Daily Reflector, April 17, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


DJ WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.



Vol. 5.



back from the

Northern .

line of


"L" j
such as


Fancy Nainso ok,

White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,

Val. Laces,

Call and see for


We are now
ready with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, green,
erays, 10 plaids
and over plaids,
and checks.
Our business is
growing, We
know the secret
ItTs. well-made
Clothing at a
quick selling
low prices for
you. We are
hustling for bus-
iness and get:
ting it.

Bien dive al i .
: i ait,
a MS eh iy
kc tit hi

That ig

"Lucy R. Fleming, in HarperTs Bazar.

?}man� through your columns he entire-
Sp. | the Rerrecror of 12th inst.

~1 fault with the work of the firemen, nor
2P | tucm tor their faithfulness to duty, and
QP | for the sacrifices which they make for
® | the public good.

e)are born by only a few, and my sugges-
~1 tion was that these should in some way


Awake, awake, O earth !
Thy many voices raise,
And let thy echoing hills
Repeat the note of praise.
Let all thy isles rejoice;
Let seas take up the strain"
Christ from the dead hath come ;
He lives, he lives again !

cme ee

Awake, awake, O earth !
Forget the hour of gloom
When in thy shuddering breast
Thy Maker claimed a tomb.
Put off thy wintry robes
For garb of joyous spring ;
Crown thee with lillies fair
To greet the risen King !

Bring the treasures of the field,
Bring leaf and blossom sweet,
Thy choicest and thy best,
Before His pierced feet.
While all thy sons are giad,
And tears are put away,
Let youth and age alike
Sing Christ is risen today !

Litt up thy gates with praise,
And robes of joy put on.
The Lord of Lite and Death
Hath risen to His throne.
He bath gone up on high,

And giveth gilts to men ;
He lives, no more to die,
Alleluia, Amen!


eon caterer caren,

Mr. Eprror:"1 beg to say to oFire,

ly mistakes the spirit of my ar~iclein
I did not intend in any way to find

to make any oimpertinent suggestions.�
On the contrary I want to commend

I know that the oburden and heatT

9:30 A. M.


The wheat fields are the flour gar~

! dens of the world.

The sonorous shouts of the fish ven--
ders should be called fish bawls.

When a man pawns his watch he
raises money with patent lever.

Drinking beer may quench thrist,
but it will not orefresh� the memory.

Deeds of kindness will preserve our
memories from the touch of decay even
when our bones have ~mouldered


The fruitage season draweth nigh
and soon there may be seen the boyish
tancy lightly turning to thoughts of

apples green.

How like the peariy d:wdrops upon
the flowerTs lip are our joys! Fora
moment they look beavtiful and fasci-

when we pluck the flower they are

We have seen mon so awfully mean
that they would try to pick the feath-
ers off the eagle on a silver dollar be-
tore spending it, tuinking they would be
owner of a feather bed without it costing
them anything "Orange (Va.) Obser-


Church S2rvices To-morrow.
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
Preaching a; 11 A. M.
aud 7:30 P. M. by Rev. N. M. Watson

Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A.M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M. by Rev. A. Greaves.

Baptist church"Sunday School at
9:30 A.M. Preachiug at 11 A. M
and 7:30 P. M. by Rev. A. W.Setzer.
Subject for Sanday morning: oThe
Open Grave,� or oThe Blessedress
of the Resurrection.�

Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school
3 P.M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M. by Rev. A. D. Brown.
Communion at morning service.

IP | receive some recognition of their public

OP: | spirit in turaishing their time aud their
Ope | labor to the servic.

. oiMireman�T that prupe:ty owners should
(be active members ot the Fire Depart"
s|ment Whenever it is possible, but un"
B (fortunately some property owners are
S| non-residents, and hence cannot b2-

I tully agree with the suggestion of |

come active members aud olend mus"
cles� to the servic3.

I shall be glad to see any plan adopt-
ed whereby our firemen may be encour
aged and the efficiency of the depart
ment increased.

Property OWNER.

Mai riage Liceases.
The Register ot Deeds issued only
four marriage licenses this week, as
Thos. MeGee and Delia Marshall.

John Williams:and Lillie Phillips.

Burial Sunday Morning.

The remains of Mr. W. ~T. Haydn,
whose death was announced yesterday,
were brought to Greenville this morn"
ing and plaved in the Episcopal charch,
A ielcgram having been received from
his children, at Washington City, ask-
ing that the body be held until they
can arrive, she funeral was postponed

| until 9:30 oTclock Sunday morning gf

Winterville Nomineaz.
Toursday night a meeting was hed
in Winterville to nominate candidates,
with the following result :
Mayor "J. R, Jolinson.
Commissioners"G. W. Parker,
Rowan Cooper ant B, F, Mannizg.

W.C. Hines & Co. have got their
soda fountain in shape and started it to

From almost everywhere there are
good reports of the wheat crop.

