Daily Reflector, May 4, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

~ +4
fetes ~a2

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

Gein n going

t, arrives 6:45 A.

Passenger and mail
north, atrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P. M.

North Bound Frei
M, Jeaves 10:14 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 1:51 Pp

«; leaves 2:11 Ps ~

Steamer Myers arrives from. Wash
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and saturday.

"" sisi
oti ertlne Sed et

Weather: Bulletin.
Sunday fair, warmer to-night.




~The Deraceryes make nomina~
tions-in* d and Fourth, the
Republicans in First and Third


The Demociate of the Second
Ward met in the Mayor's office
to nominate a candidate fur
Councilman. ~The meeting was
volled. te, order by the etection of

L. Blow, coairman. F.)
Barely was elected . secretary.|
w. H. Smith was udanimously
noisinsed as the candidate for
Councilman. A. L; Blow was
elected » member of the Execu-
tive Committee forthis Ward.

A. L. Buiow, ChmTn.

W. F. Boros, Sec.


The Fourth Ward met at the
Court House. Meeting called to
order by the election of G. B.
King, chairman. W. H. :
dale was elec:ed secretary. W.
L. Brown was unanimously nomi-
uated as candidate for -Couuncil-
man. W HH. Ragadale ~was elect
ed wu member. of the Executive
Committee for this W

No other business the meeting
adjourned. G. B. Kina, ChmTn.

W. H. Raaspa.e, Sec.


In the First Ward the colored
people held a lively meeting aud
- selected as their candi for
Councilmen Julius Jenkins and
T. A. Wilks, both weit


Intke Third Ward: the ~ott
brought out by the Republicans
is Godwin, white, and
ompey. Rafia, xe lored.

-|her eyes had a strange, gilassy-|"

_fvoucbed food, driuking only &



[ecigi/'eer the Heutinag tebe Or and orl
Nurse for Her DeadT Mistress.


About a month ago there See
through here a. sad, . bat. hopeful
little party; Mr. Hamilton, a pros-
perous millowner . of AS
Mrs. Hamilton, an mvalid,, and. *\-

faithful old colored narse. . They}
were on their way to Asheville
where it was hoped the oer
and the invigorating air of

mountains would bring health to to

the snfe. |weil dressing---tact is,

Yesterday there stepped from|ers are the most econo
@ train from the west Mr. Ham"
ilton and the gurse. From: the

Hausilton, just. a co ». which|can same.
the sorrewiag boven nnn do the weg
were accowpapying to Newberna.
At thut place the burial. took place

esterday afternoon, and iu the

styles and where to find them, ~Ti

baggage var was lowered to the astray by Bri pS ahha Ss th
stativa plaiform a box which son-|DUt.COme, e. where th
tained the mortal remaius of Mrs.| What they want want at the the right t kind

Tinvite you to doso..


The King Clothier. -

d of price.

lean a tena to m niuirens" we.�
But the ~oli ~nurse is ~the eubjest oAnd so 1n my mitrecs) re hus-

of this story. Her conduct at the| hand, the touching figare of the |}"
depot yesterday flayored more of old, bant nurse and the plain box

the novel than it did ofa real wo-|thut held the cause of all his
ian in this very real day. aod!~ rogble, went away on the New-

generation, bit it showed how an
mach loving a Fate womanT 40 " viet Raleigh News and

vapable of.

With feeble, halting step and| - Ayden Ticket.
lowbowed head, she walked| Aypen, N- C-., May 4th, 1895."
around the depot, first in the wait-|.4 convention was held here Fri-
ing room, where she confided her|day afternoon by the Democrats
sorrow to Molly, the waitress, and|for the purpose of nominating a
around the lobby, but every now | candidate for Mayor and other of-
and then she would walk down/ficers of the town: J. R. Tingle
the loug depot shed and gaze|was made chairman and J. A.
long, bat silently at the box in|Harrington secretary The fol-
which werethe remains of her lowing ticket was nominated
dvad mistress. oSbe did not weep,; For Mayor."J. A. Harrington.
oFor Commissionérs"Dr. Jos"
hardTexpression that gave one|eph ping A J. Stokes, H. S.
the idea that weeping was un|Hardee, J. R--Garris and R- W.
impossibility; ther yellow skin | Smith.
looked | aagreors and hard, sir the The nominations
seams in her face were drawa ;

