Eastern reflector, 6 November 1889

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I .
The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
subscription Price. per rear.
n.; Democratic
measures that are not consistent
the true principles of the party.
If a n
of the Slate send for
I do not seek God will always make
My pathway light;
I only that he will hold my hand
Throughout the night.
I Co not hope to have the thorns re-
That pierce my feet;
only ask to find His blessed arms
My safe retreat.
If He afflicts me. then in my distress
Withholds His hand ;
If all His wisdom cannot conceive
Or understand
I do not think to always know His why
Or wherefore here
lint some time lie will take my hand
Pis meaning clear.
If in His furnace He refines my heart.
To make it pure,
only ask for grace to His love
Strength to endure;
And if fierce storms around me beat
And heaven be overcast,
I know I hat lie will give His weary one
Sweet peace at last.
A Lost
A Touching aid Beautiful
men, by the end
Tim of the
License in Speech.
Sanford Express.
There is feature of the Boyle
case, which terminated at Raleigh
last week in bis conviction, that
serves to teach a lesson which we
wish to emphasize. It is stated
Laughable Reflections.
And Provoking
the Reflector's Sad Boy.
A hard-working newspaper re-
porter sees much of human nature.
In searching news yesterday we an opportunity at
met upon the pavement a of h, trial speak and
little black eyed who we took bitterly denounced two of
to be scarcely sis years old. Tears prosecuting attorneys for char-
on her and the of
trickled down rosy cheeks like I lie, I've been shouting for yon this
right man in the right place
the tramp at the wood
First your
Second found a
niece of bread in an ash barrel.
Had yours
my wife baited the rat trap
and I stole the
dew-drops in a flower cup. had
been in the To
of which these attorneys
some had drop-
a penny and it had rolled our
of sight somewhere in gutter.
From her grieved little heart gush-
ed sympathetic tear.
New York Letter.
G. of Wake, j
M. Holt,
Secretary of I. . , ., . . ,
of Wake. A Nautical
W. Rain, of Wake. Edged Opera.
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction , . , , . ,
Sidney II. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David- NEW October 1889.
of m, ,. ,. , ,
topic the week in financial
and business circles generally is the j
Met N. H. Smith, o railroad combination which
Associate S. of . boon
Joseph Davis, of the Union and the Chicago
fames E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and . ., ,.
of Burke. Northwestern, two
SUPERIOR companies control altogether nearly
II. Brown, of miles of railroad extending
Philip., of Chicago.
Hereafter furnish each
Connor, of a a traffic ca ;
Clark, of their respective
i.- . . , , . , agents, and in fact, the eyes
fifth A. of J
terns will lie run as one. The agree-
in bad from these
to be reproving Boyle for these
notwithstanding he is a
bad man and ought to be pun-
It. pleased the audience when
,,, a m e of wealth these lawyers for
her. and she had grasped it so j to his and
and its possession filled her .
joy. Now it was gone, j fr
Search for it proved Cut was upright lawyer to have referred to j fellow
replaced with a A smile of of
bewildered lit the little Enunciation. By for L from
sorrowful face again and she ran consistently practice law, he should , me a has J
with sweet be his as turned
half hour. How is it you are never
when you are wanted
mother, I suppose I
inherit it from
lie was the dunce of his. class;
that was what they said of him.
Hut one day the teacher put
question to him do you pro-
It a good deal on
the word refers to a person or a
bee, was the
Smith is a
He bar
Fashions in
Detroit Free Press.
The family flower is the poppy.
The blossom for
The flower for
The flower for rose.
The flower for the
The flower for the late
The flower for the angry man
The blossom for Cornell girl-
The blossom for fishermen
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State Press.
There have been ninety-five con
versions under the preaching of
Rev. Mr. Butt at New
Strange things will happen. The
editor of the Waynesville News was
pounded by the appreciative citizens
of that town.
The Gleaner gives ac-
for the of two geese noted for
one at Of
The telephone girl's flower
Thoughts for Reflection.
Select for
It is easy finding reasons why
other people should be patient
George Eliot.
I trod a rock so bare
Unblessed by
Bat some small flower, half-hidden
Exhaled the fragrant breath of
Kindness is the Golden chain by
which society is hound together
J. W. Goethe.
and the other at
At Dunn on the 93rd. Archie
Johnston was instantly killed at a
saw mill. His foot was caught in
the machinery of the saw mill and
he was thrown down with fatal
Free Mr. Jno.
L. Hartsfield made, an assignment
Monday to Mr. C.
Liabilities about
the same. Creditors are,
away m untold glee,
smiles wreathing Che cherry lips
and n pretty dimple playing with
the rose blush on the cheek.
This is a picture drawn from
How often do such
as a gospel minister or editor.
Nowhere in this country is grant-
ed that open deliberate license,
of speech the average, lawyer
indulges in to court house.
dents happen in the lives of older of an honorable per-
ones Our sky may perchance be be or is
clouded, oft tunes the of b
sorrow's finger leaves a melancholy
son has no redress, it be
the violation of law, by tho
tinge, the brightest hopes lie bleed-
and garland of love wilts in a cane- The,
the burning tears of U
then is and when
good Samaritan drawn by the
wonder what animals
the most intelligent
-of course V
they are educated
in the higher branches infancy
says that the
New York is I
that foul odors from
be they keep the dead
letters down in the
The flower
Tho flower for
The blossom for
The flower the colored belle
The flower for stupid people
The flower for the bilious man that, on Saturday evening, Lewis j
liverwort. Jenkins and II. Jones met In
The flower for the honeymoon- , the road near Granite and opened;
c Other with pistols.
They fired shots apiece and, as.
I Jenkins dodged behind his
i fired and killed the horse.
The drunkard will his
in corn. , Headlight t A colored
The flower a Connecticut belle I man who about three
nutmeg. , years ago for the turpentine
The flower for the traveling ; met with a re-
skull cap.
The glass will show thee how beau-
ties wear,
The dial how thy moments
waste W Shakespeare.
Our arc
blocks, or steppingstones, as we
use them.
Console if you will. I can bear H ;
a well me i alms of breath.
But not all the preaching since A am
Has made Death other than Death
James Lowell.
Let our lives be as pure as snow-
for the lo amount of 82.500.1 fields, where our footsteps leave a
i lie mark, but not a
We are
The flower for
Hut the grave is dark, and the heart will
In treading its gloomy way ;
And it wiles my heart from its dreariness
To sec the voting so gay.
Clouds are the curtains which
God, with motherly care, hangs over
; the bed of His children to give His
that binds out hearts in
whispers to
as he returned to the city
,, , , . Saturday. His wife him
The flower for a jilted lover-love m was
Tramp No. matter, no getting away from her,
The blossom for the millionaire,
Tramp got out Current see f Wilson Advance A man
Westchester The flower for the leader of the named George was run over
, with his usual recklessness. , cull; bes and the engine on the
,, ,. in de summer. , h. I Short Oat Bond at Selma one day
Of the bright tilings in earth and air
How little can heart embrace
of speech as is frequently granted
the lawyer. A political platform
of by which this was brought
James C. of, December 1st,
and lasts for ten years. The most
Sixth T.
Seventh District
A- significant part the deal is the
Ninth F. Graves, of fact that the are the I
G. of movers, and will now he en-1
, to carry out
of j project of a road extending
Twelfth Merrimon. the Atlantic to the
f their own control.
IX . . .
S. It. Vance, of Meek- ready have nil the .
Matt. W. Hansom, of North-j to proposed route a
District travelers Md
O. Skinner, of shippers. This transaction will tin-
, hasten others a
W, of character, and freely
Fender. , dieted in Wall street, that before
Fourth II. of i
Nash. ten years, all the railroads of the ,
Brower, of . county will be managed as one
Rowland of,
S. Henderson. system.
Eighth II. A.
Ninth II. O. A Of
The fire boat for
Court A. which will be ready for use next
A. K. Tucker. spring, will not only be a splendid
Register of II. James. ,
B. Cherry. addition to our already I ire
S. I. Wart. Department but will also be one j
nautical wonders of the port,
man, Guilford Mooring, C. V, i She is to throw four solid four-inch
Harding I Yearns of water, and the range of.
Chairman J. P. and J. D. these streams will be
. , n ii water, not spray.
Public School liar- . .
is asserted the firemen can
one, he looks up. Though the sun- very rarely descends to the bitter
light is hidden a cloud, it win personalities wanton assaults of
all the blighter when the Is this license of
shadows are gone. This consoling in of
to be; but they've i n
ed the law what made muzzle
The religious flower will be found
last week. About eighty
left here on a special car last
The conscience of every man re-
coinage as the foundation
of manliness, and manliness as the
perfection of human character.
sympathy for the woes t to
hearts. influence many a
burden will roil away into tho
of the past, and like Christiana
we can say. given my
rest, His life by His
it is that our
of law
that when
said Mrs. The flower for disappointed office
son. grammar is very
or victim
London Side were bound
for Arkansas. There were
seven grown people. They came
from Pitt and Greene counties.
said just now, j
in talking an article you saw j , . .
in the flower young .
for troubled
a rascal gets into law or m its
clutches or on the witness stand, he .
ought to be thoroughly I j sassy
but the discrimination ought should think any one with as j Two flowers for Rider Haggard
faithfully made and observed be- much schooling as you've had would I Judas.
it Tho the unwilling bride I in that war. A of these articles
mock orange. in use now, and have been
N. C.
Snow Hill Mr. W. P.
Brand, an old soldier of tho I
can war who resides about
miles from hero has his posses
an overcoat, testament and
knife which be while a soldier j
Wilton. N, C
the good and baa in
hies like that of the little girl en
lions average attorney his
teal to go beyond the basis of re-
vealed truth and his speech does
the penny, will be turned into I
teaches a-led truth and his speech does ft I ma
lesson. We see men and Many Rave him a o- a, . The flower for old man's
women who have buffeted lawyers say things to she needed very badly. As-he en- J
la jury that they would be ashamed the house in evening Tho flower women's rights
in private. with a awl then naked;
The flower for a bald head in sum-1 since his discharge, also has
a walking cane which ho cat near
The flower always hateful to the ; Vista-
waves of adversity through
and years at last in ankle-deep
water. Their power of resistance
to say to
and good man, because he is by pro-
has been worn out by usage.
