Daily Reflector, December 17, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

| i ) : . : , NX Ve

! 0. J WHICHARD, Editor and~Owner. TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS 3825 Cents @ Month,

outa - eS

| Vol. 7. GREENVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1897. No. 238

eee ee catenin aaa eet Ot ay tetas * Napitnwnint

a C. 7 __|Three in Quick Succession.|Holiday Rhymes

That hoid workday reason®


. Little Damage at First Alarm but the Last One
� " .. | aBig Fire---John Flanagan Buggy Co.Ts

| aie Factory Destroyed---Total Loss

| 7 , About $10,000.




To fit them all
yp is for LE ANS,


| The thin and the t
7 | The thin and the tail
Thursday. at least the latter part of|John Flanagan Bugsy CoTs factory, a
1 1urs uy, at | o fen] . . J
a : , . sn |) ep . . } + if 2 ray
~ : the day, was full of excitement in/place where frame buildings were very a WORRY AIK ADA AAOK AOROAON AKAD HOA
Greenville, there being three fire alarms! thick, most of them old and dry, and ae Sy .
. | seat VRPO 1
c thik mos ¢ � , OVERCOATS
within a space of five hours. ithere was plenty of fuel for a big fire to til 1S for O WNW s YY
| ; ff 4 *
. , a tween Alfeed n : dee
The first alatm was given between 4/feed upon. Sty lish and oood.
4 . } : e . ~
and 5 oTclock, when flames were seen; Both fire companies snd hundreds of '
5 | rer 1s, F » o AWAY ASA AR
bursting from a kitchen to a div elhnge Cuz ns were promptly on the scene and AAAAA vey AN Cais)
= hovse on Dickinson avenue, belonaing excellen: work was done. Hope Fire is for 1 Eis
4= ; bey ae | s . i
| Fe to Mr, W. LT. Godwin., This building; Co, had a line of hose from the cistern ( . |
ie a or quiet man or dud
=r : , y fa) Jrag r_|¢, = . . v Ly � . : 4 oun ~ : 4
Ne) was only a few feet from the Presby =\to the building in quick order and svon . PF QUA.
A teria churci, ard also near to severalia fine stream was pouring on the raging WR WAU ROR AN 1K rv ren
= . . se thi of ay . Be \@\@) BAAS AAMAAAM AR AA SAAR
cf other residences, and people saw that} mass of flames in the wood room of the . nn
lq ° : Q
: Ff it fire got a good hold there it would bejfactory. There was so much shavings IS for HATS
! ~ q rn Wy « ~ . ° 7 : °
| : enous. The Rough and Ready Firejand inflammavle material in this room A \Wiens | {
; é alin tis At prices al. fair,
Co. were first on the scene and with that the fight was a stubborn one, but
i . . \ VARA ROROR VAC VR VAIN ANS BNI as� die Ate
' a good bucset brigade soon had the/the firemen were getting the better of KA KAAA NAKA RAK ANAK AAA NAAR
i x x ae | ys .
fir subdued. lupe Fire Co. was also the flames and tor awhil it looked like . we
: | | | neans Frank Wilso
on hand but owing to the long distance| they would be successful in subduing means Ean HSOn
the eng ne had to be carried to find tin fire. They put out one side of the who has thing's to wear
water the fire was practically out before | puilding and had just gone around to POORAWIK AA AOA AK
a stream Was turned on attack the AOA AA AAA NR
a streams Was tured Ol. rattack the flames on the other side .
i ran = . ; tae . . + | . . ° ; Yv NX °
| Line kitchen was burned and the when a section of hose burst. It re- 3 IS for Na! bv SUIts,
end of the heuse adioining tt Was) quired som inute ~emove. this . .
I A 2 i some minutes to remove this \| } 47 k
"" | i | Always shown In stoe
i coasiderab y damaged, isection and couple azain, and in this
~ - s 8 . . ; . 0 vay var ee eee BA a" SEAROR UY ao ARS
liow this fire originated 1s not) time the flames gained such headway AAMAAARADAA ANAC JURA Ah fh

known The building had been un= lthat the factory could not be save.

is for dress Goods
For the Ladies

Veet ler { . nearly t as) rie . rey
OC Cuplea ert hie rly { week. Mr ine tiremen then set at Work to

~ . |
i y(t t ae wives At pant 28. | . |
Godwin Canhor yel give ad Coirec. es ~prevent the fire trom spreading, play-

