Daily Reflector, June 17, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.


Vol. 6.




I |





o 3

They don't cost
too much. They
areready to put
oni without - a
wrinkle. You
have seen the
browns, olives,
green mixtures,

plaids--the swe:
colorings of the

of the season: --
we've got them
here plenty as
pleat a fair. We
show the. best.


= eae

BaseT Ball.

At Washineton" Washington,
Pitisburg, 10. 3

At Philadelphia"Philadelphia, 3;
Cleveland, 4.

At Baltimore"Baltimore, 7; Louis
vil e, 5.

At Boston"Boston, 10; Cincinnati,

At Brooklyn"Brooklyn, 4; Chi-
cago, 8°

Louis, 3.


Land and Lumber,

Mr. Lovit Hines, of Kinston, who
spent today here, called around to see
the ReFLEcTOR and leave us some ad-
vertisements, He has been appointed
Receiyer of the Greenville Lumber
Company, for the purpose of settling
the affairs of the Company, and offers
for sale their property on the south
of Greenville. There are many splen-
did lots on tiis property aud they will
be sold on easy terms.

ston, are ready te fill orders tor lumber
on short notice. This Company, by
the way, now has one of the best and
most comptete lumber mill plants to be
found anywhere in the State. Every
improvement and convenience, has
been added, and it is in every respect
anup to date plant. Greenville will
never cease to regret jetting Mr. Hines
move his mill from this town, but all
the same we congratalate him upon
having such a fine plant at Kinston and
wish him the bighest measure success.
There are few men of such energy as

Mr. Hines ana he is bound to


Getting Roady.

All our tobacco warehotsemen «re
beginning to stir themselves in readi-
ness fur the next season, They are
going to advertise and canvass thor-
oughly to show the planters the ad" |
vantages of bringing their tobacco to
the Greenville market. In average
prices paid this market has all along
been the best in eastern North Caroli-
na and with the increased facilities and
larger number of buyers the coming
season its own good record will be sur-
passed. Our warebousemen are all
home men aud there are no better any-


Manager Atkins continues to put in
new phones. Oae at KE. M. McGow-
anTs market is No. 41 and one at W.
R. ParkerTs market and ice house is

No. 58.

At New York"New York, 9; St. |

Won Lost Per Cent
Baltimore 29 9 763
Baston Zi V2 700
Cincionati 25 14 641
New York 20 =: 16 559d }
Philadelphia 23-20 534
Brooklyn. Zi. 439 020
Clevelaud 20-20 300
Pittsburg 19 20 4S7
Louisville 17 = 24 400
Chicayo 160 kd 390
Wasuingtoa 1320 342
St. Louis 8 36 170

tiines Bros. Lumber Co., at Kine].


8; | eno spe

The immigrant station on Ellis Is-
land, New York, has beea burned,
causing a loss of $800,00) ard the
destruction oi official records.

Senator Tillman, of South Carolina,
will offer an amendment to the thnff
bil! before the Senate to impose a head
tax of $100 on all immigrants to the
United States.

The First Curing.

} Afarmer in Chiced township be-
gan curing a barn of primings Wed-
nesday. Wr could not learn his name.
If any crunty can get ahead . of curing
tobacco on June 16th we want te hear
from it,

Masonic Celebrations
The Masons at Grimesland propose

Beaufort county, will have a_ similar
calevration the same day and Mej.
Henry Harding, of Greenville, will be
orator of the day.

The Bank of Greenville.

At the annual meetiug of the stock-
holaers of The Bank of Greenville
held Jure 15th, they organiz.d under
tae charter granted to them by the
last Legislature and re-elected al! their
former officers.

This bank is admirably officered
and its statements show it to be in ex~
cellent financial condition.

Eatitied to Ore.

oMy mither sent me to set if jou
wad gie her a calendar like the ane
you pied to Mrs. Mackay,� said a bey
to the grocer in the village. oBurt,
my little boy,� replied the grocer,

oNo,� replied the boy,
obut she them from Mrs.
Mackay, and Mrs. Mackey gets them
trae you.�""Housohold Words.

ceries here.�


The New York World says: oA
successtul man is one who helps other
people. ~Lhe most successtul man is
number of other people.T Amplifying
this thought, the most successfal stores
are those Which help their patrons
most in prices, 1m qualities, m_ polite
wervice, etc. Those are the things
which make advertising very fetching.

The street sprinkler is kept quite

The soda fountains do the sizzing

Todise ontinue advertising is like
removing to a new store and leaving no

new address.

