Daily Reflector, February 21, 1898

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cnn £


26 d

Editor and Owner,

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TERMS :2 25 Cents a Month,

Vol. 7, °

a N. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1898.

erent ToT et

No 987

ciples r ~the jue. upper room� at

Jesusalem, on oeension " the


wed, De, Me-

: first obs
the t the Ins titutic

Sacrament w
Giffert sont nds
the LordTs
chafacter :

tends thet the

oupper Was sociai im its

T+ { ?whaArmnnArpa Prt.
i fanean 3s. He furthermore ¢

disa@lyles ino aicerwarus

of the United States:
to awa't patiently the result of the
yestigation, and to believe as long as we
can thet no man nor bedy of men could
have been guilty ot sucha wholesale,
unprovoked assasination."P ii adelphia


A correspondent of the Franklin
Times says tke school committee of
Gold Mine township ts composed of tour
Populists and one Fusionist, omen who
are not competent by anv means? - It
says the teachers Gare imported trom
another township and in
stances, in an adjoiming township, they
are brought trom scouer
That's the wav othe public schools.were
taken out oi golitics,� ~Lhe
that the public schools in many parts ot
Eastern North Carolina have been put
in the hands of negroe3 and other in-
competent spoils nen, and brought by
them to a very low depth. The first
help ior such schools is to kick out the-
gang now trading in the childrenTs edu
cation and put in good citizcns,"News
and Observer.


» *T


Yarhalle devoid of AOS )
nd whaily devon; ob sacra- |

ber maid atthe Kink House. So far| House.

r . ' ~} . vl + AN
as her VW ons Went she proved Lo Le GONE | 0
of the smartest who had served in thet! Acolored man named Aver Fireh

1 Kirt af T ery acl 114 tliat +g neat ¥ = 5 tae ; f we
capacity, Dut It turawa out tuat Was has for quite ajon. time been employed

- t oy noe ol] l, . fan ot) Sona PH gt os ry ~ ~
1OL SO busy il] the time for nothing DY the firm ef . C, Cobb X on { do

A Taya nat as ~ dea lian A |! wea on g: - I maacn.ralamncoe . a:

Almost Immediately rouowla , i fey Geayisge and ¢ neral he 1)
matta?a nbaron f ,ar heey AE wee
riettaTs Charge or oer positien SAPS.

Ki King be

4 91 *
vidi Vy} S lone Gary Ce wit h ¢ he fiom eave

ran to~hear complamts trom pet) hima famih rity Witla the owareh

Bot it will be well |



several in-.

truth is

ae ae ae

~~ AS (RN hae rN F ihe n



VpT VAIN AVES AVI VAY AN Or ere ete 8 Do

ORO RR hes


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» ~* © ~ 4 . oy a
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oe eo f ROAR a

eS 3


GO AAA Dealer in AANAA 643

way Greenville, N. C. 3
SY , Malou,
cy: © aay ww a ¥ ede vey Io QOOQUQOO verre

ae Y's Soe, Area

tr �

@ a awe wnt eet IWS wry iY

iw o
oS) we

nee Saat TESTE = Same ae meal : areas " " SSS aa rns ent Smeal ners
The LordTs Supper. ~COME TO GRIEt, T | which it was believed that the woman .
"" had an accomplice in the stealing, but o

Ferhaps the moet startling religious} 1n Toe Great Haste to Furnish Her | she did not tell on anybody. oe, ow
sentation yet sprung in this age of House . It was noticed that just before Hen- Lene . .
original departures is the strange here- : a rietta was arrested, five different colar- ae ccc eccce cece
sy which emanates from Unien Theo-| Henrietta Anderson, 2 woran of col | ed people who had in some way caught seed ccac rc cccvsncece
logical Seminary, New « York. Dr,jor, has her home in West Greenville, ! an inkh ng of what was going on, went] o"°°°° ("C8 tt teeter eees
~McGiffert, one of the leading profes- | that portion of the town known among | to the King House and tried to go in C LOTH i N C
gers, in this time-honored institution, the colored people as oLittle W ashing. J where the woman was at work | or At] eee ee scenes |
makes the declaration thkt the holy; ton.� But instead of being o~uader her ltrast her attention. to the window 0 as| cccoee cece. oe vee
sacrament of the LordTs Supper is |}own vine and fig tree� Henrietta is now Ito have a word with her before the of- Scns ceeeee . .
Without special religious significance, furnished witha room in the ocounty ~ficers cot there, but they ~were Tete Lice sesece.,

as Christians the world over have | hotel� and her meals are sent to her hy ed f.om seeing her. soe ees
been taught to regard this sacrament the Sheriff. After the search was completed the | a 2 =e cx nena
with peculiar reverence on account ol) The cause of HeurietinTs change of | i woman Was placed in jail. . oes
its divine institution, the heretical dec-| quarters is attributed to a desiveTto far- |

ation of Dr. McGiflert is bound to} pish her house on a fabnlozs seale |
all oo oxeitemen in both | oe a Ww te calles - things ! ea GU! iets We like to live at Sa with al + the okie A
hemis} heres. Speaking , of the Jastijast.so she wot them About ewe | ~~ and free trom entangling alliances,T as

a | Wie Ate. | 4 elt" | Steals a Barrel of Flour and Tries ~father G eorge sai id. Nevertheless, we

meeting betwee | Christ andT HisT dis-| weeks ago she begun serving ax cham- | to Hide it in Another ManTs

| consider it good busine

i Hoo

lower th 1an anybody else. This makes quite
a lot of disturbance with the others, but as
ithe public 13 on our side we are ready to

