Eastern reflector, 15 January 1915

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Worth Carolina
By virtue of authority contained
m certain mortgage executed by T. II
and wife, bearing date of O ;.
27th, and executed to the under
signed mortgagee as will appear a
record in U page Pitt
County the said undersigned
mortgagee will, on Monday
1915 before the do
I'm county, o'clock U . soil
toe highest bidder for cash the fol-
lowing described land, lying and
lag In town of In the
country and State afore aid, and b i i
more fully described as
Being lot number fourteen
Townsend and
at the south east
lot No. running with the
the line . I So feet
to a stake, thence southerly l
feet, thence feel to
street, theme with Bald It
feet to the beginning
sale la made for the i
pose of satisfying the terms of I
This Ian 1st . 1915.
Mortgage i
Harding Pierce, attorneys.
Paul Solomon, Bankrupt.
No. in Bankruptcy.
Petition for Discharge
To the Honorable H. G. Connor,
of the District Court of the United
Slates for the Eastern District of
North Carolina.
Paul Solomon, of Greenville, in the
County of Pitt and State of North
in the said District, respect-
fully represents that on the H day of
Sept., last past, he was duly adjudged
bankrupt under the acts of Congress
relating to bankruptcy; that he has
duly surrendered all bis property and
rights of property, has fully com-
piled with all the requirement of said
I acts and of the orders of the court
j touching his bankruptcy.
Wherefore be Prays that he may be de-
creed by the court to have a full dis-
charge from all debts provable
bis estate under said bankrupt acts,
except such as are exempted by
law from such
Dated Dec. 1914.
Administrator's notice
Having qualified a-
T. A., of Kenneth
Flouting, deceased, late of
County, N. C. is now
made the purpose of notify
persons baring claims
against estate of the said de-
ceased to exhibit them to i he
on or before the 24th,
of December 1915 or this no-
will he plead in ha of then
rec very. All indebted to
-aid estate please make
settlement the under
This day of December
Administrator, T. A
Having as administrate
f estate of B. J. Mills, deceased.
of county. North Carolina.
la is to notify all persona
claim against the estate of the sets
deceased to exhibit them to the
at N. C, on or
before the 10th day of November
or this notice will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All persona in
lo said estate will please make
This day of November 1914.
Administrator of B. J. Mills,
By virtue of the decree the
Court of Pitt In a Speck
entitled J. W Craft,
against Frank et. ah., the
undersigned will
the day of January,
to public sale the following described
tracts of land,
Tract Kg,
A tract of land in
Township on both sides of a m,
road, adjoining the lands of Harvey
Allen. Sam Allen. Allen. J-
T. Allen, Tom Manning Tom .
others containing acres,
or less, and being all of the tract
land conveyed to Kits by H. IS .
Daniel by deed, recorded la Book U U t
page i. Pitt County Registry.
acres thereof conveyed .
J. Parker. This tract of land
subdivided into ten shares and
tract m
A certain tract land in
Township on south side of the Old
adjoining J. T. A Hint
Tom Manning, Hen and
being same tract of land
vi j i d to l L. by Claudia
by deed recorded in Pitt County
containing acres, more T
together with tract of
land in Greenville Township, ad
Joining lands of Ben Jolly. Jesse Ba.
and others, containing ten acts n
more or less, conveyed I I. Elk
by deed Claudia Tyson above
out The acre will be
in I u four shares and sold
and the ten acre a
will be sold as one
tract No.
a of land in Greenville
ship on the Did Plank Road, adjoin-
J T Allen and W. P. Clark,
acres, more or less, n
a.- par
By the power or sale con-
in a certain mortgage died ex-
and delivered by A. Jackson
mid Ii T. Jackson to C II.
Hie day of September
duly recorded in the Pitt County Reg-
in Hook pace the
will expose lo public sale be-
fore the Court House door in Green-
ville, x C, to the bidder for
task Monday, the day Feb-
1916, at i p. m, a certain lot or
tract of land being and lying in th
of I'm county. X. C.
and more particularly described
Follows, town All of lot land
purchased by the said C. II
of lire, Martini Stanley whereon he;
tore located, adjoining the
Jacob and K. Lang in the old part
the town of Grifton, Also one
other or lot of land which was
ill to c. Gaskins by I. Chap-
titan and wife, Fannie Chapman and
Spencer Brooks, located in that part
of town of known as New
I I rail land, liens g L , , , , , ,
. , , , , own and la the lot on winch was In-
same e or parcel land con.
