Daily Reflector, May 10, 1895

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~ Vol. 1.


C., MAY 10, 1896.

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

Passenger and mail
north, a' rives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P. M.

North tound Freight, arrives 6: 45 A.
M, leaves 10715 A. Mi.

South Bind Freight, arrives 1:51 P

-, leaves'2:11 P.M.

DSteawer Myers arrives from Wash
ington Monday, Weunesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and =aturdav.

tratin going
Going euth,

Writren for R fiector.


Lost friendship leaves ite blighted bud
On every Eden's bough,

And parting etamps the sign of grief
in furrows on the brow.

But fancy brings her f:iry train
~To such a soul uu lest;

And wh spers"yes, but whispers what?
They lull vet him to rest.

They tal& of one Ll] know no more,
My always trusty frien: ;

Who gave me peac : or yave me joy,
Or strangely made them b'eud.

Atten:led me to all the shows,
And to kK me out to tea;

And gave the belle at many a ball
~Lo pour her Ou me

No friend like this could eTer suffice
o drive away the blues,
Who paid alike my Garten bill
And wy religious dues.

And bade me welcome, made me friends
- ©. *gvalityTT and *~rankTT
Or ra s-d me to a millionaire

When with the like I drank.

But since that time how things hive
chanyed !
This frien ! has pasee | away ;
How bitterly I mourn the truth
Th t*~friendships must dec:1y ~°

J hear the oll men sigh for yo.th,
Old maids their firs: love ~*mash;TT
But. m.racles"I xsk bunt o e"
@h, give me back my cash !


Nothing but sleeves; the young mn
Ove: a prospect dim,
Last night to his dear one he tried to

Bat the words so sweet on his white
lHip= froze,
For ah! she seemed to him
Nothing but sleeves.

Nothing but sleeves; the young man

Onn a biighted hfe.
Though his love may be
stroig a d fast"
Warrantei for six months to last"
How ca� he have a wife
Nothing bunt sleeves ?


Mr. E. B. Bell, of Lake Com
fo t, haa rented the Ocrasoka|and
Hotel for this year, avd will open

oat that not on
snak es. Yesturds
four in his yard. Tw
and two she carried in the house
to play with."Oharlotte Observer.



What is Happening Over the State.

Mr. Jones Bone bas a Maltese
caiches rats but

she caught
o she killed

Kev. W. H. H. Lawhon owns a
horse, 22 years old, that he has
been driving since 188� in travel-
ing to his appointments, and in
that time has traveled over 40,000
miles. The horse, notwithstand-
ing his age, is apparently as good
as ever and ~can travel 40 miles a
day."Pittsboru Record.

She Knew it Was a Man.

A little girt ip Greenville was
studying ber lessons, an evening
or two ugo, and after completing
hr task went inthe room where
the older members of the family
were guthered, and asked:
oMama, who is Procrastina"
tion?� oThere he sits,� replied
her Mama, pointing to the head
of the family with a smile.
oTJ told sister it was a man, as
serted the little Miss positively, |?
ofor I -aw in my grammar tbat
~Procr astination is the thief of
"The k h a good

e joke was such a one
on the old man that he almost
exploded with laughter.


Killed by a Train.

Monday morning, about 8
oTclock, while the oSho fly� train
on the Wilmington and Weldon
railroad, was running into Faison,
Mr. John Cook, a resident there,
saw some of his hogs on the track,

off, stumbled an The en-

and in his attempt to drive them.



Yourself personally invited to spend as -
much time as you like examining goods, even 1
if you never buy a centTs worth. This store is "
a store; yet it is an exhibition. There are
many things here"Clothes, Hats, Furnishings".
that will please the eye and grace the person,
with a touch upon the pocketbook so light as

|to never irritate.


The King Clothier.

Plowed Up a Skeleton.

