Eastern reflector, 7 March 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
which l UNABLE TO mention
Come to for your next K of Flour
I lilt ill.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up
Insurance that works automatically,
Is Noll
ii. Will re Instated if arrears be paid mouth while you
are living, or within j ears lapse, upon evidence
of and of arrears interest.
second year- r. No
Dividends are payable beginning of tin second and of earl,
succeeding year, provided the premium current year be paid.
They be used i. reduce Premiums, or
is. To Increase th or
To make policy payable as an endow during lifetime
if. L. SUGG,
Story Mr. J. J. of
l been said and experience
taught its y bat if the
would apply lilt
system to bis op. rations
on as the successful
lawyer or other business or
professional in an success would
more prove the rule than the
I have
in a posit to observe I be opera-
of most of farmers of the
part the State, and while
I do nut to be an j
I have seen enough
justify me drawing the j
-ion that loose, careless and shift
less method on the arc no
more productive of good re
soils than in any other profession
or calling of in in.
We have here, in county
I Pitt, numbers of successful farm
am, men w arc making in
j farming haul work,
aid application of
principles to methods, yet
on the other baud we have ml
i in the
and method.
I want to tile one instance Unit
has come III my personal ill-
wherein fanning, even
large through an
era of unprecedented scarcity of
very I rifling labor ha been made
a very industry.
A gold many years ago, Mi
county, that cotton
could not be made b profitable crop
So Tired
It may be overwork,
the chances are Its from an In-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains labor
without fatigue.
it adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
by, and only by
Tint's Pills
Fur Doors.
Window, Paints, Hope,
Collars, Plows, and Car
is to
. A
Neil door to
. i -sol lo I'm r.
Unit, in us
oil supply
i aid the cook. hit e
II .
i I
We i
Aim in I I; hate
ll . r be had. In fuel
i ; ire i- place call
anything minted in I he way
Xi, c tit ii b
K you have lour biliousness, constipation,
inactive kidney troubles, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels bad -m
unpaired digestive system, Will
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
mucous membranes of the stomach, your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your move
your liver tad kidneys cease to trouble you, your will ind
and you will feel the old and buoyancy.
seeking la c r
diarrhea, v. ill la.
it kit pa their i .
r . ct Ike i I
U for
For Sale by
H kl only ho m,,
w, lo My
the prevailing
therefore, notion
i commenced grow-
tobacco a, hi crop.
Ural was to
culture, then
i mil the beginning by hit
frank and candid with
I in in be inspired their
This a- hi- step toward
ill and while at the time he
commenced was selling a
great deal better than In
years, ha never
except tobacco, and through an era
of low prices, by
and the
plication of he
made every year.
oven In the of reverse, and
ere one.
The object of lb in dot
ever, I to recite hi operation
last lo show
be on I he by
use of brains and energy.
Mr. last year
planted one and and sixty
acre on Ida
tenant from he Sold
a little over twenty
in addition to
corn, ladder and
feed for a farm
and raised pork enough to supply
ibis farm three fourth of the
Mr. employs the
tenant system the lumber
and milling interest of hi
except at
III-. system,
word, that entire
a- hi
as if the were
hired, lie ha- Bathing but vii
but with and he ha-
i ha
bud one lo leave
twelve years; and then- are a
wot king lib now that
him I
ex hi father
Hi laud is thoroughly
plant lug by
deep a ti use pi
i disk. II ha
m I i nun i per cent
id per lent potash,. lie
he hi learned that to
required more potash
lea phosphoric sold than was
in ordinary
as a of the
-I formula he has male mi U
hi I i- per more
In the if than till- lulu
and as his all
on my I attest
the fact that bas the
of the
, . , ii lo, Ira,
pan of any one I ever knew.
The poorest tenant be bad last
year above all
and fly dollars, besides
bis corn, there were some
who as much as live Inn-
dollars. They all teem lo
realize that the landlord knows
best what is for mutual in-
and every-
thing him. A happier set of
men I never sum. Mr. Laughing
in- seems to be as a leader and eon-
Holler of man, This
lied in nil for
a mere sixteen be
left at Oxford and
joined the Confederate army in a
company of Junior He
Mas made lieutenant be
fore he was seventeen was elected
captain of the company, thus
the and regard ill
he was held by com-
He has always an
and persevering His
property haying been lost in
of the war, be bought
old plantation of his
on enormous
but by industry and
be for farm, raised a
family of gave them as
good an education a the
lions of and
the bas suffered losses
from to the amount of
least ten thousand dollars.
This is a record of any man
may justly feel proud, and goes
lo shun what be done on the
fit in where economy, industry and
method tie applied,
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, and Hags.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black X.
Nice line i f on Price I low
fur or in
Dental Surgeon,
V. C.
in work and low prices
Nice per
Half Cabinets per dozen
All lint tin
from any small picture Nice
on nil MM time, C nu unit
v my work. No lo show
a -I to i
a Id IS it. in., I. to tin. m. Your ti
I'll Hi MAN.
sir. tries
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shipper should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. O
Greenville, N.
Wood's Seeds
, .,. i I.
st- s, tin -i
an t Crop
an i -nil. It
r inn i
a. i
I i-t.
fur i en . u.-- t i . i
u . i .
not on .
to moat s . i
crops. m-
Wood Sons,
lo for
Mil ii u hirers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and
for Fine Modern mid Build
We solicit and
lo give
and work.
Please send your to
TUB Greenville Co.
Call For
I will at the following
limes places ho the
of taxes due for year
l. smith Store, Beaver Dam
Monday. lo at
a. m.
Mar. at
at o'clock.
Mar. W, at
a. in.
North Carolina's Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta,
its special service is the j-1
ever a North t
V n
of HI i i more is
to a e intent made up of
original matter.
Kit printed and Friday
Mr year. The largest paper
ill North
Sample copies on application.
Charlotte, N. O.
Wholesale retail
Km nit are paid
Hides, Cotton Bead, Oil Bi
re's, Turkeys, etc. Bed
by t
Mar. at Safes, P.
day, Mar
Facial Friday, Mar.
Friday, it
John-, a Ml ., Bill
Friday, Mar. II.
t the law Ibis is the last
call for late before adding cost.
All who fail to pay
will b levied the c. st add
ed to taxes.
that vote
fails lo pay his poll tat.
Pay join taxes in tune to save
costs and to nave your vole.
O. W.
.-I i liar, I unit Hail . Ax in nil,
High Key
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apple
Syrup, Jelly, Milk.
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap,
Magic Focal, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar
den Seeds, Oranges, Nuts,
Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Crackers, Mac
Cheese, Best New
and mi
other and
Cheap cash. Com
lo see me
S. M.
N. C.
Cotton and Pie
on hand
Fresh goods kepi on
hand. produce and
sold. A trial will you.
D. W.
-----III. V IN------
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in it
par and prices as low a the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
every Baa-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
a. m. M. A. Allen
M in every Ban
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
evening. Rev.
H M. Eu re, Sunday
p. m. I, H. Pender,
Sunday, Rev
J. R. Morton, Sunday
lo a. in. B. B. an
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with every let
and 3rd Sunday.
every 2nd and Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m.,
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m
and fourth In each
month Prayer meeting
night. Rev. D. W. pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. B.
regular service
A. F. A. M.
No. meet Drat and
bird Monday evening. E. E.
fin. W. M. J.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
every Tuesday evening.
L. H. O. W. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge, He.
every Friday evening,
ton, andS.
It. Vance Council, No
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Secretary, J.
s. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
in Odd Fellow
Hall. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, See
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
th Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. II.
Sin -W
J. i, COREY,
------DEALER IN-------
m n
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
to an me.