, , .,, . in,,. . the l. II. store, and
to I,. Elks heirs by W. P. . .,. ,, , ,
, . . win-re he did a business
There are two dwellings and
, . . ., . until the lire which burned up the
barns on this tract .
. said lot adjoining the lots of
will Ii- led into two tracts so ,
, . , I. I. and II I. said
as lo embrace one dwelling and . . . . . ,
, . , . , . , lot is wide by I eel
tobacco barn on each tract, and .
i in made to the above de-
I scribed mortgage deed
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county
as administrator of the estate of Cal-
Jones, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned; and all persons
claims against said estate arc no-
titled to present the same to the under
Signed for payment on or before the
16th day of December. 1915. or this
will lie plead in bar of recovery.
This day of December, 1914.
of Calvin Jones.
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C. Charlotte. N. C.
This day of December, 1911.
Norfolk. Va.
W. Va.
Charleston. S. C
A tract of Marl land in
Township, just below
on A. I., right of way.
half acre, being the identical
of land bought by I,. Kilts
Hi t- by deed duly recorded.
Terms of Cash.
Time of Monday, January 1.1
1916, Bale beginning at a. m. of
Place of sale j On the
,., ,. . , lamed in a certain mortgage given by
property showing several,
subdivisions will be exhibited at U-cH- C- to W. H. Allen, data
sale. July II, and recorded it. Book
This 10th day December, 1911 u-it page in the of the
of Deeds, the
for public
12-11 ltd on the nth day of January be-
the court house door in Green-
at o'clock M de-
scribed property
All right, title, interest of
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Superior Court
Maggie Perry
II. P. Perry
The defendant above named will
take notice;
That an action entitled above was
commenced In the Superior Court of
Pitt County on the 5th day of Dec-
ember, to procure a divorce
the causes set forth in the complaint
filed in the office of Clerk of
An tin- said defendant will lake
further notice that he la required
appear at January Term of the
Superior Court of said County, to
held on 2nd Monday of January
1915. at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said ac-
or Hie plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in sad
com plain I.
Clerk of Superior Court
This the 7th day of December, 1914
S. J. EVERETT, Atty. for plaintiff.
North Carolina.
Pitt County
In the Superior
Before the Clerk.
N. a.
Flora Ann Moore. Ada Thomas. Beat-
rice Pearlie Thomas. Bes-
Thomas. Nina Bell Thomas an
Saddle Thomas.
The defendants above named
take notice Unit an action
as above has been commenced in the
Superior Court of Pitt County to sell
for partition Lot No. in the
of the lands of Jordan Cox,
ceased, lying near Ayden, n. c. an--
Hi. said defendants will further
notice- they are required to
before the I of the Superior
Court of Pitt County at his office in
the court house, Monday. January
1915, answer or demur lo the
Hied In said action. or
plaintiff will apply to the court
the relief demanded in said
This 24th day of December 1914
Clerk Superior Court
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
By Virtue of authority vested in ill
by a mortgage, registered in book
S-lo. Page Register Of Heeds of-
lice. made by A. B. Witherington
C S Carr, assignee, on the 24th
of November. 1913, shall offer for
sale On the third Monday of January
1916, being the day thereof, for
cash, to the highest bidder, the
Court House door, at noon. follow-
That lot in the plan of Greenville,
North Carolina
In the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Sale of
Rodgers, Administrator of
John Teel. Ward,
and Silas Teel. heirs-at-law of
eon Teel and Teel. widow
Gideon eel.
By virtue of power vested in
by that decree of the Superior Court
of Pitt County entered in the
entitled cause on the day of Dec-
ember, 1914, I shall sell for cash
lie highest bidder the court
door in the Town of Greenville at
public on the 15th day
January. 1915, at o'clock th-5
following described tract of real estate
lying , and situated in the
of Pitt and Slate of North Carolina,
Regaining at the mouth of a ditch
in watering hole branch the Norm
bide Of It. J. W. Carson's field A.
thence up the
run and various courses of watering
hole branch to a water oak in the
Of said branch on the West aide f
the road; thence running with said
Northerly roads school
ii as part of mt No no, at said
line between J- H.