Mr. G. W. Dann, of Gulf town-
ship, informs us that as he was
plowing in one of his fields on
last Saturday he plowed up a

and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk :

large rock, and as euch. a thing | Good Middling 6s
was rather unusal in that part of | Middling 65-16 |
his farm he thought he would Sosa Ordeal ei
examine into the matter, and Tone_lower and quiet. +
upon fifting i partly from its PEANUIS

resting place, discoyered and | Common 1to4
exhumed vortions of a human: Prime 4

skeleton. How longit had lain | Extra Prime Aart.
there, whose it was or bow it) spanish ae
came there he does not know."j; Tone"steady.

Pittsboro 2ecord.

Turee weeks there was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zerck.es,
living near Decatur,@§il., three
girl babies. The parents named
the children Ruth, Esther, and
Frances A neighbor of tre Zerck

ee ete "Firm.
+ E. arf Bis ra 2,57

| Black and oss.

to 2.75 per bag.
1.40 te 1.75.
to 1.00 per bushel.

Greenville Market.

Corrected by 8. M. Schalts, at the
Ol Brick Store.

Ot ~

Below are Weltellt gelie attéton =

~it about June $th." Washington

gineer saw his peril and did all|les wrote to President Cleveland, | Butter. per Ib - 19 to 25
he could to stop the train, but}:nforming him of the facts, and | Wester Sides 6.60 to7
not*before the unfortunate man|Monday the father of the children | S9s*" cured Hams Uwe
was ran over and his body literally |received a draft from the Presi- Fae Meal pred
cut in two. He was about 40\dent for $500 to be used for the | (cabbage
years old and leaves a family."|education of the children. DonTt | Flour, Family 300 to 34y
Goldsboro Headlight. all name your babies Ruth, Eeth-| L«r4 6 to 19
er and Frances, now, silthe Bher | Potatoes Irish, per bbl 800 va 880
| We CanTt Hit It. a " oe a PE Sar, | Potatoes Hwout,per bu . an uo 4
Joe Evans says he canTt see Coffee 16 to 20
why we. donTt let the weather The celored Odd Fellows had r Sack 80 to 200
ulone. He says if we write any-|, celebration to-day. par. Chile ns 123 to 20 -
thing in the forenoon about its|Sded eo begereiaet thc Eggs pei doz " 10
.|being fair it is sure to cloud UP /headed by Smith's band. seventy Kerosene, 15 to 20
chek Fouts is|Odd Fellows in regalia being in | Pease,per bu 1 00
out, So ell we will say about itiiing Ex-Congreesman Cheatham | 2t!!*, per ton . _"
today 1s wasnTt the -weather/delivered an addess to them.|face Hees
pretty this morning ? Some visiting kdges werehere. Minks 95 ot 35

| Capt. E E. M. Pace is now w making|
a thorough teurpef oghe L

{VERY APYERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) |COUnties in thé interest of the
a jnew warehouse of Kountree,


Entered bys seeond-class mail matter.


Phere i is uel speculation as! 4
ryewho will succeed eolector|® fie:
Carter in the Western DistrictT setting by the 15th of May.
of this Stale. There are. many {1 Greeaville -has more, natural
~anditates and most of them ®dvanfages, wpe Phaptn ground |

-- ~ more tertitory, and by the openin
nrg Of 9R Hacking, "lof the comming tohdeco yoat! wal
| have as good, facilities for Ahand-
hig tobacco after it is void oas

the other dyiy in the pladtion ot |#2Y market ino the eastern section.
officers before the Alderman of The North Curolina crop re-
that. city.- ~He! did not: hesitaré| Ports of the, American Agricul j
to untie with a good deal of turist says the tobacco acreage
pest the various ballots -all ~of #Fonnd Br-cky Mount will be. in-

which tearly ware = tic Unless creased fro. 10 to 15 per cent.
tert chin dg Tl RuseT cag vf reparte the plants badly; be
Zo ere tiiscaxed bt uss cen hind bat growing finely since the
be counted oa to Keep the cityT