tits pathetioT Node unaoimoas. Itis a
It seems that when her mistress
died, Mr. Hamilton qished to

send theTold nurse away to ~her|
relatives: But her altnost fanati-| gob Sol at 3: 80 Ra aes Sucday

cal love for oher dead~ mistress|" wothodist church: _ Binday

e- her positively refuse to|c,
paced For two days she hae not seit A Mt and 8 P. by Bes poe | Com

GF. Smith.


aud will no doabt be ~electeu.

Services To-morow. -

Vivele ta adhere pyrene na at
- ted to send me away

at eae

good ticket | Gorn



_ Below are, Norio, priene

Good Middling
Low Middling
Good Ordinary
Tone"lower and quiet.


uts for yesterday;
by Cobh Bros Cn SEE om

ot cater


LA gs


2 to


Peas"best, 2.50 to 2.75 dor bidd:
~~ sy, 90 20 1.50 to1.75.
Black and Clay, bats beiyelber wae :

Botatoas eee bu

Greenville Market.
Corrected by * M. Schaltz, at .
sae =
Western Side «6.60 to T
Sugar cured Hams . 11 to fr
7Or. 3 40 to 6
gee Meal 50 to 8

Potatoes Irish, per bbl .


7 Poly
ay ssw weir Po

oie heat = at

oe . sepire-to"er"to"thsat|®

; a a 4a jato sil BCE, . fol-
at by oan Chteari ag:
oYes, Charley.� /

bo bei if I might only, hope. to. er
° Kacthor Aico tha cokes

. it was seemingly a hopeless case,
_ and might have been; Gily for «a

ooOhariéy, I~ Haye sata *ysa�
twice, and if yOu tear it. I mean
ace day that

is day youte man
- Willansist that be popped the| of

All this happened away. odown
east,� and it wasnt long before

© was a wedding. Not much

ger before there came a letter

_ from PollyTs Uncle Josh, down
_ here in North Carolina who wrote

2 ively at her exhibition of
what he calied ogrit,� and he pro-
Pett, that if the young people

- mrould locate at Greenville be
_ would start them upin life as a

3 edding gift, and at the samejail
tim aire them a lot cf good prac-
teakad advice. course they ac
nears = were bidding their

"- ions weeks subsequent to the
eonversation a travel stain
ed party arrived at Greenville.
; Sis oend ae a ont _Was ip
: a o the rt

traightway to a_ hotel. "The

" mathern hotel of the best



a ~at home. The houke

with, and 2 michty tis
jay ow bald SomeeTEE ARPS

: a referen

rh? pon

the pon
; se energetically declared ~that


House,� said he, oisa typi-

= : ee ae
hine!| 5 ge nite
~at ¥ e 24

~intuition that makes es ic Mas

fact does everything in this line.},
Make a of this for 4pjare

oas I hate provided You with a
for your bird,� said ~Unele
i They Tanne be
bd oo

ings tor it.�

had heard. so muth about §.
Sehultz, at the Old Brick

Stom, that she had decided to go
F, phere, The rooult was nt the
(esate aa
@ soon yie.ded to the e-|
or acm a Semen s Hesite SE |

~| floieh, cunt! au "" * douse:

creditt¢d old
at this she po adfede fis, Stempel ning-room

se Al - acessso

aidaT + ragst_ ognvpni
and srunemantal writing desk for
oHabby� Ciarles.

oA pretty good start.� said the
D Masha hopheae eoto DD
YX). Huskett's har one. Bafa Fe
store.� Hore P Polly
inginels hed Foliy's house in marvele

kitchen otal noe here is
net sn establishment Tee . the

country that carries a more eom-
preheusive stock of household
furnishings. Every possible
piece of kitchen farniture, from a
tin dipper to a cooking stove is