Norfolk, Va.
and Brokers in
Cotton, and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
One Year Six Mouths cue,
Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are cm.
plowed. Subscriptions taken
office. Semi
Weekly and
sill la- together
one year for or Daily
one year for 93.50 payable ad
Y it ;
mi ON
Ar M ts
l. Rock. Lull M la T It SB
t B B B m
Ar It I'M
v SI It
It as
M r M
tit II
Lt Lt T
M pm
ii a i, i
Ar at i at
Lt it
Al It
d Baa-
fir. I Up m. Km n in Han ford
a p
p m,
am, M, a Rad
m, Mills in, r
p Mill. p ii
I I p m, Mai ton
at with train N ,
t with Carolina Central
at KM with la
ill.- Air Una and
at with lbs and
Train on
u-1, . ,, m, I a p a, o
s. ml alt p
i a I SB a
II a m, It B
Train, Was.
a III o m,
a in and lea.
a an Ml i at. . a.
at ilia similar i. aim. Hi
H . SB .
on C
S M a aV IS p E II.
MM II . t
I So p m. r.
on for
dally. n, at a m I It
l. in. Sat am I a
. pat.
lo, all -la tick
J. R. Manager.
am. i a
I p It,.,
I Ta la.
H . SB .
I n C ks-a.-k
I SB a m,
, B a a.
. s II
m. ll arms
Ricks Wilkinson
The Truest Thing We Ever Didn't Say.
Not sure whether we told you that our
stock were then in record condition, by which mean
Clearest clinkers. If we didn't it was the truest thing
we ever didn't y.
Of all the hard a merchant has to learn
baldest la NEVER CARRY OVER.
Into goods lately light and still
mighty hard to the But do it he
often or later. due to as well as us,
that we start the new light. DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that never sold for less than
bare to go In this sale at yo
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that you can't match at than
after this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that bas been the talk of the
county how we could sell it now baa to go in this
IMPORTED CHOICE PATTERNS in Marseilles Batten Finish
Quilt that are sold the world over for in this sale at
of respect.
Whereas He who said
little child re o to unto and
forbid them ha tit to
lake to loving arms Edmund
only of Mr. and Mr.
U. and a member of this
Sunday therefore
That while we the
members of Greenville M. E. Sun-
day school feel over the loss of
young life, we bow in bumble
to a loving Father
all well, knowing
that loss Is bis gain.
2nd. That we extend our sin-
ex-re to the bereaved
parent who were so devoted to him
and pray that they may look to
Him who whom He
net b.
3rd. That a copy of
be sent to parent, a
copy upon the records of this
Sunday school and a copy to
Daily for
A. B. Com.
N. O March 1902.
E. E. I be, of
John of
here buying cotton yesterday.
Mr, of Scot,
land Neck, came down Friday
night to visit relatives here.
Smith and her little
Grace, of
Saturday night to visit
fives Smith Hotel. re-
turned morning.
Mia Delia Smith went to Green-
ville Saturday.
H. C. spent Sunday night
in town and to
who had
visiting Mi a
to her borne in
Mr. Smith is visiting rel
N. C, Mar. J.
Several have been in
town the past week. is
a thriving little place.
Mrs. John I. Raker is very ill,
with nervous prostration. Her
friends hope may
Miss Hardy is in town,
called to the her sister,
M-s. Rater.
There was a reception given at
M. F. Jefferson's Wednesday even-
Feb. to Mr. and Mrs. W.
Each one reported a
very nice time and an excellent
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dancey
have moved into F. M. Dupree
house on Main street.
Miss Mollie of
Speed, visiting her
There will be a grand hop
hall March 12th, grand
the weather, are de-
la their farms.
Lang in
try her slater, Mrs. K. A.
J. Parker yesterday in
Mrs. N. E. Smith is in
ville visiting sou, It. L. Smith.
Colonel Alexander, of
an intimate friend of President
Lincoln. and be tell an-
of 1862
the Colonel visited Lincoln at
found in a
greatly worried state mind.
his President isn't all it
la up lo be, it, Mr.
Lincoln inquired the Colonel.
said with
feel like
the Irishman, who after being
on a rail,
if It for the honor of the
thing I'd rather walk V
City Journal.
Special of
Raleigh, N. C, March
joint meeting of the Demo-
State Executive Committee
of the State Central Committee,
called by Chairman Simmons to be
held Raleigh Match will
take up several important
of party policy, one of which
relates to modus operandi of
nominating the Democratic
date for the U. S.
the Legislature will lie call-
ed on to Ml next January;
the of payment of
poll tax by all electors by May
or the consequent loss of their
votes under the new law; another
the providing of of
organization of in the
new Judicial and
districts. Still another will be the
selection of the date for holding
the next State convention, to
candidates for Chief Justice
and Supreme and Superior Court
of Public
etc. Raleigh will
a big auditorium by the
time set capable of accommodating
double people as any other
hall North Carolina. work
of enlarging present Academy
of Music will begin next month, I
am told, and in it future
will be held. It will
over persons.
The Stale Board of Education
decides all the counties will lie
able to secure four months public
schools through distribution
of second
to be made. There are
twenty-two counties the Slate
which will have more than four
months schools without asking for
State, and therefore will not be
portioned any of fund t
Attorney General Gilmer, ex-
Judges Shepherd and Merrimon
and George Esq.,
for State, suit
brought against North Carolina by
the State of South Dakota, went to
Washington yesterday to appear
in the before the United States
Supreme Court.
Mullen of
who tanked up went off a
high kicking spree in Washington
immediately after being
ed, who it been thought
might be by Rough
Rider for such unseemly conduct,
will probably lose bis job after all,
I was a politician
returning from
Cotton mill and officials
will meet tomorrow
for the purpose of a
mutual factory insurance company,
for the express purpose of insuring
cotton mills at a less cost than they
are now subject to.
The ant i Saloon League held an-
other meeting here last Friday and
appointed a committee of rep-
resenting nil the counties, to further
work of organization locally
and in the Stale.
A revival of
i but
as a rule so few tanners turn out
the attempt to make them
popular more general is very
It is announced
deserving cases of insanity are left
uncared for because of
lack of sufficient room lit the
Central Hospital in
the capacity of which ii not
one hull of the one at Morgan-
department is being added In nil time. Nearly every day
there is something new. ill only call your to a
few specialties.
Plated Ware.
This is most serviceable ware you can get. It a heavy
plate on a copper body, so it is almost We
have this ware in coffee and tea pots different sizes, butter and
sugar dishes, milk and water pitchers serving dishes, syrup pots,
cuspidors, waiters, If yon use this ware once you will never
want any other kind for it is e best.
and China Ware.
It is no use to say anything about this department for everybody
knows we are the crockery people in this part of the world. We
always carry a large stock and you ran select the pieces for a
Dinner and a Set
to suit yourself, is much better than having to buy what
you do not want. Did you ever use any of these new goods in
Anti-Rust Ware.
It is guaranteed never to rust. Come in and ask for it. In fuel
we carry almost everything needed to fit up your kitchen, bed-
room, sitting-room, or parlor. All want you to do is to come
in and call for what you want. We try to keep the very best in
each of our departments and we can please you in price
quality. All we ask is a trial.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department in
New York 2.700 From Philadelphia
by Wire.
difficulties in
getting of world
continued yesterday. Since no d
was to lie bad
with N York are sent all
of the old world happenings, a cir-
of half the States was
reach Philadelphia.
The dispatches which appear in
The Philadelphia Times today get
here in Ibis From New-
York arc relayed to
a distance miles; thence lo
Ohio go, miles; to Louisville,
mile lo
to Jacksonville, miles; to
Washington, to Haiti-
more, miles; to Wilmington,
miles. Wilmington miles dis-
Philadelphia is
nearest point with complete
graphic service to this city.
