Eastern reflector, 17 December 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
S. Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be if arrears be paid within month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividend are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C. Dec. 1901.
W. J. Nichols was in town Sun-
Sam Smith and Jim King came
down Greenville
Miss Cornelia Nobles returned
to her home Sunday after spending
some time with relatives here.
Miss Lizzie Anderson and her
brother Robert went out to their
home in the country Friday and
returned Monday morning.
G. T. Coffey and N. P. Neil, of
Washington D. C, are stopping
here for awhile.
S. R. Ball, of Baltimore, spent
Saturday and Sunday in town.
Leon Randolph, of House
was in town Saturday
Sunday night, buying brick.
Misses Minnie and Esther Can-
non spent Sunday in town.
Lawrence was in town
We are glad to know that the
Old was
in last week.
If you have sour stomach, famousness, constipation, bed
inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
cf appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
any and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive Win Cure You.
It will clean out the cumulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put yon
on your again. Your will return, your move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin clear and
and yon will teal the old time energy and buoyancy.
testing the proper jive their for
cone and fad an Moat
It act-pa their regular without i-ala or griping, o general
clean the seated toucan, u
like U and for
Sale by
not only the . i f-n-
.- t, ,
lo TUB LA HO LA ID , t.
to I
I kilt of in
alt con
o At
the of
note, nit J,
waved in triumph o'er prices at
Millinery Store.
All kinds of hats at till kinds of Felts, velvets,
silks, ribbons, feathers, etc., in fact just anything necessary
to make a stylish hat, cheaper than ever before. Call and be
convinced that the Reflector advertisements tell truth.
fountain gen
The recent North Carolina Con-
at Fayetteville made the
following appointments for
r. A. Elder.
C. Beaman.
Grimesland and
F. Eure.
Bethel and
M. Eure.
W. Robinson.
Rocky L. Nash.
South Rocky
South L. Reid.
P. Tyer.
Wilson B. Culbreth.
J. Daily.
Spring H. Joyner.
N. Benson.
Aurora -P. Greening.
E. Holden.
Ocracoke and
U. Black.
Rev. R. B. John was returned
Elder of Wilmington
District, Rev. N. M. Watson was
returned to Chapel Hill, and Rev.
G. F. was returned to
am the Sana
Java at Mat to rat
canst the lest
a the keen appetite,
develop rum
Take No
An amusing controversy follower
the recent surrender of General
i t federal party of
laid claim to bis sword on the
ground he hut rilled it to them
as a souvenir in recognition of their
instrumentality in bringing about
his surrender. Thompson
of the Forty-second regiment con-
I he side arm as his property,
as it been delivered to bun when
Then it
was found that this particular
sword the chieftain had turned over
was not own, but one he borrow-
ed for the occasion. Finally the
federal party all claim to
the sword, leaving Colonel
son in possession of it. It now
comes to light that the real weapon
worn by in the war it
actually the hands of still an-
other officer.
A Life of
said to be
years old, who died the other day
n Dublin, lad., had met with many
accidents during her life. At the
age of C years she fell from n picket
fence and broke her finger. In 1852
she broke her ankle, in she fell
down a cellar and broke her collar
bone and three ribs, in 1885 in s
runaway while returning from
church she was thrown from s
sod her right hip broken, in
1888 lb slipped and fell on the
pavement, breaking her left hip;
in 1892 she her left leg at tin
knee, in she fell from a tree
breaking her arm; it 1808 fell
out of bed, breaking her light arm,
and in 1900 the broke her right hip
for the second time.
A Mark of Appreciation.
As a mark of appreciation of
the many kindnesses shown them
by the people of Greenville, the
Osceola Band will give a band con-
cert, with a few penalties, on
Friday night, Due 20th. While
the concert is free to all, an
be given those who
attend to help poor of the com-
enjoy Christmas. For this
purpose a contribution box will be
placed at head of the stain
receive whatever anyone may de-
sire to put in it, from a penny up.
fund thus raised will be turn-
ed over to Mrs. J. B. Cherry,
County Secretary of The King's
Daughters, for distribution among
the little children who are able
to have Santa Clans come to see
All who do not feel able
to to this fund are
as welcome to the concert as those
who do contribute.
In case weather is cold a fire
will be kept opera house all
day so as to have it thoroughly
comfortable. Seats will be
ed for the ladies
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
At am now in the
counts the hands or my
I Lave
more fur the of undergoing an op-
my boots and ac-
ands of my brother, Mr.
Wiley at i-tore Greene A
Brown, given full authority to col-
and receipt for same. I ask
Indebted to me to call on him and net-
up early
of North Carolina,
official information
has been received at this Depart
meat that at Falkland, Pitt county,
N. C, on or about December 22nd,
1900, John Parker shot and
killed Alex Little.
And it appears that
has fled
the State, or so conceals himself
the ordinary process of law
cannot be served upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Aycock, Governor of the State of
North by virtue of an
in me vested by law, do
issue this my proclamation, offer-
a reward of two hundred
for and de
livery of said John H. Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the
Court house in Greenville and
do enjoin all officers of State
and all good citizens to assist in
said criminal to justice.
Done at our City of
Raleigh, day
, October, in year
of our Lord one thous-
and nine hundred and one and in
one hundred and twenty sixth
our American Independence
By the
Chas. B. Aycock.
P. M. Peas all, Private Sec.
H. Parker is
nearly six fee high of spare build,
weighs about pounds, has
boyish face, is almost beard
less, has blue eyes, light hair, is
slightly stooped and is about
years old.
The leader in good wort and low prices
Nice Photographs per dozen.
Halt Cabinet per
All other lines very cheap. Crayon
made any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
samples and answer questions. The very
best guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a. m., to n. m. Yours to please,
The following- is a statement cf the
of meetings of the Hoard of
for I'm county, number of
each member hath number of
traveled amounts allowed for
service as for the
year ending 1901.
R I, Davis hath Hays,
O W Harrington bath attended day,
W O Little bath
Cannon bath day
U days,
J J hath days,
L J Chapman hath attended days-
For days it Com.
For mile traveled 26.00
For day a- Lorn. f
For iv as Committee
For miles
Then you want the
the people who have cash to spend
They arc who read
For days as Com. Q,
For days at Committee h
For miles traveled
For days
For As Committee
Fur miles traveled 20.60
For days as Commissioner
For miles traveled 16.60
For as Commissioner Q
For miles traveled 21.60
at Reflector Office
and you attract their
and their cash in no better way
by putting your advertise-
in this paper.
The character of Abdul
must obi have runny
The of bis is Dr.
the Zionist lender, who re-
ports he is perfectly charming.
I mi spoke to with the
greatest kindness. I found him s
One forgot lie was this
might lie kept
in I found, with nil
late developments of modern
and evidently is fur from
those notions which
associates with tbs
bring you success. Don't
lag behind in the race
but let people know
what you are here for.
quickest and best
way to sell anything is to
it ill
an advertisement goes straight to
the people, they learn what you
sell and you reap the
We have just purchased a Urge
supply of bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate ad
you are at
to use them. If you know
just what you to say, we will
help you get up your advertise-
That is our business, to
help you talk to people.
The coat of an advertisement In
the easiest part.
Total amount allowed Board
State North
or Pitt.
T B clerk of
Board of Commissioners for the county
aforesaid, do hereby certify the
Is a doth appear
of record In my this 11th day of No-
Board Com. Pitt County.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Bar-
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail ft Ax
Meat Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Gob
to see me.
