Eastern reflector, 11 June 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Fortified Tires
Span the Way from Trouble
Goodyear tires have bridged the way for count-
less men to less trouble and tax. And those men,
by their endorsement, brought our last year's output
up to tires.
years lop place I who
use I hey have hi hi
place t
The only reason, J i must
know, is If
beat Ami dial's how tiny arc
bound to win you.
The Super-Tire
They are. not trouble proof.
Mishaps come to them, misuse
affects them, much lit.-
But Fortified
Tires. I In y
protect you in
five ways em-
ployed by no
ether maker.
They combat
five major
ways, exclusive to Fortified Tire
These five extra features cost
But tin y save Goodyear
users millions dollars yearly-
They avoid countless troubles
for them.
Lower Prices
On February 1st we made
another big reduction. That makes
three in two years, totaling per
cent. We are git you. through
mammoth i the Deal
r known.
I i prove
this. r your
Own sake, by
the itself.
ice Stations
v. ill supply
Fortified Tires
Alt W. r Tr or Smooth
Mr. Altogether Too Busy to At-
tend to the Miner Matter of
i Wife.
Mrs Mr Dobbs
got on r r. while
she asked Mm v. ho didn't get
o to look I
bis cabin. don't have
be answered. cam. Weal II years
ago to make I start and a home for
Jennie and n i but I can't time
to go t hi r in the summer
I have to bustle to make the I I
and feed the
once in a while.
asked Mrs,
la hi r two
ago cot then l so busy I
didn't no to till went for my
year's supplies. went to the post
sun re was ;. l t-
r me I i n for me ft I
month-. e ; i t
knows me and never send a lit-
I down tin re right In the
office answered It. told her bow
it was told bi i was coming after her
soon as l could time. You see,
she refuses to come to mi cause am
so far from the railroad, and is
afraid of Indians and wild animals
you not your asked
Elizabeth. he said. ain't had
time vet to go. but I kind of wish t D
body would think to bring the mail.
Not many people pass here, only when
the open season takes hunters to the
mountains, when you people coma
back will slop and ask for the
mall for mi I
We Woman Home-
in the Atlantic.
John Flanagan Buggy Cc.
Hub Hardware Co.
E. C.
We hate on Third in s. T Hick's shop,
routing and tinning and our aim In the the
best work possible for the prices u a
The Standard Roofing Co.
s r Hill.
THINK attending a patty nicely clean-
ed and pressed.
YOU WOULDN'T DARE TO. Then why should
you go to your business without looking and span
Is not your business if worthy of this personal
THINK IT OVER Then decide to let us care for your
wardrobe. We you service second to none. Will
You Accept
Greenville Tailoring Co.
Hard to Rust Objection to the Latest
Phase. Which Is Practical
Hero at last is a form of govern-
i against which no
possible objection can be Po
urn has been made yield pas
suitable for fuel, and and
necessary for dyestuffs and
high explosives; the process la to
be given to the public for the
of all.
The discoveries are Important and
tiny must practical or the an-
would not have be-u
made so definitely by the government.
But the really notable feature is that
they an- not to be tor
Individual or corporate on the
one hand, nor are they to he
by the government on the other.
We have grown accustomed to fed-
cooperation in agriculture, and
the seeding of the no longer
elicits for the government
to make distinct contributions to the
processes manufacture is newer,
and it opens a field of possibilities in
which it can render son ice.
Hitherto Individual Investigator have
made our discoveries, and financiers
have exploited them for private gain.
If. in future, our government shall
be able to point the way to new
in scientific Industry, there
will be a frank recognition that the
really for the
Philadelphia Public Ledger,
Mistake All Too Frequently by
Elderly Women Is Something
to Be Avoided.
H re is XI warning to
Si permit III
in the past. This trick, more I
an;, I Bo
ire hear
e a iii. i n the past
That i h and Cl feet
t d companions. Naturally
an more Bads herself drop-
ping Into r. a i , b it do not In-
habit even If it gives
you a melancholy sort of pleasure.
Kind pleasure In those around you.
F. roe to be Inti r- in their
Inter ts Think of future
permit yourself to think that your
usefulness ended or your
i . i. If you cannot
play tennis, you certain can tax
brisk walks In the fresh air
and play bridge later in the day. And
re is no law, written or unwritten,
against your playing golf.
Do not dress in what is known as a
kittenish fashion, but do not think that
because years are overtaking yon, you
must wear dun-colored raiment. Do
not brush your hair back severely from
your face and don an uncompromising
toque. Fluff your hair on either side
if part It, and under ma
stances wear a severe pompadour
less you have classic and a
stately carriage.
Do not curl your hair with the iron.
as this has a tendency to break hairs
which cannot afford to lose. Bet-
fur to use soft rags or patent curl-
over night, and right here let us
speak of the which is enjoy-
a decided revival. Make this of
very thin china silk, interlined with
fine sheer wadding in which you strew
sachet powder. This gives a charm-
perfume in the hair and wards off
dangers from drafts if sleep near
mi open Window. Pittsburgh Dis-
the town of rill I
that l . n
for .;. aid ward I
said ward .
day , t Jut e i. . a
N. r. the
. . n o r and
give that will be at the
polling place of said First Ward.-.
to house on Wednesday,
June Thursday, June and
Friday, I, 1915, from o'clock
a. m., to o'clock p. with my
book of registration prepared to reg-
such pi i may entitled
to register in said ward for said
I also that no per-
son shall be allow- I i who does
May 20th, 1913.
Register of the First Of the
town of Greenville, X. C.
Norfolk Q
Schedule in elect April I U.
N. Ii The schedule
published as Information ONLY ant
are not guaranteed.
i M A. II. i ally, -Night
Pullman Bleeping Car for Norfolk.
A. Ii. Dally, for Plymouth,
beth City and r Par-
Car Bi to Nor-
folk. Connects for all points North
and West.
P. M. Daily, except Sunday,
A. M. Daily Tor Wilson,
and West. Pullman Sleeping Car
Service. Connects North.
and west.
A. M. Daily, except for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects for
all points.
P. M Daily for Raleigh and
For further information and
In Sleeping Cars, apply to J. l
Agent. Greenville, N. C.
Second Ward
voters of the Second Ward
the town of Greenville will take no-
that i have been appointed
tor said ward for the purpose i
of registering the qualified voters Of y
said ward and to aid In the conduct I .,. R
of the election called to be held on j pa
the Till day of Juno for the for many but have bean
purpose of a mayor and live entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pills.
aldermen for said town. He -Although we are both in
I give notice that will be at the He s we are as we
-i. o. thirty years Foley Kidney
g place of said Second Ward to- j
wit I stables on Wed-
PillS stop sleep disturbing bladder
backache, rheumatism
aching Joints. Sold Everywhere.
Lodger in New York Rooming House
Had Considerable Sum Put Apart
From Prying Eyes.
June Thursday June and
June 4th. 1915 from o'clock
a. m. to p. in., with my
of prepared to Beware of Ointments for
persons as may be entitled Catarrh that Contain Mercury
in r in war I for said
also give notice that no per-
n shall he allowed to vote who does
not i
This May 20th, I
Three bank books, showing a Registrar or the
of Including accrued Inter- of Greenville. N. C.
est. vi re found and d over to th
public administrator of New York city Third Ward
by Mrs. Juliet O of Bast
One Hundred and
st, The Bronx.
The books wire found a
carpet In Mrs. borne, and at
Ward of the
To the rs the Third Ward
the town Greenville will lake no-
that I have been appointed reg-
the suggestion of her brother, who for said ward for the purpose
registering qualified voters of
ii-i mercury will surely the
of and r
whole system when entering n through
mucous s. Sui n l s t
in i. r used .-m n
from reputable
II. v will do is ten fold to the good you
ran possibly derive from Hum. Halls
Catarrh Cut, manufactured f J
Co., Toledo. contains i
mercury, and is taken Internally,
directly upon the blood and mucous
s of Ills system, in nails
Catarrh Cur be sure you the
Ii is taken Internally and a
Toledo, Ohio, P. J. Co.
Bold by Druggists. Price pi r
Family PIUS tor , . .; .
Gives the VALUE for Your Money
Every Kind from to Silk, For Men, Womb
Any Color and Style From to per pair ,
Look the Trade Mark . Sold by All Good
Lord Taylor
By virtue Of power of
lain, d In a deed trust
by tin- Utility Machine shop
Co. to W. H.
tee. Which deed or trust was duly re-
corded in the office of the Register of
Deeds of Pitt County, in Book A-ll
the undersigned Trustee
will sell for cash before the Court
door in at noon OB
Saturday, Juno HIS, the follow-
described tract or parcel land,
lying in the town and
Hounded on the b
street, on the by
street, on the southwest by
street, and on the northwest by
Broad street, and being u part of
tho properly to I. I Moor.-.
C. and W. H
Jr., by deed from V d James.
Receiver, dated December 28th, 1912.
and recorded in Hook Page
and being tho same land conveyed to
tho Utility Machine Shop and Garage
Co. by deed from L. I, Moore, C.
and W. II. Hail,
Jr., on March 14th, 1914. Said land
sold to satisfy said deed of trust
This May 17th, 1915.
W. II. Tin
F. J. James attorneys,
Warns of Leaks.
An automatic leak Indicator for
ships of a number of small
cast Iron boxes screwed to the bulk-
head of each compartment and set at
predetermined distances, one above
another. In each box there is
electrical contrivance connected with
an indicator-board either on the
bridge or in some other convenient
place. The board is fitted with a
of small glow lamps of different
colors, and is connected with alarm
bell. When the water rise-to tho
level of tho lowest box, it makes an
electrical contact by which the lamp
corresponding to tho height in
bulkhead that the box Indicates is
lighted, and so remains until the next
box is reached by the water, when the
second lamp is lighted. Meanwhile,
the bell rings continuously until
switched off. .
Dr. Annie I Joyner.
Physician. Phone 298-J. Office
son Avenue In the Brown
Office hours a. m. to p m. and
b appointment
Whenever Need a
The Standard Grove's
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
Genera Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Guilds up the Whole System. SO cents.
Things That Have Been Condemned
If we banished from our tables all
the commodities which like
been condemned In print,
our diet would be decidedly
nous. faddists are most
Henry once
complained. my time I have known
them preach that we should give up
meat, tobacco, alcohol, soup, starch
bread and salt,
tomatoes, bananas, straw terries and
bath buns. I have witnessed
movements forgiving In its, waist-
coats, hats, overcoats, feather
beds, cold baths,
linen clothes, woolen clothes, sleeping
more than six hours, Bleeping less
than nil.- and tires at
the bottom
a lawyer, Edward J. of
ton street, Jamaica, Mrs.
d then, to
The name In the books show that
they belonged to Thomas Griffin, one
Mrs. K. boarders when she
ran a large boarding twelve
ago, at ; East One ii
and Fiftieth Griffin was a
street car conductor mid had come
from Salem. On May 1903, he was
taken to Fordham hospital seriously
ill, and he died there alter an opera-
He did reveal presence
of the bank books.
