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}, J WHICHARD, Agitor and Owner.
Vol.7. | GREENVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1898. , No 986
a oe ann ae = we serene tenet er ee eee a saint nn meen $$ $$_$__" .
GOOD BYE. But he neTer will forget the bright vis- | HANCOCK BOUNCED. 1 . .
a ions that threw wnnee + | v |
Ox Tue Roan, Feb. 15, 1898. Euchantment around him, while | The Governor Removes Him as a sees
lingering with you. ' Director ot the Atlantic and . see secee
. , ° North Carolina Railway yp orecececcres
oFarewell, farewell is a lonely sound, | Let tate do its worst, there are relics of = P Se ecco cere re eens
4¢ av =] ioh «~~ + . es + . ee
And always brings a sigh Joy, Raleigh, N. C., February, 17_Gov-| ooo. c cc ace ss eee 5
But giv: to me when loved ones part Bright dreams of the past which it
, a s ernor Russell today sert the following '
That dear old word, good bye, cannov destroy, | to Robert Hancock C LOT H N CG. .
A melancholly sadness steals over That come in the night-time of sorrow
4 $C kg see :
oYou are hereby notified that at ajc*t° "tte eters eeteeeees
me, like OssianTs music osweet thoT and crre, _ |meeting of the board of internal im-| ~7°77 7" " CTT T tt eees O O D
mournful to the soul.� Wenever ful-| And bring back the features that joy | provements, vonsisting of the Gover- eee eese . rs
*@e @ @# see 5g @
« . anlize 1 T¢ Tay 3 Pan 3e Tap . ~ - .
ly appreciate or tealize the fond endear used to wear. nor, C. A. Cook and J. C. L. Harriss,
1 ~eA ar 4 + Rif LAV [ Ong lor y 4 « y } . x} see see
ments until we are called tpon fo say | YUE, fone be my heart with sueh| iis a: ay you were removed as a mem- een
. . £ Ck a ola, Fea
2 y 1a em es ri ; , o @"" eee Macrome
farewell, good bye. memories filled, ber of the board of directors on the part ~ a aD ) =
Like the yase"in which roses have
I love North Carolira,and I could ~cf tbe state in and for the Atlantic and °
. . . once be 1 sti e + . oo : T ;
hot leave her borders without lingering nce beer distilled, | Norti Carolina Kaiiroad Company.
again upon the scenes sO de sar to (my yee u hay break, you may 6 shattcr the This orde or to tak e eftect on and alter WV e like to live at peace with ail the world
Ue o2 4f wy, si} * P ~ eé
life, so I stopped over to spend Sunday | vase Wt you WilT +; the 24nd day of February 1888.� and free trom ~~entangling alliances,� as
in Gre senshoro and take the day train But the scent of tae roses will linger} pyo covernor wrogetthe tollowing to Father George said. Nevertheless, we
there still.T
the divestors of the Atlantic and North! CONSIder it good business to sell
Carolina Railway : :
from here thet J might see, possibly fer
the last time, the great and wonderful] |
{ Isaac A. Suga.
Yours truly,
hills and mountzins, the handiwork o oRobert Hancock has this gav been
| removed t sy this beard from his office of
director of the Atlantic and ~North
one so dear to every patriotic
soul cf the grand oll State.
[ was profcun diy impressed with
| . | ' Carolina Railrcad on the part of the lower than anybody else. This makes quite
Made by Orange Va, Obscene stete, this removal to taxe effect on the | @ lot of disturbance with the others, but as
Tis the wash- co Oo jeans dav of February 1898, this being the public is on our Side we are ready to
| - the wash-woman who speaks 1 the ds ay on which your board of direc- istand and fight lu out. Here you will fin d
you 1D soaprano tones. | tors isto meet. This acion is taken inot only Clothing 1g, ut
Or emma
three t hinges witnessed an) Greensbero
The Normal and Industrial Colle,
where so much 1s being dene to develep
the mind ard heart of our beautiful
girls. With 2 caterie of yeurg ladies Girls with ringing voices are the ons | b - the board of internal improvements |»
T went throvgh this grent institution !iy (rue mesical bells. lunder authority upon them conferred Si Rea!
from bas2 to-dome, and if tnere ever | Thieves are greatest men of metal, | PY section 3 of amendments to the O, I, T
waa an inspiration for the betterment | for they have nerves of cteal . | charter of the Atlantie and North Car-
of the ecod women cf North C rolina, | os » | joins Railrond Company. [t would; ,
it will be awakened in any min who i ~ - oes sees SN " lace j Seem that the removal of Hancock as Ad MoM .
a lover ct his native State. God dless | a Without going to pa"con t We} dire eter will operate as rem val from
the efforts heing put forth here for the yu vin 19 Offte as orvsident at your company, |
promotion of CarclinaTs deughters. | oAll flesh is grass,� which nceourts | But if you concur in the avon of th ue ~ PSS
J paid a pleesant vieit of an hour to |for the sreenness ef so many neople. | board of iaterl mMpre Sroments, it ney | sore - co) 5
the Keeley Institte, presided over PY A man doesnTt object to being called | be well for you to pass an order 6! vou" o
Frat seine of tne, Cul W. H-Osborn. | say it te hes the aeputation of, beine Wane deoising kin as rreident by; going at fhe same low cut which will leave
Lae pra 5 sO 9 ee | !
pa MAP dr uC dies tile TC} UfAcoOn aor beng } } 1 - + Ix kk,
| 8 Ba . * NA arere rradif | oveur | ard "rr ij i f LYt vray ; f,
This ins titute is NOW loeated in one of | « firsT Ar ye j Vibcut powers Oranieu {o YOUR Doar G | ¥ OU ly On LU, 1 nN Jo ty Uy poc e pe So ame ~uic
13 Suirnu {@ hiise-Ciass one, | . | ;
, | law gaptioc: f +) j r if rf Fyre eye |
; . i VY pcre. | iW) 0 ee See ee G ~ AWS |
ha moat hea { of the city tre | Vv as bom . | .
e mos! beantiful parts ye T . , 7 7 i _ cw yy: ",
the m Ps | When the wind was blowing so hard! yt vous eompany 4 ») iN . if . / ;
Ann Bena a | Te. Ww VOuUr GoM pay. " \
Julius (srav mans 1071 Phe insutute » | 147 7 a nee . | - , oe | i 4 / /
4+ * i a are) tteee ea wa matiana Trat OETA , ~ | : Bf * ~ ,
: ; , bo ay porn 4 eda SU WK Hotieed that CVerVe | hese letters are sou a by (sover- | Ne %. L A bg A Y a BogT Do
one of the finest nud mose thorcughevy |, BO . |
Ja t 4 thy SAR - 1 i
A Clic pOCNE ] Fi W. nar j 4 Ty oa ayy | 1 mr: na ' ey ~
~ } t ~ q (8 ~ . bhi Bie ss da 4 s yh LB | baw 6 La @ie | oe ~
1 the ifed States. 2 ,
eond ucted 1 nie l Nice . "" ~4 : . | j ? ] | ae | L/ y Y \ () au ry) 1)
ry i ( } nity onNOrPrOW ) Rae cs Secret ~ YOR! 1 | ~ , | ( ( R
haven where the poor and fallen mev! Vea pot : \ OTN ta Lv} PEIN / KM) Ph Lak.