Phone M.
E. E. Griffin,
Practical n.
Opposite P. O., Greenville, N. C.
Recently visited the market
and purchased largest stock docks,
watches, chains, rings, pins, etc., ever
brought to Greenville. Special articles for
holiday trade and presents
Prompt attention to special orders Re-
pairing to clocks and watches done
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays,
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J. CHERRY, Art.,
Greenville, N. C.
Having duly qualified before the
court Clerk of Pitt county at Executor
of Last Will soil Testament Mrs S.
SI. deceased, notice it hereby
given to all persons indebted to estate
to make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
the estate arc notified to present their claims
for payment on or before the day of
November, 1902, or this notice will be plead
of recovery.
This 29th day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. S. M.
Pitt county In Superior court.
The defendant, D. above
named, will take notice that an action en-
has been commenced in the
Superior court of Pitt y for divorce,
ard the defendant further take notice
that he required to tie and appear at the
next regular term of the Superior held
for the county of be court
house in Greenville, on 7th Monday be-
fore Drat Monday of March, It
the 13th day of January, 1902 and then and
there answer to the complaint, which will
before said court, or
will granted accordingly to the
prayer of complaint.
This 2nd day of November, 1901.
C. moo it i-.
Clerk of Superior court
Stats or Carolina, .,
William J. Gardner Notice of
land Warrant of Al-
T. C. Britton.
defendant, T. will take
on the 20th day November,
1901, a was issued him
in above entitled action by the under-
of the Superior court of Pitt
county, returnable to the January term
1902 of Pitt Superior court which convenes
on the 7th Monday before 1st Monday
in March, 1902, It being the 18th day of
January, 1902. Which was re-
turned by the Sheriff of said county not ex-
end with this endorsement,
T. C. Britton not to in
my of said action,
alleged the Plaintiff, it to recover of
defendant, T. C Britton, the sum of
fifteen dollars damages which
plaintiff alleges it due him, as damages for
a violent and vicious assault committed on
by defendant by which Plaintiff
veil serious and painful personal In-
The said T C. Britton, defendant afore-
said, will alto take notice that a warrant of
Attachment issued by the said
signed clerk on 90th day of November,
1901, against the said T. C.
Britton directed to the Sheriff of Martin
county and returnable to the January term,
1902, of Pitt Superior court which convenes
on the Monday before lit Monday
in march, 1902, it being Monday, the
day of 1902, and being the time
and place when and where the aforesaid
summons is returnable. And the mid T.
U. Britton will take notice that he re
quired to appear and answer or demur to
the complaint of In action or
the relief therein demanded will be
at my office in town of Greenville
November 26th. 1901.
D. C.
Clerk court.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
notice to
Mr. John O. Drewry, General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of J.
announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to the Insurable public
generally, of this com-
will now Business la
Mate from date will Issue
splendid desirable policies, to all de-
siring very best In the best
life Insurance company in the world.
If the agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangements,
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Live, reliable energetic wasted at
once to wort tor the
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Months Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions token u,
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 93.60 payable in ad-
A nice present, our pretty Bugs at Cost.
Prize Soft Sole Shoes.
Big bargains for all in women and mens shoes.
Mens and Boys Clothing at cost. Can please you
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Dan of Rocky Mount, N. C, took out policy
No. in 1886, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period; annual premium total
year dividend payable in cash
and continue policy for 5,000.00
Full paid participating additional 2.504
and continue policy for 5,000.00
Withdraw total cash value 3,502.80
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
For Virginia and North Carolina,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va
While every newspaper should
cultivate the beautiful spirit of
modesty, it must be permitted to
speak candidly about itself, as
on other subjects.
For instance, we think the
Post should lie pardoned
for the remarks it has recently put
forward on the virtues and
of the newspaper when it is
true to itself.
The Post makes bold to
newspaper today is the
greatest factor in civilization.
Takeaway the newspaper and you
would take away the greatest
preacher, teacher, assistant to
of criminals, reformer
public private life, patriot,
that it has been
for the wit of man to devise.
No other institution is, any-
thing like the same such
a dispenser of and light
and upholder of the bands of
lice. other institution is,
like the same degree,
such a help lo good men, such a
hindrance to bad men. For the
former the newspaper smooths
their way and makes their road
level before to the latter the
newspaper is a lion in path.
The people of America appreciate
this to the full; there is no need of
telling any what they
Down at the other
day a citizen who owned a
mortgage undertook to foreclose It.
Attorneys for the party who had
given the mortgage looked into the
matter and found Hint the
had failed to list it for
Thereupon the proceedings
came lo a sudden termination, for
under the law collection of
solvent credits cannot lie enforced
unless they have been listed for
taxation, so mortgagee will
have to wait until another tax-list-
and list bis mortgage for
if he desires to collect it. This
law is a good one. is not In-
tended lo and really does not en-
courage people in non payment
of their just debts of them
don't need any encouragement in
that but it is intended to
force men to return their property
for taxation to thus bear their
just of the public bur-
dens along with neighbors.
A man rich to own a
mortgage mean enough to
try to sneak of paying taxes
on it, deserves to lose about half
Xmas Goods.
Our Stuck is Complete. Call early and make your
selections from those Bust, White Classical
Bisque Figures,
Fancy China
Plates, Cups, Saucers, Glass, Silverware, etc.
All Kinds.
They are going fast. Don't gel left Inn lie in time
gel your choice.
j. p. mm k co.
Fountain Per,
The pleasant days we Lave been having are now a thing
of the past, only the pleasant memories of the same re-
main. Have you supplied yourself with all necessary winter
clothing When you face facts all arguments halt. We give
no prices but all winter goods
A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hals, Dry
Goods, Rugs, Notions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-
wear the cold weather Winter and season right for
Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.
The Observer heard not long ago
of the case of a young man, living
a small but growing Southern
town, who applied to n prominent
business man of another oily for
cant, the business was told
that be was the type of youth who
was content to work at about a
per month salary, or less, perhaps
always anxious to git from
his work at the earliest moment in
order to spend his evenings with
young ladies, being something
of u social high In the
town where this young
man lived there was not a
tent brick-unison or me-
when one was needed
be had to be imported paid at
least a day for bis cervices.
But the young man would have
considered a trade like
any one as his
dignity and position, so he kept
at what he was already doing
clerking in the country store.
Charlotte Observer.
I to be with more Christmas
I Toys than ever Millions millions of
beautiful presents toys of every
ion, Do not go and bin your
Christmas Goods
Q then go and regret it, come to the fountain
all your wants supplied.
Ed. H. Mm.
Having your own way is very
often devil's way.
The man who has too much
to healthy is not a
We have just added Supply to our business and
will roll anything in this lino very low, Bee us when In want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Hancock
U. s. Injectors, Cooks,
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Filling all sizes.
LINE OP Packing, Rubber Bolt,
Hell, leather Belt, Belt Bell Hunks,
An Thief.
Mi. K. U. Miller, wax
in town and related to
an incident goes In prove
every man i- not a
rogue at heart under
d circumstances and under
certain conditions, to
to his own use the mean- of
lie said in last May he
west into his mill one morning,
and found Dome one had taken
therefrom a nun of Upon
examination note
the loll
have taken a
turn coin, a little over a bushel.
