[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
s es tt EE bdo eg ail Sas ~ihe
ai Lesa HEEIEE " doy n
= Es sand én o$y eter io oe
end 2 AGREE VE ae, -3.~C, qiiet a6. a es ee
2 ade ae i thesis ai 035 ge FEE $25 Se
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eteacEN odopa =| FARK ted 154 Jas Tiber eo 2s oe o" Af pe tay BN UYLZTiA Taare
ar stulgeh dlies ano Ve fice a tif» Viele &11 a clevs sedi
*_ = we .s . * oe Bes
- 4 oe it
"Passenger. and mail ~wale going Por the Himes dna \@ thers: Gaing-td = {" _ jeadow ~J BHI JOR Bi ai
9 sll 63 BR Ao Mass OMEPMNT, | oo = 3 the Mrivdilanges 2-H aw PS eis. Baepi To filutigneid £2 os
sane ce
3 Oe 4 esemexe:
a aa re le & nit gers a es it tii eta & @ ; Srraee oof; | Re rs] a TESS te }
bie ko: @heb bgt. thee pfbattevol A ain 1}: wjeoie ml os 1eGa ei he iae
J . i sd
south Bound ee arrives: 21K. Moore ¥ dO be ted « ane tes Pieay Mei
- Ee o$.+4 oy 4
+, leaves 2:11, P.M, hi ingen yo ~y pay Bw
wie he pas m ~ F obit |
Bttiamer® Jaret ~Wiss
tat Wedneedan nd EAGAN |, ddple, iS yraciar aig bus, ted
or neon Je Gwe t ured to wunT froas- Kincpow: ta)
: Sobel ian Sanday; to, toke ot
ieee: ar raters aol itt County Rifles & thers
Tis \Wentines Bulletine pas jasshy, A Sa A RAT Aah iy
Shomets ens tagrooshdo with ¥ 5 eer a es
Fridey fain. tos athe yaveut Hip irs Mae rc oe fio sits 7
Sicisy. gt ey ane: will mo oEte
pal eenwville, abe diferent� werd Zi . |
#ie te
inpilesroayeed of eri 9: te
gwoud ied ae CAO ei? cede day, mornip Be. ~The orye
Taye anne abe backett somote webride iy bth ae ME Awe
re ; et ie
Ee ES einem ~BRAN
haar Roar : a ben y ak ree Sue way tet oOs ait
: oe ES amit neus Wee negli tapresn pees)
Bats worl k is work ang life is real, jeanne dpecial:stieip sKiustpn,,toj:. "
& -
= = it é
aq 2 by
: %
: 3 2 * nha *
#: 4:3 3 yt eee * i
¢ gi o
ee Ml re 4 supe ated?
Cite viagiotey: e .
+ +o Bil i 2 di? vid 7.
adh gear sdetes ke i toa ty :
in. dreams. at | tpaint with brain on ~Tar, | |
BN baat hate * foore ges 2 te *Recbiiiinbdate!� *
HB abeon ee came Seige Gresnvillé Mifita: y (pay wed } """
long: : ove T png. | nge other parties desiting eto dationd yn onoteTH CRROLINA, tepid oop, Sottoh and.
