Eastern reflector, 2 March 1900

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THE AMENDMENT. persona shall be for
First, all person who shall
den v I be being of Almighty Cod.
The following is the ml, ult per,,, who shall have
U. article of the Stale their
lion, adopted by the As and
lobe submit i whether or not,
to the voters for ratification any treason
or crime for
I- That article VI of the which punishment may lie
of North lie
To those
Ii Tin's
keep the i
stem in perfect, order add arc
an absolute cure
f. sick headache, ind
torpid i
all bilious diseases.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
nut Ike same is hereby abrogated of the
and in lieu thereof shall be or corruption and
j luted the following article of raid malpractice in office, unless each
shall restored to the
; rights of in a manner
; prescribed law.
See, This ad shall lie force
in the penitentiary, j
Pens, Pencils.
. -I.
give us a call.
U to is
Si Card
Full Sheet Poster,
The Eastern
to SI a year and con
the nows every week
information lo the
tobacco, that is worth
many more than Hip.
subscription price.
male person
in United Slates, and
every male person who has been
naturalized, twenty-one years of
age, and possessing the
set out in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at soy
by the people in the State, except
herein otherwise provided.
Sec. lie shall have resided in
the Stats of North Carolina for two
in the county six months,
and in the precinct, ward or other
election district which offers
to vole, four months next proceed-
the election; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district Is another
in the same county, shall not ope-
rate lo deprive any person of
right to vole in the precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he has removed, until four
months after such removal.
person who has been convicted, or
ho has confessed bis guilt
court upon Indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is. or may
hereafter be, in the
Male prison, shall be permitted
vote, unless the said person shall
be first restored to citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law.
Every person offering to
vole shall be at lime a legally
registered voter as herein
in I lie manner
provided by law, and the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
into effect the provisions of
this article.
Sec. I. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able to read write any section
of the constitution in the
language; and. before he shall be
entitled to vole, have paid on or
before I be first day of March of the
year which lie poses to vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lieu only on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
to enforce the collection of
except against property.
Sec. No male person Who was.
on January I, 1807, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled lo Vote
the laws of any State in the
lulled States wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
such person, shall lie denied
the right to register and vote
any election ill this State by person
of his failure to possess the
qualifications prescribed in
section of this article i Provided,
I In- have registered in accord
with the terms of this section
prior lo December I. The
General Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record nil persons
who register under this section on
or before November i ions, and
all such shall lie entitled
to and vote all elections
by the people in this State, unless
disqualified under section of this
Provided, such persons
shall have paid then- poll re
by law.
See. ii. elections by the
shall be ballot, and all
elections by the
shall be viva
See T. livery voter in
Carolina, except as in this article
disqualified, shall tie eligible to of
lice, but before entering upon the
duties the he shall lake
and subscribe the following oath
do swear
that I will support
maintain constitution and laws
of the United Slates, and the eon
laws of North Caro
Una not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office
So me,
. The following claw of
from and after its ratification.
S. M.
pounds Candy.
barrels Apples,
boxes Florida Oranges
pounds Mixed Nuts,
virtue of th.- September
era of Pin in the M
ti- r surviving partner ant
Seeded Citron,
Figs, Dates,
ft It la are Mara to Com
The War la lo
la Moat Knows.
Nature, in her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes hare come from
care less living, or it may be from shoots out pimples, blotches and
other imperfections on the skin, a warning that more troubles
haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary are certain to follow if
you neglect heed the warning and correct the mistakes-
Many a lingering, painful disease and many an has been avoided
simply because notes of warning have been heeded and the blood kept
pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S
Miss Abbie J. of Marshall, Mich.,
was cured of a bad humor after suffering with it for fire years. The
doctors my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body I was perfectly raw with it. What I
suffered during these five years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if
did. I tried every medicine that was to cure It, I spent money
enough to buy n house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA highly
praised. I tried a bottle of it. I began to improve away, and when had
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I hare never had a touch of it
since. I got any thing to do me the least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA. I would heartily advise all suffering from humors
or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA
made me oil
The blood is your if you keep it pure strong yon can positively re-
disease face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA never
tails. It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar one
undersigned therein Com-
missioner will to sale before
11.4. dour In Greenville to the
highest bidder fr cash, on Monday the
day March 1900, the following
property t
One undivided hall Interest In a tract of
land the lands of Barton lie-
Williams and other containing seventy- to see me.
seres-more or less, on Indian .
Well end known as the lauds
to and Julia
and in a recorded in Book P
J One tract situate Greenville town-
ship the lands of Silas
acres more or lees, fully
a deed and Cherry to
Harry Book P page
One tract known as the Council James
lend adjoining j
the lands of F.
others, containing one bundled
or less, and fully in a deed
J. to Harry Skinner
C pages and
other tract in IT I
township know as t
more or
situate P. r township, adjoining
George James
and others, i three bandied
acres a
The above tract, containing alto-
. more or lens, and known
as the Burton lands, the Council
James land and the land lie
offered as follows.
l The removing
t r ii. with u often years,
mi ail the above named tracts,
finch will be of-
st The whole
mM m.
s, John j m
one T
Tho every
and prices as low as Hie
Highest market prices
for eon ii try
By virtue of a decree of the
of in the
case of J. Griffin, Addle E.
Brooks, Alice spier, Pat
Joel O. Joel
j to -ell land for I lie
will cell
fl II ., ii.,.
ball feet standing timber on before Home
ball standing
One tract S. II. J. f.
K. A. Cherry, Fleming,
situate in Carolina known as the
Sam land, acres
more or lets timber heretofore
One tract known as the Land,
situate in township, lying on
Creek, adjoining of
J. H. and
containing seventy nine acres more or
t J A Dupree,
Trustee, to Harry Skinner Hook-----
B One tract adjoining the lands of the
late John Fleming, Jordan Daniel and
in the forks of the where
ti. wag formerly
and described J. J Nobles to
Harry acres.
One tract of loud situate In
township beginning at two lane pines
and West I n pine then
Wot to the road Hit ii up said
road West poles lo another
r ad In of the dwelling of the
and runs with said
m I thence ft. and K.
p. i line then with his
line the
Out root of land situate in Content-
ma the lands of A. Mo
Johnson, the
and Containing acre fully
de in n deed from John
page and A
One t in
whip, the lauds of Hardy
iii.-re of less, fully
in I page and A o
One tract of land situate m
the of the late
Sic. Porter's place, A.
Wilt v
live and acre
or less,
Lot No in West
I Beginning at the N. W.
corner of Latham and Ward
North Latham street feet to the line
of 1.1 No. Lt, With the line of lot No
i t the corner or lot No
feet I Ward street then east with
Word feet to the beginning,
U I.--i v. in Weal ties-
I lows; at s K.
ltd and Jarvis thence
sooth will street MM feet lo the
thence with the line of
lots No i and then with the line of
u foal lo Third
I west feet to
the beginning.
M- lot m the town of Greenville on
I r of Front and Read and
ti n a dead from J J. House to
. h ii I. -I Mg A W.
Tn tuts
l hat can m range
I J i i
fever i a bottle of Grove's
it i simply
in form.
Ho m pay.
lour Greenville,
day of March the follow-
described piece r parcel of
land in the town of bound-
ed the west by J. C. Griffin lot
on the mirth by K. Lang's lot on
tie east by Alice M. lot and
on the by eon
two acres more or less.
This 1900.
F. Q.
North i In
County. Before the Clerk
iii Henry sad
Jenkins, wire.
Henry Jenkins sad
Nellie will lake
been commenced in
County, Clerk, fr the
of real do-
will nodes
M of
Clerk Superior Court for toe County
of mi of
or t Hie
r the
will lo for
relief ii slid petition and
i- Clerk Court
virtue of a of the Superior
Court County made, on the 27th day
January a certain Pro-
therein vending, W.
and wife
and and as case
will on MONDAY, 6th
ell at before the Court Hones
door In Greenville
a certain piece or parcel of land
ate County,
known a lit No. in the division of the
of Mary B,
w-- l by
the and bounds,
at the 4th corner of No.
on ton load, theme South
t a on 3rd corner
6- creek to a
thence B. poles to a
rood near pool South of its
road to
containing acres or
loss, 87th, 1900
The Ono Doy Cold Cure.
Cold in and fire cured Ker-
Laxative car to
you Improve;
i r i
for and advice.
S R. R. I
Ar Mount
M .
AM P m m
I U l
t -a a
T t-1 S
Ar Mount
Lt Mount
I St
e a is i
ton a IS P m,
p m. .
j m. arrive p m leave
p. p B, arrives Wilmington
r. p SI
leave Ban
a m, a m,
m, How a
m, Mill.