Ed. Jones and Louis: Moore.
Jeanie L. King and Hattie Little.

Subsenibe to Tas Dan.y REeFLEC-

| TOR.


Our stock i is complete

£ bat, fam

ear ean cs mG

oa eer elaine sande e


eS, cf I

ghee all the latest i in'

Whi ite ts

- 7 c. HOOK ER& co.

nate us with their glistening charms ;


The King Clothier,


PRP NPL Le A sla

"Come in and look:at the tant line of"


[have ever had, All makes, colors and prices.
A pertect fit guaranteed.

""\Y LINE 0F-="

Dress Goods, Shoes,


Gents Furnishings
is superb and your inspection is invited.


inl aaa
mn pecan ot st env llt

We have it and want you to have it and to do
this we are offering special bargains in

w~" Men and Boys"s


if we canTt fit you in stock we have a beautiz
ful line of samples just received and will make

is, Hal. SOG,

-jand anything you want in the Dry Goods line

you a suit.

at prices that will surprise you, ns

Ng? i a bes ee
MP pes passa dees eT bar af ioe dy ste
Giusy Ane Tih oi

ie Boge 2 oe
Secretary ot the

'| ate resoluti¢
orders by the

FHIGHARD. -Editor. ~tto Collectors of Customs in relation to} ~~ And the sweetness ay o| Pega ial
ea emrrinn seine mmo ecebeme at) ieee bi ank of Gr eenvil
VERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). bli tariff bill not being at ight from darkness, oe 4 ie
ee ee bygone Joy from sadness, " GREENVILLE, N. C.
Se ~Jall satisfactory, Senator Vest offered?) pity oh ring, | Atjthe Close cf Business March 9th, 1897
~Bored as second-rluss mail matter. | resolution declaring this order to be Ye bells, with gladness ! RESOURCES. LIABILITIES ;
= = """ = 1 withvut authority of law and in violation : tare ~sot Ganteal : : c
; Ri d sehd out Loans and Discounts $41,761.19 3 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
~ 3URSCRIPTION RAPES. "_| ot the stututes and customs: regulations | Piesdial uiietiog | [Over Drafts 133,275 § Surplus and Profits 2,892. 66.
010 year, Oe nt eee ar concerning the payment of import Notes from other iby soe ang ieee Leiedp oe le ni to Check . seer
at pak. » . 1. 2) 10} duties, and by a bare majority of cne it _ Joy=bells meeting, Furniture and Fixtures | 1,500.00 Cashiers Checks ortstanding 863.34.
Feu cawn by cneriecs withoat | wan referred tp the Pinande Commithoes Till the wh ole worid, Current Expenses 285,52 5 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
take coe. ae +a bs dhoaaiicoteal Filled with wonder, Cash Items. ail Ge ee $119,974.50
|) Afwexttang rates areliberal andesnbe|° PS Sees the clouds Cash on hand Patan: eee. ee
pad on -apptication to the editor or at/ J) mocrats would be delighted to see All rent asunder. Total $112,974.50
gheoffice McKinley's bluff, otherwise known as iui hace! ee 7
""""eaeeE the speciul diplomatic commissioa to How they cluster ! We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons. aad shall be glad to have.
We desire a itVe correspondent hi all Europe ~with , power to negotiate Lending tragrance your aecount, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking,
: vaty, who w ae, fe a . , - " ,
ee Luana ys it occurs with the governments of that section 1n i To arte el . " -
~fo each neighborhood. Phen ee behalt of international bimetallism, suc. ile beg is Wohavealarge~ *
nal only 99 one See oh eee czed in accomplishing someting tangi- Hidden deep 4 enave a lars a
"" ; ightest ,
ble, but none oie sraibe the sligh 8 Through Lenten hours! aT 0 CK OF :
SarurparY, Aprit 16, 1897. idea that it will, ~The Commissioners, Waster lillies My 7 anon 9 ae

a "|Senator Wolcott, General Pame, : of | Smiling faintly, ; | UNDERTAKERS
i ~UN 4 4 ®

Massachusetts, Hon, Adlia E. Steyen- Tall and slender,

WASHINGTON LETTER. son, of Illinois, are capable men, and| : Sweet. nae toloHly | | FLINERAL WR | (RS AN)
| their failure to accomplish an impossi-| S80W-white flecks i aVET, UNLTAL ° UD ni
respondent, ) : . ng ,

(From Our Regular Corfespo bility will be no. personal reflection on By nature molded | | : : EMBALMERS.

} ril 16, 1897. Seem they, meek
shea poiiae eet them. And all enfolded!

