Daily Reflector, February 10, 1898

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0. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner, TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS: 25 Cents.a Month,
Vol. 7. ss @REENVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 10, 1898. No 078
"""""" rire SASSI tO SUE " AA TAT TLL NaS Sey MIE " a -



whe =n | Making it
How an Immense ure is Handled The High Point Table Factory was There is all oyer the country & deep are a ng 1
on California Ranch. destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. and growing interest in the subject of

, _ _ | Logs $20,000 with $10,000 insurance, good roads. The people generally H t f H cd T m1
Probably there is no bette: known, have jearned that good roads pay and} 0 OF ar t CS.

r %
: ver ranches| ~The Commonwealth says the ) : , ;
certainly there are few larger ranches ys that roo that bad roads are terribly expensive.

inthe State ot Calitornia, than that | bers tried to blow open asate jn Seot-| ; : _ �
owned by the Meek estate. It is sit-|]and Neck Tuesday night. They first Phere s et a state o the ae Liu can't feel poor
uated a little way cutcide the city ot broke into of shop where they got tools which LEG not done 7 mors Ja road WwW en. you see our go00as ;
Oakland, and it covers a huge tract of | with which they entered a store. work o the past live y i ue 7 and pr ices. What, it
land between San Lorenzo and Hay-| py ere are in North C ever did betore " " a ° your dollars are few,
wards. It is spread over 3,300 ecres))... 4 banks 45 State ~"m ue | Hes Some ct thei have done ten} we will make them £0
of some of the finest, truit bearing). /, oe ; re yl. as much. | . | much farther. Values
country on the Pacificesast. A thous-| oy, a savings Darks. ii Prof essor Latta, of the Purdue uni-| were never sO marvel-
ee stcck $2,701,000; of the Statelyersity, Lalayette, Ind. estimates ously low as right now

and acres of this extent isn fruit, for |
yanke, D4: J3 6,6 90; 2 of the s AVINY os banks: . oc fT
. ~ avkss}that the ennual loss from bad roads
the most port cherries, e221) 000 ~ wee n bad Men and Boy S
tp & OUI s

The raneh 1s owned and contyoNed
by the two Meek brochers and their
sisters, how skillfully may te known

from the t fact that in spite of hard
times and a depressed market there | borr on the 29th of February which | County.

. . POomMmeEs every Tour ¥ mars ys & fehruary ns e a ; sanwniea ; Pies ~ be | 2 & a
has never been q year when it has not �,� m =m very {¢ ui ] is ij evr uary In atte mpting to ( ONnVINCEEY the {iir- Gy HO Big
= & aco . . or n Lo. ~; ae oyp ; g é

paid and paid lib erally, A fall ercp ! has 28 o ays in fixe till Leap Year gives} mers who ere oppos: dto large expen-
cherries from. this wonderful orchard her 29,T"Sanford Express. ditures for roads, President atta ;
will bring its owners any where from| The Suns says that Alfred Dunne, , | fives the following as some of the good Hats, =~ Caps,
$30,000 to $35,000. la very worthy colored man about 00 fects of good roads : - "
Just now the seagonTs cherry picking | yerrs of sof, living in a subures of Dur-| (1) Evenomize time and foree in FURN Is HAINGS, &c.
is goine at a-great rate, and a little} ham, was eydde: ly etricken blind Sun- transportation between farm and mu- | Phe completeness of
army of pickers are toiling from tree|day. He is apparently in good hevlth, ket. | tour stock guarantees
to tree, stripping the branches like ajend 2 the day pamed his eyesight teft (2) Enable the sarmier to ake ad- everybody perfect sat-
swarm of lucusts, him instantaneously. He has to be at- | vantage of market Huetuations in istaction. Come and
The sight is picturesque, 10s Oe terpded Ike a child. buying and selling. see this choiceselection
pickers come by families and live in ee (3) Permit transportacon of farm ~uf ho nest qualitics, and

I 2 cl 2 01 chard in al small village LOy Ee WT roductsS ab Y shy ed Cot nod ies | 4 2 a
ar ANOTHER FIRE AT BETHEL, roduets and pureheed On") lean why sensible economical peonle preter to

ia Jefferson county, indians, is fally
. ty ryyy_°
Mr. A. A. Harrington, of Norval, ~ig Slan acre, This means an annual loss

had only ninteen birthdays. He was sjwould pike every mile of road in the!


or tents. At the height of the season | during times if compar e Jelsure. | Pane 2c
eet ommloved, They . " jdariny it comparative leisy ~spend their money with us. Our prices wilk
nearly 150 pickers ere employed: 1e 1 Berun.. N. C.. Feb, 9th, 1898. | (4) Reduce the wear and tear on | y ll di ¢ - Ana l
are of all ages and both sexes, asthe) qy,; | ~ wey give yout dollar a new dig oni y. ur fine qua.
are OF: Vhis morning about 3 oTcleck the | horses, harnecs and vehicles. ities ~will clear AWay your r last Joubt. shere is
- |

work is of such «1 nature that it can be}, lar Cea wee] 7 y . laa af but T
~~ lalarm of fire was heard, Jt was soon (5) Enhance the market velue of: roo wine Yr Nricas 19}
performed as well hy women &s by | LO law aga ainst vas iM1g big ° pi ice , ub 6 it isnt
men, as we | by a ten-year-old ein] 98 sansible. 4 OU i trade s wit! us $: ~mo hy Decailse
Bll, as We | y At 4 ean! 5 A qc an his na He f, ) Mai seenat AS \ A | i 94. % ~ j . oy of 7
nd his market, on Aiain streets were on | . ~you can t get the soods at OL: y price aS e1Sew vyher e.

by a grown man, ~The pickers are, off... 7

, 1 1 ' y t
found that the store of W. J. James! real estate.--Atlenta Journel.

