Eastern reflector, 8 January 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Order Police
astern of North Carolina
County of
On this 1914, reading
he foregoing petition it is
Ordered by Court, that a
be bad upon same on the
January before H. U.
Judge of court, at Wilson,
., In said District, at o'clock noon,
and that notice thereof be publish-
ed in The Eastern Reflector, a news-
paper printed In said District, am
that all known creditors and other
persons in interest may appear at the
r at the degree aw
sorter Court of Pitt la a
entitled J. W at.
ale. against Prank at. the
undersigned loners will an
the 11th day of January. i expose
to public sale the following
tracts of
A tract of land Bearer
fully represents n the day f
Sept., last past, he adjudge
bankrupt under of Congress
relating to bankrupted- that he has
duly surrendered all property and
rights of property, Has fully com-
plied with all the of
acts and of the of court
touching his bankrupt- r
Wherefore he Prays lie may be de-
creed by court Is a full dis-
charge from all removable against
under .
if any they have, why the prayer of
he petitioner should not be granted.
it is Further Ordered by the
court, that the clerk shall send by
nail to all known creditors of
petition and this order, addressed
to them st places of as
Witness Honorable H Q, Conner
of the said court, and the seal
hereof at Washington, N. C. in
on the
A. L. BLOW, Clerk
By a. MAYO. Deputy Clerk
r . ii. at
or i
r t. to I hO. lo
ad you Writs.
Seventh St., Washington. D.
except such debts sis- re by
law from such
Dated this Dec. It
Paul Solomon.
No. II in
Petition for
To the Honorable Hi . Connor, Judge
of the District -t of the United
States for mi of
North Carolina.
Paul Solomon, of in the
County of Pitt and of North,
Carolina, in the District, respect- Township on both sides of a
road, adjoining the lands of Harvey
Allen, Sam Allen, Allen, J.
T. Allen, Tom Manning Tom Turnage,
and others containing acres, more
or less, and being all of the tract
land conveyed to J. by H. S.
Daniel by deed, recorded in Book Z-t,
page Pitt County Registry, ex-
acres conveyed to J
J. Parker This tract of land will as
into tan shares and sold
Ha. I.
A certain tract of land in Greenville
Township on south side of Ola
Plank adjoining J. T. Allen.
Tom Manning. Ben Jolly and Noah
being tract of land con-
to J. ti Elks by Claudia Tyson
by deed recorded In Pitt County Reg
containing acres, more or
together with tract of
land also In ad-
joining lands of Ben Jolly, Jesse Ba-
and others, containing ten acres
more or leas, conveyed to J. I. Elks
by deed of Tyson above set
out. The acre tract will be sub-
divided into four shares and sold
and the ten acre tract
will be sold as one
Tract t.
A tract of land In Greenville Town-
ship on the Old Plank Road, adjoin
ins J. T. Allen and W. P. Clark, con-
i acres, more or less, known
as of Nobles Tract of land,
same piece or parcel of land conveyed
to J I. heirs by W. P. Clark.
There two dwellings and two to-
barns on this tract and same
will be subdivided into two tracts so
as embrace one dwelling and one
tobacco barn on each tract, and sold
Tract Ma.
A tract of Marl land in Greenville
Township, just below Factory
on A. C. L. right of way, containing
one half acre, being the identical tract
of land bought by J. L. Elks from
Jas Hester by deed duly recorded.
Terms of
Time of Monday. January
1915, sale beginning at a. m.
Place of sale On the premises.
Plats of property showing several
subdivisions will be exhibited at the
This 10th day of December.
C. T. A.,
Fleming, deceased.
County, N. C. Mi
of Kenneth
late of Pitt
is now
made for the of notify
all persons claims
against the the said de-
ceased t exhibit to the
on or the 24th.
day of December or this no-
lice will be plead i n ha of then
recovery. All it indebted to
estate will make
mediate to the under
This 24th day of December
Administrator. C. T A
Strong and Durable
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light Easy to
clean and
smoke. Don't blow
in the wind Don't
At dealers everywhere
Washington. D. C.
Norfolk. Vs.
Charlotte. N. C
Charleston, c
You Need a Tonic
There are times In every woman's life she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic.
posed of purely vegetable Ingredients, act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands r
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Art,
I think is the greatest
Notice Is Riven that at the
regular meeting of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt County, to be held
Monday. January 4th and January 5th,
the Hoard on the 5th. day January
1916. hear the petition to
the Public Ferry at Yankee Hall,
cross Tar River, and also hear the
petition to lay out n public Road
Township across the lands
of J. and W. E. Proctor, and
P. Davenport, through what s known
as Hull Ridge and the Yankee Hall
farm, now owned by said Davenport,
of Board of Commissioners
This the 14th, day of December 1914.
12-21-ltd Clerk to Board
state of Carolina
Pitt County.
To Hell. Taker, of
Pitt Counts, the undersigned
being a Citizen of the State of
North Carolina, hereby sets forth in I
shows, that the following tract . r
parcel of land to-wit Lying and be-
in Township, Pitt
North Carolina
acres of land on the
of . B. ; Mills,
late of Pitt county. North Carolina,
this Is to notify all parsons
claims the of given to all persons indebted to
deceased to exhibit them to the to make immediate payment to
at N. C, or undersigned; and all persons
before 10th day of November ,.
,, , ., ,. . . , , . . claims against said estate are no-
or this will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All persona j. tided to present the same to the
to said estate will please make signed for payment on or b fur the
immediate payment. 116th day of December, 1915. or this
This 6th day of November I be , tar of
JOHN d December
Administrator of B. J. mils,
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county
administrator of the estate of Cal-
Jones, deceased, notice is hereby
JAMES It EVANS, Attorney.
By virtue power or sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed ex-
and delivered by A. I.
and B. T. Jackson to C H.
the first day of September 1906, an
duly recorded in the Pitt County Reg-
in Book page the under-
signed will expose to public sale be-
fore tho Court House door in Green-
ville, N d to the bidder for
cash on Monday, the first day of Feb-
1915, at P. M. a certain lot or
tract of land being and lying in the
town of Pitt county, N. C
more particularly described as
follows, All of the lot of land
purchased by the said C. H.
of Mrs. Martha J Stanley whereon
store was located, adjoining lots
of Jacob and E. In old pa-t
of the town of Also one
other tract or lot land which was
deeded to C. H. by L. J. Chap-
man and wife, Fannie Chapman and
Spencer Brooks, located In that part
the town of Grifton known as New
Town and is the lot on which was lo-
the C. II store, and
where he did a mercantile business
until the fire which burned up the
store, said lot adjoining the lots of
J and H. L Murphy, said
lot is wide by feet long.
Sale made to satisfy the above de-
scribed mortgage deed
This day of December, 1911.
Brown. Attorney.
of Calvin Jones
North Carolina
Pitt County
la the Superior
Maggie Perry
H. P. Perry
The defendant above named
That an action entitled above
commenced In Superior Court of
Pitt County on the 6th day of Dec-
ember. 1914, to procure a divorce for
the causes set forth In the complaint
filed in the office of the Clerk of
, An said defendant will take
further notice that he la required
appear at the January Term of
Superior Court of said to ha
held on 2nd Monday of January
1916, the Court House of said
In N. C, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said
or the plaintiff will apply to
for the relief demanded in
A. T.
Clerk of Superior Court.
This the 7th day of December. 1814
S. J. EVERETT, Atty. for plaintiff.
By virtue of power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage given by
H. C. Crawford to W. H. Allen,
July 1914 and recorded In Book
H-ll page In office
Register of Deeds, the undersigned
will offer for sale at public auction
on day of January 1916 be-
fore court house door la Green-
ville at o'clock M the following do
By virtue of authority vested in m
by a mortgage, registered in book
8-10, Page Register of Deeds of-
lice. made by A. E. Witherington lo
C. S. Carr, assignee, on the 24th
of November, 1913, I shall offer for
sale on the third Monday of January
1915, being the 19th day thereof, for
cash, to the highest bidder, at the
Court House door, at noon, the follow-
That lot in the plan of Greenville,
known as part of lot No. at tho
of the fence on the sidewalk
at the corner of First
Streets, running
with street, ninety-five
feet, thence parallel with
First street and with the fence as It
now runs, forty-nine feet, thence
southerly parallel with the first line
ninety-five feet to First street,
thence easterly with First street for-
feet to the beginning
containing of an acre,
Cox and wife.
This the day of December, 1914
CARR. Assignee.
S. J Everett, Atty.
scribed property to-wit;
All the right, title, and Interest of more or being tho
said H. C. Crawford in lands of conveyed to E. M by W. H.
late Ann K. Crawford, adjoining
lands of Tyson. J. B. Nichols and
others, known as the Polly Hemby
land containing more or
less; also all interest and title a-
acres more or less, the for
is recorded in Book H-6, page
finite description.
Terms of sale cash. Said sale made
to satisfy said mortgage.
Dec. 1914
W. F. EVANS, Attorney.
Having qualified as administrator
of the of O. W. Bullock, deceased
late of Pitt County, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate the
deceased to exhibit them to
at Bethel, N. C., on
before the 11th day of November 1916
south side of Tar river in or be pleaded In bar
Having qualified as Administratrix
of R. P. Stokes, deceased, late Pitt
County, this is to notify all persons
claims against state of
deceased to exhibit them to
undersigned within months
from this data or this will
leaded in bar of their recovery.
All persona Indebted to said
will make Immediate payment
day November,
G. James A Sob,
for women. Before I began to take I
so weak and nervous, and had such awful
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well
as as I ever did, and can eat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Township, and more fully described
as Bounded on the south by
the lands of the W. R. W. Nobles
heirs, on the east by C. N.
on the north by May land, and on
the west by the lands of J. E. Win
slow, containing U acres more or
Same being vacant and
ad land, belonging to State of
North Carolina, and subject to Entry
the undersigned claimant here-
by makes Entry of, lays claim to.
and prays for a Grant for said
This the 17th, day of December 1914.
This above died with me. this the
day of Dee. 1914.
Entry Take.
Has Helped Thousands.
It lo
If meat Is going to get to be Oft
cents per pound as predicted by some
of the prophets, there will a whole
lot of folks who will test out the con
of the
I News and Observer
of their recovery. All persons In-
to said estate will please make
Immediate payment.
This 14th day of November 1914.
Administrator of O. W. de-
The firm of J, Cox Son has this
day been by Cox who has
given to K. Cox his Interest In the
firm of Cox Son. doing business
In the town of N, C, All
persons owing the said firm make
payments lo J. R Cox and all pro-
is claims against the Arm
present to J. R. Cox also.
1914., N. S.
Puts and calls are and
surest method of trading in wheat
or oats. Because your loss
absolutely limited to the
No farther risk
Positively the moot profitable way
of trading.
Open an You can bay lo
puts or It calls on bushels
for fit or you can buy both
for lit or many more as wish
An advance or decline of cant gives
yea the chance to take profit
A movement of t rents profit.
Write for full particulars ad
all mall to Lock Boa
North Carolina
In the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Flora Ann Moore, Ada Thomas, Beat-
rice Thomas, Be,,
Thomas, Nina Hell Thomas
The defendants above named wilt
take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in
Superior Court of Pitt County to sell
for partition No. In the
Ion of the lands of Jordan Cox, de
ceased, lying near Ayden, N. C, and
the said defendants will further
notice that they are required to
pear before the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt County at his office
the court house. Monday, January
1915. and answer or demur to the
filed In said action, or
plaintiff will apply to the court
the relief demanded in said petition.
This 24th day or December 1914.
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Superior
Before the Clerk.
Sale of Laos
Ell Rodgers, Administrator of
John Teel, Hattie Ward,
Elias Teel. of
eon Teel and Teel, widow
Gideon eel.