Mrs. Bays he was
reticent with hi r and ins fellow board-
regarding himself and
day before he I called
the hospital and d if he
wished me to communicate with any
relatives or said
replied he had none,
and gave mo no hint Of the hidden
The hank will hold for rel-
of the dead man. if any may be
said ward and and to aid In the conduct
of the election called to be held on
the day of Juno. 1915, in the
town of Greenville, N. tor
lei ting a mayor d alder-
m n for Bald town.
I give I've ll. II . Will be a
g i if d Ward to
j ; r. nil e Wed-
I-.-. J me . 1915, fro i
in o'clock p. in , with my
book of prepared to
register such persons us may be en-
titled to In said ward
said election, also give m o
no person shall be to
who does not register.
This May
D. T.
Register of the Third of
town Of Greenville. N. C.
St, of Ireland.
Pt. Bride, the patroness of Ireland
and t street, whose feast falls
In February, was the beautiful
of hard who became the religious
disciple of St. Patrick and abbess of
The story o St. or
fired the Celtic imagination,
and in Ireland about twenty
bear the name of The spire
of her church in Fleet street has been
twice struck by lightning and much
reduced from the original height, but
Is still one the tallest
London, ft Is supposed to have been
designed by Wren's young daughter.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Mukden Water Project.
A Chinese company under the name
of Po has petitioned
the governor general at Mukden for
permission to install waterworks In
Mukden. The proposed capital Is II.-
000.000 small coin, about
United States currency, in
each. The amount to
be paid up before starting work is
small coin, the remainder to
be paid up required. Such a
scheme is doubtless workable and
would be If properly man-
aged, Mukden has a population of
The scheme does not include piping
for houses, but the water Is to be
conveyed to street hydrants from
which every householder will
lowed to draw his own supply, Those
who wish to have water in their
houses will be able to do so later by
paying the cost of laying pipes
making necessary connections.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Fourth Hard
The voters of the Fourth Ward
the town of Greenville will take no-
that I have been reg-
for said ward for the purpose
of registering the qualified voters of
said ward and to aid in the conduct
of the election called to be held on
the 7th day of June. 1915, in the
town of Greenville, N. the
pose of electing a mayor and live alder-
men for the said town.
I give notice that I will be at
the poling place of said Fourth Ward
to store. Five Points,
Wednesday, June Thursday, June
and Friday, June 1915, from
a. m., to o'clock p. m.
with my book of prepared
t register such election,
to register such persons as may be
entitled to register in Hid ward for
said election. also that
no person shall he allowed to vote
t New Registration Ordered,
lie it ordained, by the board of Al-
ii the town of Greenville,
regular assembled on Thurs-
1st, 1915, is
ed the charter of Bald town and
the various amendments thereto, as
. i he held in the
is of said town, on
day the day of June 1915, tor the
purpose a Mayor and live
Aldermen for -aid town. The Mayor
and those persona elected from tho
2nd, 3rd, and it wards of said
shall continue in office for two
from the day of July. and
those from the 1st and 5th wards for
one year from July 1915, or until
qualified. The Mayor of said town to
be voted for and elected by the entire
vote of said town, and one Alderman
to be elected from each of the Five
wards of said town as aforesaid; at
said meeting in April it was further
by the board that a new Re-
he had before election
this year.
That the following named per-
sons are hereby appointed as
and judges of election, to
hold and conduct said In
various wards of said town,
1st. ward Chas. Cobb. Registrar; O.
W. Harrington, and D. E. House,
judges of election.
2nd. ward M. H. White, Registrar;
V. K. Staton and U H. Pender,
3rd. ward D, T. Beaman.
J. S. and J. F.
judges of election.
4th. ward D. D. Haskett. Registrar;
Jas. Brown and J. J. Turnage, judges
Use Dormitory as Church.
Rev. P. G. O chaplain to the
British forces who was raptured
the British ambulance column during
the retreat from In a letter Io
his brother at Nottingham, states that
he Is In camp at occupy-
a room British, Bel-
and Russian officers
A dormitory has bean up as
a church, which is a great novelty, At
one end Is the Roman
altar, at the other end Is the
altar, on the third aide is the
and the fourth Side is piled with
beds British, and
use the church at different hours.
had a meeting he
5th. ward J. U. Boiling, Registrar;
T. A. Person and H. C Edwards,
es of election.
That said election shall be held
at the various places In said
1st. ward Court House.
2nd. ward Winslow Stables.
3rd. ward J. S. Office.
4th. ward Old Store at i
5th. ward Tripp's Stables.
The registration books of said
will be at the various poll-
g pieces in each ward on
, Thursday and Friday. June and
4th, o'clock, in- to
p. in as is provided tor by the char-
said town.
who does not
This May gOth,
D. Haskett.
Registrar of the Fourth Ward of the
town of Greenville, N. C.
Fifth Ward
; he Fifth Ward
the town of Greenville will take no
tie,, l have n appointed reg-
for said ward for the purpose
said ward and to aid in the conduct
of the election i be l old on
the of June 1915 the town
of Greenville, S. C. for the purpose
electing I mayor and Ova alder-. pared to register such persons is may
men for said town.
I give notice I
will lie at he
Fifth Ward to
stables. Five
adds, to decide the fate or our com- of said
vessels and brass cross, which . , j. Kings
w have a historic value Some were . , , . , . ,
tor presenting them lo or
h, in the end June Friday. Juno 1915.
f o'clock a. m. to o'clock p
they were to me for use In
whatever Ii I
from o'clock a. m
rs. with beck registration
in said ward
for said I notice
no person shall he allowed to
vote who BOt register.
This May 1818.
j c. Bowling
of the Fifth of the
town of lire, mill N,
Is the the Most Healthful, the Most Noble
M Mill It
Investigations Still Coins
Hands In His Resignation
Rather than Cross Views
Of President Wilson
Resignation lakes
When Note is Dispatched
Hear M, Think
tine Midshipman In I Maine And
He His Court
I ii i i ii in Today. Hopes
to Clear Trouble
Annapolis, June Admiral
Win. F of the
Naval Academy who resumed his
today before the naval court
of Inquiry appointed by Secretary Dan-
to Investigate charges of irregular-
In academy examinations, de-
to the court that Midshipman
James E, Moss, of Annapolis, was
the man primarily responsible for the
wind., scandal in connection with the
last annual examination.
Midshipman Moss, the admiral as-
was being supported in his
plea for clemency by two United
Slates Senators, a in
Congress and two lawyers. If such
lanes, said the superintendent, were
permitted to control in such a case
it would he possible to maintain a
standard of discipline In the Naval
Repeats Conversation
The admiral said he very
much to have to testify concerning a
conversation with Robert Moss, father
of Midshipman Moss, and a member
of counsel for the accused midship-
men, which compelled him to mention
the name of the naval officer.
Mr. Moss told me, said Admiral
whom he had defended in a
civil case, had assured Mr. Moss that
he would look out for his Moss
had told tho admiral that he did not
wish to make against
ell or anyone else, but he expected
the belief that the papers claimed to
have been received by Midshipman
Moss from an anonymous source were
sent to his son by some officers,
the admiral said, was
mentioned connection.
in the course of
by Congressman Hay. of the midship
men's counsel, concerning the
of or Information about stud-
Admiral said was en--
for instructors to direct the
special attention of midshipmen to
parts of the subject, they were
Studying II a view to their lime be-
devoted to the must Important
parts N was be said to
make copies of former
nations which could he distinguished
from Information about fresh
nations, by reason of the old pap. is
contain their bending intact. The
fuel the papers come Into
possession had the top cut off
V Opinion Between
and the Commoner Caused the
Roth of tin in Deeply
Regretted the Severance Public
hut Will Continue to
Work For Same Sol
Joined Hands
Washington, O. C June g.
Jennings Bryan, three times
Democratic candidate for the
of the Stales, an author
of nearly thirty peace treaties with
principal nations of the world, re-
signed today as Secretary state as
a dramatic to his disagreement
with President Wilson over the gov.
policy toward Germany.
resignation was by the
President. The Cabinet then
ed the response which had been pro-
prepared to the German reply to the
note Anting Secretary Rob-
Lansing will sign the document,
tomorrow it will he cabled to Berlin.
Returns to Private Life
Secretary will return to
life tomorrow when his
nation takes effect. It was learned
that he intends to continue his
cal support of the President.
Rather than sign the document
which he believed might possibly draw
the States into war. Mr. Bryan
submitted his resignation in a letter
declaring that issue involved is
of such moment that lo remain a
of tho Cabinet he as unfair
lo you as it would he to the cause
which is nearest my heart, namely,
tho prevention of
President Deeply Regretful
The President accepted the
nation in a loiter of regret, tinged with
deep personal feeling of affection. The
letters, constituting the official an-
of Mr. Bryan's departure
from the cabinet to private life, were
made public the While House
six o'clock tonight
should have been sufficient proof to
on the scene were
not old examination papers, declared
Id lease
Washington. June s Secretary
Daniels declined lo the re
of counsel for the mid
mi trial Naval
they he released from I while
court f Inquire la sitting Mr,
said he was following i
em He Instructed academy author.
tiles lo s.-e nun the midshipman had
every opportunity to confer with n in
County Commissioners were
In Session Yesterday
Nothing Given Out
The county commissioners were in
short session yesterday, hut no
questions were considered.
There was talk Of buying a road
and were two or three
men here to sell the county, bill no
machine was decided upon. The ma-
china the commissioners warn will
be a motored propelled machine.
Raging Battle In
Has Not Been Decided
Up to Now. Fights Go On
British and Russians Report Light-
Fighting Along Front
Oder the Allies Says
Cologne. June, vis Lon-
don. p. iii. The chances in. that
Bulgaria will emu- the
war with the allies are diminishing,
says a Berlin to the Cologne
political heavens the
have cleared the
patch says. has rejected
the oiler of the Triple Km elite
as unsatisfactory. Bulgaria also has
received offers from the Entente. It
is not known that Bulgaria has form-
ally rejected them, hut she is in agree-
with and since the lat-
has the offers Bulgaria
probably will do likewise.
assumption is the inure
because Bulgaria's de-
is immediate occupation by her
of the territory taken
from her by The Entente has
not offered that. Bulgaria mil
is not b
is disinterested ill the Turk-
frontier hut Bulgarian statesmen
are keenly conscious that the
regarding is
Which will come no war
he Present.