eT a BT

timate of his loss, but possbly 3100 in che stream first on the burning]
will cover it, le lad sou. insarance ibuildings to deaden the heat as much |
~i . ;
THE SECOND FIRE. haa possible, and then on adjoining ee
~Lhe town had adout settled down ~buildings. In this was Hotel Macon,
from this excitement, whea theze was| Mrs. HoeliTs building and O. HooserTs Oh % . f, CO _ 4] ° cy
~ another alarm avout 8 oTelock. This, building were saveT, and at the same | ad Y Ls mas Ol Min &
! (ime fire Was seen on the roo! of the time the hook and ladder and bucket
house of Ceorge Dadley, coicred, | brigade saved the livery stables on the
known as the old Nelson house on |o-ber side of the fire. It was splendid Tho steads, e@xiin We are not reform
. ; " trend of our rern- ers. li is not our
| Front sireet. The firemen were} Wore for all these buildings were i Jaradvertisiag self-imposed mis"
| peomptly on hand aun and stoppeg|imuminent dangr and bad a close ah takes au abrapt, sien to eorrect oF
the fire befcre any damaye wa3 done, After two hoarg hard work the fire yrorent nic ve ae pe _*
; 5 | . day. Do not be shams, or enlight-
We undirstand that a marriage was|"*° entirely under control. shocked"do nit en igeorance. Our
f | THE LOSSES, be grieved. We undivide! interest
in progiess in the house at the time, | . . have'nt changed and industry ate
when the fire alarm eaused the cere-! Lhe entize plant of the John Miana- the familiar polity . centered upon the
Hi mony to he cut short. | gan Buggy Co., including the long ot the atore. Tae her ot la deep
) +9: . ~are, cool genious ion of developing
THE THIRD ELE. alley building which they used fer that created a con this business ac
About 9 oTclock the alarm sonuded undertaking and storage rooms, a servatism stigma" cording to the prin
| . m .,|store building owned by F. J. John- tized by some as ciples that cou-
aguin for the third time, The rapid ° old fogyism 16 with trolled its original
linging ot bells and excited eres of the! °°" and a two room kitehen and ~some us in selling good plan. Get fromus
oo some small out buildings on the Hoell Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Eats, Gents Far-
people indicated that there was more . nishing Goods, Overcoats, Suits of Clothes, Dress
fighting to be done than at either of the tow ware burned. Goeds, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishing
. . ane. The fre was i . [CONTINUED ON SECOND. ] Goods, Mlothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes,
previous alarms, ~The fire was in the Hate, Cape, Dress Goods, Trimmines, Capes, Jackets,
er . Notions, Shoes, Hats; Caps, Trunks, Havd Bags, Mat-
6 KARA AAAA WA Hom Carpets, Ovorcoats, Bits of Clothes, Dross Goods,
qc Pe Trimmingt, Notions, Boois, Shoes, Mats, Caps, Gents
s 3 Furnishing Gools, Underwear, Umbrellas, Overcoate,
, Shoes © These Goods are Our Overeoats ure
a * 2 not ocheap.� They | of the best wate-
} so 3 t : , are exquisite and rial. Melton, long
| MISTS SOON worthy in every re- and favorably
| WMO , spect. Donot known for their
| | rf : dream over this quiet colors, satin
ae if A new line lof Sioes. . chance. It will finish,neither gloss
| R H tt A beautiful line of Rugs. 7 flit quicker than ner roughness, arc
| i 7 A handsome line of Baggy Kobes just received. Come in " you can think. Our general good wear
| | y and buy before it is tuo late. . Suit of Clothes ing qualities.friez"
| We. aiso carry in connection with these leaders a complete are faultless. You es, rough finished
) to seleet from. cf Dry Goods andT Notions, Clothing, Capes, Hate, neednTt examine a but not nappy,
and Caps, Furniture, Hardware and General Mer- single do.wil. Our thick and warm.
pes cN Tr chandise. Agent for George A. ClarkTs O. N. T. guarantee covers Cheviots, soft nob-
U Spool Cotton. 6yerything. Which by © and durable.
| ever one you take You know Kerseys
! it will satisfy you. and Beavers, soft.
| Munford. -
the Vaden a, H. M. HARDEE,
| : \ | : .
i , |



D a ;. WHICHARD, Editor.




Beered as second-class mail matter.

i "
ies yey, -¢- 2e = $3.06
: a 3 month, - . ° 25
week. - - = ae
Del iivered in town by carriers withoa
axtre cost.

Advertisng rates are liberal and ean be
fed on application to the editor ,or at
fee offer


~We desire + itive correspondent at
@rey postoffee in the county, who will
@ in brief items of NEWS as it occurs

3 ach neighborhood, Write plainly

Don y on one side of the papers

o "
Frioay. Decemper 17, 189¢.,
rn _

Safftage Restriction in Louisiana.



rms nenae-nnae trounce

conan escent

seen stanton

. emer
cecewennnin te oe seciga Sera
dr annette anne

The Northern papers are be-
ginning to take up the subject of
the coming Louisiana constitu-
tional convention, particularly
the suffrage amendment, and are
@scussing 18 quite freely. While;
Ecuisiana proposes to be guided
By the wishes of its own people
in this matter rather than those
of Illinois or Minnesota, it de-
gires to havea settlement of the
problem that will be permanent
aod satisfactory ~one that will
Be fair and just and in the inter-

est of good government, and that}.

will not be subject to further
amendment, change, or modifica-
fion. The best way tc accom-
giish this result is, of course, to
frame a just suffrage qualifica-
tion aimedat ignorance and cor-
guption, and that will undo as far
ae possible the mistake of Con-
gress in extending the suffrage
f® a race as yet unfitted for 1t,
and the mistake of our last con-
stitutional convertion in extend-
ime it to unnaturalized citizens.

* The attempt to let in the mass
of the illiterate white voters by
yarious subterfuges is unwise, 1f
it is not dangerous. We are get-
* fing rid of the illiterates on the
ground thst they are unsafe
woters, at the mercy 0f GCemagog-
wes and unable to be reached by
fhe usual influences of the press,
pamphiets, and papers.
there are good citizens among
@hem cannot te disputed, but in
@ community where a majority of
the voters cannot read and write,
where we are in danger of being
swamped by this mass of ignor-
ace, we cannot atficrd to play
with it. Ifany number of whita
voters deserving of the ballot are
disfranchised because of their
Fynorance, it is unfortunate, but
fhey niust be sacrificed in thé
Interest of good government.
Moreover, they have the oppor-
funity"and 1f they are good citi-
ents will utilize it"to restore the
Ballot to themselves"New Or-
Jeans Times-Democrat.

aca eeetiecreninemensomnnr siomerns- J
The Klondike Craze.

