Daily Reflector, September 19, 1895

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1. 2.



0. 242



| Greenville market were taking a0)
farmers tobacco and shipping it
train yoing!to these places and making
Going South, | money on it. So firmly was one
of our prominent merchants im-
pressed with thie idea that be
suth Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P.| gave notice to a good many of
leaves 2:16 P. M. ~his customers that he was going
TW a vives ofan aye ito place a man from up the coun-
yes for Washington Tuesday, Thurs try oD the Greenville market to
pand Saturdav. ibuy for him, and that he would

~~ PLP PPL PPL b-4
~ship tobacco frou here to the
Weather Bulletin. ~other markets and make money

Friday fair. on it. He placed his man on the
market, but after an experience
iof only three weeks (but long
lenough for him, the merchant of
icourse, to be out of pocket to the
\tune ofa hundred or so dollars)
. his buyer made himself conspicu-
A few years ago, 10 fuct fuur|oug by his absence from the

ears Only, and in some instances | breaks. The merchant withdrew

~ach less time than that. several/f,gm the tobacco business & wiser

tees eet Sere tales a more experienced wan. But
revent a tabacco market being lostond of ama why it was thet
. : . ihe lost on his purchase, he gave
ery in Greenville nee asa reason that his man only
es ic sutwage (oa the high tobacco. Strong
ieee denied the right ee was this influence against the
slant tobacco by the inerchant market, suceess came slow but

sure. There are numbers of our

ranning them, and thcse who .
: . |people who at that time spoke up
were not forced throT these straité|¢,- ine home market and have al-

were advisea by merchant friends. | | v3 dene so, bat there was

not only in Greenville, but all | +b . fc

over the county, not to f rol with orp ie uence among som
? | of our citizens against the market.

eo nieky a crop, and inthis way |We have heard a good many of

numbers - al people bhi xe \the buyers speak of the treatment
iguorant of the natural adapted! | they received at the hands of the

ity of our scil to the growth and| citizens when they first came to

tine development of product! G eenville, and so far as ths writ-
, we have had some

a ib or ta go
ral e voile aod en ~be lvery hard things said about us in
inde ness from theT, anection with the tobacco mar-

bead of our farmers. We neve | Kees so bitter was the feeling
merchant against it- B

al Trains and Boat Schedule.


issenger and mail
h, arrives 8:22 A. M.
yes 6:37 P. M.

orth Bound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
leaves 10:10 A. M.




oa tiediienl






doubt but that our
were honest in their views,
when afew came together and
tried to establish & market for the


ut as every man

we knew that if success crowned
©' our efforts the feeling would soon
produ recs hae is irs '�,�| Le outlived, but if failure overtook
ev eabli = ed busi ie presti ° " us we would be kicked into obliv-
ustadils ineee P ze ~on asa vagiary youth. Moved

seme of BF Lap singed wa by such incentives a few men
thrown oe eet | Farmers oe eet ee. Greenvil
were advised to ship their tobac" market into existence,
co to. Oxford, Henderson and
Durham and all the other mar-
kets of the State, and told that

the few buyers that were on the

and while


we are the better enabled toshow
ket has bee
show those whose opposition was count of the
so bitter that although they fought | Mr.
us a hard battle and caused us to- aged farmer


is\Judge Hart decided that there is
bat\ the architect of his own fortune, |2°

le tobacco

the object of this article is not to| heats.
especially pass again through the
dark days of the market, but in|to 0.
taking a partial review of the past cinnatti,

My New Suits

are here.

Comeandsee them


The King Clothier.




Rev. E. C. Glenn, pastor of the
Morehead City Methodist church
passed through Monday on ac
death of his father
S. B, Glenn, @ prominent and
near Greensboro.

he advantages the tobacco mar"
n to the town and

drop many a hard earned dollar, | Loy
yet our victory and the defeat of He died Satarday, aged 85 years.
" Newberne Journal.

their purposes was & blessing tu |
them in disguise-

So Judge Hart Decides"Gentry
Beat Patchen tor a Purse of
$3,000"T wo interesting


(Special to Daily Refiector,)
WILMINGTON, N. C., Sept- 19."

