Chancellor's Preamble to the Code of Operations of the Department of Psychology East Carolina University, Stamped Approved

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Chancellor's Preamble to the
Code of Operations of the Department of Psychology

East Carolina University

This code allows for faculty participation in unit internal affairs.
The code establishes procedures which allow the faculty of the wit to
participate by making recommendations to the unit head on appointments,
promotion, permanent tenure, and dismissal. Recommendations to the
unit head resulting from these procedures are advisory in nature, both
to him and to his immediate administrative superior.

February 26, 1982

Frrata Sheet for Psychology Department Code
dated 2/26/82

( 1, Page 2, Section I, line 4: Psychology Department

2. Page 2, Section I, line 14: psychologists

3. Page 3, second line from the bottom: Department

4, Page 6, line 4: He shall:

5. Page 6, line 6: performance;

6. Page 6, fourth line from the botton, underline ex officio

Fi Paget, line 4, add hyphens: one=~ or two-year term

8. Page 7, line 7, Comprehensive Examination Committee

9, Page 7, line ll, the Committee numbered 12 should be entitled the Student
Appeals Committee

10. Page 13, line 7: Department

11. Page 13, line 9: the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs;

12, Page 14, 5th line from the bottom: the unit level.

13. Page 14, last line, add: to consider such additions.

14. Page 16, line 4, add hyphen: seven-days' notice



Section I. Departmental Objectives

The purposes of the Department of Psychology are closely related to the
purposes and functions of psychology as a scientific discipline. Psychology
is a science, a profession, and a general means of promoting human welfare.
Specifically, at East Carolina University, the Psychology Deaprtment views
its purposes in terms of the teaching of psychology to students at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels, engagement in and presentation of research
in psychology covering applied and theoretical areas, the provision of a
setting which encourages and supports scholarly and professional productivity
from the faculty, the guidance of research activities of students at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels, the direct assistance to agencies, com-
mittees, and individuals who need consultation in matters pertaining to re-
Search and evaluation, psychotherapeutic concerns, behavioral assessment and
prognoses, counseling in academic, vocational and personal matters, and com

mumity education, and the continuing education of psychologist.

Section II. Composition of the Department

The Department of Psychology shall corsist of all full-time professors,
associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, and instructors with
appointments in the Department. They are entitled to full voting privileges.

The Graduate Faculty of the Psychology Department shall consist of those
members who are associate or full members of the Graduate Faculty at East

Carolina University.

Section III. Administrative Officers of the Department of Psychology

A. Chairman of the Department

The Chairman of the Department is the chief administrative officer of the

Department. The selection and tenure of office of the Chairman shall conform
with the East Carolina University Code.
The Chaixman shall:

1. represent the Department in its relations with other units of the
University ;

2. administer the affairs of the Department in accordance with the
policies of the Department, the College, and the University;

3. be responsible for the scheduling of classes in consultation with
the Schedule Committee;

4, be responsible for the counseling and registration of students in
cooperation with the student's faculty advisor;

5. be responsible for the assignment of graduate students to their
duties in consultation with the Program Directors and the Director
of Junior Instructors;

6. manage the operation of the departmental office and its staff, and
have responsibility for proper space utilization and for all
equipment and supplies belonging to the Department;

7. allocate research space and equipment in consultation with the
Research Committee;

8. prepare the departmental budget and all other funds assigned to or
belonging to the Department;

9, submit proposed personnel recommendations such as appointment, tenure,
promotion, and salary increments to the Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences giving strong coneideration to the principles and cziteria
established by the Personnel Committee and agreed upon by the depart~







forward faculty recommendations and resolutions concerning personnel
decisions as well as other matters to the appropriate administrative
authority above the unit level;
conduct negotiations for the hiring of new faculty members in cooper-
ation with the Personnel Committee;
preside over departmental meetings and supervise the writing and
distribution of departmental minutes;
supervise the preparation of training and equipment grants;
manage such other functions as are delegated by the departmental

faculty or as directed by higher administrative authorities.

B. Graduate Program Directors

There will be a Graduate Program Director for each of the graduate


Directors will be nominated by the Committee on Committees and

elected by an absolute majority * of the faculty. The Graduate General,

Graduate School, and Graduate Clinical directorships shall expire on

October 30 of 1980, 1981, and 1982, respectively, and subsequently, each

directorship term will expire every three years thereafter.