I will pay back next fall; my
children are
Mr. Miller though
rogue had dune the work, and as
be had idea who was
matter was almost forgotten him
but not the man who look
corn. fen mornings since Mr.
Miller, upon entering tIn- mill,
found he had an
and it was accompanied
your com,
and more than
I'M, be hasn't least idea
who the honest rogue i. but be
says for bis own gratification he
will will give a bushel com to
OUt, He Hauls In look
the face of one man.
of u Cold
in,, i- he quite Hire win iv ii mill
it going to mm. In tho full mill winter
ii in ill, bowels,
pain ii-i
yourself with fears At lira
i cramp Perry
In warm,
Painkiller, SO
The Old Man's Letter.
William, I done thought
write you a letter yon
a Merry Christmas, en many re-
j en I ain't got no
I overcoat, en de one you a-
so fit me, en I
ain't got keep de
out, two
i you ill do me, cf you ain't
lone all up, en cf you
don't what you
seen de in, fit me
en some stand-
gimme courage
, preach, I lout; had a call
good flogs what
. yon roan
nut en not no
at dis time I will come
a close, you kin put it down
nobody ain't never needed
close what I docs, en tell
Miss Funny de man ain't
her. en .-he kin any en all
she kin think cf, you
please, h. Stanton in
Atlanta Constitution,
The Germans do some things
pretty well. The has
Instructed to hygienic associations
in Merlin to open in which
instructions hygienic and
matters will be given free,
doctors will employ-
ed to deliver lecturers, give in-
and answer questions as
to the best ways of preserving
health, the best food to be eaten
the best seasons,
and numerous other things in
people interested. The Idea
i lo leach people how to take care
of themselves, of their health
of Star.
Harvesting and Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
N. C.
The Place to
get the Best
Goods for the
Least Money
then yon will
HUNTING go straight to
Complete stock Call and winter goods
read for your Inspection, and out
surpassed anywhere. The
ladles should not fail to see our stock.

D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
Gen. T. F. Toon, Slate
of Public is
ill with pneumonia. This
Raleigh papers reported
bis condition worse. We hope he
may survive the attack and Boon
be restored to health.
At Wadesboro a woman obtain-
ed a divorce from her husband and
in less than an hour was married
to another man. Th is may be con
legal, so far as civil
goes, but it shows the
possibilities under our too lax
laws. In many
marriage vows are regarded too
Prof. II. returned
from the country where
he has one week visiting the
schools. He brings Hue reports in
reference to the work.
are in good condition and the work
seems to be entirely satisfactory
the has been. The en-
and average attendance
is much better than it was last
year. The discipline has
much improved and there is some
uniformity in the method of teach
Considerable improvement
has made in reducing the
number of classes and the Professor
does not hesitate to say that he
believes the schools have in-
creased in efficiency more
twenty-five percent over
year the county. He
thinks the Institute at Winter-
last summer aided materially
bringing about this increased
usefulness of the schools. The
work of visiting the schools will be
stand and asks them what they
think about
and invariably the lawyers, thus
questioned declare it to be just
But what happens among pub-
I The successful bidder for
the county and supplies
is denounced as a a
a the
rotten a
and every other pub
in the country is willing to
take the stand and declare that
the price paid was excessive and
that he would have been glad to do . , .
it for half the money. And
same issue herein e the
bidder with being a
we sometimes
a column editorial on the
dignity of our noble profession.
Still we often wonder why lawyers
get so easily while we new spa
per men have to scratch for a
Our r
U. U.,
Ill the Senate, Senator Lodge,
has been winking faithfully to ex
pi away all the objection- which
have beta raised the Hay-
treaty. He has not
succeeded well, but the ob-
are of a particularly
serious nature and as ell
of the senators arc the opinion
In North Carolina.
The North Carolina Association
of Academies will meet in Raleigh
Dec. M and
The catch of I unit around
fort this season is
reported to be the largest ever
A High Point
is nothing more gives the town
Secretary do, they w ill This is a gain of 1,800 over the
A Quiet in
There will be no fireworks
the coming Christmas.
The. ordinance was
for the first lime last
year, and the relief from ear-
piercing and nerve destroying
of the previous celebrations
was something to be remembered.
The enforcement of the ordinance
was brought about by
lion of the dynamite crackers, and
alter the city had to pay an ex
bill for shattered plate
glass. The ordinance sands, and
a special meeting of the
of aldermen is railed to
pend which is very improbable,
there will be no cracker popping in
Charlotte on
All towns in the Slate might
very profitably follow the example
Charlotte has set as regard to lire
works. It is a wonder many town
fireworks arc
do not have hills to for
damages caused by them.
A Western editor writing to
Press and of Boston, of the
bet wet n newspaper men
and those of other professions in
conducting their business,
have in Nebraska what is
known as the prisoner
and I presume Milne is
true of Iowa. Under that act a
prisoner who has no means
which to employ is pro
with one at public expense.
The attorney's bill or claim is
passed upon and allowed by the
court, and save cases of
must not exceed In
cases of homicide the defending.
may put in a bill for any
amount he lit. I bate never
heard of a claim for less than the
allowed. And if it lie a case
of homicide the claim is generally
well up in the hundreds. And
matter how big I he claim,
lawyer the bar is ready lo make
affidavit that it is a just
claim declare that he
would have bandied the case
for a cent less would de-
more. Occasionally the
calls a few lawyers to
Departed ibis life on Nov.
1901, at her home
Pitt county, X. C, Miss Jessie
Holliday. Miss Jesse was a
ed member the Sun
day school and while we mourn
her loss we bow to an
Providence, believing that our loss
is her eternal gain. Therefore be
it resolved.
1st. That in the death of
Jessie the school has lost an
teacher and secretary, and
the community a faithful friend.
2nd. That we extend to the be-
family our deepest
and point them to the Father
of the faithful, whom the trust-
3rd. That a copy of these
be sent to
for publication, one to the family,
and one be spread on our minutes.
C. M.
Mrs. Galloway
J. o. Proctor,
Mb. J. w.
ratify it as soon as have bud by the government
time to air ago.
of canal, as provided for The total capital of Corporations
by the appropriation carried by by the Secretary of State
Senator Morgan's bill, is fiscal year ended Ho-
I is The
Mr. Lodge's efforts lo defend capital of each of three is
the treaty will prove a
compared the effort he will
Winterville Department.
have to put forth to secure the rat-
any reciprocal treaty
with Cuba. Mr. Roosevelt is
counting on him to effect something
In the nature of a concession for
Cuba, bit it is doubtful if the
weighty lessons of morality and
to which Sir. Roosevelt
referred in his message will have
much against
E. L. Powell, the manager of a
branch brokerage business at
son for Murphy Co., of New
York, leaving his
accounts short He left a
note saying he was going In com-
suicide, but that is believed to
be a blind. Some Wilson people
lost heavily by him.
A woman sent to the
Sugar which is hold- for burglary committed in
its meetings, no one knows the disguise of mail's clothing
Where, In Washington. who some time ago escaped in the
Senator Lodge has introduced a same was captured
bill in t ho Senate providing for the lay night Raleigh, having been
erection of an for the discovered the person of a cook
lent South of the for a prominent family there.
Treasury building with a view to There was a row in the kitchen be
restoring the historic White House was subdued and captured.
to purpose fol which was i
N. C, Dec.
containing acres more or
less. Nice tobacco, or com
land, acres Two good
tenant houses and buildings.
