Eastern reflector, 6 February 1889

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I HI l
tin I
Tin . ii r Mine OB
tin margin of Mi i. quest
for payment of what yon owe it.
D. J. Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Pei in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
Subscription Price. -r year.
will not hi alien
men that arc nor consistent
with the true principle M the Ml I
If n n
of tin- -ml for flu-
roB. K
G R X.
of Yak.
Secretary of Stuff William
of Wake.
Rain, of Wake.
W. Sand, of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
M. Finger of
Attorney F.
iOn. of
Chief Justice W. IT. Smith, of
A. S. of
E. Shepherd,
Gear H. Brown.
Second Philip, of
Third District-IT. G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth District A. Gilmer, of
Sixth T. of
a. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth G. n of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth .
Sena It. Vance, of
Malt. W. of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans
Second col.
Third W. of
Fourth II. of
W. of
Sixth of
v. K. Henderson,
t. A. f
l-Court E. A. Move.
A. K.
of H.
W. A. Jr. T. E. Keel.
J. S. and
of P. Brown.
T. A.
P. Ward. O. Hook-
and R. Ir. Ward. J. J.
and A.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and Rev.
D. Rector.
and Pi-aver Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. K. B. John.
Services every morn-
Meeting every
Greenville Lodge, SM, A. F. A A.
M., meet every 1st and Mon-
day night after the 1st and Sunday at
Lodge. . M. King. W. M.
R. A. M meets
every 4th nights at Ma-
Hall. F. W. II. P.
Covenant Lodge. O. O. F.
meets every Tuesday night. D. L.
James. X. G.
Lodge. K. of .
and third Friday night.
D. D. Hasten. D.
Pitt Council. A. L. of meets
night. C. A. White. C.
e. in cox mama
for old
to that friend of
Our Marv had a
And her heart most
-is worth.
-r cent.
But a pauper the i
Hail a lamb
wool for than half that sum
Sin M willingly let
An it her who Ii ad no -die p.
T ii to buy
A a lax.
Went the pi r girl to get
S inn- wool Id her f ct.
And m her not of tax,
But both of com,
Win saw the design.
She straight begin to swear.
I make her mil wool and tax.
Or one leg go hare.
So -lie cried out nip from
NM wool free.
If made to keep her l.-gs
hat will me t
So it said
Where e'er poor went
One leg was warmed with wool, and one
With percent.
Now to Mary and
U ho did M-th-me
To clothe one-h lit ii girl in
Ami cent.
All honor too, Mary's friends.
And all
Who clothe the rich in wool
And wrap the poor in tax
D. A.
To haW Imp- d in cheer and .
To have trusted, betrayed grieved.
To doubted the things heft
might know
is to have lived.
To have sinned, repeated and bean for-1
To lost what was mice if j
To have fallen from the gates of
This is to lived.
To have loved, and tasted the Dead Sea
fruit I
To have p edited, to have been believed,
To have avail love branch to i
U lo lived.
To have stood in the strength of I
When bulled, betrayed, deceived ;
To have ground your teeth in the of
This is to have lived.
To have trodden the weak.
Of your life's f bereaved
have slain your without a
This is to have livid,
To have give the helm
To have listened, to have
To have yield d to a
This is to hi lived.
Oh. friend, how oft I want some word of
So dark as
in glows weary with
burden ;
Tis my out to you for
To you n I. who me
the p g of well re-
I fain co lie gnu an added
lite of tears.
the Word.
hoers A. M. to p. m. Money
Or a. w. to p. M. or-
he from to I and
tot . M.
mad arrives daily
f i t A. U-, and at . r M
l I W. and depart I p. M.
mall daily
M. and at P. H.
A. M.
Hate nut. la not worth
i- not hi Ii
to Make ii pay ill-will m
In e.
mm baa n,
or yon
hill ii I ills In.-
in time need, that one
has concluded
I bat she to and
treat Ha stronger f Let it all
pass. will it make
lo you ii. a years,
to the undiscovered country f All
who treat light, now will lie
mine for it than yon even in
lief can op. A more mil s
few mule tears,
pain, ii little lunger limning and
in the nM
greetings farewells, and
mil lie over, and the
injured will lie laid away
ere i Ir is tint Worth,
while to hale each other.
The State Guard.
Nashville Argonaut.
We heartily approve the
Fowle, for an in-
crease in the number of the State
The ought to have,
subject to the the
or, a
force. We may never need
but it is wise to prepare for any hi
contingency. We think also,
there should be made them
a liberal allowance. Many
young men who Become of
these have hut little
means, it la u real to
to themselves with
uniforms. such an allow-
as will relieve from ac-
animal encampment. Take
steps as will tend most to promote
Never in the the State
; a time when
I all the ion of public
was more than Ht,
people ; are do-
down by I he
federal taxation
they are p let and in
j doe I, in ii a in
run ling the race have to make
, their
IV- s mil , They are
ill ; ; i e I
III even make.
of nil the
run lie in the
lion heir public and
I Win ale I In I
ii-r mi govern
I ling lo
ions. one
can lie lo
he public
r in his to
j shows the condition
i Slate's pocket book as
The on hand Nov.
; was lull it as
applicable to
in the Ninth Carol
Insane Asylum, on
in the Western
; to be applied hi in o Bureau
Labor lo be
to Ai i .- pa men I,
being ax on r-, . j
ibis Mr. ex
the State Bank this
Which suspended business the
i last, and was
placed in the hands of a
receiver j be at a tea I'm i her. a
by vat, that I milt,
except la the balance ii
ck on that hank, sent
to him by treasurer
Railroad Company in
Mai last, on account of
due the State on Us ill
said company. As the funds had
d by I lie
company in said
bank, the check referred to
transferred to Mr. Ham's
credit. These dividends are
plied the law and decree
the United Circuit
oily id the interest
on the new six Stale bonds.
and I he fund was being u-ed for
that purpose the time I he hank
The legitimate revenues derived
from tax on
sources general purposes,
In pay the on the four
cent bonded re, for the
055.715.70; for lira end-
November h, lift.- j
increase of iii
year as compared with those of
Mr says, is ex-
plained as Toe on i
received during
v ear's, re at the rate
rive oil every one bun-
dollars . nine, being
for year by j
sin riff- do mil, under law, In
gin mini alter in.
r, which is sub to;
the year. The
taxes on property received ii
of cents on every one;
hundred dollars value.
the lax on
which yielded an I
suspended on ac
ii decision the
Tin, 1807, in vs.
and of United
Carolina, in case of
vs. en, sheriff
winch billet ca-e is now
in the Com t of the I
United States case,
l lie coin l hold-1 hat
can lie
Slat loll be an zed
wit h given
lo I be
During year 35.-
Were from this
neatly all before the of
March 7th, and only the
ml year 1880.
While there- was a slight increase
of revenue some sources, yet
loss in the fiscal year 1888
was As the receipts
ii i the game rate of taxation do
mil materially change year to
year, Mr. not anticipate
an increase of revenue from
lion for present fiscal par. The
on he apprehends,
will he entirely lost, which will tn
crease the this year
as compared with the
under the former levy
Ive cents.
We have then this statement. The
filial estimated
two years the es- I
being; made in
schools having;
been by the
resources for the
same on the bases of eX-i
rates tax on all subjects
except property, are
there Is mi says Mr
add to nit
except as the small,
balance the close the
year was payable on ace unit of ex
that legitimately belong in
j ti. last fiscal r.-a-ons
j herein before I lie
, lax
i is excluded from these
is not only annual average I
I in the to
the t bonds
has lo from the fund-
the treasury, winch have formerly
been ill m gel
We nave an
deli US-ill face
l lie economy is
apparent. Ha must lie
cut in I i cc With I II u
will ill,
and l lie people's
con in make
Ii I
Mr. It mi hi ins es of
he i iX nU I
on I be bull Ired
i . and fie Insists,
lit- ii a-
rote of
on lo t
pulley i he lo
lax lo tin-needs of the
up hi Ii id an on
of public
Lei legislature
rue miller of making ex-
Let it duly cons
the c of the
ill the State, the burdens
under all in
an ahead, staggering.
Uses of Seed.
Commercial Bulletin.
The col ton seed which of late
years has been put to such profit-
uses is , steadily increasing
in In ii i v I be seed
being taken
mis ii away, now it l-
all put lo ii e readily sold.
Ill's valuable seed Is extract-
ed much Used seed
aid Coin the ale idea
n seed meal cotton s. d bran,
i id i e-.
T seed ii being; ruin
gin goes a
ft which lake- off the
which the gin
docs riot remove. Tills abort
w lieu is sold in s-y to nu-
ll ho I III ting
is ill o used
Alter all u-r i- off.
ban- en a cracked and Hie kernel
then ground and put severe
he l or cooked. the I state
the inns; ml call be
it is hereto-- put a iron
c ml I and is ed a heavy
i thoroughly press
ed, the or meal is in
lot -ii cake.
Colton oil is for
purpose-, and Is
i oil-, owing to its
Dos and Friends.
i who n,
; at hear; should not allow
Wilmington Star. -.-. or
W lit IS hap UP. n day H .-, have no
ii seems,., wick-
p. I die A. S-a o yon know what
has . ,, , mm boys are I.
L ,. e In with or what
have n, A
ruing are . more J, and one inns.
-osier.,.; i by
are the dogs that prowl G Tl e exodus No parent
Tins far the n-g this section , , their
. com. A carload m Iris not a
. but r l. sec
with es. or its ea- railroad last V ell route for over tho
. . . I . Mil .,. I. U
iii-i hi m mi t-11 . . .,
. that , .
State that offers bell r for I . i
N-o Tue be
has hail sonic
I do rs Were nil or t Heir n.-i
who was in
,., pa, a Mg f ,. .,. .,;
all .,. ,,, insurance
don.- He- . I in ,.,,,.