The principal of the School
for the colored race, through these
columns invites the white to
inspect the sewing, cooking, chair, can-
and school garden work of
school from A M lo E P M i n
Thursday, June and to come In
the graduating i tea tho
more Hill Church i
C, C of Durham i
Ranting in fear
i will he hanged In this county
tomorrow, and event, the .-f
us kind for years, will take place
II i The were eon
last month, were John
who killed Mender -in
colored. lack Miller, who killed his
father iii Jack Edwards, colored
and Alf who killed his broth
in law, Mitch Davis, colored
The British Have Form-
ed The that the
The ire Ex
Shun I'll.- Must
London, June s. The big battle in
has rein lied no decision. The
have crossed the
Dniester south of and have
assumed the offensive farther to the
smith, and according to the Austrian
official report, have pushed the
back between and
In eastern
The operation was before
the Teutonic allies continued their
advance toward as Russian
attacks in the region of were
hi ginning to look dangerous, the
Russians had. as reported from
last week. Inflicted a on
the Austrians this district.
British and Russian military
ion is the after
their big efforts, which regained for
them the greater part of have
about exhausted themselves, and the
view- is expressed that they soon will
have to fortify a line on which they
can withstand the counter-
offensive, which already has made it-
self felt on the lower San.
if Russian positions really were
dangerous, these authorities say the
allies long ago would have taken the
offensive in the west to relieve the
pressure on the front.
No Offensive Weal.
Ii is true that French have been
king a number of points be-
tween and the district north
of Arras, and have gained some ground
hill the British quiet, and it
hardly can be said that a general
offensive In the west have begun North
Arras the French have gained
ground, and north of the
have repulsed four German counter
attacks and extended their previous
Tin- Germans i to have re-
i, ii . d some of French Ks
north Arms and north
British Quiet.
in hi Ii i on their
hut to the Zeppelin brought
down yesterday they claim lo have
i two man an
. Reel in the destruction, reported by
the Germans, of an allied
There are indications a big
begun the river,
I where the Italians apparently have
decided to launch their principal
The Italian cavalry have cross-
ed the river, and it was reported from
i Geneva they bad pierced
j in- Austrian line
Congressman is
Sudden Development
i at
Hon. Francis Winston Delivers
Address to
The sixth annual commencement ex-
tin- Carolina Tea. h. rs
Training School came a close this
morning with the address of Hon. Fran
Winston and the awarding of
the diplomas in the graduates. Prompt
President Wright,
with the Speaker and Hon. J. Y
Joyner Rev, IS W. and
of the school trustees marched
in and took their seals on the
followed by the
Seniors, -it, in number, and a chorus
forty-five girls from the other
es, who took their on the stage.
As Misses and Clara
continued to play a march the
remainder of the student body march-
ed in and occupied the seats in front
the audience. In beginning the
President Wright called on
Rev It W Cay, pastor of the
church of Washington for pray
This was followed by a song from
the student body and an Instrumental
solo by of the students.
President Wright made a few re-
marks thanking the people for the in-
and attention shown at the com-
exercises this year and
then referred to the -peak, i i f the
as needing no lion be-
fore a North Carolina audience lie
has held so positions in the
lie needs no
said President Wright
Mr Winston made a
truly his Ideas and
Ins on In
Carolina and using ins own words as
he later express, hi r l
have n or not, hi
h, i. l have spoken to The
. t started by i
Mr. Wright's flattering introduction
then the way of explaining
feeling told of the wealthy girl who had
-ii many was once a
h he had a
number of men as callers, hut
she was always aware they were
really liking for her wealth Finally
one them came and had a heart lo-
talk With her. telling In r how-
deep In love be was with lie- ind
the conclusion girl said to him,
over again. know you don't
mean It, but it sounds so good
la way I feel about what Mr
Wright told you said Mr, Wins- mi
l until linen Nothing l the
Hills I mil Me Has
Telephone. Hopes
Fur a Be-
tween Brian and H
June .
the news i Se. Bryan's
had urn penetrated to the little
Halifax county, town of Scotland
Neck, where Claude next ma-
leader of the national i
representatives, It Mr.
Kill was notified at his homo, I
am he declared He
had not even been advised on the j
developments In Washington
Mr. parried nearly at-
tempt draw on the cabinet
crisis and called for full particulars. .,
just know what to think of
lie said He said he hoped for a
recoil, in the interest of the ad-
ministration. He thinks the people will
stand by the president since be seems
to be backed by a Well developed sen-
us expressed In the majority
of the newspapers and other
In the even Mr Bryan will not
stay in the cabinet i would be
prised it Mitchell succeeds him
or possibly or some
man of his the congressman
said help but believe
there will be clash between Amer-
He thinks the gov-
will manage to avoid an act-
declaration war against Ber-
mi Page
I VII Kl n TO it i
Asheville, June s. Mrs Amos
Harris and small daughter. Caroline,
a-era Injured In an
bile accident Columbus, Ga., a
cording to information received here
Asheville while from
home Tampa, Pis . to this i with
Mr. Harris to lake up their summer
residence Asheville.
in the a. Idem ugh Mrs,
Harris and daughter miraculous
sea and statements from their
physicians are lo the they
will be able lo resume their trip to
Western North Carolina within
few weeks.
Submarines Active I
activities. their latest Victims
were three Norwegian Vessels. Din
with iron ore and respectively,
for British ports, the lurk Superb
with grain from South America for;

i v ii m i
-i i in IT in
Si .
Buy Ir
at Hi .
AU t
J respect will bi Ur u
Hit . be fir l tare
rent per line, up to
as J
august JO. at Us at
i N
A repeated
the tact large
. ,. .
Hid or ill. I
s lien a. lad
Now , we lo think
i , . . H l
u . i
when on the
. . i i
lien i- con-
observed daily, to the
that then
i there are here I .
ill . sidewalks and
fall the may
i mi I in i
i- they not realize
are, but that I .
ii i v ii-. The ire
., mm
ii I, .
Inn Saturday.-
, on ill r
war fol
I i
. ii
n m hi ltd
. mill Hi-
v . . Is
then tin
m lo
may t nil tin as.
H . contending lot a an overwhelming major It i tin
l-in in word . en carried to better
. d building for
that . till- Hue conjecture
war be upon u We man who dropped bis
it mil is quite lot in the bond thought just
. . hat in minute, will the man
. ,,.,.,. in hi economical manner;
ion r
mis. or ii In rot
el against bonds, should lo it
pet a i lie right
be trained
n in
. i I II ;
I, has always beet lie pi.
ham e, lo
though we an
dial of the men who
Hill charge the expenditures
,, i., .
,,,, is to work for personal gain.
. .
III m in i ;
hi tin III Mil I
it Is great fault of the Ami
. p. that they talk lo i
and then a anything when
it ii- no trouble
i j i an hear m
i or more foolish expressions, and the
have no on i
particular, Men Just palaver ,
n stale there Is I u
then the think n ; I
In . or
at the
i. a
hear ii spineless puppets
;,. ., p. Inn raise
in pan
i- rut. for an
know much tin
u rooter
. , i . never
the fellow s i
in for
. ;
. . . .
. .
t I
. . .
I. cot a
r i-pt
. n in case
w. should m w.
. II
. them tin proper
I, . w ill not t.
in order to do this Hut .
it he protecting our .
we so well It will be lug a
body of trained Americana j
i are for an and i
will in. an the .
deal more year, hut
is u better In
training men. loan
battleships wrap
heaped within years The
, infusion will work and the sons
these trained be born
Given at raining
School Last Right a
The given it
tin School Auditorium
tin . proved to be one the
int. and
.-ii School
could not been
and arranged for ,.
this The Japanese Inn
terns and the large Japanese parasol
hanging down out the performers
presented a rare The back-
ground and the setting showed
exquisite taste, the and the
electrical effects making an
lo eye Playing
the voters and
the town lo a sharp eye out on
the II Is the . costumes which had been Imported
of i man who is
mum taxes in I.- how the is
,,, .,., ,,, ill ii ; he should demand an Item
of all money spent.
doing tin-, you safeguarding
Hi. of the town a- well as
ow n interests
for this single production m lb
the whole i appeared stars
one having the Last action
mi amateur. the Mikado
pan in the Mikado's attend
nut. the little maids and the men. till
took their parts in a most creditable
The a. t the
the Lord High Executioner of
Secretary Bryan the Mikado, in the court yard
. i
in in- resignation to Mr Wilson, and
I so doing Bryan has put a hitch
Into ail the possibilities for future
j public life It seems, that Bryan, by
has shown he hasn't
Hi. to stand up for American
right We wain war anyone,
Inn this and glorious country
that we are proud lo call no
I matter where we arc must not be sub-
. kit , i will .
, ,, levied to m-t i- pleased
Hie a bet- J
It will be n race tried
trusted, who will capable
m ,; I ending an
i, . n n provokes enough auger to
, i-. us In in war
i- inn r i tin sent Ku-
i,. had, least
mi for
, i men w understand
. .
he r
th hi tin
I rained to
. .
Is staled above, mi
, , . i he
. tilt I I
. I i . .
i t war
re v
hand it.
Bryan saw that Wilson meant Dual-
and the little school teacher
who tins proven his worth, is stand
up with grand Ideals a true
American, and no foreign
late disregard our rights
when American blood
for a reconciliation, but
u in
men with as
Ideals .- Bryan, who will mil
i n i arises.
mi s wonderful man I hough, and he
.,. el i to disagree It
.-. mean
in th old I'm k
. something harsh about
American when he his
Hat ion-,
,. .
. pi
I ii
r i
I i; i VIM II
He goes,
rive ill
will tell
Will I-
will be
in. Herman government, will In
, ,,. , hi will knock the i
. s i all to pieces Will be
Impart feeling the
i .
to blind Hie
We Hunk
over to
. array on .
Allies, ii would .
disadvantage of th.- by having
the Dotted de Ion
They arc receiving DO aid from tho
while England
ll l I III
. i fol
, . .
rap . ; .
to the big,
. Mr
tin l
i ,
re I ml I
. the i
ill friends who i -t
. whims tickle i
why worry r I In
our dress ever o
all gel life
ii time and we as well
have ii before Ml run-
hi M k and all a n
and t. hap-
ii i may I
We lake tin to Inform our
i I to lie
i; i i
rep- and have Ice cream on Bun-
The I'm. I. had a k nil
alright, inn he Inherited n from
father his
. Is ll I
. I low I
i a tied
tn gel
. , fol
. .
n t pea will gel
Will II
. .,. him
, i, , ii. idea i-
man .-- val
. . in
p tin talk pi and
nut .
