Daily Reflector, January 19, 1895

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Greenville, N. 0., January 19, 1805.


+ xt


ere oe n
- tbe Sienato 4 ee Pe
doe bias

hibit? ee mde EN a Bfstribu-
tion cr tt acca and Hrendutent oe t0)
4; to, repe e a Ps 8]

~re. aidT to ae Belay fe oAeig ehts by
~railwaysT; to ¢ yers
dvainst adatterdded lurd and but"

me aes ISL ATURE,

tae to ~abolish! coabty ~buards. of}

edugation and, ged.ane salaries: of
~county. snyerintend to iacor-
porate the oPiedmor of Stock In-
sarance:Company/; to compel all
railways to pay taxes; to provide
for compulsory: éducation of blind
chiidren ;:to facilitate trials and
reduce their expeuses; to extend
the time for the beginning of
work on the ,Cape -Fear and
Northern railwayT Noimportant
bills were passed.

The chicf new bills in. the
House were: To allow county
officersto give: bendsin security
companies ; to abolisn the State
guard and the battalion of naval
reserves;to provide for a Sna-
preme Court reporter; to abolish
inferior and ¢riminal courts, aud
to-establish courts of oyer and
terminer 5 to equalize tax. assess.
ments ; + Provide for inspection
of illumivatige ols ;-to, secure to
physicians pay for. their services.

here,;were two. longT. political] |.

discussicns in the House"one of
a bill to require the coémmission"
ers of Pitt to reduce the Sheriff's
bond During thisT the Fusion-|
ists attacked the county-govern-
ment: system, and gave. notice
they would abolish itT ~The: bill

~The other debate.was on a bill
to allow publie-priting: proposals
to be returned to bidders, the law
requil ring bids and the. award to}
the lowest bidder having. been}

repecied. the very days when
" or ss ane was req The
e. by Pty Democrats

wai af hat the eater WT
: lowest bid could. Spceig because}
. they we


ewiied theT ptinting to a Hattibat,
jirrespective. of theT lowest bid.
The. bill. nBnally. passed.

Superior Coxrt,

The following cases were dis-
posed of after our last report :

Curtis Harrington, Claude Har-| |
'y |rington-: and Henry «:Harington, |"
assault with deadly; weapon, not
Isaiah Sprewell,
receiving, not guilty.

Jesse Taft, felonious assault,
not guilty of secret assault but
guilty of assault with intent. to
kiil, 6 months in jail.

larceny and


Reding Norris and Jesse Ba-
ker,. assault with deadly weapon,
plead guilty, judgment suspen-
ded on paying of costs.

Redding Norrie and H.
Norris, ~assault witn deadly weap-
on; plead guilty, jadgment sus-
pended on payment Of costs. »

W._H..Stram, carrying conceal-
ed weapun, not. guilty.

Frank Perry: larceny ~and: re-
ceiving, judgment suspended_ on
payment cf costs. .

erry MclLawhorn and oPo dois
MeLiawhorn, crulety to animals,
not-guilty. o Notice! to James Har-
rington to shew cause: why ~he!
should not, be marked proseeator.|

Court aljourned for the term).
on Friday afternoon and the|
shows that itT was a busy term. ~-

It was Fudge CobleTs first term |
land. he conducted the Court.m a
mapner:~pleasing ~to the ~ peopte,
winniny for himself: many desér-
\ved Compliments. * We heard his
Honor express himself as highly |
pleased wiih the: Greenvilie. bar,

gratification at�
Hrom the. ies 2g

ere county: pestis
Judge Coble will also: ~hold

4 Marcly andT: bagi " in bier
he|County.. nat aia ¢

Bi yozase 1%

Hymbric Edwards, trespass, not|


of cases disposed of |

and he also: expressed much. s
ohis treatment] meres
of, the connty|
SOy8 Pitt. ds» ap



oThat is what we can. ~give you. in.


FOR MEN! | oath
, Bion F. ReynoldTs Hand-Made
Shoes and Bay State Shoes.

(Every pair warranted. ag


E. P. Reed & Co.Ts Hand-Made
~Shoes and Ziegler Bros.Ts Hand

Oe fosnng Shoes. ae pair gun.
tee :


We have the very best makes
All sizes anit sty es.






