Eastern reflector, 4 June 1915

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t o THE
U Useful, ts Host Healthful, the Most Habit
N. I- SE I,
No Lengthy Discussion
With Germany. Second
Note Goes This Week
Some Interesting Statistics
In Connection With Pro-
posed School Bonds
The U. S. Have Negative
Of Affirmative Answer
Nan Want Information
lie It . No Further Dick-
hi Settle
Rand ind
Either Agree in With Our
Demand Or Tn Defuse.
Washington, June President
him determined that the
United States must have a definite
answer from Germany at once. The
United States must promptly know
whether Germany is going to con
id our or carry on the war in
their own manner.
The President to a varied
expression of opinion at his cabinet
meeting yesterday, taking little part
in it himself. Later he began the
preparation of a note to be dispatch-
ed the latter of the week, em-
bodying own Ideas and what seem-
ed in him the of his cab-
The opinion of the cabinet was,
that the German reply to the Amer-
note unresponsive and
disregarding the good
will of the United stales, doubting
its facts and disclaiming the
of sinking the
it was the opinion of the cabinet
that hereafter taken upon the
high seas, must have their passengers
transferred to a place Of safety.
The United Sties would not hesitate
to sever relations if Ger-
many fails to give us satisfaction.
French Ship
Wrecks a
Paris, June I. The German consul
at Haifa, in Syria, on the Bay of Acre,
having incited Turkish troops to com-
acts hostile to French, a
cruiser sailed up to Haifa and
by a few well directed shells destroyed
the consulate.
This information is found in an an-
given out today by the
French ministry of marine, which
ministry of marine having
been advised that ii-- consul
Haifa had Incited Turkish troops
in open tire on boat carrying a flag
truce mi to violate the burial place
in Haifa of number of soldiers of the
army Of Napoleon, scattering at the
same time the remains of a French
admiral there, sent a cruiser
which destroyed the consulate. The
Ottoman authorities were given
notice of the reason for the
bombardment. No other buildings
Wilson, N. C, June 1st.-Two boys,
both about fifteen years old, Louis
Barnes, son of Mr. Jesse Barnes, and
Howard Jackson, son of Mr. l.
Jackson, have left home and their
parents been unable to get a due
lo their whereabouts.
Playmates of the missing boys say
both of them had talked much of
ranches and expressed a desire to be
a cowboy. The Jackson boy is an
adept at bead work and both of them
have played at the Indian game for
some time.
London. June A prisoner cap-
a fortnight ago in the Darda-
says that the Turkish losses in
the defenses of their positions on the
peninsula were, at that time
over men.
This information was given out in
an official statement in London today.
-Regarding the operations in the
Dardanelles. Turkish prisoners recent-
arrived in Egypt say that the Otto-
man losses in the fighting on the
peninsula have been terribly
heavy. The regiment was almost
annihilated, its colonel alone of all the
officers escaping death or capture. Al-
most equally severe were the
borne by the 15th
Ho far as the public has
allowed to know, a general lull
on the different military fronts.
That Greenville needs a new high
building is plain to all who
understand the situation. For years
have been more children In
school than could be comfortably
housed with the present equipment
and it is now no longer possible in
provide for the increase till some
Is done.
The only way suggested to provide
money tor the building is to
bonds, Can Greenville afford this
Here are tile lads.
The annual Interest on at
a per cent would be An
aside each
year and placed at interest would
provide a sinking land amounting to
about In thirty years.
town then would have lo raise
a little more 53.000 a year. The
listed for taxes ill 1914
amounted to and the; wen
In polls. A special tax of S cents
on the hundred dollars and cents
the poll would have yielded last
year 52,013.32, about the right
amount to all payments on tin
If property values should not In-
crease, additional taxes would be as
For the man who pays on a poll
For the man who pays tax on -Ion.
i cuts.
For the man who pays tax on
SO I I Ills.
For the man who pays tax on
As properly values Increase the
rate can be lowered.
Can the people of Greenville
not to do this when the welfare of
Hie children and the prosperity
Industry are at Stake Within the
last two years Rocky Mount. Wilson,
and Kinston have issued
bonds and built new schools, and now
the town of is just completing
a new building. Can
ville afford to lag behind the
F. C. Harding.
Cup is
Given to
The Juniors were presented the
luge cup. which was given by the
Association of Training
School class making the high-
est points in tennis and by
President Wright at the assembly
yesterday morning. The A
las-, or First Year Academic, made
the highest In walking, the
second in walking and in tennis.
and the seniors second In tennis.
No credit in walking Is given to a
class unless four girl lake twelve
walks of a minimum of three miles
h, Every girl takes twelve
walks In addition to the four gives a
half to her class and one
six walks in addition to the four
gives one fourth credit The
making the highest In walking
receives lour poi towards the
Serves Note
Prominent Young
Couple United in Mar-
Exports Food and People
are Starving Says Red
Washington, June and warm
weather after Friday in all sections
of tin Southeast was forecast by the
Weather Bureau today in the weekly
bulletin for the week beginning to-
Friday conditions will be
settled, says the bulletin, In the
West Quit States, where an entire
week of fair weather is Indicated, In
that section and In the Middle Atlantic
states temperatures are expected to
rise w thin a few days to above sea-
Belhaven, June l. The store
George Adler was broken Into last
night and goods stolen to the value
of over The thieves entered
through the rear of the store In the
dead of the night, smashing In one
of the windows were captured
this morning near Swan Quarter and
found to be the two who had
lust recently a sentence on the
county roads.
Norfolk. Va. June I. As Hie r.-nil
Of a friendly blow standing In
Hie door way of the post office
yesterday evening. Hob Jones, color-
ed, is In the and not expect.
ed to live Jones told a joke at the
expense of his friend Cooper Coop-
cave a friendly slap while he
was sitting on the portico of the build-
Jones fell over on the ground.
He was picked up with blood stream-
from his nose and ears.
Cooper arrested and placed
t now its
A baud playing several tune-
tunes on the street this morning
attracted a very large crowd. The
was a purl of a
show, A Rabbit Foot Minstrel,
and will give a show here tonight.
of Majestic
Wilmington. Jung I, There a
quirt observance of National Memo-
rial day in this city the
only outward demonstration
from the hanging of flags at half mast
being the of a National salute
of guns, by the coast guard cutter
at noon.
Washington, June I, An embargo
ago exports of arms to Mexico and
against imports of foodstuffs to the
state-, as in relieving
famine conditions below the Rio
was proposed today to
dent Wilson by Miss Mabel
of the executive committee of the
Red cross.
Reports to the Red Cross and the
State Department have indicated
foodstuffs are being shipped out of
Mexico to the Slates. Cuba and
As an experiment Red Cross food
supplies will be sent to American con-
who will form responsible local
committees to distribute them. The
of two carloads of supplies
lo Will test that method.
Governor of Oregon, has
advised the Red Cross he will appeal
for aid. and other Governors are ex-
to respond to the Red Cross
appeal promptly.
Famish Feed.
The agency today an-
receipt of tin following from
through secretary of war
and marine, has instructed all
ties ill the territory controlled by
that they would b.
supplied cereals and provisions when-
ever it was necessary for the people to
have I hem. Six Ions of corn
were today purchased by the govern-
Tie- Governor
wired chief that his state has
sufficient supplies to feed all southern
part of Mexico until next crop. The
Governor of wires they
have a big excess that can be used to
suppl other localities In the country.
