Eastern reflector, 2 July 1915

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Mint i sale
North Carolina In the Court
I. C Hardware I .
and Wife
Hy virtue an execution directed
id the undersigned from the Superior
Court of County in the above en
titled action, I will on Monday, tin
day of July, at o'clock
noon, at the courthouse door in said
County, in sell to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy
execution issued on a Judgment
to enforce a lien filed against
the property, after described for
material, all the right, title and in-
which the said A. Ingram
and wife. Ingram, the defend-
ants, have in the following
ed real estate, or had on December
1914. to
Situated in the town i Ayden, Pitt
County. North Carolina, and is the
house and located in the western
part of said town of Ayden, lying on
3rd street, and the same lots upon
which the said owners are completing
a residence, and the same lots
recently purchased Dixon
others Beginning at a stake -10
feet Croat Joseph corner,
runs a Westerly course with reel
feet to a stake, thence North and
at right angles with Street
feet to a stake, thence an easterly
and with 3rd street
feet to a stake W A. Ingram's
thence a Southerly course and
with the aforesaid second
corner of 3rd street to the beginning
And also a lot lying just east of the
above described property.
This the day of June.
Joseph Lawhorn,
4-3-1. ltd
Slate North Carolina
Department h
in All whom these Presents May
Come -greeting
Whereas, it appears to
by duly record of
proceed Voluntary
dissolution by the unanimous
consent of all stockholders, de
in office, that T.
and Company. Inc., a corporation of
this state, whose principal is
situated m the town of Greenville.
of lilt. State of North Cam
T. If. Meade the agent
therein and in charge thereof, upon
whom process may be secured. has
complied with the requirements
Chapter SI, of 1906, entitled
preliminary to the
issuing of this certificate of
Now. Therefore, I. J Bryan
Grimes. Secretary of State of North
Carolina, do hereby certify that the
said corporation did, on the day
of May. 1915, file in my office a duly
executed and attested consent in writ-
to the dissolution of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof, which said consent and the
record of the proceedings aforesaid
ire now on file in my office as pro-
by law.
In testimony whereof. I have hereto
set my hand Mid affixed my official
seal at Raleigh, this day of May,
A ., 1915
6-3 ltd Secretary of State
I Bryan Crimes. , .
I of Dissolution
State of North Carolina.
Department of State.
To All to whom these i
Whereas, it appears to my s
by duly authenticate, record
the proceedings for the voluntary dis-
solution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders
in my that Th Parker
Company, a corporation of ,
whose principal office is situ the
town of Greenville, County Pitt.
State of North Carolina L. Par-
being the agent an in
charge thereof, upon whom pr i
may he served i, has complied with the
requirements of chapter
of 1905. entitled
to the issuing of this
of Dissolution.
Now, therefore, I. J. Grime-
Secretary of the Slate of North Caro
do hereby certify that the said
corporation did. on the 10th day of
June. 1915, file in my office a duly ex-
and attested consent in writ-
in lo the dissolution of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof. which said consent and the
record of the proceedings aforesaid
are now on lib- in my said office as
provided by law.
In testimony whereof. I have here
to set my hand and affixed my official
seal at Raleigh. N. C this day of
June, A D. 1915.
J. Bryan
Set of
ltd and
Local Hank of the
The Greenville and Trust
Company of this city, have on hand a
few souvenir
of the
imposition. These coins were
authorized by an act of Congress and
the supply Is limited to pieces.
They will be sold at each, six for
They also have souvenir
half dollar coins commemorating the
same event and will be sold at
each, six for as long as Ht.
Local people desiring any of these
coins will do well to at the bank
early, as the supply doubtless be
exhausted in a short
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administrator
the estate of H. Turner, deceased,
late of Pitt County, N. C. this is to
notify all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned at
Arthur, N C. on or before the day
of June 1910 or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate will
make immediate payment.
This the day of June 1915.
Administrator of H. Tl Turner
To the Creditors of Eli
You are hereby notified that the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, made an order in the
proceedings now pending in this Court
wherein Eli in petition, and
his creditors are respondents, which
said is in words and figures as
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior Court before the Clerk.
In Petition of Eli Rodgers.
vent Debtor.
having tiled with the
undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt County, petition alleging
that he is an insolvent debtor, and
praying for an order that his estate
Bay be assigned and for the petition
of bis creditors, and that his person
may hereafter be exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment previously rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he having filed with said petition a
list of bis creditors with the places of
their residence and the amount ow-
to each together with an inventory
of bis
is therefore ordered that all of
creditors, or such of them as so
desire, of th said Ell Rodgers, shall
Show cause before the undersigned at
Ills office in the Court House in
ville. X. C, on tin day of July.
1915, why the petition of the said Eli
should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not he assigned
for the benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter be exempt from
arrest or Imprisonment on account of
any debt filed in said schedule of debt.
It is therefore adjudged that this or-
be published once a week for three
weeks in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published in
the town of Greenville. North Caro-
This June 1915.
Clerk Superior Court.
is law
Executor's Notice
Having qualified as Executors under
the last will and testament of J.
W. Allen, deceased, all persons hold-
claims against said estate will
the same to the undersigned with-
in twelve months from the date of this
notice, or the same will be plead In the
bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
please make settlement Immediate
This May 1915.
W F. Evans,
W. Harvey Allen,
Executors of J. W. Allen deceased
A ft
flout I ft all J
coat of a
at all
Warned. f
n u m. Thou.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
Notice is hereby given by the Hoard
of of Pitt County in Reg-
Session Assembled on Monday.
May 1915. ordered an election to be
held on the described
North Carolina.
Pitt County
Notice, is hereby given, the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at a Special Call meeting assembled
en Wednesday, May ordered
an election to he in I he following
described territory.
on crock at
the east comer of the Ward land,
running with the Ward line, in a north-
direction to the
load, thence with said road to the
Lumber Company ,
thence with said lo the
county road at Teddy, thence down
county road to the Wilson and
fills road, down the Wilson and
Greenville road to branch
Including the T.
down Jacob's branch to J W. Gay's
corner, thence down the W. Owens
line lo the north side of the D.
place the W W. Owens
thence down the D. Moore line
to the north line of the Ben Owens
place, thence up the
u, the Wilson county line, thence down
the Wilson county line to
Creek, theme lo the
at the Davenport and
turner on Tar River, thence
with Davenport and proctor lines to
a Special School Tax of or.
the One Hundred dollars valuation
property and Poll in the
above described territory.
And at said election those
the Special Tax vote a written or
ballot containing the words.
S and I hose opposed
Tax shall vote a written or
ballot containing the
Special Tax
And it was further ordered, Unit
be. and he Is hereby
R. It. Fleming, Jr., and Davenports appointed Registrar for said election
It I. Smith's thence S s
That I he said election be hold on
Friday, July SO, 1915, at the Public
School house in above described
I. Smith and Fleming line
to the Washington road, with said mad
I to J. II. Wilson and G. H.
corner, thence with said Wilson and
Little's line to Little. J. it. Daven-
port and Orange corner,
thence with and Matthew
Moves lino, to alto's canal,
with said canal to P. Fleming and
comer, thence with Sal
and Fleming line to Sat-
road, thence with R.
Owens line lo
and corner
in the line, thence
line to J. It. Little and Baker
corner; thence with J- B. Little's line
the Barnhill line, thence with Lit-
and Barnhill line lo Daniel
line, thence the Daniel and J. II.
territory for the purpose taking and .,.,.
ascertaining, the win of the qualified . o
voters of above described territory,
whether there shall or shall not
,. levied and a Special School
as t.
Crawford corner, with said
Crawford and Daniel line lo the Goo.
Williams are hereby appointed
holders or Judges and
And it is further ordered, a
now registration is shall he
ed. and that the registration Hooks
for said District or territory shall be
opened on May 1915,
closed on Saturday. Juno 1915
for the purpose of registering the
voters of said district.
This 19th, day of May 1915.
S A. Chairman
Hoard of Com. of County
Attest Bell.
I. I. M.
Phone King
Second St., tor. Nail
mo wkly.
Tax of cents on the One Hundred
Moore line
line to the
thence with Moore
Dudley line, now K D.
valuation of property and
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
cents on the Poll in Hie above .
ed territory, and at said election those
favoring Tax shall vole a
Ward line to the Spier land
thence with Spier and Ward line
printed ballot contain g to run, thence will, said run to
the words Special Tax Tar River, back to the beginning-
opposed to said Tax shall vote a writ- That said election be held on
t, , or printed the 6th, day of July 1915. the
words Special school house, in the above de-
And it Is further ordered that W. K. territory, for the purpose of
and Is hereby appointed Keg i taking and ascertaining the will of
for said election and Ed the voters of the above
Way and Eula Mangum are hereby scribed property, as to whether
pointed Poll Holders or Judges r shall not be levied and col-
election .
