Eastern reflector, 6 March 1889

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The Eastern Reflector.
look v for
The k r our
the paper is it request
shut mi owe
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
Talk so whits ;
Goo baked brown an served rite ;
Smoke boom ham. like
Streak lean streak f
Juicy steak on toast
Mutton sun like
Bakes they
To a food possum
; Blackburn Pulls
The Eight- Hour Movement of a Methodist
Wilmington Star.
Bishop Me I's-Ire
The press all over Km country is
The reliable Baltimore Sun says , the agitation of Mm
tier's ear was palled, and it lion; which tux
wan the climax of bin insulting con- rate I in a series meet
account is trifled are to be ran Mined
On Friday last Mr. Chandler read legal holidays May i.
to the committee the report when a general demand reran eight
lie-. , ,
its death is MM
the Southern
cs on. its ablest moat
sire w.-d. Be tree the of
w- admire mos. He
The Assembly at Raleigh.
Sanford Express.
The commission bee is around US.
House and ft
A Sad Story.
Price. . year.
it to the
If ii like a horseshoe to serve us a
i Shall I sack because
rattan a
weary amp
will to
am not consistent
th true principles o the
II paper from a
of the State send for the
res. sample
O. of Wake.
If. Holt.
of L
rs. WaVe.
of Wake.
of Wayne,
superintendent of Public
M. Finger of
. Buncombe. Queen.
Chief Justice X. H. Smith,
Wake. j It has the on many
b. of j a
J. Paris, Franklin j Till W.
James E. Shepherd, of light,
Alfonso C. of Burke.
H. of
to the la to be I ml
t- were so The tram not to
its if; morning oppose I-
extraordinary its en one
as to the testimony of of wink-
so ed w hone of labor
Air. as an honer- to be th other,
able an man. forced to the women
He was met with sneers. factories
the lap of the Senate, w
he more than
probable. The people will have i
for another t mo
the work if it l The
Mine to
very fen tores to
the I here
its f; morning
t, C
, are many power, the lead-
was man
roads in Stale are guilt t el,
tree a ,,
grand ,
. .
w , spirit who is ante to grasp
. j ., .
tin and other
Things of hot a Joy none and marks of derision, end a in mt places and of son I by I Holy moment. II the
less. , i . . .,.
is ray hot lip its i
As the State Fro.-i.
1.1 h annual KM
Men s
be held Wilmington
A ago,
Kati lie, n year old child i
of ale
nine died in a
lily .
I. I. hue preached ;
in on lie
Second Philips, May hare felt a suspicion that
G. of somehow that old
Fourth Clark, of But I think on the time when of
the strife
fifth District-John k. Gilmer, It has called the far look la dim eyes
back to life j
of j Helped to staunch the just
beginning to pour.
toned broad, gaping that
stiffened and sore.
Moistened thin, livid lips, despairing
of breath
They could speak thanks In the
quiver of death ;
If an angel of mercy o'er be-
bivouac, of be ow-
and camp, and not sparing in existing circumstances and
In I of one who be their
More than light to my path, more than i it. It then Mr. Bet it is well for it to be discussed
flowed, however who is and j in all and the working.
and cold. I darting the stings of insolence end men have wisdom in set
From out silver or g-let offensive ting apart a certain day for
For a Bin- or an Emperor. Prince or j tones, am not be and through-
I el or by a Kentucky slave j out the current year, before any fl-
All bot blood of the action shall be taken upon It.
fled into his face, But it is not our intention t go
an Instant he perfectly into a
gleamed in the it receded, and he was j movement. We merely wish to call
silence boom- j ghastly pale. Springing like a bolt j the attention of intelligent work-
short range. from his trembling all to an item which is going
th. and the
his naps,
Seventh C.
District It. a.
F. Graves,
tween I w of
Eleventh M. Shipp, j-phis world and the next was the old can- It violently, but as j Anarchist on plan the
t H. I i one would kick a I Chicago Bond
Then banish it now as a profitless thing, j did not strike Mr. Chandler, be did
Where It hung In a it well might . ,,, .- vi
,,;,, B noddy injury to and
To tall in Its mute allegorical war is the reason why Mr.
now the volunteer won the
bis heed the vocabulary means for them unless
denunciation, sacred and profane, j they are very careful. is tint
His were threatening, bet referred to, is dated
he had not yet put finger en the Chicago, February
creature who eat cowering under
yon dare to touch
contemptible yon w
get oat your seat I not
strike The were I crossing the water Carlin propose-
scarcely before the ear of to make n of the United States,
Chandler woe in to or. the
the bat w
At a meeting of the
last announcement
was made that it had been
i that end Mrs. par-
lie sent as delegates to
I the Paris Labor Congress.
eternal salvation in Heaven.
M , ,. would not
was a man of excellent
collegiate education, was one of the
ablest and best appointed editors of
religion the South has
had, and was master of a clear, j
vigorous, simple style.;
of is re
the Assembly
building public high ways
the Slate. This Assembly
i do it. The people will not forget
its to the dirt roads.
The bill to establish the whip-
Washington The
found I rue lour
owl liquor last Week.
are bat they will
be or is
p- off Cape N.
for light
North Caroline,
ping post for pelt thieves, C,
ally a work of singular men. If. a ,. It Io. or
is one the best examples m all; , of .
literature of compression, of wise , , . . . .,
, . and a class
of taste judgment and . ., , . , , .
. . the and whom the
tact. It deserves be put . ,,
more than the would
aide, in these with , , , r
a tendency to
.---------T volunteer won I .- . . um. wins inns
v. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom,
District W. Of I from
l Fourth H A. his mouth from the Pp- of that
Fifth W of By-and-by, when all hate tor the flags
District Rowland with the bars
Henderson, Is forgotten in love for sand
Eighth W. Co the
When Columbia rules solid
There's the danger. If the work
want to accomplish any
thing in movement, then Au-
masterly j
of the English people with
Fisher's a
work of extraordinary excellence,
of the Christian
a work of very
order, and with no equal as to par
of art. except Green's Hark.
These are all one volume works.;
When remember bow wide the
how rich and the
material and how limited space,;
the productions of works
I amount almost to Inspiration.
Bishop la prepared a
Commentary Upon th
law the Church.
He was at the head of the richly
But for him them never have
Due day
week the cook oft he Hotel de
was lot
A very important bill has bean in ,. ,. ,.,,.
has passed the Homo. , ,,. .,
It is to make fornication and .,, ,.,,
the white and black
and punishable in lie
This is not a b. too a
for such a crime. I a
good lull ought to
come a law. that is
bin a
this cits tot
st three Mr.
Frank were
One el the children
seen a o
the powder ex-
his ear, yon were not j with their
District-II. G-
Court Clerk E. A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
of H. James.
B. Cherry.
W. A. James. Jr. Keel.
Board of at Harding
Chairman S. and J. D.
Public School
Supt of F. W. Brown.
H. Bernard.
C. Forbes.
Ward. T. A.
and J- F. 2nd Ward. O.
and K. Williams Jr.; 3rd Ward, J. J.
Perkins and A. F.
and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. W. C.
D. D., Rector.
lag and night. Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B.
every Sunday,
and night. every
Wednesday night.
Lodge, No. A. F. ft A.
H., meets every 1st Thursday and Mew-
day night after the 1st and 3rd at
Lodge. W. M. King, W. M.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. W meets
every 2nd and 4th nights at Ma-
sonic Ball, F. W. P.
Covenant Lodge, Xe. I. O. F.
meets every night. D. I.
James. M. O.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H.,
meets first and third
D. D. Haskett, D.
Fa Council, e. A. L. of n., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. Whim, C.
hours a. m. to Money
hours a. m. to r. u. Ne or-
will I issued from to i I seaboard valuations.
and sole.
From her own ship-canal to the ice at the
When we Grand Army men have
ed the last
And the May flowers violets
for us all ;
Then away in some garret the
may screen
My battered, cloth-covered tin can-
X. C.
Raleigh, Feb.
of Experiment
Station will be issued during the
present week, and will contain an-
of all sampled by
the official inspectors daring Jae.
and Feb. 1889. This hat leaned
nearly lure earlier ever
before, and will embrace analyses
of nearly all the licensed of
fertilizers as far as is possible to
procure samples.
The. valuations for this
are higher than for lest year, ow-
to the fact of an advancement
in price of all ingredients
fertilizers, far as is known
independent of other, and
For available Phosphoric acid ate
per pound against eta for last
year. Ammonia
and eta for Potash against o
for last These valuations are
for the raw ingredients composing
cost of mixing, bog-
handling Ac. is added. The
relative commercial value of the
therefore represent
proximately price at which
fertilizer can be bought ports
a coward I would kick yon a-
of but sat an
tic of bis
countenance wonderful to behold.
Senator was the first to re-
cover himself. He immediately got
up. went to Mr. and in a
calm tint convincing tone to
him that scene had gone far
enough and should be stopped. He
said to Mr. it
not be becoming in him as a man of
honor and courage to
matter Mr.
with the of his passion still up-
on him at once the force
of remark. Ha said,
yon are and, turning from
Chandler with a withering glance,
he abruptly returned to seat.
The recuperative powers of the New
Hampshire Senator were marvel-
inns. The Kentucky
resumed hie chair lie fore he
proceeded with the business of the
committee, and it some time
afterwards before he declared it ad-
The Of
Charles A. Dana at Jersey City.
Our who were deluded in-
to the electoral commission were
following a delusion that cast
upon coon try a and a
disgrace that never be
ed. They were not entirely wrong,
but so it went, and yet looking at
the verdict history after these
years have passed, what it f Hare
we are met to do honor to memo
of the defeated candidate,
overthrown in the contest.