Voy ; # aye | } ,¢
he re Teg V¢ } vO fle con PYTTS T le - MODE J au ean J t oi Y; Ne/7cr 2: YSis ci | ern pi a i} ite | Aiea Ont ae RRR
PRECEPELTNeEY SiG Teter n : ik La . of | eC re ee dim ie ON 2
| t , oy T - \ 1 teyelerar | . . _ oe "
a tatel avian fae thes tellowTs in the | Haneack told th OOVEPHOL jay |
p Vs air and dJehauch ry feet k SVEN a BS. { Mm. CLIOW 3s ltl Le | PANCOCWw CORt ta ay! Lab S / |
mon if aesnel na LO WaAUCrEs ye | , . aw NB BE oe ABABA VN MBS ON ~A ° RACAL .
i x 4 -: A ~ é
} i re otia (9 } wone | \ . it] if | t! Lod { at cs tO! Wout al «i ole ats Aye & (aia) Wn
wonderful place, indeT d, 18, ANG WOTs 7s i. | were by
. i i AY i _ | aE oy en f a
+, . lan o 7 i = { ¥6 1 Y) ~y (4 } t i wit oF i ; a
drous the roo i 1s doing. . Our alaine defence at Tavana h ~5 i? d North se ~ | one . a are i t oy oyy
US ! aa . p ceas wy) RO. HS Pal a id Pe +; a y \
rae . ; . . . . 1} P led hin fy T wy } ] j ar ee Ke} i » oe ghT; i 4 ed
While in Greensbors T met Messrs.tbeen blown up by the treacherous} SS 7°" © oes a acy Yh Spe ik & xy 7 OO 9
~Y H | : } aay Y A \ ~| Pye | af Ki be t th yp ad bw? & Be oa wv %
TAToansp with the eth | Snenien: and thie art agile far immed. | WHeredpoO� The COVEPNGR COnd TG | ag boo Be
amsaur any oote wheal ti) LN MPa a bbimi. alld tilts USE Calis i101 hinmcg= | ° . ) ep Rin 1 Ga Ts
Ram iLit tit} . i i 3 a . , ? Tt y ac Ht nh es spy
77° oo oY ' {2 ye ral . ie) ¢
Carolina rolling exnasiftiag, or NortD ttate i vil we ~ _ "" ; Dou i
Atal baihca Aika * aa ein. 7 , ° v 4 po
, . + oo roa: . tla | ' t} er } ( t ¢ i ati Gille Cs SAS vee 3 ives : #
Carolina on Wheels. Dns Is LHe | a COV x CM Spe
« hd icer . - .
r } . | |
. 1 pee ates paantaw nate re i AD acacwerk anes Sater aes: Cur. of Weuiineton vbessete | . Nae
mostehb autiial and aftvachy2s Gispary f ihe Pearson Aiceting. | : | ffin fy AS. 2 4 VN AG
\ ij Fa NT NON NN Nt onli 4
7 . " WOURRE /E " state ! _ ; | Ce} }
" pr aners atic soll: ou bade | , mofo ty, } 2 gd : : 1 4h ic
POUUCTS a ie oficial! members of the tethe- | iaic A ER
. , - ye. . . jo, BA kek
le ever 6a 34 { rout taste has Deen dis) 4: ; . - ea } | tics 3 Be er
j nary bP 5 hh toaepan hy revic nal { %
pullniy 4 apiist, ] PESUYLCT all, LU PISCO] ct | ate A
4% + é ~
: bil Ye f er ge
: . 1 fein ; ed Baran nci gyre xf bey f ACS 102s
played i iy Cons: ructing Ona wilting Out and Chri tat echurehs ere upcenily re Soy eral EMPLOSlO? Sy wie fa f es: bow oter 4D é Je
», reue V hib dS cdctlk Cu bo aa Ub ackay ~ ~Se ' «
| tf iy
| adc a ee
fi any Tt } & Vil y T Yr (H) . we SEY Ss ; ; a « | oHe ae
the car. was built at * Wilmington; lquested to meet in tae law -eflice 6: Whether the bovs thonght it was if Ug i
i * | of ,
; at at ay Carolina woods and ; a. "" . . : . os | AC y is |
Del... Out OF avert } « ee eers UUs «4 . Harding and Herding, Monday after� | ( hristmas or the fourth n{ ouly, or} 3 CU egg
j nef rare beanty. representing ( Lg t,o : : ; | SECO YK RY
isa jemof rare beanty, representine) ycon at four oTdleck. Business of im | Were trying to make our people think | a ee
hing but North Carolina, Thous- Lo 1 | ; oo a | (@ Aya on ~ Ab Ou fi oo D4
nothing bUE Worl! os o| portance relative to the bearson meet -j that Spain was Lomua rding the town! : ge - NC 2
~ 7) nonio ar {} vejet : spe a) . -1a ft o4 . Pas, oey i ~
ands of people are fiocking To Se the ing will be attended te, Any citizen | we are nof able to say, but from the Be oi, } 1b
~and xhibits it contiine. LT un- } at thine : | Sa 1, ~ 77a |
car and the exhitirs 1t cont cnt. a UM-) op church member, other. than those! way eennoen erackers were being ex- XK abs ; oes p r : q e
derstand the car will visit, Greenvill® | mencioned above, who is sutliciently | ploded early fast mizht we must say! a % 5
. ye ler nv ip tl NW aurhorr Voie . ~ 5 rs ~ 5 Loney oe - y . * P; © e : i ~@.. =
immeciately atte I tne LN¢ W bern i a Ae mteresteu in the mecting, 13 cordialky there Was someting wreny WwW town. C t a w ; at i. a
11 hope everybody in the State ofijny; + AC. 0G UY QU YUOU yw Ey iy
and | hope everyboay ! ne *linvited to attend. ; cee | LOW AL TY TS MS Sy
it i} y t mt oa oe it It iz Cy nn r
i} oO see ita { 1) «6SIM DEV ;
Pitt wil] 0 tO : j t E . mee seenenaneed ; Have your laundry ready to 20 off eoewans
. ty . me \. = " , ~ 7
dazz'ing, but I rey Bret toy that go AT, VW Pp @ lie Wednesday morning. You get the 8 ] «
i 4 Mr. YOR. Sumbe, wao went from . . j
far if do: snet exhibit a simwie thing
hestT work done at the Wilmington
Rhiia o " sO sannta 25 4 . ~
I hope Messrs Al- ~his county to aoanoke Rapids, died Steam Laundry.
| there today. ", "-W, F. Prepty, Agent.
u LU! L
from Pitt county.