And it is further ordered that New
Registration is and shall lie required,
and that the Registration books for
said District or Territory shall be op-
on Thursday. June 1915. and
closed Saturday July 1915, for the
purpose of registering the qualified
voters for the said District or
This the 9th day of June. 1915.
S. A. Congleton,
dim. Board of Pill Co
6-11-18 ltd
Mexican Bandits Kill American
El Paso, June
an American, has been killed at the I
El Favor mine tit according to
travelers reaching border today.
The killing was attributed to bandits, I
In the District Court of the United
for the Eastern District of
North Carolina. Division.
in of, Claudius Tun-
of First Meeting if Creditor.
is hereby given that on the
day of May A u, said
Claudius D. Tunstall was adjudged
bankrupt, that the first m of
the creditors will be held at the of-
of the undersigned referee, at
Washington, N. on Thursday we
day of June A. D. 1915 at
o'clock A. M. at which time the .-aid
may attend. prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly come, be-
fore said meeting.
Washington, N. c 8-8-15 ltd .
Having as administrators
of the late Robert P, Allen, late of the
county of Pitt, is to notify all per
sons having claims against H
of said Robert II. Allen to
present them to the undersigned ad-
on or before June
or notice will be plead in
tr recovery I hereof.
All persons owing said estate will
pleas make Hate settlement with
the said administrators.
the day of June, 1915
M It Allen
Dunn Allen
S II II once ii week.
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing, Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
e e
Greenville, INC.
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
j, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
k. Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
ton. D. C.
Norfolk. Vs.
Chart -Ion. W. Va.
S. C.
Majority of Thought Mr.
Would Die, Bat
One Helped Him to
Ky In Interesting
from this place. Mr. A. J. Hughes
rites as was down with
stomach trouble live years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
rimes, that I thought surely I would die.
I tried different treatments, but they
did not seem lo do me any good.
I jot o bad, I not eat or sleep,
end my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
taking other medicines. decided
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence In it.
I have now been taking
for three months, and It has cured me
haven't had awful sick headaches
since I began using it.
I am so thankful for what
has done for
has been
found a very valuable medicine de-
of the and liver. It
is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous Ingredients, and
gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
a package today.
Only a quarter.
it HAS
U the the Keel Most of
Win K
The Allies Reap
Rich Successes
On Western Front
Further Successes
the Armies
Paris and Berlin Little
Activity In Theater-Gen-
Drives Russians
River England
Will Allow Bales of American
to Kilter Sweden-
Vienna, June in
Russian Poland, has been raptured by
forces, according
to announcement made by Austrian
war tonight.
of nearly miles
southeast of the Austrians
repulsed a Russian attack which was
made in force.
new Alien
New Central Will be One of
the Most Substantial and
Convenient in State.
Has Floor Space of Feet
and Sot a Post
tin Will be Perfect In Any
Part of Warehouse and Other Con-
for Patrons of House.
Wafer Pipe Into
Berlin. June Foreign Minister
and Chancellor
arrived from
declaring that they have
that will remain
during the war.
Will Allow Cotton to Reach Sweden.
Washington. June -England has
agreed with the Swedish Cotton
Association to permit hales of
American cotton to reach Sweden
War Summary.
London, June in
has driven tho Russians
the river, a
of the where
day's dispatches stated that
the army would establish it-
self on a new line against the
advance in At
same time the German forces
crossed Into Russian territory near
Poland. The Russians are
beginning to evacuate positions they
have occupied along the lower San.
Enormous numbers of German
troops transported from the
eastern front to the want The great-
est secrecy the movement.
Official reports from Paris and Ber-
chronicle little lighting a
calculated to elm materially
the situation either adversary,
Tho most notable action was the
fight in the where the French
suffered a momentary Check. Their
advance posts were thrown
the night and Hie contest continued
in the morning. After a terrific count-
attack, in which the Germans
gain Dislodged, it la reported from
Paris French again
all the ground they had lost.
A slight advance made by the
Infantry north of In
the Arras sector. In a
men the French gained tho sunken
road from and by dint
of bard
their advance position a hundred
yards forward.
on the
peninsula heavily the
Turkish wing, according m the.
Turkish report, . ban
not result of this
Kinston, C. June 30th.
first brick warehouse ii
completion when tho Central
will he one of the most substantial
and conveniently arranged warehouses
fur sale of leaf tobacco to be found
in Eastern Carolina or any part of the
state for that matter. When the
that is now under construction is com-
which will he soon, the build-
will be an entirely new structure
and very greatly improved in many
ways from warehouse it was
originally built.
Last year proprietors, J.
if. Parham, II. C. Wooten and E. P.
spent about in
and other Improvements. This
year between and more
In Improvements have been added
which makes the warehouse an entire-
new building. It Is now feet
Wide by lest long, giving a floor
space of square feet. There
several new features that will
it especially valuable for the display of
tobacco on sale. There is not a
post in the entire floor space only
two in the mammoth which
ere In the front and supporting sleep-
quarters fur patrons of the ware-
The roof of building has
been lowered, Which greatly aids In
shedding light, a very important
tor In selling leaf tobacco on ware-
house floors. There is not any part of
the building that there isn't plenty of
light to show off the tobacco.
In the front part of tho building
there has been constructed
sleeping quarters for farmers who
come here from a distance to sell their
tobacco at Central and this Is to
be made comfortable for them. From
n ii artesian well water
Will lie conducted into the warehouse
flowing the time for the con-
In the building. The
office, which will be In the corner
warehouse at Heritage and weal North
street, is to be fitted out
there will double r
vice, one in end of the long
tobacconist ore making
extensive improvement to care
n the business for and
die Central will right in fore-
Says Bulletin Issued by State
Department Americans
Fleeing from Capital.
They Are Watching Mexican Leaders
in All Parts of this
Angeles, Villa's Went Hand
Man, of Being Involved In
Plot for Action
for the States to Take.
Washington, June
agency here gave out a statement to-
night that American citizens are flee-
from Mexico City into the
camp of the general,
Pablo which is about three
miles southeast of the city.
The agency also says that a commit-
tee of the diplomatic corps is asking
the Zapata officials to protect the prop-
of foreign governments. The
here say that Zapata Is
about to evacuate Mexico City.
The state department gave out a
short bulletin today stating that
in Mexico not
and that is rushing troops
to reinforce General Gonzales.
Tho navy department has received a
dispatch from tho New Orleans at
stating that tho town
of was raided by the In-
on the west coast on June 17th,
when a British subject, John
ton, was killed, but that all la quiet
In that section now.
Horrors of Barb
Wire Entangle-
game lure believe
has arrived for a definite sup In
can affairs. Two courses are now
open. One is to increase the pres-
sure on to compel him lo
with Villa and the other is
to eliminate personally from
consideration and attempt to get to-
Villa and prominent men allied
with other factions to hold a
to select a candidate for president,
for whom all concentrate. He
would he assured of recognition by the
United States, and the latter plan is
believed to be step President
son will take
Mr. Mrs Mayo,
or.- Mr. Mrs. F. J.
on I
Agents of tho United States govern-
were all over the country today
carefully the movements of
prominent Mexicans who have been
in Mexican to that
there are no violations of American
The arrest of Huerta and
at Kl and tin
strict surveillance over Felix
and Felipe
Angeles, now living In the United
States, and others, Is i part the
American government's policy to
vent setting afoot of any new
military movement in Mexico. Officials
here feel the revolutionary
in Mexico ought not to he further
complicated by I hi Introduction new
j elements.
others may be
with the so-called Huerta
Intensified Internal lure
in the Investigation by agents
the department Justice Into the
situation, ii Is even Intimated
or one the European
are Involved, it was said
also the department of Justice
. n i ion of Mime in e
which seemed to connect
Angeles, Villa's right band with
to Entertain Large Crowd
on That Day.
Senator Simmons, Attorney General
Congressman Hood and
Other Prominent Men Are AIM
Expected Hotel i
Management of Mr. Foster to
lake fare of
to the
City, June 25.--The Hon.
Daniels, secretary of
navy, will be the principal speaker
at the Fourth of July Celebration to
be held here Saturday, July 3rd. Ar-
riving here Friday on his private
gunboat, the Hon. P. M,
Simmons, United States senator; Hon.
George E. Hood, congressman from
the third district; Hon. T. W.
attorney general of North Carolina,
and other prominent men are also ex-
to be present. Preparations
are being made to give the guests and
visitors a royal good time. Tho fa-
Atlantic Hotel, under the
did management of that
Mr. It. P. Foster, of
will afford entertainment for the
where a splendid orchestra dis-
charming music during the
day and until the wee small hours of
the night. The service throughout
the hotel has never been better than
this season and everyone is loud in
praises of the management. The
fishing is line. The surf pavilion is
under new and splendid management
this season and none need stay away
I for fear Of not having plenty to
please mid entertain.