Thus a wire journey of
miles, thirteen Slates,
was necessary lo news from
New York, miles distant.
News from other points came in
the same
Times, h.
Honors Pitt County.
Mrs. R, R, Gotten, of this
who was recently in attendance
upon the National Con-
which met in Washington
Oil,, was elected First Vice Pres-
of the body. In Speaking of
her the Washington Star
Robert Col ten of North
Carolina, who has been to long the
Corresponding Secretary, has now
been elected First Vice President,
j and she bring to the office the
I ripened judgment of years spent in
I deeds of love for suffering and
humanity. Mrs. Gotten
has a name as a writer of book
and short stories, is
editor of the organ of the
She belongs lo the old
time Southern type of women;
speaking with the of
voice and inflection is rarely
heard now, and w is very fas-
when speaker is a
The law office of Senator
ard at Marshall was washed away
by the Hood Saturday, and it con-
tents, including the
library, destroyed.
The town of. Marshall, in the
western part of State, was
washed away by the flood
last Saturday night. No lives lost
but the property damage was
The son of Mr. Lafayette
of township,
Alexander county, while out hunt-
fell off a log and his gun
discharged. load took effect
in bis neck and death resulted
most instantly.
Last afternoon the dwell-
of Hurst, near Goose
Nest, Martin county, was struck
by lightning and was much dam-
aged The plastering in rooms and
ball was shaken off and a portion
of the porch was
Sunday night J. E. Lee, ticket
agent of the Southern Railway at
Durham, while on his way home
the depot was sandbagged by
two men. him into
consciousness, and taking bis keys
from his pocket went back to the
depot it of
J, W who lives on Flat
creek, sixteen miles of Ash
was driven by the rising
waters from his house. He took
children, aged and years
ft mouths, to a tobacco barn,
with a torch and re
turned to the house for his wife
and another child. While gone
the barn caught fire and burned to
the ground, all the children losing
their lives.
DON'T WORRY over a small
thing like Lot come to us and
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of Our excellent
line of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. also keep the best
Ami FLOCK have , ,,
the best brand to be bad. In fact
our store is the place to call tor
anything wanted in the way of
Nice Groceries.
of a Bachelor.
Most opportunities are bilked
into idle
Children are a necessity is
as expensive
beautiful whose culture; men look into other
refinement are self evident. men
Mrs. Col ten makes friend every-
where and, having executive worry so much
rare order a wide . other half
half lives, away
clubs, it Is thought she will bring
to the cabinet of national j a letting some-
the qualities for
will make an invaluable aid in can't blow a man in
prosecuting public as high as too much
Noah got along in the ark
well, in spite of the big crowd he
had, his mother in-law
You can discourage a
man loving. If she can't
The Young Guard.
The J. Jarvis auxiliary
Chapter of the Coo fed
held monthly meet-
on Friday with full
attendance, Miss lies, love her husband she is content to
the President calling love her children; if she hasn't any
together. children she will manage to get
Miss Allen had prepared along loving her pets.
For Lochs, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Hope, Homes,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and. Car-
Tools, go to
H. L.
Next door lo Kicks Wilkinson.
The Way.
A portion of the public may read
car cards; some of them may
read posters and hand bills, but
the of the great buying pub
lie read the newspaper. It is
safest to ad along
with all other news of the
world columns of the news
Louis Ad-Writer.
i he
Fountain gen
read excellent minutes of the
las meeting, and Miss
the Historian, had an excellent
little sketch of of fort Don
nelson, into
Gen. 17.8. Grant. Miss
Skinner, the Treasurer,
reported the financial Condition
prospering, Hiss Mary
a raised the Ingest amount since
last meet
The young are Intelligent
energetic will don good
Mrs. gave a short talk on
Southern history.
Reflector Store.
Men with narrow views are apt
to be broad in conversation.
If beauty is skin deep a lot
of people ought to be turned inside
To enjoy the sublime respect of
his wife a man must make be-
that the easiest thing for him
lo do is to make
There is never any telling when
a asks a girl to marry him
lid she is going lo i him
and tie sorry or accept him and
York Press.
Love i one kind pram and
envy is another.
Your life isn't worth living
unless you think it is.
Self i is laid to be a
sine tine
The average deceives him-
self oftener than be dial others.
Good Play.
The that
appeared opera house Sat-
night were best actors
who have Mm to Greenville. The
piny could not be rendered at its
heat, owing to the small stage in
opera house, yet all present
joyed were no special-
ties between nets and
pent did not appear.
a . .

N. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. ft Owner
Entered at the Post Office at
Greenville, K. C., as Second Class
Mail Matter.
Friday, 1902.
News came Norfolk today
that the street car force in that
city had gone on a strike, and
iceman were having to ride tip and
down the streets on the cars to
Some towns the State have
adopted ordinances prohibiting the
congregating of boot blacks on the
streets on Sundays. Greenville
has had some along this
line that such an might
The snow and fleet storms two
weeks ago played havoc with
wires the Northern
of our country, and now the rail-
road in the South are catching it
from flood and freshets. There
are washouts in every direction,
impeding travel doing
damage. Towns and farms have
also suffered.
Major Jenkins, the South Caro-
who was a member of
veils Rough Riders, and to whom
the sword was to be presented, has
wired Lieutenant Governor Till
man that since the Invitation to
make the presentation speech has
been withdrawn from President
Roosevelt he will decline
to accept the sword. And so the
pus keep moving merrily along.
Charles Broadway the
merchant Sow Fork, died
in that city Monday. He
in Mil., in 1886, but
first engaged in business Win-
chester, Va. He served in the
Confederate army and at the close
of the war in 1805 engaged
in New York, continuing there
until his death. For several years
he was totally blind and offered
one million dollars to any one who
could his sight. Mr. Room
a large fortune and tn
very liberal with his wealth,
made gift
endowing college electing
At the meeting the
Hoard of Aldermen two bill
paid for done to store win-
dims by Christmas. It
Being conceded town
for damage done by lire-
works when exploding is per-
has caused some talk that
they should be prohibited in town
altogether. If any action is to lie
taken by the Aldermen
It should be done early in the year
to all dealers may have ample
notice making any
for purchases next season.
believes it would be
wise to prohibit the discharge of
fireworks entirely in town, and
mentions the matter now as it is
nearly time for the Aldermen
meet again.
Little Bailey and Dies from
the Injury.
Monday afternoon the
of Mr. Mia. T. Bailey were
playing of their home on
Second street, some way
aged four years, set his
clothing on tire with a match. The
screams; the little boy attracted
the servant who was in the
attending the baby, ran out
and met him as he was going to-
ward the and put out the
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey had just
gone to the river to look at
water, but returned in a few min-
and terribly shocked at
the accident with which the
boy had met. Physicians were
summoned and all possible done
for the child, bill he died this
morning at i o'clock.
It is a crushing blow to the par
cuts and they have heartfelt
Sympathy of every one in com-
iii deep grief and
agony. they look in faith to
the Great Comforter who alone can
heal i lien broken hearts.
was a blight boy and his
sweet, sympathetic disposition had
drawn him very close to the hearts
of his parents. The little fellow
had recently seemed to have some
presentment that was going to
die, spoke of it to his parents.
it only way
he had of talking would divert his
mind to other subjects, jet his
words are recalled by his untimely
accident and sudden death.
The funeral took place
day morning at o'clock in
Cherry Hill cemetery- Services
were held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey
by Rev, J. it.
Morton, their pastor, assisted by
Rev. II. M. The interment
was in Cherry Hill Cemetery, the
pall bearers being Me-s-s. A. I.
Ellington, W. T. Lipscomb, C. W.
