. Grossnickle's resignation and
proceed to elect a new senator. Motion died for want of a second.

Dr. Higgins moved that the meeting be adjourned. Due to the fact that there were
several items that needed to be considered Dr. Higgins withdrew his motion in
order that the Department might consider new items of business.

Dr. Daugherty moved that the Department restrict anyone from taking Psychology
315-18: Readings in Psychology to students having a 2.00 average and for
Psychology 395G: Directed Readings in Psycholegy and Psychology 396a,b:
Psychological Research to a student having a 2.5 average. Any exceptions to this
ruling would have to have the Departmental Chairman's approval in writing. Motion
passed unanimously.

Dr. Roberts stated he would like to have the Department have en option to the
foreign language requirement. Dr. Long was appointed the chairman of a committee
to develop a plan for an option; he is to select his committee to work with him.


Dr. Roberts asked the group to consider a team teaching approach to Psychology 50
and 51 in order that the topics to be studied could be taught by professors in

that particular area of specialization. He further stated that this would be an
excellent way to get more staff members involved in the teaching of these courses.
He made a motion that the 50/51 Committee be asked to consider this plan and to
present it at the next staff meeting. Dr. Higgins seconded the motion and it passed

Dr. Higgins moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion second and passed
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

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tt, Chairman


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~"?linton R. Prewe

Minutes of the Staff Meeting of the Psychology Department, October 4, 1971
Faculty meeting minutes from the Records of the Department of Psychology (UA25-11) - October 4, 1971
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