. rained
I. Well In Hummer
it . In
.,.,., , t cough and
sleep Impossible
n tn H am relieves tin
linking, cough for all
i d I
Too had fled from his
father's oil account of the at-
of an elderly lady
ii hose love In- did not care in receive
Reaching official residence of
disguised wan-
minstrel, tails in love
With one of the III.
little wards of the High
and whom himself, was ex-
to marry At this point a let-
is received from Mikado
which he complains about there not
being enough executions. An
i- ordered at once by the Mikado
oilers himself as a sub-
-i for Kn on condition
be his bride for a month,
learning Mikado is near the
courtyard and having arranged
an execution, lo a law in
the land taring that widow
executed shall be burled
frame- up a letter lo Hie
ado, signed lo Hull.
in which the letter
Hint he witnessed tin
lion It is He-. I.
the wandering minstrel Is the son
of Mikado and everything
n-ell when i with hi bride
The sing It n I win id j
, lass, Mr- and
Mavis featuring in
. . . m cling, Hiss I
In the Ku
ii. most nil parts In the play.
hardly excelled sue held
n i applause
Bah. High a. ling
. Miss Willie Smith, was one
id I., -t charm In the play, an
. r i was .
Mis- Marion as
and her two listers.
Peep Bo, who were Louie
hell and Bright.
. each to point of
made them look as slaters
ii-ha mi elderly lady m love with
Nunki was
lo Miss Mavis Miss
us Tush, a noble lord,
her part well. Mrs, as
Nunki. also her part
j. as well as featuring In sing-
Miss Willie Greene Hay. as
Mikado, Miss Lela Mean.-,
Ben, featured In the second act when
they arrived at of
The maids and nun were all
in costumes and they
made a
The play was full of culture and re
linemen and was as entertaining
could in it was perhaps one of
beat ever seen at the Training School
and alumnae can rest assured
that the showed something pleat
id all.
. June ran
ton and Luther Canton, brothers, will
be electrocuted tomorrow for the
of Mrs. James R. Wilson. The
younger brother, James, was fount
guilty of murder in the degree, de-
the confession of the elder broth
that he attacked and murdered Mrs
Wilson lie stoutly denied the
younger brother look part in the i min-
or had any knowledge Of it. and though
racing death himself fought
lo save his brother James from the
same fate. The conviction and sen-
of younger brother con-
eluded one of the most sensational
trials of its kind In the history of
The murder took place on
April and the trial was concluded
on May
The Pill County division of far-
l will meet
Saturday, June 12th, ll A M All
local I are requested lo send rep
H Q Alexander,
president of the state union will
r a address at U
All delegates and are
,,, bring Ho dinner with them
T Manning,
Piles Cured in to Days
OINTMENT m turf any
application st
n in.
of l ran
i . I .
. . are old . III
ii s. n
i ,
. . m , .
for i
i , in 1.1
it. Then when
hi nun on, fol ml
proud possessors
,, large Heel fast steamers
In used lot la I work
battle Inn is lo
I in 1.- Sam Would do Well In build
him up a ii these ships, so Hint
in. i call them in in the event
The scribe on hands
tin rotten, k ever read
in other i thou to thy home ,
let exposition lake
Our deepest to
Cowan, of the Dispatch, during this
time dire distress Caused l loss I
Ins mother.
est by Test
You can't judge a tobacco transplanter by its looks. The proof
of the pudding is chewing of the rag. We have hundreds of
N. C 1814.
. i A Hadley,
N c .
In regard to the J. Case Tobacco Transplanter that I bought from
you year will say that It gain- perfect satisfaction I got a good Stand
and the tObaCCO grew off better Hun when I hand If I couldn't gel
another one I would lake Three Hundred for the one I have.
Yours vi truly,
Moseley Brothers
Insurance and Real Estate
The New Hope
Virginia Promises lo
Be a City Soon
in Enjoyable Affair for
i fail
I persons, ;. . ; ,
I Hack
Peace n
But no
I . . , i out
. I
in M. Mr
yea I. em i .
I, I
.- i
I. SI II Mill I
II . .
mi Co
ml .
Sold In
J and
Co la
Bottling Works
Why The
Ill Ice
I'll ll
iii Pa
;. I
I. mine tor
v ; Ii Hip I'm
Hi i
, i
. .
I r DIM lit
. h
to better
j don't neglect your
i vs
bring i lit in ii the
i are
In III trial
Of ll i in
b i .
II II. lion
hi in
who i Jurors sum
in inn be railed away from
their work Ibis busy This
in lion is regarded as unique, and
by the planters,
I , I In
in id from pain i
Kidney Pills Tin
in n in I. make you
feel mil and strong.
Bold in hero.
. f
D i
Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C.
Norfolk, Vs. W. Vs.
Vs. I ton, S. C.

Senior Class of at Training
Present Interesting
I las I Wen
I in I
Id lira
ed an the
a com
hen on
. r class of
large audience on the
, u Long before
Hi,. ex there wen crowds
people gathered around the km lo
in v the Girl's
and hen Seniors
marched In an took places In
the center of the spectators,
showed were
to see and enjoy ea h
1.11.1 and
the all
class colors and .- the Seniors,
v el green white,
their class colors, advanced, a
and picturesque with all the
beauty and happiness of spring was
There were many there
who witnessed I he exercises last year
in a tin lave even r . an-
n urning and the one
, lass of I
Tl on tin a tin
of well by Sen as a
whole, and II life and
. all and made I
v mil all to to
M spirit and ill n ill
. rial
. lie,
and of I In
I mil
that the;
entered the School up until the
ling r
; . literal
I honors ii on
if the hi was
lowed by song
in r hi. Mi In k
also of came forward
iv to mi Pres Tl
full and the
words were so good dial Is
hard to refer giving in
full The oil Miss gave
have task
to ii .
Tin fay to do it
is lake a running .
You'll you'll soon gel tin
in the task given to
. i a I
To write 1- Mr
Ami give him all is due
Hi. is and mid kin I
and rue,
II. noble, wise and good,
has lei ii-1 do as
Whenever he possibly could.
A. leader hi II
As In- leads In in
The him
Ami answers his every all,
There is nothing goo I
There is nothing no rue,
1- mil v. do.
We're grieved leaving our
Alma .
. , i -hi j ii he
to I vi
Ml r,
Ion . n program
r. I tin She
had a clear the and
mark hands or and
her . II ;
and her expression man
handing out her knowledge
made one think she really was
u teller, Borne were to be
teachers conduct Modal schools,
were to be nurses Mime were to
to teach the one was
to become Mayor of. was
to big laundry business,
and mi on until the whole class had
had laugh on one another.
Connie Bishop, of Wilson, next
d to the front and paid s splendid
tribute to K.
their beloved I lei med
Principal. She spake the sentiments
. in telling what Mrs.
had done for them In many
v an her remarks were mil
Long w. in
urn hi was then
nm; by and the exercises
with presentation
of the Class Miss Clara
. Atlanta, la
Miss Davis called for Miss Willie
ill. Class
and received
up which members of her
1.- seined to the Class
Day ac-
ii by making appropriate re-
, its return m
k. Austin, faculty
and Class Advisor of the S
to and
Miss Davis presented him lass
Mr. Austin in ii
he needed nothing in make
remember class
each the seniors would
ways have warm place In heart.
president tin- Senior class
Miss Moore, of
next presented President
Wright unit a k for This
amount the Seniors had
in mi a- n for needy
Moore Miss
Proctor, of the class of l- with the
malt which had received from
her class Miss Proctor, upon n .
called fur Miss Alice Herring,
president of the class of and pro-
her with the in keep until
. v
Tin- with song
lass, livery
mi program was thoroughly
. . I and the lass had re
gr upon themselves
t lie
N. June Mrs
Jenkins, who has
town visiting her parents, and
Mrs A ;. Cox,
In r iii
We are glad to know that Mr. it.
who has been very k
for several s-eeks is mm improving.
of Ayden, was
town Friday.
Mr-. I last
in Greenville.
Will fried I. and Miss
Carroll spent Thursday in
Our ; Hunt club
mi 1.1 in order to
lie in sell more rapidly,
ii.- have reduced the prices
tin-in. bill quality 1- in mi
. Impaired. Co.
order . . room new
goods selling ladle.
dress goods, and
I pi . Cum,. and
. ml Co
p your
filter ring the r,
rile; -ill Hi.
stoves .
your painting with Will
. loud of .
a .
Mrs v I. .
ling hi r Mr. I. ii
with her grand-daughter
1.1 visit her daughter Mrs. I,
H. near
Tin. Hi.- A Cox Mm Co
i- growing in number of rs.
We hear Master Thaddeus Hun
sucker been added n the Junior
Saturday day i June
it p. m. I will the residence
. . II. Turner,
v . I him Town. hip.
i . expose in
and men
sold in other
personal properly
I cash.
Invent I k
I i Hi
by 1.1 an or-
in. 1-1, Superior Court
, day June 1915,
s Attorney.
Need a Tonic
The Standard Grove's
chill Tonic is equally valuable as s
Tonic because it contains the
known tonic
and It acts on the Liver,
out the and
Builds up the Whole System. cents.
by N
p . .
Jay frowned over the let-
from the manager of his houses in
The houses had been an
inheritance from his Uncle
the income from the half
little cottages had been an addition
bis income. Of course, the prop-
was sadly out of repair and a
great dial of money had spent
upon still the agent had made
many complaints about dissatisfied
Jay reread the letter
About this Widow said tbs
lives In the last cottage
m the very edge of the woods, and
she says that some of the trees should
cut the shade
her place damp. I tell you she ought
not to make complaints when she Is
behind with her
muttered Jay. thrusting
the letter Into bis pocket run
down there myself and have it exit
with Mrs Dow
The day. quite unknown to
Green. Jay alighted
from the train at the
and took a short cut through the
woods to reach his property
He was not prepared for the hugs
black woman who waddled across the
garden with a heavy foot. Her woolly
hair was tied up In snowy turban
her white gown was Immaculate.
you Mrs. asked Jay.
The woman looked at him
am she admitted.
Green wrote to me about you.
Mrs. How; he said you wanted some
trees cut down I will see him about
Jay. at finding his agent
had one of the cottages to
ether than white people, pursued his
way through the street toward the
agent's office Near his destination
he was just In time to snatch a young
woman from under the wheels of a
raring automobile.
It was. they were both flung
the curbstone, and the young
woman lay pale and white against
Jay's arm
show volunteered a
woman, and she led the way toward
Jay's row of cottages.
She passed them all until she came
to the last one, the abode of tho
Widow Dow
will go Inside with you The
doctor is on his she said,
as she opened the gate.
Dow met them in the perch,
and she took the slender, unconscious
form In her arms and bore her up-
stairs. village doctor
rived In a few moments.
Jay wandering restlessly
In the little garden, could not rid
his mind of that lovely face which had
lain against his shoulder. It was a
pale, face, framed In rich.
red hair that grew on fore-
head The lashes that lay on her
creamy cheek were thick and dark
and curling What color were her
What ailed him anyway he
himself fiercely Never before had he
cared about the color of women s
The came down and spoke to
arm is he said.
hr working sniffed
as she went out.
