Eastern reflector, 9 July 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Barring the each retail buyer of a new car,
between August 1914 and August 1916, will receive from Mu to
a share of the ford Motor Company's
can drive a so simple in construction. No
complex mechanism to learn. In town or country, for business
or pleasure. Ford cars everybody, for about two cents a
mile to operate maintain.
Runabout Touring Car Town Car Couplet
Sedan f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment.
On display and sale at
Ford Supply Company
Is reached when one a Saul
la an up-to-date bathtub of oar
No Is without H ea
comfort and n
from Its use
Pays the M
many times over. have
Una In
sot gladly will
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber
For Sale or Kent
I have two stores for sale or rent In
Winterville, N. C. All persons inter-
apply to, David Sutton,
X. c. Mi-eta.
If you value quick transportation,
route your shipments via Norfolk and
Southern Railroad.
Watch the time made by their pack-
age cars, and you will rind that your
Interests are best served by patron-
them, as Is
I Mistake Made Many
When you suffer pains and aches
by day and sleep disturbing bladder
weakness by night, feel tired, nervous
and run down, the kidneys and
be restored lo healthy, strong
and regular It is a mistake
to postpone treatment. Kidney
Tills put tie kidneys in sound, healthy
condition and keep them active and
Sold everywhere.
How To Give Quinine To Children.
name to an
Improved Quinine. H is s Syrup, plea.
nut to take tint disturb the
Children take it and never know it is Quinine.
especially adapted to who cannot
lake ordinary Quinine. not nauseate nor
cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try
it the neat time you i red Quinine any
pose. tor found origins package. The
name in boric. cents
Your Own
The cause Of every condition In
one's life is primarily in his own men-
outer things that seem
to lie caused are merely occasions. If
one is looking without, blaming
or circumstances for unpleasant
conditions, he will o find a rem-
There is no more important truth
for the overcomer to learn about him-
self than this, that h, is the one who
makes own body and his environ-
When he knows this he can
To bring up a child right you will
have to bring up its parent right. A
stream doesn't rise above its source.
Many parents go waddling along
through the world as if they did not
amount to much, but they
determine the character of their child.
Sometimes a child arises above Its
origin, but that comes because it has
fallen into environment that helps it
upward and onward. The greatest
circumstance in education is environ-
Some parent don't seem to
care a snap for it.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
Notice is hereby given by the Hoard
of of County in Reg-
Session Assembled on Monday.
lb ordered an election to
held on the described
on Creek at
the east comer of the Ward land.
running with the Ward line, In a north-
direction to the
road, thence with road to the
Roanoke Lumber Company
thence with said to th
county road at Teddy, thence down
aid county road to the Wilson and
Greenville road, down the Wilson and
road to branch
Including the J T.
down branch to -1 W. Gay's
corner, thence down the W. W,
line lo the north side of the Moor.
place the W. w.
thence down the D. Moore line
to the north line of the lien dwells
place, thence up the Hen Owens line
to the Wilson county line, thence n
the Wilson county line lo
Creek, thence to the
Thai the said election be held on
Friday, 1916, at the Public
s. In the above described
for the purpose of taking and
ascertaining, the will of the qualified
voters of the above described territory.
M to whether there shall or shall not
In levied and collected a Special School
Tax of cents on the One Hundred
valuation of property and
cent on the Poll in the above
ed territory, and at said election those
favoring the Tax shall vole a
Written or printed ballot containing
the words Tor Special
opposed to said Tax shall vole a writ-
ten or printed Ballot the
words Special
And it is further ordered that W. K
Lang be and is hereby appointed Reg-
for said election and
way and Eula are hereby
pointed Toll Holders or Judges of
And it Is further ordered that New
Registration is and shall be required,
and that the Registration books for
said District or Territory shall be op-
on Thursday. June and
closed Saturday July 1916, for the
purpose of registering the qualified
voters for the said District or Terri-
This the Ml day of June. 1916.
S. A. Congleton.
Chm. Board of Pitt Co
Attest Dell.
1-13 lid
A Hopeful Motorist.
is an optimistic soul, be-
he thinks he could a pot of
gold at the end of a
he isn't quite as sanguine
as that, but lie puts more faith in a
tire than an other
Pitt County.
Notice, is hereby given, that the
Hoard Commissioners of Pitt
at a Special Call meeting
Wednesday, May 11-. ordered
an to be held In the following
scribed y
at the Davenport and
corner nil Tar thence
with Davenport and proctor lines to
it Fleming. Jr., and
line lo It 1- Smith's thence
with It. . Smith and Fleming's line
to the Washington road, with said road
to J II- Wilson and H. Little's
corner, thence with said Wilson and
Little's line to Little, J. R. Daven-
and mange corner,
thence with Bath and Matthew
Moves line, to canal,
with said canal to P. Fleming and
corner, thence with Sat
and Fleming line to Sat-
road, thence with R. It.
Fleming and line to J.
it Davenport and corner
n the line, thence
line to It and Baker
thence with J. B, Little's line
to the Barnhill line, thence with
and Barnhill line to the Daniel
line, thence with the Daniel and B.
Little's line to Creek, thence
with the Creek to the Daniel and
Crawford corner, thine With said
Crawford and Daniel line to the
Moore thence with the Moore
line to the Dudley line, now R.
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
and the Ward line the Spier land,
thence with the Spier and Ward line
to run, thence with said run lo
Tar River, back to the
That said election be held on Tues-
day the day of July at the
public school house, in the above de-
scribed territory, for the purpose of
taking and ascertaining the will of
qualified voters of the above de-
scribed property, as to whether there
shall or shall not be levied and col-
a Special School Tax of on
tin One Hundred dollars valuation of
property and on each Poll in the
above described territory.
And at said election those favoring
the Special Tax vote a written or
ballot containing the words.
Special and those opposed to
said Tax shall vote a written or
ballot containing the words
And it was further ordered, that J.
be. and he is hereby
appointed Registrar for said election
and that I. S. Fleming and W. S.
Williams are hereby appointed Poll
holders or Judges and
And it is further ordered, that a
new registration is and shall be
and that the registration Honks
for said District or territory shall be
opened on Friday. May 1916, and
closed on Saturday. June 20th. 1915,
for the purpose of registering the
voters said district.
This the 19th. day of May 1915,
S. A. Congleton, Chairman
Hoard of Com. of Pitt County
To the of Rodgers.
You are hereby notified that the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of County, made an order in the
pro. ceilings SOW pending m this Court
wherein Rodgers, in petition, and
his creditors are respondents, which
said order is in words figures as
North County.
In the Superior Court before the Clerk.
In Petition of Rodgers.
vent Debtor.
Eli Rodgers having Hied with the
undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court of County, petition alleging
that he II an insolvent debtor, and
praying for an order that his estate
may be assigned and for the petition
of his creditors, and that his person
may hereafter exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he having filed With said petition a
list of his creditors with the places of
their residence and the amount ow-
to each together with an Inventory
of ins
it is therefore ordered all of
the creditors, or such of them as so
desire, the said Ell Rodgers, shall
show cause before the undersigned at
bis office the Court House in Green-
ville. N, Ci on the 12th day of July,
1915, why the petition of the said
Rodger should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not be assigned
for the- benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter be exempt from
arrest or imprisonment on account of
any debt filed in said schedule of debt
It is therefore adjudged that this or-
be published once a week for three
successive weeks in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published in
K. . FOB
Dons, Beaten, and
Proctor Hotel Building.
lilt. I VI Hi Mi IS K HAS
his office into National Bank build-
second floor, to
6-5-15- months.
now coupled by L, C. Hatch.
received a car
load of red cedar shingles. See u.
before buying. Pitt Lumber Mfg. Co.
centrally located. Apply this of-
IS If-
the town of Greenville. North Caro-
B IS law
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court.
The That Does Not Affect The
of it tonic and laxative effect,
and doe not net
in head. Remember the full name
look for the of E. W.
In Superior Court
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing, Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
of Dissolution
Stale North Carolina.
Department of State.
To All to whom these pr s I M
Whereas. It appears to my
by duly authenticated record of
the proceedings for the voluntary
solution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all tho stockholders
In my that Th Parker
Company, a corporation of
whose principal office is it
town of Greenville. County of
of North Carolina L.
being the agent an In
charge thereof, upon whom
may be has complied with the
requirements of chapter Revise
of entitled
to the issuing of this
H ate of Dissolution.