35 to sell


TE ah

~ iN



oe eth ands Sumner ag A medio- lave that they were oottine char istand and fight t H will find
observ'n® the Lord s supp is a mews tPaaeys tt, it itl ay Were getting eric i 7 GY und W Ke re COOUS were stered, ( Ss an anc oy wal lc OU ere Ou I Li
~ . . ey of ¢
. Fi 7a ; . alte, Bony ++ Ot n | . 7 } ryye A § ; als b
rial feast, did so purely in attessaben fon | a rood hh 8 | Die other day Allen hauled a barrel of hot only Sloth ne, OU!
T ° oy 1 bl ypertyaree ~ota, aie les eo * : rr Vey } 1 4 i. ~ 1 f .
of their ariel for tie Saviors Gepal | Wallin ¢veryoougy Mb per nous ~Oi flour tothe home ot Jobn Eaton, co , i
, * . | . . " a g oy
ure, [keep couwta.table began a quiet inveeti-|o-cd, and left it there. EatovTs wife ic aS 4 RS
leme elim | lol qs dead
On account of the fundamentai reir | va KOM AAT OL ne weas | did not know why Allen leit a barrel) )
* . te f° 1, } - | i tre, F |
g@10US feachties \ lyre a this neresy eu pu i OME APL W Tie OT fl ul th re, ) | cent aown town rin ave cunt
. * } {
: AE (4 sce te dancin | . bt . me i o ond
into questror, Dr, MeGifert is dessined j iron teas Vel ) them.anud | Lar ¢ fo Whi her husbard Was at a : Wit
| . oHt aaa » iy a
+1 7 vf. W4 ) 1 ~ s +9 ; hs
to beegmi the ¢ nei | He { oO} Ol | 4 ( } nS qui 0 i W oie ¢ » Dp rr een Vl i in j ~ a: hi | Pent Ht ~hoe bag ih &
. 13 Seal ~| ;
the most interesting rei 2iol PES: U2 | pfowers, CfC,, CISapy ye olace, Jolin not heving sont aay flour | 7
{ A *
5 ~ i 7 1 . = ~ a
the present coneration"Athinta Core tranidly th i Sioa noto thin: e went to Mr. Cobb at the store to | a. ®
j | ~y | if \ tib bt cm aa 4 "4 Wy
stitution. { \ ah "0 il ) h bn I : maka seme mquil T vl I ivay- ; (3 | q is Ps fa ji: f } Pie t
; | ; . i | etal Xow thy + etabe alias rid tide aheteshleg SALT Vio 5
} r¢ H Hl . j f
"" pHROUTS iT tae Umer MW eeeae n bad ea Nir. Cool on a
* rm * 4 ii cf -¢ (t AeA | 1{0 i H 1 i ~ evipt at { iver |
Outside or Inside Espiogion | . oe HACE ATT ARTEL | att] 1 + weli at
. | ; MO Amowyne Va YT Ley v ill i
Ituat roel 1 i Hen a: % Foing a cy Cine moe LOW CUL WHICH W Cave
F | 4 i Loe | 4 ad ~ i r tap
oPr eyt WernwrY ne rat en ol
VM many theen E i t wl i yy ; | Y Ou Monoy I hak OY Our dD ocket. wee . me quic ak 8
tHe Was } ' | { q Wt |
; . ; = lat 4 4 {
of t! » A] of the 1! hifi! Gis % ( fo | i vy ) inet I a i bith ? i | ~~ i. o, Te i 5 aS a. \ .
; ) i "s a ~ KS if ii } i
the | eship Maing as there are minti-4 u W] Wi the 094 vst a jm. T he Y\/ , '
~ t i ae OS | | N - A i EL 4
5 ram) i? ~, oPor t, voile tliat : " ~ To
time sports who have tri | t { t | \ i) ) i % Ai 3pt Wa ef O baer , e |
. . - {
i { j Yl a¢ 1
for it from +] n| oder t 1 { 1 \ n| | 7 par ¥ ~ til { a ant Lk hh Cie nery ] 1 1� i a" / 1 f ~T ( \ ey 7 4 ~ ty
1 1j . . . N 4 14 | 1 boty.
facts ei st a { ONO Cf t all by . bivasn Ut { Lu il ils i + sel Li { ween ran a. WA ea eked 4 a a Lie)
RA i : .
3 3 t
b } load } 1! + dy il rite had fe } in Oe V id ) rvi adtakd bi |
| x rT | meneame /oynt nev mreenanenserans senna ee)
been eonerniel i he ebal, that thel? T vie Be | a ea - .
- : : }
~ } y ogy! yy 1 tien ) Geil; rae! Perk habe] CAT TION,
10 hed been o inde} nd o* he ee meee a f yy i
YN) T I i O) { ANOS a ~ be.
dyn o_" - , T , lad wh: * La he fou As OE ; i S|
o Ons } ney OP- ; is T gaia UG bout tic Ge . 4 ey
that O COU ( I o ~ 4} \ ya ; eee! ef A eA .
7 Bw 2 ke ett Pewee le terre acre
Curr d Hh tae rOrwea kr | DAY ATI: : j { =
The ge Are és yPyyes 4 f the re ! ohihity yu ; {i ; } } )
~ 4 ad ~
caaal tive thee wie holtpee that tt i A ; ;
mrwaraq UV + OW It RPO VE I th i { ' ro ' } " ) +
for. cue IW iv ] "7 UTI 1 £; 1 si | a NUVI | vy cy cy �
Maine woag Hhlawn 315 mM an wnter | Jv Sivfed hh ULES So eck Y aa yw
AVR CALLIN Yes , a 0 = 7. ry F 4. 5] f
» ° oY nfl Ay Yoav, t wo ii 4 ww pont aed Val fle & f% tt 2
explosion, Ont! rohand, 1 ys (8 2na Wiles 9008 to
an ¢thnacs wran teemir ty)! ? . . ~ 7 7 To - ae 7) Wat Gra
are those wo ts a l , ana 100k OV: rar Ow
explided af fhe OGL Var Of OW poorT. l ul Jonas i sous gy
bv means ef eormneechyagr j ; y : j
: . a . fh ¢ Oo j
yal yf fanting Ven | 4 i f "s
Te shore wires; .hatoa fl Ing for- ~ ; 00 rac and ffo 10) in Plreata Mea
a , ~ oy | { i 4 4} i iC 867 y! i oS Coad 6 US ihh woh to Canis 0 ele J ©
18 1} } wmthat we om si | | ( i
- pedo Ww USCE, OF UR . ~ } . } { 7 ~| i _ Saliva
aas |. , | aT LOM 9 id ypc % ee ater
been contriv J to fa mper witb the mMer- Af ( j ; F 4 100 Sty y a WA Pad ant COLO kh a ral ee i eee
0 0 { ' 17)8 vee } ry
7 Joa thine it will he rreesible | ¢ +! i as | ee pees , ~
AaZnecs. Qre thine it wii fe pessiole 5 { Wy i AS | S ¢unp Taian + ey
c ~ 1a � A ow ¢ a4 NG VrOUDLS FO
to dofermine th eertaintys Lixnmi- { i = T - an v.t Ua, On your time 2 Ina td be UDid UV
, se - i *, =
; yay a ~ } apo R T | a T NOAA =STYPIN
nation of the wreck wil show whether | , raotd U , , pectaole | qistances� 91 ae vet a elin npse ofthe Advance Spr Ins
; T ; ; i ; a idl i baba Bbw tb dedh . ; . 4 ~ie | «y
the vegse] wens to he bettom PCap � What » vou mn ae i - | Silks. Dregs C GO oods and V WE ash ~x0 ods :
T . it} Q yy } ! oe J . . :
sult of exteriorT or infeclor pressure, pees Beery aaa nae 8 label { understand heTs pect r|
a ' {. Ra 1 ; 11 t o ey} �,� tae Gos yi i
The torn steel armor will tell the story, and sae hag Just oC I | : Neo a abrics come daily.
: 1 | ~ . i hye H nin
7 , . } 1 hat ho vod Pag CF ; . , VP. 7 CLL EN |
Even if if snoutd be shown En: f he put Henri ita Was poeta a 8p ClAiLY |
c one anne ante nian - Dm oy vy
second and final explosion took pitce | aes or and d ive away | , , , | *y7IG é Gro, i; R
o 7 os obiic . ean po i BRIA chad l Ae | 4 ¥ CAVE cf | ae old rYY va i ta 1a Es {) ¢ chy , }. ) ~~) Ne) & 5
inside of the Vesse el li would OF ODE = cay ah P , ' ) _ | 7 ) bes
{ e #58 cal al? whhs Bi au ut if { ba } 4} ' r wet ha q vf we + ~ osl .
ate the proof of.the cilects of an juitial / ae [Gai LC of bern esident some ds :
: . | } 1 4 * wee eg eee % $ 5 j 7 = - aes BUTS | aga ORAL
~ wanton les Vas Gconpiiaed ti agi 128 gous: und! fg), ead th rmyeade y= | gpemmrncaventess Diet Gai Gates cei ie eee lala = reancanasiinnt
explosiou on the outside, Was cOmMIucd throug tie eu IQ oany other kid,� remarked the messcn- | eave nere mete """- : ee
The loss of the Maine msv have been | several mi re articles belonging to: Mrs. gop poy, &] cuess nite� responded ihe | quam ee o 4 8 Sy 8
~ i pm * Uy.» oe oO i ce, ) os fed . ye rs
. } Y seed t Ty way re rEYy . , x . ~ . i i ry .
due to carelessness or © » AE MAY) King wore found. The missing quilt8 po: pe-'s lad: oyou can't get moT cilice } b | f " +}
t work of fends tocaurnate ~ T Pata y id ~ i mm ft
have yeen fre worse if meuiadns iGMPNaALe, 1.7 , | Loony ¥ 0 (er
. and Ui Whe LS were How found, 1roo. Tchou runninT fay fi fy é
+hY OF urnoses oO a Lave i* - A nf
who for pury f their own have un 7 . i i 4 1)
" ¢ ~ : A y if
dertaken to levy warand to murder and | nnn eenurvae see pee are cca a nem nm My i owal J Lu i
destroy in their hatred ot the people i)

stock of ther�


J ohn KellyT S
J ohn KellyTs


Can fit anybody, can suit anyb ody, your
pocketbook as wellas your fest. " ~


in New York harbor.