The fastest hose real team in the
state will give an exhibition on main
tree o In the afternoon
for the entertainment of the large
crowd that la expected. At o'clock
a game of baseball will he played by
teams that will play real ball, night
fire works will attractive
the Prom present in-
a larger crowd of people Is
expected be In Morehead City that
day than has been bare before.
The Hotel and all the board-
houses in the town, together with
Atlantic, are prepared to
Of the crowd. This will he a good
time take an outing with
family and spend a or mow at
the summer resort on the coast.
The Norfolk Southern Railroad will
furnish reduced rates from all
on its lines is
lo handle comfortably the large crowd.
A special train Will leave here at
connecting with
train at New in for Washington
and other n I
Mr. White Boosts
Greenville Section
Mr. H. M. White, of Greenville
rived last night to attend the meeting
today to be held in the Raleigh
of Commerce rooms looking to-
ward telling the world the truth about
the state of North Mr. White
is the representative the Carolina
Club of Greenville. He states that
if the world knew of the advantages
offered by Greenville and Pitt county,
their population would he doubled this
year. He believes In his section and
wants the world to know there is pros-
good neighbors and a
hand awaiting the folks who will
come to live in and are
to work. And while be flunks
something more of Greenville I
Pitt county than he does of the
the state, lie admits that what he
claims for bis particular section is
largely true of the State as a whole
Raleigh News and Observer.
Dr. Bancroft, who Examined
Harry in New Hampshire. Swears
to This on Stand.
Now York. June 29.- Or. Chas P.
Bancroft, bead of the New
state hospital for the insane and a
member the federal commission
i, examined Harry K. Thaw
his sojourn in New Hampshire
swore on the witness stand today
Thaw, in bis opinion, was not only
sane, but always bad been sane. Dr.
Bancroft testified as an expert alienist
in Hi. Jury proceedings to determine
mental condition.
act in killing Stanford
White, Dr. Bancroft said, was not a
product a systematized delusion
such as the true para-
killing of Stanford
he said, apparent lo us i pal
Impulsive act growing of
a condition of mind due chiefly lo
anger and which was the
dual culmination of series of
that bad bean hearing
down on him during a long tune. If
did inn seem a type paranoiac, but
Wat due to Jealously of Mr.
to a diseased condition mind.
Raleigh, June S. Plans the an-
in of the North Caro
I'm rational guards were practically
i mi led by Adjutant General Young.
The regiments will go Into camp
imp Glenn field and fins In-
the second July
la l Inclusive, Hie July lo
and third August to
The coast corps will go
to Port Caswell to
sanitary troops to Pa,,
iii and troops, A and n
will in Port .
lo for instruction.
Washington, June The United
States government has adopted the
practice of notifying the German ad-
through Ambassador Gerard
of the time of departure of
passenger ship sailing under the
American flag and approximately tho
hours during which it will
through the war
This precaution is being taken so
German submarine commanders
may be on the watch for American
vessels and prevent a repetition of too
attack on tanker Which
Germany says was mistaken to a
An Observer In the Middle-
sex Regiment
Graphic Descriptor
Ire lorn
London, June v as
as the wire. Tiny hacked lit it. lore
it. until their hands wire raw and
bleeding and their uniform went to
tatters. From their starting point
right up to the wire tiny left a deep
lane of their dead and dying yards
long, a sight so poignant that men
coming suddenly on that trail
broke down and wept at sheer
pity, the undying glory of
In this way Official observer of
the Middlesex regiment describe
horror of barbed wire the battle
A German trench, protected by
hundred yards of terrible stuff,
had been overlooked by
artillery and after was
sent against it.
the Indiana r cut up by
rifle and machine gun from behind
the deadly strands, then
rifles advanced in fruitless attach
The battalion went Into action
strong and came
The men who remained alive
remembered nothing save
fearing at the barbed wire with their
hands, stamping on It Jabbing It
with their
one officer unscathed
lied and withdrew men and
turn of Hie cam
sacrificed themselves In rain only
when British had fallen back and
treat had been upon
fatal wire patch, to loose charges
high explosives, was ii.- difficulty over
always on
side of d rs, be th, y German
or Allies
High entanglements an need to pro-
trenches from bayonet charge,
stakes, five feel high, are need,
planted five and f
apart, and Interlaced
with cross wires. a man-trap
hi k to a stand
still in a position that be has no
hi and is a mark for all tho con-
,. i fire specially that of ma b
In tended trench.
The assailant now rails for
i and cut the wire,
and this is a
it the regimental
devil, who is often prompted In tho
Held for work Of forlorn
re is no outwitting tins i
a brings to naught Ow most
gallantry of attack.
the says a soldier's letter.,
col partially over our wire, and
they swung and bobbed next morn-
fairly riddled, it is a character-
In pitiless war.
Mr. W. O. Lang has returned in
the offer gone
Mr k. it Iteming, of Pat
was a visitor hero
Mr, a. O. cox, of wad
in the city this

. to tor at Owes
ant Mr to Mr Hues
-M. at Ac seat
act Mara I
Friday July. I I
i s i i i
i. issue of the Washing-
ton roundly i the last
allowed the yard employ-
has lo
. , regard to rutting f the
yard employ salary
There have too many
mies this kind. All the depart
menu have been compelled to dismiss
men because the niggardly policy
of I'm the small
public buildings thousands
hi and were laid
The is reminded Congress
by cutting down the salaries the
men. is practicing real economy. That
the doubtless has a
purpose hi view Thai that view Is
i view having
for the of the
Thai rutting off use
lo employees are always in
be found around government work,
is saving a goodly sum
i be appropriated eon
strut I mi and i. vi I
tin States
In yards of l-
. n .
ti d States, ire ell paid In
Hi other public employ i
ii average of an
yard Is
m v of paid men on
pi .
in the navy yards, men receive
salaries as high as or ten
per day. Do they really earn
hi i n i r
being I out this
large .- i
Instead being Con-
h to commended
iii fund,
Ii Li mad, possible
In ages of m
. in
ill lea. all the
bi veil the
taken arc
demand for the elimination of
key, The saloon league, l.
ever, North Carolina, 1- not
very nun h on account of
Hi.- prejudice the people, which It
has Incurred. The only way ii the
Mate f North Caroling to Impress
upon her congressmen that she wants
prohibition,, is by a direct
rote. She can never hope to aid th
States with only her
league working. The people of
Hi. stall mutt raise their voice
the matter, and then we iii be aiding
those other states that are
in favor of national prohibition
t IN Mill
We are Indebted to the
Dally News, for today's issue of the
Reflector. Owing to a breakdown In
shop would been
to issue a paper hail no the
News come to our aid, supplying
type to allow to
t. press The kindness of or es-
teemed contemporary is
and we can ever
service lo them they have
Greenville owes something lo the
home folks, and should at least do
for them as those who an
. j here today and r-
row The man helps I.,
your town Is the one who stop,
here, engages in business, bis
money, pays taxes, keeps up the
schools, employs people and pays
their wages, and In various ways put
motion in wheels of
you n. kind I
man you do the right thing Tin
home folks are tin ones you mu.-i de-
pend on, and it.--- have y
hearty support.
Children need plenty of room In
which in play, and streets crowd
with traffic do afford the om
Is going he
good tow as her o n
II in standing lo h other
to r
in Hi. this week Si we
could not I.- with them
I hi
lo make
put in
ii hail
in Hem
All lime
time to keep
a hone comes near
. omits
mini HOME
The last of
had is a feature, the Prom
. pleasing char.
u red I hi admiration
the Greenville audience leas In
lion was the ii Bug-
h-h colony, and the young man who
, in the groom of the
average English and his
fool wen appreciated
rial Ii a he
or as lie 1-
. a mi fellow He as blank
We attended hall game In 1.011
i m mi n
p r pi As the
, . the players on Ii
mil English
I eh
n ex-
, pi e had to k
, , restore order. V v
w n
not be con-
v ii- I II II tin
prohibition Issue which II Is
will taken up strong In the
next our
prohibition has n
,,,.,. of inn. h argument, or
question of eliminating
drink ins in-
National prohibition like the end
time, I tint;
Ha the pi
of this nation on ,
learn Hun Intoxicants aw
ill ill
and P
Near. Teachers
we have learned of
death f Ex Governor Thomas
who for more limn a quarter
a century was one of the most
prominent ales of
education and righteousness In
North Carolina
Therefore, I resolved we
the n
teachers the State, will ever hold
in gracious work
accomplished for uplift of our
people by the f n and
North Cat hers la
K. K Smith
P. W Elizabeth City
s. o, Atkins. Winston Salem
C, M Greenville
Miss A. Raleigh
Dudley, Greensboro
Delay la
DO the right thing at the right lime.