The Klondike craze has proved to
be the salvation of Seattle, which wi
rather dull~before the golden boom
Began. One hardware firm there
takes in over 31,000 cash everv day,
and a leading grocer bas employed
forty extra clerks. All of the hotels
and lodging houses sre crowded, The
business at the tclegraph office is six
times greater ihan it was.

A few books well chosen and
woll read are better than a whole
library, and a few friends well
known and weil beloved bring
greater happiness than a large
ciicle of acquaintances.


The Reflector Book Store has just
received a nice lot of new stationery" |
Isdgers, day books,receipt books, record
books, paper, correspondence cards

With envelopes, tabiets api rubber
te, etc.


The John Flanagan Buggy Cos last
the greater part of rheir tools, stock,

material, and 27 buggies. Their loss
will approximate $5,000 upon which
they had only $890 insurance. The
factory buildings beionged to R. Greene
and W. H. Cox, and their loss is prob-
ably $2,000 with $800 insurance.

F. J. Johnson places his loss at
$1,000 with no ineurance. His. s~ore
was occupied by Humphrey & Co.,
colored men, but they got their stock
out. |

Mrs HoellTs loss is about $400 with
no insurance.

The lawyers oceupying the main
Hoell building moved out, the turniture
was removed from Hotel Macon, O.
Hooker and the occupants of the mar-
ket house moved their stock, all sustain-
jung some loss.

Two ot the nozziemen, Ed, Flana-
ganand Ed. Greene, were overcome
by the heat about the time the fire was
They held their

position in the hottest of the fire fot

got under control.

two hours and did some breve work,
John Cheek was also overcome by the
heat but all of them were soon all right.
Ail the firemen deserve commendation
for their good work.

Mrs. Hoell requests Tne Rercec-
TOR to return her since.e thanks to
tne firemen and ell others who assisted
in saying her house.

Mrs. Emily Harris, who lives near
The boys

to many ot the firemen.

tully appreciated her thoughtfulness.
People living several miles in the
country who saw the light of the fire
came to town.

A gentleman living at Winterville,
tells THe Rervecror that he heard
our fire engine at work,

The fire demonstrated the tact tnat
more hose is needed fur our fire de-

Chiet Griuin says some rods belong»

ing with the engine were lest and he

would like for the finder to return
Te John Flanagan Buggy Co.,

uaving saved their undertaking stock,
will carry this part of .their business
right At
present they can be found in one ot
the stores of the Rialto building,

on without intervuption.


Vinancial news note"Stock-ings will
go up pretty soon.

Even a poor ball player can catch a
cold this kind of westher.

Two odontTs� for
Neckties and cigars for your husbands.

fair shoppers"

Customerom~~Here, waiters, bring me
milk.� Waiter"*Condensed 7T
Customer."oNo; the udder kind.�


No, Maude, dear, we never heard
thait whiskey was good for the voice, but
jit certainly dees stiengthen the breath.

Hobson "oHeTs 9 «eccentric I donTt
like to walk by him on the street.� Jobe
aon"oWhy?T Hobson"oAfraid of
being arrested for passing the queer.T�T

oWhen a woman finds an old feath-

er,T says the Manayunk Philosopher,
ober economic soal prempts her to buy
$10 worth of other trimmings to build
a hat around it,�

Nell"*Miss Kostique recommended
Mr, Strait as good portrait painter for
me.� Belle"*Fhe spitefull thing !�
oWhy, isnTt he really good-� oOQ! yes;
| but heTs a strict follower of realism.�

oThey say,� remarked the extremely
strong one, othat he just married you
for spite.� **Well,� replied. the thin
one, oif he had marned you tor that he

of it,�


the scene of the fire, served hot coffee

would have gotten about 200 pounds

Dr. T. B. Kingsbury, editor of
the Wilmington Messenger, has

Tuesday entitled oThe Bicycle.�

wheelman some nights ago and
knocked about eight feet, and

gays if it had not been for the

have been hurt, for, hearing the
bell, and trying to get oct of the
way, hegot in it. He therefore
endorses a suggestion of Rey,

from bicycles, which would place
upon their riders the 1espensi-
bility for accidents. Some one
else has suggested that as a means
oi keeping from being run over
at night pedestrians should carry
carry lanterns, which leads Dr.
Kingsbury to observe that some
men of fiercer temperament ard
more pugnacious than he would},
add that they should also
revolvers. As a tribute to the
bicycle and its rider by ons of
their victims, this editorial of our
accomplished brother is a stuay
in black and white.


Good Farming

The old days, when half a bale of
cotton was fairby a good crop, are
being rapidly pushed to the rear. As
an evidence of this we give below some
figures on a ¢rop raised near Wilson on
the farm of Dr. W. P. Mercer. 11,000
pounds of lint cotton was gathered from
a ten acre tield. This is an average ot
nearly three bales to the acree The
same party picked trom 102 acres 126
baTes on one farm and on apother 79
bales trum 60 acres."Wiison Advance.