Senator Gorman took occsion toj a id ite te re mee Dene
ce ~ it y 3 i , Y * : . ey
give the republicans a little plain talking Senator argan : one - ong Easter music G OO D Ss | Wehaye just received a newT
to concerning their failure to accept the speech ia favor ot his resolution recog" ~ding, ye dear ones, 4 hearse and the nicest line of Cof_
~ » fair roposition made to them for |»izing the Cubans as beligerents by Litt your voices, tins and Caskets; in wood, metal-
2 binea ie vacancies and the | declaring that whatever action tis Far - me ones . . lic and cloth ever brought to
oe ~ve the appropri-|coudtry might or might not take toward| Men ane mavens just arrived. Comeand | Greenville.
consequent tuilure to give bP eee oia the chorus, gee us We ai» prepared to fo embalm-
ation bills which failed at the last} Cuba the freedom of the island was Joy and gladness ~ ing ital tes loca.
: session the proper committee considera- written in the stars. | | Should reign oTer us. Personal atiention given to con:
tion, just before the Indian bill was} Senator ChandlerTs bills tor the seiz- Little children . } ducting fuaerals and bodies en-
3 taken up. The total of these appropria. | ure of the armor plants of the Bethlehem Sin» in gladness, trusted to our care will receiye
tions will bT more than $73,000,000, and | aud Carnegie Steel companies by tne F es your heats hearts every mark of respect.
Gorman taid » careful consideration of | government, represent a very dangerous Nos aint mene a i Oar prices are lower than ever,
them might result in a reduction of at} sort ot bluff, for itis evident they are Dims your morning, | ) a hy oo not eel monupoly but
o east $10,000,000. He also said that it| nothing else, ~That these companies Yet you love We ean be foand at any sad all
was time to call a halt in the vast ex-| have been extortionate in their dealings The Easter dawning. ce times in the John Flanagan
penditures authorized by Congress; that | with the government 1s true, but that Easter dawning ! | f FARR } CAN Buggy CoTs buil ding.
the limit of expenditures on the navy and | doesnTt give Congress a right to confis~ Oh! the glory » U. ~| BOB
on fortfications ought to be near, Dow | cate their property. | And the es GREENE & Co.
that an era of peace seemed to be at alin Of the story ! |

Light trom darkness,

Joy from sadness"
; T o Spit and Smoke Your Joy : :
o limit the expenditures on rivers and Don't Tobacco Spit + Ring, oh, ring,

hand, and he thought it was also time CITORS WANTED for
: ~SOL

" Dr. Talmages oThe
' _ ~Iate Away. i 0) 1} Earth Girdled.� or his famous tour

harbors. He closed by saying the it rob Wake to quit. tebaceo ~using Ye enn leg noe bos Uh 3 around the world, a thrilling story of
rould har call oe : y "Mnrs. M. A. AIDDER. eee Sennen; |saVvize and barbarous lands. Four mil-
democrats would do no more tha .,. {easily and torever, be made well en A SPECIALT Primary-Seo lion ~TalmageTs books seld, and oThe
attention of Senators on the other side tiary BLOOD POISON permancatl; | Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-

- Mcuredin 15t035 days. Youcanbetreato ; ;
Misia forsame price under sameness est. Demand enoromous. Everybody

A Houszhoid Necessity.
ty. If you prefer to come here we Willcon: wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most | iN
wonderful medical disvonery of the age, | noch itwetil torte Ifrkee ee book, big commissions. a gold ming for

. eae ., | Cury,lodide potash, and still have aches ang |WO'ker:. Credit given, freight. paid
Many gain ten pounds in ten days: pleasant and refreshirg to the taste, act sins Mucous Patchesin mouth, ore'Throat, outfit free. Drop all trash and sell the
Over 400,000 cureé. Buy No-To-Ba gently and positively on kidneys, liver] any partot the boay, Hair or Eyebrows falling | King of books and make $300 a month.

T i nd bowels, clernsing the entire system oo. rihis Secondary BLOOD POISON Address for outfit and terri ory, The
rom your owa druggist, who wi dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha" nate cases and chailence the world fee, | Pominioa Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample), a d : bili mee paified the skill of the mest seniocae oe ay® cago.
mua =CONstipation an MLOUSNESS. | cians. $500,000 capital behind our uneondi

i ree. Ad, Sterling Remedy Co,!} pi, dtr 1 - tional ty. Absol
mailed free 3 y | Please buy and try.a box of C. C, C | Monalgnaranty, Absolute rE ed on
807 Masoni GO,

Chicago or New York. " today; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and c Temple. CHICA
guaranteed to cure by all druggists. sarbers.

strong, magnetic, full of new life and
yigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong,

to the urgent need of retrenchment,
It is not expected that Mr. GormanTs
warning words will have aay effect,
but all the same they were timely, and it
-was entircly proper that they should
have been spoken by a democrat. The
country will heed, if the republicans in
Congress do not.
Nothing in the eloquent address made

