Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1989

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Institute of Outdoor Drama The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(919) 962-1328 CB# 3240, Graham Memorial
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3240

August 1, 1989

Dear Colleague:

The Twenty-Seventh Annual Managers, Directors and Promoters Conference will be held October 19-21,
1989, at the Carolina Inn on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

This year�?Ts conference will be special in several ways. First, the format has been changed. The
conference will focus on three key topics: Promotion, Production Quality, and Political Positioning.
Individual presentations will be limited to brief opening remarks with the majority of time given to
open discussion among participants in an informal setting.

Second, the schedule this year is different. Recognizing the special concerns of those of you involved in
starting outdoor historical dramas, two �?opre-conference�?� sessions are scheduled for Thursday evening
and Friday morning specifically to address topics of interest to planning groups. The full conference
will convene on Friday afternoon and run through Saturday evening.

Finally, as you may already know, I plan to retire in October, so this will be my last conference as
director of the Institute. I will therefore make sure we have lots of coffee and party time to talk
informally, as well as a program of value to all. You will also have to put up with me as the speaker at
the banquet, so we plan to give you a good meal!

Sowe hope you will make plans to attend this special conference! You'll be receiving the brochure
with a registration form in September. The registration fee is $85, including the barbeque and banquet.
Room reservations can be made at the Carolina Inn by calling 1-800-962-8519. Be sure to mention that

you are with the Outdoor Drama conference (Group 395*4).



Institute of Outdoor Drama
Twenty-Seventh Annual

Managers, Directors and Promoters Conference
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
October 19-21, 1989

Preliminary Schedule
(subject to change)

Thursday, October 19
4:00-5:00 Registration (Planning Groups only)
5:00-7:30 Dinner (on your own)
7:30-8:00 Welcome and Introductions
8:00-10:00 Planning Group Session I

Friday, October 20
8:30-9:30 Coffee/Socializing
9:30-12:00 Planning Group Session II
10:00-12:00 Registration (other than Planning Groups)
12:00-2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00-3:00 Welcome, Reports on Season
3:00-5:30 Improving Production Quality
6:30-7:30 Cocktail Hour, Carolina Inn
7:30 Banquet Dinner, Carolina Inn
Mark R. Sumner, Keynote Speaker

Saturday, October 21
8:30-9:30 Coffee/Socializing
9:30-12:00 Publicity and Marketing Essentials
12:00-2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00-5:30 Effective Political Positioning
6:30 Barbeque Cookout/Mark Sumner Roast


Institute of Outdoor Drama The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(919) 962-1328 CB# 3240, Graham Memorial
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3240

August 11, 1989

Alvin H. Reiss
408 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

Dear Skip:

We are very pleased that you will be with us for the Twenty-Seventh Annual
Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference. Your presentation, entitled
"Successful Arts Partnership with Business" is scheduled to run from 2:00 until
5:30 PM on Saturday, October 21.

The conference will be held October 19-21 at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill. We
have reserved a room for you at the Inn for Friday and Saturday nights, October
20 and 21. You will be our guest at the banquet Friday evening, to be held in
the Inn. We hope you can join us for cocktails at 6:30 PM, followed by dinner at
7:30 PM. The final event of the conference, for which you will also be the guest
of the Institute, is the barbeque cookout/roast of Mark R. Sumner, which I know
you wouldnt wast to miss.

The fee agreed upon is $1,000 plus expenses. We generally request a single check
to be drawn in advance, based on an estimate of travel expenses to be incurred.
This will include reimbursement for coach airfare, ground transportation to and
from the airport here and in New York, and meals tering your stay in Chapel Hill.
The Carolina Inn charges will be billed directly to us.

We will make arrangements with Airport Express for your transportation to and
from Raleigh-Durham Airport. A taxi will be waiting to meet you near the baggage
claim door upon arrival at RDU. They will pick you up at the Carolina Inn on
Sunday morning. For your information, their phone number is 919-596-2361.

187-4474 .

We have contacted Terry Nemeth at Theatre Communications Group and will make

arrangements for the sale to conference participants copies of your book Cash In!
Funding and Promoting the Arts.

We understand that you will require a Kodak carousel and screen for the
presentation. Please let us know if any additional equipment will be necessary.

You will be receiving a conference brochure outlining the full schedule in

We look forward to seeing you on the 20th of October. In the meantime, please

let me or Judy Via, our office manager, know if there is anything further we can


, yd



Mark Re. Sumner
Director _

/ �?ogh



Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1989
Directory, Pamphlets
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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