The food situation in Mexico City is
pitiable and is collecting sup
plies to meet the situation when the
enter the
Washing. U. C, June I
dent Wilson and his cabinet I
adopted a new Mexican policy. Ii has
for Its object restoration of order and
the millions of non-combat
ants from of Mexico's
. II elements, which have ;
about conditions described as In-
The President read to the
a statement to be communicated to
morrow to the leaders of all Mexican
factions, serving notice that unless
they themselves compose situs
lion, some other means will be found
by the United States to bring d
the establishment of a stable govern-
The statement was approved
prolonged discussion. It be
made public tomorrow.
The course Hie
will pursue iii the event i i
lug factions fail lo Is not i
lined in the President's statement,
the I P
to v to m
of the best clement M
ii the i n b ere
formal Hi h
recognition would in em ha
arms, p nil tin col
government to
v to the i v of all eh
Thai the policy,
successful, i. might
quire ultimate Intervention been
considered and th ; i to
on a has not
swayed by of
such action. In high executive
however, confidence prevails that
the expression the American gov-
at will dear up
apprehensions that have existed In
Mexico, as to its aim bring
about the desired coalition
The administration policy i the
culmination of several week's of con-
between the President and
his official family. The return of Du-
val West who spent three months per-
investigating conditions in
Mexico for the President, was the de-
lied Cross Work.
The American Red Cross already
has laid plans for relief work to be
tarried out In i with the
Stale Intent. The
agency here has issued several state-
denying of food
saying the stories of famine are as
but the Washington govern-
is not taking these Into consul
because of its own reports.
. June I. noon The ad-
announced today all the
officers of the British Ma-
sunk May off the
peninsula by a submarine had been
The announcement made at the time
Of the sinking of this warship live
days ago said that nearly all her
nil men had been saved.
A short circuit on Dickinson
cause to burn Into Tuesday night.
throwing the la for
minutes. The damaged wire was
soon repaired and the came on
U. S. Fort
Townsend, Wash., June
attempt was recently made, it
became known today, to put out of
commission the big guns at Fort War-
Port Flag guarding the
entrance at Sound.
II is reported that the breech locks
of lour gnus were damage an the lo-
mechanism broken.
Photographs of the of the
forts had also been As a n
ult, all visitors have been ban
from the forts.
i lo k
Mi mortal Baptist nun b was I
of a . . i
Miss Moore be I El i
of Mr. Hugh s. . Tin
i as b n
i The choir
Ken red wit ltd
plant.- ; of sweet
;. as re g-
. d Soft i red by Mrs.
Line i-a. r.
hied Just fore the I ; .
. i Miss V bat d .-. .-
Whispered Miss .
. the i and was Joint I
by the members of the
v. entered the church from tin n
and i I
tin M b a j
choir was compose I
rat Lillian- I i r
. lib and Mrs
W. I.
s. ti corn. HI
and H
p Mi I
. . . end W
. i . . on flu
. than
Wedding Man
fin ed
he six re
let tin church and came In two a
. ti opposite aisles. They i
hi th, Tom .
Sugg Fleming. Luther I
. Gilliam and Raymond Ty-
son. Next came the tour bride-
;., two at b down opposite
aisle. They were Misses
Addle Rea, of
Mac Schultz, cad Bessie Haskett. Tin
brides maids wore pretty net
over pink and carried shower
Of pink an white sweet
They were followed by Mrs. C. R.
Townsend, of Farmville, one of the
of honor. She wore her
wedding gown and earned white sweet
Next came the two sisters
the groom. Miss Willie a
maid Of honor, down one aisle, and
Mrs B, Carroll, of
a dame of honor down the ether aisle.
were all all white nil
gown and carried White sweet peas.
Mrs. wore a while c-t and
gown with train and
sun i In the same order
to sisters the bride. Wen
and Mr H. of
Miss Moore wore
and pink
peas And Mm. Bland wore a
handsome wedding gown and carried
sweet peas. As the bride
the church the organ changed again
this time into Here
Comes the The bride entered
on the arm of her lather. Mr. w. M.
Moore. She aim unusually lovely
in her wedding gown of Duchess lace
over bride's satin, made with train.
She wore . bridal veil caught with
an carried I -bower I.
, ., white sweet and v
The groom with his brother,
Mr Sherwood as best man.
came down the aisle and
joined the bride the altar, Rev.
C M Rock, assisted by Hi v. N C
Hughes, of Raleigh, performed the
ring ceremony, which joined
the two happy hearts.
March wan played the bridal par
n ;. ft i
Mr. and Mrs. it on
A. C I. train for an extended north-
era tour. Mrs. is the
and attractive daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore
has a host of admiring friends. Mtg
page A

mm yea. . . II W
mar k up
at the In
id TIM unseat
care and
h respect,
per word.
f at
hi I,,
would be lo
at what
will be p tor at
hoe. up M
Entered as ciao Batter
August M, at the pact at
Greenville. Carolina,
act of March I.
II I, 1916
i n in i
The Raleigh
Tines, rounds the keynote a better
when ii asks for an
Inspection of the cotton mills
The cotton mills of south have
long been our scourge. They
taken boys and them
within entities their walls, and
then sent them out Ignorant, until to
meet lite. They have meted nut
mere existence to them, while
have taken the very sap sway from
their young lives, and rendered them
tor anything else save the
tending of the looms Today In any
North Carolina cotton mill town, it is
no hard Job to pick out a score or
more consumptives. Being con
it t with lint and
the mills, lungs are
i. tin young children n
a droop e B
that they real h
are physically and mentally i
or life. Other states
it- m e that the health t n
Ions around their mill- are
and ii time II l S
inn hi on
lowed to operate under
puts a I
I n .
r the SI
II t re
lit i not for
of their en What bet. of
that i
life fluid for the mill's gain,
them. It is
. . and hen an n In
for labor. II s I out of
i i
now. are ii e hand
ii prim of In Ii r
various while we
Ion in Hi j people of
fie to labor It
of lit
mi n hi the din el cause
for the killing of the hill in the last
which called
Inspection of our cotton mills.
II as the these i
should be thoroughly investigated and
exposure made We hope that this
i- the hut it is the duty for
,; the whole stale, lo rise
and that
North in-
i . r for
purpose. tin we owe
r I II It
the result
it would tin
Being several thousand perfect I;
good American lives, and then what
be tin .
We would get several hundred
thousand acres barren land, over-
run with cactus bushes, populated
with a class people we have no us,
for. We would, in r to keep Mex
to keep order there, have to
police the whole country. Tins would
It., a great expense on this country,
and one that we could never
t i
The thing to do is to get out
the difficulty the beat we can,
Id a i lash with
Tin old kingdoms Hi i i pt.
Macedonia and Rome are dead and
forgotten. Ii.- buried beneath
; -x . earth scattered by
old father's time's master hand, The
old powers were, are asleep, and
hi their plan a lies gem ration
sprung up. Christ came and was
Twenty I lo-
I ho is civilized
Even a years ago, th
settlers, of the wost, Journeyed
many months from east lo their
new homes, we u to Bleep in
New and we wake up in
Chicago. Whisked vast
by powerful In
the that it took
a hundred years ago n It
truly a wonderful fellow
l then we haven't progressed
far after all.
at the time figured i ill
human race was to desist from
wholesale butchery of each other,
European war upon us.
and all our plans go smash Into
the walls Reality. What dots this
mean is it that the old prophesy
bible is about to come true, or
II that we are returning to a
. It we as much
. s . Is, In the
next years a- we have In the pa t
we will eating with our hand .
. oxen i high pow r mo-
. Ming the soil with ii
-ii k, I.