Jen Warren & Son and nany others. of
3A . . 3 ee ak ae TNE as SERS TMD 5 PA TPIS
the ¢ cood cit'zens of tha county, will ~ as " ~ arteries ae aa ee
get together some of the many things , "~ Week to our Immense stock of the�
so abundant there and have them ready mir a
by the time the car arrives,
These three things have a thousand |
John KellyTs
John Kelly's
times more than paid me for my stay
in beautiful Greensboro. A me
~ oi
AK A A *
©) 6
My face is now turned to the Lone AeHeY { WOOK TOSD 48. sein ere % AAD "
Star State, the empire or the Union,| BODO SHSOOCOOON TOON RANA CROTON MEY C1 RANA
and I can but recall the beautiful and A SARA RAMAAA 3
touchiiig lines of Tom-Moore AA AAAA SO
Dealer in ~* BAAR AA?
Greenville, N. C. Oe
oFarewell, but when you welcome the
"That atyakens the night sonz of mirth
� in your bower, _
Tank of the friend, who welcomed it
, en and omen
. - en and omen
| o4 en and omen
en.and omer
And forgot liis own griefs to be hap-
py with you. 6
LR OOOw ) Whey �\
~aA x aw I
YY) eo eM J}
A IDS IS $44" 4: 7% ry
ge sewte a Ie OO oe J how JIAO:
sha exidta shay cetarm, nots joy aay ~ee ANAT wy SLR LAA AA AAC RAAR AC ac ae Can fitT anybody, can suit anybody, your
EA gh esi PAY SPALALAAMAKAAMRA SAAT OAS AY ATAD AA AP AIST 7 pocketbook as wellas your, feet. ;
(HTo lighten him. on his pathway of a ce nian , o| 5
. , 3
| on, �
tas : : :
pias ' . wt : , Mata ty a ee
* 38
of the New Discovery in Medicine.
D AILY REFLECTOR. was in session in Washington this
se 3 week ; algo the annual convention of
= ""==|the Woman Suffragists, which always
manages to occupy its full share of news
annette 8
D J, WHICHARD. Fiitor.
a nnini tsi semcnatitate
ome " aera
ine testa
anemia aie nat
ansnestiinerssnitemntetneteit Cn eA CN CC CL A eereaname
Enterea as Second-Class Mail Matter
rene, agen inna oe
@ne year! #00
@ne month, *
One week,
Delivered in town
out extra cost.
Anvertising rates are liberal and can
be had on application to the editor or at
the office.
Dc cnmmeaal
oean peten ee
We desire a live correspondent at
every postoffice in the county, who will
send in brief items of news as it occurs
in each neighborhood. Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper
by ~carriers ~with-
necesita I OA ae
" ea LLL LAO
pecans lla
C Sarurpar, Fenruary 19, 1898.
aia ttle ne nce ene eennencr oncen tet o
Under the spur of an indignant
public sentiment Governor Russell has
at last removed Robert Harcock as
President of the Atlantic and North
Carolina railroad, a step no deccnt
man with the authority should have
hesitated about taking.
eer AE
(From our Regular Correspondent)
Washington, Feb. 18, 98.
Nothing short of absolute proof that
the sinking of the battleship Maine, in
Havana harbor, and the crowsing of
more than two hundred and fifty of its
crew"a catastropce that will cause a
shudder of horror to p?ss over every
mericen every time Havana harbor
mentioned for many years to come"
-as caused by an accidental explosion
on beard of the Maine will save Spain
from the licking it has been inviting for
aat the hands of the U nited
some tim 7
he reports that
States. In view of t
ountry from time to
pave reached this ¢
time of boasts made by Spaniards
Havana, since the Maine went there,
that at tle ficst intimation of war be-
tween Spain and the United States
they were prepared to blow the Maine
with torpedoes, and of the
to atom?
Spanish Minister
treachery of the late
towards his great and good friend, Mr.
McKinley, it is not surprising that the
suspicion that the destruction was the
result of Spanish treachery should be
d by more than ball the men
A nation which could de-
one meets.
liberaiely plan to surround the house
of a Cuban with several regiments of
troops and coolly shoot dewn and old
man and his children, in order to kill
a Cuban officer whose sweetheart was
the daughter cf the old man, as the
Spaniards recently did in Cuba, would
mot hesitate to use any sort of treachery
to destroy a warship of a nation it both
feared and Mr. McKinley
professes to regard these suspicions with
horror, and expresses the benef that the
investigation now being made will show
them to be without foundations Jt is
to be devoutly hoped that his belief will
be justified by the result of the invest'-
gation, for if it isnTt, Spain will not only
be driven out of oYuba, but will be in
danger of being driven out of existence
asa nation, by relentless Americans
bent on revenge.
Congress is ~disposed to allow the
administration to conduct the investi-
gation of the cause of the loss of the
Maioe, only,asking that it be prompt
and thorough and that ite -result be
made public as soon as arrived at.
It having been arranged that Friday
and Saturday of this week should be
used by the House to discuss the
Bankruptcy bill, reported as a substi-
| tute for the bill that was passed by the
Senate at the extra session, Czar "Reed
did not find it necessary to make ~the
House adjourn from Thursday to
Monday, in order to prevent there
being a private bill day, which under
the rules should be Friday,
The National Council of the Far-
oersT Alliance, once a power in the
political world, now ccarcely heard of,
{ space.
- Senator Murphy, ct New York, who
has gone home on business, said before
leaving Washington that the resolu-
tion censuring him for voting for the
Teller resolurion, which was ado ed
by the aid of Republican votes in che
New York legislature, was not worry
ing him the slightest little bit, as he
had written evidenc3 from prominent
Democrets in every section of the
State endorsing his course m voting for
the Teller resolution. He regards the
censuee as notaing more than an at-
tempt by the Republicans to make . po-
litical capital in the State, which their
party badly needs.
Ex-Gov. Patterson, of Colo., bas
been telling his many friends in Wash-
ington that the largely increased and
constantly increasing gold production
of.his State has not altered the uni-
versal sentiment of its people in favor
of the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1.
He made this prediction cf the next
Democratic National Convention :
oIt will ve held in Chicago; it will
reafirm the platform of T96, without
the dotting of an oi� or the crossing of
a ots it will nominate Bevan by ac-
clamation, and it will be the niost
unanimous Natioual convention ever
assembled in the United States.�
It was at first intended that the
National Committees of the DVemo-
cratic party, the PeopleTs party, and
the silver RepubTican party should
uuite in a joint address to the voters
who are triendly to the free comage. of
silver, but as some objection was raised
t that cours? it was decided that each
committee should issue an address to
the volers of its own party, advising
general co-operation of all the friends
of silver ia this yearTs Congressional
campaign, and this week the three ad-
dresses were made public. The first
time that the full effect of this co-opera-
tion will be seen will be in Oregon,
where the Congressional elections will
be had in June, and the campaign is
already practically begun. The issue
is going to be squarely made in that
State, and the silver men are confident
of winning.
Everybody Says So
Cathartic, | the
Cascerets Candy
the age, pleasant and refreshing to the
neys, live and bowels, cleansing the
entire system, dispel colds, cure head-
ache, fever, babitual constipation and
bihousness Pleas? buy and try a
box of C. C. C. today, 1), 2), 00
cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure
by all druggists.�
Mardi Gras Festival, New Orleans,
6 nen
The committee on arrangements are
est ev.r held. Elaborate
entertainment of their
aud guests.