Having qualified as Executor
Adam deceased, late of
North Carolina, this is to not i-
ail persons having claims In the tends the
estate of said deceased to Ann E, Crawford, adjoining the
them to the undersigned within of Tyson, J. B. Nichols
months of this date or this notice i
be pleaded in liar of their
All persons indebted to said
please make immediate t
This, the 21st day of December III
Execute r
F. G, IAMBS I SON. Attorneys
others, known as the Polly Hemby
land containing acres more or
less; also all Interest title a-
more or less, the deed for which
Is recorded In Book H-6. page to
Terms of sale cash. Said sale made
corner of the fence on the sidewalk
at the corner of First and h
and running
with street, ninety-live
feet, thence parallel
First street and with the fence as it
now runs, forty-nine feet, thence
southerly parallel with the line
ninety-five feel to Firs street,
thence easterly with First street for-
feet the beginning
containing of an acre,
more or less, and being the same lot
conveyed to M by W. II
Cox and wife.
This the 19th day of December. 1914
C. S. Assignee
S. Everett. Atty
It Always Helps
mm Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills. Ky., in
of her experience with the woman's
to use
J; would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking; three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need me woman's
tonic. V cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak,
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
of j f ft
to satisfy said
De-c 1914.
re W. H. ALLEN,
d Mortgage
K. EVANS, Attorney.
of the estate of Ernul
late of Pitt county North Carolin
this is to notify all persons 8-8-
claims against the estate of the a Id
deceased to exhibit them to
at Greenville. N. C, on of ,
before the day of December Dir. M
or this notice will be pleaded in at of w- deceased
of their recovery. All per sans of PItt North Carolina,
to will pleas, Peon having
This 22nd day of December
jambs brown,
Administrators of Ernul
ceased. 1222-ltd
There vein be a play given hen i
the High School
on Saturday night Jan. HI o
i in The play will be given l
the Brothers
seining th.- Lyceum
Admission coats,
against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
d reigned at Bethel, N. C, an
before the 13th day of 1.15
or this will he pleaded in bar
of All persons In-
to laid will make
14th day of November
M. O.
Administrator et W.
Men and
B a tired Not so spry
a used to be old Mm y
persons mistake kidney tr . i
. age. Kidneys n . r
old I ire your Mm
lay Kidney I'm-, tone an and
orate the kidneys, banish
your blood of adds and
Bold by all druggists.
Tin- of J. Cox Son has this
It l v be. n by J. Cox who has
liven to K. Cox his Interest in the
Arm of Cox Son. doing business
In town of N. C . All
I i owing the said firm
to R. Cox and
sons having claims against Bra
lo- them to J. Cox also.
I It, 1914., x O.
Slate of North Carolina
To Bell, Entry Taker, of
Pitt the
a Citizen or the State of
North Carolina, hereby forth i
shows, that the following tract . r
parcel of land to-wit. Lying and be-
in Township, Pitt
County, North Carolina.
live acres of land on the
south side of Tar river in
Township, and more fully described
as Hounded on south by
the lands the It. W Nobles
heirs, on the cast by C. N. Noble i,
on the north by the May hind, and on
the by the lands of E, Win-
slow, containing acres more or lea .
vacant and
ed land, belonging to state of
North Carolina, and lo Entry
and the undersigned Claimant here-
by makes Entry of. lays claim to,
and prays for a for said
This the 17th. day of December 1814
This above tiled with
day of lice. 1914.
Entry Taker.
Mr. Percy Forbes of
came in last night to spend a few
days with his mother Mrs.
aid thence a Southerly
course, agreed line to the begin-
by It. Jenkins South
st poles to the begin-
Containing by estimation
seventy acres more or less. Said
land adjoins the lands of J. H. White-
burst, Harriet and Others,
and being the tract of land, of which
late Gideon Teel dies seized and
This December 1914.
12-18- ltd-
Grain Privileges
Puts and calls are the
surest method of trading in wheat.
n or oats, your loss la
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further risk.
Positively the moat way
of trading.
Open an Ton bay
or calls on bushel
grain for or can buy both
for or many more wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
the chance to take
A movement of I 150-0 profit
Write for fall particulars beak
B. W.
Ad all mall to Lock Boa ill
What She
want to stop my baby's
said a young mother Tuesday, f
wont give him any harmful
She bought Foley's Honey Tar
i It loosens the. cough quick
stimulates the mucus
and helps throw off the choking
cases pain and gives the child
normal rest.