Hope has deceived them so or
postponed the hen
promises so often, that they T ,. , -p,
to he stories of peace Nothing Hinder
happiness in the future. Many a
convict has served his time in
on flung his life away as soon
a pure
face fell. he
M ambassador of justice and is, I forgot
the coffee and all
right of course
he stammered ;
the loaf of bread and
Nothing can destroy or detain a Vinegar and the oil; surely, Henry.
j real prayer ; its to the throne. forget them
Mollie, I'll be blanked v
you bring the roast fer din- The blossom for the professional
Wilson Haywood
col., had a stalk of sugar
cane on exhibition at tho store of
Messrs. M. Rountree Co.,
day that measured nineteen feet
inch height. It was of
the orange variety. had
it labeled and expressed to the
Goldsboro Fair. How's mat for
sugar cane f
Goldsboro An exciting
AM i mm i mm,
n. c,
Entrusts to
Promptly Attended to.
of Health- Dr. F. W. Brown.
bore through the brick
walls along shore with ease with;
these streams, as miners in
the mountains bore into wash .
down the faces or solid cliffs with
streams carried down the mountain
sides. To fully comprehend
. the Father accepts our prayers, and the quart of whiskey and
bin a W-5 U j if.
Read this Slowly.
G. James.
F. Evans.
T. Smith.
K. Moore.
B. X. Boyd . .
2nd Ward. Will Jr., and Alfred of a stream It
M Ward, T. J. Jarvis and should be remembered that it is
K. Lang; 4th Ward, W. X. Tolbert. I eight as
In ion as the streams from j
First and Third i the ordinary fire engines, while the
morning and Rev. X. C. j , velocity of water is
D. D., Rector. I .
morn-1 times greater. The efficiency
inK and night, grayer Meeting every j
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John, I . , J
Pastor. times as great as the stream
Baptist-Services every Sunday, morn- from an ordinary engine. The new
and night. Meeting every
Wednesday night.
asset free. There is a God the Holy smile
despond near the end of every our prayers, God tho illuminated heaven
of suffering, mental or physical, i prayers, and God swept over his face. bring
., . . , . . and the of whiskey and the box
cross it safely.
who swam bravely when
rolled high. Looking on the com-
side, part of the world
why they sank when they were
so near out of Not every
could understand that they
were worn out, their hearts
and the comfort sympathy of
friends had turned to icebergs.
They kept their colors flying when
the battle was at its heat, and
cannot prayer perform I may be
speaking to some who are under
very severe feel persuaded
I me beg them to take this
promise to themselves as their own;
and pray God the Holy Ghost to
lay it home to their hearts and make I
it theirs. will never leave thee
The blossom for the Wall street
lamb is not often mint.
The flower for the cowboy to wear
winter is cowslip.
The flower the small never Runaway took place from in front of
wants is a lady's slipper. The Argus office late yesterday eve
The blossom the girl should give ;
a for
quarters at Mr. M. S.
The flower for great talkers who ridding the
never tell the a cart with
The flower the young man needs
in summer is ice plant.
The flower our friends should not
censure us
which the flying vehicle
contact. No damage otherwise.
J. RE.
N. C.
Monroe Enquirer Mr.
The flower for all who mourn
Mary Anderson--a is.
had one of his feet amputated last
from a corn becoming
Two flowers for the man who has we Mr. Thus.
An exchange says yon I of a
get on your ear and make up Tue easily sold L toWn Tuesday which
mind to stop your paper to j by j after a new order. On the
boat will flood out a fire as with a
deluge anywhere within feet
of the water front.
Au assessment of has been
nor forsake God will not, , . , , ,
fair you though you fail And out how badly you are
friends flocked around Them Though you faint, he faintest .
aid When aid and , survive without his support
thy were not much needed. But and baud; ought to go off and stay awhile,
when trouble disaster came the When he back he will find
hall of his friends didn't know he
ate the editor, just poke your finger ; plant.
in some. and then pull it The proper thing to wear when
out and look for hole. Then a will be found
in clover.
The flower for the man who pawns
his Christmas
The flower for one over
the ridge by an angry cow
Greenville Lodge. A. F. A A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M., I on box-owner of the
G. Sec. I
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets j Metropolitan Opera House for the
2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-j meeting expenses for
sonic Hall. F. W. Brown, P. , , ,
Covenant Lodge, I. O. O. F. the season. This looks like a
meets every Tuesday night. O. W. high pi ice to pay for one of
Lode. No. K. of H., in a single winter, but.
meets every first and third Friday night. it is less than the actual COst,
much as the boxes are the personal
property of the occupants, and orig-
cost apiece. There
are several boxes for sale and
they are quoted at each.
The reason for these fancy prices
for amusement is the increasing de-.
ma in i for opera boxes from
of rich families who have come
from all parts of the have
settled down here in New York,
and who find that accommodations
Roads. and Grimesland I , , . . .
daily at at opera are absolutely
P. M. and A. M. as a of their social life.
rent out
and Pullet mails arrive Tuesday, hoses receiving I here fur a per-
or for the season.
friends deserted. There is go. j there j resort to chamber, and
most in this yielding
to the pressure of a bitter fate . of God
a hard struggle. The person
needs a helping baud is he who has j will all be
pulled a heavy load nearly to the plain to his wisdom, and difficulties
top of the hill and there baits, cast-1
a look backward at the rough U in
road he has traversed. cannot trust in God, publish it
at the height in front which ho has in tho streets of that .
in i can dismay those who , , ,
yet to surmount. .,. published, and y
the bit of bill eternal Jehovah in
Home Sunshine.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Hours for all business from A.
M. to P. M. All distributed
on arrival. general deliver, will
be kept open for IS minutes at night
after the Northern mail is distributed.
Northern Mall arrives daily
at P. M. and departs at
C Al M. . .
Tar Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrives I at
M. and depart at P. M. ,
Washington, Latham s X
Chocowinity and Grimesland
departs at
Vanceboro. Black Jack
mails arrives every Saturday at P. M.
and departs Friday at A. M.
is a little steep but
New mast have it.
Edward Arlington.
toiling up the way,
ahead of magnifies into
passable mountain, and he faints at
the very door of
ship is then appreciated. Friend-
ship in deeds as well as words. It
encourages. It revives strength.
It inspires the weary, heavy laden
traveler to press wain. It is the
quintessence of brotherly
love and charity. Scatter deeds of
kindness around yon ; you will ex-
much joy in the giving.
The Steamer San Diego has sail-
ed for Nassau, carrying with her
priests and nuns who intend
a Catholic mission there.
The Murphy Concert Company,
headed by the famous young Irish
baritone, M. J. Murphy, will open
its session New York thin week,
at the new Lyceum Opera
the van, O of Israel, yon
fear f Ti e Lord of hosts is with us,
the God of Jacob is refuge.
What man's heart shaM quail or
what soul shall Lift up the
that hang and confirm
the feeble In heart. strong;
fear not. God is with yon; he will
help yon and that right
Several persons have been v
sand-bagged on the streets of New
York during the last few weeks-
There is no cine to assassins.
A woman's is about to be es-
in New York City.
Among other features it will furnish
a headquarters for women friends
from of town Meals will be
served at restaurant prices, and
lodging may be had for one dollar
The flower for the beggar to
was gone ; the other half care I wear
moue f
a cent, the world at large didn't
keep any account of his movements
You will probably find some
things a paper you cannot en
If you were to stop your pa-
per and call editor all sorts of
ugly names the paper would still be
would sneak
around and borrow a copy,
is bettor to keep your vest
pulled down and your subscription
left there was a perfectly form-
ed and well developed wing, but on
the right side there was not the sign
or a wing and never had been. The
chick was turned over to Dr. Welsh,
who will exhibit it at the Chester
county, near last Sunday
morning, three small children were
playing in the road in front of the
residence of Harry Brown, a white
man and their grandfather. A n
man passed and without
cation, jerked up a three year old
child by the throat, severely g
Many a child goes astray tho child and struck it tho face
because borne lacks AI with his fist. The grandfather
child needs smiles as much as flow-1 rushed to the rescue of
need sunshine. If homo is
and started to attack the man with
father of the child
, a rail,
place where faces are sour and words j came scene, when the
harsh is ever going him with the rail on the side
children spend as many hours as i the literally tearing off the
Immigration into Canada from
Europe thus far this year has reach-
ed Of this
hare proceeded direct to the Unit-
ed States.
Episcopal Convention which
has been hi session in New York
City for the last weeks has ad-
The will late B. T. Babbitt
the millionaire soap manufacturer,
leaves hie entire estate to his
ow and two daughters.
possible elsewhere. Let every
and mother try to be happy ; lei.
them look happy; let them talk to
their children, especially the
ones in such a way as to make them
cheek and the jaw teeth
Tho was arrested by Sim
a Justice of the Peace, with a
posse, after desperate resistance
and lodged in jail.
M. C.
G It E EN V L E, N. f.
Practice hi all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
P. C F
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
Wilmington The new bag.
I mill at Concord is about
The 150th anniversary of the set- completed, and will soon ready
of the town of
N. H. was celebrated last week.
Id City of New York, there
ire forty-five national banks, with
an aggregate capital of color of many of the stamps.
to begin operations. It is an mi
plant, the main building be-
as we learn from Charlotte
News, feet, two stories
Tho cotton crop of Egypt high, with basement. It will
to exceed last year's in quantity.
The average quality will probably preparatory machinery,
be similar. h employ hands and work
bales of cotton day, and will
be lighted by electricity. In
to the main there are
been several others used for vat ions
poses, and eighty tenement houses
for of operatives. It is an
immense plant, and speaks well tor
the push and snap of Concord's pro-
Greenville, N O.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the best of the market. Feed
stables connection.
The contract for furnishing post
age stamps four years from
1st of January next has
awarded to American Bank
Note Company of New York. There
are to be changes in size nod
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When in the
stop at the

TUe Eastern Reflector,
It is the opinion of the
that the best Way to the
work being done the
lists who are holding special
J, W Ll the different towns, i
to he governed by the
Published i
Subscription Price
per year.
the true principles of party.
H a
action of the State for the
Entered at at
Mail Matter.
number of
conversions that are reported, but
to go among the Cl lurches after
the meeting has closed and see
what additions are made to them.
As a a profession will
amount to very little to the per-
sons making it useless they unite
with some church and identify
themselves with Christian work.