legal bar to a prize fight in
Dallas; so Corbett avd Fitz
simmons will fizht at Dalla s.
John R. Gentry beat
Patchen st the State fair Park in
Initiweukee yesterday: About
sud thousand people in at"


tendance. It was for a purse of
three thousand dollars and was

won by Gentry in three straight

Boston shut Baltimore out at x-

Boston yesterday in @ score of 8
Cleveland won from Cin-
score ten to nine-

On Fifth Street near Five
Passengers carried to
orses. Comfortable Vehicles.
you when sick and unable to follow
your business or occupation.
Average cost from about one tc 6
r day. No assessments,
For information apply to

eet at reasonable rates Good
A Friend in Adversity.
Benefits $2.50 to $200 per Week,
cents pe
act cost stipulated.
ZENO MOORE, President.



oe Be



D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.


Subscription 25 cents per Month. |

" j
Entered as second-cias¢ mail matter.


A poor little BoyyBged but 6,
died in West Indianapolis actual- ~aw bis
ly of a broken heart, because bis/:jon will, in the majority of cases,
mother and father could not agree |compel him toT turnish. the. -Yery |

and had separated. What a great best paper the business will justi-T

f EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) orief that was to break the dear fy.

7 =

A Lave Letter,

The Wilmingtou Dispatch says*

an The following letter hasjust come

We give it


into our possession.
verbatim et likerat im:
Law Orrice D. L- RvssELt, ~

little bo~Ts heart. i is pafhetic| "
~beyond expressioa-� His nfoe bebo considerin connection with

~was Clarence McCane. Then the duty of sustaining their local

~there was that loving little boy 10 | newspapers

| is that strangers

own State who recently shot jndge largely of the thrift, pros"
himse!f accidentally, inflicting * | ,erity, iutelligence, and cultiva-
'moftal wound Just before dying tion of a comamuhity by the ap-
~he called all the famiJy around pearance its paper presents.

This astonishing statement is

id be the avonal
valne of the cotton of the South
if. it were all manufactured at
home, and the timeis fast coming

when the worldTs cotton mills


em 6

Another important point people | nust come to the worldTs chef

lcotton field "the South. This
| means a wonderful increase in the
wealth of the South; is means a
rate of progress and a degree of

prosperity never seen before.


oDear SIE os are one " the| saying he was aLout to die. And
friends in various parts oO the ow in contrast to such tender-

State to whom I have concladed' nes abd leye-we yeed of a young
to write with regard to thé Repub}. thiefin Michigan. Eddie

ithe local paper

Many a home seeker has in great
measure been influenced to settle
in a certain peighborhood because
reflected in its
prosperity a prosperous and cul-



lican nomipition for Governor.
think my nomivation would be
very acceptuble tothe Populist
party. It would insure success-
ful fusion in 1896. }

oI baye maby reasons for want-
ing to be Govenor, not the deast
of whith is the factibat Demo"
cratic politicians would rather


Thayer stole the avimal obecause
it was the best he could find;� and
is new incustody. He is but 7
years old. yIt ig tar better to die!
uke the other two tittte Eoys did,}..
than begin life as a criminal and
perishing perbaps as a felon to
die at last and go tg the devil.
How very important it is that the

tivated commuvity-"Richmond

The Anmberican Quick Luncna.
The prevalence of indigestion in
America has been various!)y cccount-

ttwo of the favor:+s explanations.
But, asa matter of fact, it is not so

have any other man in the Siate-.

They -krow-that with Rus-ell for for, children.

Governor, Democratic influences|

will not prevail inthe executive
office. Neither abuse vor flattery
nor the power of their newspaper
press, porthe blandishment of
what they call ~societyT would
avail them.

Lest examples should be set be"-| much what one eats as the way .n

How carefal we! which one eats it which works the
should ail be in our words, in our, Dischief, and in America the way
daily hfe! How easily the young!!5 4 standing affront to the art of

are influenced by bad example i'gastronomy, for in what other
| country than America, as a writer
and while plestic and easy of ac-

_ in The Critic asks, would the legend
cess are molded in life and char-|**Quick Lunch�T prove an attraction
acter. God help the hittle ones

A foreigner, especially if he were

oI would like to hear from yOU and depraved people!

ana have your views about things
in general.

mae i

Ripening Tomatoes in finter.