By virtue of power vested in sis
by that decree of Superior
of Pitt County entered In the
entitled cause on the 14th day of Dec-
ember, 1914, I shall for cash a
the highest bidder at the court
door in the Town of Greenville at
public auction on the 16th day
January, 1916, at o'clock noon, the
following described tract of real estate
lying being and situated In the Count
of Pitt and State of North Carolina,
Beginning at the mouth a
in watering bole branch on North
side of R. J. W. Carson's field A.
thence up the
run and various courses
hole branch to a water oak in
of said branch on the West side et
the road; thence running with sail
Northerly roads and school
thence with said
line between J. H.
Hid Gideon thence a Southerly
course, agreed line to begin-
by J. it Jenkins South.
degrees West poles to the begin-
Containing by estimation
seventy acres more or less,
land adjoins the lands of J. H. Whit-
Harriet Whitfield, and others
being the tract laud, which
the late Gideon Teel i
This December 1914.
North Carolina
Before tho Clerk.
Ids C. Dixon, Administratrix
of A. C. Daniel
VS. Notice Of Summon,
and to sell
tor assets.
Sidney Daniel, Joseph Daniel,
Fred Willis Daniel and
the last the three being the
children of Sylvester Daniel, a
of A. G. Daniel and all
law of A. O. Daniel.
The defendants Joseph
iI, Fred Willis Daniel and
Daniel, above named will take notice
that action entitled as above has
been commenced in the Superior Court
of Pitt County before tho Clerk, to
land to make assets to pay debts of
A. G. Daniel, deceased, said laud
being In Pitt County, North
Carolina. township adjoining
lands It. U. Harrington. Henry
Crawford and James A. Harris, con-
about acres. And the said
defendants will further take notice
that they are required to appear be-
fore the Clerk the Superior court
of Pitt County, in the Court House It
Greenville, N. on Tuesday January
6th 1915, at o'clock a. m. and
answer the petition of plaintiff
petitioner, copy of which petition
been deposited in the office of the
Clerk. The said defendants will
further take notice that if they fail
to answer the said petition by the
above mentioned time the petitioner
will apply to the said court for tho
relief demanded In the petition.
A. T.
Clerk of Superior Court
This 4th day of December 1914.
I. th. the Healthful, Sable Employment
V C, JAM All
Turkish Armies Badly
Defeated By Russians in
Caucasus at
Armies are Also in full
Retreat Through Carpathian
It i Believed That a Wit
l Soon to Happen in
When e-
front has done by sappers and
Only at isolated points has I lie In-
been Riven Us opportunity. A
few hundred yards have been
by the allies among the dunes
Urn H. Mar Will Cm
The worst no how Ions teasing,
ere cured by wonderful, old reliable Ur,
Porter Antiseptic Oil. It relieve
sad He., at time time. SLOW
London, Jan. -Two of the
Turkish columns Which last week in-
the Russian Canst have met
wit It disaster and the Hoops not kill
or captured are in disorderly re-
treat. The column Which
days ago has been
out of that town, according to
official dispatches, and is almost
surrounded by Russians, who hold
the main roads, Another column
which crossed the frontier near Sari
on the road lo has
even worse defeat, one Of
two army corps whirl, composed II
being captured In entirety
Austrian in Fall
The Russians also report another
victory over the Austrian in the
Pan of the Carpathians. Em-
Francis Joseph's army in
region declared to be in full re-
treat in a mountain pass deep in
with Russian cavalry attacking its
lank and rear.
By forcing this pass, the Russians
gain control of some of the most
able oil fields In Austria, and thus
another source of fuel supplies,
which the armies
are said to so much need.
While forcing back the Turks and
Austrians the Russian troops are hold-
the line of the Lakes In
the are fighting
to withstand the German
In North Poland; are
towards and have
which is now virtually In
in North Poland. here Russia i
confronted With the most serious tat.
the weather is proving a useful ally.
The according to their ac-
counts, are making only slow progress
with their offensive operations
Military men look for bigger events
in the lower Vistula an east
frontiers. The Russians hold the
greater pan of tho intervening
and unless engaged when the
freezes would fall on the Ger-
man Haul ll is
her the
mans plan a movement ran Thorn
and East Prussia to this ac-
To take
In the
Tunnel War
except at the two extreme wings
the Belgian coast and in Upper Al-
where the allies have gained
some ground, lighting on the Western
Hot Time in Alsace.
Great interest attaches lo French
Operations in Upper Alsace. The cap-
of was accomplished
after almost superhuman efforts. Now
the French are attempting to fore
their way through
the possession of which would
open the door to
One of the lessons the war has
Russia is that the port
Archangel, its only largo seaport on
the North toast and most north-
point in the railway system of
can be kept open most of
the winter with aid of tee break-
era. Archangel generally is
over for months but if has been kept
open thus far.
The House of will to-
morrow and Karl Kitchener, Secretary
War, is to make a State-
on the progress of the war and
British preparations.
Turks in Desperate Shape.
London, Jan. -A Reuters dis-
patch from
of the Turkish defeat at
Sari the Turks
bravery and made
bayonet sorties. When they
were compelled to vacate they made
violent but futile efforts to cover their
retreat by a rear guard action, even
the wounded continuing firing from
the ground when they were
According to a telegram
the Turks pressed their attack
in the district to enable
their troops in the region
retire without heavy losses. Their
operations conducted under
difficulties. They I
proper equipment and had
purl train.
The Turkish force at also
Is threatened with disaster. The
in his orderly Might has bee i
almost surrounded by the
who hold the main roads. The Turks
are striving frantically to And an out-
let, but have to face passes deep in
snow. The Russians have attacked
on two sides, the artillery
playing a prominent
Extra Session of Congress
Will be Called Unless
Ship Bill Passes
Washington, D. C, Jan.
turned Republican belligerency
the government ship purchase hill has
begun to worry administration lead-
With but months In the life
the sixty-third congress remaining
all of the big supply bills still
posed by the Senate, and , minority
senators manifesting a
to tight the ship bill In the last ditch,
fears were expressed Democratic
leaden the administration's
program is in danger.
As a result of conferences among
Democratic Senators today, it is prob-
able night sessions may be forced in
the near future, to test the endurance
of opponents of the shipping bill.
Republican Senators today prevent-
ed considerable of the ship measure
by discussing at length the urgent de-
bill. Senator Works also talk-
ed for three hours on public health
announced he ill had left
words on his prepared
which intends to deliver tomorrow
and Thursday.
begins to look to lie as though
there were an ulterior motive
this protracted said Senator
Stone, after several Republican Sena
tors had spoken on the urgent ill
bill, it is intended to
waste the time of Senate. It has
the complexion of an
buster against consideration of the
shipping bill. want to warn Sena-
tors, however, that the bill will be con-
It's a good long time form
now until
fourth of March
interjected Senator between
now and
I mean Christmas re-
plied Senator Stone.
Extra Session Possible.
l Sail With MM Ship.
Portland, Ian. a the
big relief ship, bearing supplies from
the states Washington and i
sails next month for Belgium, ii Will
register as a pass, Governor
or Oregon, according lo present
The relief committee which is collect-
the shipload of emergency sup-
plies to feed and clothe the suffering
Belgians Is determined that the ship
will the really needy and
be distributed where It will do
most good.
President May Receive Suffragist-.
Washington. Jan. In hope of
greeting President Wilson and
before him their wishes that the
of equal suffrage he considered
at present session of Congress
suffrage leaders from many states
have gathered here today, II is
the President will receive
ladies and make known his views at
to the possibility of Congressional
Max Gardner From Cleveland is
Is Elected President of
Om The filling
of Several of The Offices Keeps
Raleigh, Jan. n.
of Kinston, county was
chosen for Speaker of the
House of Representatives by the Demo
held night in the j.
ball of the House of representatives lo their name,
lake place today noon when the
House is called to order by T. C
clerk of the last House
When the gavel falls at the stroke
the noon hour Mr. Cobb will announce
that the time has arrived for the
of the 1918 General Assembly,
the members Will take the oath of
office and soon thereafter Mr.
will be elected to the speakership and
will assume his duties.
The House Democratic caucus last
night was in the nature of an old time
Democratic Up to twelve
o'clock yesterday there had been four
active candidates for the speakership
but when it was seen that Mr. WoOten
had enough members pledged to hit
election on the Aral ballot, the other
candidates, Messrs. 1-. Mired. T. C.
Bowie and A. A. K. gracefully
withdrew and paved the way for the
Nominations for Speaker being, new
in order Representative Allen
Wayne in a brief speech presented the
name of Kernel, It Of
for that honor. Mr. Allen said that
in Mr. Wooten's hands the welfare of
North Carolina would he safe, that he
would watch not only to the
needs of the hour but for the demands
of the future.
The nomination was seconded by-
Mr. Robert of Buncombe, and there
being no further nominations on
motion of Mr. Grier of Iredell, the
nomination was made unanimous.
selection of Mr, Woolen
Utter several Senators declared i
should the minority passage Heeling of
The House Democrats met
after eight o'clock last night and
Southern foul Investigation.
Washington. Jan. C. -The charges of
In favor of a south
era coal trust, brought by
operators in the
Of the shipping bill at session an
extra session would be tailed. Inti-
of a similar nature also were
heard at the White House.
The Commerce Committee, ill
charge the shipping bill.
adopted several Sub-
yesterday by Senator Stone
One, designed to prevent secret ship-
of contraband, would authorize
President lo designate ports where
customs collectors would he
to inspect all goods before they were
loaded for foreign ports on ships of
American or vessels to be
acquired by the United States under
the pending bill. Another amendment
would place fulled States ships under
international marine regulations.
Raleigh. Jan. the Senate De-
caucus held last nigh, Be
StubbS, the former caucus chair-
man, was called lo the chair and
sided over the meeting. Senator
was later elected permanent
chairman and Senator Column was
elected to fill the secretary's chair
The first roll call showed there
were thirty-six of the Senators
Jan. House of
reassembled today, but
Kentucky coal fields against the Sou, the public demand .
Kentucky coal fields against the South In session so that tho government
cm Railway, are set for Investigation could be called upon for explanations
today by Congress. The charges were s lo its conduct of the war, the House
brought last year, but of Commons will not convene It
called to order by Representative v
R. Dunning Martin. Mr. Dunning
m presenting the name of
John H. of Cumberland
tor chairman caucus paid a
high tribute to the Democracy that
gentleman saying he was one of Hi
at the party, R man win
had been weighed in the balances and
not found warning a man who I
always give square deal e id i man
who represented that type OM
noblest work of God's creation Tn
nomination of Mr. Carrie w seconded
by Mr. Clark of and on mo
h, was chosen i
Representative Philip
of was nominated for
I tar Mr Thomas
Mr, Pogrom
a-as eh is i acclamation
M l n hen Present.
Mr. i s.
, U an i
Investigation was postponed.
tho M
The preliminary
been Finished nominations tor
President Pro Ten, the Senate we,,
in order Senator Johnson
at once nominated Senator Max
Gardner of Cleveland for this .
This nominal ion was seconded by Sen
Hobgood who was Mi
Gardner's opponent tor this place until
yesterday lien he Withdrew In
of Mr. Gardner. Mr. Gardner was
elected to this office by
Mr It t. Self, from Jack-
.,. t M U i the office clerk
by a lunation on the
Mr. Burnett was nominated
re i i to reading clerk
and hi was made unanimous
r then
Hi. order these being
clerk and
. i Ml Of
,. i k; Mr, c.
i . ii-- on M
and Mr. Peru
I ear
General Gains Victory
utter Hard ought Battle
and Attack
and Villa Aral
t hilled or Captured
When I'll.