W bet ah to who in bis
place groans and of the.
wretched, infamous and
We ii but it
should let it be clearly understood
that nothing that savors of
will be i tolerated
in connection with this great
The as a Democratic
has always advocated the rights
of the and ever
with them to their
straggle against monopoly and op
and it ever will. This is
why we call attention to threat-
danger which menaces them
in the very outset of movement,
and warn them letting
Anarchy having any hand in it
whatever as it would be fatal
their best interests.
creature, where be f A voice;
in small lots under are tone He had
cos. at interior He mi immense
freight charges must be added to
Star of yesterday was
We have not beard how
the eminent Bishop died, but we
may expect to hear that his end
w peace. man who
with the heart until righteousness
is ever deserted in solemn,
hour, and goes out in darkness,
Hear what blessed Master Bays
Verily, I say unto yon.
He that my word, and be.
him sent
life, and tut come in-
to condemnation, but It passed from
will swallow death in
; and the Lord will wipe
away tears from off all
Cold Weather Rules.
Xever with the back
anything is cold.
Never begin a journey the
has been eaten.
Never take warm drinks and then
immediately go out into cold.
Keep the hack, especially be-
tween the shoulder well
also chest well protected.
In sleeping in a cold room
a habit of breathing through
the nose, and never month
Sever go to bed with cold or
damp feet.
Never omit regular bathing, tor
miles- the skin in in active
and bare gotten a place where l
I cannot myself. I cannot congestion other dis-
raise anything bot potatoes -to eat,
and the price of work la only Alter exercise of any kind, never
cents a and paid in P- or near
Rice is bread of this; n moment; it is
place, and is a and meat
is Floor
to i -i cents n Some
Don't Like Liberia.
Enquirer and Express
Mr. John Crow, of this town, re-
received the following let-
Samuel Crow, a
formerly belonged to bis father.
Sam is evidently tired of Liberia
and is anxious to back to
Dec. 21st, 1888.
Mr. John Crow, Dear east
myself to write yon a few lines,
want you to me home, it yon
and when I come I will come
to yon and work till you are
led. have been fooled off from
dangerous to health or even life.
lien hoarse, speak a- little
possible null the is n
person- who gamble fairs.
Only two weeks of the sew.
the Assembly remains and
very little has been none. There
will not be a great many new laws
on the to get acquainted
If this legislature It on the if
will let. taxes stay as low as
bin a goad many of them may stand;
some chance to get back there. We raised a in
they are ail
re-election, and the less they
and leas the people are
the better chance they
will stand of going back. The paws
pie not troubling
much with legislation.
A Word to our Farmer,
Mis. II. D-
last year that two feat in
is a tale
a preacher's wile nil.
ii is turn.
It has been
definitely determined that
F.-male College shall be moved
to All arrangements
Nashville Argonaut. I V lie change
know to new location
may not lie very much, but
are some things we have learned i There are
from many observation prisoners mi the Carthage
farm life. One thing we have learn- jail. Two are In for minder. Three
is, that the to make blooded murders have
of bis business, must ; committed within the last loin
his supplies st home. No months. Moore is getting blood
who boys bis corn, flour meat liquor.
night a couple
. Hotel and
i. Mis. W.
a , foreman tarn inion
sir. Thomas
by the
graph to build a line on
C. H. ., and lie came
f to Augusta make a settlement
; Thomas remained his wife at
Ike hotel he
Kited by
son a lot his He
then took his wile to a private
and told her to re-
mi there until that he
going oil a Lust
night, alter Thomas left Hie board-
lits wile for a
she knew at
S. her home. The
gentleman the lady, and he
informed him of toe suspicious acts
husband, n hum she run
pith married last Sunday
a week ago, at
Rev. t. m. performing the
ceremony. The kind hearted gen-
then the lady of
the the boarding house
she was in, had her removed
back to hotel, la the mean-
time it found out that Thomas
bad wile one or
children living S. C
Millie in of
Black burg, S. Me j,
i. at
nor marriage s man, and
home this
enabled In do
through two
to nave left
Io join a circus. ordinary
man, while pawned
Ids C, C.
L. bar keeper for one
worth id dunks. Effort are being
in have him and
mil be presented for big-
harm., X
v. Moose. c m asset
can never succeed in making farm-
profitable. The
Mount We are
reliably long
N. C.
In the mate and Federal Cents
H L h A V I L L E, N.
t J H.
every leader we be- talked of second tobacco warehouse
will bear us out in at tin-, place, has, within the past
It may figure out on paper few days taken practical shape, and
that tobacco and cotton are so j Rocky will have
much more profitable two as good warehouses sis
com meat, that it will pa bet any in tin- State.
to raise the crops and . II mid Farmers, the I
and meat, but this is one success a to your,
in which figures lie. It is a supplies and make compost in-
a county like which j ahead mg If you
produce in every do this there will lie no necessity
thing ceded in the way J for r, make a next year,
should Import these things, yon will have In
yet meat and corn are brought
by carloads. fog the formers; k A. Last
longer M while Mr. Mansfield
ruinous system. Make an ma
dance to cat, both for two ,,,
families and your another little boy about where
then, and not until then, make.,,,. Bl his
what market crop yon can. A man
is not a farmer who does d
j o.
. c.
it am A
G II E E V I L L E, N.
A V I L L E,
in sit the
clothes on tie and
Greenville, N. C.
this. He may a tobacco power He lived a few hours
or a cotton planter, is not a
unless he makes bin own
Win-ton S- ships
tobacco lb and
semis her cotton goods and
sun mill- to every comment, but
Herald. this is MM all. A Sentinel reporter
It the experience the colored saw a
people who have gone o mom in Mr. W. mars
to w. a
Bethel mail arrives daily Sun-
at A. sf-. and departs at r
Tar mail arrives ally Sn-
at It m. and at P. a.
Washington mail arrive daily
st m. and at r. a.
II. A. M.
on Bethlehem Mission.
1st at
House. 1st Sunday at a
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at
Grove, at
Salem Alb Sunday at o'clock.
will contain also a re-
and correct of all brands
of for sale in the State,
together with date of expiration of
each also regulations in re-
to the control, and
matters pertaining thereto
with winch the farmer and dealers
become wore acquaint
Write to the Station
H. B.
power for years. He was at the
heed of the great party,
there not an American
citizen whatever be profess,
who does not regard with shame
loathing. is done, and
thus history wilt vindicate the name
of name will remain,
mo; and respected for-
ever by the American people,
while the name us
will go down to an unutterable
that nothing obliterate.
Tue Atlantic North Carolina
railroad is now laid with steel rails
its entire length.
,, , , . covered from, voice lie i, , u,,,.,, ;,. .,,.,.
times have to eat, but. i be in keeping ex- that bound
. r. nil i lost, or difficulties there Will be such an , .
snakes rats he J,,,, b Went India Islands.
p C
Civil Engineers, Survey
a so X. C.
anything we can get hold off.
, ., Merely back by the
are all so poor one is not able.
to another, and the people heal
here are so they will not work, ,, warm,
and ii any one will work he cant Tr, do
get for it. w
Please send for me mid my a colder keep the
and we will come stay closed, no that the air may
yon till yon are falls paid and ,,, through it
fled. Please write end let me know j lungs.
what you are going to do. vet stand still in cold weather
Tours, truly, especially after having taken a
a slight degree of exercise, and
on ice or snow,
above needs no com- r u exposed to
The problem will cave to be solved X-w Bern. J.
many years, and oar B
prepare for s Willis that
change, then when the time names
ii not be an bard. Those om of Mr. H. Mason at
citizens who have on
bat they live day The end of
out the bad prepare . Used a store
do without them. If the time should i , , .
land Hie rear a sleeping
The fire i in
Greenville, N. C.
new management,
cold water baths. rooms and et-
servants. Table
ed with best of market, feed
u connection.
11.50 FEE OAT
c IV
come when it will be
depend our own efforts the
change will not be so
To depend upon our own i tone
best, benefit is more
example will teach our youth
honest labor is true
the will
with divine injunction.
be apparently at one
cm. r, the of ;
Mi Mason he bad only lime to
save his mink and bed. Ever-,
thing in the store, about four buns
worth, was lost.
waiters. Good rooms. Beet
the market affords.
Me Hotel,
If you want to your Boots, Good at the next door to Rawls, the Jeweler. RAWLS TYSON.

Eastern Reflector,
Price. per year.
to Democratic
a tad measures that are not consistent
Mi the true principles of the party.
It yon want a a
of the State send for the
Wail Matter.
The Concord Than is publish
illustrated stories prepared
expressly for its columns. There
is enterprise in paper.
Senator of Pitt bill
to reduce the legal rate of Inter-
to per cent was killed in
the Senate last Friday on its
third reading by a vote of to
Forty-two States in the grand
Union, and forty-two stars
Bow upon our National colors.
and South Dakota, Mon-
and Washington have been
admitted as States. President
signed the bill.
Gov. Fowle has agreed to an
exchange of Courts between
Judges Armfield and Connor
and the latter will preside at the
Best term of Pitt Superior
Railroad Commission
We suppose the matter ends
for the years at
least. On last Thursday the
Railroad Commission bill came
up for its second reading in the
Senate and was defeated by a
vote of to A week or two
ago the bill passed the House,
but it was believed the measure
would be killed when it reached
the Senate. The establishment
of a Commission was a question
upon which there was a great
diversion of opinion, the
being nearly evenly
ed. Early in the session of the
General Assembly the
pointed to a Commission
out when the bill was introduced
i he many objectionable features
it contained caused the
to strengthen. It is the
opinion of the that
it was a delicate piece of
Some relief against freight
discrimination was wanted, but
how to get this with equal just-
ice to all concerned was the
point. The bill as intro-
and them wit limit op-
position. The truth is that many
people are getting tired of being
taxed for school purposes under ex-
conditions, and that feeling
will continue to grow until some
is made in law by w Inch
this tax burden will be more equal
borne by the two races in North
Carolina. The bill in regard to
Governor's Mansion failed to pass
in the House, and the Senate
an amendment as a substitute
for the bill which is even worse than
no action at all. Some members no
doubt opposed completion of the
Mansion because they such
a course to be popular. This is a
cheap reputation, if any at all. and,
in opinion this writer, does
not deserve any commendation
whatever. Carter,
tone of the men of the State
and the ablest member in the House,
to the bill and made some
patriotic in
favor of completing the building.