What Huxley, the Great English
Scientist, Cousidered the Best
Start in Life
The great English scientist Huxley,
said the best star. in life is a sound
stomach. Weak stomachs fail io digest
tood properly because they like the
proper quantity of digestive acids (lae-
tic and hydrochelic) and peptogenic
products, the most sensivle remedy in
all cases of indigestion, is to take after
each meal one or two of StuartTs Dys-
peptic Tablets because they supply ina
pleasant, harmless rorm all the elements
that weak stomachs lack.

The regular use ot StuartTs Dyspepsia
T: blets will cure every fur�"� of stomach
trouble except cancer - f the stomach.
The increase flesh, insure pure blood
strong nerves, a bright eye and clear
complexion, because all these result
only irom wholesome fvod well di-

Nearly all druggists sell Stuarts Dys-
pepsia ~Tablets at 50 cents full sized

Send for Free book on Stomach
Troubles to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich

Wehave a large




a feeling editorial in his paper of

He was run over by a colcred},

speaks now as one having author-
ity and not as the scribes. He

wheelmanTs bel) he wou'd not

Dr. Hoge that bells be zemoved A. & COX


just arrived. Comeand

GDB ot

fot =
(25¢ 50¢


toc cure any reaae of salastins wion, Casearets are the hical Laxa-

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTERD tive. never grip or gripe. bul cause ¢aBy Haluralresu: t., Same
ple and bock!et free. Ad. STERLING RE MEDY (i), Culcage, Ron ena oen DY �,�O., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New bape ote
R. Re FLEMING, Pres, 3
, Vice*Pres Te e rest Cas


CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,' 1897.

The Bank of

Pitt County,


Ts Bank wants your triendship anda shar,
if not all, of your businesss, and wll grant

every favor consistent with safe ana sound
We invite correspondence ot a pers
sonal interview to that end.


R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

R. A. TYSON, Vic-ePrés.

J -L. LITTLE, Caste?

REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1896. ;


The Bank of Greenville,


Atthe Close cf Business Oct, 5th, 1897.


loans and Discounts $56,792.% 583 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.003 Surplus and Profits 1,462.09
Due from Banks 20, 865. "303 Deposits subject to Check *:C 67,507.03
Furniture and Fixtures 1,507. 25% Due to Banks 607.98
Cash Items icon @ 8,619.05! Cashiers Checks ortstanding 241.66
Cash in Vault 95,189.49 $ Bills Payable. 17,500.00
a """"" § Time Certificates of Deposit 3,605.00
Total $113,923.67 ; "_"""""

Cotal $113,922 �,�%

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, aad shall be glad to have

your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good Sanking. CH}

Sean ee et A




- ine vir yearTs supplies will find
their 11... rest toget our prices befere pu

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete|
v allits brancues.


Tobacc, Snuft &c.

we buy diroc) from Mar.tacbuc. 9 eh
lim voi a) Ce prot, & @oul
cle stock of


always on band and soldat prices te suit
the times. Urr goods are all borg! and
sold for CArH, ~herefore, having no 118k
to run we sel: at a close m: irgin.





omen enn () ceememes




macnn} memes nan

We have iust received a tew
hearse and the nicest line of Cof=
fins and Ceskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought te
Greenville. .

We are prepared t° Jo mbalm-
ing in ali its forms.

Personal atiention given to con~
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will recelve
every mark of respect.



Can be found below Five Points.
next door to Reflector office,


Our prices are JOwer than ever,

Ve do not want monopoly but
lunvite con petition.

We can be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.



Male Academy.

The next session ef th: school wit
open on
MONDAY SEPT. 4& 1897

land écontinue for 10 months.
| The terms are as follows

! Primary Bnglish per mo. $2 0C
Intermediate ** ~ $2 5C
Higher Me $3
Languages (each) ** ~ $1 00-

The work and diselpline of the sehou
wil be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance of your *
liberal patronage,



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to cleaning
Gautmans ClothT: M



_ A handsomely illustrated book of
" 200 pages a tive of Texas anc
the resources that great otate
will be mailed rs any address on
receipt of eight cents to cover post-
age. D. J. PRICE,
G, P.& T. A. L. & G, N, RB. R,.
Palestine, Texas,
East Texas lands are attracting
considerable attention. Mention
this paper.




a ee am is oa Knowledge Box
a atlantic: ©. 5 Tne hes



"_" In Greenland pctatoes never

Schedule in Fffeet Nov. 29th, 189% | pet larger than marbles.
Departures from Wilmington-

Te SEE THAT? qyeqaqag

DAILY No 48"Passenver"Due Veg. to write with both hands. a Bes ey 3 7 : ann

0.35 a. m. Dolla 19.52 am. Warsaw 11.10 a ¢ Seen en Cae dali toes y)
am, Goldshoro 11-48 am,wil] AboutT 200,000 couples are | WCE all NUTT

ae ae

son 12.43 p m, Rocky ~fount| Married every year in England.
1.49 p m. Tarboro 2.50 p m,

cae p a Retempore) 2m Bank of Franco ie four! © Phone No. 10. RIOR What Is It ? abRa aR

Norfotk'6.05 p m, Washing. times as large as the Bank of

ton 11.39 pm, Raltimore 12.53 | Eogtand, | | | | . |
@m, Philadelphia 3°45 a m, ~ ae .
New York 6.53 am, Boston| _Prassian blue paint is made lh GREENVILLE SUP p LY HH ""== It is a picture ot tae celebrated 2"


ie ween

DAILY No 40"Passenger Duc Mag] of horses.
7.15 p m. nolia 8.55 p m. Warsaw 9,10

i \ . q .
pm, Goldsboro 10.10 p m,| Worty-four muscles are called | DIRECTORY.

