Daily Reflector, April 19, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Wie tee
wt: 4 ain,
dey dhery sca

7 oh wate?

oetn ye ast NN Sl

~pain prvi leaves ved 6 ms Aa ee sunlt I knew: dd at dere:
L abaig boy pips, 1, ghou'g keld.s bank tga 43 6
cities ht seat penal El BOKS 4,
ont that Ishould gtee: erect) th }

Beaty aves. ~~ Wash
Ss sso ao
Wmerer tor n

uay i and sow

ap ch Gh oie eae ¢
5 a8 t sant rear ee :
nomen hee Scher aby ia HEA | BS5oooSeS
é 1d atouelh ones Series ene oved i : capa es Pts. odw ei Gé nla oc ae D. KYEL ul oc TR
pe BD dimpled 93 re
olaa eet round, ? ek Aa et oa
Santas s | RUE teBeei: BAC

earth wake shoe
er thant:
Alabiwme �

Te purndog ~kthan Nabboonl. .
Saw Sere e, Ar Sind ae itn venased:
a joss Of $15, 0UDe tr sgenA ~~

A block: of mmiliiog® going up
at Wiaveraxilie. N Y, enddenly |

ie ae

~: -
= | fe TO A. BWEET MAIS 154.
o®t. Pr
Bote hy y dear. if I had eye: ik cod é.
) And ~ech ks so 8 oft afd. white oan
: glechht UE TUR ee | ~

= raked tame 1a.a9ake, each Mike, ROEM PIXIN:

reer: ea td att Wwepo | abwayd belas ay)

efits wen

omy te xtoRC er : a :
be liew Sa SOR 4 | oN ans

Ro xa3


3H 3%

Nasties fend sil ~SPRING Gi

£3 Foy al owh? ©

oat eladetac

"EE ectT sword sitll oak


ae? 8a

: ManTs Ww

@ ei is

ee ould | give; ETeab Break p}oneRte)

~| thet 4 Hey 10 di mase aeney*: det «:d3
bdo bx ae the burdens Of the: hearts m

i so" édnyT frudgthg over liteT a" sweet}.
ft lwa ed? bua suits» | rata
oAnd dream of naught but misery: pad Ld:


aid fe 0x -:
yodla oT


CS alae JigKed BEL ~

gow ii

[ Grid Taney x Sawenad FeRDt wanent


ECKWEAR Tho deewreuee
JN: mera ie cae thenumerous

hetaal -conkil

ajat root Roy ee
at bcee retina & Boos!

the z ~ ;
55 it i te we igs tas , yacle Batts awot

a . ots gine She den % 2S ae y #8 , wot) | :
copall Sted" Goltector of L[uteroal or ip ahi Blea ~ ge hae are ber Ta: eibek 3 me aoe ai wider ats for, yeats 2Stel d ys ii
ere for tie * fe Western paige ~gives ae terno spaces ay Gen - Mer:

: ing _ 49 ofi the vac oas ae hagT auch opéwer era) trates ~ppdin 378 ore oats 6 be tie hoard os aa =e

deatT ~ut ~Cupt. ~po oon oper TT dtenmcds

the . adcan (s-tO Ww gi oH Pelawibal wa anette pad 4 tehGeds: OF dling ail o4

Syacp Sbrpperd- AY | HBSS vse sigh of Ahead a anhgod,|'17 were to fill mana eA 9 ada i ib jon ob elqoeq@
Pt disagrrpeble ede edor, ny Sg ha Bit vi wo. na, Saracen? aoe | Were sipectt me appointees. |U9%1 Ordinary evad oGy tad? soul
acted ofie: bern thet William Lebo Huls se nde AS, gag, be, but all, sprilled, £9,| Ae ks: said Fabs ~Moye. " PRANOTS. &
wony, Demseerete iast-f bdo) vere hnbargmannigy RSM e EE msn be pee oh Pry me. 5 £08 Gover: .(epe avise dion of!
saltiae ih she. | dincovene oof the} And oshen this charm is found tis verge of, 19. 07 cat Ltiey afl eae Pome? 3H te wipbwail
charred a vet pth swt gree # | et eee here ankieate® notT ent ye oandthe Governor pani wy belosooue toa o1Kg
Lee eC re oe ve bedn)� bears will haye to make appointments i Pone=steddy. °° Longees | £ ants
tramps W yore slot ping in thej@e #0 9% MLNS Tork ansreuty.; if the places, are filled. me te "-Firm é
, bart: di Os 497 £2 p12 dad Sma teens aus as ipt iptearsooge gee! oT bas" :
idee oGook Mibetings: 0: foie st

= ME00 FespectfuT.

