Eastern reflector, 1 January 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

It the lest Most the Most W Washington.
i i ii
Receive Severe Defeat In
foiled end In
Dec. heavy
rains of the last several days have
caused the Cape Fear river to
rise rapidly an yesterday morn
it was feet above normal at
Fayetteville and still rising, ac-
cording the government record. The
sudden rise in the river during the
past week has seriously
the construction of the dam at
King's Bluff, this being a part of the
canalization project of the upper Cape
Capt. C. S. who has direct
supervision of the construction of the
lock and dam at King's Bluff was
is Quoted Ai That Ger
Will Sec The War to The
Kurt Germans Admit Re-
Dec. the war new.-
was allotted a secondary place to the
in the news columns of the pa-
although that coming from the
Russian front was gratifying
to the allies. There has been a slack-
of the fighting in Northern Po
land between the Lower Vistula and
rivers, where the Russians have
captured some German trenches
prisoners and indicating
It is believed here, that the German
frontal attack on the army guarding
Warsaw has been definitely checked.
In Southern Poland the
also recorded some successes while in
they apparently have
a defeat on the Austrians almost as
serious as that which Emperor
Francis Joseph's troops suffered
Prisoners Taken.
Since their latest offensive com-
the Russians have taken
Austrian prisoners and captured
many guns, according to the Russian
official report, and If as was estimated
Austria has between three and four
corps on its re-entry into
it must have lost more than a third
of the number in killed, wounded and
prisoners. Muddy roads have
vented the Russians from making
pursuit as effective as it might
Of the lighting In the west the
French and German reports are In
direct conflict The French claim
have occupied the Tillage of St.
which is on the main road
between and and
miles from the German town. On the
other hand the German report
have gained some ground
Heavy Fighting on Km
Heavy fighting is taking place Pi
the Argonne and on the bright of the
Mouse. The French report
refers to later events than those
recorded in Berlin, for Paris tells
the recapture of a trench, which the
German communication mentions
having been captured by the Ger-
The French are
Steinberg In Upper
News from Germany la
slowly as cable communication be
tween England and Holland
located by the storm and
wires between Holland and
North Carolina Mixed in
Turkish Affair.
Washington, D. C, Dec.
Oman, commanding the armored
cruiser North Carolina, at Beirut
informed the Navy Department
today that it was a Russian
and not an American vessel which re-
threatened to bombard
An Athens dispatch published last
week said the of an
steamer had been attacked at Tripoli
south of when foreign
consuls and refugees attempted to
board her, and that the North Caro-
had threatened to bombard the
Washington, D. C, Dec. tar-
board with a view to readiness for
a revision of the tariff in event the
Republicans come again control
of the government, is proposed in a
bill which Representative Mann of
Illinois, Republican loader of the
House, proposes to acquire all
possible relating to cost of
production and other tariff problems
with power lo investigate anywhere
in the States or elsewhere.
Of the five, one would be appointed
by the President, one each by the
majority committee, and one each by
the majority and minority of the
House ways and means committee
This would make the members main-
selected by those bodies which have
most to do with tariff legislation.
They would not be subject to
by the Senate and while the
making a herculean effort to complete
the framework of the dam by January
1st. The last section of the coffer-
was built and was ready to be
put in place several weeks ago. There
was sudden rise in the river and it
broke loose from its moorings
floated down the river several
yards before it was anchored
When the river got back to its normal
level it was towed back and was just
ready to be put in place again when
the river began to rise once more and
it was again pushed out of place.
This time, however, the river has
not stopped with a rise of a few feet
and it Is not likely that the section
can be put In place before next sum-
Asheville Dec. Craig,
accompanied by his son, George Win-
Craig, arrived in the city Sun-
day from Raleigh to attend to some
private business matters and will re-
main here until Thursday morning,
be having decided to remain over for
the annual banquet of the local bar
association Wednesday when he
will be the principal speaker. While
here he is a guest at the Battery Park
Governor Craig says that at present
there is very little transpiring in the
state capital except preparations
are being made for the meeting of
the general assembly January t.
The Christmas Party by the Sun
day School of the Christian
postponed from last night on account
of the weather conditions will be held
on Friday night in the Center
Warehouse, when the building will be
heated sufficiently for the occasion.
The members of the congregate i
a cordial invitation to be
sent, and should any pupils of the
school know of a little boy or girl
not any Sabbath school
they too will be welcome.
A male is expected to
furnish music on this occasion
an enjoyable evening is promised.
Ayden unknown to
who enjoyed the recent holidays
the fullest extent, especially so op
Christmas morning, when, while
the influence of whiskey, he ma
his wife and children practice the
very dangerous pastime of biting
muzzle of his loaded pistol. His
wife's sister was here from a neigh-
boring town, and she too, was -d
to bite the Run, and upon her refusal,
had to dodge at least two or three
leaden halls from said pistol in tin
of the same first men-
Rather than have her
brother-in-law arrested the colored
woman immediately cut short her
visit and returned to her home. The
most we could learn of the whole
fair Is that the with the fan
was named Dis-
body in power would have one ma-
on the board, Dr. Mann's idea
is, that with a minority really
all the Information asked by
either political side would be obtain-
able and the scheme out fairly.
The chief duty would be to map out
lines of data to be obtained and la
obtain it, with a view to a tariff that
would not be either too low or too
New Bern, Dec. Creel, the
aged white man who on Christina
Eve stabbed to death
on New South Front Street, will
be placed on trial for his life
time during next week. A one
term of Craven county Superior Court
for the trial of criminal cases
cases will convene next Monday
with Judge Connor Wilson
and as Creel has not been
nut, he will probably be placed on
trial early in the week. The ma-
does not deny the killing, but sticks
like adamant to the story he
first told, and which was to the
effect that he did it in self defense
It is said that this Is not the Ural
murder which Creel has committed
that once before coming to New Ber-i
he slew a man. Whether this is
is a matter of doubt. Laura
Creel, who is doubtless the cause
the whole affair, is yet living at No.
New South Front Street, and will
probably remain here until after
her father's trial.
The brass lamp offered by
kin Hardware Co., during the
days was won by Mr. T. M Hooker
Each customer spending as much as
one dollar at the store was given a
duplicate and at the store
he contest a disinterested party drew-
from the box No. this being the
number corresponding with
v.- Mr Hook
Kinston, Dec. local man who
celebrated Christmas a little out of
season and unwisely awoke this
morning with a disagreeable
persisting in his mind. He recollect-
ed going down stairs last night in the
small hours to satisfy a harrowing
thirst. With the pipes all frozen
no water to be had from Other
source, he a at a
in the parlor. He retired
again Immensely relieved. Upon
awaking again, however, he was on-
fronted with the thought that he
might have the thing
when he quaffed so copiously from
fish jar. and went to investigate.
Water and gold fish were both gone.
Farmer is Waging a Boneless
War Against Rattlesnakes,
A. Miller, a farmer living in
county, began a war on rattlesnakes
six years ago, when he was bitten by
one large reptile and bis life was in
danger for several days. He at once
declared war on the rattlers and de-
that his farm should be rd
of them. Every summer he has kill-
ed to twenty, but this year he
dispatched thirty-three. The
seem to be increasing on his land, his
neighbors say, notwithstanding the
number killed annually. On the
farms rattlesnakes are rarely
seen, and Just why they are so
in one spot and so hard to
Is a problem that people of
county are trying to solve.
Baling Dispatch to Chicago
Washington, D. C, Dec.
promote the foreign commerce of
United States the government will go
into the newspaper business January
next, when the first number of
Daily Commercial will be is-
sued by the Department of Commerce.
In it will be carried all important com
cablegrams received from the
attaches at the various embassies
abroad and from consular offices
throughout the world. It also will
contain brief abstracts of the findings
of investigators of the department
many line of American enterprise,
and will present to the world
each the gist of the business
the Department of Commerce for the
preceding day.
The plan for a commercial
was worked out by Dr. B. E.
chief of the Bureau of foreign and
Domestic Commerce. The new pub-
will take the place of the
daily consular reports now Issued.
A. Brand, assistant chief of the
bureau, who returned today from an
extended tour of inspection of the
bureau, reported that the
were meeting with a cordial reception
from business houses and were work-
to full capacity in co-operation
with merchants and manufacturers
have been wrecked In many places.
With the close of the holidays the
recruiting boom has recommenced In
England. largo numbers enlisted to-
none ft in Death.