It~is your trade we waut
aad we are prepared toT
beat. the market on: good
Snoes at low prices.

ceoe fide,

\f0, Feduce ~stockT mie
: ome ~see meee

under a new Seong to" -

lla a war 2B cot (wy ge eter ie at ibs ee

_ handicapped by the Jaws of the

D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.
Subscription 25 cents per Month-

~ Entered as second-class mail matter.

o_ ""
Tobacco Department.


i esercaenmeieeniall

A bill has been. introducad in
tue Senate by Mr. Belaniy, of
Nash county, to reduce the salary
of State aud county officers and
tobaseo warehouse charges to a
fraction over half of wiiat they
are now. To our mind the inten-
tion ot the gentleman who intro-
duced this bill was, pure and all
Tight, but in the hght of common
sense and sober reason let us look
at what the result of such an
enactment upon our statute bouks
would be to the farming element
of North Carolina. The legisla-
ture being composed mai of
farmers and not made up of to-
bacco warehousemen, it is but

. matural that such a bill should

meet with much -favor at their
hands, because naturally they
calculate that the save in charges
goes into the farmerTs products
aud hence is that much made for
him. But let us see. If the
charges that warehouses usually
eollect are reduced half, -instead
of having a friend to see that the
farmersT tobacco selis for
worth the warehouseman is utter-
ly disempowered and unable to
take any risk whateyer in pur-

the farmersT tobacco.
mérs of North Carolina

» honest desires and in~

eco brings market value is so

its} | Butter, per Ib 19 to 25
Special Meeting of the Board of Com-/ Western Sides 6,60 to 74
_ missioners of Pitt County. . |Sugar cured Hams lltols
| i Corn | 40 to 60
Upon the written re: of Beleman| Corn Yeal 50 to 80
i. dopees memes of th Board of)Cabbase- '- 6 to 15

©ommussioners of Pitt county, a meet-) Flour Fo to 34
ing of the said Board is hefeby called. yo _ eee
to be held at the Court House in Green-| Oats ve 50 to 60
Re ae ae eee RS

7 pa fox a, 5 per bu
considering the bonds. of: W.. .. Har-|Suues?? Yo" ep tos
mas Sherif and J. A. Thigpen) Coffee 16 to 25
as Treasurer in_ conformity with an/salt per Sack 80 to 200
order made by Hon. Albert L. Coble,|(chiekens ~~ 912} to 26
ay presiding at the January Term| Egg sper ~doz 8 a
of Pitt Scperior Court, in the manda-| Beeswax, per 1b ae
mus ings instituted in sand| Kerosene " 9 to 10,
vouty PY the said Harrington and| Pease, per bi 50 to. 75
. This the 8th da ea aren | Cotton 21°00
: JN LD. LWSON. -7 Hites 1} to 3
Chm. Bd; Com. of Pitt Co. Minks © 25 to 75
= 3 & :

gee that the farmersT


_|see proper to. take ~advantage of
it. In the disguise of approach=-"

ing the farmer with a bill pur-
porting to be their friend and for
their intercst after it is fastened
upon our statute books as a. fixed
law of the land, those yery. ones
who are now fostering and urging
the passage of the bi!l will find
that they have been harboring au
einpty delusion which in the
space of two years will cost the
to»acco farmers of this State
more money than the difference
batween the presentand proposed
charges will amount to in ten
years. Such an assertion may
sound wild but an actual calcula-
tion will prove it to be so. Only
@ cent « pound on several million
podads in~two years will amount
to a great deal more than some of
oar legislators would imagine.
There should bea mutual feel-
iag existiag between the ware-
nousemen and planters but if. the
present legislature continues on
ia its wild and visionary schemes
no telling what the feeling will
be twelve months hence. :

The Raleigh News and Observ-
er has gut to coming on time

again. The pa ior. has enlarged

to eight pages and-pat on a new
heading that improves its appear-

hands of.tobaeco purchasers who} §

i eco

OnSaturday, Jan. 26th,

at our stables in Green-
ville, we willsell

A lot.of Good


At Auction. They
will be sold to the high-
est bidder without re-
gardto price. Nostock
put up will. be taken
downor bought in for
us, but will be knocked
off to the highest bidder
Tucker & Edwards.