ire, th buildings wer totally dec. | . . cre |
| a a ata eenenae of the | oe vere totally der-| Congressman Martin Wild. |
course, V arded at vile Expens ob wt YT 4 | : { 1 fi ae . \
° ? 4 __{troyed, together with fhe stock of goods | Ww a ; |
a4 * ~ } ec} aS Ye OD: rom fo . . - } y oshing yn. 14 pruarT Sones ust ren |
ranch, and besides are pai ~ of Batler Bros., who oc: upled tie store. | mage - vos pM
conte to Si a day, sothas a Wie and |, a Ivious to the adiournment ef the Louse |
cents fo 1 ; J hi *efare Ola. Cavior & ( O., Was! o . - a
TWwe or 1] tele hil re can Yane is « . . . ; i today, R MPO SENEALEVE Higrgi, of fhe:
ao aa ; : . , ; slightly Camaged, four windows beins | - " . . . |
much money during the few weeks 0) : ae °! Charlotte, (N. C.) District, was) Tound |
: : ; vurncd Ouf, Ad some of their egods |, _ . . . =
the picking season &s the head of the were al So an the lobby, wildly sticulating, and |
1 ; . , ue Gee CANQAWOU, fiisurance On; , , -. 4) | {
ypnce Cnn �,�¢ payee Oo eGnsre Veaur. m4 ; | deelarming with some velremente any
house can Carh Gurmng tne ¢ I " . store $500, Putler Bras., had some | mn? \ n i | . 7 ; _
After the pickipg, the cherries are -asarance on stoel limagirary speech, Ele attracted tne]
taken over fo the packing house and lattention of the pages, Who were LAIST) AEENENTN AY ater wi BAA SADA
. ~ {* \y Tt"3] oe { ¥ 1 | ; re . re | ; i om
handled at cnee. The mper cherries apt Orren Wilkams, of arboro,} amushd, then alarmed. oPhe ieident) ae ? i y "
eaa here today ; | ia waT ft "
are scrad cut end put upok local | Wes Mere toiay. lias reportec to fhe speaker, Who? C2hie | i ~ se : Va Cy To CeO
7 7% * , 1 Ney H T | oF ate * 5) | PES 4, 3 ey w & .
marKets, Wille tne more eres kw: rd are i | l R pl nt { 2 OK! ! o3 ith } | i) q re ¢ i . MMe wee f a
i } . } a mye 1, ¢ 1 1° . é A ye o
shipped fast. The torce of packers Let Otte Be Organized. | FO Ut When Mz, Skinner reeched fim |e i Ba YS
van diencse af 42 oxeg per day. Ties fo Vip Masti newh: ne | ACY UY a
ean dispose of 42) boxes per day We hear the sugvestion that Green-| found Mr, Martin somewnnt | | 40%F 4 dN ESOP EVE VY te
Tay VO pss ne tye Ves of t a: ~los ] . 1 T Hoses iT ad be ~ ee | . y |
Two thousand boxes go to the carloads) vi}. should have a literary and musical oe Lbesn int nye
heroprd 1] Joct} yd . ~ 5,4] ale oy ae / } ! } t.
and must be burried to their Gestina organization Nothing would affurd pOClOCR WHIT & DP So ~
us speedily as ssible, for. ther . leon four paces. but tarther than syyin
tion as speedily as posstore, for ther? | more en yjoyment and be more beneficial [ten four pages, Duh Tab en ©
A a * ~1. 7 . ; + . 3 a ; ee | .
13 noir i ses its Tavor quicker that the subrct of if: Was a@ MOSt woes 3 or
13 no fruit that lose 3 1S {| Vol uit key to our young re ople and SOMme step 3 thatthe s ub} CLO y | F ra
vark PP +11 f the ~nerry. + 7 + . . A Aa { IStlO hea re lined t9 al ~ |
by overkeeping than the cherry. : shoakt be taken in that direction. mrentous question, he ae Hed foe
same reasor a boxes. must belrpy : ; , |swe vestion: aching if. the
the same reason the boxe ist There is talent here that could be easily wer any ques" oe .) j
~apidly marketed, for they will not de-eioped. left the Capital about 9 oclser, ane
keep many hours in the heat of. an has not peen seen since. jie rooms al
eastern summer, ~There are plenty of . 412 C street, northeast, and at 11
* . T : . ey F wle sat ring 9 ' * . bey arn
difficulties in the way of getiimg ths Sccial Gathering oTclock tonight had not returned to luis
California cherry upon the dining] Mn end Mrs. C. D. Rountree hand-| lodgings. A visi to the Salvation
tables cf the eastern consumer, but|somely entertained a few friencs at} Army headquarters failed to discover
vith ordinary care and a fair season their home on ~Vedvesday evening.| his whereabouts, and some anxiety | 7 a
the price? obtamed are not bad. In|After a delightful musical programme | expressed about his movements. X a
Chic: Ago a ten pound hox of ©, difornia lasiing un hour or more retreshments [ Later dispatches say that ir. Mar-! Se ro oat = o
~cherries can be made to bring » $1.00) were served. ~Che evening was much tin has been fcund, and that there 18 1 Mad ® va
if properly handled while in New |enjoyed by all present. pothing the .1zatter with him. | :
York, though the eastern local maket EC LRN LA PAE NR A RE TO |
comes into competition, the same | f
, 1g 2 r 7 .
quality will sometimes sell for 12 ; I ot
: W mmense 1
cents a | pound."San Fraveisco Wave. "~j» Week to our e |
¢ JUST FOR FUN. J ohn Kelly 'g
#, a va RAMA to) J y ig
No,JMaude, dear, baby elephants , shoe hoe :
trunks do not grow {rom satchels. \@\aXe 6) i hoe hoe d
\ . A; Ay A var Ws Pup vs . i
Hoaxee~~I wonder what will become sk ce 8 YO AAA OMICS Se we hoe hoe ;
oo DAL: ~ i PAE bg py lan Bs
of those American apples the Germens My ctaaana naa se sys AY: ES. AMM ahoe hoe :
held. up at Hamburg.� . Joax" «jt eee AOR MOM IKIA BOA AR Dealer in # » BORN OKO hoe hoe |
) ayeue we i vA yageveve ys +ve a by feo, Ap psa £2 at hth fh fh ~4
, theyTre crab-apptes1 suppose they'll co oes OO OROO E OD) Rial oalere es OAS
se ee WiWUENERAL MERCHANDISE fyavyys for :
e yy Ou vA Ox 4 4 a Qj U Uy) Me ( Ox reve, 4 . q
a di Pe oe N. C. POOPIE INTPTS for a
Nel]""o*Yes, he followed me in the Ul UU JO) Sieh mK CS eee) Pieh oe JOO VI ANI NIV) NP ,
VX oih a VUE ay wy 3
street, and finaliy I just turned around ) TOS Ky a JOU Ue Oo pene) SOOT OSI II II OTIO® 4 en and wy
: ow yO OV OO OOO ORY Wee? yh a
and gave him such a look that he went hy OI) idles il byT OL) bp I SIN J en and a
As } aa" we * ~ eee Ale oZ ; eee ry it eT Us iP obers ~ p 4
off in short order.� Belle" oAh, then en and