Manager Atkins bus placed a hance
some new ~phone in the REFLECTOR
office. It is the most distint we ever
talked in,

We have been asked to again pub-
lish the dates upon which paseengers
can go on the freight train and correct
at Kinston with the A. & N. C. tain,
The dates going aro 18th, 21st «nd

22nd ; returning 19th, 26th and 28 h


ae emai el

Great Reduction.

a IN a

to have a colebration en. the 24th, the
occasion of annual installation of offi-| (
cers. The Greenville 1odge has been
invited. The Magons at Aurora,

Ms ~


Energy, experience and hard cash
win every time. Youareinvited f
to an early inspection oflowpriced {
and very complete stock of

+ "- SHORS,
Gents rumishing Got

Trade with us"it means sure
success in securing for yourselves 4
the widest ranye for selection.

Frank Wilsoo,


oyour mother does not get her gro-!

the one who helps the largest possible !

| business now, though it 1s dull in other

W Vet) Warn W


Vou'll need One of Our

Handsome, cool,French


Lappet Mulls,




All the latest styles and colors
suitable for Waists, Skirts and
Suits, A beautiful line of


for Trimmings.
"" 4) a -
Also a complete lide of up-to-date 3




-p, J. WHICHARD, Editor.




mets le

~ Se ered as second-lasa mail matter.



~ os ae ened

" ar + lll $3.08
~eee month, - os 25
Ome week. ee ae

Delivered in towmr by carriers without
mera cost. :

liberal and can be

A~vertisng rates are
the editor or at

- ad of application to
he office

"ionsosnctnimapeinaitcseo sting jt
Ee eta
5 seamen, me ae enema

We desire a VO correspondent at
avery postoffice in the county, who will
gend in brief items of NEWS a8 it occurs
tna each neighborhood, Write plainly
aad oniy on one side of the paper.


Tucrspay, Jone 17, 1897.


+ .


A mild-looking man with gold-
bowed cpectacies got on a car the
other morning He had a daily
oaper in his band.

Taking off his glasses and wip-
ing them, as all spectacle men
have to do when going from a
cold to a warmer atmosphere, he
was just taking his paper out to

yead, when a man who was sitting
~near him reached over and
Zend me that paper, will

he mild looking man appeared
surprised. Evidently he-did not
know the would-be-borrower,
and was alitrle taken aback by
his nerve. He was equal tothe
occasion, however.

*[ was going to read it myself,�
he said obut as you seem to need

4) read newspapers more than ]
do, 1TJl lend it to you.�

The borrower took it without
éven saying othank you.� The
spectacled man leaned back with

_ an expression of amused disgust.
oSay,� he said, owould you like
to bave thatpaper sent you to
regularly? If you would, TTll step
ints the office and pay a years
subscription for you.�
~ oWhy, you are yery kind,� said
the othe, oL usually borrow it,
but I would not object to haye it
given to me.�

oT thought not,� said the spec-

tacled man ~By the way, have

you any tickets for the theatie

tonight ?T

oNo,� was the reply, oT seldom
go to theatres.�

oJ was sure of it- I'll step tn
and buy a couple of orchestra
seats tor you if gou like.�

oWhy I'm sure"�

oOb, donTt mention it? And
while I think of it, canTt I order
you a couple of tons of coal

oPT'm about out"�

oExactly. Your grocery bil is
unpaid, too ienTt it? Ill go
around and settle it for you to-

oT really donTt

oNo, of course you donTt. But
wonTt you accompany me to the
tailorTs and let me buy you a new
enit of clothes.�

By thistime the sponger began
to see the drift of the conversa"
tior. ,

oYou're trying to guy me,� he

- gaid with a feeble attempt at &


.« »» oNot at all,� said the epectacled
-. map. oI belong to a philanthro-
"pio society and am trying to live
up to its leading principle.�

oWhat isits leading principle?�
oPhat dead. beats in all cases
* ghould be given enougu rope to
nang themselves if possible, I
! ~ | begin jag to doubt, though,
ther itTs possible in your




sponger threw down the
and. retired to the cold
fthe car nearest tle


_ Stay in North Carclina.

The taany summer school com-
mencement3"it ought to be writ-
tan endings"haye: been held.
They were well attended, were
greatly enjoyed, many young
men aud young women acquitted
themselves not only handsomely
but with much distinction. They
are the future rulers. of our land.
The schools of the state flourish
unwontedly, and the best reports
come from them. Never before
perhaps was thereso many ad-
dresses and sermons delivered
on such occasions ; néyer before
in the history of the state were
there so many really successful
efforts made"some rising into
dignified and commandidg orat-
ory. Some of the addresses were
unusually bright and engeging-
The address that has been most
read, most talked about, most
overhauled is Mr. Walter H.
PageTs, who seems to have been
Germanized as to the Bible and
Yankeeized as to North Carolina
avd the south. He is evidently.
a disciple of Trent. Altogether
the iiterary entertainments of the
season, we infer from high
wrought reports and flam boyant
Cescrintions, have been of unus-
ual zest, variety and cleverness.
May the orators improve, and
the graduates find ogooa places�
in which to work out their des-
tinies, and without fleeing from
North Carolina. Stand by the
dear o'd mother." Wilmington

