Eastern reflector, 25 June 1915

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North the Superior
tilt County.
c Hardware Co.
W A. Ingrain and Wit
by of an execution u
to the undersigned from the Superior
Court Pin in the above en-
titled action. will mi Monday, the
Of at II k
noon, the courthouse door in said
County, in sill to the
highest bidder tor cash to Mid
execution issued on a Judgment
to enforce a lien Hied M
the property, after described
material, all the right, title in-
n-rest which the laid W. A ingrain
and wife, Ingrain, the
ants, have in the following
ed r. state or h I on I
JO, 1914 to
Situated in the town
North Carolina, and is the
house and lots located In the
pan of said town . Ayden, lying on
3rd Street, and the same lots upon
which the said owners are .
a residence being same lots
recently purchased from I. M
rs, Beginning at i
runs Westerly course with 3rd street
I to a stake, them
at right with street
reel to a stake, thence an easterly
coarse with I
feet to a stake W a
then, e a Southerly c our-,
with the aforesaid Second
comer of 3rd street to the beginning
And also I lot lying just of
above described property.
This the day of June.
i virtue a decree o Super-
of county in Sp.
Proceedings entitled I.
administrator, vs J. II Morris
et the undersigned Commission, r
will sell rash before the Court-
house door in N. C. on
Monday, July the
parcel or tract land, situ-
in the county of Pitt and in Beth-
el township about one-half mile north
the town of Bethel
One acre Of land lying on the right
side of the road going front Bethel to
Hamilton, the lands , i C
and Col. Hammond
being the land conveyed to Mrs. A,
E. Morris b G w ref-
to which the deed is
made tor a full accurate
This of June MS
tor and Commissioner
a- ltd
State of North Carolina.
Department State
To All to whom these m
Whereas, it appears to
by duly authenticate. record of
proceedings for the voluntary
solution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders
my that Tb- Parker
Company, a corporation of Seal
whose prim Office Is lied the
town of Greenville, Count e, of rut.
State of North Carolina
being agent an I
charge thereof, upon whom pr I
be has complied
of chapter
of 1905, entitled
to the Issuing of tins
of I
Now, therefore, l. Bryan Grimes
Secretary of the- State of North Caro-
do hereby certify that the said
corporation did. on the day
1915, file in my office a duly ex-
attested in writ-
in to the dissolution of said corpora-
executed all the stockholders
thereof, winch said consent and tie
record the piece, dings
are now on Hit In my said e us
provided by law.
Ill testimony whereof, I have here
to my hand and affixed my
at Raleigh, V c
June. A 1915
J Bryan
s. i
6-l ltd
North Carolina
; All to whom these tits May
Come Greeting
Whereas, it appears to my
lion duly authenticated record of
oh,, proceeding voluntary
dissolution by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders, de-
t led in my office, that T
and Company. Inc. a corporation of
this state, whose principal office is
situated in the town of Greenville,
County of State of North Caro-
T. M. Meade being the agent
therein and in charge thereof, upon
whom process may be hat
complied with the requirements of
Chapter of 1905, entitled
preliminary to the
issuing of this of
Now. Therefore. J. Bryan
Crimea, Secretary of State id North
Carolina, do hereby certify the
said lion did. on the 31st day
of May, 1915, lib- in my office a duly
executed and attested consent in writ
to the dissolution of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
which said consent and the
record Of the proceedings aforesaid
are now on in my office as pro-
by law.
In testimony whereof, I have hereto
set my hand affixed my official
seal at Raleigh, this day of May,
A. H . 1915.
ltd Secretary state
J Bryan Grimes. .
To the creditors of Jno. K. Jr.
You are hereby notified that the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of lilt County, made an order in the
proceeding now pending in this Court
herein John K. Jenkins Jr. is
his creditors are respondents,
which said order is in words and
as follows
Norm Carolina. In the Superior
County Before the Clerk.
In Re -Petition John K. Jenkins.
Insolvent Debtor.
John Jenkins having filed with
the undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court of County. Petition
he is insolvent debtor,
praying for an order that his estate
may be assigned and f
. assigned tor the petition
of his . and his person
may hi be exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment cm account of any
judgment previously rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted,
he filed with said petition a list
his creditors with the place- of
residence and the amount owing to
. i; together with an inventory his
It is therefore ordered that ail id his
creditors, or such of them as
of tin -aid John It. Jenkins, shall show
cause before the undersigned at his
office in the Conn House in Greenville,
S I . on the 12th day of July,
why the petition the said John R,
should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not be assigned
for the benefit of hi- and
his person thereafter be exempt from
arrest or imprisonment on account of
any debt tiled in said schedule of
It is therefore adjudged that this
order be published once a week for
three successive weeks in the Green-
ville Reflector, a newspaper published
in tin town Greenville, North Car-
This June 1915.
Clerk Superior Court
Ml one a week
Carolina In the County
Pitt County Court of I'm County North Carolina.
J A. Mills Jr. County.
Notice is hereby
given, that the
D. H. Board of Commissioners of Pitt
The defendant above named will take at a Special Call meeting assembled
notice that an action entitled as Wednesday. May 1915, ordered
has been commenced in the Count.- an election to be held in the
Court of County by J. A. Mills Jr . described territory,
vs H. to recover Judgment at the and
defendant and against comer on Tar River, thence
lands of the defendant lying in Davenport and proctor lines to
County for money advances made
by the said plaintiff to the defendant
and upon contract; and the said de-
will further lake notice that
he is required to appear at Court
Court of county on Monday, June
1915. the Court House iii
ville, North Carolina. Let the
further take notice he is re-
It It and Davenport's
line It 1- Smith's comer; thence
with I; I. Smith and Fleming's line
to the Washington road, with said road
lo J II Wilson and ti. Little's
comer, with said Wilson and
Little's line to Little, J. R.
and corner,
theme with and
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administrator
of the of H. B. Turner, deceased,
hue County. N. C. Ibis is lo
notify all persons having claims
the estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned at
Arthur, N c. on or before day
June 1616 or this notice will be
pleaded ill bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate will
make immediate payment.
This the- day of June
Administrator of II. B Turner.
BROWN, Attorney. I id ft
lens, an um
of bow lass
an cf. b, um old i.
porter Oil. It
and I-- t
quired to answer or demur to the Com-1 line, to canal.
plaint which will be tiled in said said canal to Fleming and
lion on or before June -1st. 1915, corn. r. I hence with Sat
If he fall to answer said Complaint and Fleming line to Sat-
or before June Slat 1915, the road, thence with I. R.
will apply to the Court for the relief Fleming and line lo J.
demanded In his Complaint. R and e
This May 24th. line, thence
P. COX, , line to J. IS Little and Hake r
a. of the Court, corner; with j. n. Little's line
to tin- line, thence with Lit-
and line to the
I .,,,.,. an, J, R
Having qualified as Executors under line to Creek, thence
the last will and testament of J. creek the Pen Daniel and
W. Allen, deceased, all persons hold- with -aid
Crawford and Daniel line to
claim.; against said will
same to the undersigned with-
in twelve months from the date of this
notice, or the same will be plead In the
bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make settlement immediate
This May 1915.
w F. Evans,
W. Harvey Allen,
Executor of W. Allen deceased.
Mr W. Fleming, who lives about
six miles from town, brought in a
freak today in the way of a cabbage.
The cabbage has a round smooth head
which eight sums project and on
each of these stems there is a full
grown leaf. What caused the remark-
able growth of sin h a vegetable is
known unless it was el with an-
ether vegetable known as a Vetch.
lime thence with the Moore
line to Dudley line, now It.
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
and the Ward line to Spier land,
with the Spier and Ward line
to run. with said run to
Tar River, back to the
That said election be- held on Tues-
day 6th. day of July 1915, at the
public house, in above de-
scribed territory, for the purpose of
taking ascertaining the will of
the qualified voters of the de-
scribed property, as to whether there
shall or shall not be levied and col-
a Special School Tax of on.
the One Hundred dollars valuation
property and on each Poll in
above described territory.
And at said those favoring
the Special Tax vote a written or
ballot containing words.
and those opposed to-
said Tax shall vote a written or
ballot containing the-
Special Tax
And it was further ordered, that J.
be, and he is hereby
appointed Registrar for said
and that I S. Fleming and W. S.
Williams are hereby appointed Toll
holders or Judges and
And it is further ordered, that a
new registration is and shall be
ed. and the registration Hooks
for said District or territory shall be
opened on Friday. May
e on Saturday. June 26th. 1915,
for the purpose of registering the
voters of said district.
