Eastern reflector, 27 September 1907

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. r-f
BOOK LIST. 1907-08.
Public Schools.
. , .
U be
Grad d School during the
year who hold promo
will please
the for their i
graft Pupils who
i ti n c will please i
fen i next or next
Mi assign-
of the s.
does m ; ply to i
II. B. Smith, Supt.
i J's Rational First
P. Double-ruled tablet
a i r First Read-
A. D . .;
i .
. r to Li i r
n--y .-.
i n's lib Book
Mi Pr r
tic. B
Sp is P
tic. Bk. Evans.
Harrington's Spelling Rook-
Allen's N C- History
Stepping to Literature
Maury's Elementary
Hyde's Grammar, Bk.
Heath's N .
t.-- t
Milne's Progressive
tic. Bk. Evans.
Harrington's Spelling Book.
Maury's Elementary
Grammar. Bk. I.
Famous men of Rome.
Heath's No.
Little P. Edition
and Duke's Arithmetic,
Tr N. Amer-
in English, Bk. El-
Harrington's Spelling Rook
Broiling Pencil.
Heath's Copy hook. No.
Step-; in En Bk.
you-- p C.
I n, m.
Col and s Ad-
Maury's Manual of Geography,
Spelling tablet. Pencil.
Montgomery's History of Eng-
land, Evans.
Steps in English, bk.
and Ellwood's adv.
Manual of
spelling book.
Spelling tablet
Montgomery's History of
land. Evans.
Maxwell and Smith's Writing
in English. Evans.
Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
and Harley's First
year of
and Ellwood's adv.
Maury's Manual of Geography.
of English
Dickens's Christmas
P. Co.
General History, Re-
vise I. van--.
Wentworth's Plane Geometry.
. . .- .
., . .
Complete French
Note, Ml books listed above
. U in the school
, .,. ore except Men
i i; me, young History
f N. ft. and the principal tenth
trade texts Practically no tenth
if- I have yet been used
N Drawing i
an experienced
in all the grades this
y. After the opening of
school, announcement will be
mad as to the draw-
No e i s
had at a c d
it is . . that all children
the fourth grade be sup-
; these I
Note ;. ; ti nth
d . on. w
a on he H ;. fore
bu books, sure that
y do not already them.
list is not com-
j; . to for i year. Toward
; the season a
ad ; -e
for s of he grades.
The name following
the d- tier
who has been asked to buy the
book-. no name occurs,
book may he bad from either
of the dealers mentioned,
Note looks are listed
for in the beginning
of the first
bushels of good corn for
F. Y. Johnston.
Quick as a Wink
it . i i n
For a Bum
i . .-, i With
I .- iv
i .
i ill I
I. l.-.-i.
. .,
. book
i , Ir
An Tooth.
i I ha
to i. in l . never or
any food ; tearing
. In teeth are nil they
mill In-low on each
side, . us wide
n i d nit two inches
k. u . . or fodder i
u -l
Pitt county
a 1907
I . A Bland.
n W. who is to
it I .
v . . I.wild by ill he and overwork at
his law One in n small
town he ill broke up a
lynching party.
A r had man
he was kn n to dislike having
ii n thought
it was a put up and with all the
if a budding lawyer or-
. ins
to , it i. i
the ill
the above entitled action will
that on action baa been commenced in
the superior court of Pitt county
led above, which said action is
which will be
on real
situate in l he state North Carolina
Ami defendants further
lake notice they are requested to
appear at the term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to in- held on
2nd Monday before the 1st in
September, it the 19th
at the court House in laid
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
J am . n con plaint
m said Action, or the plaintiff Mill
ply in the court the. relief demand
ill. of 1907.
U. c,
clerk superior court,
one word . in
When he pointed mil, moreover.
that the evidence of the accuser
was of his dis-
like the the crowd .-aw
the mint, and lite lynching was
call i r.
The ii on
r n and started to ; i a
rel i re. Finally
singe driver gun.
re ml r i nil his eyes, wait-
fur the bullet that
down In- fair young life. But for
some reason the was
finally led to
open hi- and lie discovered
that would he murderer had
in-,, another man ha
the drop on him. A cut-
throat and round bad man
nursed through
a serious bad inter
in t me the
S ales senate from deprived
one of ornaments.
Internal Re i i Sen ice
District North
ii . r's
Littleton. N. C. Aug. i
By virtue of a of
. for taxes a
him under
laws, i have .-e; the fol
property to
said Ma t in Viz, ll i horse,
t . ho i his will
sold in . ii n i he in
of said Manning N, C
en Thursday tea Si, i
at m. to the highest bidder
for Cash
Lev is.
Internal Revenue Service
District of North Carolina
Littleton, N- C , Sept, 3rd 1907.
By authority in sec-
and acting under warrant
of issued thereunder
John Thompson for taxes
against him under Internal
l have seized Two and om half
town lots in tile town of
N. C. same or of
land upon which is situated a store
house occupied by and Bro
and in which conduct a
business. This lot or parcel of land
will be offered for to highest
bidder for cash on Tin the 1st
of October HOT at o'clock m at the
Court house of Green-
ville N. C. It. . Lewis
Deputy Collector
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in B certain deed
of mortgage Mack Man-
and wife,
I t king-
m, n I hung
both . i i or
i i In, middle,
win re t . forth from
to an the I
roof of i no like on
r. . I pink
Mrs. regarded
the hi o I ho id
i and then remarked to
hat die bad meant to
ii i
lid . he asked.
Her ban could not unite con-
smile, and Mrs.
Perry m on know
ire thinking, I
dot my own mind. But I
can prove I do.
-i you -i-r know me to go ton
grocery and bring a can of
instead of a bar of
no concluded
mill's Companion.
Figure Won't Lie.
came home from school
one nay with pinned across
Ins rt front.
that mean,
his mother asked.
don't know- no more I
The Retort Courteous,
Paul Morton, president of the
Equitable Life Assurance society,
was on about
London i
or a four v, is
in i in
Mr. Morton -aid. let the
o re Ann in In go
about one of tin in alter day,
and at the ad the size of his
expenditure w ill -i-o, k Kim.
course, it i- in to
in a I. my only the
of .
Try rid liberal I
ping, and e will a- ail you
with i most brilliant and witty
know a lawyer who. through
ignorance, rode from the
museum to i h in
only . bis driver tho
hilling law.
I at this
and bit hi lip. Tin n, in lie most
co lie n to
the I to gel n again.
lie i I. step in
i, sir. i on d drew ye a
yard or two . f
dated 15th day of October 1906,
rec in I he of
the Register Deeds Pitt
county in P, at page 1-T.
we will on Monday day
I the Court house
door of Put county at twelve
o'clock offer for sale at
public auction following de-
Adjoining the lands of L. D
. Ben
Alien and others and
hounded on the north
by L. on the
by J. A. Griffin, on the
south by L. D. on
the west by Ben Allen
containing twenty one i acres
more or less.
Terms of sale cash. This
day of September,
K. R.
0- Moore
N. C. Sept
On last Saturday and Sunday
the Primitive Baptists hold their
yearly the Tyson's
church about four and a hall
miles from Farmville. The
vices were conducted by Elder
and Corbet. There was
much business attended to on
and Sunday the com-
services wore held after
the usual preaching, both
speaking a short while. The
audience ms large and quite
attentive. There were many
present from adjoining counties,
Wilson. Greene,
Lenoir and being well
represented. Also Greenville
and Farmville and yet have
heard of some complaint among
the neighbors of having
cue and beef hash for breakfast
day morning.
The Methodists held i heir
meeting in Farmville Sat
and Sunday, the
elder Conducting services,
assisted by Elder Forbes, pastor
in charge
P. T. Atkinson, U. L. Joyner,
Miss Carr, Mrs Elias
Turnage and Miss Ellen Tyson
left the exposition today.
Mrs, L. C. King returned last
Mr. and Mrs. J E. King. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Harris returned
Saturday from
led school opened
day morning with pupils.
The folks seem to be as
cheerful and happy as when they
left last spring.
Miss Olive of Snow
is visiting her grandmother.
Mrs. S- K.
Alonzo is quite sick with
John Carpenter, for
the East Carolina railroad, was
taken sick Saturday with
rial fever
Miss Watson, of
more, has accepted a position
with Mr J. F. again and
will be glad to see her old pat-
Mr. former conductor
for the East Carolina railroad,
is slightly improving from a
three week, attack of
pneumonia and jaundice.
breaker for
sales of tobacco
pounds, tut
new Dale of n was
brought in Satin day sob
for cents.
N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville. X.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
ed pressed.
Farm For
On account of ill health I shall
rent or lease for a term of live
farm containing
acres of cleared land with,
all out houses, in
good state n. Pro-
corn, cotton, tobacco and
all other crops in this
county. Man with team prefer-
red. Apply to F. M, Smith.
she wanted to
what it mean,
his mother.
the lit-
man proudly, for the
an editor.
me over S
I u inn, In- I estate
in Vermont. him
on tho abundance of tame at Shel-
and he me an
a story about a young
He looked up from bis
mail one morning and
is I lie one
is an the
man. a chap who
lie wants me to go wild boar shoot
why don't you said
young mun hesitated.
haven't got the ire. tor one thing,
hare to find your own
bears for another. So I
By virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain deed of
mortgage from A. Fair and
Nellie E. Fair, his wife, to E. It.
and D, Moore, dated
18th day of October, 1906, and
duly recorded in the office of the
register of deeds of Pitt county j a department of n
in book PR page and vocal,
Monday, day of October.
1907, at the court house door of
Pitt county at twelve o'clock
noon, offer for sale at public
auction the following
Music at the Graded School
The board of trustees of tho
Greenville Graded schools will
Miss teacher, is a
graduate of school of music
of Syracuse University. Now
fork, and conies to us very high-
We shall in position to give
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Cans
In fact any kind of work in
and iron.
All Work
Company will insure any on
any of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney trouble is
will he paid by Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Mil., for any ease of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word i the wise.
For sale by
Farmville C.
qualified Executor
of the estate of A. Me-
gown, deceased, late of Pitt
county, this is tn notify all per-
sons having claims against the
estate said to exhibit
to the undersigned within
twelvemonths from date or
this notice will hi plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said estate will please
make immediate payment.
This th- 22nd day of July.
F. G. lame. I, Sugg,
Atty. Executor.
For Sale One three
year; old, kind and gentle. Any
Lady can drive Apply to
J. L. Flanagan,
l Farmville, N- C.
Beginning at Cox s the people the best of advantages,
southwest corner on Academy Rates will be the some
M., and runs easterly with those usually charged in
s to other
thence parallel enrolling music
with Academy St yards. would
thence parallel with g H R
me to Academy St, thence Ant,, r,
with Academy St. to the begin- at an early date.
containing ore-half acre
more or less. Terms of sale cash.
this day of September, 1907.
E. R.
D- O. Moore,
It matters not the failure of
others to relieve your eye
A visit to Dr. Taylor, of
Greensboro, at his old office in
If you are going to guess this week, will
the Parker Fountain Pen I you of his efficiency. If you
at Reflector Book Store you I want expert service at a mini-
should do so before the close of mum price, relief or no pay,
the 20th. No guessing after that don't fail to see him. This week
date. only. d
thou, and well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for sale at reasonable
prices, R, E Belcher
Farmville N C
I have just returned from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
lino of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am prepared to suit all
both in quality and price. Will
have my same milliner, Miss
Ella who can trim to
suit tho The
public invited to call
and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner
Opposite R. L. Davis and Bros
My son, James
colored, having run away from
home, hereby warn any person
from employing or harboring
him in any way, under penalty
of the law. He is years old,
height about feet inches,
about pounds.
This Sept. 10th. 1907.
R. F. D. No, Grifton, N. a
r. J Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Branch Holmes. larceny,
pleads guilty judgment suspend
W. A- Blount, contempt of
Robert Hanrahan, assault th court, respondent files
deadly weapon, guilty, any intent, adjudged
suspended upon payment guilty, fined and costs.
of cost. i Poss Cannon, false pretense.
David Sharpe, carrying con-not guilty.
weapon, in one Silas Williams and. Abram
charged, not in another. Newton, affray,
David assault with
Judge Lyon to Holds and White Man Strikes Negro and Loses to Talk or Make Her
Injunction. Fingers.
C- I no joke about a
rendered his judgment in
deadly weapon, guilty.
suspended up n payment
of cost
Ernest Young and
Young, larceny and house break-
guilty, sentenced two years
to work on roads.
Ed Fleming, dead-
weapon, not guilty.
T. A. Manning, assault, guilty
Mack Briley, assault with
deadly weapon,
fined and cost.
James White, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads sen-
three months to work
Cornelius Joyner, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Abram Pitt, with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, lined
and costs.
Thomas pleads
guilty, t suspended
upon payment of costs.
Leon Patrick and Redmond
Price, plead guilty,
Patrick fined and costs
suspended as to P. ice.
Richard carrying
concealed weapon, rot guilty
Henry resisting
office, not guilty.
Frank Jenkins, not
WillOUghby, failing to
work public guilty,
Davis, attempt to wreck
train, jury found that Davis
was insane at the time of com-
the act, and the court
ordered that in e
State hospital for dangerous in
Henry Leggett and J. J. Gray,
affray, Leggett, guilty judgment
suspended upon payment of half
costs. Gray not guilty-
Guilford false
tense, enters plea of
judgment suspended
payment of costs-
The grand jury returned a true
bill for murder against Ben
Peebles and Anderson Peebles,
charged with killing Dillard Cope-
land in 1905. The defendants
were arraigned in court and the
case set for Tuesday, 24th, a
special of twenty five
being ordered summoned.