Vera Jan. Puebla, Capital
State Puebla, evacuated a
month ago by troops, was re
today after a
began with the capture n
shun distance southeast
six days ago.
The fall Puebla came after s
hours what is described as the most
furious bombardment to which any
Mexican has yet been subjected
General Alvaro com-
Into a position about the city last
night With troops reported to have
aggregated men. He threw
nearly all his men into action, be-
the lighting early in the
After pounding with M canon the
positions, reported held
men, army advanced
under lire of the enemy's artillery.
When left Vera Cruz he
told friends that he would be in
session of Puebla in days. This
time was not up until tonight
and other small
towns have been taken his de-
bad made his
headquarters division base at
Where the railroad front Puebla joins
main line the Mexican Railway.
night he moved this
another inward the
. , both railroads over
which the Villa and Zapata forces
proceed toward Mexico City.
Generals and
the from
the east had under their direction
most of the cannon.
line of The Biggest Untiles.
Hoe many Villa and Zapata
escaped is not known, but
reports of the lighting Indicate
the greater part of them sitter
were I or made prisoners. Fro,
these reports it would semi that i
the battles that have In
the slaughter been s
swill and so great.
i i ,. i part action win
the city proper. Tho
,. ,, and wounded are said to cove
ground places.
everybody should get busy s
The musk is going again on
co market.

and EA
The Movement toward I death had not missed a single
in the Si-nth. The purpose in base ball has started In this over three years, which attest her
and FARM and EASTERN fair cause of Christ.
farmers Interested dairying and to salt in of an Baal The funeral services was conducted
to i raising much cot Carolina League. There i no from the at o'clock by r
ton and similar
v i taken of the
In cotton prices to bring
matter before the people, and It is
attention iii be
paid than in
Enough cannot be tat no better way to start something i loved ones In house not made
D J.
eat rear, . . II
Adverting rates be bad upon
i sub in aw . ,,, bet .
ma farmer
should consider this
All cards of
i will e at I dairy oral
Ml r ,
ea. mar
tats per Hoe. up to fifty
was issued against him on the 18th Cents Trues It.
day of December, 1914. out of the A Oner. Cal out this ad,
parlor Court t on an lose rents to e co,
and order of attachment, for and receive a free trial
the sum of Hundred package containing s Honey
and Dollars due Tar Compound for coughs, colds croup
hi Hie world lo prevent the pastor the Rev, N. Waters and the plaintiff by an error overlooking and coughs;
rack league and H should be done was in Galloway cemetery a in aforesaid j Kidney nils and Cathartic
ft N I tweeter character was ever plain-
Bum, when settlement was made with ; lets. sale in your town by all
aid defendant Bower elite for a druggists
trail in building and
Now are getting i ed In earth's boson and no character
and timed dull H i. a food plan I I ever cave forth more fragrant incense employee houses on the property
advertise for more business. There I than Myrtle where she which amount of
Hundred and 42-100
u data mil
M, the I
. b under
V .
I nil M I
i in. bite mi ti i
will i
h there may be
ii u
if assault .
i lull
her crimes,
m in
be d as
an i t are mu
Lie as tin
. n. but pub
look them .
I n ill i
ports ed. It
I post will add a
ad that
. ; the credit
I parcel
post i the
a mu vi
v . i ii w u in I hi pa m
, i i been
In a-her by
large railroad ti
use the smaller roads as u i pa i
h a petition which has
i,. pi at a H cam.
circulating through stat
ii Is finally to be to
legislature requesting u repeal
Justice t.
WHOM i Mil III III ill I II I i;
Tin board of i
. the i fan
in lane put
right in the front rank of count
in this state in i
. . en . . .
me tin In tin ins an
coming in to the
beet a
That all i
i about Ii a step I
i In addition to I his
rd of i a h body o
full; in d I I
ton h a
Pitt County has made at r
one Hi most
one i and
re hit t r
vet dot
, pleas
with their the
from those
Improvement in health mat-
with b I
the health conditions of
co are bound to
they haw done Every
of this county should give his
hearty support this new and
help in every way possible lo
bis work most and
i i . Id the row over II pal
. ;
and l b coming in
I fen ti pi J
the ; of making
be taken from oil.
methods of making
The Heal for
been issued. other
good things it has there is a very in-
cartoon entitled,
We ,
logs, protect our forests and sad
neglect our children.
The State Journal has reappeared
with d- as editor, The
issue i- a live one and if
continues to be up lo high stand
will from the very
Tin make
effort lo apprehend the parties who
red i he bell monument on
Mt. II a ti w days ago. Such acts
a r.- punishment and they
lid gel It.
Haven railroad tors
must ad to the Indictment is the re
ruling of the Judge Several
imped to ape by plead-
ins Immunity because of having
before the Corporation
The directors of this road
be punished like any oilier
man who violates the law.
With opening of the
market Will lake on new life,
and things will liven up a bit.
is a large amount of tobacco In Hi
country and sales will be
brisk tor time yet. Tobacco
certainly been the salvation of this
part of this
to advertise In your home paper
hands eternal in Heavens.
A precious one from us is gone.
A voice we loved is stilled.
g, v, good on bright
outlook for year have been I place Is vacant in our town
out lately. Such mote
good than be measured and .
more people should make them
; ., are so that
lo not care history In the
mi will buy ii of the hook agent lat I
That never can lie filled.
Who Her
is now due by the defendant
villa to plaintiff, and said sum-
mons was made returnable on
tit day of January, MU, the
Having qualified as administrator f
T. U Patrick deceased, late of Pitt
County, Carolina, this is to
all persons having claims
the of said deceased lo exhibit
to the undersigned
Court of said County, held in mouths of dale or notice I
Greenville on said date. pleaded in bar of their recovery.
The defendant will also take notice All persons indebted to said estate
that a warrant of attachment was please make immediate payment.
What is wanted is
waterway lo tut not
tartly on, that will float a pork barrel. i
when communities cease
calling government
will i i work for ii.
that is at the
protection considerably more
than cents a gallon.
From way people spend
money you would they
literally following tin- advice recently
ti regard to hoarding their
like keep ill ;
Prohibition receives another
. the result the failure of the
power vested in me
that Deed of Trust , to me
, by W. C. Smith, and of record in
Office of Id of Deeds for Pitt
County, in Hook Page I
shall sell at public auction lo
lost bidder , ash tin Court
House door in Greenville, on
of February, 1916, o'clock
M. following described parcel of
real estate, lying, being and situate
in Greenville Township, County f
Pitt, and State of North Carolina.
Farm Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned by
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
. in Map Hook at Pace
lie- of Deeds Pin
County and containing and 35-
This January lib,, 1915.
c. s CARR,
sued by said Court on the
day of I'll, the
property of the defendant, The
ville Hanking and Trust Co., which
property of the defendant
consisted of certain deposits of money
in the said Greenville Hanking and
Trust Co., which warrant of attach-
i returnable at the
date of January 1816, before the
Judge, Court House In the
Town of Greenville when and where
said defendants are required to
pear and answer or demur to com-
plaint, or the relief demanded will he
This. Ho 22nd day of December
j. n. cox.
i of Superior Court.
on Dunn.
attempt to reinstate vodka an
y alcoholic drinks in Russia. Much
in i tin
try also of the year.
Life Insurance
liver notice bow closely life
examiners look for of
kidney diseases They do so because
weakened kidneys lead to many forms
New War life-shortening afflictions.
seems to have been the loss if you have any like pain in
battleship Formidable back, frequent, scanty or painful
was sunk yesterday in the ired feeling, ache, and
Channel. The report was .-. out
which is not the way
is ordinarily done
gel Foley Kidney Pills today,
sale by all druggists.
Pitt County.
In the Superior Court
Greenville Cotton Mills,
A report of the Department
culture states Hie Carolina
yield 82.3 per Of fool
used b family.
a comparison Ii is stated 111.-
average York
per of the
tor family. Other -tales
figures covering a wide range hut
North Carolina remains the honor
raising a higher per of to d is Kipling did not, however, have sun
finger touched Monday after-
noon soul of Mrs I,. V. Holliday,
eldest daughter Mrs. and Mrs.
W Proctor, and wife of Mr I.
Holliday and
husband and friends entered the
chariot was to the battle-
of Heaven to help in singing
the praises of our King on New Years
morn as she did in her own sweet way
sing My To then
f-ll peacefully on sleep.
While home in which she lived
will he shrouded in gloom heaven w II
he God's way- are our
ways and toiler and think, what
does ii mean None can tell, none
ran Bay, bin in that glad day will
Myrtle was bright attractive and
lovable . character. She bad
viewed beauties of God s
work an ambitious Christ life
eye, when lowly Nazarene said,
desire lo my heavenly
She has gone, lint the
fragrance of her life still re-
mains, only in the home where she
was Hie joy and hut level
she mingled.
was sunken about three weeks
ago typhoid fever, and every
known to medical science and.
human hand was done, but to no avail,
Much the popular if she bore tier sufferings most patently
pork barrel is a full of hope the
for tie human hog I Arbiter willed otherwise, and Monday j
I afternoon ; o'clock she
Soldiers in trenches would bi said good by and went to the City oil
grateful tor hot water bottles Peace. Wednesday afternoon at
with hot water or she was placed tenderly
Hod's i to sleep until
of Summons and Warrant
The defendant, I. E.
above named, will take that a
summons in above entitled action
By virtue of vested in
me a mortgage by W. II.
Clark lo Macon on the
7th day of January, and I
qualified as Administrator here-
by offer for sale on the third Mon-
day of January. 1915, being Hun
day thereof, for cash lo Hie highest
bidder, ill the House door
noon, the following described pro-
Lying and being in Swift Creek
Township. Pin County, North Caro
line, beginning at a cypress on
run of Swift Creek near the old foot
way and runs S K poles to a
stake, James Walls corner, then x
K poles a forked pine, then S
K pops water oak, then X
W poles ti black gum on the
run of Swift Creek, down the
various of Swift Creek, on.-
acres more or less.
in Hook page
Also one other tract adjoining the
above described and adjoining
lands of J. K. Clark. Jesse Clark,
and others, con-
acres more or less.
This, 18th day of December
R. A.
of Macon
X. W Ally.
This, the 21st day of December 1814.
F. JAMES Attorneys.
It. fr the
Alert, keen, i liar headed, healthy
men and women arc in demand. Mod-
en business cannot use in
or on the road, persons who
dull, lifeless, inert, half sick or tired.
Keep m trim. in a condition
wards off disease. Cathartic
Tablets clean the system, keep
stomach sweet, liver active and
bowels regular. For sale by all drug-
u Million.
New York, Jan. Miss Grace
Dodge, the philanthropist, who
died in city. December last,
left more than to public an I
religious institutions, under her will,
tiled today for probate. Bequests In-
. hide each to col-
of Colombia the
National Board of the Young Women's
Christian Association of the
The value of the estate is estimated
more than Other be
quests include to American
college for girls at Constantinople,
Turkey, lo tin- i
Hoard of Foreign Missions; and tho
same amount lo the Presbyterian
Hoard of Home Missions, and to
World's Student Christian
for hem lit of its women's depart-
lion to Cure u Cough.
coughs demand
treatment. They show a serious con-
of the system and are weaken-
Postmaster Collins, N
J., I look Foley's Honey and Tar
for a violent cough
completely exhausted me. and
less than a half a bottle stopped the
Try it For sale by all
than any stale North Carolina
fauns are nearer Bell than
any in the country And even with
a r- .-rd for the past plans
marine.-, in mind when he wrote,
called, our navies
Avoiding the and
great day for which all
entire community mourns
with the grief stricken parents and
husband and many tears moisten this
en Bads grave is only a
in. lo increase the food crops j methods bis famous lather and when those to him near
Jesse has become a
soldiers will not in a
Ii about having outdoor sleeping
The Department of Agriculture j porches after their es ill the,
Washington Is sending out much val-
and to reduce of some
crops which classed as
and dear are greeted on that
morn, they ran exclaim we d
not understand.