This the day of May 1916.
S. A. Congleton. Chairman
Hoard Com. of County
Sale l Personal
on Saturday the day of Jun
1915, at I p m. will at residence
and stole- II B. Turner, deceased,
in Arthur, Dam Town, hip,
expose lo public sub. all ct
the stuck of goods and
to be sold in bulk, and other
articles .-t personal property belong.
estate. Terms of sale . ash.
Inventory of stock will be taken and
exhibited on of sale, and the
amount of said can be had
on Inquiry as soon as same can be
taken. Sale made by virtue of an or-
of the Clerk of the Superior Court
This the day of June 1915.
Administrator of H. U. Turner.
MIS Attorney
T , 1-
t- . i c
let or
you Out .
.-1- Write
Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
the District Court i f the .
states for Eastern I
North Carolina, Division.
III- Claudius D
stall, Bankrupt.
Heeling ft Creditor.
Notice i- here by given that on the
day May a D 1915, the said
Claudius D. Tunstall was adjudged
bankrupt, the first n el n
i will be held at of-
Dee of tin undersigned referee, at
Washington X, C. on Thursday
10th clay of June A. 1915
o'clock A. M at which time tin said
i may attend, prove their
claims, appoint trustee, examine the
bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly conn be-
aid meeting.
Frank Bryan
S. c. 6-3-15 ltd
Having qualified as administrators
of the late Robert P. Allen, late of the
county Pitt, Is to notify all per
sons having claims I
late of the said Robert H to
present them l
on or In fore June ,
o ice will in pie id in
i iv then
All pi
i . .
i i I,,,. 15th day June
M. B. Alb .
i and
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
Serviceable Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C
N. C
a. C.
Greenville, N C.
o i
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky , in
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic She began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water milL
i wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
is the
V . 1915.
m unfit
Mexican Affairs
Grow Tense And
A Possibility that Armed Forces
Will be Landed faces H. S,
are Being
Washington, June 11.- Conditions in
the; Yaqui Valley, where the United
is faced with the possibility of
landing forces to protect settlers
against Indians are described
as in today's State Depart
One settler who left the valley on
the last train and arrived at
yesterday said half of the valley had
been devastated without protest from
forty Villa troops who were the
only soldiers in the region.
One ranch, presumably American-
owned, had been surrounded by four
days, he said, by mounted Indians
and on fool. The settlers were
pared lo defend themselves against at-
tack until American marines should
arrive. He expressed the belief
Mexican forces would be
unable to check the Indians.
Officials here believe, however,
the settler left the valley before any
of the additional troops ordered to the
Yaqui region Governor
had been dispatched. More recent ad-
vices from American officials and
near the valley, it was said, had
not reported any new attacks on for-
Mexico t Again I ill
Confirmations of the report that Gen-
had begun occupation of
Mexico City with forces was
lacking, but a from Consul
at Vera Cruz said
the capital had been cut,
presumably by Zapata raiders.
thought that might mean that
Zapata troops had withdrawn from the
capital and raiding forces might
be operating between
and Vera Cruz.
Knows About An-
President Wilson said today be bad
no official knowledge that General
Felipe Angeles, Villa's chief
was coming to Washington It had
been reported OB the border that An-
had 0.00 sent for by American
while another report was
he was c lining of bis own initiative lo
outline plans for pacifying Mexico.
American hilled
Okla. June Camp
an American engineer, has
been killed by Mexicans at Monterey.
according to s telegraph message re-
here today by his brother, i.
I. Camp, from Monterey No detail
were given.
Gathering Information
Warships Are
Rushed To
Washington, June SI. -New
activities in Haiti today caused
the Navy department lo order
Admiral and the cruiser
Washington, now at Vera Cruz, over
to Cape fatten with bluejackets
and The French
Descartes already has landed blue-
jackets there.
A Jury Hears
New York, June U, Harry K.
fourth legal effort to gain
freedom was called today before
Peter ll. a jury in
the supreme There was some-
thing about Thaw, his relatives
friends that Indicated that they were
very hopeful of success.
Justice however, pointed
out that the jury was an advisory body
and not a trial jury. they come
lo one conclusion while I reach an-
other, shall not be. bound by their
he added.
Thaw so confident of success
that he was planning to attend
Panama Pacific Imposition after the
Dr. superintendent
of Asylum, and Dr. Car-
an alienist, were pros
pee the witnesses against Thaw.
The Many features st First Day's
Program Captures and En-
thralls Large
A from
Little pots of like can. of
paint, make attractive neighbors out
of them that ain't
ended unless fresh attacks are
ported .
Officials believe will em-
ploy all forces at his command to curb
the Indians.
Fears Landing of Marines I
On Board B. S. Colorado, off
Sonora, Mex. June by
radio lo San Diego. Gal., June
Fifteen hundred villa troops
General Sosa were promised as pro-
for foreigners In the
Valley at a conference aboard the
warship Colorado today between Ad-
Howard and
Admiral Howard with force
Bay, near reported General said the landing
today he was gathering Informs lot American marines might be mis
lion of the present situation and by the masses of the Mex
conferred Consul people.
full report is expected from ad
Market House
Paso, June General
further details of the defeat of commanding officer at Juarez
the Villa expedition sent to restore or today admitted s fire last night
In the valley reached the stale de I Chihuahua destroyed the city mar-
Officials believed only a report a hospital building
small of the eight hundred
men sent b Will not be
was destroyed
and Micro than
I. v SO here
admiral Howard's forces of but Juarez authorities denied
marines and well not edge of h an occurrence.
The Greenville is now
in lull progress, the performances of
Tuesday which begun the seven days
entertainment here pleasing a large
audience both in the afternoon and
the evening. If, New-
comb, Superintendent of
qua iii this city, proved a most enter-
lecturer in the of his
on Representative
Professor dis-
cussed Mark Twain in his lecture yes-
The other two Humorists
be will lecture on are Field
and Henry.
The Dunbar Singers, com-
posed of Mr. Charles Harding,
and a quartet, Messrs. Harry
and Ralph Thomas and
Misses Ladle Price and Freda
were a splendid group of en-
to help initiate the
movement here. Their songs,
and impersonations were of
B relined type and this company show
ed Itself to be Indeed n versatile and
artistic group, as was announced in
program for the week.
Their imitation of grand opera at the
evening performance In which they
sang the Chorus taken from
which was given here at
White's some time ago by
the Boston English Opera Company,
brought forth spontaneous applause
Perhaps one of the bast and
highly enjoyed numbers of the opening
day's attractions was the lecture by
Hawkins which
ed the evening program. This
on Byes and Wild Heart;
of Our Northern was an
lecture. Personal
corroborated by Slides showing
natural pictures of wild animals, to-
with the lecturer's excellent
descriptive ability exhibited in the
story of his years spent In the woods,
nude his lecture one of the best and
most entertaining of its kind
beard here.
The of Green
ville people and different scenes snap
by the photographer
during the day was also in Added
hire In the evening.
Miss Josephine Wilson leader of the
Junior was Introduced to
the audience lust before program
in the afternoon closed. Miss Taylor
outlined purpose of her work and
a meeting of the Juniors
which was held directly after the con-
if afternoon entertain-
This organization is affected
in .- t get the meaning of
. among the little boys
girls in the city. The result of
movement will be seen on the
day Of week when the
v Pageant of
will be presented.
This -i superintendent New
comb gives the second of his lectures
in discussion of the Humorist
i. Mr,
m Magic, by a numb t
h the programs for today
pictures will also be shown In
the evening.
To Make Trouble
Wires Howard
Great Britain's War Lord is
Years old and
Said to Be a Woman
London. June 23.- Kitchener
secretary of war in the British
net, who is directing the military op-
of tile empire in
great war. is 67- years
It is to Kitchener that England has
turned in dark days of the great
conflict. He has done wonders on
the held, knows the needs of
this day of machine warfare, and not a I
man who knows the hero of
doubts that the crowning achievement
of his remarkable career is in the
making. Horatio Herbert Kitchener
was born Cruller House
ford. County Kerry. Ireland, on June
1850, the son of an Irish army of- .
Beer, his father he Inherited
the dash and fire of the Celtic lighter,
and from his mother, who
French blood, he inherited persistence
and coolness. Young Kitchener was
sent to the Royal Military Academy,
and he entered the engineering corps
of the army. After surveying the Pal
e and Cyprus, he asked for more
active and thrilling service, and In
was attached to the cavalry.