, i i i . u ; . In Hie mail n ho i
v would II Ins
ho gels the
II h is be, II
to have a law favored two bank
ho , in paper, i we
-beep Industry. L-g a., .,.,, , ,,
the owners of dogs rel in the We are
. throw a .,. to and j hi send around
dark mi the lilac i cop.
lamb leather the under future.
the fold of the law. It . ,,,. A c,
I u, , low
, he leanness he public and as II Is pile j
book Mull the scions outlook ahead Thia variety of
and it will do Well. ls In mail
kw. j woo adulterate their
. -j , -with it. Al hough mo I people would
Stale V. prefer pure it is claimed Hi i,
M-i T. j the cotton seed ml adult retell
Messenger. .,,. f j,,,,,,,,,,., ,,.
John i the stock. hog con-
stole ken Peter ,.,. ,. t;,.,
pen cents. The seed and
was before a justice the I adulterated pot
b I inn seed oil laid noes much her
months twenty oil and
lends bun days at
. Tue
jury find a rue b II, and
trial eel for
next tel III t. The feeds
nun 72.00.
i the pure stock. Luge
of seed oil are yearly
in the conn tries
on Iii olive
is produced, b is used almost
to the
oil. which is then sold here
it, as olive ml M
of are now
packed in and It
to be successful. Bikers also buy
barrel-of the liquid. Which
advantageously use in
next term, vs. Sikes is
con, The feeds
c. d mole, I
meant line has, in authority,
ed Sykes I suits clothes, the
and two more
jail is broken, gets out. and
reward id is . for his recap
and return. At the trial he is
and the Slate is taxed
of in rest, service
before justice,
be ore grand to
witnesses at trial, solicitor's Ice.
books a i Mouse ,. ,, ,,, , , V. ,
inclined that he picked a wale. ins h , s. i
sen than Vine V Day. ,
. But , is ,,., large . ; ,
,.,,, ,., ,, , . . lo
to of hoc,, it. , ,
the -beep. Why should not a , ., . street
. tax r. h
They dame should r ,
the pi tier live n hall been
. do -way, so n hen . all Winter.
A your crop in the fall, will it
A t ,, .,. h, . Co ,,.,,,
,,, who furnished la per-
w. .-, t,.,.
and pipers with the . i , , ,
a view of simple of which warrants, for
of the will be
ii and we the la a good , By Do.
are to judge iron one and will result in much con- ------J
meats pa pp. a, there nil a u Ii . likely to j a i Virginia
in either plane. We know be adopted. . says
are scores of men . in T,,,. ,. , ,. Bind-j the
kinds III Wills I I. . ., .--,
and tiny do make ,,. ,. y, .,.,.,, a manlier, like
known to the world ,.,,, . , ,.,. ,,,,. kicking
, lie only me w, drown so is riles in of them
columns their s. deep enough She has
Ii I-a bad show n . In, p .-. ,., ,,.,., M.,. ,;,.,.,, , ,,. the
am indicates wan. f. ,. ,.
pi, when the busts
g.-.-as s. druggists
Use also. Tin- while
or refined stock is used to
an extent iii the L
mines for oil. the is
much higher than
sully the is pr.-bra
the k. rescue.
To- crude stock is iv
men tin- place nor pat-run
Be the s
To re are a I
I North . and
I Ft Oil II .
he , no man is
; a mule into
I , , t.
the advertising a of i heir L. ill. tins will
a , I Oil,
known iii ibis ., Ii
clerk's and sheriff's cost, .-to., nay manufacture of snap as is ill
Mi goes lo the
Here, I lien, is an outlay, by
of if
lo S ill of
most mil cases of
p the
same day Sites was,
Hie same I
i lied t he same
of Ii.
only co-l the
so th.- nails or residue left after
oil is mail.-.
As slated, after I h is
meal is as a residue-
mills widen ill the
Use boll, products,
slow lo will i n home.
b-ii ii the surest . . as soon
road to success. then- arc a is this f
many who willing a the same.
paper to mite Washington I John F.
their bring tug in in. n vine.
money and do not i.-.-l in., r any railroad, and II. U.
i i. n.
obligations help the goal work registered tit Hotel I. L. JAMES,
I. ., .-y.
. .
oceans.- he did mil have go lo
No, was Ibis ail. These men both
had growing .-nips, which Were In.
n. jail. And
the w year was by ear ,
lying in jail. old mother and
family oft be the
r- n law and family of Hie
other, bi-cam. charges or
must follow Sykes in the pen-
as the result
I close in a
foul jail, he b-ii sick and laid to
the the portion
of Ins term. . a cos. of. ax
an I iced cattle With K. A
large has been
used lb.- West, mid is be-
ill is claimed.
Tills meal is
to excel all a feed
cattle. used Ml
try in cake form, lull
and now brings limn i to
per ton. the prices
ranged from ton,
I he advance by at.
seed is only claims
y the you they are going to buy
strike n town whose business men mil Washington
appreciate the value ,, J . or bull one along side i
you bet your dollar, man when
on have hit a place where there th. ,
. man into Mr. Farm. RE BERNARD,
house at Square and at- ; , V LA W.
lacked a . ,.,. . .,
weeks ., an account u A
Banner. . , .
. . iii
Ii is en ens,, when a. Jinks , t week
h. I he , ,, n
set's one I hey
may have become nary headed in .
seems to be Kentucky
just a be is called on he
and ten ft
perhaps breaks a new valuable Mine. The
and entirely or in Kentucky 0.0.
. . . ii, ii. on
L iV. C.
J U.
. N.
Finally was released,
mill makes co ion seed bra.
I AM sin,
.- IT-1,
, .
begins to lean, allot her
trade. He soon wearies of this and
and thus lie A good colored brothel in
goes on until he is a lull grown gin recently wrote to his u Imp in, I
man, u lieu be aw to a clerical supply as
Is situated a turn the fact that he has us a bishop lo preach. I you .
learned nothing- a bishop send us it sliding
importance and fact just where I elder j if send u-
he was live or previous. eider semi us a stationary
the Now ho Why nil yon a. him s. lid
bred there . in. i vS rider; if emit spare I
John are dung so wed, -cud Us If you
growing rich and I can't spare u- a I. scud
haven't a job. I us an T, settled j.
Now young man the secret to all and lie got a preacher,
this is. and selected A
Iron, cl
is superior to feed and
expense to the
lied, Was buried at an expense
of 5.00, paid county
So th.-ii conn
IX and S ate. got down lo the loot
bill, he that 1804.7-1
tun i, I lie hulls seed fuel
and sell it for purposes.
These ashes are bough, b,
iii with the meal
hi tin-in for This
is to contain an
dance of potash
EH III. I. E, N.
had been dram, out of him in l.-i-
VS. Sykes. would an ordinal I The are
tax-payer sax to a bill like
he sax t What I not but used
,. . i ., , valley, by the rat
Here Was n crime committed that , , , .,., ; .
.-,. i . . i. i is
can punishment, . . .
, . . I and sax hex c m d
Hut the Board . M
as trial board, lo bear end
determine such eases of The tux Known as the purchase
could have disposed of an i in of
matter 15.00 at the outside,, ,, ,, and to be repeal-
put Sykes to on the It. w us intended to he
road for or or the ,,, profits on bis
county, by his labor, reimbursed, but like many other things
Sykes back home, M o anally He aids
of his two in sooner fag to the cost of his
some good pin nit or trade . ,, v , i , ,. ,.
and IO . thick . I, A I I, ,. A. C.
fin and ate now the. head the
trades m and -II to nil ., ,;,.
identified f u
and always In
like the Irishman's have ; , , , I
r, . . , . . they diminish the
pi her , . . . . .
and unable N. C.
C r Pole
to post and ill unable lo do
i . i ill I slug localities;
thing xv.-ll i i with . ., i
, r . i i to take it iron. .
III demand. I, . . . , , . .
. i. i i . one Hull ,, , .,.,, ,. ,.
go . , . . . . i .,
. , , . advertisers b.- k.-d upon, ,
what you go at , ,, . , ., ,, . , ,
is yours. it.
Train Wrecked.
and Architects.
i- t i N. Q,
than the bill of was first
found ; and more
pr he was
Ami instead of lax
staring at Stale vs. 4.71
of he would have
found Stale vs con
15.0 ; made good by k
on county road, besides re
cost of clothing,
There are Sun Mi Carol, n
Whites who lead or
an number in Tennessee.
Georgia, AL,
Mississippi. 30.00
in Louisiana, in Cari-
and Virginia.
The Pennsylvania White
do not -pun- even the
gets it all out of I in-customer. Sup
pose a law pa-s.-d lo
I general pay a tax of,
say one-ten one cell I oil
the amount be buys for himself
family during fit year, C hug
to so by oil b
same, I I be co n-
Would any man voting for
ever expect I
is re-
f The is made to
pay it, he in Ins
pay Place all the tax on
real estate,
equalizing if, cm off some lees that
pan talk so in mil
of a tariff over which the legislature
u no turn a ten-
to small.-I matters 1.1-
to a working of p-
Elisabeth City
in North
X Slate. he,,, w, , I the t, s s
About H Situ that ha-, taken Sen- J
freight r on the AD. aim Vane.-, loss one
was -necked eye,. The ; N. C.
A colored In in . aim-d Sid Is-e I bu-i an new
tin- lire round of the removal diseased eye, en Good and a-
he wreck, he nail which wax Hi. far-i given Table
e- , trouble with
accident last week be was
caused by some one Ho. hut plane in the Senate,
tiling, . is be Sturdy to his political op-
II to I lie m ill ll is lo learn
Ir that operation was
ed the engine and and no to he at ended
ens badly a fed. more ions s I hill. I he loss o
A He in- might have . Senator Vane- well
mils. the s, that in personal
,,,,, he has the .
, In for a ,,.,,. ,,,,,.
for. so State which she Is opal ton
proud, and he . . t U
now Al- idolize.- Wilmington
this Slate. f C,
. .

The Eastern Reflector,
Editor and
Published Wednesday
Price. MM per year.
not to Democratic
men and not consistent
with the true principles of the party.
If you rant a a wide a
of the State send for the
Entered at the Post office at
II ail Matter.