. . warm sunshive ef the, past few
»f Raleigh Democratic, pure , tie ~f

Magor RaséiJof Raleigh,. cast}
some good" Democratic votes,

Gays. Ino our section of the State
ipa aes x for ay, qo" da: a in
ra Vv van ONC od Qbigct tt fa
The State | ot ~South ~Carolina have hel p! cite of warm ote

sinastate of éxcitemert. and. 3, i
ndiguacioa. The registration Jt is said that during the rack-
aws of jhe S- ate baye been de- ~et t between Japan aod China}
dared nal! and yoid 2ad.in eon. some Japanese. divers were sent}
eynence ihe ballot bux is open |\dewn to remove some. torpedoes,
oevery oue regardless of qua]-/and' Chinese divers were «sent
fications. Governor Evans de-! ~down to� stepT that business.
~ares that he w'll noc eall the. ~There was @ submarine fight with
zegislataure together to enact; Kuivgs,, and as. tne Chinese
ew ones. - Then, too, the court. ~eonk'nTt rug, down there.the Jap:
1as derided that the dispensary S0?8¢ tid them: pre erin:
aw is U iconstitniional so far as! HEHE Dt thot Rika ~ ns a, Yee
{relaies to liquor being is ulte r o8 secord, ~a

nto the State, ana that any- _ hadaps, prove that they sonld
yady who wants tocan send as -nob Only fight on. water, but under

it."Wilmiogten Srar..

auch liquor as they please into. "_"" a;
ts borders. Governor . Evans! Mr. PSlinanT oa omodel .town�
ays he will pay no attention to, | gots anotiier, hard: thrust. from:-a
he-decisiof but. i will 2ontinne! committés: ~Of Chicago ~clergymen
© seize the liquor so that a case| who fiive been nese it. The}
nay get into the Sc preme Court! Rey: Dr. Rusk oIt is a
f the Unired States. Tirese|whited sepulchre Hei wit, dead
hings are creatiag some excite |menTsibones;. Withvat it sis fair
nent mixed with indignaticn'tolookapon, batatter® you pass
in the Palmetto Siate., ithe mposing frou there is much

'|ta-:be;; condemned. We, went

bropah the alleged. ~model flate,�
iand~ found. -that:aT .ramshackle






~hick yards, which.
denies are. :
the-equalid creatires-who inhabit |ii
Epes ae etvetpts for
a af Rt. rae

Farmers are not com plaining
is year on account of dry. oath,
for transplanting. -

Mr. a J. Laughinghouse told

raha itte, Observer,

the New

that money is still. flowing from
the: interior to that city,

of * twenty - -seven millions.�
that is what is the matter.
massés. oft he
affair On ~thé ap fidor rented * for for. Spags SAP
$23. Why, i in the. sheds at the |the: and.

Who ie wholly free of itt"of|

- Sold For Fifteen Ponies,

£ pretty young
Bem, as pupil of the ©
~Schovul, has been

in-|80ld by her father to her ~sisterT ap

uncanny things creep over him ?
The first articte ithe May For
um is one by Cot Theodora A.
DodgeT én� oBismaiek; WhomT he

cbharacteri zes as

_ othe strongest
since Napoleon�

~properly so characterizes, ne

doubt.,. Yet. he telis..us .that
oBismark i is rathes: superstitious | a
ina mildTway* o~He-. putT off the
completion of the, Bazajne, nego

}tiatious;:one day... because. .,.b

would pot sigu-them.on the: 14th
of October, thé: ~anfiversdi y of
| Hoch Biroh aud Jeia. He be
lieves, in. the .1pfluence of the
neon on the growth, of vegeta
tion. He is stated ~not ~to like
thirteen at table, nor to under.
ake important things. on Fridays
"though heT himself denies this

e|Aod he really believes. that hel,

had. once seen a..superpatural|,
vision.� If these: things be: true
ofthis gréuat; ostrung: ~wan, then
the remaiddér df 8 néed ohardly
oJush for our omild� ~superstitions
We areibora uate.them,any. way,
aod with atl that» education ~dan
do it cannotTq dite eradicate 't! them.