Harvey, I. Spain. J. It. Moore,
M. Allen, M. Hodges and
A A. Andrews.
Rev. II. M. received live
persons into the membership of the
Methodist church Sunday morn
His admonition to the new
members was very impressive. He
there are many people who
assume these solemn church vows
who never lived up to them alter
wards, and expressed bops
that such could never be Mid of
those now before him.
Sunday night I here several
professions. are
seldom beard than those delivered
by Mr. Eure at both services Sun-
day. He announced that the meet-
would continue this week,
vice being held at o'clock I
It has been decided, a case
this city that a dead in in has
same luggage rights as a live one
in railroad travel. A funeral
party, consisting live persons
and a corpse, was going from Bing
lo n Western town. Ac-
cording to regular rules, a full
fare ticket was purchased for
corpse, although ii was to be trans-
potted in coffin inside the bag-
bad large
trunks, which on being weighed,
were found to exceed the limit
pounds each of live live
person . the total weight being a
v pounds less than pounds.
The baggage master the
regular pay for the extra baggage.
It suggested
much s corpse had a full tare
the dead man was entitled
to regular baggage privileges, and
I lie baggage man was asked lo
cheek sixth trunks on
dead i ticket.
This m the first time that
baggage man had ever heard of
a point being raised, and he
was lie refused
Hie Hunk on the dead man's
ticket, but agreed to refer I lie mat-
tor to headquarter, with the
that the excess was in
favor the travelers.
The chief of the baggage depart-
road himself
by peculiar question, and
he referred it lo the General traffic
Association at their
next meeting. This body of
representing all of the Important
lines of the country, has decided
that where a regular full fare
ticket is purchased
of a Corpse, the ticket car-
with it regular baggage
privilege of not to exceed
X. Y., Dis-
of the of Comma-
The Hoard of County Com-
missioners met March 3rd, all the
members being
The following sums were drawn
from the For paupers
County Home
Superintendent Health
oner -0; bridges ferry 148.61;
priming, stationery and record
books 831.80 coal jail
witness tickets
grand jury Clerk Superior
court 99.85; Register Deeds 184.48;
Commissioners tax
miscellaneous u;
law orders 81666.63.
J. It. Cherry, Treasurer and C,
deal of Health, presented their
monthly reports which were ac-
and ordered filed.
The following persons were re-
leased from poll tax for Simon
Johnson, Lawrence Noah
Johnson, B. G, B.
II. W. H.
and Calvin
The names of Catharine
and Margaret Heath were stricken
from pauper list.
The following were added lo the
pauper list to receive monthly
amount Chapman
1.1.0, Sampson James
Ward It, s. Early H, Mar-
Tripp increased to
J. A. was
license to peddle notions,
Register of Deeds was instructed
to order stamp for Standard Keep-
was appointed committee to so
nut ion of bridge at
Sheppard's mill on swamp.
Commissioners Chapman, Little
and were appointed
committee to visit Boyd s ferry and
the ferry t lo ascertain
local ion a public
The Sheriff was Instructed to
I have public road laid from
and Washington road
on south side of Tar river
landing on the river. Par-
gave notice of appeal from
this order.
W. was released
from payment of taxes on
personal property in Greenville
township erroneously charged.
George Mayo, colored, was ad-
to County Home.
The lands of Oliver Smith, Swift
Creek, were from
acres valued at to acres
valued at acres valued at
1837 reduced Taxes over-
laid amounting lo Tl was re
II. S. Brown. Bethel, was re-
leased from taxes on solvent
credits erroneously charged.
W. ti. Chapman was refunded
cents from law taxes
J I. Bland and
Annie l. were released from
payment law taxes.
w. r. presented his official
bond as Constable of Swift Creek
township, with J. A. Moore and
II. J. Williams as sureties, which
was accepted and his oath filed.
The Grimes rivet road, in
township, was as a public
road and Supervisors of the
township were instructed to assign
hands lo tame,
Gray to list
land iii
Winterville Department.
Nearly Up to High Water Mark.
There is a big freshet Tar
river, lacking only about feet of
reaching high mark of the
record made in I Standstill rising
at the rate of half inch an hour.
Information from Tarboro says the
water is rising some there yet, so
it is expected lo continue rising
here for a day at least.
It is the biggest freshet we have
had here except the
The water is already touching the
fool of bridge at the north end
and there is danger of it
the dam which is now but little
more a fool above the water.
Agent J. J. Cherry and Mr. G.
t. Harris, both of whom bad a
large quantity of goods and
stored at wharf, had to
move them. All day Saturday,
Saturday night and Sunday they
bad a for-c of hands moving
they were none too soon, for this
morning the warehouses were not
o Hooded but the water was also
running over cotton platform.
This morning the water was over
the foot of the bridge at north
end and ropes bad to used to
keep a n bridge from
being washed away. The water
has continued to rise slowly here
dining day. but it was falling
at Tarboro this morning and will
probably go but little higher here.
Groom, Bride to be. 97-
John Barlow, of Oak Ridge, a
small settlement in the southeast-
part of this county, who will
reach age of years in a few
weeks, is said to with
prospects of making her bis
wife a wall known widow with morning. Here-
her credit. Mr. Barlow a
is a fully preserved old
man He frequently takes long wagons
walks through country and by A- O. Mfg. Co. are
his memory for a reputation second to
years been a court of last resort on Hundreds of purchasers will
boundary line disputes. He has to this statement,
very accurate knowledge of the
topography of the country which
county, and Oak Ridge and Charles
ton, Montgomery county. Helms
been a farmer all his life elect-
ed as highway or road commission-
many times. He has never been
compelled to consult a physician or
require the services of a dentist or
oculist. He is bald-headed and
his face is adorned with
while whiskers. Mr. says
Winterville, N. C, March
Twenty yearn ago the beautiful
marriage ceremony of the
church was performed in
Greenville, the contracting
our life long friends, the
Hod. Fernando G. James and Miss
Cherry. Yesterday we
ere pleasantly reminded of
occasion by the of an
to attend the 20th
of their mat re-
exceedingly our inability to
lie present, bat we wish for these,
our of a lifetime, a happy
evening on the 8th and may the re-
years of their life lie many,
replete with golden sunshine and
refreshing showers; may no dark
clouds e'er mar skies
that eternity shall hold in store for
I hem its richest blessings is our
fervent, prayer.
The II buggies are being
rolled out continually. You had
better conic the special offer
on the one hundred closes.
tobacco trucks are being
ordered every day. About of
these trucks have been ordered
during the past fire days. Don't
fail to prepare your rows for the
use of these trucks.
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll,
from the country, spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. D. Cox.
Miss Nannie of
spent part of Sunday with
Misses and Hattie Kittrell.
Quite a crowd of our young
pie attended at Reedy
Blanch last Sabbath.
Leonard went alone to
France has the distinction of
having more dogs to square
acre than any other European
country, in all, or to
every inhabitants. And
trance isn't much a country for
A. G. Cox will buy your light-
wood posts. along.
Miss Cox was visiting the
family of her W. J. Jack-
son, Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Anna spent a short
while with Miss Mollie Bryan one
day this week.
Nichols was here Monday.
We arc going to lie leaders
tobacco Hues this season. Every
set carefully made, joints arranged
helms and is
and smoked tobacco nearly all f of
life. He has two sons, who are to A.
great grand mi hers, thus making.
the old man a great great grand is
father. If rumor of his should repair fence. We can sup
to be true
whole country neighborhood , J We prices. have a large stock
he lives will give the bride on hand and making.
and groom a send-off that they will
remember the end of their
N. Y., Dis-
so much complaint of bad
roads wouldn't you think that
everybody who has to travel them
would in having them
Yet if such a thing as road
lax mentioned there are
A. G. Cox Mfg. Go.
The free school for this district
closed last Friday.