He went with the Nile Expedition,
on frontier, and com-
the expedition which
him fame throughout the
world. He led again in South Africa
with Lord Roberta, and after the re-
turn of Roberts, he negotiated
treaty of peace. Repeatedly he was
thanked by and big sum-
were showered upon him. He
made a Viscount in 1902. and an Earl
in He is unmarried, and i
said lo be a woman hater. A strict
disciplinarian and hard worker, he
has accomplished wonders with bit
commands In the field, and although
present war England short
preparations, be is welding patient-
the force which England expects
will decide the campaign in Belgium
and France.
Was Quiet In
Atlanta All
Atlanta. June While the militia
was on guard at Governor
country home prevailed both
there and in the city today and there
was no indication of a of
the exciting scenes of last night, which
followed the announcement of the
commutation of Leo. M. Frank's death
sentence to life imprisonment.
At the governor's home it was stated
militia will probably he with-
drawn tonight. Officials of the state
and city insist that night's de-
had ended the possibility
of any menace lo the governor by the
people. A state of preparedness has
been maintained, however, both by the
police and military authorities
The Big Bear
London, June it is announced
officially that Russian
sunk a large steamer and two
vessels belonging to the Turks
in the Black Sea sea
no . i the
and I id
Our Enough
Denver. June One of
life, Mrs. Dorothy A.
-in I trial
her suit tor divorce against Harold
lire sufficed to convince
she had made a mistake.
hours after ho had b.
pronounced man and wife, she told the
court, wt .- compelled lo leave him
France Secures Large War
Loan From American
New York, June Confirmation
of most discussed French
by American bankers was received lo
day when J. P Morgan A
announced the virtual completion
ii one year loan to the Paris brain
of the- the latter acting
for tin- government and the
Dank of France, as well as the syn-
of French bankers.
The amount the loan and
yield are yet to he determined.
but it is Intimated the sum i
not likely lo exceed at
five per cent It will
secured by collateral in the form
high-grade American bonds
lo be placed with Morgan A Company
These bonds included some of the BOO
securities of America's premier
loads, of which many millions of
are owned by French in-
To a large extent these
negotiable only ill francs, that pro
having been made at the time of their
sale tn French Interest This will
not affect the character the
lateral, r I
offered to In this i
as the especial clause ma I
by private be
tween the contracting parties.
The proceeds Of the loan will tn
used by French government, for
payment here of heavy commercial ob.
ligations incurred in the purchase of
war supplies and foodstuffs. It is be-
the outcome this ti an
action will tend materially to
strained credit conditions between
this cent, r and Paris and
ease to the London exchange
which has been I
medium between New and Par
Admiral Howard Has Wired
Navy Department
Complications will
Washington. June 22nd. Admiral
Howard sent by wireless to the
department late today a statement
presented to him by lbs Mexican mill
commandant at bus.
g. sting that Americans leave the v.,
valley, but. promising to
limn if they remained, o.- to escort
them if they departed. The
data said a lauding of American ma-
would be likely lo Amur,
leans trouble all along the
The following official statement
made public at the navy department
Howard bus forwarded to
Ho- navy department the following
statement presented him General
Mexico, on board Colorado yes-
Americana arc invite.;
explicit Yaqui valley, there then
, no revolution and adequate
sons were established along
valley and Indians wire held In Mil
but now. tailing phases In
in consideration which may re
unusual demands up in military.
would appear logical for U ti w
it who have remained m
valley to depart and not place their
lives hi Jeopardy, rather than
two friendly nations disagree
i will l
given in an endeavor lo afford Ami
cans in question ample protection and
if emergencies should require them ti
depart an adequate will hi
them, fifteen hundred M i
can troops are now available for
pi it eel Ion Sosa is now in
valley I rid troop
when military com
end bis would under
Stand that ii landing would be
under the most urgent necessity, and
only fer the protection
yet the might
the n resent it. and
some Indiana would Jon
their and further I
such action might can e
trouble along the
Hold Negro
Jut-. Lo
arc bedding two who are In
to have escaped from some
camp One who gives his
as Stephen Dowdy, is said to
been seen with a chain around ins
right leg a week ago He is
live feet and one half inch lull, dark
ginger cake color, years old.
has a scrofula scar on right aide of
throat and weighs
The other one says his name is George
Thomas, alias George Thomas Hill
H to be from Elizabeth City,
Hi i feet, S or Inches tall about
Id, has small, round
small sharp eves, noes and
Mr. j. ii hit yesterday
afternoon for Oxford to spend several
Misses King and Km,
Forbes have returned from
i in where the have on a visit;
for several day.

don and indulge in some And the blackberry wine ll about BIRD DOCS S
just sit
thinking, while you Mm Take swallow dear, and see
blue Immensity, and see M life doesn't II it is good
III lac
a J
lake a brighter i It
good, anyway.
It will do you
ll loaf, ion to
of and.
J m be tar u
r word.
in b tar at
par up to
august at Ike peat at
tot L T
Friday. -i, 1916-
fa days ago General a
South Africa, was
tried and convicted treason. General
had Incited a revolution against
the English crown, and for this he
must six In prison
General la to be pitted la a
measure h will lie remember.
he was one of the most
of the leaders for the
independence South Africa in the
Boer War several years ago.
been lighting for his
in the same manner
George Washington and our
fought for the of
. in 1776
South Africa is under the rule
Britain, bin the people want a
their own, and they
must, secure it
has, In the present
war, charged with
horrible against
innocent i population I
and of n dead and
soldiers on the battlefield
i should also remember that
, accused doing the
imp r to the civil population
Boer war Not only did he
w soldiers on the Held, but
had her soldiers tire women
. i hi I'll i .; ;
that she
and she should also
her General Christian wan
and I In world will
giver her any praise for the treatment
ii him, if brutal
u l
being rumored that Lansing
in t man to appointed
t , succeed Mr Bryan who resigned an
State some lime ago
is the man for
place because he has the ability to do
i work, and la-sides he la a man
. the t
ii by Bryan
fully the rigor-
nun duties Imposed mi the man
ii- the ii. mi Important position In
the American and we believe
he will be a man that Will attend
in. Sillies strictly, and not lei ether
Minus gel In ahead of himself and
i- thing hi this world
,,, cent, y.-i it us an
i ii, i amount of and
n i the private thinking
if you have never tried th
, Huh hit of I I work,
, , ,, and do ii bow The happiest
momenta your life were
,, your childhood, and those
,,, days of real enjoyment, you built
i i
that young mind and
untold enjoyment When the n
tie came tumbling down,
just one I I ind I
The life did
you as they do i have
cached maturity.
can still build air Id
of th fact that your year- have
multiplied. can still gal
nor real pleasure out if
you only go at It right.
When business ventures go wrong.
Have you the time to wage a lit
tie private up plan, or are you
tn engrossed with your business affairs
in give a little time, thought and lab
to the health of yourself and neigh-
Right now is the time for Ty-
set in. and it would be well
to have the premises around your
house cleaned up and made
ii no excuse tor you to delay
tin-. Will never have a better
chance than to start right today.
move on ion
Yesterday saw the opening day of
and we'll
wager dollars to all
who witnessed and heard perform
j and night,
tell Unit were amply repaid for
the lime and money that it took.
The la something more
than we realized. II is great. It i-
grand, ll la an educator worth
and amuses lit the same time II
dispels dull cares from your mind
and send.- you to your hone- and
Go down this evening and
gee If what we say is true
should Harness her
I Wilmington
Gallant young men in the surf with
charming young women at Wrights
i School
teed line setter. Hill. June
stock oil. White matriculates on the records
IS., and with a faculty of three men, the
Write B. f Ma . N summer law school open-
bid ed here today with line prospects of
u most successful term The school
falls sill; opened last Friday, but registration
York, June It remained has been delayed because the
fr an Australian minister of health heavy enrollment in the summer
to that baseball is brutal
dangerous and also silly. During I
recent game In Sydney, teams
anting America and Australia w. r, Mopped
play at a Patriotic Carnival Ac Ban Francisco, Cat, June .
cording the report a Sydney thousand live hundred feet In the air
and flying up side down while loop-
America's second inning a the engine of the
i for teachers has made it
lo devote all attention to
M. W. .
to diseases at
Bra, Bar, and
r, mm, Masses
with Dr. D. L.
Ola, M. B. vary Monday
Practicing in all the Courts
in Building on whirs
street, fronting Court
ville Beach should understand it is player defected a fast ball straight operated by Art Smith, of
permissible to duck a dear.