We published, the other day, a
dispatch giving ~Preasury. figures
which showed that the | ~per, capita
circulation of money in the Unit-
ed States at this tims is between
$22 and $23.~ Phe péried during
which. this cotititry enjoyed : ~the
greatest! degree of ohealthy pros:
~| perit y, it ~hasT ever know, -was one
in which. the .per..¢ .cireula-
ticm ; rangeil - about. $16.:,. Some-
thing more than a darge ~volume
Of mofé¥ isT necessary to make. ~By
péople prosperous, | we read. .in
York Herald, of Monday, -

there: ie already� hun idle. surptus

seep. are Ptoteed
ft ~hile the-yaults of

trust com panies! of

company | the mowey centres are | i bareting
188), -babitations, with it.'* It ties there! ide,» ~wait

g wife an 1d

t. re 3

Femaderative | invest-



dogs, jt, nof come}.
ae Asi is. ofraid oto.--Cherlotte


husband fer 15 ponies.-®
indian whose wife she .is ~to bes
come-is 70 years:old,:am! already
~has other wives: She is but 17
years of age.

TLe girl has appealed to Pro.
fessor Montgomery, of the Caddo
chool, to suave her from such 4
tate, and he isT exerting every
evérgy to ~assist ber. He has

made an appeal to the citizens of
|El RenoT aud a popular subscrip-
\4.0B 38 ap-in 40
raise a sufficient sum tJ pay her
traveling expenses.to, Washiaog-
ton, where she desires to go thut
she may take: a personal appeal
tothe Piesident.

The girl's father is inexorable
and her aged lover insists ~upon
the co

Wichit: (K 48.) Disnatch.


Old ~Timey yeast.

A party, in Gelerade has » aigni-
fied thy» intention of. Jenri g there
io théold fashioned | waf"cover-
ed . sens Guprsdebtimatase, North
Carolina. They say itis:cheaper
than paying railroad fare. They
bring stock: householdT aud other
persunal property- bowy


Professionatt see
1B. F. TYSON, |

Gime: and Counselor at- Law.
Greenville, Pitt Geunty, Nu Cc,

. Practices in all the Courts

Ciyil and Criuwinal Basivess Sol ~cired.

Makes a special of fraud divorvce,dam-
ages, actions to reeover land,

Prompt and careful. attention given
ail bueimess. _.

Mpney to leanT on approved ~security.
Tei.ms sary -

and col-.

Bours, & FLEMING. __

ta Practice in all the Contts:


Ay a x SINNER,

~ ArtoRNEYsaT-LA@,
GREE: Solel Bs. NL.

THOS. J. JARVIS. ~ " mex, bk. A

~ Sat ies & BLOW, pe

e@ Practice i in. all the. Courts.

""wes cee ee

John x. nodeet, ¥F. ardin
a arama c

* ealea

ae |

Pag 3s}

pial at ntion given to oeoilectiuns
ae of signee

tract being carr ed out."


= i 3 This Reminds


TOBY. | THE HODEST VIOLET, [aod warus: the vutay toore:
= Nn - - | festioner,-inventéd the sugited vio-

- Cc of

a in - ae reg eg me
oe om | Stgnificatios of This Most Beauti- | let as a benbon. oBut not only was
COUNE® OFFICERS. ful Flower of the ~Spring. the purple violet a la mode, but the
Saperior Court (Yerk, E. A. Moye. porte wi igs "" : ~~ Marrs anee aaa a : 3 sue
Sheriff, R. W. King. Pe bev pert ts ps FENG Flower uae e brated novelist and. post,-retired to You every day ,

ae Register.of- Deeds, W.M. King. Mioonsy Mt Whe! Wetheh © "|" Tine ~where he devoted; himself to :

| ~Treasurer, J. Dehittle. a ee tess the culture of flowers. He raised
oCoroners Dro C.- Ou . ~Laughing. N ,1~| these: Indian violets in such ~4@~quan- . : Hitt. ff
owle; 4% ry Po Tm ever were violets so fashionable |.. pplied every morn