Wilson 11.06 p m. Tarboro]. . .
6.45 am. Rocky Mount 11.57|!Lto play inthe proauction of the

pm, Weldon 1.44a m, Nor-|human voice.

folk 10.50 a m, Petersburg CHURCHES.
8.24 m, Richmond 4.20a m,| The ants of South Awerica
Washington i4lam, Balti.) have been known to construct & "
9,0) 3 * £, Ll had
T38 a ma, Neg eet ta | nel \: a Best in use, The outfit ot no business man is
~ » Ne 02 p| tunnel three miJes in length. BAPTIs51"Services every Sunday, 1 t ith : t
m. Koaton 9.00 p m. , moring and evening, Prayer meeting comp.ete without one.
SOUTHBOUND, The pecan nut crop in Texeg Thursday evening. Rev. A. W. Setzer, .

DAILY No 55"Passengor Due Lake this y is Pastor. Sunday school 9:30 A. M.
é g a GL taHIs year is mo.e than three] i *swr. unday school ¥: .
40 p zo. Waccamaw 5.09 p m, Chad- ° ©, D. Rountree, Superintendent.

beurn 5.40 pm Marion 6 43 p million bushels and thetrees are CATHOLIC"No regular services, The Reflector Book Store

m, Florence 7,95 p m, Sum- not yet bare. .
oEPISCOPAL"Services fourth Sun-

te: 8.42 p m, Columbia 10.05
er af, Oe. : .

1, Denmark 6,30 a m, August day, morning and evening. Lay ser-

vices second Sunday morning. Rev.A.

to 8.20 a m, Macon 11.30 a m,
RLOOD POISON Greaves, Rector Sunday schoo! 9 30


Atlanta 12.15 p.m, Charles- °
jon Osa) wa. Savannah 2.4) A.M. W.B, Brown, Superintendant.|has ~a nice asso~ ment ot thc3e Fountain Peng
METHODIST"Services every Sun- also a beautiful !:::e of Pearl Handle Gold Pens

am. Jacksonville §.20 a m,
St. Augustine 10.30 am,Tam

pa 6.45 pm, A SPECIALTY: Primaty, Second-|day, morning and evening. Prayer You will be asto:::shed when you see them
SHRIVALS AT WILMINGTON"|ary or Tertiary Sypillis permanently meeting Wednesday evening. Rey. sarnhowver chea theva you e the and
FROM THE NORTH. cured in 1 to 35 days. You can be N. M. Ww atson, Pastor. Sunday school VY : p V re.

7 _| treated at home for the same price un-| 9:30 A. M, AB, Ellington, Superin-
p kn no 49."Passenger"Boston; der same guaranty If you prefer to{ ~endent.

45 °.M. 1,03 pin. New York 9.00 pm, | come here we will contract to pav rail= | om pw ar _ : _ " "" "

Philadelphia 12.05 am, Balti- | read fare and hotel bills, and no charge gPRESBY PERT AN Services mind

more 2,50 am, Washington |if we failto cure. If you nave taken 1B af ston, Pastor, Sunda oan

4.30 am, Richmond 9.05 am,| mercury, iodide potash, and still have {1,7 oOrton, as y

Petersburg 9,50 am, Nor-|aches and pains, Mucous Patches in aah M. E. B. Ficklen Superinten- You may never,
/ a

Weldou 11.50 am, Tarboro| mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples Copper

12.12 m, Rocky Mount. 1.00{ Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of LODGES4 But should you everig= =
pm, Wilson 2:14 pm, Golds-|the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling o .

boro 3.10 pm, Warsaw 4.02,| out, it is this Syphilitic Blood Poison

pm. Maguolia 4.16 pm, that we euarantee to enre. We solicit fi e .
DAILY No. 41."Vassenger--Leave | the most obstinate cases aud challenge} A, F, & A. M."Greenville Lodge No ant O r
§.30 A.M, Boston 12,00 night, New| the world for a case we cannot cur2.} 281 meets first and third Monday even- hat ey
: York 9.30 am, Phifadelphia This disease has always bafiled the skill ivg. J. M, Reuss W.iM. L.£I. Moore, 4
12.09 pm, Baltimore 2.25 pm, | Of the most eminent physicians, 3500-1 See,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-|°00 cap~tal behind our uncouditional

mond 7.30 pm, Petersburg] $Uaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed] I. 0.0. F,"Covenent Lodge No. 17

8.12pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm,|0" @pplication. Addreas COOK JkEM-| Meets every Tuesday evening. J. V.

Weldon 9.43 pm Tartora EDY Cvw., 480 Masonic Temples Chica: | Johnson N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec. ~~ Come to see Us,
ky | 5.45 lll, -

Roldaboro 7-01 am Warsaw meets every Friday evening. H. W. na

7.53 am. Magnolia &.05 am a ae Whedbee, C. C. A. B. Ellington K. of LOAD AREAL ~

R. and §,
DATILy No. 61"Passenger----Leave

e . a 7
xcept. New Fern 9.20 am. Jackson- in | e R. A."Zeb vance Conucil No. 1696 | eg
unday yille 10.42 am. This train ~ g , meets every Thursday evening, W.b.