Cotten and Peanuts,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission Mer-
chants of Norfolk:


Good Middling 5 9-16
Middling 5}
Low Middling 418.16
Good Ordinary 44

Pone"steady. |

Prime 14
Extra Prime 4
Fancy | | 2}
Spanish :

Tone"steady.. ;

Egys" steady xt-18 to 19 cts.
. - da d, 1.00. to 1.75.

Blaek and Clay, 60 to 75 per bushel.
Greenville Market.

Corrected by S. M. Schultz, at the
Old Brick Store.



= Fig Schultz

Speaker Crisp has come to Asheville,|_

this State to recuperate his health, GA ¥ | oe
~Billy MeMtflah� Ynocked oout Mike ATTHE ou every day .

Raedy in the sixteenth round In a con-

rte utaceoo"* o(QLD BRICK STORE, = inthe

The city of Philadelphia has declined

to let the old Libety Bell be exhibitea| {}ARMERS AND MEKUHANTS BUY

at lhe Atlanta. Exposition. Upeltinere den . a ir a ho sai

M. Felix Faure »as been elected Pres- n allite breogeanT Ourstock is complete month of
ident of the Freneh Republic to succeed

M. Casimir Perier, resigned. PORK SIDES&SHOTILDERS, J anuary that if
Reports of Congressional proceedings FLOUR; COFFEE, SUGAK. |

say the charces ofa bill in fayor of the 9 .
Js icaragua canal being passed are grow- RICE, TEA, &c. : . 3

ing slim, alwuys at LGwEsT MARKET PRICES. y have

Fourteen people died of grip in. New| TOBACEO SNUFF & CIGARS

York in twenty-two hours.* The disease

is eprdemic in the city and the daily we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena your rane done .
death rate is large bling youto buy at one profit. A com .
. plete stock of

| George O. Jones, the veteran Green- ' | 3 .
"laeker of New York who. was once -a F U R N ITURE at the
cand date for Governor of that State is|always on hand and soldat prices tosui| .

dead at the age of 7v. the t mes. OQuxz goods are.all bought and |
old for CASH, therefore, having no risk | R fi to ~
ttulents of Richmond College, who|to run,we sell at a close margip.. pac enectuor o

recently burned inefigy the President Respectfully, «. :

of that institution, have now buried 8. doef Pa] -: coe ~ at

the college in etfigy. " . | RD. .. ADICM
Miss Lula Rowe was found dead inj Prof ional Cards, | JOB Z OFFICE. :

her bed at Newbern, the result of gas essi

escaping from-a-burner. which had beeo

only partly turned off. D* D. L. JAMES, | Jt will be done right,

Other Senatorial elections have been GRERKVILLE, N.C.
made as fullows: Colorado, E. O., Wal-})
cot; Montana: Tee Mantle and T. H.| JU: FLEMING, It will be done in. style,
Carter; Nebraska, J. M: Thurston. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW

| Peat aes Probl skentien 2 Weieas, Orie,
; « pate o+ mpt attention to SS. :
Stub Ends of Thought. lat ~Tucker & MurohyTs old stand. | and. it always suits.
Good taste is seldom an rte

habit... THOS. J. JARVIS. * ALEX. L.:stow}
dollar. gets. bigger the farther jAbvis & BLOW,

you get away from it. These oints are�
Reading maketh a man full, but it) . ATTORNE YS-AT-LAW, . ipmiaehiias 3
doesn't get/below bis chin.T _ �,�# Practice ix. ail the Courts. b wee 5
_ ~The cannonTs mouth does less in- o | well worth weighing 8
jury than the gossipTs mouth. - L. CoLATHAM: at . HARRY SKIRNE alee a ee PS
Intention is a comfortable stop- [aria & SKINNER, a | eee a ae
ping place-on theroad to get*there:{ ° iat Dh .
The apparel doth oft proclaim the: Arrone iv exer Laws in any sort " BP
man, but-oftener the woman. © - - omen rhode a ILLE, oo 8
There is more ~manliness in earn- gre wn r mee G4 3 : 3 ey.
ing a-loaf of bread than in accepting | __ = Lor . of work: bu _ - os
If only children and-fools tell� tlie | yn i seth ess At ARTIST. - mo ee
truth, there are not. so many fools in POS eS Aeris N.C. ee si
the world as one might suppose. wr Patronage'soficited.