Thomas U. Matthews left yes-
to at. cud the consecration
vices today at Wilmington.
flow To To
Mr W. II who
I holidays In Wilson has lo
his work here.
my sin ii
. , Tin B
i -m, mm
B and tan
Pin. r- ill.
l-Wt Do
m r Sir a
. i
II k, . .
K l-i e
tun mt Mrs, goer Wm-I tan
In r can., an how
Hie i Lr.
.-. Hulk, I, Rh,.,
call at hum. Hie.
w i t
Is the Most the Nest f
Debate on Bible Kissing When
Oaths are Administered
dace This As This Provision
Now Passed Its Day of
can Congressmen
His Speech
The statewide
act took a start today with Sen-
of Union presenting the
bill. Senators Hobgood, of
inn Weaver, of are
At this writing seems that
will be made against this
Not Is every party pledged
to it. but leans
here from yesterday's love-making
are looking and urging their
to press this issue to a finish
the general assembly that
shall have the advantage that attend
making a party issue. Hardly anybody
rises to excuse the blunder in
convention of 1914 which tailed
to declare outright for the primary.
The senate spool a great while in
discussion of the bill to amend the
us to administering of
so that person being sworn
be required to kiss the
explained that
vote in committee to for the
bill. Senator Ward argued
the bill as tending to break down tho
solemnity of the administering
Senator at Senator
Ward a Query to the cheapening
at the by perjury. Senator
Ward replied that he thought that
Ike use of the Bible now and again
caused to tell the truth
who might not otherwise do so.
Senator Hobgood declared be
did not believe that the people
North Carolina are so superstitious as
Senator Ward seemed to
them. He favored the bill for hygienic
reasons. Senator Jonas author of
hill, explained that it did DOt
for the abolition of the Bible for
but that it la a fact a great
many people go through the i
of kissing the hook but do not do M
Senator opposed the bill de-
that he stands for oil
especially where the Holy
Bible Is concerned.
Bills la The
Applause greeted the introduction
of the bill by Cumber-
land placing a tax on dogs through-
out the entire State and Mr.
stating that both good roads and
cation would be beneficiaries th
law if passed. The bill was
to the committee on propositions an I
Another Important bill that
its way Into tho House yesterday, was
that of
and Galloway of Pitt, amending Mi,
Constitution so as to eliminate and
strike out tho homestead
Washington, Jan. of Hie
liveliest debates the present Con-
stirred the senate today when
Republican leaders launched a vigor-
attack on President Wilson's
speech, the
Mexican policy, Democratic
met the attack with
praise for the President and a
diction of his reelection.
The debate was precipitated over
Senator resolution asking
the President to indicate what
government proposed to do with
can customs collected during the
of Vera Cruz. Action on
resolution was postponed until to-
Senator John Sharp Williams, one of
those who replied lo Republican
of lie administration, declared
with emphasis that President
would be and reelected
for the
American people have found him not
only able to take the place men and
v they but good
enough to stand In Bis own
Cummins voiced a wish that
President Wilson could be confined
more closely to exercise of bis
made a general broad
aide attack on the administration. He
declared Wilson's state-
at Indianapolis that it would
ring bitterness to men, who
dare to the solidarity of
Democratic team for any purpose
or any voiced sole and
only principle on which any corrupt
political machine ever was
or put into It was com-
parable, he said, to the utterances if
of Indiana, to ins fol-
lowers, Ml of Whom pleaded guilty yes-
to the crime of political
to orders issued by
Murphy to his in Tammany
hall to follow the dictate or the cap-
regardless of the dictates of
Many Battles Now being
Fought on Both Fronts,
Most Important in West
National Bank Elects Direct-
ors and Officers for
Turks Partially Recovered
Invasion of Egypt From
Who I War He-
signs an Austrian Foreign Minis-
Were Dis-
Jan. -Battle, large and
small all having an important bear-
on the situation are raging
widely separated points in
and Asia.
The Turks have occupied the Pei-
of Tabriz, which is a
sphere of are battling
with the Russians in the Caucasus
The Stockholders of The National
Bank of Greenville held their regular
annual meeting in the City Hall on
large per cent of the stock
being represented.