If Polly. fails to accomp
dora is in the culinary _ art,
not. be foe went of super

a0 Soa at take poe pe ost on

ip in aw
een ie
Yael dosh ing ondareg os
reg Bak pap he. mae down. near

en. iron}!
oOl, say. - - Unele,� exclaimed
Polly, owhere can 1 go

1b will
cook -

must _admit.T owell,
girl, uy anes ad to select . we
~of the most


Hcism of. his =
are decided|y: styfe for a towns-'

bere in all. styles ~end variety. hac?

to be the very

vour fansily ciock "ehilesners,�

3 dit


Pick out


added Mr, Griffia carries: a mag.

nificent live.



avother faet,� he coutinued, otif
ever you unfortunately need opti.
cal goods; this-is the place to
conié.- They haye everything -te-

quired to iaipreve


ul say, Charley; -wheu that oid
ovarnip� of yours breaks down,

Sbear in mind, Mr. Griffin bds had
jmany years experience as

watch maker and caa: fix ber, up.

just as goad as new.
At this

peint, somewhat to the
confusion ot Charles, the old man

indulged in a halfT serious criti-

motes" said he, oand





to- Frank Wilsow'a mn
les bad fitted himself: in~

neat; late style, perfeet fitting. ihe won

of clorbes from the piles of fashion
able garménts that cover a
of this extensively stocked estab-

+ Daucle Josh deelarad:
oNow you look like a newly - mat-

tied man.�

Bofore Jeaviag, hav:

ing-found goods. and. prices . irre-

sistable, Charles aleo, iavested . in,

&® complete outfit of gentsT - far-
nishings, from the tate style, hat
to a dozen reise Frank. Wile

ig not to be

soniish sens 7":

-undersold in |

ing where. to gonext, J
ly asked:, ~U

the. sleeding « sat Ai ©8-| ~Terms
enka fey _ steps) .

street, remar
Josh, Josh, oend we wil) visit!


+ OR


bnacoatl = on
ou can ,
es and Jow.
st oPhis dress, is hardly oeit Higgs | rieace





). [4-H BLOUN. ae

| .C. LATHAM -

1, THOS. J. ines,
: Diigo & BLOW,


veg Raper ae
cae aoe to ke i
boxe ie is Be the old such

oond House in town

waarantes th

etnies their ace tae ona will tind
comp te
coer res!

RICE, TEA, &c.

alwuys at LowrEstT Marner Parser.


we buy direct ~trom Manufacturers, ~ena
bling youtd buy #t one profit: A cow
plete stock of

always onhand kad sotd at
the times. Our areall bought and

sold for CASH .therefore, having no risk
to run,we sell at a close margin.

Respectfully. .

~Ss. M. SCHULT2,
aren tiie, Nic

B. mn TYSON;

Al torney and Coanselor sit-Law
Greenville, Pitt. ~County, N.&,

Practices ip all the Courts

Ciyil and Criminal Bissiness Solicited.

» Makes a special of fraud diyorce,dam-
eget. actions, to recever land, and col,

Prompt.and careful attention given
ae ness.

Money to loan on approved security.
MS CMRYe i oy Ee we ;

: : - Fe
2 sik did aclu cemudininaie 2 be tet th See




RES ee eat.

oheal: L. B


prices to suit.



Saperior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye:
Sheriff, R. W- King.

Register of Deeds, WeM. King..
Treasurer, J. L. Little.


