Eastern reflector, 9 April 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

f all
the u. alt good tinning. W
bf th he it m the I
Main on Lime on the Farm, i i C
f lite y c. ,
A p-
virtue of I in in
by a mortgage made by Blue t U
Mermaid on December 1810, and
in Hook T-9, page
County Register or Deed Office, the
provision of said mortgage not
been complied with. I .-lull Mil,
to the highest for cash, on
Monday, the day April. 1915, it
at Court door in
the blowing described pro
being in Town
ship, County, known as the Avon
bounded on the North and
by Tar on the i is
by Creek; on the South
Southwest by and Pole
on the West and North by the old
Taft Plantation, containing ac-
res, more or leas, and being the same
land conveyed by J J Laughing
house to and this
part of purchase price money
This the 5th, day of March.
i i
S I Attorney
Token I p.
On place one black bull about
years old with while feel,
while spots on parts of body
Mark, crap and slit right,
left, owner an gel same by paying all
Sale of Valuable Town Property.
virtue of power contained
in a certain mortgage deed executed
by J S. and
wile to C. S. CarT, trustee, on the
10th February and duly
recorded In the of
Hi Pill County. North Car
in Hook page T, the under-
will expose to public sale, be-
House Door, En
the highest bidder, on Monday
the day of April U
o i m. these certain tracts or par-
of land, lying and being In the
-aid State, and in the
town of Beginning on
street at a stake from
the South corner of the Free Will
Baptist Church lot; thence In a South-
direction with the Western
of street 1-2 feet to
a stake in Allen's corner; thence
u Westerly direction with Lula
Allen's line feet to a stake, a
thence in a Northerly direction
parallel with street 1-2
to a stake; thence In a Easterly
direction parallel with II. D, Nelson's
Southern line lo
street the beginning
Also, One other or parcel
beginning on the side of
and 11th. Streets and runs an Easterly
direction parallel with 11th. Street
feet, thence a Northerly direction
parallel with street US feet,
in a Westerly direction
with Street feet to Co-
street; thence In a Southerly
direction with Street
feel to the beginning.
Sale to satisfy said mortgage deed
Terms of Sale Cash
This 16th, day of March
C. S. Trustee
By F. M. WOOTEN, Assignee
Mow To To
i in
Notice, Is hereby given that the
of Commissioners of county
at their regular session assembled
Monday, March 1915, ordered
to be held in Hie following
at a Hue between S. J
and J. A.
the colored School House known as
Carolina Township, and
ii south to O M. Swamp
held; then running with the road W
M Mooring; With the
leading to to
tear M. A. them,
with the road lo Station ti
the fork near Harriett
Pitt county
Notice, Is hereby given that
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
at an adjourned meeting, assembled
in Tuesday Mar. 1915. ordered an
on to be held in the c
District Known as
Township. District No.
That said to be held on
the 27th, day of April 1915,
at House In the above
territory for the purpose of as-
the will of qualified
voters of the above described
f to whether there shall be levied
collected a Special Tax of
the valuation of property and
with road by J. F. I on each Poll In the above
to Post Oak colored thence; territory, and at said election
with S. H. line to W. h. and those favoring Special Tax shall
H. B. Fleming's line; thence a written or printed Ballot with
Flemings line to D. B. the words For Special and
line; thence up line tr those oppose to said Tax shall vote a
B. D. Nelson's; thence with written or printed Ballot with the
line lo W. E.
H. B. Fleming's line; thence a south
course to
That said election to be held on
Saturday, the 17th day of April
at C. F Pager store In town of
N. C, for the purpose as-j
the will of qualified
voters In above described territory as
to whether there shall be levied and
collected a Special School Tax of,
on the of pro ,
and on each Poll lb the
above described territory.
at said election those favoring
the Special Tax vole a written
or primed with the words
and those oppose to sail
Tax shall vote a written or printed
with words Special
And it was further ordered, that t
P Page be, and he is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election. K
words Special
And It was further ordered, that
H. A Pierce be. and he Is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election
. that F. H Rogers and Joe Sum-
are hereby appointed Poll
Holders or Judges of election.
And it was that a
New Registration Is, and shall be re-
and that the Registration
Hooks for said District or territory
hall he opened on Thursday. March
and closed Saturday. April
IT. for the purpose of register-
qualified voters of said district
Or territory
This the day of March 1915
S A.
Chairman of Hoard of Com. of PHI Co
Attest BELL, Clerk
S and E. H. are
name to .
pit. I or
ant to t not the stomach. Judges election.
lake It Quinine.
v -o . i lo adults who cannot
take ordinary D out nauseate nor
I Lisa in the head.
It next for any
pot. Ask .,
. . id
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C
Norfolk, v.
N. C
Char W. V.
Charleston. S. C
And It further ordered, that a
. is. and shall be re
quired, amid the Registration
Books Of said District or Territory
shall be opened on Friday, March
and closed on Saturday April
1915, for purpose of registering
the qualified voters of
This day of March 1915.
s. A.
Chairman of Hoard of Com. of Pitt Co
BELL, Cleric.
On side of the A. C. I. It It
mi North Side of Third Street
in a certain deed of trust
by A Morton and S N.
the day of February, and
re. roiled in Hook A-10, page
i the undersigned
I offer at public sale to the
.-I bidder tor before the Court
in the town of N
. on April 1916 U
M. the following or
parcels of land,
H of of sale i in
PHI county.
it hereby Riven the
of Commissioners of Pitt
county their regular session an
Si milled on Monday. March 1910
ordered an election to he held in
inflowing described
In Creek at the
mouth of Black Swamp and with said
swamp to the late L. C. Barrett line
ii i with said line to the Falkland
Township line, with said line to
forks of the road at Toddy;
southward with Kirk wood road to E
C It. It , with a-i
Virginia Lumber Company,
to road at T. K. Keel's; then
with road to
Ward place line; then With
said line to run of Creek;
down creek to the
That said election lo he held or
Saturday, the 17th. day of April
at the School House In above
rd territory for the purpose of as-
tin will of the I
voters of above described territory
as to whether shall be levied
and collected a Special School Tax
on f valuation
property, and on each Poll iii
above territory, and
said election those favoring
Special Tax shall vote a written or
I Ballot with the words
North Carolina,
Pitt county.
Notice, la hereby that the
of Commissioners of Pitt
at regular session assembled
i. Monday, March Kit, ordered u
election to be held in the following
Beginning on Swift Creek at the
line I No. It, as now i
with the said line to
Clay Hoot Swamp down said Swamp
M. C Smith's west line with
to .; W. g line,
with said line to Oscar Haddock's
line, said line to Clay
Swamp, then down said Swamp to
Creek, then up said Creek lo
beginning. Including all within the sail
except the lauds owned by
P. S.
That said election to be held on Sat
the 16th, day of April 1915,
B, O. Smith's store above
ed territory for the purpose of
the will of the qualified
of the above described territory as lo
whether there shall be levied and col-
a Special School of
on the valuation of property
and on the Poll in
above described territory, and at said
election those favoring the Special
Tax shall vote a written or printed
with the words Special
and those opposed to said Tax
shall vote a written or printed
lot with the words Special
It was further ordered, that I.
Smith be, and he Is hereby appoint-
ed registrar for said and
that LA. Edwards and W H
mt are hereby appointed Poll Holders
Judges or election.
And It was further ordered,
a New Registration is. and shall be re-
quired, and that the Registration
Hooks for said district or territory
shall be opened on Friday. March
1915, and close Saturday. April
for the purpose of registering the
nullified voters of said district.
This day of March
S. A.
Chairman Board of Com of Ca
attest; BELL, Clerk
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing en In its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
is extended Beginning at a
K S W. corn and those opposed to said I
thence running a westerly course ,.,,,,, written or
Third street feet to ballot with the words
S K Corner, thence a
course with said Jessie Mum was further ordered, that II i
lord's line feet to a stake in J be, and he is hereby
smith's lino, thence an easterly course I pointed Registrar for said election
with I J. Smith's and Caleb Worth-land that Jack and T R. Allen
line feet to Lydia B. Sum hereby appointed Poll Holders or
line, thence a southerly course I of
with said line feet to the And It was further ordered, that
beginning. Containing 1-3 of an acre Registration is. shall be re
Tell The Tale
Can you doubt the evidence of this
You can verify endorse-
Head this;
Frank Ferguson, special manager of
Jefferson Life insurance Co., Fifth
St., Greenville, says; years
ago I had kidney complaint, brought
by constant riding on trains
while traveling. My back ached and
I had pains In my kidneys. The
kidney secretions were Irregular tn
passage, scanty, highly colored and
contained sediment, I used Dona's Kid
my Pills for these troubles and they
relieved me. strengthening my back
and regulating the action of my kid
I consider Kidney Pills
a very good medicine for kidney
in When my kidneys get out
order, I use them and always gel
Price SOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
loan's Kidney same that
Ur. Ferguson had.
Co., Buffalo. N. T.
more or less.
This sale is made for the purpose
of satisfying the bonds secured
aforesaid died of trust
This day of March ISIS.
w F attorney
Under and by virtue of the powers
conferred upon the undersigned Mort-
certain Mortgage Died bear-
date of Hit day of Sept from
C L. Barrett and Nora Barrett
Wife, and duly recorded l
the Register Heeds for Co in-
Page I etc
will sell
t tn r in
c. for .
real town
the I N.
I e or
quired, and the Registration
Hooks of said District or Territory
shall he opened on Friday. March
and closed on Saturday April
1915. for the purpose of registering
the voters of said territory
or district
This the 3rd. of March
S A.