Sine oe © men a jin New York as for the latter part Ae at Bese ing in the month of

© : the principal flower stores of the |
" of winter and early spring just past, benitad re inca boxes caraeed
Leones noners"C. Dawsen, chm'n | sav the New York Herald, Onej jh) wadding, in which thesa flow-
edas Fleming. T. K. Keelj Jesse Lt aciiar was not ~unusually charged for | i Bindi ~é in o3 =
Smith and 5. M. Jones, 7 yedurad:: ers arrived as fresh as when &ath- Ma that if
& small bunch of thesé modest little ered from his~ gardens. V
SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell. flowers that grew by. the myriads in :
SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith. fields and woods, hiding tbemselves Georgia has:sold.100,000 acres
Board Education"J, R, Conglelon, | Sy dozens under a fluttering leaf, just | o¢ lana to .a colony of 40,000

~ ¢hmTn, F, Ward and R. c. inon. like young chicks under the pro- northern settlers. The Empire ou hav
SupTr. Pub. Ins., W. Hy Ragsdale. tecting wing of & mother hen. State is keeping pace with the ~ 7
: 3 Not :only do women wear violets times: . Why can't: (North: Caro-
jase 5S on hats, in bodices and belts; they lina, induce a colony of two tol. - gar
TOWN OFFICERS. have bunches fastened to their muffs, |take some of her valuableT and! . our Pri tin ~do
Mayor; ~J. L. Piemis | and whén théy are raised toward the cheap farming lands? They: are y rm = done
yor, J. L. B- face they soften the brilliancy of the unexcélled. All we nee d is to let
Clerk, G. E. Harris. - | complexion and serve to make more|the world kuow what we have,
Treasurer, J. 5. Smith, attractive those who would other-\and citizens of the cold, ~ barren
Police"W. B, James, chief, T. R.| Wise pass unnoticed. and blizzard Swept porth west | wil! at the
Moore, aset; J. J,, Daniel, night. | In Paris where spring comes ear- flock te our sunny clime."Char-
Councilmen"J. 8. Smith, B. Cc. lier than in New York, the Boule- lotte Ti . ~
Pearce, L. H. Pender, W. J. Cowell, T.| vards are beau tified by masses of
~. A. Wilks, Dempsy Raffin. ~ fresh violets sold from flower stands LISHE REFLECTOR
in the open air. During the second ESTAB D 1875. }

"" . empire the residents of the American yp 7

CHURCHES. : Stott Bada? be on Washington's © g: e chultz -
Bapsist. Services every Sunday (ex-| birthday un era brilliant sunshine . Tr;

cept LY ae ee and ay prayerlin idy attire. ore bunches of vio- AT THE J OB =. OFFICE.

meeting Thursday, Reve C. M. fasbened ~Ve aide

~Billings. pastor. inday Schvol a; 9-an| 'ets fastened b rib 8 of red,

A. M. U. D. Rountree, SupTt. tte aod blue. he viol : ; ; ' a; f .

crime Rormr jon, | Tiyan se voctoae OLD: BRICK STORE! 7, .. 7
Episefal. phd a Radiwn Sun-| the Napoleonie flower, and Ameri- - It will be done right,

day morning and night. Rey. A, ; cans were quite at home in Paris and ARMERS AND MEKUHANTS BUY e.

ie ae Rector. Sunday School at 9:30} at court during the reign of Napo- F ing their yearTs supplies will tind

4. 4. W. B. Brown, Supt. leon ITI. ' The oemperor retained a | Cheir interest to get.our prices before pu.
Methodist. Services every Sunday} warm friendship for those whom he | chasing elsewhere. Our stock is complete

morni d .ight. P eti ps gi pied cai o allits branches. e
Wednesday night. Rev G, F. Hauge | "ad Kiowa when he! resided in the It will be done in style