he hadnTt seen your face betore, dear.� aS a as CH JOUR MI ees ce n and Be a aaiiierin
Witlie"Pa, what docs this book ! e ok Can fit anybody, can suit anybody, Pour
| mean by the ~d-o-g-eT ot Venice?� Pa} : | : : spot ocketbook as well as}your feat.
| "oWhy"er"Venice is built on wa. cue | 1 . .

ter"er"in Italy, and the Eye-talians pes RICKS y 7] AF TD.
spells dog thatway ItTs a kind 0! aie He . : !
ter spaniel.� 5 coach :
} ae 5




ponent = at ella ai

; ov. WHICHARD. Etlitor.!

peer mana
preeminent naa tnt tence




Enterea as Second-Tlass Mail Matter

Paneer | «


ne year.T 83.00
ne month. ; OF
° JW

One week, *�"�
Delivered in town by carriérs with-
@ut extra cost.
Anvertising rates are liberal and can
te had on application to the editor or at
the office. Ch.


We desire gq live correspondent at
every pactaffiee im the covety, who will
sendin hrief items of news as if ecenrs
in each reiphhorhood. Write plainly
and onlv on one side of the paner

aera tient ernie, lipase

Ferner ey 10, 188,

nearness nint er erate Seeman serene aati, lt

DidnTt Contest the Poirt.

An ole politiejan remarked
today: oThis
will develop ifs romance. The
California erovza af 749, T know,
did. Let me tell yen one cf them,
Living in one of the middle
states was 4 vonng man, an only
child, whose father was rich. Ho
had evervthing that heart could
wish. But the cold fever seized
him,and he began secretly to
make preparations to cross the
plains. One thing gave him
intense anxiety. He was deeply
in Jove with a young woman, a
near neighbor. and she wag sn
pretiv and attractive that he was
afraid some ove else might carry
off his prize in his absence. Shea
had many suitors. He conldnTt
think, of courso of taking her
along with him. The eold fever
conguered, and.npon the prinei-
pie that all js fuirin Jove and war
he decided to urge her to an ear-
ly marriage, and afterward make
known to her his puipose to go to
California. His plan was to
Yeave her in the care of his
father ana.mother, who would be
delighted to have hey with them
unti) his return. So they were
married, and after a brief honey-
moon he announced, as _ gently as
he could, his intended trip to the
gold fields. As you may imagine,
there was a tremendous protest
against it. The bride yut her
foot down upon it, and was joined
by the young manTs mother, who
put her foot besidethe brideTs foot:
But al! to no purpose. The
young man held cnt, end went to
California. He didnTt prosper,
howeyer, and at the end of two
yearsreturned home. The young
wife was at his fatherTs waiting
for him, and did not hesitate to
account for bis Juck by telling
him that he did not deserve to
find any gold for the way in which
he had treated her. He was so
glad to get back that he didnTt
contest the point.

Klondvke eraze!

~and they happened to

Br ight Sayings of the Wilmington



A snuff company has been in

corporated in New Jersey witha

capital of $10,000,000. That's not
to be sneezed at. :

A Kansas bishop has begun @
crusade against gum chewing The
eood man has undertaken a large
sized job, and should receive en-
covragement and support.

As a deficit producer the Ding-
jey tariff hee proyed a success.
The deficit since July 1, 1897
amounts to $52,000,000 with every
indication of continuing to grow.

Perhaps the reason why Miss
Bradley who is to christen the
Kentucky decided to do it with
water, was because that forty
year old bottle of Bourbon could
not be found.

Explorer Nansen couldnTt stand

the racket of lecturing in this
country, and derlares that it is

harder than pole pursuing. Bu~

he couldnTt make $500 or $600 a
a day pole hunting.

A citizen of New Baltimore, Pa.,
died the other day aged 102. At
the age of 82 he concluded he
would do some reforming and
abandoned the use of tobacco.
Histather lived to the age of

The oldest house in the United
States is said to bein St. Augus-
tine, Fia., built by Spanish monks
ir 1514. with a composition of sea-
shellsandmortar. It issull habi-
table and is used as a winter resi-
dence by the owner.


Considerable Peoria, Ill, whis-
key 1s being shipped to Japan,
not to exhilarate the Japs but to
use in the manufacture of smoke-
iess powder. If they loaded their
guns with this fluid no army could
stand up against them. It is red
hot. :

A Slick Duck.

A stranger-claiming to be from
New York wis in the city last
week for the purpose of buying
up New York horses. He was
red headed and appeared to be
an Irshman. From Greensboro
he went to Winston. Messrs.
Smoke & McCrary were called cn
have a
horse just such as Pat was after.
So the trade was made and the
stranger produced in payment a
New York Exchange for $550.
As he wanted a number of horses
he wistied to Jeave $10 on deposit
as secuity for payment for the
horse already bargained for and
to pay the balance when he had
secured the other animals and
was ready to ship them. So get-
ting Messrs. Smoke & McCrary: to
place their signature npon the ex-
change, the $550 was paid over.

te@ never came back. The
endorsers became uneasv Sunday
anid wiring concerning the matter
found that it was was all a clever
forgery and that they were out