However, the manner in which the
trip to New O leans is made, will play
no small pars in making the visit an
enjoyable one.
by either of whichis very good. They
leave as follows:
New York, 10:50 a. m. and 8:50 p.
m. Philadelphia, 1:12 p.m. and 12:05
night. Washington, 4:40 p. m,
4:30 a. m.
9:05 a. m. .
3:40 p, m.
9:12: p, m.
Richmond, 8:06 p. m.
Raleigh, -2:16 a. m,
Monroe, 6:43 a. m,
and 8:45 a. m.
Air Line Agent.
most wonderful medical discovery of
taste, uct gently and postiyely on kid-,
using every means in their power to
make the Festival this year, the great-
menis have been made for the pleasure
The Seaboard Air Line offers the
choice of two daily trains, the schedule
and |
Abbeville, 11:05 a. m,
and.1:35 a. m. Athens, 1:15 p, m,
Arriving at Atlanta,
2:50 p.m, and 4:20 a m., and New
Orleans, 7:40 a. m. and 8:10 p. m.
From Richmond and points south, by
the train arriving at New. Orleans at
8:10, only cne night is qpent on the
Call on or address any Seaboard
Just try a 10c. box of cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
made, ey
A remarkably Successful Remedy
tor Dysvepsia, Indigestion and Stom-
ach Troubles.
Dr. Wurth, in commenting
racent discoveries ia medicine said:
There is none which is certain to be so
valuable and far reaching in benefit as
StuartTs Dyspepsia Tablets, the new
stomach remedy; I say far reaching,
because people little realize how im-
portant a sound stomach and vigorous
digestion is to every man, woman and
ludigestion is ~he starting roint of}
consumption, heart disease, Bright's
disease, diabetes, nervous prostration,
liver troubles; why is this so? Simply
because every nerve, muscle and tissze
in our bedies is created and nourished
trom the food we eat, If that food is
by reeson of a weak stemach, com-
pelled to lie for hours, a sour, ferment-
ing mass of digested food, it poisons
the blood and nervous system, creates
gas which distends the stomach and
bowels, causing pressure on the heart,
lungs and other organs and seriously
impeding their action.
He says further, the point to direct
attention is not the nerves, nor heart
ner iungs aor kidceys, but the stomach,
the firstcause of all the muschief.
The remedy to use for iadigestion
and stomachs not some
cathartic, but a remedy which will
digest the food, increase the. flow of
gastric juice, absorb the gases, and
S:uartTs Dyspepsia Tablets will accom-
plish exactly this result in any case of
stomach trouble, becaus2 these ~ablets
are composed of the digestive acids,
aseptic pepsin, Golden Seal and Bis-
muth, pleasant to taste, and not being
a patent medicine, can be used by
weak 1S
anyone with perfect satety, I believe!
StuartTs Dyspepsia ~Tablets will cure
any form of indigestion and stomach
trouble except cancer cf stomach.
Full size packages of StuartTs Dys-
pepsia Tablets are sold by drugaists at
50 cents. A book on stomach diseases
togéther w.th thousands of testimonials
will be sent by addressing Stuart UCo.,
Marshall, Mach.
Washington and Lee University.
The gift of $500 to the memor-
ial building fund of Washington
and Lee University by the widow
and children of the late James A.
Garfield constitutes aT beautiful
and impressive chapter in the Lils-
tory of the re-established Union.
It reminds us of the warm iriend-
ship subsisting between Garfield
and Randolph Tucker"the onea
Union soldier during the war ot
the rebeilion and the othera South
erner of the Southerners, voth loy-
aland brave gentleman according
to their standards and con-
victions, gach respecting in the;
other those qualities of courage
and manhocd and chivairy which
command admiration in whatever
guise they come. The two men
were on terms of the most affec-
ticnate intimacy when they served
jn Congress together, so much 80
that Tucker was afterward made
guardian for GartieldTs boys, and
nothing but death severed the
ties that boumd them so closely.
Now Mrs: Garfield comes to the
aid of the Tucker memorial hall
which is to be erected at Wash-
ingtoa and Lee University, Lax-
ington, Va-, by way of celebrating
the esteem in which she cnerishes
th memory of her dead husbandTs
well-loved friénd "Washingion
Post. :
Some Good Things Coming.
Itis said that the faculty of
Lombard University at Gales\) The terms are as follows:
burg, Ill, has decided to add
dancing to,the regular college
curriculum. It is only. a matter
oftime when the up-to-date col-
leges probably will turn out
bachelprs of waltzing, masfers
of foot ball and doctors: of pink
teas."-Chicago Times Herald. «
: rhe ES Ane
PRO RYT Oey VY AIT DARED to cure any
@ ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING NEMNDY �,�
oe ne
Pree wate Ore,
seb aiabet
: i aes
; |
case of constipation. Casearets are the Ideal Laxa-
dive. never grip or gripe. but cause easy natural results,. Sam
(.. Chicaco, Montreal, Can., or New York. ¢
primary English per mo. so
Intermediate ** ~o o $2 5
Higher Pace aes $3
Languages (each) ** o $1 00
ect Ha RES
1 Far
Better and more attractive than ever.
New Features Throughout
Fine = Racing.
Purses A
Liberal Premiums in ail departmeuts
The exhibits of Fish, Oysters, Game.
Live Stock; Poultry and Agricultural
Products will be the finest ever dis
played The Ladies Department is un-
usually large
Theccreatest of all Attraction
Free !
Hippodrome and Wild!
West Shows.
A thrilling and realistic exhibition of
Wild Frontier Life, enacted by Genus
ine Western Cow Boys and Girls with
the ponies, mustangs and trappings of
every day life in the far West. The
entire verformance takes place on the} 3m
- / ay
race traex every afternoon during the :
fair,and is absolutely free. DonTt miss)
seeing it For premium list or other in-1 4
formation-address the Secrevary
(yreenville Market.
Corrected by S. M. Schultz.
2 0 SO
BAPTISi1"services every Sunday,
moring and evening. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Rev, A. W. Setzer,
Pastor. Sunday oschool 9:30 A. M.
C, v. Rountree, Superintendent.
CATHOLIC"No regular services.
EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-
day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
vices second Sunday morning. Rew. A.
Greaves, Rector. Sunday school 9:30
A.M. W. 38. Brown, Superintendant.
METHODIST--Services everv Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-
tendent. |
PRESBYTERIAN"Services " third
Sunday, morning and evenirg. Rev'
J. B. Morton, Pastor. Sunday school
9:29 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten,
a. F. & A. M"Greenville Lodge No
984 neets first and third Monday even
iug. J. M, Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,
I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.
Keot P."Tar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, ©. C. A. B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8,
R. A."Zeb vanee Conucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.L.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.
K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every Friday evening. Jehn
Fianagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.
A.J, of H, Pitt Councit 236 meets
every Thursday night. 4. B. Cherre
C ; ur 13, Wilse See.