He said he would lather it would re-
main where it is in its unfinished
and crumble to the earth
than see the property sold at
to the highest bidder. He said
it would be a disgrace to the State
to sell it and a reflection the
Democratic party. took the
same view of the question. The
opposition, however, was numerical
stronger and the bill was defeats
ed. Senate substitute provides
that the Mansion be sold to the
Dist. Assembly No.
did not meet the require- bidder for less
which convenes the third
Monday in March. Judge Con-j to cripple the railroads is
is known to our way to accomplish this we
and was killed by the
Senate as, perhaps, it should
have been. If it did not meet
the ends aimed at there was no
need of adopting it, with ex-
it would have incurred,
just for experiment. If the
Commission would have had
over only a few of the
railroads, as is claimed, with no
authority over those whose char-
were granted years ago,
it were a useless establishment.
Of course the discriminations in
freights and traffic should be
remedied, but whether appoint-
a commission that would
cost the State many thousands
of dollars and have authority
presided at a previous term not prepared to say.
our court.
On Monday the
of these United States
Changed hands The term of
Grover Cleveland President
expired and Benjamin Harrison
was inaugurated. Cleveland has
Blade a great President. His
administration has been above
reproach, and under his rule
millions of dollars have been
saved. What his successor will
do remains to be seen, but we
hope he will make a good
It is best
to be well educated on a point
and see ends will justify
means before going into
legislation that might result
otherwise than was expected.
Below we give the vote, with
explanation made by several of
I he Senators, as taken front the
-f k
Bo articles going the rounds
of the press caused us to laugh
more heartily than about Joe
Blackburn pulling Billy
ear. causing it to swell and
lengthen until it almost reach-
ed the size of some other
AYES Messrs. Abbott,
Bailey. beeper,
Little. Lucas,
Shaw Sills, Smith.
Tom, Tin of Catawba, Turner of
Twirly, Williams of
Williams of Pitt. Total
Ai Democrats.
Bunks Bar
Copeland Crawford
Green Hampton
ton Hughes Ken
bong Lusk Means
Thomas Waters
that might be mentioned White
Total of whom were
the same caption with Billy.
The fun occurred in one of
Senate Committee rooms. A
clipping from the Baltimore
Sun. published on page,
tells more about it. Next time
Billy will be careful how he
stirs up Southern blood.
Democrats and
We like what is near to us
We like Tarboro because it is
our neighboring town, and
rejoice with her at the spirit of
enterprise showing itself there
We like Edgecombe because it
is our sister county, but we can't
rejoice with her over her
cal complexion. As many
able and representative
white men as Edgecombe con-
that county is represented
or rather nils represented in
the State Senate by a
The following item from the
gives some idea as to
his fitness to enter a Legislative
Last week when the bill
was before the Senate and some Ken
tor was explaining provisions
of bill, when he to that pro
vision requiring the ballot boxes to
be plainly and distinctly labeled in
letters, Died Sen
from Edgecombe, asked if be
might interrupt the speaker. Of
the j Every voted against it.
Many members desired to ex-
j plain their vote. Senator Bailey
. voted aye but said be might vote
j against it on the third reading
less he had more light. Senator
Bennett said that at first he favored
I a Commission but that not
I endorse or vote for the present bill.
Senator thought the bill was
not demanded by the people,
while he might vote for a moderate
; bill he could not support
j Senator Farthing feared it
might retard railroad building in his
i section and therefore sup-
port a Commission. Senator Lucas
i said that he came to in fa-
a Commission and thanked
I God he was one of those who j
I turned by every wind of doctrine.
Stubbs said be bad way
of ascertaining how his people stood
on this and exercising his
own judgment be should vote
against it. Senator White spoke
length and said that he honestly de-
i sired to do what was best for his
people, therefore with the lights
I before him he should be compelled
i to vote the Commission.
Senator Williams, of Cumberland,
said that as it had become
for Senators to explain their
votes, he that in
for Commission he but
ed the sentiment of the people of
Cumberland and
tor Iredell, made the
speech in which he
than out of which another
Mansion shall be purchased for
and the remaining
be turned the Treasury. This
for the original will
come up in the House the
week and a strenuous effort will be
made to defeat it by those who fa-
completing the present mansion
Your with others
made a visit to the Governor's Man
a short time ago and inspected
the whole building thoroughly. It
is located upon a square
and in the prettiest part of the city.
It is a magnificent looking
and and shows
skilled and costly workmanship. It
is a place that any North
would be proud to look upon as bis
home, and, as it is so neat
it would really seem a pity not to
complete it and let our Chief
occupy it.
Since the defeat of railway
commission bill in the Senate pub-
excitement has somewhat abated
and that Chamber is no
thronged with professional lobby-
railroad officials
dates for railroad commissioner.
The crisis has passed and much
talked about commission ill cease
to disturb the souls of these rail-
road magnate until another
convenes. Tins bill was dis-
cussed in the Senate for three
days. It failed to pas
Us second leading by a vote
to Senator Williams, of Tin,
made a strong speech of
the bill and m my Other Senators
mane able learned speeches
during the discussion. Senator
Kerr, Sampson, led the
addressed himself mostly
to the legal aspects measure.
m argument, worked hard for
passage of the bill. The result of
The vote shows that all the
cans and Democrats voted against
the commission. When the vote
was declared the applause
going I heard a
excitedly remark,
me from such a
A law has passed the House pro-
sheep from dogs. It re
quires i he owner of the dog to pay
each sheep killed
each dogs attempt
to kill or injure sheep are to be
killed. So the sheep are to have
protection at last provided the Sen-
ate will pass the bill Such a law.
it is I bought, will give an impetus
to sheep raising in North Carolina.
Another bill to put a tax on
came up the other day. It created
considerable discussion. The
friends of dog rallied and had
the bill tabled.
The representative from Yancey
count v the of the
House this week that no whiskey
was made or sold in bis county.
For future he introduced
a bill it passed
such sale in that
A movement is on foot to abolish
the Bureau of Labor statistics. The
agricultural Committee recommend
it bill to that end. It was discussed
the House yesterday mo-
was referred back to the com-
so that all sides could be
heard. This office was established
two years ago at the instance of the
Knights Labor and it is now
declared they favor its
abolition. There is a strong
in favor of bill. A leading
farmer member said that the far-
North Carolina had never
asked for i bis Bureau and so far as
he knew it was of practical
fit or use to them.
The revenue measure of
the importance was
The meeting was called to order
by Supreme Chin Worker
Hopeful at o'clock P. M
floor, and part of the ceiling at
some time, to remark that me
Supremo Snorer seemed so wrapped
up the of the duties
of bis office as to be entirely
to the fact that
of this Club required a great
deal of that essence of nothingness
commonly denominated
Chin Worker said that the
performances Mr. Normal was
also becoming apparent to
the chair, he would appoint
brother Sunbeam a com-
of one to awaken Snorer
and would direct committee to
arm itself a pin keep him
awake during remainder
meeting. The Committee pro-
vetoes reported that they had
as a motto fur the Club the
On motion of Normal
the report or the committee was
adopted, and the poet laureate
the Society was ordered to make
poem containing the mot to at once.
The was complied with in
Mora Omnibus shall e'er our
motto be.
And well may rivals tremble when our
emblems dread they see,
A skull crossbones leaden on a field
of ashen
With the yellow Strings of Hopefulness
beneath in due array,
A a bottle constant in the corner
the Held,
With a brickbat rampant showing
the of the shield,
Such signs bespeak the order and the
work the brethren do,
As the matrimonial gates they seek to
help each other through.
Alter the applause winch greeted
the poem had been caught put
coal .-cuttle use.
brother Trustfulness Whilom took
the floor. He said that many moons
had waxed and waned got full
and committed other acts
be had taxed the patience of
this with a recital of his woes
but that he felt that time tor
action had now arrived, and he de-
assistance the
the most Noble Order a
grand Coup de The Chair
stated that as Society was or-
tor mutual aid ass
the members so-
of matrimonial
any of brother In loin
in that would, of course,
meet with the approval of the
Brotherhood. Mr- Whilom said
there was a masquerade par-
in progress at Opera House,
and as the attendance of the A.
I. O. W. in full regalia would
but little comment his idea
was the members to arm at once
and to the scene of action
and perhaps, if should fa
us, old Charon would have to
get up at midnight to terry a
passengers across his mud-hole.
Proboscis Nightmare said he was
very favorably impressed by broth
idea be would
move that Club proceed to the
Opera House a body The
motion being duly seconded was
carried, and after being instructed
by the Chan to answer signals,
and especially the for assist-
as speedily as possible,
In et prepared their weapons
for use proceeded to festive
scene. A Colonel was
the first on whom the vials of A. ft.
I. O. W. wrath were opened,
mistaken by the Supreme Chin
Worker for one of rivals he was
en the grand bounce by that worthy
the mistake was discovered
The Chief Explosive Manipulator
thought be had one of bis
dearest rivals in person of an
aged and being able to
manipulate the alone be
gave the signal for assistance which
was at once responded to by all the
members present. Luckily the
colored brother the pistol of the
Worthy Exterminator failed
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implement, Stoves
and Cooking I tonsils Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
width will at Factory
E are now tilted up in first-class and are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
We keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE, J. Manager.