40 P.M. arrives at Walnué street. Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, Sec.
5 ay THE SOUTH. K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. ue
A No. 54"Passenger"Teave t d d meets every Friday evening. Johr
12,15 P. M. Tampa 8,00 am. Sonford 1.50 an ar Flanagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R

m, Jacksonville 6 35 ; TOY
oavanna 12.50 night, Chagon only is possible, whether as a test of ex-|EJA.L ~of H, Pitt Council 236 _meets
ton 6.20 am.Columbia 5.50] cellence ii journatism, or for the meus- evary Mhursday nivht. Je B4 Cherry
am, Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon; ¥rement ol quan, timevaiues Q W. B. Wilson. See.
eda am, Augusta 3.05 pm, | and ~

venmark 4.55 pm, Sumpter | a
f 45 am, F lorence 8.55 an. The _ " Anything from a oe ;
Marion 9.35 am, Chadbourn i Cctton and Peanut, |
ae am, Lake Waccamaw Below are Norfolk prices of cotta.

.06 am. Ze Reahe 4 and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished a = .
Train on Scctiend Neck Branch Road | & i lelphia by Cobb Bros. & Commission"yMe~| Wy :
eaves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4,30 alt chants of Norfolk - 1 1isitin = Card
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.29 p
m., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.55 Bee ord ee
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.50 . .

"_""TO ""

a. m., Greenville 8.52 a. m, Arriving |. . ay . Setting vt
Hali® x at 11:18 a. m., We'don 11,33 am | after a career os nearly twenty years of = of

* + } dyer , r ig Nerifie i Middling is ]-1k
daily except Sunday. uuinterrupted growth is justified in Low MNS 5) T
Se ~laiming that the standard first estab- | Good Ordinary J ~T | {
frafhson Washnigton Branch lenve | ots - oS i Esuiil SSI = ¢ Poser

[A .
| isiied vy its fouaders is the one true| Tone"steady
Washington 8.20 a, m., and 2.20 p. m| med vy Its foumlers is the one true

arrives Parmele 9.10a. m., and 4.00 p test a T PRANURES

m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves A i erfect N CWspaper. Prime 2
farboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 9.35 a. m. vt Ka Prime 2t
wnd 6.20 p. m,,_ arrives Washington To publish all the news promptly and} �"�, + "8
11,00 a. 1n., and 7.20 p- m, Daily ex- and suecintly and in the most read- Sy: wish 60 to 75

yt Sunday. Connects with trains on bie form, without elision or Parti-| To \-"quiet, hd

~eotland Neck Branch. san bias, to discuss its significance e ally e ector:
: Train leaves ~varooru, NC. via Albe with frankness, to keep AN OPEN Ane sidearm e
? 9 5 Poy 7 iV 1 x TT . T TQIBeo
marle & Raleigh R.R.dailyexceptsun.| EYE FOR PUBLIC ABUSES.) ||
oay, at 5 30 p. m., Sunday 405 P. ¥V: o give besides : complete reo dl ~-reenville Market.
: o 0 ns of currest thought, fanvies and dis- Carraated hy holt: . 1 )
ober nine leet Blyth tee eats coveries in all departments of hu- orrected by S.-M. Schultz, Gives the home news
Sunday, 7.50 a. m Sunday 9 On a i man activity iu its DAILY EDI-} Bitter, per ib id to� 1 { nied
wrive Tarboro 10.05 am and 11.00 TiQNs of from 10 to 14 PAGES, | Western Sides ie to 6 AAD) a ternoon at the
, ee and to provide the whole for its pa | Sugar e=-ed Hams 10 to 124 Tan ~

Liste on Midland N. C. branch leaves trons at the nominal price of ONE | Mor) 40 to 50 small price of 25 cents a
sola aro race except Sanday. 1) a CEN I'"that was from the outset, | Corn Veal 50 +o 60 t] ;
arate ng ee aeultntesdg Oa on o an DE, to be the aim of} Pjayy, Ramily 4.75 to §.75 mon ). Are you a sub-

" gts ae yd © sad Lard 54% to 10 - a �,� f
rives at Goldsbors 10.25 a, m.° oy ; Oats 35 to 4 | scr tber It not

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R The Pioneer ougar 44 to6 you
&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar Coffee 83 to 20 QU2 ht to be ,

7.50 p m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning one c�"�nt morning newspaper in the. Salt pel Yack 63 to 1 60 an) aNe
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a m, United States, Pil RECORD sth | Ghickens- 124 to 20
arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun- PRADS WHERE OTHERS FOB | pegs per doz 124
LOW : FIs per ct
v. . Beeswax.per 20

Train on Clinton Branch leayes War- " :
riche Oraton ered T except Sumlay, Witness its untivaled averaye daily ejr-
leaves Ointon at7.00 ha and3,00 1 ae culation exceediug 160,000 Copies, gid | rr ns
Train No. 78 makes close eonnestion and an average exceeding 120,000 Copies hggyenp AOA AOA Aes Are)
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via for its Sunday edivions, while imjtations f. ae AAA RA RAK RA OOO
: ¥ ication in every im Sa

Riehmone. alse at Rovky Mount with | Of Jt8 plan of publication in every img

Cotton Séed,per bushel 1) to

TWICE-A-WEEK, =~ 3 |



Is only $l.a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-�
ecially those ~growing




#88 6.8 019 9\@\2 02)


~ne all points North via Norfolk. truth of the assertion that in the@Quan- ey ,
GenT! Pass. Agent| ORD has est#flished the standsrdTby | @Q. Bet Ble
| BN Rei pee Lae
~The Da ay di UO dy: iaely Bb.
aa ~ Br Sa ae 4 ts Bs Tht

mips by pa i WORKER.