Lord only knows
. i ah ion run
the whole world was set
when the German note was made
public it was evident from the text
o, tin- note that
have made a de attempt to
evade a dire i answer to tin American
i- ti it the
nation feels no pain i on. i
ii,, 1.1-1 she more than
a hundred American I a watery
American neutrality and American
feeling has been trampled
fool the the
, and now when make a friend-
attempt to matters lie evades
our and stands the
. Tin- i i- ha- d
enough of the European and
heard enough of German
to draw Its own conclusions.
i- no further use the l ii r
man nation, or government, lo parley
with us in attempting lo set Itself
right before us. The shattered re-
mains of war-stricken Belgium,
terrible tale horrors emitting from
that ruined kingdom, the many
fortunate occurrences on high
when have been
ruthlessly slain, the many American
shin- that suffered from dead-
work tin German torpedo, have
shown, conclusively, to clear sighted
American minds, lbs foul work
of a blood drunken country with a
blood thirsty and deluded ruler at its
head, can never be set t
it would have been no bard for I ho
Germans to have answered once,
and not have aroused Interest to fever
h- in this country by seemingly, at-
tempting to evade
Prominent Greenville Couple
is the eldest sou of the
W H who so well
known over the state. i- a prom
tobacconist of this city and la
a young man of character
The numerous handsome presents
of i glass, silver, china, etc. at-
test the popularity of the young
Tin-out guests were
Mr- John U Carroll, of Louisville
Ky . Mr- n. II Bland and Sarah
of Goldsboro,
of Rocky Mary
of Mr. and Mrs.
f of Mr
T S of and
Miss Addle lo a. of
North Carolina,
Pitt county.
Before the Beard el I
Notice is hereby given that petition
has been Bled before the Hoard of
Commissioners of Pitt county, by John
Dennis, W. Lang, J. W. and
others, to lay out and establish a pub-
road in said county, Ayden Town
hip. as
at the southern termini
of street in the town of
at the line of Ii. E. Nichols,
t through the property of J.
Harrington, M. K. and
and running Into the Green-
flimsy excuse set up for the dis-; The notice required by Section
r of the shows the craft-1 the 1905, of North Carolina
Ml MM. t
Wilt . p .- on a reel
and i hr. Up. and
hen th re Is n lo save her.
out w hat pan of the
ll p lie
i ; In large sea
towns make it their
it. , to cat i-all-
t l
I t
i the world. the
lug Tin. world
in one tn mi out and -an-
pan t it up
e great I war. Th.- pro-
I. I. lie i -f last
c I In lug
ed it cat In . Europe,
with their prized decorations, are be-
i for the .
are slain on
tin- haul. hi- tin-
art that were once th.- of
rope, are lug lost,
Who i- going to tin great work
of salvage, and put an end lo th,.
warring that la going mi in Europe
Hoes it the power of tin
Stall I. Stop
We have reached the position
Germany v-rant- demands,
i will I,, i
We the honor of the
star- and strip.- have never
in d. .
of Hie German foreign office.
and the language in which is couch-
ed, is nauseating, it speaks of the
munitions, going to Prance, with
which lo kill our
Ah, inn they are a band of brave
alright. They are lining driven
it needless slaughter In order lo sat
demands of a ruler who is
mentally unbalanced, Hut so perfect
is German organization, they
tush forward into tin
William Hohenzollern, blood
. would not mind to this
try arrayed against him. He sees de-
. and a matters not to him who ad-
IS it.
a pity. Unit poor, beautiful
w its treasures art.
a- learned scientists and its
. under the spell this fanatic
The whole world,
i . . i why Williams exiled
Ii i, Lin that one with the
is given the said Petition will lie
heard at the next meeting of the said
Hoard on the 7th. day of June ISIS.
This the Till, day of 1916.
Clerk of the Hoard.
Iterator's Notice
laving qualified as Executors under
lust will testament of J.
W. Allen, all persons
U i against .-aid will
to the with-
in twelve months from the date of this
notice, or the same will plead in the
bar of their recovery,
Ml persons Indebted lo said estate
will please make Immediate
This May 1915.
W. Evans,
W. Harvey Allen,
I'm-, J Allen
We t lip tin- from the
is. Times, which should
prove of Interest to Greenville
Tin- Hotel Florence was scene
of a surprise marriage this morning,
th.- contracting parties being Mrs.
Bertha Bradley, of Macon . and Mr.
Bradley, of Greenville, x. The
ceremony was performed in par
of hotel in presence of a
few witnesses who hastened lo extend
their host wishes after the
Mr. and Mrs Bradley are slopping
over in tin- City today hut will leave
tonight for their future homo in Green
Mr. Bradley is well known
host of will join in wishing
this couple a happy life.
To Preserve Health
The kidneys are the great health
preservers. Rheumatism, backache,
headache, sore muscles, stiff Joints
when kidneys are out of
and fail lo properly tiller the
blood. Kidney Pills tone up
tired and diseased banish
backache and slop sleep disturbing
bladder troubles
Sold everywhere.
for Men Only
Women as much as men do
slaughter I from indigestion and constipation and
require the same remedy to
keep stomach the ac-
and tin- bowels regular.
tablets are wholesome and
cleansing, do not grip or cause
sea. Some people say this is ,
cathartic that takes away that
full and clogged-up feeling.
i everywhere.
A Bind hearted
oil as
infinite wisdom of a Bismarck, would office son
give sanction lo what In- was
preparing to do
American government will
lire back at papal a
demon masquerading
name of the e of cannot h
foretold, only that it ill one
nil holy Imperial govern-
what ii may from
now on.
It is tin- tins government,
outline it- plan Imperial gov-
so that mil what
to expect. No hasty action Unit will
, war and a
demand i the Gt will ill
i- business
, i , on. to our demands, or to op.
refuse, and I tit ii part .
i .-t- on i
are sons of sorrow,
When we think of morrow
we do not borrow
we I. ml It.
As days go by
And moments fly
We aware with a sigh
We'll it.
must in exasperating to Cowan
after he has fully explained
all system to have Raleigh Times
came hack with Johnny, huh
N. June
Saturday evening at eight
about a lining men of this
town met and as tile Win-
Debating Club. Tim follow.
were elected Of this or-
s. c president,
Wyatt. vice-president, It. s.
Harris, secretary, Manly Jackson
treasurer, T. Smith, supervisor,
Carroll, critic, C, H Whitford,
librarian, Dr. P. r. Cox, marshal.
Mate Cox who baa been
home for B visit of a few days wit It
her parents Dr and Mrs. It. T. Cox,
has returned lo the State Normal Col-
at where she will
the summer school.
Mrs. Lucy Abbott is visiting bar
sun Mr. U. Abbott
Messrs. J. F. Harrington, B. F.
Manning. A and I. E.
I, this morning for
attend the Confederate Reunion
Mr. Elliott is an old confederate vet-
and was in many engagements
near Richmond. He promised the
others ho would show them Where
killed bis last Yankee.
Mr. A. Evan had a good race
yesterday. Ask him the reason why.
If you want an overall that is tough,
will wear, and will not rip. ravel or
split, buy Cowhide brand. A W.
and plenty of
When you hardware or any-
thing for the farm, see A. W. Ange
and Company. They have the very
We are sidling the genuine Hunt
Club shoos and slippers at a great re-
Forrest and Corn-
pay .
Our entire must he moved for
rash at once and we are giving a
groat redaction in the prices of
ready-to-wear goods, dress goods and
notions. Come in and be convinced
B, H. Forrest Company.
to Harrington Barber Cos.
for nice spring and dress
Men and collie to see us when
you want a nice hat or rap Cheap.
Harrington Barber Co
man gets praise Horn
when there is company around,
had better keep his eyes open when
company haves
Now please stop making fun of Col.
human if he act like it.
V Mistake Made Many
When you -niter pains aches
day and sleep disturbing bladder
weakness by night, feel tired, nervous
and run down, the kidneys and
restored to healthy, strong
and regular action, It is a mistake
to postpone treatment. Kidney
Tills put th.- kidneys in sound, healthy
condition and keep them active
Sold everywhere.