A. L. Blow, of Greenville, paid
us a visit yesterday.
Queer Ki.-d of Fishing.
The of one of
islands of Oceania, have a peculiar
method of catching fish. At a
en signal all the inhabitants of
pie who would hold up their hands village assemble on the seashore to
A call has been Issued for a
Stale i of colored men
iii on April the
purpose of reorganization to
discussion of what
plan is to pursue, and the
purpose of creating a greater
for Improvement in the in-
and educational conditions
each night.
Ground has been purchased and
a company is being organized to
build a knitting mill at Rocky
Von travel a woman's
by getting on her train.
The farmer Is no better than the
water their stock.
The cannibal's epitaph ought to
loved his fellow-man well
enough to eat
People who libel suits
seldom enabled to dress better as a
result of the same.
Our contemporary has unearthed
worn, which destroys the
chances of public road improve-
the indisposition cf those
who need them most to submit to
a tax for such improvement.
Whenever enough citizens of a
community to demand such a tax
develop work can lie
An extra tax of from
cents to cent ton each hundred
dollars nine as assessed for tax-
would not add more than
from 81.00 to 88.80 each to the
taxes of eighty per cent of
the taxpayers outside of the towns.
when is levied upon
the whole the cities and
towns in in would pay
sixty to per cent
of the full sum of tax. And yet
our country have been the
most persistent opponents of a road
Strange it is, but true. Will
the sad experience of the present
have much effect in bringing about
a change Post.
There would be every
heart you would the self-
in your own
the number of about persons,
each earning n branch of Ins cocoa
palm. With those in their hands
they into the water and
swim a certain distance from the
shore, when they turn, forming a
compact semicircle, each one hold-
his palm perpendicular in tho
waler. making a sort of sieve.
Tho lender of the party then gives
o signal, and Ashen all approach
the seashore gradually in perfect or-
driving before them a multi-
of fishes Hint arc cast on the
and and killed with sticks.
morning lit mil
All of the
To compare
I In of her.
SO III Sibyl
wasn't It funny t
Tommy Won.
is your brother,
in bed, miss; he's hurt him-
did he do
were playing who can lean
the farthest out of the window, and
be Tit-Hits.
Wouldn't Handicap Him.
you have been
calling on Mi's how
her father and mother treated
Ten met Judge.
Mexican Liniment
Mar Is Ska
For a Lame Back,
Sore Muscles,
or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore-
of your body there is nothing
that will drive out the pain and in-
so quickly as
Mustang Liniment.
If you cannot reach the spot your-
Mi get some one to assist you, for
it is essential that the liniment be
. rubbed in most thoroughly.
Mexican Liniment
of all animal. In fart.
It a and pain no who or what la,
How to Grow
Cotton Profit,
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I n peek of seed, planted them on an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. It. J. together with several
other bales of good variety this bale sold for three eights of a rent
more per pound than the lot. The lint is far superior to cotton
sold on this market the yield is far ahead of anything we have la
this country. Numbers of the best farmers in the county saw my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine as they ever saw.
I am now offering these seed for sale at 81.00 a bushel. Parties
any of the seed will please send me order at once I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
O. L.
Greenville, N. C.
A Southern Enterprise For The South.
Nob. i e. Broad St., Richmond. Va.
Iii south the Idea law prevailed In that when In mad of
freight and
nut take an trip North to par-
then moat pay freight and
the idea of a Strictly carrying
of and coupled with LACE I
a big of Medium to
U V AND A PERI ES established Is the South at a point
whore Cheap be obtained and a journey cot half In two, and hare ea-
a More. They today extend an I the people of North Caro-
and Virginia to them in their
ESTABLISHMENT. Stock U now complete lo overflowing, many improvement.
have recently bean made. All marked In Si
plain a often per cent Oil
allowed. TUB LEADERS.
All Kinds at The Reflector
fountain gen
Tell the good people that the
King Clothier
is now in Northern Markets
making purchases for
Spring Summer
and as usual his store will be
headquarters for the finest
and best of m
Hen's Wear.
Always keep your on
At o'clock morning
at the home of Mr. W. E. Moore,
two miles from Greenville, Mr.
Moore and Miss Dunn
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
to remind yon that you owe J V
We request
you to -tile as early as
need what YOU
owe us and you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find murk on their
skimmers are pulling in
I heir nets.
The close of game will
be here.
Bating and odors come
along together.
White Seed at
The nights do not like much of
being as long as the days now.
The weather took a sudden
change to colder Sunday
Fertilizer shipments are giving
transportation lines much to do.
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
Peace C. D.
Foundation Crushed.
The brick under
holler Greene Honker's mill
crushed in Saturday and caused
boiler to fall. Ir consider-
aide work mill expense In get
holler raised a foundation
under it.
The people who come to town
now can tell you a plenty about
bad roads.
W. R. Parker is baring another
room built to his house in South
Easter will be the last Sunday
in this month, and new hats will
be much in mind until
There was a stream of people on
the bridge all day Sunday looking
at the high water In the river.
salary of rural free delivery
mail carriers In North Carolina
has been increased from to
a year.
On account of sickness Rev. J.
N. Booth was unable to hold
vices in the Baptist church Sunday
morning night.
Our advertisers edit an
part of The and are
always saying good things. There
is room for the non advertiser to
try his band.
This morning a colored woman
got on the at the and
waited until the was moving
to get off. She got a fall that gave
her a considerable shaking
A little sunshine has done some
drying of streets In town, but
country roads are yet greatly cont-
of by all who travel them.
Fixing a Howe.
Blount the Western
Union messenger boy, has had a
building moved Second Street
to Pitt on a lot given him by bis
Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
Is a deserving boy and we are glad
to see any good coming bis
To Have Operation Performed,
Capt. Geo. J. Smith left this
for St. Luke's Hospital at
Va., to have opera-
performed on his arm. He
has been Buffering for time
with a disease in his arm similar
in its effects to He
expects to be gone about two
Free Press, 4th.
Some Speak to Me, Some to You.
Monday, March 1902
R, Greene went to Kelford to-
R. L. Smith left this morning for
Carr left Saturday evening
for .
Miss Lillie Harris returned to
Ibis morning.
J. F. has moved his fain
out to his farm.
Rev. J. N. Booth is to
his homo with
Solicitor L. I. Moore came home
Sunday from Snow Hill
Mrs. W. M. King left this morn-
on a visit to Rocky Mount.
Miss Currie Andrews returned
Saturday evening from Tarboro.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. of
Farmville, spent Sunday herewith
Frank Wilson left this morning
for the northern markets to buy bis
spring goods.
Miss Delia Smith, of
who was flatting here, returned
home Saturday.
W. L. Davis Joe Best, of
Wilson, arrived evening
through the country.
R. Ross, of
who has been a few
here, returned home today.
Mrs. II. R. of Rocky
Mount, who beta visiting the
Misses Ki win, returned home this
Mrs. Johnson, of Oxford, who
has been here a few days soliciting
fur Orphans Friend, left
Miss Battle Smith
sister, Grace, lo Sat-
evening and returned
Miss Mary id Haiti
more, who has la-en visiting
Lizzie I it
Mm. Daniel and daughter,
Miss of Mrs
kins, of and Mrs. Bur
roughs, of Scotland Neck, spent
today here with Mrs. f. E.
and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin.
of W, T. New York Cost.
Shoes, Dress Goods, in fact everything
in a first-class store, will begin sale
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Co's old stand. No goods
charged or sent the cash.
Drawing Trade.