She was a faithful member of the
Christian church, in music
a in Sunday up . hr
Useful Presents
------For All------
You do not know how many sensible Christ-
mas Gifts we can sell you until you visit our
store. Bring in the whole family and see it we
something that will please everyone
of them
Your friends will appreciate some useful, sen-
as silverware, carving
nets, scissors sets, table cutlery, pocket
knives, ranges and a thousand and one
things which we have bought especially
for Christmas, much more than a fancy
that will soon be worthless. Call and see.
Phone Greenville, N C.
Mr. w. , Brown who bad bean
a few days returned to
this morning.
Miss Douglass Arthur left this morn-
to return to school in Farmville,
Mr. Arthur left this morning
y return to school in
Misses and Lula Higgs
left this afternoon to return to Mere-
College In Raleigh.
Mr. H. Q. Best has returned from a
week's about his old borne
Mr. and Mrs. R. Humber and
Children returned Saturday from Beau-
where they spent the holidays.
Their sons, J. B. and Robert, left this
to resume their studies at
Wake Forest College.
Hiss Willie left Sunday
to resume teaching at Wanna
Miss Mary Lucy Dupree left Sunday
morning to resume her school at
Mr. Jennings who spent the
here, left Sunday morning to
return to school at Mara Hill.
Mottle Abrams, of Rocky Mourn
to her slater. Mrs. M.
Bryan left morn-
for High Point to resume teaching
as the Graded School.
Myrtle Warren, who was here
the holidays, returned to Weldon
where she teaches In the
d School.
Dr. Frank Wilson, who was home
tor the holidays, returned to Washing
ton City Sunday.
Mr. Wilson left Sunday for
Baltimore to resume studies at the
University of Maryland.
Messrs. H. Sheppard, Jr., and James
Brown returned to
where they are attending St.
Military school.
Mr. Churchill Hodges after spend-
the holidays here, returned to
Richmond Sunday where be is attend-
a medical college.
Miss Skinner returned to Tar-
Sunday to resume teaching In the
graded school.
Miss Inez left Sunday tor
Oriental to resume teaching.
Bowling left Sunday to
reopen her school near
Mrs. Hampton and daughter, Miss
Tiara, of Plymouth, have been visiting
Mrs. J. W. Bryan a few days.
Dr. A. M. who has been
home for the holidays left this morn-
Philadelphia to resume his
Miss Bessie went to Wash-
Miss Christine Tyson returned
from a visit to Washington.
Misses Peal and Ethel Bow-
ling have returned from a visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Elliott have re-
turned from their bridal tour and arc
making their home at Mr. and Ms
Travis Hooker's.
Mission Workers Parade
St Louis, Mo., Jan.
brass band of the Salvation Army,
the mission workers of all
nations in Louis held a parade to-
day. With the mission workers march
d many interested In the work. The
march began at the City Rescue Mis
and special services were hell
after the parade.
and Teachers are Arriving
Spring Session
The teachers and students are now
coming back to resume their work for
the spring session. The school formal
starts tomorrow, January 6th. The
session which ended just before Christ-
mas one of the most successful
in tho tho history of the school. Tho
attendance was splendid, every avail-
able dormitory room was taken and
may applications had to be refused
because of lack of room. The war
which has effected almost all kinds of
business has not yet touched the
colleges or apparently has not and all
of the who were in attendance
during the fall are expected to
for the spring term. All indications
point to a very successful term and
toward the graduation of one of
largest since the school was
Washington, O. C, Jan.
conditions are described as
by the Chamber of
Commerce of the States in a
report made public today. The re-
port however, that the war has
had a widespread and depressing
on Industry.
among all says the report,
remarks have been noted
that does not extend to
biles. Future delivery goods
chases are smaller and collections
poor, but lately a marked
change has been noted In a lessening
of difficulty In obtaining bank loans
and in an easing of rates.
Conditions in the South, slow-
Improving still present a serious
Crops in general, the report add.;.
have been good but the cattle in-
confronts serious handicaps
In difficulty In obtaining loans on
cattle and the foot and mouth dis-
ease quarantine. The sheep and wool
Industry is excellent but general min-
conditions are poor.
Many idle factories are reported M
preparing to resume operation.
of building, however, has caused
many lumber mills to close and
to run on short time.
Kinston. Jan. Turnage,
who was wanted here for shooting
Police Officer Frank while he
and Chief Carl were trying
to arrest Turnage on Sunday after-
noon, February 18th, Friday
was arrested in Wilmington for
the authorities of this city. A
reward of 125.00 was offered at the
time Turnage escaped and still hold
good. Chief Heath was notified Fri
day by the officers of Wilmington that
Turnage had been located there, and
the police of Wilmington wanted to
know If the officers still wanted
Chief Heath told Wilmington
that Turnage was still wanted here
and to arrest him and bring bun
and the reward would be paid.
Register of Deeds Belt has
loaned licenses to the following
couples since last report
i. Beaman and E. Clem-
of Henderson, Vance County.
J. H Cox of and Clara
Smith of Ayden.
Allen of Greenville township
and Lena Briley of
James and Dunn of
Jim and Jackie of
Herman and
way of Greenville
Jessie Forbes of and Mabel
Vines of Greenville township.
John II. Smith and Flossie Dixon
Mack Washington of Greenville
township and Dupree of Col-
H. Roberson and Susie Sneed
Marcellus Taylor and Adeline
of Falkland.
Mallard and Alberta Ward of
J. of Greenville town-
ship and Hattie L. Barrett of Con-
Bob Gray and Little Parker of
Farmville township.
Wm. Fleming of Greenville
and Lena Brown of town-
Willie Gorham and Mary Vines of
Greenville township.
Note of Thanks.
We wish to thank the people of
Greenville for the many acts of kind-
they have shown us during our
stay here in city and especially
during our sickness. We were here
without work and would have lacked
for many things If the people of tho
town had not generously coma to our
aid In many ways. We take this means
of expressing our thanks and
for these acts of kindness We
regret very much to leave
but owing to the circumstances are
compelled to do so.
Boyd and. Family.
Repair the Leak
A may sulk a ship.
A mall regularly may
ant rum, wow success.
You can the I when you pay check
You will you a check for a noodle
Lot keep chocking account.
National Bank of
lamas Is
a boa of
other Gin could
be more acceptable to as
yen confer so at
a expanse. Kara a box
row MM next Mate yea
time yen take her oat Char the
between and your only
will b that the ks
too short and the tax too
I Us
Educator Objects lo African
Exclusion Clause
Tuskegee, Ala., January -Tho
amendment incorporated in the
migration bill, which excludes
grants of African descent from en-
the United States, was
unjust and unreasonable,
Booker T. Washington principal of
the Tuskegee Institute said here to-
night in a statement commenting on
the measure passed Saturday by the
The educator asserted that
without the service of tho West In-
the Panama Canal could
not have been completed In such a
satisfactorily way and that to prohibit
the entry of a race that had been so
largely instrumental in this work,
oven should meet
of the Immigration laws, was
unfair and unnecessary
against race.
Boost Bigger
Washington January
living conditions In several States
conditions in several
was today by the Depart-
of Agriculture and showed In
the locality observed, North Caro-
line farms yielded and
per cent, of the food
used each year by the farm families,
while average New York locality
was only fifty and four-tenths.
was made of a large number of
farms in North Carolina. Georgia.
Texas, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and
Vermont, It per
cent of the food is supplied by farm
North Carolina led.
Schools to Farming
Detroit, Mich., Jan.
a study necessarily pro public school
children will be Inaugurated In
Detroit schools. The course will be
begun at the high schools. time.
has says Supt
an American family will
have to know how to make good
tor all out of a farm of five acres.
1914. W. G.
John Barton had fallen In love with
Lucy Dean after the Drat germs of
his deadly bad sowed them-
selves In his mind. Ones there, they
had taken root and nourished, so that
not even the new Interest la bis life
could prevent their development
The idea possessed him. body and
boyhood the temptation
had come to him at idle moments
when be was vaguely dissatisfied with
life. But he had always fought It
down and conquered with sheer will
He knew, however, that the law
could never touch him. He knew that
he could carry this design with
impunity, holding harrowing
knowledge of it In own
the day of discovery.
Love comes unexpectedly enough,
and Barton's soul was torn In twain
after Lucy had promised to be his
wife Yet. fight as be might be could
not withstand the prompting of that
Impulse within. He had given rein
to It too long.
He bad a month's vacation every
summer. That would be ample time
In which to set his purpose, though
his plan would not come to full
for two or three months longer.
However, it was only necessary to
start and, automatically, the train
that he had fired would smolder until,
without intervention upon his part
the ripe fruits of enterprise
cams manifest.
Barton had rented a little furnished
cottage in a remote region of the
where his only neigh-
were a few woodmen.
He made some miserable excuse to
Lucy to cover his absence for so long
a period, and disappeared from the
haunts of his friends. And, the even-
after bis departure from the Grand
Central station found him In the little
cottage, alone, staring out moodily
across tho lake.
The clay-colored chemical which
was so essential a feature of his de-
sign stood on little bare table
In the room which he had selected for
his operations.
He had the formula calculated to a
nicety. All that was necessary was
time for the chemical combinations to
become permanent and to produce
their rich crop of results. The
bad been performed many times
since man emerged from barbarism,
hut less and less often as he became
enlightened, and of recent years so
seldom that Its very infrequency
John Barton's greatest asset of safety.
It was on fifth morning after his
arrival that he received a letter from
dearest she wrote,
am becoming very uneasy about your
going up to that out-of-the-way place
In tho Adirondack, where you are
all by yourself. Mother wants you to
corns back at and spend the rest
of the month with at Atlantic
am greatly concerned about yon.
dear, and unless you write me that
you are coming on tho next train, I
shall begin to think you do not love
The sight of delicate hand-
writing brought back to him with a
rush all the memory of their lore-
How fond had been of each
How the knowledge that aha
loved him bad temporarily driven the
thought of his purpose out of his
mind. And how miserably he had
striven to avoid that Insistent
that came knocking at bis heart
But the experiment was under way.
and. more, It was succeeding. There
was no do of that Science In-
fallible, and her laws absolute. And
he had used only a tenth part of the
clay-colored chemical, with Its faint
aromatic smell, so subtle an agent
In hi great and yet apparently
so innocuous.
John answered Lucy's letter,
himself on tho ground that he
needed perfect rest, and remained la
his cottage.
Then the day of decision dawned.
There was a letter from Lucy. John
could hardly steady his fingers to
tear It open.
dear It began, re-
your last letter I have felt
very much hurt at your refusal to MI K. ft. FOB ELECTRIC
spend your holiday with us. hoped Treas, Heaters, bigots and natures
that you would write again, and I
waited every day to hear .
you. I was too proud to answer you. I 1900 WOOD FOR SALE
now, dear John. I have come will deliver any amount to suit. Phone
to the conclusion that you j. e. l-2-19-f
have treated me thus unless some-,. ,,.,
thing serious were the matter. And THE
mother and I are coming up to i , .
Cranberry Lake to see you. We shall. of Tobacco
start tomorrow, and the day after you Company one pair of spectacles with
receive this, we shall be at your Owner can get same by calling
hope you will meet us there, I .
John, and remove my for
And now tho die was cast, and the I
man's struggle between and the LOST ON FIFTH STREET
dreadful task to which he had set him-
Drug Company
Buy your Cow Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
Phone Mrs. it.
house, and adjoining lot sufficiency
large enough for another residence
Tills is a bargain for a quick buyer
Apply to C. Farmville or
F. C. Harding. Greenville, N. C.
young lady position as bookkeeper
office work phone 211-J.