There is no valid. reason owhy. the}. .
lilies'and roses~of courtship should] { JERBERT EDMUNDS, - 3
not grow.in the Wider field of matri- | 7 ee, ena tao ag mecciceead BARRE; 4 F
mony. Pen Fie lear-Under Opera House. ae


slag? eet, FLOW RS.
(iting = +

But poo: whe are Caught : in the
Busy World.

Mr. WL. Brown went to Parm
ele this mornitg.

Gol. Harry..Skiunrr lefs
morning for Raleigh.

Sherif R. W. King
last night from Raleigh.

Mr. J. W. Wiggins, one of our
tobacco boys has gone to" paaroky
Monunt- : ":

Mr. Willie M arphees, é4 Greene
coanty, was here Friday selling

Mr. W. P. Hall, foreman of the
planing mills, went up the road
this morning.

Mr. O. L~ Joyner, orbidtelor
Eastern Warehouse, is spending
to day in Bethel.

Mr. R. J. Proetor went to
Washington to-day to see his
mcther who is sick.

Mrs. Hellen; of Grifton, spent
yesterday here and _ returned
home on last nightTs train. "

Mrs. Geo gia Pearce and ~Miss
Hortense Forbes left last night
for Europe, by way of Kisston.

Hon. J. E. Moore, of |William-
ston, who has been attending
Court here, returned home to-day.

Mr. Willie Sloan, of Morehead
City; has accepted a position with
the Grenville Lumber Company.

Mrs. Ollen Warren and chil-
drench Penny Hill, are visiting
ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.

Engineer George Smith, of the
passenger train, is suffering witb
# boil on his arm and is taking a
few days off.

Capt. Hawks hada large | num-
ber of ladies on last nights train
They love to travel when such a
clever conductor is along:

Mrs. Lucy Abbott and
me gape from near eg
came up morning to spend a
few days ch her daughter, Mrs.

Mia ures ~bere




: - Ly H. Rountree.

wnnallnimed tos

, ©) Wi
' EP She ~Baptist church, the office

~jae Ay oe -Cobl cz wife: The Place to Bell your

ieft this erie fore

r Saje ie Pa oe
ee here and express i

self as pee ge with Greenville.
t 7 2 wit] tes ; as} -

~Gised Sowa in town to: oGav-.

The bill board near the~ depot:
has been torn down. =

Buy Cotton Seed Meal at the


Old: Brick Store-. |
Th hiek Med: d 3 94 Ff
cot RS Re Erg ) Gon TOBACCO

tainment here to-night. |

Tobacco ( Clotk at Lang: Ts

I ohave. Caaiia a school for
small boys and girls at the resi-
deuce of Mr. S. B. Wilson... Will
be glad ta bave.a. few -more ~pu-
pils. oTerms $1 per/month._
MYRTLE Witson. *
Marriage i icenses.,

oThe Register of Deeds issued
only four lieenses this week,
two for white and two for colored
couples. ~They were F. S. Har-
ris and Mary J:" eng p rite iad
Bailey;. aud. Mamie, ;


O. L. JOYNER, Prop.,

Greenville, N.C


white: Frank Per Pitae ~anc 263 |

Teel, James Matthews and ed _ TINN ERS. meg

Johnson, colored. yy And Stove Dealers.

(Special to Reflector.) . Repairing promptly ationded +9 ,
AYDEN N. C., Jan. 19th 1895. ms i _"DEALERS in. oi ,

Mr. WillieT Jones, agedT about 70 }

yoonss ti living ee Surtgs tah i PAINTS, Oh, GLASS AND PUNT
e went o 0 his work)

yesterday morning as well as{ Lamp Goods, Biey cles, &e. 23

usual, and dropped dead in, less}, .. 1
than half an hours; en \Az ent for ne and pei

+ « TheSobeitor, |
Hon: W. P- Shaw, 8 Heutor-|
son, who served as. Solicitor...tor:'s
the term of Court just _ elosed,
left Friday for his home.� Mr.
Shaw proved himself anT able!
prosecutor, is a mest con
ntlemaii, aud it would ~be
or the interest. of the ~State
such a man as... i

Solicitor. We ~unde ; stan ba

mer was

first ternia to

Daily Reflector, January 19, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 19, 1895
January 19, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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