A horse belonging to
which was kept In a
Johnson Foxhall's Warehouse was
found dead one day last week. It Is
supposed the horse froze to death. t
had been closely clipped and was
kept in a stables not very well shelter-
ed during tho cold at weather last
Berlin, Dee. The first payment
on the additional capital for the bU
Krupp gun works at Essen will He
made tomorrow. As usual, the Krupp
family will take up the new stock
The increase- of capital is occasioned
by the heavy demand for war material
and big guns to meet the
emergency The capital of the Krupp
Company was million marks, an I
Is to he Increased to million marl-s
of part of the new sub-
to be paid in tomorrow. The
directors also decreased the dividend
this year from to percent. They
have assigned million marks tS
wards the relief of families
million to the
fund and one million marks to the
pension fund.
Death Rate Reported For This
State Has Been
Greatly Reduced
Raleigh, Dec. the death
rate in North Carolina has been re-
1.2 since 1911, It is still
higher than the average in Hit Unit-
ed Stales according to figures com-
plied by the Vital Statistics Bureau
and given out by the Slate Board
Health yesterday. These figures are
only for towns of or more.
these it would seem that North Caro-
total death rate was 18.3 par
in 1911; 17.3 in 1912; and 17.1
in The need of more and bet-
health work is indicated by
fact that the average death rate in the
registration area of the United States
is only per 1.000 as against 17.1
in North Carolina.
Upon examining the death rates for
the various causes of deaths, the
chief source of our high death
is found to be due to preventable dis-
such as typhoid, tuberculosis,
diarrheal diseases among children
measles and whooping cough,
the old-age diseases, our death
ls lower than the average in the
United States.
As an example of our death
take typhoid fever which is over
times the average. Three times a
many people die from measles and
four times as many from
cough as are due to die. Our tuber-
death rate is per cent high
than the average in this
To be more specific we have
deaths every year from this
disease than we should have, and what
Is more significant every one of
5.300 deaths from this disease are as
unnecessary as the useless deaths now-
occurring on the European battle-
fields. Pneumonia is responsible for
needless deaths and diarrheal
disease among children 3.000 and
on down the list.
Our death rate seems to he about
seventeen per cent higher than the
average for the United Sates,, but It is
slowly decreasing thanks to our
adoption of improved health methods.
New Justice for Ohio.
Ohio., Doc. -Throe
Supreme Court will be Ins-i-l
tomorrow. Chief Justice New year resolutions are in
Hugh U Nichols, chosen for a six- making,
year term, Justices Thomas A. Jones
and Edward S. The latter
two were elected at the November
Meeting the Opposition,
v member of the Democratic
committee tells of an
who. during the last campaign
took the stump in Iowa. It does no
appear whether he gathered many
converts to the creed or
but he certainly added to the humor
On one when a vast
had gathered lo hear him hold
he addressed them in this
citizens, our opponent
are resorting to every form of dis-
honesty, deception, and
trickery lo tho voters. But,
fellow citizens, we warn
here his sole shook Hie
th warn them, fellow citizens, that
is a game that two can play
Some of them could well afford to. New York Times,
swear off. t
Even the pavements are not Such a rainy spell as this makes tut
from mud. I People W

MM by
D. J Miter.
a year. . . i a.
rM b. La upon
at the In
ail of and
will tar at
wot par
will far at
par Una. up to
August in i -i. ii at at
North Carolina, under
tat or Marc I,
baa stated that it would not
permit forbidden shipment. At this
time when there is so much danger
of becoming Involved in the European
war it is well to submit to some inter-
but the interference has gone
too far and it is time for a vigorous
protest. The feeling in country
is being aroused against such conduct
by England and this protest has the
moral of the people
The report of the general
of this State shows increase of
crime fur the past year compared
former reports. The last report for
the years and 1913-1914 WM
cases as 18.853 report-
ed two years ago The number of
has increased greatly
this period. One point emphasis-
ed in this report is the high
of convictions secured by the States
which is per cent of the
cases report
During the holidays several false
lire alarms were turned in from
hoses causing the department
a great deal of trouble It is Strange
some people cannot
without doing things which
other people trouble and worry but it
scents this is the way that gives them
the most pleasure Such
practices tend to seriously
pair the efficiency of the fire depart-
It is necessary that the
set to a fire at the earliest possible
moment and if they have to wait to
tee there is really a fire much
able lime is lost If those who turn-
ed in these alarms are caught they
should be given the full fine as pro-
i in the ordinance. They should
be made an example for others who
may turn mi false alarms
The Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. 31st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
We Point To Furniture
Those who are inclined to belittle
the effects of the prohibition
now sweeping over the country
should notice what twelve mil-
lion dollar brewery concern had to
say in regard to failure Among
causes for this fail-
were a lack of demand for their
Squibs From Other
Wilmington Star.
Sheep raising is urged in New Km.
land where lands have become
profitable for farming purposes. Why
product, adverse legislation and the and raise sheep as a side
creasing of the prohibition territory
German asked the If Cap's Hobson were asked his
of the American consuls in that private opinion of those two Tar Heel
of Belgium which is occupied by the. Congressmen who voted against his
Gorman troops. It is said the resolution he would perhaps exclaim
are not pleasing to Germany and it with much
seems that by having new consuls So Small of Bern Sun.
pointed it will appear that the j
States recognizes Germany's right to
annex Belgium to her territory
as our strong feature be-
cause we know that the lend
we handle has been made in
the solidest way from the
best selected lumber, and
that it looks better and lasts
longer than any other kind
sold at anything like our
prices We should like to
have you call and visit our
Our lines of Bel-
room Furniture will surely
tempt you to buy.
Taft Vandyke
Evans Street. Greenville, N. C.
The Slate lax commissioner has
made public some recommendations
which will lie made to the next
at lire in regard to a revision of the
lax laws One of the ideas embodied
these recommendations is the need
of equality of individual assessments
in the township as the proper basis
for an equalized assessment as
whole full value. A in-
of sales of real estate
extending over a year's time is asked
a means of getting at the proper
tat valuation
The uprising did not t
much success although it is r
ported that many of the natives, both
and o dais, were
n One dispatch says it
leaders. The are
not yet ready for self government and
is pretty certain that these island
lie iii such a condition as Mei-
ice now is in a short time after
Here given their Independence
The Norfolk
half of the world won-
how the other half can buy auto-
passed without any ac- j if
ever had a car he can yet
wonder how the possessing; half keep
the ding things up-Rocky Mount
and official, were
The wet weather greatly lessened the
danger from fire and also prevented i
many people from getting out to
who otherwise would have done
so. Celebrations in which fireworks
are used are always liable t
in accidents
Apparently the Japanese are not all
of mind as to the wisdom of
part in the war as allies of the
Entente Powers, The sudden
of the Parliament Tokyo yes-
is said to have been resolved
upon by the government in order to
One of our exchanges has publish
ed an item taken from our twenty-
years-ago column as a news item. I.
was a local about a Baptist minister
Dr. receiving a call prevent the dissension of the
the church here twenty years ago. j hers from becoming public. A
i victory of the Entente Power
Wide Tires and Bad Beads. I result an enormous increase
Quite a number of newspapers and of ambitions
of Russia. Naturally this would
The at Washington have
ii last sent n note warning to
Britain protesting against the
i interference with legitimate
foreign trade Our government has
timely submitted to these
which were excusable to a
nun extent just after the war he-
ran, hut which have continued up to
present even though our
advocating a state law effective 1917
prohibiting the use of
tires on wagons carrying a big. heavy
load. The broad tires are very use-
in good seasons where they
have good, level roads, but the broad-
tire wagon is a thing to be despised
when yon Strike a had piece in the
road, even with a light load, when the because they have
wagon slips from one side to the other I M
and times to be abandoned
The broad-tire have been tried in
several counties by numerous pro
prejudicial to the interest of
and some of her statesmen appear to
be wise enough to foresee
There is much talk about railroads
Death Ends Strange Left Feud
Springfield. Mas., Dec.
Wood, aged died in hi lonely
cabin on Mountain in East
Brookfield a few days ago the story
of a strange enmity was told in tho
village For years and bis
brother John worked side by side
without speaking, and when John lay
on his death bed neither of the broth-
res would consent to a
The estrangement of the two broth-
forms a love story that surpasses
the fondest plots of the novelist.
were suitors for the hand of
Mary Squires, and it is said
by some, never contradicted by
I brother, that they fought a duel to see
which would be the lucky man.
won, and went to Spencer, Mass., and
married the girl. This was back In
Wood returned to the lonely
farmhouse with hi bride but received
no welcome from John. For a time
the newlyweds occupied one side or
the house and John the other. Mr.