eon. cha i : mt Will SP goa ANTNOR nhl stp MORO WET I he
takedvek dYted lens last! not ct Lia ann 2 +e 3 ° a 3 oar oities te ea
Foracumin tomes 80 rome ae gf sve aia, | fanmenpecial. oft ite | MES: What is sicypdnigig Ber the State te os, d& 00d; Coaiatanue
T sae gt f Ei3 3 . . : :
AnT life ne er looks rine PRAY. nia vee ot roe ty.� west. oalt " me na rae chants of Mortal sw eyed 108 Joa |
veel odd veil� jail tency? MaDovelkan bot: tO: j bere a it tLe Seles Te at. JoeeT |
weabteh dain, one aL WFAN B a: rik egies able mew-ieil moi. ao ont ip 1 "3 |-Gona itiaatng: sw tut! pom ats tod
i ciew: wad? several pa 4 &iti4. Middlihg one : ia tlair ft pre teh
in jose aa dite bt TH BOY A ~Gotdesd éhinteh� iti® Ohiaslotte! Lom yids tay nivel oe
A tpur, Beadtiela Greys yin Mit" whoteouldsT pot! leave.chiome 3om: is oUsTD" the fodlividdat evap: ile bios: Proje stat � eeitasti a
eC eile sane oi i ndun crast actatolifalTdet vide. ©& = PEAR #69 saat
ohold wwdttely ee ateppy Lets ieorsans there: wi B81 ary leiried® 38s Fle iwsiarate ei to.1)
| pena e1di Of bebed nite of pd gia pads ee rege ~ene nt oeon sagt eae race eae no vier 2 fae
The diizzadcd et he 1 yong vt Mt 4 au Bethe! one sz AW uate: w aoa G Houdoe fe 10M =
me ok HAN poss Etch wont a nAdse}y ie} rea oe 4 oem 4
Hit we ure a e | 12" a ttendedidess they could es co tes asatic eat | iiw: feeadas bani
Ror tne? eee e! i ned?) p00. | vamtenze, Ofé mite op.) oes y-\ ion Joba 8. ~Henderson is siatlety ue
EO. Sei eto OPED . New or! ond. of bel 1 APPX renee. J SE HR! ©) ola of ap the. propabl 8 Democratic epee
: mais aid Kyleate x as F ~Bias i Yo agent, bas Tir 4a pou - oad a ott "| cand didate fur. Goveruor. jute SEE Bla
i ctl . i. mii
sauerniaimonts bistinh: wein: fe oe dod hE thioug o slecwon- en} cesstar Rey iM Tis
§ Mi ddet #1 |, $i 3 PP palners | VA Sehoot censtis efThar em dis: acl
FAaPS, AEE PRB, we |. if THe wih E. ~*�| erodes thut there:are in obo Wars (kes |. cee egies
$agcs2 aaast $a +efia viniwil nelle cogil 2 % aS a Ane vod B lua 029 white | and; zi colgned _ ahily enlieog BY ; Mee saat a
. : ro PALEY SE Zi} o ree gt ir ah i 25 82 a
rj» aco" git od |Bosres Ry ps Vyeeaeels Badgrersusd sae) at Ect pita Lonmin "
tse neal Gon-titusiode: sie wild 29% ple"(Limi ited). ie eid tas |4 pie liia iy : a BE ste a baa hii st oe to.
ain eeu ort veiled koe peso! ca eed Ree lath6 eupides� Hite Nae TERS wei esie
wei ah al ef ret zt ge ies! o terre it ee cf +gt in Be a gp. oR. have beeki- te Garces Mpal:' : 1 yet ai ew: o0 tos T
Scie ae ce Litas peek! sa RE LE u�,� oih service- te 7 : a hwe hal Bla: ~ae %
Ay perpen ect aed aes) ran aye ~a this be bo? uken: aes ¥. , eutlivet bus cane -
guritt EE een fe te ie | heya pempe et | me oae
: a i wont neha st Fe & Rye Bes add, ti oe : Mihi doieg Anely: | 3 ae oa)
owhat it! were ~aca! Acaliiaiee "Kinsyasi feed AY 6081 w esp tob ashe 5 seen
ediues|ed by tie�"� aa Pet's ee Pet eae
ew Re PAPKBE 8 aaieitnal| yisiaeens ei sili 10) Ee
nes ripe titans Pace ee ~ Sw = fee aw to Bet iS o20
lGare 7a ib cajags FL sty es
op ear ede ae ee
t ecawilt pep. Cotton Seed Meal, © 7," (20.00 "
Gigamd thkeitas it comes aBut} Hides ° es
ore if you valine a? = Lil hints. Se oe
cols Avot boiler.
: seattiaigy pe patel;
ratt Pity;
6. Sod.
Li ae
~ yee x me
Br ce 3 : = z oh uae a3: sf *
~times in South asta ck The
Subscription 25 cents per Month.