Adjoins the lands Henry Cory,
Lewis and others
and may Known as es
It. land. Apply a.
Surely the young ladies of
school will no leave the
by our new invention. Only those born deal are incurable,
f ,. t, . . . Baltimore, Md., March to.
. r think lo your treatment,, I wilt now fire j mi
full history of my lo be fit out
m ibis kept on getting worse, until I lo
a dud
ill mi,
I a treatment catarrh, for three month, without t
among others the mo-t eminent car of
After I had it only a
after five week, my
iv and beg lo remain
to your direction., the and
i The car ha been entirely I thank you
y your a.
W, A. Broadway. Baltimore. Md.
Our treatment not interfere with your usual
J- to
All Times and Places.
A leading retail clothier New-
York tells why most success-
advertisers the world over pin
themselves to the newspaper as be
the hot The chief
reasons are newspaper
goes into the homes at all limes, in
all weather; travelers read It, and
so at home ; all other kinds
of advertising are to those who
confined to bill
these read their newspaper, and
their is strong.
being read by the
general public is the great
The Greenville i-
now twenty years old and Editor
yesterday reviewed the
growth and progress of bis
paper. It began in 1889 in a
small building. It is now
l in a handsome, two
brick the property
Of Mr. Whichard. Ins success
will directed In-
capacity and to publishing
an honest journal. Long may the
Reflector live that the people
may gain light
Raleigh News and Observer-
Indianapolis is frightened at the
f crime among boys
dining the past few years. Dur-
1809 eighty nine boys wire
arrested by the police.
eleven mouths of this year
boys have been arrested. Of this
Somber Mere charged
crimes which would nod adults to
Hull, the keeper of Robe
son county was
dentally killed afternoon,
mar Springs. Mr. was
Standing with his back to the lire
testing on his gnu the Ore
heated the gnu, canning It to dis-
charge. The shot took effect in the
back and ranged upward. He
ed four hours after the
When young lovers make up
their minds to get married the old
folks may as well
will be an or some
thing else. the other
day Joseph Felton, aged and
Miss aged
quietly slipped off and got
married without saying a wind to
the old folk-about it.
intended, a residence for
the President and bis family. The
bill provides for a two
An Lodge is the author of
the bill it la assumed that it meets
with the approval of the President
and it is regarded as to Mr.
Roosevelt's credit be should
desire to preserve the White
with all its historic
as presidential
An example of the very
Mr. Roosevelt
Is displaying political field
afforded by the announcement
Mr. a gentleman who
voted for and
1890, is to be appointed to the
of the port of St
Louis, n place which pays a
year and over which both
Hitchcock and the
factions have been so long
The announcement is not
official, but was made by Mr.
William M. Reedy, a gentleman
for whom the President when
the Hitchcock and lac-
lions became a source of annoy
BLACK Jack, K. v., Dec. 18.1901.
to the sickness of your
itemizer, we were unable to send
in any news Hie past two weeks.
Mrs. bite and children,
Of Washington, are visiting friends
and relatives here.
O. H. of Winter-
ville, came Monday to lie at the
bed side of her sister, Miss Harper,
who continues very low with
Rev, Mr. Linton,
by his daughter, Mrs.
rived Monday to visit the family
of Robert Dixon be at the
quarterly meeting Saturday and
Mr. Walter of
place, and Miss Nellie of
were married lust
Friday evening at i o'clock.
Mills, who has been visit-
friends and relatives here for
some time, took his departure for
South Carolina Wednesday.
Friday Morning, Nov.
1901, as the death angel was
his mission by order of the great
It is said the Senators in Creator, he called at the homo of
Washington are somewhat per- Lewis Henry White, and took him
as lo h they will place from his loving family, lit leaves
i Mi of Caro a wife eight children and a host
as they are sine whether of relatives and friends to mourn
he is a Democrat or a Republican, their lo s. but we feel that our
Nothing Strange that, for he loss is his eternal gain. He made
doesn't know himself. He calls a confession of his sins was
himself a Democrat and performs baptized on the and we be-
like a be is forever lo be
Tin Greenville
it seventh anniversary
Tuesday the editor takes
to give a short of the
life of the hopes and dis
appointments, successes, and tail
whole proves inter-
reading, especially to those away without u
who have traveled a similar path.
with him Who h all things
He was on the Nth
Feb., 1844, milking his stay on
earth fifty-seven years, nine
months and one day. Hi- had been
in bad for several years,
and for the last sixteen months he
Suffered Untold misery but in bis
last hours he rested perfectly easy
Durham Herald.
While Mr. J. K. Carter was
His funeral was preached the
by W. H.
of Greenville, after which
counting out money just received remains taken o the ram-
for tobacco he had sold in near Ayden.
Bugle Warehouse today, a man den we thou
unknown to him snatched of to
ii and ran and at last account- had
not been caught, although n. are the dead die in the
officers of the law arc hot on his
Most grow smaller as they
are contracted except debts.
trail -Kn.-b u Free Picas.
The last Legislature in radii
the State, made the
entirely new without
a There are nine
counties In the district six of
these already have candidates In J
the Held for the nomination next
from m gone,
vi tin- in
A in our home
Cm r i i r more
Written by a friend.
he Greenville has
entered its year. The South
Its lusty It ex-
In tin Oral two days session of
the of at
over three thousand
bills were Introduced. Tins is a
billion dollar country, sure enough
but another added to its re
sources satisfy the de-
Treasury leeches.
Philadelphia Record.
Food for is not a sub
diet a
Sonic people never pay any-
thing ant compliments, which;
no bank will cash.
Borne men who join the
when the band begins lo play,
leave it as soon as the music
The doctor is a sort of pillar of
The play with a short is
A great many people get religion
but religion gets very few
Those who look before they leap
will never buy its
A man may stand his virtues
but his vices always sit down on
The saloon man may not be
artist yet he can draw a glass of
Truth is a stranger some people
never want become
The Christmas tree makes its
bough to the public.
The fellow our dough
sometimes takes the cake.
The Daily Reflex
celebrated its
The Reflector
is deservedly prosperous, having
done splendid service for It town
Free Press
Our Line of
New Millinery
and you will be convinced that a
prettier, more stylish display was
Made in
Pattern Hats. Ready-to-wear Hats, Sailors,
Baby Cloaks and Cops. The very newest
and latest styles in everything in my line.
Prices lower than ever. Give me a call.
, only at, operation could me. only would
Without allowing US ail
of enjoying
of those delightful entertainments
they know so well how to arrange.
Our people in the high-
est degree their kindness in the
past, in affording us so much
amusement, and hope they will not
consider us selfish if we beg for
one more evening of their time.
J. E. Green, who has been away-
his relatives Martin
county, returned home Thursday
G. S. Willard, who has had rail-
road matters in here for
several days, left for his home yes-
Johnson Nichols, of Greenville,
was here a short while
Z. tut in, near
was here yesterday on a trip of
inquiry t
Mis. J. J. Parker, of Toddy, has
her daughter, Mrs.
J. Nichols, during the pas
Santa our
friends, customers and the public
generally we wish to state that we
are a nice and better
stock of Xmas toys
than ever before,
we earnestly solicit your pat ion-
age. Yours to
ton, Co.
Miss Lena Dawson, of Little-
field, came up on the train
day to several days with
friends here.
R. II went to Kin-
Thursday evening and return-
ed next morning.