(60 ARS m2 PRA

by Mr. Bryan at the Jefferson birthday 8 | RA ETN A . - roe on
banquet, a gathering of democrats (hat DoaTt Wait So Long. aOrsront AOR) 4 ) px
ee WANA a .
will not soon be forgotten, was more _" } 0 BAA AOSE AS GOSAG \ AMES: A. SMITH,
, important or significant than the fol-| * Why reserve the kind words of love] & S 5 ee i alata to lhtenh F
-Jowing words:, oTbe position taken | until the dear oae is gone and cannot to oees 3 es, i Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing

_ {and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


; Special attention given to cleaning
, Gentlemens Clothing

by the democratic party in 1896 wil/| hear them? Why vot give your friend
not be surrendered. If you doubt the the flowers while they are fresh and
_ permanency of the Chicago platform as | sweet, aud not wait to lay them op
a party creed, go among the rank and | his tomb? While he is struggling
with atlversity, and is cast down by

YS? 2 S&S *



6 ® 9


Offers his services to the +

40 citizens of Greenville and the
qo public generally.




tile of the purty and measure the zea
and enthusiasm which that platform | disappointment speak the words ot
has aroused, and you will realize the|affection you will want to say when
impbssibility of taking a backward step,| he lies cold on his bier. Grasp his} 4
True, the present administration is/ hand while it is warm with the pulse
seeking to turn public attention to the| of life ana caa feel the prespnre of
tariff question, but if our reasoning is | Your own. When his heart is still in


- J. A, Burexss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

, BN Bosatinn ant Ktova W Chis Hotel has been thoroughly reny
well-founded, an increase of taxes | death, it caunot feel joy or sorrow, and gC P 4 ae e Work, vated, several new rooms added, elec,
a friend is ny nearer than a stranger |G, nfl aieceenie ka tric bells to every room. Attentive ser,
cannot restore prosperity to the prc~ Ie e dl + 1346 Satisfaction guaranteed or vants. Fish and Oysters served daily.
dueers of wealth. In fact, we contend | Alas! how bitter the memory ot unkind 40 no charges made. ~Tobacco Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited
that neither high taxation nor low| Words spoken in baste, that haye 0 Flues made in. season. Shap
: sper ,| pierced the poor heart like a thorn, and |3gO M2 sear of 0 and 10 cent store,
~taxation can bring prosperity to the] rit pide am a oa | 40 3 ESTABLISH SD 1873.
peopie, so long as an appreciating dollar | left a paintel sting behind! Could we |: aggougooucoon°D Loo KKoo



ing their yearTs supplies will tind

their interest to get our prices before pu

chasingelsewhere, Ourstockiscoraplete | The next session of the school will

oThe money question must be the para-| them! What endca ing terms we would AND DAVIN
rings genuine and permanent pros"| their ears hear not the voicd of love, of

continues to give the money owner an recall our loved ones that have gone | BOXKYRV RRR RRO

, mount issue of the next campaign, as it} use! But they will never. return.
| § Portraits !
perity, the democratic party will not] praise, or cf blame. Then speak the | | or ral be)

advantage over the rest of the people. | trom us, how we would try to comfort Pir Cee RRCRERORSRREeRRTE ES SAM. a. SCHULTZ
was of the last. If che Dingley bill| Their ~lips are sealed in silence, and
be in a position to win a contest by | words of love and sympathy now while

vpposing it. If, on the other hand, the] they are with you. Be kind and gentle Rabin diatl u allits branchea. open on
Dingiey bill proves a disappoinumedt to| to the little ones. ~They are with you ie pit se hd Rio | 7
_ those who advocate it, our position of | today ; tomorrow they sleep.under the ~ U | 0 7: : Ei |
slg ial ash, Pe a sce ol FLOUR,COFFEE, SUGAR) = mypay ser. 7, ten
~tention will be riveted upon the tact} oBe ye kid to one another,� | , ; i : :

and continue for 10 months.

487 S20840)

oe Bre re es Re Oe ee Oe ee

ine i ws net aru Te The Republicans of Orange, N. J., d solicit orders far taal So ee eee vo - The.terms are as follows. .
+. Senator Nelson, -of Minnesota, al- nominated a negro coachman for a pa Ase aet wt diab Tobacco, sr- fé&e a : |
es ae pep ibiieen, tain. sympathy ~member of the School, Board. But as|% | All work hiseite od Br cere ~ {Primary Hnglish per mo. =� §200
with the : made by the dem erats this was unintentional, as the result of Portraits ,made. )| we buy diroc) from" Manulactu. . 4 en} Intermediate ~ * " 9250
in the Hopse.to amend the tarift bill by| | isunderstanding, they are now|% aa wis i Belch dont cdiaa tt al , |

and will not fade. o.]. lg stock of

~i , A rn, Be
a | My ics ty
it tig |
a oyh oy "
x, :

Hier 8)" aii
hi (each) ** ee i $1 00

* be
4 a x

ge onai i Sie - preparing plana to defeat him. Of}
epee spon any it course. It is. all well enough tor the}

hibition at J.) L.