aceasta sk ciwmeene |

The New Law to Regard to Puyiug

The last legislature actually pre-
vided that a part of each manTs estate
should be forteited to the State
death, and it went further and made it

a misdemeanor punishable by a fine

by his

not exceeding $500 cr imprisoument
not exceeding six months, for any
person owing property or poll taxes
not to pay the same before the first

conyening in the county each year
after the first Monday in September.
If one saou'd

term of the superior or criminal court

The Greatest Nasion on Earth,

eres ASR

The value of timber yearly cut
in the United States is doub~e
that of the output of all our
mines�; oOne-third of the popula-
ticn of this country are church
members�; oIt costs $698.32 every
minute caring the year to run
our Government�; oUncle Sam's
farms constitute one-fifth of the
National wealth�; oNearly one-
half of the 8,000,000,000 letters
making up the worldTs annual
mail, belong to the United
States.� These are but instances
of the thousands of wonderful
facts about every phase of tke
life and progress of our country,
from au illustrated article on
oThe Greatest Nation on Earth,�
by Williaa George Jordan to
appear in the July number of
Che LadiesT Home Journal. The
article pictures, in a novei way,
AmericaTs vast area, her match-
less resources, boundless wealth,
her marvelous development, and
shows how the United States
leads the world.

aerate paar |

HaveT You Read it.

ce eet

[tis told of Frauklin that at
one time in Paris he was greatly
ridiculed for his love of the Bible
and ihat he made up his mind
to find out how many of the scof-
fershad read it. He informed
one of the learned sccicties, of
which he was a member, that he
had come across a story in pas-
toral life in ancient times that
appeared to him very beautiful
but he would like the jrdgment
of the Society upon it. Un the
evening appointed, Franklin had
a reader of finely modulated voice
read to them the book of Ruth.
They were in ectacies Over it,and
one after another rose to express
gratification and admiration, and

the desire that the manuscript | @

ghouid be printed. oIt is

printed,� said Frankiin, oand is

part of the Bible.T"RamTs Hern.

DonTt Tobacco Sp:t and Smoxe Your

It Coes not stop here.
fail to pay his or her taxes by the first

ished as aforesaid at thac term, and
sieuld fail to pay the taxes uniil
another term of the court rolls around,
the act makes him or her indictable at
each term until he pays it. Probably
the lust named section strikes a snag
in the orgavve law providing that no
man shall be twice vexed or punished
tor the same oTense, yet the solicitor
might reply that the legislature in-
tendel to make it a continuing cffense
for every dayTs failure.

This might as well be known in ~le
State at once,
September Ist, and as there 1s required
by the constitntion to be at least one
saperiur court in each county between
September and Christmas, it seems
that all the citizens of the State who
donTt pay their taxes before Christmas
will spend their Christm:s in jail. Jt,
theretore, the citizen tails to pay his
taxes the State takes his liberty ; and
it he dies in jail it forfeits (a part of)
his property to che State."T, T. Hicks
of Henderson, in Raleigh News and

Asall taxes ar; due

arena aD

With thy unprecedented record ot
pardoned criminals on the part of
Governor Russell; with the injection
of politics into our edcational institu-
tions, as evidenced in the turning out
of part of the faculty of the Agricultur-
al and Mechancial College, and as
further evidenced in the attempt to
eject the offivers of the charitable
institutions (happily frustrated by the
oprightness of our judges); with the
decla ation by a member of the State
boardT of agriculture that it is the
purpose of the pie hunters to abolish
ali offices they haven't got the ability
to Gili, ete., ete."should there be any
doubtin the minds of Democrats as
what the issues shall be in the next

State campaign ?"Charlotte Observer.


court and should be indicted and pun-"|
i, ;
~easily and toretus, °-9

Lite Away.

If you want t uit tovscco using
made well
strong, magnetic. tall of new life and
vigor, take No"To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong,
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cure?T. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet aud sample
mailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.


~ m penn m

A Mississippi hermit, who lives in
the hollow of& tree, predicts that the
world will come to anend with Me-
KinleyTs administration. The negroes
there ure anxious to know if they can
prevent it by votmg the Democratic


A Househoid Necessity.

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wondertul medical disvonery of the age.
pleaeant and retreshirg to the taste,acts
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels,cleansing the entire system,
dispel colds, cures headache, fever, ha"
bitual constipation and __ biliousness
| Please buy and try a box of C. C, C
pay 10, 25, 5f cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.