The following cases have be n
disposed of report.
Walter Smith, larceny, pleads
guilty in two cases, judgment
Branch Holmes, larceny, guilty
sentenced three years to work
Langley, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced eight months
to work roads
Allen Gray, larceny, guilty,
sentence two years to work-
Willie larceny, guilty.
William Johnson, larceny,
guilty, sentenced six months, to
work roads.
Carter burning stables,
guilty, sentenced ten years in
State prison.
Arthur Price, guilty,
sentenced four months to work
Daniel James, abandonment,
pleads guilty, judgment suspend-
ed upon payment of costs-
Cos Avery and C. Con
non, indecent exposure, guilty.
red people were in
divorces given.
Glenn Per.
Teel. Rosa
Way, Annie May,
Peter Atkinson
of as to
Peter Atkinson.
coaled weapon, p
and the
r Atkinson,
pi ad guilty
i up pay-
roll ITS-
z conceal
of A. D. Cox and others against
the board of county commission
in which they were seeking
to restrain the board
and selling the in
bonds voted for by a majority of
th-e qualified voters of the county
at an election held on the 14th
day of May, last. Judge Lyon
holds that the act of the General
Assembly authorizing the
of the bonds and under which
Elizabeth City, N- C. Sept.
head being said a News from Camden County
from a neighboring village. has just in this
asked the reporter. I city of the finding on Sunday
that was tested in my in section of that
town the other day. when a mer-i known a
chant flew into a passion at a young white woman
picked up a two-pound,
round weight, gripped it in his
fingers and struck the on
who, on account of starvation
exposure, is now in a most
pitiable plight, having so lost
tie top of the head. Everybody her mind that she i
looked to see the African fall but
instead the ends of of the
either talk or make her
known. The of
the election was held, is white dropped to this place today.
Shew cf
It be generally conceded
d people that the
laws in many ff tic
t States f the Federal Union are
bad, what i are
j often It
I cannot be doubted that easy
is a menace to family,
Jo and that it threatens the
home, say--,
for I o r. It will, more-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, p
for judgment continued.
The following cases have b.-en
disposed of since last
tense, not Prosecuting
witness taxed cost.
Tip Person, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Richard Smith and Billy
affray, not guilty.
The case against Ben Peebles
and Anderson Peebles tor murder
was started Tuesday afternoon
and is still in progress at this
and valid. Tine the
election held on the 14th of May
was regularly and lawfully held,
and that said election was in all
respects according to law. That
when issued under said
will be valid obligations of
the of Pitt. That the
motion for injunction restraining
the board is denied and tho ac-
The plaintiffs gave notice of
appeal and it is d that
the case will immediately be sent
up to the Supreme court for final
the ground. You never saw a
fellow so taken back. The blow
never even jarred the
folded up his fist to strike back,
when the merchant broke out
crying with pain from ids mash-
ed Charlotte Observer.
ad j
generally agreed that
something would be done toward
as l checking the evil if young people
were more scrupulously trained
During the severs cays in to tho ,,,,,,,,,
residing near this ls-
reliable person
been in that is
of married
Bid Debt Agencies Needed
in Every County.
There ought to more
There should be at least
in every county to get after
the dead beats and give them the
publicity that their
deserves. There isn't a dead
beat on earth who wants his
advertise To give him
publicity hurts his business,
when you hurt his
business you benefit in the
same proportion legitimate
business interests and help to
bring about conditions under
which no margin is needed for
as dead beats, and the honest
man who pays his debts would
therefore not required to pay
profit enough on his purchases
to pay the accounts of the dead
bests. Bad debts should be col-
if possible, but if they
can't be collected they should be
sold at public auction, after be-
advertised in such a way as
to give the the kind of
publicity that they deserve. We
are glad to note that the press
and. business men of this State
are getting right square in be-
hind the deadbeats and are
them squirm as the light is
turned on and their
exposed. Marshville Home.
Only forty five persons sat
down to dinner at John Arm-
home near
Sunday. There was no special
attraction or occasion, and
unusual about it. that as
high as sixty persons have been
to the Armstrong home for din-
at one table. There are
teen persons at the Armstrong
home who are there all the time
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong,
en children and two hired
of those that were
present Sunday at dinner were
kin who dropped in without no
to spend the day. Nothing
was said about the large crowd
and to those present it seemed as
ordinary as a family gathering of
a or less. Mrs. Armstrong
has a great reputation as a cook
and it is said that anyone eats if
her cooking is never satisfied
until be is
Music and
After the rehearsal last night
the members of th Second
Band marched the corner
of Queen and
and serenaded Mr. and Mrs.
A. Jordan. Mr. Jordan has been
a member of the band sine its
organization and to express their
appreciation for his zealous work
in the interest of the band the
members decided to give him a
little surprise last night. After
playing for a while they called
for Mr. Jordan and his bride and
presented them a set of silver
knives, and spoons- Mr.
H. W. Cummings, Jr., presented
he silver on behalf of the band
in a cleverly prepared speech,
which was accented by a
response from Mr.
Free Press,
This is the couple who came
over to Greenville last Friday
afternoon and were here.
residents residing near
land have been hearing a pet u-
liar cry, m resembled
of a o than a t
out not to lend their
formation of
regard as
eds argument to show th
many of infelicities of
Marriage Licenses
Three Campaigns for
Mr. Bryan, it is reported, will
in a few days announce his will
to be the Democratic
candidate for President in 1908.
If Mr. Bryan takes such a stand,
his hold upon the i. most
of the sections of the country
will be such us to make it exceed-
to organize a
movement him.
I f M r Bryan as for President
in 1908, it will be his third con-
test for tint will then
be the fourth man to make three
campaigns for toe presidency.
His predecessors in that
were Jackson, who ran three
times, being elected twice and
once defeated; Van who
ran three times, was elected once
Register of Deeds R Williams
has issued the following license-
since last rep rt.
Andrew Shackelford and Bes-
John and Tripp.
Winnie A- Jordan and A.
Chad wick.
This. Copland and Martha
Alonzo Corey and House
Henry Edwards and Ella Wood
Herbert Moore and Annie Bill
Moore and
Charles and Lang-
Fair in west, showers east
tonight. Cooler
and if start ed
to investigate. Armed with guns
and axes the men the
entire territory, which is about
six acres in size, but nothing
seen of the which i ad
had been making the peculiar
. About this time someone
suggested to set up a yell,
suggestion was acted upon, an
i p. few a response w.
heard i the distance. The me-i
then divided themselves so as to
form a circle and the spot
which the came was closed
Preparing to Are upon the ob
which all hands thought to
be a panther, the men dashed
upon the poor demented
lying upon the ground, with only
a scant supply of clothing. An
attempt was to hold a con-
with her, but only a
few moments sufficed to impress
upon the men that reason Did
vanished. The woman was
carried to the home of a
residing at u
the woods from which she had
been rescued, where everything
is being done to restore her min
Those who have seen are able
to identity who she is. The noise
which caused the search had
. heard about ten days-
Some are of the opinion that
the woman had been c to
this lo spot for the
of doing away with her. It
reported that she appears to be
about eighteen years old and is
so that
nasty and ill-advised unions
might be avoided; and if minis
re of religion were ire care-
unions which
improper. It
life would be patiently borne
the way to an annulment of.
the marriage were not k sown to
b so easy, and that would be
hotter for society a few
should lead unhappy lives than
th s of the family
should be undermined by making
d i of th i
The Greenville graded
f r the white opened this
morning for the fail session with
an attendance made all
hearts glad Tim i were
present at tie opening,
was fully ten percent more
at my former session, and
are n t all in yet. The only
of the first d assign-
the t t
less to begin
work Thursday-
The faculty is a
is made up as
Prof, B.
Miss Annie L. Irvine, first
Fitzgerald is a town in
settled chiefly by Northern
Carolina Day.
State Superintendent Joyner
has arranged part of the pro-
gramme for North Carolina day
in tho public schools of the state.
The subject this year will be the
settlements in North
Carolina, these
Guilford, Orange, Rowan
and various other counties in that
part of the State. The date fixed
by law is October but it is
always varied to suit the con-
of the schools. Private
schools observe the day to quite
a large extent.
Buy a lot in Greenville Height
or. a saving of cents per day.
Office Fourth street. Green
ville, N. C. d
Girl of the
As sweet as Magnolia blossoms
and as pure as driven snow is the
story of the latest of successful
romances Girl of the Sunny
There is a
that is moat refreshing to
in witnessing a of
such merit. The play is
interspersed with many new and
up-to-date specialties and
I plantation revels by the
I Cotton Blossom are a
feature themselves. The
scenery is most and
very picturesque. At tho Opera
House Friday, Sept.
r-;. gr.
trade. it i ad . B. in
and defeated twice; and, Clove- people, most whom an
land, who ran three times, was
elected twice and defeated once, pensions. They were
Clay ran twice, being defeated by the the el
both times, and was a candidate mate And yet. strange to say.
nominating conventions in. they do not any colored
other mars, and Blaine made in their
or three unsuccessful efforts for . they made an organ-
toe nomination, but only one effort to drive out of the
campaign before the -J
If Mr Bryan should be W
next year be would be
only person in the political his- j posse. So great was the feel-
of the country to have been against the col red people
nominated for President for the that the local militia was held in
third time having been to aid the civil officers,
if necessary, and the Governor
of the State was notified that the
militia might be needed.
Lost- Gold medal with This reminds us that Southern
on bangle L. on pin, j Pines, in this State, a town set- .
on back of bangle tied almost exclusively by resign because of ins campaign
. I . . , , . m Mr.
There is every indication of
food work during the session,
and Greenville has to be
proud of Our cit
it their
ed support.
div id-
defeated in two elections. -Wall
Street Journal.
I have at my home on Pitt
st.-. et, cattle that strayed into
lot on the night; of Friday
Aug. which I've had ad-
since that time. The
owner having not called for them
I shall oiler them at public
at the court house door on
Wednesday, Oct. 1907, own-
recover same by calling
for them and paying feeding
expenses, etc II. C Foreman-
The New York World insists
that Secretary should
name Pattie Langley. Finder will j people,
be liberally rewarded by return- j very
to this office. I Pittsboro Record.
has no, or at
J. has a
large picture representing the
buildings for tho Eastern Train-
School. If the trustees adopt
the plans represented in this
the buildings arc going
to be
Protection Protects,
If you decide to insure your life
demand the best, and be content
nothing but the best, The
Standard Policy prescribed by
the New state law issued by the
Equitable Life Assurance So-
of the United States. Paul
Morton, President. For full
apply to the
signed- Warren. Jr Lin
or at u is too thinking Agent, Greenville, K.
few, colored residents. next year to Wm. A. Danner, General Agent,
I be disturbed by ancient scandals Richmond,

Jamestown Tercentennial Expo-
Complete In A. Details.
In ..
III . .
i i
Bill .
u i.
In i
H l
a i
ell of its.
I I i . . Ling Fa .
Ct Exp.
. .
. I,
. I-
i ;
of Hie ii.
cm r i
town Ti
Heel I
Ill . .
; i . town
. . -re
r ,, VII I i
old ruins of
; Ron i are i nut-
c Port M
lion Atlantic
wall winding
e I'm t
IN Interest
t. the
v h
In r ht .- of moil
Delegates Requested to in Raleigh
the 16th of
Headquarters North Carolina
United Confederate
Veterans, Durham. N. C, Sept.
General Orders No.
Paragraph It having been
to s reunion
this year of the North Carolina
Division of the
prate Veterans
not want to do inn
division is called to I h nil on the branch of a
he city of at eight tree and
p. m. on Wednesday, the said the squirrel,
do that whenever
Story of Squirrel and What Hap-
Once there was a squirrel that
did not like In.- home, and he used
to scold and fault with every-
thing. The papa squirrel had long
gray whisker, and . was
which he could .-hake his
whiskers quickly. He said to the
squirrel. dear, as not
like your home there are three sen-
could do .
Leave II
a convention of I Any one of
accredited .
., ., . I little
from the camps, composing this, i
I., it
would help yon in
the Meeting in Raleigh Next Week
N. C. Wednesday.
-Postmaster Willis
returned this morning from
Washington, where h
extended Discounts i ,
invitations to a number of Secured d
of Depart- p. ,
. I
, . . . ;., .-.
ill ll
Am -l a
. mm of
i .-.-.
i. ;
i lie to
. l,,, i ;. .- oil
. .
. I
i . i ; I
. v urn;
. , l-u
f Of I'M
. ml lb
. i.
u . i
i a .
16th day of October. 1907, for
the purpose of the annual
i of the division and
commanders and transact-
such other business as may
hen be deemed proper. The
camps of this division will be Ki
titled to the same number of de-
legates at this convention as they
were entitled to at the recent
reunion of the United
Confederate Veterans at Rich-
as reported by the com-
on credentials. It is hop
; that there will be a full
dance and that every camp will
be represented.
order of ,
GenH- A. London and
Chief of Staff.
want to aid just go out on a
branch and scold away at some one
you do not
to attend the North Caro-, Due from Banks
convention to Cash Items
be held in Raleigh October
The invitations were
and the following officials
at Postmaster General
Meyer, First Assistant Hitch-
cock. Fourth Assistant T. B.
W. R. super
free delivery
routes, Chief in- k
W. J. The hist
much that he became a red squirrel,
and you notice to this day
red do just that thing.
How to Play Wonderment.
It i- that two only of
the should have a knowledge
of the game, and then wonderment
is sure to lie the result.