Dv Sunday Xehool at 9:30 4. M. a_| Vicinity of Bleecker street, in New
BeRilington Supt? . a York city: The Beck withs, Posts, PORK SIDES&SHOMLDERS,

Presbyterian. Services every Ist and| Pennymans, Dodges and many pth- |, ; Go STRAT
3rd Sunday sey nee aoe ni, he. Preyer ers bag well eeclas in Tain cir- FLOUR; FF EE, SUGAh
meeting | uealay , night. ev. Archie/ eles. ring Lent it was good form re
ON A tty PSOE. Sunday Sebool at for men in evening dtess' to wear a RICK, TEA; &e.
ef ene Ae Byes, SupTt. black ~tie and a smal! boutonniere of si lati iaie ah |

| ) fe paniere alwuys at LOWEST MARKET PRICEs; oo
" violets with a wreen leaf anda Small ~These - oints are
| robe the valley, And eanih oF lilies of| TOBACEO SNUFF & CIGARS Pp
CovenanT Lodge No. 17. E. U. O, Fi, |." : ith ii, on buy direct from Manufacturers, ena :
to te ~Taesday night. Dr. W. H | Yersary of the last emperor's, death, | rf ers, 4
Bear " y night r a fomerai service is held in the Church | bling ret? at one profit. oA com

* e °

~oreenville Lodge No, 281 A. F. & A,/0fSt-Augustine,in Paris.. Theeburch ; , weil a 2
M.,-areets first and third Monda vights | iS usually filled with people insmourn- 774, mF ,
Ww. M. Kiug,.W. MM y ing, all wearing small bouquets of| " FU RN ITU RE

and it alwavs suits.

-well--worth weighing

gy | ~2 Sympathy with the aspirations, or | the times. Pt ater teniyee boaght and ~in-an ~sort
5; at least: with the sorrows; of this sold forG4Si. fore, having no ris y
P| family. . | to run, we. sell at a elese margin. ~ :
%, oInthe morning of March 20, 1815, Respectfully,
gaa s °) | Navdieon, who ~had been ~banished 8. M. SCHULT2. f k b t
Ea B| bythe aliies'to ~the island of Elba, _@reenville. N.C Ol work, bu
- . Qi) upon returning suddenly to Paris} "_ . ; atlT
oN? . i for his reign of 100 days was wel- |= "
Se EP eS | Comes. by the Somen of Haxte with Barbers. .. .
""TO THE"" . showers Violets. li memory. of} "" " . ey ee ee
é ob Gd iPepee £ithis attention on. the .part of JAMES. A. SMITH, above ~all thing's in

penn Wea soar ot Your Job Printing.




bbons. Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by


"this season. Our Stock of "


Ladies & Childrens


the largest and cheapest ever of-
red in this town, come and see for
urself and be copuinced.


attinys, Window Shades and Lace

Goods sold on their merits andt=
Tees made accordingly.


oAN NED GoopDs 1
"/ Peaches, Pears,

pricots, Tomatoes, Corn, just
received and extra fresh.

-Also a nice assortmeut of "

Evaporated Fruits.


the crack ~Cigars i in town.

~amily Groceries.



peennville, N.C.

ged to any Gee
Rat a Plan and specifications
refally made at short notice. All
ork guaranteed firstclass in

\* ow of the Bays Onnght Dotore!,

- The tenacious tick i is abroad in
the land.

puffed up ~when sate come out on

~lit would take a whole regiment of

jtrip tickets from here: to Raleigh


They Faded.T .


Strawberries ; ats

both ip trim-

Nice oranges, two for 5 cents, at
Morris Meyer's.

50,000 N.C. Fresh Corned Her:
rings just received. J.J. CHERRY.

Rev. C. M. Billings will preach
at Factoles Sunday morning and

Photographer Barnes has t
taking yiews of several baddi
intown. =

and straw

-The.ica-man_ smilesT over. thié
weather. whether anybody aelee
does or bot.

Those who in February were
saying oainTt it cold�? are now}
saying oaint it hot?� .