Wood's efforts to effect a
were fruitless, and this
in building another cabin. When
John took Wood's wife
nursed him, but when she saw death
was coming, and she tried to reunite
the brothers, neither would consent.
During the funeral of John,
sat upon the doorstep, but did not
enter the old house until the funeral
had started toward the
tery. During their live the brothers
necked out a bare existence. No
modern implements were ever used by
them, for both were decided to con-
duct the rocky farm Just a their
father did before them.
The estrangement was known by all
the but neither John nor
would answer questions of
interviewers, and their own stories
of the year feud were never told.
i ea. the
and still assay beast. r
with it owing u
W. special t.
all sewer gas. W. an. good
and stilled labor. W. u
you that there will a. no
when we do year
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
per cent. We are unable lo so.-
such an effect. Giving the roads this
permission, It seems to us, will help
hut when M out of of harmony between the chiefs
hauling la to e dime the narrow receiver, and this in a general way, and in
Moor, will help conditions to some extent.
hut the man who expects to see pros-
are the thing for general
The Mexican situation continues to
be full of uncertainty. As soon as
one faction comes into power a lack
between them.
sprout up like a mushroom has carat OW Seres, Other Cats.
A big fog came will, rising another guess coming lo him -Greens
last night. Record.
Healing Oil. It
i Paul and at the same time. i
Touring Can F. B.
F. O. Detroit
We bare second hand Ford and
Cars, almost as good as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville, N. C.
Corroborated and Easily Ia-
Do you need a good kidney
cine. Then read the reports in these
very columns of Greenville persons
or benefited with Kidney
Pill. You won't have to go far to
find out If they are true. This Green-
ville case Is an example. Others will
Mrs W. T. Hunter, Evans St.
Greenville kidney com-
plaint . My back ached and there was
soreness across my kidneys. The
from my kidneys were
regular, scanty and contained sediment
I also had headaches and dizzy spells.
I saw Kidney Pills advertised
in the papers and got a supply at the
Warren Drug Co. They strengthened
my back and relieved the other
symptoms of kidney trouble. I
Dona's Kidney Pills whenever m
back gives me annoyance and they
Price at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
Mrs. Hunter had. Co.
Props. Buffalo, N. T.
The County Commissioners will re-
bids for the and
repair of a wire fence forty-six
Inches high, with one strand of Bark
Wire, beginning at the Craven County
Line, and running along what Is know
the old stock law fence. The
should Include the quality of wire;
proposed to be used, the character of
poet and the price for each, the board
reserves the right to accept or reject
the whole, or any part of bid made for
such work.
The bids will be opened and con-
at the regular January meet-
Monday January 4th, 1916. For
information, apply to any member of
the Board of County Commissioners,
the Register of Deeds, or Comity
This December 1914.
S. A.
Chairman of Board of Commissioners.
a Drainage Cases a
la formerly a
We Thank Our Friends for their Liberal Patronage
Given Us for 1914 and wish them all a Merry Christ-
mas and prosperous New Year.
Johnston Foxhall,
Greenville's up-to-date
I Methods Sow In Use For
I Fighting and Preventing
Hookworm Infection
Creel, Says Thai He hilled i
lord Prated
Repair the Leak
I ship,
X i v
National Bank of
O I Ir
I I.
re visiting their Mrs,
I K years Thin warning i
K. Winslow.
Mr. Manning i
been In n Bpi the
Roberson Suffolk, Va . a pro
here for
Mr. and Mrs. I. u ,
. , . . . .,,.,
Miss Mi Peter
Va., who has hi en visiting Mi-.
Louie Barber during the re-
ii Ii mil this morning.
Mr. Funk L. Hill
Sunday her. .
Mrs. s. Sellers i pending
with people
Mr. w. Tile i
Li, V Robert It her
Mr. it. Hill
bore yesterday.
Jas S, and wife have
nod in their after a
Hr. Jesse S, the
lay. with his people Washington
Mrs, L. Ii. Lancaster i
her Mrs E
i people I
Should iii- t
reach this record breaking i
loss both to pi p and
II lie.
named Address l-l
i c.
i in i v op mi
hi is
i lib , . I., ace ii i
Ii of in A i,
trail of
i for
the I. i of the .-. h
v, do
ii e the p In
i rid
o i i mountain, ch ii
la s. .
highway ascending trow
i ii inn. n ran
from the It In-
id, patch bashes
In as a scarlet on
the mountain seen from
of Deeds Bell has
m s to lbs following
last report,
A Manning James
W. I. Mayo and Rosa l. Skinner
Louis S. Hi II and D.
and Edna E.
of Greenville.
H i. Harris Rocky Mount l
Stubbs of Greenville,
C II. Vivian Mae
of Carolina.
John Coward of Craven county
Viola Smith of creek.
C, Griffin and Bertha Dull Con
Ben. H Roebuck of Washing i
Rosa M. Jones of la
Henry Warren
Andrews of Martin .
and w i i Andrews Carolina,
John and I
John Rider of s d . i, an.
Olivia Jackson
South i . ;., .
m, does l
not, as it
with In
cl to
he in i i i-i their
The female Hookworm
edible number eggs in the bu-.
bowel where she lives ind h
hi in r t. Tin
I on Hi- ground with ,
I . and, favored o
warmth and moisture, hatch
mil into very tiny worms
The liar, footed child treading on .
Invisible gets them
Into Al the .
u pilgrimage through blood,
. lung-, and h, en I
in the bowel of m w
And so the whole circle is repeated
I ti person becomes a r
of spreading Hook-
worm disease he go
have seen disease
and how ii i- spread. The Import-
am is, can we do
I Inn- already referred lo
an easily-prevented ii i.-
prevented and i cured, r.
in. vent ii all we to do is to
the small worm, hatched of
egg in the I bowel move-
from reaching the skin or the
i ii a human being, hi. i .
human mus be
. i .
r words we
proven . .,
i- mailer
i .-
l S he
i C irk l been a lend
among j r i
roar Grocer fur
the best. i K y
I. ;. .
K. I
Four i Fruit
M-W ;. m
. and Small
i roll KM bag
California Fruit Store.
c. II. M. Rogers died
S ,
are. Apparently in good health. Mr
tore i lock
blocks. Knock- Towers
or . answer-
ed in Ii . little daughter, and to her
replied. i lie child
opened the door and Mr. Rogers fell
threshold dying without a
; with the
survive. The son, Henry
i, now in Ohio was married re-
and is spending the ho
with his parents on hi- wedding inn
d to go on in Florida this
week. was held
Sunday afternoon
Daniel and Nora
I .
i ill-.
i . over
I i
i .
n for ii i,
or i other
A borne i
Christmas eve the boo
Mr. I mil when bis
Mi.-s Bertha was n. i lo
I C. . i Ayden mar-
took place o'clock In
of a i
i .
r K and i
Is bush f ii,
pipes, elbows, tire hoards, and put . . . , . ,
stoves, s. t. KW
II. FOB We secured the services of Mr.
Irons, Heaters, Lights and fixtures K L. who it an up-to-dab
Proctor .,,. ,
IF WAST where
will get the best and Quickest
to nerve.
FORBES i i Pro.
e o d d.
i s
j Grocery
.;. i .
i t
i and
late Met Ernul arc . .
lo Jami . Wiley Brown,
. N. C. ,
Notice The
For Year of
. . led i o
forward pay your taxi
i and gel
State Treasurer I
settlement Slate taxes
In Jan
ill the
i ; III little
to the i
. . r for . lo . lei t
I me by
Broken . ,.
FOR HI M Hill I in.
Mi . r
12-17-lOt. e. n. d.
W. Ii
Card mil I
a I i id
I an Ba bill o i n
. . Ion ire .
B Wide
prevented i e, n
id backward i In-
Mr, adults;
In is. ii i worth while to put
it II
AT km. slop to it, and at o
desirable In,.,,.
lion. Apply or P.
Piles Cured In Days
I . I
I. Ore., .
tor op
f will
l Hi Oregon building on Thurs-
day, They will rots
at on
and San Ion
on Saturday.
in per IN
Orders fur
Trees, Vines,
Pansy and
ii I . .
S. M. Schultz

Parker Fountain Pen
There i. none and suitable for I
The Reflector Sale. has handled for
year and in that time has mM of them A-
tie part of the is discontinued, we hare of thaw
-ill be sold during the holidays at half-price.
One Pen now goes for.
One Pen now goes for . .
One Pen, now goes for-----
One Pea, now for .
Two Pens, now goes for .
Two Pens, now goes for .
Three Pens, reduced to
Fourteen Pens, reduced
fourteen .
Three Pens, reduced to
Four Pens, reduced to .