Chairman Of Board of Com of Pitt Co
BELL, Clerk.
t Proof lings Sale.
Choice lot young
at almost stock price.
We are short on coin and long on
and have Jet d to offer for
ii is young proof
id from lo i pound
it i a i B
. . b I ;
of Deeds Bell
Issued licenses lo the following coup-
since last report.
Hal. Moore and B.
and Mary Cox.
and Mary Saunders.
Henry and Augustus
and Blow
Winter layers and line table
grow to weigh lo twelve pounds
rose tine Strata 11.00 per
setting W. J Wyatt, Winter-
. Mile N .;
The Woman's Tonic
i on, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark,
think the I medicine i n earth,
for Before I began to take was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most
taking today, bold by ail dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
i east
. indrawn April
,.; ., , 1915.
. M. W
The I Iron T .
under a nil
I Hue A Mi lo me la hi f
by withdrawn.
i i March 18th,
J. Bl
I Dome
Mr W Buck, who resides near
k, Township, ha I
I In misfortune lay morning to
. i portion of the
his by The
bit III I
Min n
i c call are the mm.
method of trading In wheat.
or Because loss la
bought. No farther risk.
Positively moat way
of trading.
an account. You can buy
puts or calls on
grain for or can buy both
for or many more yon
Au advance or decline of cent gives
you the chance to take profit
A movement of S profit.
Write for full particulars and
all mall to Lock Box
Notice, is hereby given that
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at Its regular section on the first
Monday in March 1915, It being Ow
first day in March 1915, ordered as
election to be held in Carolina
ship, county.
That said election to be held
Tuesday the 27th, day of April
at the regular voting place In
town of Stokes. N. C, for the
pose of ascertaining tho will of
qualified voters In said Carolina Town
as to whether the Stock Law
be established In said Carolina
according to Law as in
made and provided, and at
election those favoring tho establish
of said Stock Law in said Town
ship shall vote a written or print.,
with the words Stock
those oppose shall vote a
r printed Ballot with the
Stock and S. C.
is Registrar, and will
have the Registration Books
on Thursday March 1915. and until
Saturday, April 1915. for the
peso of registering voter.-
said Carolina Township
This the 4th. day of March 1915.
S. A.
i of Board of Com. Of Pitt Co
BELL, Clark,
sale Valuable Town Property,
By virtue of the power contained is
certain mortgage deed executed and
delivered by and
to D. W. on the 21st, day of
Juno 1918, and duly recorded in
Register of needs of Pitt
North Carolina, In Book
page tho undersigned will expos,
to public sale, the Court
door in to the
bidder, on Monday the day
April, 1916. at o'clock,
certain properly and r, at c
tale hereinafter described, to-wit
That certain piece or parcel
situate in the County and
In the town of beginning
at a stake where the Eastern Bide
street the Northern Bid.
of Tenth street and runs in
Easterly direction with North
side of Tenth street feet to
a thence in Northerly
parallel with Evans street feet
to a stake; thence in a Westerly
parallel with Tenth foot
to street; thence in a
direction with street feet to
Tenth street, the beginning.
Also, all tho of goods, wares
and merchandise, and all furniture
and used in connection there
with, of every kind and In
that store building In town
on the side of
known the Corey
building, and being two doors North
the Greenville Banking and Trust
. building.
Sale will be made to satisfy
Turns; cash.
This day of March 1915
D. W.
By r. U. WOOTEN, Assignee
St., D. C.
tine mole colored cow. mark crap
and -On right apt left.
can gel same by proving
and paying P.
Hi k at -1 pal
red unmarked, about four .
Pita bed. M. II. C
I, N. C
Is Your Skin
Clear a
m raw
of twelve
among the best
people in the eastern
i part of north
, and invite
who wish to bet-
to the ea Vestal, Head
40.000 Troops Engaged
In What Promises To
Be Decisive Battle
beat Straggle Begun Between the
Villa aid factions
What He to
Do Should He Defeat
Forces of South
Washington, April -A with
troops engaged which may be
a decisive action In tho war between
the and Villa factions in
Mexico, is in progress or impending
near In the State of
State today,
April said the tight would
take place soon. That was construed
to mean Villa bad assembled a force
strong enough to meet General
army and was moving south
from along the National Bail-
was reported
taro, and was said to have sent a col-
against San while he
protected its march with a second col-
and a third column under General
Hill moved capital of
is understood by officials
here to have men and is said
Villa hos an equal number.
Is the Junction of the
can Central and the National Hallway
toward which forces are ad-
state Department Summarizes Situs-
State Department issued this
summary of the
department is informed that
General Villa baa announced that if he
is successful in defeating the of
General south he
will immediately open the lines of com
to Mexico City. The de-
advices indicate that
should the forces of General
be defeated In this expected engage-
his important strongholds will be
Vera Cruz, and
Advices to the agency said
gunboat Guerrero reach-
ed Monday night and her
notified foreigner to leave
as he intended to open a bombardment.
Mobs in and the
agency Statement added were looting
business houses.
Sharp Fighting Near
The agency also reported Gen-
failed to check Car-
troops marching from both
north south and was defeated yes-
at Sharp lighting
continues at near
element supporting Gem nil
as provisional president, to-
day made public here the
appointment by
. a special
Washington, and mi pr
anted by lo Secretary
on Man ti
The Mexican
fairs from the time s with-
and maintains
is regularly chosen
president by virtue the
convention The seal
government a aM in
from which place, the Bays,
Gutierrez directing affairs and ha
under his command a consider
B Gull- I
Greenville Citizens Hear treat
Orator In Interest of
That prince of prohibition orators,
John G and G. W.
Morrow, lecturers for
tho Anti-Saloon League, will reach
North Carolina on the tenth a ten
day's campaign. A partial list of
has been arranged as fol-
April Elizabeth City and
April Washington.
April Kith
April 14th. Greenville.
April .
April Goldsboro.
Mr. was reclaimed
curse of drink over
years ago and since then has
his great power and ability I
the temperance cause For many
years, he was the leader of the
party and. in was
ed by Ibis party for of the
United Slates For the past live years
he been a national lecturer for
the Anti-Saloon League and, as h,
made a campaign of North Carolina
in 1918. He has spoken to more
on the temperance subject than
any other living American, his
es sometime reaching from live thou
sands to ten thousand.
Dr. Morrow bus been in the anti-
saloon league work for ten years. For
several years. was Superintendent
of the Michigan Anti-Saloon League,
but because of his splendid ability as
a and pulpit orator, h
was called into work as a nation-
lecturer. North Carolina will be
delighted to welcome these distinguish-
ed Vision and will hear them gladly.
Russians Have Crossed First Range
Mountain in Carpathian
Information has been given us that
the river measured I feel this morn-
at o'clock.
will opportunity
the convention of
and before that legal hod he
will offer to resign his power, in
to leave the convention free lo elect
as president any man who may answer
to the necessities and rights of all of
the Mexican people
Brownsville, Tex , April After lot
days waiting, some of reinforce-
expected by the Villa
the arrived
side These reinforce
were the advance guard
the main consisting of union
-till being delayed lack
In in
It in It
additional n
tile In
. e.
creed nil propel lb will
he given 1.111 one
March In I
The Mexican mining call for
all mines an which the
taxes arc paid
a committal mining men lay
complaint before the Washington
Department this week, regarding
v danger of ultimate
of all foreign owned pro
Is Being To Force
Germans To Give St.
Regain Some More
April t. in
the cast and hilly country between
the rivers Mouse and in
continue to scones of
engagements but little or no s is
of the progress of the
except in Pass, where the
are stubborn re-
tile sh
the Russians are said to have
crossed the range of mountains,
It is asserted they are now
to get behind the Ger-
man holding
The Austrians admit the condition
The Austrians also are in
but this is a secondary
operation. Engagements in Northern
Poland also appear unimportant
Between the Meuse and
French are on the attempt-
to force the Germans n give
St The German official
poi's claim all French were
repulsed but a semi-official
from says that v to
prearranged plan the
from and
s have d some
ground c a In but
there been no in
In Africa General of
South Africa forces continue their
victorious march along the railways
but thus far have not overtaken the
main Germany army.
For Dardanelles.
Constantinople. April ;. vis The
Hague and April am
convinced the Dardanelles cannot he
forced. The bravo conduct of the
Turkish troops In the recent opera
permits me to conclude th I
the allies use every at
their disposal they will be
their purpose
bus spoke Ml limed V of
and First of the Mos-
world, today in an audience grant-
ed to the c in
. m The Sultan throughout the II
, , the groan
,,, with land f
. n keen interest a lie
,,, ii,. , operations
the Dardanelles in- -i by
Mi . the
;,. . who n a f
he had
Mail, ts relate I lo i or
to St
lace s s . a
lion an Hi the
bet ti I
was r t the
S. 1.1. Machine shops at
loss by Fire
Vs., April Fire to-
tally destroyed the machine shop and
blacksmith shop of the Seaboard Air
Line Railway in this city night,
emailing a loss which will probably
reach covered by Insurance
to the extent of How the
lire had Its origin could not be as-
last night.
Shop Men Fight Fire
the arrived they
found the shop force of lire lighters
already engaged in combating their
spread to other buildings. All hope of
saving the machine blacksmith
shops and the erecting department
had been given up. but a thick brick
protecting wall did finally halt the
progress the into erect-
shed. It well, too, that the
were stopped by this wall, for
III the shed when the the out
were a dozen or more valuable
undergoing repairs
electric current connected with
shops lighting system was cut off
shortly after the lire started, for fear
that falling wires might injure the
The failure of
made is impossible to take the loco-
motives from the erecting shed. The
transfer table, by electricity,
not be handled at all, and con-
equipment had to re-
main in the structure.