Among the wanv plans that.
have been proposed for saving
the tomatoes which remain uuripe|

Yours truly� |

to the hungry man?
who are surrounded by vicious) to
'a British workman, would regard it
; in the light of an insult. A French-
God protect the innocents from |man will do anything in a hurry ex-
the cruel contagion of vice, 1l- cept eat, and in consequence his di-
morality, degradation! It is a gestive apparatus doesits duty. But

jsad thing to see the young sneak | the average American seems to think

. . : 'that the time spent at table is wast-
aoe into dens, of hia sila a ~ed. Indeed the writer ix The Critic
into places where sin and rulU declares that it is the commonest
abide elways. As the twig is bent ithing to see men bolting their food
so the tree inelives. The seeds at a lunch counter, not to get back

ed for, iced water and sweets being |

this way we have for several years

Experiment Station.

~atthe coming of frost, we have ,¢ dissipation and vice early sown

found the following the most Sat) can obly produce a barvest of de-

. ; | vauchery, grossest sins and de

ae wat RS IE smminent plorable final resualts."W ilming-
gather all the green tomatoes. | .
Wrap each separately in paper"| ofS

=" ee

eld. newspaper will do. Now The County F aper.
pack them in boxes and store in
a cool place, just warm enough to,
be secure! from frost Lat not tion tothe people aud the inter-
warm, the object being tu keep ests of its neigbborhood that no
not toripen them. Br:nz out a| outside paper cap supply.
few at atime as they are wauted,, If local newspaper is not what
and p!ace fp & warm tlaee to rip- it ought to be. the chances are
en a few days in adfance. In/that the fault is not with the edi-
tor or proprietor, but with the
people of the locality, who have
it in their power to make it what
it ought to be, by. according it,
proper and generous support. The

had sliced tomatoes ou our table
up tothe middle of January."W.
¥. Massey, Horticulturist, N.C.

The couutry paper bearsa rela-|

to business, but in vurder to loaf
|about the streets till the midday in-
ltervalis spent. Even those who en.
|joy more leisure show a similar dis-
\regard for the high art of dining,
~and an American lady has been
jheard to sav that she thought the
nicest way to live would ba to go to
the pantry when you wefe hungry
and take a bite of something, but
that to sit at table was asheér waste
of time. ~Ten mmutes for refresh-
ments,� in fact, was ber idea of ra-
tional refection. Here at least is
one.of the things which we manage
better in tlie effete old mother coun-
try. Record breaking is all very
well, but it is a bad ideal to aim at
where speed in eating is concerned.
"London Globe. .

There seems to be no art of Know!-
edge in fewer hands than that of
discerning when to have done,"


Greenville Market.

Corrected bv S. M. wehultz.
Butter, per Ib 15 to 25
Western Sides 6 to7
Sagar cured Hams 12 to 133
PCorn 40 to 60
Corn Mew 50 to 65
Flour, Fainily 4.00 to 4.50
Lard 54 to 10
Oats 40 to 50
Sugar 4to6
Coffee 16 to 25
Salt per Sack 100 to175
Chickens 20 to 50
Eggs per doz 10to 123
Beeswax per Ib 2u
Kerosene, 114 to 15
Pease,per ou
Hulls, per ton 6 00
Cotton Sced Meal 20 90
FHliides 5 to 9

�,�otton and Peanuts.

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for vesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Coamission Mer
chants of Norfolk:

Ge Patronage solicived.

I aneaatre EDMUNDS...

oCoder Onera Heuse, _

oSpecial attention, given to cleaning

Gentlemets Clothing.

Lugs"Common 8 to 4
o Good 4to7.
o Fiue . 7to 1
Cutters" Commca 8 to tl
o Medium 11 to 15
oo Good 15 to 27

Good Middling 8 1-16
Middling 7%
Low Middling 7 516
Good Ordinary 7 68

Prime 2}
Extra Prime rg:
oancy 3}
Spanish $1 bu
Yone"ateady .