Act quickly in time of danger.
In time kidney danger
Kidney fills are most effective.
of Greenville evidence of
J. I. Connor, carpenter, HOD Evans
St , Greenville, About six
mouths ago I bad an attack kidney
complaint, back ached and had
across my loins. was so sore
stiff I could scarcely bend to pica
up my tools. had headaches u-d
dizzy spells and the kidney
were irregular in passage
colored and contained sediment.
Finally I got Kidney Pills at
The Warren Drug Co. and used them
according to directions. They soon
relieved mo and three boxes cured
me of all symptoms of the complaint
I have had no return
Price at all dealers. Don't
ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
Mr. Connor had. Co ,
Props., Buffalo, N. T.
Mrs. Wells Browne Dead
Mrs Sadie S. Browne, Mr
morning about Mrs. Browne had
not been sick in some lime was
in the best health all day
day She attended the
las t week on several occasions am.
with Mr. Browne picture show at
whites night. Th
news her death Sunday
was . shock la her host of friend.- In
the city. Mr. the
husband, says he and his wife had a
long talk before retiring Saturday
night and discussed plans the
in regard their
house About Sunday morning
he said, his wile got up talked t
their canary bird Which was in a
in the hall Pretty soon she returned
complained of a depression in her
chest. she fell over on the
lied breathed her last A doctor
summoned, but she was dead be-
fore In- reached her.
Mr. and Browne had
in Greenville about tour or
years and they have been living to-
fifty years. The deceased
in her seventieth year. bet
husband, she leaves two daughters
Mrs I. W Culler, of Raleigh, and
Mrs. Minnie
Services were held at the home on
Dickinson Monday morning at
and interment followed in
Cherry Hill Cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. C. M Rock,
assisted by Rev. Walker, The
pall hearers were C. T,
R. w. A. Bowen, C.
West, E. Thomas, N. O. Warren.
C W. Harvey, s. t. While. t;
Move. I. James and C S
Mrs Browne was a member of the
Baptist church and was a good Chris-
woman She possessed numbers
of friends, who are at tin
news of her sudden death.
To of Jno. Jenkins,
You are notified that the
clerk the superior Court
Pill County, made an oilier in the
now pending In Court
wherein John It. Jenkins, Jr. is
his creditors are respondents,
which said order is in words and
North Carolina. In Superior
Pitt County Before Clerk.
in of John Jenkins,
Insolvent Debtor.
John n Jenkins filed with
the undersigned Clerk tin- Superior
Court of County. Petition
that lie is insolvent and
praying tor an order that his estate
may be assigned and f
may be assigned for the petition
of ii if- creditors, bis person
may hereafter be exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment previously rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he filed with sold petition a
creditors with the places of their
residence and the amount owing to
. i. win, an Inventory his
Ii is therefore ordered that all of bis
or them as desire,
of the said John Jenkins, shall show
before undersigned at 1.1-
in Hie Omit Mouse in Greenville.
A. on the day of July,
why the petition Of the said John It.
Jenkins should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not be assigned
for the benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter he exempt from
or Imprisonment on account of
debt filed in said schedule of
it is here fore adjudged that this
older be published once a week for
three successive weeks in the Green
ville Reflector, a new-pater published
me town Greenville, North Car-
Tills II, Ibis,
Superior Court
one a week.
r is
will. MUM.
wish to announce that niter July
f will occupy offices on the third
floor the National Hank Building,
I . N I IS r RY . V
M. D.
,, I R m -r
One black with
spots heavy head of horns and
unmarked, Been in my field vi
, for three mouths. W.
. Greenville. N C it. F D.
Mount June J. It. Pelts,
for the past two or three years con-
with Mount olive Tribune,
a taper published here, has
relations with toe
and gone to City. Tenn. when
In- assumes the editorship of tie- j
van County Developer, a
paper of eight Standing publish-
id that place.
Ingenious in the Extreme Are the Con-
Devised for the Amuse-
of the Youngsters.
and turn out for
their children many ingenious
but do not compare in ingenuity
the strange expanding water toys
which children of far
East have amused themselves for
These curious are placed In
null boxes, similar to the lit
tie paint boxes often seen in our own
country. They have the appearance of
Oiled shavings, broken matches and
dilapidated toothpicks, but when
thrown into the water the ingenious
playthings at once exhibit properties
I hat show them to be more than mere
toys or bits of stick.
Brood of these toys have been
kiln dried and immediately it touches
the water it begins to absorb the water
to expand almost indefinitely As
it increases in size it separates and
suddenly opens becoming a very
One tick will change into a
Bower pot. containing a rose bush in
full bloom. Another becomes a fat
mandarin carrying an umbrella Still
another will take the of a lea
very ferocious in its
Then. there are
which show as whales, tigers,
etc. i he are colored, and
present a bewildering variety In do-
treatment Their
is a trade kept by the
guild that turns them out b the thou
For older children there are
ed larger and even more fig-
of historical
poets and
dwarfed trees and tiny houses, whose
doors and windows are full of inmates,
are also among this class. more
Ordinary kind cost a mere sung, but
the liner are quite expensive.
Peculiar Garments That Are Allotted
to Inmates of Holland Orphan
The Dutch differ from the Chinese
In announcing to the world the birth
of children only In the article dis-
played. The Chinamen hang a piece
ginger over the main entrance to
the house, while the Hollanders
the event by a piece lace, com-
with the lace a pink background
for a boy tinsel a girl. The
Orphans of some of cities of
land are quite conspicuous, and
so when Been on the streets of
Amsterdam dressed in what might be
termed half half clothing east
half of a hoy's coat, including the
is red. while the half is
black, The dresses of girls are divided
in a manner, but are topped off
by becoming while caps, which make
the young misses look very neat and
attractive. This singular style of
dress is said to have been adopted to
enable the railroad officials, as well as
the authorities, lo p track of them.
says the National Geographical
As the orphan asylums of
land have the control of children coin
to them until they an- of ace.
the more mature of the unfortunates
these odd garments in pub-
present a very striking appear-
He sent bet
dinners for
el Menu Dully a
Han has had I
t. w. mi ii. a. ,
limited to diseases
The of alias
Mt with Dr. D. L. James,
ilia, M. every
, ft
Lawyers ,.
Practicing In all th.
In Wooten Vain
street, fronting; Court
J. F.
Phases BAY MK
Frank Bean
N. C.
Whenever You Need a Tonic
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic
and IRON. It the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, the Blood and
up the Whole System. cents.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by application, a.
portion r ear. Then
only one way to cur- Is
. 11.- an inflamed condition nm-
lb- n
nil., la
if, bearing, when It
I f and
mil, as Hi. Inflammation be taken
int. tn normal
will forever
cases out ten are catarrh,
which but . Inflamed condition
of nun
We iii for any
of i,;.
b. by Hall a Catarrh or.-.
.-, ml .
F J CO . Ohio
Sold by . r
Take Family for
D. H.
at Law
l-and and Drainage Cases a
In c formerly occupied
I. s. a pi,,,,
B. J.
at Law
in the National Hunk Building
Dickinson Avenue
Fourth and Brans
Made Both Bay an
B. F.
ea Street near
M store
on ;. s
at Law
wherever his are
North Carolina
Still With
The Mutual Life Ce.
of Sew York.
J E.
Veterinary and
Treat All Animals
Calls Promptly Day or
Day Phone Night
R. C.
Office in the National Hank Building
Dickinson Avenue.
Office hours .
to and to
Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts
Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle
Peas. S Potato plants
Attorney at Law
Atlantic Line.
North Hound South Bound
No. IS a. m. No. p. m.
No. p. No. p.
Norfolk Southern
Hound West
No. a. m. No. 3.11- p.
No. a. m. No, a. m
No. p. m. No p.
Carr Atkins Co.
c E U m
Mutes II like or
Schedule la effect April Ills,
For Sale By
Carr Atkins Co.
N. B. The following schedule
published as information ONLY east
are not guaranteed.
A. M
Sir. for Norfolk
in A M Daily, I Hut
beth City and Par-
Car Service to Nor-
folk. for all points
P. M except Sunday, la
A. II, for Wilson,
and West. Pullman
Service Connects North, Sooth
and West.
A. II, Dally, except Sunday,
Wilson, and Connects for
all points
P. M. Dally for Raleigh and all
Intermediate stations.
For further Information and
in Sleeping Cars, apply J. L.
Agent. N. C.
Heal Pas. A.
invigorating to the Palo and Sickly
Tr Old
TAM chill TONIC, drives out
Malaria blood, and up the
Moseley Brothers
f and Real Estate
Mr. Dudley Deceives
Painful Bruises-Dragged
The locals will cross with
the Ayden team the
tomorrow afternoon.