Now, therefore, I. J. Grimes
rotary of the State of North Caro-
tin, do hereby certify Hint the said
corporation did. on the day of
June, tile in my office a duly ex-
and attested consent in i
in to the of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof, which said consent and
Of the proceedings
are now on tile in my said office as
provided by
In I, whereof. have here-
to my band and affixed my official
Raleigh, N. C. this day of
June. A. D.
J Bryan
North Carolina
Pitt County.
I. C, Hardware Co.
W A. Ingram and Win-
By virtue of an execution directed
to the undersigned from the Superior
Court of Pitt County in the above en-
tilled action. on Monday, the
day of July. 1915, at o'clock
noon, at the courthouse door in said
County, in Greenville, sell to the
highest bidder for cash lo satisfy said
execution issued on a judgment
to enforce a lien filed against
the property, alter described for
material, nil the right, title and in-
which the said W. A. Ingram
and wife. Ingram, the defend-
ants, have in the following
ed real estate, or had on December
Situated In town of Ayden, Pitt
County. North Carolina, and Is the
house and lots located in the western
part of said town of Ayden, lying oh
3rd street, and same lots upon
S residence, and being the same lots
recently purchased from J. DiXOn
and others. Beginning at a slake
feet from Joseph corner,
runs a Westerly course with 3rd street
feet to a stake, thence North and
at right angles With street
feet to a stake, thence an easterly
course and with 3rd street
feet to a W. A.
theme a Southerly course and
with the aforesaid second
corner of street to the beginning.
And also a lot lying just east of the
above described property.
This the 2nd day of June,
Joseph Lawhorn,
Sheriff . .
On the following dates the
Health Officer will be at the following
places for the purpose
vaccine free to all who wish it.
July 2nd, from to
At Stokes, 8th and 19th from
P. M. to P. If.
At the office of Dr. Moseley,
to A. M. on July 1st.
At the of Dr.
Z to P. M. on July 1st.
At the office of Dr. Morrill. Falk-
land, to P. SI., on July 1st.
At the office of Dr. Cox, Winterville,
to 10.30 A. M. on July 2nd
Al the office of Dr Ayden.
A. M to P. SI. on July 2nd
At the office of Dr. Dawson,
ton. to P. SI., on July 2nd.
At the office of Dr. Jones.
land. to A. SI., on July 3rd
Hanrahan, July from P. M. to
4.20 P. SI.
At the office of Dr. Griffin. Bethel,
to A SI. on June 7th, 18th. and
and July 8th,
At office at house, Wednesday
and Saturdays from to P.
Three injections will be given at ten
day intervals with a hypodermic
No scar or ulcer is produced.
You lose practically no time from
your work and you are protected from
typhoid fever for to years. It is
free to all. There are three times as
many deaths per from typhoid
fever in N. C. as in remainder of
the U. S. and everyone who
has it is incapacitated for two months
besides the enormous expense. There
are more than people alive in Pitt
county today who will be dead
months from today because they did
not take this typhoid vaccine. There
l no danger in taking this vaccine.
II. T. Jr., If. D.
County Health Officer.
The That MM Set
Ms laxative effect.
is than ordinary
and does cause nervousness nor
in head full name and
tor the E. w. c
Having as administrators
of the late Robert P. Allen, of the
county of Pitt, this is to notify all per-
sons having claims against the es-
of the said Robert II. Allen to
present them to the undersigned ad-
on or before June
I or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery thereof.
All persons owing said estate will
make Immediate settlement with
ho said administrators.
This the 16th day of June,
It. B Allen
Harding and Pierce
ti om .- week.
J. I. K. I.
Phone HI I King
Second St.,
mo wkly.
Sot lee to
Having qualified as
of the of B. Turner, led
late of Pitt county. N. C. this is to
notify all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased to I
exhibit them to the undersigned
Arthur, N C. on or before
of June or this notice will be
pleaded in bar Of All
persons Indebted to said estate will
male Immediate payment.
This the day of June
Administrator of H. B Turner. I
BROWN. Attorney. Id
wheat, Put
Poet Post
en, Porridge, Grape
Self-rising Flour, C.
S. M Schultz
If It Is
Is the rueful, Moil Healthful, the Most st Washington.
v it i. 1915.
Horses Are Being Shipped into
Norfolk to be forwarder
to Europe
Russian Troops
Stop Advance
Of Germans
Norfolk. July arrival
of thirty-two car loads expected
early tomorrow morning over the
Southern Railway it Is probable that
the loading of horses for France will
not begin. There are now about
horses the Stock Yards in
Berkley for the shipment from Pin-
Point lo the Allies, but
steamer which is now await-
a cargo of horses, has a capacity
of more than and i-i probable
that loading of this ship Will not
start until there is number
of horses at hand to till this vessel.
It was said the offices of the South-
Point this
that little that
the loading of the would begin
before tomorrow and that ship
would probably start for France to-
morrow or early Thursday morn
While the Madonna, which left Nor-
folk for Prance last week, the
win make as fast trips a
possible, other will be en-
caged for the shipment of the horses
in the contract of Dodge Brothers, as
quickly as they are available.
Ii. P. Matthews, attorney for Dodo
Brothers, is now in Cheyenne arrange-
for shipments of more horses.
Men Masons Install
The officers of the Ayden Lodge No.
A. F. and A. M , were Installed
iii their beautiful new Temple at their
regular communication held on Thurs-
day, July by the Past r C
Spear as
W. m John ii. Cheek.
S. W. Prescott.
j. Fred Q
Tress.- John Smith.
Secretary. A, Jenkins.
S. D. William a. Craft.
j. n W.
s. s. Frank
S, ti. Mumford.
Tyler Tod It. Allen
This Lodge has the honor of having
At Last Russians Succeed in Bracing Them-
selves Against Rush of Allies-
Little Fighting In East
London, July r,. Advices from Pet-
claim that the Russians
braced themselves on western
battle front and that are with-
standing tin onslaught the n
The reported . which
roan mid wen preparing
lo make on Warsaw, has been dealt
a killing blow, say the dispatches,
ml feels reasonably safe
in predicting Warsaw is now sat.
from the vengeance of the Teutons.
The Germans and
to rush troops and supplies the
war on Russian front, and
it is thought s great battle is el
On the it is first one
side and then other that holds
The Germans capture a few
trencher and then Allies recapture
Early today, in an attack on a small
French village, German soldiers
and six officers were killed and wound-
ed, while till Mime time. In Flan-
; whole column of German
engaged two regiments of British
and. French soldiers. The British
and French retired in good order
but a few men and
England is preparing to bring over
another contingent of native troops
from India and they are expected
arrive within n few days. In the
meantime, the Indian troops already
in France are giving good account of
themselves, in a bayonet ch
yesterday, in which troops from sou-
India figured prominently,
large body of Germans were ; lg-
ed from a position was menacing
in lines.
Italy doing mm h as it was
expected she would do, and Is ling
it pretty bard to hold her own against
the masses of Austrian troops tint are
being rushed to the region near
Italian border Quiet
in both Rome and Venice, though
some entertain fears for the safety Of
Venice in view of the air raids
have already been attempted on that
Troops ill
Make Desperate MS CELL
Attack on Villa
Six Hundred Men are Lost When Attempt is
Made to Capture Villa Stronghold-
Eight Thousand Were
. Deputy Grand Master. Mr. city. The Italian station-
, . Chert as its worshipful mas- ed the Adriatic engaged and
tar, and a compliment to Mm. have
the District Grand Lodge also stayed off an attack Km-
bold it first meeting with them on
of August. The District Grand
Lodge is composed of all the lodges
in Pitt County, ten in number.
This promises to be a very delight-
gathering of the of Pitt
and those who know of the hospitality
of the good people of Ayden are
a delightful and refreshing
The speakers of the occasion are
Hon. R Dunn, arrived In
Grand orator of the killed and wounded,
Submarines ill
London. July -i The admiralty re
ports an activity
man submarines for past
As as ships of 1st i
the neutral countries In tin
of the war lone have been
and sent to the bottom. The An
bound for Montreal to
Officers Installed And an interest-j
Program Rendered-In
Evening Ball Came
N. r July
The public Installation of officers
of Dodge of Masons
and the picnic immediately
following the ceremony drew large
crowds to yesterday. The
Installation took place In the splendid
auditorium the
School The Officers were installed
by Master H. Williams, of Green-
ville, and the the
Was delivered by lion. F. Hard
who was introduced by Dr. J
II. Hudson The picnic given on the
grounds of the school was thoroughly
enjoyed by everybody as the
land section is especially noted for
having a bountiful supply Of Rood
thing-- to eat. in the afternoon s
large crowd witnessed the ball game
between Ci and Greenville,
which the former won by an exciting
finish, the score being lour to three
The program for the Installation
was as
Song i Trust in God, by a
f girls.