Valuable lot on Fourth
feet, at a bargain price. Writs or
phone. J. II. Back. Ayden. N. C.
ed or unfurnished, suitable for light
housekeeping. Apply to He of-
night of Dec. 1914, Clay Bank
Pony Horse weigh about lbs.
Black mane and tail. If found pleas
notify. ST. Lewis. Farmville, N. C.
Tear for MOSS ROM
tie beat
House and Lot for Sale apply to
D. E. House, Greenville, N. C.
ft, ft.
elbows. boards, and pot as
your stoves. T. g that
Teach Boys Spanish.
D. C. Jan. order
to give the Washington boys a good
chance to make their fortunes la
South America during the trade read-
the builders and
exchange of this city begins to-
night a school of Spanish. That Is
the language spoken In most of the
South American and
merchants recognize the value of
The graced school re-open today.
self was renewed more acutely than
ever. None can know what a mental man pearls,
struggle he endured during the rest
of that day. For. if he destroyed the
results of his experiment he knew
that he not himself to be-
gin anew.
But the thought of Lucy conquered.
the dawn cay
room, after a sleepless night John
emptied the clay-colored fluid out of
the window. Then, taking a
from the bottom of his bag,
wildly, he shaved of his
or in necklace of red
Atlantic Coast Company and
receive reward.
red and tan between
Chestnut and Reward
Mrs. Spear St. 1-2-ltd
Established 1871
lice Buck-
wheat, Hominy, Pan-
cake Oatmeal,
Washington Crisps,
Quakers Corn Flakes,
en, Porridge, Grape
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flour,
Flour, Con-
M Schultz

w. D.
u tat
rye. Mar, Three
t alum
Dr. O. U Jam
HUe, N. C. every
Qr. H. W Cuter MM
and eye fur
a tow to all
M K to
aV their ere.
i. a. i
-i Mid I
I- v formerly occupied b
KM a II peak to mark the last place
I of Prof. Mitchell. The
will be replaced
i Health Officer
Bat Another Employed
Office out Wilson's Store
C. ;
Practicing in all the Courts
In Wooten Building on Third
street. fronting House
Constantly Being
Since the succession
report were first published In
the local press there has been no look-
bank. evidence
to in,
whose reports were first published
many years ago, verify all they hare
said in a most hearty and
way. Read the experience of Mr
P T Moore,
Mrs. F. T. Moore, Pitt fit.
was very much
annoyed with backache and my kid-
were not acting as they should.
I I loan's Kidney as directed
and they gave me splendid relief.
My back is now much better and
can rest well nights. I give
Kidney the credit for I
they have done me a lot of good.
gladly confirm my former endorse
of this
Price at all dealers. Don't
simply ask a kidney
Kidney same that
MM. Moore bad. doing hookworm and
Nash County changes officer
January Dr. B. K.
who has made an record there
M health officer since the first
May, leaves this week to accept a
with the International Health
Dr. W. II Kibler Dr. Wash
burn as whole time health officer for
Nash. Dr. Kibler was from
county, a graduate from the
of the University of Penn-
last year. He has been
i the State Board of Health for some-
Props., N. Y.
of Ne
It It
Attorney Law
In Building on the Court
i. F.
Winslow's Stables
A .
Attorney at Law
Office in Building, Third St.
Practices wherever his services are
North Carolina.
. -v, i, Jan. parties
dynamited and entirely destroyed the
monument Pro. Mitchell
erected on the top of Mt Mitchell the
latter part of last week, according to
advices reaching Asheville today. The
monument, which was composed of a
mixture of and lead, was re-
to a shapeless ruin.
employed by a lumber
company working on the side of Mount
are said to have had trouble
with one of the foremen recently and
to have believed the was
the property of the lumber com-
No arrests have been
Prof. Mitchell, a Yale professor
but at the time connected with the
faculty of the University of North
Carolina, proved that Mount Mitchell
6.711 feet high is the highest point
east of the Rockies. In further ex-
of the mountain which bears
his name he lost his life
buried on the summit.
Twenty-six years ago, alumni of
the University of North Carolina had
the monument erected on the top of
v. g.
Corner Fourth and Streets
Photo Made Both Day ant Sight
Send M Tour
Four Car Loads of Fruit
Mutt be told and at Small
rap Fruit has
Orange box
California Fruit Store.
health work at Mt Pleasant
Nash County.
Dr. will take up hook-
worm work on Trinidad Island for the
International Health Commission ml
to that which has already
done in North Carolina. He will firs
visit British Guiana some of
West Indies Islands
work has been going on for the last
year. His will be a place to
till. His former experience in hook-
worm work made It possible to take
up county health work with telling
results. The record he made in
work is no doubt largely responsible
for the offer of this new position at
practically double his former salary
While Nash losses a good she
Is to be congratulated upon the
of Dr. Kibler He proposes to
carry out the same general health
policy as inaugurated by Dr. Wash-
burn, and with reasonable co-opera-
from the citizens and officials of
Nash County he will no doubt
that county at the very front In health
work In North Carolina.
Put Turkey Tonight
Boston, Jan. big fat
turkey's furnished by George Stall-
the Big Chief of the Boston
Braves, baseball world champions,
grace the banquet board tonight when
the annual banquet of the Winter
served. Famed baseball
players owners and manages of this
and other eras of the sport will dine
on the birds, and recent stories
of the national pastime.
Proper Carriage of th Body Ha
Much to Do With Condition
of U General Health,
the Woman's Home
William J. writing an
entitled Every Girl Should
tells the right way to stand,
sleep and walk. Following t his ad-
vice as to
In the position the
chest I held high and thrown out
the abdomen drawn In. th
chin In toward chest, with the
body held and leaning slightly
forward. The weight of the body
equally distributed upon both feet,
either with one foot in advance of
the other, as in the military
or with heels together. In the
carriage the body Is bent farther
forward than In the ordinary walking
posture. The cadet gets his erect
not so much by the physical ex-
he takes as by constantly being
reminded by bis officer that he must
bold his body erect
are three ways to tell
you are carrying yourself properly.
Stand with the back to a wall
has a smooth surface, with the head,
shoulders, hips and heels the
try to maintain this position at
all times. Another way Is to He on
tho hack, note the of the head,
shoulders, chest and hips, and as-
the same posture. another
Is to practice balancing a moderately
heavy book on the head. Place n soft
cushion on the head and on
top, as this gives the book more
face upon which to rest, and is more
easily balanced.
the chest high and the
body erect an excellent exercise and
should be
Big English Liner Carries Motorboat
Equipped With Most Reliable
Wireless Apparatus.
r Sales Are Exported Pat
Some Time.
The local tobacco market will open
tomorrow for the spring sales. The
fall sales were very indeed,
in fad there were more pounds sol-J
and at higher price than almost any-
body expected. The farmers as well
as the buyers are
thoroughly well pleased and satisfied
with the sales up to date. The outlook
for successful sales during the com-
months is very bright, there is a
large amount of tobacco yet to be sold
and It is fully expected that sales will
be brisk.
Greenville has made a tine record
this year and bids fair to come out
near the head of the list of
sold in North Carolina or even nearer
than last year. With a total of pounds
already sold reaching nearly to
pounds this market has a record
which It should be proud of and cu-
that speaks well for the warehouse
and other market facilities.
Pulpit Will
February I lib.
New York, Jan. Th movement
by the Federal council M
the churches of Christ in America M
have Sunday February 14th, observed
as Centenary pence Sunday, is being
responded to with enthusiasm by in-
churches throughout tn
country, the council to-
night. The council's associate
the Rev. K. Carroll of
Washington, D. C, said that on
Sunday peace messages
would be delivered in
and peace programs would be part
of the exercises in Sunday
and young all over
the country.
Among the many accessories that
have been provided on the
British steamer are two
Intended to carry
well as tow ordinary
away from the ship In case of disaster.
These boat measure tO feet In length,
feet Inches In breadth, and feet
Inches In depth. Each boat
equipped with a oil n-
A cabin Is fitted amidships and th
forward end Is divided from the larger
by a soundproof bulkhead,
thus forming a suitable room for the
Marconi wireless apparatus which the
boats carry. This apparatus consist
of a sending set which will transmit
messages up to miles and a re-
set capable of receiving over
a range of miles. transmit-
ting set baa a fixed wave length of
Although there Is nothing original
Incorporated In sets, every
fort has been made to have them ab-
reliable In every way so that
could be depended on under the
most unfavorable
Donna Crosses Seas lo Wed.
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.
Beatrice prims soprano
of German court opera of
was married here today to a former
schoolmate and together they will
tour the country. Dr. William Bes-
of Minneapolis is bride-
groom In the pretty romance,
began ten years ago. Miss
was then a high school and Dr.
was a medical student. They
were great friends but the young girl
was sent abroad to cultivate her voice.
She met with unusual success at
den and Berlin and a long
engagement with the opera.
Kev. Irving of St.
Park, performed tho ceremony, and
the members of both families attend-
ed. They will keep the singer's en-
which include a recital In
Chicago, a concert at the
of Illinois and an engagement with
the Seattle Symphony Orchestra.
Michigan Peace Leaders, Heel.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan.
Michigan state board of
of the World Peace
meets her today, on call of
dent H H Hutchins of the
of Michigan. Albert Bryant,
director of the foundation hi
scheduled to speak, and Pres. David
Jordan of Leland Stanford
may address meeting.
Market Quoted by Oat Ban
Jan Wheat
May Wheat 1-2
Jan Corn 6-8
May Corn
Jan Lard 10.62
May Lard 10.80
Jan. Ribs 10.16
May Ribs 10.66
Mr A
Wilmington, Jan. in BOOM
months has progress been made in
Superior Court here equal to that char
the opening day of I OB
week term for trial of cases
. unveiling yesterday morning
Judge II. W. Whedbee, of Greenville
presiding. Under the guiding
hand of Whedbee the legal
machinery went round so smoothly and
rapidly yesterday that when evening
came a good portion of the entire
had already been disposed n
Judge charge to the
grand jury was short, lasting only
In beginning it ho d
he had reached the conclusion that
par cent, of the time consumed in i
judge's charge to the jury is thrown
away. Most men are familiar enough
with crime to know what their duties
is grand jurors are,, save in
or complicate cases. He ex-
pressed the opinion that there is
place where so much money la d
en Um administration of the
law. Grand juries cause part of
this waste in lengthy argument, law-
also contribute by delaying cases
and judges by lengthy charges,
Five months of the war arc
ed lo have in money piss
seven dollars and in tile killing
wounding and capturing six million
men. And In very good an-
if the controlling had
taken j. week longer lo debate the
question, then might have been no
war at all, and Observer.
News been brought lo us of
care which thoroughly aroused the
family of Major Mills who lives on
Route Yesterday afternoon two of
the Children, and years res
could not be found and as
is an well on the place
ll was feared they had fallen into
well. Major Mills being away hunt-
was not present to help ill the
so a was dispatched on
horseback to find him,
time the family was highly excited
and searching everywhere for tho
in the midst of all the excitement
mil fear for the safety of children
ind while everyone was out
in the search the children
cl to the home safe and sound. The
Had been to a neighbors with one of
the servants for a short time and thus
innocently caused their people
excitement and dread. It took
the family some time to recover
the excitement caused by this
One Figure Too
The took a notion to do some
work, yesterday, and by put-
ting In one figure too many made us
i in the report of the done
the post office the lust quarter
i money orders were issued. That
was one many, as the correct
numbers was
By virtue of a power of sale contain-
ed in a certain Mortgage Deed executed
and delivered by J. A. and
wile Ethel Everette to W. H.