Spring II p in. Max ton ti p
arrives p in
if at with Carolina
Spring with the
Air Lino and
Railway at Gulf with Durham
Charlotte Railroad.
Tram on
leave p m. Halifax m.
p m.
K pin leave.
vi a m, ill.- M a in, Halifax
at II am. Weldon II am.
guild av.
Train. leave
a in an S SO n in. n u
a in and p in.
a a
and o in. Sunday.
Train leaven Sunday
i p in, Sunday pin, arrive.
in, leave.
mouth dully. Sunday. and Sun
am. am.
Train on Midland N leave,
daily, Sunday, Iva . m, arriving
ion m, returning leave.
Train on leave
Mount at am. p m,
II a p m. Hope a in,
pm. leave Hope II So am
I p in IS IS a m. arrive at
a in, C p in. dally except Sunday.
Train on leave. Warsaw tot
Clinton dally, Sunday. m and
leave. Clinton at am and
p in.
Train No ekes Wei
don all dally, all via
J. R. KENLY, Manager.
a. m.
service and sermon every
Sunday morning evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M., and Litany Fridays at A
M Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. in. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. pastor. Sunday-
school a. in. E. B.
regular services
SI earner leave Washing-
ton dally at A. M. for
ville. leave daily at
I. M. fur Washington,.
Steamer leaven
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
at A. II.
leave. Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays. and Saturdays
at A-. II. carries freight only.
for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Line front Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
J. J. CHERRY. Art.,
A. P. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. K.
W. M. J. M. Sec
LO. Lodge, No.
Meets every evening.
R. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening.
R. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
J. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. in, meets every second
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
-------DEALER IN-------
I can now be found the
brick store formerly
by J.
W. Brown.
The Eastern
inn m
Ed H. Mill
Ed. H.
Why are Higher.
every price named will be the name
not one cent will they deviate.
Now if this is not a what
is it Your correspondent states
that phosphate rock and pyrites
I would ask him if
it is not a fact that the Virginia
Carolina Chemical Company
per cent, of the acid chambers
of the South Atlantic States If
they do own and control every
pyrites mine the South, and
the few independent companies
of The
I quote from a recent
of Tho
advance in the price of fer-
is due entirely to the ad-
price of all materials en
into their manufacture and
not to a trust, for there is no trust.
The idea that many farmers
to have, and which is being
and magnified by some of j not compelled to go elsewhere
the newspapers of the South, that j tot their pyrites
advance in price of will go higher, not lower,
is all profit to the regardless of any action of the far-
and and unnecessary one I and not because of any act
is simply the rankest of of the
sense, not worthy of a denial or I Supply demand make the price
explanation, if it was not for the i and not the concerted, or proposed
fact that many well meaning Tar concerted action of any set of men,
mere, and also newspapers are I- j u manufacturers or
misled by these ere. located in any one section of
false statements, and perhaps re- , the country, such a body being
main deceived too long to lie usually only a drop in the bucket
for this year. Many of j compared to all the
these false statements are started I and consumers the world,
and circulated by unscrupulous If the Southern farmers do not buy
politicians and newspapers that
wish to make political capital out
of the
advance price of
is due to the increased cost
of all fertilizer material, and the
present advance is one-half
what it will lie next fall or next
spring, if the raw material remains
st or possibly, still higher
A few years ago the Virginia
Carolina Chemical Company was
all they need it well give the North
em and Western farmers that
much better chance to supply their
Yen, prices will be higher next
fall and still higher the following
spring. I agree with your
responded folly this. Why
shouldn't they go higher when the
Virginia Carolina Chemical
Company control the business in
the South, and Com-
a New Jersey corporation,
chartered. They commenced bus- with a capital of
by consolidating several
North Carolina fer-
six or
eight For a
all the Northern and Eastern facto-
these two corporations,
working in harmony and getting
I lie -nine prices Now
while the factories that were not any corporation,
in this arrangement made a light or is to
the stat-
that it was a The
Virginia answered by
saying it is We
to cut down expenses and
cheapen the product
with only six or eight
factories I am told that now
own every factory in South Caro-
except one, nearly all of the
Georgia factories, all of the North
Carolina la factories ex-
three or four and several in
all about differ-
factories. Only a few mouths
ago the capital stock was increased
from to
preferred stock, on
a legitimate profit on their actual
investment, if a farmer thinks
it pays him to buy at the
present prices, it is his business,
but do not try to deceive the
I also note that Chem-
has published a card, also at-
tended a meeting of farmers
Greenville, to explain to them
it was necessary for the fertilizer
companies to their prices
especially on of the
cos in acid phosphate and pyrites,
but failed to state who owned
these acid chambers and pyrites
mines. Now don't understand me
to say that Chemist would
which is guaranteed per cent that would be against
interest, or per annum,
and the other is com-
stock, which gets the surplus
profits. I am told that there is ab-
only one price for certain
quantities and every factory names
the same price. Ask any merchant
city to write every fertilizer
factory in the country to price
them on guano,
teed analysis percent, acid It's the very woman who runs up
the of the farmers, bill I
did not know that this was a part
of his duties, but if so he should
have gone further and given all the
you think marriage
is n failure
; I think husbands often
per cent, potash, per cent, am-
delivered in Charlotte mid
bills that can generally be depend
M to run down her neighbors.
The Right Ticket
The Marion Sutler
by black radicals for governor,
Spencer Adams for lieutenant gov-
will strike most men of fair
sense observation as particular-
appropriate, even fortunate.
We do not know two white-skins
ho will lie better paired. Butler
shamefully abused his
speech at Rocky Mount, and out-
raged decency, but out
of which lie tried to lie late, but
vain. Again his late
harangue at Raleigh that he
M revolutionist and anarchist
of the Kentucky Taylor stripe,
filled with malice, gangrened by
embittered by disappoint-
made reckless by necessity,
and was ready to resort to race
to carry out his Internal plans.
Consumed by ambition and made
desperate by circumstances,
latter-day conspirator against
people proclaimed himself ready
to Join white Republicans, bit de-
party among
lists, and the black contingent he
and other had so long
misused and abused and abused
for the most selfish, purposes
that with this force the entire
of while Democrats might be
en out of North Carolina. No
doubt he is depraved and malicious.
enough such a dreadful
peal, but there arc not enough
other fools the slate to join him
this wild and hazardous crusade
against the virtue, intelligence,
manhood of North Carolina,
to make the movement of and
or importance, One
old fashioned heard
from the mountains to the sea
would put to and his
Adams is the who at Co-
court 1808, so disgraced
the ermine of the judge by a
slanderous and disgusting diatribe
from bench aimed at the white
men of the stale. It was a lilting
partisan harangue to be printed
the same cover with Lin-
railings in the United Slates
house, the foul and talk
of While, the
Solomon of
and of the scoundrel
that assaulted pure
in North Carolina.
Let the nomination of Butler and
Adams be made. They are
Siamese Twins political m-
in defamation
of better
sins and ready
tools for the lowest and
O crop can
grow with-
Vie ate ill in the forefront of the race after your patronage
We oiler the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found any store in County. Well choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring. Bummer
and Winter. We are work for yours mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show yon what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer yon the service, polite
attention, and moat liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if yon not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Hate and Caps, and Satins,
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Cloths.
The Newfoundland
baa been prorogued until March
to permit the formation of a
Having a majority of one,
the ah
will not longer to secure
legislation, will appeal to
While entertaining the Mayors
of and Rochester,
James b. of Syracuse,
N. y., as a on a
special trolley oar,
In ii the Taylor
Wise, Bid Turn Me
mill Hi min-
Hen- killed.
oat started .
livery blade of
Com. all Fruits
and Vegetables
must have it. If
enough is supplied
j you can count on a full crop
if too little, the growth will be
oar book ill of
a I far all co.
ii tithing.
upon her trial trip in New
York sound yesterday, after an
unimportant her boll-
had been repaired.
Men's, Women's an I child ion's
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters,
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Head is.
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that Hue.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for lather Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
the New
A bill introduced in
York Legislature make
over three
Lieutenant Governor Woodruff,
of New York, who is a candidate
Owing In the results of a revival
which is being held
-Methodist church, a
large basket factory had lo close
down Friday. Soon o'clock
In the morning about thirty young
women employed In the factory be-
came enthused with religious
began to sing, pray and
shout. The men at work in
President, has gone to lie attracted to
Mich. I,, begin a series i proprietor of the
speeches in Western cities. j i a prominent
The Director of the Census ex- He made no
main reports , the girls, but told
the twelfth published ,.; and rejoice and he
than July I
A bill introduced in
the New
York Legislature makes women's
over three inches long
dangerous weapons.