Ayden was here sometime
go by the store of to and the
received a defeat at their hands
in Ayden last week to the tune of 1.1
to Until teams have been consider-
ably in the last few days
Hie game tomorrow promise, to
he an exciting and Interesting con-
test. Willis naming, has been
iv. from the city for the last week
or will again be In and
will very likely do the twirling act.
of who
I the last of tin week, will do
receiving stunt. Dixie
will again be on the for the
. el revenge for the defeat he
to then last week Tripp.
den's lining husky catcher, lie
behind the tomorrow,
The win be called promptly
D or CM
has to
ville many pleasures and advantages,
hut none have exceeded the privilege
meeting ant listening to th.
who bears the and shored
the of General
iii Mrs
was the of Mr. and Mrs R
At noon on Monday. Mr.- Moseley
luncheon in honor of
Mrs. Covers wire laid
fourteen, and the color scheme
Just a little before noon today Mr
Dudley, who lives across the
river about four miles from town, re-
very severe painful bruises
when he fell from the back of a male
was dragged about hundred
yards. Mr. Dudley bad Onioned Mi
work for the morning and was return-
home for dinner, lie was re-
turning by way of the public road
and a passing automobile at which the
mule became frightened caused the ac-
Mr. Dudley was sitting Oil
the side of the animal's and
Instantly thrown to the ground as the
mule lumped. In falling one or Us
feet In the reins and he was
unable to flee himself until he'd been
Mr I H. Moore, Of Bethel, was in
the city this afternoon and Informed
bis friends he would leave to
morrow for Columbia University. New
York, Mr who has
teaching for the several years
will lake special work In
courses at Columbia. Mr. Moore
stated Mr. Marvin
n Bethel, will leave with him Mr,
is a graduate
College, hut attended the
North Carolina this past year.
Mr will continue study
i law Columbia.
Personal Property.
On Saturday the day June
cm.,, fit p. in. will at the residence
store H. Turner, deceased,
in Arthur, Dam Township,
cut Co. to public sale all
stock of goods merchandise,
stock to sold iii bulk, and other
articles of personal property belong
to said estate. Terms of sale cash.
Inventory of stock will be taken
exhibited on day of sale, the
amount of said inventory can he had
inquiry as soon as some can be
liken Sale made virtue an or.
of the Clerk of the Superior Court
if fin County
This the J day Juno
Administrator of n.
s Attorney
the cotton bloom of
the season, was brought to Re-
Hector office ibis morning by Mr.
Julius Brown. The bloom was given
Brown yesterday, near Bethel by
Willis Willis is a colored man.
but he always takes pride pro-
cotton bloom, and in
this he is usually successful,
National Hunk Statement June
Washington, Comp-
of the currency today issued it
call for the condition of all National
banks close business June
The only stop
came after the frightened animal
turned Into the woods and was halted
by the brush and trees.
Mr. Dudley, while
hurt, was bruised and skinned up
painfully. He was brought to town
Immediately and his wounds dressed by
Dr. E. Nobles.
Don't neglect a summer cold. A
bronchial cough causes broken sleep
and lowers your vitality. Hon-
and Tar Compound soothes and
heals raw. inflamed membrane, stops
tickling in throat and clears stuffy,
wheezy breathing. Contains no
ates, children like good for all colds.
croup and bronchial affections
Sold everywhere.
patriotic cards bearing carried down the road at a
draped across two drums each
together with a box
red satin in the shape of a shield,
also bearing the stars and snipes a
silver basket in ii. center
the table filled with
four small silver vase, containing red
and white peas stood at
four corners of table, while the
sideboard and mantel were banked
with red and white sweet
A delicious luncheon was
served, spiced with many Interesting
touching mid by guest
of honor, who is known as
by hosts of friends and ad-
throughout the she re-
always to her husband as
Mrs recited a poem,
luting the Which related
General was challenged by a
little maiden to if he
flag with Which she had j
draped herself The general
saluted her flag as lie passed
by, as did each of the men of his
and the little maiden, shamed,
cried mil as the last man passed,
I wish I had a Confederate flag,
Not caring for Jewels just simply as
gems, Mrs Picked Hears only those
which have for her special
her bosom was a brooch .
containing on one side Hie portrait
her only sun, who tiled in the
the reverse was the like-
of General and herself
th.- of their marriage,
she a girl sixteen with curl
hanging our her shoulders the
curls were only put up as her baby
boy begun to pull at them, A brace-
let of gold and black with a tiny
h sol In It, is the treasured gift of
Wives and daughters of Confederate
soldiers, presented to her on iii
anniversary her marriage
The who Were thUS privileged
lo meet this honored lady were Mrs U.
C. Arthur. Mrs I, Woolen. Mrs
I. G. Move. Mrs, T Hooker. Mrs.
c w Mrs E. Austin,
Wright. Mrs, J. It. Move. Mrs
Miss Kate Lewis, Miss Miriam Ma.
and Mesdames Mark
and A M Moseley,
Sold In Bottles
Bottled under Authority of
Cola Company.
Every bottle and
inspected before and after
Register of Deeds Bell has
marriage license to the follow.
couples since last report
Win. Jr.,
s Brown
Carlos Harris and
w. A. Winston Flowers.
Win and Rosa Will
We grow them. v.-.
Has and a VT,
ling funeral lowers
the 1st eat styles.
Ferns, Palms and many other
plants or the house. Write to
spring Price List of Ross
Shrubberies, Hedge Plants,
and Trees.
Mowers fur III
stall, telegraph and telephone
promptly executed by J. L.
A CO. Florist, Raleigh, N. C.
Store It
in the superior Court
I State of North Carolina
County of Pitt.
Moore and Martha fore
Thomas and Mainly May.
Prof. Ingram Gives
P. Hudson
the People Pitt Counts
This is not a reply in kind an
Item which appeared in the Daily Re-
of last Thursday evening,
an Ayden date line and under the
caption Teacher in
concerning the spirit which in-
spired or the person who wrote it, I
have comment offer. Ail fair
minded people discernment will
draw their own conclusions and re-
serve their pending trial
next term of cut county Superior
facts and motives will
appear, However, shall
to agree with the writer that this
above named will
take that an action entitled as
above has lieu commenced In the So
Pitt County, to
dissolved the bonds matrimony
heretofore between the
and defendant and the said
defendant will further take I
he is required to appear at the
term of the Superior
County to be held on the second Mon-
day the U inlay of Sip-
it being Ilia day
August, 1915. at the House of
said County in lie North Car
and answer or demur t.
complaint in said action, or the plain-
tiff will apply to tin Court for the
relief demanded In Bald complaint
This the day June
Clerk of the Superior Court.
To Sleep Well in Summer
Slight Inflammation of the bronchial
North Carolina In
Before D Cox, Clerk. unique and a distressing cough and
VI. w. Q, Moore. J. or tn the of education Intakes sleep impossible.
and jurisprudence In N C . will at- Honey and Tar compound slops that
tract even larger crowds than tin I annoying tickling and relieves the
anonymous writer predicts or exports tiring cough. Good for all
W Ingram I coughs, croup
bond for appearance at lions
Washington, June General an-
. arrived here today and
in pi at the state department that
t ,. was connected In any way With
toe coup He also conferred
with C head cf
ilia agency.
Iliad Man.
Bryan will live long those
ire saving he is dead are dead and tor-
gotten. He been dead SO often in
the estimation of certain people any-
He is the dead man in the
country. Catawba County
K Moore, Pearlie More. John
Moore, Idly Oakley and w
Oakley, by their next friend, P.
By virtue of a decree Of the Super-
Court of county, made b J,
D. Cox. clerk Of the Superior
in the above entitled cause, on the
day of June, 1915, the under
signed Commissioner will, on
day, the -1st day Inly, IBIS, ex-
to public sale before the Court
House Door In to the hi
est bidder for cash, the following de-
scribed real properly, to
A four-fifths undivided Interest In
and to the following described tract ;
in parcel of land, lo it Lying and
being in Township,
County, North Carolina, adjoining the
1.11 ii Harvey Allen. Joseph
Noah Tyson and others and contain
Big acres more or less and known
OS Tyson Home Place, sub
however, to the life estate Mrs
This sale is made for the pm
making partition among the tenants
This day of June
and bronchial
the next term of Pitt Super-
to answer the charge of
under u warrant
sworn by P. the In-
stance and upon authority of I
and others Ayden. S c.
June -Mil
Sold everywhere.