Installation Officers by PaM
Master It. Williams
Solo Looking tin-- Way, By Miss
introduction Speaker by Dr. i
it Hudson.
Address -by lion P Harding,
Duet-Sweet by Miss I,.
ElkS and Miss Karl Proctor
Reading Fire of Friendship By
Miss Mary Proctor.
be With You All.
The officers installed were
. Galloway, W. H.
j. L. Williams, s. W.
Dr j n. Hudson, J. W.
J. O. Proctor, Treasurer.
A Clark, Secretary.
M. K. Hooks. S. D.
T. F. Proctor, J. D.
D Phelps, s. S.
Robert Bright, J. S.
Dixon, Tyler.
County Court Had Heavy
Docket for Monday
Laredo, Texas, July i six i.
troops were killed in an all
day battle yesterday in a fruitless
tempt to capture Pan don. a Villa
stronghold, about thirty miles north
west of j. act n
Eighteen thousand men were report-
ed engaged in the battle with total
on both sides ;
reinforcements renewed
tack today.
About eight thousand
troops General ii
vino advanced yesterday morning
siting the railroad from i
village about midway between Mon-
and advance fol-
lowed a Sunday truce during which
both sides buried the dead, who
two weeks Incessant lighting shout
had fallen so thickly as to
menace health, The officer
estimated Villa had nearly ten
thousand men concentrated at
under Generals and Chao. ants the Phi ;
Their purpose was to halt a secured a Judgment in the
ordered by the nun that In
possession the i
. l; court was m -.-
ii- kl; u i m and ;
A number of were
the roads for carrying
and making assaults. Two i
; were tried at this ti rm also
The case of W. W Kimball and Co.,
. VS Stanley Smith F C,
Patterson was tried after the criminal
matters bad been disposed of Monday,
The mi case was suing
mi a note which they had held against
the defendants for the an out i
I and rest, on
a Kimball piano sold i
advance from Monterey upon
about two hundred miles west Mon-
ten y. infantry and artillery
m both sides began the battle about
early yesterday morning.
At night the charge ceased
and General was reported
have failed to gain ground This morn-
report said, however, be
had received reinforcements estimated
and was renewing the attack
mi the Villa army. All regular
out of Monterey have been annulled.
being used for transporting military
equipment and wounded. Monterey
hospitals were today convinced to
rapacity with wended The
authorities received reports
ally large of had
n westward from Villa
it. and sell ii com t sir,
the of the note
and give the
to the defendants.
Another ml on
all of day,
ease, also, was concerning a
a piano. W. Harrison, the ;
lift was suing B. on .
which he claimed he purchased from
a certain piano company. The
was tried by . Jury and
were answered as
the signature lo note on pro-
cured by fraud,
deceit Am n Yes.
the plaintiff purchase said i
good and .
ii was ,., , . , , ,
infirmity or defect and before mat
and for Answer X
iii id. the defendant I .
the and If so. In win
Answer Nothing
led the Villa losses about
. quailed to the casualties
fountain Defeats to
fountain, N C , July i
interesting ball lien were rs nil.
defeated George Taylor, carrying i
The In I .-
Exact Manner o His
Hot Known- Thought las
Slipped a Revolver
New York. . Frank t,
professor of language who i s
attempt Saturday to kill
Morgan at his I lei
,. I., was dead
pool of . lie Mini
jail ti I
.- minutes
e exact
K to
ties i
It I is believed that hi ii . .
percuss .
, . lathing and
had escaped
n I
examining s body said I be-
e . a .
a ft. Ian and I
mi asserted bi
tared his skull b bead
first from the ell
i i. I
v other
t his head
that w Bis aft
of the nun
w. to bis he let
., I-. .
;,, the Jail and e had semi
. i en . , id
. . .
at hand was
found In ell
and I d ti
have been i
dear vi
must ti i
more I think l l .
-iii of .
in the i
bye, Sweet
e for
the I
with me vi I I i
My I real
Hi state Honorable T W
ell. T. M.
Wooten of Greenville, and others.
it seems, i
tone to her
Ina warfare
l to
knees the
v. C, M. Rock left this morn
to Ms family
there win re will spend sum-
in. r Johnson went Kith
hit i spend a few days in Ridge
lime of ll
held the vis lo men for
the tour the
lowing three scores, he was then re-
by Jefferson wonder
who pitched remaining
live Innings allowing two scores.
Rollins on the mound for the vis-
team was haul Bl all limes
during game
The visiting team was sure the
c. me mini the tilth when
hit a home run. which seem-
caused the visitors to lose their
Mil confidence, for they
the locals bad them outclassed when
ii . to good ball playing
i be winning of the
lo the heavy batting of the
of Fountain, and the
terrific pitching of Owens and
v in in I upon
ii, Davis, i om
six months on roods
ii. Evans, assault with
weapon, two years on e roads
Lewis Forbes, with lead I y
weapon. Sin and
George Johnson, Laura Johnson,
Oscar Johnson, George Johnson and
Laura found guilty.
George Johnson, false .
months on roads.
John Henry t lark, .
months on the road e
I,, c deadly
weapon, one half the i
carrying concealed
Judgment suspended noon pay-
Of the
W U. Hudson, carrying coin, led
i weapon, not guilty.
I a t
a lies
Mr, i and Mr L
Wood it .
i walking canes from I i
The canes are made from
bark of the Red Wood with i
California abounds, he cam
about thirty inches In length and
bark from which th. y were
as thick as canes arc long.
When the canes were
bis morning and tho
i looked at t
n Id bark en the
Wood In thick as the
wen seen. However, Is a
in.- tress ii. an ,
twenty live feet in r, .
is possible for Hie to have
n from bark of one t

m. t- mm.
lo treat I man. who. baa
against of man.
is shunned biased at by all his
Wouldn't it be
a Christian us
take him Into try
make him teal future lite
will be worth white
a man has a
term come outside the bars
In Mr. W H. Allen's article, pub
ha attention
tad that merchants
everything We
are till .-triune hard to produce one
the belt small dailies m North
Carolina, and oar efforts would be
greatly aided It a more of the
us. There
is no excuse for them to fail to
., determination to make his for it will surely benefit
tare while, hut owing to
U care at east
U win a tar at
Hit word.
august mo. at the seat
f a.
Thursday. July 1913
the treatment accorded him by his
friends, he set hack on the
old road of and the
Strong arm of the law has in its
embrace. Which means term
in prison.
jet's reform our prisoners and not
lie in
For Sale
Cow Peas
and a Beans
It M Ml
it mi nova
The old adage of -bins will he
have much to
our way of thinking ii you go-
to say be why
h that girls will be girls Ii is
true that will be but the
question Is. what kind of will
they be
it is very hard i
m the state North Carolina that
out some of the worst per
rations In the form of humane that
possibly in put society,
it is equally true that most every town
has out some tie- finest sped
men.- men that can be described.
claim the respect of then
wherever they go We be-
Greenville is on in
i i, and that she has .-em
tome had boys, at the
has sent out she i-
have made a
way in world for while
;,,. I.-, bums, and
j., birds Ii II noted those
who have failure life, i
. parents who let do
pleased when were
and that ill parents did not know
their n . i
Have you a Do you know
and what be is doing ex
meal times yon let him
the streets, or la be at home
with . . xi g the time that he
i- or engaged on an ;
; .
now en bus i
. not in school and that
Io i . work to do Kt a n
i number m I
l g i. pet-
de which I
I.- p ii
. . ., II admit,
I that you make a man's
b brain, except by
.-, v. i. . parents, should
. in see that your boys
are not loafing the streets, where
they may he conversing with bums
and people you do not care to
I i hem with
v i in . saves and
i . bring your boy up right, you
will make something out of him, if
Io him. and then he
will thank you when he is as old as
-t menu a deal Io the
warring factions II America was to
enter the points one of the
leading war authorities
He is right about it. too- if the
i States . to
Hie side the Allies, it would
mean that Germany would he totally
isolated the world. That she
would have no country from which
she could hope to secure even the
smallest amount of supplies. The i
states would probably Influence
of the smaller countries
are not now engaged in lighting
array themselves
In new of this fact, e believe that
the German government will exercise
caution in preparing the note
the I States, which Is
past due. The Germans
in. consequence having the
led Stales against them, and may
rest assured the Imperial gov-
will do all l can lo
. severance diplomatic
with the i Slates.