The Scripture says whosoever
Christ tots keep his corn-
Democratic I and one of His com-
is work in my
Tho true convert does
not stop with a profession, but
wishes to unite with some church
begin labor for the Master.
We draw this comparison
the meetings recently hold in Tar-
and Greenville. There arc
reported from Mr. Pearson's meet-
at Tarboro between and
professions, and the papers
of that town last week showed that
only of that large had
united with the different churches.
During Mr. meeting in
Greenville there were estimated
to have been between and
professions half as many as
at and at this writing
there have been additions to
the churches of the town and a
few other names are in for
is my Father
glorified, that ye bear much
Weldon Fair.
The writer attended the
and Tar River Agricultural
Society's Fair at Weldon, last
week. Being our first attendance
there we of course could not make
comparisons with former fairs.
The exhibits at this fair were very
good. There was some as nice
stock and poultry as can be shown
anywhere. The agricultural pro-
ducts wore fine but the exhibit in
this department not so large as
we expected to find. Floral Hall
had a very generous display of
fancy articles, some splendid
of work being among
them. The display of agricultural
implements was very large, one
firm, S. R. White of Nor-
folk, showing over a hundred
styles of plows and other
In the main building was
as fine a display of pianos and
organs as we ever saw. Three
firms of Richmond, Hume. Minor
Co., k Lee and
B. Ramos, had very Urge exhibits
of beautiful instruments. They
made the building merry with
music. A part of band,
from Richmond, was also on the
grounds and made excellent mu-
sic. The Tobacco Com-
of Durham, had a at-
tractive exhibit. The drilling of
the Horner School Cadets and the
Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen
lent much to the interest of the
fair. Got. Fowls was present and
made a speech on Thursday. The
Secretary of the Fair. Mr. W. W.
Hall, editor of the Roanoke
was a hard working man and did
much to make the fair a
Capt. S. L. Hart, of Rocky Mount,
made an excellent chief
and with his corps of assistants
kept orderly which
came under their jurisdiction.
Barring one evil we would vote
the fair a success, but in our eyes
that one evil more than offset all
the good and turned us very much
against fans. It was the
ling. Never in our life did we see
such dens of gambling and infamy
as were within this Weldon Fair
grounds. Gambling in its worst
forms was rife and in some
it was equal to highway rob-
On Wednesday we counted
stands erected for carrying on
this nefarious work, and on Thurs-
day the number looked to be even
larger. The men running those
dens paid all the way from to
according to the immensity
of the swindle, for the privilege of
operating within the enclosure.
We spoke to the Secretary about
such evils being admitted to the
grounds, and he said it did not
meet his approval but the
tors allowed it and he could not
prevent it. The amount of money
these gamblers swindled out of the
people cannot be estimated. Of
course the people who get
are in a measure as mean as
the men who hold the tricks, for
they expect to get the gambler's
money without rendering a just
equivalent the odds being
against them come out heavy
Yet if the gambling dens did
not come in the way to tempt the
people the gambling would not
exist. It should be suppressed
and not allowed in the fair grounds
where it is expected that people of
character may go who dislike to
come in contact with such vices.
Our word for it, the
or the fairs must go.
While at Weldon we met a Sec-
of another fair soon to be
held, and asked him if gambling
was to admitted at his fair. He
gave to understand that it would,
saying no fair could be a success
without the gamblers. If that is
the case we advise the people to
keep away from them. If they are
institutions to encourage gambling
rather than agriculture and
try they should not be patronized.
The influence of the
will hereafter be against all fairs
which admit gamblers into the
The papers arc blowing Pitt
a a tobacco section, from
what we beard directly from
tobacco growers there, the papers
are not misrepresenting Pitt. We
are delighted to learn of this new
resource of neighbor county,
and we hope to see this part of its
development pushed vigorously.
several days the people of
the State have been generally in-
in what is going on around
Lexington. Since Robert
was taken from the jail in that
town and lynched several of the
lynching party have been
ed. Governor Fowle ordered
Judge Philips to go to Lexington
and hold a special Court to look
into the matter. Twenty
of the lynchers have been
rested and the investigation was
in progress at last accounts. The
termination of this trial is looked
to with much interest. If the
right men have been caught and
sufficient evidence to prove their
guilt can be had, they should be
punished severely for such an in-
dignity against the State.
We were real glad to get hold of
Thad Manning's
son hand while at the
Weldon Fair last week. Thad was
the same jolly and had
shaved off his beard, which made
him look more his natural self
than when he held the President's
gavel at the Press Convention last
The Scotland Neck Democrat last
week began its sixth volume.
There is not an editor in North
Carolina who labors harder to
build up his section than does
Brother Hilliard. He deserves
The Charlotte Chronicle says
burglary in North Carolina is not
conducive to the longevity of the
burglar. May be that is ho, but if
the burglar gets his deserts he is
stretched out just the same.
To the Public.
Drain Creek.
Dunn A- Co., reported
failures in the United States
and Canada for last week. This
Here Ts good work before HE- j W increase of over the
and a chance the week.
pie of Pitt to make it a very great
and efficient moans of helping in
the development of the county.
They ought to support it
tor the good work it
land Neck Democrat.
The Democrat speaks words of
truth and soberness. Pitt is be-
coming famous for fine tobacco
and it will take but a few years to
put her in the lead of tobacco
growing counties. In praising
her fine tobacco, or speaking of
her excellent lands adapted to its
culture, the papers make no mis-
representation, for too much can-
be said in this direction.
The will not tire in
speaking the praise of Pitt
and letting the outside world
know what vast resources are here.
We are thankful to Brother
for the kind words he otters
in our behalf.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be hereafter two Public Schools
in the White School District No.
of Pitt County, which comprised
town of Greenville, one for males
and one females. The schools
will open for the reception of pupils
on Monday the 11th of
The School Committee to
two teachers one
session of twenty weeks, and
applicants for these positions will
be received Dec. 20th, 1889, at
which time appointments will be
made by the committee.
cations should be made in writing
and addressed to J B.
Chairman, and applicants should
furnish references as to
The committee to make
these schools equal in efficiency to
the best private schools, and wish
to employ teachers who are
The salaries will be per month.
J. B,
Jack White,
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 1st,
Mr. Harrison's blow below the
belt, which he, administered to Sen-
Quay by appointing Mr. Wan-,
man, Field, postmaster of
Philadelphia, was the political event
of the week. As this is not the
first nor the second time that Mr,
Harrison has seen fit to go contrary
to the wishes of Mr. Quay, there is
much conjecture as to whether the
latter will quietly
low it all, or whether he will at-
tempt to fight back by opposing in
the the confirmation of some
of Mr. Harrison's appointments.
Your correspondent had a very in-
talk to day, with a demo-
Senator on the subject. He
a republican row, and I
don't wish my name connected with
it, but my opinion is that if Quay
that he can obtain the
of a sufficient number of Sen-
or Democratic, to
defeat certain nominations, he will
do but it on the contrary he
finds himself the minority, he
will keep quiet and bide his time
for his revenge upon Harrison.
One thing you may be certain of. lie
will get even with Mr. Harrison,
less one or the other of them dies be-
fore the next Presidential cam-
. Republicans are not dis-
posed to talk about the matter, ex-
among themselves. One Cons
was asked his opinion of
it. He is willing to accept the res
sub, but not willing to recognize
the brought it
The. Civil Service Commission
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line good
that are not to be excelled in market. And to be First-class
straight good. DRY GOODS all kinds, NOTIONS. CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Mill Hay, Rock Lime, of Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent lot Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash, Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye jobbers Prices. White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a fall I guarantee satisfaction.
I beg to inform the public generally that
lam the only maker of Clothing
in Greenville. Parties coming to me need not
be afraid of getting clothing out of stock given
to them for custom-made.
All Garments Made on the Premises.
Having the finest line samples to select
from including the latest novelties. I am
pared to do nothing but the finest of workman-
ship, combined with the latest stylos and fit.
No fit, no sale.
Are headquarters for all needed in he
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything in
Hardware, Implements, stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which will sell at Factory Prices.
WE are now fitted up in are prepared to
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old t
R. JR. Manager.
We have a letter from
Mr. B. Johnson, Jr., Secretary
of the World's Fair Committee
of North Carolina residents of Chi-
a former citizen of Green-
ville, setting forth the claims of
that city to having the World's
Fair, and the
of the in securing it.
The Reflector has already ex-
pressed itself as favoring Wash-
City as the place at which
the fair should held. In
opinion the celebration of the four
hundredth anniversary of America
should be a national affair, and
the National Capital is tho proper
place for the fair. Its purpose is
not for advertising or booming a
special city, either of tho North,
West or any other section, there-
fore our vote shall be cast in favor
of Washington City against New
York, Chicago, St. Louis, or any-
where else. As a Nation we
should all center at the Capital.
A meeting having been called to
consider the expediency draining
Creek, a large number of
citizens assembled at the
House in Greenville on Monday.
Sot. 4th.
The meeting was called to order
and Mr. J. Little was elected
Chairman and J. II. Whitehurst,
Esq., Sec'y.
The object of the meeting having
been explained, after remarks by
the Be. Mr. Ross and J. Yellow- I an opportunity to show its
Esq., the following resolutions metal. B lace of its threat to
were unanimously adopted prosecute the numbers the Old
1st. That it is the sense i League, a Republican
of this meeting that. Creek this city, for sending
should be drained. to all Virginia office holders
2nd. That the draining of the contributions to the Mahone
Creek would add greatly to the land fond, the had a man
at every department today to re-
contributions, they
got them too. The members this
club openly defy tho Civil Service
Commission, and say they will fight
the case to the States
v dilation of the county greatly
promote the welfare and prosperity
of the people living along the Creek.
3rd. That when this meeting ad-
it be to meet on the 2nd
of Dee., all present be
are hereby requested and
ed to secure a full attendance Thompson says they
those be but his
Mr. P. C. Martin offered a motion
All kinds Risks placed in
At lowest current rates.
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory i well equipped with best put up nothing
but WORK. We keep with the limes improved styles.
I will have weekly arrivals the very nicest Mid freshest
keep constantly on hand assortment of
All your want In can be
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C. Mar. 1887.