Guns Old Sous, Other Remedies Won't Curs
The ,.
we cured by Hie old
Healing OIL
Composition and rubber roofing just
received a car load of the famous N
Brand. Pitt
Mfg. Co. 6-17 U
t I mil TO Till. Kill,
Detroit, June n conditions
in the south, and industrial conditions
in New ware the s
en up today I i
States and Canada
London, June King and
Mary, u la stated In the
newspapers, win be be present at the
wedding in august of mas
Walter Dines
I Page, Am. an to
John B II labor Of James and Q.
r of New Hampshire, told the Boston Their are
growth of Industries in bis territory,
of North Carolina, discussed
labor situation in southern states.
labor in the south, taken
be sending notable
to bride.
It is recalled that King Edward and
Queen Alexandra attended the wed
ding J. an T. Held and John
as a whole, is not What be Ward in when the bride's
said Mr Bold, was American
possible reason for Hie- situation j, ambassador
the fact the large supply of fresh
land available tin tenant farm-
careless of gen
Banker talks
Mr W. P Harding, of tin Pad
Improvement Few farms In Reserve Hoard
cultivated to full
told the hank-
era Beach last week
In believed the n in crop cotton
It ii in HI. over would total
SOLD by ATHLETICS Taking that
a basis he showed that some
better marketing facilities must, be
Philadelphia, June On the heels,
the announcement that Pitcher Bob, next suggested the
had been sold by the
Athletics to the New York low to help
Americans came a report today marketing of the
Shortstop Jack Barry tho former of
world's champions is on tho market. Any
Barry has not played since
that will result in really and
marketing the crop gradually
to he welcomed with exceeding
in because of an injury. Manager
Connie Mack is in Washington, and
oilier chili officials would not discuss
that In- Intends to sell Harry.
It also was reported -Mack intends
lo get rid of all his high-salaried nun
except possibly
First Baseman Amos and
or tWO others. The manager,
is building up a new team of young
players, and within the few weeks
has added young pitchers and
two or three
flow To Quinine To Children.
lo . I a . I the
take it never know it la
in,. it in the I raw-a. no long
Ike next time you need for any cured l-y Hie aid
Ask lo, package. The
name 1-h I ,. blown in at SB.
Unit t Can tin
Those who do not have to consider
expense are now going lo health re-
sorts to gel rid of impurities in the
system that cause rheumatism, back-
ache, joints and painful
If you cannot go. yet felt you
need relief from pain and misery, get
the kidneys activity and make you
feel well and strong.
Sold everywhere
The Quickest and Most
Permanent Way
The Medicine with a Guarantee
acts upon the Liver in a mild wait, and does not cause
that feeling SO often the case with
Sold by Country Merchants throughout Pitt County and by
m i
Not for Men Only
Women suffer as much as men do
from Indigestion and constipation and
require the lams scientific remedy to
keep the i . t. tho liver ac-
and the bowels regular. Pole.
Cathartic tablets are wholesome and
Cleansing, do nut or cause
ea. Some this is the one
cathartic that takes away that over-
full and feeling.
Sold everywhere.
don t Neglect your
your are troubling
bring them where the
IS Pt and
glasses to suit eyes are
supplied cost
Hair Cut
for the Children
Send folks tn us their
Hair I ills and he taken care
a well as If were
S vi in ilium;
Would you buy a FURNACE EYE
if it would protect your ban.
against FIRE
Com let us show you at Gentry and
Gamin's Warehouse. We can also
supply either GROOVED or RIVET-
ED FLUES, as we were the first link-
here to mike flues.
Jenkins Flue Co.
J. J. JENKINS, Manager
I. I. Harper. Sec.
Vic hi I'll. I.
Get the Want Ad Habit-
Reflector Pay

Barring the each retail buyer of a new car,
between August 1914 and August 1916, will receive from Mu to
a share of the ford Motor Company's
can drive a so simple in construction. No
complex mechanism to learn. In town or country, for business
or pleasure. Ford cars everybody, for about two cents a
mile to operate maintain.
Runabout Touring Car Town Car Couplet
Sedan f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment.
On display and sale at
Ford Supply Company
Is reached when one a Saul
la an up-to-date bathtub of oar
No Is without H ea
comfort and n
from Its use
Pays the M
many times over. have
Una In
sot gladly will
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber
For Sale or Kent
I have two stores for sale or rent In
Winterville, N. C. All persons inter-
apply to, David Sutton,
X. c. Mi-eta.
If you value quick transportation,
route your shipments via Norfolk and
Southern Railroad.
Watch the time made by their pack-
age cars, and you will rind that your
Interests are best served by patron-
them, as Is
I Mistake Made Many
When you suffer pains and aches
by day and sleep disturbing bladder
weakness by night, feel tired, nervous
and run down, the kidneys and
be restored lo healthy, strong
and regular It is a mistake
to postpone treatment. Kidney
Tills put tie kidneys in sound, healthy
condition and keep them active and
Sold everywhere.
How To Give Quinine To Children.
name to an
Improved Quinine. H is s Syrup, plea.
nut to take tint disturb the
Children take it and never know it is Quinine.
especially adapted to who cannot
lake ordinary Quinine. not nauseate nor
cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try
it the neat time you i red Quinine any
pose. tor found origins package. The
name in boric. cents
Your Own
The cause Of every condition In
one's life is primarily in his own men-
outer things that seem
to lie caused are merely occasions. If
one is looking without, blaming
or circumstances for unpleasant
conditions, he will o find a rem-
There is no more important truth
for the overcomer to learn about him-
self than this, that h, is the one who
makes own body and his environ-
When he knows this he can
To bring up a child right you will
have to bring up its parent right. A
stream doesn't rise above its source.
Many parents go waddling along
through the world as if they did not
amount to much, but they
determine the character of their child.
Sometimes a child arises above Its
origin, but that comes because it has
fallen into environment that helps it
upward and onward. The greatest
circumstance in education is environ-
Some parent don't seem to
care a snap for it.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
Notice is hereby given by the Hoard
of of County in Reg-
Session Assembled on Monday.
lb ordered an election to
held on the described
on Creek at
the east comer of the Ward land.
running with the Ward line, In a north-
direction to the
road, thence with road to the
Roanoke Lumber Company
thence with said to th
county road at Teddy, thence down
aid county road to the Wilson and
Greenville road, down the Wilson and
road to branch
Including the J T.
down branch to -1 W. Gay's
corner, thence down the W. W,
line lo the north side of the Moor.
place the W. w.
thence down the D. Moore line
to the north line of the lien dwells
place, thence up the Hen Owens line
to the Wilson county line, thence n
the Wilson county line lo
Creek, thence to the
Thai the said election be held on
Friday, 1916, at the Public
s. In the above described
for the purpose of taking and
ascertaining, the will of the qualified
voters of the above described territory.
M to whether there shall or shall not
In levied and collected a Special School
Tax of cents on the One Hundred
valuation of property and
cent on the Poll in the above
ed territory, and at said election those
favoring the Tax shall vole a
Written or printed ballot containing
the words Tor Special
opposed to said Tax shall vole a writ-
ten or printed Ballot the
words Special
And it is further ordered that W. K
Lang be and is hereby appointed Reg-
for said election and
way and Eula are hereby
pointed Toll Holders or Judges of
And it Is further ordered that New
Registration is and shall be required,
and that the Registration books for
said District or Territory shall be op-
on Thursday. June and
closed Saturday July 1916, for the
purpose of registering the qualified
voters for the said District or Terri-
This the Ml day of June. 1916.
S. A. Congleton.
Chm. Board of Pitt Co
Attest Dell.
1-13 lid
A Hopeful Motorist.
is an optimistic soul, be-
he thinks he could a pot of
gold at the end of a
he isn't quite as sanguine
as that, but lie puts more faith in a
tire than an other
Pitt County.
Notice, is hereby given, that the
Hoard Commissioners of Pitt
at a Special Call meeting
Wednesday, May 11-. ordered
an to be held In the following
scribed y
at the Davenport and
corner nil Tar thence
with Davenport and proctor lines to
it Fleming. Jr., and
line lo It 1- Smith's thence
with It. . Smith and Fleming's line
to the Washington road, with said road
to J II- Wilson and H. Little's
corner, thence with said Wilson and
Little's line to Little, J. R. Daven-
and mange corner,
thence with Bath and Matthew
Moves line, to canal,
with said canal to P. Fleming and
corner, thence with Sat
and Fleming line to Sat-
road, thence with R. It.
Fleming and line to J.
it Davenport and corner
n the line, thence
line to It and Baker
thence with J. B, Little's line
to the Barnhill line, thence with
and Barnhill line to the Daniel
line, thence with the Daniel and B.
Little's line to Creek, thence
with the Creek to the Daniel and
Crawford corner, thine With said
Crawford and Daniel line to the
Moore thence with the Moore
line to the Dudley line, now R.