BE SEEN EVERY DAY, but the keeps a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be found whenever You only have to look for
And all your wants in above can be supplied.
to the of and surrounding follow
that are not lo be excelled in market. And to be , I.,. nM
pure straight goods. GOODS all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
and CHILDREN'S and I I
kinds, Gin and Mill Hay, Bock and
Hair. and saddle.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton I offer lo trade W
robbers prices, less per cent for ash. ad
ration and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices. White Lead and pure
seed Oil, Varnishes and Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps. Salt and Wood
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give a call and I guarantee
Our line is so large and complete and
that it allows our customers to please
as to prices. The garments offered arc made
the premises with the intention of furnishing th
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship
at prices which compare favorably with good
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
Luther Sheldon,
Coach Colors in Japan, Sheathing Papers, Cathedral Glass Newels,
Dry Paints, Piaster or Wall Papers, Venetian Glass. Wood Mantels.
Brashes, Wire Cloth Window Screens. Rubber Hooting Paint,
Marbleized Slate Mantels,
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Nos. West Side Market Roanoke Are.
All kinds placed in
At lowest current rates
J. D- Williamson,
We are adding to our goods as and the public
need. Hardware. Mechanics tools. Stoves and Tinware. Sash, Doors, Gnu
for the Horn-
mission. Senator Williams of Pitt,
to Are, which gave
chance to explain that he was
of being a widower any lime
Then the Grand
lengthy was been to
corner a little off by the
with his old at the
throat inquire if he bail
light hair when bis wig was off.
With weeps the little fellow
that Ins hair was a black
as character of James G.
going to dressing room he
gave evidence of that
fact and life was At
this point several suspicious
were observed to be making
the head of the stairs. They
were pursued at once but baring a
good start they made good their
escape alter an
search brethren returned to the
Hull after to a song
by Grand adjourned
the call of the Chin
need. Hardware. Mechanics tools. Stoves and Tinware, sash, Doors,
and putty. Axes, Hoes. Shovels and Hakes, Plow Castings of every kind. Wheel
Barrows. Barbed Fencing. Cooking and Beating Stoves and Stove pipe of every
size, and Iron. and Iron Drill pumps,
We are agents the best cook stove now in use. The is our
leader and gives entire Ion. Our cheaper grades arc good and well worth
the money asked for them.
One year ago we started in business and had for our motto e sell for cash.
We still cling to that as our motto, realizing the fact that it is best for merchant
and customer. By close attention to business we have been rewarded by increased
We thank public and our customers especially for patronage and ask a
larger share in the future.
J. B.
Having just received a fresh line of the following goods, we now
n-adv to offer to the public just what they stand in need goods
at prices that will please the purchaser.
passed in
j this week.
Were issued by
of the Houses Deeds to sixteen
said Died, de
Don. Gilliam was present in
Senate chamber and though he
stood the hot fire of mock
and at pertinent
inquiry of be didn't
exhibit any feelings
Still white men who
will vote to abolish the
system of county government
and allow many of our Eastern
counties to come under
rule. Shame upon them
At a convention of mouths
wanted to know if February
could March. The latter said
bot added that April Ma v. Ibis
caused June o ask July if ho did
not think August body had bet-
to meet p, v,
tender remarks
night get d bud should
October send a veto in f be shape of
frost. Govern scratched
his ides and asked
if come
on h Ah
in interest of the
rs voted in favor of
honest farm.-
Our Raleigh Letter.
New; the Capital,
Special to i
N. C, Mar. 2nd,
is haste hurry
both branches of the Legislature.
The order of is quite differ-
from that of a month ago. The
time of adjournment approaches,
and rapid work both night and day
is a necessity. Both Houses in
session and a half hours each
day and three hours at night. This
is not all. most important
work is usually done the
I tee rooms, the various commit-
tees are in session almost every
l afternoon from one to three hours
Much lime the has
been in considering school
tax bills, it is
was considered
section by section, eve-
feature of the bill was carefully
and well considered. It
tax at cent., and on
poll cents.
The Senate bill amending the
election law is now the hands of
the House Judiciary Committee
will be reported the first of
The pension hill has been
ed and reported. It will tie taken
up in both Houses a few days. It
provides for a pension tax of
every and on
pull. It Will raise about
is a very considerable sum lo
expended caring
disabled Confederate
soldiers and widows, in order
they may suffer in want
couples in Pitt
County during the month of Feb-
-nine white seven col-
Smith and Mary Tripp,
A. and Dempsey
Barnhill, W. B. Strickland and
Mollie E. Crawford, John F. Case
and Mary Wiley Brown
Mary A. Moore, James M.
Moore Cornelia Corbett, Charlie
Forties Argent Coward, James
C. Tyson and Lizzie Perkins,
and Mary E. Langley.
tier, Solomon Williams Eliza
Hopkins, B. Cannon
II at tie A. Joseph Tyson
Barrett, Lawrence
mo-is and Catharine
and neglect during the remaining i son Randolph Harriett Thomas,
days they are to live among as. H Jones and Hester Vines.
are to be paid according to the
degree of disability, and
grades are set bib,
ranging from down to
Several of legislators,
left to day for the
ease a is made on every If is M aiM
measure of kind. Tax bills for
Schools in different cities,
bare been
If you cannot speak well of a man
and bis business don't of
him at all. It looks very small in
a man to of a competitor's bus-
in a sarcastic, suspicions way.
Better all try to poll together, to
able in Washington as it here j toe of community,
occasion will Bot be enjoy of to poll other
able to thee n they wish. down.
Dry Goods,
To fit all who favor us their patronage.
Hardware, Nails, Cutlery, Guns, Shot, Powder,
Crockery, Glass-ware, Wood Willow
ware, Furniture, Harness, Whips,
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Snuff, Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Has Moved to One Door North Court
My Factory i well equipped with the host Mechanics, put up
but WORK. We keep up with the time and the late-t improved
material used in all work. All styles u-v I. w .
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram I lorn.
Al.-o keep on hand a full of made
the year round, which will sell as low tub lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this surrounding counties past favor Wt
merit a continuance of the same.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C, Mar. 1887.
I .-all
lo following
notice. Vaults,
On Monday the of March. A. I
D, at the Court House
door in the town of Greenville, to the
highest bidder for Cash one tract of
land in Count containing i
acres and bounded as follows
The following lot of land in the
vision of the lands of Mainline,
Nancy Manning and J. M Manning j
to wit. Lot No. T assigned to
rah Beginning slake runs No.
E poles to a stake, thence
E poles to a stake at ditch, thence
s w an pole to corner of
ditch thence N -14 i w
poles to the beginning containing
acres 2-1 poles to a in my
hands for collection against Sarah
and which have been on said hied
I hat run
this than any ft
country. That it is the most
and best known having lain re
for over forty years in this
Thai the workmanship i- second
unusual .
promptly satisfactory.
Very respectfully,
Refer lo W.
DaNCY. N ilk, oil
II. C.
Or write direct for prices.
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Rice, Meats
of different kinds, very best Lard we can
buy, Butter, Cheese, Spice, Pepper.
Soap both toilet and Laundry,
Star Lye, Ball Lye,
Matches, Starch, best grade of White
Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil,
We are a New Firm, but not new men to the public
MA who or in our are invited to come to see as.
We aid will tail tow any who good goods do
as the property of said Sarah
February 16th J. A. K
By R. W. V. S.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executrix of
the Last Will and Testament of Amos
Evans, deceased, on the Bad day of
notice is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to the estate of and
decedent, to make immediate payment
to the undesigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
to the on
or before the 2nd of January.
or this notice will be plead in bar of their
E. Evans,
of Amos
. J. COBB.
Pitt Co, N. C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
M s;, ,; Ma
, D. I Will at the Croat
i door in the town ., . MB
highest bidder one tract Off
And bounded as
The following lot of in
I ion of the lands of Cynthia ill
j Nancy Manning and R.
lo wit Beginning at a
corner of ditch, s
dividing line, thence the
W poles to stake
to a st thence
poles to the
acres. poles to a Yen
hands tor collection against
and which have been
j said land as the property of s
Manning. A.
February 1889.
By R. W. I. s.
Commission Merchants,
We have had several years ex-
at the and are
prepared to handle
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
If you want something nice in I
i w
come to the old hi
large new just received.
Watches. link-. Jew dry
Machines repaired and ware
W. S
C. D.
Dealer b Hay. Corn, Meal,
and Mill
Will pay
I pay cash for my I
ford sell at
Call on me at the store all

M. R. Lang's Column.
We take the lead in the
display of
Early Spring
Ash Wednesday.
Lent begins
Third month of 1889,
It is President Harrison.
Mr. E. Barrett is
Mr. A. Forbes.
Misses Estelle W
Greene last Falkland.
Miss Williams is visiting
Miss Annie near
Mis. Green, of New Hampshire,
is visit tag sister, Mrs. A M.
Miss Minnie Moore is visiting
lei lumber, Mr. K- B. Moore, at
Hotel Macon.
Ber. G. L. Finch delivered two
delight fill in the Baptist
Sunday, .
Mr. L. V. Morrill, of is
is the. mouth for high visiting the family of her Dr.
Sunday count for a rainy day. j M- Brown.
A marriage in the country to-day. I Mr. A. II. Cassidy has come to
i . .,.,. .,.; i Greenville and taken a position as
Down u goes water m Greenville
is spending some time in
Greenville with headquarters at
the King House.
Mrs. J. W. Perkins came home
from Baltimore Friday, is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. J. D. Murphy.
star, K. B. John, of the
Greenville M. Church,, and Rev.