The Cashier's report for the years
business ending on tho was re-
with much satisfaction. Said
report showing deposits more than
and resources over
In order that the bank should be in
position to avail Itself of the
ties of tho National Currency
the surplus Increased
the year from to
besides paying u cash dividend to tin
in v.
are reported to be making stockholders of and crediting
-i. . . iii-i
lions to Invade
The Russians have resumed the of-
In East while
continue to attack them in
Poland, and they again are trying to
cross the in Southern Po-
held by the The bat-
creating the greatest interest is
in tho Valley northeast of
where the French have been
tho German
for a week. They took Important
Friday and again Sunday hut
the Germans bringing up
recovered some of the
ground. Otherwise the
weather has compelled the Germans
end allies to
artillery engagements
themselves t
Powerboat Hare- at
Miami. Jan. three
opened today
and many speediest boats of
the Atlantic were entered
lies have been pr
The course Is admirably I
out in Hay. in dredged water
end protected on every fide. A
of the regatta Is the freedom and
latitude allowed the me.
No entrance fees are collected. Ill re
are no handicap races, and no re-
i friction as to crew have been ma
Any boat may enter any rare
a half hour's notice.
The Criminal Court will convene on
Wednesday. January 20th. S a. m
Judge Harry W.
Tho Special summoned to
appear on Tuesday. January 19th,
Joe Daniel murder case need not at-
tend at all.
J. D. COX.
clerk Superior Court
Tax I'M Owners.
The following editorial from the
and Observer has a bearing or.
the rec, introduced bill by Rep-
seeking to
impose a tux on every person own-
The Legislature can well afford lo
give considerable attention to
of the pistol toter. There are too
many dissolute going around
with gin a In their hip pockets. Man
Clan i men and DO
feel e not what
i i -f them ii ; ave
not ma Is the p.
Of re elvers. it is likely a
nary whits own pistols
carry them violation of law.
of the sale .
f; should obtain. The
of the revolver be
in, against much more .
than ha i base clone her, Ii
Is too to buy a in
Carolina. The the
demands law carry-
ed by one will make it
for an Irresponsible person lo
of a deadly weapon,
the furniture and fixture account
and now have a surplus and
undivided a mounting to
Also, that bank had compiled
with the requirements, and had be-
come a member of the Federal Re-
serve System which is only allowed
to National Dunks who are able lo
the rigid examination of the
Government. Membership in
Federal Reserve System Is expected
to he of vast benefit, as business
of the country develops.
the election of the following
directors for the ensuing year th.
meeting was
K. G. James H. 1-. Davis W. K.
I. W. Tucker J. G. G.
E. Harris Chas. Cobb B. W.
Dr. J. K. Nobles K. C.
W. Harrington, It. Williams, J. It
Perkins J. I. W. J.
Immediately after the adjournment
or the Stockholders the Directors
and took tho oath of office required
of National Hunk Directors and
ed the following officers for the en-
suing year ;
James L. Little, President; K. O.
Janus. Vice-President; W. B,
Vice-President; V. J. Forbes, Cashier.
M I. Turnage, Cashier; Chas.
James. Teller; T. F.
Greenville Has Made Much
Progress in Building Op-
During 1914
The year 1914 was a very
one for This Is true
too, In spite of the fact during the
latter purl the year the South was
suffering tho effects of the European
war While
does nut on hi i cotton market.
as tobacco is . -I crop grown
in this county, the low price
cotton might have Influenced
operation to a greater extent than
did. The report of building operations
money Invested does not
the people hero have held bin k
on account of tho business depression
The number of building permits is-
sued last year Is Tho total
of money which has been spent and
will be spent on those buildings
amounts lo nearly Among
building operations which
been going on this year, for
which were Issued some cases
1912. are Included an office building
costing near a cotton mill
costing and addition to the
Training School which cost about
a building costing
besides many residences and
other buildings. Several other build-
are being planned and is
Entire Town is and Most
of Inhabitants are Killed
certain that the year 1915 will
record to Its credit when the year is
A report in regard lo fires and
insurance risks bus also been w
cured and it shows that about Are
alarms were sent In during the year
of which number about T or N
suited in actual loss by fire. The
paid for was this
paid on properly which Is insured
about The town has recent-
installed a new and complete lire
alarm system best in the
Slate size of Green-
ville, and this will t ult in keeping;
the fire losses or lower
were last year.
Federal Bill.-
Conference on Child Labor.
Ark . Jan.
Telephone Company will lo
morrow take over local plant
lbs Southwestern Telephone
The details of the merger were
ranged recently in Louis.
Masons Lay
Mich., Jan
of the most Important events in l-o
ii.-tore of
laying of the cornerstone
new Masonic- here today, II
brought together a notable gathering
of high Masons. Thousands of
trowels sold to raise to
new Temple.