le, the home product. of - | dager | eek, RIT ee
Bhi te Rag BP ca by a {negro to hold office anywhere else on Ki, Poa they ag Po et ne : sie aifebcoy ooe et a alien

he uak given hyiee et nis ine pearth exaent aleng side ot the average} ® oi) ees eheataie vr ag 1 tt pei phe area iia | ee
HOH tae offer the sam MTA a, verthern he ~pabloot "Uenders ain Gold A Hou. ky: ng bs Acc) eat here: ore, haT seid tale: We ask. & continuance of your pss}

oh geek,

ata cl Le wees sche ok go
ee WAZ, Crary, wilde: N, es Tc Ey eee ale.

ete aE earns Lene he Peg o .

ae ee

am FLORENCE and! ring
oN + Coenoeu penedile

ed a


Dated ° 3 a
Noy. 15th 63
rs 4606, ta
, A. M. PM. : A. M
ida Weldon. 11 65) 9 24 4
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 1 0010 9
Ly Tarboro 12 12 :
Lv Rocky Mt 1 00/10 5 45
- Ly Wilson 2 08/11 6 20
Lv Selma 2 53
Ly-Fay'tteville}. 4 36) 1 V7
jAr. Florence 738
een eatin ~ie cacmmenmae | me ey meen,
P.M. - A.M
Lv Wilson 2 08 0
Ly Goldsboro | 3 10 5
Lv Magnolia 4 16 0
Ar Wilmington} 5 45 9 45
: P; M. A.M
af Pr. te by
Nov. 1 a a Ef
1896, ZR| A AQ
A. M.'P.M.
Ly Fivrerce 8 4U| 7 4u
~Ly Fayetteville} 11 10) 9 40
Lv Selma 12 37) |
ar Wilscn 1 20/11 36
A. M. P. M.
uy Wilmington!) 9 25 7 0
L.v Magnolia | 10 62 4.30
Ly Goldsboro | 12 01 9 36
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 2
Ly larboro | 248 .
RS! gy
oe =
ZR us
, M.| P.M,
Ly Wilson 1 2 10 32
Ar Rocky Mt 217 |__| 1) 16
Ar Tarboro 400 . M
Lv Tarborc
Lv Kocky Mu 2 17|
Ar Weldon

Train on Scotlaud Neek Branch Rou
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., Halifax 4,10
p.m., arrives Scotland Neek at 4.55
., Greenville 6.57 p. m., Kinston 7.45
» m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2.
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving
Hali*:x at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11,20 am

excent Sunday.

Trainson Washnigton Branch hg
Washington 8.00 a, m., and 3.00 p.
arrives Parpiele 8.50 a. m., and 4 40 p p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a, m., returninglenves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a.m.
and $.2U0 p. In, arrives Washington
11.50 a.am., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves sarporu, Nv C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh it. X, daily except Sun-
day, ai 460 p.m., Sunday 800 P. M;
arrive Plymouto 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p.m.

Returning isaves Plymouth daily except |

Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 a m.,
arrive arboro 10.25 a.m and 1).

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Gold3boro duily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Snaithtield 7°30 a, m. Ree
turning leaves Swithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
tives ut Goldsbors 9,30 u. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
4, leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
1.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m, Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
"_ Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
awfor Clinton caily, except Suuday,
10 am.and 8.50 p, m* Returning
ave; Clinton at 7.004. m. aud3,00 1 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection

at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via

Kiehmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
ene all points North via Norfolk.
Genera] Supt.
T, M. EMERSON, 'Srattis Manager.?
J. R.KENLY. Gen'l M uneger,


The Oldest

faily Newspaper. ip}

North Carolina.

oe eee

Toe Only Biro Dollat 01: /
De dere osnl

ae Wiinineor, N.C

Jolie shureh, says an exchange.


ca at

Dees ot Raster,


~The dae of Easter is fidersiined by
ithe ecclesiastical ca.endar of the Catb-
very complicated .and elaborate affair
invented by Lilius. a. Neapoliton as-
tronomer and sage, unser Pope George
Gregory XIII, at the close of the six-
teenth century. It would be preposte"
rous tc tax the brains of modern
readers with the abstruse calculations
by whith the date ot Easter is deter-
mined, but afew general rules might be
given for their enlightenment.

The regulations of the council of
Nice are four: First, Easter must be
evlebrated. on a Sunday ; second, this
Sunday must iollow the fourteenth o
the paschal moon; third, the paschal
moon is that moon whose fourteenth
day falls on or next follows the day of
he vernal equinox ; fourth, the equinox
s fixed invariably in the calendar on
the 21st day of March.

This calendar moon, it should be
remembered, is not thy moon of the
heavens, nor the muon of the astonomers
but it is an imaginary moon creaied for
ecclesiastical convenience. From these
conditions it tollows that Easter Sun-
day cannot happen earlier than the
22d of March or later than the 25th of

Baptists, See Here !

