Psychology Departmental Code of Operations

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In keeping with the provisions established by the East Carolina University
code, the Department of Psychology has developed the following code. This code

recognizes and adheres to the democratic principle of responsible participation

by members of the faculty in departmental policy making.


Section I: General Operations

It has been the practice of the department in the past to accomplish specific
and immediate objectives by the delegation of duties to committees and individuals
selected from the psychology faculty members. In keeping with this precedent, the

Psychology Department Code of Operations (PDCO) shall be an instrument constructed

for the purpose of guiding the policies under which duties are delegated by the

psychology faculty to individuals and groups within the Pec oe hack

All actions taken by the psychology department shall be: fare out [by

the department head in the execution of duties assigned him by the chancellor and

in accordance with the East Carolina University Code of Operations aoe, or the

North Carolira University System Code of Operations oe or (2) (eacied Peas oa
Given S$ peedh cc duty ~eS by G vo te
individuals or groups of individuals] as described in the PDCO. Psychal ogy de A ot oe

Unde affairs will be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert's

Rules of Order unless such rules are suspended according to procedures described
in that edition. Departmental meetings shall follow the procudures set up by
Robert's Rules of Order, and shall be held at least once every month during the

regular academic year.

ie Section ITI:

ee oIn, ages Jeeta all other cases where a vote is indicated, it shall be taken to
mean a simple majority of votes cast by all individuals with an academic title] and
not less than half a normal teaching or research program as practiced in the

Psychology Department. The teaching-research requirement does not apply to the

department head as defined in the (ECUCO). The only exception to this interpreta-


tion is in the case of a vote taken which will modify this PDCO in which casea -
simple majority of permanently tenured psychology faculty members is poniveds/ ©

proposed modification will then be sent to the Faculty Senate and Chancellor for

their prveoret: | , 5



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Section III: Department Head

The duties and responsibilities of the department head as defined in the
ECUCO and mi the NCUSCO shall not be modified by the PDCO. In matters not
governed by either of the first-mentioned two codes, the department head may"
accept duties and responsibilities delegated by the psychology faculty. In these
cases, iasy department head shall be subject to the same departmental code of
cperations as other psychology faculty members.

Considering that the department head is the chief administrative officer
within the department and that his immediate responsibility is to the �,�hancellor,
it is conceivable that certain decisions may be required of the department head
outside the guidelines of the departmental code. However, the department head
shall utilize the mechanisms described in the PDCO whenever possible.

In order to further covcrdinate the duties owed by the department head to the
fnext highest administrative official] and to the psychology faculty, the department

\ head shall have a power of veto over any decision agreed upon by a vote of the
} Dy iT ii ceca NE


\psychology department faculty. This provision is intended to provide a mechanism
whereby the department head may inform the faculty of his intention to act at

variance with their collective wishes. The faculty may then elect one of its

members to inform the) next so hp BO OS EE official /of said variance.

Section IV: Delegation of Duties to Faculty Members

1. Formation of committees: Any voting faculty member may request that a com-
mittee be formed with a generally stated task or tasks and with a specific
number of committee members. . The delegation of duties to one and only one
faculty member shall be considered a committee of one. Unless otherwise
specified, the term of office for members shall end on October 30th of the year
in which the committee was formed.

2. If the faculty approves the formation of the committee, at least two more than

the required number of members_must be nominated for the positions. Following

the nominations, each faculty member shall cast as many votes as there are
required members for the committee by a secret bailot.

The committee shall meet at the call of the committee member receiving the most
votes and shall elect a chairman. The election shall be held prior to the
faculty meeting scheduled following the meeting in which the committee was

The committee shall agree upon a ~charge code" containing a list of duties that
seem to fill the requirements of the general objectives suggested for the com-
nittee at the time it was formed. Copies of the charge code shall be prepared

for examination by each faculty member in the psychology department.

- Before the committee takes any action, the faculty majority must approve the

list of specific duties assigned to the newly formed committee. The name of

the committee and the "charge code" shall become a permanent part of the PDCO.
The chairman of the newly formed committee shall submit a copy of the charge
code to the psychology department secretary in order that the specifications
for the new committee may be typed and entered in the PDCO. In cases where
immediate action is required of the newly formed committee, sections 3, 4, and
5 may be accomplished during the faculty meeting in which the committee was

A committee may be dissolved or modified only by a majority vote of the
psychology faculty.

Each committee chairman or his delegate shall. report all actions taken by his
committee or any of its members in behalf of the psychology department. Such
a report shall be made at each faculty meeting.

Any voting psychology faculty member may at any time: (1) request a meeting :
of the full faculty for the purpose of defining, limiting, or expanding the

charge code of a committee, or (2) request a report of actions taken by a

committee since the last faculty meeting, or (3) request a confirmation vote





on any aspect of any committee.

If an action is taken by a committee and that action is not specified in the
committee charge code, the faculty shall vote at the next meeting to include
that action in the charge code or to include a specific prohibition of similar
actions in the charge code.

The term of all committee members, except the program directors, shall expire on
October 30th of each year.

The Undergraduate Program, Graduate General, Graduate School, and Graduate
Clinical directorships shall first expire on October 30 of 1975, 1976, 1977,
and 1978, respectively, and subsequently, each directorship term will expire
every four years.

All duties, tasks, responsibilities, and positions should be considered
subject to the procedures described in the PDCO. Only the position of
department head is described in the ECUCO or the ECUSCO. However, the nature
of certain other positions may require particular attention to the wishes of
the department head. In these cases, the department head should nominate

one or more individuals for those positions thereby providing a method for the
psychology faculty to confirm by their vote the choice made by the department

The department head will serve as an ex officio member of all committees.
Student committee members: Undergraduate Students shall be elected accord-
ing to procedures established by Psi Chi. Graduate students shall be elected
at a meeting of graduate students according to procedures they shall establish.