How To Give Quinine To Children.
is trade-mark name lo an
Improved It is a Syrup,
to lake does disturb the stomach.
Children take and never know it is Quinine.
Also especially adapted to adults who cannot
lake ordinary Quinine. Does nauseate nor
cause nor ringing in bead. Try
It you teed Quinine any
pose. Ask for Jounce original package. The
name is blown in cent.
. voice
in limn,
Today Woodrow Wilson is to give
e about w hat plan
of action tins country expects her to
lake. This t. tin- i
of Mexico, i- thought to
last act of American an
drama, and ii is hoped that it will be
set some peat . for
war-ridden little country that is
next door neighbor.
Mexican, though mil look
our actions a- the actions of a
friend, and even those Mexicans who
are undergoing th.- terrible pangs of
hunger, marl growl
e of tin- The
Mexican la most peculiar human
on earth, he knows
no friends except his own people
There still lingers, within tin-
can, a ting old Asters,
mid all running and
id the extinguished la plainly
They as a will look
upon the action of States,
being a hostile W
in Thai is la-t thing
that the i
In case we went to war with Mex-
then- aruMS no a- to who
Reflector Is
Interested in a playground for Gr.
ii has almost become a re
Wt want that playground, and
people here, who .
want u or least, they should
want ii There t only one way to
gel it. and that is In get busy and
th.- necessary amount of cash
to up.
of people a new
school building, and they are reminded
that tin- playground is Just as
welfare of children
as Hit- st building will lie.
We are expecting any high
handed philanthropy here, but
that there is enough surplus
cash around Greenville, to equip a
playground, and some of
have children ought
in gel ii together.
Fur tin- past few weeks local
police . has lie n right on th
clearing town vagrants,
This . i- I- . up
. am the
. I ii, keep a up.
good few of
around and it is
i lie police will make hot for I
mining few, w ill look
ire ft Tin i
or honest wink tor
in hut
not looking for
Would also tin lo
keep mi
-I. numerous here.
nothing but a camping
ground for a of loafing
and ought to be cloned up.
We think Editor will have
to hold new pair over a few days,
lit- says lo- usually them on the t
day of June, he does put;
them on and regrets ii. in- have
our old pair we'll lend him. as
have about acclimated
The Best by Test
will to take hon-
in America
o Thai wot
ii hi a particle though,
ting to gel matched up with
some lime to coma.
old sums In ho in a
fair way of letting his wings clipped,
in in-
l Ac Ba of
the f all pad Write lay
by Ike tin-
Stales on aW y-
f line. bay earth, axial
etc. A git
Does The
f Work of Many
You can't judge a tobacco transplanter by its looks. The proof
of the pudding is chewing of the rag. We have hundreds of
I ll N. C . 1314.
Messrs Wart
N. c.
In regard to lite J. Case Tobacco Transplanter I from
ion last year will say that It gave perfect satisfaction. I got a good stand
and the tobacco grew off better than when I set by hand. If I couldn't get
another one i would not take Three Hundred Dollars for the one I have.
Yours very truly.
Greenville, N C.
Playground Exercises Well Briggs of the the European War
Attended and a Feature
of Commencement
Senior Glass
Pleases M Audience
Game- Six Days in Prison
And then in a
After several postponements on
of rain the Children's play-
ground the Greenville
Schools Here he I Monday
afternoon on the of the Train
School. The exercises started
r tr, and continued about an hoar,
during which time the people here
were Introduced to something new and
entertaining in way of open air
The primary
grades, which Include the
even grades, were the only classes
participating beginning with the
grade tiny appeared on the pro-
gram in order The little tots in the
tower grades were interesting and
amusing to watch as they gave their
parts. Under the leadership of
primary teachers they bad been taught
to sing dance and to keep perfect
time with music of the
graph which had used for the
drills all during the Each on
of pupils were so enthused
in his or lier part that their parents
and all in attendant were filled lilt
admiration. The drills by
grades as a whole were
good and was a pleasing
tn see them all keeping time with
The larger pupils were equal
as Interesting lo watch and tin-
rate between the fifth and sixth
grades was perhaps the most Inter
and exciting feature the pi
Miss May II of the Train
School, was and acted
as Supervisor of the music. The
lea. hers of primary and
grades who had different era I's
In charge were
tin. Miriam
Gray, Morris.
Schuster, Sell Pender, An
in,. lone
Helen Milliard.
and Sheridan.
Bach class had been drilled splendid-
and these exercises prove lo one
of most entertaining
The senior t lass play,
Briggs tin- Poultry was
m night at
by the 1915 of the
High School and Mrs. and her
family amused the audience and kepi
then laughing throughout the evening.
Miss Doris Mrs. Briggs
was strictly i woman of business and
she worked hard for family.
James and Morton
her two sons, whose character names ,
were Ralph played their
parts very well. The three
Misses Minnie Sugg,
Rana Smith, kepi their
iii a bad humor all times and
their imitation of mischievous children
as well given. Miss Mary Powell, as
Mrs. had no liking for goats
had unpleasant calls at
the home Mrs. Briggs. The romance
of the play was pro tilled by Ralph
and Virginia who bad l
Wit. n War
Mb In
man Prises
declaration war came
surprise to most of the foreigners
in until a few
days prior to the general order for
no rumors of tin- war
were afloat. The first I knew of any
war was. tin- beginning
of bombardment of Belgrade in
This started about July
from that lime on telegrams were
being constantly exchanged between
and the of Russia,
No thought of England's entering into
the conflict at time, came any
mind in all The Crown
Prince of Germany had just returned
from a friendly visit In London, end
was thought the of feel-
room was placed amid ships, and the
A formed in a long line to march
hi tin- door. As each man passed, he
out bis tin plait-, and th
dumped a spoonful of junk into it
For breakfast, we bad some
k bread and a cup of coffee. W
it, stay from the rail after
eating ibis stuff, if we bad fallen
overboard we would have never come
tO lop.
was composed of meat, cab-
and potatoes, all cooked
Supper was alack bread
and six days. I bail Ibis
let then I decided l had
bout as soon be killed one way as
l told the officer In charge
prevailed between the Germans
and the English.
Friday, the day before Germany
Helen as Virginia was
in love with and was terribly
when the latter for the
Her actions caused her father,
Mr lice Carey
disinherit her she goes to
Mrs. it later developed j
that Virginia the child of Mr.
and everything wen happily upon
Ralph's return from city.
the General Assembly
Carolina at its session of 1915
provided by an Ai-t entitled as
Bill Entitled an to Au
the Hoard men
Town of Greenville to issue Interest
Bearing for School
It shall be the duty of
the Hoard Aldermen of the Town
of Greenville, upon lbs written
of the majority of the Hoard
tees of the Greenville Graded School
to call an election tn- Town of
Greenville. the purpose of
lo the voters of sad Town,
issuing bonds in the sum
of tor purpose of erect-
necessary i said
of Greenville.
And Whereat Board of
tees of the Graded School,
did. on the day April, 1816
With Board of of the
Town of Greenville a written request.
. W. . .
to a
lye, far, sea
the of
with Dr. D. U
M. C, every
Practicing Id all
la Wooten Building on
fronting- Court
J. r.
mi i
declared war the Russian
I had a talk with a Gorman army
officer, and be was of the opinion
nations now Involved In the
difficulty, would reach a peaceable
solution of difficulty, lit- did not
want war, and said very few
of higher officers wanted war.