_ ofrom the infermation

av) qd :
att . aL F
3 me ~WANGER IN SODA. : sseeezae GS MEElsss SFG 4 oe
DAILY REFLECTOR "_, re ditieiet 2, piiisezesen es 8c
. | es me Grincdad Fa Babes seah t feeeo ff
" : "=1| Tf a vessel isa boat a blood- Serious Results Sometimes Follow} = 2257238 ai pi eee eas ee Sede ==
, : its Excessive Use: cent ms b BS Ree amet NO EMR] 3
D J. WHICHARD. Eiitor., | vessel must be a life-boat. lod Ses, Gissnazeas 86728823 SSB .
; . . a. isto) BeeeS gs Awe ooo os
i is wife| eo oll nick S823 me OS pst eee ras | eee sR
no : ____| Ifyou praise a man to his wife} Common soda is all right in its place ait e528 = Aare ree2: & = 1S ait :
ee . "_ ae T , ea: a qegee PE l Macs tres owe | SESP ES
. | she will always look more Or :�,�88} and indispensable in the kitchen and Ors ehh oT) GRE t Ee" OSE | oki cs
L + . 7 cee at a eet BB BAAED RS Feats
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) | surprised. for cooking and washing purposes, but motactse 8 5 5 Siiots 23784 S23) Sitrea
i . e? Ls Oos Sey 4G tet omS DOM as oa
_._| Ifsome people were to speak | it was never intended for a medicine, Q530% wggm ny | Msc ag - S sics ¢
eee . . i og2n4 cS PEM oods moe.
_ their minds it wouldnTt take them | aad people who use it as such will some bs teres aa eel coe 1 ESES ut
Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter vary Wong » day regret it. i} oEt bee gic pesens owes he 2
=| 8 wet ) B bscgeeg BE Bekcgs yobs? ESSE ah
Se ama Ifa boy is good and isnTt paid ~We refer to the common use of soda * Saagoi Ge 3 gas� g BESSES Sie Be -
. r + r & * 5 S~ Am on ¢ @ & =
SUBSCRIPTION RATES cuss for being so, then he is good-for to relieve heartburn or sour stomach,| 7 peng 2 Bs. 282028 tts Bo = Sab rs 7 4)

oo & - [a . . & wet & cj 52995 On inte oF

One year. $3.00 thi aa © a habit which thousands of people S PSccks se MERETE BS 8 ie
- 95| nothing. 3 ~ 2 _"
ene moni 0 a practic almost daily, and one Which* 18 | spa _

ne week, - a = "" " =

Delivered in town by carriers with- If you lend a man 4 grass seed fraught with danger; moreover the . T :
ow way fost tes are liberal and can he'll come around Jater to borrow | soda only gives temporary 1elief and in ® | Di R ~a Pa O RY:

nvertising rates are liberal : ¥ ae | (
be had on application to the editor or at a lawn mower. the end the stomach trouble gets worse """
the office. Ifa boy only. gives up to his and worse. oo , | CHURC / .
= a motherTs estimates of him he will| Thesoda acts as a mechanical irri- \ \ --

We desire a live correspondent atly tant to the walls of the stomach and BAPTIS5i1"nservices every Sunday,
every postoffice in the county, who will become a great man bowels and cases are on record: where moring.and evening. Prayer meeting
send in brief items of news 48 it Necurs rb ne to me "_" Thursday evening. Rev, A. W. Setzer,
a. woe lf a man neyer has any 0 . ye _ : hur : os

, nh nein OTH u. / 4 C o . c \ a 9 �,� - A ash . = Vet * °
ain feact ghborhoo Write plainly ld do if it accumulated in the, intestines, caus Pastor Sunday school 9:3 A ue
and only on one side of the paper tell bim what they would dolt). . ae : a ; C, D. Rountree, Superintendent.
oeee | . . ing death by inflamation or peritonitis. : CMe |

""""" in bis place that mau is friend-| CATHOLIC"No regular services.
" a Dr. Harlendson recommends as the EPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sur-
ess. f | day, morning and evening. Lay ser-
afest a irest cure tor stomach ey .
SEW OA TEV GNOMES SOUS CROSS * ~ vices second Sunday morning. Rev. A.

Monnar. Feprvary 21, RY8.

2 meetin sl


ecto n centnnn nomen nent tn, ee

The Spanish warship Vizcaya 1s now

This warship
was sent here to return the ofriendly
visit� that cur battleship Mame mace
Havana, and was enroute here when
the disaster to the Maine occurredT
Since such a ofriendly� fate has over-
faken the Maine this government hae
provided a strong guard around the
Spanish visitor as a means of prevent-
ing a retaliation in kind in case there
should be anybody evil minded enough
to undertake such a job, The crew cf
the Vizcaya are reported to have heen
much excited when they arrived and
learned the fate of the Maine.

Bh tal SS
ereeeremmmnene nn ee aa,

Na definite information has yet been
developed as to the cause of the cisas-
ter to the battleship Maine, and itis
not prcbable that a report from the in-
vestigation ncw being made can be
ready earler than the middle of this week
About the most ridiculous thing in
connection with the aflair is the report-
ed assertion cf President McKinley that
received he be-
lies the disaster was due 10 acedent
and le hoped the committee of invest-
gation weuld so find in. their repori.�T
In other words the President of thy

CTnited States wakes up his mind what

he wants the report to le, regardless

of the facts, and at~empts to advise the
commi tee beforehand what he wishes
them to do and say, Fine President
we ve got.
A Milhonaire Revivalist.

A millionaire revivalist will be-
gin series of seryices tumorrow in
the Babtist Tabernacie, Brookl}n.-

~He is William P. Hall, President

of the HallTs Signal Company,
and his income is $5,000 a wees.

He canTt help making money,
but cares more for souls reclaimed
than the collars- that comes to
him from the business he has
built up. They same application
which made such a result possi-
ble is he giving to the church

My. Hall is not a professional
church worker, but gives such
times to evangelistic labor as his
gbusiness will permit He has

éCentl completed a two weeks

revival campaign . at Calvary
Methodist church, Harlem. He
has conducted successful services
at Pawtucket, R. I., where in one
Sundav more thav 200: persons
Were conyerted; and at Danbury
Conn., where his work re&lted in
100 converts."Chicago Tribune.

A California ~woman, midd)],.-
aged but energetic, has detemin-
ed to leave her less vigorous
husband ir comfort at home while
she goes to tlie Klonkike to seex
fortune for them both. Thats
the kind ofa New Woman mary
& man would be willing to marry. !

If our neighbors would only do
as we think they should 1t would
be much easier for us to Icye
them. |

If the waiter spills soup down
your? back kick him; he expects
everything to come to him that

If a man undertakes to tell
you what loye is the chances ar¢
that he 1s in love himself, and
you canTt believe him under oath.
"Chicago News.