i. . nun breaks a law id the
Stales he ll I d In
,,,, B nun art at i to
the class i rime which he has
the law. We place
in prison la-
not punish them but i i n
form thorn when they have -t red
time, or when gov
.; ,. tale feels ii
been he pardons bin. He
the prison free man
Indeed, hi from the hands
the law, inn e he free Iron the
lug real public
Instead taking him nm from be-
hind the bars and trying to make
,,,,.; .,. ,, ,.,. , ii again,
shun him. We refuse to lei
Mai i
look upon him as an outcast, and one
that bar n II b
Hut. it th right way for us
lilt Will
Tin- age is one that requires train
,,,.,. most every position In
life, and with the possible exception
of a l-w. a man to hold down a sure
enough Job these days, must have
good education Some Jobs do not
require much education. They re-
quire practical experience. Ev-
at an early Stage in his life,
picks nut some particular vocation,
which he feels he is best
for-, And in the selection of
lit loll should a hoy t that
requires a very good education, his
toward that education
should know no bounds
Ii is very . these ; a
I i gOO I . and
if one wants an there
excuse for his not getting it. With
a line system of rural schools and
with every opportunity there is to get
through college, ii only takes work
and a determination to Ii
nit n m
The eyes Washington govern-
are anxiously turned towards
Mexico iii this time. With Hie cap
lure Huerta. i critical revolution
was probably nipped in the No
telling would have ad-
the chaotic trend of
affairs In the country
He might hale mailer- better
hill the chain e Hun lie would
have given the affairs an
even more aspect than
what they already seem l is hop-
ed that th.- American authorities will
hold Huerta, and Hie other
leader- Mexico will soon
reach a pi settlement
Very few- people talk to telephone
they should. If
operator fives them wrong number
they Hare up and snap the operator
for H, and it i- usually the
the operator is not to blame, Too
nun b can not he extended to
the operators, for have an nu-
ll time with He large number
calls the hue ea. ll .
We believe all fellows, who
were so hot after Spanish, have about
oil decided we can
get along as well without it It
they haven't, they might as well.
The suffragists seem to be taking up
a good deal of space the Washington
News, which means that the
men over there are working hard tor
the cause
iii looking over a history we rind
that the youngest daughter of
fixed up her hair in the
manner tin modern girl
ties up
Fire in be a
with the North Carolinians, judging
from number of stills arc be-
In a the
report. the to read that
a bunch of potatoes was
t i me
Rev. C. M. Rock leaves
W. K, .
ark of
Mm with Dr. D. L. James, W
tOm. M. r.
. t
of I i. in I in ii of
n i m. OF
V C.
ii the state of North Carolina, at
lose business June 1915.
Rev. C. II. Back, of the Baptist
church, preached his farewell
m that church Sunday night.
An unusually largo congregation was
out to to hear Mr. mid it was v. r
much in evidence that re-
exceedingly to lose such a force-
minister and such a conscientious
man. who has worked unceasingly for
the of the church and
town since he has been pastor here
There was special music by a
both morning and Sun-
day night. Mr. Rock, Sunday morn-
told of the work that lie bad
done Since he had been here, and said
that all his efforts had hen towards
harmonizing the Christian spirit
the town, am that be had labored fur
advancement religion In Green
and that he was pleased with
t.- work accomplished.
In the evening Mr Rock delivered
his farewell sermon and look his text
from 24-29, The main thought
of the lesson was With l's
He used the lesson text In such a
ma as to leave the impression
that he warned Christ lo abide with
the people of Greenville, and
with the church.
Mr. Rock asked Mint the spirit
Christ abide with the young -if Green-
ville, with the middle and the
old. Heart felt is the kind
hinds Christians together, and he
made an unusually rout appeal
s kind of religion here
said Mr. Rock, the
only kind that will win the unsaved to
i lie with Christ's ill
and abide
At the conclusion of the sermon
Practicing in all th
ea In Building
street, fronting Court
W, do not know b is the worst,
writing editorials of a hot duly
or rowing a four hundred pound
the lake.
v.- wonder when Sam Ii
going to ink.- one of those
i i.-
never knew a s. yet who
exhausted her supply hyperboles.
There is no use to ask who put the
You may h
not hi- w
neighbor, but
The hot again.
leading Institutions
the state North Carolina maintain
summer schools for the tell hers lo re-
fresh their vocabularies, and to keep
up with the trend of the This
i- something has met with favor
by all the lo is. they heart-
late the efforts of the
keep them In touch wit Ii
advancement made in education
At the end of each summer term,
back lo Utah
schools duly refreshed in body and
No teacher should tall to
take advantage of these summer
i I I, for need
Squibs From
We lite. Too
Gold Leaf, i
a long while pa-st we have
been patiently vainly Seeking
watching for words or phrases
would be descriptive tho
better half of Henderson's
at lust we are enabled to
borrow them from Greensboro
Dally News, declares that the
chairman of hoard of deacons
staled as this service closed the
present relation of pastor and church
the deacons thought a lilting time
for the church to make expression
of appreciation to tho retiring pastor
which should he entered on the record
of the church and a copy presented
to him, and on behalf deacons
Memorial Baptist church
wishes to express the appreciation of
its membership for C. M. Rock,
Who for nearly four a half years
has so faithfully served th church
pastor. While we believe God
has directed him in resigning the
charge lore to go elsewhere. It is
with sincere regret that we give him
up, lie carries with him our love
and esteem.
We earnestly pray Cods rich-
est may lie upon him
his lot is cast, and Ins labor-
in the service of the Master may
brine continued honor Io His name
and many souls into
This was unanimously adopted by
tho church ml
Sheriff Captures a
But Whiskey Wasn't
Loans and
held in hank.
Total loans
Overdrafts secured,
r. s. Bonds deposited to
cure circulation val-
Total V. S.
Securities oilier than S.
bonds i not including
Total bonds, securities, etc .
Subs, to stock of Fed-
hank T
Less Amount unpaid.
Hanking house. furniture
and fixtures ;
oilier real estate owned
Due from federal Reserve
Due from approved reserve
agents in New York. Chic-
ago, and SI. Louis I-
from approved reserve
agents In other reserve
. s-
Due from bankers
than included In S
Exchanges for clearing
Outside checks and other
fractional currency
Notes other national
Total coin and 10,998.40
lender notes
Redemption fund with B,
Treasurer more than
p.-r cent on circulation
J. F.
D. V.
Attorney at Law
and Drainage a I
la formerly occupied y
F. S. James a Boa.
S. I.
Attorney at Law
Office in the National Hank Building
Dickinson Avenue.
fourth and Brans
lade Both Bay
B. F.
a Fourth Street Bear
at Law
In Building. Third at
Practices wherever his Its
SUM With
The Life
Mew York.
Veterinary Surgeon and Bestial
Treat All Animals
Promptly Bay or
Day Phone Night
Sheriff In
today at three lock The still
Delicious Damsels and Magnificent about fifteen miles
constituted far the most owner or owners had made
inspiring feature the big Fourth
Capital stock paid
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 14,448.19
Lei current inter-
est, and taxes paid
Circulating notes
Due hanks and
than Included In
Dividends unpaid
Individual posits subject to
ors i
Deposits requiring notice
less than thirty days
Deposits subject to days
or more notice 174,888.92
for Federal Be-
Notes and bills
Hills payable including
Pit. L.
Office in the National Bank
Dickinson Avenue.
Office hours
to and to
of July celebration the
tie grounds last Saturday
lint It Had
Times i
Now that e editors have returned
from the mountains they can
the temperature with them fellers
didn't have the price.
Monday Past Muster it.
I installed the following officers
Greenville Lodge No . F. and
A, M for the ensuing year
II Harris. M
Brown. B
Jas, Harris, S. D.
u D.
W F ion, Treasurer.
ll Pander, Secretary
Chas, and C E, Fleming, Blew
Sam Flake
getaway when the
on the No whiskey
found though about four hundred
of beer, which was destroyed,
The plant, which was of about
gallon- capacity, was complete In
en detail for the making of boon,
Sheriff has been scour-
the woods for the past few days
in search stills, and yesterday ho
came mar capturing one, find
the furnace and oilier
one had been in operation
Today, just before this one.
he ran up on n very improvised affair
i ling of a lard stand.
We l Pictures, or-
taken at Gardner's Mfg. Co., or
residence, corner second and
street Mrs Gardner
Tues- Than Sat ltd
The Den Net Affect The Dead
Bf tonic Mil laxative effect. A-
and not cause nor
in head Remember the lull and
M E. W.