Some of younger officers might
want war in order to slum they
The play was
manner and me ,.,,, ,,. The civil population of Ger-
particularly pleas,., with ibis,. M m , ,
home talent comedy. At the end of
tin- play a chorus composed of girls
a long way lo
lo the tune of and Ibis
forth applause after
Police Court
Has Light
. .
I . .-
St th. i
up on a charge id selling bread
Mr Schmidt argued hi
. i v i i mid ii
Mayor James lie wan
Ignorant tin- i. t that it Is u
the law to sell bread on
Schmidt said. is it ,
tan sell bread veil I can not sell
dot bread,
Mayor Impressed la, t on
Schmidt's mind, the paid II-
. i lo bread on Sunday The
open frankness of Schmidt touched a
tender chord in the mayor's heart an I
lei him oil payment of
which amounted lo -i
Human was charged with la
as In could
enough to that ho bad
ever worked n whole day In bis life, he
was given thirty days the
Tail decided would bide
by mayor's decision, took an
appeal, placed under a
bond .
another was
up on same charge, but managed
it, prove ho had done leas
of work since making Green-
ville in- home, so got and the
, the total being 17.76.
If you value k transportation,
your shipments Via Norfolk and
Southern Railroad.
Watch the time by their pack-
age ears, you will find your
Interests are served by patron-
them, as is
Few t lot
Those who do have t on
expense ore now going lo health re-
sorts to gel rid of Impurities In
system cause rheumatism, back
,, , Joints painful mus-
If go, fell you
need relief from pain and misery, gel
Kidney Pills Tiny restore
the kidneys in activity and make you
well and strong
Bold everywhere.
Helen Milliard,
Neck, Austin, of Tarboro,
ban- I.-, n leaching here In the
this year, returned lo
their ibis morning.
Miss Daisy Jones, r Durham,
has been visiting Miss Nannie Howl
returned home this morning.
Junior class of the T. S.
, i t- Monday u hi be i-
or of Senior class. The
officers of the school were
guests, reception was given on
third floor of the ration
building and the reception hall was
decorated with green and
while class colors cf the senior
i lass.
guests iv, met at the main
of the administration build-
and in-I.- shown cloak
room by members of the junior i la--
Then they ushered up stairs. Al
lite of third Door, where I
reception given, the guests
were stopped and requested In
The tiling that greeted tho
was a moss covered well from
which punch was in tin
, lino were, Pros, and Mrs. Robt.
II. Wright. The lady principal, Mrs.
K The Junior class
Advisor, Miss Daisy Wain.
class President, Miss Alice Her-
ring. Vice Miss
Secretary, Jessie Daniel,
treasurer, Miss Nellie Dunn,
were then shown to a
which as decorated
with flags, were given
a small Hair as a
During the evening Miss Alice Her-
ring, President of Junior class, re-
a special delivery letter and
package. The letter staled Unit till
package was lo lie opened and the con-
tents delivered t
in It
and lite guests guessed for whom tin
was to be given. These mys
eminent was hungry for
.-, ems
Karly Saturday morning, August
it was let mil Germany was on
the eve of war with both Russia and
France. Great crowds on
the streets of little town In which
I was spending a few dais. i k.
on the river Patriotic songs
were sung, and though interest was
at fever beat, no demonstrations were
the the
local paper, Issued an extra edition.
slating Kaiser bad de-
war on Russia at o'clock that
evening, and had called for the en
lire mobilization of the army and
Within twenty minutes after or-
r bad been given at Berlin,
German nation was responding
n- the cull, so t was their mill-
In were bur
made Up, and the sailors and
soldiers were being rushed to
protect i lie borders.
The pathetic night I over
n. was is
to enter railway trains, while
they said hurried good byes to their
n. sweet In arts children.
Sunday tho ion of
I, diminished, and all
the sounds could be beard W, re
weeping of Hi.- women
I decided about tho place
for me was seaport town, so I
. in Hamburg us soon as I could
gel ll train. I reached
Monday, and there found everything
in a bad slate. There were a good
number of Americana there, and they
and j were without money, or even n
to sleep. The American consul was
do for them,
mi account of having the
funds. Th., and children
were provided for as bust as could be.
While Hie III, II lute left -bill tot
Monday while walking down
St, one of the
streets in the bin of Hamburg, I
I, lame placard which stated
was war with also.
which written request was unanimous-
of tin- boat, I was going ashore, endorsed by Hoard of Trustees
Of course ho refused the Greenville Graded School, that
but l a latter and got om- the Board Aldermen of the Town of
guards to lake it ashore and mull Greenville should call said election for
it the consulate. said purpose.
Karly next morning. Mr. Morgan therefore notice Is hereby given
in- consul Hamburg, came ., election was called by the
to ship and told them It Board of Aldermen, the Town
lo In session on Apr
a- a- l did gel ashore, to be held In the Town of Green-
-i plan i looked tor a on Monday, the 7th, day of June,
rant, and l did ample to at which election there will
was set before me to the voters of the Town
Then for the three i of Greenville, question of issuing
was arrested nearly every day, bill interest bearing coupon bonds in the
I had gotten a of for purpose of
lion from consul, and soon gained erecting necessary buildings
when the police nabbed in said Town of Greenville.
me At said election all of the qualified
r ,. f Greenville nil
be entitled to vote for or Is-
DB Mil
. ever Frank
D. . I.
Attorney at Law
ind and Cases a
Io formerly by
F S. James Hon.
. J.
at Law
la Edwards Building on the
Corner and Evens
Both Bay and
as Tear
senior class.
Herring read from the lag a char- n,, ,,
verse each member j walked probably two blot
when a man iii uniform stopped
Inquired Into nationality.
packages proved lo he card I was an American
uses of green suede lined with old I-Then be wanted lo know why I could
gold the colors Senior and After parleying with
Junior classes, with the name I fellow for a few minutes, ho told
me that be would ban- IO lake
The card eases contained tho
class roll printed In green ink on a
folder. Mr. II. E. Austin, class
advisor Of the senior class, was
settled book in Which
guests had registered.
Ice cream and cake was served by
members of class A white
carnation, class flower
with a of the class flower, tins
of the Junior, was placed on
each plate.
The hall was effectively
with green the white walls lo
with magnolias, carnations and
other white flowers made in artistic
The Junior b has enroll
el during the year. and now
i and the ft
officers made a festive crowd
The Dot Hot MUM
not cause nor
In lull and
K. W
down in the prison ship, which had
just been fixed in the harbor. There
nits nothing to do bill go along
with him.
lie whistle, Culling lip tile
patrol wagon, and I viewed
burg from behind the liars.
The ship on which I was taken
was at, old troop ship, and had about
bundled bunks In both
upper and lower holds. There
several hundred Russians, Trench
men, and already
on ship. The Whites and the tie
suited on
ship with Ho K, of the
heat. Tins In
in I
to stay In low decks of a ship was
almost unbearable odor aria
from the mixed nationalities was
nauseating, too,
The food the ship was also bad.
they bad a very unique way of
handing it out to fellows. The cook
County Court Had
Session Yesterday. Few
I written or printed ballot which
written or printed the Words,
SCHOOL those opposed to
said bonds shall a written
or printed ballot upon shall be
written or printed the minis,
Notice is given that said
election will be held in said Town of
Greenville on the
named same polling places in
said Town of as arc de-
for general election on
said date and that the sane Regis-
and Judges election will hold
this election as have been appointed
for holding tho v on
said date
Tin- Registration Books aid Town
will lie opened at the polling
places In each ward designated for
general election on Wednesday,
front H lock A A. lo o'clock
i- . provided tor i barter
Town id Greenville, for the
per milt all voters
the Town of Greenville to register
Id el. A new registration
having In -it rod by th. Board of
Aid. linen of He- Town of
tali . i May,
Mayor tic Town of Greenville.