Each Program Director shall:


advise all graduate students with respect to fulfilling all course,
research, examination, and administrative requirements of the program;
establish and administer practicum field placements required for the
students; \

coordinate curriculum planning with the Curriculum Committee and
coordinate faculty graduate veudnats toate ais within the progran

with the Schedule Committee;

* An absolute majority, as used in this document, shall mean a majority of

the faculty as described in Section II, paragraph one.


serve as ex officio member on the Graduate Admissions Committee;

supervise the preparation of training and equipment grants;
execute all other administrative duties and decision-making
functions delegated to the Director by the Chairman of the


C. Undergraduate Program Director

The Undergraduate Program Director shall be nominated by the Committee

on Commi ttees and elected by an absolute majority of departmental faculty.

His term of appointment shall first expire on October 30, 1982, and shall

expire every three years thereafter.

He shall:


make recommendations to the Curriculum Committee concerning changes

in the undergraduate program;

make recommendations to the Budget Committee concerning the acquisition

of teaching aids;

communicate to students information concerning the psychology under-
graduate program, graduate program, and career opportunities in

process such forms as are designated by the Chairman of the Department;
keep abreast of all regulations regarding major, minor, and general
education requirements in order to inform faculty advisors and students;
supervise the preparation of ae one training and equipment

execute all other administrative duties and decision-making functions

delegated to the Director by the Chairman of the Department.

D. Director of Junior Instructors

The Director of Junior Instructors shall be nominated by.the Committee on


Committees and elected by an absolute majority of the departmental faculty.

His term of office shall first expire on December 31, 1983, and every three

years thereafter.

He shall;


work closely with the Junior Instructors to improve their teaching
performance, instruct them in audiovisual aids, lecture methods and
testing procedures; help them set up structure and content for each
of their classes;

work with the Chairman of the Department in selecting Junior Instructors
and making appropriate course assignments;

initiate teacher evaluation i spc: soe ote for the Junior Instructors;
counsel Junior Instructors when idle tenia tae teaching problems;
write an evaluation report for each Junior Instructor at the end of
the semester and place the evaluation in the Junior Instructor's file;
execute all other administrative duties and decision-making functions

delegated to the Director by the Chairman of the Department.

Section IV. Standing Committees

Members of standing committees shall be nominated by the Committee on

Committees and elected by a majority of the departmental faculty present and


The Chairman of the Department shall serve as an ex officio member

of all standing committees. Except when stated otherwise, the quorum for

standing committees shall be a majority of the members of the committee,

including ex officio members.

Standing Committee action shall be subject to approval by the Department,

or by the faculty so specified. Persons (except ex officio members) shall serve

on no more than three standing committees and may chair no more than onc.

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The terms of office of standing committee members shall be for two years,
and shall begin October 31 and run for two calendar years or until their suc~
cessors have been elected. In 1981, upon the election of standing committees,
procedures will be developed that will allow for a one or two year term of
office, the length of term to be determined by lot.

The standing committees of the Department shall consist of the: (1) Budget
Committee, (2) Committee on Committees, (3) Comprehensives Committee, (4) Curri-
culum Committee, (5) Faculty Evaluation and Development Committee, (6) Graduate
Admissions Committee, (7) Introductory Psychology Committee, (8) Library Com
mittee, (9) Personnel Committee, (10) Research Committee, (11) Schedule Committee,

and (12) Student-Faculty Advisor Committec.

1. Budget Committee

The Budget Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department, ex

officio, the Directors, ex officio, and two elected members of the faculty.

The chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of the committee

and must be an elected representative.
The Committee shall:
1. recommend to the departmental chairman a budget for allocation of
departmental funds for supplies and equipment;
2. recommend to the departmental chairman priorities for allocating
departmental travel funds;

3. present a report of departmental allocations to all faculty at least

once each year.

2. Committee on Committees

The Committee on Committees shall consist of the Chairman of the Department,

ex officio, and three elected faculty members. ~The chairman of the committee


shall be elected by members of the committee and must be an elected represen- -


The Committee shall:

1. prepare and submit a slate of candidates for each committee at the
October faculty meeting; basis of choice of individual members shall be:
first, ability to do this job; second, interest in the specific com-
mittee's work; and third, consideration of the spread of committee
responsibilities throughout the faculty;

2. study and evaluate the operation of the departmental code and the
functions of the committees, and make recommendations for changes in
the operation and functions as deemed necessary and desirable;

3. recommend the creation of new committees and the elimination of old

~committees as deemed necessary and desirable.