Making Magistrates and Lawyers
oOutTn NuffinT.�

When Holden was Governor of
North Carolina in 1868, remarked
a wellinformed citizen in the
presente of 8 Record man a few
days ago, he appointed a number
magistrates, throughout the

In Chatham county there was
an old negro who was weil ac-
quainted with the Governor, con-
tinued the citizenTs story. One
day Sambo met a white man who
hud been to Raleigh. The old
darkey made inquiry as to Mars
HoldenTs health. When told
that howasO K the old-time
negro said: oWell, I tell yer,
Mars Holden is a greater man 1D
some repects dan de Lord Jesus.�

oHow's that?T queried the
white man.

Weil yer knows dat we read
in de good book dat de Lord made
man outTn dast, but I tells yer
dat Mars Holden has made a
Whole Jot 7
here in Chatham outTn nuffinT.�

The gentleman who related
this story applied it with fine
effect on his hearers hy adding

that the present Supreme Court;

was following the same lize of
Governor Holden"by making
lawyers ooutTn nuffinT.�"Greens-
boro Record wy

~be contractor for the monr-
ment to be erected at Asheville to
the memory of her distinguished
son, Zebulon . Baird Vance, has
informed the committee in
charge that the monument will
ve ready for unyeiling any time

Jafter the first of May next. A

committee has been appointed to
receive suggestions from the
public and formulate » plan for
the unveiling ceremonies and
make report to a future cated

meeting of the central committee.

This. committee, the Asheville
Citizen annouces, will be glad to
receiye suggestions from persons
in any part of Nerth Carolina
concerning the way in which the
unveiling of the monument shall
be celebrated. Whether it shall
strictly a State affair, or whether

admirers of the great North
Carolinian in other States shall
be invited. Whether the speak-
ers for the occasion shal! ail be
from North Carolina or other-
wise. Suggestions as to who
would be the most suitable
person ~or persons to deliver

orations will also be gladly
recieved. , a

of magistrates aown}

_-Mistook Varnish
of Manigrarresin 1stith gl comico

(acid dyspepsia) an excellent ~n1epara-

{tion sold by druggists under the name

of StuartTs Dyspepsia Tablets. These
tablets are large 20 grain lozenges,
very pleasant to taste and contain the
natural acids, peptines and digestive
elements essential to good digestion,
and when taken after meals they digest
the food pertectly and promptly before
it hag time to terment, sour and poigon
the blood and nervous system.

Dr. WuerthTsta~tes that he invarably
uses SruartTs Dysppsia Tablets in a'l
cases of stomach derangemcnts and
finds them a c2rtain cure not only for
sour stomach, but by promptly digest-
ing the food they creave a healthy up-
petite, increase flesh ard strengthen the
action of the heart They
are not a cathartic, but intended only

and liver.

for stomach diseases and weakness and
will be found reliable in any stomach

trouble except cancer of the stomacp. |

All druggists sell Stuarts Dyspepsia
~Tablets ot 00 cts, per package. .

A little book desgribing a:l forms of
stomach weakness and their cure mail-
ed free by addressing the Stuart C..,
of Marsbail, Mich.

Mardi Gras Festival, New Orleans,


The committee on arrangements are
using évery means in their power 10
make the Festival this year, the great-
est evr held. Elaborate arrange-
menis have been made for the pleasure
aud entertamment of their guests.
However, the manner in which the

trip to New Orleans is made, will play

no small pars in making the Visit an |,

enjoyable one.
The Seaboard Air
choice of two daily trains, the schedule


Line offers the
by either of which is very good.
leave as follows :
~ ay = nnd ~ 7
New York, 10:50 a. m. and 8:50 p.
mw. Philadelphia, 1:12 p.m. and 12:00

night. Washington, 4:40 p. m. and
4:30 a.m. Richmond, 8:56 p. m. and
9:05 a.m. Raleigh, 2:16 a. m. and
3:40 p,m. Monroe, 6:45 a, m. and

9:12 p, m. Abbeville, 11:05 a. m,
and 1:35a, m. Athens; 1:15 p. m,
and 3:45 a.m. Arriving at Atlanta,
2:50 p.m, and 6:20 a. m., and New
Orleans, 7:40 a. m. and 8:10

From Richmond and points south, by


the train arriving at New Orleans at
8:10, only une night is spent on the

Call on or address any Seaboard
Air Line Agent. -



for Vaseline.
ory ptt scascg oe maffl P reno *

Ove night last week one of our
leading citizens, suffering from
a cold, essayed to get relief by an
application as he thought, of
vaselineto the irritated mucous
membrane of his nose and mouth.
Shortly after applying he deval-
oped alarming symptoms of facial
paralysis or lock-jaw- - His mouth
refused to open, his breathing
was ~ifficult. A thorough wash:
ing with warm water brought re-
lief. On mvestigation he found
that he had mistaken a bottle of
yarnish for vaseline.-"Kenans-

ville Correspondent Clinton|

Democrat. |

ht te 4 / fs a

New Features Throughout

Purses Aggregate

The exhibits of Fish, Oysters,

Products will be the fines

usually large;

The realest of all Attractions

-Free! Free!:


Hippodrome and Wild
West Shows.

#4 thrilling and realistic exhibition of
Wild Frontier Life, enacted by Genu-
ine Western Cow Boys and Girls with
the ponies, mustangs and trappings of

every day life in the far West. The


Greenville Marks.

Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

Britter, per lb 15 to 20
Western Sides 5t to
Sugar ezved Hams

Corn Meal

Flour, Family

40 to 52
50 to 84
4.75 to 5.70

Lard 54 to 16
Oats 85 to 40
Sugar 4h tof
Coflee $3 to 0
Salt per Sack 65 to 150
Chickens 12} to 15
Eggs per doz 12
Beeswax. per

10 to?

Cotton Seed,per bushei


The next session of th: school Wii
open on *

MONDAY SEPT. &. 1897



and eontinue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows,

Primary English per mo. $200
Intermediate ~** ~* o $2 6
Higher pT $3

Languages (each) ** - o $1 00

The work and disclplihe of the sehou
wil be as heretofore.

We ask a continua nce of your!

Better and more attractiye than ever.

Fine = Racing.

Liberal Premiums in ail departments
Live Stock, Poultry and Agricultural
ever dis
played The Ladies Department is un-

entire performance takes place on the} {Ae


10 to 120/4

Greaves, Rector. Sunday school 9.30
A.M. W. 3B. Brown, Superintendant.

METHODIST-"Services everv Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rey.
N. M. Watson, Pastor. Sunday school
9:30 A. M. A B. Ellington, Superin-

PRESBYTERIAN"Services third
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev!
J. B. Morton. Pastor. Sunday schoo!
9:30 A M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten,


A. F. & A. Greenville Lodge No
284 meets first and third Monday even
ivg. J. M, Reuss W. M. L. I. Moore,

I. 0.0. F."Covenent Lodge No. 17
Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.
Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

K. of P."Lar River Lodge No, 93,
meets every Friday evening. H. W.
Whedbee, C. C. A- B. Ellington K. of
R. and 8,

R. A."Zeb vanee Couucil No. 1696
meets every Thursday evening. W.L.
Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169
meets every. Friday evening. John
Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.

~A.L of H. Pitt Ccuncil 236 meets
every Thursday night. J. B. Cherry
C, eT, Be wi o-; see.