The Pens can be seen in the front window.
with a box of delicious candy
No other Gift too could Id
be more acceptable In no other way
can you confer so much pleasure at
so little expense. Have a box with
you the next time you next
time you take her out. Share th.
contents between you. and your only
regret he that the evening if
too short the box too little
Drug Company
Shooting Credited to Men
On Various Ship of United
States Squadron.
Whereas the whole North Atlantic
had to close up to
yards to bit a lightship ten years ago,
the New Hampshire in 1911
the old San Marcos at a distance
of over six miles In about the time It
takes to tell of It; at that range.
conditions of temperature,
sphere,, steadiness of platform, skill
of gun-pointers, etc. all perfect.
per cent of hits would be golf
whereas examination showed per
cent of certain bits, and the
board stated that so much of the
ship was away that the other
ten per cent between this per-
I might easily have been
during the last the
fleet scored about per cent of
i In 1896 one shot a minute from a six-
Inch gun was good today
I fire eight a even at the vast
, range of to eight miles
double what Is usual In other navies
I our gunners expect to reach their
with one out of every three
shots; and we have such records as
that of the inch guns In one of the
South Carolina's turrets, which scored
hits out of shots In four min-
and seconds 1901. five and
one-third minutes was allowed be-
tween and that of the
with six perfect shots from 12-
guns In seconds Henry
sham In the American Review
of Reviews.
Advertising for the Electric Railway
Seem to Be Done In a Really
Clever Manner.
Worming Secret From Intoxicated
Envoy Common. According to
the Great Bismarck.
Bismarck appear to have found a
capacious thirst even more useful In
diplomacy than a good cook. He told
Busch that when staying with Fred-
William IV at
guests were asked to drink from an
old goblet. It was a stag's
horn holding about three-quarters of
a bottle of wine, so constructed that
one could not bring It close to tho
lips, and It was a tricky matter to
drink from It without spilling any.
I emptied It at a though it
was filled with very cold champagne,
and not a single drop on my waist-
coat. Everybody was Immensely
prised, but I said. Fill It
king did not appreciate my
success, for he called out, no
tricks were formerly an In-
dispensable part of the diplomat's
trade. They drank the weaker
under the table, wormed all they
wanted to know out of them, and
made them agree to things which
were contrary to their Instructions.
or for which they had no authority.
Then they were Induced to put their
signatures to the papers at once, and
when they got sober they could not
Imagine how had done
Replace Opium,
An interesting report come from
some in It stated
that in place of the poppy formerly
grown there mulberry and cotton
plant are being sown. The fact
for It Indicate clearly
the farmer have that there
Is no further chance of sowing poppy
and that they may as well
at once the necessity for planting the
land with other crops. The planting
of mulberry will be an expensive pro-
and when once the land Is de-
voted to mulberry It will be a still
more expensive process reverting, or
attempting to revert, to poppy. The
province of produces excel-
lent silk, and from the economic point
of view will in the long run
be a much more productive Industry
than the culture of the poppy The
whole movement is highly significant
and Is a conclusive answer to those
who doubt tho good faith of the Chi-
in respect to this campaign.
When the farmers themselves decide,
that the game is up. then the game
up Indeed.
Key West or Tampa,
thence Steamer to Havana
cover meals and berth in
Tickets on sale January Tin. limit id
to return January
Children at half fare.
For detail information, write to
Mr. P. at. JOLLY.
Wilmington. N.
-The Standard Railroad of The
Veterinary Surgeon aid Dentist
treat all animals. Calli
day or night, at t
. Smith stables with hospital
rice, bay phone night
Fourth and
Photo lade Both Bar an Might
Send as Tear
Metropolitan Lire I
of New Tort
lit it
SOU Witt
Th Life
at tow
Markets by
Dec Wheat 7-S
May Wheat 3-1
Dec. Corn 1-S
May Corn 3-4
Jan Lard 10.30
May Lard 10.47
Jan. Ribs
May Ribs 10.45
A spring crop of striking posters Is-
sued by the London electric railway to
advertise Its underground, surface car
and bus transit facilities shows that
there Is no end to the combined
and ability of the London art-
and the company's depart-
One of the new and original
Is to devote an entire design to
some one famous person and the lo-
where he was born or with
which he was In some way intimately
connected. Those reproduced are Gen-
Wolfe, who lost his life at the
battle of Quebec, in the French and
Indian war; Izaak Walton, author of
and the patron
saint of all amateur fishermen, and
Dick the famous highwayman,
who made heath his
i ground. The
of the last picture Is
the really oldest Inhabitant of
In fact a man of the stone
age Englishmen, of course, have many
more historical associations about
places than Is possible In a newer
country like the United States. For all
that American electric railways rare-
take full advantage of the
that do exist for the
Railway Journal.
Roman Harvester Still
The ancient Roman as
used for threshing, may still be seen
in the Island of Cyprus. It Is a board
about six feet long and two feet wide,
studded with sharp-edged flakes of
flint. In use It Is dragged by oxen or
donkeys over the corn spread out on
the hard earthen threshing floor,
rating the grain and at the same time
bruising and chopping up the straw.
Threshing time is enjoyed by children
and animals, the former riding on the
Implement, and tho latter
gorging themselves with a hearty
meal, for In Cyprus the Biblical com-
shalt not muzzle, the ox
that out the is still
faithfully observed. Although the gov-
offers to thresh by machine
at nominal cost, the conservative
prefers the old method. He
says that the animals will not eat ma-
chine chaffed straw, and straw they
must eat, for there Is no hay In
the Wide World.
Big Snake Too Friendly.
Awakening to find something
about her arm, Miss Hazel Joseph,
who lives at Jim Run, In the
near Pa., threw it
off and ran Into another room, return-
with a lamp. The light showed
a big snake stretched across the back
of her younger sister. Loretta, who
occupied the same bed.
Hazel's screams awakened Loretta,
who shook the reptile to tho floor.
Their father, hearing the noise, came
and killed the snake. It was a black
racer more than six feet long.
Norfolk Southern
Octet OR
If. laThe
published a
a m. dally,
Bleeping car
a. . dally, for
City and
Parlor ear Service
Norfolk. Connects for all points
North and West.
m. dally. Sunday for
a. m. dally for Raleigh
and West. Pullman Bleeping Oar
Connects North.
and West.
bid a. B. Sunday, for
and Raleigh.
all points.
p. an. dally tor Raleigh and all
Intermediate I tattoos.
Far further Information and
In Sleeping Cara, apply J.
L. Agent, N. G.
H. B.
B. F.
fourth t
and Insure it with
Watch Your Stomachs.
The steady Increase In the number
of cases of cancer has at last in-
one of the most eminent
dents of the subject to ask If this In-
crease is not actually due to the
present methods of cooking and eat-
Too much meat, he declares, is
not good for the stomach, where most
cancerous growth begins.
While physicians are searching for
a cure for cancer It might be well for
all to study the effects of food upon
their systems and learn to consume
only such as do not Interfere with
the healthy condition of their
Had cooking and wrong food
have caused more disorders than can-
w Hosiery
Gives tho BEST VALUE for Your Money
Dal Si. For Men, sad
Any Color and Style From to per pair
the Trade Mark Sold by All
Wholesale Lord NEW YORK
North Carolina.
In the Superior Court.
Cotton Mills, Inc.
K. Somerville
Notice of Summons and Warrant of
The defendant, L. E. Somerville
named, will take MUM that a
summons In above entitled action
was Issued against him on the lath
day of December, 1914, out of the
Court of Pitt County, on an
and order of attachment, for
the sum of Hundred
and 42-100 Dollars duo the
by an error overlooking the
payment of a check in the aforesaid
sum. when settlement was made with
id defendant Somerville for a con-
tract in building and constructing
employee houses on the property of
he plaintiff, which amount of
Hundred Fifty-five and 42-100
now due by the defendant
ville to this plaintiff, and said sum-
was made returnable on
day of January. 1915, to the
Court of said County, held in
on said date.
The defendant will also take notice
that a warrant of attachment was to-
BOd by the said Court on the
day of December. 1914, against the
property of the defendant. The Green
Banking and Trust Co., which
property of the defendant Somerville
of certain deposits of money
in the said Greenville Banking and
Trust Co., which warrant of attach-
is returnable at the aforesaid
date of January 11th, 1916, before the
Judge, at the Court House In the
Town of Greenville when and where
said defendants are required to
pear and answer or demur to the com-
plaint, or the relief demanded will be
This, the 22nd day of December
J. D. COX,
Clerk of Superior Court.