Jr.,. dated tho 15th. day August
1914, duly recorded the Re
Office In Pitt County. In Book
A page and also by virtue of
a Mortgage executed and delivered by
H A. to W. H. Jr.
dated of . 1914. and duly
recorded in the Register's Office in
Pitt County, the undersigned will, on
Saturday, the Mb, day of
1915, at o'clock Noon expose to pub-
before the Court House door
in Greenville, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land,
one fifth undivided la-
rest of J. A. Everett and also
life estate of K. A. Everette in the one
fifth undivided Interest of
said J. A. Everette in that certain
tract or parcel of land situated ll
Township. Pitt County,
Carolina adjoining the lands of Tho
mas Haddock on the East; the
land on the West; the land on
Hie South and the land on
North and containing acres
more or
This sale is made for the purpose
of satisfying the terms of said
This tho 4th. day of January,
W. H.
Harding Pierce. Attorneys.
11.11. r Virginia.
We are Inclined to think that the
law to be passed by our legislature
will do more to hurt the liquor
i hi Virginia than the prohibition
recently in that
ham Herald.
T Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
Print Tax Valuations.
Especially do we like the examples of cruelty on the plastic
for printing all assessments and minds the second generation. New
valuations, SO each one ma
Just what bis neighbor's property has
been valued at. Wrong, of any nature
cannot stand and when every
man knows the value lie is placing on
his property is going lo be pub-
yon will see man come nearer
the true value he has been in till
of Courier.
What Is Wrong.
Thai Georgia has broken
loose ill this stale, judging from the
annual report of Attorney General
Bickett, just made. The increase in
crime over last year Is astonishing.
There was a falling off for two or
three years, hut. the shoe is on
other foot. What Ii the
Greensboro Record.
Free Advertising.
Wonder if Methodists who arc
pulling up such a roar about tainted
money realize that they donating
lo Brother Candler hid
million couldn't have bought
rightfully demands an ex-
of the British sea policy.
With her all powerful navy England
has too often outstretched all
of international agreement. Tho
searching of American vessels, a
trial country, is an outrage.- High
Point Enterprise.
Some Result of War.
Some of school kids are
the war talk of their parents mixed
with their Down near Rosin
dale one hoy ill naming ones lo
his teacher gave the Torrid.
Frigid and War Zones and
a lady teacher was
telling of going to the while
on a visit to Charlotte and was asked
by I young pupil which did
she attend the Eastern or Western,
Edison Hays N is Tine lo Go
Thomas A. Edison, the inventor,
that 1916 will a most pros-
is the he said,
i lie United States to so ahead. We
Can manufacture cheaper today than
in any years to come. However.
many of our best business men seem
in be and pound-foolish.
am surprised commercial
industrial America has been
i led with a form of paralysis,
as the result of war In
Europe. This is all however, to
Mr. Edison said he was afraid
manufacturers would delay before go-
ahead, and would wait until things
cost more. Some believe that
things are more expensive it indicates
times are prosperous, he said.
Inn to his mind is a mistaken idea.
The railroad rate M.-
Edison continued, a good thing i
railroad business is our com-
barometer. When you
i pie the arteries of trade there always
is I am satisfied with the
i increased rate, and it will mean thou-
sands dollars to me, but I am go
to get it all back In Increased
trade. that public opinion is
in favor the increase, and be-
President Wilson has clearly de-
fined his position on business gen-
The Federal reserve act
proved its worth
Speaking of the European war,
Mr. Edison the Germans
went Into this war in the ballet that
the French the English were de-
cadent people, they made a
Although I In- great Edison plant
here was practically destroyed by fire
three ago, the force is
manufactured material and is
getting ready to make shipments. II
is expected that discs will he
shipped today. Work has been In pro-
and day and on Sundays.
where work has
been bile the death rail
varied and apparently Increased
in 1913, is not only lower than
the average in North Carolina but
so lower than iii the
The thing that makes the
man's hope particularly roseate is not
only the fact that his death rate from
tuberculosis is but little higher
average in the Stales and
is decreasing, but that decrease
is being made despite the tremendous
tubercular infection of In
North Carolina the
death which i- also leas-
is still over per cent greater
white man's.
Prom the figures compiled it
appears that there are probably about
white deaths and
death from inhere
North Carolina every year.
This Is a tremendous economic
in the ii will doubtless i
the y the are lo try to
handle the white problem first, in
intensive as Boon as the
White problem Is well under control,
which should be in a comparatively
few years, serious attention will be
given to colored problem.
Good Advice.
The Greensboro News takes Hue
point, and it Incidentally isn't a bad
one that the planter who might raise
cotton year is making a gamble
while hog and hominy to
family is sounding a business
If there might be a general ,.,.,,.,., ,.
December 18th, 1911
Mrs. David House,
Greenville, X. C.
My Dear Mrs. House
Your letter with contribution of
representing Christmas
donation from the Greenville people
through The End of the Century Club,
has been received, and it is with the
deepest gratitude we send you this
You will realize how much your con
will mean to the famine-
menaced Belgians, when you consider
One Hollar will one
supply of food for thirty people, hence
this contribution from the people
Greenville, represents lives of
people for days. On behalf of
Belgians and our entire Committee.
we thank you.
with renewed and deep
We Point To Furniture
as tor be
It e know that the
we handle has made is
nay from
lad aid
i i .- and
longer an other kid
sold anything like our
i like
-11 and visit our
-hew . Our lines Bel-
furniture will
U to buy.
Taft Vandyke
Evans Street.
N. C.
n sun
Is one. of the most dangerous poison
i B, still many are filled
w I owing to poor
We Special precaution lo exclude
all sewer gas. We Use good material
only skilled labor. We can assure
you w-ill be no sewer gas
when we do your plumbing.
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
Touring Cars P. B. Detroit
F. . Detroit.
We have several second hand Ford and
Care, almost as good as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
N. C.
Key West or Tampa,
thence Steamer to Havana
hates cover meals and berth
Tickets on sale January 7th,
to return January 25th, 1915.
Children at half fare.
For any detail information, write to
Mr. P. at.
Traffic Agent
till. lit AT 1-3
Four of the best varieties of yellow
flowering narcissus, Four of the best
varieties Dutch hyacinths. Six
best varieties of tulips. White
hyacinths, White narcissus Must B-
Choice t ill all
kinds in
Blooming Pol Plants in many
N. C.
The Standard Railroad of The
of the plan of the
county planter who raised
than a ton and a half of meat with
seven hogs, none of them fourteen
months old, we believe that there
would be taken a long step forward
for the supremacy of the South from
financial standpoint.
Deserve Whipping.
now on then somebody
less in This Stale.
The White man's tuberculosis prob-
In North Carolina is far from hope
less. Statistics for 1918 show that in
North Carolina towns while death
was per population or
only about higher than the while
death rate In the registration area if
the States.
Much satisfaction also is fell in the
our white death
rate is decreasing. In 1911 ii was
haled Into police court for cruelly as
for which praises he
sung, such an offender rarely is let
off lightly. Let the man who beats
a horse or mistreats any other
if lie be caught which
Innately he rarely given bin
choice between a road sentence and
a severe whipping, and it will
wonderfully Instill
Into those who cannot be
influenced in any ether way than by
brute force. It Is not tho suffering
inflicted on the animals which Is of
primary hut the effect of
in 1918. Another significant fact is
that those towns in North Carolina
that have really made some serious
effort to combat white plague
among white people are being reward-
ed. Note with a whit
death rate of in 1911, in
and In 1918, In
New York, Jan. The most prowl
society event of the early I
of 1916 is wedding Miss Hopi
Hamilton, a cousin of Lady and
of Mrs. Anthony J. to
Livingston Kaufman Cleveland, ,
which takes place today the Church
of the Heavenly Miss Hamilton
Rest, Miss Hamilton is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William A.
New York. She was a bridal
wedding Lord
and Miss Vivien She
debut last winter at borne of Mr;.
Anthony J. Drexel, who is one of
attendant at the wedding today The
reception win be at th residence
Mrs George J. aunt of the
North Bound Bonn
a m No
Ho P. m No. II
last Bound Mm.
No. a. PL Na I .
Na S Pita a. m. No. a.
II . m I
Old Other Remedies Won't Cur.
The- no mailer how Ion,;
arc cured by wonderful, old reliable
Oil. relieves
Pain Heals at the same lime. SOc. 11.0
Strawberry Plants
Plant them c-iii per
Cut Flower and funeral
short notice. Orders takes for Shads
Trees, drape Vines, Bone Bushes
Pansy Plants, aid Hards
Whenever Need a Tonic
The Old Tasteless
chill Tonic is valuable as a
Teals because It the
known tonic of
and It the
oat Based -id
Build up the System.
total this eon
will accept no
ell of any mil tire Hie
phone or otherwise to Pi
If the I less
ii cent-. Heretofore we
have this it
more than the hill Is worth lo col-
II. In ninny n
several Mocks
made limes collect a fen
which makes such business
very and this Is
only reason this is being
made. He Hire send
for me If
than a
ii ties. Rose bushes, Evergreens, shade
lines, Hedge and shrubberies,
Mail, telegraph and telephone onions
promptly executed by i-
CO. Florist, Raleigh, N. C
Store Greenhouse
Norfolk Southern
schedule In Effect October 4th, lilt.
j N. following schedule
published as Information
and are not guaranteed.
a. m. dally,
Pullman car for Norfolk.
a. m. daily, for Plymouth,
beth and
Parlor Car Service
Norfolk. Connects for all points
North and West.
6-30 p. m. dally, Except Sunday
a. m. daily for
and West. Pullman Sleeping
Service. Connects North, Sour
and West.
a. m. dally. tor
Wilson and Raleigh Connects
all points.
p. in dally for Raleigh and all
Intermediate stations.
For further Information and
In Sleeping Cars, apply I
L. Hassell. Agent, N. C.
Passenger Agent.
Malaria if Fever
No. MS if
Five or in will me. ml
it i. Idea at a Ike leer ill
return, ll liver
not gripe or u. ken.
Boost Bigger Greenville.

Worth Carolina
By virtue of authority contained
m certain mortgage executed by T. II
and wife, bearing date of O ;.
27th, and executed to the under
signed mortgagee as will appear a
record in U page Pitt
County the said undersigned
mortgagee will, on Monday
1915 before the do
I'm county, o'clock U . soil
toe highest bidder for cash the fol-
lowing described land, lying and
lag In town of In the
country and State afore aid, and b i i
more fully described as
Being lot number fourteen
Townsend and
at the south east
lot No. running with the
the line . I So feet
to a stake, thence southerly l
feet, thence feel to
street, theme with Bald It
feet to the beginning
sale la made for the i
pose of satisfying the terms of I
This Ian 1st . 1915.
Mortgage i
Harding Pierce, attorneys.
Paul Solomon, Bankrupt.
No. in Bankruptcy.
Petition for Discharge
To the Honorable H. G. Connor,
of the District Court of the United
Slates for the Eastern District of
North Carolina.
Paul Solomon, of Greenville, in the
County of Pitt and State of North
in the said District, respect-
fully represents that on the H day of
Sept., last past, he was duly adjudged
bankrupt under the acts of Congress
relating to bankruptcy; that he has
duly surrendered all bis property and
rights of property, has fully com-
piled with all the requirement of said
I acts and of the orders of the court
j touching his bankruptcy.
Wherefore be Prays that he may be de-
creed by the court to have a full dis-
charge from all debts provable
bis estate under said bankrupt acts,
except such as are exempted by
law from such
Dated Dec. 1914.