The Difference.
New Peed for Hoes
The Citizen bus frequently men
tinned the met that in North Car- Mr. new
there are two distinct classes feed he has discovered for hogs
of Republicans national or more properly speaking one he
cans and In any has adopted. It is poke
discussion of the ibis . We have u being cooked
distinct ion inn-i be borne in mind, up with meal, hominy, peas,
The national Republicans arc Re- nips the like but Mr.
publicans principle, because person to for
they believe the policies of that purpose as far as we know.
vilest combination ever formed for j Republican party . The Finding that bis hogs ate with
the injury of the deg Tans, while calling themselves Re- relish seemed lo thrive
humanity and the In- publicans, are not Republicans; upon such diet, Mr.
they are merely thing for office. to cultivate or propagate
They care nothing for Republican He has set out
jury outrage of the white race
the master builders and hope of
world. They are the exact principles, nor any other
ticket for plotter and despoilers
the rabble their large pro
tensions and little with
Yes, nominate that
ticket so representative of the low
gang every way, and let the white
men of the state haven good, open
chance at it. That ticket will de-
no even the
a know cattle
hills will plan more, lie
puts them about the fence nor-
liars, along hedge rows, mi ditch
banks, and other waste places thus
no laud I hill
Their whole political faith
may be summed up in three
anything for office.
national Republicans are
in favor of rule in any part be used for other purposes.
Of North They have .,
enough sense lo know slop, he I he poke salad is a
rule is a blight; that rule good feed for hogs and i. would
means rule Of the white man , lb.- from ear
and the by the They p in
have enough manhood to say
want no rule for
gets with moldy do not wish lo sec other
The best way to down trusts is to
use as I it t lo as possible of trust
goods and give the preference to
the products of independent man-
Learn the of
trust goods and don't buy them.
the names of similar pro-
of independent factories and
buy them
men under rule. They have
the business sense to know
then can be no progress where
there is rule.
than four ears of com to be fed dry.
He ha- tried and knows n h it lie
i- bilking about.
The poke sprouts put mil
grow and last a long lime
Mr, thinks others
do well to give It a trial. No
would pay them as much for this
as for working. News of the
expected demonstration spread,
and so many persons visited the
that the work was brought
Governor to a standstill.
York, win, is ;, visited the scene.
for President, has gone
, fr food rent,
the services were continued until
j late in I he afternoon, w hen the
to their homes, complete-
exhausted, a number of eon-
wen- made.
The milk human
doesn't mix well with the cream of
Mich., to begin n series of
speeches in western cities,
Colonel A. W wiles of
Ala., is being considered
of Philippine C
The Director of the Census ex-
to have reports of
the twelfth census published
later than July
Having confessed be at- The of feminine fashion
tempted to Mis. c. i. is often illustrated by tome pretty
a while woman. low gowns.
s. c
We One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of
not lie cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. Props.,
Toledo, O.
Wei lie undersigned, have known
I. the last
him perfectly
Profits of Oil Trusts
I lie New York Journal thinks
the immense profits of the oil and
I rusts Mill bean issue in the
campaign. Ii
i lie joint profits of
Trust and Carnegie
amount to all business
Thai would of to
, I , , ,, ,. , . , out any obligations made their
bonded debt tho I ,;,.,
Stales little over vents. ,, , . , ,
., . , . , . , w t-sT wholesale drug.
II whole ,.;,. o.
of the
I druggists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken in-
u.-ling directly upon the
blood mucous surfaces of the
per bottle,
all Druggists.
Work has commenced the
Met In or platinum
Not so with Tans. is .,,,. bed absolutely
They are filled for
So long as they can have office they ,,,, y, , ,,,. ,,,,;
care nothing for people who pay .,,,
They know
I hey got of- j
flee, long they can
the climb into
care nothing for the progress of the No, Maude, just because a Conn-
Without principles them-j plays, it necessarily
selves, cannot follow that all plays are written
with n pen.
Tho profits of these
ions are enough a single year to
absorb almost the whole
circulation of the Hank of
In years they would
more the -i. k
gold in of the
Slate-. In Is would
match all be gold
Bank of They
tons much in a single year i-
gold the national banks of Italy
and Spain combined.
A Valuable ling.
Mr. T. Sink. of I.
I hi township, killed a bog last
i- remarkable
amount of n is netted its
Ii i- n sow and
pounds when killed. Mr.
sink i he has tailed one
and pig
BOW, which ho for exactly
Add to this present
worth of pork per pound, say live
and it will be that he
exactly from one
I family Pills are the bail
Hi. n.
I lie, c.
lice over White
ail i
mm r.

. X-
Senator has OR LEI
Hell no for nominee
in be in of Bryan , C,
In- will for him if BOSS- f the House
Entered the Post
Greenville. H. C, ah
Mail Mailer.
it, WOO.
int a i inside
tariff, and Urn Is
worse the Spanish one.
baa one
fourth of Sow
Mark who baa been really
begin the campaign
work which was for lack
of nils.
Mean announce
that the island is worse off now
than under Spanish rule. There
is no reason to doubt
The annexation cut
resources that the island
had under Spanish rule
given nothing In return.
to lo old mother
and aid to save the count r
from the of
Can misrule.
The are in a bad
. all claim that Mi-Kin
w ill have a walk over this fall.
hut nevertheless they are walking
more gingerly than a great
ever did
They are afraid to
hill or the treaties
all of which are party measures,
and they are in imminent peril of
defeated on the
tariff bill.
Soother who held I ., to claim the
aloof or 1884, can now -f tariff bin,
which republicans wan
lo make at
hour In order to get the
can votes needed to pass the hill
as i party The and
united attitude of the
was what enabled republican
objectors to force the amendment
of bill.
As predicted, the gold standard
lull, reported from the conference
committee little hit
either the House or the Senate
bill. It contains every objection-
able feature that was in both, and
bad mad I most of them more ob-
As the republicans
have the votes, the Conference bill
will probably lie rushed through
this week, it has already bean
agreed the Senate shall vote
upon it Thursday.
Quay is in of
The clique real estate
who are after a big wad of ten Potomac.
money, in exchange
for the side of
Avenue, which, notwithstanding
its n quagmire in which no
foundation for a large build- U V
. . . . . . the for
can lie had without driving . . . . ,
, . . , . r foresight and in
piles through or feet ,, ,. .
found legal the
New York. Feb. the
meet log to-
Of they have la-en talking up
as just place to locate future
public building, received
check when the Washing
Centennial Committee came
out strong for Federal
Avenue, from Capitol to the
Memorial bridge to Ar
over the which
all Federal shall
located. The Mall is by
the government and there would
no pickings the erection of
its own ground.
Senator Vest thus sized up
the republican policy. In a short
The proposition that the
S. can hold territory as a
possession and its as
. test vote has made it win the most preposterous
Fritz who was forced
lo take n bath before being put
a cell iii the county jail in
i has brought suit against
line Sheriff for on the
. gallon that the enforced ablution
William of Germany is him eye and threat-
much trouble in getting his navy cued the sight other, through
doesn't be fob The plaint says
. , was made to undress
up his j,,
years make a century by j flag,
ins that his present navy is twice jug plunge
will get the when the final has ever bee
big as it seems to be. This
would settle the with sat-
to all.
there are
who are opposed to
But a whole
and Ids them work will on
the country, without even making
an effort to curb their destructive
powers. If the party is wise,
will to do something before the
next election.
out chance to warm up.
The Sea York
the progress of the
in framing n
Spain. Con
that in
have throttled one
and show no
any of the others
negotiated, the Tribune
rejoicings seem
Correspondent Joe of
Atlanta Constitution, throws some
the attitude of Senator
Hut lei toward Mr. Bryan. He
Democratic leaders do not
conceal possibilities of
embarrassment which
would come the Populists, ill the
to bold at Sioux Falls on the of
Mas. put out a full ticket and
upon the Democrats
I heir candidate for Vice
lent. Thai it is the Intention of
of those high Up in the conn
of the to do
everything possible to embarrass
the there
are some of that leader-,
who. at In their honest de-
sire hi com pass defeat of the
see necessity of
on lines
which mean- acceptance of the
Democratic plat form and Demo-
candidates without any
equivocal ion The brand of Pop
which Senator Butler, of
droll a. represents can h.
expected to give all sorts
and the leaders,
Congress of it, haw come
ii the conclusion the one
lo meet nil
is a light on straight Democrat.
in.-. This will be made. But
who la going to fuse with Hi.
in North made
,. , , , ,.,., winning Milwaukee, none
and. according to present
to candidate for
fusion, Will have very little.
in shaping Democrat- ,
campaign- There
Populists in the Weal when
Then-is much discussion going
in through Press and other-
wise ab. high the fa.-
ii . H.; .- for r tin
this season. The Pin
recently held u meeting and
adopted res, ill ions expressing
their sentiments In the matter,
which published
at the time. Sine-then we hare
published, copied from t he
and Observer, a
made by Depart-
of the Stab- forth that
the advance in fertilizers was due
to the of the raw material
composing I hem, and Hull the man
h fact were mil responsible for
the high prices. A
of the Charlotte Observer made
statements paper to
almost the same i in an-
other correspondent of the latter
paper refutes these statements and
toys factories arc
for high prices fart
also have of
sources of the -apply of I he raw
material and pm up prices
Ilia i- not prepared
lo boa all i-. Put
one thing w do know, the farmers
are lo pay higher
prices this for fertilizers.