Mi. Randolph, House, has
been here week buying cotton.
Mr. Forties, representing
Riverside Nurseries at Greenville,
was here Friday.
Dr. B. T. and Mrs. Cox re
turned from Baltimore Thursday.
They left little Miss Irma Belle
Dawson in the hospital for several
days in order that her eyes may
have time for proper treatment.
We are pleased to learn the
little girl is improving
G. A. got from his
South Carolina trip Thursday
Virgil of
was here yesterday on business.
Mrs. C. A.
Tyson spent Thursday Green-
Misses Patrick, of Ayden,
and Lucy in,
were visiting friends her Wed-
Greenville, N, C.
Fun it tS-s
The car enter bad put down his
tools and gone for luncheon.
for me is ii perfect bore,
aid the Auger.
a little hoard said
the Small Plank.
no art in this
observed Screw Driver.
thing's screwed in my
don't stick at anything long
enough to kin. v what you're driving
i Glue.
the Screw.
never goes beneath the surface
the that Jack Plane and I do.
cried the Saw. go
through things just us much you
do. Life's stuffed with
said the Grind-
agree with observed the
Bench. doesn't make any differ-
bow well I do my work, I'm
always sat
said the Hammer.
cried the Auger.
nail on the head that
hit it retorted the
Hummer, and lie kept his word, but
lie hit the wrong nail. That is why
the carpenter now wears his thumb
in a bandage. It was his thumb
nail the hammer
New Cough Curs.
Little Ada, a toddling
cut her linger. To comfort her her
gave her an and
stuck a of gummed stamp
edging on the little wounded digit.
A day or two later Ada was play-
about quietly while her mother
was writing orders to her trades-
The letters were at length writ-
ten, hut search as might tho
mother could not find any stamps
in tho stationery box. knew
there were about half a dozen there
s few minutes before.
have you been upsetting
this sue inquired sternly.
Ada tearfully looked up in her
ain't been
only been of those
pictures on my poor to
make it better. I've dot such a bad
cough in my
Lost Four Legs.
A young British officer in South
Africa recently wrote homo to his
send at once. Lost another
leg in a stilT engagement and nm in
hospital without The an-
dear As this
is the fourth leg you lost, ac-
cording to your letters, you ought
to be to it by this time.
Try to on any others
may have
Suburban Summer.
put buckets of
on every tree in our yard every
must be fond of
I want to make tbs
Then yon want the attention
the people who have cash to spend
They are the who read
and you can attract their attention
their cash in no better way
than by your advertise-
in this paper.
The Reflector will
bring you success. Don't
lag behind in the race,
but let the people know
what yon are here for.
Tho easiest, quickest and best
way to sell anything is to
it The Such
advertisement goes straight to
the people, they learn what yon
sell and you reap the
have just purchased a large
supply of bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate Reflector ad-
and yon are at
to use them. If you know
Just what you to say, we will
help you get up your advertise-
That is our business, to
help you talk to people.
The cost of an advertisement in
The la the easiest part.
War Pensioners.
In the Masonic home in Walling-
ford, Conn., there resides one of I ho
four veterans now of the
war. He is Charles Benedict.
an old Mason, lie is on list of
Sam's pensioners. Two
other survivors of the war, and all
on tho pension roll, are Samuel
Hurt of Mass., and Sam-
of Norwich.
Our Suits are so good
that we say to you, buy one
and you will get the
back if you don't like the suit.
If we make any sort of mis
take, bring the suit back and
let us make it right.
Call it our generosity, call it
your generosity, call it fair-
call it anything you like.
But do it.
By the way, is the
place where we can put the
most value into our suits.
a long story.
The suits tell it.
We do what say we do.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Leg Broken.
Mr. Charlie Pollard carries the
mail from Tarboro to and
Holland in this county.
On Wednesday his horse away
throwing Mr. Pollard out of the
buggy and breaking bis leg two
Nice Bibles and Testaments at
Reflector Book Store.
Dolls, Toys, Wagons,
Vases cheap at S. M.
Chickens are getting
ante Christmas all night
in their
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
The holiday shoppers are
out in large numbers now looking
at the new goods.
E. II. has cot his
day goods on display, a beautiful
line of them.
A little girl at his home is the
cause of Mr. W. E. being
happier than usual.
A dog supposed to be mad, be-
longing to Mr. A. A. Forbes, was
killed Friday evening.
Attention is called to the notice
to by M. L. Eure, ad-
of M. R. Eure.
Nothing beats a Parker
Pen for a present
Get them at Book
For second band
buggy with sun top, almost as
good as Also set harness.
T. R. Moore.
This changeable weather is the
kind that causes pneumonia, and
people should take best
Mr. W. V. Edwards is wearing
larger smiles than anybody to-
town. When asked the
cause he says a boy.
Subscriptions to all magazines
taken at Reflector Book Store.
Persons desiring to give for
Christmas presents should de-
lay to give their
There is question about the
beauty of Zeno Moore
stock of in is goods. They
have a display of cut glass, wedge-
wood and other fancy ware that is
We earnestly request
those for The
Reflector settle or
send us the money. It is
a time that we need
now, and all who have
had the paper and owe for
it ought to be willing to
pay without waiting to be
Too Much Privilege.
There was incident in court
here Wednesday that gives
testimony to the fact that law-
have too much privilege with
witnesses. A lawyer was cross
examining a witness and so assail-
ed the character of the latter that
he appealed to the court for pro
The matter came near
leading to personal trouble after
court had adjourned.
Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock, at tho home of Mr. J. L.
Cherry, about live miles from
Greenville, his daughter Miss
Mamie, and were
married by Elder James Corbitt.
Immediately after the ceremony
they left for home of
where the wedding supper was
served and a reception held. A
large number of friends attended
both the marriage and reception.
for Skinner.
Republicans at Greensboro arc
said to believe that it is the
cards that Col. is to
be District Attorney place of
Claude M. Bernard, Esq., present
incumbent. A story comes from
that Col. Skinner re-
turned from Washington a
broad smile upon his lace, and
of getting plum.
From Washington comes news of
same character. Is any-
thing in all this News
In Line With Instruction.
A commercial well
known in the cycle trade both
sides of the Atlantic adds this to
collection of jokes on newly
hero is the manufacturer
of the wheel which narrator
sells. Being compelled to go away
on n trip about the time
interesting domestic event was
expected, he left orders tor the
nurse to wire the results ac-
to the following
If a safety-
If a safety
father's state of mind may
be imagined when, a few days
later, he received a telegram con-
t he nm- word
Rocky News.
Some Speak to Me, Some to
December 1901.
W. It. Parker went to
Dr. D. T. Taylor, Washing-
ton was here today.
U. G. Tyson went to
While returned Wednesday
W. E. returned
day evening from Tarboro.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley left this
morning for a visit in Virgina.
G. B. W. has gone to
LaGrange to see bis father who is
quite sick.
C. J. Rivenbark and A. B.
Iver, who have been spending a
few days here, left this
Friday, December
Ex-Judge M. L. of Gates,
is in town.
Marion Tucker returned to Nor-
folk today.
B. W. went to Bethel j
this morning.
A. M. Perry went to Rocky
Mount today.
W. F. Harding went to Kinston
J. E. Green returned to Winter-
ville Thursday evening.
J. Jenkins and little
Scotland Neck, came in
Thursday evening and returned
this morning.