Administrator's notice
Having qualified a-
T. A., of Kenneth
Flouting, deceased, late of
County, N. C. is now
made the purpose of notify
persons baring claims
against estate of the said de-
ceased to exhibit them to i he
on or before the 24th,
of December 1915 or this no-
will he plead in ha of then
rec very. All indebted to
-aid estate please make
settlement the under
This day of December
Administrator, T. A
Having as administrate
f estate of B. J. Mills, deceased.
of county. North Carolina.
la is to notify all persona
claim against the estate of the sets
deceased to exhibit them to the
at N. C, on or
before the 10th day of November
or this notice will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All persona in
lo said estate will please make
This day of November 1914.
Administrator of B. J. Mills,
By virtue of the decree the
Court of Pitt In a Speck
entitled J. W Craft,
against Frank et. ah., the
undersigned will
the day of January,
to public sale the following described
tracts of land,
Tract Kg,
A tract of land in
Township on both sides of a m,
road, adjoining the lands of Harvey
Allen. Sam Allen. Allen. J-
T. Allen, Tom Manning Tom .
others containing acres,
or less, and being all of the tract
land conveyed to Kits by H. IS .
Daniel by deed, recorded la Book U U t
page i. Pitt County Registry.
acres thereof conveyed .
J. Parker. This tract of land
subdivided into ten shares and
tract m
A certain tract land in
Township on south side of the Old
adjoining J. T. A Hint
Tom Manning, Hen and
being same tract of land
vi j i d to l L. by Claudia
by deed recorded in Pitt County
containing acres, more T
together with tract of
land in Greenville Township, ad
Joining lands of Ben Jolly. Jesse Ba.
and others, containing ten acts n
more or less, conveyed I I. Elk
by deed Claudia Tyson above
out The acre will be
in I u four shares and sold
and the ten acre a
will be sold as one
tract No.
a of land in Greenville
ship on the Did Plank Road, adjoin-
J T Allen and W. P. Clark,
acres, more or less, n
a.- par
By the power or sale con-
in a certain mortgage died ex-
and delivered by A. Jackson
mid Ii T. Jackson to C II.
Hie day of September
duly recorded in the Pitt County Reg-
in Hook pace the
will expose lo public sale be-
fore the Court House door in Green-
ville, x C, to the bidder for
task Monday, the day Feb-
1916, at i p. m, a certain lot or
tract of land being and lying in th
of I'm county. X. C.
and more particularly described
Follows, town All of lot land
purchased by the said C. II
of lire, Martini Stanley whereon he;
tore located, adjoining the
Jacob and K. Lang in the old part
the town of Grifton, Also one
other or lot of land which was
ill to c. Gaskins by I. Chap-
titan and wife, Fannie Chapman and
Spencer Brooks, located in that part
of town of known as New
I I rail land, liens g L , , , , , ,
. , , , , own and la the lot on winch was In-
same e or parcel land con.
, , .,, . in,,. . the l. II. store, and
to I,. Elks heirs by W. P. . .,. ,, , ,
, . . win-re he did a business
There are two dwellings and
, . . ., . until the lire which burned up the
barns on this tract .
. said lot adjoining the lots of
will Ii- led into two tracts so ,
, . , I. I. and II I. said
as lo embrace one dwelling and . . . . . ,
, . , . , . , lot is wide by I eel
tobacco barn on each tract, and .
i in made to the above de-
I scribed mortgage deed
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county
as administrator of the estate of Cal-
Jones, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned; and all persons
claims against said estate arc no-
titled to present the same to the under
Signed for payment on or before the
16th day of December. 1915. or this
will lie plead in bar of recovery.
This day of December, 1914.
of Calvin Jones.
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C. Charlotte. N. C.
This day of December, 1911.
Norfolk. Va.
W. Va.
Charleston. S. C
A tract of Marl land in
Township, just below
on A. I., right of way.
half acre, being the identical
of land bought by I,. Kilts
Hi t- by deed duly recorded.
Terms of Cash.
Time of Monday, January 1.1
1916, Bale beginning at a. m. of
Place of sale j On the
,., ,. . , lamed in a certain mortgage given by
property showing several,
subdivisions will be exhibited at U-cH- C- to W. H. Allen, data
sale. July II, and recorded it. Book
This 10th day December, 1911 u-it page in the of the
of Deeds, the
for public
12-11 ltd on the nth day of January be-
the court house door in Green-
at o'clock M de-
scribed property
All right, title, interest of
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Superior Court
Maggie Perry
II. P. Perry
The defendant above named will
take notice;
That an action entitled above was
commenced In the Superior Court of
Pitt County on the 5th day of Dec-
ember, to procure a divorce
the causes set forth in the complaint
filed in the office of Clerk of
An tin- said defendant will lake
further notice that he la required
appear at January Term of the
Superior Court of said County, to
held on 2nd Monday of January
1915. at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said ac-
or Hie plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in sad
com plain I.
Clerk of Superior Court
This the 7th day of December, 1914
S. J. EVERETT, Atty. for plaintiff.
North Carolina.
Pitt County
In the Superior
Before the Clerk.
N. a.
Flora Ann Moore. Ada Thomas. Beat-
rice Pearlie Thomas. Bes-
Thomas. Nina Bell Thomas an
Saddle Thomas.
The defendants above named
take notice Unit an action
as above has been commenced in the
Superior Court of Pitt County to sell
for partition Lot No. in the
of the lands of Jordan Cox,
ceased, lying near Ayden, n. c. an--
Hi. said defendants will further
notice- they are required to
before the I of the Superior
Court of Pitt County at his office in
the court house, Monday. January
1915, answer or demur lo the
Hied In said action. or
plaintiff will apply to the court
the relief demanded in said
This 24th day of December 1914
Clerk Superior Court
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
By Virtue of authority vested in ill
by a mortgage, registered in book
S-lo. Page Register Of Heeds of-
lice. made by A. B. Witherington
C S Carr, assignee, on the 24th
of November. 1913, shall offer for
sale On the third Monday of January
1916, being the day thereof, for
cash, to the highest bidder, the
Court House door, at noon. follow-
That lot in the plan of Greenville,
North Carolina
In the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Sale of
Rodgers, Administrator of
John Teel. Ward,
and Silas Teel. heirs-at-law of
eon Teel and Teel. widow
Gideon eel.
By virtue of power vested in
by that decree of the Superior Court
of Pitt County entered in the
entitled cause on the day of Dec-
ember, 1914, I shall sell for cash
lie highest bidder the court
door in the Town of Greenville at
public on the 15th day
January. 1915, at o'clock th-5
following described tract of real estate
lying , and situated in the
of Pitt and Slate of North Carolina,
Regaining at the mouth of a ditch
in watering hole branch the Norm
bide Of It. J. W. Carson's field A.
thence up the
run and various courses of watering
hole branch to a water oak in the
Of said branch on the West aide f
the road; thence running with said
Northerly roads school
ii as part of mt No no, at said
line between J- H.
Having qualified as Executor
Adam deceased, late of
North Carolina, this is to not i-
ail persons having claims In the tends the
estate of said deceased to Ann E, Crawford, adjoining the
them to the undersigned within of Tyson, J. B. Nichols
months of this date or this notice i
be pleaded in liar of their
All persons indebted to said
please make immediate t
This, the 21st day of December III
Execute r
F. G, IAMBS I SON. Attorneys
others, known as the Polly Hemby
land containing acres more or
less; also all Interest title a-
more or less, the deed for which
Is recorded In Book H-6. page to
Terms of sale cash. Said sale made
corner of the fence on the sidewalk
at the corner of First and h
and running
with street, ninety-live
feet, thence parallel
First street and with the fence as it
now runs, forty-nine feet, thence
southerly parallel with the line
ninety-five feel to Firs street,
thence easterly with First street for-
feet the beginning
containing of an acre,
more or less, and being the same lot
conveyed to M by W. II
Cox and wife.
This the 19th day of December. 1914
C. S. Assignee
S. Everett. Atty
It Always Helps
mm Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills. Ky., in
of her experience with the woman's
to use
J; would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking; three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need me woman's
tonic. V cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak,
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
of j f ft
to satisfy said
De-c 1914.
re W. H. ALLEN,
d Mortgage
K. EVANS, Attorney.
of the estate of Ernul
late of Pitt county North Carolin
this is to notify all persons 8-8-
claims against the estate of the a Id
deceased to exhibit them to
at Greenville. N. C, on of ,
before the day of December Dir. M
or this notice will be pleaded in at of w- deceased
of their recovery. All per sans of PItt North Carolina,
to will pleas, Peon having
This 22nd day of December
jambs brown,
Administrators of Ernul
ceased. 1222-ltd
There vein be a play given hen i
the High School
on Saturday night Jan. HI o
i in The play will be given l
the Brothers
seining th.- Lyceum
Admission coats,
against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
d reigned at Bethel, N. C, an
before the 13th day of 1.15
or this will he pleaded in bar
of All persons In-
to laid will make
14th day of November
M. O.
Administrator et W.
Men and
B a tired Not so spry
a used to be old Mm y
persons mistake kidney tr . i
. age. Kidneys n . r
old I ire your Mm
lay Kidney I'm-, tone an and
orate the kidneys, banish
your blood of adds and
Bold by all druggists.
Tin- of J. Cox Son has this
It l v be. n by J. Cox who has
liven to K. Cox his Interest in the
Arm of Cox Son. doing business
In town of N. C . All
I i owing the said firm
to R. Cox and
sons having claims against Bra
lo- them to J. Cox also.
I It, 1914., x O.
Slate of North Carolina
To Bell, Entry Taker, of
Pitt the
a Citizen or the State of
North Carolina, hereby forth i
shows, that the following tract . r
parcel of land to-wit. Lying and be-
in Township, Pitt
County, North Carolina.
live acres of land on the
south side of Tar river in
Township, and more fully described
as Hounded on south by
the lands the It. W Nobles
heirs, on the cast by C. N. Noble i,
on the north by the May hind, and on
the by the lands of E, Win-
slow, containing acres more or lea .
vacant and
ed land, belonging to state of
North Carolina, and lo Entry
and the undersigned Claimant here-
by makes Entry of. lays claim to,
and prays for a for said
This the 17th. day of December 1814
This above tiled with
day of lice. 1914.
Entry Taker.
Mr. Percy Forbes of
came in last night to spend a few
days with his mother Mrs.
aid thence a Southerly
course, agreed line to the begin-
by It. Jenkins South
st poles to the begin-
Containing by estimation
seventy acres more or less. Said
land adjoins the lands of J. H. White-
burst, Harriet and Others,
and being the tract of land, of which
late Gideon Teel dies seized and
This December 1914.
12-18- ltd-
Grain Privileges
Puts and calls are the
surest method of trading in wheat.
n or oats, your loss la
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further risk.
Positively the moat way
of trading.
Open an Ton bay
or calls on bushel
grain for or can buy both
for or many more wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
the chance to take
A movement of I 150-0 profit
Write for fall particulars beak
B. W.
Ad all mall to Lock Boa ill
What She
want to stop my baby's
said a young mother Tuesday, f
wont give him any harmful
She bought Foley's Honey Tar
i It loosens the. cough quick
stimulates the mucus
and helps throw off the choking
cases pain and gives the child
normal rest.
Thomas U. Matthews left yes-
to at. cud the consecration
vices today at Wilmington.
flow To To
Mr W. II who
I holidays In Wilson has lo
his work here.
my sin ii
. , Tin B
i -m, mm
B and tan
Pin. r- ill.
l-Wt Do
m r Sir a
. i
II k, . .
K l-i e
tun mt Mrs, goer Wm-I tan
In r can., an how
Hie i Lr.