Cctton ang Peanet,
Below are Norfolk prices of cotton.
and peanuts for yesierday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Maer
chants of Norfolk -
Good Middling 64
| Middling mas:
Low. Middling 3 7-18
Good Ordinary 4}
Prime 24 to 24
Extra Prime 2
Fancy 2& to 2¢
spanish 55¢ bu
\e Of
eae eae Nil
Offers his services to the
) citizens of Greenville and the
zd * .
d© public generally.
ie I I BY
Butter, perlb � 15 to 20/¢
Western Sides 5t t0 4/92 Spouting and Stove Work,
Sugar cxved Hams 10 to 120) @@ * a specialty. .
Corn 40tob2)MO Gn
Corn Meal 50 to 64 | OQ Satisfaction guaranteed or
Flour, Family 4.75 to 510 ae no charges made. ~Tobacco
Lara 5} to 16'© Flues made in season. Shop
Oats 35 to 40: 3& ~lel
ats 9a on Dickinson Avenue.
Sugar 44 to! 6 i
Salt per Sack 65 to 15.0 | BE RAd ee ce he are She ee
Chickens 124 to 15 Dd sha *
. o
Selah lpi ys W. B. Rodman. W. Demsie Grimes.
2OSWAX.T 10 to? Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.
Cottort Seed, per bushel
alt Academy,
acbool wi
The next session of th:
open on ;
and eontinue for 10 months.
The work and diselpline of the schou
Wil be as heretofore.�
We ask a continuance of ycur
libefal patronage. "
.Greenyilie N.C;
Practice wherever services are desired,
7 Barbers.
On Fourth street near Postoflice Only
Bai ber shop in town vonducted by white
Can be found below Five Points,
next dour to Ketlector oflice,
Patronage solicited.T Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes 4 specialty
i | =
bper'sT attention giveo to vleanug.
c FELD \« . e
12.155P.\!. arrives oatWal
4 ee
aN 2
Atlantic Coast Line
' Schedule in Effect Jan. 17th, 18°..
Departures from Wilmington.
DAI LY No 48"Pacseneer"Dne Moo.
9.25 a. ma nolia 11.09 am. Warsaw 11.18
am, Calashoro 12.05 am. Wil
* 809n 12.55 nm. Rocky Yount
1.49 m, Tarhoro 2.45 ym,
Weldon 4.23 pm. Petersburg
- 6.22 pm, Richmond 7.15 pm,
Norfolk 6.05 p m. Washing-
ton 11.39'pm. Raltimore 1.06
am, Philadelphia 3:50 a m,
Vew York 6.53 am, Boston
3,00 pm.
DAILY No 40"Passenger Due Mag
7.15 pm. nolia8.55 nm. Warsaw 9.10
nm, Goldsboro 19.10 p m.
Wilson 11.06 n m. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.42 am, Nor-
folk 10.80 a m, Petersburg
3.14 a m. Richmond 4,60 a m,
Washington 7.41am, Balti
nore %93 4 m, Philadeiphi,
"Sam, New York 2.03 a
ts Kogton 9.00 nm:
DAINTY no 55"Passengor Due Lake
40 p a. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad-
bourn 5.41pm Marion 6 43 Dp
In, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
ter 9.10 pm, Columbia 10.30
2, Denmark 6,12 a m August
ta 7.55 am, Macon uw 5 am,
Atlanta 12.25 p m, Charles.
ton 10.50 pm. Savannah 1.50
a m. Jacksonville 7.30 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa 5.25 pm,
DATIT.Y No. 49 ,"-Passeiirer" Boston
6.50 P.M, 1.02 nin, New York 9.60 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Ralti-
more 2,50 am, Washington
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am,
Petarshurg 10.00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.52 am, Tarboro
12.12 -m, ReekyVount 12.47
pm. Wilson 2°37 pn. Golds-
boro 3.20 pm, Warsaw 4.1°
pm, Magnolia 4.24 pm,
DAILY No. 41,"Passenger--Leave
$.50 A.M, Boston 12.00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mond 7.30 pm. Petersburg
8.12pm, Norfolk 2.20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pm. Tarboro
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount 5.40
am. Leave Wilson 6.22 am.
Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.
DAILy No. 51"Passenger----Leave
except New Rern 9.00 am, Jackson-
Sundav " yille 10.96 am: This train
nhc street,
FROM THE So piney
; DAILY No. 54"Passenger"leave
20P.M. Tamonn 8,10 am. Sonford 3,27
pm, Jacksonville 7.40 pm,
Savanna 1.45 night, Charles-
ton 6.23) am.Columbia 6.00
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.90 am, Augusta 3.30 pm.
Denmark 4.25 pm. Sumpter
8.98 am, Florence 9.58 am,
Marton 10.36 am, Chadbourn
11.38 am, Lake Waccamaw
12.09 am,
Train on Sectis-d Neck Branch Road
faves Weldon 3.55 n.m,. Yalifax 4,30
D.m., arrives Sentland Neck at 5.20 n
M., Greenville 6,57 p, m.. Kinston 7.55
%�"�. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50
3. �"�m., Greenville 8.42 a.m. Arrivine
MaliT xat1i:t8 a. m., Weldon 11.33 am
daily axcent Sunday. . |
_Trains on Washnigton Rranch lenve
w Ishington 8.20 a.m., 2nd 2.20 p.m
~Trives Parmele 9.10 a. m.. and 4.00 Dp
De, Tarboro 9.45 a. m.. returningleaves
Yarboro 3.30 p..m., Parmele 9.35 a. m.
~nd 6.20 p. m,. arrives Washington
11.00 a.m., and 7.270 p.m. Daily ex-
iot Sunday. Connects with trains. on
«cotlnnd Neek Branch. fe
Train leaves ~varnoro, NC, via Albee
Mairle & Roleigh R. RK. daily exceptSun-
Jay, at 530.p. m., Sunday 415 P.M:
*o"tve Plymonth 7.40 P. M., 6.10 p.m.
% turning leaves Plymouth daily except
idev, 7,50, m., Sunday 9.00 a �"�.,
«itive Tarboro 10.05 a.m and 11, 00
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Goldboro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m, alTiving Smaithfield 8.30 a, in. Re.
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar.
rives at Goldsbors 10.25 a, m.°
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
at, leave Latta 6.40 pm, asrive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returping
Jeave Cliots#0 am, Dunbar 6.30 4 m,
errive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
Train on Clinton Branch leayes War-
saw for Clinton daily, except SuuJay,
11 20a.m.and 4.15 p, m* Returning
leaves Cinton at7.00a..m, and3,00 1 m,
Train No. 78 makes close connection
t Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Riehmone. alse at Rooky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR_R for Noriolk
fue all points North via Norfolk, °
GenT! Pass. Agent
- . EMS RSON,Peatie Manas
~ ~ Kh vy, ant Mt 4 7erver
A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages lescriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that great Stat
will be mailed to any adéress oe
receipt of eight centsto cover post-
age. D. J. PRICE
GP, & T. A, L& G) Ne Boa.
Palestine, Texas,
Kast Texas lands wee attracting
considerable attention. Mention
thifer !
