Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1989

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August 22, 1989

Mr. Mark Sumner, director
Institute of Outdoor Drama

The University of North Carolina
CB #3240, Graham Memorial

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3240

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your letter. The arrangements, as outlined,
are agreeable, and I am looking forward to being with you Oct.
21. Iwill arrive Friday night and will appreciate your making a
reservation at the Carolina Inn.

The mileage, and meals not covered at the Inn, should be
approximately $100, so a check for $1100 will cover everything.

The program will be a good one, and I believe the
participants will learn much that will be helpful.

As you know, the major thrust of my presentation will be
"working effectively with the news media." Including a question
and answer period, this presentation can easily cover three
hours. However, there are some other subjects you may want me to
cover, spending 15-20 minutes on each. They are: how to get
publicity, how to handle a crisis, and how to conduct a
successful press trip. You be the judge. All can be included if
you desire.

Thanks very much for this opportunity. Please call if you
have questions.



POST OFFICE BOX 1555*BANNER ELK, N.C. 28604¢°(704) 898-9777

Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1989
Directory, Pamphlets
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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