{he Southern Baptist Convention
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Nuw, you want to go to this
convention, and vou also want to go in
style and¢ mfort. There is only one
good firstelass line from the South and
Scuthwest wo Wilmington, and that line
lis the Seaboard Air Line, which .uns
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lewest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt he fooled into ma~--
ing your arrangements until you,have
consu'*ed one of the Seavoard Air Liae
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
© write you or call on you, or you can
upply tony ot the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Line in any town or
city. ~This 38 the oficial route. Do
you want to go with your friends ?


When bilious or costive, eal a Cas--

earct, canty cathartic, cure constipa~

Luc. box of cassarets, the
aid bowel regu ator ever

Just try a
finest. liver

When bilious or ce''.73, ent a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
1c, 20¢


when the bride wears a traveling

the new arrival. ~~I would have you

TypewritersT Views of Men.
Once it was said that o~no man is
a hero to his valet de chambre.�
Mary Gay Humphreys has another
reading for the saying in ScribnerTs
Magazine, for she shows how o~a
man is no hero to his typewriter:T a

~The mystery of menTs lives in the
world, out of which illusions are
spun, has always had a greater in-
fluenee in determining the fate of
women than is readily admitted.
To feel transmitted through the ring
finger the electric thrill of business,
of politics,of clubs, of stirring move-
ments in the life of men, gives any
woman vantage ground over others
of her sex. But in the actual com.
merce of business, the community
of affairs, the wear and tear of daily
life in offices and- elevators, this
mystery vanishes. A couple of type,
writers at luncheon will illustrate
badly a situation yet too new to be
fairly reckoned up. Over knife and
fork they will match employers as
small boys do pennies.

Out of hours the boss is only a
man of whose necktie they may dis-
approve, or of the way he wears his
hair, or perhaps of his grammar,
and it may be he appears greatly to
the advantage of some young man
at a neighboring machine.

Correct Attire For the Bridegroom.
oA 6 oTclock church wedding,

gown and there is to be no recep-
tion afterward, calls for afternoon
dress on the part of the bride-
groom,� writes Walter Germain in
The LadiesT Home Journal. ~He
should, even if he is going right
from the church to the train, wear
frock coat of black, light trousers,
gray gloves, light four in hand or
ascot tie, top hat, just as if the
wedding were to be a large after-
noon affair.�T

With Closed Doors.
She"ITm learning a lovely skirt
dance; but, of course, I donTt let any
one see me, I practice in a room
all by myself.
He"Ah, I see. You follow the
Australian ballet system. ~~

Called Down.

oPut that fellow in one of the
basement roome,TT remarked satan

oFellow! Basement!TT sputtered

to know, sir, thatI was a prominent
citizen in my late home, sir.�T

Satan smiled. ~~That may have
been,TT he said, ~~but you wonTt cut
any ice down here.TT"Cincinnati

Potatoes and Tomatoes Grafted.
Tomato plants have been grafted
on potato plants in England, giving
a crop of tomatoes above ground and
of potatoes below. I.tatoes grafted
on tomatees bave produced flowera
oant i apples and a few tubers.

eae ee



he Ideal L
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Deere bana ton caa sini. ton:
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York.

a a vn es






pbb What Is It ? babble

a Iti is a visture ot tae celebrated


~Best in use. The outfit ot no business man it)
complete without one.

ctor B ook Store |

m0 noni ¢ 7 of these » Fountain haan,




Foo sl
Py A

Cotton » ang Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotto.
and peanuts for ager

by Cobb Bros. & Comthis. tou� Mer-
chants of Norfolk -
Good Middling 14
Middiin ve
Low Middting GF
Good Ordingy 6 J-16
Prime | "
Extra Prime 2}
"ancy - O
Spanish " 60 to 7
PO quiet. ,
Greenv ille. Market.
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.

Bntter, per Ib 15 to vi
Western Sides 154 to 6
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 123
Corn 40 to if
Corn Meal 45 so FC
Flour, Family 425 to 6.74
Lard §54 to 10
Oats 85 to 40
Sugar 4106
Coffee 17 to 2u
Salt per Sack 75 to 1 ff
Chickens 10 to 25
Eggs per doz 7 to 10
ees Wax.per 20

Nickel Ste

8 furnished |

jective points, for a oWinte !
trip that ite perhaps hard for "
you to decido where e go. :

Let us Help You t to... |
a Decision. ce

A trip via New Orleand. and

the Southern Pacific to either
- Mexico or the Pacitic Coast is.
* one you will never forget.

ItTsa Transition from

th ten. ye Me

Frost to Flowers. :

And the service is so laxuti-
ous that people who have
tested oSunset Limitel�; se
it incomparable.

Ifyouare Thinking of. 5
Going, Write Us.