panes A. SMITH,



LOCAL DIRECTORY. | wi uitstO & WELDON R. | He tel Professional Cards.
a AND iokince RAT HOR. Tere olen lai bake Sal as casas
or Cout Clerk, E. A. Muye. TRAINS GOIN aoU=S. . Convenient te depet and to the to- . .
Sheriff, R. W: King.� eee ~}; Gomronlont to deper ATTORNEYS AT-LAW,
Register of Deeds, W. M. King. Sify Bt es = a Best aba higtiest location around | st F Prudtroe llth ee elgg:
Treasurer, J. L. Little. 1895. a & Fl. ra reenville. Spiendid mineral water. ne
sieenin ; " Rooms large and comfortable. Table. F. HYSON,
oe Dr. C. OH. Laughing- Leave Weldon A rele M | supplied with the best tne market af B.
gervever. ar. Rocvk Mt | 12 57/10 20 tords. Attorney and Coanselor. aes ae i
Dawson, chmTn "_"-" ~Terms reasonable. Greet ville, Pitt prev rota
ween, w : 4 2. aaa P in all oS 34 ;
Leonidas Flemivg, T. B. Kee), Jesse L. | Lv Tarburo | 12°20) Civ md Criminal Bast Labbe: &:
Smith and 8. M. Jones, =p SS "_" Educational Siero et eat diyorve,dam-
SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwel) [py Cy Wilson 3 03 pn 6 00 asi, |ages, actions to recover land, - cole
~SupTt. County Home, J. sae Iv Bay oe Of ey (SlewaT aie Collegiate. _rompt and earetul attention gives
Examiner of Teachers."Prof. | Ar. rence 7 15) 3 0u ape
. Ragsdale. " a Institute. ener on -approved security.
= ss ~REENVILUE, N.C. o8! D. Bagte wee
oF (y"a. M. P Prisetpa. With ~ati eorpe ot
TOWN OFFICBES. "__. _| © } =. | Teachers. session begin |J..H. BLGGNT. eee
- oo ! P. M. a.m |MONDAY, SEPTE BER 21808. All BRLounT 4 Fu & FLEmt
Mayor, Ola Forbes. Ly Wilsgh. 2 is 6 35 38 Kngiiet ~Branches, Aacient and | Sak oem apd ia
Clerk, C. C. Forbes. Lw Gol ro 2 Ww 7 20 | Modern Music will oe)
. Ly.M ja 416 ~ ht on the conservatory plan, all Practice in ali the Courts.
Treasurer, W. T. Godwin. Ar Wilmington| 5-45 15 be | by gradeate in music. Inetruetion
. W.- Petkins, chief, Fred. e. hee Discipline firm, but kind.
Cox, aset; J. W. Murphy, night. ° - : ,erms reasopable, Artand Elocution ke C. LATHAM. HABRY SKINNER
Ceunciimen"W. H. Smith. W. L. TRAINS GOING NOTRH. will be taught, if desired, the | AlHAm ® SKLAN SK,
Mrown, W. T. Godwin. T. A. Witks,| "" a " sa Tree, . For sertioniers address the I�rin- L :
Dempsey Ruffin, Julius Jenkins. J 5 &e|s AT aT Law,
uly 5th 5 A : S
scene, . Fags. za Z Fi Jie
A. M. P M. 23 : . o .
CHURCHES. ¥ Fiordi:ce 8 15 735 Sohn E. Woodard, F. ©.
meses, Serrionsqrery Sunny (ox| EW Rayeacrin| 18 $31 8 a En aay
cept second morni and nigit. Prayer| Gv Selma 12 32 uD & HARE.
m huraday night. Rev. Cc. M.|/4r Wilxn | 1 20/11 28 | .
Bit - Sunday Schvol at 9:39) "-""- " "|-""- Greenville, N.
A. M. C. D. Rountree, SupTt. Fe Sl pecial attention gives to collectiuns.
thiplie, oNo fe services. os The next Cenie yA School will [4nd settlement~of claims.
one. lereters fourth Sun-| clin TA E
ating ge Br ee si) Pai
tor, Suan rool a Ly Wilmington| 9 2 Lz.
are caer ee | EMM, SEPT 2, 1895,
oMethod Lv Goldsboro 2 4
meruihg cua a Prove. Sener ar Wilson 1 00 10 20 and continue for ten months.
Rey. G. F. smith,| -" "_ "-~- The course embraces all the brkaches| ;
fF yRchool at 9:30 4.M. A. 25 tare usually taught in an Academy. :
. Ellin ipt. ¢ Z é z Terms, both for tuition and beard!
Preebytorie, | Bervic Reais Natiang - = nie 5 fitted and equipped for
mocting orang taa r C a hare loss, ~whete they wish "ts ae
eA MIE, Do Brae supe |AT mocuy ME || 2 38 | "" Perrnutoce thorough reparation to| . FOREMOST NEWSPAPER
Soi, SUA eta) ce hs enter, wi h credit, any Oollege in. North DAILY
Lev Rocky Mt | 233 an os Carolina, or Mate University.
LODGES. Ar des 3 48 3 BO refers to those who nave. recently Lett AND
Covenant Lodge No. 17.1. UO. 0. F-, si its walls for the truthfuluess of this
me SST? Tucwday ® night. D.1). Has-| oo, on Sootiand Neck Braneb 2 sa|" Any you then with chiiratter gad . WEEKLY.
Sates Weldon 3.40 p. m.. Halifax. 4.00] qiodcrate ability taking « course. with santas 5
Axeusivilie Lodge No. VA URAL reonville 6.87 p.m. Hinetby 26 ( U2 Wut be aided In ihalohg arrae 1 ot
s9 5 eatin i ae o .
Ea: foores W ne y Hoteratng, teaves ie 7-85 |tnents to continue in thé higherschoolz.| Independent an
ey Greenville 8.23 a. ~7.