By bold and increasing
in the newspaper a New
York store has grown from a little
neighborhood shop to a great de-
concern. It is miles away
from the shopping section of the
city, but it draws people from all
quarters. It h is been proved that
people will go out of their way to
deal at a place which is noted for
the extent, variety, quality or
prices of its goods and the com
and promptness of its sales
and which at the same time ii
full and persistently advertised.
Philadelphia Record.
are in terrible condition.
There Is much building going on
in Greenville, and yet the demand
for houses is supplied. We
hear people inquiring if
there is a here they can rent.
stray red and
white steer, marked with crop and
hall moon right ear and split
and half moon left, has been
with our cattle for the last three
years. Owner is hereby notified
to call for same and pay charges.
W. K.
Stokes, N. C.
Yea Wat arc Taking
When you lake
the formula la plainly
on bottle allowing that It
Iron and In a mi. No.
Curt, No Pay.
Mayor W. H. Long has disposed
of the following cases in his
since last
Charlie discharging
pistol on street, fined and cost,
Frank Forbes, disorderly con-
duct, fined one penny and cost,
W. It. -lame, running
rant without license, fined one
penny cost, 83.36.
Crawford, disorderly con
duct, fined cost,
Olivia Russell, drunk and
fined and cost 82.20.
John Sam, driving on side-
walk, fined one penny and cost,
Frank Norris, driving dray on
sidewalk, fined one penny and
cost, 81.08.
James Crawford, and
down, fined and
Miss Maggie Doughty is
E W. Pace came in Monday
from Charleston.
A. M. Perry returned Monday
evening from Mount.
Mrs. J. A. Dudley and child re
turned this morning from Ayden.
Fred J. Forbes left this morning
for Baltimore where he will enter
G. M. of Snow Rill,
came in this morning and spent the
day here.
C. S. Forbes left morning
for the not to
chase goods.
Misses Belle and Delia Erwin
left today for Baltimore to
chase new millinery.
L. W. little son,
of Raleigh, who visiting J. S.
ed home Monday.
B. F. Patrick went to
L. I. Moore went to Washing
ton today.
H. A. White went up tho
this morning.
G. A. is working over at
Harry Skinner returned Tues
day from Raleigh.
H. A. White has moved Into bis
house on Greene street.
Mrs. M. M. Nelson, of Scotland
Neck, came in Tuesday evening to
mother, Mrs. P. K.
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
and Baby Shoes.
Ladies, Misses Children and Baby Shoes
Every pair Solid
ill reduced prices.
Charlie left this morn
for the northern markets to
buy new goods for the firm of
Ricks ft Wilkinson.
Rev. J. II. Morton, of Tarboro,
came Tuesday to conduct the
funeral service at the burial of
Bennie Bailey today.
C. T.
The Big Store.
Greenville, N C.
A North Carolina paper prints
the We know that talk-
log and
do dot disturb the corpse; but, oh,
how painfully harsh cruel they
fall upon cars of warm
hearted sympathetic, and es-
the bereaved. Of course,
people talk their business and
laugh around a dead dog or horse,
but should there not be difference
when we arc burying a human lie

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see for your next Barn of Flour
Yours to
las. B. White.
I II lift
Loan Value.
Cash Value,
;. Paid up Insurance.
I. Insurance work automatically,
Will lie reinstated if arrears lie i . i. t month
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with Interest.
second No
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
J. To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Is by in
others If fin I
In the actual from conflicting rep tn the
in their just proportion.
from All men and women
MM to what the world n it an
to from the received from hundreds Its editorial are
and labor to busy men woman Its
on Important topics ate the
writers Its reviews of the test of then test
work It j profusely
These letters will alt men to
of its to them
that through i. c.
I an, a . lei
Review of R and
views have presented to
me that t could not otherwise a very
bad a because all c library, and pi .
; ; men, one In
r m widely their Ideas diverge, an V, i .
given utterance in Its cg
; i
t I
v.- t ;
day . .
Senator, u
I lei a e
n ; my
It a p it very great
have so me limes U I
lb n otherwise I ave l
I do r. i .
time t re . . . .
Mr particular I t how it t-
i cents a month
n . . . e
If you have indigestion, biliousness,
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and which tel the of bad and an
impaired system, I ax n kola Mill Cum
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the membranes of tho purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your akin will clear
and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
inking to i C
u i
It pin,
n . dean the
ill, ad art I
he ll for
For Sale by
Hy its adherence to the
its logical
lion of the law, as voiced by Sena
tor of Texas, the democratic
minority in the Senate scored a
victory hist week and forced
protein to recede
from the autocratic position which
he had assumed. Following the
personal Sena-
tors I ma n and which
had occurred last Saturday, and to
which only the action
of Senator Fry leads me to refer,
the President protein caused to be
erased from the rolls the
the names of the two senators from
For the reason
named, when the Philippine bill
was passed on Monday
How to nit Rid of a Cold.
I cm to rid
to Ins
ii cheer up met take Lung
nil Tin remedy merely
Date, bat It ii
Advice to the Aged.
Ac. brine,
weak and
and LIVER.
have a effect on these organ,
the bowels,
to perform their natural functions as
In and
to the bladder aid LIVE.
They are to old and
neither senator was an op
to vote. Senator
however an ably presented the no-
constitutionality of the action of
the that their names were
restored on I he following day and
ate adjournment of Tuesday's
Wednesday's sessions because
they feared to the matter
until the Committee on
and Elections had re-
ported. Thursday the Senate met
in joint session with the House to
participate In the memorial
vices held tor President
and on Friday
reported, both
for baying violated
the Senate removing from
the Stigma Of contempt
which had In in placed upon I hem
the whole Senate executive
There is a further report due
from the above named
It has been Instructed to
gate the charges Tillman
that Mr. was bribed
with promise of the federal pat-
of the slate, to vote for I he
rail Deal Ion of the treaty of Paris.
As well known, the junior Sena-
tor from South Carolina had made
a speech in the Senate denouncing
the treaty, and later, after a call
at the White House, he voted for
lie has since
adopted the republican caucus
and has dictated the up
in his slate. The
democratic ah r-
the due got pursue
the Investigation of Mr. Tillman's
and say that no furl her re-
port will la- brought in.
On the S. the
I census bill. It was
pasted by the House the same
day and tin- President will have
nun an opportunity of
how sincere he is his pro
of regard for civil
vice reform, m the bill is the
Mow to the reform and
the aims of the Commission which
has struck by Congress in
years, By Its provisions it gives
precedent In the line of appoint
mint, to about 1500 of
the Census office who were appoint-
ed by I over a
equal who have
civil examinations
and are eligible to appointment as
soon as vacancies occur.
The memorial exercises of the
late held on
elaborate and impressive.
The hall masted playing
favorite hymns
Hand, and the en
log Sicilian Hay, which was
remarkable for I he f its
die Inn in d beauty its nets
nil ed to e an
if s that
look one latch last sad
the in
lulu-I. Henry of Pius
was preserved
a of
decorum from an
Ann in an standpoint.
I him closely, I
Hull lie never moved an inch
the hour and a half
which was for Mr. Hay
to deliver his address.
i not n. ,
i i. i.
. HO I
IV- I, II,
U. i
i i. mum
Low Rates to Charleston via
toast Line.
The Atlantic Coast Line Ball-
way Company announces the fol-
lowing low rates to Charleston
C, on account of South Caro
Una inter state West Indian
exposition. Charleston, C.
Dec. 1st, to June 1st
The following apply from
Greenville, N. C.
Tickets to be sold daily
until and including 1902.
continuous passage final limit ten
days In addition to date of
Tickets to be sold daily
until including May
passage limit June
For tickets. Pullman reservation
and any farther particulars write
or call on
II. M.
Gen Pass. Ant. Wilmington, N. C.
J, It. Mi mil t;,
Tarboro. y. C.