W. B. Ware, Pastor at Washing-1
The lady's friend, the terror- of
clerking the
i This character was taken by
ho did Justine to it, j
and deserves credit f
Miss Smith, assumed the
character Riding
expectation. One
the wolf following her,. Beady I
I to pounce upon Inc.
Miss Addie Randolph i
the character of a and
so perfect was the disguise that it
was out of the question to tell who
it was.
now, I done and told yon
We have now on
; the river.
The gain of daylight in March is
The State Legislature will ad-
next Monday.
Five Fridays, five Saturdays
j five in March.
We saw a of goose eggs
at the market Saturday.
Coal and wood heating stoves at
j D. D. Haskett Co.
The Greenville Farmers Alliance
I will meet Saturday.
Several new buildings will go up
this summer.
The man who don't read the
don't keep posted.
There has been but very little
game for hunters this season.
Cheapest goods in town, at the
Racket Store next door to
Anderson, the murderer,
Buying goods for our new stoic. Will have
the best selected stock ever brought to Green-
IVe Di i
the character taken tO
Bagley, well assumed I r
Suit the Rich and the Poor,
Hancock, a Dentist of , ,
Miss Maggie Langley as Old Lady
of century, was perfectly
and created quite a
Mrs. J. G. Green assumed the
character of a Chimney Sweep and
took the part well.
Miss Nome Smith as Uncle Josh-
Allen's wile was tunny in the
As the Equestrian, Miss Sue
j ton exchanged pulpits last Sunday, j took her part without a
Mr. C G. Joyner, a Pitt It brought to mind the late
i and one the best drummers on Fair Rocky Mount, where the
road, was in town last week, j tournament was held, ridden by the
The editor regrets being out when ladies alone. A character.
The High and the Low,
The Large and the Small,
We can suit them all.
Greenville, N.
The undersigned having leased these
mills for of years and put then
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he is prepared to grind
Own and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to nil patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to famish them good water
at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
tie supplied at my store in
where Will also find a select stock
of General Merchandise winch will be
sold at lowest
Root, R. Fleming.
New Jewelry m New Jewelry Store
I have just received a nice lino
latest styles of------
Which I can sell very Violin
Guitar and Banjo strings for sale
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
Greenville, N. C
Of rare novelties in
The styles
for the season are the
banned last
bushels early all white Spring
Oats. Cheap at Old Store-
Services in all the churches hint
with small congregations
Jan received Ban Fa-
Lunch Milk at the Old
Brick Store.
It seems that fail weather will
not stay with us for any of
do to the Racket Store
clothing and Ladies
or Gents.
Toe Sheriff and are busy
getting matters in readiness for
Save your money by Inning
shoes, beat and goods at the
Several land sales at the Court
House last and others
Now in stock all kinds M.
Ferry ft Cos Garden Seed, at the
old Bi Store.
Bad rollers and bad weather make
printing office life any thin
lie called at the office.
Messrs Tucker have
purchased the law office,
rear of the House, and
it. Messrs Moore Ber-
have moved into the
A Pleasant Occasion.
A given at the Opera Hones
large crowd
all. The A W
cm in
A splendid Hoc of china and
sorts mockery glassware
the Store.
For observers
In Which we are Show- abstain from amusements
,. nature.
quite a varied
last Thursday night in
was one long to la
ed and remembered pleasure,
it was the occasion of the much-
masque party to be
en at Skinner's Opera House.
at o'clock the
march was and as
the doors to ante on the
right the stage were
thrown open the Inn began in dead
earnest, the richly attired lady
down to the old tramp,
caught the eye on every side. Ev-
one was vainly trying to find
out each other- Odd sayings were
bend tight and left, to
From tie milk Ive
a pint, ten a quart, no
from the
brushes cents a bunch
but cents
teed to be free of
of Edge
mid don't let it the
oil your memory, for de
m-i de sugar takes de
taste off de coffee,
We have seen papers
Miss Mollie Rouse, in a costume than
of faultless blue, just too cute for
iD any thing, impersonated a of
the 15th Century,
Miss Delia Marshal as a Fortune
Teller, took part to perfection,
impossible to detect her.
Miss Sallie Marshal, a character
not to be guessed very
the which arc of so
much note on the other side of the
A character hard to as-
J. B. as a Confederate
Colonel. It seemed as if yon could
hear the tile and drum and the
steady tread the many as
they marching to meet the en-
A difficult part to represent,
but was on the part of Mi.
Mirth provoking, blues
ting. laughs m seconds, Old
Damply, a
that had a
but ours is not to be hooted at.
Advertisers can catch on to this.
Many the merchants are
that advertising all the year
round is the best plan after all. The
columns bear this out.
The Guards were oat for drill last
Friday with a smaller attendance
than at previous meeting, i here
being only twenty present.
Trains on the Scotland Neck and
road are now as
far this way ax Bethel. This town
is anxious to hear the
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
Court Clerk of Pitt on the
day of 1889, as
tor of C. Davenport, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the and to all
of said estate to present their
claims duly authenticated to the
on or before the 12th day of
1800, or this notice will be plead in
their This of
of G C Davenport.
THAT Till-.
boon reduced from
And not depend on borrowing not
trying to make one Planter do
the work two Planters, but
buy a season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may cost you
oral planter.
Postmaster Blow is taking lessons
in photography, with an eye to get-
ting his hand in by the time Mr.
was perfect every par- I Harrison asks him to surrender the
Match came mild enough, to
be sine, bin look out it ends.
The lamb like will probably
be followed by a lion like exit.
It is not very to sec
so many large and numerous loads
of fertilizers being hauled out by
farmers. It is not indication of
successful agriculture.-
Tue quarterly communion service i
the Baptist church was postponed j
from last Sunday, the regular time,
until the Sunday
character i owing to absence of the pastor.
A correspondent us with
I several items from
and Carolina townships which
reached us hist too late
to in i paper. They will
pear next weak. We to hear
I from often.
that has genuine fun m it
than any oilier, was well sustained
by L. Brown.
At first every one thought that
one the hands bad come
up in the Open House, through
mistake, and having a big lime, hut
it was soon to he S. A.
impersonating one the boys
and he created lots of fun.
A. X. took the character company,
an and it was land more newsy
Rev. J. W. left Friday
for another ten trip to
lie now has regular
to preach in that
the and second Sundays ii.
each month.
assortment both in
White Colors
We also have a com-
line in
Victoria Lawns
live thousand Mink skins and
an equal number of Fox Coon
wanted at M. It. Lang's.
New goods are early this season.
Last week we noticed large arrivals
at several of the stores.
The ladies of the Baptist Church
I are for a to be
, first week in Match court.
More weddings are getting on
the list tor spring. Not many
. young people are now.
To sums to suit
liberal terms heretofore
to J. B. Yellowley, Green-
i H. C.
There has not been a wedding in
two weeks. As much cannot be
said two weeks hence, however.
you see a horse there
you will see a red headed girl.
But that has nothing to do with
the Peerless Shirts at Mini
Wanner one day, cool the next,
with one or both, is about the
summing up the late weather.
de taught
de public
some snuff, its awfully
After playing several games,
much to the, enjoyment of all, the
company about and
then the surprises were numerous.
The were and
Mrs. E. C. represented
Nancy Lee, in a costume of a sailor
lassie, donned in navy blue dress
with a jaunty hat.
Mrs. J. S. as a wail j
maid, to say she look the
would be too frail a way to express
it- It was immense.
Mrs. Allie was very
as a attired a
costume simile of the character
she it was just
to discover who she was.
Mrs. J. D.
a Half School Girl,
took her part well.
Now here is the character that
could not lie detected, Mrs. A. X.
ken well. The surprise was great change.
I when he unmasked.
If it Hal ton been for
j John, I lie fun would have, been less,
A. was gaily donned
in a and
i oceans Inn. Every body as
well as laughed until they
almost cried. John is a good one.
Dr. L. James, as
Gardner, of the Lime Kiln Club,
was immense. Crow pass
the please, no change
The Will has been
removed from New to Snow
and is now issued by a
It is a better
paper since the
Persons wishing to improve their
or strengthen their power
of tent ion should .-end to
2.17 Filth Ave., X. Y-,
his prospectus post free, as
in another column.
A subscriber from the other sole
of the river told us Saturday Ilia he
had worth of timber logs near
the river bank ready for all
which had been cut and hauled
given chicken ,,, t January.
On Monday the re
James as Uncle Sam was splendid,
he took the character well.
J. D. Pearce impersonated Jim
Jones, No. the heavy of
wild all his
well sustained by J. It.
Ed covered from bead
to foot with bagging, represented
the Trust admirably. It
was just impossible to distinguish
A genome, Crazy was the
I character taken by
One could not look at h Without
a a man
out in Alabama who wants to keep
informed as lo the progress of this
section. The paper goes to more
than ball the the Union.
The Merchant-.
Mr. D. K. House, of the Arm of
Little, Hon e left
morning for Not the n
to lay in spring and
Watch for nice goods when lie re-
Mr. J. B. Move left yesterday for
Baltimore and Ne York to
chase goods for hit firm. J. Cher-
Co. A reliable firm and they
handle goods. a
watch on their advertisement.
Mr, M. R. Lang, prince of
goods dealers, left yesterday moms
bis spring
goods for his store. Hi
will visit
and Ins
his a stock
can in no be surpassed.
Mr, C T. lord is back again
from Now York city and says he
gal bargains win the down,;
and can astonish the people l Pitt
county. He says a greater portion ;
of the steel; Was purchased at about ;
ball value. to give
you an idea,
are selling and caps,
men and boys fur live cents. It
they much cheaper, by the time i
a North are
they will be giving goods away.