Do not overlook our Raleigh
letter this week. But of course
no one will do so as they are in-
in the degree
It is not the at each ex
before Supreme
Court of the of applicant-
for license to practice law that
every one of them secures
without a single failure.
It so happened last Friday
there were nineteen applicant
to be examined The list is pub-
We see from the Raleigh l a
that our Representative,
Mr. King, has introduced a bill
to make the January and June
terms of Pitt Superior Conn
for the trial of both criminal
civil cases, and also another bill
amending the charter of the
town Greenville. We sup
pose this latter bill is to
our municipal government Dem-
after the first Monday
in May next. Good.
Senator Williams writes us to
request he people in the several
townships to get together and
express who they desire to be
appointed to till the
for Justices of the Peace and
send the same to their
This matter should
be attended to at once. Let the
people come together, and make
their selections and forward the
names promptly that our
may not be delayed
in work. And above all
things make good selections,
men who have wisdom and good
judgment This is essential.
The news of Senator Zeb
having lost one of his
eyes was received with much
sadness by the people generally,
especially those of his
State to whom he is so dear.
Every member of the
Assembly from Pitt county is at
work earnestly, which proves
t hat our people made good
Senator Williams and
Representatives Cherry and
King have each introduced a
number of bids that are much
importance. The last we no
from Mr. Cherry is to
Pitt county to
tax collectors. The bill was not
published in full, but if what
we think it appoint and
make a bonded collector in every
should be passed.
It would not only prove of
fit to Pitt county but also to
every county in the State if it
becomes a general law. Town
ship tax collectors could says
thousands of dollars every year
are not collected under the
present of one collector to
For a week or two we have
been intending to speak of the
handsome appearance of the
Charlotte Chronicle of late. Since
a few copies of the new sheet
have been received we have seen
item in another exchange
looks like is some-
thing wrong about the Chronicle
r the people of Charlotte, one
or the other, we are not
ed to say which. That item
The people of Charlotte have
lone a tiling by the
In addition to
liberally towards its up-
otherwise the merchants have
allow the price of ad ear
lo be raised per cent.
quite creditable to the
The Chronicle is truly a hand-
some sheet, typographically and
otherwise. It has the most city
appearance in its get up
and print paper in
Carolina and is truly a credit
mi its owners. But the part that
people of Charlotte are tail-
is where the surprise comes
in. We have examined every
issue of the Chronicle received in
i be last few weeks and have yet
t find a copy that contains as
much as one column of advertise-
from the business men of
Charlotte. This may look like
the people of Charlotte were
doing a handsome thing by so
and deserving a paper as
Chronicle but we fail to see
It is a common saying that
the business men of a town or
city are the columns
of the local press. In this re-
the Chronicle cannot
much for Charlotte and there
are other places in the State that
don't show up much better.
Our Raleigh Letter.
became diseased and;
Special or. o Reflector.
S. C, Feb., 2nd,
had to be removed in order
w Legislature has been in set
save the sight of the Other. j . earl lour week. hall
operation was successfully per- the session almost gone, and the
cat balk of work, the
legislation, is yet to be done. The
earning week they will
; tit A
ion passed both providing
fur electric lights hi both halls in-
of lights a at present, it
being ascertained that electric
were as cheap more
In the there has been
much the past week.
A debate has taken place
several times, and good humor as
well as sledge hammer and
ha-, been indulged in. A
the preventing the gathering of
and mis from
land holder's lands without his
formed and our report-
ed doing welL News came
later that other eye was also
affected. We hope for betel
results than this. May his eye
hi spared and may he for many
years to come be enabled to
Stand up for the people and de
fend their rights.
Pantry chicken pull-
counter and
petty generally are
furnishing news for
papers all over S ate.
short of the establishment Sampson and
of the going to counties, provoked a lively and
put a check to such discussion and finally pa
. .-d. One Senator introduced an
And let the Magistrates be em- requiring all or
powered to order the journeymen passing over lauds
rid on so that the enormous doe for
fear that they might knock off
some of the berried The champion
the bill the Senate
it would be very long before the
berry of count; would
exceed in value corn crop
many of the eastern counties,
notable of Hyde
So the down in
will hereafter receive lawful
T educational bill, amending
present school law, has been
ken up and considered sections.
he changes
the year to
the last day of of year
and all reports to correspond there-
with; 2nd, any with the
of the county commission-
and of the peace may
submit to the people the question
a school ax to exceed
one per cent on property six-
cents on ; in poll; 3rd, the
public instruction id
each comity is to be made treasurer
of the school fund July
ISM, and required to
be a disposition to
abolish the Normal schools and
ply the money thus expended either
county institutes or directly to
the public A bill has pas
ed the House allowing the rudiments
of agriculture to be in
Superintendent of Pu.
lie Instruction. This measure, was
passed as a matter desired
by the the Farmer's Alliance.
Senator bill making the
legal rate of interest per cent is
made the special order in the senate.
panes created to the tax
by reason of long waiting for
trial before a criminal
be avoided. Head the
on page taken from
he Wilmington and
get some idea what these
of small stealing cost.
Reflector must confess
its ignorance of the existence of
a law that says lire wood shad
be sold only by the cord. But
never did profess to be a law-
and the above seems to be
true, nevertheless. The Shelby
Aurora calls attention to these
words in Section
Volume of the
lire wood sold in
towns shall be sold by
the cord and not otherwise ; and
each cord shall contain eight
feet in length, and feet in
height and four in
and shall be corded the
under the penalty of two dollars
for each offense to
This is something of o
the as well as to
wood buyers, for while the law
has never been enforced, as we
are aware, it is a violation for
wood to be sold or offered for
by the load as is a very
deliver himself of a well prepared
speech on this, his favorite bill, and
it without saying that gal-
will be filled with people to
hear him. He introduced the same
bill two years ago and wot Ice hard
for its passage. is some
prospect of its passing the senate,
am told.
In the this week moat in-
was upon the con-
tested election cases the action
upon reports come from the
committee on privileges and
On Wednesday the Senate
resolution declaring that this Leg-
will pay no
contestant any per diem, mileage,
or costs, was elaborately
The judiciary committee, to whom
it made two reports
one a majority report favoring the
resolution, and the other one
mending that unsuccessful con-
shall be paid the costs of his
contest unless such contest was had
g faith based upon re-
grounds. The case
Greene vs from Jones conn
finally disposed of Thursday
by unseating a Democrat,
and declaring Greene the legally
elected member from The
Wake county contest attracted a
large number of
son Friday. The case was ear-
fought before the committee.
Hid the public expected to witness
a lively wrangle in the House. Only
t short speeches were made
The House decided by a good
favor of Baucom, the sit
member. or ten Demo
Me. King, Pit be-
the number, voted with
i In- in support of the
minority report.
The committee on military affairs
to the House a bill
the State Guard, lo promote their
etc. the main provisions
are that the number of companies
receiving per year shall be in-
creased to tinny that
appropriation of shall be
made lot a
committee railroad
commission have framed a
bill, it will be printed
distributed among members in
a days. I pi edict that many
amendments will be offered to the
bill, and it will be a matter to
net a bill so as to even suit
every one favors the establish
a railroad commission.
believe a good bill
will be adopted but not without
some difficulty and opposition.
Candidates a place the Com-
mission are at all scarce. The
list is still incomplete, however, as
all the have yet been
heard from. From the Eastern
section the names most
mentioned Biggs, Martin,
Maj. Hughes, of New and
Brunch, county. Capt.
Ki chin, it is said, to he one
A right amusing incident occur
red a few ago as
tie legislators walking Up
to the capitol. Mr. Cherry of y
was m the crowd as
they were approaching the capitol
and came near the statue George
Washington, whose lace
street. Cherry
am that General
should turn his back
on that Capitol
representatives so many
radicals this
Republican a few paces
added mean
With a broad .-mile upon their faces
the crowd entered the capitol,
soon friend Cherry was making mo
put the bills
reported by committees.
Quite a tin were
the middle of the week.
They a meeting, and I
have petitioned the
to increase the sheriff's fees in
certain cases. It in an undeniable
the sheriffs are the poor-
est paid we have, consider
lug the great amount of work they
have to do aid the expenses the
have to incur. V. e Nail the pleas-
of meeting Pitt county's hand-
some deputy sheriff, It. W. King,
Esq., who was in attendance
Au entertainment at D. D. B.
institution complimentary to the
members the General Assembly
last Wednesday night, and also
at St. Mary's school Friday
Supreme Court is now in session.
Examined applications Cm law
yesterday and to-day.
w she might be socially or in-
would have equal right
vote, does not common
teach every one while
the better class of voters would re.
some additions, the danger-
class would receive ten fold
more I Besides, what true lady
could so far forget the noble
for she was create to
as to go to the polls
thereby be compelled to mingle
with men women who come
from the very depths of pollutions.
Fathers, if you don't want your
daughters to step down from their
do-one of innocence and purity
don't vote for such a law. Broth-
you don't want your mothers
bluntly instilled, never vote
such a law.
While am no much opposed to
worn a u yet there is a
work for woman to wonderful
k toward terming the sentiment
political world, but this must
be in her sphere. There
sin- has material in her own
hands make of it almost
what she will. Some baa fitly
are but boys grown tall.
And hearts don't change much
Then let her the fireside
and in the schools into the
hearts of those the
that shall make true men, true
to themselves, true to their
try, rue to their God. If she
will only do this she will
needed at the polls is
shape the character and
the minds of the voters, what more
could she do, what higher
nobler suffrage she wish I
M. C.
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Stoves
aid Cooking Material
and House Material, Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell at Prices.