And the factories having laid in a
supply of raw material out of
to make being sold A I,,,;,,, man considers every
previous to the suggestion which he throws on I
raw materials, the higher upon the waters,
prices charged fir this The of is the
season is very unjust. The best of getting revenue, and
.,.,,, , i , , merely a method of getting v
thing lo do is
their fertilizers at home if
is taken A number of democrat
will vote to seat him M a matter
Senator Butler, Chairman of the
Populist National Committee, ex-
the opinion that the
tempt to create friction between
the democrats and populists, will
fail. Speaking of the nomination
, Senator Bu tier
will be the choice of three
element-, the democrats, the pop
the silver republicans.
The two latter will meet the
same day, If present arrangements
arc carried out, and will, in all
probability unite upon the same
candidate for Vice
Representative the
democratic leader in the House,
has. a new resolution, added
steel to the sugar trust,
the tin trust,
the oil trust, the products of which
previous resolutions authorize the
Interstate Commerce Commission
to prohibit transportation of
on Transportation lines
whenever they have knowledge
the asked for the
produce in excess of I per
rent, on the actual capital Invest-
ed in the trust which controls
Mr. has tendered
places on Philippine Com-
mission, to two gold democrats,
Luke K. of Tenn.
and Mr. C.
Inasmuch a.- both of gentle
men are supposed lo endorse the
financial as well a the foreign pol-
icy of the
it is farcical for Mr.
to expect the democratic parts
to recognize them as its
the Commission. It is
advanced in the course of my pub
lie life.
Rev. Mr. Assigns.
T. tiled a
notary petition in bankruptcy.
His liabilities are and his
are about 01,600,
Mr. said yesterday t a
reporter of Charlotte observer
that his bankruptcy was the
of a rapid loss trade
through a period of months
was due directly to the of
Dr. C. the President of
Trinity College. As for
the Methodist Conference in North
and South Carolina. Mr.
said his Ii illness was in good con-
until he bad at the
meeting of the trustees of Trinity
College in August that in
South Carolina Dr. had the
reputation of lining a wire puller.
This evidence said Mr. was
after he had received a writ-
ten summons from the Chairman of
the Hoard of Trustees to appear as
a witness in the well known case
wherein Judge Clark, of the
Court bench was alleged to
have made an attack upon the
character of Dr.
It may be remembered the
trustees sustained President
and that Judge Clark resigned as
a member of the Hoard.
is it possible that Dr.
an institution which
purports to develop character and
make honest, faithful Christian
men of students. This same
Dr. who proclaims himself a
minister of the Gospel, should liar-
up in his narrow soul such a
tut ion at Georgetown and the
Catholic with its
affiliated college-. He declared
rich Catholics had
ready put their wills
in aid of education ill Washington
amounting to This
showed, lie said, that so far as
America is concerned the
Catholic headquarter an no ton-
on the other but on
the bank of the Potomac river.
have no rivalry at Washing-
he said. came to the
capital after them, as a good
brother once said to a
late. -You will always he
certain to Methodists after
Bishop Hurst said that the one
hundred acres of land purchased
a few- years ago is now
bringing oilers of
we will not sell. We did not
Other denominations Hum
Methodists have contributed about
sixty the so
far in band apart from the site.
One building, the hall of history
is up. Pennsylvania and Ohio each
contemplate another and have
en toward them.
Hunt said that building costs to
erect to and
making for the Methodists of
each State naming a hall gills
Bishop Hurst related a
with President
the latter's plans after he leaves
White House. Tile President
said he would work actively
on the task of creating Amer-
but that he would
not be figurehead. President
is already a director. This
fall it is believed he will open out-
building and lay corner stone
of two more.
Has the Largest Sale of
in the world.
manufactured by GUANO CO.
Kansas City is the Place.-The
4th Is the Dav.
The Democratic National Con-
been called to meet on
the fourth of July at Kansas City.
Daniel was interviewed by a Post
reporter his return to Raleigh
Saturday, and gave out the news
fresh from committee meeting.
The reason for holding the con-
in Kansas City and
Attar two years
Premium hare
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Loud Value,
Paid-up i e.
ft. Insurance
the fourth of July best works automatically,
given in Mr. Daniel's own words I Will be reinstated withal
was a very strong years after lapse if you an
Mat In of MM early in good health,
lion, in which I shared, and After Year
think but for the fact that the No Restrictions,
Oregon election will Is held on the Incontestable.
of one the convention would Dividends arc payable at the be-
have been called for that week by ginning of the second and of cash
a very large majority. The Ore- year, provided the
member, who wanted the con- j for the current year be paid
held as early us May 9th, j They may used
hogged convention lie not To reduce Premiums, or
be Called on the same week of To Increase the or
election in hi Stale. There were To Make Policy Payable
eight or nine favor date an Endowment during Lifetime
early even the middle of May. insured.
When the Oregon election I
farcical l label the new venomous spirit. Such a mean
i. knows it to Is- thorough-
I Iv Imperialist
Although Wisconsin demo
and almost a
the ran be relied upon
to support the Democratic ticket
rather throw their votes
on a forlorn hope whose purpose
would be to further the
-publican party; and those
leaders n ho are seeking to
give Democrats trouble
themselves with no followers
in those states where votes
may be of value lo the Democratic
h regarded
that and silver
Republican convention may yet
be so as to conform with
date and place of Demo
erotic convention, It that is done
it will be these elements coming lo
Hi idea as and
ideas, as a few
men in the Democratic committee
There is no hope willful
of them have shown the slightest
over the choice of
Kansas City for the National Con
by the Democratic Na
Committee. Like all other
good they believe In
majority rule, and accepted the
vote of the Committee as ending
the It is the same
with those democrat who
ed holding ahead
of the republicans.
second thought, every
recognizes how fitting is the
which for the true
American of the Dec-
of Independence, of
the Constitution, hold it
National on
Indianapolis has been named
the place and Sept. 5th, as the
time for holding the National Con
of the Association of Dem-
Clubs, by the Executive
Committee of the Association. At
same meeting resignation
of lion, K. Blank, of Pa.
as President of the Association,
of Representative of
Pa., as a member of the
coin were accepted.
The new president will not be
announced until April
son Day. when Association will
gin a big banquet in Washington.
mull Executive Com-
Contemptible spirit is indicated
by Mr. statement I With,
out denying or the state.
of Mr. we say that
Dr. baa used his influence,
not his own by right of his own
session, but by right of the
he to injure the
business of a man like Mr.
then Dr. should not be per-
to live in North Carolina.
The Trustee l Trinity College
would do well for institution to
send him away. The church to
which lie belong could not do a
more righteous act all
credentials and erase his name from
the roll of its membership and the
citizens of his community would lie
building better than they know if
they know him no more. Such a
man is a menace to society a
blight to tin- spirit of manhood.
. York,
man colored, of North Car-
in n speech before people
. y auspices of the Afro-
American council of New York to
-aid lie had a bill for
ii in congress making lynch-
i i Mm State. At
he has race per-
be. a SO strong it was
time for the nation torn that every
Individual life D safe the
law lakes course.
An Important Meeting of
The trustees the of
North Carolina met at Raleigh on
the 21st instant. It was in
respects an Important meeting as
it made a radical departure. The
university ill hold open sessions
all the year round. There will lie
no dosed doors henceforth, but
teaching will continued through
all the months. It will suggest
journalistic life, newspaper life
closing the Slit of December to lie-
gin the next day for another
broken year. Tile idea is catching
if the teachers can the strain.
It will off-r extraordinary
special class of youth.
It will very hard on the
dents who shall study all the year
How it will work when
illy tested we cannot antic
but it well on paper.
Preside I Alderman say in his re-
port lo
The plan continuous
is a part of a large whole.