3. Comprehensive Examination Committee

The Comprehensive Examination Committee shall consist of the Chairman

of the Department, ex officio, the Graduate Program Directors, ex officio,

and three elected faculty members, one member representing each of the graduate
programs. The chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of
the committee and must be an elected representative.

The Committee shall:

1. organize and administer the comprehensive examinations;

2. monitor the availability of study guides for the comprehensive exani~-

nations; |
3. supervise the collection of questions for the iat ean examina~


4, supervise the grading of the comprehensive examinations;


5. apply established criteria for determining outcome (pass, pass with
~= specified deficiencies, fail) of the comprehensive examinations
and report results to the Chairman of the Department and to the


6. recommend changes in procedures or policy to the faculty.

4. Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department,

ex officio, five elected faculty members, and one undergraduate and one grad-

uate student. The chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members

of the committee and must be an elected faculty representative.
The Committee shall:
1. suggest or review proposals for new courses, course revisions, course
deletions, and make recommendations to the faculty;

2. suggest or review proposals for changes in requirements for degrees

and make recommendations to the faculty.

5. Faculty Evaluation and Development Committee

The Faculty Evaluation and Development Committee shall consist of the

Chairman of the Department, ex officio, and five elected faculty members. The

chairman of the committee shall be elected by members of the committee and
must be an elected representative.

The Committee shall:

1. recommend criteria for reappointment, tenure, promotions, and merit
raises. When approved by the departmental faculty these criteria will
be employed by the Personnel Committee in its deliberation on matters.

of reappointment, tenure, promotions and merit pay;

develop evaluation instruments, techniques, plans, and strategies
for all aspects of faculty performance and make these available for

use by any faculty member;

3. act in a consulting capacity to any faculty member seeking ways of

improving his performance;
4, recommend criteria for summer school teaching assignments to the

departmental faculty. When approved by the departmental faculty,

these criteria will be used by the Schedule Committee in completing

the summer school schedule.

6. Graduate Admissions Committee

The Graduate Admissions Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the

Department, ex officio, the Graduate Program Directors, ex officio, and three

elected faculty members, one representing each graduate program. The chairman

of the committee shall be elected by the members of the committee.
The Committee shall:

1. establish policies to evaluate applications;

2. recruit and select students to be admitted to the graduate programs;

3. advise the Chaixrman of the Department on which students should receive

graduate fellowships.

7. Introductory Psychology Committee

The Introductory Psychology Committee shall consist of the Chairman of

the Department, ex officio, the Director of the Undergraduate Program, ex

officio, the Director of Junior Instructors, ex officio, four elected faculty

members, and one teaching fellow. The chairman of the committee shall be

elected by the members of the committee and must be an elected faculty member.


The Committee shall:
1, make recommendations to the Psychology Department faculty concerning

the goals and content (including textbooks) of Introductory Psychology.


Ss, Library Committee

The Library Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department, ex

officio, one elected faculty member, and the student Psi Chi Librarian. The

chairman of the committee shall be the elected faculty member.
The Committee shall:
1. provide the departmental representative to the University library;
2. order books suggested by faculty members 5
3. serveas liaison between University library and departmental members,
conduct surveys to determine psychology staff preferences for ordering

journals and back issues.

9, Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department,

ex officio, and six elected permanently tenured members four of whom shall hold

the rank of professor, two of whom shall hold the rank of associate professor
and/or the rank of assistant professor. The chairman of the committee shall be
elected by the members of the committee and must be an elected representative.
Any member of the committee under consideration for a reappointment, tenure,
promotion or merit pay action shall absent himself from the proceedings. Ail
votes shall be by secret ballot.

The Committee shall:

1. make recommendations to the Chairman of the Department and the next

higher administrator regarding those faculty members who are eligible

to be considered for tenure;


make recommendations to the Chairman of the Department and the next
higher administrator regarding faculty members whose performance in
teaching, research, publications, professional recognition, and
service warrants consideration for promotion;
establish priorities for additions to the departmental faculty as
determined by curriculum and research needs;
establish and supervise procedures for selection among applicants for
faculty positions;
make recommendations as requested by the Chairman of the Department
related to individual faculty member personnel decisions;
match the record of the faculty member under consideration against
the appropriate criteria which have been approved by the faculty;
recommend faculty members for merit pay in a manner to be approved
by the departmental faculty. The recommendations shall be made to the

Chairman of the Department and the next higher administrator.