Cctton and Peanut,
Keraw are Norfolx prices of wotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mev.
chants of Norfolk -
l QoTTy.
;}Good Middling Of
i Middling 54
Low Middling 5 7-16
{Good Ordinary 4¢
Prime 28 to 2h
|Extra Prime 2b
Hey 2¥ to 2¢
Spanish 55¢�,� bu


Ia ee eo. e y VAX ¢ ; P-O
n d 4 M4 T Vv oe ar pas


race track every afternoon during the BC an 3
fair,and is absolutely free. DonTt miss | 4 ~ 22
seeing it For premium list or other in- 5 » db 3 :
formation address the Secretary : PR ACTIC AL EB


Offers his services to the 3%
citizens of Greenville and the Q®
eo public generally. ;
Spouting and Stove Work, 2
Oman a specialty.

Satisfaction guaranteed or ¢
no charges made. ~Tobacco 4
Flues made in season. Shop &
on Dickinson Avenue. (


5 oo
* Va a Ox ONT NOM WLM Wve Ti Or IC a
DOI. SST jee) wy jee

W. B. Rodman. We. Demsie Grimes,
Washington, N.C. Greenyille,N.C.

ppopwas & GRIMES

Greenyilie N. C:
Practice wherever services are. desired.

dd "

jo Bapbers.

is, J NOBLES, |

On Fourth street near Postotiice Only

Bat ber shop in town conducted by white

workmen :


, Can be- found below Five Poiuts.
next door to Reflector office,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyein;
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialtv


a Ne! H, RAGSDALE. species * attention given to cleaning
i | : } : ~
7 : ;
; a : at. s4 Sine .

spl acne anges







Atlantic Coast Line -


Schedule.n "ffeet Jan. 17th, 18°. |
Departures oom Wilmington-


PA} LY No 48"Pacaenger"Nue Mac.
9.25 a.m. nolia 11.02 am. Warsaw 17 18
am, Calashoro 12.05 am Vil
son 12.55 n m. Roeckv Mount
1.49 np m. Tarboro 2.45 p m,
Weldon 4,33 nm, Petersburg
6.22 pm, Richmond 7.15 om.
Norfolk 6.95 p m, Washing-
ton 11.30 pm, Raltimore 1.96
am, Philadelphia 3°50 a m,
New York 6.53 am, oBoston
3,90 nm, .

iW ATLY No 40"Passenger Duc Meg
7.15 pm. noiia 8.55 nm. Warsaw 9.10
pm, Goldsboro 19.10 p m
Wilson 11.06 n m. Tarboro
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.57
pm, Weldon 1.42am, Nor-
folk 10.50 a m, Petersburg
8.14a m, Richmond 4.60 a m,
Washington 7.414 m, Balti
nore %93 4 m, Philadeiphi,
MOS am, New Vork 2.63 a

Ta, Koaton 9.00 gam.

AILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake
40 p m. Waccamaw 5.09 » m, Chad
hourn 5.41 pr Marion 6 43 p
in, Florence 7.25 p m, Sum-
ter 9.10 pm, Columbia 10,30
nN, Denmark 6,12 a m, August
ta7.55 am, Macon 11.15 am,
Atlanta 12.25 p m, Charles-
ton 10.50 pm. Sayannah 1.50
¢ &@ m. Jacksonville 7.30 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam
pa.5.25 pm.



DAILY No. 49,"Passxenocer"Roston
5.50 PV. 1.02 nin, New York 9.00 pm,
Philadelphia 12.05 am, Palti-
more 2.50 am, Washington
4.39 am. Richmond 9.04 am,
Petarshbure 10,00 am, Nor-
Weldou 11.52 am, Tarhoro
12.12 -m, Raekv Vonnt. 12.47
pm, Wilson 2°37 pm. Golds-
boro 3.20 pm, Warsaw 4.17

pm, Magnolia 4.24 pn,
DAILY No. 41,"Passenger-~Teave
6.30 A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New
York 9.30 am, Phitadelphia
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
mend 7.30 pm. Petersburg



Their Effect j1 Always Slowly Felt and
: _ Distributed.

The most cataclysmal of all inven-
tions, that of gunpowder--which,

| by the way, was probably invented

twice, for Greek fire must have been

the same thing used with an im-|

perfect knowledge of its propelling
power, and the one which most at-
fected the organization of society
by destroying the value of armor
and equalizieg the power of men
of differert sizes~-took a gener-
ation to spread abroad, and when it
did spread hardly affected the rela-
tive strength of the nations. If
such an invention were discovered
now, the papers would ring with
prophecies, probably of a German
or British conquest of the world,
which would not happen a bit the
faster for all the ~~appreciations.�T
Printing was a grand discovery,
and, though it did not help the Chi-
nese much, did help Europeans a
great deal, but it did not help them
suddenly, and for the immense ma-
jority of mankind it might just as
well never have occurred. Steam
isa grand discovery, but it has not
upset the world, it has been utilized
only by degrees, and, like printing,
the mass of mankind knows very lit-
tle about it, one-third of the hu-
man race, indeed, denouncing it stil]
as something which ~~haazes and
maazes the blessed fealds.�

The discovery of the way to har-
ness lightning, which excites the
imagination even of poets, is one of
the greatest man has made, but it
has upset nothing except newspaper
arrangements, and beyond enabling
nationsT to talk together as individ-
uals do it has produced no conse.
quences. It is, we suppose, possible
that somebody may discover a way
of destroying a fleet from a balloon,
and thus deprive the richest nation
of its maritime advantages, but a
mode of counteracting that discov-
ery would probably be found at the
same time, and the balance of mar-

8.12pm, Norfolk 2.20 pm,
Weldon 9.43 pn. Tarbors
6.01 pm. Reeky Mount, 5.49

am- Leave Wilson 6,22 am. |

Goldsboro 7-01 am, Warsaw
7.53 am. Magnolia 8.05 am.

DAILy No. 51"Passenger----Leave
except New Rern 9.00 am, Tackson-

sands Ville 10.26 am. This train
15 P.M arrives atValnuc street.


1,20P.M. Tamoa 8,10 am. Sonford 3,27
pm, Jacksonville 740 pm,
Savanna 1.45 night, Charles-
ton 6.23 am.Columbia 6.00
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
9.00 am, Augusta 3.30 pm,
Senmark 4.25 pm. Sumpter
8.08 am, Florence 9.58 am,
Marion 10,36 am, Chadbourr
1L38 am, Dake Waccamaw
12.09 am,

Train on Sectieed NeckBranch Road
faves Weldon 3.55 0. m.. Valifas 4.39
Pp. m., arrives Seotland Neck at 7.20 n
Sh 6.57 p. mi., Kinston 7.55

a.�"�., Greenville R.F2 9. m, Arrivine

Hali® x at 11:18 a, m., elton 11,33 am

daily axcent Stnday,

Trains on Washnistoh Branch lenve
® Ishington 8.20 a m.,mnd2.290 p.m
~trives Parmele 9.10 a. m., and 4.00 n
N,, Tarboro 9,45 a. m., returningleaves
farboro 3.39 p. m., Parmele 9.35 a, m
wid 6.20 0. m,, arrives Washington
11,00 a, m., and 7.20 rp m. Daily oox.
~�"�t Sunday. Connects with trains on
ecotlond Neek Branch.