The two plovers that a
word snail be regarded as a
word. As an illustration,
this word to be
Cue of the players asserts his be-
i s
I , .,
Ill t
tin s
l in-
s ;
little squirrel blushed so named has issued an order to all
inspectors in the State
to attend.
A general official call has been
issued to all postmasters in
State to be present. There are
postmasters in North j
While in Washington
mater Briggs secured an
for two additional car-;
Hers in and an
of for carriers to use in
buying street car
Hill i
Aug. t
I. V.
Notary Public.
R. L. Davis
F. M. Davis
is gifted with second
B .
I .
i r
I liar
Strange fortunes have follow, d
some of the men of the
racy. It has just been discover-
ed that B. F. Grant, secretary U
Judah F. Benjamin.
General of the Confederate
States, is an inmate of the poor-
house at Montgomery, Ala. Tin
matter gained publicity through
the application of Grant to the
mayor for money enough to
He is famous as
a scholar, and the interesting
part is that he U a of
Carolina, having iv- e.
born in Newborn, in 1835. Men
whom serves way gun-
lief that he
sight and stale.- that he is able.
through n closed door, to name any
article touched by any in
with notwithstanding
that said person ma attempt to
by mentioning a lot of
other He then , his
u being one whom
he mat Lie in sympathy and goes
Tl par I net in the room then
In call mil perhaps this
He then
d on the hack of a
hat am I touch-
r e an-., r will of
lie. a lie the
i .;
is a blessing. Hive you ant f you should
i. ; .
. Ill
. i k
till i
it article.
I not he
Ii I lb
i for
rally q leer ideas, am p .-
Grant would resist an i
to take from
hi in . bu it i be amiss
for North C i a veterans
to they could do for his
the most remarkable
rial i rec in
rs in this i r probably in any
i r city took on
.; An elderly colored
. poorly dressed, entered
on of the large banks in the
,, district and insisted upon
seeing the president himself. No
one e 1-o- would do and the attend-
ant was i n i to
duct her into that i
i there,
the old woman, with much
of man;
the financial
i , whether
disturbance was
past, and was
it was Th.
amazement of
drew from the
bunk book and l
i eh of the
and asK
placed to the i
. .
of her dress
re . six bills.
on of
they be
f her
account The Look
was i the in one of the
i and w custom
of the hank, and super-
m . ., lo now.
use, bi
who had confide in bis
c. Record
ii ,. I ill th
tor I hi mil .
. in .
i i ;. i l
i . I I r,
h on
l i
i I ill . i
A i is of the
tor at a
mi .
. I is i to bring a
ii h of art with
ii o i- willing to pan.
re ti in rail and the
or I are i lore in ii will
for i well
iI . lie . M- of
. ribbons or
. . . ii c
a in In i
ling in the
. t if one
v I . , in swapping for
In die time the
i i modest prize
i .
Si lit-
tin previous-
h n d i ill and water.
i-i .
sup . i. as mi
. I, there is
to Inch
i. I . . I,
led an egg by a
i i . can
I the thread right
without the egg falling to
How to a
j ill . . r
I Hi
An b
m l
the o-
a-1. it. a
Nit I bank
other S
in of May. 18th. 1907,
p i-bl-
I i ill o
out- i
t, . .
l. W H of above
C. E.
Optician and
Graduate Philadelphia College
of Horology Optics
r i the above
IS t.
Internal Revenue
4th, District of North Carolina.
Littleton, N, C. Aug. Kith 1907.
virtue of authority in sec-
K. S. and acting under w r-
rant of thereunder
W. tor
him under the Internal Rev-
law.-. I have one tract of
land belonging to
known as the Busk and
acres more or less, t
tract of bind w i
, t. upon which he is now
a of will
fol sale to I
on lion tat . at
I House door
of N. C
I. Lewis.
Deputy Collector, i
and sworn to be-
mo, day May
To sufferers of Liver or
Bladder Other
say a bottle and if
it t cure
contain your money.
the ,, .
t i
of OVA
By virtue a
Court county i Special Proceed
I he
mi mill sell for cash
house door on Mon-1
Se l. 1907, the f de-l
bed real estate. One lot in the
Sown of being the store lot now
Bunting and the
buildings on said said lot I
Hi--north by -t. on the
the by M
Co., on tin south Rogers
V Bros, on weal bi
Bros, store and hotel,
the sumo conveyed
to cherry bunting by two
deed . one- from V I. T Davis and the
tin r
One other lot in Bethel bounded on
forth by Railroad i on en t Mrs
W II Bullocks, on south by the
d by Knox Mack ti risers
and on west by Nelson
Also one i or of u
on the north by Railroad
I the Nelson property, on tin-east by
Nelson property, on south the
in- W can on, Mack
and on the west
by Mai street, more
or F. G James, commissioner
we Will
We say-
free bottle
and if it vi
SOL until
entitles yo
Only a limited number f in Mies
away. this
to test
By of executed
I to ii. Smith i
, It. th., -i.,.
and Slivered t jby C n the 2nd
which was re-
office of the register of
Pitt county m book k-.-i
the will sell for cash
in the town of Ayden on Saturday th-s
l iv of September the follow-
articles of personal property, to-
two dray
on four one
one top being
the of r. W
Man; also one hay mare
one other bay ant
mare, two open buggies, one ton
dray wagon, five of
t ho last lot I h- s of
bob mine rented laid
mu to satisfy
I. ii Smith Co.
By t;. James Atty.
You will find ready to supply ail your needs in
My is new and fresh at all times and I handle the
best brands. Anything wanted in staple Groceries,
Canned Goods, etc. can be found
at my store, and prices are right. All kinds of Fruits in
season, .
Greenville N. C.
for the Big State. Fair.
d October S,
, g forward to it The wonderful of last year has led to
Fair this year. Nothing like it. The best in all departmental
I will ion t S.
samples of my Dr. Restorative,
and Bo. k on he-
Heart or , of the
Stomach. are
,. .,, B a i t
i . r treating
. I.-
is treating the of
rd not the cause. Weak Stomach
inside nerves- -mean S
Heart, and Kidney. . have
controlling or inside
these nerves, and nave
weak vital a. Hire where-
has Us lain.-.
No other r . ,
the inside A-
Write f- n -j
Ur. Wis. K
i. told i- Bryana
The wise man lo ed at the

August. i
DeWitt's Little Ear
safe pill, sure
p-pleasant effective.
Sold by John U W
Drug store
You can never
noise with the cracker has
A an,
couch- and colds, in Kenned
. It i-
no opiates
honey and a
. i goo. as maple syrup
How the the Turkeys In a
Ten Mile Race.
The history of sport made fas-
man incidents.
um. .
a to over frozen
fields in his at mid-
Bight to the last, election the an-
of wagers arc full the most
extraordinary incident.
So more is examples of one
of these aide issues sport can be
found i- ottered by a match
made when George was still
Prince of The was
n one in day from its ex-
the parties
ed i end
The George Manger,
afterward was one
of the celebrated and eccentric per-
of the At the
gay parties at House Mr.
i .- led, in the course of the
to hire n
key could travel f u n
Prince I great
ill lo
mat of ind d
him in
from them,
and was r in
To keep abreast with the times must
To Advertise Judiciously hr MUST HAVE SPACE A A PEOPLE
. .; t -ii i.
iand I
win. The prince
to have of
Some are
free of Dr.
at Our store. If
colT.-e disturbs your your
or then try this cl
imitation. Pr. close-
n Old Java and Mocha
In flavor and yet has not. H
-rain of real it. Dr.
Sheep's is made
from pure toasted or cereal-i.
with Malt. Nuts. etc. Made in a rain
etc. No tedious wait. You will
Iv it. Fold by T. E. Hooker
Politics sometime make-
All stomach trouble an- re-
leaved by taking a after
each petty to th.
seat of the trouble. the
digestive organs, the
digestive and what yo-
eat. It is s simple, clean, pure, harm
Take a ea h
meal and Bee how it yon
feel. Money back if it sold by
John I. Wooten
Worry never completed a task
Pert Barrier of Wis. says
have only taken four your
and Bladder Pills and they nave
done for me mote than m-i-
h-is done. I am ti
the pills as n
Mr. refer- to y
and Pills,
for weak
of bladder and all
A for
J. I. Store.
The vacation earned i. the
cation enjoyed-
Then-is no no
matter how irritable or how
will not lie speedily by
the of The main factor in
of any disorder Is rest, and
way is to
the for the itself.
will do it. It. is a pro-
ill , i ii ti It conform i to the Pure V o
and Law. Sold by L. j ti-n
Tile pies are just as good
ever-your is out of
For scratches, Inter
bites the many little hurts comma i
to family,
Witch Hazel Salve is the remedy.
It is soothing, clean and heal
He sure you get Sold
by J. I. Wooten's Drug Store.
The vacation vie miss is the
one we would have enjoyed th
be Cured
local applications, they
reach the diseased port on of ear.
There is only one way I
that is by constitutional remedies.
is by con-
of the mucous lining the
Tube. When this tub.- Is In-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
Deafness is the re. ult,
and unless the Inflammation can be
ken out and this tube restored lo its
ii condition, hearing will be de-
forever; out of ten
are caused Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One hundred Dollars Tor
any case of Deal in en-
that cannot lie cured Hall's
Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Toledo,
Take Hall's r Pills for
N. C.
H Si
t.-. Bel
. at
would .
p arr
.- finest am
Bill For It Carries Your Direct
turkeys collected. At the
time place appointed he nut,
Mr. Berkeley with his entries
start there was indication that i
the would conic in
or wings down. They
at a brisk pace.
which Hie tin heavier
waddle, wen- not able to equal. In-
deed, at the of three hours the
lending two miles.
Put was falling, Hie
grew i s turkeys displayed signs
of uneasiness, l to look
the that by the
wayside and edged toward them.
The prince, with pole to which
was fastened a red cloth,
did what he could to them for-
ward. First one I and,
it-elf to a pendant limb,
its. If down comfortably. This one
no sooner than
established itself in n like
manner. Parley scattered along the
road did aid in the least. The
turkeys had concluded that it was
time to turn in. and turn in or turn
out they did. In a few minutes ail
of the twenty were roosting in trees,
from which it was impossible
drive them. Meanwhile the geese
came lumbering on. slowly
passed their slumbering competitors.
race finished with the
first find the turkeys
milliard in Metropolitan
to People and brings the best R- suits
The Nose Lasts
Pone and cartilage enter so large-
into structure of the nose
mid determine characteristics
if little
Us II rule, lapse of
yours. The brow wrinkled,
and crow's round the
which gradually
grow dim as lime rolls on. Checks
lose the bloom which can-
not replace and lips r fullness
color. The chin, dimpled in
youth, develops angularities or
as the care may be,
and the eyebrows be -nine heavy
with the crop of many
growth. The nose shows no marl;
lo these familiar facial
indication; of the approach of old
and practically enjoys
from ravages which time
makes on the other features of
face. to the nose, probably
the ears, us a rule, slum the fewest
and least obvious signs of old age.
Cough Caution
If you
from coin
always he, .
it with a
; hi. U .-.-. ft r.
For twenty Tr Shoup
i- i. .- n- t.- in-
or i i
Chloroform. r . And .
Into m
If colons in in your
others, should on having Ir.
No i- marks Dr.
else It
on the And It's not but II
it to be by those k now It beet, a truly rev
cough Take no chance
with your hiving
It h hoop's Conni Cure, carefully the
Dr. .-. -d with and r. the
i No there You
alway be the side by
The oceans occupy
of the surface of the earth. A mile
down in the sea the Wilier has a
of a ton to r square
inch. If ii six deep was
filled with sea water, which was
then allowed lo evaporate, there
would two inches of sail left in
the bottom of box. Taking tin-
average of I he i to be
three miles, there would lie a layer
of will -I feel thick covering the
case nil water
e ,
I; in far north, a water
free. fr i upward.
Reason Tor Absence.
i down here
any said the artist as he
took u -i t in the in ml poi i table
chair. i It It use to
that never down bill
was here. If he actually
here, a knock at the door, and
came -n I
she rid hi
liar up. I . him e
live, mid he took it. That's
New s,
i too fat it Is your foot
of muscle--
El you era lean the f-oil
you t not and
thin, on
Pep m stomach, fat
Pectin run
ail th
o to
r, is not only i
but a tis-
cf th Kart and
will it
What You
the ch. i
and a firm
n -i. ; M
i, TH V
Norfolk A r
E. City 3.15
A A M 2.20 M P M
bun 8.66 12.45
L., r, in
t H Kinston in
i; Ar ii. V no
l l M A
Is Now Bern Ar
M. I
Sn i
I Ar
P. M f M
Trains daily Sunday; other than between Goldsboro bind
If- I. M. W. n. c.
I Supt Gen. Pass. Agent
one a hundreds of such
have suffered for yearn
and have received bi and lasting results from the use
PANACEA MINERAL WATER than from any other remedy of
the many I have had fol me. It gives me great pleas-
to testify to Its marvelous results in my own case and
others have personally observed
Mrs. Martha P. Taylor.
Newport News, Va
Greenville, N.
., In,
John L, Wooten
E i day of a piece of .-as-
i i i
i idem e that n bran-
i i n I. i- like
r j
In u ii hi July
her p in. The e
m, . only a little
. i.
in the
lier I
r u i n
i ; .
i i-i . Hen
i-i i i-i d
and . . . ., i ,
Ger C
Iii old tin i i
torn nut n
rise in Maul
f th . hi
I be
n I j
Tl I hi ii n ii i.-
. ; . in d
j it i
I i or Toy .