For your liberal in
And Cordially Solicit
A continuance of the same-
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to examine
-------stock of-------
Tell him not to delay i tit examine
now and see if ins old planter,
needs any repaint, if so x
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
it with Mr, Alfred
with lull particulars
and it will betaken
to factory, re-
and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
lid knowledge good.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Hats, Hardware
And Crockery.
We keep a complete line of
Staple Groceries.
We call especial attention to our
plow, and the
cotton plows.
also offer the
Till him that I can famish him
be may need,
dressed or undressed. Also I
can him build-
Brackets and
to, in pinches
Mid piazzas, in fact any
in or trim-
i he may
need to build
Will Your Corn.
And farther I can grind hi
corn into Meal and that
will convince him of
urn ii be will
u in me ins corn
In grind.
Alfred came the Dr. Allen
style Saturday. He a
horse and took a pick-
along drove through
street. He got a crowd around
him on the market square and be-
kinks and knots out
their hair with his
A Pitt county farmer came to
A Double Clown, a difficult week ., woolen
By ii . with the above
greatly oblige
Greenville, N.
On the 20th day of March
A. D. I will
door In town to lb
t hid r Ii t of
hind in Pit about
line tract in ii Item township
IN . . Tyson and and th
. sold to Nichols.
One other containing one acre ad-
I of IS.
T. A. and
ii I Ii. . ten acres
William and the Move land
other to t I
In hands for against Nd-
mi Nichols and which have been levied
I en mill land i he m of Mia
son N A. K. Ti
That you ever had in life tor This f -I . IS, Sheriff.
to lest than any one , I. I.
else in give Why V ,, n
for expense, are less l par the J
spot cash tor goods H
has mere merit than anything of
the kind ever put on tin-
Greenville. N. C.
we have free Buggies now. Ah
you to yon but
if yo to save money you coon to
mi I y on Street, rear of J. II.
Cherry For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on street. I can give
for the coming season.
character indeed to take, was
exceedingly well It. D. Cherry-
He could walk backward or forward
and it seemed natural. He
created Iota of fun.
The old man unit many, but what
there is, mighty J. W.
as an Old Mali of the 11th
hour, was amusing and kept
things lively
A Colored Senator from
and save dis-1
counts, and if don't believe you
stock of
was never more replete
with novelties.
, j reporter of the many Queens he
Jan It more P. u, dressed in then favorite
Cos Sweet which ; to flit Hither and
has to be the healthiest and to a-k her
per pound at the; .-Have you told many to
Store. j The character perfectly
We girt space this week to res grand.
the mask party A.
O. W. afford amusing re
Farmers should first see that all Inn. the character was perfect. I could talk corns on mind in a
available home-, manure has been j Mrs. T. B. Cherry as Lady of one could have
and used before olden her character s a j taken the character better.
I in the article. true it can't you give me a drink
j The Durham of February to tell who it was.
i was in because i M n . A
goods, which he look to
tailoring establishment to be made
up clothing. This would be a
frequent occurrence if the
would take stops to protect
sheep by exterminating die
come and sec
experience in the business
Having had
I guarantee
White Caps have been
Edge-1 much at the North, that
Greenville, N. C.
i. Mrs. Maggie William represented was character taken by actually thorn
fad School Girl, just home u seemed very this the colored
Seminal v and up to all manner of I but ii asked j most of the talking. It was
last a the
WHO nave just n rear J. B. Cherry
turned from New Co-
City with a full line of A. CU I ELL,
White Goods, Laces
Flouncing a Specialty,
its m the old cake
woman who sits on the wharf at
col ton presses and sells the turn-
overs lo the longshoremen. Jolly
as can he and always have a witty
j reply to queries. The
I character could have been
The almanac says it is ,,,.
now. It m lo be seen whether
Every Saw Mill in Pitt conn-
; have a Saw
We arc ii m
at D. Haskett Co.
We have
weather bears out the assertion
or not.
The is a credit
. . . to Tarboro. It is newsy from
Insertion,; It in meeting
Revere, French Work, ,
March imitates January one
SwiSS Edging and It us two new moons
one on the first day and cue
and many the last day.
March asserts i;
Other novelties. any great farmer
will have much work to do lo keep
Call early and secure, his order.
our choir day
I yon hear a lady remark, Oh I wish
merchants would keep
Buttons, Silks to match
t more trouble la-
You find i hem all at
The stores of B. W.
John W. Mayo U. E.
on Wafer street in Washington,
yon were a success.
Misses Jennie James, Lillie Cher-
and Lee Foley represented the
Country merely in
town for a little fun. You at
a tell what they were, for
they looked it. It was
to suppress laughter, if any one
had the blues all they had to do
was to look at them and the blues
A Ghost, pure white,
about as if by magic, was
the character taken by Miss Julia
to represent one more
would be impossible.
felt like every time
be looked at
With the dress
came Miss Bessie represent
the of A
tor hard to but success-
accomplished by Miss
Miss Mary Bernard as
Rosy, oh so feeble, but managed
to hobble along, with aid of two
were destroyed by tire on of who
write would carry along
rather fast and she would near-
M, K. Lang's Column
night of last week.
from Raleigh, N. C, may be found
at King House, Greenville, for
; this month, longer if
aged to do prepared to perform
j in most careful manner any
i operations pertaining. to hie pro-
baa been re-
I siding in Raleigh over
, and can give the best of reference.
of water, I'm so hungry I do not
know where I'm going to sleep
A Tramp was taken by Ber-
Greene and well sustained.
Quite an character.
The good old jovial Farmer
in n humor, ready any
Inn, was the character as-
White, impersonated the
Dude, quite a hit, for
yon know f
latest sensation they say.
Is the dud, he's the swell of the day.
With his high standing collar,
He'd make a mule
He's as tender as the flowers In May.
a that's fond of his ease,
To Into his pants is a
The ladies say may he,
But he a baby.
He'd fall all apart if he'd
Clarence a
graph Lineman, was a
character and black as Erebus.
Burney Wilson, as
did credit to and
The A. I. O. W, were out is
full dress regalia, in complete black.
They are a mystery to us and we
hardly know what to say, the
came from
the name we should think that be
work bis chin to perfection.
Snorer Chief Explosive Ma-
Brick Bat were all there
and took a very prominent part.
No one could tell one
nor from which.
ladies the party in
talked so
they are
ed last week that White Caps
appeared in Washington, and the
colored folks got awfully scared. But Fine Clothing
the different names which they
have been called is the most
part. The name first went from
white caps lo white then to
then won the.
One old colored Woman not
remember so long a so she
dubbed them The col
women making such a to do
put the white children to talking, panic prices.
Be sure to call.
firm patron-
by H. Morris
Shoes, Hats,
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
and the last name we heard used
was a little girl if any-
body bad
seen the
There was quilt an affray near
Five Monday afternoon
Cherry attempting to
rest a for dis
orderly conduct and finding
hard lo take summoned Mr. C F.
White to bis he
went to assist the officer another
Joe come up utter
He tried to Mr. White
the latter used a stick on him.
Others rushed up to take part
both sides a scuffle followed for
a few moments. A
Shade Adams came behind Mr
While and him around the
neck, he drew a pistol and
New Firm
Hut the same reliable Barbers can be
found at Club House Shoo,
Which In presided over by James A.
Smith and Hubert Hodges. They
need no recommendation before the
People and M
their competency in the
been fully proven. We have Just
to our shop one of the latest
chairs and we inti giving
as good a suave cut
r a thing In the Hue as
ran lie had anywhere, can be
waited on kt their resiliences.
Cleaning clothe n specialty.
Notice to Creditors.
The having duly quail
lied Executor to the Will
of James B. Edwards, de
j on the 28th day of January, 1889,
notice is hereby to nil person in-
I dented to the estate to make immediate
payment, and to nil creditors of said es-
i tale to present their claims properly
to the undersigned on or
i before the day of January, 1800, or
till- notice will he plead bar of their
recovery. Tins of January, 1880.
of E. Edwards.
The of
day mutual con-
sent, the entire of the hi-
log M who
will continue the business at the old
stand. All the business of old
will he Mr and all
monies due are to be paid to Mm. This
gist day of
I Forbes, Greenville,
J. s.
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
. Cant. R. Aft
The People's Line for navel on Ii
The Steamer K is the
boat on the river, she Km
; been repaired,
on specially comfort,
and convenience of
A Table with the
not only attractive.
Leaves H Wednesday
and Friday a. m.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday a. m.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading liven m all
i. j.
Greenville, N. C.
mi teem crass m, m,
Miss Nannie Grist, or Tarboro.
took the character of a
sustained it immensely.
Miss Paul as
created of fun, kept charge, Ml. E. and
Miss the
milk, free iron
A. N. deserve great
for their a in
every thing as pleasant
the 20th day of
A. I will sell M the Court
door In this town of to the
reaching behind him shot Adams in highest bidder for cash of land
leg. In the Scuffle Hardy in fit county containing about acres
cut. Blount was carried the and
ii ii . i. i One tract of land
Hardy medical at- the
and Adam as taken to of M j. Peyton Al
trial for to resist an the May land and other Beaver
At trial a pistol was found on Dan one other tract In
his person and warrant was Dam township about
carrying concealed
He was tiered to bond Mt for Alfred Nichols
for appearance at Court. and others to satisfy an execution in my
to do so was placed in jail.
above seems to be the tacts the;
we learn them.
Manly had not been given
hearing at this writing.
hands for collection against
Nichols and which has. been levied on
said land a the property of said Alfred
Nichols. J. A. K.
By R. D.
Having entire control of the
and of Lion
with which I have
since 1876. I wish lo In-
form friends and Customers that they
continue to me at the old
Store prepared to suit their wants hi
particular. sincere
thanks for the very patronage
bestowed upon the tea, i solicit
continuance of their favors, which every
endeavor will be lo
Why another discovery by Allied
Culley in the way of helping the inflict-
ed. Hy calling on or addressing the
above named bather, you procure a
bottle of Preparation is Invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and causing the
kinkiest hair lo lie soft and
glossy, only two or three application a
week is necessary, and u common hair
all to used after the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
only cents.