Entered as second-class mail matter.
LOA. a
aendee fe 0 prospect of stormy
3 anges = AE grate
from w we make
the follewing extracts. It
nr 8 like war times: A
oThe of th Caro-
lina eel ge sacte aon awe id-|*
ing ahd respect the cunstitu
which will you
one, the white, peacefai
of Anglo-Saxon civilizati
wat inferrea-
becomT infésted ~shes it�
- az ies -4) 41 (= -3 ~
into his
+ dee
No woman respects
very ry much Gi! :
hitls prond of hime "Galvestos.
Briard prom ny
_ An old lady ie ~Augusta is. in-
sit ee Ses ay ~lat week, She
Uroke a sewing machive needle
that she had used constaititly dar-
ing the war."Lewiston Joarsal.
and courts of the "" State,
but when the gadqes: of thess|ignom ts
courts mantont vade
: oot ther ae
an oper of our quar-
ausced bg the Foteral conatitu-
tion, eg have a right *o assert
themselves and deer their
sovereignty and nee.
This they have ever done and
» will cvoatinue to do, and will re
os 3 with all the. means. win
wer, usurpation a
tyraney of be 2 seers yess es
oss, who disgrace
the erick ermine We csn-
not, nor have we the desire to
resort to arms to resist his un
just decree, but we can and will
Spesking of the opew woman,�
if she ia to be any, more lovely
than the woman we have known
repre res let her . come
, *
» .
a .
are in a dangerous condition.
. typhoid fever epidemic at
must be contrulled by white|liit, N. J. a year azo, oWas trac
men, BOt white men oth ee ad toa a. Meith Sellel, 0 See ~dlso
he world|a similar epidemic at Waterburg, 3
must be shown that we are|Gonn; three or four years Geel ene apt PHS
capable of goyersiag ourselves and on at Springtidid,M ono tintei ormed
and that, constitution or no jatly ; aid in this sonm Gon | Teed 28 het father used to bake.
constitution, law or no law,
coartor no court, the intelli.|*e statement is made that in
t whice men of South. Cafo- oGreat Britain, during the last/
killed himself
expect ina intend to govern here.jfew years, thé fiféétion of the General ~Wade ampton tells
wey loving people p: ann? Let the men who undertakes tv | milk supply, proceeding from oas-| William E. Cartis a he fever
the cons who are t-| ead she ignorant blacks against! es of typhoid in the families of|knew a man to be od to death
ting the overthrow our of civili-/ YOU suffer as he did in 1876 déity farmers or miik dealers, has|in battle, although - Wete a
and remember that eternal
ance is the pride of fberty. thescue r gnet gly pel eendleey
cnet. They Sante ~nothing. | 108 of this disease, involving 3,000
An appeal will be taken to (}cases and nearly 400 deaths.�
Supreme 'Coart ol the United The fact is about being estab-
States, but atiderthe red tupejlished that, doit to drfoking water,
and techsicalities ~surrotading | milk is the most fruitful source of
it time to alle ary 6 rs amon in syphoid fever, which is another
argument for guarding it with the
the| most sordpulous care. ft may be
oo said that the theory of former
and the meron maytag res is taken
into the systems throuzh the air
we breathe has been exploded and
)_TC-lthat the fact bas been established
Dr Ore-| sak in pi waify all Gases ft|**
on. In this struggle we con-
fidently rely on the sym !
mind moral sapport of lovers of
government and StateTs
out the Union.
great many cases of death .which
might be attributed to this cause.