Should Woman Vote
During past months this
has arisen the minds
every woman who
the grand principles in-
our republic. We are all aware
the corrupt state politics
of the day have drilled, and
that year alter matters grow
It is the man is
best lilted
but be who is most skilled in de-
who tills the places trust
honor our government. The pol
for true we now
have but secures the vote of
the common people by
them better me.-, wages
and high social positions,
is easily obtained
11.1. e not the Ion to MK
the of
on lies who t tut lees
the needs the
that their
lei notwithstanding this
can woman by
to polls lilt politic-
the gutter and mount
the throne of auto helium days
sue this way close the rum
-hops and lock gambling bells
crush lion Socialism, deal u
or back
the tide from the mighty sea Au-
Could sue in such a sphere
the same nobility soul,
or command which to-
is paid her I II so,
her Die polls, the bet-
for is a need of a
But such could no; be the case,
for woman steps mail's
e. aside th
womanly nature and be as I
man. a law
Special to
Washington, C, Feb.
Bayard is a patient
mail but he can't stand everything.
He allowed elf lo be
newspapers about this
fair a time, hut he has turn-
ed on the mongers by
taking the public his
and shewing how small a
was which
o build a
Hi- snows . has
no treat mill the
States; that no American
has been destroyed nor the right-
Ann lean citizen
with; that German has
United Stales absolutely no
and that express agree-
with England
the United States is
f attempting to maintain a
the In fact
Bay make it very
u he has upheld honor
In-count this matter,
now in has turned it over lo Con
lo whether ire shall
inaugurate a new policy relation
to his little group of
the South Pacific Ocean.
The absurd rumor Mr. Bay aid
Whitney had
out question had no
whatever. The
is harmonious.
The Senate has decided that
future out to courts
England, France, Germany and
shall be called ambassadors.
The Republicans of the
have decided to report Mr.
with amend-
abutting out w
and for the immediate admission
of North South Dakota, Mon-
and Washington. It is
believed that tin- democrats the
House will ever agree to any meas-
that doe not admit Mew
co, so that there is probability
legislation on this subject at
this session.
Senator Allison is candle
which is attracting all the
just at present, lie
knows what Harrison proposes
do, and is generally to
have agreed to become Secret an of
the Treasury himself. The Cabinet
as it stands, according to high
authority is Blaine for
of State; Allison for the
Alger Secretary of
War. If this is correct there is no
longer any doubt of being a
Blaine administration.
The Senators held a
caucus this wees, to determine
whether it was possible to get the
Republicans agree to take some
upon the large
nominal ions now pending
before the Senate. Nothing is ex-
to come of it, as the
us seem determined to
nominations until Harris
son comes in.
The Senate tariff bill has been
to the Treasury
tor a I as to what
it would have revenues
the Government. Mr. of
he House and Means Com-
mute- thinks that the tariff
o the bill would result in
increase the revenues instead o
a redaction.
II administration is to
be by Republicans the
Billy Chandler t . there are
times ahead for the South.
is one of those
saints who is always
with that very disease,
the He cannot talk
live the floor of the
Senate or without drag-
the He baa rather
done by an interview ibis
week which he takes
to virtually advise the to arm
himself and tight. Such men as
Chandler have been responsible
for every drop of blond that has
been shell the South since the
close of the war, has
only just begun it they are to be
lowed rule the next
Fortunately Harrison
self is a conservative man and not
to lake advice from such u-
as Billy Chandler.
For more than a year pant Sena-
tor Vance has suffered from a dis-
ea e of the eyes which has oh I
him to the sight of one
This the diseased eye
was removed in order to vein the
aid eye becoming affected
trough sympathy. The
WE are now fitted up in first-class and are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. Jg. Manager,
BE SEEN EVERY DAY, but the man who keeps a supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be found whenever wanted. You only have to look for
And all your wants in the above Roods supplied. .
Luther Sheldon,
Colors hi Japan. Plain
Paints or Wall hi am u. Mantels.
W Window Rubber
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
No. West Market Sr. Roanoke Ave.
Offers to the buyer of Pitt and surrounding of the good
that are not to be excelled In this market. And to he
pure DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS.
and CHILDREN'S and
kind. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay. Rock Lime. Paris, and
Hair. a and SADDLES.
Agent O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I to Hie at
Jobber cents per less ft percent for I ash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at. Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Pa hit Colors, Wood Salt and nod and
Willow War. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and I guarantee
Our line is so large and complete and varied
that it allows our customers to please themselves
as to prices. The garments offered are made on
the premises with the intention of furnishing the
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship,
at prices which compare favorably with
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
D. Williamson,
Highest Cash price paid tor Cotton Seed or
Meal given in exchange Has for sale
Acid Lime and Cotton Seed Meal
Either for or on Time.
any fertilizer on the market.
J. B.
j. K. MOTE.
J. B. CO.
just received h fresh line o the following goods are now
ready to to the what in goods
prices that will please the purchaser.
Dry Goods,
To fit all who favor us with their patronage.
Has Moved to Ono Door North Court nous.
j- Factory is well with host Mechanics, put up
hut work. We keep up with the and the latent Improved
Best material used in all work. All styles of are used, yon can
Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand full II. e of n made
the year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and for
merit a continuance of same.
Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE. N. Mar. 1887.
Rail Road.
The railroad corn-
nonce grading in my Nursery this
week will up
five hundred apple pear
the following varieties Viz. war
Favorite, winter
Yellow May, Spice,
June and
These I will sell at
ten cent Mob. also lour or
live that I will
sell for twenty five cents each.
Thee are all and
good varieties. Now is the time to
get cheap tree. Come at once.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executrix of
the Last Will and Testament of Amos
Evans, deceased, on the 2nd day of
notice is hereby Riven to all
persons Indebted to the estate of said
decedent, to make immediate payment
to the and to ail creditors of
estate to pro-
to the underpinned on
or before the January.
or this notice will he-plead in h-r of their
of Ami Evans.
put Co. N C
T. H.
and the Senator
ah eM
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Snuff, Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Rice, Meats
of different kinds, very best Lard we can
buy, Butter, Spice, Pepper.
Soap both toilet and Laundry,
Star Lye, Ball Lye,
Matches, Starch, best grade of White
Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil,
We are a New Firm, but not new men to the public
All who stand in need of good me are invited to come to as.
Cobb Bros., A Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Commission chants,
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
Horses and Mules
For by the undersigned at the
on public square,
lately occupied by Tyson. Several
car loads of horses and mules for cash
or on lime, Examine
stock and learn prices fore purchasing.
J. J.
If you want nice in the way el
Sewing Machines,
come the A
large new
locks, Jewelry and
Machine repaired mid warranted.
Dealer Hay. Corn, Meal, Peas,
and Mill feel.
Will CASH ft
Corn and Peas.
pay ash for my goods and can ii
ford to cull at
Call on me at Mora ft J. S.
Stores for rent.
The formerly by Mae
Moore deed at the corner of
and and the store
occupied by Mrs. K, at
Millinery will he for rent on and
after January let. Terms
J. D.
send, send with earn,
Three to
And in quick trip time you'll get
A book full of seeds and plants so
Send, brother, scud with
For the Floral from
Vick's Floral contains a
mod for IS worth of seeds.
to Rochester, N. Y.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly the a
Court of Pitt county
the 3rd day of December, a,
of the estate of Lu NU
deceased, all
the estate are hereby notified to mi
my nun I to the undersign
and all persons having claims
said estate must present the same at
before the day of December,
or this notice will be plead in bar at
their recovery.
John F.
Go where you will, you will find pea
pie using Dr. Hull's Syrup,
in its praise.
suffered most severely from rheum
during whiter. After using Salve
Oil two days the pain entirely M
and now I am a well man
W. K.

M. R. Lang's Column.
for ll
is Mr-. Dr. Frank Brown.
Wild man left-
ten days stay in
take the lead in the
display of
Early Spring
We hare now on
Of rare in
and Plain
The styles
for the season are the
For Bale at at
February th, at P.
M., of
household and kitchen
L. .
Send order for job
to thin office.
Agricultural Lime ready for de-
livery by E. C. Glenn.
Tons for sale by A.
Cotton coat.
bushel early all white Spring
Oats, Cheap at be Old Brick Store-
month in 1880.
Good dwelling noose for rent.
Apply to E- C. Glenn.
Monday was a day.
bushels of Western Seed
Oats for by. Forbes.
The sportsmen the robin.
New Dome and ma-
chines for sale by J. C. Lanier.
It was not much of a cold snap
Car load of western corn re-
by E. C.
If this town only bad a savings
Now in stock all kinds of D. M.
Ferry Co's Garden Seed, at the
Old Brick Store.
A Building Loan Association
i would help Greenville.
Jan received Boss Fa-
, mons Milk Biscuit at the Old ;
Brick Store.
Meat quotations haTe been de-
Mme terms heretofore.
to J. B. Yellowley, Green-
rials, N. C.
The town had a meet
last Friday night.
tam more P.
Go's Sweet Scotch which
Rev. J. W.
Thursday for
Mr. J. If. and Miss Mamie
Ward, of Bethel, wave married Jan
nary 25th.
Miss of
is her Mrs. C. D.
Mr. Willie Grimmer, of Bilge
com has been visiting relatives
here the past week-
Miss Maggie left last weak
to take charge of a school in
Dr. C J. left yesterday
to attend the meeting of the Health
Association in
Miss Sallie of Washing-
ton, visiting the family of her
hi other, Mr. W. I.
Mr. W. B. Brown, of the firm of
Brown Hooker, went North early
last wee to purchase new goods.
Mr. G. E. Harris has takes a
with Mr. J. J. Cherry as as-
agent for the Tar
Transportation Company.
Mr. J. J. Perkins is in Richmond
purchasing more stock for this mar-
He will have another load of
horses and moles here Friday.
Messrs. A. A. Forbes and P. G.
recently went from this
to Henderson to sell tobacco. A
borne market would be of ad-
Rev. C. J. and wife arc
in town this week visiting Col.
Skinner- Mr. will
preach in the Baptist next
Sunday morning at o'clock.
Messrs. W. Bawls and J. C.
Tyson have the
Store from Messrs Ryan ft Bedding
and will remove the stock next
door to Mr. Jewelry Store.