Before the war-ard probably
the, now"mapy

the Colored ta tit ca # Sioliv

Poy ote WoRTH "CAROLINA: » tolel a

; con he pee en OS Be:

Low with « good viegree.of skill.
One such, , : accord:

i Texas 4 mss
ter uate Stak, 4
oot and servant
were fiddling, Situ ss
th ~nished » the mapyr
: ae lives eu

¥en handle: the bew,: pretty
i well, Ned. cond +t optwey se:

imr oReC
But the same cld woman

shripka! &t a nTOUse; +
WIR Via Renee Oe

gee gener er tre wid

¢ eeegtiia.} neh t

Per acen ES =" Ua lace PO Been Mire igure -gitlers growing op]
erie is hddpenine �,� Over the State. jour ae ae ft ee "-
oq is. sermon lgst,night on the Ton | «

Mr. eieees tded a abd Miss/i¥y ma" t ee a One ot ~the * Cot

eet sie both vet Seinen rery Seok Hereucds ip Rake, on on on

crane ane Pa hak. cya Si eo a 0. oe
| donTt. at they | Corn
Siethjanes ah : cso ~aie rigors ie 1 it ow y gery | p nid ods storia bat
4g iy WiC ive G Gs © t vaen aye ead oan
[esac eA We Sirens | jo ) ne eh, vt ton ane
Ww : tas * ms) Pere OE bia 38)
: Vii wll vey a8

PERIPNT RY GD: tinny 123 &
ise oH. .ettasiten
#6 it itoiniqe 34
ey ~3 Srp od ye
Maes Saas tee BY oft: vol 66
ae ta Gt ] eG ails

oe oe
eee we wae is
hem Oe Aer

The Legislative appointees as
directors of the Penitentiary
bave not succeeded yet in get-

ting a quorum but are weiting

in Raleigh until they can get &
sufficient mumber present to)
elect Capt. Kitchen Superinten-
dent. Meanwhile those ap-


Marion Batler is in the city/|
and through his advice thelsime whes reparation in the fu
ture may be impossible, acd yetT

weight 24
The No Bk 4Hartors sk $60 each
7 pounds.

Treasurer has notified the
Banks not to pay any of Mr.
LeazarTs vouchers. So it seems
that they propose to tura eut
~Re convicts by not paying any
of the running expenses of the

Four eoree of ical well maaur
ed, well cultivated and properly
attended to will turn out more

pointed judgment tran any other protes-
by the Gevrner have) ion becates there are 8© many

qualified and together with the! ..:. 2. shat need attention at the
elected Mr. Leazar Superinten- ee " o"e 2

it than has come under my ob-

servation. Hf any notes relating| { ,

to this whieh throw more light on
the subject come out in & rea son-
able time I will try to send you
word of it Yours sincerely,
Paaxux E. Exzsryr.


You can bey a

The Saparb Gplembie in diye
The Ro. {4 2 Hartfordat $80 cach


x ing thelr yearTs supplies will find

to our prices before :
sawtste Ourneckiembetetes

a ae branches.


RICK, TEA, &c.
alwuysat LOwEe?T MaBeeET P SICEs.


Soin tacene tae on pommyecn: Bay rtens
bling you to al profit. oD
plete stoek of ne


always onbaed and sold at prices teauit
the times, Our areal) bought and
sold for CASH having ne risé
te ran,.we sell at a close margin.

&. M. SCHULTz,

@reenvtile. N.C

Professional Cards.




pa Practice in all the Courts.




" "

jsevis & BLOW,


Ff Practice in. «ll the Conurt«.

John E. Woodard, F.C. Harding,
Wilson, N.C. Greenville, 8. C
Greenville, N. U.
Special attention to ceilections
and settlemeut of ms.

akties a


yomes A. SMITH,


@ Patronage solicihed,

oe oe

oLOCAL DIRECTORY. | Sm Facts tor Business men.

COUNTY OFFICERS. name of an article hus ne selling)

Superior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye. yaar en y agg Moe
and nd remembers met

Sheriff, R. W- King. em: merely , | =
Register of Deeds, W. M. King. that itTs all rightT beceuge itTs ep omatie oar of Sag tig iT
Treasurer, J. L. Little. i guvertistak be bhe.[inatitations, it did: jing: that
Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. Laughing-|gom renin od me ag Kt of the| Will redound to the general wel-
ouse come so thoroughly s part OF tS fare, and many of its ensctment
Survevor rogular programme Of stores Of 75� positively harmful, as time!

a e ve ) : it has|* be 109! ar. Ro
Commissioners"C. Dawson, chmTn, |p i the donbtful polisy Vill develop. ~Many ot. the ines-| "