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
and the Ward line the Spier land,
thence with the Spier and Ward line
to run, thence with said run lo
Tar River, back to the
That said election be held on Tues-
day the day of July at the
public school house, in the above de-
scribed territory, for the purpose of
taking and ascertaining the will of
qualified voters of the above de-
scribed property, as to whether there
shall or shall not be levied and col-
a Special School Tax of on
tin One Hundred dollars valuation of
property and on each Poll in the
above described territory.
And at said election those favoring
the Special Tax vote a written or
ballot containing the words.
Special and those opposed to
said Tax shall vote a written or
ballot containing the words
And it was further ordered, that J.
be. and he is hereby
appointed Registrar for said election
and that I. S. Fleming and W. S.
Williams are hereby appointed Poll
holders or Judges and
And it is further ordered, that a
new registration is and shall be
and that the registration Honks
for said District or territory shall be
opened on Friday. May 1916, and
closed on Saturday. June 20th. 1915,
for the purpose of registering the
voters said district.
This the 19th. day of May 1915,
S. A. Congleton, Chairman
Hoard of Com. of Pitt County
To the of Rodgers.
You are hereby notified that the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of County, made an order in the
pro. ceilings SOW pending m this Court
wherein Rodgers, in petition, and
his creditors are respondents, which
said order is in words figures as
North County.
In the Superior Court before the Clerk.
In Petition of Rodgers.
vent Debtor.
Eli Rodgers having Hied with the
undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court of County, petition alleging
that he II an insolvent debtor, and
praying for an order that his estate
may be assigned and for the petition
of his creditors, and that his person
may hereafter exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he having filed With said petition a
list of his creditors with the places of
their residence and the amount ow-
to each together with an Inventory
of ins
it is therefore ordered all of
the creditors, or such of them as so
desire, the said Ell Rodgers, shall
show cause before the undersigned at
bis office the Court House in Green-
ville. N, Ci on the 12th day of July,
1915, why the petition of the said
Rodger should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not be assigned
for the- benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter be exempt from
arrest or imprisonment on account of
any debt filed in said schedule of debt
It is therefore adjudged that this or-
be published once a week for three
successive weeks in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published in
K. . FOB
Dons, Beaten, and
Proctor Hotel Building.
lilt. I VI Hi Mi IS K HAS
his office into National Bank build-
second floor, to
6-5-15- months.
now coupled by L, C. Hatch.
received a car
load of red cedar shingles. See u.
before buying. Pitt Lumber Mfg. Co.
centrally located. Apply this of-
IS If-
the town of Greenville. North Caro-
B IS law
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court.
The That Does Not Affect The
of it tonic and laxative effect,
and doe not net
in head. Remember the full name
look for the of E. W.
In Superior Court
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing, Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
of Dissolution
Stale North Carolina.
Department of State.
To All to whom these pr s I M
Whereas. It appears to my
by duly authenticated record of
the proceedings for the voluntary
solution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all tho stockholders
In my that Th Parker
Company, a corporation of
whose principal office is it
town of Greenville. County of
of North Carolina L.
being the agent an In
charge thereof, upon whom
may be has complied with the
requirements of chapter Revise
of entitled
to the issuing of this
H ate of Dissolution.
Now, therefore, I. J. Grimes
rotary of the State of North Caro-
tin, do hereby certify Hint the said
corporation did. on the day of
June, tile in my office a duly ex-
and attested consent in i
in to the of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof, which said consent and
Of the proceedings
are now on tile in my said office as
provided by
In I, whereof. have here-
to my band and affixed my official
Raleigh, N. C. this day of
June. A. D.
J Bryan
North Carolina
Pitt County.
I. C, Hardware Co.
W A. Ingram and Win-
By virtue of an execution directed
to the undersigned from the Superior
Court of Pitt County in the above en-
tilled action. on Monday, the
day of July. 1915, at o'clock
noon, at the courthouse door in said
County, in Greenville, sell to the
highest bidder for cash lo satisfy said
execution issued on a judgment
to enforce a lien filed against
the property, alter described for
material, nil the right, title and in-
which the said W. A. Ingram
and wife. Ingram, the defend-
ants, have in the following
ed real estate, or had on December
Situated In town of Ayden, Pitt
County. North Carolina, and Is the
house and lots located in the western
part of said town of Ayden, lying oh
3rd street, and same lots upon
S residence, and being the same lots
recently purchased from J. DiXOn
and others. Beginning at a slake
feet from Joseph corner,
runs a Westerly course with 3rd street
feet to a stake, thence North and
at right angles With street
feet to a stake, thence an easterly
course and with 3rd street
feet to a W. A.
theme a Southerly course and
with the aforesaid second
corner of street to the beginning.
And also a lot lying just east of the
above described property.
This the 2nd day of June,
Joseph Lawhorn,
Sheriff . .
On the following dates the
Health Officer will be at the following
places for the purpose
vaccine free to all who wish it.
July 2nd, from to
At Stokes, 8th and 19th from
P. M. to P. If.
At the office of Dr. Moseley,
to A. M. on July 1st.
At the of Dr.
Z to P. M. on July 1st.
At the office of Dr. Morrill. Falk-
land, to P. SI., on July 1st.
At the office of Dr. Cox, Winterville,
to 10.30 A. M. on July 2nd
Al the office of Dr Ayden.
A. M to P. SI. on July 2nd
At the office of Dr. Dawson,
ton. to P. SI., on July 2nd.
At the office of Dr. Jones.
land. to A. SI., on July 3rd
Hanrahan, July from P. M. to
4.20 P. SI.
At the office of Dr. Griffin. Bethel,
to A SI. on June 7th, 18th. and
and July 8th,
At office at house, Wednesday
and Saturdays from to P.
Three injections will be given at ten
day intervals with a hypodermic
No scar or ulcer is produced.
You lose practically no time from
your work and you are protected from
typhoid fever for to years. It is
free to all. There are three times as
many deaths per from typhoid
fever in N. C. as in remainder of
the U. S. and everyone who
has it is incapacitated for two months
besides the enormous expense. There
are more than people alive in Pitt
county today who will be dead
months from today because they did
not take this typhoid vaccine. There
l no danger in taking this vaccine.
II. T. Jr., If. D.
County Health Officer.
The That MM Set
Ms laxative effect.
is than ordinary
and does cause nervousness nor
in head full name and
tor the E. w. c
Having as administrators
of the late Robert P. Allen, of the
county of Pitt, this is to notify all per-
sons having claims against the es-
of the said Robert II. Allen to
present them to the undersigned ad-
on or before June
I or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery thereof.
All persons owing said estate will
make Immediate settlement with
ho said administrators.
This the 16th day of June,
It. B Allen
Harding and Pierce
ti om .- week.
J. I. K. I.
Phone HI I King
Second St.,
mo wkly.
Sot lee to
Having qualified as
of the of B. Turner, led
late of Pitt county. N. C. this is to
notify all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased to I
exhibit them to the undersigned
Arthur, N C. on or before
of June or this notice will be
pleaded in bar Of All
persons Indebted to said estate will
male Immediate payment.
This the day of June
Administrator of H. B Turner. I
BROWN. Attorney. Id
wheat, Put
Poet Post
en, Porridge, Grape
Self-rising Flour, C.
S. M Schultz
If It Is
Is the rueful, Moil Healthful, the Most st Washington.
v it i. 1915.
Horses Are Being Shipped into
Norfolk to be forwarder
to Europe
Russian Troops
Stop Advance
Of Germans
Norfolk. July arrival
of thirty-two car loads expected
early tomorrow morning over the
Southern Railway it Is probable that
the loading of horses for France will
not begin. There are now about
horses the Stock Yards in
Berkley for the shipment from Pin-
Point lo the Allies, but
steamer which is now await-
a cargo of horses, has a capacity
of more than and i-i probable
that loading of this ship Will not
start until there is number
of horses at hand to till this vessel.
It was said the offices of the South-
Point this
that little that
the loading of the would begin
before tomorrow and that ship
would probably start for France to-
morrow or early Thursday morn
While the Madonna, which left Nor-
folk for Prance last week, the
win make as fast trips a
possible, other will be en-
caged for the shipment of the horses
in the contract of Dodge Brothers, as
quickly as they are available.
Ii. P. Matthews, attorney for Dodo
Brothers, is now in Cheyenne arrange-
for shipments of more horses.
Men Masons Install
The officers of the Ayden Lodge No.
A. F. and A. M , were Installed
iii their beautiful new Temple at their
regular communication held on Thurs-
day, July by the Past r C
Spear as
W. m John ii. Cheek.
S. W. Prescott.
j. Fred Q
Tress.- John Smith.
Secretary. A, Jenkins.
S. D. William a. Craft.
j. n W.
s. s. Frank
S, ti. Mumford.