Train leaves ~varcoro, N ©, Via Albe-
Marle oRaleigh R. R, daily exceptsun-
-tV,ar 5 30p. m., Sunday 415 Py M;

otve Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.10 p.m.
f Turning ievyes Plymouth daily excent

idov, 7.40 a, m,, Sunday 9.00 a "1.
a/tive Tarhora 10.04 a.m and ll. 00

Trainon Midland N.C. branch leaves
az0lcThoro daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving Smithfield 8.30 a, wn. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield 9.00 a. m,, ar-
rives at Goldsbors 10,25 a, m.°

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R°
&., leave Laita 6.40 pm, arrive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
i Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train on Clinton Branch leayes War-
taw for Clinton daily, exeept Sunday,
U1 20a.m.and 4.15 p, m: Returning

eaves Cinton at7.00 a, m. and38,00 1 m,

Train No. 78 makes close eonhection

Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50 |

time power would remain unchang-
ed, There never can be an elixir of
life because all men are sentence?
to capital punishment, but a prepa:
ration which would destroy or neu-
tratize all hostile bacteria, germs,
spores, or whatever they call th:
injurious atoms, is, at all events,
conceivable, but it would be years

| beforo it greatly infinenced the per-
54"Passenger"Teave |

manent health even of races bright
enough to believe in the physician's
opinions. Remember. the savage
opposition to vaccination in the
teeth of evidence really as strong as
that which demonstrates any arith-
metical proposition. ts

From all that what deduction:
Simply this, that the readiness to
take alarm, which is one mainspring
of modern credulity, is not justified
either by experience or theory and
that men should receive all an-
nouncements of cataclysmal discov-
ery or inverttion with a willingness

to inquire and a quiet conviction,

that if false they do not matter and
if true they will affect things very
slowly and will develop counter.
vailing and restraining influences.
According to science. ameteorite big
enough to shatter the world might
strike it and bring even labor trou-
bles or the German enaperorTs ex-
periments toan end, but the uni-
verse is governed by powers before
which even science is very ignorant,
and, judging from all experience,
the meteorite will either be shatter-
edin time or just miss us in its
course. thestighn space. " !
A Persian Assassin. a
Tho late shah of Persia, according
toarecenit story, was assassinated
not for political purposes, but
through revenge. .His murderer,
Mohammed Riza, was a theological
student, but was compelled toT be-
come a trader by the confiscation of
his property. He sold some of his
goods to the son of the shah, and in
due time presented his bill. For
this he was thrown into prison and
his wife transferred to the princeTs
harem. After seven years he was

-yeleased-and fled to: Constentinople.-

t Weldon forall points daily, allrail via| At @8 opportune time he returned,

~Xishmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nor ~olk
Fne all points North via Norfolk,

GenT) Pass. Agent

- .. EMSRSON,*# rae Manag:
4 ; CK sh flan Mioo ager,

T A handsomely illustrated book o
200 pages descriptive of Texas anc
the resources of that great otat

receipt of eight centsto cover post °
age D. J. PRICE
AP. &T. AW & GN. a:
' Palestine, Texas,
Kast Texds lands are attracting

will be mailed to any: address oe | fair Ysabel.�T

disguised, to Teheran and, waiting
a chance, shgt the shah, crying,
oThe tree that bears bitter fruit
must be cut down!�T ;

Ideal and Real...

Mrs. Melnotte (reading)"~~Man.
fred impulsiyely flung himself at
her feet and,T with his hand pressed
uponThis heart and his eyes agleam
with the fierce light of perfect love,
swore that he never would rise until
»he arose the accepted suitor of the
Isn't that beautifulT

Hayry*proposed to me.
This is what Henry said upon that

considerable attention. Mention
thisen r. ee

evéntful occasion ; ~~Nan, sTposin you
andl hitch hozses together ?TT"Bos-

It so reminds me of the time when].

Populism All Out Through the Koil |

As we were going down street
a few days ago, we were hailed by
&. gentleman. who was. coming
toward us ata rapid striae, and
laying bare a brawny arm by
rolling up a sleeve as. ho came.
We expected to haveto fightor
run, but stood uatil the gentle-
man came near enough for us to

seealarge boil on nis arm just

below sore .the elbow. Pointing
tothe he. said: "
~Do you see that?� We told

him the boil was very plain to be

oWell,� said be, othat boil has
given me nv littie trouble, but let
me tell you, the last drop of
Populist plocd) in me came
throub that blamed boil and now
every drop of bhod in
ig Demecratic.�

Thit' is a true story. That man
has been one of the strongest,
most uncompiomiging Populists
in the county, but he 1s now
done with Populism, Republican-
ism and every kind of ism, and is,
according to his own statement,
now and henceforth a Democrat.
The door of the Democratic foid
is open to you, brother.--Monroe

any body


A Unique Application for Office.

Alonzo Bradford, of Haywards,
California, an ofd soldier, ha
written to the Postcffice Depart-
mont asking for the pesition of
postmaster at Wlaywards. Ac-
companying his lotter is and X-
ray photcgrah of his left knee.
The photograph shows theta
bulict entered his knee at the

lodged ketween the bones of the
The bullet is stil! there, it being
impossible to dislodge it by prob-
ing, and the only way in which it
can be removed is by ampu.ation
of the leg. Mr. Bradford stated
that the bullet was received at the
battle of Fort Donaldson, and
that he bad carried if ever since.
Mr. Bradford was postmaster

ition." Washingtoa Dispateb.

The New York Journal offers
$50,000 in gold as a reward for
the discoyery of the. person or
persons who caused the explosion
aboard the oMaine.� This coffer
is enitrely ~safe. If the man 18
ever discovered, which 1s unlikely
the advertisement would be
with the money tothe Journal.
If hs isnTt the Journal gets a lot
of cood advertising for nothing."
C:..-lotte ~ews.

~The latest eocial function in
New York was a onlant partyT "
oike the parties sziven by Louis
XVI.,� it is explained. The par-
ticipants were costumed so as. to
represent flowers, fruit, and yege-
tables. There weremushrooms
present, we suppose, as well as
some pumpkins; notto mention
cabbage heads and other things
of that sort"Richmond Dis-
patch. |

The Record says that one nigh
last week Mr. James H. Burns, of
Oakland township, Chatham
county, was aroused by hearing

on going in- there, he found an
opossum quietly on the table
ealing the good things that had
teen leftthere from supper.


Why He Fied.

oWhat made Kladderflvisch mn
such a hurry to get out. of Ger
many ?�T | i,

~~He happened to bear a close ve
semblance in personal appearance
to the Emperor William.�

oThere was no hari in that.�T

~No, but there came a boil on the
end of his nose one day, and he was

ssty.TT"Chicago Tribune.




joint, pushed uv the knee cap and ;

upper and lower parts of ihe leg,

under ihe Harrison administra-}

~a noise in the dining rodin, andT

afraid of being arrested for leze maj-


i e
Hel *

ee SEE THAT ? Neg:



Fs Yi

Tash he

ahhh What Is It? ghhhbhs

"== It is a picture ot tae'celebrated =� |.



Best in use The outfit of no business man ig.
complete withoutone. . _

The Reflector Book Store

hasiTa nice assortment ot thcse Fountain

also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Ponts
You will be astonished when you see them and
varn how very cheap they are. |


You may never,
But should you ever}@sr=-

Want Job Printing

oagp Come to see us. """""

Sain oan INNER a Ny al PLL EN ay


. Y iY KY i
(9000) oe @)@)


ao Annnnaanaana ny MAAK ALCS
P | ng Of i
OO; a @ ry eo o


rae oe


Anything from A) See

Wisitine Car
ener J'()

EwUll snes" �"�oster.


The Daily Reflector


Gives the home ndws
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? It gnot you
. . ought to be. Jf

= j
js we
af ges Ee oaf 5
- ~
3 Pes ee

Sie @



The Eastern Reflector.-- 2


Iss only $1 a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
ae pecially those growing .
, tobacco, that is worth
many times more than ,
- the - subseription piice.






senna ehiicaeei oata tn


Phe Reflector Gives What 'You Are
Looking kor

pan RIES

Masons meet tcnight.