I r to I
or inc to
.- in j ii J
e price lists
.- w His Fate.
Pro M ii how i
i mi i dote
Si ii at.
I , i Vow York.
i . I
i. . . i
her i.
i in nm
in ii i In tin r or
. i
-1 he
HI Mistaken
I i ii the.
i . I ill ; i
gifted part
of queen Scots,
policeman was leading him
tonal the young
ho that Dub-
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville, N. C-J
it, pint-
the world laugh

Entered i . M matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville.
C, under Act of of March
v h in to
Guilford county are preparing to
W. J. Bryan a big banquet
fair there. is intimated
When president flips r Notice the improvements
the country and unloads those j around school houses and grounds
ix speeches, ha flan than settle throughout the country. Child-
i down Thanksgiving trained amid such surround-
lings will carry the idea of
into their homes when
Democrats of aid the come to make one t their
own. and
higher be the
ambition of every one.
CO LI HIP E CAM. It m not I but
will to higher prices
i your coal winter.
. of things,, ti.-t. can
of Chamber of Commerce is-rid f tar
. ,,.,. v them.
, c- v
t- n t F v.
bat I only v
pr I dim i
d of
much. Most of those
participating in it might have an
keen in the not sorted on a street
. ,. enormity of the car tine in that
yet seals fr the Charlotte Obs. ex-
force the t. if the
i known Parker
i place the reputation M three years as There are farmers that are w
suspicious and so easily
ed, that th will not a step
that is in their interest.
If this were not so would
long ago have united and been
the most powerful organization
in the world. Their suspicions
and if we may so
it. keeps many of them from
uniting with the Southern
a Bashful Young
I a sleeping Car.
A certain benevolent old was
noted for her to
t the extent
was traveling once in a sleeping car,
winch was obliged to sleep in
lower instead of having a
whole section, u her custom.
As bedtime came she became con-
that city are siting up
erring forward of what bad
places saloon are.
. mar e
. i hour of the night
it him
whatever -t-
at-t may have
.,. it taught the
lesson they shot id
and an
But i
mi i
never forget.
U r. J Teel, the man upon
the attach was nude, has
w gratitude of
the by his
I his assail-
ants. I been the of
ed inn and ired
peace A man of less
the rather than have taken
the further lo
than.- to
win n i
defendants in the t
. . . I f ; C
took c
the burden of the
entire, that I
. W. V. -ed-
I L to be
wisely counsel
th it-
tie entire county
will approve the action of
We never believed it of Meek-
but that county his
proportion t
to build more good roads.
If the Standard Oil Trust to able
to pay a lawyer SI. per day
his services, it should not be
raising such a kick about that
Carrie Nation overworked her
in Wash-
City, and got a 80-day
m in the work house.
The New York thief who hat
a mania for stealing clicks and
watches, to be doing time
i long us i jury can b
d who gay
n ii the defendant is a
in the coat of making a news-
paper, the Washington St an-
October Th r is no enter
arise harder hit in the advance
of material than th
When Use
and come
down to
dealing with the
will be in our
But they are not coming
down to that until they are mad-
Cassie v has come be-
fore ye again, but
this time plight. It is
since in
the Columbus prison she has be-
j me totally Kind and a physical
wreck. Cassi
that is without sin Brat cast a
stone at N
him row h have
pr It is
mother re of the try see-
its but whether it
profit by it is entirely an
other question. Parker
has proven himself and
right en all public questions, a
claim that can never be truthfully
made for the defeated
him for the presidency
There is old that
i ft Ta
As it is a poor th it will not
w r- ways, this might be
reversed to after a
the comfort of the
i was lo occupy the
A that is seeking berth. came, and the
the price of and the young
., , . I n her no
the very same reasons keep
out of the Farmers Consolidated
Tobacco Company that wants to
do the thing with the to-
crop. Perhaps some
the farmers will see what is best
for them.
of to she sat
patiently being
line. Half an
the porter beside her
to have berth
X. gave a
then referred courteously t
young man. beg
you ready to to
. ,. r,, . a bow ad
lie a
Peculiar Settlement
Pate For th.
he asked another
y.,;, .,,.
ions and signs, .--;
striking a silent clock, I the
at night, y, X
I at midnight and h r ,,,,, feet or your head u
Sophia Smoke, the West The young man gave her a scared
Seating to hobble look H and ran It h
,.,. . ;, . n
and we j them to prepare for the end of .,,,,.,.,.,. f the smoker.
new storm of industrial activity the world. She the of
t October full
a lawyer is out
a fee, e has to put up
i to make I is
It he is earning bis fee.
We doubt if anybody sup
n will ever find the
but his project again
as a advertisement
thus its purpose.
J. M Barr, of
tho exposition, has
r satisfied over th.
unpleasant relations between
himself and President Tucker,
and ha This leaves
the official
in somewhat of a muddle
is about to break over the town
It is time something like
was taking place. Many things
are needed i i Greenville's
and our
should be up and aft-r them.
ought to
good by their
the meeting of the anti-
L. in in Norfolk.
; and
come to an That Judge
Lyon a wise
shown bis prompt
Everybody is glad that the
matter ended. Now that it
is over let all feeling about it he
buried, and we hope Pitt
county will be called upon
to face another such case.
If the are d
on to turn over a fine they
be c ireful to send in their
reports to avoid a second fine.
If the exposition managers
would give more attention to the
show and less to their personal
differences it would be better for
all concerned.
It seems to be a fact a t gen-
that it is against
the game laws of the State to
hunt on any land without the
permission of the owner. It is
not necessary for a man to
Ids land to- make hunting on it
others unlawful.
was n the first time Green
ville has suffered through th, M
of her own people.
Secretary Taft is rather
get lost
around the world.
i of getting tho nomination, it
is very evident that all but one
n his travels of them is en.
The men who
pen these days to pay
of Oklahoma
made a start in electing an ,
Democratic ticket Tuesday
Exhaustive argument in the
Supreme cart has been made on
both sides in the matter of the
fine against the Southern
Railway, imposed by Judge Long
in the Superior court of Wake
county The decision of the
court is the next thing
Japan is trying to keep pace
with the United States the
matter of explosions on her bat
By a recent
on one of the ships forty of the
crew. Inclining nine officers,
were killed. Keep up on
both sides awhile and there, will
The opinion of the people as to
the Farmers Consolidated
co Company is shown in the tact
company grows stronger
and does a larger business
each succeeding season As the
farmers realize the benefit such
an organization to to them, the
more readily they identify them-
selves with it. To our mind this
is the best movement ever start
among the farmers of the
tobacco growing section, and
through it they have the
of being in entire control
of the tobacco crop.
His friends throughout the
country are much concerned over
the reported condition of the
health of ex President Grover
Cleveland. If these reports are
true, disease is making such rap-
id inroads on his constitution as
to cause apprehensions that the
end is not far distant Without
exception he is America's great-
est living man.
Mrs Smoke to the most inter-
character of an Interesting
settlement of in t. e
heart of the forest in West
township. Years ago a
and a white worn in fled
from made,
their homes in the Their
descendants constitute the set
and Sophie Smoke is
wow doctor an
est of the community. These
people believe in her prophecy,
and are paring for the
but other people of the;
section laugh at the old
out that her
prophecies of past have
failed of
Nat Co C All.
Are you SUM the mine is going
the manager said he
cut his right arm if it
that don't count for much
is t. the merer has a
, , ,, ,, I York Mail.
What constitutes a home Folk;
A house, or a Pipe.
, my tho old gentle
who inhabit it This b a mys- mu yon know it tery that the wayward pen can- a brier in my every tune I set
not solve with a nourish. A r Do you
j snow .
home to expansive, indeed, far it -n;.;, chuckled the
includes all who are lorn in lS
v I happens to a brier pipe,
charmed circle, and many more Tribune.
besides; but
What Wad of views would you
t forth in my next
answered tho coldly
theorist, wore you I'd gel
some views
Every bill
t has come
lately shows advance in price.
They now depend more on the
big speakers than on the big
pumpkins to draw crowds to the
. . .
The North Pole is still in hid-
inviting anybody to find it
who wants to undertake the job.
These little lumps of nothing
that themselves in the way
thinking they can block Pitt
county's progress, are Hard to
realize how very small they
he no need of talking about war
between them.
Prom notices that have boon
distributed we see that another
its j steamboat line is to
fortieth Mr. W. led on Tar river with regular
II. Bernard has been at the schedule between Washington
through all these years, and Greenville. That is just
he and the paper have had a. what ought to be Because
remarkable career. The has two lines of rail-
Admiral Dewey expresses op-
position to the United States
parting with the
the admiral's noted light and
victory in bay he
ally feels a personal interest over
there, but this country made a
bid bargain when it p-s-
or rather title, to th
Tho bears are making a stiff
Ii to pull down the price of
cotton. A good reason why the
farm rs should stand more firmly
to for higher prices. It
lo ks the farmers win make
it should be the cent rollers of the
price, and not the speculators,
is it a thing that
grows, is subject to
Make the answer to suit
.,.,. . i to set m my
yourself; let it be whimsical or. inquired tho
but you may sure that
the spirit of home is not to be
found in warehouses, nor in the
auction shops, nor in the market j
places of the; world It is an
essence, with a
which fills every corner from
to garret, and gives out
perfume oven to the stranger
that enters the door. And if you
have ever had a whiff of this
perfume, count yourself
fortunate among the children of
Candler Harris in
Magazine f u
The Croat
were sh
complained, swore you would
go to tho of tho earth for me.
ho interrupted.
i are no ends of tho earth
learned that
and the Star are both of
its age, as they have a right to
be, for the splendid
usefulness the paper
h .-, the oldest daily
i in the State-
road is no reason the advantage
of water should
be abandoned.
It is all right to lay the murder
of -over- on a dead
c xi deny it-
Southern railway
money in its treasury by
stopping fight against 1-.
and yielding to the law.
There is more money in cents
fare than in buying
lobbyists, lawyers and
newspapers say the early
lour of the through the
West is to be spectacular. It Tribune
would not be in keeping with
him if it was otherwise.
Even at that when there is the
devil to pay lots of folks simply
give promissory notes, cont I
under obligations to His Satanic
But that wilt not work in the
of tho devil.
Mrs. paper
a swell woman in
I o tea. What do yew
i ,. n high
Oatcake I reckon it be
i, kind what n-l
mis department is in P. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Th e famous mower and at
with reaper attachment is the
harvest your oats with.
Get one at Harrington Barber Last night at our hearts
Co were gladdened by the familiar
Miss Lena of our friends. Prof. W. H
spent Friday with relatives and D. J. Whichard.
. j These gentlemen
Prof. the
fountain pens
T. Bro.
store for u
Chas. Elk-aid Misses Louise
Satterthwaite and Annie Stall- the sweet After an in-
May spend solo by Miss
Kittrell and a vocal Hoy Mr
of the.
co disaster. Usual price
price, B T. Cox
M, O of Bethel, was
here Thursday on
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Harrington, Barber Co.
Highest prices paid for them.
Whichard. Prof was
We have. or. hand a copies . ., . n ,
the San Prof.
who referred to him as the lead
county in th
State and he was well sustained
in adore,
of Prof. We
heard a grit number of
speakers on
but none fuller of excellent u
D. W- Wood, of LaGrange, vice to ,.,,
women and none t
J. M. I LOW, Manager and Agent.
tho matter with
awful sick with a head-
tho little girl answered,
broke his
This time it is an old woman in
Pennsylvania who predicts the
end of the world and she
date on October It is not
worth while to fret
Man a
a Ufa but
may think la a
I, . akin.
Both I am
. . . of clay.
Nat, I no plans
pipe will
M in at in i
DU to
So with tho you
It to
-N.-w i
Was here afternoon- He
was hire school last year
and we were glad to sea him.
Tee fatuous Hawk passes
B. T. Cox Bro D neglect
your eye
r, J. Whichard and W. H.
A nice ,.
I s,
c. at R F
Iv t, i
II S., i- a
few days here His home is near
Oak City.
t . New lot of have
it been received at ton-
B; Co.
cone deeper from the heart of
the speaker.
all and referred to his
progress of the Stat in his ;
i vela v. r its
that the people are
as i tie i
Ward-rob. safes
made to order. Carolina Milling
ft Mfg. co.
children cannot get the
proper training unless they are
Pitt school de k
the A. G.
C . are especially noted for their
comfort, besides being the cheep-
-t on the market. Every
public school house in N. C.
should not be without them.
Try a I ; brand pocket knife-
They are kept in stock by B. T.
ax Bro,
Clearance sale for stock.
Greatly reduced prices for th
text days. B. F. Man-
Showers goods including
hose, underwear,
ties, shirts and over-
ills arriving daily at
Barber Co.
out for our immense
lock which will be here in a
Hive your carts, wagons
el put in good trim for the
use. All kinds of repair
promptly. Carolina
Ming Co.
all your wood turning
done at the Carolina Milling
First class
School cannot get tie
training unless the
V i I foil
. ; I i take
, ill mail at
ii. i .
The down near the
.-. ii. .r tn an-
C en
. -h i n
Saul's the i
C at the Drag
c j ii f
M. .
Prof. J. A. arrived
fro aid
he of
I s is
Annie I
. I ,,
i c. her ti wilt
idle; an . th.
iresidence Mr.
is in a it-, c m
Should . .- fall in th hole on at I r .
the aide walk they would ; . Eugene o
injury, if not be . r.- , , , .