Mi W. has changed as
clerk front the store of Mr. J. A.
to Messrs. W. H. Cox
Co., and Mr. II. A.
ed from the store Mr. T. B. Cher-
to Mr. Andrews.
ll tins beef mm red that Col,
Harry will next
his brick block on East
side of Evans street, and will con-
the floors into a hotel.
The future of Greenville demand
a first-class hotel building if the
town is not to be outstripped by i
neighbors. We hope this rumor
will prove a reality and not end in
O. L. Finch preached twice
in the Baptist Church here last
bath. He grows more and more
popular with our people at every
visit. He will preach at Falkland
next Sunday morning at o'clock.
Our neighbor. E. H, Glenn,
has removed his commission
across the street to the store lately
occupied by Mr. his bus
ha-proven to be the healthiest sod Increasing so rapidly as to re-
i cheapest. r
i Old Buck Store.
pound at the
quire a larger room than his former
Mr. Glenn is the best neigh-
we ever had and we are sorry
he had to move, though glad his
business is so
quit a waned
assortment both in
also have
line in
a com-
Victoria Lawns
Full proceedings of
meeting next week.
Fob party having
j team a one or two horse crop farm,
situated on South aids Tar river A
T, ere miles from Greenville. Good houses i is an enterprising firm and
land healthy location. how to handle goods.
J home to right party. Apply to B
office or to J. W. Brooks,
The railroad hands are patting
in good work now.
Every man in Pitt county ought to
take I he
To morrow week is
day. Get the comics ready.
The boys gone to roller ska
ting in the Forbes school room.
Something of a manufacturing
nature is Greenville's needs.
Fresh fish are becoming plentiful,
a fact which makes the people re-
February gives just four each
of day in the week. No
month in year like it.
The nice clear weather of the fast
week has greatly improved the con
of the public roads.
The wile of Robert Hodges, one
of our died week. Bob
had much sympathy in bis loss.
new scholars entered the
Monday. The school
grows more and prosperous.
Quarterly meeting fox Bethlehem
I Mission will be held at Bethlehem
j Church next Saturday and Sunday.
are yon going to try a
for the Coming Season. of tobacco this year
prepare your plant beds now
February will chronicle at least
two marriages in Greenville, t No
re hadn't said a word who it
The water in the river got high
last week to be impassable.
It is much lower now and is easily
I passable.
Every day gives us a
tee more day light and will con-
I to increase the later part
Our stock of
Higgs ft making
their new store very attractive, ft
Capt. Hodges tells it is a hard
matter to get enough of the fire
company together for a drill. They
had no practice Monday.
Man. do you love Greenville t
Have a feeling of pride for Pitt
f Then do something to ad-
the interests both.
We received a lot of let-
and that can't
lie heat. If you want first-class
printing come to this office.
When the is clear,
cold and bracing it is healthy, but
deliver us from the mixed,
able weather of ten days ago.
the business men of
Greenville influence capitalists from
abroad to come here and invest in
manufacturing enterprises of any
If so they should begin in-
vesting in that way themselves.
If the men who possess some
spate surface of Greenville dirt are
alive to their Interest a number of
neat dwelling houses for renting
m will go up during this year.
They will prove paying investments
Mr. Earle Lewis, agent for Harry
Company, has
been here this week billing the town
for the appearance the company
on the 13th and 14th They open
Many complaints have come in
by subscribers who fail tore
I heir papers. We request all
Postmasters through whose hands
th passes to be care-
and deliver the papers as they
right loll belong.
We have
was never more replete of June.
. . Mr. C. T. of the Ira of
Higgs ft is now at the
North making their
new store.
Why, the cold snap was hardly
to gt op a good shiver
down this way. No comparison to
, .
Edging and Insertion,,
, ties. now have two at the
; time when they start. Two last
; Friday night.
I Mrs. Griffin has pot a showy sign
i in front of her millinery store. It
i a large red hat decorated with
Tarboro and are bath
to have a system of water works at
an early day. But No, we didn't
say Greenville.
Communion service in
the Episcopal C arch last Sunday
morning and in the Methodist
at night.
The like the kind of
weather we have had daring the
days. It them on
with their work.
The would like to
have correspondents from different
sections of the Give as
your neighborhood news.
meeting of Magistrates and
County Commissioners and tin
large number of land sales
for Monday, caused many pen-
Mr. H. F. Keel has sold out his
livery business to Mr. to
be consolidated with Hotel Ma
con livery. Mr. Keel will continue
his ante and feed stables at the same
stand and will give bis whole at-
to the business.
Revere, French Work,
Swiss Edging and In-
and many
other novelties.
Call early and secure
your choice,
B. Lang'S Column, j pin to be town en that day.
Harry and
theatrical company are
billed for the Opera House Wed-
and Thursday nights next
week. has been in Green
on two former occasions and
as a comedian takes lead.
There seems to be a greater spirit
of progress and improvement
abroad in this State than ever
known before. Especially are
of the Eastern towns coming to
front A few more years will show
some astonishing developments
down this way.
Newspaper changes occur now
and then. latest we hare no-
is the withdrawal of Mr- lames
A. Robinson from Durham
Record and the
Journal, introduction into
editorial harness of Gen. Johnston
Jones as editor of
Next Monday night the
masquerade ball under the
of the Club will take
place at the Opera House.
point to Its being even better
than former ones, if such be
possible. The officers of
Messrs. R. Williams, Jr., President,
B. D. Cherry, Secretary, T. Hook
Treasurer, are men who
know how to yet op a ball that will
lie a success, and the one next
Monday night will be.
Bather Cool
A Greenville merchant left here
one last week to take the
cars at Bethel for the North. The
creek were all and in pas
one he got his Wet. His
were taken off and placed in
the foot of the vehicle and the
in the next creek being still
deeper the shoes were washed
away The merchant had bis feet
tied with handkerchiefs he
drove into Bethel.
If yon want to try
and North Carolina Farmer for
one year yon can get both at the
small sum of cash with a down
At the meeting yesterday evening
the County Commissioners passed
an order appropriating one half the
amount necessary to construct a
roadway beyond the bridge that
will be passable at all times,
ed entire cost of the same does
not exceed It was too late for
as to make only brief mention now
but we will speak at length upon
the subject next week. Com-
missioners by this order have done
a deed that deserves the
thanks of all people.
Our best bow to the gentleman of
We are glad to inform you, that we are now
in that large and commodious building formerly
occupied by
H. Morris Bros,
Our MR will leave in a few days for
the North, with the hard cash to make our
Spring purchases, which will enable us to place
before the public goods at extremely
low prices. Thanking you for your past fa-
and soliciting a Continuance of the same.
We are yours Respectfully.
N. C.
m urn. m m m
Little, House Bro. come before
readers this week in a new ad-
have articles
that farmer needs and solicit
your patronage. Their line of
implements embraces the
best made.
Everybody wants to know what
this Tariff Carriage
means. Read the advertisement of
A. in this paper and if will
tell yon. This factory
convenient It fitted up
for work and asks a share of the
public patronage. A promise to
save the purchaser tin on a
i worth looking
The fox Banter is
in the
No farm should be considered com-
in its equipment the
Cox Planter. It has stood the test
of years and is the best Cotton
Planter It has been
Southern State and
The Justices of the Peace of this
met on Monday for the
pose of electing it member to
the on the n-1
Justice were and the
meeting was presided over by Capt
John King who explained ob-
for which body had
bled and declared nominations in
order. 8- placed In
nomination the name of W S. every
Creek township; R. R. I thousands of farmers will rent if v to
Cotten nominated C. V. of merit. The price of these Plan-
Smith nominated
Warren Tucker, of Greenville,
A. Randolph nominated S. H.
Spain, of Greenville. The first
lot gave Wooten
Tucker Spain and for J. J.
The second
lot was Wooten Newton
Tucker third
Newton Tucker The
and las; ballot, Wooten and
Newton 21-
ed C. V. Newton duly elected
the meeting adjourned. We feel
satisfied the made a good
Mi. Newton is qualified
to discharge duties of the office
faithfully will look well to the
Of the roll lit .
Has been reduced from
has been reduced from to And not depend on borrowing nor
Our stock is kept complete by getting
Goods First
For the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell
Ready Made Clothing,
Boots Shoes, etc.,
At figures that will astonish you.
Men's Boots per pair.
Men's Brogan Shoes per pair.
Men's Congress Dress Shoes per pair.
Calicoes per yard.
And everything in like proportion.
awl be
and it i- worth double that
Cobb Bros. Gilliam. cotton
tors and commission merchants, of
Norfolk, have an in the
Reflector. Two members of this
Arm are men of Pitt county,
men whom we all know to be hon-
est, reliable i of
qualifications. They are Mes-
R. Cobb and C. C. Cobb.
The firm solicits of
cotton, pledging themselves to give
entire satisfaction to all shippers.
They should be liberally patronized
by the shippers of this section.
trying to make on.- Planter do
the work two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may
more than
All Got License.
and Observer.
evening there were
nineteen newly derived at-
in hap-
The were con
eluded yesterday about noon and
every one of the nineteen
A of printing was sent
out from Reflector office last
week which we were indeed
proud, not only because of its work-
in but because of the enter-
prise it on the part of
business and men
of Greenville. We wanted to print cants had run the in safety
a mail directory with names of all and come out with victory perching I
the the county and on his banner. We are informed
schedule of mails solicited a few that the whole class was an
ad curds to on it to de- ally talented and intelligent one j
Tel rum not to delay but
now and see if old planter
need- any and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter tome leave
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full
and it will be taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re
turned at a
model ate
I ray the But scheme
proved profitable beyond our ex per-
though a very small price
was charged for the space taken.
It only had to be shown to the
business men when readily en-
it and took space. In
stead of the few cards we went out
to solicit for the directory, it was
handed over to the printer
thirty-six advertisement. These
with the in were
printed oil a x With sill
i the examination
great credit. The following are
the successful
F. L. Ashe; S.
son, of Davie; V. L. of
Henderson ; J. E. Erwin, of Burke ;
F. L. Fuller, of Wake; Self,
II. Carroll,
B. B- Iredell,
R. L. Wright, of Rowan; E. C.
Jerome, Union; J. W.
of L. Robinson, of An-
M. of
able hangers, and have been placed i P. A. of ; W. H.
in business houses, offices upon
the steamers. Our foreman, Mr.
displayed typographical skill
in the make up of the card.