The succeeded, behind the
protection of the brick separative
wall th machine shop and
erecting shed. in preventing the
spread of the flames into the latter
In less than half an hour after
be tire broke out the roof on the
big fell In, leaving only the
side walls standing.
May Send Work tn Raleigh.
The loss of machine shop and
the blacksmith department is a
blow to the shops, where work
was already being carried forward In
a curtailed schedule. It will throw
possibly men out of
and aside from that, obliterate
tho most important
In the
repair work on the
equipment of the road will have to be
transferred to one of the shops
the line to Raleigh.
The fact that an independent tire
lighting system, with powerful pumps
on the ground, had been Installed at
the shop aided materially in
to the big structure In
watch they The
with aid of the city tire.
men did effective work In
Mayor Hope culled tit -hop
. the lire,
several pal n m
signed to duty there lie It of
Seaboard were placed
duty for of guarding
In r de-
from tn ,
. . clear II cat
I pi had
That It
to r
Aldermen Purchase Fire
Motor Truck For The
City of Greenville
Interesting Session
Held at
Ills Result The Latter Receives
Pistol Ball Through His
a pistol dud in which Police
Brewer and had as their
adversary the notorious criminal
came very near result-
in a serious fatality this morning
about o'clock. In the rapid lire
and exchange of shut.-, between
Officers and the desperate law-
breaker Officer Warren
ed two wounds, one taking effect in
left shoulder near the collar bone and
the other slight flesh wound on the
linger of his right hand. As a
remit of the sudden madness
he now lies in jail with two bullet
wounds from the pistol f
Brown not an unfamiliar
name with officers her., but has been
considered a violent and dangerous
for a while. It was only
a few months ago when his son
Brown, about whom today's
arose, resisted officer Warren
Morgan when the latter went to
rest him for riding a on th
It was at this lime William
ran away in order to escape arrest
by officer and he had not been
seen any more until last night when
he was spied entering his father's
house down near the river. The of-
were on the alert and early
morning, about Police
Bland and with a
search warrant. The young who
was there with his wile took to
river upon bearing the coming
True to suspicion a large quantity of
whiskey was found in s house
The whiskey was taken and office
Bland and Brewer together with
Chief. Smith. Boot started lo
the river to look for the younger
Brown. Chief Smith the
and Brewer and Bland took
the m the Ute
and v soon on his trail
soon in, Brow n. tho r,
I little ad them and dire, t
bl I'll Ml
I in I mis
Ti it I
. at, mi
. a
ever The
the com
u in; boom to lb c
cattle bout
It la p I'm is I I
during the next
being Into
the Mate will t- paid
, t
. ind
We. Bland and
the canoe. When we told
him lo h II r am
fa pistol and Ins first lire
beginning of the exchange
hots. I Bred live times
, times was first in tho
next on Anger of my
right baud We emptied our guns
before the finished Bring.
think I fired the two shuts that
n one in the
on Past
Sen Furniture, Etc Ordered
For The Mayor's Office,
to He Held First
Monday in June.
of Aldermen met last
night and took up the business of
regular meeting of last week which
time they met and adjourned on ac-
count of the District Convention of
Odd Fellows being in session here
Several important matter were brought
up and passed upon last night. The
Mayor and the entire were
Tile matter be taken up
the Hoard was in regard to the Mat-
of taxes by J. J
The report of the committee
called for, whereupon
asked to be heard. He
requested that the Board rescind it-
former action. At the end of the dis
it was moved and curried by
to rote that he be relieved of
taxes and he be required to pay
tin taxes due from the year 1914.
The Motor Fire Truck proposition
next came up and Fire Chief
and several made short talks
in favor of the purchase of a truck
A committee of three, consisting of
Aldermen Smith and Filing
ton was appointed to investigate and
purchase a motor truck if their
so directed them.
Mr. L. W. Tucker appeared before
the Hoard and asked for
of to help defray the
expenses of a dinner for the Old Sold
the celebration on of
May. A motion to this effect was
made and carried by a unanimous vote.
The sum was later raised
the total
The reports of the Regular
tees were next called for. The
Committee filed a report and the sane
was adopted The Water and Light.
Ordinance. Cemetery and Market Com
had no report ti make
The report of the Purchasing Cum
stated chairs had beet
ordered for the Mayor's Office. The
committee in its report also
mended the purchase of a desk for the
Mayor and suggested that Mayor's
Office be renovated A motion was
mads and carried as to the base
the hairs and the desk
Alderman blank
for reports to be made
City Manager. ii was i and
carried that the blank
and th. I
of th, linger
to c a or
for met
for the
Alderman P, VanDyke was
pointed a Committee of one to
sent the Hoard on the Public Library;
Mr was elected pi ill- mail
to till caused by the re-
Mr. Clark, his election
to date from April 1st. The
Committee was authorize to
m Page j

rag tea.
. J.
from I
o . .
may had
at the oil's- h
All M
J will I
be fluffed as a
mm T In p hues
M. 1814. a Ike at
an f I
Sonic the world
speaks is
into the
This I a tentative
sometimes it la hard on the
to be rich in Mineral
ii not before bombard-
. i Dardanelles, certainly now
the seen I
. In pacifying the plate Indians
he treats m us human be-
ii i the too evident rage
. bis enemies keep Mr. Bryan
convinced In is on
right track
Club women disagreed on
ace ii la worth noting that they
not abed any blood because
How fortunate that Baseball has
lone the doom of This
r education must hi i
Ive to youthful
Mid i in left
The search William Brown was
i Boat Landing
and turned I rapt Smith. He
as ill where be received
h. r u in the
I n where h a wounds
i bullet
should, r has not
lions line
appeal lo be suffer-
i h his right
; . . out on the left
,, his He also a
lei in his left I His condition Is
Ila, Cum hi.
i a whom and
Smith, i Police, began
march I Wm Brown soon after the
hooting They found him
one lot k down the river, not
no i I he had landed.
He gave up without offering any re-
i stationed In jail.
Heaters, Lights and
Hotel Building. 10-ts-t.
by Coca Cola Bottling Com
Streets to J Winslow.
in Weal Apply u
s Mum, 3-6-t
I'll I A KM
repairing furniture for up-
holstering we use Tapestry
leather or any material desired
Carolina Mfg. Co . St . Green,
ville. N C.
writer Some bargain J. II. Kittrell
Though one great corporation com-
Lina us annual profits
a bare per rent, th
v.-r bud
To the army aviators war would not
mean any credit increase of danger,
II is hoped that no aviator v
at lo the general
Anybody who broken the cork
off in the
the latter, will understand f. I
.- of the allied in the
Dispatches from Europe
Impression that the
pal business of that in
f la subscribing to
will always keep
i at N-art.
is the
Ii ii V for Or
; i
VII ii uh i in import
u be from the
k and It to the I I
. work u i.
ill lines would not be well to
i . busy or the
. ca lid proud Is i
. u It could feed the entire
i a he globe. The
the .- bi lei ind
n announcing tin m An
be of i
i variety. Hie naval I pa
II upon the
Is ,
, lo i
n i- i bar
North Carolina
Notice, is hereby given that the
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
County at regular session as
on Monday. March 1916
ordered an election to be held in th
following described territory
in Creek at the
mouth of Black Swamp and with said
Swamp lo the late I,. C Barrett line.
Mid with said line to the Falkland
Township line, and with said line to
the forks of the road at then
southward with Kirkwood road to E
B. R. then with ail
Virginia Lumber Company,
the road at T. then
vest ward with said road to T
Ward place then with
said line to the run of Creek; then
said Creek to the
That said election to be held or
Saturday, the 17th. day of April
at the School House in above
ed for the purpose of as-
Pi ruining the will of the
of the above described territory
as to whether there shall be levied
and collected a Special School Tax
on the 1100.00. valuation
and on each Poll in
the above described territory, and a-
said election favoring the
Special Tax shall vote a written or
I Ballot with the words
and those opposed to said
Tax shall vote a written or printed
ballot with the words
And it was further ordered, that
P. be, and he Is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election
that Jack and T. R. Allen
hereby appointed Poll Holders or
Judges of election.
And was further ordered, that a
New Registration is. and shall be re-
quired, and that the Registration
Hooks of said District or Territory
shall be opened on Friday. March
1915, and closed on Saturday April
for the purpose of registering
the voters of said territory
This the day of March
Board of Com. of Pitt Co
Attest BELL, Clark.
lo The People
At present time are
cases of Smallpox scattered through
out Those c will not be
tined, Everyone who has been
exposed should be at once.
Those who have not been exposed
ind v.;. have been vaccinated for
should consult their Family
Ian. People unable to pay will
vaccinated by the county Health
Oilier others will go to their
. M D
Health r
In tubes cents, ask your
The Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For
It took i big specialist
man years to out the
of Buffering and how to
it. Two things, he discovered,
always present, no matter what the
Hon. Relieve them and the
and pain vanishes. His prescription,
used very successfully In his
was secured by the Nixon Laboratory
and carefully put up under the
Menthol If
suffer from Neuralgia.