I. la id I, ii
2nd Floor
H. C.
State of North Carolina, Comity of
I F. Forbes. Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that foregoing is true
to the best my knowledge
B, Harris.
It. Williams.
Subscribed lo and sworn before me
this 5th day of July. 1915.
C Tyson,
Notary Public
commission expires November
Attorney Law
Atlantic I Line.
North Bound Bound
No. a. m. No. p.
No. p. m. No. p,
Fast Hound West
No. a. m. No. p. a
No. s. m. No. IT s.
No. p. m. No p, n
Is effect April In
Markets Quoted Bros.
k Co.
July wheel
Sept wheat
July corn
July lard
Sept lard
July ribs
N. II. The following schedule figure
published as Information ONLY
are not guaranteed.
A. M. Dally.
Pullman Sleeping Car tor Norfolk.
A. II. Dally, for Plymouth,
beth City and Par-
Car Service to Now-
folk. Connects for all point North
and West
P. If, Dally, Sunday, to
A M. Dally for Wilson,
and West. Pullman Sleeping Can
Service Connects North,
and West.
A. II. Dally, Sunday, for
Wilson and Connects foe
all points.
P. M. Dally for Raleigh and
For further Information and
In Sleeping Cars, apply 1-
Hassell, Agent, Greenville, N.
s You Need a
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
. I chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
,. I General Tonic because it contains
to the Pale and Sickly known
took, I IRON. It Liver,
a out Malaria, the Blood and
I up Whole cent.
Item. true tonic. For tad
Moseley Brothers
Insurance and Real Estate
Aldermen Hold Meeting
Wednesday . July 1915.
Mr. Herbert spent Sunday
and returned lo yesterday
air. Leon render, of who
been spending a few
nil parents, left Ibis morning for
Miss Clara Hampton returned from
Richmond this morning and is flailing
Mis.- Jamie Bryan on street.
timer, Jr. and sister
Hiss and Miss Edith left
morning for Virginia Beach.
Miss Nell Ponder left this morning
to visit friends In
II James spent this after-
noon in on legal business.
Messrs It I in veil i. n J.
of were in
bent lo See the
Juice Window the Wei-I
tin Thursday evening, July 1915,
Julius passed to-
In great beyond. Brother Barn-
a.- a native Pitt county and
for few months he spent
entire life in or near Greenville.
II.- was horn near Staten's Mill on
December 1848 lived there
until manhood. When about seven-
teen years age he substituted for
his brother In the war between the
Mates and served until its close.
i in March S. ha was married to
Miss Melissa A. of White-
burst V Ci who was his faithful
devoted wile through life. In
he joined the
during his last Illness he de-
his abiding faith In saving
grace Jeans Christ. Brother Barn-
bill was a man of fine physical
Strength and was a hard worker.
Several years ago, lie was
remained Iii ally M invalid
until death, ll was my pleasure
his last Io often talk with
about the eternal. The devotion
of Ids wife during his sufferings was
lie leaves behind his faithful wife
their ten children, six girls and
four boys, to mourn On
Friday, July numerous friend
gathered at his home from which his
funeral was conducted by the pastor
J. M. Daniel. He was laid lo
in Cherry Hill Cemetery to await
the promise that w
shall not sleep forever but that
shall be a glorious awaking.
The family wishes to extend thank
for the many favors conferred upon
them during the Illness death.
A Friend
Woolen Hostess
Due of the most elaborate social
functions of the season occurred
Tuesday evening at the beautiful home
Of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Woolen where
Miss Woolen was hostess at a
dinner party given for Miss Annie Leo
Tyson and her guests. The
beautiful home needed no decorations,
hut suggestions of summer were lent
to scene by of pink roses,
lilies and crepe
I i the color scheme of pink which
prevailed throughout. At the
dining room was thrown open when
covers were laid for twelve A most
delicious menu Consisting of six
es, was served.
Here, too. the color scheme was
carried out a large howl of crepe
myrtle, serving lo further adorn the
table already beautiful with
linen. glass and silver. Hand
painted place card- together With min-
hollies of perfume tor the young
ladles, and boxes of cigarettes
for young men. marked each
Those present were Misses
Woolen, Annie Leonard Tyson.
Gladys and Mildred
Jennette, of Lake Landing, Theo I meeting
At the last regular meeting of the
old Hoard of Aldermen held Tuesday
night, the two lots situated on
North and South gala of Fifth
street, near Training School, were
offered to the Graded School Trustees
I as sites on which to build new
High School building for which bonds
were voted at last election. Mr.
j F. C. Harding, whose time bad ex-
as a trustee of the school, was
I elected to succeed himself.
meeting of the new Board
was held Thursday night with Mayor
Dunn and all the u present.
The following committees were
pointed the
Ordinance P. VanDyke, Chair-
man. T. K Hooker and C. W.
Finance D. W. Chairman.
A. D, and s
and A. I.
Chairman w. I. Hall n. i. Cow-
Market- C. W. Wilson, Chairman
D. W. and W. L. Hall.
Cemetery T. K. Hooker.
W. Wilson and Z. P. VanDyke
Property and Purchasing w. L.
Hull. Chairman. H. L. Coward and
E. H.
Municipal -K. H.
Chairman, W. L, Hall and Van-
Fire Committee -A, i
man, D. W. and T. V. Hook-
A ion was presented to tie- new i
Hoard some the Market ranters
to be allowed to run markets
of the Market House.
An ordinance was passed this
making it unlawful for any
Sold In Bottles
Bottled under Authority
Cola Company.
Every bottle and
before and alter
Bottling Worlds
East Carolina
Teachers T
Terrell, of Cooleemee. Myrtle Warren,
Messrs Herbert Bruce War
ran, Whit Brown, Clinton Bowen, Jas.
James Kinsey.
Drape Jake
West End Grocery
lit the
Wins Game Locals
Score I to I,
defeated die Greenville
team yesterday on the
the close score of i to
Fleming was again ill the box for
Greenville pitched excellent ball.
For three innings neither side
was able to score. In the fourth
Greenville tallied twice and again
sent ii runner across the sixth
the superb pitching of
I the fast fielding of
Infield Greenville was held scoreless
for remainder of the game while
fought a Hue uphill fight,
tying score In their half of the
sixth and scoring the winning run In
the seventh.
On account the Masonic picnic at .
there was a very large
crowd the game and the fans
and fannies rooted bard for
Greenville tried bard lo nose
out Victory in final innings, hut
failed in the attempt. Edwards
ed the halters in order in the eighth
mid ninth, the game ended when
l. Edwards, the second.
baseman knocked down a line drive mi
Moore's bat and tossed the hall
for the final
and Hudson. Greenville, Fleming and
j reached when one has takes a
an bathtub oar
house is complete without U
b comfort and vale
from Its use
Pays the Fries
times over. We have load
house la
roars. We gladly win
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber
barring the each retail buyer of a new Ford car,
between August 1914 August will receive from MO to
as a share of the Ford Motor Company's profits.
can drive a so simple in construction. No
complex mechanism to learn. In town or country, for business
or pleasure. Ford cars serve everybody, fur about two cents a
mile to operate and maintain.
Runabout Car 1400; Town Car Couplet 1760;
Sedan f. o. b. Detroit all equipment
On display and at
Ford SupplY Company
a Quart Juice
today. Johnson's and Son's West End
We grow them. Roses, f Va
let and Carnations a We
Funeral lowers arranged
the latest artistic styles.
Fern, and many other
or the house. Write to e
Spring Price of Rose
Shrubberies. Hedge
and a Trees.
Flowers For all
Hall, telegraph and telephone
promptly executed by I. L.
CO. Florist, N. a
of pop com or peanuts, or
both, a stationery portable or
stationary machine to put, or
such machine to remain at any
place hen. ell Five
Points and Atlantic Line
Railroad. A was
ed for every violation.
Mr. B. T. White petitioned the
Hoard to be slowed lo an
sign front of his with
which to his daily programs.
The bond of the new treasurer. Mr.
Thus. was given and
tiled with the Clerk.
Mr. was re-elected
Fire Chief at a salary of per month
c. E. Rountree was redacted as-
Chief Mr H. I. Allen was
superintendent of the Fire
alarm system. Mr W S Move,
City Manager was given the duties Of
Fire inspector and his salary raised
from ITS to per month,
The Ordinance committee was In-
In revise ordinances and
a report lo Board.