By virtue of authority vested
me by a mortgage made by W. H.
lark to Macon the
day of January, 1913. and I
qualified as Administrator here- s
offer for sale on the third Mon-
day of January, 1915, being the
day thereof, for cash to the highest
air. and Mrs. Herbert Jenkins
Aulander, N. C. are spending the boll
days with relatives here.
We wish to thank our customers tot
their liberal patronage during the past
year. We earnestly solicit your trade
in the future and pledge to you
prompt attention when you come to
our respective places of business.
A. W. A Nor; A- CO.
Mr. W. H. Rouse and children spent
the holidays here with relatives. They
returned to their home at Middlesex
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cox spent a few
days with relatives at Jackson
Springs. They returned home Sun-
day evening. Mr. Cox says that Moore
county has excellent roads a line ex-
ample for Pitt.
Leta Tripp, Olivers and
Cox of the Normal and In-
College, Miss Blanche Cox of
Meredith College. Messrs. Roy Causey
and Fountain Carroll of Wake
Tucker of
Business College and Miss Fannie Lee
of the East Carolina Training
School are spending the holidays at
their respective homes here.
Mr. A. W. Ange and family are spend
a few days in Martin county
Mr. Ange's parents Mr and Mrs.
l. Ange.
David Stokes who has been clerking
for A. W. Ange Co. for the past
year is spending the holidays at his
father's home near Gardner's Cross
The Spring Term of
High School will begin Jan. 1915.
Most of the old students will return
and a number of new ones will enter.
The members of the faculty are spend
the holiday at their respective
Mr. Jesse Fort Barnwell
spent a few days here with relatives
last week.
Misses and Dorris Jack-
son of Mt. Olive, N. C. arc visiting re-
Mrs. F. James is visiting relatives
and friends at N. C.
Roy Causey returned to Wake Forest
Mr. J. W. Evans of Durham, has been
visiting his brother Mr. Alex Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols of Dur-
at the Court House door at are visiting Mr, Alex Evans of
noon, the following described pro-
Miss Charlotte of Kinston
spent the holidays here with her uncle
Mr. Clyde
and being in Swift Creek
Township, Pitt County, North Caro-
line, beginning at a cypress on the
of Swift Creek near the old foot Sleepy Coon Loses Jug.
way and runs S E poles to a of an
James Walls corner, then N which
poles to a forked pine, then S
v Farmville about Christmas.
K poles to water oak, then .
W poles to a black gum on the j had secured his Christmas Jug and
run of Swift Creek, then down the was in the station waiting the mid
various courses of Swift Creek, coo- toward Greenville. He
acres more or less. Regis-1
in Book D-10, page
Harried at
Mr. Benjamin Roebuck, of
N. C, and Miss Jones
of N. C. were happily mar-
at the home of the bride Sat-
afternoon last at o'clock
The Ceremony was performed by the
Rev H. R. pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church, this city
Immediately after the nuptials the
bride and groom left on the
tic Coast for a bridal tour car-
with them the best wishes of
their friends. The bride is a
of the late Mr. Haywood Jon-s
and is a most estimable young lady
The groom Is a popular young
man of Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs Roebuck will reside
in this city and the groom will be
connected with the mercantile n
of Harrison and News
Denies Flirting.
Chicago, III., Dec. because
he was cross-eyed and through this
natural defect he could not make his
eyes behave, George E. Ritchie's wife
imagines he flirts. Ritchie must
pear today before Judge of the
Court of Domestic Relations. Life
was such a continuous riot
that Ritchie fled from his home In
Philadelphia and sought refuge in
Chicago. A decoy message
him back to the sleepy city. There
were two messages. One read
sinking fast. Shock of operation
Wants But George was afraid
to go back, for. he told, the court,
wife had hurled a pot of coffee at him
Just before he made his exit.
came the message that bis wife was
dead, and Ritchie felt safe In return-
home. On entering his domicile
he found his wife alive and healthy,
and Immediately he beat a retreat to
the train and strategically returned to
Chicago. His wife trailed him and
and had him haled Into court,
him with failure to support.
agreed to whack up on his pay
envelope and was let loose until today,
when Judge will try to effect
an adjustment. Ritchie denies th
flirting accusations.
W. Useful Presents
For All
You do not know how many sensible Christ-
mas Gifts we can sell you until you visit our
store. Bring in the family and see if we
something that will please everyone
of them
Your friends will appreciate some useful, sen-
as silverware, carving
nets, scissors sets, table cutlery, pocket
knives, ranges and a thousand and one
things which we have bought especially
for Christmas, much more than a fancy
that will soon be worthless. Call and see.
Also one other tract adjoining the
above described tract and adjoining
lands of J. F. Clark. Jesse Clark
lames and others, con-
acres more or less.
This, the day of December
R. A.
of Macon
N. W. OUTLAW, Atty.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage given V
J. W. Tripp and wife Queenie Tripp I
o the undersigned, and recorded
Book Q-10, page I will offer et and discovering his loss his
auction before the court house rapidly fell from one of pleasant
In Greenville, on the 9th day of anticipation to one of the most abject
sleepy and decided to take a
nap. To secure his treasure,
had been taken out of the
and placed in a sack, he tied a string
around the mouth of the sack, and at-
one end to his wrist.
secure he dozed off and went to sleep
dreaming no doubt about the
in which he would soon in-
As the best laid plans often
fail all of his preparations came to
nothing for another person rut his
sack and removed the precious Jug
leaving all the elaborate alarm sys-
intact. On his being aroused
1915 at o'clock M tho fol-
lowing described parcel or tract of
land lying and being in the town of
and bounded as follows
at a ditch on Mainland quiet,
street at the corner of Cannon Smith
lot. and runs west with said ditch
1-4 feet and corner with Rowan
Cooper's line, thence a southerly
course with said Cooper's line ft,
thence east with Cooper's line
containing 1-4 acre more or
feet to Cannon line to
of sale cash. Said sale made
to satisfy said mortgage.
This December 1914.
W. F. EVANS, Attorney
dejection He had lost his treasure,
to him more than a fortune,
and his Christmas was spent sober
lo The Delinquent Tax Payers
of County For Tear of 1911.
You are hereby requested to come
forward and pay your taxes for year
of 1914 and get
The State Treasurer is demanding
of me a settlement of State taxes
which is due the first Monday in Jan
Owing to the change in the
sheriffs office their has been but little
taxes due to the various fund collect
ed. In order for me to collect
taxes within the time allowed me by
law. will have to insist on the
coming forward and
hope you will not put me to the
unpleasant duty having to resort
to the law to collect the same.
Sheriff of Pitt Count
Greenville, N C,
Having qualified as administrators
et the estate of Ernul deceased
late of Pitt county North Carolina,
this Is to notify all persons having,
claims against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
at Greenville, N. C, on or
before the 22nd day of 1916
or this notice will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery All In-
to said estate will please
This 22nd dry December
of Ernul, de-
ceased. 1222-ltd
Messrs. J. Little, C. S. Car.-
and P. Q, have been
by the Central Committee of the Cot-
ton Loan Fund, as a local commute
for Greenville and vicinity to pass
upon all applications for loans from
this territory.
This is what is known as the Wade
Cotton Fund, with which most
readers are familiar, under which a
fund of has been sub-
scribed by bankers throughout the
country to loan to farmers on their
cotton and enable them to hold It.
Having qualified as Executor of
Adam deceased, late of Pitt
county, North Carolina, this is to
all persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months of this date or this notice will
be pleaded In bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment
This, the 21st day December 1914.
F. G. JAMES SON, Attorneys.
Jefferson City, Mo Dec.
Justice Henry of the Missouri
Supreme Court will retire from the
bench tomorrow, after a long and
service to the state. Judge
recently celebrated his
birthday. His humor, his familiarity
with literature, his keen sense of
as manifested In his derisions
have won for him n high place
Judicial circles of America. His de-
have attracted the attention
of bench an-l bar all over the
try and are extensively quoted In
law schools.
We are headquarters for the best make of fire arms such as
the Famous L. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca and Winchester shot
guns. Remington Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith
Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistols.
We are also headquarters for all kinds of gun Shells and
Cartridges. We sell all size gun shells,
Gage, Gage and Gage. Come to see us.
J. R. J. G Move
Attending Last Might
A party of young people from here
attending a party given
at the country home of Mr.
CO. Cobb, in honor of Miss
Cobb. who Is spending the holidays
with her parents. The party going
from here was composed of
and Ernestine Forbes and
King and Messrs. B. Kit-
H. Swan. Walter II.
Warren and Earl Forbes. A very
pleasant time was reported.