We call attention of hi
city fathers to the fa a . I ire i
For fresh and cheap goods go
i .
who Rf
seize opportunities.
the reason r
all this awaking. The that
education is only acquired by
I t-1 j
Harrington Co. hard and close application and
i i complete I; if ready i.
clothing him before you get
your next suit.
You want a buggy and we
have them. When you
load of tobacco come by Winter-
ville and see
buy that buggy until you
him. He can make to
interest and he will do it,
FOR two horse
wagon and a disc harrow- Mrs. i
J. L. Butt, one. mile from Win-
Boy's suits must go to make
room for fall stock. B. V. Man-
Hearing the sound of the
whistle and the hum of the ma-
we were reminded
that tho Pitt County Oil
Co., had begun to operate for
this season. We at made
our way to the operating mill
and to our surprise now
had been and
had been made which
made it quite evident that a
progressive spirit was behind the
mill and that its operation should
be first class in every respect.
We also found that they had dis-
continued the old fashion way of
taking toll, but was simply grin-
a pound bale of cotton
for which is about half
The farmer who pays the
20th in toll to his
ginned per bale
sells his cotton cents per
that each one in order to acquire
the power that it gives, must
w irk it out for himself, was sent
horn i i he arts of y
The cry of the
and women of
character The world
vi i are
Want can you
referred to the grand p
held out to our
in school work, t it there was a
demand for a thousand or e
of teachers that were not in
in our State at this time.
Prof. was at his best
and the rapt attention of the
audience showed the effect of
his address.
At the close of the address,
Miss played a
solo which was followed an-
other beautiful vocal sole Mr.
Whichard and a plane by
Miss Vivian Thus has
our series of lectures tor tho
begun. sized
Pi of. dismissed the
by referring to
opportunities of . teacher and of
the the quiet hour as
he over the lives of those
who had been under his care,
of sweet memory of those who
had gone and were success-
and the
received from their teach-
aired by the A. . Cox
Co- are especially
for their comfort. Every
in North
should be furnished with these
have tried the n w
try the best, tho Hunsucker bug-
v sold by the A- G. Cox Mfg.
of all kinds prepared
at Milling mfg.
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
in at Harrington,
Put your money in bank
and receive a double benefit
We pay interest on
time deposits and at tho same
time are perfectly safe
against burglars. Then again
y-ti put your money where it can
put into circulation and
fit your neighbors. J. L. Jack
son, of the Bank of Win-
co E. E. Co., I
nave the best.
There are many strangers,
young ladies and
men, attending the
schools of our
J. R, Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
We have heard nothing from
the electric light commission.
How about brethren
candy direct from
factory at store.
Mrs. v. received a
phone message Sunday from
Farmville announcing serious
of her sister, Mrs.
i of place.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
J. W. our chief,
Monday after a
prisoner our constable who
vie i-
in a class
lain Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this
ed article.
The firm of
now doing a mercantile, b.;.
in Winterville, have n.-i
to move her
1st. They have re
I; .
Mr C i pp c nun .
. ;. at ii it .
ii ii a
ii SI On room a
. . lo -m
i iii I he tow i . I
Mrs. E w
fr m the Baptist is i i i .
and rowing S. M. Smith and s i, of t
Barnwell, have I- .- tho
A. Harrington.
Wednesday evening at I e
of the brides fas her in
county, Mr.
. I M Or ah were u
-i ,
. ;
I I I ii n
.- .
i , v.
Mr .-. a
I I . en
v.- ,. pr -i t-
ed to locate
i i practice
I p He has re-
. .,. . . m .
, e I of I ill to
P i p is a e i tie-
. , ft-i ear-
i . i-l . on
. ; slightest idea but that ell our
will In mid give him a
R .
th i at home of
i fa her, . . . .
the large stores in
brick block.
Everybody hat s. ,
drug store.
the town of
houses in
there is not
The cry is for more.
j ;
us as published in the
department of
Big lot cots latest styles, very
Now is the Lime to K Co.
your Box Body Carts e they
are cheap. The A. U. Cox
Co., have ft
them on hand. Call and e them
Remember that the ti. Con
Manufacturing Co. are still
the well known Tar He
wagons at their usual low
buggies are still go-
if you a nice up-to-
date runabout buggy you had
better give him an early call
filled his regular appointment at
the Baptist church Sunday morn-
and night. The congregation
at both services were large and
His sermons
were of a high order. At the
close of the morning service M rs.
E. A- was received into
the fellowship of the
has also decided to
in school some extensive improve-
gentlemen have a warm upon building which
will add to its appearance
pound also noticed of the sad regret that prob-
when the cotton Was ginned an opportunity had been
farmer cents lost in failing to something
bushel for his cotton seed and out for those who were not
this we considered a fancy from a neglect of
trouble in hauling. Such town
vantages to the farmer we pro- wish to come.
diet a Dig for Root paint, varnish, stains.
for this
season. coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar-
A ear load of lime just arrived
at r,
Another largo shipment
and comfort.
We regret, to note the death of
i Vincent, which occurred
the Carolina Milling Sunday morning at o'clock
Co, are prepared home of his father about
fore buying elsewhere. We an
prepared to give you bargains.
Harrington Barber Co , s a
on our box papers -.- ,,
B. T. Cox Bro.
now coming During moved to his father's home last
the next forty days we will make spring and remained there until
just received at A. W. Ange
He is survived
three children.
By a
immense dry
Which arc now open
W. Ange and Co.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
remains were laid to rest in tho
Branch church
He was ;
Guaranteed all Rubber, and was a good citizen.
weight rain coats at B. F. Mun- Bis bereaved wife and relatives
t to the nips and rutabaga seed can now Branch
V cordial Ii a to i h D M d K
lea to come and examine our B . ,, ,
were very many people
Hem the country to attend
vice in the free Will Baptist
arch last
The washing machine business
seems to be demanding no little
concern among many of our
neighbors and friends.
Edwards Son have just
received a car load of
wire fence, Can furnish any
Since the stock law been
vogue our present a
cleaner appearance.
Big lot of calico, best grade S
per yard -i. R,
The graded school opened e
yesterday with all the teachers
present and a
The very beat and cheap st
hair brushes, combs, and
at Saul's drug store,
Miss Sallie Dixon and Master
Jack Holton, from near
Soring, left hero on the train
Monday to spend the day in
hams and shoulders
,. R. Smith co.
Many of cur people are attend-
court this week.
Cure at J. K. Smith
W. E Hooks returned
prolonged visit to
salt at J. H. Smith
Our cotton market is getting
to be a little lively, Upward of
in Ayden.
u -corporation S t
Iv. .-, . .
A ; debate will be had
each Tuesday at the
n The subject for next
Tuesday night is.
Mr. Oscar Dixon, on of our
popular young men loft
day morning for ton to
enter school.
patterns at J. R. Smith
Washing machines and wring-
at J. R. Smith
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, chickens and
eggs to J. R. Smith Co.
Jenkins and J. W. Taylor
are a pair. What one can't tell,
tho won't.
Souls guarantees all he sells,
especially candy.
Mason fruit jars, raps and rub-
at J. R. Smith co
fee as lies girl
had gone back u or
we have gone h on t Us n
cap of b . Ti it's
w the muter with these
it-.- Nothing wrong with the
it Must be tour gizzard.
K-.-e-- cut and
wire at R, Smith .
Royal flour, always good and
good always at J. S e
i a i
s of .
c ire i
fas-h items
r cola
Stir i iij iv . of i ,
eH to c
i ii.
Co . i tin
. of lilt.
I. J. L
d do
, SB
. i
f the
is true to I he be f
e and b f. J.
d sworn co
. I
N i
J- P H . N ; . , , .
A. IX.
Or Dixon
us mill discounts
. -drafts secured
r. r
from banks and I n
i Items
ti coin
Si; coin
hive our deepest sympathy.
notes other not-s
t . stock
on d s. 40.00
In ;
i its ;. . to .
c trier's 1.028.48
-ti. tn
J. It. Se of the above-i
that the above Is tree to of n.
It. i
and sworn to baton
one hundred bales were sold here -7th day of Aug
during- the past week and they
f Notary Public
brought fan- prices, too.

I. . p.
go to Winterville a- d visit Win-
High School. The school
has been a success i's be
ginning, and it grow
each year, i
i n is year
has d i and
I i . ion and
t . me.
The faculty are Prof. G. E-
I in. i , C
Nye t. Mi
land .
and Miss
music inst
. .
side of i
very .
are . . . i
condition in the ho--
at Rocky Mount, died of hi
in o'clock this morn
x. as a freight con
the Atlantic Coast Lin
u between R
T a ten
. and
e near W crew
stop i ; at the next
i. . .; tel i head,
v is The mes-i
red that he
An Shewing or What
r t- h-.
It a yellow streak
felt one d i nut twenty years
n Sun
stood a restaurant
without a bat was indulging
in an optical gazing at the
r things, garnished
ind lovely, in the win-
low of th . The son-.
rs train, Art So
and v.
id to gaunt h oh i of
. i porous looking
man n i i a half dollar
in hi hand p d the . which
tinkled an iron and
tell into below.
; i an i l
the g n the m I
The Nd and walked
. .
v. I ;
Ry virtue of power of sale eon
in s certain mortgage dead
In book F page
will expose to public sale, U-fore the
In Greenville, to the
highest on Saturday; October
1907, a tract or parcel of land
lying and being in tho county of Pitt
ill North Carolina de-
scribed as follows, to wit;
In township and
ed as follows; Situate near
known as the Bowen of land and
owned by
the of Cu
John Cox and Joe .
acres more or less.
of the l-. acres formerly owned
the Jordan Cox heirs and Aaron
horn heirs, J. M. Dixon and the late
John Jackson land, to
aid mortgage deed. Terms of sale,
his day 1907.
Skinner Attorneys,
Greenville, N C.
of th at Table In
Seventeenth Century.
. . , .,
H. W.
. crew
in on from , , . . ,.
hog , i at.
I ,,;,; . that hall dollar
of th
him I I ha J on
first. ; . . I sos-
was held Friday II
mew lat in . of
a pup i and
n i .
i P r.
.; and c
Ci i
R . pi I
ii an .-- ch tic
. st
His he u
n ere bi
. that ii lit it was
. . on the track, there.
H . twenty miles be- lost coin.
for i row him., .
. d
i n i go i
t five
retrieve it.
i l lie gave
mo a I i .
a w liar that had been
. a ii Ii i to the i. under
the grate.
re i mm i I and duel
s or the
i rs that
had be n In in -f Th
, I . . .; n ; . prospect
o tr
. mo
to Rock--
. in n
He never
ii d
About a year ago r
cotton was selling in New
at cents a pound, while th
quotation for
Noting differ-
of cents n pound,
Wall Street i
j view that it can not be
between crops.
I yield was
mate bales, and no
one expects this year's crop to
furnish less than Our
seeks the
chief explanation elsewhere-
more than anything
it confidently surmiser,
has brought cotton to
present high value is the increase
in consumption which has
. i
It also
. ., w. . . ,.,.finished. The first meal was at a
o'clock, dinner was about o'clock,
and supper was taken before
bedtime. The dined at
the old English breakfast time or a
little later supped at p. m.
In Tudor times the higher classes
dined at and supped o'clock,
hut the merchants seldom took
their meals before and ii o'clock.
The chief meals, dinner sup-
i , . ,. kept ton-
per. were taken in the hall ,
the old and tho Norman-.
for parlor did not come into use
until the reign of Break-
fast did not become a regular meal
until quite lately, Murray
in the Oxford gave 1613
as the dale of the earliest quota-
in the word occurred.
The meal did become
until late in the seventeenth
century, for look
draft of half a pin I
wine or a dram of strong waters
place of ii morning meal.
was great meal of i . a
from the of Hen-
IV. t,. the death of r n V W L
U-th the dinners Mere as n.,,, ,. u ,. n
Groceries j
And Provisions
Ties always on
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
a- nous
of those vi
flea you run
ill d
. I
now sen ed.
c i. v art.
gee t In knife and
i p ii. for irk iv-i
into ; ind
i in i pub-
. his in loll.
look . and fork i ;.;
lO ll r y . , J
stress laid upon .
. . the I I- In y y
i to the ii set
i Horse t c
. .
y nail
tool Li for
is a yo i desire,
v., see your
lines not a sin;.
t., ya and girls there
to put
i est . i.
t are a t he fro . the
ion at we
Court of Arbitration
The Hague, Sept. Th
j plan for he
i of a permanent court
arbitration has failed. It was
suggested b; Joseph Chou i h ;
fifteen judges b
direct vote of the g r
but this was def
I I u n i
the matter c i Mr.
Am a,
in o
are per
C. Hint a brother-in- i
. I to -y i
evening and
was ;.
. . , . o i in i
mm came back with toe remains ,,.,
en i-
nil what
ii in
L iwhich were brought here on the
;. . train. A
a II. B. Daniel, and another
, . , , . it- National
,. i r-in-law, Mr. Edward Fur- . K.
. Dunn, also came a-ho i n
.;. Six in a hi i lie then
f th . . Line iron ; i .-. i . cm-
Mount to Greenville as ass
were Messrs.
C. G. Speed, W
i J
Sta Th
from the I lid
not . the
h inter
el t
ii.- .
S Murchison, W
Mo W. James.
The remains were taken to the
I .-
I in that
. m and
the words
mules in .
tongue in
A- S,
T. none i
ed Seemed i II
force to Hie ti i lie
mule to i . . Along
family burial ground, about four .,. ,.
town, for I used so; . i
i. moon, the in i. blank,
i an
. . t
. bu
among them . i
i Lea . .
ed . .-. o
n at
The two
to arbitration
i pi e m n
Shot His Brother Dead
Charleston, Va., Sent.