American Climate.
tin the Ins U u day comet
a next thing
know I Ii- weather is again.
No wonder people have and son
stoat and Luckily, Perry
is to give relief.
Take it internally and rub it into
sail it. There iI but
one Painkiller, Perry
An anxious enquirer asks the
New York Sim why a dog wags
his tail. That's what the dog's
tail is for, to wag, and the dog has
to wag himself because if he
wanted to he couldn't get any
dog lo wag iI for him. Some
people such foolish questions.
Wilmington Star.
The Heat Prescription Malaria
Chills and Fever is of
Tonic. It ii simply iron
a cure,
List Call For Taxes.
I will attend the following
limes and places the purpose
of collecting taxes due for year
C. II. lb aver Dam
Township, Monday, March at
III a. in.
Monday, Mar. at
at o'clock,
Falkland, Wednesday, IS.
Hum Swamp church,
township, Thursday, Mar. at
a. m.
Bethel, Thursday, Mar. at
Stokes, Carolina Fri-
day, Mar.
Friday, Mar.
Friday, Mar. it.
Johnson's Mills, Creek
township, Friday Mar.
Friday, Mar. II.
the law this is the last
call fir taxis adding cost.
All who tail In pay by March 1.1,
will U levied on and the cost add-
ed to ii . i .
Tin- Amendment
provide, that no one can vole who
tails to pay his pull
Pay join taxes in lime lo save
costs aid to save your vote.
I'm, Slop Tickling,
quickly la
Wood's Seeds
BEST i -iv i SOUTH.
out of
We have ill
mill Vi Second Crop Seed.
sand Maine-
Brown aced. It
mill valuable Information
Write for
S,.,,., potato
for I up lo
I null- till
, . i- .-. --t i I crops
I a way at row-
I . i i, i r in r an d
lo for
IN 1866.
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Fae-tors and handlers of
Bagging, lies and Bags.
and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line on low
Country Tor cash or In
tor gos.
Dr. D James,
N. C.
leader in good work low prices
Nice per dozen,
per dozen.
All other lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
picture cheap.
on hand all tho time. Come
t-i work. No lo show
answer very
gild ran teed to Office hours
a to a. I. to p. m. please,
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please scud your outers to
tub Greenville Co.
N. c.
Carolina's Foremost
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington Atlanta,
its special service is the greatest
ever handled a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, and is
to a large i made of
original mutter.
ER printed Tuesday Friday
I per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
. M.
retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Col ton Meed, Oil liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. lied
steads, Oak Suits,
Carriages, Go Carts, I'm lo.
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High West Che-
roots, Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Matches, Oil,
i Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
toot, Rest New
Machines, and mi
melons i goods. Duality and
Quantity. fur cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. O.
. W.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on hand
Fresh goods kepi constantly en
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
par and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
-------DEALER IN
Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
one. Private York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year II, Months tide,
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
one year for or The
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
e i .
wash, ,.
every San-
morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday Rev.
H. M. Eure, pastor. Sunday school
p. in. L. H. Pander,
J. B Morton, pastor
a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Christian Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays In each
month. Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
A. F. A A. M.
No. meets first and
bird Monday evening. E. K.
fin, W. M. Rents, Bee.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. O. W. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge, He.
us every Friday evening,
C. S. Forbes, L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
1696, meets every Thursday even-
lug. W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every and third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, See
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights In Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith lee-
Jan. IS.
I. v
a ill
la aS
m I k
OS c
I ll It
l IS
I. W
Lt ll
a ii lit
is a a
Tarboro IS
Lt Roar I I SI ISM
ton p m
I Up m.
p m. arrive p m
SO pm, arrives
Branch-Train Ben-
am, a Red
S m, Hop. Mills a m,
p m, Bone Mills
It.-1 p m. s p
t in. at with train I.
with Carolina
at Red with the Red
railroad, at
Railway at with in.
Train on tea
p I fl p m.
at p et
pm. did
I St a .
at ll , . W
I OS a and I a at, I ft
a aM s M
. m and ft at p m, as.
Ian, Tarboro Salty
at ill p IS
t M . a. at .
Train c Mar. Soils
p .
I t- n Sprint Hope II H, ll
a in I's a m
l is p a. a m. at lo. if
It at. I So p . dally y.
Train Vim
dally, a I II
, in.
Train No make, el.
Sea all potato North dally, all tie Slob
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
i Ricks Wilkinson
The Truest Thing We Ever Didn't Say.
Not sore whether we you after inventory that our
stocks were then in record condition, which we mean
Clearest of clinkers. If we didn't was truest thing
we ever didn't say.
Of all the hard lessons r merchant has to learn the
hardest is NEVER CARRY OVER.
Into goods lately bought, light and still in
fashion, it's mighty bard to plunge knife. But do it be
often must, or suffer later. It's due to you. as well as us,
that we start the new season light. WE DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that was never sold for lees
have to go in this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT you match at less than
after this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that has been the talk of the
county how we could sell it at 2.00 now has to go in this
Quilt that are sold the world over for in this sale at
N. C, Mar.
R. L. Davis Bros., have
erected a large warehouse the
depot for the storing of guano
other freights. W. J.
Turnage are also building one for
a similar
Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
spent Sunday in Greenville at
his mother's home.
Mrs. Martha E. Belcher baa
been very sick, but we are glad
she Is now improving.
Norris Jones have had the
blacksmith shop on the Pollard
lot moved in the rear of their
Miss who
has been visiting Mrs. W. C.
Dancey, returned to her home at
A. S. J. Co., are
turning out an immense quantity
of wire fencing.
Mrs. D. W. Arnold returned
from Plymouth where
she had been visiting her mother.
There are a few new buggies
for the road at carriage
factory now, and though its a stir-
place never employing lees
than seven workmen, this is
first time In quite that
output has been In excess of tho
orders, but it few dry days will
Mist Pearl Moore lo
Crisp to spend
The Baal Carolina railway Is the
beat pacing line the State to its
length, though only a few mouths
old. Isn't it the wide
awake people with money to in-
vest had never conceived this
telephone Hue between
and down.
It is hoped u new will soon be
The heavy toads are beginning
to tell on the livery teams.
R. L. Davis spent yesterday in
Greenville business.
W. B. Pollard has gone up
road on business today.
Voting Away the People's Money.
The extravagance of the United
States government is now old,
well worn theme. The trend is all
the time towards heavier burdens
on people, burden bearer,
and toilers. The new river and
harbor bill reaches the great sum
of over which is but
under total
of the Buchanan
for all purposes in 1860. A
million of dollars is but a ex-
as it appeared to Na-
Macon and other
economists in past. This new
congress actually passed a larger
hill of expenditure was found
in the bill defeated in the last con-
which was the moat waste-
and foolhardy of all other
congresses. It is pleasant to know
that while the extravagance rages
and public moneys are voted away
as it they grew on trees that
was not forgotten. It
gets over 60,000.-
little but better than none.
A half loaf is better than no bread.
If democrats in the congress
favor republican extravagance t hey
will all be deprived of
The Way to Victory.
Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson in a
strong letter printed in The New I
York Journal, March points
way to a new Democratic victory
by recalling how all the later
triumphs of the party have
won. He cites the platform
of 1876 as a suitable model to
build upon in
We denounce present tariff
levied upon nearly four thousand
articles as a masterpiece of
inequality and false
It yields a not a yearly
rising, It has
many industries to subsidize
a few. It prohibits imports
might purchase the products of
American labor. It promotes
fosters smuggling, enriches
dishonest officials
honest merchants. We
that all custom taxation
shall be oily for revenue.