~GaP BRA) Ip

A nd ET at whe ®):

Offers his services to the
its readers the best and freshest in-

tity aud qua'ity of its contents, oand in| Be The Eastern Reflector
) Be } : rh @
T. M. EMSR8.N,featis Manager. "_ | Whichexcellence in journalism must be] 465° DRAOTICATL, 3B |
- ive ea
ie f THE @RCORD +
THE MORNING STAR| tuiooteagnuees ie
The 0 :
The ~hd . Bt of Giowe ;
S est The Daily and Sunday ~ citizens of Greenville and the §
oe teat , 3 Spouting and Stove Work,
ae iP Jan, -{
: North ( arolina tormation of all that isgoing on in | %
: Mee i mie .

Norfolk and Carolina R for Noiolk portant city of the country testify to the 4 C rT oF
H.M. EMERSON, | he price at Which itds sold THE REGrda@e. J. « 5:
J. R.KEVLY. GenT) Manager, measured, « : .
year or 25 ceuls per montn: ari. ada
o© public generally.
od ¢ : 6
Baily Vewspaper in editions together, which will give
a specialty.
the world every. day in the year



Sabaoco, "that ig wogth
~many: times. more,*than
tlie subscription pricey -

ee, a
ha a

Satisfaction guaranteed or Gm
includingT holidays will be sent for| © no charges made, Tobacco
$4.00 a year or 35 cents per month | 3

| : Mm Flues made in season. Shop
_ dd 7
The Onl� Five-Dollar Dailv| ovik Record PUBLISHING CO. | Me on Dickinson Avenue.

lags its inthe $ Record Building, i:
Class its in the State ecord Building


Philadelphia, Pas ~aie OGU0D0 " OOO Oe) "i ne " ; ;

hg, - ee. F ~Cee | ii tee) LF ba fy , ; :

ah 3% ~ a mW ' fing bea ty Me id ont

| + Ate ky gold on | re Re ae val Sault 4 4 . 2 we

: %, ey We a te ae 4 a
i? ¥ ¥ ; +, hen 4 ~
, ahh -m~ af oes vee =
~ : * * me A : ~ , : parr
j ; F : , ~, Le i


. : 4

ay | |

sce cansiannssanscatitainnnacai sti Ren TT ae ~a

ae yh : BRIEES. [TING READY wt Ae :
- = we | Some Coming, Some Going, and oe Pt AY bid Bi, / 1

Weather Bulletin. In Whkh very Header is Inter- all Talking Christmas
~ | este
ani eiety weather ~tonight, Satare) " Walter Wilson went to Kinston r ate fe
y ug rain, warmer. At » of the B g ter teach 1s andi ~cht. ° ; .
its ~| pone o Aine 7 reel oner ann sae We eee The one thought---the realization ot youthtul
ae . i ili i t ursaay 101 7 t
meng yin mes tonight JS. Tunstall is m the front rank prarieg a Rewhers t in iriende. sant ew et inet ts econ oll as ae con ih
cathy mle | ent that interests old and young, rich
: 9

Buck Wheat Float, 4c, av J. B.| with Christmas eatables, and Fireworks. Miss Annie Harding, of Centerville, and poor, throughout this broad and Aptious

Wi ite's aie :

| , or | : is visiting her uncle, Maj H. Harding. : Us
30 barrels Red Apples, cheap. at S. au al and Ce a wer ak a bk. Shephes raed ra ours---Christmas. You arecordially in;
~ ; a only it cents per pounc a 1eiDurn s. rs. Li. Ka. ussell,oo , ens, vi e 0 in . . z
m- Scbults . LS. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. : spect the following .
For Rent."New six room dwelling} \eGowan. | |

/ Fountain pens, desk pens, pearl han- ix rod 7 |
house, all conveiences, desirable loca- - "ee_ MK ,

dle pens, all with goid points, at Reflec- i

o tor Book Store. Nothing prettier for tion, Apply to. J. W. Haas. Court adjourned Thursday afternoon.

& Christmas present. Wash Embroidery Silks, all shades| Rev. F. B. ~Vichnor will held services T
Do you want to make some friend vin ine DI Lec is in the Episcopai church tonigbt. . =m
a Christmas present of a years subscrip- COLOTS, Ay hoe Whe Mls W. H. White offers his house on. , . ;

tion to a good magazine: Orders taken Why do you buy Cranberries when Dickiason avenue for rent. See notice.

: at Reflector book Store. dv for: . a
you can get the sauee ready Tor the} PonTt forget JS, Smith when choice

Norice"I am back at my Shoe table for 10 cents per pound at Shel- | teble supplies and confections for
Shop in J. R. Corey's store, ready to} purns. Christmas are wanted.
do any reparing on boots and shocg .
Give me your work, J. J. VOREY, Velocipedes, wagons, toys, doll babies,] ~Tae Refiector Book Store has a few
tire works, vases, figures, cups and|teacherTs Bioles, elegantly bound.