Having qualified as administrator of
J. U Patrick deceased, of Pitt
county, North Carolina, this Is to
all persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months of this date or this notice
pleaded In bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment.
This, the 21st day of December 1911
J. P.
F. G. JAMES St SON. Attorneys
Talk about Greenville
. Key West or Tampa,
thence Steamer t Havana
cover meals and berth in
Tickets as sale Halt id
to January
at half fare.
For any detail write to
Mr. F. M.
N, C.
Missouri College
St Mo. Dee Wash
University Musical Club, con-
of musicians, will open at
Springfield, Mo., tonight their series
Of concert on their tout f Slate
and dances In
the college boys have been
ed in nearly every town they will
I Ike Baal all I. J -try
k of all feed Write
by the authority U
ea Uh ea the mi
of th Law. bay earth, ea
etc. r ,

Order Police
astern of North Carolina
County of
On this 1914, reading
he foregoing petition it is
Ordered by Court, that a
be bad upon same on the
January before H. U.
Judge of court, at Wilson,
., In said District, at o'clock noon,
and that notice thereof be publish-
ed in The Eastern Reflector, a news-
paper printed In said District, am
that all known creditors and other
persons in interest may appear at the
r at the degree aw
sorter Court of Pitt la a
entitled J. W at.
ale. against Prank at. the
undersigned loners will an
the 11th day of January. i expose
to public sale the following
tracts of
A tract of land Bearer
fully represents n the day f
Sept., last past, he adjudge
bankrupt under of Congress
relating to bankrupted- that he has
duly surrendered all property and
rights of property, Has fully com-
plied with all the of
acts and of the of court
touching his bankrupt- r
Wherefore he Prays lie may be de-
creed by court Is a full dis-
charge from all removable against
under .
if any they have, why the prayer of
he petitioner should not be granted.
it is Further Ordered by the
court, that the clerk shall send by
nail to all known creditors of
petition and this order, addressed
to them st places of as
Witness Honorable H Q, Conner
of the said court, and the seal
hereof at Washington, N. C. in
on the
A. L. BLOW, Clerk
By a. MAYO. Deputy Clerk
r . ii. at
or i
r t. to I hO. lo
ad you Writs.
Seventh St., Washington. D.
except such debts sis- re by
law from such
Dated this Dec. It
Paul Solomon.
No. II in
Petition for
To the Honorable Hi . Connor, Judge
of the District -t of the United
States for mi of
North Carolina.
Paul Solomon, of in the
County of Pitt and of North,
Carolina, in the District, respect- Township on both sides of a
road, adjoining the lands of Harvey
Allen, Sam Allen, Allen, J.
T. Allen, Tom Manning Tom Turnage,
and others containing acres, more
or less, and being all of the tract
land conveyed to J. by H. S.
Daniel by deed, recorded in Book Z-t,
page Pitt County Registry, ex-
acres conveyed to J
J. Parker This tract of land will as
into tan shares and sold
Ha. I.
A certain tract of land in Greenville
Township on south side of Ola
Plank adjoining J. T. Allen.
Tom Manning. Ben Jolly and Noah
being tract of land con-
to J. ti Elks by Claudia Tyson
by deed recorded In Pitt County Reg
containing acres, more or
together with tract of
land also In ad-
joining lands of Ben Jolly, Jesse Ba-
and others, containing ten acres
more or leas, conveyed to J. I. Elks
by deed of Tyson above set
out. The acre tract will be sub-
divided into four shares and sold
and the ten acre tract
will be sold as one
Tract t.
A tract of land In Greenville Town-
ship on the Old Plank Road, adjoin
ins J. T. Allen and W. P. Clark, con-
i acres, more or less, known
as of Nobles Tract of land,
same piece or parcel of land conveyed
to J I. heirs by W. P. Clark.
There two dwellings and two to-
barns on this tract and same
will be subdivided into two tracts so
as embrace one dwelling and one
tobacco barn on each tract, and sold
Tract Ma.
A tract of Marl land in Greenville
Township, just below Factory
on A. C. L. right of way, containing
one half acre, being the identical tract
of land bought by J. L. Elks from
Jas Hester by deed duly recorded.
Terms of
Time of Monday. January
1915, sale beginning at a. m.
Place of sale On the premises.
Plats of property showing several
subdivisions will be exhibited at the
This 10th day of December.
C. T. A.,
Fleming, deceased.
County, N. C. Mi
of Kenneth
late of Pitt
is now
made for the of notify
all persons claims
against the the said de-
ceased t exhibit to the
on or the 24th.
day of December or this no-
lice will be plead i n ha of then
recovery. All it indebted to
estate will make
mediate to the under
This 24th day of December
Administrator. C. T A
Strong and Durable
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light Easy to
clean and
smoke. Don't blow
in the wind Don't
At dealers everywhere
Washington. D. C.
Norfolk. Vs.
Charlotte. N. C
Charleston, c
You Need a Tonic
There are times In every woman's life she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic.
posed of purely vegetable Ingredients, act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands r
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Art,
I think is the greatest
Notice Is Riven that at the
regular meeting of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt County, to be held
Monday. January 4th and January 5th,
the Hoard on the 5th. day January
1916. hear the petition to
the Public Ferry at Yankee Hall,
cross Tar River, and also hear the
petition to lay out n public Road
Township across the lands
of J. and W. E. Proctor, and
P. Davenport, through what s known
as Hull Ridge and the Yankee Hall
farm, now owned by said Davenport,
of Board of Commissioners
This the 14th, day of December 1914.
12-21-ltd Clerk to Board
state of Carolina
Pitt County.
To Hell. Taker, of
Pitt Counts, the undersigned
being a Citizen of the State of
North Carolina, hereby sets forth in I
shows, that the following tract . r
parcel of land to-wit Lying and be-
in Township, Pitt
North Carolina
acres of land on the
of . B. ; Mills,
late of Pitt county. North Carolina,
this Is to notify all parsons
claims the of given to all persons indebted to
deceased to exhibit them to the to make immediate payment to
at N. C, or undersigned; and all persons
before 10th day of November ,.
,, , ., ,. . . , , . . claims against said estate are no-
or this will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All persona j. tided to present the same to the
to said estate will please make signed for payment on or b fur the
immediate payment. 116th day of December, 1915. or this
This 6th day of November I be , tar of
JOHN d December
Administrator of B. J. mils,
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county
administrator of the estate of Cal-
Jones, deceased, notice is hereby
JAMES It EVANS, Attorney.
By virtue power or sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed ex-
and delivered by A. I.
and B. T. Jackson to C H.
the first day of September 1906, an
duly recorded in the Pitt County Reg-
in Book page the under-
signed will expose to public sale be-
fore tho Court House door in Green-
ville, N d to the bidder for
cash on Monday, the first day of Feb-
1915, at P. M. a certain lot or
tract of land being and lying in the
town of Pitt county, N. C
more particularly described as
follows, All of the lot of land
purchased by the said C. H.
of Mrs. Martha J Stanley whereon
store was located, adjoining lots
of Jacob and E. In old pa-t
of the town of Also one
other tract or lot land which was
deeded to C. H. by L. J. Chap-
man and wife, Fannie Chapman and
Spencer Brooks, located In that part
the town of Grifton known as New
Town and is the lot on which was lo-
the C. II store, and
where he did a mercantile business
until the fire which burned up the
store, said lot adjoining the lots of
J and H. L Murphy, said
lot is wide by feet long.
Sale made to satisfy the above de-
scribed mortgage deed
This day of December, 1911.
Brown. Attorney.
of Calvin Jones
North Carolina
Pitt County
la the Superior
Maggie Perry
H. P. Perry
The defendant above named
That an action entitled above
commenced In Superior Court of
Pitt County on the 6th day of Dec-
ember. 1914, to procure a divorce for
the causes set forth In the complaint
filed in the office of the Clerk of
, An said defendant will take
further notice that he la required
appear at the January Term of
Superior Court of said to ha
held on 2nd Monday of January
1916, the Court House of said
In N. C, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said
or the plaintiff will apply to
for the relief demanded in
A. T.
Clerk of Superior Court.