Gov: Elias UarrTs deti ~ous Bat-
ter, 25. cents per pound Come
quick to the Old Bnck Store.

You can get icé cream, muk,
sbakes, piuv+appeaerbert and

lemonads at ois a.
pple ~ yaar

Way to hs Oey ee phe g che eu
pox is to keep. away from hen-


A few more davs like this and

birch "_" to aoe si bs cut of
the river... - 2

~ To day is 5 the time for the leaves

to: have reached their full growth,
but we an not think all of them

are yet grown. | s-

Pitt County Rifles were out for
drill with pat four men this

mers� /Hooker

and Wat atson ~get in a lively tap.

This mornieg Mr: Ollen�"� War-
brought us from Riverside

Scrphehr Th asadats,

The Coact Line will sell. round

ou the oceasion of the ~unveilin s
a4 the Confederate monutient at

We learn that the Sivstoure
contemplateT ~repeating the play
oImogene� ap PAE, night of.

cr the -benefit

Bx of
Hope Fire Compary.

Was in town.
Parker out to-day.
Conetue this afternoon.

Scotland Neck Thursday evening.

i Morris oMeyer returned
from New York Thursday eveb-

|All whe fail to -hear
oa neb"WW. pabigsos Progress.

| Pharsday night.

Miss Mary Denim be sick.
oMr W. G. Tang, at Farmville,

We were glad to see Mr. W.

Mayor J. Lb. Flemming t to

Mr. H. G. Jones returned from

Miss Venue Morphy; ~of
ston,-spenat to-day with Mrs. R.
Mr. G. W. Savderlip, canvasser
for the welebrated artist, F. J.
Corwin, is in town showing .sam-
rples of his work.

ing ip the meeting at the Metho-
dist church is a fine -preacher.
him miss

Mrs. Pattie Smith. wife of Mr
J i. Smith, near Farwville, died
She was a sister
of Messrs. B. S. and Henry Shep-
pard, and Mra. J. T. Smith of this
_|tow n.

Mr. J. W. Morgan received a
telegram | from . Asheville, this
morning, annonnel the death
of his sister, Miss Eva Morgan.
He has the. sympathy of many
frienas here in his bereavement. |
It. has been only a few moaths
since he lost a brother.

A crowd of boys oyer @® game
of marbles can make more noise
than a flock of geese over a piece!
of melon. Bata great many. of
us were boys once in oar lives.

~Well, we missed it bad on the
weather ° yesterday. The boys
bad not finished taking the Re.
FLECTOR around before a hard
rain set in, and a regular thunder
~storm with it.

Ex-Treasurer Jekn . Flanagan
was talking about land being too
~wet.for planting cotton and. said

he told some hands on his place %

to adopt the Mississippi bottom
ab, that is. to drop the seed by
; and and mash thom in with abot:

Sonure good soul bike said: At
best, life is not very long. A few

next week, .
To-day the DaityY Reriector
ins a new omonth, ite sixta.
We will appreciate it if all wh
owe for subscription will Poet
the amount ready sud hand


ery ampere, Prices made very |the
$4 i paper to morrow.

carrier when he takes ron th

some pleasure, much pain,

owhile to.hate each other?

more smiles, a few more tears,
~and sone, clouds and dose

ess, hasty greetings, abro
bedepbliawethoe: ~our oAittle ~playT
rill close, and injurer and. injur-

d will -pass away. Is it worttr

tl cnt - cS a9 os Oe ""ervet eg p." aie -
$ | WITH OUR KODAK. " . Ss: BS Po Os Be ee eee ® we ae ©

Rey. Mr. Smith: who is -assiet-|,



Black and Tan
l P for Ladies, Mis-
es & Children.

, Calt, Cordoyan
Kangaroo Calf
-and Tan Shoes
forMen & Boys

Perealles & Swiss



and INDIA -
Check, N ain.sook
and Sattines.
Quality and prices
ri ight.

The. ecw line of

éver shown i in . the city


Daily Reflector, May 10, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 10, 1895
May 10, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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