.-. Hulk, I, Rh,.,
call at hum. Hie.
w i t
Is the Most the Nest f
Debate on Bible Kissing When
Oaths are Administered
dace This As This Provision
Now Passed Its Day of
can Congressmen
His Speech
The statewide
act took a start today with Sen-
of Union presenting the
bill. Senators Hobgood, of
inn Weaver, of are
At this writing seems that
will be made against this
Not Is every party pledged
to it. but leans
here from yesterday's love-making
are looking and urging their
to press this issue to a finish
the general assembly that
shall have the advantage that attend
making a party issue. Hardly anybody
rises to excuse the blunder in
convention of 1914 which tailed
to declare outright for the primary.
The senate spool a great while in
discussion of the bill to amend the
us to administering of
so that person being sworn
be required to kiss the
explained that
vote in committee to for the
bill. Senator Ward argued
the bill as tending to break down tho
solemnity of the administering
Senator at Senator
Ward a Query to the cheapening
at the by perjury. Senator
Ward replied that he thought that
Ike use of the Bible now and again
caused to tell the truth
who might not otherwise do so.
Senator Hobgood declared be
did not believe that the people
North Carolina are so superstitious as
Senator Ward seemed to
them. He favored the bill for hygienic
reasons. Senator Jonas author of
hill, explained that it did DOt
for the abolition of the Bible for
but that it la a fact a great
many people go through the i
of kissing the hook but do not do M
Senator opposed the bill de-
that he stands for oil
especially where the Holy
Bible Is concerned.
Bills la The
Applause greeted the introduction
of the bill by Cumber-
land placing a tax on dogs through-
out the entire State and Mr.
stating that both good roads and
cation would be beneficiaries th
law if passed. The bill was
to the committee on propositions an I
Another Important bill that
its way Into tho House yesterday, was
that of
and Galloway of Pitt, amending Mi,
Constitution so as to eliminate and
strike out tho homestead
Washington, Jan. of Hie
liveliest debates the present Con-
stirred the senate today when
Republican leaders launched a vigor-
attack on President Wilson's
speech, the
Mexican policy, Democratic
met the attack with
praise for the President and a
diction of his reelection.
The debate was precipitated over
Senator resolution asking
the President to indicate what
government proposed to do with
can customs collected during the
of Vera Cruz. Action on
resolution was postponed until to-
Senator John Sharp Williams, one of
those who replied lo Republican
of lie administration, declared
with emphasis that President
would be and reelected
for the
American people have found him not
only able to take the place men and
v they but good
enough to stand In Bis own
Cummins voiced a wish that
President Wilson could be confined
more closely to exercise of bis
made a general broad
aide attack on the administration. He
declared Wilson's state-
at Indianapolis that it would
ring bitterness to men, who
dare to the solidarity of
Democratic team for any purpose
or any voiced sole and
only principle on which any corrupt
political machine ever was
or put into It was com-
parable, he said, to the utterances if
of Indiana, to ins fol-
lowers, Ml of Whom pleaded guilty yes-
to the crime of political
to orders issued by
Murphy to his in Tammany
hall to follow the dictate or the cap-
regardless of the dictates of
Many Battles Now being
Fought on Both Fronts,
Most Important in West
National Bank Elects Direct-
ors and Officers for
Turks Partially Recovered
Invasion of Egypt From
Who I War He-
signs an Austrian Foreign Minis-
Were Dis-
Jan. -Battle, large and
small all having an important bear-
on the situation are raging
widely separated points in
and Asia.
The Turks have occupied the Pei-
of Tabriz, which is a
sphere of are battling
with the Russians in the Caucasus
The Stockholders of The National
Bank of Greenville held their regular
annual meeting in the City Hall on
large per cent of the stock
being represented.
The Cashier's report for the years
business ending on tho was re-
with much satisfaction. Said
report showing deposits more than
and resources over
In order that the bank should be in
position to avail Itself of the
ties of tho National Currency
the surplus Increased
the year from to
besides paying u cash dividend to tin
in v.
are reported to be making stockholders of and crediting
-i. . . iii-i
lions to Invade
The Russians have resumed the of-
In East while
continue to attack them in
Poland, and they again are trying to
cross the in Southern Po-
held by the The bat-
creating the greatest interest is
in tho Valley northeast of
where the French have been
tho German
for a week. They took Important
Friday and again Sunday hut
the Germans bringing up
recovered some of the
ground. Otherwise the
weather has compelled the Germans
end allies to
artillery engagements
themselves t
Powerboat Hare- at
Miami. Jan. three
opened today
and many speediest boats of
the Atlantic were entered
lies have been pr
The course Is admirably I
out in Hay. in dredged water
end protected on every fide. A
of the regatta Is the freedom and
latitude allowed the me.
No entrance fees are collected. Ill re
are no handicap races, and no re-
i friction as to crew have been ma
Any boat may enter any rare
a half hour's notice.
The Criminal Court will convene on
Wednesday. January 20th. S a. m
Judge Harry W.
Tho Special summoned to
appear on Tuesday. January 19th,
Joe Daniel murder case need not at-
tend at all.
J. D. COX.
clerk Superior Court
Tax I'M Owners.
The following editorial from the
and Observer has a bearing or.
the rec, introduced bill by Rep-
seeking to
impose a tux on every person own-
The Legislature can well afford lo
give considerable attention to
of the pistol toter. There are too
many dissolute going around
with gin a In their hip pockets. Man
Clan i men and DO
feel e not what
i i -f them ii ; ave
not ma Is the p.
Of re elvers. it is likely a
nary whits own pistols
carry them violation of law.
of the sale .
f; should obtain. The
of the revolver be
in, against much more .
than ha i base clone her, Ii
Is too to buy a in
Carolina. The the
demands law carry-
ed by one will make it
for an Irresponsible person lo
of a deadly weapon,
the furniture and fixture account
and now have a surplus and
undivided a mounting to
Also, that bank had compiled
with the requirements, and had be-
come a member of the Federal Re-
serve System which is only allowed
to National Dunks who are able lo
the rigid examination of the
Government. Membership in
Federal Reserve System Is expected
to he of vast benefit, as business
of the country develops.
the election of the following
directors for the ensuing year th.
meeting was
K. G. James H. 1-. Davis W. K.
I. W. Tucker J. G. G.
E. Harris Chas. Cobb B. W.
Dr. J. K. Nobles K. C.
W. Harrington, It. Williams, J. It
Perkins J. I. W. J.
Immediately after the adjournment
or the Stockholders the Directors
and took tho oath of office required
of National Hunk Directors and
ed the following officers for the en-
suing year ;
James L. Little, President; K. O.
Janus. Vice-President; W. B,
Vice-President; V. J. Forbes, Cashier.
M I. Turnage, Cashier; Chas.
James. Teller; T. F.
Greenville Has Made Much
Progress in Building Op-
During 1914
The year 1914 was a very
one for This Is true
too, In spite of the fact during the
latter purl the year the South was
suffering tho effects of the European
war While
does nut on hi i cotton market.
as tobacco is . -I crop grown
in this county, the low price
cotton might have Influenced
operation to a greater extent than
did. The report of building operations
money Invested does not
the people hero have held bin k
on account of tho business depression
The number of building permits is-
sued last year Is Tho total
of money which has been spent and
will be spent on those buildings
amounts lo nearly Among
building operations which
been going on this year, for
which were Issued some cases
1912. are Included an office building
costing near a cotton mill
costing and addition to the
Training School which cost about
a building costing
besides many residences and
other buildings. Several other build-
are being planned and is
Entire Town is and Most
of Inhabitants are Killed
certain that the year 1915 will
record to Its credit when the year is
A report in regard lo fires and
insurance risks bus also been w
cured and it shows that about Are
alarms were sent In during the year
of which number about T or N
suited in actual loss by fire. The
paid for was this
paid on properly which Is insured
about The town has recent-
installed a new and complete lire
alarm system best in the
Slate size of Green-
ville, and this will t ult in keeping;
the fire losses or lower
were last year.
Federal Bill.-
Conference on Child Labor.
Ark . Jan.
Telephone Company will lo
morrow take over local plant
lbs Southwestern Telephone
The details of the merger were
ranged recently in Louis.
Masons Lay
Mich., Jan
of the most Important events in l-o
ii.-tore of
laying of the cornerstone
new Masonic- here today, II
brought together a notable gathering
of high Masons. Thousands of
trowels sold to raise to
new Temple.
J. R. rector of lb
chine Ii. conducted the
exercise- it morning
at the Training School. He
on and
Hie Bother
all should Hi lose I
by wish young la not
to murderers
not to shut out of human
The vital statistics register Con-
number and Mr. It.
given us a the
and deaths which have been registered
In his district during year. For
number and the total
number at births for 1914 is the
numb r deaths is For the to n
the births Id
and deaths The report shows
birth rate is much higher
than the rate, number of
bin he being more then
he death for same period of
1.1,1,. The people of those
are the register of
hating those
stall are valuable and well
t Suicide.
Rocky Mount, Jan. 14.- News of
suicide on last Sunday of
of the M B
farm near .
hero today It was said Mr
had been in ill health and was
suffering from He shot
himself in head with a shotgun.
There Is a good chance the I'm
child labor bill-
being passed by tho present Congress
provided it can be brought to a vote
This was opinion expressed by lb
Hon. A. Palmer
at the annual
of the National Child Committee
which has just been held
bill is on the House
Mr. Palmer said,
Congressmen could only be flooded
With letters and telegrams from their
constituents it would surely come
a vote. One good thing about
is that it does respond to the
popular will, when the popular will i
Others who spoke Confer
in of the bill included
Senator Kenyon of Iowa. Henry P.
of Massachusetts, W II.
North Carolina, and H
of Maryland. Mr,
wondered whether American
cured more for crabs or children, an I
pointed out the federal bill W
protect migratory had received
the support of upholders of
rights from those sections of
which oppose
labor law.
The passed unanimously
upon the C
Unreal of lo obtain an I
ii -c mi 11-
because, as tea.
Kelley Conference.
figures on subject out of
date before are available.
The Shock Has Prolonged And i
Felt Rome mid Many Historic
Places Are as
Rome, Jan. has been visit-
ed by an earthquake of wide extent,
which, according to the advices
has resulted In the of
and injury to possibly more In
and villages destroyed.
The shock was the strongest Rome
oil in more than a hundred year .
The town of in the
department, miles east of Rom-;,
been to the ground and
here persons ere reported to
have been lulled
In many small towns surrounding
Homo buildings were wreck-
ed, while at Naples n panic occurred
and houses fell at a short
distance to the cast
From below Naples in south
in north, a distance of
n ore than miles, and across
most width of the country, tin-
movement f n continued
considerable period.
Shuck Prolonged.
in Homo was thought
that two shocks had occurred tho
in the
showed there was only
one which, beginning at o'clock
In the morning, lasted II to
In the capital Itself so fur SI l
known there was no loss of life, but
a great deal of damage was done
churches and statues suffering mo.
I lime the people were
with fear and there was veritable
panic in hospitals monasteries,
Wilson. Jan II K B of
died a local
I'm following of pa-
sustained Monday night, Mr,
Wilson Monday to
few with his sister, Mrs. J.
filter ho remarked
that he would go up town a
while. Mrs. replied that she
would leave the door unlocked for
him and he could go lo his room
when returned, Shortly I
o'clock Mr was found lying
the street in
condition and was taken to the ho
by the police Who did not
ins Tuesday morning the
hospital authorities telephoned Mt
Barrett, and massage was tho
Information of tho fact that her
brother was not In bis room. Boron
hours later Mr. died. The M
mains were lo Wei-
.,,, where tho funeral service win
bold under the of the
Masonic lodge Mr.
loaves a daughter anal
throe sons. I
The has
tablets that will be closed out it
;. cents a dozen Awfully cheap at
that price, too. ,., . . r.
N. a.

Eastern reflector, 8 January 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 08, 1915
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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