It is one manifestation of the
extension spirit that spirit
which, during the last eight or
nine years has been leading many
of more prominent
ties of our country to widen their
activity with a purpose of
bringing advantages of
to those classes of the pop
have been
deprived of university culture. It
is, in effect, a movement to add a
year to scholarly
A Washington correspondent
chanced to look up at the
of a private office building
Washington the other day, and
there he saw the names of no less
ex-Congressmen, not to
mention those of other ex -officials.
The inclination to linger about
Washington strong that men
who have la-en poisoned with
taste for official atmosphere cannot
to try their fortunes at
drove the advocates of June
from that dale, the vote was on
June and July 4th, the
winning because,
neither would bean early
it was believed it would serve
to arouse the slumbering American
spirit, to hold the convention on I
the of the adoption of the Dec- j
of Independence, and to j
unite that Declaration into
platform warning the people
the Republican was bent on I
convening the Republic Into an j
Empire, and calling upon all who
believe in the to unite in
a Struggle to crush imperialism
and militarism before they become
powerful enough lo crush out the
real the
Everybody knows the
date and the main issues ad-
and the active work of the
J. L.
B. e.
1.1. mm,
ST. C.
What the good example falls to
do the horrible example is expect,
ed to News.
Cotton Hugging and Ties
on I-
Fresh goods kept
D. W.
rapidly as if formal action had
ready taken.
place chosen,
his the best auditorium in the
foiled Stales, having the
buy testimony of Moody I
an to that effect. It is in the
heart of the prairie country, a city
true to and the con-
will lie held sympathetic
surroundings and an inspiring
If to, bring tome. I pay
market prices.
E. M.
i v
In Homo schools of oratory the
lost motion Is something awful.
. tad illustrated.
; ,
a i BOOK
m-t learn how t
, k ho
. ml . . Ll. I- l . a ;
i life
. iv t, i
i ,.,
I tit
iii MM i . I n. y
J-1 H Alt i- I r r I
. , i lo
It u
. ;. Th
. . l.--t ;,
. a Cow, Hoc
vi ought lo right
r.- , . . . HOOKS.
Pi .
I. K-t II I.
I hr.,
I and ,.,,,
I trill b Ball
n .
Fall and Winter Clothing
Special Price
Good Suit
If there is a CROSS HARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Some Speak Some to You
Rev. t. It. left
Roy Evans
I-. I. Moon left this
for Court at
left morn
lag for to attend
J. L. wife have
moved to II. to board.
palmist, came
Miss Annie did
leave for stated in
A. A. Forbes has moved
of the new buildings on
property near the railroad.
Tuesday morning at her home at
At Home.
The horn, of Mr. A. Thigpen I Mrs. A. M. Keel drop-
County will meet
next Monday.
The family of H. R. Ross have
moved in the
good, Mullet Roe B
a pair at S. M.
New Crop Raisins to be
closed out at
New line Spring Samples for
Tailor Made Suits. Kit aM
faction guaranteed.
Chariot Dupree, a colored inmate
of the County Home, died last
If Sunday
day from a cold, Standpoint,
we do not want to see one.
March of Superior
Court next Monday. It
will be a civil term.
A cold wave pinches us once in
awhile, but we believe taken us a
whole it is going to run out a mild
Pitt county ought to make
shirt White
clubs. Let Greenville
start the ball rolling.
The Economist says the cotton
factory of Elizabeth City is the best
paying Investment in the
Greenville is hard to con-
of a thing like
Many people over the county
who owe us for to
will be
in town attending court next week.
We hope they will pay the amount
while here.
A large party of the tobacco boys
went out for u fox hunt Saturday
They not used to
such rough horseback riding,
some of them arc making a
lame show even at
was most
last evening from to
The Occasion given in honor
of Miss of Washington,
N. who is visiting Misses
invited guests were Mr.
B. Starkey with Miss Mr.
B. J. with Miss Ward,
Mr. J. A. Ricks with Miss
Nobles, Mr. with Miss
Ada Tyson, Mr Davenport I
with Miss Lucy Nobles, Mr.
Wilkinson Miss
Lydia Thigpen, Mr. King,
with Miss Mamie Fleming. Mr. I
Alf. Follies with Miss Doll Daniel, j
Mr. J. F. King with Miss
Messrs Rip Ward,
Fleming, Frank Ban-j
and Lon
Al o'clock the was in-
into the dining room where
a most feast was enjoyed.
At too early an hour the clock
pointed lo the spot on the dial and
said good night.
To the Misses Thigpen their
guests are greatly for u
most pleasant and enjoyable
Mayors Court.
The following cases have been
disposed of court
since last
Louis Atkinson, drunk and ex
posing his person Indecently, guilty
lined one penny and cost, 93.80,
J. G. W. and J. W. Per-
kins, riotous and disorderly, Cobb
not guilty, Perkins waived exam.
nation. for his
at April term of Superior
Company by
Who Get No
Maj. W. the
inciting of the Legislature will
make a at the
He will present a bill to the Leg.
asking I hat body lo pal
the Durham
Company which of the
American Tobacco Company Into
the of trustees, and empower
the trustees to wind
of said company, pay off
of said company and divide the
due an mg the stockholders.
Lou Dead.
At this morning, of
at her home in this town,
Mrs. Lou died. She
leaves two sons, Mr. h. II.
and and one
daughter, Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. was fifty six
old. She had been a resident of
Greenville tor a number of years.
The remains will be Interred at
the old graveyard miles
from town. The hour of interment
has not yet been announced.
Repairing- the
The work of repairing
bridge across the river here is in
progress. Messrs. E. G.
M. Jones, of Washington,
are the contractors. Au entirely,
. i. his advertising, obedience to the
draw is lo be put in, and when
this is completed public will
The Business Trump.
play is
a maxim as fully applicable to
business M to card playing.
When a is of two minds
as to advisability of increasing
dead. Supposed to he there
suit of heart disease. She was
well in good health
about lime.
She leaves four daughters and
four sons.
State Jr. ft. U. A. M.
Ai recent meeting of the
State Council Junior Order Culled
American Mechanics, tie following
officers were
B. of Winston,
A. High Point,
Past State Councilor.
Sam F Vance, Winston, Slate
T. Greensboro, Slate
Council Treasurer.
J. D. Moore, Washington, State
Council Conductor.
P, O. Sink. Lexington, Stale
Council Warden.
W. Wilmington, State
W. P. State
E. F. Sawyer, City,
State Council Chaplain,
The next meeting of the Council
will he held in Winston.
The War.
The news yesterday from A
was exciting and distressing lo all
who believe in cause of the
brave Boers. They are doing
fighting against odds.
They have repulsed the British at
several points. They have lost
heavily perhaps, but so have their
enemies. The British admit
the fought splendid
ally been good lighters and modern
history is full of their deeds. Eng-
land long ago learned much of their
prowess sea, as they are
now learning much as lo their
land. The British
been losing heavily at Koo
other places.
Report said the were in a
Very probable, but
their enemy has caught
times in trap.
The loss of British in re-
cent engagements has very
heavy as was in other defeats.
Nine killed and thirty-nine wont,
Wilmington Messenger.
The Whites Will Vote.
The republicans are manifesting
very marked determination to fas-
ten upon the white people of North
Carolina for all time
yoke. If they can succeed with
the aid of and
the to defeat the
suffrage amendment, the
slate will such a blow in
Its interests S has received
since the time of ravage and waste
and filibustering under car-
pet-hag rule
1808-70. The whit.- radicals arc
attempting every subterfuge and
every falsehood to deceive and in-
white Illiterates. If they
can by lying scare hem into
belief that they will be
the last one will vote for
a continuance of rule. But
is a lie of the whole cloth as
to their being disfranchised by the
proposed amendment. They ought
not to allow themselves to be de-
and misled the lies of
the enemy of the state and the en-
of heir race
Wilmington Messenger.
in Feb. 1900
Simon Mow- is for
i I .
a boarding student
here, is sick. He Is threatened
with pneumonia.
J. to Parmele
the freight Monday. Expects lo
return in a or two.
The guano continues to go in
of high prices. Manning
Co. sold several car load-
Fred Smith, representing the
National Hardware Co. of
spent Monday night half
the day inn- yesterday.
Miss Mary Hardy is back again
after an absence of week. All
show plainly they arc glad to
sec her.
The Bible band now studying
the life of Christ reports great
therefrom. They meet
Tuesday night.
Winterville Cigar Co. now has
quite a number of regular customers
in eastern North Carolina, and
arc coming In from
South Carolina.
Bud Joe says there lime
in lives of all men when
ad fool more or and that the
difference between him and them
is be acts fool all time.
Harrington Barber have
in a new partner. Prom what
can find out his name is CO. They
arc handling fertilizer this season.