Sie team ae

(0 CURFNO VAY ~saucers, at S, M. Senultz. The price is astunishinzlv low.
a¥e j np .. T i
That is the way al! droggists sell | .. 1 - . mata enigind. ~ ne .
GROVES TASTELESS CfiTLL TON line French eandies, vuts, raisins,| Go to J, B. White fors holtdey
IC for Chills, Fever and -'1 forms of | oranges, apples, bananas,cocoanuts, figs, eroceries, fruits, confections, cigars and


86 So of * ay ini e i) . . +f rg 1,
Malaria. It is simply Jron sid Quinine I dates, chocalate, celatine, citron, at S,|fire works. Full line and everything

in atasteless form. Childe� love it 7

Adults prefer it to bitter, niuiuseating M. Schultz. nice,

Tonics. Price, 50e, On Thursday Mr. Henry Sheppard
Que ce ORT REE TT ame a ® a " killed a oF months old pig that welch

ed 272 pounds, ~This i3 ahead of any

F } a lS | fi a ~LD yet reported for age.

L__"_ a t¥T . . -
WVe stil have a beautiful line of Ladies Capes

GREENVILLE N. C.,Dee. 17, -97.

A STORE FUL L OF | Eprror RerLector, 1) very attractive styles and the pr.ce 1S beyond

Dear Sir :"In justice to Dr. Frank : :
comp rison. A lovely Christas present.

, cg Brown you will please allow a short
C Fi N. : GR T Vi A & i 2 space to correct a faulse impreséion
° which seemed to kave been lett upon

& bol © sy a " 4 S some, from reading my article of the

. mt gilith. In referring to Dr. Brown, I

, gave an incident that he once meb-

a _"- tioned to me, of a child that he knew cf,
that had never had shoeson, and i's

q~ Cash Lf ouse father gav the same reason for not
. Lai ig 9 | putting them on it, that I ave for not
putting them om my witeTs little broth

LANG SELLS C H KA p er, Lonly wish to say thet Dr. Wrank

Brown did net give me ihis as advice,

eye een, a " 2. dé te Ne OMAR . 5
: nor did I use it as such. He has never
AR ewe �,� : 2
Reyes eiven me any advice whateyer in regard
3 to the boy. The incident 1 referved
.. . . .
ig te, crme up In ordinary conversation,

bys ») } a ayes pr 2 a ti? d a)
a a ee some time last summer.

B) 4

a (@) ww)
MS Oi OU Vi) sgyeh®:

[am respecttully,


fone le


~ Xmas = Greeting. + ee
Wilt Meet in Greenville in Ninety-

vv at P oS eight. .
Ke, 1c i 1 wed ""
WN mas » ra hile GO Sixty-six years age a few Baptists
va ns, only Pal d or ~ Me le & | moc in this town in what is now com" = _ a
ay and the evontiu ay do ere, A monly known as the Ricks House and The eelebrated R.& (5.Corset always in stoelk
~y prepation must be mia . that ~\ orgainized the Baptist State Conventtou We | ayes nist manic | saan 4 - . o
* it may be one of joyandgiad | Eee Eat. he Goaventwu |)T © eve Juob Lecelveds a complete line.
iN Ness. : See to 1b that you have i has grown in numbers ard influeace .
L supplied yourself with some every year since its organization, until ee
; of the many useful, servicea- now it is recognized as being the largest
ble and substantial things of life that can here) religious body meeting within our state. ii * | f T ve 4
be found in such great variety and abund- This Convention, representing more ~ 7 | i ¥
ance. If there isagirlor lady that has not Deen | than one hundred aud sixty thousand] | ~ if i ny a) ies.
supplied with a | white Baptists, has for its object the

education, and evangelization of the
| ;
TOSS people. During the y ar just closed
1 beh & one hundred and one missionaries have
been working within the borders of this

they should come now while our shelves AY@| Convention, and there was ra'sed and
filled with beautiful patterns and trimmings. expended tor State Missions alone fitteen

thousand dollars. Wake Fos.st Colege,



ew Christyas £

*) }


» »)

which has dong so much for North
Carolina and the world, is a child of
this Convention.

Next year this Convention, which is
doing so much for Godjand humanity,
will convene with the Baptist church in
this town. It should be esteemed no
small honor to have the Convention
come to Greenyille. It will bring a
blessing into our churches aid homes,
and the town will be the better tor

having evtertained men and women| 18 this a good suggestion ? That for a Christ

oot who have at hears che good ot humanity mas Giff tor your mother, sister, or friend, a
ve VY and the spread of the gospel. ; . 4 y aE

tn fact"you may want and need many other | pair of our corntortable John Kelly Shoes

things that yon have been oputting off� long would be the very thing. We have them in

enough. Amasisa good time to bring the mat- Wie bik a
¢er to a close. Come look through our stock FOR RENT. many styles at prices to suit you.
whether you want to buy ornot. Boge geen cyl ite enn ln

It may be the children 3
need Shoes, Underwear, .
Handkerchiefs, Gloves or
Neckwear. Someroomin
the house a new Carpet,
Rugs, Curtains and Chairs
The bed may bein want
ot someall wool Blankets
and Marsailles Counter-

eer OO Om, OCGOQ00 Ox
Sy eea Tn WY

i @

Yours to please, 2 pantry, smoke house, wood house, sta~
pa ~ ples, barn, buggy house, two gardens,
: ee anda good well of water, For terms
i wv apply to | (Wel, WHEE.
Pe Om ie ue ieee i. : ; ee oe

Daily Reflector, December 17, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 17, 1897
December 17, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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