~~" 2
alll a

tichoey here that ps lize. vel:

i ea with a -
fit, foo.� Polly was soo
sessor ols a bandeomns si


es,|oYou have bongs. WaaYPrYstine:'
e she exclaimed. |

PS Boe

hee: want the p news every z day")
~\the favorite P r of th
Tl subscribe for you.�

, Updn rejoining . Polly she be-
~gan to volubly express her thanks.


oOnly one thing,� replied Uncle

J osb, sa parecer obat I can rem:}"

me a4; = 7 af 3 a ees eres 2
~ This Reminds

Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. Laughing- eat 7 edy that.. 8. M. Schultz, the far- :
ics eas at are |niture man always has ~a nice Jine|.. :
Surveyor, ar ine specs ent, ,pestiof them and~yod can get ~ one}
Commissioners"C. Dawson, chiitTn. of}whenever, wan't it; I'}-pey xfor)
Leonidas Fleming, T. K. Keel, Jegeé L. , et oteehee ie
Smith .and 8. M, i. Jones. ene pacar Polly; ha W- aroat erp ~exclaimed Polly With
SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwetky | be Hed betors @ show sigpant apriotye Uncle, apron can 7
SupTt. County Home, J. Wi StnitiTy | os,� , hee G's e cradle: ood ""
Board E lucation"J. . Re -Gpteieton: Bank i cmc a oye apr taeas
chmTn, F. Ward and RAC. �,�ai o Reale Boe Polly: you have
SupTt. Pub, Ins., W. H. Ragetale. ition. peel + . ie * } A ERG
ee de b © a
oce Fe Pe nena to ee. hast; : oA ~treieetfsie man ai ghia bes @{]i- rr ae os os o
TOWN OFFICERS,� , had gutT osm arg fy wappingday� in, eunessee: | wd ye. i �,� 4
Mayor, J. L. Fleming.T oo lint wise" oOne of'themen was mounted ~on a: your PrintingT ~don
G H a fat Hooker's; for Polly found] rawboned @apple gray, while : the}:
Clerk, G. E. Harris. z ods and pricés. 80: ©, other nag was of & deep yecliow; and). -
Tressorer, J- 5. Smith, of x ; purebased apis rene ip [}ooked: much: like *& liviogjmoving|
Poliee"W. B. James, ch pe poe welhin i :-Qnug@was leading: 4-male}. - at the .
Moore, asst; J. L. D niel, ae some w T , thee other, an: .o]d .steed. that; _ Spire:
oe eel & bas, fith,: 6 nef bes, a pren-da par LOrse. tA. Fe, a My
ow ilk ey Rodin = a basses rpthe men .pp yellow | ~ 5; era ks:
A. Wilks, Dempsy Ruffire.2~- ~ ea: a) fig hee Said..to the. ~other:, .V ell? y 3 oREFLECTOR
: es ere oi UA omcmeaneet. west. Welt TART |
CHURCHES). =» = 3 ~ket's: Fou ~Well, what'll you do?T}" * :

Baptist. giak bay yey a: every any

cept " ir-or fs
meeting ~Thursday .n v, Cc.
Billings, pastor. ea a3 0:30
A. M. U. Srtcuagee, SupT "be ae
Catholic. No regular rvices.
Episcopal.. Se every. tourth Sup
~~ morning and night. oRev.,
Greayens Hersey Sunday Schoo} at 9:30.
B. Brown, Sup" t. : o os thin
Methotlist.. Services: ~every; Sunday |,
morniug aoe want aes ie . PrayerT meeting
Wednesday high
tor. Sunday Neti
Kllington, Supt. jf o


Preeurterien:. ans Serviges ever Ye sated t

bee 5 Ewe}

Sunday: mording and

meeting - tueedey 2 a
res her
- M. - D. ~Ryans Supt. .

- rE aby

(OF ai a mm
a tae

Lo beds..

Coveriant Lodge No. Wi &. 0
meets eve 5 A Ns ae A pr derail - W

* ; ks ?

papnkan ae tats

Ww. . M. King, Ws M.

ce pide





x* %


Li? | Chae +e eh M

sanelactory thing: th:

cot rot at 8 soa AE ti

Josmerraub oi) Dd fa

3 | ke oli é) we ie
REFLECTOR. Ovrrce,'§) ie

bouse, and
iightning and tocnado..
on your farm property
cun 6. ® sBore


in life Inearanes.