Wishes to Inform his friends and the public generally that lie
bought out the Grocery establishment T. ii. Cherry, and with
in all work. All styles of Springs are you can from new stock added is now prepared to furnish Hie best
At prices fully in keeping with the hard times. keep Floor,
Also keep on hand a full of
c ill AS An
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
T It.
which was
a committee of six be
pointed to report at the next meet-1
the of acres of land
which will be improved and reclaim-
ed by draining the Creek and the
names of the owners
Under this resolution the follow-
committee was appointed by the
Chair, viz E. P. Daniel, C. M.
Wm. John Martin, Jno.
G. Taylor and Wm. Ford.
have not yet been
heard from. The public will
watch the outcome of this
Nothing has yet been done about
the of the Pension Office
who had their
though Commissioner and
Secretary Noble had a long confer-
the subject this One
result of this conference was the is
suing of an order by the
which shows what a limited
confidence the Secretary has in the
Pension Bureau,
all claims in-
any considerable amount of
shall be submitted to
On motion the Sec'y was author-
to furnish tho proceedings
this meeting to the The order that
request the
of the same.
J. Ii. Little, j for ins approval be
Sec'y. j fore pension certificate is issued.
The new Commissioner has already
, i.- I gained the name of being complete-
Railroad Meeting at by Secretary Noble.
Senator Barbour laughs at the
idea of his being at the
in Virginia. says that
one is as certain to defeated
The following resolutions have
been sent us for publication.
Has just received the nicest line of--------
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,
brought to Greenville and will continue to keep on ordering until after the
holiday If you need anything in that line it will he to your advantage to
him a trial before purchasing.
Also for file Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and in work-
manlike manner and warranted. Call and see trim.
I. Greenville, N. .
ii.; ,, em; wed as is to r
It's an old trick of the
Fair on Thurs-
is that
fat man wearing a beaver,
there on the
Stand close by the
Young around
that is Mr. Henry
Young Is it
possible that horribly ugly man
writes all those pretty things
the Wilson
Second Young
body told me Mr. Blount was up
there, and I knew the Governor
was, too, and I declare I could not
tell which was which. They are
two of a kind aren't they I won-
But the cry of the candy
at this interval drowned their
voices and we heard no more.
The President has named Thurs
. Yesterday was election day in
Virginia, by the time this is
read that embodiment of
William have
been politically buried beyond all
powers of resurrection, or else an
outrage will have been perpetrated
which will cast reproach upon the
entire South. For the Old
ion to be captured by Mahone and
his unprincipled followers means
degradation and dishonor, but we
do not believe that will be the re-
of yesterday's election. On
the other hand we believe that
when news of the returns are in
they will show an
along the line of railway
from Greenville especial
ask of the officials of said railway
that they send some one among us
let show them that are
to enter into fair
for the building of said railroad
among us and that we believe that
when this is done the conclusion
will be readily arrived at that this
route, to from Greenville to
Kinston by the way of Ridge Spring
and Fountain Hill, will-help
both the railroad and our cit-
in that we believe it will pay in
dollars as much or more than the
same number of miles onward by
said railroad, and that in the near
future it will pay double what it
would when first built.
2nd. That we hereby appoint
Wm. Coward, of Greene county, E.
L. of Lenoir county and
E. C. Blount, of Pitt county, to see
tho proper authorities and set forth
these facts to them.
3rd. That a copy of
be carried to A. J. Galloway,
at Goldsboro, with a that
he submit them to the President of
the W. W. for his con-
and that we will be pleas
ed to correspond with him at any
time and at his pleasure.
4th. That we send a copy of
these resolutions to the Green-
ville Reflector, Wilmington
Daily Kinston Free
and Clipper with a re-
quest that they publish the same.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
E. L.
Day. We will publish hi
victory for Democracy and the final
mt ,
Virginia to
Raleigh News and
Among the arrangements for the
Centennial Fayetteville on the
20th 21st of November, it is an-.
that thirteen young ladies
will represent the thirteen original
States. Miss Maggie Pemberton,
of will represent North
Carolina, and will bear a
get up a little scare
rank and file the party just be-
fore election. It makes the boys
and brings cut the free vote.
The cattle men who have been
doing their best to put obstacles in
way of the Commission now
with the Cherokee Indians
for the purchase of their lands by
the Government, in order to
the Cherokee outlet to settlement,
have been brought op short by a
notice from the Interior department
to tho effect that they will not be
allowed any circumstances
to renew their lease of these lands,
that they must remove all
cattle from the same on or before
tho first day of next June. This
showing of Government authority
will doubtless enable the
to bring its negotiations to a
speedy successful close. It will
also show the cattle men that they
cannot run this country to suit their
The connubial market was not
very brisk in Pitt county during
Tue Register of Deeds
ed only seven licenses to couples
who the face of short crops
bard times expressed a willingness
to cast their fortunes and
try the married state. They
Everett and Delia A.
Evans. Louis A. and Julia
Edwards, John Davenport and
Sarah O. Paddler.
Alfred Reasons and Mitch-
ell, Joseph Jackson and Mary
Charlie Barrett and Matilda
Octave Dixon and Ella
Just Received nice Line of Gold
and Silver Watches. For sale cheap.
New Grocery Store
Next door to S. C. Glenn. I have opened a Grocery Store and
will keep on hand a hue line
Meat. Flour, Coffee. Oil, Molasses,
Candies, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Apples,
Bananas Canned Goods and most everything usually kept in a
first-class grocery store, as well as Tinware, Crockery, Wood and
Willow Ware, Call and see us. Goods delivered free any
where in town.
J, J. CHERRY, Greenville, N. C.
The Short Crops
-Must be met
Laid, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Tobacco, Snuff, Arc.
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
You are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
KT. O.
J. R.
J. G.
Have again come to your attention and your esteemed patronage
We not claim that wt hare the largest and best of lie
Mountains, but do say that an to the front
--------with u specially line of--------
Suited to the want of a large class of easterner. in full with
the hard times and can and will make low cash prices to all who us with
their patronage. Look down and see if we cannot Interest you. We
are better prepared than ever before to serve you. We have in stock to-day
a line of
In elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
it the mo t t rein c d y k n own
or Constipated
puns, blood, sleep,.
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
sax CAL.
me, r. r-
-----We propose to sell-----
-To meet the-
Goods tad Trimmings, and Calicoes,
and Suitings, Piece Goods and Cashmeres for Men's and Boy's Suits, Homespuns,
Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. Canton Flannels and Red Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men, Women. Misses and Children, at prices that ill the poof to
Hie hearts of all will be made glad who buy Shoes from us,
rejoice, a. --id Rive money V A full line of Notions,
why because sell low
and Goods that
HATS CATS for men. boys and children.
you a stock us complete as the mechanic can wish,
steel and guarantee them i lie the best male.
Ml the hearts of and old.
. in this line we offer
Demand of the Times.
And if you want to make some
Don't fail to give us a call. We
mean business.
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
A woman of good
character, and capable of
doing the domestics of a family.
Which we are selling at rock bottom prices, not because we are forced to do so
but we take pleasure in offering and selling low down. Can we interest you here
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Molasses. Tea.
Toilet and Laundry, Matches Stated, nice. Keats of different kinds, Flour
which m are now buying from first hands ran save money if yon and
examine before elsewhere. Tobacco and Snuff.
Headquarters for Furniture.
Of which we carry a line not to e excelled in this market, such as Suits,
Bureaus, and Single Cols. Springs
Mattresses, Children's Cradles and reds, Chairs of different kinds and varieties,
all to suit hard times and short crops. that you want In this line if
have not got it In stock Will make a special order for you, as we have
from of the best furniture houses in tho United Slates and guarantee sat-
as to prices. Wood and Willow ware. Crockery, Lamps,
Bridles and Collars. Cart Saddles. Whips and Millinery. Trunks,
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is too short to keep on telling w bat we have and can do, But wishing
you all health and prosperity and giving to every man. woman and child who comes
to Greenville a cordial invitation to in and examine our stock,
We remain yours to serve
Greenville, N. C.

B. Lang's
Fall and Winter Goods
Cotton 03-
Perfectly Grand,
a Old Brick Store.
Seed live and Seed Wheat for sale, j
E. C
Stoves, a tores, stoves, stoves, at
D. D. Co.
Oranges, Apples, Mate, Bananas
at Old Brick Store.
Governor and Mr. Jarvis
turned buns Saturday
Edi it ton
Biggs, of Scot laud
spent of last week visit-
Mies Jennie James.
Miss Sallie of Tarboro,
spent two days in town last week,
Miss- Etta
Miss Purvis, of Martin,
has been visiting relatives and
here the past week.
Miss May Harriss, of Falkland,
spent a few days during past
week with Miss Ella King-
Mr. Allen Warren, proprietor of
Riverside Nursery, took two
bis exhibit at the
Stove pipe, stove pipe, stove pipe, Fair.
Services held in all
in town night.
On Sunday morning communion
services was held in both the
and Methodist churches.
The Baptist Sunday School
its hour for meeting from
y to o'clock A. M.
The Baptist State Convention will
meet in Henderson nest week.
Greenville will be represented.
Elder II. C. Bowen, of the
Church, will preach in the
Cow Thief Caught.
On last Sheriff
B. W. King a named
General Atkinson for cow stealing
and lodged him in jail here. The
tacts as we were as
Hows About, two mouths the
General concluded ho wanted some
beef not having any his own
went into the woods and killed one
of Mr. William not
of injustice lie was
doing Mr As suspicion
rested on the General, u warrant
at D. Go's.
Tarboro Fair this week.
Von can buy self-feeding stoves
Bar at Co.
Peanut Bags
sale, and Bushels want-
ed by K. C.
Eleventh month of 1880.
Our Wood Stoves for school
houses are cheaper than ever at D
D. Co.
Bring on your orders for job print-
Highest cash prices paid for
I Chickens and Eggs at U. Morns
Highest cash price paid tor cotton
; Seed by E. Glean. bush-
els wanted.
Mis. J. J. and j
children, of Grimesland, spent a few j
days of last ween with her lather,
Dr. C J.
Mr. Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck,
spent last Thursday in town.
He came over to attend the
in Baptist Church.
Miss Minnie Moore, from Carolina
township, has been visiting
of her brother, Mr. E. B, Moore, I
at Hotel Macon, for several days.
Mr. W. F. Foreman of the I
left day morning; the people of our sister town of
of this town
day night of next week.