Saturday i
W. F. Harding returned this
from Kinston,
Miss Mary Harris went to Win-
Friday evening.
Mrs. W. Barnhill went to
Winterville Friday evening,
Jesse L. Smith went to Ayden
Friday evening and Ibis
Rev. J. B. Morton and Mrs.
Morton came down from Tarboro
Friday evening.
Misses Maud and Jennie
Newell came in from Winterville
this morning and spent the day
J. K. Pool, agent of Hamilton-
Gregory Comedians in
town billing tor Company to
play here two nights next week,
Dec. Kith and Kill.
J. R. Morris, the big hearted
poetic traveling salesman, was here
yesterday today, lie always
has bis heart full of sunshine and
to in his company is a pleasure.
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profit
choice goods,
P at prices.
Clothing, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Suits, Price Sizes to Years. u ; it o IS IS
Mens Clothing.
and Suits. Price
Odd Coats.
and Coats
If and
Boys Knee Pants.
kind, sizes to
Mens Pants.
no and Pants, now
and a
These prices tor cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
I Sot.
Fire at Tarboro.
The burning of the
Knitting Mills, at Tarboro, Thurs-
day morning, is a disaster to that
town as wall as a heavy loss to Mr.
J. owner.
plant and stock destroyed
worth and the
was only Seventy people
were thrown out of employment by j
the fire, and considering the
of others dependent upon the
wages of these s- for support
makes a sod outlook for them.
The following invitations have
Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas How-
ard request of your pres-
at the marriage of their
Margaret Curtis,
Mr. Joseph
On Thursday morning,
December twenty sixth,
nineteen hundred and
half after ten o'clock.
At Home,
North Carolina.
i Shirts now
A full line from I e to e now
The biggest value ever offered.
mid kind now
and 6.1
to kind.
Shoes. Shoes.
M w
Ladles I ml tips
on band.
You must see them.
Sample Price.
no for
All linen Window Shad.
Regular price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
Clocks and
watches now
ii s
day clock at reasonable pines
All similes, all kinds, nil quality. The ladies
billed at Immense stock Come to see us and bring
roar neighbors, or tell them about us.
The cheapest best line we
have ever had. Special
from to
From the cheapest to the be
All qualities. Don't
one of choice patterns.
goo All
Worth now
Carpets, Matting-,
Biggest line in town. All
to act
A Fearful Death.
While trying to throw B belt
from a wheel, Charles Simmons,
an of tin- Oil
and Works, suffered in-
juries yesterday morning
o'clock which resulted in his death.
A stick as thick as a man's wrist,
which Simmons was using in toy-
lag to fix licit in place, was
the revolving wheel,
made one revolution, as it
came round struck Simmons across
tho breast, breaking the breast
and cutting through the
The injured man, conscious and
suffering, lived until o'clock. He
years old. He leaves u wile
and two Ob-
Ladies Muslim
Heady to wear. Ask our saleslady III department
to show them to you. Petticoat, Drawers,
Sc. at less than of material.
Leather Couches, quality PR;
us; is Oak Baits; is Styles
Rockers. Hall Racks, Cribs, Carriage, prices.
Others sell cheap calico. Watch
colon They will run out be-
fore you have town.
Woman Children
Al colors and prices,
from mills. This is a rare
for ladies to get a
I t ii The Loom.
Barker's Mills,
without ticket, yard
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to Me me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
B. White.
removes from the soil
large quantities of
The fertilizer
plied, must furnish
enough or the
land will lose its pro-
our tool.
Si. Km
A Weeding Out Needed.
The Democrat party la this
State needs a good out
it comes to select
holders. The in it has
brought the last a preceding
Legislature into ill repute
I Which should not be repeated.
Weed out the small and put
forth bread well educated
conservative who do not
want the office for office hut
who would take it for the food
the can do the and State.
Such men the Office seek,
we need
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
U. Paid up
Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if be paid month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
. To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. SUGG, At
Greenville, N. C.
It Is Easy to Say
we must all go from
heated homes Into outer air, the
change us couching wheezing.
Avowing winter is curing
is hard lake Allen's Lung
Balsam, Butler begin lbs cold i
sud not wait until It settles deep Into
the lungs, with Allen's
c relief will
A millionaire at
New York, gave instructions that
when he should be dead, or seem
to be dead, bis physician should
open a blood-vessel to make
doubly MM that there would
be revival in the narrow con-
fines of the tomb. His directions
were carried out on Wednesday
last. There is a widespread fear
of burial alive,
the popular of the
cases of such burial.
the system of embalming
which is now common there could
lie no possibility life in the body.
In oilier cases, where the bodies of
the boiled have their
in the there is little
to that there has
consciousness. It sometimes hap-
pens that spasmodic muscular con-
tractions will take place
death, it is conceivable that
they might cause a slight change
in the of the arms, which
would lie grossly exaggerated
the report. Still, burial alive is a
possibility, as we know from the
recovery persons trances
which have been death.
It does not follow that there would
be consciousness on the part the
victim in any case after confine-
in so narrow a space,
such a limited supply of air.
Usually the may be
trusted to decide whether the pa-
is beyond the possibility of
restoration, but the person who
fears might well follow the
North Carolina,
Executive j
official information
has been received at this Depart
that at Falkland, Pitt county,
N. C, on or about December 22nd,
1900, John H. Parker shot and
killed Alex Little.
it appears that
the said John H. Parker has fled
the State, or so himself
that the ordinary process of law
cannot be served upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Aycock, Governor of the State of
North by virtue of
in me vested by law, do
issue this my proclamation, offer-
a reward of two hundred
for the and de
livery of the said John H. Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the
Court house in Greenville and I
lo enjoin all officers of State
and all good citizens to assist in
said criminal to justice.
. Done at our City of
I-., Raleigh, day
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and
October, the year
of our Lord one thous-
and nine hundred and and in
the one hundred and twenty sixth
year of our American Independence
By the
P. M. Private Sec.
H. Parker is
nearly six fee high of spare build,
weighs about has
boyish face, is almost beard
less, has blue eyes, light hair, is
slightly stooped and is about 2.1
years old.
As I am now in the hospital in
more fur the of op-
I have placed my books ac-
counts hands of my Mr.
Wiley Blown, at the More
given him lull authority
and receipt for same I
those Indebted to me to call on him set-
as early
The undersigned having qualified at ad-
on estate of M. R
hereby gives notice to all persons having
claims estate lo present them
for payment on or December
1902, or notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. Persons indebted to
deceased are requested to make hale
December 1901.
Steamer leave Washing-
daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer e a v e
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N.
If you have stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and
impaired digestive Will Cure
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
on your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time and buoyancy.
Hie lo M
similar trouble., will an Ideal Beds In i i
It keen their regular without pun or acts as a general .
relieve. Hit a, I'M Mn.-iv. level
Me it for w.
The editor of one of the must
I widely circulated ten cent mag-
said the oilier day he
I bud only enough anon lo
last for two months, and that he
found this the hardest kind ma-
rial to get. Ever mail
him bundles of abort stories, but
few of them an printing.
I hare had to beg some of the
loanable writers to send me short
be slid, yet the
prevails that mag
all loaded -mil
I enough to last them two or
I more. This is not tine of any
and is
I untrue of their supply of short
When Grove's Chill
formula is plainly
-n every I
it and in a
line. No .
bowing that it ii simply
in a form.