Some people wouldn't pay a nickel
the densest portion of the crowd, Wayne. Ind. stopped today. Smith i
a scream was heard. The righted the airship and to
Ian. e men rushed the spot, and earth
found that a woman had been struck I
on the head by the ball, but was not SO FOB IT.
to see the statue Liberty do a hand-j seriously injured. Without waiting lot
stand mi her pedestal and there arc's,,. any damage had done the t When Show a Way.
Others who wouldn't pay nickel procured another ball and
an advertisement, In spite of the fact continued game as if nothing had
that they are mil of gelling more happened. A few moments later
than their money's worth Both are j ball was also deflected to the upper
in the same class. Don't disturb story of the pavilion, striking a man
J. F.
Phones BAT
There can be no reason why any C. M
reader of this who suffers the tor- .
r to us
would pa
merchants who give us ad
it would i a great fat
Hie readers tins paper
and at the same nine, men-
the to the merchant you
saw his ad the Reflector, help-
us and helps the merchant, too it is
,, boast for business, and makes
the merchant feel hi is getting
his money's worth
Ger says that England throws
bombs en unfortified towns England
Germany throws bombs on
fortified towns. Germans Eng
land has got to stop It. England Bays
has top i oh,
the use
Well, some of the bride's I
getting a hold on a June husband
have the another June
will roll around in about twelve
has had his photograph taken.
We would like lo have a copy
likeness lo adorn our sane
the fellows continue lo throw
then- in ring. So many them
are booked for p run have
lost count of the dear
And plat ground still goes as
useless, while the children
dodge automobile the streets, i on
in danger to killed
Ah, this life is full of thorns and
rose-, pretty and men,
we hate to pan from it
went t heaven ii. a chariot
but does not mean that you will
b taken op in the same manner
An exchange Bays that if In
I l did
they pm ii in there
Cowan, simplify your
ii, in. are liable to
your statements
A life la In leopard when he
disputes his line's and tails to
. there, you hone-headed knock
, r. if you this town, gel
out it
Merchants should i- doing ad
lo h trade from the
visitors who will be here
that girl who wrote all pa
in her examination can
good biscuits all k
We some fellow who have put
their list to a of talking
anxiously between the seen-
them Let the cobwebs grow
The Voice
No, the man is not ex
demented, he is just doing a
little work for the local baseball club
The reason he rides up and down the
reel veiling like a wild man Is not
for i lie express purpose frightening
children and horses, but that form
, i advertising isn't any meant a
expensive as newspaper spare and it
i- worth what it costs.
Mr. William f. Tolson and Miss
Brown Married Today
a i o'clock Mr
William K Tolson and Miss
Brown were married in the Me-
Methodist church of this city
The church was simply but
rally decorated with potted flowers.
and gardenias Mrs. S
T hue presided the organ and
played suit music while the guest-
assembled. Immediately before tin
party entered six young ladles
all intimate lends of the bride, wear-
lingerie drosses and black picture
hats entered and look their stand be
for, the altar. They were
. It. Morrill. of
Annie Leonard Tyson, Mary
Wilson. Jennie Williams, of
Ward Moore and
lire. The ushers entered next
They were Messrs. James Jr.,
j r. Garland Brown and
in-own Miss Brown,
sister of the bride, as maid of honor.
then entered She wore a pink crepe
tie chine dress and hat to match, and
can led pink The
bride entered on arm her father
at the altar by the
groom and his lie-l man, Mr Frank
w Brown, Baltimore The
won- a becoming suit of
Rev, Jno it Mai
thews the
wedding march was played
a.- the bridal parts entered, also as
n recessional.
Mr and Mis ll i
after the ceremony Atlantic City.
Niagara Falls and the Lake.
after they will be at home hi
Detroit. Mi-s Brown is the
and popular daughter of Mr
and She has a
host of friends, who regret lo hi r
leave the city The groom is ,, prom
newspaper man Detroit. The
high esteem of the couple was shown
in the numerous and handsome pres-
centrally located Apply this of
a res the Suer
court Pitt In
Proceedings entitled i P.
administrator, J it Morns
.-i Commissioner
will sell tor cash . Court
no, n N, on
Monday, I ft Boa n
parcel I laud, situ
i in the county I'm and In Beth
i-l township about one half i, north
of the town of Bethel
One acre laud I nit I hi right
side the road going role Bethel to
Hamilton, adjoining the lands
W and Col Hammond,
the conveyed lo A
Morris by II. W
h the deed Is hi
made for a full and accurate rip
This Ml lune
A tor and
y AM Attorneys,
x ltd
on the shoulders. Mr. Flowers, tin-
minister for health, who was present
rushed out on the ground, and called
this silly The play-
promptly obeyed his orders, and
liming as administratrix of
j u Bunting, deceased, late of Bath-
el rut county, North Carolina, this
ii to notify all persons having claims
the estate of the said
ed lo exhibit to the undersigned
within twelve months from date or
notice will he pleaded in bar of j
their recovery All persons Indebted
to said estate will please make
mediate payment.
This the 23rd day of June 1815
Bailie I. Hunting.
F. fl Son,
IS ltd
Sal,, of Personal
mi Saturday the day
at p. m. will at the residence
store ll Turner, deceased,
in Arthur, Ham
Pill Co., expose to public all of
the stuck of good- and merchandise,
to be sold bulk, and other
of personal property belong-
lo said estate. Terms sale cash.
Inventory stock will taken and
exhibited on day of sale, and
amount of said Inventory can be had
on Inquiry soon as same call be
taken, Sale made by virtue of an or-
of of the Superior Court
Pitt County.
This the of 1915.
N of ll. It. Turner
Ms BROWN, Attorney
of aching back, the annoy-
of urinary disorders, the pains
dangers of kidney Ilia will fall to
heed the words of a neighbor who
has found relief. Iliad what a Green-
ville citizen
Mrs. A. S. Jenkins,
St., Greenville, three
years ago my kidneys began to
me trouble. My back ached all the
time and I had dizzy headaches,
which objects floated before my
eyes. I was restless during the night
and had to get out of bed and sit up to I
D. B.
Attorney at Law
and Drainage a
In formerly occupied by
F. S. James A
Attorney at Law
Office In the National Hank
Dickinson Avenue.
rest my back.
Corner fourth and
The least cold settled I Both Bay and
on my kidneys. The secretions from Tour
my kidneys were too frequent in pas- KODAK
sage and annoyed me considerably ;
Seeing I loan's Kidney Pills recommend B. F.
id in the papers, I procured a ea Fourth Street near
at Bryan's Drug Store. This medicine
proved of great benefit, strengthening
my back and the other
symptoms of kidney
Piles Cured In to Days
will refund money if
OINTMENT to cure any It.
Wind, bleeding or Protruding day
Per Sale or Rent
I have two for sale ill
C. All persons Inter-
apply lo, David Button, Green-1
N C ,; I
Attorney at Law
In n Building, Third
Still With
Life Co.
Surgeon II,
Treat All Animals
Calls Promptly Answered Day or Nigh
Day Phone Night
Winter N.
in the National Han
Office hours
to and to
I Ire Meet
June Owners
Western North Carolina timber lands
me planning to hold a conference
Montreal during the time that the
North Carolina forestry association is
in there to prepare for tin
Norfolk Markets limited b; Cobb Bros,
A Is.
July l
Sept win it
July corn
Sept em
control prevention of forest
in this section Of state during tin rib
approaching tall of
are each fear as a result
which sweep the mountain
sides and is I lie hope the men
who own this of land that
will be aide to ins, effective steps to
protect their from tire in
fall the season of the year Whew the
tins arc mast frequent.
Attorney Law
Atlantic Line.
North Bound South Bound
a m No p. n
No, p. in No. p. u
Bound West
No. a. m No. p. m
No. a. m. No. a. a
p. m. No. p.
Norfolk Q
Carr Atkins Co.
playground for children would
remove then from the danger the Hill. MOVE OFFICE
crowded wish to announce that after July
I will occupy offices on the third
We no of the of the National Bank Building
tragedy called Don
Mules Burn or
u I lot- Betta
Sale By
Carr Atkins Co.
Schedule la effect April
N. B. The following schedule
published as Information ONLY an.
are not guaranteed.
A. M Daily.
Pullman Sleeping Car fur Norfolk
A. It, Daily, for Plymouth,
beth and Par
Car Service to Nor
folk. Connects for all points
and West
P. M. except Sunday,
I A M Dally for Wilson,
and West. Pullman Sleeping Cat
Service Connects North, South
and West.