The rly Way to Stop Lynch Law.

There is but one way to put an end
to lynch law. The first is to let it be
known that there willbe no delay i
hanging men guilty of crime for which
lynching occurs. 1t too often happens
that the scoundrel who should be hang
getsa term in the penitentiary and
after awhile some Governor pardons
him, That infuriates the people, and
they refuse to let the law take its
course."Raleigh News and Observer.


Just try a 100. box ot oascarets, the
finest liver and bowel segu ator ever

ph ae,



We study carefully the sep

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

J. L. LITTLE. CashT?


The Bank of Greenvile,

- Atthe Close cf Business May 14th, 1897.


Joans and Discounts 942,153 813 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Over Drafts ~ 893,29 § Surpius and Profits 3,042.54
Due from Banks 8,772.46 Deposits subject to Cneck 55,812.65
Furniture and Fixtures 1,505,003 Cashiers Uhecks ortstanding 148.10
Current Expenses 1,312 043 Due to Banks 508.15
Cash Items 1.839.56 5 Time Certificates of Deposit 55.00
Premium on Stock 1,000.00 - peer

Cash on hand 28,088.18 total $85,566.34

Total $85,566.34

arate needs of our patrons, aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking.

de ed mes OEE


Wehavealarge »




just arrived. Comeand
see us. .


1. 6. COBB & OOK



seen attttiememaniell




cnmiiesiai ch

We have ,ut t received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
fins and Caskets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to
Green\ ills.

_ We ata prepaxes 1 {0 embalm-
lng in aia its forma. :

Personal atientian given to con
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect,

Our »rices are lower than ever,
_ We do not want monupoly but
invite con petition.

_ We can be found a~ any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy Co's building.



SPECIALT Y oncery rer

, ondary Or Tere
tiary Syphilis permanently cured in 16 to
i35days. You can be treated at home for
the same price undersame guaranty. If
you prefer to come here we will contract
F to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no
charge,if we failto cure. If yon have taken mere
cury, jodide otash, and still have aches and
pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or peal falling
out, it isthis Syphilitic BLOOD PO ISON that
we guarantee to cure. We-solicit the most obsti-
nate eases and challenge the worid for a
case we cannot cure. ~i'his disease has always
bafiled the skill of the most eminent physi-
clans. $500,000 capital behind our uncondi-
tional guaranty. Absolute ets sentsealed on
application. Address COOK REM EDY CQ.,
307 Masonic Templo, CHICAGO, ILL:





ing their yearTs supplies will tind =,
their interest to got our prices befcre pva
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is corapleie
u allits branches.




to run we sel) ata cloe ma)

W. M. Bond.

J. L. Fleming.

Greenville, N. C.
Practice ip all the courts.

Dr. Talmages ~The

Earth Girdled.�T? or bis famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savige and barbarous lands. Four mil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and **The
Earth Girdled� is his latest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
took, big commissions. a gold mine for
worker: Credit given, freight paid,
outfit tree. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
Address for outtit and terri ory, The
Vominioa Company, Star Buildiug, Chi-


Patronage solicited. ~leaning, Dyeing -
~and Vressiig Gents Clothes a specialty




Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing


J. A, Buragss, Megr.§
Washington, N. U,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. attentive ser
Vants. Fish and. Oysters served dailyT
Patronage of traveling puuvlic solicited�


Male Academy,

ohe next;session of the schoo! «11)
open ong
MNDAY SEPT. 7, 13.�
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.o

-Tcbacco, Snuff, &c,..
: , -' | Primary kK nglish ;
we buy diroc} from Manufastuy. 4 em} , eo wai
ling you to buy at one proilt, A eour- | {termediate 9. 50
cte : k of 2 Higher oo o & CO
FUunnvR. fe
nia oases | The work and discipline of the school
rag ly, acer nces to suit wil be as nae ae :
sold for CASH. ing no 1isk inal eee a ot,