Darby, aged
and Samuel Blackman
the church ere
Darby taken a sister
to services and th.
girl's brother objected. Black
man attacked Darby with a club
when the latter a revolve,
and shot to death.
Tho s was c n-
.; . . ii.
. I was
in Dunn,
. train
burial. He
ye . . .
. , M . M. G. r I,
m of Mr.
and two i
said i lie In i-
not T
. in ;
the ad
yes. nil
o the railroad r
brought t
at Sales.
ill . and ; ti
n I
I .
t; . . Hone
ind, gagged, b i
i by two burglars . East street,
. . Hughes,
Hughes, a city
is dying t i i
is fractured, her arms
and lacerated,
her face dis-
r the men had stricken ht r
they ransacked th.
rooms, taking away
ind Several large at
too bulky to carry,
b; the robbers from
to I
., . ,
VI .
-ii city
. of
r in lie
I . . i .,
n . hill
e I
. rod I
. in
the ii in as-
H Al .
. Jen .
i i d and
Lil I,
i, it for a
to pp when I hey have
to in
. plied the r
lady lake
i aid n de-
; i ahead, Sue.
son's I
Not err man in p ires hi
future i, i .
the Whet is the Ail-
am who i of meeting his Eve,
of skirt and strong of arm, in
the Bi of id over the
turf h ii hall or plunging
madly after a ball On the
contrary, he pictures her clad in
loft and a be-
more than woman, who
a daily companion would
prove the most withering
bore a man could be with.
London Throne.
by the fear that if Amer-
ca short the whole textile
will be obliged to suffer.
sees the force of this when
he recalls that the above crop and
about baler, more from
other source.;, actual con-
of bales
has to be provided for the world's
needs. The margin is narrow
enough to cause come fore-
We entirely that narrow-
n of margin between
and consumption must be
accounted a strong factor in the
; situation. creased
is running production
so close a ice the spinner,
els it to protect
against tho possibility that
he may be unable his
This feeling, much r
inn in former periods, be
a strong
new speculative force on
the bull side of the market,
I as the cause for it exists in
such measure as at present
Southern grower need not
i small crop in order to
good price. The time when he
doubled his crops over those of
the preceding decade and owing
halved prices, received r.
money than before, seems
Such m
longer exist, It is for the
farmer to worry
too much but the i
against the possibility
may produce too little. Ni
agitation In favor of
. acreage has died out.
i he farmer today view.-, the Bit-
it contentedly, for this
hat good cause. Churl e
I. R. Davenport enters and
claims acres, more or
less, of vacant land lying in
township, Pitt county, N.
on north side of Tar river, ind on the east side of
Branch adjoining th
of J. R. Davenport's
i Tucker place, tho John n
. Robt . J. J. heirs.
ii deceased, Walt
This 20th,
for J. R,
Any persons
. or interest m the fore-
land must
protest in writing with m
in.- next thirty days, or
hey will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
i -II.
with the n
time of
if Hire
dinner the C
. , . co i- i I
each r in in
or whole
oil with u
guests d into r i.
el e
v. re the wine-. L
WORD that word la
enter, and it was i I
of tho that,
pudding attained ii in
popularity, Iced I I lien
of pudding in the hi of
the bu at St.
did mil I
1712 is mi item of ill
for Th es.
Know l A
The proud father include
hi- the follow ins
gets up I
up i front
gel mi I .
n i bu i .
ii O
it refers to Dr. Liver Pills
AW of these symptoms and others
-A .
bill, II
n i rows
I in to
I i of M
ling . u
; nils . i ill
it n i
stop he U of
sin;. i r tho
ha to very
heat than train to
n hi of
a it. e ; n n
get n ha . Lew
keep New
. in
There was an oner I in
the house n. on-
d hi. . to his on
nil. in- Ids
examination, his the
deep he felt.
no mid. am in
porn to you in i
i i I en run over I .
win her-
tho lowly
mo I,
i ii ho l mined, ill I
-I in h in
to by in o been
. . took
out and the
in tho column.
London Telegraph.
Had C-.-.
old in Richmond
expel com
in securing the sum duo him a
man whose
the had whitewashed.
One afternoon n tho
came painfully up tho walk toward
tho master thereof called
to him from the
the mailer, Got
came in respectful
tones from Mose, bill
Take No Substitute.
L. W. A. I.
Entrance ii In and
. on c-i I.-. tut
r. ii college
I, I-
i from tiding colleges.
I, i .--. o
. Hen
H. . for life or college,
i. true
I . .
i library.
No Saloon.
Timi to Sept.
For father information and
Littleton, N. C
Working the Hair Oil
Visit S ;
Ti o Tribune says man and
woman calling themselves It.
-ind wife did considerable
; . Concord recently.
They called on ladies at private
residence and would exhibit, a
In bottle con-
,.,. hi tonic. The tonic,
y e d, v-i-. given away.
But there a condition with
in ii The purchaser was to
pay them one dollar for which
would later deliver free of
, -c . ii a of beautiful
aware- The was
ii be delivered within a few
never came-at all.
The good women bit readily
ml after the town had been
worked the esteemed
Ir and Mr. Bass departed. If
come to they
M do some business. If they
it will be
At close cf business Au 1907.
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture and
Due from
Cash Items
Silver Coin
National hank notes and
U. S. note
1180,925.17 Capital Stock
Surplus funds
II 018.86 Profit less
2,688.64 Time c ad
Plea of and De-
pay all costs and
Runaway Many. How While
Kinston a hi a c to
case, and i
of the S
the depot iv I Hotel
Bertha. It soon became known in court Saturday and
that they a pr ,. was i.
wanted him in a h vi , .
gentlemen around the
I . t of
, . . i. Mo-
g d
n-, Aug f
Notary Public
.- tin- host i
. I,
R. O.
K. L. Davis,
J. A. Andrews,
Vice Provident
Bank of Greenville
The of h Institution is in it. and
surplus, its its honorable record and ability,
and the men who conduct it affairs.
attention to the below, we cordially your
Surplus and Profits
By an agreement between at-
for the defendants and
solicitor, the noted
case came to an end in
court today. Just before ad-
fur dinner the plea of
the defendants read trot busy phoning and
Whedbee. This was fol- quiring for the minister
lowed with a lengthy statement could K iv.
bearing upon case by Solid- had u in the n I
tor in which the pica on another mission and. . not
or tin defendants was accepted, available K. Cox
and upon terms stated and agreed I it that
to the matter came end I the afternoon with a Io.
with the approval of the Miss and could not exactly Io
Owing to the length of the pa- Rev. T d -.-
and the lateness of the phone and
hour we cannot publish them in catch him at home Finally I
in full but will do so in ear of Rev. D. A- -i i
Monday's issue of the Reflector-1 reached at the
We believe every will and he . . .-as
the course that has been he we sow .
taken in settling the case. away
The conditions briefly stated I preparation before coming down
are that the defendants be lined j put him too lat on seem
each pay costs in the In the meantime impatience
the county be reimbursed the sum and anxiety on the part c t the
of incurred in the first had eased with each
trial, and i hey pay J. Teel,
the prosecuting witness,
V five i f
of the def Iv
I i .
def s
. an
A. G hi .
i aH.
r .
a i
I . Jr.,
me into c
t innocence .
they are e n d in-j;,.,,
;. further contend Is , . i
State, and therefore to t i-i i- State i he
. ants is i
s- ,
Come in and examine my
for s incurred by him.
Too to What
Took Place.
A witness was put on the stand
in court to testify as to what he
knew about a case that was
tried. One of the questions
him was if he was not
drinking on the day the trouble
occurred, and he that he
had drunk between a half gallon
and quarts of whiskey.
Judge Lyon stopped his
and told him to stand aside,
remarking that a man with that
whiskey in him was in no
condition tori-member anything
that took place.
r g
t I
and submit s
of the
i A I a at not.- n
eon . . bill
2nd. A plea of n-t guilty ,,
to that count in the n;
house breaking.
3rd. A plea of nob cc
. . . j
. I
Vi i I
moment, and to relieve the ten-
Harding was call-
ed. The Major, always ready
for matters of this kind, was
soon at Hotel Bertha
with the that united
Mr. Winnie Jordan and Miss
Kate Chadwick The ceremony-
was performed at o'clock, too
late to the evening train
back, so the couple spent the
night here and returned to Kin-
on the midday train today.
Mr. Jordan is manager of the
telephone exchange at Kinston,
and his bride is a very popular
lady. A sister of
bride was also one of the
pals in
year or two
of indictment charging an assault.; i
The statement of the solicitor
his honor, C. C.
i law. . . i
II. W. .,.,
. s. h-r
Of of
and other
out of if is
In the entitled cases, ,, ,,
in the docket, g w .
commonly known as the , , . , , eases, as solicitor at CM n
the criminal court -ff-et.
in April. I requested a I ; i- i
of these cases so t
might make a thorough in ,.;,.,. s f ,
of the cases, hut i pi of P .-. and
recently been appointed solicitor, for I
and I did not like to go into i
matter of such importance with law i i
a investigating the . . r,.
have made the investigation
and I have found tint the Your H hive th r re
witness, Teel, and the i .
Hatter Being A on Questions of
By agreement the suit against
the board of county commission-
to enjoin them from selling
th bonds voted by the county to
I be used in the construction of the
Eastern Carolina Teachers Train-
school, was called up in court
today. The complaint was made
in the name of A. II. T.
King and A. Wayne. The
Stole a Barrel cf
Kitchen, colored, was a
surprised man show day when
another colored whispered
to him that the officers wanted
him. Joe started off in a run,
but Deputy Sheriff Frank
son was soon up with him.
in a few minute-, he Police
man had him secure.
Joe was wanted in Greenville,
where he is charged with break-
open a car and a
barrel of whiskey. An officer
came up and escorted him down
to . Tarboro South
his family were most outrage matters.
We f t
Chief of Police -I T.
in i en- ail Blow.
and hi i ail-
is the n h the
defendants are represented by ,.,.,, v . of car
two Saturday ago.
treated. There were sup- liberate reflection and acting up-
posed to ton or twelve
son who were connected in i.
perpetration of the outrage aid s. h res-
Teel and family. i
At the September tern. 1906, Govern ; s
of the Superior court, in p t will
the State asked a sever- I .
and put J. K. Barnhill on th in by
trial The State was represent- d
ed in said trial by Hon. pun-
Moore solicitor, my predecessor., I
. in
we are
White Paints;
and an,
Country Ready nixed Paints.
Wooten Wooten and Pan
Fri and the county
by Blow, F. G.
James, II. Whedbee, F. C.
Harding, Julius Brown, J. L
Fleming and II. Long.
Tho matter in controversy
being only questions f law,
jury trial was waived and tho
making up of the facts and de
being left to Lynn.
day has been consumed by
of counsel. From
what has been brought nut so far
the plaintiff has very slim
ground to base any action upon-
All cf
r lire.
reputation for honorable wares and
ever worry quality.
We trust that you will favor with your
orders whenever you want .;. p tint for any
Have just a load a i I
an Special Pi.
There is no line in the world better
i Denominational prejudices can-
i not effect the nomination of the
It has behind it a j next democratic candidate for
I this state.
fortunately of i
dealings. .-. at the three who
If you use the you need announced their arc
rs of the i
denomination Th-
Carolina Baptist, of ,
is authority the
Messrs Craig, Home and
K inn are Baptists, Mr. i .
ml t of the Pa
church at Air. n
a member f the Baptist church
at Clayton and Mr, a
the church
Tins being true r.
on .
over his comp It
or under any
hid church s,
Over Mullets.
During the past week the
catches of mullets
Beach have bee i v i.
is en i i the fishing
industry, within the past live or
the crew commanded by
Jim Walton, the
popular janitor at the Carolina
Y Club, have been signally
having taken in their
seiner, practically bunches
mullets. Averaging four fish
to the bunch, this makes a total
in round numbers, of
mullets which have been caught.
The . i for
have ii entirely
and the fishermen are i
h -fore the of h
on. Wilmington
Governor . i r I
Governor f. -i. Jarvis pros cu tor who h
h of d
these distinguished lawyers
mo that Slate tried conn ha
its strongest case; that there was ca
more the def en- r r and
K Barnhill than of
the other defendants in . of
co con it- i
, . cos the c of j
ti . .
jury returned a verdict of j mi
m I i L
the other defendants were con-
for the State till Jan-
term, 1907, and th
January term till
term, 1907, and from the Jan-
nary term. when i was he pr. i m
appointed solicitor, and Brown i.
It i to . that
he in
in ; i-
asked for a continuance ,,.,.,,,.,
for the reasons
I have been advised by l i.-
nor Aycock that if he were .-
would the
cases. have boon by
with tho
e of Pitt v;
less of all of
The advice of i .
i n
iv .
Mr. J. Bert James was el d
p tin of baseball team la I
. T
i in t I ltd
counsel and at the
e .
i n es they d .
in in el -s
i these
cc ed Romy Story, . . en
Mr James has ,, ,.,,,,,
ho University for the .,, , .,.,,. j i,. g . ml-
; i it i years on the diamond
and ; id
ii I . -i able p
. n no doubt put i
I In p
reap R New
and Observer,
jury, t the p I
as I i i i
a i. I; ion th
enter up
as co i he
and conspiracy, the
red ,. ill
has been . . m

Publication of
North Carolina. Pitt c
the superior court August term 1907.