Of interest to
w. a aim La
I Co lo .
Will lie m arranged that
new pupils niter the lust week la
Pi r.
CO. Principal
Miss t,
Miss a and
till d Music.
Drawing. , J
Mi . I. W. Hi i Keeping
sic. Painting end
Location and
Plenty of pared
Boarders. A Corp. of
all being graduates of class
lion-. Music equal
in work to any in I lie Slate
Piano, and
A of volumes,
to ft I
and Tuition slid
the as
who do not
with consult
before hoard elsewhere.
fur her particulars. Address. J
v- at

Two Children Frozen to Death
Why in old rats when labor-
are appearing on sides James Pyle's
saves labor of the hardest kind, and
tees the best and quickest malts in the
laundry, and house cleaning.
of think it indispensable.
A trial will
most i-
its mints- he
universal success of
i the
try over, pi
proof of it
merit. Beware of
moat elaborate opera-hat that
ever mad In this country ti nm
that la cow being prepared for Benjamin
Harrison. It will be of ribbed silk and In v, near tho
will lined with satin
panels. President Harrison will carry
the hat in his hand at the Inauguration
Bail on March Paper.
Oh. how hats have changed f the old
to the new,
How differently we from
The the men wore In Washing-
ton's day
i Were cornered and cocked la a wonder-
i way.
The tall leaver tile that old
Were once has been worn by great-
Cutting and Hair.
I lag their fear's supplies will Una It to
their interest get oar price- before
in all its branches.
Opera at
I haw recently located, and where I hire
thing in my line
Imp Will appliances; new j SPICES, TEAS,
f figures ,. LOWEST
we buy direct from Manufacturer,
to buy at one profit. A
stock of
a r. r. .
on hand and sold at prices to suit
Sen for outside of my
executed. respectfully.
grandson too;
Bat this creation Mart
take, it teem, bath the Cake
the tart I
I painted
Great George might exclaim.
that we need
To govern this glorious country Just
Won't wear such a gewgaw as on
its brow
Let hand painted dudes the band-
painted hats.
Let them in sharps and
In flats-
To praise there Is only one answer,
and that's
Winters of Long Ago.
No IS,
; Seism
Fast Mail, dally
dally ex Sun.
pm pro
pm pm am
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run. we sell at a margin.
Greenville. N. C
Wilmington SB
daily daily
s am
ex Sun.
Wilson am K pm pm
AT Mount S
At H
O Tarboro am
j pm
except Sunday. pm
Tainan Scotland Neck Road
Halifax for Scotland at o i
Returning, leaves Scotland
A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train Tarboro. X via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun- i
t M. P H arrive
X C. f P M. P M.
leaves N C. daily
A M. Sunday SO A
, arrive Tarboro, X C. A M, ;
on Midland X C Branch leaves
except Sun lay. A M.
S C. S A M. Re-
leaves S C m M,
W C. A M.
on Branch leaves
Meet at P M. arrives
Rope IS P M.
M A M.
arrives Rocky Mount la A i
M except
n Branch leaves Warsaw j
far Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at j
S. no A M Returning leave i
a a. and S P. M. connect j
tag at Warsaw tad TO
train on .
. K. except
M South ill stop only at
makes connect Ion at
far all prints North daily. All,
and daily except Sun-
S th Line.
make connection tor at
A car load arrived and now fer
at Keel old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for Cash and can afford to sell
as anyone. Give me a call.
Just procured several first-class
Vehicles will take passengers to any
at r i rates.
Sale, Teed J Mm,
Having associated B. S.
with me in the business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and due
me for pa services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collect ion.
Worth via Richmond and Wash-
trains solid between
and have Pullman
Jg. Transportation
T. H.
t N. C. Railroad
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Banal Cases Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who
Feb. 22nd.
Mb, . i
west J , ,, ,,
r. i.
Stations. Ar. i
City nm J
Mixed Ft. A
Established in Baltimore In 1870-
Will open a House in
West ; in September, 1887, for the handling and
t j sale of cotton, thus giving our customers
Mixed Ft. i their of the two markets.
Stations. Pass Train.
Best's S Mrs. T.
T-i Grange . Has lately been repaired fitted up
S-. .,
g i of Millinery tar
Atlantic Hotel
ahead Depot
r- as
1244 i
a m
Besides her usual line of trimmed and
Hats, Ornaments and
millinery goods, she has the prettiest
stock of Silks, shaded Rib-
Gauzes, etc., in the Give
her a call at the Old Stand.
Can be a supply of
; Light
Thursday and
Wednesday and Friday.
S connects with Wilmington Al . . .
Walden Train bound leaving
m. and with Kiel-j A
sod Train West, leaving ,
p. m. which will lie sold
Train A Give me a call.
Train, at Goldsboro I ,
m. and with and , J . U. I
Waldon Train at p,
Train with Wilmington and
Through Freight Train, leaving
at p m with
at p. m.
Of the and prices if
now in stock by Mrs
h raw ,
E. A. Sheppard tho.-c to had
risen here, you that her
st ck can in no l surpassed.
line i and
f latest in trim-
In Black Sea was entirely
In not only Mat
Bin-k tun the of
worn frozen
in sonic feet high.
he great rivers of
Danube, the Elbe. were so hard
frozen as to bear wagons fer
month. In the Adriatic wan
the crops totally failed, and
famine and pestilence closed the
year. In moat of the
in Germany ware frown to
death on roads. In 1244 the
Po wan frozen from to
the sea; the wine sacks ware
the trees split by the action of
the immense noise. Io 1236
the Danube wan frozen to the bot-
tom, and remained long in that
state. In 1316 the crops wholly
failed m Germany, wheat
some years sold In England at
the to In 1308 the
crops failed in Scotland, and such a
famine that poor were
reduced to feed on grass, and many
perished in Io
the wine diatribe to the sol-
was with The
winters of 1432-3 were
uncommonly Io 1683 it was
cold. Moat of the
lies were killed. drove
the Thames the ice of Was
eleven thick. In 1709
ed the cold winter; the frost
the earth three yards info the
ground. In 1716 boot ha were erect-
ed on the Thames. In 1744 and
1745 the strongest art in England,
exposed to the air, covered la
less than fifteen with
eighth of en inch thick. la 1809.
and again in 1812 winters were
remarkably cold. Io 1814 there was
a fair an the Thames.
Mr Wiley and Mi
Moor were em the 13th.
O. and Hist
Perkins ware married in
on Perkins
by many the prettiest
adj in
Tho railroad work is progressing
rapidly. The grading through the
town will anon complete.
survey has yet been made from
villa to Kinston. A party of
engineers are making a from
Ferry through this county to
Bell's Ferry on the
correspondent has not beard what
company is having this line ran.
L. G. who has been a
merchant in Greenville for the last
seventeen years, left on Monday
with hie for He
and his had many friends in
Greenville who regretted to see
them leave.
Ex Governor left the
18th the Fair. It is
said be will in Greenville
practice law.
Col. Harry Skinner and W. H.
Harrington bought the
in this place.
The lawyers had a time last week.
William the largest land
holder in Pitt sued Judge
Hilliard, commission merchant of
Norfolk, for damage to credit,
placing his damage at fifty
dollars. It is Mid two of the moat
prominent law firms here threaten
to Hilliard for the same
reason. Judge Hilliard formerly
a Republican lodge of the Sup-
Court in this State.
Greenville Institute has enrolled
thirty new students for the
Spring term, making total enroll-
Connor having exchanged
circuits with will
hold the March term of Court.
I Northern pork and guano
will be sold here than last year.
to the drought- some
farmers will have to boy corn, but
they getting it through the AN
for than cents per
A good deal of cotton is still in
the hands of farmers and country
The quantity of meat ratted in
this f raster last year
than it had bean for twenty years.
Pitt is one of bast farming
farmer any other
Wilmington Star,
Rich lands, last week.
On Thursday, two little
aged six and eight years, children
of Mr. John Cattle of that pi-,;
were sent by their mother a
bag of to some hog in th
wood-, near the house. Toe. lilt-It
starred on thin
as the began falling, no
was felt, they
frequently performed ibis j
towards evening an sot ;
and a violent snow
was great j
for The neighbors
were to aid the search
for f be little wanderer, tad all that
night and the next day nearly a
hundred men and boys scoured the
woods an field for miles
both was not Saturday that
dead res of the little boys
were by one of the searching
parties n a only
a h half ll
home It if
ere lot in toe snow storm r-s
day and wandered
when were
by the cold and frozen
death. The bodies when found
together. Te
hoy had taken off one of
shoes, and the other boy
bad the bag containing the com
partially wrapped around bis head
and shoulders.
Mr. Cattle, the father of the
was absent from borne at the time,
la attendance at tie fair in
Spring Disorders
art mt-
w tot
Celery Compound
the Blood.
of made fer
room tut
end tie Mm bad Me.
ti c Six for
it a east re dye with ores
Eastern Mete,
is not a Care-All.
Monroe Planter.
But no of legislation can
of itself make the farmer prosper-
on. Intelligence must take the
of ignorance, and prejudice
lie replaced sense.
a ex-
bin own
and avail of every
stains Ht his for the bet-
It i- a fact well known Skat there is no
family sold than
Price -25 B.
The healthy growth of the baby Is de-
pendant upon its freedom from the per-
effects of opium. Dr. Bull's Baby
The Charlotte Judge
Walter who holding the
prevent term of the Superior Court,
is business. Me moves things
in a that is somewhat to
Mt altogether
to those who in
the court. He away with the
old tin court crier, and requires
to be in the court
room when their are called.