Sore Throat, Headache, Ear-
ache, Swellings, Soreness and Stiff-
Pleurisy, Bronchitis, or
you are in fact suffer-
from congested and Inflamed con
Instead of paying to II
for the prescription you can now s
to the store of Morris
Greenville, N. C, and get a bottle
of It for only cents. Be sure It's
Menthol Balm adv
and ladies suits I am
in need of work will appreciate
any the public will give me. Mrs.
Fannie Howard. Phone 269-J
Cards. . .
cloth's today. Mrs. D
and lights.
Line Depot.
Good condition water
One block from Coast
Apply to Mrs. B. J.
the Voters of the Town of
am a Candidate for the Office
Mayor. Subject to your approval.
street J. J. Cherry.
in a or general merchandise
store. Two end one-half years ex-
Can furnish references.
V. E stokes, x. c.
DAIS, between Sutton and Coast
Line Depot. Sidewalk south side of
Finder be rewarded.
Market. Beef steak and 1-2 per
pound at all times a day. Goods deliver-
ed C. O. D.
two gentlemen with or without board.
Having as administratrix
of the estate of Josephus de-
ceased, late of Pitt county. North Caro
this is to notify all persons
claims against the estate
said deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before the
day of April 1416, or this notice be
pleaded in bar of their recovery All
persons indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment
This 8th day of April
Administratrix Josephus
I. Atty
t in
Tuesday. April 13th
Work Possible.
do good work while your
bowels are sluggish or your live-
id Wm E, Mgr. Scott
Hotel, Hancock, Mich., says gave
Cathartic Tablets a thorough;
and them a mild but safe
Cathartic Tablets
i gripe or cause nausea. Th y
Kay with drowsy, dull, tired
cling and are wholesome, cleansing
and healthful
stout persona
Most satisfactory for
Sold Everywhere
i la being low I
i , the Al lam ii by way
Panama canal The oil are
behind In n mu I
Sometime ago we all article
by local the
candidates for Mayor to make known
their stand as to certain laws i p
to the present lime a
voters are still in the darK
colors Mr. Candidate if yon
nil a
1303 D.
Fruit Store
To the Voters of
beg to announce my candidacy for
Mayor of the Town of Greenville.
. W. . .
limited to diseases t
Eye, Ear, Nose sad Threat
The of
with Dr. D. L. lames,
tile, K. X every
tome M.
Norfolk Southern
B. F.
an Street near
Wilson's store
For Mayor.
hereby announce myself a
data for Mayor of the Town of Green-
ville subject to the action the De
This march ID,
For Mayor.
To the Voters of
hereby announce myself a
late for Mayor subject to the Demo-
primary to be held for the
Town of Greenville.
North Carolina.
Pitt county.
Notice, is hereby given that the
Foard of Commissioners of Pitt county
at their regular session assembled
on Monday, March 1915, ordered in
election to be held in the
on Swift Creek at the
line District No. as now
thence with the said line to
Clay Hoot Swamp down said Swamp
C. Smith's west line with
line to J. W, line,
with line to Oscar Haddock's
east line, with said line to Clay
Swamp, then down Swamp to
Creek, up said Creek to Hie
beginning, including all within the said
boundaries the lands owned t
Thai said election to he held on Sat
the day of April 1916, it
K store in above
ed territory for the purpose of
the will of the Qualified voters
of the above described territory as Vi
whether there shall be levied end col-
a Special School Tax of
n the 1100.00, valuation of property
and on the Poll in the
described territory, and at said
election favoring the Special
Tax shall vote a written or printed
with the words Special
and those opposed to said Tax
shall vote a written or printed
lot with the words Special
And it was further ordered, that B.
Smith be. and he hereby appoint-
ed registrar for said election and
that L. A. Edwards and W. II
r are hereby appointed Poll Holders
r Judges or election.
And it was further ordered, that
a No is, and shall be re
lulled, and that the Registration
for said district or territory
shall be opened on Friday, March
1916, and close Saturday, April
for the purpose of registering the
qualified voters of said district.
This the 3rd, day of March
S. A
Chairman Board Com of Pitt
Attest; Clerk
over Frank Store
Ills N. C. Phone T
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of Now Tort.
Practicing In all the Courts
In Wooten Binding on
street, fronting Court House
J. F.
Winslow's Stables
Meet 4th.
N. gr
and are not
a. m dotty,
oar Mm Mil
a. m. daily,
bath City
Parlor Car Service
for sots
North and West.
f m. dally,
ii s. m. daily tor
and West.
Connects North,
and West.
VII a. m. dally, HI
m. dally for Raleigh at
For farther and
ration to Bleeping Cars, apply ft
L. Agent, H.
H. ft.
I. D. ,
S. J.
Attorney at Law
en on the Conn
D. M.
Attorney at Law
and Drainage Cases a Special
In office formerly by
F. O. James A San.
R. C.
Winterville. N. C.
Practice where services are desired
Attorney at
Attorney at Law
In Third St
wherever his
North Carolina
Corner Fourth and Evans Streets
Both Day sad lift
If you check up the number of bottles
used you Foley'S Honey and
Tar in greater demand than any other
cough medicine. It is safe, prompt
and live for colds, croup, hoarse-
bronchial coughs, throat trouble
and It contains no
and Is the preferred medicine for
children Sold Everywhere
at the Tuesday.
April 13th.
Are Other Greenville People
similarly Situated.
Can there be any stronger proof
offered than the evidence of Greenville
residents After you have read the
following, quietly the question.
Mrs. G. B. Holmes,
St., Greenville, had dull
pains in my back across my kidneys
which worried mo considerably. At
night I could scarcely sleep I was
so sore and lame. I tried easily and
could hardly do my housework. Head-
ache and dizzy spells were common
and the kidney secretions very
scanty. My ankles and limbs became
swollen. Seeing Kidney Pills
advertised In the papers, I got some,
brought good results, regulating
the action of my kidneys and relieving
the other symptoms of kidney
Price at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
Mrs. Holmes had.
Co. Props., Buffalo, N. T.
Markets Cash
May Wheat
Wheat 1-3
May Corn 7-K
July Corn 3-
July Lard M
May Bibs
July Ribs
moaning Pet Plants
Palms and many other
plants or the house Write to o.
Spring Price List of Bose bushes
shrubberies. Hedge Plants.
and Shade Trees.
Mall, telegraph telephone orders
promptly executed by J. L.
t CO. Florist, Raleigh. N. C.
Store Greenhouse
Flowers Fer All Occasions.
We grow them. Roses, Violets. Ta
lies and Carnations a specialty. Woo
ding and Funeral flowers arranged t
the latest artistic styles.
Whenever You Need a Genera Tonic
Take Grave's
The Old Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable a
General Tonic because It contains the
well known teak m B
IRON. II nets on the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, the and
Builds up the Whole cents.
wheat, Hominy,
Flour, Oatmeal,
Quakers Corn Flake,
Post Poet
en, Porridge,
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flour,
Flour, Con-
and Dal-
S. M.
Weakness and Loss of Appetite
e I Ionic
Malaria up A
i. V l
Moseley Brothers
Insurance and Real Estate
Mr. l of Bethel, was
Greenville last night,
Mr. it E, Baits has returned from
i trip to Snow Hill.
Mr W. C. of Florence. S. C,
is in the city stopping the Bertha.
Dr of Falkland
Ans in Greenville today.
Makes Feel Like
suffered from kidney ailment for
two writes Mrs. M. A.
Miss., commenced
Kidney Pills about ten
months ago. I am years of age and
I'd like a Foley
Kidney Pills invigorate weak and de-
ranged kidneys, relieve backache,
and Madder trouble. Sold
i i mi BALE
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
ind delivered by H. lo
t K. Harvey Co., on the 7th day
January 1914, which mortgage was
recorded in the office of the Be-
of Deeds of Pitt county in Book
Page the undersigned will
-ell for cash before the Court House
in Greenville, on Monday, the
day of May, the following
described tract or parcel of land sit-
in Swift Creek Township, and
as No. ill the division
the J. B. Kilpatrick
Hounded on the East by the land of
W Chapman, on the West by the
lands of W. G. Chapman, on the
North by the lands of Hugh Kirkman.
on Soothe by lands of F.
M containing acres
or less.
sale sold to said
This April 1st, 1915.
HANK owner of debt.
F R. James Son. Attorneys.
Aldermen Purchase
Fire Truck
from page one.
i has,, uniforms for the police.
Mr. I. W Tucker was unanimously
sleeted to succeed himself on the
Water Light Commission for a
term Of four years.
A committee, consisting of Aldermen
Coward. Smith and Hooker, was
pointed to secure a tax lister.
It was moved and carried that an
election be tor the First Mon-
day of June. A new registration was
ordered and the and Poll
Holders of the several wards were
Fin- Truck
This morning Fire Chief U. Over-
ton called at the Reflector Office and
announced that the Committee,
pointed last night to look into the
Truck proposition has placed an order
with the representative of the Truck
Company who has been here for
days. Mr. has requested
us to extend to the citizens of Green-
ville through these columns his sin-
appreciation of their co-opera-
efforts in asking Aldermen
to purchase a machine which will be
of so much use to the Mrs Depart-
North Carolina.
Pitt county.
Notice, is hereby given that lb-
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
at its regular section on the first
Monday in March 1916. it being
day in March 1916, ordered at.
election to be held in Carolina Town
ship, county.