This the 7th day of December. 1814
S. J. EVERETT, Atty. for plaintiff.
By virtue of power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage given by
H. C. Crawford to W. H. Allen,
July 1914 and recorded In Book
H-ll page In office
Register of Deeds, the undersigned
will offer for sale at public auction
on day of January 1916 be-
fore court house door la Green-
ville at o'clock M the following do
By virtue of authority vested in m
by a mortgage, registered in book
8-10, Page Register of Deeds of-
lice. made by A. E. Witherington lo
C. S. Carr, assignee, on the 24th
of November, 1913, I shall offer for
sale on the third Monday of January
1915, being the 19th day thereof, for
cash, to the highest bidder, at the
Court House door, at noon, the follow-
That lot in the plan of Greenville,
known as part of lot No. at tho
of the fence on the sidewalk
at the corner of First
Streets, running
with street, ninety-five
feet, thence parallel with
First street and with the fence as It
now runs, forty-nine feet, thence
southerly parallel with the first line
ninety-five feet to First street,
thence easterly with First street for-
feet to the beginning
containing of an acre,
Cox and wife.
This the day of December, 1914
CARR. Assignee.
S. J Everett, Atty.
scribed property to-wit;
All the right, title, and Interest of more or being tho
said H. C. Crawford in lands of conveyed to E. M by W. H.
late Ann K. Crawford, adjoining
lands of Tyson. J. B. Nichols and
others, known as the Polly Hemby
land containing more or
less; also all interest and title a-
acres more or less, the for
is recorded in Book H-6, page
finite description.
Terms of sale cash. Said sale made
to satisfy said mortgage.
Dec. 1914
W. F. EVANS, Attorney.
Having qualified as administrator
of the of O. W. Bullock, deceased
late of Pitt County, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate the
deceased to exhibit them to
at Bethel, N. C., on
before the 11th day of November 1916
south side of Tar river in or be pleaded In bar
Having qualified as Administratrix
of R. P. Stokes, deceased, late Pitt
County, this is to notify all persons
claims against state of
deceased to exhibit them to
undersigned within months
from this data or this will
leaded in bar of their recovery.
All persona Indebted to said
will make Immediate payment
day November,
G. James A Sob,
for women. Before I began to take I
so weak and nervous, and had such awful
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well
as as I ever did, and can eat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Township, and more fully described
as Bounded on the south by
the lands of the W. R. W. Nobles
heirs, on the east by C. N.
on the north by May land, and on
the west by the lands of J. E. Win
slow, containing U acres more or
Same being vacant and
ad land, belonging to State of
North Carolina, and subject to Entry
the undersigned claimant here-
by makes Entry of, lays claim to.
and prays for a Grant for said
This the 17th, day of December 1914.
This above died with me. this the
day of Dee. 1914.
Entry Take.
Has Helped Thousands.
It lo
If meat Is going to get to be Oft
cents per pound as predicted by some
of the prophets, there will a whole
lot of folks who will test out the con
of the
I News and Observer
of their recovery. All persons In-
to said estate will please make
Immediate payment.
This 14th day of November 1914.
Administrator of O. W. de-
The firm of J, Cox Son has this
day been by Cox who has
given to K. Cox his Interest In the
firm of Cox Son. doing business
In the town of N, C, All
persons owing the said firm make
payments lo J. R Cox and all pro-
is claims against the Arm
present to J. R. Cox also.
1914., N. S.
Puts and calls are and
surest method of trading in wheat
or oats. Because your loss
absolutely limited to the
No farther risk
Positively the moot profitable way
of trading.
Open an You can bay lo
puts or It calls on bushels
for fit or you can buy both
for lit or many more as wish
An advance or decline of cant gives
yea the chance to take profit
A movement of t rents profit.
Write for full particulars ad
all mall to Lock Boa
North Carolina
In the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Flora Ann Moore, Ada Thomas, Beat-
rice Thomas, Be,,
Thomas, Nina Hell Thomas
The defendants above named wilt
take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in
Superior Court of Pitt County to sell
for partition No. In the
Ion of the lands of Jordan Cox, de
ceased, lying near Ayden, N. C, and
the said defendants will further
notice that they are required to
pear before the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt County at his office
the court house. Monday, January
1915. and answer or demur to the
filed In said action, or
plaintiff will apply to the court
the relief demanded in said petition.
This 24th day or December 1914.
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Superior
Before the Clerk.
Sale of Laos
Ell Rodgers, Administrator of
John Teel, Hattie Ward,
Elias Teel. of
eon Teel and Teel, widow
Gideon eel.
By virtue of power vested in sis
by that decree of Superior
of Pitt County entered In the
entitled cause on the 14th day of Dec-
ember, 1914, I shall for cash a
the highest bidder at the court
door in the Town of Greenville at
public auction on the 16th day
January, 1916, at o'clock noon, the
following described tract of real estate
lying being and situated In the Count
of Pitt and State of North Carolina,
Beginning at the mouth a
in watering bole branch on North
side of R. J. W. Carson's field A.
thence up the
run and various courses
hole branch to a water oak in
of said branch on the West side et
the road; thence running with sail
Northerly roads and school
thence with said
line between J. H.
Hid Gideon thence a Southerly
course, agreed line to begin-
by J. it Jenkins South.
degrees West poles to the begin-
Containing by estimation
seventy acres more or less,
land adjoins the lands of J. H. Whit-
Harriet Whitfield, and others
being the tract laud, which
the late Gideon Teel i
This December 1914.
North Carolina
Before tho Clerk.
Ids C. Dixon, Administratrix
of A. C. Daniel
VS. Notice Of Summon,
and to sell
tor assets.
Sidney Daniel, Joseph Daniel,
Fred Willis Daniel and
the last the three being the
children of Sylvester Daniel, a
of A. G. Daniel and all
law of A. O. Daniel.
The defendants Joseph
iI, Fred Willis Daniel and
Daniel, above named will take notice
that action entitled as above has
been commenced in the Superior Court
of Pitt County before tho Clerk, to
land to make assets to pay debts of
A. G. Daniel, deceased, said laud
being In Pitt County, North
Carolina. township adjoining
lands It. U. Harrington. Henry
Crawford and James A. Harris, con-
about acres. And the said
defendants will further take notice
that they are required to appear be-
fore the Clerk the Superior court
of Pitt County, in the Court House It
Greenville, N. on Tuesday January
6th 1915, at o'clock a. m. and
answer the petition of plaintiff
petitioner, copy of which petition
been deposited in the office of the
Clerk. The said defendants will
further take notice that if they fail
to answer the said petition by the
above mentioned time the petitioner
will apply to the said court for tho
relief demanded In the petition.
A. T.
Clerk of Superior Court
This 4th day of December 1914.
I. th. the Healthful, Sable Employment
V C, JAM All
Turkish Armies Badly
Defeated By Russians in
Caucasus at
Armies are Also in full
Retreat Through Carpathian
It i Believed That a Wit
l Soon to Happen in
When e-
front has done by sappers and
Only at isolated points has I lie In-
been Riven Us opportunity. A
few hundred yards have been
by the allies among the dunes
Urn H. Mar Will Cm
The worst no how Ions teasing,
ere cured by wonderful, old reliable Ur,
Porter Antiseptic Oil. It relieve
sad He., at time time. SLOW
London, Jan. -Two of the
Turkish columns Which last week in-
the Russian Canst have met
wit It disaster and the Hoops not kill
or captured are in disorderly re-
treat. The column Which
days ago has been
out of that town, according to
official dispatches, and is almost
surrounded by Russians, who hold
the main roads, Another column
which crossed the frontier near Sari
on the road lo has
even worse defeat, one Of
two army corps whirl, composed II
being captured In entirety
Austrian in Fall
The Russians also report another
victory over the Austrian in the
Pan of the Carpathians. Em-
Francis Joseph's army in
region declared to be in full re-
treat in a mountain pass deep in
with Russian cavalry attacking its
lank and rear.
By forcing this pass, the Russians
gain control of some of the most
able oil fields In Austria, and thus
another source of fuel supplies,
which the armies
are said to so much need.
While forcing back the Turks and
Austrians the Russian troops are hold-
the line of the Lakes In
the are fighting
to withstand the German
In North Poland; are
towards and have
which is now virtually In
in North Poland. here Russia i
confronted With the most serious tat.
the weather is proving a useful ally.
The according to their ac-
counts, are making only slow progress
with their offensive operations
Military men look for bigger events
in the lower Vistula an east
frontiers. The Russians hold the
greater pan of tho intervening
and unless engaged when the
freezes would fall on the Ger-
man Haul ll is
her the
mans plan a movement ran Thorn
and East Prussia to this ac-
To take
In the
Tunnel War
except at the two extreme wings
the Belgian coast and in Upper Al-
where the allies have gained
some ground, lighting on the Western
Hot Time in Alsace.