= for just $550."Greenshoro
In New York, Pennsylvania! Record.
and Ohio the Republican party is ~Sseecertnamenr nes gH NO REN

torn by factional quarrels. The
Federal spoil has not been so dis-
tributed as to giye general satis-
faction. There isa disposition to"
call in question the leadership of
Platt, Quay and Hanna, avd
there does not appear to bs much
hope of patching un terms ot
compromise before the next elec-
tion. This conditionT of things
would be almost certain vnder
ordinary circumstances: to result
in disaster té the McKinley
Administration; but the Demo-
. Crate, with amazing and persistent
fatnity, insist upon keeping on
the wrong side of the money.
question. Their disorganization
is even more ~opeless. than that
of their opponents. What the
outcome of the election may be is
_ @ problem which defies elacida-

How Old Mrs. Smith Was.
In the family of a friend is em-
ployed an old colored servant whose
blunders, though numerous, cause
more amusement than vexation. An
elderly lady, a neighbor, was sick,
and they sent the servant over, in-
structing her to find out bow old
Mrs. Smith was and could they be
of service, ete. In due season she
reported back, saying, ~~Mrs. Smith
says she will be 60 neat birthday

and donTt need nothing.TT"New Or-

leans Times-Democrat.

The Superintendent of Public

Instruction says he intends to
make the Countias* publish their |
expenditures of school funds just
as they do other county expenses:

het it is the peopleTs money and

tthey have a right to know for

what is stands. He says such a

puodlication will show that Halifax:
county has spent $2,000 for almost


tiou" Philadelphia Record,


worthless school charts.

Yay the Preacher.

Just as 1897 closed, one of the
best pastors in the State said, oI
cannot preach against dishonesty
now.� He was asked why. He
answered, oMy church owes me a
largé part of my salary on last
year, andon this. On this ac-
count I am unable to pay what I
owe others. If I tellTothers they
ought to be honest, my creditors
will say, ~You had, better pay
what you owe me before you tell
others to be honest.T� This
faithful pastor was greatly troub-
led. -He wanted to pay his debte,
and provide things necessary for
his family.

Church members who fail to
pay what they owe their pastors
are guilty of a great sin. They
become dishonest themselves,
and cause the pastor to be regard-
od as dishonest, and thereby in-
jure his influence for good,

Individual subscriptions to
pastorsT salaries sre usually small,
und might, as a rule, be easily
and promptly paid if an honest
effort was made.

The debts we owe to GodTs
cause should be first paid."
oCnurch Member,� in Biblical
Recorder. .

A queer suit was tried before a
magistrate in Green3bcro last
week. Mr. R. J. Allen brought
suit against Mr. Arthur CTConnor
to recover a photograph of his
(AllenTs) daughter, which the lat-
ter had given to OTConnor. The
father sad that he had paid for
haying the photogravh taken and
the girl was under age when she
gave it away. The magistrate

decided that the father was enti-;

tled to the photograph and taxed
the young man with the costs.
The latter appealed.



From Dyspepsia and Stomach

Instantly relieved and permanently
cured, A New Discovery, but not a
Patent Medicine.

Dr. Dedwel' relates an interesting
aceTunt of what he considers 3 remark-
able cure of acute stomach trouble and
chronic dyspepsia by the use of the
new discovery, StuartTs Dyspepsia

He says.
who :.ad suffered tomy knowledge for

The patient was a man
years with dyspepsia, Everything he
ate seemed to sour and create acid and
gases in the stomech; he had pains bke
rheumatism in the back, shoulder blades
and limbs, fullness and distress after
eating, poor appetite and loss of flesh;
the heart became affected, causing pal-
pitation und sleeplessness at night,

1 gave him powerful nerve tonics
and blocd remedies, but to vo purpose.
As an experiment I finaT bought a
fifty cent peckage of StuartTs Dyspep-

them tolim, Almost immediate reliei

was given and after he had used tour
boxes he was to all appearances fuily

There was no more acidity or. sour
watery risings, no bloating atter meals
oppetite was vigorous and he has gained
between 10 and 12. pounds in weighi
of solid healthy flesh.

Although StuartTs Dyspepsia Tap-
lets are advertised and sold in drug
ctores yet I consider them a most val-
uable addision to any physicianTs line
of remedies, as they are perfectly harm-
less and can be given to children or in-
valids or in any condition of the stom-
ach with perfect safety, bemg harmless
and containing nothirg but vegetable

Golden Seal. .

Without any question they are the
safeat, most eftective cure for indiges-
tion, biliousness, constipation and all
derangements of the stomach however
slight or severe,
StuartTs Dyspepsia Tablets are sold)

or fall sized package.

sia Tablets at a drug store and zavel}

and fruit essences, pure pepsin and |

ofetS 6S Bo

¢ a ~a xe A
9 rs 50%

ple anid booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY �,�O
ap Pir ite Ge GES OG. CPE te OO » o-rer


to cure any case

OS or fee eOonr -&:


of constipation. Cascarets are the Idea! Laxa-h
or gripe. but cause easy matoralresult+ Sam-}
Montreal, Can., or New York. ( 217.6


, Chicago,

2 aa tba NT RURAL

| rill

Better and more attractive than ever.

New Features Throughout

Fine = Racing.

Purses Aggregate

Liberal Premiums in ail departments
The exhibits cf: Fish, Oysters, Game.
Live Stock, Poultry and Agricultural
Products will be the finest ever dis-
played The Ladies Department is un-
usually large

The Greatest of al AlTraclons

Free! Free!!


Hippodrome and Wild
West Shows. |

A thrilling and realistic exhibition of
Wild Frontier Life, enacted by Genu-|
ine Western Cow Boys and Girls with
the ponies, mustangs and trappings of

entire performance takes place on the

every day life in the far West.

race track every after.oon during the

fair,and is absolutely free.

seeing it For premium list or other in-':

formation address the Secretary



Greenville Market.

Corrected by §. M. Schultz.
®atter, per lb

DonTt miss | £¥

15 to 20) S&



BAPTI51"services every; Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer ~meeting
Thursday evening. Rev, A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A, M.
C. b. Rountree, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC"No regular services.
oEPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-

|day, morning oand evening. Lay ser-

vices second Sunday morning. Rev.A.
Greaves, Rector. Sunday schoo! 9:30
A. M.: W. B. Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST-Services every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services _ third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev.
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday schoo!
9:30 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten


A..F. & A. M.--Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday eyen-
ing. J. M,. ReussW. M. L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F,"Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8. .