J. A Bland.
accord- the of it found a way
i ink. ii . i
we reference to the
of eastern or western At-
has not got the epithet of
for The bird
appears revel
w ail
mo for a good and reason, bearing on the length of a
is its -up, very the time day no
more the is given of how this
is done. A is told of o
nothing. The
in a of the
i . d
through pt and Greece. Herod-
says that the Greeks learned
from the the art of
dials and dividing the day into
twelve ports, and many
found in Greek literature
, shallow
, than a
; rel has a
habit of following ships, which
re i do with
n. it socks
. or lone-
-i y a e sh p a t-
ti e rs. V likely a; it
follows a rm n i r. up, and
turn who Invited to dine when
t shadow was twenty feet long,
which was about the hour of in
afternoon, according to the
host's re but the
guest mistook the invitation to
read according to morning shadow
and arrived before the feast was
,., n- the bird so served.
r supers Jack This finds a parallel in the
,;,. .;, who have visited
mo into n ts
i in t. the
. ;. the shadows that
the ,.,,.,. . .; summit. The
lo .
-i them,
f in n com
It is
small fry of id from the
land by
. , v, ,. ,.
v I. and the
duo to some entitled action will take
it I
. em on
i i I
I a s
. ,, . is
. ii i
.-. and a-
the bird such
. i of n to
I . left us a
f the .
. i, poet ems to c
here. It Arab- r very Gr t to intro-
. . . a the hours of
,. The oldest now in ex-
fine p
the of
mi ; ; as i tin m How-
ever. id ii n
on in old hr e or tales of the ., ,
. j-. .-.,; ., ;,., of Cleopatra's
. . , Ti i . most
.,;,. ; of s is in
.; Tern of the Winds, in reality
n , . ., with a dial
.,. , of the eight Many
, were in
.-,.,,;. those of the
s tons vertical or
s;. a. introduced the
, . into and
i in Eng-
. r ala over the
, . . England and
n. found
i i n while the
es having been lift-
tor and carried over
what is popularly
known as a waterspout. When two
. of air traveling in
site directions meet, the resulting
d if on a
small scale, is a whirlwind
and on a large a tornado,
the of which are
Hon. Ralph defines
i whirlwind . s mass of air whose
is n n sly greater than
its width, rotating rapidly round a
more or vertical The
mass might be. for instance,
cot high and only ten feet in diam-
i -i r. his whirlwind column has a
; i . Mike and may travel
if thirty miles an hour in
I . phenomenon is usually
in the sky a descending col-
on. This i- owing to the
of a loud within the circuit
. v. air. Should
reach of the
hat an action has been commenced
the superior court of Pitt county
led as above, which said action is
Mortgage, which will be
set out in the
filed in said action, on real
situate in the State cf North Carolina
And defendants will
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
Pitt county, to i held on the
2nd Monday before the Monday In
September, it being the of Au-
gust at the court House In said
county, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in id Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the Court the relief
ed in said complaint.
D. c. Moore,
clerk superior Court, Pitt count
One is found ground dust, mud and all kinds
This Department is in charge of W R Parker who is authorized to
represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
Farmville, N. C. 1907.
for the Pitt county
hospital Let's have it, and why
Because we need not only the
mediate benefits and
but the honorable
would give lo our
young, energetic girls to become j
Farmville. X. C.
era. In f these it is I en or
sailors, icing tin herald , ,, ,. In time the- I cat e
f join the ship too near land, ;,,. ; princes made of
ma SUp on and re- ; they, wore considered
to proceed. Forest ,,,, ,. to tin
Stream. and more handsome
and in d-i-n. A fine
mt i- that at
. h eighty-four
. .- ; i- that
k of i one with a dial
There is an enterprising Liver;,
tailor who has never been
Down to acknowledge that he did .
mot have anything a possible
m a-; for.
One a customer entered the
shop id if he had any
i. for one legged
replied the hut-
chant. kind do you
said the man.
The 1-st you've
Hurrying into the rear of the
tore. the enterprising merchant
Batched up a pair of trousers and
nipped off the right leg with a pail , ., ,,;. , .;. . and mo I careful-
of scissors. Hastily turning under i . death. The ancient
the edges, he presented them to the . .,.; the heart t- be
f in as well as the
debris are sucked up into the col-
.,, ,. v along. path
. f o axis of the disturbance crosses
c or a river, the surface
is whirled up into the funnel
mingles with the whirling col-
of vapor. This is
the effect known as a waterspout
When the motion ceases
the moisture descends NOTICE OF
in cloudburst or as heavy
The small surface living fry
of fish in the sea. herring or
even heavy from
.;, inland water.-, ore frequent-
thus carried over dry land and
the pedestrian by descend-
on his umbrella.
Many canes are reported from
they are common n
India. In the species
fish that thus full usually
to the neighborhood, which
dhows that their involuntary
through the air is never very
ts an i other Ii-
; have also been known
internal Revenue
District of North Carolina.
Deputy Collector's Office,
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
virtue of a warrant of
J. tuxes us-
him under the
Revenue laws, have seized fol
lowing personal property belonging; to
said Via. One bay horse.
Mules and This property will
e sold under Bead warrant at the farm
of said near Greenville N. C
on Thursday tho day of Sept.
it in. to the highest ladder
for Cash.
R. J. Lew-
and sell-supporting years in
Miss Mary left last Mon-
day for S. C, where
she has accepted a position as
vocal music teacher in the Harts-
ville College. Miss is a
graduate of the A. C. of
on, N. C. and has taken i p
vocal music in
Artistic work
Staton Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
S i n I Strict
Kl- . . ,
. , . r is i Iv
to best New ,,
Tl r
craved up m it and t
-1 . . piece, which
I v its i the hoar of the
i The wot i or
is fancifully a derivation
the ow man or of a
Hal, II shadow whereof
out th City Star.
, , ; . thus through the
Internal Revenue Service 4th
District of North Carolina
Littleton, N. C , Sept. 3rd 1907.
By virtue of authority in sec-
I; S and under warrant
of issued thereunder against
for taxes
him under Internal
laws I have Two and on.- hall
town lots in the town of
v C. being the or
u upon which is situated a store
house occupied by and Bro.
r i v they conduct a mere an-
Else business. Thia lot or parcel of land
he to the highest
bidder for cash on Tuesday the 1st
October o'clock m at the
Court house door in the town of Green
ville K. J. Lewis
. en the
. i. an of worship
W. Would Not Tell.
i i ruble and worthy
man. M. He,
.,., j,., ,,,. enough to at By q a f
a supper party some satirical verses . , .
,, hid heard Mine, do
Pompadour and M. de Bart nice, the
chief of police. Warned that De
had filled in his en
de cachet, II. do He
called at tho police and asked
to what prison he should betake
himself. said
tho kind I
the pr
me n with the
lat mt was
-1 and on
Ii i Pear-
. of . i c record
was ;. L y I of Si
. i I and n red l is or-
when o en In process
tool; , mod of toe
; I e- There
are i varieties of this t red
i ; in
lie was r
of both men and women
I and v. as .-. ti to pr
i From hi r
i kc attract ire,
v,. ones were used for
end turquoise matrix.
. thy it, . v i . re ,,. .
. .;. . . , in I
. ., ,, ;,.
realm. id with
l- ; n in old ti a
tin. . a
at t
ii .
ti en
is i.
i I
; Tin re is that
Ii s pi rs of II May
. not a
y-three R I P month
the which they
I their cannon is large
lid ill
it aw.
repeated St.
to his coachman, sad
arrived at the dungeon before t .
order for his detention.
a year made a
formal to and once
a punctually ho demanded of
do tho name of the
author of the verses. knew, I
not loll was the
able reply, as a matter of fuel
I never heard it in my II,
died in a
old of
. i i j
W i-
. ;
i i It-
the n , it I by John
ind one pr on a
ii I king In-
ho in p
I tho sea in I
dim I I re n a lively dis-
. n h -a d the other
the accuracy of his
; Ho . his
. no n at ho
to religion, ad to this
is called
tarn th out on the h to
-41 whoa winter I eat
i .
.-; , . ,
. t queen
such a on
lie prolate,
Net L--r.
A ;. pea tint having
to i bu a pair
of now . by the
on his w ind was
ed I d by a
light I
across His t sh
his leg out
arouse i
Mr be
hi mil an
. rite to him con
. t n in .- I
I mu n. Mr. Spur on at
. seal id inn, but
he soon lean to lo them.
. Le lid
the . lo d tor hi weekly
with much interest.
I Ii I had
two or three ,
he would same ex-
in d h a
Mr; on, like eve
cl e, had . quo ion, lie
u i this line, in my
I r r her frequent .
his wrote .
in I f d of tho
of your
of mortgage from Mack Han-
ring a wife.
dated of October 1906.
and duly in
the Register of Deeds tor Phi
county in book P. at page
we will on y 14th. day of
Court house
door Pict. county at twelve
o'clock neon, offer for sale at
public auction following de
Adjoining the lands of L. D
Jim Bin
Alien Jones and others am
bounded as follows; on tho
by L. D. m, on the
es i by J. A. Griffin, on th
south by L. D. on
west by Hen Allen
containing twenty one
more or less.
ins sale cash. This
of r, 1807.
but his sleep
a pa ling I
a v
Tin- fir I thing an orthodox Sin-
ii . -e in is to
are -n- family I who
red he old
in night Letting of
an n in
tho CW ghost ion.-
trooping I their former
For three days they have their fun
At tho end of the the
their k re gun; n C
other devices for getting rid
them. A Siamese is coffined
downward, so that the ghost may
not sneak back through the d
man's month. Tim coffin
out through a hole the wall d
carried several times round the
in order that the ghost tin;.
he put off the scent and not
to vex his family.
By virtue of a power of salt
in a certain deed of
. from C. A. Fair
E. Fair, his wife, to E. B.
D. O. Moore, dated
of October, 1806,
duly corded in the of
r of of Pit
book P, page will n
Monday, the October.
1907, at the court house
Pitt county at twelve o'clock
noon, t for t public
the following described
Beginning Jo pi us Cox's
corner on Academy
St., and runs easterly with
Cox's line his other
thence parallel
Academy St. yards,
thence parallel with
line to Academy St-, thence
with Academy St. to the begin-
containing acre
more or less. of cash.
this of s- 1907.
E. R.
D. O. Moore,
e ill -res. We hope her a pleasant
while in the old Palmetto
T. Joyner left on this
train for t;
en.-r his son Roland in the
Mm. Mary Tyson lost a
mule last Friday night from
acute indigestion.
J. Flanagan lost a fine drive
last Monday
One of the most satisfactory
revivals that has been held
in our community for some time
close l Sunday at Marlboro Free-
Will Baptist Church with thirteen
new additions to the roll. On
Sunday there was a joint
ti. m at Middle Swamp with
converts, the others
being from Friendship church in
Greene county. Rev. Mr.
of Ayden, conducted
services at Marlboro and Rev,
Mr. Corbett at Friendship.
Misses Alice Lang, Helen and
Glenn Forbes of spent
Wednesday in Farmville.
the guests of Mrs. J. F. Joyner.
The young men gave them a c m-
hay ride over to tin
Green Spring with a four mule
team. The was shining
brightly, the boys were happy
o we heard say.
trying to catch arum way
horse Sunday night -n the
near the Christian
S ran in contact with
in iron o-t a
sprain -r hurt in bis l ft
kin. We stand the horse
belonged to one of our courting
vi men and it is d he
I become tied his
o broke his halter
w making his
full speed We did not lei
the owner arrived,
was well to
his pathway while
his two mile homeward march
Lizzie Caraway, Wash-
i-; visiting Miss Blanche
Miss Bessie Jonas returned
Saturday to her home in Oakley,
after spending a very pleasant
visit with the Gay near
Mrs. B. quite
sick with fever, arc
to she may
Savage, of Speed
and Mrs. Peebles of
field, are visiting Mr. and
Edgar n.
is quite
k at her fathers home in th
country. A. C.
Tobacco is Belling very
factory on our market, so our
farmers say. Cotton is opening
very rapidly although there- has
been but little brought in yet.
Sharp Razors,
J. G.
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact fin of work in
wood and iron.
All guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
Kidney Trouble
Every trace of kidney is
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md. for any case of Kidney
trouble will not help.
A word to the wise.
For by
Farmville, N. C.
Having qualified a-. Executor
if the estate of A.
gown, of Pitt
this notify all per-
ons having Maims against the
slate said to exhibit
hem to undersigned within
twelve months from date or
this notice plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said will please
ma payment
the 22nd day of July. 1907
F. Q.
L. Sugg,
have the I've
Harried on account of a
sir- every kind of treat-
men , tried Hunk
Salve; healed the era
mo happy J I n
if North Mills, N. C.
for I'll etc., John. L
The Home Building and Loan
Association has not been in
a year and a half, yet have
you taken a look around town to
see how many houses have been
built its aid. Look into
it and see if you don't think it is
w while.
For Sate three
years old, kind and gentle. Any
Lady can drive Apply to
J, L. Flanagan,
Id J N- C.
thou, and well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for sale at reasonable
Prices, R. E
Farmville N C
I just returned from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am pared to suit a
in quality and price. Will
have my milliner, Miss
Ella can trim to
suit tho The
public invited to call
and inspect my wore.
Mrs J. F-
Dropped Dead.
Jane Moore, a colored woman
who worked for the Imperial To-
Company, dropped dead in
the factory this morning, her
death being due to heart disease.
She had been afflicted sometime
with this trouble, and recently
had several
. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
the Fowl
Monday afternoon Will Barrett
a colored boy who has lately been
errand and delivery boy for Mr.