Leonidas Ficeming. T. K. Keel, Jesse L-|stage and become a gvod thin, dents attending its proceedings;
Sinith aud 8. Mjeaa all goad jor, nemupapers, fos ere openly and notoriously scan-| Lv
SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell. |store keepers, and Zo shoppers" "i; must be manifest to every | UY Rocky
SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith, |*° Proc ber pets mere ponent up |intelligent jsitizon, i vie 9 we
Board Education"J. R. Conglel : a everythin as happesed at)
ehmTn, F. Ward aud R. C. Games by eoccraeoae' can always fore ps cs che Ist of Janaary, Ar.
. . Ragsdal g and considering the many
Sept. Fas. ES W- * |The man who advertises, is the things. tbat haye not, that nothi
"_" one who often rises, - lis to be expected in future o the
TOWN OFFICETS. To be among the leaders in the|combination which " constituted | "
saver. J. L. Fie desperate race for wealth-ithis Legislature. It isu bad lot.
ayor, o- malng. With this one atipaletice. that |It not only fsiled to do nearly |/T
Clerk, G. E. Harris. he does so with discretion, jeveryt it promised to do, bat
Treasurer, J. 8. Smith. And be tee it pe piacmere too rBidrsoel oa Py demon - )
a " to bank account andthe a ; govern Nort
BF Selita ower barn heaith. Carohna. The. universal cry |-
Counciimen"J. 8. Smih, B. .| To advertise oMoney back if throughout the State should be,
Pearce, L. H. Pender, W. J. Cowell, T. wanted� is the very best adver- Away with it! Away with it! If).
A. Wilks, Dempsy Raffin. a whan sach advertising is|*.�"�42 OF sli A or ae on ~ rj 12895.
possi - 4 Bal - Z es 1 Oo,
man i i u twice, it ia yours. Surely 20
CHURCHES. " woos eonzincert Epo Stronger sranmaent could be _pre-/| Ly Florerce
nosy ought to buy what he bas of this State| Lv Fayetteville
Baptist. Services every Sunday (ex- sale can make the public sented to the people of this State|ry ina
exept fourth) tee, Fe nig't. Prayerithink so, too. o|to persuade them to turn again tol ar Willan
meeting Thurrday night. Rev. C. M.| The advertisement that may be the party which governed so lung |_____
sulin wetter Suyday Seoe! a: 9:40| ood to-day may be poor to-mor- and so. well, than is offerel by &
A. M. U. D. Rountree, Sup vow. Times change, and ads, |review of she procceedings of the
Catholic No regular services. should be changed with them. Legislature. just gijvarnet-"

Episcopal. Services every fourth Sun- o Statesville
day morning dq night. Rev. A,| All the business sense, all the)
(?reaves, Gener. Sunday School at 9:30/cOmmon sense, allthe advertising

A. M. W. B. Brown, dup t. sense that can be condensed into | ame : Ete 3
Greenville, N.C. = Iga.

Methodist. Servi Sunday|an ad is just what it needs.
maspingt and ight. Prayer moving There a bad spots in the best
: 6
Contracts taken for modern aes ee
stvle brick and wooden buildings. |, wiison 1 iH

Wednesday night. Rev @. F. Smith,/ada, the same as_there sre weeds
M 3
. Hines, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 lion times: the way you say it is|Qjd houses changed to any plan|ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 / ot) i
A , "


No: 78] 3) pomwn ||

Sse" |

ington, Supt. cultivate your copy too often.
Presbyterian. Services every third) What you've to say may

Sunday morving an! ni,yht. Prayer : .
Saretind wpeaday aot Rev. R. W. have been said by others a mil

" Sanday rchol at 9::0 4.M.A-\in the best gardens. ou can't
. M. B. D. Kvans, SupTt what convinces and counts ined |desired. Plan and specifications

aa vertising- carefully made at short notice. All) Ar 7*
Better too much space end ) l in| Ut
LODGES. not agh matter than too mach work guaranteed first-class in

: every res Prices .
Covenant Lodge No. 17. I. O. O, F-,|matter and not enoagh space. ney pect. Prices made very
Bagwell, N. G. and cheapest� 18 n%t enough, be-

Greenville Lodge No. 28t A. F. & A.|¢ause buyers think they have &
M., meets first and third Monday nights/right to know why they are best

The Place to Sell your


" |ehante tell them why. :

sposccewasesseisseeseeseesngy| People are tired of too much

, "| reading in these days. -Don't let
ta NEATHESS-7-QUIGKNESS Blvour ad. make them more £0.
| g Let it invigorate them with ite
Pa. ae, GE crisp, bright terseness"like s

"§ _-_ SEND YOUR"" , tonic, to create au appetite for
2 "TO THE-"" os
3 "iIF YOU WANT" |

, .

i i ae i ae
ae yr ne eet eg a te


ft 4 2 fieT
aD et OF

i, bi


a tf

eel nmned

Ribbons, Gloves, Mite, te. carried by)

Sea a SE POT eTIa

a «#8

o8G ities toda +

Sit De Yin

isit a

tah. to-day
fees Ta sik come ee es



_-"this season. Oar Stock of"

; "AND
Ladies & Childrens


ig The largest and cheapest ever 5 ot
Jered in this town, come dnd see Lar,
potrself and be commnced.