If a does not answer to bis
name, pop goes a fine of ire
dollars. Some were late
and the Judge
fined five of thorn Ire dollars each,
int as had food excuses to
make, be remitted the fines. In
to a
special in case they should
be needed, Clark ordered
him to summon
mover, and if big inroads are not
made on the docket it will be none
A Life.
The life of a Christian i indeed a
grand and
of the com-
fort here, and with
hope a
the sea and
the earth shall their dead.
the streams and
and loveliness and
which flow out Mm too
to the of our
like those pore stain-
less a
whose bright and sparkling bosom
catch the glimmer of rip-
sunbeams, and become silver
threads of radiant beauty as they go
murmuring along in joyous songs
on their everlasting to
sea. And the.- grand streams of
life, With all their glorious currents,
are like the mountain streams,
grow bigger, deeper, broader and
mote beautiful they go flowing
down to the ocean of immortality
Syrup is the best remedy known for the
diseases of early childhood.
S i
Our esteemed contemporary the
Raleigh exclaims with
ex-Gov. Scales Gov. Fowle
favor a
If I here Is any one thing a pro-
politician does understand
it is the way the stream A
Railroad Commission is
and no politician will
run to tbs will.
They follow and never lead. A
Railroad Commission the demand
of the people. We are satisfied if
the people the matter
more fully they would not clamor
for a Commission with more than
powers, at present anyway.
Star has for four years favored
the Massachusetts law. It is certain
strong enough to begin with. If it
was two practical-
test to be too weak, then it could
be strengthened. We have no
idea that the rights of the
old railroads be invaded. The
The Supreme Court the United
States will not allow it. Then again
bow can a State Commission inter-
with roads that come
the jurisdiction of the
Commission Star.
The best Salve in the world fer Cuts
Bruise. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions
and cures Piles, or pay re
quired, ft is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale
Concord W. II. Mar-
tin, under several other
names, van arrested at Gold Hill on
Monday. For some time the
has moved among the
people of that town evidently Irv-
to look a big sale for
money. He is now in Char
jail, having failed to give
bond for his appearance at court.
Probably no one thing hat caused such
a trade at Me. O. Kr-
Drug as their giving away to
their customers of so many free trial
bottles of Dr. King's Discovery for
Consumption, Their trade Is simply
enormous In this very valuable article
from the fact that it alway cures and
never disappoints. Colds.
ma. Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat
and lung diseases quickly cured. Ton
can it by getting a trial free, e
size Every battle warranted.
,. .- or.
v. . r-f .-.
nil tree. only
Will, right
sealer. l S
m to font
from lay
scant and
to all.
B to
It ii.
H Mayor April by a
H. VT.
A anal
of air of III la
sf V
, A
and alt T
A bill to make legal rate of
interest par cent, passed
Senate and likely to pass the
Wool baa been continued
the list for the dogs. It is
surprising that North Carolina can
never have a Legislature that will
husbandry, livery
Legislature since the war baa had
for its motto when question for
taxing dogs
beware of the dog. The and
their masters are formidable.
Begin With fas Children.
Worth Carolina
To save the children To save
State by saving the children of
the State I Cast a glance forward
and think what it means for North
Carolina to take nay
of children, from
of sin and tarn them in
pat ha of virtue; to
from jaws of the dragon and
place them in tender loving
arms of Savior Thia is re-
form bore all reforms, sweet-
ens in the fountain that
it may bless mankind in its flow.
Statues to the memory of the
great men of the present. It is a
disgrace to North Carolina that no
statues have been reared to
and George E. Cadger
two greatest men of the
in public from
Then there ought to be statues
to Generals Pettigrew,
tbs men of highest capacity
who war arms in tbs
great war. Bat these things await
Durham A very threat-
letter, a White Cap
epistle, was received through the
post office this morn ins by Jordan
colored, who acting
as agent in this section securing
hands for Messrs. John P. Richard-
of Mississippi. Em-
ordered to leave
county in ten hours, and was
threatened with dire calamity if
he failed to heed behest.
D. J. Editor A Proprietor.
tit nit i.
Per Year,
We believe that one of great-
est drawbacks to prosperity in this
is had roads. If the farm-
were to sit down and calculate
the lost to them from
bad roads over which they have to
to market, or
purchases from the nearest
railroad town, they would find that
they above all men should be the
first to bestir themselves to
good roads. Bad roads mean to
agricultural population loss of
time, decrease in value of mar-
products and no
able loss in wear and tear of
and bones. A complete and
good system of roads would be of in-
estimable value to our farming com-
and increase the value of
their land and its
Bald Mrs. O. to Mrs. D.
o'er a cop of fine
pretty hostess
Mas gained ti looks ;
seems well as well can be I
What Is the I
Said Mrs. D. to Mrs. G.,
changed indeed, hut then, you
put aside objection,
And tried that famous remedy,
Which did so much for you and me
Pierce's Favorite
For sick headache, h
and constipation, there is
remedy equal to Dr. Pierce's Little
If at all possible this Legislature
ought to make some law regulating
trial of cases in Superior
Courts of counties. The ex-
clients and witnesses are
put to of waiting two or three days
at court away from their
business and paying high board
ought to he in tome way. If
possible day ought to be named
for trial of certain cases, and if
not that definite, at least name
day or days cases from each
township will be heard, as Judge
Clarke did in our
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sickness to robust health
epoch In the life or the individual.
Such a remarkable event Is treasured In
the memory and the agency whereby
the good health has been attained is
gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so
much Is heard In praise of Electric Bit-
tern. many feel they owe their
ration to to the use of the Great
Tonic. If you are
led with disease of Kidneys, Liver,
of of long abort standing
yon will -lief by of
Electric Bitters. Sold at and Si per
bottle at G. Drug Store.
Washington, Montana and
and Sooth Dakota have boss ad-
Into Union as States.
Alas exclaims. In
slender ankle I've got
fret, said ma. for whom be had Bent-
nm Salvation
time said Doctor to
the patient. Whom he found using Dr.
Syrup, and he
for bin cough had been cured.
The Stab is the only New York news-
paper possessing tho fullest confidence
of national Administration and the
United Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of the Republic.
Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough for the Star.
handed among the metropolitan
press, it has stood by the men called by
the Democracy to redeem the gov-
from twenty-five years of
publican wastefulness and corruption
and despotism to the South. For these
four years past It has been unswerving
in its fidelity to the administration of
Cleveland. It la for him now
for Cleveland and four
years more of honesty In
national affairs, and of continued nation-
and ha
fr marina
your I, no. la Mia UP
at OB-, Mi v an
Sana for
a CO.
obtained, all la the IS. S.
Patent of In the Courts attended to
for fees.
We am the IT. B. Patent 01-
See engaged in
can obtain patent in less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the if sent
to free of charge,
SB no change initial we
We refer, here, to the Peal
the Money Order Did., and Io
officials of the Patent Office. For
advise term-- and m
in your on n State,
-.-. . A. A Co.,
I. S.
and prosperity.
For people who like that sort of De-
the Star la the paper to read.
The Stab stands squarely on the
National Democratic platform. It be-
that any tribute exacted from the
people in excess of the demands of a
government economically administered
is essentially oppressive and dishonest.
scheme fostered and championed by
the Republican making the
government a miser, wringing millions
annually from the people and locking
them up in to serve
hut invite wastefulness and dishonesty,
it as a monstrous crime against
the rights of American citizenship. H
publican political jugglers may call it
taxation the Star's
fer it is robbery.
Through and through the Star is a
great newspaper. Its tone Is pure and
wholesome, its news service
issue presents an
tome of what is best worth knowing of
the world's history of yesterday. Its
stories are told in good, quick,
English, and mighty interesting
reading they are.
The Stab is as good as the
best class magazine, and prints about the
same amount of matter. Besides the
day's news it is rich in special
articles, stories, snatches of current
literature, reviews, art criticism, etc.
inimitable humor sparkles
in its columns ; Will Carleton's delight-
letters are its choice offerings.
Many of the best known men and women
in literature and art are represented in
its columns.
The Weekly Stab is a large paper
giving the cream of the news world
over, with special features which make
P the most complete family newspaper
The farmer, the mechanic.
lie business man too much occupied to
read a daily paper, will get more for his
dollar invested in the Star
than from any other paper. It will be
especially alert during the campaign,
and will print the freshest and most re
political news.
a day for one year
Daily, without Sunday, one year 6.00
day. six months
Daily, without six months
Sunday edition, one year 1.30
Stab, one year 1.00
A free copy of the Stab to
the sender of a club of ten.
Address, THE STAR
and Park Place New York.
C. B. B.
Edwards a N,
Printers and Binders,
R O-
We have largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the and solicit orders for ail classes
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us you . orders.
farces,,, Jest Cheapest
Newspaper ever published in
Greenville. It
and gives More Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The Reflector gives a variety
and LOCAL, and wilt devote it-
to the material
of the which it
Send your name get a
called to tho as it-
largo and growing
makes it an excellent
through which to reach the people
Ur. at T.
a- CO N
r r
from T. L-, m--. a
t. .
and lb. ham
Fa Bray
v.- .-. .
. T.
W W W r
ts iI
i -r A
of ran M
j i-i a ll- man.
free cTr,
ti .
sis n.
It. heat, s
a v
IO .-rare
i. At
no FA
. b i
or., r-
r awe
falling of eradication of
is before the public.
Among the who have i with
I refer yon to tn fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to SM my
SB., .,.
Any one to give It n trial for
the named can procure
me, at my place S for
per bottle.
14th. ,
U. Bis,
i o B.
for Work.
fall tilt. SI
If ran apply now.
B. w
from t
for on
of tr
or In
. S., I

Eastern reflector, 6 March 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 06, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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