We have a book entitled
oThrough Scoryland to Sun-
sot Saas,� ahandsome volume |
of 205 pages, fully illustrate
whieh wo will send on ~receipt
of 10 centxin stamps te cover "
postage. We also havea de-

ONLY IN (897


They are the strongest bicycles in the World"
the Standard by which all others are judged.

4100 to all alike.

Handsomest Catalorue ever issued,
free if you call.



Columbia Bieveles.

Wartfords, next hest, $75, $60, $50, $45. !

lightfal little guide to Mexi-
co, which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to cover
cost of mailing.

You Really Ought to
Read them Both..

ShalP we put you down for a
copy? Ifso, cr if you want
any special information, it
will be cheerfully furnished |
by addressing,


General Passenyer and Ticket



You may never,

Anything from a}@==

{fe far Jo fr uy Ot :


But should you ever}@=""-

Want Job Printing

"==w Come to see US. =

v jes . *
: WAY x


Visitins Ca rad

" TO A

E'uUll SNvect Poster.




am and


The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternooh .at the

mall price of 25 cents a
Are you a sub-

enber? If not you

ought to he.

ae |
~ it

¥ eu
eh OO

. Reflector: '

* apes ~


is only $F # edt

: ~contains the, news i

Week, and giver

~tion to thestath

. Specially these eroiming
tobacco, that is, woth


natal! 9S. |


Seen eC ne®

ies ath

We want that;money
because we have a fair
equivalent to offer for
it. Our goods are the}

right kind atthe right


ees emai rremmeeram

We havejustreceived
a new stock ofthe Cel-
ebratedand Famous


for Menand Boys, in ail

the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring andT
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
lisn, neat, durable
and elegant


tor ladies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
ally tor us, The latest,

newest, nobbiest and
prettiest styles.

Remember we have
-also received anew sup-

ply of


Just a perfect substi-
tute for Linen, only 10
centsper yardoneyard
wide, the cheapest and
best. thing made for

Embroidery and
Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy
| Baskets,

Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the

{| Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Toy Baskets. Come
to see them.

We can please both
you and your purse.

Nearly every day
brings us something
new and just the thing
you want.


Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and

heart cheering.
Beautiful Hall Racks
just received.
_ Remember we oper-
ate our store on a deter-
mined Poley orf fair,
- square dealing | and
come to see us. |
an Your triends, |


Ye eRe Br OL ;
cveua tp
Pa Pe T
i j ;
is nm r
| ve Lae ox fb i)
4, 5: shall�





passe end



Yreates many a new business.
Knlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many, a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Secures sucess to any business

eas ana

To oadvertise judiciousiy,TT use tne
columns of ti: REFLECTOR.

Kieping Cousteniiy at it Brings Soccess

eanstlinaan iene tet TC AAO LLL, ALLEN: CE


a Se

Passengor, and mat train going

Nevth, arrives 8:52 A.M: Going south,
arrives 6:57 P. M.
~Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and Saturday "


Fait tonight and Sunday, colder to-
night, conditions favorable for frosi,
northerly winds,


ochar shea

Any Borrowed Items Can Now Be
Paid Back.

"«_,�,�, "

Easter tomorrow.
Full moon today.
Tomorrow closes the lenten season.

The town has had a busy look today-
Hay,, Hulls ani Meal at &. M.

Our milliners are rushed fixiag up
hats for Easter.

Drummers continue to come around
in large numbers.
We hear of no Easter Monday pic
nics around town.

Buy the Standard Sewing Machine,
$20 at S. M. Schultz.

There will be an. excursion from
Griftou to Newbern on May 14th.

«Silver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fark
er make, at Reflector Book Store.

Fulten Market Beef and Chipped
Beef just arrived at J. S. T nnstallTs.

Services will be held in all our
churches tomorrow except the Catholic.

10,000 Ocean N. C. Cut Herrings
just received and for sale by J. J.

The store of Brown & Hooker, which
was damaged in the recent fire, i8 being

The different churches will have
appropriate Easter music at tomorrowTs

Mrs. T. E. Hooker will assist in the
music tomorrow, Easter Sunday, at the
Baptist church.

The choir of the Methodist church
have been having some special practices
for tomorrow's music.

A colored man was thrown by a mule
out near the depot, late Friday after-
noon, and badly hurt.

school, and
DonTt you

How about Sunday
church services tomorrow ?
think you had better go?

That Eastern Judgeship is yet un-
aettled and it looks now like Judge
Robinson is not going to get it

You need nov count the new hats and
dresses at church tomorrow. Some of
the men have already seen the * Tcount.T,

ThereTs a breath of breezy blossoms,�
And the bells of Easter thrill ;
And osonnet� rhymes to obonnet,�T
But 1i doesnTt rhyme to bill.�
"aAtlanta Consticution.

Acent Wantep."We want a
good reliable agent in Greenville to
represent the Wilmington Steam Laun-
dry, For terms address

Wilmington, N. C.