Mén were repeatediy found dead
~apon_ the field without wounds
upon them. He does recollect,
however, a case of a man whose
death was caused . by. hie being
drifted into the confederate army- |
He had an intense horror of being
forced fhto thé service dnd im-
mediately after he learned that
he had been canscripted was
taken ill. -The.. provost marshal
believed that he wae feigning
oTt is unfert that dieilina. tha
pane d prejudices ex excited
regard to the ne
on aunea infltonce the ore
on: and feeli of ju
this vital
og romana Sang eo
L;| members ofthe firm. ~Ten years
ee a ee
the Boston erald, tells of a bas-
ness concern with a nominal cap
ital, of $160,000, only $30,000 of it
paid io, that has divided in a sin-|
gle year, among three Pp rtners,
profits to the amount of $750,000,
and that exclusive of salaries of
$50,000 andT $25,000 drawh by two)
ago'one of these partners was
drug clerk on a small salary in a}
Western town and is now oneT of
the millionures of | New York.
oWithout newspaper advertisizg
_Mayor, J. tee.
: Clerk, .G. EK. Harris.
oTreasurer, J. 5. Sipith.
..Pelice"W- James, chief, T. BR.
Moore, asst; P3 TL. Dantel, night.
Coupciimen"J. 8. Smith, B.. C.
Pearce, L. H. Pender, W- J, Cowell, T-.
A. Wilks, Dempsy Ruffin.
- Baptist. Services every Sunday (+x-
cept second) a-orning and niz!-t.
~qyeeting Thur-day, night. Rev...
Bulings, pastor.
A. M. U. b. Rouniree, SupTt.
Catholic No regular services
Episcopal. Sexvigee every
A.M. W. B. Brown, sup-t-
Methodist. Services every Sunday
Prayer meeting
Rey.:G. F. smith,
at 9:30 4. M.A.
prern bese d tAighr.
ednesday night.
tor. Sunday xcheol
B, Ellington, Sapt-
. ape: hon :
rd Sanday morning and n
ing Tueslay wight ssh
MeLauchlin, pastor.
930A. M.,B. D. nyens, SupTt
ht« Pra
- _ Ceyenant
pene ets every Tuesday night.
Bagwell, N. G.
~ Pirednville Lodge
M., rreets first and
, w. M. King, w, M.
No.a81 A. F. &
|very simple commodity at that.T
Siniday Schvuol at 9-30
in fourth anv
ay morning and pisht ev. A;
By oe edor. Sanday School at 9:30
Services everv 1st and.
ev. ~Arcuie
Sunday School at
Lodge No. 17. I. 0. oO, F-,
Dr: Wi
third Monday nights
I might have made. as hying,� he
said, obut it was advertising that}
made me ~rich, and advertising &
Another concern, which began bv
investing $10,000 a year in -pews-
paper advertising, increased the
amount every year ascording to
their increase of business, aod
vo0. These are only specimes
bricks of the enormous. profits re"
alized from shrew newspaper ad
vertising- GB het
The low price of cotton has
proved to be a blessing in dis-
guise by impressing upon the
farmers the necessity of diversi-
fying their crops- Certainly the
South has too long neglected the
work of raising her own supplies
of all kinds, and the production
of more grain and yegetables will |
~materially promote her prosperity.
"Salisbury Herald. |
The New York Advertiser wants
to know how thd western people
are to protect themselves against
the tornadoes of winter aod
apriog. The Charlotte iVews says
thatis easy enough. Comé South
ble solution of this question and
4) In New
.| munity,�.said. the meighber.. .. | JAMES A.S
®|. oYes. . AnT he did, whathe start) 0.7
realize it.
f| year the total was:only $8,100.
How He Did tt
Major Moses P- Hanby, says
this year expects to spend $1,000, |
� Professional Cards.
where the tornado and cyclone is
not cultivated. That.is the sensi-
the westerner is ~beginning to
York during 1894 the
&isum total of defalcations was %9,-
~\000,000. In North Carolina that
%| ~:1 understand that, your son went}.
west intendieg to.rise with the com-
ing thelr yearTs
their interest to get our
chasing elsewhere, Our
nallits branches. "
bling you to
plete steck of
sold for CASH.
to ruh, we
the times. Qur go
rate ereiors, RAVINE no risk
sellataclose margip..
Respecttalys scHULT2,
prices before
tock iscomner |
- "RICK, THA,&.
alwuysat LowgstT MaRKET PRICEs.
we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
buy at one profit. A com
jds areal
s will
Foonghe ane
all.business.. .