That said election to be held on
Tuesday the day of April 1915
it regular voting place in th
town of Stokes, N. C. for the
pose of ascertaining the will of
qualified voters In said Town-
ship, as to whether the Stock
shall be established in said Carolina
according to as in Burn
cases made and provided, and at said
election those favoring the establish
of said law in said Town
ship shall vote a written or printed
with the words Stock
those oppose shall vote a written
Ballot with the words
and S. C,
Page is appointed Registrar, and will
have the Registration Books opened
on Thursday March 1915. and until
Saturday. April 1915, for the
pose of registering qualified voters
of said Carolina Township
This the day of March
B. A.
Chairman of Hoard of Com. of Pitt Co
Attest Clerk.
I .-.
Sale Property.
virtue of the power contained in
a certain mortgage deed executed and
delivered by and wife
to W. on the 21st. day of
June 1913, and recorded in the
Register of Deeds office, of Pitt
North Carolina, in Book L-10,
page the undersigned will expose
to public sale, before the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder, on Monday the 19th. day of
April. 1915. at o'clock. M. that
certain personal property and real es-
, . . ,, hereinafter described,
FOB WEEK n of , of
Quite a spirit o. enthusiasm is
tested among our citizens as regards
Indeed quite a number have already
completed the work so far as their
own premises are concerned. The
question now arises who will
after the vacant lots and open courts
buck offices and store buildings
There is a very apparent need of
work along this line. . Tenth
Let us all get so bubbling over , a
of enthusiasm for a clean town that I
in town of Greenville; beginning
at a stake where the Eastern side
of Brans street and the Northern side
of Tenth street and runs in
Easterly direction with the North-
em side of Tenth street feet to
a stake; thence in a Northerly
parallel with Evans street IS
to a stake; thence in a Westerly
Officers and Directors of the
Hanking and Trust Com-
are preparing for a big
this coining Monday, April 12th
The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of
the Stockholders of this popular and
growing bank will lie held in the
Town Ball here on the above date at
The officers of the In-
exerting every effort to-
ward making this year's meeting the
most successful ever held.
Nonces been sent out to all
stockholders specially urging
presence here Monday morning.
it will be remembered that the
Banking and Trust Company
i established a Branch
id, a huh we under-
started off successfully.
The opening of this new hank will no
doubt offer great facilities and be
unlimited to the people in the
land section, who have hereto-
fore been without such conveniences.
After the adjournment of the meet-
Monday morning, the Stockholders
of the Hank will In- asked to enjoy
a try at Proctor's Seine Beach,
mar Automobiles will
be provided for all and the
are earnestly requested to be
and enjoy feast.
Carolina Home and Farm and
Reflector published every Friday
at Greenville. N. C. for April I, 1915,
Associate Editor, D. C. Moore
Editor, C. B.
Business Manager. C B.
Greenville, N. C.
Publisher, The Reflector Co , Inc
O. L.
Joyner, C. B. R J. Cobb,
S. Everett, I J. Whichard, Jr.
W. H Hail. Jr. B. B. Sugg.
Bros. Greenville. N. C.; John II
Small. Washington. N.
Known bondholders, mortgages, and
other security holders, holding per
cent or more of total amount of
or other Mer-
Linotype Co. New York, N.
T s. j. Everett, Trustee.
C. .
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this day of April. 1915.
AH. Notary Public
M commission expires 4th. 1916.
Monday, April 12th. Fifth Ward
April 13th. Fourth Ward.
April 14th. and
day until Noon. Third
Saturday First Ward
Is expected to enter
into this campaign with end In
view of thoroughly cleaning the town,
and in order to the town
force it is urged that trash and
rubbish to be hauled by th- Town be
placed on the streets in a convenient
place to be hauled from din. rent
wards on the day stated above, for it
will be Impossible to go over the
I in mi p- i
territory more than once during that children,
week .
Again it might well to call
to the tact that no person will
be allowed to put any trash or rub
on the streets without
same In boxes, barrels or crates. Any
person violating this law will h. ton
ed to remove same
W. B.
will not see the property line but
direction with street feet to
Notice, is hereby given the
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
v at adjourned meeting, assembled
n Tuesday Mar. 1916. ordered an
lo be held in the following
District Known as
District No.
That said election to be held on
the day of April 1915,
at the House in the above
territory for the purpose of as-
the will of the qualified
voters of the above described territory.
SI to whether there, shall be levied and
a Special Tax of on
valuation of properly and
on each Poll in above
territory, and at election
those favoring the Special Tax shall
a written or printed Hallo with
he words Special Tax. and
those oppose to said Tax shall vote a
written or Ballot with the
words Special
And it was further ordered, that
H, A Pierce be. and he is hereby
Registrar for said election,
that F. B. Rogers and Joe Sum-
are hereby appointed Poll
Holders or Judges of election
And it was further that a
New Registration Is, and shall be re
and that the Registration
Hooks for said District or territory
-hall be opened Thursday. March
1915. and closed Saturday. April
for the purpose of register-
the qualified voters said district
or territory.
This day Mm. Ii
S. A.
c of Hoard of Com. of PHI Co
BELL, Clerk
we will not see proper., . u
keep going as long as we see the need
or until we meet some other public and . furniture
spirited from another,
direction. of every kind and in
Here is n chance to boast our Green- .,.
Fight Potato Diseases.
Minneapolis. Minn. Apr.
today, a three-day campaign will
be against the potato dis-
eases by the University of Minnesota
and the S. Department of
the potato counties of
pin, Ramsey and Dakota. Losses of
from cent to -25 per cent of the
crop have been reported in recent
class of
The Singing class of the
Orphanage will give
i m th.
on Wednesday, April 14th in las Audi
of the Fast Carolina Teachers
Training School. The orphans
Oxford have been coming hers for n
number of years and their entertain
have alway I
The Oxford
ed In by the Masons of North
Carolina, the great and
work ii i. is in
aid to and raring tot the orphan and
i r. a i of patronage
j a Lang, Chairman of the
. v . . mi requests
a all ho lo have
arc i the
homes will plea. him in the
m tea i
Winter layers and fine table
grow weigh eight to twelve pound,
rose comb fine strain eggs per
of IS W J. Wyatt. Winter
M. C
years In sections The govern
mi lit, state and county will
show by charts the methods
g. for wiping out the blight on
and other crops.
North Carolina.
Pitt county.
In Superior Court.
Before the Clerk.
Cornelia Jones et
Walter Jones et
The defendants Walter Jones and
Clara in the above entitled ac-
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been Commenced
in the Superior Court of Pitt county
, that store building in the town of i
Greenville on the East side of Evans j
i street, known as the Corey store
i building, and being two doors North
j Of the Greenville Hanking and Trust
Co., building.
Sale will be made to satisfy said
mortgage. cash.
This 10th. day of March 1915.
By F. M. WOOTEN, Assignee
Card Of Thanks.
We wish to thank the people
Greenville for their kind services
during the previous illness and
death of our baby. May God bless
who loaned a helping hand.
Come to see us for the New Model
Touring and Runabout Automobiles. Equip-
electric lights and many other new
additions. Our profit sharing plan is very
attractive. .-.
Cut. ft
F. O. . Detroit.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville. N. C.
Tat Affect The Head
ill laxative
and not nor
lock E. W.
in town would probably Us
but we are prepared
tor the necessary remedies even fur
bat and are with the
at stock of drugs to any
of a doctor's prescription with
the newest discoveries in medicine
r dross of any description. Our
Is prompt and mistakes are
th partition of the lands of Calvin
Drug Company
Jones, deceased among bis heirs at
law. and the Walter and
wife Clara Jones will further take
notice that they are required to
pear in the of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of county on the
27th day of April 1915 and answer or
demur lo tho complaint or petition j late j
the plaintiffs in this action, or the j
plaintiffs will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in the Complaint
or petition.
This the day of April
. COX.
Clerk Superior Court . county.
Julius Attorney
in contact
With a telephone wire broken and hang her door.
D across the electric light feed wire
Daniel John was in-
killed about noon today,
kins was walking along the street and
reached down lo move tho wire from
the walk and When he grasped it lie
dropped dead.
Suit was tiled this afternoon against where i
the city for damages because of the
by represent the
father of This is the only
resulting from the storm of
lust week
Work commenced on putting
the Street mall boxes around
,,, in a days these will
use These boxes will ii
to the people in depositing
mall without th- necessity going to
post Another improve-
in the equipment of the pool
is electric
which bus lien Installed and was
, service today The machine
can. els letters rapidly and will Sold
much lime in getting mails ready for, .,,., ,,. .
th. Greenville post I sin I.
us new building and April
is th. equal of any of
Our and
DON'T MISS THIS. Out out this slip,
enclose with live cents to
Chicago, writing your name and
address clearly. will receive in
return n trial package containing
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds croup. Kidney
and Cathartic Tablets.
Young Man Wooded in lied
District at Lies I
April Theodore
Jenkins, the young white man who
afternoon was shot, by
Edwards, better known as
and who is a patient
In the Hospital was ope-
rated upon last night and the pistol
ball removed from his abdomen
condition is favorable to
day, though his wound is considered
of a serious nature.
The shooting occurred in the red
district of the city and it is
that Jenkins. with several
others, were at the
I when one Of party broke down
They ran. The Ed-
wards woman it is said turned
her attention to Jenkins, who
was standing In the rear Of the house,
tired her pistol at the boll
striking him In abdomen
The man managed In
street in front of the
Parties who cams to his aid rushed
him to the Hospital
a speedy operation was performed.
The woman who him la
who at one lime caused a big
sensation In and while In
city, by the name of
Good For You
In this day and time majority of men
look the best the market
affords in all lines.
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked with
to meet the wants all men.
Straightened Him Out.
J P, Jones. Ark . writes
i Lad a severe case of kidney trouble
and could do no work at all.