Fidaton many Anew prainess,
Newbs m air next week.

Fniarges many an ald business,
- Tomorrow is WashingtonTs birthday.

Preserves many a Javee hieiness,

e dnl! hnsiness,


The weather has been turning colder

»Ravives many fall day.


$ fat racg,

Cotton weed Meni and Seed Oatss
leheap at S. M, Schultz.


Resener many 4

Paver Wer TTS 4 a, fy wine V Lacin ace,


Seenres success fa any

Have your laundry ready to go off
"| Wednesday morning.
ihest work done
~Steam waundry.

| , ;
. i
, ,- the weather bureau sent out a warn-
seca s REME i
[ine piney that we would have decid
Passenres aad mol trate cote edly\colder weatuer today with che


wivea Mi temperature down to freezing tonight.

9) A. af isine!

� =. '
7 Pty,

south, arrives at 6:5 7

north, ar
Hobson"-oSo your wife has turned

-C1us8s cook, efter all r� Jobe

out a first

You get the;
at the Wilmington}

1 York to purchase a wNw stock of goods.


Se acted

Names of People You Know


Q. Cuthrell came over from Kinston
jhis morning. ,

Mack Ellis and John Striekland, of,
Kinston, spent today here. "

J, W.
Tarboro Saturday evening.

Dr, J. Morrill and R, R. Cotten, of
Falkland, were in town tohay.

W, M. Bond weat to Raleigh today
on busin ess before the Supreme court,

Wiggins came down from

H: CHooker left today for New

Thomas Young went to Kinston
Saturday evening and returned this



ee tala



_ We wish to inform our many friends ¢ .
and patrons that the capacity of
Elmwood Dairy has just been very
much enlarged and improved. We
are now prepared to promptly fill all
orders at the following prices, goods §
delwered at your door:
Elmwood Butter,..25 cts a pound 3
Sweet Milk,.: .....25 ets a gallon. :
Sour Milk,.........3 ets a quart.
Pure Cream,......25 ets a@ qaart.§


Swill serve yuu promptly and satis

Mr, R. E.L. CRENSHAW askilled
dairyman, who was révently with the
StateT experiment farm at Raleigh

now has echarge of our Dairy and

factorily. We solicit your patronage.
Dairy Phone 14. Residence Phone 98

ROWN, Proprietors.

R. A. TYSGN, Vice-Pres.


Loans and Discounts
Over Drafts
Premium on Stock

$42,904. 8,

100 07 ;

Xk. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

J. L. LITTLE, Cash er

D JUNE r5sth, 1896.

The Bank of Greenville,


Atithe Close cf Business Dec, 15¢h, 1897."