~ 7
Discipling Bob Toombs
eee nate
When General Robert Toombs,
of Georgia. was @ young man in
his twenties be raised a volunteer
compapy anu jcined General
Scott; who was then conducting
a campaign against the Ladians in
Fiorida. Ever in his early youth
Toombs was noted for uis ~coni-
dence aud his aggressive bearing.
He was without military trainipg
and had neyer submitted to ruies
and discipline, at college or auy-
where else. Naturally, when he
met General Scott it wasa case
Loft oil and water"they would not
mix. |
The genecal knew the charac-
ter of his red enemies,and he was
in 00 hurry to attack them in the
positions which they had chosen.
ile waited, dav atter day, deter-
mined not to move forward until]
he was satisfied that he would be
saccessful without the sacrifice of
many valuable lives. This delay
did not suit the Georgia captian.
He fretted, fumed, and swore at
the slow methods of his com-
One night Toombs felt that 1
could stand it no longer. Going
to the generalTs tent, he found
Scott engaged in a pleasant con-
versetion with a dozan officers of
high rank. ~General Scott greet-
ed him pleasantly, and invited
him to join the circle of mihtary
men who were telling stories of
camp life.
oGeneral Scott,T said Toombs
inasterntone. oI desire to know
sir, whether the army will march
agains'the exemy within the next
few days.�
oTain not ready yet to answer
that question repliedthe general
with asmile. ~Then sir continu-
ed the youthful captain. I wil
notify you that uuless the army
marches tomorrow I propose to
go forward with my company in-
tot every heart of the Indian
When this astounding declara-
was made the officers expected
the general to administer a with-
ering rebuke. Totheir astonish-
ing Scott never changed his
genial expression. His eye
twinkled with good humcr and he
turned a serene avd benignant
face upou his audacious visitor.
oVery well, captain,T was his
quiet answer in a soothing tone
~use your own pleasure, by all
mesns, ~Take your company to-
morrow and march into the In-
dian coantry. We may follow
you a few weeks later. But
donTt wait for us. Take your com-
pany and go ahead. Good night,
captain !�
~ S
of bewilderment came over his
face, but pot a word.from his fell
lips. ]{® saluted the commander
and bowed himself out.
oDid he march his company
against the enemy the next day?�
was my natural question.
oNo; he said nothing more
about it. He remained at his
post and was an exemplary
officer during the: remainaer of
the war. And he was not ehaffad
about the affair either. He was
no: the man to stand such treat-
ment.�"Chicago Vimes Herald.
When bilious or costive. eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed,
10¢, 25¢. . w
A man should not condemn a
thing-unotil he has .af least given
it a tnal, We have observed,
sneer at intensive cultivation,extra
heavy manuring,&c-, are the men
who have never attempted to
practice them. A trial of these
methods isyery apt to give one
s0m4 ret pect for them.
Oascarets stimfilate liver, kidney and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or
gripe. 10c. !
; @
columus contained $493,325 worth
When Tombs heard this a lovokT
ithat makes weak men strong.
says an exchange, that those who.
Here is Sugeess for You
*.oTnside figures� are alwovs
interesting, and the following are
certainly some striking ones
about The Ladies Home Journal.
Daring 1897, 8,183,113 cppies of
this magizine were printed aad
80 thoroughly sold that the latter-
year issues are entirely cut of
print. It consumes 3,434,362
pounds of paper in a year, and
absorbs 80,302 pounds of ink. It
runs 28 presses. ~The advertising
vt advertising during the last
year. The edicors recieved 9,290
manuscripts and les3 than one
per cent. were accepted. The
magazine employs 22 staff editurs-
24,648 letters have been received
dud answered in the yeu by the
editors of the |
Columns. The Journal bes over
15,000 aciive, working agents On
the road getting subscriptions. }
Ti has edueated 442 girls free
of charge under its free
educationalpiau. Ina single day
it has received as high as 18,000
subscriptions. 300,000 ccpiés of
the Jourza) ars sold each month
on the news stands alcne "425,-
000 peeple subscribe for it by the
C@rrasog dence
Unprevaricated Proverbs
About one-half of what even
tno wisest man knows, his wife
told him. "
Betting $/0 never yet proved
has proved who is 8 fool.
The man who lives within his
income is generally provided by
fate with a female relative who
Spends the margin.
The better a man understands
feel regaruing his cutwardiv
respectable ancestars.
Tne bride wha thinks more of
her wedding gown than of hus�
~my wife"for gowns are easy to }
keep or io renew.
Love is like a spoiled child"
apt to be found in tho the very
place where it should not be.
Hope costs as little as despair
and pays much larg er interest."
Boston Home Journal.
Dr. Charles W. Dabney, jr., in
his address before the Cotton
GrowersT Association at Memphis,
said, amcng others things,T that
all cotton planters need to learn
~that they can save a preat deal
by vrowing food crops and mak-
iny their own meat and other
suroiies. The President of this
asy ciation has estimated that 62
per cent, of the net proceeds of
each cottog crop is consumed _ be-
fore the crop 1s put upon the
market. The most important
lesson that this association can
teach is the lesson of economy in
farming 9n Our own capital.�
DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smcke Yonr
Lite Away.
If you waht to quit tobacco using
easily and forgver, be made well Strung,
magnetic, full of new life and vigor,
take No-To-Bac, the wonder worker
gain ten pounds in ten days. Over
400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bae trom
your own-druzgist, who will guarantee
acure, Booklet and sample mailed
ree, Ad, Sterling Remedy Co, Chi-
cago or New York. be yi 1
The Governor said to his Board
of Directors of the Atlantic road,
so it is reported, that he did not
blieyve Hancock was guilty of
the charges against him, but it
wovldbe ogood politics� to
remove him. He has removed
him, and therefore we must ac-
sume thathe is playing politics.
We believe that Hancock ought
to be removed, hut the Goy-
ernorTs motive tor it is as scab-
dalous as the conduct -for which |
he stands charged."Raleigh
how far a frog could jump, but it}
oy tua *3 EAT ES r
Rn | poh ates
; ae Stes Sivas,
eee i ox: ee. S Nr
: FPR ere ~
a9 a
rt "5°
What Is It? gbhhabs
It is a picture ot taeT celebrated
Best in use The outfit of no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has~a nice assortment ot
also a beautiful line of Pe
these Fountain Pen
arl Handle Gold Pons,
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap they
Want Job Printing
himself the mcre curiosity he will | 6
bandTs heart is bound to be a hap- | SAGE
You may never,
But should you ever?
wb Save ""
"ag Come to see us. q
Anything from a3@==+
Visiting Carga
""" T'() "__-
E'Ultl sneer
The Daily Reflector
Gives. the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
Are you a, sub-
seriber ?
ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector.
Is only $1 a year. I
contains the news.every
week,and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, és-
pecially those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more thgn ,
the subscription price.� *
* Sete eieemenl
Names of People You Know
anni Leta, am
The Reflector Gives What'You Are
Looking kor We wish soinform our many oy Fria Mr. ray E. L. CRENSHAW shitieg
and patrons that the capacity 9 of
Elmwood Dairy has just been very
much enlarged and improved. " State Ral
are now prepared to promptly fill alls - experiment farm at Raleigh
orders at the following prices, goods now has charge of our Dairy and
delivered at your door: ~will serve yuu promptly and satis
b. F, Sugg returned Friday trom a dairyman, who was recently with the
visit to Goldsboro. q
cents cen
Catton Geed Meal ~and Seed Oatss
cheap at S. M, Schultz. L. I. Moore has gone to New Or-
Creates mony anew buainese.