In repealing taxes that put
in Treasury and retaining
taxes that put money into
pockets of favored monopolists
Republican party is again, as after
the civil war, preparing the way
for its downfall. The Democratic
party needs only faith with
itself and abandon its wanderings
alter strange gods order to
cure the control of the government
return it to its moor-
Give Them a
It is astonishing how the
public looks upon newspaper
m a to be ridden to
death. People will pay money
for a band, lights, janitor, or
go to a job printing office and buy
thousands of pay boys to
deliver them, pay performers in
the entertainment, if they are pro
ion or pay some manager j
to get up the affair and give him a
large percentage of the receipts,
pay all their fact, pay for
everything except that is
most valuable to
newspaper advertising, says the
And if
is unwilling to devote
more notice to such entertainment
than liberal news it comes
in for much abuse. Ami yet
should not the newspaper charge
for its advertising space just as the
owner of halt charges for its
rent, the billboard, the
charge furnishing
posters, printing office
charges for lodgers, and
outside parties charge for their
services The newspaper
two sources of revenue. One is
subscription, the other advertising.
The to newspapers
are so cheap that they little more
than pay the cost of white
This is milled t.
there is new. W i
II time. Nearly every day
only call your attention to a
Plated Ware.
This is most serviceable ware you can get. ll is a heavy
platoon a copper body, so it is almost We
have this wan In Coffee and tea poll different sizes, and
dishes, milk water pitchers serving dishes, nip pots,
cuspidors, wailers, eke. If you use this ware ones you will never
any oilier kind for it is ll e best.
and Ware.
It is no use to say anything about this for everybody
knows we are the crockery people in this part of the world. We
always carry a large stock you can select the pieces for a
and Set
to suit yourself, is much better than having to buy what
you do not want. Did you ever use any of these new goods in
It is guaranteed never to rust. Goose In and ask for it. In fact
we carry almost everything needed to lit up your kitchen,
room, sitting-room, or parlor. All we want you to do is to come
in and call for what you want. We try to keep the very la-st in
each of our departments and think we can please you both in price
quality. All we ask is a trial.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department in
The Best Prescription Malaria
and la a of
Chill Tonic. It la
and quinine In a cure,
BO toe
Uncle had to shell out
for the shells shot at
Spanish by Dewey, and
for those shot at
ships. It was a cracking
while it lasted, but we know
yet bow it will out, whether it
will pay or
Frank P. Jacobs, aged shot
killed his wile, aged and
then cut his own throat with a
at miles
Houston, Texas. The bodies
were found lying side by side.
The couple bad married a
A German water-walker has re
unique feat of walking
miles Danube and tow
his wife n boat. He wore
water five yards
How to Be a Gentleman.
tH no boy think he can he made
a gentleman by the clothes he
wears, the horse he rides, the stick
he carries, the dog that trots alter
him, the house that he lives in, or
money be Not one, nor
all of these do it, and yet every
may lie a gentleman. He may
wear an old hat, cheap clothes,
live a pool spend but
little money. But By
true, manly honorable. By
keeping himself neat
By being civil and courteous.
By himself and
others. doing the best he knows
how. And above all,
y fearing God keeping His
N. Mar. i,
Several mouths ago the writer of
Ibis received a lei lei- from
Hon. Bryan Grimes Secretary of
proposing to donate ten
to supplement a like sum to
be by the of
and vicinity for a
of a fund to establish a public
library this place. Colonel
Grimes proposed also to donate an
additional lea dollars, or if the
would a like
he would give twenty
in to first donation.
When the writer made known to
our people terms of Col,
liberal oiler and
the interest be always manifests
in the educational advancement
of our children the general
and of
morals of our community, they
readily subscribed about twenty
five dollars, and Col. Grimes cheer-
fully his check for
and, Ibis together
the appropriation
and Slate amounts to nearly sixty
dollars. Ho much for our
and now a word about our library.
This wilier, having secured
funds in hand both the public and
private donation, was appointed
to books. Alter much
delay we have purchased and now
have in our library both
regular and supplemental lists of
in pamphlet issued
by State Superintendent of
Instinct ion. We ordered both
lists entire, but these three books,
noted as exceptions above, could
not be had at Ibis time.
tin February 6th, we opened out
library lo the use and benefit
public under the rules and
regulations sent out by the state
and it is remark-
able with what
and adults began to read,
and I bey keep it up.
Our Librarian, Mr. John W.
Mayo, reports many books being
; taken out and we fear there will be
need more books, but we hope
will, increasing necessity
for books funds be forth
, . ., in an had, milking some
and we will, in near
Its quality influences
the selling price.
growing insured w
when enough actual
Potash I
is in the fertilizer.
Neither quantity nor
good quality possible
without Potash.
book, I
f detail.
. -St. I
A Pat Corn Crib Makes the Farmer
What part of my crop shall be
Station is a in the minds
of the farmers. It is an important
it is not an easy-
one lo answer satisfactorily. It
will not do to stake all on cotton.
All are agreed this. That
I here is no danger ahead to risk
overmuch on it is likewise gen
oral Few feel
so safe as those who have planted
com to make their own
bread and meat. Most of our
have had occasion to know
something of this sweet conscious-
by experience. It makes the
sleep of tho who has plant-
ed corn fur bread sweeter as be
reads of promise of an average
or full crop of cotton in Texas. A
sense of independence is always
delightful. Thoughts of the
of buying corn and meat
the sale of cotton when the
air thick with reports of a big
crop and a low for the staple
brings P. R. Law
ill r; I,, i ton
Put Out Fire With Milk.
Derby, Conn., March cow
hooked a out of hand
Hie sired man farm of
last night the set fire
to a lot of hay . and
Whits Doctors
thoughtful laymen that a cold
accompanied by sure and
cheat Is too a
matter for delay or experiment.
also tint
a common cold a day or two.
more lime, of course.
We have just added Steam Supply our business and
ill roil anything in this line very low. Sec us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Ganges, Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all sizes.
LINK OP Plaiting, Bolt, Gaudy
Belt, Belt, Belt Lining, Belt Hooks, he.
Ham Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
comply further with Col.
offer and call on him for another
ten dollars.
The establishment this library
tills along fell want this
have a handsome
which our hooks do not till
entirely. There Is space remaining
unfilled for about one hundred
mine books. Our present
of books is an admirable n
are well bound
volumes dare dare say
tome of these books will be
for years lo come which together
with pages laded with age and
their Influence wrought for good lo
this community will be aptly
of all those who eon.
and worked for the
of our library.
cows and there were two
forty quart cans of milk at band.
well was so far away that to
have gone after water have
given the to
and bis man each
seized one of the forty quart cans
began pouring the milk on the
dames at the same time giving the
alarm. members of
family, seeing the danger of the
spreading, set to work milking
the remaining cows, soon with
the additional milk I he were
quenched, but until tell of the
cows had been badly burned about
heads. The bun was saved.
Some of the cows will die.
Pull Out the State
At a uncling of the numbers
the of
the Partners Mutual rue
ante elation, held the Opera
House on Monday of lust
ii was unanimously decided
tile county would i Its
-l Slide
lion and an
county step was
taken the ll is be
tiered a county association
alone can be in less ex
faction I ha u hen combined with
the Slate Association.
A man makes u i when
he mimics a widow .
Tenn., March
Official reports received at
headquarters here show
that situation In flooded dis-
is Improved, The Sou I
loss last ween
pills will aggregate from
road bed and bridges
alone. The loss by delayed and
annulled trains and cutting of
all passenger and height
sum- last will be
large. About men are repair-
load budges on the
Asheville branch. There is still
a gap of two miles between
Marshall, N. and Del HI.,,
railroad service.
You Know You
Win ii ii lake Grove's Chill
I formula la plainly
t a. hail, last It Is
a i, a,
nil in n
No I'm .

Eastern reflector, 7 March 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 07, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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