Section V: Modifications of the Departmental Code

1. (In-keeping with the EcuCO) only permanently tenured members of the psychology

department faculty may vote to modify any part of the psychology department code

of operations.

2. The PDCO shall become active following approval by vote of the permanently

tenured members of the psychology department faculty, the Faculty Senate
approval, and approval by the East Carolina University Administration according

to procedures they have established.

Section VI: Committee Charge Codes

Budget Committee

Four program directors and two other faculty members
1. Recommend to the faculty a budget for allocation of funds for supplies
and equipment.
2. Recommend to Department Head priority for allocating travel funds.
3. Distribute a written report of allocations to all faculty at least once
each year.

Committee on Committees

Five faculty members

1. Prepare and submit a slate of candidates for each committee at the
October faculty meeting. Further nominations will be accepted from the
floor during that meeting.

2. Study and evaluate the operation of the PDCO and the functions of the
committees, and make recommendations for changes in the operation and
functions as deemed necessary and desirable.

3. Recommend the creation of new committecs and the elimination of old
committees as deemed necessary and desirable.

4. Prepare an evaluation of Psychology Department as specified by ECUCO.

5. Chairman of this committee will serve as departmental parlimentarian,

making rulings on interpretation of the PDCU when needed.

a |

Comprehensive Committee

Five faculty members

1. Organize and administer the comprehensive examinations

2. Monitor the availability of study guides

3. Monitor the collection of questions

4. Monitor the grading

5. Apply established criteria for determining outcome (pass, pass with
specified deficiencies, fail) and report results to department head.

6. Recommend changes in procedures or policy to the faculty.

Curriculum Committee

Five faculty members, on undergraduate and one graduate student.
_L. Suggest or review proposals for new courses and course revisions and
make recommendations fo the faculty.
2. Suggest or review proposals for changes in requirements for degrees and
make recommendations to the faculty.

Faculty Personnel Committee

All faculty members who hold the rank of professor.

1. Make recommendations to the Department Head regarding those faculty
members who are eligible to be considered for tenure.

2. Make recommendations to the Department Head regarding faculty members
whose performance in teaching, research end publication, professional
recognition and/or service to the University and the community warrant
consideration for promotion.


3. Establish priorities for faculty member additions to the department

as determined by curriculum and research needs J ond Cacd bY recovimen ~

dations ed

4, Establish and supervise procedures for selection among applicants for
faculty positions.

. Make recommendations as requested by the Department Head related to
individual faculty member personnel decisions.

6. Personnel Committee recommendations shall be forwarded to the next /

highest administrative official even if opposed by the chairman. /

Fifty-Fifty-One Committee

1 9

yo oc 4 otal

Five faculty members, one teaching fellow [ona Ones ar de J
Student. |

1. Make recommendations to the Psychology Departemnt faculty concerning

the goals and content (including t2xtbooks) of Psychology 50 and 51.

Graduate Admissions Committee

Three graduate program directors and two other faculty members
Charge: "
1. Select students to be admitted to the three graduate programs.
2. Select students to receive graduate fellowships.

Graduate Program Directors

One director for each Graduate Program

1. Execute all administrative duties and decision-making functions dele-
gated to the Director by the Department Head.

2. Advise all graduate students with respect to fulfilling all course,
research, examination, and administration requirements of the progrm.

3. Establish and administer practicum field placements required for the


4. Supervise curriculum planning and coordinate faculty graduate teaching

assignments within the program.

Library Committee

One faculty member and the student Psi Chi librarian.



Serve as departmental representative to the University Library

Order books suggested by faculty members

Select books on the approval plan

Keep a card catalogue of psychology books and journals which have been
ordered and shelved in the University Library.

Serve as liason between University Library and beoucdicacet members,
conducting surveys to determine psychology staff preferences for

ordering journals and back issues.

Research Committee

Five faculty members, one undergraduate student, and one graduate student.






Plan departmental colloquia

Select student and faculty research papers to be submitted for the
Blisphinghoff awards.

Select recipients cf departmental research funds.


Six faculty members



Recommend to the Department Head an adequate schedule of courses to

meet the regular quarter ly requests for such schedules received from
the Office of the oe Se

Prepare each schedule in such a manner as to adequately meet the course
needs of Psychology Department majors (both undergraduate and graduate)
and minors as well as the cognate requirements of other East Carolina

University curricula.

3. Insure that faculty members have an opportunity to be assigned teaching
responsibilities appropriate to their specialty areas and course load


Student-Faculty Advisory Committee
Three graduate faculty members, two additional faculty members, one graduate
Student, and one undergraduate student.


1. Make recommendations to the faculty concerning irregularities in the
manner in which students meet the requirements of the undergraduate
or one of the graduate programs.

2. Present student and faculty problems and make recommendations for
their solution to the faculty.

3. Meet with students when necessary to communicate faculty decisions
concerning problems or changes in any program.

Undergraduate Program Director

One faculty member

1. Make recommendations to the curriculum committee concerning changes in
the undergraduate program.

2. Supervise the teaching fellows.

3. Make recommendations to the budget committee concerning the acquisition
of teaching aids.

4. Communicate to students information concerning the Psychology under-
graduate program, and graduate programs, and @areer opportunities in

Section VII:

The Pppco shall go into effect upon acceptance by a majority of the perma-

nently tenured faculty of the Psychology Department and upon its approval by the

Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.

Psychology Departmental Code of Operations
Unit Code of Operation reports from the Records of the Department of Psychology (UA25-11) - 1976-1982
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