Dow Is an explained
the doctor in n low tone been
having hard sledding. I understand.
and guess losing the use of her
right hand for many weeks won't help
am Dickson. the owner or
these cottages I came down to see
Mrs explained Jay. feeling
reasonably elated because his divinity
the Widow Dow- and
Strangely contented at the outcome
of affairs, this most impractical of
landlords proceeded to visit his other
In row, and with them
planned to make such Improvements
in the and grounds as would
a change in the name of tho
In the course of time It was trans-
formed into Hose Terrace, and it was
due to the good taste of the Widow
Dow. who acted as Jay's adviser In
the matter of improvements. During
her convalescence the Widow Dow
to drive In Jay's big automobile,
while sat, a mountain of
welling pride, in the
the was pleasantly
shucked to receive a generous check
his employer was married. He
never really kn.-w what it was for,
hit Jay explained to his lovely
it hadn't been for Green's com-
litter I, never have gone
down to see Hie Widow
other chap might have won her
Hut the widow only laughed in her
couldn't have been
other lid there
you, you know
And lay was supremely
Contented With very lucid ex-
An electric recently Invented in
England, aims to put the powder mills
it of business This weapon
usual procedure by pulling pro-
Instead of propelling it This
purpose Is accomplished by an Inge-
arrangement of mi-snot on the
of the tube
I. Mil
Irons, Heaters, Lights and
Proctor Hotel Building. K-ll-c
FOR on six mum
house Pitt Street near
avenue. Apply to C. M.
ti it n n m h. M.
new by I. C Hatch,
Wide seated, rubber tired buggy in
splendid condition. New top and
storm curtains. All for K it
Stretch ii -d
his into National Bank build-
second floor, rooms to
5-15 months.
Many People Knew the 1st-
of Healthy
The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day.
Well kidneys remove Impurities.
Weak kidneys allow Impurities to
No kidney should be neglected
There Is possible danger In delay.
If you are nervous, or worn
Begin treating your kidneys at once;
Use a proven kidney remedy.
None endorsed like Kidney
Recommended by thousands.
Proved by Greenville testimony.
J. J. Nobles, Dickinson and Paris
I Greenville kidneys
were out of order and I bad a doll
pain In my back which worried me.
In the morning I was sore and stiff.
The kidney secretions were Irregular.
Kidney Pills were brought to
my attention and I got a box. They
relieved me of all symptoms of kid-
trouble, putting my back and kid-
In good shape
Price at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Kidney same
Mr. Nobles had Poster Co,
. W. .
limited to
lye, far, sad
of lasses
with Dr. D. L, James. Bill
M. F. every
am Otto. A
Practicing In all the Courts
OBos In Woolen Building
fronting Court
Window's Stables
it you value quirk transportation,
route your shipments via Norfolk and
Southern Railroad.
Watch the time made by their pack-
cars, and you will that your
Interests are best served by patron- j
them, as is
World's Sorry Recompense to Youth
That Has Given It All Its
Best and
Youth came Into the market place
half dazed by the dazzling brilliance of
the sun. but with strong hands and a
spirit Youth found a master,
and was happy even when surcharged
with labor and meagerly rewarded and
denied sunshine Youth gave largely
service and of loyalty for of these
tilings Youth was prodigal, be-
richer in them than in dollars.
Years rolled by. and Youth was less
quick, and showed the pallor of work-
Indoors for small recompense.
Then one day the master reflected and
said to himself; of my hand-
maids has less to give me In the time
to come For I must keep In my
house only those whose hacks are
strong and feet eager and hands sub-
And she whose name had been
Youth passed languidly, and the mas-
marked her without speech that
see no longer sang softly at her work i
as once, and he few
years and she will be of much less
value to me, and I shall be paying her
as much as her labor is worth to me
which would be no bargain. Hotter
dismiss her today than
And he called to her and
plans are altered. and I no
longer need you here Take two
weeks, look about you. and be
that I shall give you a letter of rec-
saying that have found
you a fairly faithful servant in such
matters as you And
tears came Into Youth's eyes, knowing
that she was Youth no longer, but an
empty Weekly.
On the following dates the
Health will be at follow
plan.- for the purpose
Old vaccine tree to all who wish it.
Ai the of Dr. Moseley, Farm-
ville. Into I- A M., May III. June
and -1st
At the of Dr.
to M . on May ill. June
In and
At the office of Morrill. Falk-
land, to M. on May
In and
At the office of Dr. Cox,
P to A. M. on June I, II
At the office of Mr. Ayden
A M. to M on June I,
At the office of Dr. Haw son.
ton. to P. M. on Juno I. am
At the office of Dr. Jones, Grimes
laud. to II A. M. on June and
At the office of Dr. Griffin. Bethel,
. to A M on June and
Three Injections will he given at ten
day intervals with a hypodermic
No scar or ulcer is produced.
You lose practically no lime from
your work and you are protected from
typhoid fever for S to years, it
free to all. There are three times as
many deaths from typhoid fever In X
v. as in remainder of the
from typhoid fever, and every one who
it is incapacitated for two months
besides Hie enormous expense. There
are mole than people alive in Pitt
county today who will be dead within
months from today because they did
mil lake this typhoid vaccine. There
is no danger In taking this
M T Jr. M.
County Health
Tile small boy gets his happiness
neck de.-p In the creek on an August
day; the grandfather it In the
society of the newspapers
when their names appear
those some look for It in
the stock them It is a
matter of dollars and cents. There
are as many varieties of happiness as
there are sorts of people. Hut the
most satisfying and lasting happiness
is the retroactive type that comes
through making others happy. We
get out of life In proportion to what
we put into It
Mistake Made
When you Buffer pains and acnes
by day and sleep disturbing bladder
weak. by feel tired, nervous
run down, the kidneys and
be restored to healthy, strong
and regular action, it is a mistake
postpone treatment. Foley Kidney
kidneys in sound, healthy
condition and keep them active and
Sold everywhere,
ii- l
Norfolk Markets by Bros
a Co.
Jul win
September II 1-2
July lard
r lard
July ribs
September ribs
J. C-
rot Plants
Ferns, palms many other
plants or the house. Write to a
Spring Price List of Rose
Shrubberies, Hedge Plants,
and Shade Trees.
Mall, telegraph and telephone order
promptly executed by J. L.
a CO. Florist, N. C.
Store let
Flowers For All Occasions.
We grow them. violets, Ta
lies and Carnations a specialty. We
ding and Funeral flowers arranged n
the latest artistic styles.
Flour, Oatmeal.
Quakers Corn
Post Post
en, Porridge, Gray
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flout,
Self-rising Flour, Cob
an Gal
S. M Schultz
ever Frank Wilson's Store
N. C. at
D. U.
Attorney at Law
Land and
In formerly occupied by
V. B. James a
Attorney at Law
Office in National Bank Building
Fourth end Evans Sir sets
Both Bay
Seal Ten
B. F.
en Fourth Street new Fran
Wilton's store
Attorney at Law
In Building, Third .
wherever his
Still With
Mutual Life Co.
of New York.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist
Treat All Animals
rails Promptly Answered Hay or
Day Phone Night
Office N. C.
inf. ANNIE L. . Mill
Office in Hie National Hank Building
Dickinson Avenue.
Office hours
to and to
Attorney at Law
Graduate Nurse
All the rooms in dormitories
engaged for the summer term and
applications are still coming in for
wish to say any
of the people of Greenville who de-
during the
sire or willing to take roomers
or boarders during the Summer Term
please to notify me in writing, stating
whether you want roomers or board-
or both, and how many you can
Please state also your
charges per week.
The school does not assume the re-
of giving you
hoarders, but we shall lake pleas-
In writing to persons applying for
places, giving them a list of names,
and asking to write directly to
neglect a summer cold. A
bronchial cough causes broken sleep
and lowers your vitality. Hon-
and Tar Compound and
heals raw. Inflamed membrane, stops
tickling in throat and clears stuffy,
wheezy breathing. Contains no
ates, children like It, good for all colds,
and bronchial
Sold everywhere.
Atlantic Line.
North Bound South Hound
No. a. m. No. P- m.
No. p m. No. p.
Norfolk Southern
Hound West
No. a. m. No. p. m.
No. a. m. No. a. m.
No. p. m. No p. m.
A Hills Ir
in the County
n II Harder
The defendant above name I
that an action entitled above
in in the Count
of PHI County b A Mills .
, to recover
lands the lying In PHI
for and advances made
ti . 1.1.1 to the defendant
and upon and said de
fondant will further take
1- required to the Court
Court of County on June
t. 1915, Court House in
North Carolina. Let the
lam further lake notice he i- re
quired answer or demur to the Com-
plain which will be Died in said ac-
mi or before June 21st. 1915, and
if he fail to answer sail Complaint on
before June 1915. the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the
in his Complaint
This May
Clerk of the County court.
Hy of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
by Clifton V. Harrell to J.
K Bullock on day of Jan
and recorded in book T page
the Pitt County Registry, the
undersigned will on Monday the
day of June 1916 at 13-80 P. H. at
the Court-house door in Greenville,
N. C sell to the highest bidder for
rash the following described tract
of land, Lying being in
Pitt County and Slate of N. C. and in
Township and described and
as follows, One tract
of land adjoining the lauds of J A
Bullock. C. C. Little and
more particularly described as
Beginning at a gum oil Beach
Island, North poles
stake, South v. West to the
run Creek, then down various
said reek u cypress,
in the beginning, containing
acres more or I- II being
,. I of In
. tin division lands
if s-. Harrell and i Is
. d In Division Book pages
. mid In He-
., known as the
Ian Sale made to
Th the
a 1-
. .-
Ml I II i
I Or I
North Carolina In
11.11 n
w A. Ingram and Wife
ll nun.- an
ii. -.- undersigned from the Sup
of Pitt In above en
titled action. I on Monday, the
day July. 1915, at o'clock
noon, at tin- courthouse door in said
County, in sell t. the
highest bidder for cash to said
execution Issued e
enforce a lien tiled against
the property, described for
mat. rial, all the right, and in
which said W. A Ingram
wife. Ingram, the defend-
ants, have In the following
em real estate, or had on
in the town of Ayden, fin
County, North Carolina, is the
and hits located In western
part said town of Ayden, lying on
3rd street, and the same lots upon
the said owners are completing
a residence, being the same lots
recently purchased from J.
and others. Beginning at a stake
feet from Joseph corner,
runs a Westerly course 3rd street
To feel to a stake, thence North and
at right angles with 3rd street
feel ti a stake, thence an easterly
course with 3rd street
feet in a stake W. A
thence a course and
aforesaid second
corner of 3rd street to the beginning
And also a lot lying east of the
above described
This 2nd day of June, 1915
Sheriff .