R. A."Zeb vance Conucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.L.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.oft H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

A.I. of H, Pitt Council 236 meets
every Thursday night, J. B. Cherry
wr, Wil-em See.



Cctton ang Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk «

Good Middling ot
Mildling bg
Low Middling 5 1-16
Good Ordinary 43
Prime 2
ixtra Prime 2t
"ancy 23

Spanish 60 to 75


Fh 4

Cy s }


; oe 9

a lal a al

Offers his services to the Ap

Western Sides 54 t 4/40 citizens of Greenville and the QF
Sugar erred Hams 10 to 120| 38 ~~ OR


40 to 52)

public generally.

Corn Meal 50 to 64/@¢ ROOFING, GUTTERING, Of
Pour, Family 4.75 to 5.70/42 Spouting and Stove Work, 2&
sar 54 to 16, a specialty.

Oats i to40 #0, 1 specialty 1G
Sugar 4} to aE Satisfaction guaranteed or Op
Coffee 83 to 0 ja@ no charges made. Tobacco 5p.
Salt per Sack 65 to 150)@0 Flues made in season, Shop S$
Chickens 12} to 15) on Dickinson Avenue. (
Riggs per doz 12]

Beeswax. per 7| teary

Cotton Seed,per bushel 10 to? SAY



Male Academy.

The next session of th
open on

sacbool wi:

MONDAY SEPT. ¢, 1897

qnd continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows

Primary English per mo. 620
Intermediate** o o $2 5¢
Higher sie ltt cd $3
Languages (each) *~ =o $1 Q0

The work and diselpline of the sehouw
wil be as heretofore.

We ask a continuance of your

by druggists everywhere at fifty cents |//eral patronage. "




W. B. Rodman. W. Demsie Grimes
Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.
Gfeenyilie N. C.
Practice wherever services are desired,

a ,



Can be found below Five Points,
next door to Reflector office,




Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeiny,
and Preasiag Gents Clothes a specialty


per?" attention given to cleanig







Atlantic Coast Line

Schedule m ¥ ffect Jan. 17th, 18%...
Departures om Wilmington-


DAILY No 48"Passenger"Due Veg-
2.35 a. m. nolia 11.02 am, Warsaw 11.15
&m, Goidshoro 12.05 am, Wil
son 12.59 p m, Rocky Mount
1.49 p m, Tarboro 2.45 p m,
Weldon 4,33 p m, Petersburg
6.22 p m, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m, Washing-
ton 11.30 pm, Raltimore 1.06
am, Philadelphia 3°50 a m,

New York 6.53 am, Boston |

3,00 p m.

~DAILY No 40"Passenger Duc Maz
7.15 pm. noiia8.55 pn m, Warsaw 9.10
pm, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,
Wilson 11.06 p m.. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.42 am, Nor-
folk 10.30 a m, Petersburg
3.14 a m, Richmond 4.60 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti
onore 9.93 4 m, Philadeiphi,
11.95 1m, New York 2.03 a
m. Kaston 9.00 p m.
DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
40p ca. Waccamaw 5.09 » m, Chad-
bourn 5.41pm Marion 6 43 p
in, Florenca 7.25 p m, Sum-
ter 9.10 p m, Columbia 10.30
0. Denmark 6,12 a m, August
ta 7.55 am, Macon 11.15 am,
Atlanta 12.25 p m. Charles-

ton 10.50 pm. Savannah 1.50

am. Jacksonville 7.30 a my {wc

St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 5.25 pm.

DAILY No. 49,~-Passeiger"Boston
5.50 P.M. 1.08 rin, New York 9,00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.39 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petarsburg 10,00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.52 am, Tarboro
12.12 »m, RockyMount. 12.47
pm, Wilson 2°37 pn. Golds-
boro 3.20 pm, Warsaw 4.1°
m, Maguolia 4 24 pn,
DAILY No. 41,."Passenger--oLeave
$.30 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9,30 am, Phiiadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 38.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.30 pm, Petersburg
8.12pm, Norfolk 2,20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm, Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.40
am. Leave Wilson 6.22 am,
a Oldsboro 7°01 am, Warsaw
~@-53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.
FDAILy No, 51"Passenger----Leave
except |New Bern 9.00 am, Jackson-
Sundav "yille 10.26 am. This train
12.15,P.o arrives at'Valnué street.

DAILY ~No. 54"Passenger"Leave

1,20P.M. Tampa 810 am. Sonford 3.27
GEE opm, Jacksonville 740 pm,

oSavanna 1.45 night, Charles-
ton 6.23) am,Columbia 6,00
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.90 am, Augusta 3.30 pm,
Cenmark 4.25 pm. Sumpter
8,08 am, Florence 9.58 am,
Marton 10.36 am, Chadbourn
11388 am, Lake Waccamaw
212.09 am,

T Train on Seetie=d Neck Branch Road
faves Weldon 3.550, m.. Halifax 4,39
D. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p
., Greenville 6,57 p. m., Kinston 7.55
.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
®.m., GreenviJle 8.52 a. m. Arriving
Hali* x at 11:18 a. m., We'don 11,33 am
daily except Sunday. |

I'rainson Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p.m
strives Parmele 9.10a. m., and 4.00 p
., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Varboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 9.35 a..m,
wd 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,00 a. m., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-
~nt Sunday. Connects with trains on
scotland Neck Branch.

oTTrain leaves warpore, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R, R. daily except Sun-
ay, at 5 30 p. m., Sunday 415 P. M;
errive Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.10 p.m.
Neturning leaves Plymouth daily except
Sundoy, 7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. m.,
arriveTarboro 10.05 1.0 and 11, 00

Trainon Midland N, C. branch leaves
GoldTboro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
mM. arriving Snaithfleld 8.30 a, m. Re
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar.
rives at Goldsbors 10.25 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
a., leave Laita 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
Jeave Cliot6.10 a m, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
he Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train on Clinton Branch leayes War-
jaw for Clinton daily, except Suuday,
U1 20a.m.and 4,15 p, m: Returning
igaves Cinton at7.00 a. m. and3,00 1. m

7 Train No. 78 makes close connection
t Weldon forall points daily, all rail via

Niehmone, alse at Rooky Mount with

Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Noriolk
ne all points North via Norfolk,

GenTl Pass, Agent

:. EMERSON, 'Teaffie Manag .