Our people continue lo tall, a
chair or furniture factory. The
general opinion i will lie
lo a chair business
This is no mere talk, but with a
encouragement in the way of
Odd ON
us J a
My Stock
is Complete
j; Hals. Caps,
At prices that mil suit you.
Come See gs.
Action Taken for a
of Suits Involving the
Alleged Murderers.
Ai the old Moore store,
on Five where are have
last opened a new and fresh
stock of
Heavy and
Louisville , , , . .
., . ,, ,. Meats, Hour,
Govern. q
Kentucky, w H. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
was in the
here to day. This action
town. The the suit here
made bulb sides for a con-
not lie subject lo SO
crossing for the last
year or two. The
their work and will do it
rule of card playing will resolve his
doubts. Advertising is the best
business trump, audit never fails
to lake the trick when properly
General Seems to Have
All reports from scene of war
seems to indicate that
has made his escape.
Whether this report is true or not,
or whether or not there can be a
hope of escape. we can
not hut admire and look upon with
more or leas The bold
he ha the gallant
fight he has waged. In this war
Englishmen are lighting for gold
The Boers are fighting like the boy
who wore the for their homes
and for their honor.
Accidental Munition
This morning at the Liberty
Mr. J. Woodward
was handling a loaded pistol and
the pistol accidentally went off.
The ball passed rough Mr. Wood-
ward's and striking the Moor
some distance away glanced and
truck Mr. B. K, over
the left eye.
Fortunately no serious damage
lid's Assassins.
Frankfort, Ky., Feb.
for the prosecution and
defense held a conference this
and arranged for an exam-
trial for Marian
on March is one
of the men
in the murder of Leo
Jones, the county
will also be arraigned for
trial same
Bold Avowal.
Washington, C, Feb.
Senator broke loose to
and for nearly an hour bombarded
the Senate with a steady lire of
abuse, invective and vituperation
the like of which has not been
heard the Semite since he de-
livered his speech.
The bill providing a
government for i he Hawaiian Is-
lands was the target. Tillman's
principal objections to this bill
are that it iii hands of
the governing which he
dubbed almost
of Wyoming, ask-
led Tillman if he did not do all In
i power lo disfranchise the col-
people of the South.
Tillman sprang to his feet, ran
over to where the Wyoming Sena
some man putting down a l ;
the work ill be-
gin. It's no mean business
The name is a line
but it means much to the Cos Cot-
ton Planter. We received a let-
from Monday
which read
ship of .
lions. Fruits, in fact everything
to be found an up-to-date
pay highest market
prices far all kinds of
Country Produce,
either in cash or in barter. When
yon want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To nil who favor us with their
we promise entire sat-
action is for an injunction.
Taylor is the in a
Field ill in the consolidated Ti Ft CHRISTMAN CO.
at Five Points
The answer and counter
am, ii
a Cox -ample, I here the suits b,. W. S.
is nothing used here but
Demand Created by Advertising
As free water always Hows to
wards own level, so the general standing, and, shaking his .
of mercantile products
I have tried moat
kinds, them nil.
lie afraid of an 111.01
by us that you can find
the word on, all
right, we will make ii right.
Pm 1.0 .-. N. Feb
here on business
A. B. Smith, of Washing.
was here
Hisses and
returned to the State
to resume their
R. It. Fleming Ins bought of the
Hasten Carolina Land and
c. Ion to erect his
Master the font
year Mill of C. fell
from a log Friday and was
four In
little W.
was thrown from his
and burl, having Ins
right shoulder dislocated.
over to
ill- on business,
were filed. answer b-
of plain
tiffs it sets up a counter
claim, offices of
and ad-
plaintiffs, and defendants pray
of said Wilmington Star.
Shoe Sale
This Week.
Quay Contest in the Senate.
Can body. Call early
a;,. gel u nice pair cheap.
you the
lea and best Ills have
I your clothing made by
W. T,, . Co.
These Two
Are now
prominent needs
A hotel.
A factory.
is always the direction of
greatest demand. But in populous
communities demand tie
artificially made greater by
merchant who is to his op
lie who would sell
much must by advertising
late a special and particular de-
for his
Marriage Licenses
Last week of Deeds
Moore issued marriage licenses to
the following
J. F. Moore.
Willie T. Martha B.
A brain.
K. K. and Spain.
Cary May and Warren.
under his nose
he know nothing of
what other South
Slates, for South Carolina
I can say I did everything I
could do every
in the
incident in which
Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, bait re
declined to yield to Tillman, Bail-Pop has over
he in L county. He
have been , witness against
treated by My I he saw prints
of the I of the fingers on the
endeavored to interrupt j ,,.,, preliminary
but tho latter waved him c leaves a small Dumber
aside, decline to yield his
to the Senator, lie has put him N.
self outside the pale of courtesy
Lumber Bridge, The
who was to line
for railing a o
man failed to trial Ibis
u is reported be
left last night i r
most dastardly crimes
and as I am
nun has a blind side lo
him, if reformer can slip
Up on It. HI
his Slate re election to the
led State; Senate. The legislature
and adjourn,
in one, here
upon the the stale up-
fill vacancy In
the legislature
should ell., t.
heretofore j
led no n so appointed, hold
j when legislature has
bud an
led to do so. no other
could and Tho of
remain vacant until the a
legislator see lo It. a boycott against the
The of Mr. bus the the
taken up b the Semite, Sena post master has resigned and a
tor of Virginia opened the person to the people has
In favor sealing appointed in his place.
govern r. the government did not
that w lieu occurs the of the boycott, but
legislature fill it, or, post muster did, reduced his
I action, The Morning
precedents his contention.
in the abstract, Mr.
Is right. not
lo in- to the
ii is
nor I he con
dilution n should be
in L-
hi-he-i of
executive .
people of a State, is
lo fill save
when- in
it I with such
bill fails,
for lo ant, then
in generally conferred
in these
. c
, up lo
w born. an.
. I he, no
o and the
. only rein
l I rt
conic lion
e not
. to
c cs.,

The Reflector
To those living
i districts
they keep die
Book Store
office First. all persons who shall
the being of Almighty
Second, b shall
The n the amendment or their
In article ii of the Slate it it guilt on indictment System in perfect are
turn, adopted by As whether sentenced or not, under ,
MM, and to be submit- judgment suspended, any treason
to the voters for ratification or or any other crime for r headache,
next j the punishment may be
1- That article of i in the penitentiary,
of North Carolina be
mil the same is hereby abrogated
mil in lieu thereof shall
toted Hie following article of said
oust ill ion
Section Every male person
born in th Slates, and
since becoming citizens of the
or corruption and
in office, unless such
person shall lie restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
prescribed by law.
See. This act shall be in force
from after ratification.
. torpid liver,
all bilious disease .
Liver Pills
every male
By decree
person who has 1899. of Pitt to
Pens, Pencils.
give us a call.
Full Sheet Poster,
The Eastern Reflector
to ins i lie news every week,
run information in
th kc grow
hit; i, worth
many limes than
subscription price.
naturalized, twenty
age, and possessing
in Ibis article, shall
be entitled to vote at Boy election
by the people in the Slate, except
herein otherwise provided.
See. He shall have resided in
the State of Carolina for two
in the six mouths.
in the precinct, ward or oilier
election district in which he oilers
In vole, four mouth next
the election; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or oilier election district t
in the same county, shall not ope-
i tale lo deprive any person of the
lo vote in the precinct, ward
other election district from
which he has removed, until four
j months alter such removal.
I person who has been convicted, or
who has his guilt
coin t upon indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is, or may
be. imprisonment
i tale prison, shall lie permitted lo
unless the said person shall
be first restored lo citizenship In
the manner prescribed by law.
See. Every person offering to
i vole shall be at the lime a legally
registered voter as herein
led in manner
provided by law, the General
Assembly of Worth Carolina shall
general laws In
carry into the provisions of
this article.
See. I. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able lo read and write any section
of the constitution in the English
and, before he shall be
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the day of March
year in which he proposes to vole,
his poll tax as prescribed by law.
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lien only on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
to enforce of
See. male person who was,
on January I. 1867, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled to vote
the laws of any State iii
Tailed States wherein he re-
sided, no lineal descendant of
such person, shall be denied
Hie to register vole
any in this State by person
of his failure I. possess the
prescribed in
section i of this Provided,
he shall have registered in
with the terms of tins section
I prior lo December i, The
j General Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record all persons
who register under this section on
or before November
all such persons shall be entitled i
to vote at all elections
J. T. against Hurry Skin-
I North Weal Id to u pita
Was Ti potato the road then up
rood i pole to
mud ii, the dwelling of the
road s. W. S and K.
lino then with
hue in die -Hi
in Una of land in
in i ii A. Ho
hum. lbs
containing fully
dead from
I iii Q page and A I
One tract town-
Jr., an i others containing
SB more or leas, fully
in l page A
One tract of land
the of I ho late
Ho, J, A.