S. M. Schultz, went to the back
door of the residence of J.
E. lives on Fourth
street, and knocked. The minis-
answered the knock, when
the boy stated that be was on
Makes at September
Tobacco Sale.
A month ago the Reflector
Book Store offered a Parker
Fountain Pen to the person who j
could guess or nearest
to the number of pounds of to-
on the Greenville mar-
during the month
bar. The time of closed
20th, and during the
his way to deliver a chicken few days if
package to one of Mr Schultz's there s me lively guessing
Greenville Market Sold Lb.
Mr C. W. Harvey, secretary
of the Greenville-Tobacco Board
of Trade, reports the sales for
this market the month of j
at pound.
the average price being
For September last year the j
sales were pounds at an ;
average of For the two
months season since the mar-
opened the total sales were
customers, and when passing in
front of the minister's home he
chicken got from him and
run under the house, and asked
permission to go the house
after the fowl.
The boy went under the
and out a hen. which gave
some color of truth to what he
had told the preacher. After
seeing the boy make a
successful turns around the yard
after the hen, Mr. went
out to help The hen was
captured and the boy went on his
way with the fowl package.
The package he delivered to a
customer, but took the chicken
into another part of the town
and sold it.
A little later it was found that
one of the from the yard of
Mr B F. Patrick, adjoining the
parsonage was missing, and it
developed, that the one the boy-
had carried off and sold was that
particular hen. As the boy was
passing along the street he saw
the hen go from Mr yard
by those who had been keeping
tab on th sales. That some
good guessing was done is shown
ii. the result
Monday evening Mr. C. W. j
H secretary the j
ville Tobacco of Trade, j
keeps official record of the;
sales as reported by the
warehouses, gave the figures for
the month at pounds.
A look over the list of guesses
showed that Mr. A. A. Andrews
had come nearest the number,
his guess being The
prize Mr. Andrews gets is well
worth having, for the Parker
Fountain Pen is the best nude
nothing writes better
Some other good guesses were
also made-Miss Lottie Blow
8,569.400, Mr. J. H. Keel
Mr. G. J. Woodward
The two guesses that miss-
ed it were made by
Master Ben Bryan and
Mr F G. Smith These
were the lowest and highest
respectively. There a
number of guesses between three
millions, but only two
and run under Mr. s
house and right there he planned
to get that chicken and worked ; number.
the trick above noted.
The boy was found and made
to go bring th chicken back to
its owner, and this morning May-
or bound him over U-
Superior c for larceny
The marriage of Mr.
Latham to Miss
Harding will consummated
Wednesday October
2nd, at o'clock, in the
Memorial No cards are
sent in town, but all friends are
invited to be present
A dispatch from
Cone a farmer
living near there and eight
children ire unconscious as the
result in which
condensed milk had been
Register of Deeds K. Williams
Good Description.
Sometimes a writer describes
himself and his own surroundings
in attempting to describe his
adversaries. For instance. Then-1
if Ins life of Ben
ton, political machine
can only be brought to a state cf
perfection in a party con-
many ignorant and
uneducated voters. Besides i
such an organization
in order that it. may do its most.
effective wort, to have as its
leader and figure head a man o
really has a great, hold en the
people at largo, and who yet cm
be managed by such s
at possess requisite adroit-
No better description of
the party and its
present leader could be written.
Greensboro Record-
Mr. J, W- Aycock, former
cashier of the National Bank, left
Sunday for Rocky Mount to take
a similar position with a bank
there. Mr. M. R. Turnage,
formerly with the Bank of
Greenville, has taken a
with the National Bank, Mr.
Roland Lang, of Farmville, has
him at the Bank of
is a widower.
by Switch
Norfolk, Va., S.-pt. Mrs
He Holmes and Mrs U. G.
of Springfield, Mass.,
delegates to the convention
Bible students of America in
here, were run down by a
Norfolk Western switch engine
in this city tonight almost within
sight of their husbands, and in-
killed. No headlight was
on the tender of the engine, nor
was there a flagman on the run-
as the train backed
out of the Merchants Miners
warehouse across Main street
The crew declare they heard no
screams and saw no one. although
eye witnesses say the
shrieked for help at the top of
their voices. Caught by the
has issued the following licenses
since last
Franklin L. Cox and Isabel
W. D. Ruth Joyner.
Lewis H. Smith and Mary
William Hardy and
Hay wood Williams and Mattie
I Rev. re,
op of the Hi- h so.
visited Si Paul here
Sunday, and was heard large
congregations at both morning
and evening services At the
a beau mt-
window to the
memory of ire Dr. and Mrs
W. M. B. Brown, were
placed in the church by their
were dedicated by Bishop
A new station opened on the
Norfolk railway, in
Beaver Dam about half
I way between Greenville and
Farmville, is called
j Tickets can now be purchased to
station. The people of
j Beaver Dam are delighted at
j a railroad station in their
I midst, and it a great
to them.
My son, James H. Blount,
colored, having left home with-
out my permission. I hereby
warn all persons against
or harboring under pen-
of the law. He is years
old. hi about feet, weight
about pounds.
ES. D. Blount.
Pays to
Of course everything lost is
not found, but the reader does
not realize how many lost articles
get back to the owners through
the means of a few lines in The
Reflector. It happens frequent-
Mere Millions
In these day when men talk of
making money by the millions
brake the their the boy on the farm begins to
clothing became entangled in the j think that his chances in life are
rods and they were dragged for circumscribed, there are
several hundred yards. . men ewer become million.
bodies were found a few feet
was a pathetic sight Re-
the body as that of his
by following the
but there is to the far-
mer, more than millions in his
is health,
wife, Mr. gave a groan and plenty. While we can-
and then ran to tell his friend,
Mr. Holmes, of the accident-
not speak from the standpoint of
a millionaire we are inclined to
Passing the body of Mrs. Holmes believe that he who has plenty of
he hurried toward the foot j hog and hominy at home and
Jackson street, where he met Mr. material to keep him
Holmes. The latter was greatly a few of the
life thrown in for good
jumping into the dock by the must be the happier.-
v Gaff Ledger.
R. Tyler, Old Soldier
Benjamin years
old, a Confederate soldier, died in
the homo yesterday. Mr.
Tyler was a member of Company
C, Twenty-sixth Virginia
and enlisted in Richmond.
After the war he moved to North
Carolina, where he remained
nu entered the home in April,
The funeral took place this
morning at eleven o'clock from
the Home chapel, Rev. Or
George R. pastor of
Asbury Place Methodist church,
conducted the services. The bur-
was made in
It is said that the best glass-eyes
are sold for but we see that
some specialist is offering a good
quality of for We
should say that any old glass-eye
worth cents is good enough for
the man who lets the Republican
party pull the wool over his eyes
with the that the pro-
tariff If for the benefit of
labor and not for the
Popular Couple Wed Morning
At a quarter to eight
this morning in Jarvis
Methodist church, was per-
formed the beautiful ceremony
that united in marriage Mr.
Hannis Taylor Latham, of Wash-
and Miss Harding,
o; Rev. M. T. Plyler
being the officiating minister.
The church was tastefully
with evergreens, the altar
and platform being a pyramid of
palms and ferns.
Miss Olive Gaston presided
at the organ, playing the wed-
ding march as the bridal party
entered and r tired, and a soft
melody during the ceremony.
The tubers were Messrs. W.
F and F- C Harding, brothers of
tho bride, the dame of honor
Mrs. J. L Carper, and the maid
of honor Miss Bessie Harding,
sister of the bride. These passed
up the left aisle followed by the
bride with her father, Maj.
Henry Harding- The groom
with his best man, Mr. W- B-
Harding, of Washington, enter-
ed through the pastor's study and
mot the bride at the altar.
The bride wore a handsome blue
suit and carried
la bouquet of bride roses. Th-
j dress of the dame of honor was
i white radium crepe with black
bat and she carried white
The maid of honor wore
j yellow point with white
hat and carried yellow dahlias-
The guests of honor at the
marriage were Mrs- W. F. Hard-
Charlotte, F
C. . Ricks, Josiah
p Charles
I house, m Greenville, Misses
lien Parker, Annie and
I Bright and Mrs. Thomas Latham.
of Washington, Mr-. Ken-
I Beth Henry d Miss Carrie
j Hughes, of Chocowinity, Miss
j Martha Harding, of
Miss Charlotte Ireland, of
land Miss Eliza Harding, of
Other of town attendants
were Mrs. Latham and
Misses and Kathleen
Latham, Washington, mother
and sisters of the groom, and
Master William of
Immediately after the
the bridal couple were
driven to the A. C. L. depot
j where they took the morning
train for a trip to Washington
I City and New York, and will stop
I at the Jamestown exposition en
their return. They will make
their home in Washington.
A pretty incident occurred at
the depot just before the train
loft, The bride and groom stand-
on the rear platform the
car had been given the prover-
shower of lice from the
guests of Honor grouped by,
and as the train moved away the
bride tossed out her bouquet
which was caught by Miss Char-
The bride and groom received
I a large number of beautiful and
serviceable presents. Among
those were checks amounting to
Tuesday evening preceding the
marriage the of the
families of the bride and groom
were entertained at tea by Major
and Mrs. Henry Harding, pa-
rents of the bride, and the guests
of honor were entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harding.
Hay Ride.
Several young men of the town
gave a hay ride Tuesday night
complimentary to the house party
guests of Misses Glenn and Helen
Forbes. There was a merry
party of young people
in the ride and they made the
air ring with songs, laughter and
Home Burned
We learn that a Mr. Cannon,
in the section
of township, lost a
tobacco pack house by lire. Tues-
day night, supposed to be the
work in
contained about lour of
Sh Leg.
Mr. W. B. who
ates the ginning plant near the
market house,
shot in the this morning.
When he retired last night he put
his and a pistol under his
pillow. Upon getting up this
morning he pulled his pants out
from under the pillow when the
pistol fell on the floor and fired,
the ball striking him in the leg
above the ankle.
Cotton Report.
The government report from
the was issued today
the number of bales cotton
dinned up to September 25th at
The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J- S. Mooring died Tues
day night and was buried at
o'clock this afternoon in Cherry
Hill cemetery. The young pa-
rents have the sympathy of many
Laving duly
tho court of
county us administrator of the
estate of M- I. de
notice is hereby given ti
all persons indebted
to make immediate payment to
the mid
having against said st lo
are notified that they must pr.-
on or e
do . October, 1908, no
tie plead bar of
This 1st day of or.
of M. D. t.
North Pitt
Dennis wife
Iv K K Jones L. O.
The It. pi
and O above i
will u. u that an
been com mu need
o -in t fill county by
the defendants
the enjoining
the Said s
from foreclosing
and tho notes set oat
and described in the
tiled in this can e and tor th
pose having the same de.
elided fraudulent and null
void, and the said defendants K.
U. and l, O . Moore
will farther take notice that they
are required to at
November of t e
Superior of county,
to no bold on the 9th Monday
after the 1st in
bar, it being the 4th day of Nov
ember, at court
in said in N
to answer or demur to the com
plaint of tho in said
or the plaintiffs will apply
the court for the relief
ed in said complaint.
tho day of
. c superior
of Pitt county
Machine Cue.
There was a washing machine
right case tried here Monday be-
fore Justice H. Harding. It was
a suit to collect a note given for
the purchase of one of the rights.
Justice Harding's decision was
that as the note was obtained
fraudulently it was
and the case was dismissed.
Curious are observed in
tree trunks, the inquiry
begun in suggest the
conclusion that they are
produced by the earth's
the twists of storms and the whirls
Belgian geologist, points out
i of growth were
tho cause the torsion should follow
the sun's path. In at least
out of trees the reverse
is true, and it be that the twist
i the I in On- northern
hemisphere and to the right, or with
clock, in the southern
like turn of the
storms and water This
is due to earth's rota-
Jean notes that it
was shown years ago that-tho
winds due to earth's million
steadily n season when veg-
i.- active and sensitive, and
bending and
turning would be likely to
the tree New
Orleans Time -I rat.
Growth of Rural
It is now only fourteen years
since an appropriation of
was mode for experiments with the
project of rural free delivery. As
recently as ten years ago the
for this new service
to only lost year
it was than while
this year rural delivery will
route proposed must be
inspected before it i- accepted by
department, more than
mu-t i -11 ll
paid, and all tho mill
of the and
enforced. at
and we in cities
should bear with some patience the
shortcomings of tho service which
gel while this necessity of rural
development, boon to the toil
millions on tho farms, receives
the attention it so well deserves.
AH the improvements needed will
in good time. Boston
A Chimney
M. chimney
sweeper of i.- probably
unique in his profession.
His mornings days generally
devotes to the
ways of the r I tin. Id,
lies of the region ii i . r
years it hits i
i I .- I
dime, to vi r
arts, i.
-I i .
C . cola.
A-a I.i in . on re-
ii in Ins
; i-
, i he ml,
. i a great of
sheep to pull the
row CO ml . I halted Illy ear
and ; I with interest the pas-
i the the intelligent
docs the
-1 had u sh it talk with the
herd about his odd difficult
I said, do you
do, driving sheep like this on a
row road, when yea meet another
dock coming from the opposite
said tho
just drive straight on, both of yo,
and the one that has the t dogs
gets tho most
the stovepipe
inquired the lint humorist.
didn't have tho nerve to take
it down this responded tin
of the
working on tho new model
tin bathing suit joke V
abbreviated than ever this
about the appendix
cut it

Eastern reflector, 27 September 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 27, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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