8. M SCHULTZ Greenville N. (,




The Only civeDollar Daily |,




Guvenstu ocnedule


Dated 3 py
May 27, 3
137, mG
A. M./?.M. A. M
Leave Weldon | 1+ 60) 9 44
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 12 52 10.9
ts oo Se
uv Tarhoro 12 12)
Ly Rocky Mt | 12 52/10 5 45
Ly Wilson 2 08/11 6 20
Lv Selma 2 50,
uy FayTtteville| 4 15 17) '
Ar. Florence 6 58
ib! :
OR |
ZQ |
oe, tha sees: | ameenetnmenan seein | emma ta | SUANntitingy | tna vaniaie
P.. MJ A.M.
Lv Wilson 2 06 J
Ly Go'dsboro 3 10 5
Lv May sjolia 4 16 0)
Ar Wilwingtou| 5 4} 9 45
: P. M.| A.M
Dated Pm & a
May 27th, c= 5 om
ish7. ZA\ Z Aa
lA. MIP. M.
LY fivrernce 8 4%) 7 40
Ly Fayetteville) 11 10, » 40
wv Selma 12 37
ac Wilscn 1 20/11 36
ey} \
A. M, PLM. |
.g Wilmington| 9 ad 7 O00;
ia Magnolia | il 6v B30
.vatizoldeboro 1 OU 9 46 '
ace Wilsen 1 00 10 27
tw £arboro 1 42 ;
2a) 49) |
62 \ [a8
Aan | oe ~
fo M, | P.M.
Ly Wilson 1 44 10 8:
Ar Rocky Mt 2 33, _ | 1) 16
AL Tarboro 4001 A ai
LY @'arborc ad 1�)
Ly iocky Mu | 2 17) o
Ar Waldou

Teain on Scotie: { Neck Branch Xoa
eaves Weldon 4,19 p.1o., Halifax 4,28
~). m., urrives Seotland Neck at 5.10 p
w., Greenville 6,57 p, w., Kinston 7. 8
).m. . Returning, leaves Kinston 7..4 |
a. m,,.Greenville 8.522. m. Arriving
Hali* «x at 11:20 a. m., We'don 11.40 am
daily axcept Suuday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch lenve'
Washington 8.20 a, m., aad 1.00 p.m,

generation back, his associations atT
| the club, em his vacation, even in|.

~{courtesy which characterizes the |,
) ness or adaptability which does not |
}for the bank--i. e., depositors. Al

i perfect bank president should be}
, one who can hold his own with zest |

| in their late.suppers at theelub, who! Ce
| can

| cheerful idiot, ~

Ao Exe: tiag Kxperience With a Blna


~ i M. L. L. Moore,
When bilious or cosive, eat a Uas- v'8 w M.King W. I

Cucl, cabuy Caluarlt, Cure cuusiipam

I.O0.Q. F."Covenen '
; Meets every Tuesday evening. oe W.
| Hardee N.G. L. H. Pender, Sec.

. vie "Lar River Lodge No, 93
A Perfect Baak President. ax am Friday evening. H. Ww.
~There is no single sympathy, no. ~Whedbee, C.C, Frank Wilson. K. of

accomplishment, no physical ad-/R. and 8,

vantage which may not contr ibute | R. A."Zeb Vanee Coaueil No.

to the success of the bead of a bank. | ets every Thursday evening.

The friends he made at college a' | Wilson, R, M.R. Lang, See.


W. b.

~meets every Friday evening. John

his church, are factors used with | yl, unagan, D. Henry Sheppard, R.
consummate skill and the nativeT

A.L of Hi, Pitt Council 236 meets
avery Thursday nightT J. B. Cherry
higher types of successful business 'q, Ww. B, Wilsen, See.
~men. There is no quality of alert-!

aid in the work of making friends | y

and yet with dignity among the,
| roistering class of Wall street men |

shoot ~with them, fish with | .
them, drive with them, and who;
can also i impress the staid aad strait-
laced citizens who are his fellow |
vestrymen as a pillar of respecta- |
| bility. "C, D. Lanier in Scribner's.

You want the
Best there is

;Columbias are first choice the world over.
| They are made of 5, Nickel ~Steel Tubing,
~the strongest material ever used in a bicycle.

The. Cheerful idiot.