W and
Lot No in West
. as Beginning at the N. W.
people in Male, unless of Latham and Ward
Motion this
. Ii I Ni. the line of lot No
Provided, such persons J feat to tot Holt
, u
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices M low as the
market prices
aid for country produce.
and am
The named therein as Coin
will expose n sale before
the Court in to
for cash, on Monday the Sib
day of March 1800, the Urn described
property; The increase in the price
One halt inter. in coming at the time when
land the of Me-
the farmers are making their plans
Williams and others containing seventy- r,. planting another crop will III all
more leas, ,.,., .
Well known n the land f. r- a m-
j to la Julia
tally in a in Book
S One tract Greenville
crease iii the acreage planted in
the coming spring. We
have spoken to one Of two of the
merchants who sell guano and do
a time business and they tell us
basing calculations up
W. and
or fully
a deed from Jordan and Joshua Cherry to
Harry r, Book page
it One I known as the Council on the contracts made, the
land ,, ,,.
land- ,, r M. James, John
by their
year ago
ton was at least
a pound less than it is today solely
one hundred
Book j M
C pages last year. We are sorry to bear
One other in this for it presages no good for
kn as -Jam and , .- Z . ,
no one hundred more or, the farmers Coming
tan. I foil. isn't a farmer in Bob.
land of Benjamin in South, for that mailer, who
doesn't know that a year ago the
it i more or Ina, and
. the Council,,
I will or was
offered as also know had
of last a, as
when cut, within the period of ten the acreage planted would have
produced in seasons the
J timber will of- , e
price of cotton would be as
tract will be low, or lower perhaps, than it
u whole, timber and with . i. i . ,.
accept n lo
bring the money. There la acreage this year as last and grow
hall feet of standing limber on . ,, . . .
, upon it an average crop will prob-
S. It. J. cause a decline of i cents In
Cherry,, ;,, of
Hie r
land, containing too prices because the market will be
To increase
acreage last year will surely
bring a great fall in prices for the
supply will be greater than do
Sam containing too j prices because the market
more or let timber heretofore. fuMy
One tract known the land,
in lying on
J. V. H. ml
or It since
I., in J A , . . ,
to Harry Skinner in Book- were saying that unless
page---- acreage in Cotton was reduced
in the where steadily declining. The present
Ham Skinner containing crop last year, due to storms
One tract of situate In and unfavorable reducing
two Urge
Parker Fountain Pen
i i. .
v ; . .
shall have paid their poll tax as re
by law.
Sec. II. All elections by tile pen
pie shall be ballot, all
; elections by
shall be
Sec voter North
Carolina, except as in this article
shall be eligible to of-
lice, but before entering upon the
of the he shall take
and subscribe following
I will support
maintain constitution and
of the United THE
tut to Ward east will
Lot Mo. I in West
Beginning at B. K.
Third and thence
Milli teat lo the
line I I, No, IS, the line of
X and ID, then with line of
M lo Third
tin I.- Ii third went Mi, feet to
I ; of on I
i and Read and
W. J. k
one third ran fur
by Sill
the yield far below the average.
To take this as a reason for in-
creasing the acreage year and
make than ever will
all probability, bring the low-
est prices next year ever known.
such unwise step will
betaken, Lumberton
Th Congressman White
district of
stale baa made two speeches in
congress within the last two weeks,
that for vileness that for
which Manly, the editor was
run out of the state for, if they do
mil surpass it. A it lie
business would no doubt
do this black rascal, who on 00-
occasions baa triad lo force
himself in a social equality with
while people, a great deal of good.
The white people of the whole
state ought lo to
of Second district this
year down this so heavy
and make it so warm for him per-
that he will lie glad to get
out of
fever la a bottle of
Una not therewith, and Tonic. It
ii,, ii i ii i ., Iron and form,
I will the r. .
No pay. Price ODD.
i unites my as--------i
Bo help me,
B. The following classes f eL
poems will soon be
The fellow who thinks he i
good enough w ill bear watching.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
IN Tins.
ate .
I. Ike
I t. ion
hare come from
S from out
on lo, . that more
or pun are to follow U
la takes.
-i an
. are i
J . lb the
, Many a lingering, and many an has been avoided
Abbie J of Marshall, Mich.,
j. bad after suffering with It for Team.
out on neck
and ears, and then on my whole, body. I was perfectly raw with
suffered during those five me j
to H. I
to boy a I heard JOHNSTON b
from humors
or disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal
but A
The blood fa your lift and If you keep
disease or face contagion fearlessly.
fails for sale by all full quart bottles
S. M.
4.000 pounds Candy,
barrels Apples,
boxes Sweet Florida, Oranges
1.1,000 Nuts,
Mixed Nuts,
Figs, Dates, Pane
V V. C I J I, i
Come to see me.
Sou m Pitt County.
White, Cannon. Margaret
Hill vs . and wife,
Hy virtue of a decree of the
Court batted In a certain special proceeding
entitled as above, obtained on the 10th day
of February 1800, the com-
will expose sale to the
for rash, at the court
the town Greenville on the
day o'clock M.,
following described or of land
to-wit; An for the life
in that or parcel or land
and being in r
the Prank
wife, and Martha
tad known as ii,,, White and
devised In will
of Fred White lo Percy Jones
to an estate for lbs life of
lard which said to be sold
set out. This 10th day of
Wit. F.
a. in.
and every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M., and Litany Fridays at A
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, Sunday-
school a. O. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. pastor. Sunday
school p. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. in . E. B.
of administration upon the estate
Of K, deceased,
this day I n ii lime I lo me bf of
the Superior Court of notice
is hereby given lo all
to I hem
In me duly on
the 80th day of February
or this notice will plead in bar of their
recovery. All persona indebted In said ca-
late will make to me
February 24th
It. H.
U Attorneys,
A. F. ft A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. II. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
R. Ii. Q. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening,
R. M. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. andS.
B. Vance Council, No.
1690, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. R. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday Odd Fellows
Hall. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
owe Hall. W. B. Wilson
Invent or Improve,
f-r fr-o and
leave Washing-
ton dally at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. fur Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Bad Fridays at A. If. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Saturdays
G A. M. mi lien freight only.
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
j New York; Clyde Line from
Buy Line from
Lino from
N. C.
I'll Ml
J. i. WE,
-----DEALER IN-----
m in
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I now be found in
brick store formerly
by J.
W. Brown.
. J. R. COREY.
i i. m
PITT COUNTY, N. C, , coo.
NO lg
i ft m
Dr. of Virginia
Prophesies Terrible Things
for the Hereafter.
Dr. B. P. ringer,
of Virginia, sail
address here tonight before the
State Association on
ages of degradation under which
the was formed and
of historically recorded
savagery he came to
America could not be permanently
one or two centuries
of enforced that when
the force was removed
the like the released plum
met, begun to fall. What has
been, the speaker said, is
evidence of a ascertain
in its result us the law of
Dr. Barringer
in before
Christian era, be was in Car-
and in when these
nourished, and always us a
slave. He is the of the
accepts that condition
contentedly if his animal wants are
supplied. Wherever he has at-
Wee Dead
of clowns, d this evening
at Long Branch, X. J., where he
had been ill fur several weeks
In bis life he was most noted
of all knights of the sawdust ring.
He was years old, and his his-
was practically that of the
real, old Yankee cir-
His real name was Daniel
and ho was in New
city. father nicknamed
him after a famous
clown whom be had known In Ire-
boy stock to the name and
touched the heights and depths of
circus luck, making in his time
three Independent fortunes and
losing them one after another, lie
died comparatively poor, but to
he was cheerful, and bad a
jest ever ready. He had owned
three different shows and I raveled
mil only every portion of
United States extensively in
Europe as well. He was married
three times, and a wife, who is
said to own a valuable ranch in
Texas, survives him.