~ 'o.KENL�"�®. Gen Manager.


A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that great otat
will be mailed to any adéress oe
receipt of eight centsto cover post-
age, D. J. PRICE
G, P.& T. A. I. & G. NM. wx:
Palestine, Texas,
Kast. Texas lands are attracting
considerable attention. Mention
this pan +.

ap ye

TE lt



af .
4444.66 486
4, é


Mayor Kamsdell is

Two years ago he was elected by the
combined PeopleTs party, Democratic
and CitizenTs Reform party. He was
again nominated by ee by the
Democrats to sugesefl fnself as mayur
of ihe busy modern city, and was again
elected by a rousing majority Ist

Mayor RamsdellTs present high posi-
tion is the legitimate reward of his
ability and his fearlessness in defending
to declare his convictions in public, nor

his opinions. He has never
has hs been slow to espouse the cause
of the


shozmakers and other wage
In 1894 he was candidate of


the PeomeTs party for Congress.
hard worker, a conscientious
Mayor Bamsdell has more than oxrce

At such times of extreme nervou
sion and overwork, he hag saved him-
self from breaking down by taking
PaineTs celery compound,

Mayor RamadellTs honest opinion of
this great remedy cannot be mistaken
by any one who reads his letter tha

Strictly Practical.

oWhat's dat you all is studyin{�
inquired Mr. Erastus Pinkney.

oRifmetick,TT replied Pickaninny

oWhutTs dat?�

~~Rifmetick,TT quoted the boy flu-
ently, ~~is de science ob numbers.�

oWell, lasT night I dream ob er
bowlegged buzzard an er ghicken
wif er glass eye.T�?

oSposTn yoh didi�

oWell, ITce gwinter test yer educa-
tion. I has er little money an wants
yoh ter tell me whut numbers dem
is de signs ob. ''"Waghington Star.

Its Meaning.
Little Elmer"Pa, what does ~~re-
quiescat in paceTT mean?
Professor Broadhead " oPlease
stay deadTT is near enough. "London

- Tit-Bits,

again mayor of |

te te i ae



been pushed to the limit of his atrength.$

PaineTs Celery Compound
Never Fails to Invigo-
rate Him When
- Worn Out

Wells & Richardson Co., Burlington, Vt.

Gentlemen:-"A previous experience
with PaineTs celery compound, as a re-
scorer of exhausted energy, induced me
recently to take it again, the many du-


ties of the mavorTs office havine taxed
my slight physical resources grealy. I
made no mistake. In one week, [
found my appetite improyed, the feel.
iag of weayiness disappearing, and my
neryes becoming steadier. PaineTs cel-
ery compound has thus been a frend
in time of need, and I like to say a word

for a friend.
Truiy yours,
Warrer L, Ravspene.

Noy. 0, 1897.


In every city, in business houses,
banks, newspaper offices"wherever the
friction of worry is wearirg out the
nerves and reducing the nutrition of the


body, PaineTs celery compound is

N= : Sim i ~
8 i } proving its inestimable value. It in-

~variably insures sound sleep, and thus
¢gives the overstrung nerves their natu.


3 OF other deyelop into grave disease.

ral rest; it corrects a constipated habit
that so commo:ly goes with sedentary
occupations, and frees the blood of poi-
sonous humors, aud that at some time

Master ofa Trade.

There is an old fashioned and, we
believe, very wise idea that every
boy, no matter what his worldly
position, should become the master
of a trade. So many trades are be-
ing transformed and so many super-
geded by the genius of the inventor
that the importance of this idea
may not be so apparent as it once
was. But we believe it-is just as ex-
cellent a ndtion as ever it was, sim-
ply needing adaptation to changed
economic conditions. " Christian

In sixteenth century fencing the
sword was held in the right hand
and a dagger in the left to ward off

The fisheries cf the United King-
dom are worth $32,500,000; those of
England alone, $21,250,000.

English coin was first made a legal
tender in 1216. Before this rents
ha? -eon.peid in proT ;



dh fe he


phbbith What Is It? hitb |

It is a picture ot tae celebrated =


Best in use The outfit of no business man is
complete without one.

~The Reflector Book Store


has a nice assortment of thc3se Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be astonished when you see them and
varnhow very cheap they are.

| You may never,

But should you ever}@=="

Want Job Printing

=~ Come to see us, gam

EPPING NNN Nd Nal NN NL eg Me Me OL Meal NS LNT ll


zi pegyegege yoregau ou: :

oe OY Vere Sich hb:

Anything from a3¢@==-


rae th

Wisitine Car.



EuUull sheet Poster


The Daily Reflector

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a, sub-
scriber? IfT not oyou

. e

The Eastern Reflector, "


Is only $1 a lyear.. I
contains the - news every.
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers,. .eg
pecially those growing 7
tobacco, that is _ wort





many times more , than


the subscription price?:.

. . on a ek , | |
. : : -JUST THE NEWS ON THE GO. . a. n
Soo " "| ° Na | Names of people YouKnow ~ ; ,
JTDICICTS ADVERTISING. |The Reflector Gives, What Tone e 0 mee - We wish to inform our many. aa Mr. ay E. L. CRENSHAW a skilled
| �"� Looking for wil acta az\and patrons that the capacity of; , . | ; ,
nin . : aaa a Elmwood Dairy has just beah ery dairyman, who was recently with the
; | a rere mocay: . much enlarged and} improved. ve State experiment farm at Raleigh
Creates mony anew business, Easter Lats are already being built. | yy;5 Lizzie Lewis lett this morning are now prepared to ~promptly fill all
Cee Sometane § , | orders at the following prices, goods}now has charge of our Dairy and
Friarges many an old business, Services in the Baptist church to-| for Henderson. Selivered at your door:
. ioht eniue y will serve yuu promptly and satis-
Preserves manv a large business, | "50" J. C, Albritton lett this morning fer, Elmwood Butter,..25 cts a pound - 2
: Gardens are being put eadines r Sweet Milk,.. .....25 ets a gallon. factorily. We solicit your patronage.
Teviven wan? a~dull business, xar et eing put 1D readiness Courtland, Va. | S Milk 3 oe aark ;
tor planting OUP Mines os ks a@ quart. * Dairy Phone 14. Residence Phone 98
Recenag many a lost bnsiness, Ye .| Capt. John King, of Falkland, Pure Cream,......25 cts a qaart.$ .
The weather is getting back to 4/ spent last night and today here. JAMES & WILEY BROWN. Proprietors.