A number of special license
taxes were changed and the amend-
were adopted as a whole.
Mr J C. Tyson, clerk, and
J. T. chief of police, were
granted leave absence ten days
each for vacation.
To the Citizens of
At place in these columns,
your attention is called to the
requiring lots and side
walks abutting same he cleaned of all
rank vegetation and
We trust it will he
to he called upon enforce the law
and subject anybody to a penalty for I
failure lo observe Ibis ordinance, and
We beg to ask civic pride rather
than compulsion prompt you to clean
up and put your premises in a
condition. H i due our neigh-
our fellow and our
Let us ail co-operate In this
matter which means so much for the
health of people, and that our
Town may he the
This July B,
I Male school in leathers for
schools turn Una .
Ever energy is directed one
. Tuition free to nil who
agree to leach Full tern begins
it Information
Cigar With Wooden Peg.
A cigar manufacturer In Wisconsin
each cigar with a small
shoe peg Inserted in tip and pro
far enough to be easily
grasped by the Instead of
off the end of lip the smoker
simply takes hold of Ibis peg with
his teeth and pulls It out. and In this
way opens a good through the
cigar without loosening or injuring
The Quickest and Most
Permanent Way
with a Guarantee
upon the Liver in a mild way, and does not
feeling so often case with
Sold by Country Merchants throughout Pitt
as as.
Dr. IV who went to
Wrightsville week before last to at-
tend Hie state meeting of the North ,
Carolina Dental society, returned
home from Wilmington last
Dr. was taken sick and began
lo having chills pretty soon after h
reached the beach He was confined I
the home of his sister. Mrs. H. L. Caret Matt MM
of Wilmington, for over a
week. His many friends will be glad
lo learn that lie was aide to return
night and he expects lo
he out again in a few days.
The . el
cured by the aid reliable
Healing It
Hew Te Ne Quinine To Children.
to name U SB
It i Syrup,
to lake not disturb the
i it take it and never know it Is
especially adults who cannot
ordinary not nauseate nor I
cause nor ringing in
It the need Quinine any I
Ask to. T
name bl
Grimesland vs. Greenville
If your are troubling you
bring them lo me where the
to suit your eyes are
Broke Lease duplicated.
When They Mix Them.
I see hotel say that
rainy days are peevish
require twice as much as
It's no until
that they discover someone baa
their ,
J. C-
bulb houses, electric light run-
Mrs. L. M. Biggs,
Two at
I Would you buy a FURNACE EYE
if it your
against FIRE
let us show you at and
can also
supply either GROOVED or RIVET-
ED FLUES, as we were the first
here to mike Grooved flues.
Jenkins Roofing Flue Co.
J. J. JENKINS, Manager
I,, t. Harper, Bee.
Hut Phone
Get the Want Ad Habit-
Reflector Want Ads Pay
Don't a summer cold. A
bronchial cough causes broken sleep
lowers vitality. Foley's Hon-
and soothes
heals raw. membrane, stops
in throat gad
Wheel breathing. Contains no
ates, children It. good for all
croup and bronchial
Composition and rubber roofing Just
received a car load of famous N.
W. Brand.
Cures Did neat ears.
The worst no how long;
by the lit.
Oil. It
Ft th. time.

freely by
I -.-ill. t Court the lulled
one- bu Buffered tortures States
from a bad back and found relief
from I be aches and pains, that per-
la of untold value to
friend and neighbor. The following
neighborly advice comes from a Green
Mrs. J. C. Savage, Eleventh St.,
Greenville, says a year
I was bothered With my kidneys.
bad a dull pain in my back and could
not rest well st night. In the mom-
lug was sore and stiff. Ditty spells
were frequent and when I
and then try to straighten, my
swam, making me blind for a few
minutes. secretions for my kid-
were too frequent and
me Kidney
which I procured from Bryan's
Store gave me much relief. After
using four boxes, and
bladder were fixed up in good shape
and the son Den across my loins was
Price BOo, at all dealer. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
I loan's Kidney same
lira. Savage had. Co
Props, Buffalo, N. T.
Mosely Bros. Hill
In the of
To Hie U, Connor,
Judge Hie District I in
i, states Eastern District
the I'm and North
Carolina, In said respectful-
Thai ill. of May,
lie duly adjudged bankrupt
under in. A, i- Congress relating to
he has duly
. property, and rights of
property, and fully com-
plied with ail the requirements of said
A. i and of the the court
touching in- y
Wherefore ha pray that he may lie
decreed by the court lo have a full
charge from all debts provable
bis under Acta,
. in such debts an i n opted by
law from
paled day of July. a. D.
. i;
i Si Carolina,
Mo-. I. v Brothers, Real .
Insurance Agents and Cotton
announces that hi- firm will move
quarters on August i-t to the
National Bank Five points
in Five Point building, ii will
be red, already been
christened with name of said District, and that a
National Bank on and other persons I
,, i ti-it the National Hank of
will the corner on
On Hi Sn A U
lion, it
he had upon the on the
6th day i i August, A. D 1818 before
said court, Wilson In Bald t
o'clock in the noun, and
notice thereof be published In n-
id a printed in
ii knows
floor moving soon,
moving to the quarters of
bank Messrs
Brothers, will
a moat modern and up-to-date
Ida. or their large as The
bank natures have already been
chased and these together with the
., ; the vault in bank will give
and well i i
Since Most
I in
a I
real need
p i which they an now
occupying in tin building
At their new offices ill be
i on of their
Hut Heather Oppresses
ii you I i d,
-nip and languid
i if the ,
Tablets an
lion and slip
. I
appear at the same time and pine
and Show cause, if any they I
why the prayer of said p.
should inn be A
BY THE COURT, that Clerk shall
send by mall to ail known creditors
copies of Bald lion and order
addressed them of
residence -is stated
u, ii
, i said Court, and
n N C .
I district, on if
,. i Ii
Paso, Teat., July i
would be furnished for General
Hum la Ml Si
torn with him on
; . in violate m
was under consideration today.
for Huerta expressed a readiness
lire bond in amount
ii some given that
would not be placed
guard or
would be useless to arrange
said it E. Thomason conn-
el for Hut the ; t-
by i i close
it be
hi in from i w.
will await the preliminary
next Monday and demand trial on
Having qualified as
. Rob. Alien, late the
counts i Pitt, ibis is to all p r
-mi- having claims as-
of laid Robert H, Allen
ii in in the undersigned ad
on or before June
ill.; or notice will be plead In
All persons owing said date will
. make Immediate mi with
the said administrators
This the day June,
M. B. Allen
i man Allen
t ttys,
., a week.
Notice l
Having qualified as administrate
of the of H. B. Turner, deceased.
late of Pill County, X. C, this is to
notify ii persons having claims
the estate raid deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned at
Arthur, S C. on or b. fore the day
of or this notice will be
i leaded n bat their recovery.
i d to estate will
. ate
of June
B Turner.
. S id
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
. . ii,.
., , in
. ii ii
i ;
lb. dis. pi ii
only in- . i
i . mi i-
, ; i
. . . i i
. i i. ,
, ., . m ins
a ion
and . i i
hi i .
ii la
of in. I
i y
of p.
, .,, ii b i. i Blank
, II fr. ,
h i . in s a CO,
i I It I
lie Ion Keeling i It
Strong Ii and
U good health good
health ,
, .
, Pill
poisons i I at bi
an I
, very whet e.
is hi given by Board
of of County in Reg-
Session Assembled on
ordered an election to be
held mi
creek at
the corner of Ward land,
running With Ward line. In a north
to the
road, thence with said road to
. with Bald to
road at Teddy, thence down
said road to the Wilson and
Greenville road, down the Wilson and
to branch
Hie T.
down branch to J W, i
corner, thence down the W. W.
line the north aids the D. Moore
pi. the W. W. Owens
Hi, in e down D, line
i the north line of the Ben Owens
place, up the Ben Owens
in i be Wilson counts line, thence down
Wilson county line to
i., k. them . in the
That the Mid election held on
July Public
In the above d scribed
t, for the purpose of taking and
. the will the qualified
the described territory.
in whether then -nail or shall not
i levied and collected a Spat School
Tax of mi the One Hundred
Dollars valuation of property and
i ants on the Poll in above
ed territory, and said t i
favoring ml Tax shall vole a
Written or printed containing
words Special
opposed to said Tax shall vote a
ii or the
And ii is r ordered that w. E.
be and is hereby appointed Reg-
for said election and
Eula Mangum are hereby
pointed Poll Holders or Judges
And ii is further ordered New
Registration is and shall he required,
and tin books tor
said District or Territory shall be op-
on Thursday, June and
Saturday July 1815, for the
i the
for the said District or
., I Jul I
s A Congleton,
. inn Board Pill Co
I, i,,
Stale of North Carolina.