The old clown had started to
write a book telling of his career,
any civilization it has Infirmities proven-
when lie was under control it. He
a stronger will than his own, for in engaged upon the last chapter a
Africa, where has been left to days before his death. The
himself he is a cannibal
the savage that he always has been. I first appeared as a j
Speaking of the in Gale III., home
the general ion, Dr. Gram, in and
from that time forward his
the time he is fully grown j as a circus jester increased j
he is fur from home and has almost rapidly,
parents that gave But life was not a jest to;
birth. He is a liar, a thief, a
Tor Instance, he figured in
gambler, perhaps murderer serious accident in
high fearing neither God
nor man. This man is a unit of Walnut Street The
that dark cloud which there bad displayed
the blank belt of the Be- j sentiment.
fore another generation of were with the North,
is allowed to arise worse, us -c be look occasion to read
must see, than present, the I
The Una
The following Gerald Stanley
Lea in February Atlantic i- one
of truest, moat pathetic,
accurate descriptions of the aver-
age newspaper man we have
lead. There is nothing to be ad
In every city of the land
newspaper man is an outcast. He
knows people to be a stranger
to than any other being in the
world- He has no holidays. Mis
Christmas is record of other
men's joys. His Thanksgiving U
a restaurant. Even the fourth of
July and Sunday, servants of
commonest man, refuse him their
cheer. The Fourth of July is
day he must be in every place at
because everything is hap- l
and is the day be I
must make things up, because 10th.;
is happening. Ills Is j
our pleasures, lie gets his
man's work, I
and earns his living by watching
other people live. The very days;
and the nights turn their
backs upon The lamp is his
night, and is his;
night by and be eats his sup-
per in morning. His business
is reflection of life. He is the
spirit behind the mirror. is
left to us is right to him, and right
la left; sometimes right side i rip
side down. The world is all awry
to newspaper man, It whirls
across the hours In columns, now
in one edition now in another
hut it heeds him never in return.
is a spectator. The show pas-
before his shut out tin-
sharing face. Me lives year
go on, a notebook under slurs, j
when the notebook is scribbled
he dies. . . . Men might
be immortal, morning mom- j
week after we.-k, year
year, lighting lo lie allowed to live
n current of a day. reaching
u vain something lasts
than a day to hold to, only to
I find a ready
We arc .-nil the forefront of the race after
We offer you best selected line of
General Merchandise
Persian Priest In That City
to His Cull
Ottoman Z u an raise them who has studied
Persian priest, , secret how to ob-
, stall a l 1-e . . , ,. ,
. . . , quality and quantity
. I lo and
tout i lo I he i-
II. will talk
Sunday in II eh f Yoga.
he is not i I I lie .
mi the
i- tall spare, l.
n moot.
man parentage, but was born and free of charge.
fin be I pal Ti I
Persia. be
ii , ling to the claims
In old la .
no in and . .;
ti Thus, Sun Worship
arc i
. Mil tide i in- being
by th ; use of w-ll-
. ,. can produce
yield unless it contains
at lea i Potash. Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
to be found any store in Well bought choice
selections, the creations of beat of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year Spring,
and Winter. Wean-at work for our and our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you what, you want to
sell you if we can. We offer yon the very best service, polite
attention, and the mo- liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice j i,,; though and being i
rather than literally,
there is nothing novel in
. U I
, . the Worship
believe, the that
this rid i n shadow world
H , S i Vs.
Buy Stamps lo Book.
if you do not sec our immense stock buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Carpels, Mattings Oil Cloths.
and that is except I books will have oiled
All eh had r ii the stamps, which
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Lord,
Plows. Castings Plow and Hope.
pie South must act. They
must remove the from
and give the ballot lo Iii in
considered their duties under the
He sent to of them passes
for Furniture everything that line
bay strictly for Cash, but sell fur Cash or Approve
only when it can be given as a re- j admitting them to bis and;
ward of progress not a weapon expecting to be amused. I
of revenge. The must be had dolled his cap and j
educated along new lines. bells and them at
of two things may then be length for their outbursts in favor
expected unless a remedy is found.
Some race will probably
arise which will stir the passions
and their will come a struggle, a I disorder resulted.
Be did not retire from the
1888. Since time be
has spent much of his time
of the at a time when the
fate of the was in the
and much
day for folly piled upon
folly. As all classes of South
are of pure Saxon blood, the
their ancestors will j York, he was a familiar
humane with White haired, vigorous,
the records of and cheerful for Ills years,
recently he was able to go out
i for an occasional drive. On Fob-
was forced lo go to bed
Story fall mil death
two inch obituary motto is Honesty, Merit and Dealing.
at the bottom of a column, by the
man who is going under next, and
the Story i told. The man who
can furnish quantity and quality I
on.-e who can thrive on Hie Ira- ;
possible, who can swim in j
Whirlpool Instead of being carried j
with a man who sums up Its
himself not only the definition
the problem is, literature
to-day, but the answer to the prob-
illusion, of
i God i- thought,
In l i involve ii
ml day be ins, If we
look i her i ,
i i jarred off t e,
mi, goes death i,.
I all
Mr. the is not
hard to grasp. lien is I i
I eh i i. ism the in
, i . i , by. is
ml i
,.;.,. i . .
and i
An was ill IS l to
i i . hip Ni-w
bill .
peels to do
i-a.;. i ii- tell, i I,
t. I L .
i . I
i . ti.
. people lo
, i I In bile p
it ., i limn is a I el
t; i Northern
. . tin-
W. Lee i; a one.
some will say, That is
the way of your preachers of right
lint hold that is
Wondering how Thompson
history of one man, just one, gel around saying do not
fact that his fall Is given so j think people who have
much notoriety and so much given the Democratic party power
newspaper Is devoted lo it will be satisfied with anything else
shows that it is something oat of the elimination of the
the ordinary, Before loosing con-
in the ministry just think
of the thousands of faithful and
true men who arc making
from politics North
is a waste of ammunition,
of this particular brand of
Populism can get around anything,
and enduring hard-hips lo The evolutions of for in-
the who remains stance, outrank any rider
true in every principle of the re-
they profess, Their names
never get into the papers, they
never notoriety, but live and
die true in cause they
love. The preacher who goes wrong
gets a column In the newspapers
because it is seldom one goes
wrong. To publish even the names
and daily good deeds of tho minis-
country who lecture in interest
aside from path of right would twentieth He
fill every newspaper lathe will be gone three weeks, mid will
Monroe deliver fifteen lectures.
ever in the ring. Banning
the Democrats one election
the Republicans is a feat
incapable of except
by and his
he Greensboro Recoil.
Made by Va.
Hypocrisy is counterfeit
of Christianity.
Wooden men are those who allow
others to think for thorn.
Sever look a mule in the bee's,
or a in breath.
will surely adder.
The mills grind slowly ,
but they grind mil many a fine. then
A wife's greatest charm consists
wearing a last year's
without a murmur.
Love is the liquid glue of the
soul, for ii makes some mighty
likely people together.
If some women were to lose
ate tongues, life for thorn
would not be wot living.
The devil bus a grip upon
many a man the amen
corner and long prayers.
lea humanity's
citizen of Raleigh will be
in the not distant future be
lie to purchase stamps
the book form.
ii prove a populations
ton, No more will stamps lie
purchased in sheets, lo be folded,
and in time become
on each to the de-
of their usefulness; for
oiled leaves
around until the last one
i without their becoming
; illumed
The hooks will lie of various
sizes. The smallest will contain
i. and w ill cost
cents for each stamp and
, ., tho book. For cents,
i stamps w ill be
larger sizes
ill put prices correspond-
to the number of slumps. In
i slumps of various
will be put the same
k for the convenience of patrons
who have use for other than the
i variety.
A stamp books will be
secured us
offer One Hundred Dollars
ward for case of
can not cured by Hall's
V. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, O.
undersigned, have known
for the last fifteen
rs, him perfectly
in all
as and financially able to carry
mil any obligations made by their
lb a.
wholesale drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
. eve i
All slaves are all was
mil e
lave r, the a o
was to the between
iii was not a sentimental Free acting upon the
Dr. J. of
Trinity College, has gone to Texas
labor triumphed, and the Wood and surfaces of the
; system.
s Id
We have just lot of South Ben I and
Chilled Single and lion
Inlying. We a
line of
showed Hint i
white free labor to labor.
at and Illinois,
n short lime ago, men armed by
, lie Slav .,. a id
, by a
mi ii dim o
. s 111.1 .,.,.
Hi , I; free
for l
men. Thirty c
men were bathing our h-
Headquarters For
per bottle.
Hull's family Tills are the host
All machinery for the Wells-
factory has
arrived, and is being unloaded.
This means that the factory will be
at work in a very short while.
The company hi going to make
things hum. Keep your eye on
work will
Builder's Hardware, Ready r
Paints, Pumps. Nails and .
, ii
fl H H
If, C.
ton butchery, Are these the
friend How
ninny from the n
. . i
I i in I'm
i . .,. .
go is lime
. p
. I
A. D. I OM i, i Rep.
n in u i. hi ., ii fails
mast be pi. pared lo
Dr. ti. Ii, James,
ti. C-,
over White , ,.,;
Hi f

Eastern reflector, 2 March 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 02, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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