Kidney Pills straightened me out at
The same is told
thousands back,
kidney and bladder troubles
yield quickly. Safe and
I Sold
Greenville, N C.

I the Bub of all
koala good fuming.
by b in t nil
I Farm, and pi
Don't buy
i A will girt
I and by virtue of the
conferred upon tho undersigned Mort-
gages in a certain Deed bear-
dale of 6th. day of Sept from
L Barrett and Nora Barrett his
Wife, and duly recorded in the office
of the Register of Deeds for Pitt
in Book L Page etc the
will sell at public auction
at the Court House door in Greenville,
C. for cash, at o'clock m. May
the 3rd 1915, the following described
real estate One town Lot in
the town of M. C. Con-
one Acre more or less, bounded
follows, on the north by W. H.
Wilkinson, on the east by Main Street,
on the south by the Graded School lot,
and by the Belcher Heirs on tho west.
This tho 29th. day of March 1915.
A. W. GREENE. Mortgagee.
Proof Hog For Sale.
Choice lot of sows
at almost stock price.
We are short on corn and long on
hogs and hare decided to offer for
radiate sale SO young proof
Jersey Gilts from to month
Id weighing from to pounds
at to a piece. The is
the hog for this sec-
and this Is an exceptionally tine
let of stock. They hare all recently
been given the treat
and are therefore cholera
If you are looking for a bargain in
hogs here It your opportunity This
offer will be withdrawn April IT
II. W. JACKSON. 1-2 miles west of
Greenville. I -0 M
Sale Valuable Town Property.
By virtue of the power
a certain mortgage deed executed
and delivered by J. S and
wife to C. S. Carr, trustee, on the
day of February 1914, and duly
recorded In Register of
of Pit County, North Carolina,
Book T pate the under-
signed Will to public .-ale. be-
fore the Court House Door, in
to the highest bidder, on Monday
the 19th. day of April 1916, at U
O'clock If. Be certain tracts or par-
land, lying and being in the
said County and State, and the
town of Beginning on
street at a stake feet from
the South-East corner of the Free Will
Baptist Church lot, thence in a South-
direction with the Western
of street 1-2 feet to
a stake in Lula Allen's thence
in a Westerly direction with Lula
Allen's line feet to a stake, a
thence in a Northerly direction
parallel with street 1-2
feet to a thence in a Easterly
direction parallel with H. D. Nelson's
Southern line to
street the beginning.
One other or
Beginning on the East side of
and 11th. Streets and runs an Easterly
direction parallel with 11th. Street
feet; thence a Northerly direction
parallel with street
thence In a Westerly direction
with 11th. feet to Co-
street; thence in a Southerly
direction with street
feet to the beginning.
Sale to satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms of Sale Cash
This 16th, day of March 1915
C. S. CARR, Trustee
By F. WOOTEN. Assignee.
to MB Bins
k W
to .
not nor
nor at
II j, you tor any
. settle. II
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
m massif
You are hereby notified that I have
this the 1st day of April levied upon
the following lands, which will be sold
the First Monday in May to Ml
on the same.
nil s
Mr.- Louise I i
John Baker i U
Janie Chancy
Mrs Blanche Davenport 5.65
Moses el CO
H. n ti
Joseph Kin
Hoses Little
J. Bert Little
Willie Little 5.23
W. T. Mason 3.12
Dave Moore Lot
Fannie 1.01
j. J. Redding
Hugh Smith 9.00
Mrs. Ross 4.30
Noah Smith 3.82
A. H. Taft 2.60
John M. Ward 4.64
John Williams Br. 4.66
Robert E. Wilson 9.52
It Always Helps
says Mr Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic She says I began to use
my back and bead would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water
wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it does me
backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
more fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
Of f m f M o
Jno. Allen acres
K. Allen acres
I. C. Arthur acres
Travis Allen
Jas Drown acres
C. L. Brown acre.
Mrs. Clyde Brown
J. H. Bard, Jr.
J. B Barnhill acres
R. II Dell acres
It. I. Butler,
J. II, Buck
Annie Bullock
Brown Jr., Lot
M. Drown 1-1 acre
B. i. -740 acres Lots
Reuben Clark Lot
Isaac Carr
Allen I Lit
Mrs Blanche Davenport
acres lots
c. Davenport
W. A. acres
K. S. acres
Henry Duncan CO
B. W Daniel Lot
Joe Daniel l Lot
W. Bakes 2-6 acres
J. K. Acres
E. II. I Lot
Herbert lot
Wash lot
Frank Evans 1.01
Hub Forbes
A . A Forbes St. I acre
B, Fleming acres
I. K. Foreman Lot
Fleming, lot
Forbes acres
Mrs. W. P. Gardner, lot
Gray, lot
John Frank Greene acres
J. II. Holland and wife
and wife lot
h. Harrington acres,
F. lot
A. Harrington lot
Jane lot
Edward Harris. I lot
Alston Harris, I lot
Nathan tiler, lot
Armor Jordan, acres
Willie Jenkins, lot
Julius B. lot
Andrew lot
James, acres
Ida R. Jones. lot
Abram acres, I lot
Mrs. J. F lots
Lizzie lots
Henry Knox. lot
Virginia King 1-4 lot
King, lots
I lot
W. T Sr., lot
J. C. lots
Frank lot years
Henry 1-2 lots
J. J lot
Herbert I lot
Pain acre
D. u Little, lots
Mack Little. lot
L. K. Manning, I lot
Luke Mills. acres
Mrs. Nellie M
W. W Mo
W. H. Kicks and wife, lots
Wm lot
Stokes. M
II. Ida
J. and lie, lot
W W Smith, r. a
John Simmons, lot
The L. Mfg. Co . plant
Josephine Tucker, lots
J It. Tucker, acres
c l West,
W. II Willoughby, a res
A Wilson, Kits
c Williams,
K. Williams. lots
Williams, lot
Watson Williams. acre
Williams, lot
Stephen Ward. lot
Lizzie Wooten, lot
H. P. Walker. lot
W R. Baker, acres
W. Bullock,
H. W. Brown, acres
Staton acres
Stanley lot
Rand Best, lot
II. lot
Spencer Carter, lot
Malissa Elliott, I lot
J. J. Ford. acres. lot
L. G. Ford. CO acres
W. F. Freeman, lot
H. Gray, lot
Wilson Gray, I lot
Mrs. Elizabeth
acres, lots
Columbus Hagan.
Alphonso Harris. lot
E. H. Howard. lot
Mrs L. A. V. James, acres
M. A. James. acres
J. Jones.
Andrew Jones. lot
Berry Jones. lot
Church Keel. lot
Jose Keel. lot
D. A. Moore. acres
L. Moore and
J. IV Morris, acres
Mrs. Florence Martin. acres
Sam Moore, acres
Florence Martin acres
J. Perkins. acres
W. B. L. Purvis. lot
Willis Pitt. lots
John Pittman. I lot
w s. Powell, acres
T. lot
S. Rollins,
W Roberson, lot
It. L. Rouse, I lots
J. H. lots
I Ed. II.
I Henry Sheppard. lot
I Lewis Smith. acres
W. Jasper Taylor, acres
j. C. and W. A Taylor
Joe Taylor, lot
John Taylor.
Mrs. Mary B.
Williams, acres
s. M
Abram acres 7.11
Mrs. acres 1.66
Warren acres I SI
Luke st Home years
Crawford UM
I Cobb acres
II. Q lib Home ;
Hi Fannie Cobb
vans Godfrey
Mrs. Mary a, res
v Arthur acres
a lots
J. R Nichols acres
. 19.87
Mrs. Fannie 1-4 ac res
George Nobles acres
Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard
John Peyton acres
W. L. Rice acres
Standard Realty Co.
H. B. Turner. lots
David Washington lot
Eliza Carr
Corbett acres
Willie lot yrs.
W. C. Edwards lot yrs.
C. S. Eagles lot
J C Eason g lots
Joe Everett acres lots
O. W. acres
E. C. lots
Mrs. Mollie acres
Moses Graham lot
res 4.78
i I
C, sen
, .
Everett, so acres
Freeman. I acre
A. Gray and J. M.
1-2 acres
II Knox. acres
II Keel, acres
Garden Teed, acres
Gray acres
J. II. Burrow, acres
H. Barrow, acres
Oscar Brown. acres
Henry Boyd. I lot
W. H. Corbett. 1-2
On and Jo Causey, acres
It. Cobb for Velma Cannon
J. W Cox, acres
W. Li. Cox, acres
Chapman, acres
I, D. Cogdell. acres
Marcellus Dawson,
I. S. Fleming, lots
John I re
Eli Gaylord acre
W II. Harvard. 3-4 acre
Marrow. acres
Mills, 1-2 acres
V. in May, acres
S I. Nobles, acres
W Pope, acres
II. I. Smith. acre
w Button, lot
Ma Blocks,
Simpson Milling .
v, Bi 1-
w v.
T .
