Annual Evaluation of Faculty Members

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Section III, A, page 4:
14. Change period to semicolon
add 15. ensure that all. personnel actions are in accordance with. Appendix C

( of the Eaculty Manual.

Section IX. Appendices

A ~Annual Evaluation of Faculty Manbers

Each faculty member in the Department except those holding part-time

@ temporary appointments shall receive annually an evaluation of his or her
performance for the year by the Chairman. Following Appendix C, this
evaluation shall be based on the faculty member's performance in the areas
of teaching, research and/or creative activity, service, and other responsi=-
bilities appropriate to the assignment. The general criteria for performance
evaluations within the Department are those explained in Appendix C. of the

Faculty Manual as well as any approved by the Department and the Vice

Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

The relative weight assigned to the areas of faanity performance may vary
amon g faculty members in. the Sebati tot must be determined in accordance
with the following guidelines: |
io Ge Gn. dans may service be Vedshed more heavily than either Lideiitiie
or research and/or hehukeh aceivieds: 7 7
2; For all full~time faculty members performance in research and/or
creative activity and teaching must be assigned a value of at least

twenty-five percent each in the annual evaluation.

In ses ao att ga with the faculty member, using the recommendations of the
Personnel | Committee and the procedures stated in ~thie prea s as guidelines,

it is the responsibility of the Chairman of the Department to assign relative

weights to the areas of faculty performance, Relative weights shall be

yim 3 on

determined in a ic cnaaabie noite that takes ee consideration such factors
as the nature of the faculty member's- appointment, his or her academic
training and interests, professional standards and expectations in his or
her teaching field(s), the professional development of the faculty member
(including progress towards tenure widiox promotion), and the goals of the

Department and che University.

The determination of relative weights during the annual evaluation must
agree with the guidelines above and must be stated when the oe ar makes
the evaluation known to the faculty member prior to sending it to the Dean.
If the faculty member disagrees with the determination, he or she may attach
a statement to the evaluation explaining what he or she feels the proper

determination should be, given the departmental guidelines above.

Determination of relative weights prior to or during the fall semester of
the academic year may be made. The determinations must agree with the
guidelines, and a form stating the assignment of relative weights and
including the signatures of both the faculty member and the Chairman may
be placed in the faculty member's personnel file. This assignment of

relative weights may be changed later in the year, however, if the change

is mutually agreeable to both the faculty member and the Chairman.

Annual Evaluation of Faculty Members
Unit Code of Operation reports from the Records of the Department of Psychology (UA25-11) - 1976-1982
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