» ;leans'to attend Mardi Gras. |
Eniarges manv an old husiness,
This has been one of the rainy days
that ncbody enjoys. But some of al}
are needed tyeven up the weath-
Preserves many a lerge bneiness,
Revives manv dull bnsiness,� kinds
Resenes many 2 Tost Lneinkes, er.
Mr, W. I. Jenkins and Miss Katie
~Smith, of Ayden, were married Thurs-
Saves manv a failing Lusiness.
esne ato any "stiness
Seenres succes 7 day afternoon at the home of the brideTs - , B. A. TYSON, Vice-Pres
ouawre 3) ; Te eqini ° * LA iN¢ i . Fe
lather, Mr. C. J. Smith. _ Lawrence Priddy, of Virginia, came REORGANIZ2D JUNE 15th, 1896. |
in Friday evening to visit triends. He! orarmewENT OF THE I
TRAIN AND BCAT RCHEDUTES: Owing to is being engaged in a] nce lived here and all are glad to see ile a
~meeting at Littleton, ev, J- B. Mor-| him back among us, i he Bank of Greenvi e, |
| ton will not fill his appointment in the ae 4
nd | train'oninelp | Ex-Gov. T. 2, Jarvis left this morn- GREENVILLE, N. Cc. 4
Passenrar aad mar iM | Presbyterian church here tomorrow. o for I q
ing for Raleigh on business before the Atthe Close cf Business Deo, 15th, 1897." a
Mf. Goineg|
», arrives 8:59 A, _
north. arr Brooks, a colored man living
Mrs. M. T. Moye and daughter
Miss Susie, of Wilson, are visiting
Mrs. E, A. Moye.
Rev. J. T. Erwin left this
for Rich Square to take pastoral charge
ot a church there.
Supreme Court, and also to attend the
Elmwood Butter,..25 cts a pound
Sweet Milk,.. ....25 ets a gallon.
Sour Milk,.........3 ets @ quart. ;
Pure Cream,....-:29 ets @ qaart.s
We solicit your patronage.
Dairy Phone 14. Residence Phone 98
JAMES & WILEY BROWN, Proprietors.
Rk. i. DAVI
S, PresTt. .
L. LITTLE. Cash er
~ james .
- ] ¢ |meeting of the State Democratic Exe
4 y = ok / 4 0c © 4A :
south, arrives af 6:57 P. yneee HaddockTs X Roads whose wife rn 7 mocratic Exe Loans and Discounts #12,0048, Capital stock paid in 23.000 C4 |
sutive Committee. Over Drafts 190.6*$ Yndivided Profits 3.7976 |
idk 1s We agsle h: is h 32eNl married over 2 : ! By 197.6
North Bound Freight, ari died this Premium on Stock 1,000.07) Deposits sebject to Check 103, 294. rs
thirty years, andonever had a doctor in "_"" Due from Banks 44,598 .0 )§ Due to Banks 19°
9:50 A. M.. !aaves 10:10 A. M | 1,515.25 | HEM
~ ir his house till his wife was taken sick, a AT THE CHURCHES. Furniture and Fixtures ; i 36 5 2: Cashiers Checks outstanding SO7 ae
| Current expenses 2,136.575 Time Certificates of Deposit " 2980.6
South Bound Wrereht, arrives|week before her death, " Winterville "* cna Catan 7857.51 o posit » 960,60
9:00 P. M. leavesTa:15 PL Tome Visiter. Where You Can Worship Sunday. | Oash on hand, _" fos $132, 118,44 4
. . . "_"" " 3132 1s. 61% q
~Steamer Tar River ervivesfrom, Mr, Bryan Garder, of Grifton, and , Potal | :
~Mi ~33 Lda Poc]l were mé arried We'nes- Methodist churéh""sunday-school at Wi pe carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have ~
Washington Monday, o ednesday | ; = o 9 ; loc! tthe} ne 9.9) A.M. Preachinvat 1 A. M you ur eco punt, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking, q
K iy afternoon, ab o'clock, at the home | v0" 44+ +. eacning® as fhe De ~~ " om 4
. . VAY? ara! . ond 7 , 5 oN Pog ; a
and Friday, leaves for \esnlor ~of Mr. J. H. Suez, near Kinston, Rey. ;and 7 P. M. by Rev N. M. Watson. TO- DAYS MARKET S. we, a
ton Tuesday. Thursday and Sat W. A. Lee cffictating. Many irie nds of Baptis: charch"Sunday School at . , ~ #
: 2 m1, 8 A : ery ce} nA ay ; i a a
yrday jt] ne bride end spoon were present. The 9:30 sh. M. Pr re A hing at 1? A, M. AOI A Bl 8
a leo unte left at one: for. Grifter. ~They and 7 P. M. by Rev. A. W. Setzer. oo .
_" | Mornine-subject: oGoins he Mul as Reported by a
have the very best wishes of many | oOMUNS sayyT ct: oGoing to the Mul- : : Ee
. . : | ~tude.� Evening subject: Naaman the | Phe GREENV SUPPLY C ~
To oadyertise judiciously,� neg friends. " {Kinston f ree Prese. ft ul . Evening subject: Naaman the |The GREENVILLE eh PLY CO.,
| | Leper. Cotton Buyers .