Great interest attaches lo French
Operations in Upper Alsace. The cap-
of was accomplished
after almost superhuman efforts. Now
the French are attempting to fore
their way through
the possession of which would
open the door to
One of the lessons the war has
Russia is that the port
Archangel, its only largo seaport on
the North toast and most north-
point in the railway system of
can be kept open most of
the winter with aid of tee break-
era. Archangel generally is
over for months but if has been kept
open thus far.
The House of will to-
morrow and Karl Kitchener, Secretary
War, is to make a State-
on the progress of the war and
British preparations.
Turks in Desperate Shape.
London, Jan. -A Reuters dis-
patch from
of the Turkish defeat at
Sari the Turks
bravery and made
bayonet sorties. When they
were compelled to vacate they made
violent but futile efforts to cover their
retreat by a rear guard action, even
the wounded continuing firing from
the ground when they were
According to a telegram
the Turks pressed their attack
in the district to enable
their troops in the region
retire without heavy losses. Their
operations conducted under
difficulties. They I
proper equipment and had
purl train.
The Turkish force at also
Is threatened with disaster. The
in his orderly Might has bee i
almost surrounded by the
who hold the main roads. The Turks
are striving frantically to And an out-
let, but have to face passes deep in
snow. The Russians have attacked
on two sides, the artillery
playing a prominent
Extra Session of Congress
Will be Called Unless
Ship Bill Passes
Washington, D. C, Jan.
turned Republican belligerency
the government ship purchase hill has
begun to worry administration lead-
With but months In the life
the sixty-third congress remaining
all of the big supply bills still
posed by the Senate, and , minority
senators manifesting a
to tight the ship bill In the last ditch,
fears were expressed Democratic
leaden the administration's
program is in danger.
As a result of conferences among
Democratic Senators today, it is prob-
able night sessions may be forced in
the near future, to test the endurance
of opponents of the shipping bill.
Republican Senators today prevent-
ed considerable of the ship measure
by discussing at length the urgent de-
bill. Senator Works also talk-
ed for three hours on public health
announced he ill had left
words on his prepared
which intends to deliver tomorrow
and Thursday.
begins to look to lie as though
there were an ulterior motive
this protracted said Senator
Stone, after several Republican Sena
tors had spoken on the urgent ill
bill, it is intended to
waste the time of Senate. It has
the complexion of an
buster against consideration of the
shipping bill. want to warn Sena-
tors, however, that the bill will be con-
It's a good long time form
now until
fourth of March
interjected Senator between
now and
I mean Christmas re-
plied Senator Stone.
Extra Session Possible.
l Sail With MM Ship.
Portland, Ian. a the
big relief ship, bearing supplies from
the states Washington and i
sails next month for Belgium, ii Will
register as a pass, Governor
or Oregon, according lo present
The relief committee which is collect-
the shipload of emergency sup-
plies to feed and clothe the suffering
Belgians Is determined that the ship
will the really needy and
be distributed where It will do
most good.
President May Receive Suffragist-.
Washington. Jan. In hope of
greeting President Wilson and
before him their wishes that the
of equal suffrage he considered
at present session of Congress
suffrage leaders from many states
have gathered here today, II is
the President will receive
ladies and make known his views at
to the possibility of Congressional
Max Gardner From Cleveland is
Is Elected President of
Om The filling
of Several of The Offices Keeps
Raleigh, Jan. n.
of Kinston, county was
chosen for Speaker of the
House of Representatives by the Demo
held night in the j.
ball of the House of representatives lo their name,
lake place today noon when the
House is called to order by T. C
clerk of the last House
When the gavel falls at the stroke
the noon hour Mr. Cobb will announce
that the time has arrived for the
of the 1918 General Assembly,
the members Will take the oath of
office and soon thereafter Mr.
will be elected to the speakership and
will assume his duties.
The House Democratic caucus last
night was in the nature of an old time
Democratic Up to twelve
o'clock yesterday there had been four
active candidates for the speakership
but when it was seen that Mr. WoOten
had enough members pledged to hit
election on the Aral ballot, the other
candidates, Messrs. 1-. Mired. T. C.
Bowie and A. A. K. gracefully
withdrew and paved the way for the
Nominations for Speaker being, new
in order Representative Allen
Wayne in a brief speech presented the
name of Kernel, It Of
for that honor. Mr. Allen said that
in Mr. Wooten's hands the welfare of
North Carolina would he safe, that he
would watch not only to the
needs of the hour but for the demands
of the future.
The nomination was seconded by-
Mr. Robert of Buncombe, and there
being no further nominations on
motion of Mr. Grier of Iredell, the
nomination was made unanimous.
selection of Mr, Woolen
Utter several Senators declared i
should the minority passage Heeling of
The House Democrats met
after eight o'clock last night and
Southern foul Investigation.
Washington. Jan. C. -The charges of
In favor of a south
era coal trust, brought by
operators in the
Of the shipping bill at session an
extra session would be tailed. Inti-
of a similar nature also were
heard at the White House.
The Commerce Committee, ill
charge the shipping bill.
adopted several Sub-
yesterday by Senator Stone
One, designed to prevent secret ship-
of contraband, would authorize
President lo designate ports where
customs collectors would he
to inspect all goods before they were
loaded for foreign ports on ships of
American or vessels to be
acquired by the United States under
the pending bill. Another amendment
would place fulled States ships under
international marine regulations.
Raleigh. Jan. the Senate De-
caucus held last nigh, Be
StubbS, the former caucus chair-
man, was called lo the chair and
sided over the meeting. Senator
was later elected permanent
chairman and Senator Column was
elected to fill the secretary's chair
The first roll call showed there
were thirty-six of the Senators
Jan. House of
reassembled today, but
Kentucky coal fields against the Sou, the public demand .
Kentucky coal fields against the South In session so that tho government
cm Railway, are set for Investigation could be called upon for explanations
today by Congress. The charges were s lo its conduct of the war, the House
brought last year, but of Commons will not convene It
called to order by Representative v
R. Dunning Martin. Mr. Dunning
m presenting the name of
John H. of Cumberland
tor chairman caucus paid a
high tribute to the Democracy that
gentleman saying he was one of Hi
at the party, R man win
had been weighed in the balances and
not found warning a man who I
always give square deal e id i man
who represented that type OM
noblest work of God's creation Tn
nomination of Mr. Carrie w seconded
by Mr. Clark of and on mo
h, was chosen i
Representative Philip
of was nominated for
I tar Mr Thomas
Mr, Pogrom
a-as eh is i acclamation
M l n hen Present.
Mr. i s.
, U an i
Investigation was postponed.
tho M
The preliminary
been Finished nominations tor
President Pro Ten, the Senate we,,
in order Senator Johnson
at once nominated Senator Max
Gardner of Cleveland for this .
This nominal ion was seconded by Sen
Hobgood who was Mi
Gardner's opponent tor this place until
yesterday lien he Withdrew In
of Mr. Gardner. Mr. Gardner was
elected to this office by
Mr It t. Self, from Jack-
.,. t M U i the office clerk
by a lunation on the
Mr. Burnett was nominated
re i i to reading clerk
and hi was made unanimous
r then
Hi. order these being
clerk and
. i Ml Of
,. i k; Mr, c.
i . ii-- on M
and Mr. Peru
I ear
General Gains Victory
utter Hard ought Battle
and Attack
and Villa Aral
t hilled or Captured
When I'll.
Vera Jan. Puebla, Capital
State Puebla, evacuated a
month ago by troops, was re
today after a
began with the capture n
shun distance southeast
six days ago.
The fall Puebla came after s
hours what is described as the most
furious bombardment to which any
Mexican has yet been subjected
General Alvaro com-
Into a position about the city last
night With troops reported to have
aggregated men. He threw
nearly all his men into action, be-
the lighting early in the
After pounding with M canon the
positions, reported held
men, army advanced
under lire of the enemy's artillery.
When left Vera Cruz he
told friends that he would be in
session of Puebla in days. This
time was not up until tonight
and other small
towns have been taken his de-
bad made his
headquarters division base at
Where the railroad front Puebla joins
main line the Mexican Railway.
night he moved this
another inward the
. , both railroads over
which the Villa and Zapata forces
proceed toward Mexico City.
Generals and
the from
the east had under their direction
most of the cannon.
line of The Biggest Untiles.
Hoe many Villa and Zapata
escaped is not known, but
reports of the lighting Indicate
the greater part of them sitter
were I or made prisoners. Fro,
these reports it would semi that i
the battles that have In
the slaughter been s
swill and so great.
i i ,. i part action win
the city proper. Tho
,. ,, and wounded are said to cove
ground places.
everybody should get busy s
The musk is going again on
co market.

Eastern reflector, 1 January 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 01, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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