A. D. who been
called to the pastoral charge of
Baptist church was ex-
to arrive here on the train
last night and will preach in that
church to-night.
G. J. Dowel, of Hamilton,
preached three sermons in the
Baptist Church last
week. They were excellent
mons and hear many
to him.
last Thursday night Dr.
J. D. Hut ham seven per-
sons in Baptist Chore i. That
as a result of the recent
held here by Evangelist
Evangelist W. Fife is stirring
was issued against and Domestic a
T. P.
Winter wearing apparel far surpass any
previous exhibit ion. and comprise every-
thing; new and stylish in our line.
We have selected with care a
large assortment of reliable goods in
every department and cordially invite
an inspection of same from our friends
and customers.
handle none but reliable
prices may catch attention.
but a has no merit, not
even in the price.
Below we your attention to the
various departments, each of which is
replete with new and seasonable goods.
We have a large and varied collection
of high novelties in this
embracing Mohairs. Alpaca
Side Bands. and Flannels
in Stripe. Plaid and Plain. Silk Warp
All Wool
Cloth, Surges, and numerous other at-
tractions in Black and Colored Dress
Containing Persian Silks. Plushes.
Eiffel I-aces, Bands. Silk
Braids and Fringes. and
Plaid Sackings. Eider Down and
Flannels in all desirable shade.
A selection of and
Wraps embracing every style that pop-
This is where made the hit of
the season. We have collected an as-
that is peerless as to style, fit
and service, and prices that none of our
competitors can touch.
This department a stylish,
well-made line of every cut and shape
in Flannels. Wales. Cheviots.
and every other stylish fabric.
In this line reign supreme, our
and boy's clothes are
just the thing for street and school
wear. Our line of Fancy Boys clothes
embraces everything for the little gent.
that we will not be
by any one.
Under bead we want to call your
attention to our line of Fine Dress
Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boy's Percale
and Flannel Waists. Underwear, Neck-
wear, Hosiery, etc.
Many people in town
One dollar buys a Solid Leather
Ladies Shoe at. J. B. Cherry Co's.
Beware the gamblers when you
go to the fairs.
87.00 buys a Double Shot
at J. B. Cherry ft Co's.
You can get stamps, mail
your letters buy cigars at the
Try a Band of Sweet Home Flour
Best town J I. it Co's.
The Firemen bad their monthly
practice Monday.
Our dollar buys a Whole Stock
Mans Shoe at J. Cherry ft Co's
Good Bat
Creek has been very lull
and almost impassable.
All goods low down tor I he Spot
Cash at Cherry it Go's.
U. Morris iV have the cheap
est and best Shoes town.
For a nice Clothing go to
II. ft
a little
j for Wilmington to visit his mother.
He returned Monday evening and
reports a very pleasant trip.
Hon. W. Williams, of
; county, Master of the State Grange,
has gone to Cal. to at-
tend the meeting of the
Miss who has been
Washington as they were never be-
fore stirred religiously. We hear
that at the close his first week,
Sunday, there had
Perhaps largest addition of
Ml to the Greenville If. E.
Church was made at the morning
service Sunday, at which time
sent to investigate the matter,
but be out what was going on
officer found tin-
beef but the was gone, and
his whereabouts were unknown I HI
last Sunday when he was arrested.
When will these people the
evil of killing other people's cows t
This is the that has been
caught Pitt county in a year.
And the town authorities have
turned some of their attention to
the street lamps, yes they have.
Three or four new
than the old been put-
up. the lamp tender do his
duty and there will be a little more
light on the But how
much better it would be if we had
electric lights. If these, same
would hunt up the back bone
to have some bonds issued and put
a small debt the town they might
be easily secured. There is enough
money wasted every year on these
sorry street lamps to go far towards
keeping up electric lights. If
Greenville ever expects to be
why wait always to get start-1
ed. Oh, tor a change of the
notions some people here
at cents. Worsted Dress Goods at
emits. Yard wide Dross Goods a to cents. Dress Ginghams at
to cents A line of at to cents. A full of Cash
meres in the new shades and trimmings to match. Only a Silk
Embroidered are. unsurpassed in
and Misses Hosiery at cents per pair.
BOOTS AND SHOES to all size. feet. Children Shoes at to
cents. Good Men's Hoots 91.25 Good Lace and Shoes
at cents Shoes at cents to 11.25.
was never mo
HATS, to fit both
more complete.
head and pocket book. Our stock
WORD TO MAN who wants Pants that wont bag at
Bays mid Youths Suits at 91.00 to 92.00. Single Pants
Men's cent up. Good Business Suits for men
83.00 to 94.50. Overcoats toll Everybody at 91.50 up.
Come where you ran buy goods to suit hard times and shut crops.
Greenville. N.
the Pastor, Rev. R. B. John,
several weeks in Raleigh, fellowship with
returned home on Saturday eve- that church. Forty of these cam
train. Miss Hellen Fowle, as a result of the recent, revival.
daughter of Governor Fowle, ac- Tue meeting which
compared her home and will spend e. q. has h.,,
at Shady Grove six miles above ford, N. C, for prominent Pitt
Greenville, closed on Friday night, I sold October
some days here. A reception was
given at Hie residence of Hon. L.
C. Latham, last in honor of
Miss Fowle.
Below we publish a few the
many god sales of tobacco made
by ft Gregory, of
tho New Warehouse, Ox-
la r-
Having; determined to close out our mercantile
business we are now offering our
The little folks can bow count, the
weeks to Christmas on their fingers
i and have a few fingers left.
was an old fashion rainy
day, but the weather had changed
to clear and bright by
W. A. Barrett administrator L. I
J. Barrett, ad mi sale of person-
property Wednesday,
The hardware business It. S.
Clark ft Co., at this place, has been
purchased by Mr. J. M. Latham of
came into
more last week.
After three years experience
are prepared to;
say I hat it is the best cook stove on ;
the market. At D D. ft Co. I
Don't tail to call II. ft
for Clothing, Shoes. Hats and j
all dry goods.
Three with hears
took in the town last week.
One Brown Cotton. Gin, Saw
for sale cheap by A. Forbes.
N. Plaid
per yard, at J. B. Cherry
The apron to draw on
To-morrow is the big day at the
Fair. A trip from
Greenville including admission to
the fair will cost 91.45.
Several in Sat-
and made, us glad with
cash. Keep up this good work,
we need bad now.
in town
Some the young men
a German next
night in Hall,
to visiting- young lad MM.
Day ft Hedges now have the
to carry the mail between
this place and Greenville via Old
Sparta and Ban
Fifteen were added to the
which shows that the Lord greatly
blessed his labors in that
The ladies are holding prayer
services night each week, meet-
alternatively at the homes of
those have united in the
Monday The last steeling was held on Mon-
i day evening at Mis. S.
The Keeling next Monday evening
will he held at Mrs-C. D.
There is usually a good
dance at the prayer lot
business men at noon each day
Odd Fellows Hall. A meeting is
also being held at P. X. in the
same hall, which are intended ape
for work among the uncoil--
These meetings ate
tined to accomplish much good.
Mr. E. A. Pitt county's ex-
Superior Clerk, who
last year was Treasurer of the Dis-
Convention, was elected Pros
for the ensuing year at. their
; recent meeting at Prof.
J. II. Kinsey, -of was
Vice President, Mr. L. A.
; Mayo, of Pitt, Secretary,
Elder H. C. Bowen, Corresponding
Secretary, Mr. W. H. Stancill,
will meet at
Several styles of the celebrated
and styles. The
the newest, is
another style om large line of
Boys and Men's Hats.
We are positively showing the largest
number of styles in Ladies and Gents
Fine Footwear ever brought to this
Fine Turns and Welts for Ladies.
Celebrated Stonewall Tips for Misses
and Children.
Fine Handmade Goods for Gents.
Ask to see our its a
Extra Super. All Wool, Three Ply,
Two Ply Ingrain, Tapestry and Body
Brussels. Oil Cloths, all widths,
n and Velvet Rugs. Lace Curtains.
Linen Shades and a complete line of
general house furnishings.
Space will not permit our publishing
in our mammoth stock. But a
call at our store where you will find us
read to show you through will con-
yon that our stock is the largest
and most complete ever shown here.
fail to call.
M. R Lang
Mount Fair next week,
bridge was repaired last week. I An excursion will be run from
The Prettiest Line of Ladies Jew- j on Thursday, fare the
in town at Moses
Kit's, the Jeweler.
A day or two at close of last
week the weather was spring like.
All the straw hats have not been
pulled. We saw out the
A Full Line of Clocks, Jewelry
and Spectacles for sale by Musks
Canned Peaches. Pine,
apples, Tomatoes, Corn, at
the Old Brick Store.
Somebody bitched a mule in rear
of office, Saturday
that got mighty before his
other came back for him. He
brayed all the afternoon.
We are requested to
that the appointment of G. L.
Finch at Lang's School House, for
next Sunday, will lie filled
vice can be expected at
Sheriff Tucker says that on the
first of December lie is going to put
a Deputy in every township in Pitt
county and they are going to no man
but one time, but will levy on prop
as go where taxes are
paid. It strikes us that the best
thing to do is for every man to come
on and pay his taxes promptly,
thus saving expense to himself and
trouble to Sheriff.
G- F.
L. F,
We are requested to announce
that the ladies of the Methodist
church will have oyster supper
j in the Congleton store of the Opera
House block on Friday nigh
Go and enjoy yourself, at the which
-------Our stock embraces
Wishes to inform i lie public that
he is prepared to you
and wishes to sell you at
least n portion of what
you need in the
way of
Groceries, Provisions,
And General Supplies. I keep
a line of Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Meat, and all heavy and light
Groceries that will be sure to
suit you.
I do not claim to sell goods
under everybody in the world,
but I will give you just as low
PRICES as can be had in Green-
do not claim to have the
goods in the world, but I
claim mine to be just as fresh
and as as can be
found in county. I shall
endeavor to please all customers.
Ci T. O.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on Wednesday, Nov.
at the hue residence of I. Barrett, de-
in county, all the
belonging to the
in iii pan of Corn, Fodder, Cotton,
Horses, Mules. Cattle,
Cotton Seed. Wheat, Peas.
toes. Ac. Term Cash.
Oct. l.-Mi.
Notice to Creditors.