Money to loan
ferms easy:
Prompt and care
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Greenville, Pitt County, N.C.
Practices in all the Courts:
Ciyil and Criminal Business Solicited.
Makes a special of fraud
ages, actions to recover
on approved security.
land, and col-
ful attention given
s@y- Practice in all the Courts.
Btoers & FLEMING
a Practice in. all the Courts: «=
oLEX. L. 8
. Special attent
John E. Woodard, F
Wilson, N.C.T
and settlement of claims, -
. J. Harding,
Greenville, WLC
T-LAW, .
to collections
wr 2
RE OR | fF ee 0
* aa aa oe a ot am
* = : = é
2. 2 Rae " 0 a
It will be done in style
It will be done right,
and it always
aoe *:
suits. |
: . E- My a ; in
well worth weighing ,
_of work, but ~~
oThese points are
in any sort
. "LINE OFr"
} ". &c., carried by
1.8 CHERRY & CO.
"this season. Our Stock of "
Ladies & Childrens
is the largest and cheapest ever of-
Jered in this town, come and see for
pourself and be convinced.
Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace
Peaches, Pears,
Apricots, Tomatoes, Corn, just
received aud extra fresh.
" Also a nice assortmeut of "
Evaporated Fruits.
the crack Cigars in town.
Family Groceries.
Scape that Survived the Oo Snap:
These iso webdina dink Uy:
Some of the farmers are chop"
ping oat cotton.
Lapis come to see LANG for
your commencement outfits-
oCoot� asks, if ia not quite as
cold as it is, was it?
Nice oranges, two for 5 cents, at
Morris Me; erTs.
Everybody is trying to keep
well while the doctors hold ~their
Spring and Summer Clothing
| Less than Cost at LANG'S.
x rearing prince Sar memnatees
ave this ti ring feeling
and been low syiniind.
50,000 N. C. Fresh corned Her
rings just received. J. J. CHERRY.
It will soon be tax listing time.
The list takers and Assessors &re
putting out appointments.
You can get ice cream, muk
shakes, pi le sherbert and
lemonads at Morris Meyer's.
Let as many of the oid veteragix
as can go to h to the un-
veihng of the monument Monday
New Mountain Butter 20 cts
Cream Cheese and CarrTs Butter
at the Old Brick Store.
The first case before the new
Mayor was a drunk and
iw canes bgtiuat thomas offen-|s
and Gents Far"
reduced rate,
Shoes, Sli
at LANG'S.
Pitt County Rifles will méet
Just This� 2 Many Face Were Caught
Mr. Jesse Speight wont to Botb-
el to-day.
Mr. Geo. W. Sanderlin ~went to
Bethel to-day.
Mr. J. A. Dupree left this inorn:
ing for Norfolk.
Mr..H. G. Jones went up to
Scotland Neck to-day.
Mr. J. P. ar hy oe ot Ceater-
ville, spent to-day
this morning from.
Pethel, is visiting the
Mr. L. 1. Moore came home
cepa raie! evening from Whit-
We learn that Mr. Warren
er is very sick at his home
two miles from town.
itMr. B. S. Sheppard |left~ this
morning for -Ccharia = being
home his son who is at schoo
We notice from he cami of
the Southern Baptist eae sy
at Washington, that Rev. J.
Lamberth, a Greenville
Mrs. Jobn som returned
Mr. W.'T. Lipscompbe left. this|
morniag for Henderson and Ral"|
ie 2
Miss Cornelia Manning, of} 4
The Cat. is compelled
to'smile at the rare bar-
gains you can obtain
by dealing with me. I
mean " business ladies
and gentlemen, all. My
H./business is to sell, Dry:
Goods, Notions, Shoes
Clothes in express train
style; yours is to buy
them, if you're wise.
I'd like to have the
contract to dress you.
right"best clothes, the
best hats, best © dreas.
goods, best furnishings
"you won't have to