Enough of were
printed to bang in
store and in the county.
We would lie glad if mer-
chant and Postmaster who can con-
do ho would call the
and get one.
During the of January the
Deeds issued licensee to
L. Campbell, of Iredell; II. T.
-on, Jr, of Cleveland; J. M. R bin-
son, R. B. Nixon H. L. Gibbs,
of O
We are glad to note that the farm
have sown a
much larger crop o small
than and that it is generally
hulking well. Our farmers are
I necessity, to make some effort to
raise more of their supplies at
I home. a short cue crop, and
urine of Hour advancing, the
small gram crop should have been
couples, why every farmer should
that every other farmer ought
Builder's Material.
Tell him that I can furnish him My
Tinkers that he may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can with build-
Brackets and
for porches
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
nice house.
Will Grind Your Corn.
will do well to visit our stores before purchasing
On goods purchased in large quantities we girt
NO m
And fur her I can grind his
corn into good Meal and that
I will convince him of
lbs if he will
bring me his com
to grind.
By complying the above you
will oblige
and ten colored,
to raise all his supplies, as near as
Km kn. Sallie possible, then neglect to raise
his own, is an unsolved mystery.
George Annie
John Joyner and Nichols,
Jeremiah and
Cox, James L. Ward and Pattie H.
John J. Elks and M.
Mills, W. B. Pollard and Harriett Corrected weekly by
R. Fleming, J. H. Barnett and Ma and i. root re
For we have free now. Ah
no buy where please, bill
if yo to save come ii
I y on Street, rear of B.
Cherry For convenience .
have also an entrance through ll. f
Keel's Stables 3rd cl. lean give
That yon ever hail in your Hie tor
to less ill in anyone
else in county can give you. Why
for expenses are less sail I pas the
spot dash for good nod nave the dis-
count-, and it you l believe ii yon
come and see. Having ha Is year-
the business guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Be-
a specialty. Don't forget the
place on J. Cherry
A Co.
N. C.
The firm of It F. A Co have
d- by consent. All
persons Indebted -aid will
with II. P. Keel, and
claims arm will
them to him for settlement. This y
19th 1839. II. P.
T K. .
J. S. I
V. Tarboro. Gen
H. Aft
The People's Hue for travel
The Steamer is the
and boat on the river, She has
been thoroughly repaired,
i and painted.
up specially for the comfort, an-
and convenience of
a faille
best the
A trip on the Steamer
not only bin
nil Friday B o'clock. A M.
Leaves Tarboro I tic-day, Thursday
and Saturday at W o'clock, a.
Freights received daily and
Lading given lo nil
. J. i.
Greenville, N. C.
nm m mi.
i, t weak
line Amos Shivers and Del-
A. Fulford. William E.
son Mary Keel, Henry B.
Clark Emma L.
J. Carson and Ward,
O. Harris and Georgian a
Lewis Williams and Celia Woos
ten, J. R. and Piney Mills.
Fred and Sarah E. Tuck
Isaiah Dudley Celia
Marcellus Fleming, and Ada Kit-
Henry Vines and Mary King,
Dempsey Peebles and Bettie Dan-
Joseph Hardy and
Rountree, Henry Boyd and Nancy
Boyd. and , Kg
Williams, Charles W and ail
Norfleet Blow
and Harriett Edward
Fleming and Mary Tyson.
Mess Pork
Bulk Side.
Bulk Shoulders
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulders
Pitt Hams
Sugar Cured
Granulated Sugar
Snuff m
Take town whose merchants
advertise freely in papers and a
live town will be found, a busy
papers of garden seed thrown in. progressive town, a town
All who paid for whose men make money.
tor a year in advance need bring The rule is invariable now that
us only W more if wish or tins masses is almost ex-
to get tan Former and seed, , newspaper reading.
Irish Potatoes
O. A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
Kerosene OH
to j
to I
to j
to -0
to SO
A. Or- COX,
Greenville, N. C.
For your liberal patronage in
the past
And Cordially Solicit
A continuance of the same-
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to examine our
------stock of------
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware
And Crockery.
We keep a complete line of
Staple Groceries.
; We call to
Hereafter will continue the
will have a large lot of stock to
arrive. Give me a cull. II. f,
IV partnership heretofore
between K. Fleming and S. Fleming
name of F. S. Fleming I ale.
has this day dissolved by unit mil consent.
all persons claims against the I ADVANTAGES
firm will present them to K. for Large,
come with 17th
ill b
new pupils can
Duckett. I pal,
U. Foust, at
Miss it a C.
Mir-s Cannon. a
menial Music.
Miss Rouse, fa in
Mrs. E. Book
and .
and mewing
I shall business at the old
cross with a full
line of will take in
old and
with many for pact patronage
of the tame
I am Very your-,
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly quail
fled us Executor to the Will
Testament of James K. de-
on the Ii day of
notice b. hereby to all in-
to the estate to i III
and tn ill of es-
tab- to present their propel an-
to the or
before the day of January, 1890. or
this notice will lie plea I in bar of their
recovery. This at -88 i.
f -lames E
thy hi d
Plenty of Well Prepared Food fee
Hoarder. A Teacher,
all graduates of e ass
in work to any College Ilia
J New .
purchased the School.
Moderate, from to aw fan
Board Tuition
tor Day same as
in Pupils who do not
Principal commit
before board For
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows We will
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has mare merit than anything of
J the kind ever put on the market.
Greenville, N. C.
during the year
five Notes hi;
for Two each due as
follows ;
One on the 1st day of 1800.
One the 1st day of
the January WIS.
One on th- 1st nay of
due on the 1st flay of 1-91.
All warned not
bay or trade for wild notes. This
day of January 1869. s outs
Of Interest to ladies.
i. of
n. a
County. SuP
The defendant above named win
take notice that an action, entitled
an has been by
the plaintiff the
I'm to obtain a divorce n
from the said Pen-
his the
I'd will take
lie is required to appear
of said to be held on tan
second Monday alter the 1st Mon
day March, at the Court
House in Greenville, and
the complaint in said petition,
will apply to the Court
the relief In
This i he 3rd day of January, f

Why allow your clothing to be rubbed to
Die On F days of
i . greatest and I'd improvement i i S people
m ; for P that it
cit-r, in I with Um i t, an with I-- w r . teat
i- fa b i harmless but
for Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
the Opera House, at which
I have recently located, where I have
even-thing in Hue
with nil the improved appliances; new
mud comfortable
Razor sharpened at reasonable figures
for work of my shop
promptly Very respectfully,
A R. R.
It branches Condensed Schedule.
Dated Hep. P
daily ex Mm.
I It'll IN.
or. . t
M sen
ii ft their year's supplies will it in
interest to get our prices before
in all its branches.
always at Lowest Market Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
to buy at one profit. A coin
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
IS pin i pin I to run. we sell at a close margin.
Ar Rocky Mount
i W
I an
Ar Wilson H pin , am
Ar Selma t
Lt Gold MS
Ar Wilmington ti
Noll, Ho,
dally daily
ex Sun.
Magnolia I
Ar Goldsboro II Ml M
Wilson H
Ar Rocky Mount M
Ar Tarboro
Ar pin
except pm
Train n Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at II
Returning. Waves Scotland Neck
M. Sunday.
Train leaves N via
Raleigh R. H. daily except
P M. M.
P M.
turning leaves N C. daily
Sunday. lo A M.
M, Tarboro. N A M.
Train on Midland N C leaves
Goldsboro Sunday. I'd A M,
arrive N o a M. Re-
leaves N C A M.
N B A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rocky
Mount at I P M. arrives
P M, IS P M jug
loaves Spring A
A M. arrives Rocky Mount II A
Train on Brandi leaves
daily. es Sunday, at BOO
P M and II AM leave I lilt
at S CO A M, and P. M.
Warsaw Nos. 1.0 -i mil IS
train on
Branch is Ho. is
Ho. except Sunday.
Train No. South will slop only at
Wilson. an Magnolia.
Train No. makes dose connect ion at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, am daily except Sun-
via Hay Line.
Trains make connection for all
points North via Richmond and W ;
.,. .
AH between
ton and Washington, and have .
Palace attached. .
Greenville. N. C
A car load just arrived and now for
at Keel King's old stand. Will sell them
oral reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for can to sell
as anyone. Give me a call.
Have several
Vehicle and will take passengers to
hi and
Having B. s.
with mi-in the we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity- All notes and due
me for sen-ices have placed In
the hand of Mr. for collection.
We keep on at all times n nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We ate fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. A Dec.
P in
a id
Established in Baltimore In 1870.
Will a House in
in September, for the handling and
sale of cotton, tins giving our customers,
their of the to markets.
and Friday.
Train connect, with
Train leaving
Goldsboro m., and with Rich-
ft Danville Train West, leaving
p. m.
Train connects with
Danville Train, at
in., and with
Weldon North at p. id
Train and
Train, leaving
p in and with K t-h-
at p. in.
S. L.
Ha lately and fitted up
and she jut received display
of NOW Millinery for
Besides her usual line of trimmed and
Hats, Ornaments and general
millinery goods, sin- has prettiest
of shaded Rib-
Gauzes, etc., in the market. Give
her a call at the Old Stand.
Can be found a fresh of
Light Seeds, Fruits,
Confections, Tobacco,
s. Ac,
which will lie sold n very
Give me a call.
Tie Reflector is your county
Get your neighbor lo take it.
i all It court.
H the r and prices of the Milli-
goods now kept In stock by
E. A. with those to be had
will a you that
st ck can in no he
line of trimmed and i
Hats. The very late. In trim-
Notion. Year
H. m
Does any one what's in your heart
and mine,
The sorrow and song,
The demon of sin and angel divine,
The right and the wrong;
The dread of the darkness, the love of
the day,
The ebb and the flow
Of d of doubt forever and aye.