HAY ; before the Clerk of
Superior Court of Tin county the
4th Nov. Administrator
upon the of Albert Moore,
this is to notify all persons holding claims
to their claims
for I
or I hi; notice will lie plead
of very. All person aw-
will ionic forward and
Immediate lenient. This
i W.
of Albert Moore.
Dry Goods, Shoes,
Hardware, Crockery, Sec.
If you want bargains on any of these good
As they must be sold out.
I. II.
X. M
f Greenville, See
. Tarboro,
. It.
the for travel on
and o
Steamer is the finest
boat on I lie river. She
thoroughly repaired, refurnished
ed up specially for the comfort. C-
and convenience of Ladies.
Wanted at Moses
The rapid hilling I he leaves is
life miserable for those
Mink Skins,
Skins in
per lb for Sweet Scotch
lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Store.
There was a flight advance in the
price of cotton Monday which made
the more active.
In stock New Buckwheat, Oat
Flakes, Herring, Potatoes.
Onions, Cabbages, Pickles, Pi lines.
Bahama, Pulverized Sugar, at the
Brick Store.
Two Favorite Smokes Old . Va.,
Cheroots and Duke Velvet Cigar
cits at the Old Prick Store.
I for sale the valuable real
estate the town of Greenville
known store and
on the corner near the
Court For information as
to terms etc., address W. II. Grimes,
N. C.
Alter Not. 1st price of milk
will be advanced to following
rates per week per day,
day, J gal-
day, GO cents; pt. per day
cents. Leta
J. Page. Administrator of Al
Moore, deceased, has o
to creditors this paper.
nil i ho pride themselves
keeping clean yards. But the leaves
will tall
their season, so don't
A fact of laud containing
acres was sold at public outcry be-
fore the Court House door, on Mon-
day, and was bid in at Who
says that land is not cheap in
A sun Of Mr.
just below tow d, brought us a
nutate, on Monday, that weighed
Judging from its size we
would have it for a
every time.
Pitt county tobacco is ons
surpassed in texture, and
body. We solicit a share of your
trade and will guarantee puces
equal to any market tinder the sun.
Yours truly.
Gregory, Prop.,
New Johnson Warehouse,
N. O,
Last Friday night we received a
letter from Postmaster at
same time help a good cause.
We are also requested to
that the Children's Mission-
Society of the Baptist church
will have a festival tomorrow
the Pad Boy deeply
with the in the
loss the kitten. Any one
finding the said kitten will
the everlasting gratitude of
the Baa and
Elsewhere in this paper will be
an account of sales that Davis
Gregory have made cf several
lots of Pitt county tobacco. The
Pitt figures these sales speak well for
the tobacco grown in Pitt county,
also speak well for high
that Davis Gregory obtain
for those who sell at their warehouse
in Oxford. These gentlemen close
a private letter to the editor by say-
Pitt county tobacco is
equal to any grown in the
This testimony from who are
good judges of the weed, strength-
ens our belief that Pitt is destined
to be the banner tobacco county of
the Stale.
it. E. Column.
All for A good business
of clothes, a soft or stiff hat, a
good pair of shoes and there
at Higgs
Tons Coal for sale per
Small quantity cents per tub.
Do not send for coal without scud-
ins money to pay for it. Coal, is
cab. B- C.
Fob brand new seine,
Flat, Boat at a reasonable price.
Any ope that purchases my seine
shall bare fishery as long as seine
lasts. For farther information,
ply to J. J- Cherry, Jr.
to cleanse system
yet gently, when costive
or bilious, or when the blood is
pure or sluggish, to permanently
care habitual constipation, to
ken kidneys and liver to a heal-
thy activity, without irritating or
We return thanks for a
ticket to the Mount
Fair, Nov. and An ex-
tram will leave Greenville
the morning of 14th for this
fair. The officers say it will be the
biggest fair ever held there.
A man came last Fri-
day to a subscription receipt, and
are improving the
A gentleman writing from Char-
to bis son here said he would
not be without the for
a year.
Mr. Bryant, the very
postal on the route he-.
Mount, has been removed because
of and Mr. K. T.
Johnston, of county,
pointed in his stead. The change
was not made a day before it was
There is scarcely a week but what
people come to prospect-
with a view of locating here,
and every week we are sending out
sample copies I he in
response letters and cards
ed asking for them, It should need
no argument to convince the
men of the advantage it would
be to this section to help us scatter
the over the whole
have been shown account
of tobacco made in
October 28th, by Daniel King,
a colored man living five miles
above Greenville. He sold
pounds at an average of a fraction
above cents per pound. The net
proceeds of tho sale after deducting
all the expenses was 9254-83. lie
bad sold a lot of
pound which netted him
These two sales do not take quite
one third of the crop lie has raised
on four acres, and for the whole
crop he will receive more than
net. Can you
else that will pay over on
four acres of land
Better than Cotter.
The other day saw Mr. P.
bringing a large load of pea-
nuts in town to be shipped. In
conversation he told us there was
more money to be made raising pea-
nuts than cot-ton. He said his
nut crop this year was acres,
from which he baa already shipped
over u hundred bushels
we think he and has a few
bushels left- When it comes down
to making comparisons, we honestly
believe, the farmer make more
money on anything be will plant
than cotton. And it going to
take a wholesome diversification of
crops and a closer ticking to the
farm to bring a boot better times in
this country.
ELECTOR did not reach office
last week Oct. for any
the subscribers I
you bad missed an issue, but
see no explanation in this week's
paper. Can you tell us the
What went with bundle
papers for Grimesland that week is
the puzzle to us just now.
knew it was hardly likely that the
package could have been lost, or
gone wrong at Greenville post
office, because we assort
them before leaving the
toe office, getting all the packages
or the different routes together,
and deliver them to the
separately, so that all he has to do
is to see that; all the packages for
each route are in he puts
in their respective places for.
warding. However we vent to Mr.
Perkins with the letter
and asked if he could any idea
as how the package for Grimes.-
bud got lost. He said the package
was certainly forwarded promptly
with all the Washington mail for
that date, and said the only idea be
could advance was that package
had probably been misplaced in
the transfer at We
then wired the Post-
master stating the particulars and
asking if be give any
concerning tho lost package.
He replied, Greenville mail is
Immediately distributed upon
rival and all mail, for Grimesland
bag without being removed else-
where from distributing table. It
therefore that papers
be overlooked. Yon possibly
failed to send them or
We then sent him
other message saying, pack.
age in question was certainly mailed
the Greenville says
it was forwarded promptly in the
Washington bag. It could not have
been or it would have been
found returned before this. Tin-
package was somewhere
between Greenville Grimes-
reply to this was only a
of his first, adding
that if it reached his office it was
promptly forwarded to Grimesland-
There is no doubt as to the package
leaving Greenville but- our efforts to
find it seemed to avail nothing
definite. We are people
of Grimesland lost their Reflector
for that week, but tell how-
it occurred, and hope such will not
occur again.
old and so long and n III re, have again opened
in Greenville, and desire to renew the acquaintance of their
many friends and customers of the past, and to again
enjoy a patronage. Our new store
will contain an immense stock of
Our Dress Goods have been selected by an knew
the latest style, and fashions of the northern markets. We will place be
fore yon a line of goods that cannot he in quality, quantity
or price.
Shoes i Slices
Children's, and Boy's Shoe.; in such an
supply that will you. One prices on these are the lowest
ever of here.
We have a complete line of Hosiery. Shirts, Underwear, and a line
that excelled even in large cities.
Hats and Caps.
The very latest imported London styles, including the Stiff Hats of the
most shapes. In goad styles of Hats we also
Boots and Shoes.
Ir is hardly worth while to say more of oar superb Hue in this department
to the people that we have Pools and Shoes to fit any size
not that comes to as, man, or child, out he very bow whole
stock and prices right down on bottom.
Tl-is department brings us to plate. We lead on offer
you .-styles prices nowhere to be found. FINK CLOTHING we
make specialty, and will keep a full stock of the latest figures and
style. cheap grade Clothing we will have a splendid in
fact we can suit every customer in quality, style and price. Don't forget.
With these remarks, kind friends, we throw open our doors to pub-
soliciting a of your patronage, and satisfaction to
Yon can find us at the second door In the brick block
in the was recently situated, one door north of the stair-
way. Respectfully,
A with th
A rip on the Strainer Ii
Leaven Washington Wednesday
Friday m ii. o'clock, a. m.
Leave. Tuesday, Thursday
mill Saturday o'clock, a. st.
received daily mill
Hill. Lading given to all points.
. J.
N. C.
For we have free now. Ah
you ire tree buy where you please, but
i. to save come to
oil of B.
Co, For convenience we
have entrance, through II. V.
Keel's Stables Oil street, lean give
That yon ever hail life
to 810.00 less than any one
else in the county can give you. Why V
for my expenses are and I pay the
spot each for good save the
mill if you don't it you
come and Having hail U years
experience In tho business
perfect satisfaction or charge.
pairing a specialty. Don't the
place on street J. It. Cherry
We adopt this method
of informing cur old
customer and the pub-
generally that we
have returned from
New York with the
stock we have ever
The experience of two
years in the Northern
markets together with
increased capital
us to offer
bargains than ever.
Standard Prints
Plaids Clothing.
Dry Goods, Shoes, and
Hats are all going at
astonishingly low
A visit from you is
N. C.

m U the latest and
in the v. of t
It combines miraculous
moving, time and
with perfect less-
; the finest and coarsest
are alike washed more
easily and better than with any
other soap or compound. Pearl-
does away with the most of
the rubbing, hence it saves the
most of the wear. It is the continuous rubbing on a
board which wears out your clothes, rubs off the buttons
and so much the wearing. It cleans paint,
china, windows, glassware and carpets without taking up.
Over one million families are now using Its
popularity is unparalleled. f
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
f imitations which claim to be
they are not. and besides are is never pedaled, tat
old by all good grocers.
only by JAMES New York.
R. K I
and Schedule.
Ho No
5th, dally Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon pot pm
Ar Becky Mount
-10 am
pin pm am
Ar Wilson
Li Wilson
Sent post-paid on receipt of price
In the of Africa.
A most and instructive
pages; paper cloth
The of Chi 1st.
By T. s. Paper, unabridged,
American Humorist.
Selections from Artemus Ward. Murk Twain,
etc. pages; paper cents.