Mattinys, Windsw Shades and Lace



prices made accordingly.

Surprised ?-

Of coursé sou ate, and sa
is every Ong elac wh seee

my beaatifal lice of gocds.
I am offeriag


and Laces thai will astouish-yeu. |!
Por the men I make a specialty Arih:

"_ARD "

2 = He = HOOKER)

se ie Mee af re: :


Se en Cot. Aa



Goods sold gn tReir merits end! bright Took,T but theit touchT ois

, sod alippere in

ob dad DA hha ic

eu was sole frost this ~Mr. Wiive ter* Mal

Scored'a Run To-day. «|

~pink. o" ©)

eee wertia 268 iar
Letteettl tig?

et this

iby owit f

morning. 1d gibi o, epeat to "WayT here.

Phene is still a hee th for. eoal Mr. B. PR; ~is still con
aud weodi ~+ }) ; , |to bis room ~with rheugatisar ©

~Bad colds a npperodt "xbset Mr.: ¥W- Cc: oDarden, of. \Greepe
weather for th rcanatyhas been, appointed, one

| ~Bay! Cotten pie Meal at ~hel epiiagy of the State. pen-
Ol4 Brick Btiird» ; o°

Mr. Dewid - Autireedy oformerly
The improved weather. to day los. ~Bethel, died in ~Parboxo .. Wad
put more neople out.shopping. _


pesdaytiaht from astroke.of par-

~Freeh Cakes andT Oratkers just alysis. .HeJjpaves a vibe apd,
ireceived at DOW. BaraeeTs. seven. ehildree,, wi ee
aw vt "
Tae Weldon. Vewa ia. ayventy- Bicycles. Age RO cbae ae in Lidn-

\pine years old and, an excelient don entirely, bf bawbee and

naan gpI 2 esp ne, .
4 Avélean anil PTY podohasidy Tzanth.

) 2

N 6. Freah Coisied Her

ane ag AE recdived, J.J. CHERR

upright and noble manhoad,/.
The pléasufes of din haveT a

Aprif ought to� be Batiefiet� by
jwow with thdTdays botrowe? from:

| death.

a aut

skates © with ovemn boy's, suit, ia weather.

learnt ae Ar "Thufaday Me DW. «.

Otlén * oWatpenT� Bays thd� ~trnet ronted-twol white, traceps who-b
(this morning did nt wanes frnit) taken op -qaarters.ini the! eld
a: eA rf. ~Eberu _ brtase, Mesto-the ; Metho-


ie a SY Gir


pani don ond black shoes organize os; finer ede pany 5%. 50
: variety at | pearthetime bf going: to. press

' obhoko|with the RerLecror that, wejicen
ithTs ivapeebssesd ta poet C9 pei ee opened
~dav will tell you about theT Pe was 0

ij ee! w
prices of his canned goo4s. to plage a a Me 4 n.
tipwlioi ted sere FRA | Sor cla aii Be hu

atnerom '


weather will not become set


"" See holds a m to
name the folding meanness :

for -Couttilmetosn othe! several
wards? ~Notwithstaedi ag @er-
rymender cthd: Dimacraie ; stijl
have & fighting era Og a oultl }

the mestinog =
increases «&
grows larger.

aptist charch
congregation |

The afternogé fred id ostheirdatpe 5: ei
Forbes gave tae nade? adele? aft ee ey
~Thureday was a most delightfal; 4+\ oexsisiwd Besies.. ""
ocongiagns J f]( }'}' Alepomrenreneeaie

Some explain that the coming 9


ofron has been increased in

Spohn ghaee

hae .



Lm one. of thé preparations, for nrg

| Marsh, but it feck like the whole

& Co" GIVEN AWAte"A | pais of, roiler| month is Zing to give'~asT Slarch®

a rs! | dist church. cl my indi? oeue-

rr pf bee! Von't oTarget that tepzittration .

, hil ' "Books ~wilf ayalh o ooper ito-|
oid+-ol, f wortéw ip the ee You
~Toe Munlliveaees iAbont|catinot Ydte itT the� eotlittty ° t6 wii
new bounete"is the faces election sunléss' ~you register. |) Ds

oBho«mecting: shis., dtsntands

Daily Reflector, April 19, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 19, 1895
April 19, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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