Dees any one know.
Does one dream of the is
The heart that is mine
The dept and the width of the cup
which each pours
Of richest red wine ;
Of the ha that is dark a the midnight
of grief.
The and wop,
The clouds of halting and d
Does any one know.
Does one see what we have in the
To love and to hate ;
every motive and ate par .
chance and of fate ;
of of starlight, of
Of and now.
Of eves, of an-
Does any one know.
v one to music of
And the sign of the sea.
And Hie of woodlands that nil ti
For and for me
The of end void a that ever n.
In tones soft and low,
To the prayer we are breathing into the
Does any one know
Special ear. to Kick
Washington, C,
is don
well known I met
the of the lintel where the
Maine has
W tip f
tin- Hit-
by that
lint chard, whose It's Bel-
lied hi ill here
hi this hotel. Hint might as
well pack Ins go buck
to He never
of slopped into tin-
hotel glancing over
that Dr.
a guest the
house However, am Hot as
it ions as the met, he
have Hie best of reasons lot
believing that Mr. Blame
Evidently n of the
good is expected
II if one
judge Hie
of tIn-applicants Cur positions dial
ale In the In Id.
Chairman and a
IV of tin- House on
are aid to be in
tin- adoption of the Monroe line
nine resolutions, have been
passed by I lie Senate. They will
In- lo in h
or two.
Bayard .-says I he news-
paper of to
in Sam a are great-
and ilia the
taken all
i a- far as it could nuder tin
law. lo protect our m
tin .
pa-sing by .
some so,
ed lo very
one s and only sup-
ported ii felt, certain
that there was re-pi el
In coining a Senator HI ii
openly slated that if Ids vote could
have it, lie Would have
voted it. The
Si to be it
voted solidly against it. If
goes to Is to be
hoped it will lie Inn led the
hope of a
It is a idea lo suppose
i the women are not the equals
men in is among
as This
was proven this week
when the National Woman's
held r
hammering away one
thing does not prove
then no judge Mich
The judiciary committee of the
House will report u an
naturalization law. It provides
an alien shall live live years in
the United Stales be line he can lie-
come a citizen, does away with
the es.-iii requirement of
of Ids of becoming a
Senator Vest is a dear lover of a
joke, and lie was this we-k the
author one which caused a titter
to go around the that was
joined in by the
though the laugh was on them. Mi.
Vest presented u
to be signed It of
asking that a
per extracted be allowed
dentists, order to
encourage honest industry, low
the cost to patients,
age the at inn dentists from
pans of the
making a market for the
and other products of this
A very clever parody on
the amendment Hie republicans
adopted to bill, allowing a
bounty cent per pound
sugar produced this country.
every republican Congress-
man that at the last
election i a candidate for office mi-
willingly retire to private life. They
to think that the U. S. Gov-
a living.
is that the
to which the bill
the internal revenue features
the bill wan referred, will take
no action whatever on bill. The
democratic party leaders have de-
that it would not be good
policy to pane bill. There are
members however,
get it or n similar bill before f I
it will almost certainly pa s.
The sudden death i paralysis of
Burns has
gloom over-Hie House. He was at-
tacked y while in tin
House, died Thursday morn-
His colleagues tin-
hard work consequent
the House appropriation
committee is for his
Read following Mr. C. H. Morris,
Newark, Ark., down with
of Lungs, and friends and
pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. taken Dr. Kings
Sew Discovery for an
now on mi mi- able
the work on my farm It is tin
Jesse Mid Decatur, Ohio, in
it not been for Dr King's New
for on I have
of Troubles. Was given up
by Am now in beat of health.
fry ii sample free Me H
Drug Store.
Our Goat.
A goat, which has long
public properly
making his round
with de
ire to hi- butt
the legs ll sober,
ha i iii mule, winch linen.
ii tin- racks. The sud lei.
butt tin- goat to
i in the mill- V
for tin goat shot oil
a vacant lot, knocking i
ill shed, a i was lauded again I
a brick wall eighty yards off.
Gardening for Ladies.
Make up your in the morning
s it buttons on your shirt; do
not up grievances; protect the
lender of your
plant smiles of good temper, and
a crop of health and
out out causes of nervous debility
and by I. e Use of
of Dr. Favorite Prescription.
It Is a sovereign spec fie, and
of sex bless the day they tic
heard of it. Is the only in f.
sold by a
lire from the manufacturers,
that it will give Inn in every
case, money will be refunded, i hie
guarantee h is been printed on the
wrapper, out for
many years.
To cleanse the stomach, liver, and
generally, u-e Dr. NaM Pellets.
A Gold Head.
Wilson Minor.
Life is an empty
In mockery to man with a cold
hi the lo-ad. Be he naturally
o ambitious and
thus situated be desires to sit
and wipe hi-
bone in his body aches, he
loses his and his bead
as though it a- large as a
crockery, and a- heavy. H
has but little to carry on
a conversation or to he-r other
talk, but would rather off in
one secluded with I
-o and there
in Ins
mil allow the prone to
move and
This remedy is so well
known u in so as to need no
mention. All have used
sing the same of
A purer docs not i
is guaranteed to do all that it claimed
is will dice all o
the and y. will
s. Salt and
by blood. ft ill
cure of
ache, and n
guaranteed, or refunded-
els. and per bottle at U.
Drug Store.
-Your t-ii all turned out
I reckon mini n man an
old he had
yes, all bu Bill, poor tel-
no, never drunk no
hut amounted lo not u
II deceived it
mighty bad
married some feller,
no, she mat lied him. SI
a let site
well off. but wasn't. Why sin
wasn't able to get Bill a decent sin
clothes Hie week airier
Ye.-, t lie pore hi
The best in the world for
Sores. Salt r
Sores, Chapped Hands, CM
Corns, and all skin Eruption
and cures Piles, or no M
quired. Ii is guaranteed to give
ion. or money refunded. Price
For sale
Mr. J. It. Taylor, while
ill one Ins Held-, pr
to plowing it up. the
lo And one
id his boy s lire ere he
could rescue the victim,
the burned near two-
thirds the entire surface of his body.
Mr. Taylor's were
burned, from the effects of which
he has yet recovered.
bore Ilia sufferings
till Wed ties, lay last when he told
Ins mother t hat white
were after of which he saw
Friday he said la om
and instantly his body was
lifeless Ids soul wan being waft-
ed on the snow-white wings of those
little angels to Heaven.
Free E
On second Thursday, Friday and Sat-
of February, April, July,
and December. Should
any persons desire to be examined at
times, the board ha decided that
the ones examined pay for it
days Hat. lief ore every ad
Saturday. J LATHAM Supt.
For preaching Bethlehem Mission.
Bethlehem. 1st Sunday at
School House. 1st Sunday at
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at o'clock.
Sunday at o'clock.
M o'clock,
twin diseases cause untold
Doctors admit they are difficult curs-
so do patients,
Celery Compound has per-
cured the worst
cases rheumatism and
say those who
been troubled
with rheumatism at the knee
and toot tor live I was
almost Unable to get around.
and often confined
to my bed for at a
time. I used only one bot-
of Celery
Vi pound, and was perfectly
V. cured. I can now Jump
II i around, and feel as lively as
H a
Eureka. Nevada.
flaw, Druggists.
Mammoth testimonial paper tree.
Compound been a God-
send to me. For the past two years have
with neuralgia the heart, doctor after
doctor Titling to cure me. have now taken
nearly four bottles of the and am
free from the complaint. I feel Try grateful
to U. Lewis, Central village, Co.
Celery Compound
I have been greatly afflicted with acute
rheumatism, could find no until I
Celery Compound. After using
Biz bottles of this medicine I am now cured
Cornish. N. H.
Effects Lasting Cures.
Compound has performed many
other cures as marvelous as of
letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take,
does not disturb, but aids digestion, and
vegetable; a child can take It. What's
use of suffering longer with rheumatism
oval Brighter I D l Dice Food are
color, than any other Hearty, n U
W lay before me on my table.
So smooth, no juicy and ho rosy red,
not In a pensive mood, soliloquy
While musing on life's thus I sold;
peak. O. my friend, so ruddy and so mellow,
Smiling upon mo from my table there.
In what green orchard you ripen, sweet one
Where did your tinted blossoms U
your green leaves
And whisper softly in the summer breeze
Au I golden sunbeams, warm I soothing
Fleck tho of the apple trees
when the storm kin.- in his awful grandeur,
Thundered his threatening bead
Then did you in terror,
Fearing the grass might your bed
tell mo what that sunbeam whispered
bright day when the birds wild with
Soy. It whisper. of all. are
Hushing will, brightest red r check so
But all In vain my queries, for no murmur.
No whisper came responsive to my voice.
Unable to resist. I seized the treasure
And ended all its and its joys.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Ireland's Last King.
Roderick was crowned
with great m Dublin in the year
when his stormy reign began.
All his life he was engaged in
ties with piratical Danes and oven
more To insure
peace he entered into n compact with
the Danish hordes who settled on the
coast, never into the in-
Tho was a stipend in
cattle of cows, levied on his do-
minion. But it was only tho begin-
of Roderick's troubles. Soon an
event followed, insignificant in itself,
but pregnant with impending
Ho deposed one of tho petty
princes of Leinster whose cruelty and
mismanagement had caused much
complaint. The folly of this subject
culminated in tho of running
off with his neighbor's wife. History
gives undue prominence to crime,
which was only tho lightest charge
laid at the door of
Exasperated his deposition. Der-
mot appealed to EL. who sent
over the to assist in
recovering his possessions. In return
for the services rendered, tho Earl of
Pembroke, by a marriage with the
daughter of obtained posses-
of tho Leinster principality, and
thus laid foundation of the Anglo-
Norman rule in Ireland. The dis-
condition of king-
prevented him raising sufficient
troops to expel the Norman invaders.