i. ltd
I It I It II tit i
SI He el Hi
u of Si
HI. W. II. I
All whom Hi. Hi-
Conn- Greet
n appeals
by authenticated record
f- n- voluntary
dissolution by the unanimous
all the stockholders,
in office, T M Meade
and . Inc., a corporation
this state, whose principal
In the town of Greenville,
of Pitt. State of North Caro-
line T. M being the
Mi u Hail, Jr who baa
mi Overland automobiles
in tin
for some months hack with
a. and Charlotte, re-
secured for South
i Sim , sec
territory Mr H
to be more convenient him n. ha
office in
line vi His
bowel el w ill
Ninth street and Ins business
therein and in charge thereof, upon In the Mi
whom pr.-- may lie secured. has mis bad wide expel
complied with the requirements bus
Chapter I visa I 1905, entitled While the people
to pleased In know Mr
Issuing of this Dad is much progress
., doing well In automobile bust
Now. Therefore. I,. J. ii 1- a source m his
Secretary of state of North friends hero lie has found
in District Court of the Culled
Slates for tin em of
In matter of, D. Tun
ill lee el
Notice I-- given that on the
; day of A P. I said
Claudius adjudged
the to el
tin creditors will be held at of-
Ice tin undersigned referee,
. . c , on Lite
I mil day Jinn A inn
M which time tin said
may prove their
a trustee, the
and such other
i i -.-, el
H Bryan
., . . on, N IT. i;
Carolina, do hereby certify th
said corporal inn did. nil Hie Hist day
May, 1915, Hie In my office a duly
executed and attested consent in
lo the dissolution of said corpora
Hon. executed by all stockholders
thereof, which said consent and the
record of proceedings aforesaid
ire now on tile in office as pro-
by law.
necessary to change his resident
Mr Hail been a resident here
for some Hit.-, or sixteen years and
has always been conspicuous in work
for the interests of Green-
ville is a man of considerable
business ability and is associated with
many business enterprises here
Mr. Hail last week in Char
lotto iii making plans
in testimony whereof. I have hereto Since securing the
my band affixed my official
seal at Raleigh, this day of May
A. D.
6-3 ltd Secretary of Stall
Bryan Grimes, , ,
the Palmetto state the name of Ins
Mrs Hail family will
join Mr Bail sometime soon Mrs
is prominent in social circle-
Ibis and II is
Greenville is in lose .
,; the
m n nun-
t a iii cling assembled
Wednesday, 1915, ordered
U . lion be In in. ill Hie following
.-i, it s into Tar HI
running up Otters reek lo lie
Mill Creek,
Mill creek Johnson B
Johnson Brunch J. II
land; with this land
the late John King farm, and with tin
said King line lb-no Harris
lie. In Tyson's creek ;
son's Tar up Tar
riv.-r to the beginning
Thai said election be held Tiles-
lay, Bill, July the
Public School House in above de
. territory, for the purpose of
ascertaining Hie will of tin
voters of the above rib
, ii territory, as to whether there shall
shall be levied and collected a
Special School Tax on the One
Hundred dollars valuation
and on the Poll in the above de
scribed territory, said election
those the Special Tax shall
vote a written or printed ballot con-
the words Special
those opposed lo said Tax. shall
have a written or printed ballot, con-
words Special
And it was further ordered that C
M. Mayo he and is hereby appointed
Ki . for said election, and II C.
and II May., an- hereby
pointed Poll Holders or Judges of
And it i- further ordered a new
registration is and shall be required,
and the registration books for said
district or territory shall lie opened
and closed
June for the
registering the qualified voters
of said
This 19th. day d May, HUB-
S. A. Chairman
Board of Com of PHI County.
Sub- of Persons Property.
the Mill day of Julie
1915, at I p. in. I will at the residence
store H. II Turner, deceased.
in Arthur, Ham
I'll, expose III sale
the sin. k goods merchandise,
stock in be sold in hulk, and other
articles persona proper belong-
in estate. Terms sale 1-1
Inventor. stock will lie taken an
Before Heard
e 1- by mat pi nine,
has been filed before tin- Board
Commissioner Pitt county, by John
W. H Lung, J. W an
others, la and establish a pub
road In aid Ayden Ton n-
hip, .-
ginning at the southern ti
in the town of Ayden
at line of Mrs. K. Nichols, and
, property of J. J,
Harrington, M, V. and
others, and running Into Green-
The notice required by Section
the 1905. North Carolina
is given that the sad Petition will
heard at the next meeting of the said
Hoard the day of June 1915.
This 7th. day of May 1915.
Clerk of the Board
Till I IS
ll virtue a decree Super-
court I'm count; In
J I.
administrator, J, Morris
the undersigned Commissioner
cash before Court-
house door in N C . on
Monday. 1915, following
described par.--I m tract of land, situ
iii the county of Pin and In
i township one-half mile north
the town of Bethel.
One acre of land lying on the right
side of the road from Bethel
Hamilton, adjoining the lands of G
w. and Col. Hammond
the land conveyed lo Mrs A
Morris by W
lo which the deed is
made I'm a full and accurate
This 1918.
Administrator and
; and
North Carolina Superior Court.
Pitt County Before Clerk.
Ian ma Moore. W. Moore,
Moore. Pearlie Moore. John
i;. m.-.-. Hell,. Oakley and
V, Oakley, by their
VI, Woolen
Ex Hart-.
Hy virtue of a decree the Superior
four of Pin County, made by J. C.
Cox, Clerk I be Superior Court, in
above entitled on the nth,
av May, 1915, the undersigned j exhibited on day of sale, and Hi
will, on MONDAY, the Inventor; can be
th day of June, 1915, it being a- satin can be
ins, Monday In June. 1915. expose to token Sale made by mi or-
,,,,. sale before Court House of i f th. Court
in to the highest bidder
tor Hi- following described real This I June 1915.
. Tl
property, w n
A , undivided interest to II B
following or parcel l-H U
land, Lying and being in
Township. Pill County.,
North Carolina, adjoining the PI Bill
Allen, Joseph Noah T; Win r.-as In I lie ., mi beloved
. and other, i- K. J
. ,. known a.- Hi
i Home Place, i i inn
in I Mi
in II.
i.-purpose ever his
; n .- i whereas our inn in
, common
This Brothel be I
Ice I
I el.
.-. i-11,.
. -r I
w upon
I; . i
I. Smith h on ,
with l; i. Smith and
n will
to i w and G. II I.
ii, thence with said I
a lo Little. J I He
the. and
line, lo Salt,
a in said to J
Fleming line to Sat
road, thence with It. It
line to I
It Davenport and Fleming
in the line, thence
line to J Little and Baker
corner; thence with J. H Little's
to the Barnhill line, thence with Lit-
and Barnhill line to the Daniel
thence with the Daniel and J P.
Little's line to Creek, thence
with the Creek to the Pen Daniel and
Crawford corner, with said
Crawford and line to the Geo.
Moon- line; theme with the Moore
line iii the Dudley line, now It. D.
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
the Ward line lo the Spier land,
I hence with the Spier and Ward line
to run. thence with said run to
Tin k lo beginning
Thai -aid election held on Tues
day the July 1915. at the
public school lions--, in the
scribed territory, for the
taking and ascertaining the will of
voters of the d-
s, i lie, property, as to whether
all or shall mil be levied and
. on
One of
I .
rill n or
. to
l s
it i
i hall In
I .
of Com Pin Count;
Brae. Bell.
ltd w
Notice to I
Having as administrator
of tin- estate of H H-
late Pitt County S. this Is to
notify all persons having claims
the estate of said deceased
exhibit them the undersigned
Arthur. N C oil or the day
June 1911 or this notice will be
pleaded iii bar their recovery. Ail
persona Indebted to said estate will
make Immediate payment
This tin- day of June 1913.
kiln ii i of H H Tumor
n i s X, l Id
runs Old Remedies Won't Cunt.
The wont how long
hi- for i old reliable Dr.
Porters Oil. it relieves
l-am n
For the
c. II
Having tn
of Susan Tyson, deceased, late of Pitt
i Carolina, tills It lo
my all persons having claims
of .-aid deceased lo exhibit
the twelve
-in Ho- dale, or this not In
will In- pleaded In bur of I
All persons indebted lo said
tale will please make
This the day of May.
G. J Son,
i . ed the mil
I days ii
or; , i our I u
. i i I -i ii
upon the i our a
th, . are Bin adj red upon i
hearts, and In- further resolved
a . lie fun the hen fain
. mil I. I
ii . lie
I in I publication
i ions is u
hi mil
Mr James
cm in
Man I nit-
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out. Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern
Strong. last for years
At Everywhere
W. V
The follow
marriage Miss
Drown, of city, Mr William
Jr. II
read wit h Greenville
people Miss Brown is
daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Brown
is talented and accomplished
young The wedding will take
plane on June
iii the church
The follows
Mr and Mrs James
the honor your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Mr William
Wednesday morning. June
nineteen hundred fifteen
nine o'clock
Greenville, North Carolina
Will be at home after the tenth
Second Avenue Detroit.
cards issued in town
to the Pale and
Tie Old
m, If we loins. sod children.
la baa.
r v PO
I . k th
-.- ill
Mr Hugh Smith
w. n, Hie
M ball i ii k
Ai Horn
i, r June III. I
June Mon than
one hundred young men have
graduated from medical col-
lure taking the examination
tor in.-use practice medicine and
In North Carolina The lass
gathered the high school this morn
iii o'clock were addressed
brief in members of State Hoard
of Medical The
lion will lake up of
week Tin names successful
. I---
of next week
The State will
here week from the
tin- -in i i
for license will probably be
on the opening
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to take the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
I I to

Barring the i. f new Ford oar,
between August I receive from to
J share of the pi
drive Ford pie in construction. No
complex mechanism to learn. In town or country, business
or pleasure. Ford care serve every about two cents a
mile operate maintain.