nna nt tho ORELTCTOR | ~~ _ . : _ 4
the cotumne of fhe EFL CTOR, | i Episeopal chaureh--Sunday School -"and"
es | Atthe Baptist Church at 9:30 A M. Of ( . ;
Ua | . bain 4 & . , . V sale Grocers a
Miss Julia Castex, of t Goldsboro, who . Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school Wholesale Groc r
£7 Oeattagd so :
Weather Hien. is visiting Moss Lula W : ite, will sing}at 9:50 A, M. | " 4
. i AA
the services i p Santis schureh Sonth Greenville Sunuday-se at | ' a 4
7 | ff tne Serie ~ im the Bay tist . re DOG Urre? | me Livy chool at ! Cotton eold in ¢ Creen vile. 5 9-16 a
" . (Sunday. Miss Castex has a voice of 4 P.M. D. D. Haskett, Superintendent. | 4
Rain, pro! ably followed by fair Sun-| . : | NEW TO". 4
J . jun metal sweetness and it will be a aa weg 4
ay e réenimn?. . c . . } { om vy, oN} , SS ee a
and | pleasure to hear her sing. Marviage Licenses | Corrox Opening Noon, Loses | Bg Onan Reed
cepanesenaens RAM I si ~RS | . fi ; . { ATapat ~ OQ ~ ar 4
~~ ~ " ee Wasa GAOT os 1 PERLE AS AL Register Of Deeds Perking issued | MN Ie a { ons saben 4
~To. I ATasy 05 as) | osein i
oWO CURT . iN a) v ~ | thirteen hiarrl: Al » hee. Nses this Wee k to May 0.Ue 6.02 | OS 4
pAN' rRD"UPRIGERT and faith-| the followinT ecu! Auoust 6.14 G.42 ' q
ThatT is the wi all ir egy We {gentlemen or ladies to travel the followin: couples : ; SPAGLASHED 1Sto 4
GROVI FS TASTELESS oh 1, ae for responsible. established house in WHITE. CHICAGO. mB a ec ee ;
IC for Chills, Fever : and nd] mn : o rth " arolina. Monthly §65.00 and joo Oeenine, Neo. Close CA NA Yi CG ul | 1 :
Malaria. Itis simply tren ond AO xpenses. Position steady, Refer- Thomas lasris and Addie Mozings,| * i PPEDE ae ESS DE | Bees, WO) Nb) 8) Re) ae 1
in a tasteless form. ChT fe ener. Enclose selteaddressed stamped 1 T , ~ be Hot +() " :
; a a oe Stal p J.T. Martin and Bessie Cannon (Sha) Q) iV 4
Adults, prefer it to Diticr, naiise ating Penyelone. The oDominion Company, a vo _ vannon, |" | "v _ :
Tonies. Price. 50e. Dent. K. Chieag bos. B. King and Nenvie Lee Ful-| PORK i . -
ana Jer Nia 1) i 1{ a al inaa ] j q
" Mas * i: rue ~US. DEHUL NE
vir . ve zw dh WLU, J ti L
W. L. Jenkins and Kate Smith. | fins. . ;
/ dn Fy - 1 2 ' i re wNara and 7 yea A179 5
Whenthe hour hand points to nine, O.'T. Everitt and Battie Mizelle. | May 525.327! | oFarmers and Wereaants buying 2.
or . 44 .. - . . "2 i yearTs supplies will find it to their iMte
Wave eG Vv FOUR Was hing on tne ine, } Robe Te Wan bimns ang ollie Jackson. | _ est to eet our prices Het fore purehe
Th Elk; 1 Leey Elks Os _ élsawhere., Our stoek Is enn ese |
. jal its branches.
an Ae 28 COLORED | wee De ep erey oy Ven oe |
~ ; f Wen ~ 7 ¥ ? ~ ¥ ei 1 We nave 2d ae | ""
If. G ¢ berry L ilest hiawsit i |
y ? ' } Y? T TA ex
J in VW] hatte i i 2 | i la I nil i i ae ~) o5? ¢ i | i Louyr, reo UL Sar , So tree
Da Atkipson and Patsy Edwards. | U IK )
lways at lowest m arkes J prices§
| Hamrick BanT id fannie smtp. | _
. | Wiliam KE. lew Wt pare aa nmtre | 2obacce, Snuff, CigarT
ye ms Boag # HT yh hel pas we bay direct from munufa car
FAS ee Py Cc oe aat Olivia Redracnd, | it Hl Patel ee a
a TiN Wa A ebicks Kan SE Ed 4 | ~at eata
7 ¥ y Ways uo eg at ns i |
ho CO \ " yA ba . |, ~ 1
Z A 42 } ? ~ 7 4 , + wy ¢ 43 O ay gd f if ®t yy Ci ib �,� Nd het 2 8.OCh of
oNY Rae J Priei PTL ame� EMULOTIET EC, | a ye YS aS
4 Al r 2) t x hie vi i to DP th CAV villain, p ets Ye� Pmt Ps, ed ' _ ai | - ry )
i oayf | i oe ike ao Htth Jamp.T? Maan eSop ' I {| RN | | (kh k
us Ye� Zu lohan hoortarme te will he easier tol4 4 ee Sry a iT J AXAds
FS if a much the hetfers if Whil VE Cast to ILS. arri 7e 1. vVome lit | . 7
Fd Fig, th fleece him.� ~always on hand and sold at pricesT te
= : ib ~ suit the ti: mes. Our good g sre all bought T
se A _ a Si nye) LS. uit t ; ; in ¢ re :
~ ses i "" ce and sold for CASH there fore, having no j
o5 irise to run We sell at a closé margi '
na | ~ Ma res Boe , ~ em FE OI oa MYATITT TT
7 if x if » 1 (} HAY ~| é 1} fil) S. M, Sly aUL CZ.
$ House and Lot. Six rooms, dining ||} 1 i Batik ©
N ( ining IRS Hl Th aii __ a
* 4 : " de
room and kiteken attached Good well
water on lot »7, CHERRY. j Wil fi Hid i (7 ' f
. : ; ) '
ee eo | ! . goee OTLTUNL | H ie
a ° a
$500.00 GUARANTEE. : OL } |
* Will not injure hands or fabric. Wf ~ Te |
ue Veber needed, Can use hard water De i (! .
eas soft. Full Directions on every package. Ad sag . ~ i i
8-02. package for 6 cts. or 6 for 25 cts, ~ os 4 7 ~| ' I y UN TLERTAKER q
~ Sold by retai grocers everywhere. I BS MEAT t ;
( oWhen the Hour Hand Points to Ningy 5O000 ~~ : )
Have Your Washing on the Line.� "f| »
32000 LB3 LARD. I
o | " r "
wma) cmneneese
3 0 TT | We have .utt teverved &@ ue" | ,
CARES BAKIVG hearse and tho nieoat line of Co}.
{ OQ ASHES KING ,.. {1 wish to iaform my many. patrons 4nd] {ins and Cesrets, 1 wood, meta
POWDERS, the public that they can now lie and cloth ever brought .
{ OO CASES SOAP, """= find mr in the-"" (Jrean\ ile,
, We ara prepared f° fooyt wm i
7 { 00. CASES LYK, EN . MARKET . HOLS ing in als ite forme.
R led | r ] te * * j
ecommen( ed vy the best house- GASES. appre Personal attention given toco =
1 1 OO ASE +, ucting funerais and bedies en-
keepers for Clothes Washing, Dish | " POWDERS, | where I am ready to eater to all their/traated to our care will receive
W hi Oo, H 1 : SACKS COFF ~needs inthe way of ee k of
ashing, House Cleaning. eR i SACRE Ee every mérk Of reaped |
| T AB LE SUPPLIES Our prices are 1ower than ever. :
( otS Packa e | e We also have in stock Sugar, Butter, . Ve do not want monopoly br: :
A! 9 r y 1 . Cheese, Canned Goods, Snuff, Wrapping | vite con petition.
Paper and Bags and many other things | 1. basis the best Fresh Meats, Sausage. ~We can be foun ai ts d
| } e to numerous to mention, Send us your | Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &e. . J + aeT haga
ag sale DY orders. Mail orders receive prompt at- | Send me yoar orders. Goods delivered times in the, John I ladagam
tention. Agents for Standard Oil Co , promptl« anywhere in town. Buggy Co's building \ \
: ey ao fs . 4
cl. B. C i ER fe Y be {The Ereenville Cmly ty | E. M. McGOWAN.' BOB GRE ENE & co. )
a ! 1{Phonedl, | : :
i 4