Warren St., M York.
here arc ninety and nine that lived to
want and cold ;
may revel in luxury,
A. d wrapped in his silken fold ;
The ninety and in their hovels
The one in his palace with riches rare.
They toil in the fields, the ninety and
For the fruits of out mother earth ;
They dig and delve in the dusky mine.
And MM its rich treasures forth ;
But the wealth released by their steady
To the hands of the one forever flows
By the sweat of their the desert
And the forests before them falls ;
Their labor has humble homes,
cities with lofty halls ;
Hut the one ow
While p ninety and nine have empty
But the night so dreary, so dark, so long
At last shall the morning bring.
And over the laud the Victor's song
Of the ninety and nine shall ring,
Ami echo afar from to zone
Rejoice, Labor shall have its own.
This la n
Mid OLD . H
to every MIDDLE
of Memory,
of nil dependent
r F. O. U
t. .
i C or I. O.
-S-x- source, free to all.
For nil of Man, by ed anther,
II M. who hi
1.-1 nelson or by
At., Boston, Mu.
S am
I lily daily
ex Sun.
-J i am M
Ar Goldsboro
At Rocky M
Ar Weldon
pm W pm
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 8.30 P. M. arrives Scot-
land Neck at P. If- 8.50
r leaves
A. V., Scotland Neck at 10.10 A.
daily except Sunday.
Train en
leaves Halifax for Scotland at 8.80
A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves N C, via
Raleigh U. R. daily except
day. P M. Sunday P H,
WilliamsTon, N -0 P M, P M.
Returning leave X daily
Sunday. A M. Sunday A
M. N C, A M,
Train on Midland X C Branch leaves
daily If,
X M A M.
leave- X A M.
arrive X SO A M.
Train on Branch haves Rocky
Monet at no I arrives Nashville
P Hope P M.
Spring Hope A M. Nashville
M, arrives Rocky A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wars
for Clinton except Sunday, at
and M Returning leave
ton A and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw
train on Wilson A I
ville is is;
Train No. South will stop only
Gold Magnolia. at Keel Kin
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All I
ail via Rid mood, and daily .
via Bay Line.
Trains close connection for
points North via Richmond
All trains ran solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palate Sleepers attached.
I. R.
r. M.
TO US. at publish
P their year's supplies will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
i chasing elsewhere. is complete
I in all its branches.
at Lowest Prices.
we buy direct from
you to buy one profit. A com-
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the limes. Our are all and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
.; . Respectfully,
s. M.
Greenville. X. C
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was an ordinary scrap of
lofty halls ; ; out her She
and , last of consumption,
told by physicians that she was incurable
and could live only a short time; she
weighed less than seventy pounds. On
a piece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle; it helped her, she bought
a large bottle, it helped her
tight another and grew better fast,
continued its use is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing
pounds. For fuller send
stamp to W II Cole, Druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful
discovery free at J L drug-
Colonel Ahead.
A ear load
sale by.
list arrived and now
stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for m afford to sell
as cheap Give me a
never but Mid the
call a
It was during my
electioneering for Congress, at
which ti I strolled about in the
woods, so particularly pestered by
politics that I forgot my rifle. Any
man may forget his rifle, yon know ; j
it isn't every man can make
amends for his forgetfulness by bis
faculties, I It chanced that
I was strolling along, considerably
deep congressional; the first
tiling that took my fancy was the
snarling of some young bears,
which proceeded from a hollow
tree; but I soon that I could
not reach the cubs with my
so went feet foremost, to see if I
could them up by the- toes. I
hang on the top or the bole, strain-
with all my might to reach
them, until at last my hands slipped,
and down went, than twenty
feel, to the bottom of that hole, and
found myself almost hip
in a family of flue young bears.
I found that I might as well
undertake to climb up the greasiest
part as to get back
the bole in the tree being so large,
and its sides so smooth and slippery
from I he rain-
this was a real,
If so I was to
would have been doubtful
whether they would hear me at the
if they did hear me,
the would ruin my election,
I for they were of a quality too cute
I to vote for a man that ventured in-
j to a place that, he get him.-
self out of. Well, new, while I was
it was beet to
help, or to wait in the
until after election, I board
kind grumbling and growling
Painful Boils.
About three years ago I was
troubled with poison in my blood,
very irritating painful boils
breaking out all over my body. For
two rears I suffered with then, try-
all sorts of remedies, doc-
tor's without avail.
Becoming disgusted with doctors,
and medicines I had used up to this
time, I concluded to try S. S. S.
the result was my
A few bottles left mo in bet-
health than I had been since
childhood- I consider S. S. S the
medicine that will thoroughly
purify poisoned blood.
Horse Cove, Ky.
A Valuable Tome.
have used Swift's Specific S.
with good results. As a
it is valuable; as a blood purifier,
it is reliable.
Rev J. II.
Winston, X.
Don't Shirk Work.
Weldon Hews.
Stand up to the rack, young man,
you will find fodder in it. Put
on your working harness early
every morning and see that you
keep at work, and you make want
a stranger. Don't wait a job
that you want, but grasp the near
est chance. If you can't get a
month, take take take
anything until you can do better,
even-if It only board. But work,
for the world is watching yon. The
farmer, the merchant, the
man, all are watching for honest,
willing workers. Don't shirk, the
win Id will know it.
For preaching on Mission.
Bethlehem. 1st Sunday at
School House, 1st at
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at o'clock.
Grove, 3rd at
4th Sunday at o'clock.
; Chapel, 4th Sunday
E C. Glenn, P. C.
When yon don't feel well and hardly
know what ail yon, give B. B. II.
Blood a trial. It is a tine
T. O Charlotte, X. C,
B. B. is a line tonic, and has
L. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga,.
believe B. B. B. is the best
blood purifier made. It has greatly
proved my general
An old gentleman writes; B. B.
gives life new strength. II
there is anything that will make an old
man it is II- B.
P. A. Shepherd. Norfolk, Va. August
10th, 1888, depend on B B.
for the preservation my health. I
have had it in my now nearly
to years, and in all that time have not
have a
Ga., I
suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The
use B. B. B. has made me feel like a
new mini. I would not take a thousand
dollars for the good it has done
W. If. Cheshire. Atlanta. Ga.
bad a long spell of typhoid fever,
which at last seemed to settle in my
right leg, which swelled up enormously.
An ulcer also appeared which discharged
a cup full of matter a day. I then gave
B. B, a trial and it cured
Grimesland. N.
------Dealers in------
General Merchandise.
Wish to their and
that their
Fall and Winter Goods
is now ready for examination, and they
are prepared to supply all your wants at
We keep in stock a large line of Ready
Made Clothing. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Dry
Hardware, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, in fact any
article to lie found in a general stock.
We pay highest prices for all kinds of
Cotton bought inhale or seed.
it as a Family Medicine.
Atlantic H.
In Effect A. If. Saturday.
No. SO
I as range
Kins in
overhead, and looking, I saw the I
old bear coming down stern fore
most upon me. My motto
and as soon as she bad
lowered within my reach,
in Outrage-Ignorant
Mr. J. J. writes from
Harrison, Ga., date
Swift's Specific
S. has been freely used by
family with the best and
A half
entirely relieved my sister of a
case of scrofula. My wife has
found her blood
and her health Improved by S. S. S.
also had a scrofulous
that has been entirely cured by
a bottles o
Treatise on Blood and Skin Die
eases mailed free.
Atlanta, Ga.
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt as
administrator or A. deceased,
hereby gives notice to all persons
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the to all
of said estate to present their claims
properly authenticated to the Undersign-
ed on or before the day of Oct.,
1880. or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. This day of Oct.
R. Move,
of A. D. Move.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
as administrator of William j. Clark,
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted lo said intestate to
make Immediate payment to the under-
signed, and-to all creditors of said
to present their properly
authenticated to the before
the 7th day of October, or this no-
will be plead in bar of their
This October
of Win. Clark.
Tucker Murphy,
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary having been is-
sued to the undersigned on the 21st day
September 1889 as executor of
It rooks deceased. Notice given
to all persons holding claims against said
James Brooks to present them for pay-
undersigned properly
on or before day of
or this notice will be plead
in bar of their recovery. All persons in-
to the estate said James
are notified to make immediate pay-
This Sept, of James Brooks.
Alex. Blow, Attorney.
-i-S. T, id of
Washington District v. c. Conference.
lie keeps on hand a line assortment
of the best books at publisher's prices.
Call on him for large or small.
pulpit, family or pocket For
Commentaries, Diction-
and standard works generally.
Can furnish you any book you want on
Money to Loan.
and upwards. Loans are re-
payable in small annual
through a period of live years thus en-
the borrower t pay off his in-
without exhausting his crops
u any one year. Apply to
N. C.
Parties owing us are requested to set-
as promptly as possible, as we desire
to have all accounts closed by the cud of
the year.
Returning thanks for past patronage
we ask a continuance of your favors.
J. O. Proctor Bro.
Wooten's Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure, Resolvent
C Compound, Syrup of I
Favorite Prescription
S. S. S., D. D.
Buffalo a Water.
Faults of disorders of
the and whole becomes
deranged. Dr. J. II.
the process of digestion
and assimilation, and thus pine
There are times when a feeling of las-
will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for pure blood,
to furnish the of health and
strength. The best remedy for purity-
the blood is Dr. J.
Sick nausea,
costiveness, are promptly and
banished by Dr. J. II.
and Kidney
If health and life are worth anything,
and you are feeling out of sorts and tired
out. tone op your system by taking Dr.
J. II. Sarsaparilla,
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress
after eating, can lie cured and prevented
by taking Dr. J. II, Liver and
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude, To dispel this feel-
take, Dr. J. II.
it will impart vigor and vitality.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. J. II. Tar Wine
Lung Balm, It a sure remedy for
coughs, lees of voice, and all throat and
lung troubles.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly
sons and ulcers, abscesses and
tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as
catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other
forms of diseases, am symptoms of
blood impurity. Take J. II.
No need to take those big
one of Dr. J. If. Liver
and fillets is quite sufficient and
For a and certain remedy for
fever and ague, use Dr. J. II.
Chills and it is warranted
Storm Weather.
for K. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
The Dr. J. II.
Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo.
A since 1839
ill the diseases and weaknesses of
men will mail a hook free, giving the
remedies which cure ed and
sufferers privately at home.