Capital stock paid in
Undivided Profits
Deposits subject to Check

#23000 e¢


ta » Nae
Pound Freight, arr TVER| 13 j . rr ay af 4
North Bound bes lsoueWei, rather; che has turned} By the courtesy of the Secretary ol Due from Banks 44,598 .0
a | ; Due trom of 3-0 2 Due to Banks 199
9.50 A. M.. 'saver 10:10 a ~ jout an average of one every two: weeks} Agriculture, who has done so much to Furniture and Fixtures 1,515, ~att Tine Ce Checks outstanding "- 867.5
: qT . - .
i o0 . Y ° J at * . . urrent expen 18e5 2,1 36. od 4 » C ay t fi v6 of DD Lar a Va)
ws, since we've been houseseeping � st ate interest lt enonrabeet in-|, Lime Cer ificate eposit I OU.00
South Round # ~rereht, AYTIVES | SCCPINs imulate interest iu the sugar-beet 4-) Qach [tems 7,897,515 " ne
7 : a) ° . a is
a . Con Te . dustry, the Expeérime Statio Il] Cas n hand: 30,4 155.77 § Tots WEY
9.00 P MM. loaves Q:15 V7 stranger"¢Car 7 ecil yeu a copy iustry, the Exp riment Station, will hon hand? ~ Ss Total $132,118,63
ime eo gue EP EV ES ae te « os . log yo hevnee oey a . \
oe ; 4? Farmar Hayseed"oI donTt | 2" for gratur'ovs distribution to far- Moen} $132,118.61 $ ~
Qe amer Tom Riv any yos T7omM - 5 } (4 aint
~ ek r Ss t , J Ho ; 1» } " . myers ne digger. '~oOuntiCs C6 . : i
tes a re | Wit 0 be kas takes all my time to | mers mM the differ ne cout ties of the W Lotte iv Cs ref ally the sepi arare 1 eeds of our patrous, and § ~ ahi ull be vlad to have
Washington Monday. secdayienrn an honest vinT? Stranger"*I State, severe] pounds of selected sugar-| yo eonnt, promising everv acc commodation consistent with goodbanking.
af heed seed. In accordance with the| _"
AWW vad was cong tousk fb could seli you apPers Pe Ee AN See . | oee,
and Friday, leaves for Sas " . etches of t] the be I TO-DAYTS M Si
. copy ofa $20 note tor a dollar. Yeu} Wishes of the | Secretary, the beet see | TO DA ARKET
r 4 res 4 7 Cty & u | . . . . ~4 a
ary at i Praqprart t gnc 4 $3} PB y ° ' ~ a Tice pit 2 aS is fap rye {
ton Tuesday pt \ reaivTt tell it from: the cenume.� Far- will be Gistributed in North Carolina | .
~ ar sally thoce why mice ft 5] In rt _"
nrday. lmer Ilayseed"* ~Gosh! Cimme one, | O49 to thiose Wid promise to follow j
You hainTt eot no mere, hey you � directions in regard to planting, Culti- AS Reported by .
vating. harvesting, and who will send LY (
oe | ""_-" | | the GREENVILLE SUPPLY CO.
To oacvertize pa eo nee) jsamples fer analysis, and sive us full ahe Gi ~ ° ,
| i-cautitul Solo ts toma an as to. cost. Lhe farmer ?@-etton Buyers �
, 7 2 | . infoymatieon as to cost. he sarmer T
~the columns of the Sarpy i, on . Wo dee es een rer
Phe CODeTegaLOP at the Baptist Who undertakes the Work chould te ""td"" y
" church Sunday night was dcelightec able to reatize a good yield, ard as the ee oo
See Lett the | i ! 1} & Wholesale Grocers | | 4
{with the Lonutitul sole rendered by | veet 15 very ¢ xcelient for tabie use and
4 th . TT tS . 7% PAT toa Fs ~ ~ T ~ , y i } re T |
W C�,�atner Wie rin. | Miss Julia Castex, cf Geldsboro, She} proves a veluable feed ior stock, the! "
5 � I
ne'The Poty Cite? in a manner|fermer wilt be fully repaiddcr his time | ~ Ot
a a ho maanery" yO ee | Cottor sol Id in Greenville, 5 9-16
tliat ahi 1 re the ry | oy Pomc. . at l tr SI thle {
. : : oo ju ib St} a ha ich sweetness and aii�,� POUGIS, |
Generally tair tonight and Tuesday, |, re td . North Corolinn 3 7 : NPay rane
1 ; . . ine ay OF ECP Volec, and her expres iON WOK H War rOllead he) Lot 1oO ated Wh the} ,
* �,�. 7 even waa * yom trate 1. ¢ PY T, * oe ,,
Co der and freqzing Weather (oniin was perfec wotharm: | lyait 9 arhyicel t We L pe | WOTTON (jnenii r OO 408 0 fs tint ft 54
asp ct, othermal butin whieh woos) known; , | ee ~ coe a alae bey
are ELTA NRT | that the SUL a? beet is OT IWH/TOSL Su- plarel ) QO re a, MO {
(UNE NT ET roe 4 + ; em ning
WO CUPREANO PAY. | 1 Custully for commercial purposes ; but} May Y.02 6.02 6.01
: | j ~ my - Pa rani | Pw, fis i 7 reo « 3g. To Hy ryRAR y q 7 { .
ThatT is the w | Wi lee DP PRIG RR 3 end faith- SuouIGd We ft obie to zrow a beet with August. O12 ede O11 SP AGLISHED 1875
y �,� iy it? § ~ j T x \| i Aa 4 a. Ds
VEEP m wyeT ; ae nen ¢ if d 4) oive a sul 3 re auarap. | : ,
GROVES TASTELESS CHILT. TON] for respons ah] satieme tablis he a h travel a+ sali wh percentage of sugar, | CHICAGO. ed \ 3) Bi PCA TT EEE .
1c foi Chih Fev ec aaal 7 | i ; 1G e in thie vw eri et t al 2 { - i A) ee ya! R\ i Lan \] ; | |
; i Vet ' | {| Nort * iis miuiless teadsto the erectioi . . . : \ fast) BRS i \ Hl mg ; #
Malaria It . simp . . os INO . Carolina. oonthty �,�65.00 and vill . sfeadsto the erectio i} Hwa t Opuning. N ol Se | Q) Ai {| \ +f ~ J) J iF | j
ithe , 18 § i iy i T Pr rottt 7 .. 4 ee be & : ; syn | a: a4 wa ted wed od pet ae as aan ond
in a tast ste ~le: g form. an ar | Xe nse, os Position steady, Refer-| of & factory im the State, and there will . a .
. aes u me c Rneclose selteaddressed ~ ctamped ty . | oobi LUG 55 U7 LUG 4 |
Adult ts pief er it to bith. ; enyelo rent - - Lddre a bai a DG Way ben iis to cOlne .O OUP peopi = mes wt Dew "
T . Werobe, oPhe Saminton Company ne PORT |
onics. Price, ate De Ix Chi OM EET IL | Pitas * r
DE We On eap in Consequence. Danly if (l Ch iT i
1. . - = } wiih : '
Mo. Wenerteane Qtatl 7 1 Nf, 1324 LOO 1100 PPK ih NOR HN
hemmed PENDENCE URI RD a SNe are NR SY Tat ONL Tt Jt MMPEMTICHE tale Vili Ue iy | a ' ww A Ai , 4 iu iy boy i ik
: ' a AYO 1" IBS 4
. . clad to secelve applications for sugai- | " "
¥ When the ahour hand pon tsto nine 1 . _T Farmers and Merchants buving |
~ . ALL Ua IVF 4.44 9 bee l Gib Vii GILLOWMS bove panic of: ie yaa I 2-0) veuTs supplies W ill tind it tO ti heir inte
_ \ o~ y 7 ve bFRFLIN vt tit j 4 ad he a '
guext &% = | Our VY TQ, cy 4 ' . Te i , 4 . : ware } } d ipelye
Save Your W shing on. the sine. led, and to corre pond with anyone In- est bo Bet OUT ee Sei Wu ee
+} ro ) als oS eors: rey 1
fe Cste ;inthe susject \ o= miiememnatl om ore BON naan , a ur Loc i , : tak EVE
aan } i. at its branent
een ala cit oae WA. WITHERS, be y ; | .
REID Rd = ee . N8Ve Ola ee | prom heitey
ati eal ~ wt Acti: Leireebor sNOl th Carolia lux { have a . ed I
Poertncue sytatien nu
| periment Sia | Ce _ Fiour, Sugar, Coffee
| Pepi ie 4K
= "" } uF gXN ~/ & \ AY é P tone *
. = | es H Always at lowest market prices
= A deserter from thT avarship Marne | Tat @
vf , : . . me Haar Gly a .
} Al il i PrP B&LE tt GVeGw 1 ( i : de 8) baer LIF y toad NU, Cigar
st ? 2 fh) % yt ; 7 Va 7 | i
i . ii 2 UE WOT oi ott ~hI il i i i : }* c ~
1, . " ar ee a i as we'buy direcsS from mawvilas iorg
ie Hh! Cc ié ati 1s mhuilty of the j i .
a py . - o } 4 |
i = Crime ¢ ', i | | amet)
OG ga i i
NY i
\y 1) . a , , A complete st cock of
. | Zo ; j od Pebabsy there a e more pleople now | éy
i ré ) ithan ever before ofthe opimicn that our NT T TZ} YTYNTT 1) ey
at i BS modern ships would be- imore dan- 1 | ne \ | AS y
hy * ea - . . . ' ° wa A ooe a A. af! (ies
j ial eroaus. 1p yn to their own m o buan 1 |
L: B uy nmen than !fygt arrived. Come iM! oo. pana |
to ere. Pichmond Dispatch. | always on hand and sold af prices, te
igea us | * suit the-times. Our goods are all bought
' ~ sree mee A a emcee NOU Ue, land sold fer CASH therefore, having no
many Be rt, oak | rise to run we sel] at a close iwnargin.
Ir Kaul! 8 H & Pf E, , (*.
4 thers ; } f ya r S. NV GEE TU LTZ
. vs a T
Honse and Lot. Six rooms, dining \ Hay | i
: : i s, S. ; bef 4 EE Oy -
T | T ~ 4 penn certeimnenmertoaittebanees a
room and kiteken attached Good well ;

$800.0 00 . GUARANTEE.

Will not injure hands or fabric.

. Ne Mblershilat ane needed, �,�an use hard water
same as soft. Full Directions on every package. An
3- 0 yz. - ack aye for i cts. or 6for asc ts, :

__dold by retail grocers everywhere. :

OW hen the Hour Hand Points to Nine,
Have Your Washin on the Line.T

Recommended by the best house-
keepers Jor Clothes Washing, Dish
_ Washing, House Cleaning.

Try it.

5 Cts Package


For sale by

e, r

Fe eh,

vai # i






water on lot


3000 LBS, LARD.





We also have in stock Sugar, Butter,
Cheese, Canned Goods, Suuff, Wrapping
Paper and BagsTand many other things
ito numerous to mention.. Send us your
orders. Mail orders receive prompt at-
tention. Agents for Standard Oil Co

The Grvanile Sayply C0,

Qa" hi ot LUI Lt 4

Neen ney Tanimmnitammve ne ncnnnecnr mane, tly

I wish to inform my many patrons and
the publié that they can now
_""e find me in the-"""


where I am ready to cater to all their
needs inthe way of


I keep the best Fresh Meats, Sausage,
Fresh and Salt Fish, nice Groceries, &c.
Send me your orders. Goods delivered
promptlé anywhere in town,


naan: 2 ete me




exmenyosens|,) amainevenan

We have wast received & Det
hearse and tke nicos st line of Cof-
fins and Cessets, in wood, metaT
lic and cloth ever brought tay

We ate preparsd °
ing ja al its forme

Personal atiention given toco =
ducting furerals and bodice en
hasteT to our care will oreceive:
every mark of respec:.

Onr prices are tower (nan evets

Ne do not want tronbpoly but
iavite con. petition.

We can bo found at any and kK
times in the John, l'lanagam
Buggy CoTs building.


2 baum

| - E. WM. McGQWAN.
Phone 41 a a


Daily Reflector, February 21, 1898
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 21, 1898
February 21, 1898
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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