Submitting to the inevitable, he came
to terms with his enemies. Ho did not
even insist on tho submission of Der-
mot, but appealed to his honor to
invite further auxiliaries into the
try. promised but
broke his word at first opportunity.
Roderick, in despair, appealed to his
old enemies, the Danes, to assist him.
In vain did Roderick strive against
the inevitable. The first united effort
of the allied armies-pro veil a disastrous
failure, but the proud spirit of tho king
was not broken. Listening to the wily
plans of Henry, tho Irish king con-
a treaty with the English
monarch. So far from fulfilling the
provisions of this contract, solemnly
agreed upon in Dublin, Henry,
after, actually made u present of the
of to William
do and his heirs.
A Famous
When Bishop famous mis-
Icy which ho wrote in
1824, when in Ceylon, first reached
this country, a lady in Charleston
much impressed with the beauty of i
and was particularly to find a
suited to it. ransacked her
music in vain, and then chancing to
remember in a bank down the
street was a young; clerk who had con-
reputation as a musical
genius, sent her sou with the
hymn to the clerk with the request
that he write n to lit it. In just
half an hour the boy back with
tho hymn, and tho melody thus dashed
off in hot haste is today sung all over
the world and is inseparably connected
with tho hymn. Tho young bank clerk
was Lowell Eagle.
A Carious Incident.
A curious story is related by Herbert
Pratt, of Mass. who has
been spending a few days gunning at
Brant Rocks. He says n number of
gunners were stationed tho rocks in
boats shooting coot. A flock flew over
and a gunner in of tho boats dis-
charged both barrels at tho Hock,
without effect. George dish-
residing at place, who
one of tho party but in another boat,
raised his gun to lire at two coot flying
somewhat lower and from another
direction, when a wounded from
the first flock felt, striking the end of
the barrel of his gun and knocking it
from his grasp into tho water while it
was being discharged. A subscription
was taken up tho gunners pres-
to buy Mr. Cushing a new gun.
Boston Journal.
A Domesticated Quail.
Herbert Smith, of Bridgeport, Conn.,
has a quail that flew in through his
window about a year ago. and which
he has tamed so successfully that it
eats from his hand and seems entirely
domesticated. It is left liberty in
the where it is very opt to sit
in the lap of some one of tho family,
and, when token out of doors, never
tries to escape. Cases of such com-
domestication of a full grown
quail are believed to be very rare-
Boston Herald.
Lucky tor
yon belie there is such a person in
existence as the fool
me see, replied
Bromley; how old
Bromley, don't b
A New woman
oat to count the kernels of corn
full sized cobs and at last
ports she had got through with
cobs and was not -d.
Go where you will, you win find
Using Dr. Bu Cough an
In Its praise.
I suffered most severely from
tis a winter. After using
two days th pain entirely
and now am a well man
Am English Traveler Tells of Flea-
of the Moors.
Two products of tho barbarous
of their savage law are the
murder cairn and tho or
and the other are to be
found nil through the country. The
murder cairn is but a heap of
over the spot where a murder was
committed, lo which every passer by
adds one. The sanctuary is u refuge,
in which the criminal who reaches it
is for a time perfectly safe, is not
necessary to enlarge on the utility of
tho sanctuary in a country Buffering
from a government like that of Mo
All this cruelty, as practiced accord-
to the law of hind, pro-
in the Moors an indifference to
life more callous than that evinced by
most Orientals. The following story,
related by an who was
an eye witness of the events, is a
illustration of this fatalism and
of the absolute reverence in which the
sultan's decree is held.
An Englishman, resident in Tangier,
seeking one morning to leave the town
by one of the gates, found the gate
closed and a largo crowd assembled
before it. He also saw a number of
soldiers. Mid in their midst a couple of
prisoners with their hands bound to
their sides. One was a
from the Riff, the Other a tail and
handsome young fellow, n nut of
He asked what crime them men had
was the answer-
God prolong his
ordered their heads to be struck off be-
cause they have been engaged in
smuggling on tho Riff coast.
is a severe
urged the Englishman.
not argue with me,
said the have received my
orders and must
The execution was to take place in
the Jewish slaughter house. A Moor,
repulsive in appearance and dressed as
a butcher, was there awaiting the con-
His weapon was a small
with a some six inches
long. He was a stranger, and bad
offered his services because all the
Mohammedan butchers of Tangier had
taken refuge in a sanctuary.
A heated discussion arose between
this wretch and the officer in charge as
to tho blood money he was to receive
for the job. The two victims stood by
and listened. The butcher demanded
francs a head. The officer finally
agreed, though with ill grace. Then tho
butcher seized the threw him
on the ground, and his chest.
The Englishman turned away his
bead. Ho heard sounds of a horrible
in tho midst of which a
hoar.-,,., voice cried, another
knife, mine does not Another
was brought bead
from the body. The soldiers cried
faintly. prolong tho life of our
lord and
Then came the second victim. He
had watched the operation. Again
they wrangled over his blood, the
refused to remember his prom-
and he would only give
francs for heads. The butcher
accepted. Tho prisoner begged that
his hands might unbound. He
gave his to soldier, saying.
shall meet in the
Ho threw his turban to another. He
cried, in a clear voice, is no
God but God. and is his
and taking off his belt gave
it to the butcher, saying, it, and
for the love of God deal more quickly
with mo than with my brother. Then
ho himself on tho earth in
tho 1.1, mm and the executioner
cried the Eng-
A horseman galloped to-
ward them. Tho butcher held his
is only tho governor's said
a soldier, to the execution;
wait for
They waited.
Tho incident occurred some years
ago, but since then neither the
toms nor the characters nor the
methods if administering the law of
the Moors have any
change. No change indeed is
so long tho country is gov-
by the and so long as
Morocco remains in the hands of the
Moors no other form of government is
possible, and attempt can be made,
with any hope of success, to arrest the
decadence of a people who, from being
foremost among the pioneers of civil-
in the past, have now sunk
into a state of brutal degradation only
surpassed by that of the semi cannibal
tribes of Central Africa. The pity of
is but the greater that tho Moorish
peasantry, apart from their fanaticism,
still a frugal, upright and
who retain to this day, in of
all the evil agencies that have so long
been work to destroy them, many
of the honorable soldierly instincts
made their ancestors so great a
nation. London Times.
by a .
Tho Figaro published not long since
an account of a practical joke which,
unlike most practical jokes, has tho
merit of being
An enthusiastic sportsman went to a
breakfast given at commencement
of the shooting season. The
naturally was of game, when sud-
rushed u servant, exclaiming
to the host that a hare hod been seen
moving about tho lawn. Out ran the
enthusiastic sportsman, gun in hand,
fired tho hare and missed it.
The bare scratched its nose, then
stood on its hind legs, presented a
horse pistol at the sportsman fired
in return.
No hurt, but the sportsman
was astounded to tho
turned in this unexpected and
-g manner. It was explained
to and then bis laugh was
hearty any one's. This remarkable
was a which
bad been hired from a neighboring
show. The sportsman's charge of
course been tampered with by the con-
In a nursery wherein a is life and
laugh instead of crying fretting,
there i- sure lie found Dr. Ba-
by Syrup. Price cents a bottle.
No one on think clear y when
headache. Will
this ea-
IV. c
l. J. Editor Proprietor.
Per Year,
It the
on gives More Heading Matter for
money than other
in N
I'll gives a
devote it-
ult to advancement
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name get h
COl Y.
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trice and growing
it an excellent medium
which to reach i people
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with sad left
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referent- t-i i-
tin My from any look-
r. r
will promptly
to all.
Be sure lo write me. end tare
Taper where U
Rt elected Mayor April 1888. by a
H. W.
Warren Now Jersey,
or Antilles
la the oldest i hi tit r ard
of of If n in the world.
Kill t-lam Wood
weekly. Vend for
mm, M.
MINN t O., Ml
Edition of Scientific American. O
A colored
and full plan- tor the of
a Copy.
I may be
I Mi and
for Ar
Send tor Hi
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An ii and
. i patent. Handbook.
In Is not in Pat-
apply to A
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for charts, map,
A CO. Patent
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of Hi, t. s. Ker
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of mil of
Is before tile
the many nave with
will testify
to truth my
Mr. o.
Any one to It a trial for
the above named can procure
It n-, at my place of for
. FRED Barber.
. ION At. II Mir
St mi to the only New
United Ii, Ni u
. fro I of lite U
Democracy, pure m
to good enough the
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the great to redeem
limn t. i-i;
and to the South. Km-
lour been
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for Cleveland
years more Democratic in of
national of continued
people who like sort of De-
the Star is the paper to read.
The TAB on
It b
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M essentially oppressive
the a
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from the and
up III vaults to serve no
Invite and
it as a
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political may call ft
it is robbery.
Through and through the in a
great newspaper. Its tone is pure
wholesome, its news service
Each Issue presents an
tome What worth knowing
the of las
stories are told Iii good, quirk,
y are.
The g. the
best class in. pi about the
mine matter Resides tie
day's ii is rich in special
live articles, lea s current
literature, reviews, criticism,
U ill i ton's
fill litters arc i's choice
Many of tin-best known men and
In literature and art arc la
its columns.
The is a papal
giving the of the news the
over, with special features which make
the complete family
The farmer, the
the business man much occupied
read a daily paver, will get more for
dollar invested hi the
than any other r. It will b
during the
will prim the in -hi most
political news.
E for m year Including
without Sunday, one year
. six n
one year
i in mail year
A lie, copy oft STAR t
the tender of a club of ten.
and Pan Place,
. U. N. B.
Printers and Binders,
n. o.
We have the largest and most complete
of the to be found In
the Slate, olden for nil classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
N. C.
New Firm
But the same reliable Barbers can be
ton I the House Barber
Which is preside. over by James A.
smith Ruben They
need no In-fore the
People of and lit
y the
ha- been fully proven. W have oat
added In our shop one of
chairs and we intend OUT
a us good a ave an I Hair Cut
or thin the I'm M
bid an. where. s can b
waited on at their

Eastern reflector, 6 February 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 06, 1889
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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