Lodge No. 17 =

1 1696 o ©

K.of H."Insurance Lodge No. 1169 4c

Cotten and Peanat,

oPROM FROST TO ) rLownns.�
Below are Norfolk prices of cotto. o

Ms and peanuts for yesterday, :8 furnished | a.
otic : : by. Cove Brom Commission Mer | walifornia tl Ih Che
"Hartless Bullard, colored, and his CHURCHES. chants of Norfo oe = ALU UY |
son had an exciting exper.enc Monday Good Middling if Both are such desirable ob
morning. ~Chey were driving a bhpd gacgen 2 ea a jective points for a Winter |
~see wien Seek Low Middling , trip that itTs perhaps hard for
. : BAPTIST"Services every Sunday, / aa Dp Pp p
mule and stopped at the artesian well hdd and evening. Prayer ~meeting vee civ ae 6 9-16 you to decide where to go.
vo water the animal. The runbing) Thursday evening. a tt eg pier.
yy 4 ag kj 2 Pastor. Sunday schoo ; PEANUT?. ; :
watel frightened the mule, which 6D. Rountree, Superintendent, am : Let us Help You to
started on aiunaway, Iran against a Extra Prime at :
the railing cf the wooden bridge, broke CATHOLIC"No regular services. a | sca F a Decision,
i . (
it dova and tumbled off. ~The buggy EPISCOPAL"Services we ~ na ctat A N Orl d
ere ? , 7ke
remained on the bridge and the har-|48v» morning and evening. Re ae . trip via New Orleans an
6 : ~ - vs hoki vices paige fe ee teh nice - the Scuthern Pacific to either
ness was sufficiently strong to hold [b�,�) Greaves, Rector. Sanday 86 . Mexico or the Pacific Coasi is
weight of the mule, which was sus~ A.M. W. 3B, Brown, Superinte: dant. pd ia overcome ern one you will never forget.
pended in mid air until some one cut it] yRETHODIST-Seiv'ces evere Sun- grr - eo a. 16 in 8 vis sis :
loose. It thea fell into the river and/day, morning and shires ate oY easeiit Sitios e r {5 to 6 ItTs a Transition from
bedow [meeting Wednesday oeven'ng: Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124
swam to land about 200 yards below) yy, Watson, Pastor. Sunday school orn tor! |£rost to Flowers.
the bridge. The buggy was somewhari9:30 Ae M. A. B. Ellington, superin- Corn Veal 45 +o #0
damaged, ove wheel being broken, but tondent. Flour, Family #4.25 to 6.74 And the service is so luxuti-
its ner By - Sunday, morning hee evenirg. ae Oats hee : tested oSunset Limite 1�, call
ues OR Al: ~J, B., Morton Vastoer. Sunday school | Sugar to it incomparable
"» lo: 30 A. M. E. B Ficklen Superinten- Ce Sect hy he : ~
eT Fa laent Salt pel Sac . : . A
sis LODGES ) 10 to 25
When bilious or Gus 27a eat a Cas"| LODGES. Pang oe pe Ifyou are Thinking o:
caret, cundy Caluiatliug Guid vuaranteed | ees Wax. DEF % + 4
: © olng, Write US.
lUc, 20¢ PUG mene won ses J
A. F. & A. M." Greenville Loage No.| = Ww fi iy
snichenctiptnaiseeteaat even"| 2008 'e have a book entitled
wrarit ies [284 meets first and thind Monday even | aogiag AA AANA ABA oT hrough S.oryland to Sun-

sot Seas,� ahandsome volume
of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
which we will send 9n receipt
of 10 cents in stamps to cover
postage. We also buve a de-
e lightful little guide to Mexi-
~0, which we will send «a
receipt of d cents to cover
cost of mailng..

You Really Ought to
Read them Both... ;

Shall we put you down for a
copy? Ifso, orif you want
any special information, it
will be cheerfully furnished
by addressing,


General Passeuyverjand Ticke

) §




belay crmabenciten Fs
Offers his services to the 5
citizens of Greenville and the ~
; public generally.
Spouting and Stove Work, ;
a specialty.
. Satisfaction guaranteed or {
2 wo charges made. ~Tobacco
Flues made in season, Shop 6
iniear of 5 aad 10 cent store.

You may never,

But should you ever}@=="-°

Want Job Printing

oTwas inthe front row at the|
theater the other evening,� said the; 7@
~and the bass violin- | 4 of
istTs instrument got fast in the door | | ~
| when he tried to come out.�T |

oDid he swear?� asked the shoe ,

oe Bicycies ALIKE. !
Standard of the World.

uae Parniele 9.10 a, aa., and 3.40 p..
, Tarboro 9.45 a. m., ratuirningleaves '
Tarboro. 30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 8.20 p. m,, arrives Washington |
11.40a. u2., and 7.20 p. m. Daily ex-!
ept suuday. Connects mite trains on
seotland Neek Branch.

Train Leuwves waroory, IN C, via Albe-
matle & italeigh K. Kt, dailyexcept Sun-
day, 20 4 a p. m., Sunday 405 P. M;
aitive Plywonth 7.40 P. M..,00 p, in.
Returning.zaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 7 7.60 a. m., Sunday 2.00 a n.,
arrive 'l'arbero . 10.16 am and ll. 46

Train ou Midland N, C. braneh leaves
Gold3bore daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smaithtield 7°30 a, aw. Re-
turning leaves Suithfield 8.00 a. m,, ur-
fives at Goldsbors 9,30 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
a., leave Lata d.40 pm, adrive Danbar
L5v pm, Clie 4.05 p m. Returning
deave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
ae Latta 7.50 2 m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinten Branch leaves ® ar-
saw for Clinton caily, except Sauday,
lu) a.m.and 8.50 p, mT Returning
leaves Vinton at7.00a. m. anc3,00 } m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection.
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Kichmone, alse at Rovk
Norfolk and CarolinaR
Eve ali points North via Norfolk.