: C gine poe part.ef the purchaser

adjanct to| hermetically. sealed, the commodity
: 'thus.iced.praserves.its form. untilnit|.

| ~Swap.T

| its ate ape OF
CA a your new, +g

-l lialf until we grew tired, and then +
freturned ~to the train. -On the way

sf : - tives: jackic nivel: arid? three dollars
rut ind twenty-five: cents ~im omoney

hi trot: * The meti meet at this place
| Enftd: to ~e'farm, but: trading in

Bt} horsed ~is ~ thé� favorite fancy with |
eh: iN. Y¥. ~Tribune.

eof Ns "Qn:

hand ° horse.� ~ After ~dickéring: for
tredé ~was effected, and |
~one sof - ~them got e
| We-wanderéd ~about déver theT place | -
and: covered ' aboutT an~ acre ~andT a}

Yack we heard two of the strangers
E - QOne~of- these-satd he was

~ahead: We Were told that these
~ev * days ~are -held- once a

ando swap anything,T froma jack-

_ Pronch teec Iced Milk.

The Frenah rdustry of icing milk.
ture in tinned,
es... oothe. milk. is frozen |.
in block form in tins, and.
ires |.

~| to. be melied preyious to use..

is required,.when a minute's expos-}

on | Ube tO; the-suhTs rays or to the beat}.

.# 3
es het Ri bode 145

sie iar omar ARTIST: 4a

~HowT ll you swap?T ~Horse |~

a dollar to boots}

the, five is all that is necessary-|i.
preduce:it 4a a Hiquid arene aa i


~Guam visiim xO oie bs

igfPB -- QEFICE,
It will be done sight, ~

_ 4

It will be done in style
7 and it always mes

* These points are.



«well worth 1 wei eighing.


in ~any sort. 3

of work, but...

Lee ee, sich = "
a . rs
fish eee 2: la 52S ee ae =r 22 phe meee Fe
a ~= 42 :
. yes Bar rn (fae 433 oe
fete ee:

above all things in

Your Job Printing


ns, Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by

i GHEARY & 60

: _ "this season. Our Stock.of "


Ladies & Childrens


is the largest and cheapest ever of-

Jered in this town, come and see for
and be convinced.


Raicinys, Window Shades and Lace|D

: Goods sold on their merits and
Prices made accordingly.





Apricots, Tomatoes, Corn, just
received and extra fresh.

" Also a nice assortmeut of "

Evaporated Fruits.


the crack Cigars

~in town.

Family Groceries.




_ Greenville, N.c.

atracts taken for modern
brick and wooden buildings.
ases ch to any plan

ect. Prices made very |

Plan Specifications/Out But it.
ni ooo eet motion. Ali/a hiy

rst-class in/OUg es

It did almost get fairtoeday.
g aera eee
~Those odeveline� whistles are
the biggest nuisance in town.

_ 50000 N. ©. Fresh Corned Her-

Cominissioners meet

washel at the sewer near Gcr-
man'srizery. There is not mach
spare room indriving by. -«« -

Gov. Elias Uarf's deliéiéus But-
ter, 25 cents per pound. Come
guick to the Old Brick Store.

.There wili probably be some
days of weather now, thatis
if che old adage of a cleat sunset
holds out. That was. a splendid
sunset Friday evening, but ohas
been clondy wost of -tu-day.-

Would it not pay to run.an ex-

ington and return on Memorial
ay, May loth? ~What sa
~Uncle Jubn� Cl erry aud the O.d

Dominion people ?

position of weather observer -for
this station and M. R. Lang was
appointed-as his successor: - The

peed aad ota ce
played a ams pos aL
the same place, Lang's store. .

Just as we tO press we learn
that Guiswebt -i little son of.-Mr.
aod Mrs. W. P. Hail, died at 3:45
thés afternoon. He was about 1y
years ola and their only son.
Lhe remains will be taken to Mt.
Olive for burial Monday- ~The
sorrowing parents have the heart
felt sympathy of the coamunity
in their bereavewent.