A. M. Dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh, Connects for
all points
P. M Daily for Raleigh all
Intermediate stations
further and reserve
In Sleeping Cars, apply to J. L.
Agent, Greenville, N. a
eaT Pa. Aft.
Invigorating to too Pale and
chill TONIC out
Moseley Brothers
insurance and Real Estate
Wednesday, June, 1916
sirs. A. of Florence
-1 C . is Visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Which-
ard on Pitt Street.
Mr. and lira. W. 1-. Jenkins and
little son of Charlotte, who have been
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cherry
Jr., returned home yesterday morn
Mr. Prank W Brown Baltimore,
who came In a few days ago to take
part In the nuptials
which look place morning, is
pending some time in the city with
Mends and relatives.
Mrs J I. Hassell and
have gone to Boat spend the
vacation in their cottage a
hat resort.
Mr. w. Rodman, Jr Urn-
Small. Hod
attorneys, at Washington,
today in the city on legal business.
Pew an lie
Those who do not have to consider
Spense are now going to health re
to get rid of Impurities in the
that cause rheumatism, back-
ache, aching Joints and painful mus-
If you cannot go. yet fell you
seed relief from pain misery, get
Kidney They restore
kidneys to activity and make you
well and
Black Jack
Black Jack. N C. June
T. Butler tilled his regular
here Saturday and Sun-
Miss Mae Savage, who has
been visiting Miss Lillian re-
turned to her home last week
T. H and wife,
Bethel, attended church hero Sun
Mr. Eddie and sister Annie.
pent and Sunday with their
uncle. Mr. K. I.
Mr. went to Washing-
ton on business last week.
Misses Etta and Dorothy Johnston
and Leona Cox, of spent
Saturday and Sunday hero.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Clark returned
Monday from
Mr Mrs. Johnnie
spent Sunday here.
Miss Mills, of visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Harden
Mr. Mrs. H. Clark spent
Saturday with Mr. W. L.
When you want cool drinks call on
Suspend Paper
Berlin, via London, June The
authorities today suspended
the Berlin be-1
cause ii published recently an j
by Count on Gorman-Am-1
relations, which declared inter- j
national law mil-1 be disregarded In
Street Brewer, of
was in town Sunday, visiting Miss
Blanche Cox.
Messrs. Jack Harry
us. Grover F. F. Cox
and Hardy Johnson went to Roberson-
ville Sunday.
Mr. A. W. Ange is visiting his par-
near Jamesville in Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry French, Mr.
Ban Davis and Miss Willie French.
of Kinston. were visiting at Mr. W.
If. Carroll's Sunday.
Mrs. J. it. Carroll of Ky
Is visiting at Mr. J. B. Carroll's.
Mrs. F. C. Nye and children left
Tuesday morning to visit her
near Hill.
Miss Liles, of who
has been visiting friends here for tin-
past week, left Monday afternoon to
visit friends.
Mrs. M. Squires and children,
of Wake Forest, arrived Monday to
visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B
Miss Bertha Carroll returned Mon-
day from a to and Wan
Mr. Cox returned Monday
from a trip to Raleigh.
W. J. Wyatt, who has been
spending some time at has
Their many friends with
Mr. and Mrs. It. H, In
the continued illness in their
Mr A C. Cox went to
Mr. It. F James and Mr. It. W
Dull returned Monday from
where they went to visit relatives and
Mrs. Robert Singleton, who with
her children have been Visiting Mrs
J. La Rollins, left Saturday.
Mrs j. I. Rollins returned Monday
from a visit to her parents near Gran-
she was accompanied by little
Miss Lela White.
We still invite your attention to the
fact that we are selling our stock of
merchandise a greatly reduced price
for the cash Come to see us and be
convinced. II. D Forrest and Com
Come and see those palm beach sin's
and pants for they are going a
bargain as long as they last So buy
yourself one while tho are going.
B. D, Forrest and Co.
We are still selling our spring and
summer dress goods at a great
I lion and often even below cost. liar
Barber and Co.
See A W. Ange and Company for
hardware. We carry a complete line
When in need of dry goods and no-
go to A. W. Ange and Cos.
Special prices during the next thirty
Sold In Bottles
Bottled under Authority
Cola Company.
Every and
before and after
Chew- Cola
Bottling Works
Angelo. Tex , June
are now about the cheapest
thing to be had in San Angelo In the
way of meat. The fish arc so
in the North river
many have been caught with bare
hands In catching a large
weighing nearly forty-five pounds
II had one of bis hand-, bad-
injured. He placed bis hand in the
fish's mouth with result that the
hand was crushed and chewed. Fear
of blood poisoning is now worrying
Ike That Does Not The Head
of ii. tonic and
it ordinary
and nor
in head the lull and
the signature E.
Tills Force
Kl Paso, Texas, June The Car
agency at tonight made
public a message Vera
stating that troops
waiting in the suburbs of Mexico city
the outcome of military operations Id
the South and the arrival of food sup
plus for the people. The Cram
advice also quote Gen a
reporting many from
Villa's army in the vicinity of
anal saying. Ban
strikes the key-note of pa-
American arrival- here today said
soldiers had wrecked the
Masonic lodge at and
were marching northward
fa. t t
Mr. James from trip.
to Norfolk
Mr. James who went lo Nor- j
folk a few days ago. has returned to
home here.
While in Norfolk. Mr. Royce visited
the German converted cruiser
Frederich. received a warm
welcome from the German officer and
sailors of the interned warship. Mr
j Royce expects to make another trip to
Norfolk soon, in order to get first hand
information about the from the
last Friday
His character was one of most
and pure that the world has
seen. What has be been worth
u. the state His value cannot be
calculated in dollars and cents, but
bis last will and rial,
lie would bequeath to the young of
ii Carolina Just throe things,
Honor. Integrity and Truth Today
the smiling wheat Heidi character
of the death of one who loved
of the people so well
The church that pearl
lb.- name of was and pack-
ed to overflowing with a host of lo-
cal friends of the deceased, and there
were also a large number of out of
town people here to be present at the
last ceremony held over the
rand old man
The casket presented I lie aspect of
a huge rosebud profusely littered with
emailing Dowers named to
mix and pervade with atmosphere
The silent sobbing of the bereaved
family lent even more lo
II,. and as the pall hearers
bore the beautiful outside
the , hutch to lake It and its noble
contents to their last resting place.
waS evident throughout the
The funeral procession one of
the and most seen
here many The hearse bore
the noble old man put to Cherry
Cemetery, where he quietly laid
rest to await the dawning day when
he may claim his reward for the no-
work he has done in his long
and well spent life.
His whole life has been one of In-
to the
The members of the count Bar
attended the funeral In a body
The her pall bearer were.
C. P.
New York. Juno 22.- A
candle power searchlight, small and
fed by storage batteries, said to be
most powerful portable search
I light In the world, Is the latest in-
of Thomas A. Edison. It was
operated for the first time last week
at the inventor's homo In
Park, X.
Many residents, surprised by the
light, telephoned to the police
to Investigate. It is especially design
ed for us-e In mine rescue work,
fires on ships and
To the creditor Of Jno. It. Jenkins. Jr
You are hereby notified that tho
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, mad.- an order in the
proceeding now pending ill this Court
wherein John It. Jenkins. Jr., is
end his creditors are respondents,
which said order is in words and
tires as
North Carolina In the Superior
Pitt County Before the Clerk.
In of John K. Jenkins,
Insolvent Debtor,
John R. Jenkins having with
the undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court Of Pitt County. Petition
tag that be is insolvent debtor, and
praying for an order that estate
may be assigned and f
may be assigned for the petition
of his creditors, and that his person
nay hereafter exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment previously rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he tiled With said petition I till
his creditors with the places Of their
residence and the amount owing to
each together with an inventory of his
It Is therefore ordered that all of his
creditors, or them as desire,
the said John it Jenkins, shall show
cause before the undersigned at Ins
office in the Court House in
N. on the day of July. 1915,
why the petition of the said John it
Jenkins should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not be assigned
for benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter he from
arrest or imprisonment on account
any debt tiled In said schedule of
It is therefore adjudged that
order ho published once week for
three successive weeks in the
ville Reflector, a newspaper published
i, the town of Greenville. North tar
This June 1915.