10. Research Committee

The Research Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department,

ex officio, five elected faculty members, one undergraduate student, and one

graduate student. The chairman of the committee shall be elected by members

of the committee and must be an elected faculty representative.

The Committee shall:


foster research among departmental faculty, iricluding such activities

as seminars, colloquia, and paper presentations;

select recipients of available departmental research and supply funds;
distribute information concerning research grants and related activities;

recommend allocation of research space and equipment to the Chairman

of the Department.



ll. Schedule Committee
The Schedule Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Department,

ex officio, and six elected faculty members. The chairman of the committee

shall be elected by members of the committee and must be an elected represent-


The Committee shall:

1. recommend to the Chairman of the Cepartment an adequate schedule of
courses to meet the regular requests for such schedules received from
the Office of the Academic Vice Chancellor;

2. prepare each schedule in such a manner as to adequately meet the course
needs of Psychology Department majors (both undergraduate and graduate)
and minors, as well as the cognate requirements of other East Carolina
University curricula;

3. insure that faculty members are assigned teaching responsibilities
appropriate to their specialty areas, preferences, and course load

obligations, consistent with the needs of the Department.

12. Student Appeals Committee

The Student Appeals Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the

Department, ex officio, three elected members of the graduate, faculty, two

additional elected members of the faculty, one graduate student, and one
undergraduate student. One faculty member, one graduate student, and one
undergraduate student shall be elected as alternates, and the alternates will
Serve if an elected member is involved in a grievance. The chairman of the
committee shall be elected by members of the committee and must be an elected

faculty representative.

The Committee shall:

iy make recommendations to the faculty concerning irregularities in the
manner in which students meet the requirements of the undergraduate
or one of the graduate programs;

2. present student and faculty problems and make recommendations for
their solution to the faculty;

3. meet with the students when necessary to communicate faculty decisions
concerning problems or changes in any program;

4. resolve appeals made by students as a result of decisions made by

the Comprehensive Examination Committee.

Section V. Procedures for Appointments, Promotions,
and the Granting of Permanent Tenure

When called upon by the Dean of the College for departmental recommenda
tions for promotion, appointment, reappointment, granting of permanent tenure,
and merit raises, the Chairman of the Department shall notify the chairman of
the Personnel Committee who shall call into session the Personnel Committee
to consider all those eligible for the appropriate personnel decision. Recom-
mendations of the Personnel Committee for these decisions shall require an
absolute majority of the members of the Committee.

Recommendations of the Personnel Committee on those acticns shall be
forwarded by the Departmental Chairman to the appropriate administrative au~
thority above this unit level.

During the Summer Session additions to the faculty can be made for one-
year appointments only under the following procedure: recommendations by two-
thirds of the Personnel Committee members teaching summer school and/or avail-



Section VI. Mee tings

The agenda Shall include all matters of departmental policy recommended
by the faculty or any standing or special committee,

The Chairman of the Department (or any designated representative of the
Chairman) shall Preside over all meetings of the Department. At all meetings
an actual quorum shal] be present, A quorum shall consist of a majority of
the departmental members in residence, Departmental action will be determined
by those Present and voting. In the absence of Specific rules adopted by the

Department, the Proceedings shall be conducted according to the most recent

edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Minutes of departmental meetings shall
ES ot Order

Shall be distributed to all members of the Department, In the absence of the
chairman of a standing committee, the elected member senior in rank and service
Shall preside. Agendas of Committee meetings shall be posted in the depart-"
mental office at least 24 hours before the meetings. Minutes of Standing
committees shall be kept by a Person designated by the committee chairman and

52 available to the members of the Department, Student members of committees

Shall have voting rights in the committee Co which elected, Undergraduate


Section VII. Amendment

This code may be amended at any meeting of the Department by the vote of
an absolute majority of all permanently tenured members in residence, providing
that seven days' notice of the proposed action has been given to the depart-

mental faculty, and the amendment is later accepted by the Faculty Senate and

the Chancellor.

Section VIII. Enabling Clause

This code shall go into effect upon acceptance by an absolute majority

of the permanently tenured faculty members of the Department, and the approval

of this code by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor,

Chancellor's Preamble to the Code of Operations of the Department of Psychology East Carolina University, Stamped Approved
Unit Code of Operation reports from the Records of the Department of Psychology (UA25-11) - 1976-1982
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