B. r, TOMS
Fourth Street near
Vt More
County curt was in .--slot, again
yesterday. Only a tea criminal mat
tors Here disposed of ill the morning
and in the case of
lug iv Pierce vs s civil
in was taken up. This null
tinted out of a note which Mr, J. T.
Allen held the defendant
Hr. Allen held as a
on the barber shop belonging
to defendant. Tin i was
closed out sonic time ago and Mr. w.
II. Smith purchased the . The
iii-f, gave bond and employed
counsel and in the Mi
l larding mid e
inn Mr So I
in be heard
The jury in answering t
tin- i
property and III defend ml
nil pus An
pet ii i allowed pi
tiffs for the wrongful use
since properly was sold
sale. Judgment was signed
t u.-e till morning and an
taken In defendant to Superior
tit lines, a was up
fore Judge Woolen morning
session for violating Hi
law and found In a
The of th. was that
defendant nits n
bond for his appearance some K
term. Warren Thrower, an i Mall, telegraph and telephone order.
other received n twelve , promptly by J. L.
road sentence tor an with a ft Florist, Raleigh, N. C.
For All
We grow them. Ta
lies Carnations a specially. Wat
ding and Dowers arranged
the latest artistic styles.
Ferns, many other
or the Writs to o
prohibition spring Price List of Rose basest
Shrubberies, Hedge Plants,
i mill
Attorney st Law
In Building, Third
wherever bis an
Mid With
The Mutual Life Ce.
of New Turk.
Surgeon and H, till-t
Treat All
Promptly Hay or
Phone i Night
mi-at Law
N. c.
in the building on
to and to t.
Attorney at Law
deadly weapon. Sarah Wooten. n
up for assault, was
found not guilty. The of I.
f who is indicted
for assault with deadly weapon, was
transferred lo the Superior Court
How To Give Quinine To Children.
ll is a
to lake disturb the
lake u never it is Quinine.
In who
lake no
ringing In
it next time you i. any
pose. Ask for original package.
file i I
By patronizing the Proctor Cigar
and News Stand you have an
of being presented with a five
Pound Bog of Candy
each night, Ask us and
will inn how it is done
Proctor Cigar and News Stand,
In Mikado. Lord High
was called .,
swell. ion to lee him
again on Tuesday evening, 8th
en, Porridge,
Cereal, Flow,
Floor, Cot
S. M. Schultz
I. tad mite
mum I
All the rooms, in dormitories
are i t gaged tor summer term and
huts still routing for
I w to tn any
who de
during the
-ii-.- or are take roomers
or hoarders during tho Summer Term
to not in writing, stating
whether roomers or board-
era, or both, main you can
Please also your
The st does a sumo the re-
i -a iv, i
hoarders, lint shall take pleas
tn person for
places, a list of names,
. iii rile directly to
i .-ii
I n.
i t a cold. A
u-ii hi broken sleep
mill s Hun
. i i sooth
tickling in and clears stuffy,
i i no
like n . good for all I olds,
gold el i ii a.
sell Mil P
North Hound smith Bound
i- a P. Bl-
p No. Mi p. in.
I i Bound
No i i a, in
is i, p
No OS p. m.
No. a. a,
No r, p m.

Insurance and Real Estate
Again the Thin Gray Line
Gathers at Richmond Va.
on the I Bids of
Is Plan-tiff
Clean Hand.
i t,
in Atlantic ti
Is Advance Rapidly.
i Hell. m
. ;
. .
t U moral i
Learn Among Other . to
. Cigarettes and Talk to
to make
I y
. light-
, i I i few
. and to ask
I .
Horse Stands His Dead Rider.
i till
I I r r the
regiment. I fire was
Me re-
not one
later it wan unite hell
Is Opened
E. -1 Ml
at d l
i . when a lee I
t in n
i- us-
mil by i
. .
. . .
led. I
. Reasons Why Child Should
Eve I J to Ask
cf All Sorts.
her I son
In an-
i . tho
a Is not ;
e I II l
l her
so of re-
a t t he
. i. In-
lie I
to n am;
. and -i
. i
nil so I
When Tommy Swore.
Here ii a i r
l-it a . the I.
Mirror. Tommy bad not la tea
. , with
an Ii only
i In a in h village. He bad just
tea end to make one
l. I I water, and no
French with in ask for II With
wild to i
to a need. SI e ti the
in of tea and and disappeared
Into her coll Anon i
tin ;
i and whole k of l i
it Then n
eh I m He I he
i it per
i .
; . i tie are
ii . there
I the
i i even
i a I
, I the room HI o .
ill i
ii the tenth June
light n will
i . i
111- r.
v V
Marble and Granite Memorials
is I
material together with our
lent fuel i an I
I, ii- .-how you
Dees Marble Granite
Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts
Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle
Sweet Potato plants
l ll
June 22-28
. i
. ; . a
. i
it ail or
of the contracts I
a id in n
la Inquire
i . . told ha
i ration
he i waste of time, t n
,. i i i
an a age
a tender London
Legend of Vanishing
it will happen If r
i I i.
. is i
Ch It i on
a priest
i on ll I
when Otto-
lea nary
. to kill I i
the i. ills print, with
con . rated In his
do . ii behind him with miraculous
i inn. iii open again, I radii-
lion, no the when
places dome of
tho famous temple.
For Refreshing Sleep.
. COb
; .
i . . i Rial i sled.
It is Io . h. rest-
., bill, your I on another
. a a s la en.
Tin Hess for
. n n
, a. help
I h III a Or
i ., i i. for-
. i .,. If H we in. i i l
. . .
to . i l mi mot h s chili i I
. i. i . rm
t feet, i Oiled
I ; . .
i . ii.-.
Is r when one has taken a
in an up-to-date bathtub of our
Ne In complete within. II a
the comfort and cleanliness re-
from Its use
many times over We he's
the finest In
BOt We gladly will n
S. T. THE Plumber.
Testimonial as Proof.
do you like your
I. hi i
. i
i . i o re
I oder bow ct
Tho Would you willing
to give in a little i, ii
w i i I and
Ii i out the follow ink-
r i slug automatic Bach
Over. I pro-
e ii to be ad a
II i. the line bi en In our no
, Id more
it, an paid Itself in
an ii lain John l
each retail buyer a new Ford car,
1914 and will from Mn to
of profits,
tan drive a In construction. No
. x mechanism to ham In town or country, for
, ,. pleasure, cars for about two a
Runabout Touring Car MM; Town Car 1600; Couplet
1876, f, o b Detroit with all
i in display and sale
Ford Supply Company
What Baby Said
good calls at their
day t orders, Ha Ii
bl I i
morning two ago hi pa id a
I.,, ,, null to in,, baby, who is
learning big talk.
do win M the man,
mother in He-
heart mi teaching bar
in ii, The didn't
u a
you dot
He lime on Third In S. T a
and and our aim l to public Us
bell work money, our prices give us a
The Standard Roofing Co.
I, T. HICKS It. Hill.
North la
of County
. A. Mills Jr.,
H Hard.-
The defendant above named mil take
, that an a emit I, as above
has been In the County
of by -I. A. Mills .
n l H i recover Judgment
Use and the
la of the defendant lying in
County, for money and advance made
by the said plaintiff to the defendant
and upon contract; and the said de-
will further take notice that
lie is required Io appear at the Court
Court of County Monday. -Tune
Slat the Court
. North Carolina. Let the
take not lie that hi
anew or or demur to the Com-
plaint which in ii- Bled In said ac-
on of before June Slat. and
if he fail to answer said Complaint on
or before June 31st HIS. the
apply to the Court for relief
in his Complaint.