Tyler Tod It. Allen
This Lodge has the honor of having
At Last Russians Succeed in Bracing Them-
selves Against Rush of Allies-
Little Fighting In East
London, July r,. Advices from Pet-
claim that the Russians
braced themselves on western
battle front and that are with-
standing tin onslaught the n
The reported . which
roan mid wen preparing
lo make on Warsaw, has been dealt
a killing blow, say the dispatches,
ml feels reasonably safe
in predicting Warsaw is now sat.
from the vengeance of the Teutons.
The Germans and
to rush troops and supplies the
war on Russian front, and
it is thought s great battle is el
On the it is first one
side and then other that holds
The Germans capture a few
trencher and then Allies recapture
Early today, in an attack on a small
French village, German soldiers
and six officers were killed and wound-
ed, while till Mime time. In Flan-
; whole column of German
engaged two regiments of British
and. French soldiers. The British
and French retired in good order
but a few men and
England is preparing to bring over
another contingent of native troops
from India and they are expected
arrive within n few days. In the
meantime, the Indian troops already
in France are giving good account of
themselves, in a bayonet ch
yesterday, in which troops from sou-
India figured prominently,
large body of Germans were ; lg-
ed from a position was menacing
in lines.
Italy doing mm h as it was
expected she would do, and Is ling
it pretty bard to hold her own against
the masses of Austrian troops tint are
being rushed to the region near
Italian border Quiet
in both Rome and Venice, though
some entertain fears for the safety Of
Venice in view of the air raids
have already been attempted on that
Troops ill
Make Desperate MS CELL
Attack on Villa
Six Hundred Men are Lost When Attempt is
Made to Capture Villa Stronghold-
Eight Thousand Were
. Deputy Grand Master. Mr. city. The Italian station-
, . Chert as its worshipful mas- ed the Adriatic engaged and
tar, and a compliment to Mm. have
the District Grand Lodge also stayed off an attack Km-
bold it first meeting with them on
of August. The District Grand
Lodge is composed of all the lodges
in Pitt County, ten in number.
This promises to be a very delight-
gathering of the of Pitt
and those who know of the hospitality
of the good people of Ayden are
a delightful and refreshing
The speakers of the occasion are
Hon. R Dunn, arrived In
Grand orator of the killed and wounded,
Submarines ill
London. July -i The admiralty re
ports an activity
man submarines for past
As as ships of 1st i
the neutral countries In tin
of the war lone have been
and sent to the bottom. The An
bound for Montreal to
Officers Installed And an interest-j
Program Rendered-In
Evening Ball Came
N. r July
The public Installation of officers
of Dodge of Masons
and the picnic immediately
following the ceremony drew large
crowds to yesterday. The
Installation took place In the splendid
auditorium the
School The Officers were installed
by Master H. Williams, of Green-
ville, and the the
Was delivered by lion. F. Hard
who was introduced by Dr. J
II. Hudson The picnic given on the
grounds of the school was thoroughly
enjoyed by everybody as the
land section is especially noted for
having a bountiful supply Of Rood
thing-- to eat. in the afternoon s
large crowd witnessed the ball game
between Ci and Greenville,
which the former won by an exciting
finish, the score being lour to three
The program for the Installation
was as
Song i Trust in God, by a
f girls.
Installation Officers by PaM
Master It. Williams
Solo Looking tin-- Way, By Miss
introduction Speaker by Dr. i
it Hudson.
Address -by lion P Harding,
Duet-Sweet by Miss I,.
ElkS and Miss Karl Proctor
Reading Fire of Friendship By
Miss Mary Proctor.
be With You All.
The officers installed were
. Galloway, W. H.
j. L. Williams, s. W.
Dr j n. Hudson, J. W.
J. O. Proctor, Treasurer.
A Clark, Secretary.
M. K. Hooks. S. D.
T. F. Proctor, J. D.
D Phelps, s. S.
Robert Bright, J. S.
Dixon, Tyler.
County Court Had Heavy
Docket for Monday
Laredo, Texas, July i six i.
troops were killed in an all
day battle yesterday in a fruitless
tempt to capture Pan don. a Villa
stronghold, about thirty miles north
west of j. act n
Eighteen thousand men were report-
ed engaged in the battle with total
on both sides ;
reinforcements renewed
tack today.
About eight thousand
troops General ii
vino advanced yesterday morning
siting the railroad from i
village about midway between Mon-
and advance fol-
lowed a Sunday truce during which
both sides buried the dead, who
two weeks Incessant lighting shout
had fallen so thickly as to
menace health, The officer
estimated Villa had nearly ten
thousand men concentrated at
under Generals and Chao. ants the Phi ;
Their purpose was to halt a secured a Judgment in the
ordered by the nun that In
possession the i
. l; court was m -.-
ii- kl; u i m and ;
A number of were
the roads for carrying
and making assaults. Two i
; were tried at this ti rm also
The case of W. W Kimball and Co.,
. VS Stanley Smith F C,
Patterson was tried after the criminal
matters bad been disposed of Monday,
The mi case was suing
mi a note which they had held against
the defendants for the an out i
I and rest, on
a Kimball piano sold i
advance from Monterey upon
about two hundred miles west Mon-
ten y. infantry and artillery
m both sides began the battle about
early yesterday morning.
At night the charge ceased
and General was reported
have failed to gain ground This morn-
report said, however, be
had received reinforcements estimated
and was renewing the attack
mi the Villa army. All regular
out of Monterey have been annulled.
being used for transporting military
equipment and wounded. Monterey
hospitals were today convinced to
rapacity with wended The
authorities received reports
ally large of had
n westward from Villa
it. and sell ii com t sir,
the of the note
and give the
to the defendants.
Another ml on
all of day,
ease, also, was concerning a
a piano. W. Harrison, the ;
lift was suing B. on .
which he claimed he purchased from
a certain piano company. The
was tried by . Jury and
were answered as
the signature lo note on pro-
cured by fraud,
deceit Am n Yes.
the plaintiff purchase said i
good and .
ii was ,., , . , , ,
infirmity or defect and before mat
and for Answer X
iii id. the defendant I .
the and If so. In win
Answer Nothing
led the Villa losses about
. quailed to the casualties
fountain Defeats to
fountain, N C , July i
interesting ball lien were rs nil.
defeated George Taylor, carrying i
The In I .-
Exact Manner o His
Hot Known- Thought las
Slipped a Revolver
New York. . Frank t,
professor of language who i s
attempt Saturday to kill
Morgan at his I lei
,. I., was dead
pool of . lie Mini
jail ti I
.- minutes
e exact
K to
ties i
It I is believed that hi ii . .
percuss .
, . lathing and
had escaped
n I
examining s body said I be-
e . a .
a ft. Ian and I
mi asserted bi
tared his skull b bead
first from the ell
i i. I
v other
t his head
that w Bis aft
of the nun
w. to bis he let
., I-. .
;,, the Jail and e had semi
. i en . , id
. . .
at hand was
found In ell
and I d ti
have been i
dear vi
must ti i
more I think l l .
-iii of .
in the i
bye, Sweet
e for
the I
with me vi I I i
My I real
Hi state Honorable T W
ell. T. M.
Wooten of Greenville, and others.
it seems, i
tone to her
Ina warfare
l to
knees the
v. C, M. Rock left this morn
to Ms family
there win re will spend sum-
in. r Johnson went Kith
hit i spend a few days in Ridge
lime of ll
held the vis lo men for
the tour the
lowing three scores, he was then re-
by Jefferson wonder
who pitched remaining
live Innings allowing two scores.
Rollins on the mound for the vis-
team was haul Bl all limes
during game
The visiting team was sure the
c. me mini the tilth when
hit a home run. which seem-
caused the visitors to lose their
Mil confidence, for they
the locals bad them outclassed when
ii . to good ball playing
i be winning of the
lo the heavy batting of the
of Fountain, and the
terrific pitching of Owens and
v in in I upon
ii, Davis, i om
six months on roods
ii. Evans, assault with
weapon, two years on e roads
Lewis Forbes, with lead I y
weapon. Sin and
George Johnson, Laura Johnson,
Oscar Johnson, George Johnson and
Laura found guilty.
George Johnson, false .
months on roads.
John Henry t lark, .
months on the road e
I,, c deadly
weapon, one half the i
carrying concealed
Judgment suspended noon pay-
Of the
W U. Hudson, carrying coin, led
i weapon, not guilty.
I a t
a lies
Mr, i and Mr L
Wood it .
i walking canes from I i
The canes are made from
bark of the Red Wood with i
California abounds, he cam
about thirty inches In length and
bark from which th. y were
as thick as canes arc long.
When the canes were
bis morning and tho
i looked at t
n Id bark en the
Wood In thick as the
wen seen. However, Is a
in.- tress ii. an ,
twenty live feet in r, .
is possible for Hie to have
n from bark of one t

Eastern reflector, 2 July 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 02, 1915
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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