Tuft's Pills
will save the dyspeptic from many
days of mi wry, and enable him to cat
be wishes prevent
cause the food to assimilate and
lab the body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar
coated. . m
Take No Substitute.
The Superior court Clerk of Pitt county,
having issued of Administration to
me, the undersigned, on the 10th of
1901, on the estate of J. A,
Thigpen, deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to to make
immediate payment to the undersigned,
and to creditors of estate to present
their claims, properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, twelve months after
the dale this notice, or this notice will
he plead in of their recovery.
This the 10th of December. 1901.
I. A,
on lie cf J.
D. W.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs foe Si per dozen.
Cabinets Si per
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. Ho trouble lo show
samples and answer question The very
best guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a. in., to p. Yours to please,
A young at York,
is alive and in fair way to
, . Pitt county, of
full recovery a bullet attended, number
The following i a of the
of the Board of
For Salt by
fill av
I --Mi
, . the name v
all -1.
r; Times
wanted in all
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Ga
sale by
Merchant people
in towns the consider-
area in North Carolina and
Carolina there are
such deplorably short do
not realize the
a very
of the people in the rural district.
Every now there are appeals
for aid. Alter holidays these
appeals be even more urgent.
An attorney here says lie saw a
letter today from a New York
which a million dollar
in the
district in Carolina; saving
it would lose a great sum there.
The situation in South Carolina is
declared to be even Hum in
this Stale, bad as attain are ID
sonic SO counties here. The farm
n heavy bill for fertilizers
to pay, no less than six millions
dollars, this strain,
A great number of them
Kinds at The Reflector
completely through his brain His
is unusual, but not unique
Many years ago a New
blaster had a driven full
length through his head and
The eagerness of the
Ion surgeons to obtain his skull
for a surgical museum troubled
him so that he went to California
very became a
driver. His exile, however,
did not him. A Huston
traced him kept in-
formed as to his condition,
when lie died
brought East. It may
among the ghastly treasures of the
museum. It is to be hoped that
the York young man does not have
the same prejudice having
his skull repose on a shelf after he
shall be done with it. There is
little doubt that some surgeon will
it a rare and
interesting specimen to be kept in
E. E. Griffin,
Practical Watch Maker aid Jeweler.
Opposite P. ., Greenville,
etc-, ever
imperial articles for
showed for
as for the
car ending and,
It I. M
O W day,
ti hath days,
Jests Cannon
J bath is
I. j
For days M Com. Q
For miles
Having before the
or court Clerk of Pitt as Executor
of the Last Will and Mrs. S.
HI. deceased, notice i hereby
given to all persons indebted lo the
to payment to
the estate to present their claims
for on or before the day of
November, 1902. or this notice
bail of recovery.
This 29th of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. S. HI.
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and always
on hand-
Fresh goods kept constantly on
baud. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
county In court.
The defendant, above
named, will lake notice an action en-
titled s shove commenced in the
Superior court of y for divorce,
defendant will further notice
he is required to be and appear at the
next regular term of the Superior
for of to be held
house in Greenville, on the be-
fore Monday of March, 1902, it being
I ho 13th day of January, 1902 and then and
there answer lo the complaint, which will
lie Mad days before said court, or
will lie granted accordingly to the
of complaint.
This 2nd of November,
Clerk of Superior court
day as Com.
For day as Commune
For miles ti i led
For days as Com.
For Q
For miles
For as Commutes t-
For mill's traveled
Prescription tor Malaria
Chills and Fever i a of
Chill It is simply
Mid quinine hi form. No
One of my children, writer
was reading tome
in her English history how the
Mayor killed Wat Tyler. sup
pose it kicked she remarked.
I explained that the Mayor wits a
she said, thought
a Dare was an old gray
horse. My mother told me that
the word which she
hard in church in
her moan till she decided
own referred lo the
hot, arid of Palestine where
the dry
Wholesale ml retail Grocer and
paid for
Kin. Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, P.
and flail
Moat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Can
Peaches, Apples,
Pine staples, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee,
. Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Heed Meal Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Class
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
ton Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Hewing Mach i and
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
mm m
ST Allow I
For days as
For miles traveled
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
prices as low u the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
For days
miles traveled
f 110.00
Total amount allowed Hoard
Cot Pitt. I
T R Moore, clerk of the
Hoard of Commissioners for the
aforesaid, that
is a t statement as doth appear
of record in my office, day of No-
1901. T It
Cleric Hoard Com. Pill County.
g ,.,,,
Pitt county.
William I. Gardner Notice of summons
vs and Warrant of Al-
T. C.
The T. will lake
on Hie November,
1901, a against him
in the entitled action by under-
signed, clerk of the Superior court of Pill
county, returnable to the January term
1902 of Superior which convenes
on the Monday before the 1st Monday
in March, 1902, It being the day of
January, 1902. Which summons was re-
turned by the Sheriff of county
and with this endorsement,
T. C. not lo ho found in
my The purpose of said action,
as alleged by the to recover of
defendant, T. lire sum of
fifteen dollars damages which
plaintiff alleges is due him, as damages, for
a violent and vicious assault committed on
him by the defendant by which Plaintiff
received serious and painful personal in-
The said T C. defendant afore-
said, will also take notice that a warrant of
issued the said under-
signed clerk on the 20th day of November,
1901, against the said T. C.
directed to the Sheriff of Martin
and returnable lo the January term,
Pitt Superior court which convenes
on the Monday the 1st Monday
March, 1902, it being Monday, the
day of 1902, and being time
and place when and where aforesaid
summons II returnable. And the Mini T.
C. w ill lint is re-
Line of Hardware.
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
milted to appear answer or demur to
the complaint of plaintiff in this action or
the relief therein demanded will be granted.
at my office in town of Greenville
Ibis November 25th, 1901.
Clerk Superior court.
Manufacturers of
Doors. Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine and Cheap Build
your patronage
to satisfaction in
styles work.
send your orders to
N. O.
notice to
Mr. John Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
to announce to Its largo number of
policy holders, and to the insurable public
generally, North this com-
will now Business In till.
Mate from this data will issue
splendid desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very best insurance In best
insurance company in the world.
If the local agent In your town has not
completed arrangements, address
Agent, Raleigh,
Paid policy
Live, energetic wanted at
once to work the
Old mutual Benefit.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken a
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The
one year Tor 13.60 payable in ad-
Of photo.
C. CO.
A nice Xmas present. our pretty Rugs at Cost.
The Prize Infant Soft Sole Shoes.
bargains for all in womens and mens shoes-
and Boys Clothing at cost. Can please you
in, prices and qualities.
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Mr. Dan Abram, of Rocky Mount, N. C, took out policy
No. in 1886, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period; annual premium total
year dividend payable in cash
and continue policy for
2- Full paid participating additional 9.004
and continue policy for 5,000.00
Withdraw total cash value 3,602.80
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Agent.
For North Carolina,
1201 E. Main Street, Ya
The pleasant days we have been having are now a tiling
of the past, and only the pleasant memories of the same re-
main. Hove supplied yourself with all necessary winter
When you face facts all arguments We give
no prices but all winter goods
A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry
Goods, Rugs, Notions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-
wear the cold weather kind. Winter and season right for
Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.
The Intended Victim Gets the Spoils.
following story of at-
tempted hold-up on public
highway, is reported to
A few ago as Dr. O. J.