This May ISIS
n. COX
Clerk of the I
virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
by Clifton V. Harrell to J
K mi the day of Jan.
1914 recorded in Hook T page
of the County the
undersigned will on Monday tin-
day of June MIS at IS-SO P. M. at
he Court-house door in
N. C. sell to the highest bidder for
a-ti the following described tract
of land, Lying being in
County and State of K. C. and in
Township and described and
defined as follows, One tract
of land adjoining the lands of J. A
C. C and others and
more particularly described as fol-
Beginning at a gum on Beach
Island, thence North Last poles t
-lake, theme South SB Weal Io the
run of Creek, down the various
nurses of said Creek In a cypress,
thence with line North
Last to the beginning,
i acres more or it being the
tract of land alloted Io Clifton
Harrell in the division the lands
i Harrell and which division
i- recorded In Division Hoot i pages
and Ml in the Office
Pitt County, and known as the
Roberson land. Sale made to r
Tills 27th day April 1915.
L. K. Mo
i id aw
North Carolina
Notice i- given
Hoard of r I'm
a Special Call meeting assembled
m Wednesday, Maj i i, ill ordered
an election be held, in the following
Beginning the mouth of
where it empties Tar
running up Otters creek lo the
Mayo Mill Creek, a with the Mayo
Mill Creek to Johnson them
with Johnson Branch to J. H. Smith's
r. thence with this hind to
late John Line farm, and Hie
a; I King line lo the Henry Harris
ii.-. to Tyson's creek; thence Ty
Creek to Tar River, and up Tar
river lo
Thai said election be held Tues-
day, day of July 1916, the
Public School House in the above de-
scribed territory, for purpose of
inking and ascertaining the will of the
qualified voters of the above
it territory, as to there shall
or shall lie levied and collected a
Special Si Tax of on One
Hundred dollars valuation of property
and Hue on the Poll in the above ,,
territory, and said election
those favoring shall
vote a written or printed ballot con
the words Special
those opposed tO said Tax, shall
have a written or printed ballot, eon
And ii was further ordered C
II Mayo be is herein appointed
for said election, and H C.
and P H. Mayo are
pointed Poll Holders or of i
Ami u is further ordered a new
i and shall he required,
and that till books for said
or shall be opened
on Ma M, and closed
June N, tor
of Hi- voters
of said
day May,
s. a. Chairman
Board of com County
Attest Bell
By virtue of the powers of sale con-
la tin- following Mortgages, to-
wit. A and
d- I b W. I K. Corey and w He
N. J. n Corey to V. Hook, r, dated
January -rd, as appear- re id
ii lite I'm counts
ill Hook If page A certain Mort-
gage and delivered by W. I
K. Corey and mite K, J. D. Com
K. C. Harding dated
as appears of record la the
In I'm county la Book
L page i- and a certain Mortgage
executed and delivered by WT. L- F.
Con and Wife N. -I. I. Corey to K. C.
Harding, dated -March as
appears of record In Register's
Office in Pitt County in Book A
I . mill on MoN-
day of June at o'clock
ISIS, expose to public sail
tore Court House Door in Green-
ville, lo the highest bidder or bidders
Ii. the deal
or parcels of land.
Situated in tin County of and
Slate of North
Situated in
Township, I'm County, bounded the
North b the of
and Jane bounded on
West by the of James Nelson
and Dennis Branch; on the South by
another trait of land of W. L. K. Corey
on lbs Bait by the lands of Any
containing SM a res more or
and being the tract of land on
which the said W. L. f. Corey and
wife now reside.
SECOND Situated in Chi-
cod Township, County and on the
side of Pork Swamp, adjoining
the lands of
and containing more
less and being the land deeded by
Harrow to Providence Coo-
per and Cannon Mills and by them
to I Corey by Sam-
Corey to W, L. P. Corey by Deed
which is of record In the Register's
Office in County. Book K page
THIRD TRACT; Situated In
Township, County, In James
containing acres more or lose
being the same land granted
the -aid W. L. P, Corey by State
North Carolina by which is
o record in the the Reg
Deeds County, in Book V
Township, Pill County, adjoin-
the land- of W,
Bland, ll. H. and
i. , res more or
FIFTH Situated In
reek Township, Pitt County, on both
of road adjoining the tract
last above mentioned and adjoining
lands of It. II. Ha o
i ox and others containing i- res
more or
Place or Cooper of
land and tract of land known as
the Samuel Corey Home Place ll.
been vi out end sub d
fourteen separate divisions and
said lie will both a
, in- t and Iii the several sub
divisions, in those desiring
t,, purchase may have the
purchasing in whatever small
they may de
These land will be Bold for Hie
purpose paying and
the actual amount due by W, I. F.
Corey and wife N. J, D. Corey for the
amount of money loaned to w.
L. Corey and the legal of In-
thereon from Hie time said loans
were made, all of the notes re-
lo having transferred in
and now held by S. T. Hooker,
the said B, T. Hooker having made
on W, U P. Corey for the pay-
in, id only of actual amount of
loaned Hie legal rate of
Interest thereon, said lands will ha
sold tot purpose applying the
proceeds arising from sale of said
lands to the payment of actual
amount of money loaned and legal
rate of Interest from date of laid
loans mere made,
This the 6th, day of May, 1916.
V. HOOK Kit.
Owner of notes secured by tho
above referred to
Nourishing Plants and Even Insects
Capable of Sustaining Life, at
a Pinch.
According to re ports great In-
iii the use of scientific
in extracting food values from
I is being
the Star There are
good for human food
and food at that,
ordinary conditions are not
upon at all There angle worm,
the grasshopper and fully a icon of
plains not ordinarily us. d as food
which, properly
nourishing foods ll is p. only
tin- most desperate and resolute sort
of appetite that would for the
earth worm, but have been eaten
even by highly civilized people and
when properly d said to be
not so bad Why should we
about the angle worm when we
eat the oyster, stomach, lungs and
but the shell
As to they were an an-
delicacy and are yet so
by many races know what's what
In the way of good things to eat. All
the that are eaten by animals
have nourishing juices. Clover and
green timothy possess a higher food
quality than cabbage or potatoes
to tenderness they
vent starvation. There have been
famine periods when human beings
have been obliged to eat field grasses
and wild plant roots.
Seeming Puzzle of Two Sunsets In
Two Minutes Easily Explained
After a Little Thought.
A rambler was reading an incident
that had been no part of his planning
for I bat. particular
was like one of those moments
the neurasthenic knows when he
doubts the testimony of his senses and
trembles with the fear that last
bis is giving way. the
behind me exclaimed together at the
phenomenon, and I breathed easily
once more.
Tarrytown toward five
o'clock on a perfect afternoon. I set-
hack comfortably to enjoy the
setting of the sun as it traveled with
what undue toward a
high peak of the Palisades. Then, as
if at a signal, it dropped behind the
peak, leaving a dull brazen trail of Its
I shut my ayes, a little
pointed so hurried a Closing of one
Of i hose days when ll seems good to
train jolted out Of Grey-
I blinked and beheld in upset-
ting wonderment sun again going
down, this time goldenly, slowly,
a majesty of motion. Lower
and still lower It until there was
visible a lovely field of many-
ton, d
two suns.
difference In altitude of the
cliff lowers points Is tho
Have a Very Great and Definite
in the of Ac-
cording to Writer.
only once, and the-
more ere live the a
Young. end I find
the to;
la only an of A
ii for life.
follow engaging by-
wt.- of U La to miss a P-at
knowledge the kind that
button of
turn r to b de-
and remain
but ii you equip . its
will l-ad you
ll I some one
to look after him, you need not
occupy much about bin
but if you have In
take a
thinking not how little, I much,
you f.-in it. toward making your
a kind of It will not
only bring you to him and
make you him better, but
j it will you understand a
many other a th- rota-
of crops the working of
are the fir
of the circle of i the
thing itself is enter; they
and links which take us out from
at our own in-
to the surrounding life of the
Many Are Capable of Inflicting
Wounds as Fatal as Are Those
of Deadly Reptiles.