Address Specialist, room A. M Beads
corner New York.
gut a light grip of her rail
I ;
s p m
Having associated B. s.
me in the business
are ready-to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
;., ; me for past services have been placed in
, g the hands of Mr.
City am . . , .
n e Keep on band at all times a nice
West Cases and Caskets of all
Pass Train.
a in

i- i.-.
s is
I in
ft so
n m
Stations. .
La Grange
Falling Creek
Core Creek
Croat an
forehead C
Pass Train.
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pit county Fine Coffin. We are fitted
a i
p in I up with all conveniences and can render
. satisfactory services to all who patronize
I Feb. 22nd. 1888.
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer. Miss has arrived and I am
prepared to execute the latest styles
fashions any work entrusted to
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to you. My price are the lowest
and guarantee not to lie undersold by no
one-. Special bargain on all goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
left laud, with my little back-
pen-knife in the other i
be ii a member of Con-
rose in the world than
I did She took me out in the
shake of a lamb's
If we are to have an
Atlantic Hotel
Morehead Depot a m
Thursday and Saturday,
Train connect-, with Wilmington St I
Weldon Train North, leaving
m. and with Rich-i .,. ,.,.,,., r let it be an
Danville Train leaving j f and moral
in. I
Train connects with
and Dressing Hair.
This is what you ought to have. ii.
fact, yon must have it. to fully enjoy
life. Thousands are searching for it
daily, and mourning because they
it not. Thousands upon thousand of
dollars are spent annually by our people
in the hope that they may attain this
boon. And yet it may be had by all.
that Electric Hitters. If
used according and the use
persisted will bring Good
and the demon Dyspepsia and
Install We
wend Electric Bitten for Dyspepsia and
j all disease of Liver. Stomach and Kid-
I Sold at SOc and 81.00 per bottle
; by L Wooten. druggist
Sirs, lien Harrison
First Lady of the This
us tired the heels. The first
in the land is lie
; Rest. wife.
Best mother, and
Rest sister,
Whether she be the wife of n
President or the wife of a peasant.
Danville Train, arriving at
p. in., and with Wilmington and
Train from North at p. in
with Wilmington and
m and with
Ho W
Why her new discovery by d
in wag the afflict-
ed, on or addressing the
till Mill
the Opera
have recently
thing in my Hue
What fools these mortals that
they continue lo suffer from
when one dose of
relieve cents.
Hickory Press and Carolinian.
Nome years ago a man or boy was
missed in county and
has not yet tamed up. David
and wife neighborhood
about the same time and went to
Some after
left some bones were under
the hearth of the late Ballew
and Ballew and wile were
and to
fail hi the charge of having
tiered the lost boy. Alter
jail six weeks they wire lib-
crated last week and allowed to
return lo their home in Tennessee,
because, its the Citizen says, the
doctors swore the found
bones wire of a being, on
closer Inspection positively declare
them to be the hones of a hog. The
ought sue somebody for
false. Imprisonment, and those doc
who don't know human bones
bog bones should pay the
damages and then go and study
I have suffered with rheumatism for
quite a number of years, and after try-
Salvation Oil pronounce ii the best
remedy have ever used.
caution insures safely, and all can-
of Land.
By virtue of a decree of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt county, the
undersigned will sell for cash at the
Court House door in Greenville, on Mon-
day, the day of November, 1880. the
following lands the property of the late
Latham, deceased, adjoining
the lands of F Latham,
Wm others, containing
ninety-four acres, more or less, sub-
to the dower of M F
widow, which has been assigned to her.
This sale is made for assets pay debts
of the said Latham.
I. A.
Whereas a civil ha been com-
by John D in their
own name and behalf of themselves and
all Other creditors of J. M. de-
ceased, against R J Grimes,
of J M Rollins, to compel the
said administrator to an account of
administration and to pay the creditors
what may be payable to them
And whereas B summons has
this day been issued against said R J
Grimes, administrator, returnable be-
fore me at my office at the Court House,
in Greenville, c of the 20th
day of November. 1880, at Pi o'clock M.
AH the creditors of the said J M Rollins
deceased, are therefore to
pear at my office on the said 39th day of
November, 1880, at l- o'clock II. and
the evidences of their claim j before
mo against the estate of said M
This the 10th day October. 1880.
Clerk Superior Court.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Salt Ream, Fe-
Sores, happed Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired, is guaranteed lo give
satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice
per box. For sale
For Sale.
Light Mules and -I horses, also
Implements. Carts. Wagons.
Plows, Roes, Harness and other
necessary for the farm. Cheap
for cash. Apply M. King,
Farm, county, K.
1889. . C
Self-Inking Pencil
marks .
in rabbet y
e.-. t-i
I Contains a octave.
Nine Stop Action, fur-
a largo and
handsome case of solid
black walnut
cash ; also sold on
the Eon Hire System
at 812.-17 per quarter,
for ten when
organ become- property
I of person hiring.
The Mason
I invented
and patented by Mason
A Hamlin in 1882, is
in Mason V
Hamlin pianos
of time and
phenomenal capacity to
stand in tune character-
these instruments.
Associate I
B. w.
Mi- May
Miss X
--i id in
Vocal Music.
Miss Mm Painting and
and Commercial Department.
sic. Painting Drawing.
Large, Comfortable
Healthy Location and
Plenty of Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers.
all being graduates
I lions. Music Department equal
I in work to any College in the Slate.
New and Organs.
A Library of nearly volumes,
I recently for the School.
Rates Moderate, from to
Board and Tuition Terms
I for Day Pupils same as advertised
who do not board
I with the Principal should consult him
before board elsewhere. For
particular, Address,
C. M. N. B.
Edwards IN,
Printers and Binders,
We have the largest and most complete
183.00, sot, and up.
Organs and Pianos sold for Cash. Easy
Payments, and Rented.
Hamilton, N, C.
1880. OPENS
Sub per 11.00
Primary. 2.00
Intermediate, 8.60
Academic, 3.00
Languages, each. 1.00
Music, not more than 3.00
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance can obtain board.
Including lodging, in private families
from to 310.00 per month. A
-t. V.
thousands of children people cure their colds with Dr.
die veer of dysentery and j
that have saved by Dr. Hull's
hf t
above barber, can procure a I all the improved appliances new
at -n is
for eradicating d and causing Hie at figure
kinkiest hair to lie Bolt and
only two or application a
week it and a common
brash is all to be need after
s.-up vigorously for a few with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
for work of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
I bottle
our remedy lo cure the
worst ease, the physicians
do this lo being
ii.-.-d noon by men, using name
ml Because
. f died no for not rising
Rive express and
-v. New York.
N. C. Press Association,
Concord Time
the In prepare
essays I he
their to lie read at the next
meeting Press
Col and
Join Contrast-
he Features and
then was not a minister of the gos-1 of in
b- found. They had to p g Men in
man gone, on No . ,,
tag r marrying could place
D. country
Brothers, two giant,
whose combined weight is over half
a ton, on exhibit in museum
in New York.
A locomotive on its trip between
New York and Albany, a distance
of miles, gallons of
writer, six tons of one gal-
of Oil.
It is a fact that not long since
Conn., a city of
under direction.
pose all her wore lo do
way would lie n
town. But the devil
no except to walk and
down the earth lo act- whim be can
II. A. Latham-The South in
All these gentlemen have accept-
ed the Work
While Introducing our line work. If you
send us a photograph of yourself of any
of your we will
you a full life size Fr t
of Charge. The only consideration
posed upon yon will be that you exhibit
It to your friends as a sample of our
and assist as in securing orders ;
also, that you promise to have it framed
suitably, so that the work will show to
advantage. Write your full and
address on of to secure Its
safety. its return. Our
offer is good for a few only, and the
sample portrait is worth being as
fine as can be made. Address
Washington St. Chicago.
Hand and Machine Use.
Greenville, N. C.
Water Mills.
class Music Teacher will be employed I the kind to be found in
and also an Assistant as soon as the I the State, and
number of it. Patronage
for further information apply to
I. E. . , ,
The undersigned having leased these
mills for number of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he is prepared to i
Corn and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can.
he supplied at my store
where will also find a select
of General Merchandise which will In
sold at lowest prices
Robt. R. Fleming.
Can now be seen at store. I have
the latest and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at
business me for doing all work
satisfactory I also do
Will be glad I-j have
you call examine my stock.
K. A.
I would respectfully call your
to the following address and ask
to remember that can buy a
or of
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and beat known having been represented
for over forty years this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual for filling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
J. J.
II. C.
Notice I
tor baldness,
falling out of hair, eradication of
is before the public.
Among the many who have with
wonderful success, I refer you to fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Ma. O.
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can
it from me, at place of business,
Greenville, March C ,
Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
Pill Co. N
C. Pitt Co
T. H.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Commission Merchants,
a of the
laws which govern the operations
of digest Ion and nutrition, and by a care-
application of the flue properties of
troll has pro-
our breakfast tables with a deli-
beverage which may
many heavy doctor's bills. It is
by the Judicious use of articles of
diet that a may lie
ally built up until strong enough to re-
every tendency to disease,
or subtle maladies arc .-.
around us ready to there; prepared to Cotton
is s weak t. W may escape many ; f
a shaft by keeping ourselves snippets.
We have had many years ex-
v, at the and are
of subtle maladies arc floating; ,,,,
Largest House in the I
Of Interest to Ladies.
will a Nil oar
loan, Who
Made simply milk.
Sold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers,
All to oar
, will receive prompt and
JAMES CO., , .,.
London. England.
obtained, and all business in the
Patent office or the Courts attended
Moderate Fees.
We are Opposite the S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents In less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing Is sent we
advise as lo free charge,
and we mike no change unless ob-
refer, here, lo I he Post Muster, the
Supt. of Money Order Did., and to
the S. Patent For
advise terms and reference lo
actual clients in your own Slate,
iv address, A. Snow Co.,
For the Ladies
II -1 11-U- H-H -H -B
In order to reduce stock before lime lo
receive Fall Goods, I will offer
all present stock of
from now until the 1st of September a
All lints on hand, both trimmed and
trimmed, will be sold at cost. My stock
includes many of the most stylish goods
of the season. I can rive bargains.
Mrs. W. T. POWELL,
N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance, fall and be con-
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
. t .- -rT
; fl
u ram,
-i . I , A.

Eastern reflector, 6 November 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 06, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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