J. R. Gay guardian for Mollie Owen
acres 7.02
Harris W. Howard acres 100.64
W. L Johnson acres 68.29
Sam Johnson acre, lot 10.99
L. Lang lot 5.98
John Moseley acres 3.91
D. P. Moseley acres 10.89
Owens lot 4.23
W. It. Owens lot 1.66
Peter Pitt lot 7.0
Lizzie Parker lot 2.62
Ben Phillips lots 1.75
, J. B. acres 9.49
Vines acres
acres 7.39
Tom L. lot
John Atkinson lot 12.2
Robt. Atkinson
Vance Belcher lots 65.04
I Richard Blount lot 1.90
Joseph 4.82
L. Blount lot 13.02
Herbert 8.64
Chestnut lot 11.28
Annie Collins lot
JR. A C, W. Harden lot 6.23
Mary lot
L. E. Everett acre- 22.82
W. T I lot 5.91
Chas. Exum lot 8.31
Levi Exum I lot 11.11
Mrs. Martha Fulford acres 10.2
W. R Jackson 3.0
. W Johnson lot 13.00
I Dr. Paul E. Jones lot 15.69
Joyner acres 7.42
I Hannah Johnson I 6.69
Joyner lot 7.15
Edgar Joyner 7.31
Joyner Hot
Oscar Joyner lot
Alford Joyner 16.26
Windsor Joyner I
Alford W. Joyner 16.26
King 6.89
Mrs Lillie acres 2.40
3.18 B. I
. a
i I
L. G. lot 170.76
Mack lot 1.90
W M. lots
H. John May, I lot 6.58
Robt. May lot 2.1
John Moore Jr I lot 4.30
Mary Moore I lot 4.81
Ina lots 11.83
S M Pollard acres lots 154.50
Lewis Phillips lot
Win. Rasberry lot
Jim Pollard lot
Loyd Smith. lot
II S. Smith I lot
S. Smith acres
Henry lot
Jim Sugg lot
Mrs Banner Tyson
Ben Vines lot
Julia Vines lot
Ivey Webb lots
D lot
W II Wilkinson lot
Ward lot
T. H. Abbot lot
Mien lot
Mrs Georgia Baker I lot
J. II. Buck lot
Mi is Ella Bland I
T. Bright
E D. Blount
In Brown I acre
;. a res
Greene, lot
Dick Garris 1-2 9.18
Bettie acres 3.69
Hemby Adam acres 22.93
Mrs. A. Johnson 11.20
Carolina Jones lot 1.95
Annie Williams lot
Mrs. Ida Johnson I lot
Noah bits 5.51
las. Taylor lot 7.49
lien Tyson I lot 1.90
J. J. Tillett lot
F. c. acres 18.69
Sam Smith lots 6.71
Don Stewart lot 1.62
Rich. Stewart lot 1.62
II, Sutton 1-4 acre 1.44
Chas. Richardson lot 3.98
Patrick I lot 2.67
Simon Phillips lot years 6.96
J. B Patrick 6.01
acres 3.91
Will Newton lots 5.09
Sampson Nobles 1-4 acre 1.70
George lot 8.64
Johnson Morton lot 5.15
Criss Moore lot 2.60
Claude Moore lot 2.47
G. F. Morrison lot 2.47
J. H. 3-5 acres
Mary acres 6.78
acres lot
. 93.61-
Chas. acres lot 16.04
Chas. lot 12.23
Chas acres II lot.-
L. G. Mills lots 1.70
Mrs. Moore lot
J. T. Locust lots 7.51
M. ac in house Co. I lot 3.07
Lewis lot 6.48
Irvin Knox lot 2.22
J. L. lot 1.59
Lorenzo acres
Jas. B. Brooks acres
W. B. Bland acres 15.54
T. S. Bender acres 20.02
Wm. Broadway acres 18.71
Wyatt acres
J. W. Cox acres 32.44
J. V. Cox 1-2 acre 2.17
W. L. F. Corey acres years.
W. F. Corey acres years
Arch Cox acres 8.76
Julie Cogdell 2.17
J. J. Dixon acres 6.97
W G. Everett acres 2.17
N. M. Farrow acres 16.34
T. II. Faulkner acres 13.60
Henry 1-2 acres 4.80
Walter Gardner acres 3.84
Garris iV Harrington acres 4.21
J. B. Garris Est. acres 2.03
A B. Garris Est. acres
Annie acres 3.04
Mary A Johnson acres 8.60
P. H. acres
G. B. acre 14.87
Miss lb Kilpatrick acres
F. M Et. acres 18.85
Sarah I Kilpatrick acres 5.98
Willie Kirkman acres 20.9;
Shade Kirkman 2-3 acres 2.57
J. W. Kirkman acres
E. Lang Est. acres
Garris Lang 3.07
P. II. acres 12.02
Richard Little acres 4.84
P. S. Moore I 1-4.
acres 83.87
C. O. Moore, acres timber 3.04
acres 11.88
C. acres 7.84
Jno. Est, acres 2.06
L. II. Mills 1-2 acre 6.81
Susan acres 16.87
A. L. Patrick 2.47
J. W. Perkins acres 38.86
J. C. acres 171.34
S. N. Smith acres 30.05
Sarah H Smith acres 7.65
J. B. Smith Est. 8.78
J. Ross Smith acres 11.44
Jordan Venters acres 3.24
II. M. Worthington lit acres 22.09
J W Perkins. S I
p. k Patrick, a res,
Mr a. m. L Pollard, m res
Nettle Peyton. I lot
R. J. Cobb
Henry Duncan i r
Mrs. Cora w t
Mrs P.
a Hammond
xi. Richardson
Moore .
William . ;
1.791 West 1-2 acres
laud Can I
V lots
i urn n
i p en i I
Sarah I
Dixon i lot
Ionian Harden acres
i. Harden acres
m. t lot
, l I I'll
i lot
i Garris i
I A. Griffin
Greene i lot
.,., ,.,
. IS
. i
I I.
Pi an are Ike
tn wheat
n or
Positively i. most v
an tut can buy
or calls
for . or can u
for or as many more as ti.
Ad advance or decline of cent
chance to lake tun pr
A movement of
Write full particular and ban
It. If, XE Fat ANN
I iii inn-. Ohio.
all mud lo Lock Boa 1420
h i i i
i l i i i mil i left,
paying all costs J P. Haven
port, X c.
., I ill
I .
.; n
i La k and ,
red bull, unmarked, about four years
D- ran ft nun
nil costs attached M B
N, C ,
bounded the best
op all
minds are invited to
here we
have everything to
the way op
labor, capital
am up-to-date
flu Vest Host MM Meal
nun on.
I, M 1915.
Is Me by His Hon-
or to of
This Paper
Be Baa Been I By
to Become
A Candidate Be Declines
The has been so
frequently asked in bis rounds if May-
or James will be a candidate for re-
election that asked the
Mayor the direct question a view
of giving his reply lo the public, and
here Is what Mr. James said.
appreciate this courtesy of the
and gladly avail myself of
opportunity to give the information
you seek. I have been asked the
same by a large number of tho
people of Greenville but up to this
time I given no final answer,
the reason I have been giving the
matter serious consideration.
I am now prepared to say that I
have concluded not to be a candidate
in making this announcement I beg
also to use the opportunity to thank
the people of for the honor
tiny have conferred upon me and the
support they have given me In dis-
charge of my duties. I am not how-
ever, insensible to tho fact that there
has been some criticism. Some have
complained because I enforced
laws. I found the on the
statute Hooks of the State and the
Ordinances of the Town. There was
nothing for mo to do but enforce
them. I do not believe a public officer
the right to say ho will enforce
one law and ignore another. That
policy would make the public
a The only safe rule is to
enforce all law and that is what
have tried to do.
I am also aware of the that
everything needed in every section
the Town has not been done. In a
growing town like It is
not possible to do all things needed
at once without imposing grievous
burdens upon the tax payers of the
Town. Hut I can truly say that I
have cooperated with the Hoard of
Aldermen in doing all that could be
done with the at our command.
preferring those things which seemed
be of the moat pressing need for
public good, and I believe when
an Inventory taken of
what has been In the last
two years it iii seen that much
has been done In tray
and i
I hold n tn be I lie of
run i n to Inquire into
affair hi V is managed and
when lie to i openly
and I wakeful watchful
people hi d go i
It is only U- p people
that will bad
I born here expect to live
lore I am as deeply Interested as
anyone can be In securing wood gov-
la ind I shall be
no-operate with all good man
in m curing it.
So ii all people have rendered me
III the event I should
another term i an
lad to believe I could be I
local High School Baseball
Team Nothing More
t Cinch fol
The High School boys
again gave evidence that they could
play ball by the game played Fri-
day, in which High School
was defeated by a score of to
batting, and the pitching
of Davis were the features of
the game. Davis for fan-
men, and gave Winter-
the only home run made during
the game.
The batteries Greenville,
Fleming, J. Foley, P. Rice;
Davis and Smith.
Greenville made hits. Winterville
i. Two base hits; Greenville none;
Winterville, Smith. Armstrong
and Pearce; base
hits; Fleming; Winterville
and Home runs, Green-
ville none; Winterville, em-
Fountain Cox, Time hours
minutes. Attendance large.
We just received a nice line
of Summer straw hats and caps, we
can please you, come to see us. liar-
Harrington Co.
Just arrived a nice line of Summer
dress goods, nice cloth, and crepes.
The prettiest to be found. II.
Forest Co.
Tho better paint that y use the
longer your buildings will last.
use the best, we have it. A W.
Ange Co.
Rev. George J. of Ayden
will fill his regular appointment at the
Baptist church here Sunday.
Don't forget that have on band
line of flour, both mixed and
pared. C. Vincent Co.
It is essential that you have well
prepared land, then use tho spike tooth
harrow, and the five plow cultivator.
Harrington Co.
Mr. N. J. Tod a student of Win-
High School, left here Friday
morning for home in Bertie county,
where he will preach tomorrow.
forget that we have on hand
a nice line of bed and mat-
we can supply your wants in
line. A. W. Ange t Co.