These Have Their Voices in Tune for
the Morrow. .

ee mii

Lovit Hines, of Kinston, spent today
bere, \

R. L. Smith, of Ayden, was here
today. ;
{ 3B. J. Norcom left this morning for

Maj. W. 5. Bernard came up trom
Chocowinity today to attend Easter.

Mis. Loge Staten returned to Tar-
boro vhis morning.

L. F. Evans has moved in ~he coun"
try for the summer,

J.J. Smith and wite, of Ayden,
spent today in town.

E. b. Ficklen lest this morning to

spend a few days in Virginia.

Misses Leta McGowan and Nannie
Cox came up from Ayden this morn-

Misses Julia and Ray Heilbroner, of
Tarboro, ts i

arboro, came down Friday evening to
visit their uncle, M. R. Lang,

Miss Jennie Williams, who has charge
of a school at Pactolus, came home Fri
day evening to spend Kaster.


this morning and will hold services in

Daw ade cs src ; 5
Rev. A. Greaves, of Kinston, arrive

the Episcopal church tomorrow.

Dr. D. Morril, who has been taking
a course of lectures at Baltimore Medi-
cal college, came heme Friday evening.
Rev. A. D. Brown came over from
Kinston this merning to hold services
in the Presbyterian church tomorrow.

Miss Nella Grimes, who has been
visiting her brother, W. H. Grimes at
Grimesland, took the wain here this
morning for her home in Ralrigh,

The air ship, star, or whatever it is
seems not altogether so selfish snd is
giving towns all about an opportunity
to take a peep. It may sail over Green.
ville yet.

The editor remembers seeing snow
on the 18th day ot April, several years
ago. Such a spectacle as that tomor"
row would strike terror to the hearts of
Kaster hat wearers.

The New York Herald observes that
oadvertising is purely a matter of busi-
ness, and advertisers naturally go to
the medium of exchange which they
tind productive of the vest results, and
This is one
of the fundamental iaws of publicity.

hence the most valuable.�
It does not toliow Cust taece is DO Jong-
er any advertising dove vu s~uis.nental
or other grounds; but is does aiiew
that advertising turus to the resuii~ul
wediums as instinctively as the needie
turns to the pole.

Greenvilie to Japan.
Today T. E. Roberis & Co., filled
another large tobacco order for a foreign
country. This shipmené is 35 hogsheads
and goes direct to Japan. Sometime
ago the firm made a shipment to Ger-

Your best judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro~
visions for your family.

By insuring ~today, your estate

is increased in value at once.
"Twas Ever THUs.

A few days since an insurance agent
accepted an invitation to inspect a new
d beautiful house built by a fiend.
| After taking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment from top to bottom, inquired"

~¢Jouse insured ?�


oWhat do you insure it for?�

oBec tuse iv MIGHT burn,�?

oNot SURE oi it, ave you ?�


oIs your life inured 2?�

4 No,TT

oDE. won't you ¥*


osare #7.


oThen why not insure your life as
well ag your house?�

matter just in that light before, and will

ie it early attention.� " Travelers

Best time to insure 8 NOW,

| |: Best Company to ent th Mi
N VINE Oe� ehted by, oe

(Sugg, Greenville NeQy Warts


oWell, really, I neyer thought of the} .

B rere er ee ees

: 3 ay Va ar ¢.9. 4.8 ¢¢ 7 me Gee ah ee Sie
- BEC; .@\@)@)@.@)@) @)@ 0) 02) 0)e 2)2, 0.0.0 8.0.8) mame ie EA
~ ic) oie a. T- : ) mY tit i.
7 (OMG! « g : | | ¥ sg i 1 é
hal a SL ~ JU )
~ eg aC 4 : | : e). | ek Feo : .
L.) 2 :
aC r) ° q


Silk and Wool Dress Goods


""" Ae 7





The variety of
our Spring and


In beautiful pat-
terns for cos-

tumes, waists,&c; Summer offer-
These at remark- ing was never
bly low prices. before equalled

Come see them. Come see them.

Clothing, Hats and Shoes.

Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.


Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

acne seiner a eee eli ene




Every Day is Opening Day
as he is receiving some-
thing New Daily.

All the latest noveltes.

Be sure to go to

1.W. HIGGS, Pres, j. S. HIGGS, Cashier aj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier,



D. W. Hardee Higgs
Greenville, N. C.

We respectfully solicit the accounts
individuals and the general

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms,
Neck, N. C. public.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. Checks and Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.


"" ecient eae

~Seeenteesscrereninensneaeaarninieninne emanate

Look over this list of


ould not like to have some
of them:

and see if you W


Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,
Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,
Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
June Peas, Clives, Celery Sauce, Royal
~Baking Powder, Cream Baking Powder,

which is as good as Royal for less money, an d
thousand other good things. Phone No.

44 ee, i a
| ! e
2 ga pars 7
i Ua, ha '
Hat, ake geod

4 A h f

Daily Reflector, April 17, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 17, 1897
April 17, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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