Clerk Superior Court
6-11 one a week
The Quickest and Most
Permanent Way
with a Guarantee
acts upon the Liver in a mild way. and does not cause
feeling so often the case with
Sold by Country Mir chants throughout Pitt County and
North Carolina
Pitt Count
Mills Jr.,
in the County
Court of Pitt County
Would you buy a FURNACE EYE
if it would protect your barn
against FIRE.
Come let us show you at Gentry and
Warehouse. We can also
supply either GROOVED or RIVET-
ED FLUES, as we were the first
here to make flues.
Jenkins Roofing Flue Co.
J. J. JENKINS, Manager
Hat Phone
Plume I.
A I. BloW, Howell Cobb, Wilson.
N C , O, lames. C. W. Wilson.
Leigh, City. A.
Scotland Neck, V, T. Or
Kinston. Jno C Parker, Kin
It Whit. K.
W. I
Mount, J. Carr. Wilmington, ,
v. Raleigh, P, C. Harding
Daniels. Washington, D, C,
Lee Overman, it. N.
Duke. New York. N. Y , R, C.
Miller, Atlanta, H.
Connor, Wilson, Jno P.
son, V Quo. H
Ed Durham, Victor s Bryant,
Durham. Locke Craig, Raleigh, J.
Bryan Grimes, Raleigh, B B.
Raleigh, T, W Raleigh, w.
p. Wood, Raleigh, M
Raleigh, The Mason. K L I laugh
triage. Mount, it
C and
s Hassell
Felix Kin-ion Pear-
mil, New Bern, Brown. Hal-
E. C Harris. Prank Woolen
I, it. J. it.
Williams. C. S. Carr, L. Little
Herbert While
Old Sons, Other Won't Cur
Tin -oral
Don't neglect your
ii are
hi hut them to me where the
Is and
suit eyes
supplied liable
Broken Lease
ll II.
The above named Will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced in the County
Court of Pitt County by J. A. Will
vs D, H. Horde to recover Judgment
against the defendant and against the
land the defendant lying in Pitt
County, for money and advance made
by the said to the defendant
and upon contract; and the said de.
Will further take notice that
he is required to appear the Court
Court Pitt County on Monday. June
1916, at the Court House In Green
Mil, North Carolina. the
further take notice that he is re-
quired answer or demur to the Com-
plaint in in said ac-
before June 1916, and
I If he fall to answer said complaint on
or before June 31st 1916, the plaintiff
I will apply to the Court for th relief
demanded his Complaint,
This May 24th 1916
Clerk of the County Court
At Per Cent
If you value quick transportation,
route your shipments via Norfolk and
i Southern Railroad.
Watch the time made by their park-
see ears, you will And that your
Interests are best by
as Is
e g

Mint i sale
North Carolina In the Court
I. C Hardware I .
and Wife
Hy virtue an execution directed
id the undersigned from the Superior
Court of County in the above en
titled action, I will on Monday, tin
day of July, at o'clock
noon, at the courthouse door in said
County, in sell to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy
execution issued on a Judgment
to enforce a lien filed against
the property, after described for
material, all the right, title and in-
which the said A. Ingram
and wife. Ingram, the defend-
ants, have in the following
ed real estate, or had on December
1914. to
Situated in the town i Ayden, Pitt
County. North Carolina, and is the
house and located in the western
part of said town of Ayden, lying on
3rd street, and the same lots upon
which the said owners are completing
a residence, and the same lots
recently purchased Dixon
others Beginning at a stake -10
feet Croat Joseph corner,
runs a Westerly course with reel
feet to a stake, thence North and
at right angles with Street
feet to a stake, thence an easterly
and with 3rd street
feet to a stake W A. Ingram's
thence a Southerly course and
with the aforesaid second
corner of 3rd street to the beginning
And also a lot lying just east of the
above described property.
This the day of June.
Joseph Lawhorn,
4-3-1. ltd
Slate North Carolina
Department h
in All whom these Presents May
Come -greeting
Whereas, it appears to
by duly record of
proceed Voluntary
dissolution by the unanimous
consent of all stockholders, de
in office, that T.
and Company. Inc., a corporation of
this state, whose principal is
situated m the town of Greenville.
of lilt. State of North Cam
T. If. Meade the agent
therein and in charge thereof, upon
whom process may be secured. has
complied with the requirements
Chapter SI, of 1906, entitled
preliminary to the
issuing of this certificate of
Now. Therefore, I. J Bryan
Grimes. Secretary of State of North
Carolina, do hereby certify that the
said corporation did, on the day
of May. 1915, file in my office a duly
executed and attested consent in writ-
to the dissolution of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof, which said consent and the
record of the proceedings aforesaid
ire now on file in my office as pro-
by law.
In testimony whereof. I have hereto
set my hand Mid affixed my official
seal at Raleigh, this day of May,
A ., 1915
6-3 ltd Secretary of State
I Bryan Crimes. , .
I of Dissolution
State of North Carolina.
Department of State.
To All to whom these i
Whereas, it appears to my s
by duly authenticate, record
the proceedings for the voluntary dis-
solution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders
in my that Th Parker
Company, a corporation of ,
whose principal office is situ the
town of Greenville, County Pitt.
State of North Carolina L. Par-
being the agent an in
charge thereof, upon whom pr i
may he served i, has complied with the
requirements of chapter
of 1905. entitled
to the issuing of this
of Dissolution.
Now, therefore, I. J. Grime-
Secretary of the Slate of North Caro
do hereby certify that the said
corporation did. on the 10th day of
June. 1915, file in my office a duly ex-
and attested consent in writ-
in lo the dissolution of said corpora-
executed by all the stockholders
thereof. which said consent and the
record of the proceedings aforesaid
are now on lib- in my said office as
provided by law.
In testimony whereof. I have here
to set my hand and affixed my official
seal at Raleigh. N. C this day of
June, A D. 1915.
J. Bryan
Set of
ltd and
Local Hank of the
The Greenville and Trust
Company of this city, have on hand a
few souvenir
of the
imposition. These coins were
authorized by an act of Congress and
the supply Is limited to pieces.
They will be sold at each, six for
They also have souvenir
half dollar coins commemorating the
same event and will be sold at
each, six for as long as Ht.
Local people desiring any of these
coins will do well to at the bank
early, as the supply doubtless be
exhausted in a short
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administrator
the estate of H. Turner, deceased,
late of Pitt County, N. C. this is to
notify all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned at
Arthur, N C. on or before the day
of June 1910 or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate will
make immediate payment.
This the day of June 1915.
Administrator of H. Tl Turner
To the Creditors of Eli
You are hereby notified that the
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, made an order in the
proceedings now pending in this Court
wherein Eli in petition, and
his creditors are respondents, which
said is in words and figures as
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior Court before the Clerk.
In Petition of Eli Rodgers.
vent Debtor.
having tiled with the
undersigned Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt County, petition alleging
that he is an insolvent debtor, and
praying for an order that his estate
Bay be assigned and for the petition
of bis creditors, and that his person
may hereafter be exempt from arrest
and Imprisonment on account of any
judgment previously rendered, or of
any debts previously contracted, and
he having filed with said petition a
list of bis creditors with the places of
their residence and the amount ow-
to each together with an inventory
of bis
is therefore ordered that all of
creditors, or such of them as so
desire, of th said Ell Rodgers, shall
Show cause before the undersigned at
Ills office in the Court House in
ville. X. C, on tin day of July.
1915, why the petition of the said Eli
should not be allowed, and
why his estate should not he assigned
for the benefit of his creditors, and
his person thereafter be exempt from
arrest or Imprisonment on account of
any debt filed in said schedule of debt.
It is therefore adjudged that this or-
be published once a week for three
weeks in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published in
the town of Greenville. North Caro-
This June 1915.
Clerk Superior Court.
is law
Executor's Notice
Having qualified as Executors under
the last will and testament of J.
W. Allen, deceased, all persons hold-
claims against said estate will
the same to the undersigned with-
in twelve months from the date of this
notice, or the same will be plead In the
bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
please make settlement Immediate
This May 1915.
W F. Evans,
W. Harvey Allen,
Executors of J. W. Allen deceased
A ft
flout I ft all J
coat of a
at all
Warned. f
n u m. Thou.
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
Notice is hereby given by the Hoard
of of Pitt County in Reg-
Session Assembled on Monday.
May 1915. ordered an election to be
held on the described
North Carolina.