Tour I 1490; Town Par Couplet 1750;
Sedan f. o t. a in all
On display and
Ford Supply Company
when one taken a
In an up-to-date bathtub of our
No Is complete without
the comfort and cleanliness r
from Us use
Pars the
many times over. We have
finest house In
not yours. We gladly will
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber
Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts
Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle
Peas. Sweet Potato plants
i Continued from Hi p .
it sounds
in mentioning i
in choosing and Inviting speaker, Mr
Winston brought In story tin
young who found himself on the
operating table of a hospital about to
be operated on appendicitis
tor if ii
weir necessary that his appendix be
taken out. II Is
said the doctor. said Mr. win
Is necessary that I
here today, but n Is
I nothing to learn you ibis
morning In history, el
I come to talk to In a
plain, practical way and to Rive you
benefit of my
and to tell you l
which I think women
in slate should know
when I used to l school l stood
examination on my leaching
and in making a report on m exam-
ii was Bald I
that I writ that i didn't sot
This last of report Is
not a requirement in the schools
today, it make no difference how
much the teacher moves about today,
hi i an be In a thousand different
is. just so he accomplishes his
Mr Winston said be his
first speech on education in at
Patterson's in county
lie was a freshman at the
this time, said be bad
a vision pan the young
woman play around the fireside
In the public school houses. I
thought they should so leach
later a . taught In
public should make so-
m questions business,
change and other affairs, I wanted
child win. been reared In
public and rural schools to come for-
ward and in- the
day truth
ii a common and
strength and
not ml
upon Governor and other officials,
inn upon tin- of the
ii we are lifting the
up in batter educational
we are not doing our duty. Young
, when yon go to h
in the children your
i Ti II them j have i
to give a good
lift ill. in
Mr, Winston said local
people the state are not
the educational tests that should
to officials representing them. Ills
whole i .- h was full of advice to
the gradates and was one the
in i . s ever hi ard
the He referred to the
fact people were belonging to
b i ins organizations and
ion much, joining too many son.
doing little. His words
along this part of his brought
forth frequent applause, He cautioned
young graduates about joining ibis
and that you join the i b be
a true He Illustrated by
telling what an old woman said of
her husband, which was an answer
a friend who had asked what he be-
longed lo ill the way of
and Her answer was
belongs lo nothing human race
in- is a mighty poor member of
The presentation of diplomas
and the bibles to the graduating lass
followed the literary There
win- forty-five in the ibis year,
There was applause as each girl came
forward and received her diploma and
Miss Katharine Tillery
next gave a parting quotation en-
titled and Glee Club
followed this by
Wright made some
relative lo the
in school and what the students
wen- accomplishing and exercises
came to a with a song
Spangled the benediction
by Rev, Hay.
How An Old Time
Shipping Master Got It
The numbers tin- graduating
if 1915 are as follows
We opened on Third la S. T Hick's shop, a
rooting and and our aim It lo give the the
best work for money, our prices and give a
The Standard Roofing Co.
almost unbelievable that ten he so as
the Green; Tailoring does
Still It's easiest in World to do for cur method ii a
man sanitary clothes pressing machine
We press natural body shape into any kind of garment, give you
lining creases and a finish that's uniform.
Greenville Tailoring Co.
Are now located in Proctor Hotel Building in the store room formerly
pied by Music Store, where they will
W will make all our Suits here in Greenville, nothing sent off, we also give a
try on with every suit assuring you that it is Merchant Tailored. We also
make a specialty of alterations. Cleaning ard Pressing, etc. We carry samples of
the FINEST WOOLENS that the mills can produce.
white .
Halifax County
Wilson County
Halifax County
Hyde County
Person County
Hyde County
Northampton County
Gates County
Beaufort County
Hyde County
Martin County
Pitt County
Wayne County
. Robeson County
Pitt County
Gales County
Pender County
Wake County
Warren County
Nash County
Northampton County
Martin County
Pamlico County
Beaufort County
Davie County
Halifax County
Halifax County
Halifax County
. Halifax County
Hyde County
Give Us Your Ad.
Peace Efforts Ike Pres-
are Highly
Richmond, June B, At the twentieth
annual convention Virginia Fed-
of no in at
those mentioned
president to succeed President David
son. who will not he a candidate for
re-t are Howard T of
Alexandria, lye present secretary, ti.
Will ox Rh Central
Council, i.
urged for tin- office
-.-, treasurer
Numerous resolutions been
Important which
. .-, lion I Ix
at Ion the spread
lo i of
poll tan . by State tax
tills Idea I I
Into State fund.
Contending President; Wilson for
and expressing the
imp.- that be will be aide to
outstanding without re-
sort to arms.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed of trust
by the Utility Machine Shop
and Garage to. to W. H. Long,
tee, h deed of trust was duly re-
in the office of the of
of Pitt County, in Book A-ll
Page the undersigned Trustee
will sell for cash before the Court-
door In Greenville, at noon on
Saturday, June If, 1916, the follow-
described tract or parcel of land,
lying in the town of and
A-. I
Down in Air.
shipping master the name T.
M. At i there
there by name. He's dead now.
poor fellow, his death i- lauded
all the men have sailed III.-
seas tor an; appreciable length
During Tommy's lit.- be made
real thing of business
signing Dion on the old sailing ships
that crept into the port of
Aires. Signing them and pocketing
the advance money, giving ex-
change a old starvation
pa. lot. was Tommy's game, and many
are the men who have been trapped
Into his dive and i hi lo sea with-
out a rag of clothing and no
Tommy Moore had a long and
Hating life before be his re-
ward, if there was any Tor him. He
was born in Ireland and then
to this country and enlisted In
rimed Stales navy. Falling to in
satisfied with conditions In the Amer-
navy. Tommy jumped his ship
when in a South American port, man
aged . gel down to Aires and
Started his shipping For a
number of years he all tin
square rigged ships coming Into
nos Aires with men, and during ibis
time be built up one the
reputations of any shipping master in
world.; His name i known
from Port Said to San Francisco, and
every man went to sea hated
is told tin once when a
sailing ship was ready to pin to sea.
Tommy could find
men lo till her. he went in the morgue.
a dead man's body, sen it
aboard ship told the skipper
was an able bodied seaman.
When ship go to sea, the man was
found lo he dead and about half rot-
ten. That did worry Tommy in
least, for he had gotten advance
money already and was several
miles in wake of the ship.
Along about Tommy grew tired
of life on shore, so he bought an old
three masted hark and sailed for
England, Tommy made his trip up
the Western ocean without a mishap,
and reached Liverpool where lie dis
charged his cargo, paid off bis crew
aid then about to gel a return
. for Aires.
After a couple of months, Tommy
had his hold full of English goods
going out to Argentine, and
paring to sail on Wednesday morn-
He signed on a one
man. that bloke in till mil the
ships complement could be found
in all Liverpool. The English ship-
ping commission would not let Tom-
my put to sea without his full crew,
so there he was a lug boat wailing
in the river, and one man la. king
for the
Tommy went ashore to a shipping
master he happened to know, and put
the proposition up to him.
says Tommy. I've ti
to have a man tomorrow
says Sheeny.
a live pound nine
waiting for you when yon place a
man aboard that ship of sues
the venerable Tommy
came from Sheeny.
He always got busy when he was
the color of the money.
that night Sheeny and another
fellow brought something aboard and
it Into Next morning we
fellow's gave It a shake, and it asked
am I Who plated me
aboard this blooming
We gently informed him that he
aboard a ship bound for South Amer-
Al that the fellow, who was
puny, let out a scream like that of
an angry cat. and made a dive for
the after poop, where lie found the
old nut smoking his pipe In much
Are you says
new band
am. says Tommy, and what of
have be. ti shanghaied and placed
aboard this ship against my will
plied the skipper, and what's
Mailers you. What
Hounded on northeast by
street, on by bloke, and I call upon you to set me
street, on tie- southwest by Long ashore at
Ml and on northwest by i Ho, says the skipper, and
Street, and being a part of I call spoil you to get to washing
in lo I. Moore, down the decks as quick as lord
H. will let you Catch hold of buck
Jr , by deed from r James, et, you
Receiver, dated December dare address me in such
iii Hook B-10 Ml, replied he having laid
and being same land conveyed lo told u- fellows I bat was his
Utility Machine Shop and name
In by deed from L. Moore. 0.1 here man skip
and W. II. if I down II I op, I'll
Jr., on March 14th-, Said land wan to eat bucket
sold to satisfy said deed of trust that. lei mil other -a am
r,. . .- . man made a dive him,
May 1916,
I His ht caught under
W H LONG, Trustee .,,, T. gave
F. J. James .- Son. Attorneys. bloke, was a caution
5-IT-l I When he had finished Al
On nothing hut work
and even forgot be seasick.
We heard nothing else him.
until about three days later when we
sighted ,, smack which
to lei us have some
a ii-w newspapers.
didn't mu. h k in
inn a. soon as in- saw the paper
he made a dive tor one. He .-at read
n a minutes, then
his chest, he walked alt to
poop . skipper was pa-
and -aid
I 1.1 you
The skipper him he would
knock out if he did
away from poop, and
told him what he him
and it took him live minutes to do it.
Then showed skipper a
copy bis papers with the
picture of a weak blue eyed bloke on
the page
Yes, i-
more ii
what's tinder said Al
The skipper did. found
briefly stated Lord Algernon
ha disappeared and that a
reward of t n thousand pounds was
offered information as to his
you have yourself.
probably gel ten yearn for kidnapping
The skipper grew meek mild at
that, down mi his
never knew who was, my
said skipper,
didn't reply to this, so
skipper went ahead and him that
in- would lake him back to Liver-
pool .
him he had taken a
lam v lo the trip in ship, and
be move his i lollies all, and
a- a and Instead
of going in Aires, skipper,
could ill Kin and .-el him
pleasure, said
aft, and became a fair
holy tenor lie bossed skipper
and mate around. Learned them some
table and took i barge
things, g. rally.
After due time tin. ship reached
Rio. and alter calling on old man
for pounds expenses home.
slipped down ill the dingy, and was
rowed ashore
The old 1,1.1 n thought he had got off
light, and was happy the rest of the
voyage, or until we reached
When we dropped the anchor, w.
saw a police boat coming out to meet
us. and old man got scared, think-
had given him away.
The boat came along, and one
the cops the skipper there
was a man on board that they want
him Rio, said the skip-
per, he's a
said the policeman, he's
Artful Arthur, and you are biggest
fool I ever
At this the skipper went wild, and
gave the a crack over the head
with a boat hook. After being
lied for a month by a thief, and then
have a cop to tell him he was a fool,
was more than Tommy could boar
The skipper got a month, for it is
a dead game to monkey with the
I saw long ago and be told
all about It. II. was in Liverpool,
and had just robbed a bank, wanting
to get away and he got Sheeny Cohen
to shanghai him on Tommy's ship,
and then he played off a lord.
I him about the newspaper
oh. will, said these
per pictures are so blurred that you
can't tell what they arc. I am a
much like the real Algernon.
as you are the of
And that's how Tommy Moore was
beaten at his own game.
Hut I'll bet there was never a bloke
had the nerve nil Tommy
about ii.
Having qualified . Executors under
will testament of J.
W Allen, eased, all persons hold
claim., said estate will
same to undersigned with
in months from the date of Ibis
notice. Hie same will he plead in the
bar of their
Ail persons Indebted in said
will phase make settlement Immediate
This May SI, 1815.
W. K Ivan .
Harvey Allen,. .
Executors of W Allen
the H-st Useful, the Host Healthful, the Noble
M Mill II
Austrians Advancing on
The Italian Forces;
Make Some Captures
Charged that the Teutons are
Using Dynamite to force
Innsbruck. Austria, June
and Switzerland, and
p. thou-
sand troops left
Trent yesterday and are now
against the Italians on the
In the vicinity of and
a heavy fighting occurred recently.