Department of State.
To All to whom these MM
it to my
by duly at. record of
the proceedings for tin voluntary
solution thereof by the
of all the stockholder
. in my that Th
Company, a of ,
a i is principal is situ the
Ores Pin.
Stale North Carolina Par-
bring the agent an I
charge thereof, upon whom prove
may be has complied with th
requirements of
of entitled
tin issuing of Una
, ate
Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan
Secretary of State of North Cam
do hereby certify that the said
, did. on 10th day of
June, tile In my office a duly ex-
and attested i in writ-
ill to of said corpora-
lion, executed by all stockholders
hereof, Which said consent and the
record the proceedings aforesaid
are now on Die in my said office IS
provided by law.
in testimony whereof, I have here
in my band and affixed my official
seal hi Raleigh. N. C, this 10th day of
June. A D
j Bryan
Secretary of
r. lid and
Ski B. . FOB 11.11
Proctor Hotel Building.
hi I s
now by L.
C. Hatch.
bis office into National build-
second floor, rooms to
6-5-15-2 mouths.
received a car
load of red cedar shingles. See
before buying, Lumber Mfg. Co.
Kill BALE I Typewriter
No. t ill good condition. Hughes
Thomas and Company 7-i
H A desirable lady board
Phone use
of Virginia
I .
I Sirs. V.
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing, Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
To Jno. R
are m tilled that
Ii pi i U the Bunt
County, order in the
pi now p in ibis Court
Wherein Jehu Jenkins. Jr., i
i ;. bis creditor are respondents,
which Bald order is in and
North Carolina. In Superior
Pitt the t
in Re Pi John R.
Ii Ii
Hie I of the i
. County, Pi
that hi Insolvent and
pi as for ; estate
be . for the petition
of hi- ad in- per- on
may hereafter be exempt from arrest
Imprisonment on account t;
judgment rendered, or
lonely i t t
he with said petition a list
creditors i ii places of their
residence and amount owing to
I an inventory ins
it is ordered all of
creditors, or such them desire,
i He John II. Jenkins, shall BOW
i. tbs i i in
c. on the day of July, 1815,
why the petition of the John R.
should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not hi I
benefit of hi- and
thereafter bi front
arrest or Imprisonment on
. . ill filed in . Id of
ii la i
To the Creditors of Ell Rodgers,
You are hereby that the
Clerk of the Court
I'm County, made an order in the
proceedings now pending in this Court
when in in petition, and
Ins creditors are respondents, which
said order is words and figures as
North Carolina. Pitt County,
the Superior Court before the Clerk.
iii Petition of Eli
vent Debtor,
Ell having filed with the
undersigned I the Superior
court of County, alleging
that he la an Insolvent debtor, and
j for an order his estate
. . assigned and for the
. , and ins
may hereafter be exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account any
previously rendered, or of
., ii previously led, and
he having filed with said petition a
. with the places
, r e and the amount ow-
. each together with an inventory
if ins
u i- red all
in. , editors, or them w
the said Ell Rodgers, shall
show cause before the undersigned
off ice in the House in
ville, n C, on the day of July,
why the petition the said Ell
Rodgers should not be allowed, and
why his estate should tun be assigned
for the benefit of creditors, and
his person thereafter be exempt
arrest or imprisonment on account of
any debt filed in said schedule debt
it is therefore adjudged tins or-
, r shed nine a week for
successive weeks in th Greenville
Reflector, n published in
the town i I Greenville, North faro-
n cox,
r I t
S law
FREE TYPHOID vaccination
On following dales the County
Health will be the following
places for the purpose
vaccine free to all who wish it.
Hanrahan. July P, II, t-
At Stokes, and front
P, M to P, U,
At of Dr, Farm
Tills, to A. If. on July 1st.
At the office Or. Beasley,
to P. M. on July 1st.
At the office of Ir Morrill, Falk-
land, lo a P, M., on July 1st.
Al the office of Cox. Winterville.
9.30 to 10.30 A. M. on July
At the office of Ur Ayden,
A M to M on July 2nd
At office of Dr. Dawson, Grit
ion, ; to P. Mm July
At the of Dr Jones,
land, tn II k. M , on July -rd
Hanrahan, July 3rd from P, M W
1.20 P, M.
At the Of Bethel,
to A M on June and
13th and July
At office house.
and from to P M.
Three will be given at ten
day Intervals with a hypodermic
No or ulcer is produced.
You lose practically no time from
your work and you are protected from
typhoid fever to years. It is
free to ail There are three times as
many deaths per from typhoid
fever In S as ill the r . t
U. s. and everyone
has it is Incapacitated for two months
besides enormous expense. These
are more than people alive in Pitt
county today who will be dead Within
months from today because they did
not take this typhoid vaccine. There
no dancer In taking this vaccine.
M T Jr., If. D,
County Officer.
North Care i. In Superior
Cm County
J i Cox, Ii
Emma Moore. U. Moot
ii i
. i;, lie v ind B
Oakley, r P, M.
Wool en
Ex Pan
a the Super-
Court of County, made J.
ii. i clerk the superior
ill above entitled cause, on the
day June. the and
signed Commission, r will, on
the -1st day of July. ex-
; , o -ale before the.
House Door In to the high-
for cash, the following
The Quinine That Deal Nat The
Quinine i. r
in the lull
K. W K.
published once a week for real property, to
a weeks in the Green-1 four fifths undivided Inter.
n,. R p per published and lo described tract
in town Greenville, North art. Lying and
being Greenville Township,
June II. 1916.
J. ii. I
Clerk i
. , k
it you value quick transportation,
route your shipments via Norfolk and
Watch the time in ids at .
age cars, and you will
are tarred by
as Time Is
in Greenville Pill
i North Carolina, adjoining the
Alien. Joseph
n and others and contain
ii i lore teat and
u the i
vi r, life Mi
Th .
making partition among I
in common,
k C Harding
, mer
en, Gr
S. M.
If It Is
Let Me See You
M rug
A or
U the Beet the Moat the Most Noble
N. C, I JULY If I.
German-U. States
Trouble May Go
To Commission
is View Held by
Present of
Is lo lie Forth
in In Latest Note.
I Slates Does Nut M
I With
Forty Nine German Spies
Executed in City of
FOR Air Ships Drop
Washington, July The vi. v.
which the state department holds as
to the means for ultimate settle-
of the controversy between the
United States and Germany if
negotiations fail is reference
of the issues to an International com-
This, it is explained accounts for
efforts of administration officials
to allay any feeling a grave and
has arisen n
likely to develop.
of state to-
day let it be known that the present
attitude of this government is con-
in the following four principles
and it is expected they Will
he advanced In the reply of the United
States to the Herman
, A of war does not
abridge or destroy the of
the so-culled zones establish-
ed by one or more belligerent In the
n or free
Second That creation of the
war zone and blockade by Germany
is not legally based either on writ-
ten or unwritten international law
and the same argument applies
to any limitation of the free and open
seas by Great Britain.
of unarmed mer-
cannot be pleaded as
for attack. There must be
antecedent effort to exercise the rights
and duty of search.
Fourth -The States does not
regard as final any grave and seem-
insoluble disagreement between
the United States and Germany be-
cause the United States is committed
to the principles of international In-
tinier Issued for
Nut Hide in Altos and Taxis
One and In
Are Executed.
Chicago, July Forty-nine Ger-
man spies were trapped by ml
and executed in London
recently according to a letter
here today from a CI physician
in England with a Red Croat unit.
The story
June 10th a order wont
out to ail British army and navy of-
in London not lo in any
or day, As
a result Scotland Yard men arrested
men in British
riding in aUtOS and taxis.
proved to have arrived alter or-
i. Issued, The other
taken as German spies and with-
out trial
The hoard of aldermen will meet
meet tomorrow night In adjourn-
ed session of the last regular meet-
Among the to be
en up at tomorrow night's meeting
art- the selling of the
School bonds, which
a dozen or more sealed bids
already been received. revising
of the town ordinances, and
granting or rejecting of the petition
of drug stores In regard to the tall
soft drinks on Sunday
The lust of above named mat-
ills, or not the drug
stores shall be allowed to remain
open at certain hours on
been discussed for
quite a while and a petition has re-
been lo Mayor
by the proprietors of the lour drug
stores In the city In which it is
of the Aldermen they he allowed
charge for those luxuries toll
drinks and cigars, which they
hitherto been forced to give away in
order to their customers
The of the stores
state in petition that they do no
wish to be allowed to keep open
church hours
Bombs On The
German Stations
Ascended in Forty-Mile Gae
and Started Several Fires
With Bombs.