; ce Bis : _ . .
Saves mare a failing business spring feeling.

Seerres snecess to anv business) The tobacco acreage will be larger
this year than last.

TRAIN AND RCAT SCHTDULFS. | Safety wheels"Those that are lock-
led up in an asylnm.


| Cotton Geed Meal and Seed Oats
Passenger and mail train come! cheap at S. M, Schultz.

* fer ~ 4 -
north. arrives 8:52 A. M) Goine| The ogolf widow� has taken the

sonth., arrives at 6:57 P. M. place of the summer girl,

The noon train was away off of
schevule time. again today.

North Round Freight, arrive 8 |
9.50 A. M. loaves 10:10 A.M P

PiattTs Peultry Food makes hens
South Pound Freicht, ATiVeR om
lav, For sale by J. S. Tunstall,

9.00 P. M. leaves 2:15 P.M
The new organ tor the Baptist church

& a | iw 25 ~a )% ; at ram it

Steamer t. ar Rivet a | Vé § fi te jas arrived and will probably be pus up
Washington Monday, © ednesday jin time for uce Sunday.

Washin ¢| SaLe or Rent,"The nive room
(house of Mrs. L. C. Ricks im Forbes-

ton Toesdoy. Thoraday and Sat�"�
jtown, large double Ict with good waters

and Friday, leaves for

urday. |For particulars apply to
" | oo
Joun A. RICKS,
r rr *? 1( Ma a £ | y
To oadvertize judiciously,� 286) fave your laundry ready to go off

| Wedne sday morning. You get the

the co!umne of the EELECTOR,

~best work done at the Wilmington
~Steam Laundry.
W. F. Prepy, Agent.

We see it stated that many towns im

Mrs. B. L. Cooper, of Wilson, who
hes been visiting here, returned home R.A. TYSON, Vice-Pres. - J. Le LITTLE, Cash er
today. , REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896.

Mrs. J. D. Murphy and children, o STATEMENT or THE

ine are visiting Mrs Dr. E. A, The Bank of Greenville, |

Atthe Close cf Busimess%Dec,. {15th,{1897.

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

Miss Bruce Sutton, of Kinston, came
over this morning to visit Miss Lina
Skeppord and other relatives. "RESOURCES. :


v , _ | Loans and Discounts $23,000."
J. F. Davenport, of Pactolus, was in | Over Drafts 3797,
town today. He tells us he will go to Premium on Stock } Deposits subject to Check " 1 13.944
. . Due from Banks 20 § Due to Banks 19%.
Baltimore next Monday to take a} Pyrniture and Fixtures 1 B15. ty Cashiers Checks outstanding 867. .
course in a business college. Current expenses 2,136, o7$ Time Certificates of Deposit 960.0
" Cash Items 7,8 L651 § "__-.
Li. W. Holeombe, E. B. Ficklen, J.}Cash on hand 30, 455 "s Total . $132,118,%°
C. Jordan and Misses Louise Latham, Total $139,118.61) |

5 a 1 aoe sys ; vo 2, ~L2n} _
Myra Skinner and Winnie Skinher We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to hay
wens to Kinston last nicht to attend an your : ceount, pr omising every accom modation consistent w ith good banking,

Pe ae 8

entertainmeut and returned this morn-

Ings . : A . Hf t

Kaiser Wilhelm roasted our pork oe
As Reported by

and now he gives us the a} ple sauc2 poe y een


creat?ng quite a stir around Washing- Cotton Buyers |

ton and vicinity ) . a HINER
; ' 7. YAyS | a
hox papers and tablets call at Reflec- " | LETS NEE