Pitt County
Notice, is hereby given, the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at a Special Call meeting assembled
en Wednesday, May ordered
an election to he in I he following
described territory.
on crock at
the east comer of the Ward land,
running with the Ward line, in a north-
direction to the
load, thence with said road to the
Lumber Company ,
thence with said lo the
county road at Teddy, thence down
county road to the Wilson and
fills road, down the Wilson and
Greenville road to branch
Including the T.
down Jacob's branch to J W. Gay's
corner, thence down the W. Owens
line lo the north side of the D.
place the W W. Owens
thence down the D. Moore line
to the north line of the Ben Owens
place, thence up the
u, the Wilson county line, thence down
the Wilson county line to
Creek, theme lo the
at the Davenport and
turner on Tar River, thence
with Davenport and proctor lines to
a Special School Tax of or.
the One Hundred dollars valuation
property and Poll in the
above described territory.
And at said election those
the Special Tax vote a written or
ballot containing the words.
S and I hose opposed
Tax shall vote a written or
ballot containing the
Special Tax
And it was further ordered, Unit
be. and he Is hereby
R. It. Fleming, Jr., and Davenports appointed Registrar for said election
It I. Smith's thence S s
That I he said election be hold on
Friday, July SO, 1915, at the Public
School house in above described
I. Smith and Fleming line
to the Washington road, with said mad
I to J. II. Wilson and G. H.
corner, thence with said Wilson and
Little's line to Little. J. it. Daven-
port and Orange corner,
thence with and Matthew
Moves lino, to alto's canal,
with said canal to P. Fleming and
comer, thence with Sal
and Fleming line to Sat-
road, thence with R.
Owens line lo
and corner
in the line, thence
line to J. It. Little and Baker
corner; thence with J- B. Little's line
the Barnhill line, thence with Lit-
and Barnhill line lo Daniel
line, thence the Daniel and J. II.
territory for the purpose taking and .,.,.
ascertaining, the win of the qualified . o
voters of above described territory,
whether there shall or shall not
,. levied and a Special School
as t.
Crawford corner, with said
Crawford and Daniel line lo the Goo.
Williams are hereby appointed
holders or Judges and
And it is further ordered, a
now registration is shall he
ed. and that the registration Hooks
for said District or territory shall be
opened on May 1915,
closed on Saturday. Juno 1915
for the purpose of registering the
voters of said district.
This 19th, day of May 1915.
S A. Chairman
Hoard of Com. of County
Attest Bell.
I. I. M.
Phone King
Second St., tor. Nail
mo wkly.
Tax of cents on the One Hundred
Moore line
line to the
thence with Moore
Dudley line, now K D.
valuation of property and
Harrington's thence with Harrington's
cents on the Poll in Hie above .
ed territory, and at said election those
favoring Tax shall vole a
Ward line to the Spier land
thence with Spier and Ward line
printed ballot contain g to run, thence will, said run to
the words Special Tax Tar River, back to the beginning-
opposed to said Tax shall vote a writ- That said election be held on
t, , or printed the 6th, day of July 1915. the
words Special school house, in the above de-
And it Is further ordered that W. K. territory, for the purpose of
and Is hereby appointed Keg i taking and ascertaining the will of
for said election and Ed the voters of the above
Way and Eula Mangum are hereby scribed property, as to whether
pointed Poll Holders or Judges r shall not be levied and col-
election .
And it is further ordered that New
Registration is and shall lie required,
and that the Registration books for
said District or Territory shall be op-
on Thursday. June 1915. and
closed Saturday July 1915, for the
purpose of registering the qualified
voters for the said District or
This the 9th day of June. 1915.
S. A. Congleton,
dim. Board of Pill Co
6-11-18 ltd
Mexican Bandits Kill American
El Paso, June
an American, has been killed at the I
El Favor mine tit according to
travelers reaching border today.
The killing was attributed to bandits, I
In the District Court of the United
for the Eastern District of
North Carolina. Division.
in of, Claudius Tun-
of First Meeting if Creditor.
is hereby given that on the
day of May A u, said
Claudius D. Tunstall was adjudged
bankrupt, that the first m of
the creditors will be held at the of-
of the undersigned referee, at
Washington, N. on Thursday we
day of June A. D. 1915 at
o'clock A. M. at which time the .-aid
may attend. prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly come, be-
fore said meeting.
Washington, N. c 8-8-15 ltd .
Having as administrators
of the late Robert P, Allen, late of the
county of Pitt, is to notify all per
sons having claims against H
of said Robert II. Allen to
present them to the undersigned ad-
on or before June
or notice will be plead in
tr recovery I hereof.
All persons owing said estate will
pleas make Hate settlement with
the said administrators.
the day of June, 1915
M It Allen
Dunn Allen
S II II once ii week.
Builders Hardware
Lime, Cement and Plaster
Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub-
Roofing, Paints, Oils and Varnishes
is complete and we can fill your orders
e e
Greenville, INC.
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
j, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
k. Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
ton. D. C.
Norfolk. Vs.
Chart -Ion. W. Va.
S. C.
Majority of Thought Mr.
Would Die, Bat
One Helped Him to
Ky In Interesting
from this place. Mr. A. J. Hughes
rites as was down with
stomach trouble live years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
rimes, that I thought surely I would die.
I tried different treatments, but they
did not seem lo do me any good.
I jot o bad, I not eat or sleep,
end my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
taking other medicines. decided
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence In it.
I have now been taking
for three months, and It has cured me
haven't had awful sick headaches
since I began using it.
I am so thankful for what
has done for
has been
found a very valuable medicine de-
of the and liver. It
is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous Ingredients, and
gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
a package today.
Only a quarter.
it HAS
U the the Keel Most of
Win K
The Allies Reap
Rich Successes
On Western Front
Further Successes
the Armies
Paris and Berlin Little
Activity In Theater-Gen-
Drives Russians
River England
Will Allow Bales of American
to Kilter Sweden-
Vienna, June in
Russian Poland, has been raptured by
forces, according
to announcement made by Austrian
war tonight.
of nearly miles
southeast of the Austrians
repulsed a Russian attack which was
made in force.
new Alien
New Central Will be One of
the Most Substantial and
Convenient in State.
Has Floor Space of Feet
and Sot a Post
tin Will be Perfect In Any
Part of Warehouse and Other Con-
for Patrons of House.
Wafer Pipe Into
Berlin. June Foreign Minister
and Chancellor
arrived from
declaring that they have
that will remain
during the war.
Will Allow Cotton to Reach Sweden.
Washington. June -England has
agreed with the Swedish Cotton
Association to permit hales of
American cotton to reach Sweden
War Summary.
London, June in
has driven tho Russians
the river, a
of the where
day's dispatches stated that
the army would establish it-
self on a new line against the
advance in At
same time the German forces
crossed Into Russian territory near
Poland. The Russians are
beginning to evacuate positions they
have occupied along the lower San.
Enormous numbers of German
troops transported from the
eastern front to the want The great-
est secrecy the movement.
Official reports from Paris and Ber-
chronicle little lighting a
calculated to elm materially
the situation either adversary,
Tho most notable action was the
fight in the where the French
suffered a momentary Check. Their
advance posts were thrown
the night and Hie contest continued
in the morning. After a terrific count-
attack, in which the Germans
gain Dislodged, it la reported from
Paris French again
all the ground they had lost.
A slight advance made by the
Infantry north of In
the Arras sector. In a
men the French gained tho sunken
road from and by dint
of bard
their advance position a hundred
yards forward.
on the
peninsula heavily the
Turkish wing, according m the.
Turkish report, . ban
not result of this
Kinston, C. June 30th.
first brick warehouse ii
completion when tho Central
will he one of the most substantial
and conveniently arranged warehouses
fur sale of leaf tobacco to be found
in Eastern Carolina or any part of the
state for that matter. When the
that is now under construction is com-
which will he soon, the build-
will be an entirely new structure
and very greatly improved in many
ways from warehouse it was
originally built.
Last year proprietors, J.
if. Parham, II. C. Wooten and E. P.
spent about in
and other Improvements. This
year between and more
In Improvements have been added
which makes the warehouse an entire-
new building. It Is now feet
Wide by lest long, giving a floor
space of square feet. There
several new features that will
it especially valuable for the display of
tobacco on sale. There is not a
post in the entire floor space only
two in the mammoth which
ere In the front and supporting sleep-
quarters fur patrons of the ware-
The roof of building has
been lowered, Which greatly aids In
shedding light, a very important
tor In selling leaf tobacco on ware-
house floors. There is not any part of
the building that there isn't plenty of
light to show off the tobacco.