General Supt.

T, M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager.
a R. KENLY. Gen~) Maozger,

The Oldest
saiiy Newspaper in
North Carolina.

- its Class inthe State

Rest in use.

lvarahow vane cheap thev are,

elerk boarder. | Hartford Bicycles, second onlyito Coluinbias,
oNo. He onky said ~fiddlesticks,T �T $75, $60, $50, $45.

gaid the cheerful a "indian- Hanelsomest Art Catalogue ever issued is free if you call,


~S. E PENDER & we.

The Milwaukee Lutheran hospital | |
im 1863 began with $00: Now its,
property is worth $225,060. |

: :
2 F
lo¢ eR. é
25¢ so'¢ TS tccisrs

ABSOLUTELY suet to ones oat rom pong constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa- ;

zrip or eripe. but cause eas l
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY OL: ChicaceT Woutresl, Can, eehew Tore.� yey

we " re Se

ca RR SEE THAT? Saag

bhai ~=What Is It 5) ghbaabe

~~ Itisa picture ot ~tae celebrate 1 ee


~The outfit ot noYpusiness man is
a ocomplete withoutone.

The Reflector Book Store

has a nice assortment ot these Fountain Pens !
age Lear ae of A Handle Gold Pens,

~when you see them and

oe ~s
Maeno he et a

TOALL | oy

"=mg Come to see 1S, =" or



Poy from ccm
Visiting Card

nd WG)

0 A"

F'utl Shee Poster.

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
seriber? If not you
ought to be.


Wy |
The Eastern Reflector.

is Only $1 a year. I.
contain the news every "
week, and gives informa-
tion to the farmers, es-
specially those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than


| the subscription price.


Ladies $2.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $2.00.


Ladies $2.00 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.65.

ners eect

~Ladies $1.50 Slippers,
Reduced to $1.25.

re: aE

Ladies $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to.90.

aera ena rane

Ladies $1 00 Slippers.
Reduced to .75.

| erreeeant am entant na

Misses $1.25 Slippers,
Reduced to .90.

erent eens

Childrens 85c Slippers,
Reduced to 65c.

Wehave some beau-
tiful styles and now is
your chance to pur-
chase some rare bar-


atta aptly

+ 4 8

aa a
i ee a

but the scales will give her a weigh.

| Store.



ae ce

Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business,
~Secures sucress to any business:

To oadvertise judiciously,
eoluinns of tu REWLEOTOR.

Kesping Cuustantty at it Brings Soocess

ress, encarta At
saoe ele ants elias ie een: teenie a RT A: ANT ee

use tne



Passenger ang mall train going
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A, M. Going south,
arrives 6:57 P, M

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-
inztou Monduy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs.
day wud Saturvars



- mS Ti EO

S.owers sonight and Thursday.



ThereTs Always oMeat� in Them.

OO eer

Linen suits are all th go.
In tull blast"a drunken cornetist.
They are high now"thermometers

Sunburn lotions are elready ~sell-


The ebb of the tied"the Divorce

There is said to be a talling off in
bicycles, |
WhereTs the annual

failure of the
peach crop? :

The green apple and the colic cure
come hand in hand.

New Corned Mullets at E. M. Mc-
GowanTs market.

There are no flies on tua man who 1s
putting In window screens.

Try Grand Master Cigars"best on
eirth. J. S. TUNSTALL.

A bone of contenuon is usually the
kind that has no mea; on it.

Best Vermont Butter on ice at M.
L. starkeyTs,

It takes some women longer to make
up their minds than their faces.

Nothing equals Grand Master Ci-
Sold at M, L. StarkeyTs.


The fat woman may conceal her age,

50,000 people daily drink Carivol
Blend Tea, Buy it ot S M. Sconvutrz.

Lemonade, Milk Shakes and other
summer drinks at StarkeyTs.

M, L. StarkeyTs groceries are new
and fresh. Give him a call,

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Park
er make, at Reflector Book Store,

Speight & Morrill have moved their
office from Five Points to the Ruialto

Nice line fresh Candies at M. L.

StarkeyTs. His Chocolate Almonds are

Keep the interest going in the livra"
ry and reading room. Greenville should
haye one.

Supply of new box papers, mourning
paper and note paper at Reflector Book

The meeting betwen the nose and
some pig pen odors around town is
not agreeable,

Tommy"* Pop, what is experience?�

is something which everybody gets
pwithout knowing its value uutl it ic
too late to take advantage of it.