2 ne wee oe
2 : 28

ishy y any

at 11:08 a. "
ye catangton

The discipline will be Kept at its
present standard.

Neither time nor attention nor

more attractive than
invaluable visitor to


office, the club or the Work room. -

k will be spared to make this school |.
MOP. m.. "Rotate 9. : For further particulars see or ad-| All of the nes of the world. Com-
leaves Tarboro 4,50 | dav tue aetooe dress plete Daily i 88 State
¢ Pi im In, atrives Was on 7.38 p.m. Suly 20, ae W. H. Racepate, and National & year.
% "s ND YouR" SHOPS. nects °
5 vas gon egg bahar Alne.|_. Get your eohool capplios ot He me Be THE WREKLY O8SERVER.
~JOB i PRINTING ~uarle LE Y except Sun- flector Book Store. Wein! lot Tab- All the
: To THE | | lay, Ce a 00 P. M;/lete Péncéils aad States. beret thy, * in
A. ete P.m:| Large lot of Ledgers and Day| ture. Remember the Weekly Ob-
~REFLECTOR Orrice Sendey, 52008 on, Bander 235 2 ee | Bouks just received ~at Reflector) server. :
| Strive Yarbore 10.25 a.m and 1}. 45| Book Store. | ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.
i, IP NAN. WANT" ; JOBN ¥. DIVINE panet line of Ta) . Note
~s Ripa $ General Supt. . velopes, Paper,| Send for sample copies. Address
4a EREON, Trefie Mac fod Oskds ia otown ca = be found THE OBSERVER,
D'S. CENTLY. at the Reflector Book Store Charlotte ieee.






w. B. Wilson went fo Bethel: to-day.

Ribbons. Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by
a . | ~ $9
"this season. Our Stock of "


Ladies & Childrens


isthe largest ard eheapest ever of -|

fered im this town, come and see for|
yourself and be convinced.


Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace

Goods seld on their merits
prices made accordingly.

J. B. CHERRY & Co.)

~~ &

with a large and attractive stock of



os io a

Miss Elia Montero
Weduesday eveuing.

oMrs. R. W. King,
Kinston, this morning.

Mre-o@tten Sarwar aoe is)
visiting her patents; here.

returned home

returned from

A. R. Dupree, went to Weldon otod: Ly
ty stand a p -stal examination.

J, W. Qutherly and wife, of Centre-
ville, speut the day: here yesterday.

C. D. Rountree returned irom Sc... -
land Neck, Wednesday eveuing.

e J. B.Edward., of seotland Neck, came
daw Wednesday evening to atteud the
Lbreaks to-day.

Mr. Gilpeu, a pension examiner for
| the U. S. Government is in town inves-
itigating some pen-idn claims.
. Abram~ ox isspending a few days in
town to the delight of his many friends,

WRC ts 4 soe thet


goods now*e0aing in-

},.. T- L. Boyd, went to Weldon to-day. 7
pearedTon the streets th's court and they
were both colored.

~ F resh lot of: Crackers We

Cakes just received by D

efs That Inform You What'is Go-
PAs Pe Shy ach Tear ee

DonTs fail to see LangTs new

and Sg

Only two medicine venders have ap-

New Goods arriving daily at


The shipment of James grapes will!
soon begin, as they wiil be ripe enough,
ina few days.