In the front part of tho building
there has been constructed
sleeping quarters for farmers who
come here from a distance to sell their
tobacco at Central and this Is to
be made comfortable for them. From
n ii artesian well water
Will lie conducted into the warehouse
flowing the time for the con-
In the building. The
office, which will be In the corner
warehouse at Heritage and weal North
street, is to be fitted out
there will double r
vice, one in end of the long
tobacconist ore making
extensive improvement to care
n the business for and
die Central will right in fore-
Says Bulletin Issued by State
Department Americans
Fleeing from Capital.
They Are Watching Mexican Leaders
in All Parts of this
Angeles, Villa's Went Hand
Man, of Being Involved In
Plot for Action
for the States to Take.
Washington, June
agency here gave out a statement to-
night that American citizens are flee-
from Mexico City into the
camp of the general,
Pablo which is about three
miles southeast of the city.
The agency also says that a commit-
tee of the diplomatic corps is asking
the Zapata officials to protect the prop-
of foreign governments. The
here say that Zapata Is
about to evacuate Mexico City.
The state department gave out a
short bulletin today stating that
in Mexico not
and that is rushing troops
to reinforce General Gonzales.
Tho navy department has received a
dispatch from tho New Orleans at
stating that tho town
of was raided by the In-
on the west coast on June 17th,
when a British subject, John
ton, was killed, but that all la quiet
In that section now.
Horrors of Barb
Wire Entangle-
game lure believe
has arrived for a definite sup In
can affairs. Two courses are now
open. One is to increase the pres-
sure on to compel him lo
with Villa and the other is
to eliminate personally from
consideration and attempt to get to-
Villa and prominent men allied
with other factions to hold a
to select a candidate for president,
for whom all concentrate. He
would he assured of recognition by the
United States, and the latter plan is
believed to be step President
son will take
Mr. Mrs Mayo,
or.- Mr. Mrs. F. J.
on I
Agents of tho United States govern-
were all over the country today
carefully the movements of
prominent Mexicans who have been
in Mexican to that
there are no violations of American
The arrest of Huerta and
at Kl and tin
strict surveillance over Felix
and Felipe
Angeles, now living In the United
States, and others, Is i part the
American government's policy to
vent setting afoot of any new
military movement in Mexico. Officials
here feel the revolutionary
in Mexico ought not to he further
complicated by I hi Introduction new
j elements.
others may be
with the so-called Huerta
Intensified Internal lure
in the Investigation by agents
the department Justice Into the
situation, ii Is even Intimated
or one the European
are Involved, it was said
also the department of Justice
. n i ion of Mime in e
which seemed to connect
Angeles, Villa's right band with
to Entertain Large Crowd
on That Day.
Senator Simmons, Attorney General
Congressman Hood and
Other Prominent Men Are AIM
Expected Hotel i
Management of Mr. Foster to
lake fare of
to the
City, June 25.--The Hon.
Daniels, secretary of
navy, will be the principal speaker
at the Fourth of July Celebration to
be held here Saturday, July 3rd. Ar-
riving here Friday on his private
gunboat, the Hon. P. M,
Simmons, United States senator; Hon.
George E. Hood, congressman from
the third district; Hon. T. W.
attorney general of North Carolina,
and other prominent men are also ex-
to be present. Preparations
are being made to give the guests and
visitors a royal good time. Tho fa-
Atlantic Hotel, under the
did management of that
Mr. It. P. Foster, of
will afford entertainment for the
where a splendid orchestra dis-
charming music during the
day and until the wee small hours of
the night. The service throughout
the hotel has never been better than
this season and everyone is loud in
praises of the management. The
fishing is line. The surf pavilion is
under new and splendid management
this season and none need stay away
I for fear Of not having plenty to
please mid entertain.
The fastest hose real team in the
state will give an exhibition on main
tree o In the afternoon
for the entertainment of the large
crowd that la expected. At o'clock
a game of baseball will he played by
teams that will play real ball, night
fire works will attractive
the Prom present in-
a larger crowd of people Is
expected be In Morehead City that
day than has been bare before.
The Hotel and all the board-
houses in the town, together with
Atlantic, are prepared to
Of the crowd. This will he a good
time take an outing with
family and spend a or mow at
the summer resort on the coast.
The Norfolk Southern Railroad will
furnish reduced rates from all
on its lines is
lo handle comfortably the large crowd.
A special train Will leave here at
connecting with
train at New in for Washington
and other n I
Mr. White Boosts
Greenville Section
Mr. H. M. White, of Greenville
rived last night to attend the meeting
today to be held in the Raleigh
of Commerce rooms looking to-
ward telling the world the truth about
the state of North Mr. White
is the representative the Carolina
Club of Greenville. He states that
if the world knew of the advantages
offered by Greenville and Pitt county,
their population would he doubled this
year. He believes In his section and
wants the world to know there is pros-
good neighbors and a
hand awaiting the folks who will
come to live in and are
to work. And while be flunks
something more of Greenville I
Pitt county than he does of the
the state, lie admits that what he
claims for bis particular section is
largely true of the State as a whole
Raleigh News and Observer.
Dr. Bancroft, who Examined
Harry in New Hampshire. Swears
to This on Stand.
Now York. June 29.- Or. Chas P.
Bancroft, bead of the New
state hospital for the insane and a
member the federal commission
i, examined Harry K. Thaw
his sojourn in New Hampshire
swore on the witness stand today
Thaw, in bis opinion, was not only
sane, but always bad been sane. Dr.
Bancroft testified as an expert alienist
in Hi. Jury proceedings to determine
mental condition.
act in killing Stanford
White, Dr. Bancroft said, was not a
product a systematized delusion
such as the true para-
killing of Stanford
he said, apparent lo us i pal
Impulsive act growing of
a condition of mind due chiefly lo
anger and which was the
dual culmination of series of
that bad bean hearing
down on him during a long tune. If
did inn seem a type paranoiac, but
Wat due to Jealously of Mr.
to a diseased condition mind.
Raleigh, June S. Plans the an-
in of the North Caro
I'm rational guards were practically
i mi led by Adjutant General Young.
The regiments will go Into camp
imp Glenn field and fins In-
the second July
la l Inclusive, Hie July lo
and third August to
The coast corps will go
to Port Caswell to
sanitary troops to Pa,,
iii and troops, A and n
will in Port .
lo for instruction.
Washington, June The United
States government has adopted the
practice of notifying the German ad-
through Ambassador Gerard
of the time of departure of
passenger ship sailing under the
American flag and approximately tho
hours during which it will
through the war
This precaution is being taken so
German submarine commanders
may be on the watch for American
vessels and prevent a repetition of too
attack on tanker Which
Germany says was mistaken to a
An Observer In the Middle-
sex Regiment
Graphic Descriptor
Ire lorn
London, June v as
as the wire. Tiny hacked lit it. lore
it. until their hands wire raw and
bleeding and their uniform went to
tatters. From their starting point
right up to the wire tiny left a deep
lane of their dead and dying yards
long, a sight so poignant that men
coming suddenly on that trail
broke down and wept at sheer
pity, the undying glory of
In this way Official observer of
the Middlesex regiment describe
horror of barbed wire the battle
A German trench, protected by
hundred yards of terrible stuff,
had been overlooked by
artillery and after was
sent against it.
the Indiana r cut up by
rifle and machine gun from behind
the deadly strands, then
rifles advanced in fruitless attach
The battalion went Into action
strong and came
The men who remained alive
remembered nothing save
fearing at the barbed wire with their
hands, stamping on It Jabbing It
with their
one officer unscathed
lied and withdrew men and
turn of Hie cam
sacrificed themselves In rain only
when British had fallen back and
treat had been upon
fatal wire patch, to loose charges
high explosives, was ii.- difficulty over
always on
side of d rs, be th, y German
or Allies
High entanglements an need to pro-
trenches from bayonet charge,
stakes, five feel high, are need,
planted five and f
apart, and Interlaced
with cross wires. a man-trap
hi k to a stand
still in a position that be has no
hi and is a mark for all tho con-
,. i fire specially that of ma b
In tended trench.
The assailant now rails for
i and cut the wire,
and this is a
it the regimental
devil, who is often prompted In tho
Held for work Of forlorn
re is no outwitting tins i
a brings to naught Ow most
gallantry of attack.
the says a soldier's letter.,
col partially over our wire, and
they swung and bobbed next morn-
fairly riddled, it is a character-
In pitiless war.
Mr. W. O. Lang has returned in
the offer gone
Mr k. it Iteming, of Pat
was a visitor hero
Mr, a. O. cox, of wad
in the city this

Eastern reflector, 25 June 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 25, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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