Ask any of my customers and they
will tell you the work done by Wil-
mington Steam Laundry is unsurpassed.
Next shipment goes forward Wednes~
day morning, returns promptly SaT.
urday, evening. |

TommyTs Pop"oKxpurience, my buy, |


eae oo

They Go and Come in Scarch of a Cocl
Spvt, but Find it Not.

Hugh Sheppard is sick.

R. B. Smith, of Ayden, spent today

Lovit Hines, of Kinston, spent today

Dr. C. J. O'Hagan went to Hassells

J, J. Cherry, Jr., went to Washing
ton today:


C.S. Forbes lett Wednesday even-
ing for Morehead.

Sheriff W. H. Harrington went to
Tarboro today to actend court.

W.C. Hines returned Wednesday
avening from Sampson county.

C. M. Bernard returnee Wednes-
day evening from Was~ingten City.

Miss Annie Sledge, ct Tarboro, is
visiting Mrs. L. H. Pender.

E. R. Aiken came in Wednesday
evening. Tie boys are giad to see


Mrs, H. H. Wilson, of Kiaston, is
W. M.

visiting Mrs. Brown, hear


Miss Annie Perkins left this morr-
ing for a visit tc Scotland Neck and



J. EK. Langley, of Richmond, ar-

rived Wednesday evening to visit hisT


Rom. Hart, of Boykins, Va., arzived
Wednesday evening to visit his broth-
er, A. B. Hart.

oUncleT Joon Cherry returned from
Ocracoke Wednesday. He says things
are fine down there.

Rev. J. B. Morton arrived from Tar-
boro Wednesday evening and will re-
main here until after Sunday.

Charlie OTHagan returned home
Wednesday evemng from Belmont
Fn) 3

where he has been attending school.

Rev. 5. H. Hearne will preach at
the public school house in Forbestown
next Sunday afternoon. .

Pitt County Rifles will have an en-
campment at Ocracoke the latter part
of this month or early in July.

~United we star.d, diyided we fall.�
murmured the bifurcated skirt as its
tair owner toppled from her bicycle.

A few days ago Agent J. R, Moore
met with an accident that causes him
much pain. HL wrenched the leaders
ot Lis tigltleg a» badly that he can
scarcely walk.


Bei i,

S. L. Rogers collector of internal
revenue from the Asheville district, hes


fill orders for Lumber, rough or
dressed, and moaldings of all kinds, on
short notice.
Kinston, N.C.

Valuable Property for

Having beea appointed and qualified as
Receiver of the Greenville Lum)er,
Company, for the purpose of settlin

the affairs of said Company, I hereby
offer for sale the real estate in and ad-
joining the town of Greenville belong-
ing to said Company. This property
will be sold on reasonable terms in lots

to suit purchasers.
For further information see or ad-
dress LOVIT HINES, Receiver,

Kinston, N. 0.

~ee incendie 4 ne




The weather tells you that, and I want
to tell you my Ice Honge is ready to
curnish you with the wherewithal to
Keep cool. Car load of Ice just in and
I will have a full supply at all times,

Ice delivered..in.town without extra.

charge. | Out.of town! orders receive
prompt at ention, . Customers can get
tickets on application, Sund4y. hours
7to WA. M. and 5 to7 P. M. |

Fresn Fish on ice every day, Call on

me any time you want Ice or Fresh}

Fish. ws


C. B. Wiicuarp, Agent. |




All Summer Goods
Under the Knife.

We are slashing prices on all Summer

Goods for we are determined to clean them
out. No reasonable price refused. Come before

Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

it 18 too late.

" cease qeeneeinniatitcnk se ortne=enn=tattentat oA et AT CCD

A Great Reduetion Dale,

Owing to the rapid advance of the season
and finding ourselves largely overstocked
we propose to inaugurate a sale commenc-
ing this week and continuing for a month
"the lurgest reduction sale ever inaugu-
rated 1n Greenville. We propose to CUT
prices on all Semmer Stock. A corulal
invitation is extended to all to pay our
store a visit,and examine roods and prices.

Lang Sells

E, B. HIGGS, Cashier.


: a ca ie HENRY HARDING,
G. 1. CHERRY, VWicg Pres. AssTt Cashier,

CAPITAL: Minimum $10,000; Maximum $100,000.
Organized June 1st,1897.

The Bank of Pitt County,


ur account. We offer every cour-

Nd dles beer dation consistent with sound

tesy and accommo


andKeep Koo

We havea complete
line of; ,


y *



~ om { \ ae Be :
White Mountain®
Prices are fowerthan ever. A com

Base Ball Goods, Hammocks, Sc
Fishing Tackle,&c,

ene aa
ees ee
ae Bagh | wis i


Daily Reflector, June 17, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - June 17, 1897
June 17, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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