The Fire Test.

At the test of the new engine
on the burning structure, Friday

evening, the engine came fully up
D. S. SMITH. 3 expectation, doing its work

guickly end effectively. The
-Onse was filled with goods boxes
aud other material that would
vurn rapidly, kerosene oi: was
*hrown ail over it'and the match

was re ed three times, the
building being ~allowed to burn
longer at each test, tne last time
so long that none. of -the - sr

tois thought the fire

uickly, ev


A 5

~in town to-day.

rings just received, J. J. CHERRY.
Diekerson avenue 1s badly

cursion from Grecnyil'e to Wash-

YS) more,

Larry Heilbroner resigned the

could be puticitizen. *
was. extinguished | six ¢ ireu
teet proving thor-|, f the ac

T =o ~ t@ eis ar
i a = 2 f_ = 4 2

IS CALLED 40 THE ELEGANT ~& Few of the Rays Caught Before|The Good Weather Brings More of| - 1
: _ "LINE OF" ay, Fen BH gen See et. 2
~Town election Monday. . Dr. W.L, Best, of Quinerly,. id

ge oike: WwW. Tt. Bipiioinats ~weet '
Raleigh to-day. , %

Mr. J: .W.. Wiggins left this
morning for Tarboro.

Mr. J. E. Lovegrove wert ~to
Scotland Neck to-day. "
Mr. R. J.- Proctor returned
Kinstou this morning. .

_ Mr. B-E. Parham left this morn.
ing to visit his purente (?)

Mr. 8S. C. Hamilton reached
home from Ne
ing. hak

Rev. G. F. Smith went to Kin
ston last night and returned. this
morning. .- 3 SG

Misses Carrie Bland and Ellen
~Hines, of Ayden, are visiting
Mrs: Laura Anderscr.
returned home Friday night from
théir visit to Currituck. ah

Mra. J. B. Cherry returned
hom Friday evening from Balti-
©, where she has been sperd
afew weeks. :


otOGnT Friday = afternoo o at the
be Of Mrs. M. A. Ricks, oSt.

~ols Mission Band had another
oftheir pléasant ~teas in which
they so ~often ~ participate. The
following programme was beauti-"

ripture reading: : sae
setters from Brasil and Japan.

Instruments! Duet"Misses C.
Cobb and Irma Cobb.

oReading "Miss Lucy Cox.

Essay onT Mismonary Work in
Western N: C."

Instrumental Duet"Blue Dan -
ube. Waltzes"Misses Greene and

ext in order cake and cream
were served, the remainder of the
e being spent in sociai
intercourse. ore leaving the
tendered a vote of
Ricks and niece,
for the charming
manner in which they were enter-
tained, d ring it was by far the
Anost enjoyabie ten yet had. ,

| Mr, Frank Speight Dies.

was applied. After allowi the ~We Tre to chronicle the
fire to gain considerable way |death of Mr. J. F. Jpeight which
the engive was started and in 8 |oecurred this mornitig at 3 oTelock
brief the fice was out. ~his | bad heen� sick about three

8 during which time he
suffered intdénsely with hemor
aglo fever Bpeight was in

whern this morn |

aid Mrs. T. J. Jaryie

Miss M. Lee Joy-



ee ae See

Every merchant who
beats a tattoo through
the columns of the news
papers make you dance
to his music. If you
do you'll soon b¢ tak-
ing steps that would set
Carmencita to wer
Everything in my Spring
Clothes, Hat and Fur-
nishing Goods, Dry
Goods, Shoes, Notions,
and Dress Goods stock
is good. We shun the
dangerous association
with the yery cheap and
court the favor of hon-
est quality and the lov-
ers-of-it. - The fineness
of the: fabrics, the se-
ahd the honesty of the
ashes are far more
eloquent than the lofti-

Daily Reflector, May 4, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 4, 1895
May 04, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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