The Mormon preachers have been

It you want to see a pretty line o Wholesale Grecers |

a oe t 300k Store. ee
the State are to have & new insurance | ~OF Bo | Cotton sold in Greenviile.d 7-16 "_"-U0-""
Partly cloudy tonight, warmer Fri-jrating and a reduction eiven. Creen- A nimber o «ein South Green-| a
JS : . ; AGUSMGG | A number of lots in ¢ ° th Green | EW vor. Te pave nt t reveived & ve
day morning. | ville needs something along this line, as| ville have reeently been sold and more | 7 oon . hearse and ize nicest line of Co -
~| . | Corr nening Noon, "408e. | a
=e rs sae sec eran | rates are very high here, houses ave (o go up out there. | ros , . fins and Cesxets, In woed, meta-
| NRE RET PTL Our Lead °4 four sheets writi i Mare} 6.08 6.06 5.99! Tie and eloth ever brought iT 4)
a a . Jur Leader"24 four sneets Writing? .4aF ~ 46 , nev;it
MO CURR=NO PAY os : _ . Mas 6.15 6.13 6.06) Greens i! or
ANTED"UPRIGHT and faith- aid and 24 envelopes, in nice box, | a a . Wa oranraccvad t: nant
That is jhe way all drovgists sel ful gentlemen or ladies to travel il fc ea. at Reflector Book Store | August. Mame ee H.1G) WO Bim PeOwakele § aE
GROVES ' TASTE LESS C HILL TON| for responsible, established heuse in a ) cents, ab Aettector 1400 o | Tne i Gia HOS FOR
C « of} North Caroling Monthivy £63.00 « CHICAGO.
IC for Chile, Fever and all forms of} North Carona, Monthly $65.00 and / wy 1 4 | Ty oe Tate an oi
_" YOu} a me ted . ~W.. Youne has moved from the | ; Forsonal abee clive
Malaria. Ii is simply Iren and Quinine} Expenses, Position steady? Refer- ~ x : - ~ i: | Wigae Opening. Neon, Close | 4. : re Bon OAD OARS cons
in atasteless form, Ch tren love ft} ence. Enclose selteaddres ssed stamped | Fleming house inT West Greenville to ; | ducting Inperais and bodies en-
. vafap f ceating : yi : ; . a Imaal, Or J YG 96-4 1 frye ey �"� ogy wi "
Adults prer I it to biffer, nause: ting | CNY e Ope ithe © ~ominion. Comp: iny, the (Hrodwin house on Dickinson avenu. ALLY JUS JG be truste x to a ar care vill recelve
Tonics. Price, 50e, Dept. Ke ¢ hicage. | Rips avery Mark Cr respe We
eemncenrene2: 241 SEE EMME we ti At Washineton on Monday a flat! -
" a a 1 \Cay o20) O20 515| ~try prices are Lower CAN _OVOEs
belonging to the O. D. 8.8. Co. sums) Ve do not want wenyvpoly but
oo ae | PORK
in tae river. Che flat was fead d with { uvife Conpetl tion.
IVa yn 74) OotT 4G im Pa fy bane ans
| | | guano. AEN L0beo NUA | Woy G6 Cop es re aud | ¥ any aod ha
4 Ae 'titnes ib the coho tlanagan
a WA a # "ry, ) et ope ahy + sahway Aisa t! 1 ye 1.7 bos
¢ ¥ E:| I) F Che longest reach OF VPuliway WIL | = Huey { MS NUM.
sae TL 2a ; ; , | { hol ams) ~
out e curve is claimed by traveiers to | | Bi PD CLPLANR 2
sy ra ta Meee O 6 Sorbet GI OL Go
& R. Ldeaw £7 ~ r +f f ; \\ f = . ai | i on | % Gr } Vs ab | o~ toa @
arid Pretty toshow you. 0. Wo have) vethatof she Argentine Pacific isil-| We have a -are¢
* v | _ "
~ ° : 1g. my ) way, from Buenos Ayres to the toot of |
o4 Reet SECRETION SER? { 4 \ YOY 5 4 is | ,
qust LEO CULN ed a hey LO} (l Lol Gl 0 if SS. Ly Awd ; MALLY 7 «NT ; se,
. the Andes. For 211 | miles it is with- ey i OG \. ) y | .
such as Batiste Cloth, Dimities, Cheeked Nan-jout a curve, and has no catting or ! om:
: Wage Abts
~ k Tada | INE} Ve ~ij oa ttl | SW a 9 | embankment deeper than two or three r : | ; em" 3
soo ) bala LAD Hl, AC. ICAULHUL WWISS ane . ry Hy | e
a . reet. i |
) i Tc +f VW ys ~| | | 7 } _
Point DTEspritt Draperies and Lace Curtains. | ANI r ¢
| it; ll the lead- | i ul || :
¥ %Y % \ % re ! -
New Wi iIndow SH ~ ides 1 in W I) Ite ane | aii the eat ¥ yom the Press Tower:. | " - | iy
2 ay al te 4 Tano® he tif 1 ; ~@) 7 ns | | .
ing colors . (6 and ( CCE LoneT ) HCAUULULY _ LA BARS | |
er) v Whispers and runaway teams make 1 ty
& | i
fringed in new patiern the break-ups . wed Come ini |
| oe just arrived. Come 11)
Pleasure soon pails when it costs
nothing, see us. |
_" ; _ A shaggy camel may beara smooth |
ft t « » ;
, overy Pair Guar anteed, |. ANS HY AN HA |
Wii @ 4 j
. i '
Purity opens the way to a world of vey. mat)
cladness, . » ann sisasges 2
i j a
Friendship may soon die, but enmity _ i ( |
. Qa th ob J |
never. 4 aa o COM

Best Wear.
soTA}S 189} B'T

Our China and Glassware department has taken
on new life this month. We have just received
~peautiful Decorated China in new tints and odd
Shapes. Japanese designs and English Bonn-
mare, Glassware in the best Cut Gass patterns.

Bee our Deorated Condiment Sets, they ar
Peauties: Your frends,



A truthtul child is a motherTs crown


All men are tools, but only the wise

stop bemg 80. "Deaier ii"
Knowledge puffs up. Wisdom lets - , (| O°
the wind out, uk, | Oh, lil ole
When you nave nothing to do, never Farmers sand Merchants buying§the
go after help. 7 yearTs supplies will find it to wat ine,
: est to get our prices before pureas. om
The temperance cause will go, on! . elsewhere. Our stock is comp leto, big
. | al its branches.
crutches until the crutch closyts are

I wish to inform my many patrons and ee,

the public that they can now Flour, Sugar, Coffee

ene tind me inthe

cleared of jugs,

Duty and responsibility were marr!-
ed in the Garden of Eden."RamTs Always at lowest market prices

~Horn. - NtW MARKET . HII Tobacco, Snuff, Vigars®

Don't Fret or Worry. as we buy direct from manufa*turerg

where I am ready to cater ;to all their sanihiaie.
The habit of continually fretting and needs inthe way of :
worrying about ali sorts of trival A cbmplete stoek of

matters is a very dafgerous one, inas- TABLE QU P P LIES.

much that it keeps the blood excited FU RNITURE
I keep the best Fresh Meats, Sausage,

and affects all of the vital organs
| Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &c.
Much sickness, especially ~ehronic ~ail-} Send me your orders, Goods delivered sn the ie, Ou gods Phen TT coughé

ments are brought on by this fretting | P°�"�P ioe dcslalr asta and sold for CASH therefore, having no
and worrying habit. Stop it! Be quiet) " BE. M. McG OWAN. risc to run We sell at @ close margin,
and calm if you would have health and {Phone4l. | ¥ S. M. SOHULTZ.
strength. : .

: : moa vee ,

Daily Reflector, February 10, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 10, 1898
February 10, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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