Pearce Writes Some More
Believed a Hoax
HT Till-
Smith and brother are attending
house party at Miss this
Miss Trilby Smith has just Just re-
from an extended visit in
Snow Hill.
Maggie Taylor and
Brown, Bethel, spent the week
at the home of Mr. C. l- Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills
Bands; with their brother. Mr. K. A
Messrs. Jenkins and Ross, of Wash
were in Sunday on
their usual
Several of the in this sec
are tobacco this week.
R. A. Nichols
ill her In Nichols Town.
One of Other lo
Afternoon Belle,
ed to be a Hoax.
New Orleans, July 13- Two more
letters which the
writer threatens disaster to British
merchant and mule vessels, as in
one received by a local newspaper let-
days ago. were delivered here to-
day. One was sent through the mall
to a local afternoon newspaper, and
the oilier to the Chief of Police. In
both writer demands the
Hans the confessed bomb
held in connection with the of
the first letter Sunday night.
Chief of Police Reynolds said to-
day that he would Ignore the demand
that he released, even though
he takes seriously the letters received
today. Others, however, who have
been watching the case closely are in-
to believe today's letters are
a hoax. The phraseology is similar
to that of first letter, but terms
are used that lead to the belief that
the writer of the letters received to-
i- to adopt the style
of writer the one I Sun
day night.
Mayor Dunn held a court
the hall this morning, only
eases hi on docket for
Mitchell a Syrian was
ed with assaulting Everett
The difficulty occurred on the
sometime last night and ii was
-lapped II
the lace The evidence allowed that
each were partly responsible for the
trouble and was adjudged not
The other ease tried today was
Ralph Jones and It on
who were Indicted for
peace with their
conduct of the defendant
were found guilty. The judgment be-
that each of the boys pay half o
costs, the total of which amount-
ed to
Mr. V. V. Johnston last
t Hospital
Mr k V. Johnston who received
a severe injury lo one of his leg
about two weeks ago and was taken
to a hospital in Richmond last week
is getting along line and improving
very fast, says a letter to Dr. S
which ho received from
of St. Luke's Hospital
The letter was written soon after Mr
Johnston's arrival at the hospital
The many friends of Mr. Johnston
will he glad to learn he is
proving and that it was not necessary
for him to undergo any surgical op
It Is expected that lie will
he able to return home in about n
week or ten days.
Observer General
is Planning
Gained Width
Yards in rapture
Reported Are Rout
open Peace Negotiations,
London, July IS. A squadron
ascended In a tO-mils gale and mop
heavy bombs on the
the Germans near the
trenches, starting several
attack by the under
protection of French of-
statement called
upon tin French
labyrinth by
French heavy losses
The oil;, mi in from Bi
says the advanced along
a width of yards when Ger-
mans took cemetery near
The Germane are redoubling their
efforts to capture according
advices, but the French
confident the will
The German Inactivity In the.
theater war Is
grail and London. military
observers f. that Field Marshal
is planning an unexpected
A dispatch from Athens says
after a hard battle on the
peninsula the Allies right wing ad-
and that
of the interior forts of
Dardanelles continues.
It Is reported from Bucharest that
the Turkish minister of justice
delegates passed through
to Bulgaria to open negotiations with
Allies for peace.
A dispatch from says that
three trawlers were blown
by bombs today. The crews
If Fail
When State's Star Alienist Al-
Defendant Tried to
Hypnotize Him.
l M
John II. Kurt To Hospital
Mr. John H. Fort, of the Proctor
Hotel Shop, has gone to a
hospital in for treatment
Mr, Fort has gem suffering for
time from a stomach trouble, and
the trouble reached a crisis Sunday
his being treated W
mi i. ii. wit
Raleigh, Rewards of tWO
hundred dollar offered this
afternoon arrest and conviction
of tenon M
have murdered and robbed Charles
hi here recently The
County offered one
hundred dollars and the governor
made available a similar amount.
defeated Atlanta for the
lion of at iii- ii In
Exalted in
was re-elected
in worn of
Yesterday the
school held annual picnic
The members of the Sunday school
with a few invited friends met. at the
Street landing at 8.30
hoarded the boat for Yankee Hall.
The party arrived the
grounds about eleven o'clock. Dinner
was spread at one and all thoroughly
enjoyed the sumptuous repast
After lunch all the men. who had
brought bathing suit-., went m hath
for an hour Many delightful
games were played during the after-
noon by the younger members of tin
party Al In the evening the
return begun, the party
riving home a little after six.
Mate ll I use at O'clock
Mill Head of
Former Hearing Into Records
Then he Charged and Re.
York. Jul Ii.
now n
by Harry Thaw in hit
unity hearing Dr. Austin Flint, the
star alienist, was on the stand.
Do you think from what you
Thaw in this room
he is asked John B St
field, of I,
replied Dr Flint.
forts to me on wit nest
stand do not show a rational
mean to say
tried to asked Stanch-
you make tin -fat.-
this tried to
demanded Justice
responded Flint solemn-
loony whispered Thaw
to those about him. you think I
would dared say a thing like
ease will go to the jury early
tomorrow afternoon. By nightfall
verdict should be at hand There-
fore his late will rest in the hands
of who under the
law has the final say and can tel Thaw
at liberty even if the Jury advises he
is insane or send him back to
In lbs face a
verdict, according Ills discretion.
The case against Thaw was closed
at o'clock this by the
state. Fifteen minutes will be con-
by Stan. tomorrow morn-
In reading into the records some
I testimony given at a previous hearing
I The summing up follow and
with the charge case will
in handed over to the Jury.
a marked Improvement in ;
i several
lots about the city is
days Sin. e the order I I
the hoard of aldermen to have
people clean up the trash and rub-
blah mi their lots, ii seems v
taking pride in attempt
to bi iii neighbor in up
The business houses on the side
are cleaning up side
front of their doors, cutting
crass and hauling the rubbish
business man tins morning
makes h l i I
next years as she In the past
five, tin- make th.
larger cities up and talk about
In speaking of the Sew National Ban
the -nine man said lb
at first thought the
was far of mil. s. but what
we need new. i- another four
building right where the i
just across the from
-i in four story ire
It is being rumored on the quiet
that another building across th
from the National Bank i- be-
I. but n In it
nothing given out that can b.
taken as r, ever
,. r. , m n.-.
II. i K the
i. , n are. i i
i n
Fire On U. S.
S. New
Boston, July Firs started to-
day in. in. battleship Si y with-
in ten feel pounds of
The tire was extinguished flooding
the handling room The blaze was
i short . In lilting
elect lie wire.
i BE
Berlin, Harvesting
gun in the i n and m sec-
k. ports from i i
cue that i oat a,
wheat and barley will be
large Sugar are to be
richer In than usual and t is
i led that a III
London. It The b
has tackled to apply
munitions war u the South Wales
coal strike that Ike
-Hike is prejudicial to the transport,
production and supply of
Toledo. O. July At a mark of
appreciation for perform
Americans in on. of
precious la lbs
hat been present
. i iii. American
Leon Cardon. a artist and
collector, and in of the
work of Brand American
minister and former ma
or of Toledo, it will be
Toledo museum of art.
in mm
Berlin. July -A dispatch to Hie
from at
are their
border Many
Of men are work digging
parallel the border and building
I. wire entanglements The ope
rations are being ranked all
BAPTIST st until
Washington, July is
by Thomas A that he had
accented secretary offer to
head an board of civilian in-
for the proposed bureau in-
and development In the navy
department received with
Heat ion today by naval officials
Daniels was pleated
on Mr s
was dependent entirely in.
of the secretary's plan of
inventive genius of the
country in perfecting the navy as a
lighting machine.
The Sunday . la--. II I
Memorial i held
annual picnic yesterday at
about three west
iv A large number of
accompanied by teachers
many invited friends and wen
to the in wagons and
about ten k In tho
morning The little folks I
i of the party had a most
time rambling around through
woods and playing various games
Al noon lunch was served and the
afternoon was spent In mm h
tame that fun
merriment In the His
tn all In n a
moat and delightful day,
fl . ii v l- In
Mr. Row . I the
Farmville pi a

Eastern reflector, 9 July 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 09, 1915
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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