J.C. Cobb & Son have jus re-
ceived a car load of Bagging and

Ties. Call see them.
Good store for Vo Apply to
. H. Lone

The marriage of Juli s Fleming, one
ot eur barbers. ~udi Dudley. Wed-'
nesday night. wi: apepn'Tar event in
colored social circles. Many of Jule ~3 |
white friends sent him presents.

17th." Gov.
Butter today.

Carr's fine fresh

a 39 much bétter thag we had egpe
m Greep vilke = :

& \ obs Veda hdeb Waidald

The following cases were disposed of
since our last repurt.
MeG, Rogers, Larceny, not guilty..
Jno. R. Garris and Jesse Guarrls, af-
| fray. plead guilty, jn dgment suspended
ion om) entof cog : i= md
Jtha Joyver, a
judgment |
. costs:

: .H. White, C. F. White, vames
White. Jas. Harris, affrzy W. H. White
and Jas. Harris gitiity James White; Cc.

-|F. White net guilty:

Wiley Williams, affray, pleads guilty,
judgmeat suspen'ed on payments. of

Geo. Eilisoa larceny receiving, pleads
guilty. jidgment suspended on pay-

fe and points thi:

| Pitt county,

There were over t):i people from |
side to get off!
the train here this morning. This
shows how convenient the railroad is to
people coming to court or who have
business in town.


My store will be closed on
Thureday, 19th andon Saturday,
28th, on account of ae


A stranger was heard to say this
week: ~*What a county you people
have down here ! what a live town and
hustlingTpeople. [ would like to live in
~there is tess complaias- of
hard times oo any pace I have seen
Ina long time.T

. Ki :


S.77- Schultz


ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest tuget our prices befcre pu.

chasing else where. Ourstock is comp ete
n all in branches.

RICK, TEA, &c.



we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling you to buy at one profit. A com
plete stock of . -


always Onland and sold at pricesao sult
jhe times. Quy goods areall bought-and
sold for CASH therefore, having norisk
to run.we sell at aclose margip.

8B. M..SCHUL': Greenville. N- Cc


Phe Oldest.
Daily New


SF 25 i =o

It is my pleasure to state to the people went of costs.
of Greenville that I have begun the)' "&t " nner sith deadly
Dry Goods business -here, and repect-| pepe = Juigment

7 in

The Pieuters Warehouse still
keeps the ijead. No matter what

North Carolina.

fully solicit a share of your patronage.
I gyaraptee price ani quality or

Mooney Refunded.
my stank
plete line of



cis: FURNISHING 3008,

oI Lusty

in the State. All are invited to come
and také a tookTthrough 6ar lame New


Middle storeTin Opera "House block.

embraces a full aud com-

~to give you as many bar-
gains for°-THE CASH, a8 any concern °

pended on pay ment of cosis.
West Gorham carrying concealed
~veapons, pleads guilty, judgment sus-

sale, they havea full honee. They
were Chock full to-day and prices

peuded ou payment of costs.

Sandy Reldiit carrying concealed,
Weapons uo: guilty.

B. L. Cooper, carrying concealed
weapons, guilty, judgment suspended
on payment of c s8*s.

Bb. L. Cooper, carrying concealed

| wexpons, pleads guilty: judzmeit: sus-
'pendedon paymet af eo té:

BK. L. Ceoper,. sssauit with duadiy
weap with intent to kill, guilty, sen-
tenced 2 months in jail to be discharged
upeu payment of c wt and entering in-
te bond to keep the peace.

"Reben Robinson, affray = g ~ilty,
judg itac at. suspeaded eon payment 5

Sam & Shelby,

wets Ha
not guilty:

oW. B. Stecks, asganls witd Mealy

ae subinits.

affray, not guilty _,
raing, tarceny and received,


Bat goat thie weuthéf rr anit


fanded.- ~

high as fghtning.

- There area great many people in town
° layyambnmany are até aliw tie anx-
jous side-of the crimnal docket. Many
witnesses and otbers jaterested in court,
beside a large crowd in attendance upon

= ee
The Only Six-Dollar. Daiy of
its Ulass inthe State, "-

a a

Favors Limited Free Coina
of American Silver, and
of ae Ten Per |


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Daily Reflector, September 19, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 19, 1895
September 19, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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