Rev. R. L. Davis, Secretary of the
Anti-Saloon League of North Carolina,
lectured lo a large audience at the
Baptist church hero Wednesday even-
on the prohibition movement In
North Carolina. Mr. Davis represents
a great cause, and we wish for him
much success in his work.
When in need of good shoes for
spring summer, dress shoes, or
work shoes we have the best,
rules. II. Forest
We have a nice line of fresh meats
and groceries. Come lo see us. C,
Vincent Co.
German Airman Make
Third Raid Near London
Within Thirty-Six Hours
Their first Attack las Wade in
Broad Open Daylight
Syracuse, N. Y., By agreement of
for both sides, libel
suit brought by William Barnes of
Albany against Former President Theo-
Roosevelt begin on Monday.
The suit is tin result of the Continued
i made Colonel in his
. i i In
control Republican
I hi rs State.
have a good law practice and l
that the Mayor's
a a large pan my time
with die I
owe my clients I can therefore
truthfully say I tn .
from Hie duties of So
giving the matter due consideration
I have concluded not to in a
date tor reelection, And again I want
to thank th and the
for their Kind Inters In me and good
will and kind work for me
That Lay Within Thirty Miles of
British Capital . French Airmen
Soon Retaliate London
paring Attacks.
This is German aerial at-
tack on the eastern counties of Eng-
land in the last thirty-six hours. The
two previous attacks worn made at
night by Zeppelins.
French Airmen Retaliate.
Aerial onslaughts, however, have
not been limited to tho Germans.
French official reports claim a
air bombardment of the German
imperial headquarters in retaliation
for a Zeppelin assault on
A German report says French air-
men dropped bombs on several Ger-
man towns unprotected by
Damage at Negligible.
The damage done by the German
in Kent has been negligible
so far as is shown up to tho present
time. Two bombs were dropped on
but no damage resulted.
It has not been determined
whether one or two
took part in the raid in Kent. A
patch from Canterbury of two
aircraft, but this has not been sub-
from any other point
A German machine, of tho biplane
type, flow also over Sheerness. There
an anti-aircraft gun Bred on it, and
the machine was seen suddenly to dip.
Spectators thought it had been winged,
and cheered wildly, but it
and ascended. Then It traveled rap-
idly across the Isle of at the
mouth of Thames and to the
open Apparently no bombs were
dropped on
British are said lo have
gone in pursuit of the machine which
appeared over but no
from them has yet been given
I 1.11 lie I
The which dropped bombs
on was shot at bl local
marksmen, but their apparently
was poor.
Flying over the airmail
dropped another bomb, but only dug
a hole in an orchard. Another bomb
fell into a chalk quarry. The German
machine started for the sea by
way of dial, which direction it
Although tears had been expressed
for the safely Canterbury
now been learned
German dropped bombs
title our
I I niter Immune.
no longer
l or pi,
mi their i . i have
oiled further from their
i than the from
to London, and
thirty miles from capital and
choosing their own i nurse have
brought a new conception of the c
,.,,,,,. range type ma I
Nevertheless, the public is
the powers harm of
trilling damage done during the
night raids of
being It would
latest air have used bombs
of an incendiary rather than an ex-
plosive character.
French Claim Brilliant Success,
In operations the French claim
a success north of Arras,
which completes the gain made near
there lost month. The German
lion to the Paris report,
was taken by the
On the heights of the Meuse the
Germans evidently are beginning a
movement to retake Lea Ber-
claims to have repulsed all the
French attacks and make St
On the eastern front neither side
seems to be making any headway
London Preparing For Win
Pronounced activity at the German
airship bases at and
today is reported in telegrams from
Holland. An urgent call was issued in
I this afternoon for special
lice to go on duty at ii p. m
Zeppelins were seen today Hying
from Holland say three
ward over Dutch Islands In the North
Sea Count Zeppelin is said to be
directing the movements at
Zeppelins Near London.
Two Zeppelins the
of Suffolk and early today
dropping bombs within thirty-six miles
of London. A large number of bombs
were dropped on town and villages,
hut n loss of life resulted.
Attacks were made within a
minutes of each other points
miles apart The was at
Maiden at a. m. by a
which previously passed over
and South Minster After dropping
bombs at Maiden the airship turned
north and let fall more at
It may have been
craft seen at one o'clock flying
over in direction of
A second attack was made between
and a m. on
ten miles south of on
North Sea.
Bombs Start Fires.
At where three bombs
were a lumber yard was set
on lire, three horses were kill d and
many windows broken; South-
wold, where several bombs were o-
railway trucks were Bred; at Ml
den a house was struck but .
slightly damaged; at
bombs were dropped but no dam
age has reported
A received here from Mai-
den, Holland. the
steamer Hag reports having sighted u
Zeppelin J o'clock, mile oft
Dutch Die airship i.
headed In the direction of
i Art
M Louis Mo Apr The
ford Art Libra
iv which is the notable
art hooks in world,
be dedicated i m Paul More,
editor and author, will
the .
was left the late w cl
Clifford Richard mi l n i i
hi tin The library
i. in An Museum,
rooms have been decorated under
the lion . I Casi Gilbert
Make Hare Lines Fa Lost Sub
Honolulu. T. II. April The work
fixing lines to the wrecked
marine Ft continued today Tint
lines are now last lo the craft,
lies iii of water the
harbor entrance
u l WILL
The approaching
Convention in Raleigh next week be-
ginning Thursday evening. April is
creating wide spread interest among
the young of the Bi-
classes in the Sunday schools of
the State, of all Protestant
nations. About TOO regular delegates
have enrolled at the in
Greensboro, with several days ahead
for those who happen to be late in
deciding to go.
In addition to the regular delegates
several hundred visitors will attend
the Convention, especially on Sunday.
Wilson and Henderson are endeavor-
to secure an attendance sufficient
to run special trains for the Sunday-
meetings, while the Charlotte
gates, accompanied by a number of
people will go in a special
is well understood that the local
Committee on Homes in Raleigh have
secured plenty of homes for the
gates at each per day, two in o
loom, and those who prefer hotel en
will lack nothing In the
splendid hotels of the Capital City.
i nil Court
The Civil Term of Superior Court
adjourned Friday afternoon having
been in session for live days Judge
Connor left on the N S. train
for his home in Wilson and will re-
turn Monday to preside over the OM
week Criminal Term.
There were a number of orders and
Judgments signed just before ad
Of Court The
names of the actions the orders
and entries each as follows.
Wingate vs M. If.
jury trial, judgment for the
in the sum of Defendant
peals to the Supreme Court.
et vs el
Harry and F. G. James. In-
Trustee ordered to make
deed to for land
conveyed former Judgment
commissioners appointed to make the
and file. Hut report at
August Civil Term. 1815.
Wife Maggie
vs Caswell Adams
and Judgment by de-
limit and inquiry for the sum of
Cause retained until a jury can assess
the value of the property seized In the
. and
Randolph Bros, v.- w H,
and wife and II. Han
an m defendant W
H, ii. Jr., fur
Chip let., as to r f
ii. . ll H Co.,
iv all I
ant the sum
I l. Bailey vs I id
lie I inking u id Tim
I puny, id III ii die I
. r hi ,
I S lie. i I
i lo i aid i i
v, Johnson, Next m lie
and I I I
I . .
. lie i
H W Ill
i . i it
in. . v
Sam i Ci v
s. and Pittman, i
ind ha
navel m i pm r
III ii
Sir la
Home Building
h n. d B i am lo
Sixteen Thousand Carpenters
thrown Out Work; Ask
for five Cent Raise
Chicago, April it; -Sixteen thou
sand union carpenters, striking for
increase of live cents an hour, wen
under ban of a lockout order b;
their former employers here today.
Painters, lathers, plasterers
sheet metal workers found
In similar circumstances, and enough
allied trades were to bring
total of idle men beyond
The struck at p.
yesterday and at midnight a lockout
order went into effect, Today men who
wished to bolt the strike order
continue at work were told to carry
their grievances to the union officials.
When work ceased on
of the unfinished structures
In the city the contractors laid off
hands except a few men retained
up odd jobs Watchmen wen
First Violence Reported
Violence by men interested in tin
painting and decorating trade
has been reported. A big
currying men armed with brass
knuckles and blackjacks appeared on
the North Side, and several non-union
men were beaten, according to report
Pickets for the union were posted
all downtown work today.
planned an appeal to the police
special protection
Dead Lie Buried In Shallow
I I. Around
France, April
via ground to the west
the now shattered town of
from which the British drove
the Germans a month ago with such
terrible loss of life for both aides,
literally is cobbled with German
skulls. Dead lie burled in shallow
graves everywhere and the vicinity is
strewn with and debris.
The British have made it as tidy as
can. but beneath of tin
trenches dugouts six inches
bayonet will meet resistance
cloth and human In the No
Han's Land between the new British
and German hues bodies still He k
white graves, dot
So did the British break
through lull details of the action
arc now becoming known to
participated, The sudden-
. many of
the in, n.
it we had had a chance for n
i believe we could have taken
also and perhaps
Ulcer, with a am rat
i gave Germans their worst drub
of the war. and the all
ml iii n .
i in the British army
, aim break
n lino a to, and
ii feeling
. , of course,
. u warfare and w.
i. bin s, i
in i he Br i
h ha vi loaned to
most of which
i homes. Own your own
Buy shares In our Series.
1st, Home Building
fin today and Hie in w I and
be open business.

Eastern reflector, 9 April 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 09, 1915
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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