The casualties are reported
to have amounted to 1,600, while the
number of Italians killed or wounded
nearly as many,
A new ammunition depot at
has been destroyed by the
Loosen t miles
The troops are
employing dynamite in the Alpine
passes, blowing up rocks and loosen-
avalanches on the advancing lier-
The heights dominating
on the from have
been occupied by invading Ital-
Home, June via
that Austrian military authorities
are fostering brigandage in disguise
to the roar of advance of the Ital-
are contained in an official
statement issued war
The communication
is certain that Austria has left
in territory actually occupied by us
emissaries who have been given or
to practice brigandage, Men of
guards are involved. Naturally they
are disguised and provided with
In addition they are paid
crowns or more,
Isolated Troops
men have fired here and
there and continue to
Into the backs of our troops,
ed soldiers and officer and provision
convoys. Following provisionally at
lacking columns, especially in wood-
ed regions, which permit wailing In
ambush without difficulty, these
even have on doctors while
they were treating wounded , upon
wounded themselves upon
The Hole says an Austrian
who was concealed in the vicinity
discharged two shots from a
at an observer who was directing a
battery of heavy Italian artillery
without effect. The communication
closes with the assertion that it is the
purpose the check
Italian Operations and also lead tin
Italians to exercise cruel reprisals
Greenville Public Library lo
Have Booms In Five
Points Building
At a meeting of library com-
Monday afternoon it was de-
to move the library to the
rooms in the National Hank Building
at once. These rooms are donated
by the owners of the building lo be
used by the library Without rent till
January 1917. The suite selected
is on the second floor an dis coin,
posed of three rooms. These rooms
will furnish attractive
lot the library for some
time lo come.
library is
of representatives the following
in Km of
Century Club, Hound Table. Sans
King.-- Daughters,
Branch of the Southern Association
College Women. Hoard of Aldermen,
Carolina Teacher's Training
School Faculty, Graded School
Odd Fellows, Red Men.
Lodge It. A. M. A. K. A.- A. M.
Chapter and Knights of
The whole purpose
tee is to make the library serve the
needs of town and thirds cent
Prof. Austin Explains
Chautauqua Proposition
In full
Some lime since a group of Green-
ville citizens, believing that the
of Greenville county
best, need the best, deserve the
best, and appreciate the best of all good
and believing that it is better
to bring good things of the world to
your own door, where your neighbors
may also enjoy them, than to selfishly
seek for yourself elsewhere,
simply because you can to go
and most of your neighbors cannot,
made arrangements with Pen-
Association to
include Greenville in its circuit this
In order to bring this week of pleas-
lo our people, the citizens were
obliged to guarantee the sale of seven
hundred season tickets at two
each, the conditions of the con-
tract require that these seven bun
tickets be sold not later
than Monday evening, June 21st if
only lion are sold, it means that the
guarantors are of two hundred
dollars, if four hundred are sold it
means that the guarantors face a de-
of six hundred dollars, and so
There Will lie no season tickets sold
after opens and those
wishing to go must purchase
at a cost of from twenty
live cents lo cents, each depend-
upon attraction II
you buy the season ticket, each en
costs sixteen and
las Neither Armed. Says Liner
Was Sunk without a
Moment's Warning
possible. Nobody is committed to
scheme or plan, no organization
Is obligated in any way by a
representative on the committee. This
method of organization is being
sued because -e. ins best way
to allow everybody to get in touch
with library and lake part in its
management n Is sincerely hoped
every man, woman and child will
feel that he ha- a- nun ii interest as
anybody else
The plan for raising money to
the library has not been de
upon yet It is certain, how-
ever, that no person or organization
will be assessed a penny. All con-
ll voluntary The
advice and assist nice of who
bus an idea will be welcomed all
Negro lynched
Little k, Ark . June IS, Loy
Haley, the who shot and killed
Hoy Lester, a well-known young
plainer m La Fay site county several
days ago. was taken from
of m i ad county,
mob, and lynched In dense
early today, Tin
nearly strong, overtook the
sheriff while he was in his
ii ward in k ,,
place in penitentiary
TASTER l Kill II i
Friday night the Aral episode the
Master Key will be shown
This is a first class
Interesting and highly enter
Mr. while is indeed
in securing this picture and it is
a sure thing that will he thorough
enjoyed by all who sec II
is worth n
patronage given it. for it always en-
to give its the best
there is In be hail.
s cents.
All monies received from
after the opens are
not allowed lo go to make up ii ii v
deficit occur to the
tors because of their inability lo soil
the seven hundred tickets.
This is why we are urging you so
strongly to buy your season tickets
now. Besides you win sale money,
even if you can go lo hut hull en
and you can make some
body happy ii- letting them use your
ticket when you can't go yourself.
know the people of Green-
ville and county believe
pays lo bring on n to a incur and
manhood, women to a sweeter
nobler womanhood, and young
people in splendid effort,
they will stand behind then
guarantors who are zealously work
in this same end.
I Brig,
Is Home's State-
That Teutons
mi Heelers and the Wounded. Pass-
ire Liven lo Teutons
The of Amount High
Powered Explosives.
London, June
was no t armed and she was
Sited as a said sir Ed-
ward Carson, attorney general in tin
cabinet, in addressing court
of inquiry this morning at tic open-
of the board of trade Inquiry into
the loss of the Cunard liner, which
was sunk Irish May
by a Herman submarine a loss
over I Inn vi s.
Meet I
of dinner ill
in Raleigh mi for dis
ii- mu problems pertaining in the
North Carolina ii i- ,
peeled there will he r least
in attendance, and I
hoped a larger an. ml
will he
Tl. i Will I . I
pi of inn ii ii
c and
Inst I
of l
W lull
I. now.
i guarantee to
happiest most worth
of Its he tot
Yours for Greenville,
Herbert . Austin
VI T I ll.
i mi mi i
p. Washington District Conference
meets in tonight and re
will he present eighty delegates and
two ministers from various sec
lions of this district.
It It will preach open-
sermon tonight and the
w ill be presided over by siding
i i c, L. Reed.
Delegates from are the
following R, II Wright, K.
in n. a. ii
who will leave for
ville tomorrow morning.
president of
court, is assisted by Admiral Sir Fred-
Lieutenant Com-
as naval and
Captain Davis and Captain Speeding.
of the Mercantile Marine. Attorney
Carson and Frederick H
Smith represented Hoard of trade,
while Cunard Company and the
the late Alfred ti. all
were represented by counsel.
A large number spectators crowd-
i l the court.
Sir Carson, who opened for
board trade, said he courted the
inquiry. He was aide to give
complete denial
that the was armed and
was serving as an auxiliary lo the
British naval
their note to the
speaker -aid I Slates
ready have officially denied this, and
. i propose to call will con-
prove the
American g the
was armed, and that she
in bad In i n fitted . m us
warning a
line Hied two
and II is believed a third
project lie was also d. an ,,. i
only contrary t.
law, inn n is contrary la tin
civilization and .
passengers in manner
was a deliberate attempt at
Sir r. mat l . Hun .
nun of speed would in- Important.
The was going i- Knots, us
nut of her boilers in
sequence of the decreased traffic,
thus saving a i of her total coal
consumption a
amount lab
lion i was
by British admiralty by w
loss but these iii
-mi lions arc l . made public,
and tin- pail of evidence i- i,, .
a ken in
quite . -aid
t one of the main
I'm- the . i. of
i III be ., ions and
the . the
a . upon in
i ill lie Ural question to he
de iii . investigation II
Important Business Concluded--
Road Machine Bought
Ai meeting or the county com-
missioners on Monday, June 7th. it
was found the term of the road
superintendent it A. had ex-
and on motion he was redact-
ed to succeed himself. J. T Hart
Stock Fence Commissioner re-
and Lawrence was
pointed lo take his plan-. W
who has been appointed road com-
missioner for Greenville township
made known lo the board that be
could serve, and Taylor was
appointed In ins place.
After disposing of the above bus.
the board of commissioners con-
the proposition to Improve tin
road I rum Frog Level to Adams
bridge and found it was
was arranged Beaver
Dam township pay one half
cost iii improving the road and that
of Greenville pay the
other half. The citizens of Green-
ville to raise the necessary amount
by private subscription. The
burg road is in he improved by
same means.
The commissioners have some
time been considering buying a road
machine, and this meeting Mr
I a representative
White Company was present sub-
a description of a motor ma
. up by company,
-ells for 16,800.50. Tin
decided to purchase ma i
one half and
May giving their
I. W Law r. in . II
as the Green
ville bridge, and it was accepted
A proposition was submitted lo pro-
fenders for the Greenville draw
bridge, to provide ample
lion tor bridge.
it was agreed Hi
protection he n, ii . .
XI will
cost Work will he
ed i and i hod lo
at i. hie
The British Parliament is Told
That Struggle With Germans
Cost a
Day For Next Three
London, June Premier Asquith
on moving a vote i r- for
Informed the members
the House I ominous today
expenditure in tin- next three mi
would not he less than
Premier Asquith in
the credit measure from April l
expenditure had been
the in daily. He
estimated daily expenditure
during of new credit
would nut lass than
for reason as the war
i Britain's
in, alien would
iii general it
the premier to the n
Of the government, lie .-. J
been Justified n
hi did r
in. outside . no i
i lie task was a- eh . I
full iii the lot of any man.
After paying to
. agues, Mr, i lain ;
himself agues the
. admitted In
word . . i i
in the Seek Seller
lie, y, C. North
i a in id its annual
I ere . u variant
matters interest to nun engaged
kl.- the disaster occurred, m .
I rear l., ,,.,,. w .,,., .
A petition w.-i- I,, allow
lie township an i lion in
m a special school lax lo Id.
r m in ,, , .,. gram.
was found . was
funds, upon being ad
by K I Forbes, of tin Nation-
bank -inn.
amount, as security. a
note due on February Till 1916, and
payable National Bank
Other minor wen
sin h as honoring la rs nu
paying debts Incurred by
Washington Man Is Found
Dead in a Room in
t and there was a
luted design to murder. The real
arising are only two Firs i
the i i Hi,.
lo iii-ii-in lions
conveyed admiralty . and
I, i to whether everything n
tin Killed
Washington, X C,
V wire was received i .- in,
from Not . mil- that J,
a local of
folk Sou l II, had I. II . ., I
m a room on
The . i u ,. .,., , .
i know n i ., id . r
It Is light
the man had despond, in .,
but m and
He s a wife and font i
In Washington
Salisbury, June . ,
. well known beef mark i
man in this- city, who here u
v. mi his in. ii were i
ed with stealing s i baa n
turned to G him
self up i the boy
ii I a were in the
Hooper are now doing time for
theft. They claimed to be doing
bidding Hooper when tin y got I i
Cow and hub In red it
Miss . , . ,
in returned home.

Eastern reflector, 11 June 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 11, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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