Bender was on the road between
Maysville and re-
turning to bis home at the latter
place, he was met by a person on
the road, who asked for a ride in
doctor's buggy.
It was getting dark by this time
and the person for a ride
looked like a
doctor could not request,
so stopping his horse he told the
supposed woman to get
The traveler got in, at the name
time down a bundle the
bottom of the buggy, but instead
of sitting kept up.
The doctor wishing to drive on
said, but no reply
a- made, person still reach-
down, apparently trying to get
something out of her shoe.
doctor looked
more closely and catching a gleam
something shiny, he suddenly-
grasped bis visitor In-low waist
and threw her out of the buggy.
This action revealed the char-
of doctor's would be
low traveler, for as the party went
out of buggy head the
outer garment flew up showing
pants and boots which could only
belong to a man.
Seeing this, the doctor was
alarmed quickly whipping up bis
bone, which is a good one, and
was soon beyond bailing distance
of the overturned party on the
roadside, who doctor never.
Reaching home Dr. Bender
found the bundle in buggy
which bad bean left by the travel-
wanting the ride. Opening
this, in money was found, be .
sides other articles.
Nothing bar been seen or heard i
the unseated party, who seems
to have glad with the
When a
editor stinted a newspaper he
named it the Reformer. What he
meant that the public should
by this was that he was
superior to spirit of mere par-
but his real object was
to be able to sell bis editorial
inns in the candidates of I
party. ho brought suit re-j
for mom -j which
had to pay to him for the
editorial support of the Reformer
the Judge was forced to throw the
case out of Court on the
that agreement was illegal mid
public morals. It is rather,
n pity, though, that the jury was;
not allowed to estimate money
v of the editorial support of
such a newspaper. even the
could blind
public dishonorable character of
a newspaper which offers its
ions for sale, and it is probable
its injured rather
than candidate,
Xmas Goods.
Our Stock is Complete. Call early make your
selections from those Busts, White Classical
Figures. Bisque Figures.
Fancy China
Plates, Cups, Saucers, Cut Glass, Silverware, etc.
Dolls All Kinds.
They arc going fast,
to get your choice.
Don't get left but lie ill time
Poll Tax The
In nineteen of counties of
the State the amount of toe poll Blowing Whistle Much Ex-
tax exceeds that of t he property for
school purposes.
Mention of this fact was made Saturday night gars Ibis section
the News and Observer it at- terrific weather. Ruin fell
a good deal of torrents the wind blew u
In following counties the It was not a night that
poll tax for school purposes is ought to risk their lite and
greater than property health by venturing out of doors,
Property went a large number of
Greenville people who, believing
the property of a neighbor
was in danger assistance need-
ed, went out and braved the worst
of storm, much to their own
discomfort danger, as well as
to their disgust upon rinding out
they had faked with a
A little past midnight the
tie at the factory of the E. B. Pick
Tobacco Co. blow
After bad continued
steadily for several minutes people
who heard it became alarmed.
Those near enough looked out their
doors, but could see nothing
j Only beard the roar of the storm
; and blast of the
The worth a good is too The whistle kept right on blow
for estimation in words. , and the soon reach
This is true on every account. It ed town. The lire bell
means almost everything to a man. commenced tinging, people
The practical it is seen firing pistols, and pretty near tin
Raleigh and
The Greenville DAILY
Ton is twenty years old, including
the age of the weekly as
Mr. D J.
Whichard has been control since
1885. It is a faithful, useful, well
conducted Democratic exponent.
May it survive present century
and present editor lie charge
long as he may desire to do so.
Bribing the Nerves
opium B may Is-
rough m s x .- from lo
lo nut waste minify on
Remember last Allen's
Lung Balsam dues not merely put nerves
to sleep. It gets right down lo tbs root of
l lie troubles cures even
daily. Those who have it really
tail to see its good because
they have never ban pinched by
the luck of it. A day scarcely
passes that it docs sot do its good
in.-cm. And there
are times in every life possibly
when nothing but a good name
will bring relief. It inspires, and
is the foundation it-ally of all con-
Without confidence
and life must be not
only but
wreckage itself. To live under
ban of our fellow men as untruth-
or dishonest or in any way
wanting in the virtues that
respect and confidence is to
lie miserable, indeed, to say
of far worse. Let every
man SOOTS all, strive to get in
favor of God so that he will bear
at last plaudit, done,
good and faithful
Lumber Bridge News.
I am still to be found w more Christmas
Toys than ever lief ore. Millions and millions of
beautiful Christmas presents and toys of every
ion. Do not go elsewhere buy your
Christmas Goods
and then go home and regret it, hut come to the fountain
head all wants supplied.
Ed. H.
Two Sensible Opinions.
Asked what he thought of buy-
the Danish West Indies, Mr.
Cleveland said am opposed to
am opposed to imperialism,
because colonies, as the European
powers have found out, are a
source of expense and perpetual
Upon the occasion bis recent
visit to Raleigh, ex Senator
said to a reporter that he did
not approve of taking the Philip-
did not in any
expansion outside of this
As to Cuba, he thought its
destiny linked it with ours, it
should be a part of the United
This country cannot peacefully
maintain the Monroe Doctrine if it
goes into the grab game for
the Pacific or in
Asia or Africa. Let us keep off
the Eastern hemisphere peace-
fully our primacy on the
Western hemisphere. is the
policy that wisdom would dictate.
News Observer.
has moved
new building is showing
of its in steady
May it to
Cold Comfort from Doctors.
in not
This to s sufferer who
if flee were
lorn a of
pincers. A won of to
sail ma
The from pain fol-
lows this cannot lie There
is hut out r, Pony Davis.
A Change of Sentiment
The report in yesterday's paper
there is a great deal of small-
pox at Mt. Olive, taken in
with items in
newspapers to same effect to
other localities, suggests the great
change which has taken place Is
the public mind with reference
this disease in a very years.
that a cue of smallpox had
oped ii a given community was
sufficient to occasion a
cause the people to take to the
-ST h of tar
distant towns rook alarm cs-
quarantine. If a
newspaper told of the it in-
curred the enmity of people of
the locality where case existed
it was denounced
to injure our Now all this
is changed. The local paper itself
announces the fact, without dis-
play or evasion, and the towns-
people take it s
course. The is
and everybody else goes about bis
business. The may be
to fact the disease
itself in milder form than in
former years; maybe the doctors
know better how to handle it; or
it may be that contact with this
as with any other begets a
familiarity which disarms fear.
Whatever the reason or reasons
the fact remains that smallpox is
not dreaded thing that it once
was. For three or years
Carolina not been entirely
free it and nobody ha been
duly excited about
whole town was aroused to intern
excitement. could Bud
any lire, but those who went out
to the factory the
whistle by They
succeeded shutting oft
the excitement ceased. Then-
is no explanation of how the wins
tie got to blowing, as seems
able tell, but being hustled out on
such a night by such a cause made
a lot of disgusted people.
You Know W bat are Taking
When Grove's Tasteless
1.1 the plainly
cit every In showing that
in a tasteless form.
Iron and
Cure, No ray.
Any denier in cosmetics will tell
you that there are lots
Some people to think that
all that's necessary to be a poet is
to be born.
The Place to
get the Best
Goods for the
Least Money
then yon will
go straight to
Complete stock of fall and winter goods
now ready for your inspection, and our
cannot be surpassed anywhere.
should not fail lo see our stock.

Eastern reflector, 17 December 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 17, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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