Plants that secrete poison when
touched and Inflict a wound almost
as dangerous as a rattlesnake bite are
one of the features of some tropical
jungles. The most common of these
poison plants is the
known In Panama and other of
Central America as the
cruel This plant ll
easily and i-
shunned by the native animals.
Trunks, leaves. Bowers and fruit of
the plant are covered with Hinging
hairs, which are In effect long tubes
that are very brittle and break at the
touch, The poison Is pro-
d by a cell which, during growth,
up. forming a shaped
i-i the
v. t. n hair I d it breaks in
an oblique direction, forming a can
h rs shin, and
n is directly Into the
wound, the action being
that of p fan i anal
of this plant la i
the i in me, b it fatal, Man
other lam have dead-
stinging hairs that ll ;
to a man n In n II
doses Popular M
is .- , I
i .
I l a Se
ii Wednesday, Hay
be in
d -i ten
IT., r corner on Ta River, thence
with Davenport and proctor
; Fleming, Jr , and
u L Smith's corner;
l. Smith and I m
to tie- Washington road, with -aid road
to -I H and H
corner, thence with -aid Wilson and
Little's hue in Little. K V
and Orange inter,
thence with and Mai
line, to
aid anal to J I and
corner, thence will
and Fleming line lo Sal
road, thence with It.
Fleming and line -i
l; and corner
the Boron line, thence
line in -l II. and Baker
corner; with J. B. Little's
to the line, thence with Lit
and line to Daniel
line, thence With the Daniel and Ii
Little's line I,, Creek,
with the Creek to Dan el
Crawford corner,
Crawford and line lo the
line; thence with the Moore
line lo Dudley line, now K D.
thence with
and Hi. Ward line lo Spier land.
Hi, With Spier and Ward line
to run. with said run to
Ti River, back the
Thai election held on
day July at
public school house, In the above de-
scribed territory, for purpose Of
taking ascertaining the w-iii of
the qualified voters the above de-
to whether there
shall or shall not be levied and col-
Poll in the
. .
And .
e a written or
led at g the
ll to
ill vote a v.
I . that J
. and be la b n b
l Fleming W. B
Willis appoint, d Poll
red, a
, d Books
list I i r. shall bl
1915, and
. Saturday, June
Hie day of May 1915.
s a i i . i
Board County
Attest Bran I
Having qualified a-
of the estate tin late i W. lat.
of the county of Pitt, Ibis i- t,. notify
all p. holding Claims against
said estate, lo present them to
on or
Hay 1916 or this notice will
be plead In bar of their recovery. All
persons owing any thing said es-
will make immediate pay-
to the undersigned
This May 1915
Administratrix Ayden, M. C.
Harding Pierce,
turn Old av Won't I
The worst canes, do i of how
cured by ll i old
Oil. It
n time. ac.
Having qualified as
of the estate of Move, de-
ceased, late of I'll North Caro-
this is to notify all persons
lug claims the estate of the
said deceased to exhibit them lo the
undersigned on or before the 10th
day of April 1916, or notice will be
pleaded In bar Of their recovery. All
persons Indebted lo said estate will
please make Immediate payment
II,;. day of April
Administratrix of Move
James I.
Invigorating to Pale and Sickly
The Old Standard central Ionic,
H chill TONIC, out
the blood up
tern. true Ionic For and children.
Ever Hit Thumb With a Hammer
Here is a little device which you can
make home u which the tiniest
tack can be held possibility of
Injury to the ringers Take a -trip of
tin about of an inch
wide and about or -even inches
long. Shape it with a small slot in
end. Then double it, bending at the mid-
When ready to insert the nail, put
it Into the slot, which will hold it by
its bead. Tins gives a kind Of handle by
means of which you an hold the nail
perfectly upright while you hit it with
the hammer. Of course the holder
must be pulled away before nail
or tack has gone all way into
wood, if you have not the tin at
hand strong cardboard ii ill serve tho
purpose. Try this little device Just
once and am sure you Hill feel amply
repaid for your trouble in making it,
us it. will many a bruised
Home Companion.
A Short Memory.
Uncle Jed was a alack about
quilting the bottom when the
broke, and had to take lo a tree Morn-
came, and there was sixty lei t of
Mississippi flood water between Mm
and shore The preacher happened
along the high ground and saw
but there wasn't any boat Moreover,
suspicion there were
gators about was well founded
preacher besought Jed lo swim.
but In vain, finally ha called
have faith Remember how
Jonah was cared for in the and
spoke earnestly.
I remember I deny-
Jonah, cause I want
nigh um. Hut dis year alligator, he
no whale, Alligator, ho eat
a nigger go off sleep a week,
an all bout tint
I think sometime our common
it of dissipation Is f too nap
ran-. We it to crude I i
in the us.- liquor
. rude of the passions;
but these are only the outward
symbol of a more disorder
lungs of the world a thousand clam-
reals, desires, a
have the better of Men be-
come drunken with the Inordinate de-
sire for owning and dissolute
lib ambition for political office
a limn once, a farmer, who de-
upon land; fed
appetite upon the of his
home, cheated his children of
and himself went shabby, book
Joyless, that h
might buy more land I rail that
dissipation, too Prom
in David Q ray son, In American
M .;
The Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
last for years. Ask for
At everywhere
Norfolk. V.
N. C
S. I
Hit Idea.
Those angelic-looking little boys,
golden curls, are usually Just like
oilier boys; a fact overlooked b;
female relatives and other adoring In-
dies. One of cherubic brand of
small boy came back from school tho
other day rather depressed became he
had no nickname
i to the teacher about he
vouchsafed, bis big opened wide,
a mournful look about his
mouth I mill her some
Id like
were the In-
nulled a rapturous maiden mi tit
lull or replied
the angelic one.
Best Hour for Work.
is a i fact In psychology
that nobody can stay ill
mental physical for twenty,
four hours together In the morning
you are more mailer of fact, for
stance, than later In it is in
morning that the best brain work
is dune, too brain work of the sort
that and clear think-
And It is about eleven iii
that our body In
highest point Of energy. In oilier
words, you are stronger, though
most st eleven In
morning than three In after-
noon. You reach the highest point
tun e the day, for about live the
the muscular energy has
risen again. from five onward it
declines all through eve-
and on till between three
Biblical Tribute.
hi so-
and is difficult if not
t any connection be-
tween the world i and
those mentioned In the Scripture, The
i iii pun a the
Abraham and of one rather
contracted of earth, and
t In de
ethnological r an,
, I ti . The
world agreed in derive
tin- bitch from Noah i ion
Ham. Mongolian from fin em, and
from and beyond
in all are not
it in not no la it helpful to push
Friends Thought Mr.
Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
this place, Mr. A. . Hughes
writes a was down with
stomach trouble five years, and
would have tick headache so bad, at
Banes, that I thought surely I would die.
I hied different treatments, but they
not seem to do me any good.
I got bad, could not cat or sleep,
all my friends, except one, thought
would die. He advised me to t v
and quit
taking other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking
for three months, and it has cured me
haven't had those awful tick headaches
since I begin using it.
I am so tor what
done for
a very valuable medicine de-
the stomach and liver. It
Is composed pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous Ingredients, and
acts yet It can be
used by young and old, and should a
kepi in every family chest.
Get a package today.
Only i quarter. mi

Eastern reflector, 4 June 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 04, 1915
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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