Blueprints for converting the Whichard Music Building to Administrative Offices

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Blueprints for converting the Whichard Music Building to Administrative Offices
Blueprints titled Alterations to Convert the Whichard Music Building to Administration Offices for East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Prints include floor plans, electrical, plumbing, and heating schematics. McGee and Scovil of Raleigh, N.C. were the architects for the project. The building was originally built in 1923 to house the university's first library. It was later remodeled to house the Music Department before becoming an office building. It was named after David Julian Whichard, the owner and editor of the local Greenville, N.C. newspaper the Daily Reflector. Whichard was an ardent supporter of the fledgling college.
July 20, 1967
Original Format
107.9cm x 73.9cm
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Location of Original
University Archives
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