J. R. rector of lb
chine Ii. conducted the
exercise- it morning
at the Training School. He
on and
Hie Bother
all should Hi lose I
by wish young la not
to murderers
not to shut out of human
The vital statistics register Con-
number and Mr. It.
given us a the
and deaths which have been registered
In his district during year. For
number and the total
number at births for 1914 is the
numb r deaths is For the to n
the births Id
and deaths The report shows
birth rate is much higher
than the rate, number of
bin he being more then
he death for same period of
1.1,1,. The people of those
are the register of
hating those
stall are valuable and well
t Suicide.
Rocky Mount, Jan. 14.- News of
suicide on last Sunday of
of the M B
farm near .
hero today It was said Mr
had been in ill health and was
suffering from He shot
himself in head with a shotgun.
There Is a good chance the I'm
child labor bill-
being passed by tho present Congress
provided it can be brought to a vote
This was opinion expressed by lb
Hon. A. Palmer
at the annual
of the National Child Committee
which has just been held
bill is on the House
Mr. Palmer said,
Congressmen could only be flooded
With letters and telegrams from their
constituents it would surely come
a vote. One good thing about
is that it does respond to the
popular will, when the popular will i
Others who spoke Confer
in of the bill included
Senator Kenyon of Iowa. Henry P.
of Massachusetts, W II.
North Carolina, and H
of Maryland. Mr,
wondered whether American
cured more for crabs or children, an I
pointed out the federal bill W
protect migratory had received
the support of upholders of
rights from those sections of
which oppose
labor law.
The passed unanimously
upon the C
Unreal of lo obtain an I
ii -c mi 11-
because, as tea.
Kelley Conference.
figures on subject out of
date before are available.
The Shock Has Prolonged And i
Felt Rome mid Many Historic
Places Are as
Rome, Jan. has been visit-
ed by an earthquake of wide extent,
which, according to the advices
has resulted In the of
and injury to possibly more In
and villages destroyed.
The shock was the strongest Rome
oil in more than a hundred year .
The town of in the
department, miles east of Rom-;,
been to the ground and
here persons ere reported to
have been lulled
In many small towns surrounding
Homo buildings were wreck-
ed, while at Naples n panic occurred
and houses fell at a short
distance to the cast
From below Naples in south
in north, a distance of
n ore than miles, and across
most width of the country, tin-
movement f n continued
considerable period.
Shuck Prolonged.
in Homo was thought
that two shocks had occurred tho
in the
showed there was only
one which, beginning at o'clock
In the morning, lasted II to
In the capital Itself so fur SI l
known there was no loss of life, but
a great deal of damage was done
churches and statues suffering mo.
I lime the people were
with fear and there was veritable
panic in hospitals monasteries,
Wilson. Jan II K B of
died a local
I'm following of pa-
sustained Monday night, Mr,
Wilson Monday to
few with his sister, Mrs. J.
filter ho remarked
that he would go up town a
while. Mrs. replied that she
would leave the door unlocked for
him and he could go lo his room
when returned, Shortly I
o'clock Mr was found lying
the street in
condition and was taken to the ho
by the police Who did not
ins Tuesday morning the
hospital authorities telephoned Mt
Barrett, and massage was tho
Information of tho fact that her
brother was not In bis room. Boron
hours later Mr. died. The M
mains were lo Wei-
.,,, where tho funeral service win
bold under the of the
Masonic lodge Mr.
loaves a daughter anal
throe sons. I
The has
tablets that will be closed out it
;. cents a dozen Awfully cheap at
that price, too. ,., . . r.
N. a.

a j
roar u.
O. i.
to be a candidate He says
that he meant the remark apply U
his acts which have been done
he became President and that
generations would pass upon them not
however, by electing him
President again
rear. . .
at the is
Ta Building, owner Brass
a aw at
be charged far at three
tins, up e line
August M. at the post
of March I.
FRIDAY. 1915.
That excellent howitzer
seems to be minus an adequate cement
foundation these days.
Advocate Also been fired so
it needs recasting.
A move is on loot to investigate the
rise of wheat The wheat crop
last year was large and there
to no reason tor the high
price unless it is the result
or other similar methods.
Consider Important Mutters First
It is to be hoped the legislature
will be able to dispose the most
Important business confronting that
before the last days of the
Sometimes matters deserving
consideration are discussed
to late in tho session that it is hard to
give them the attention they deserve
The lack of lime full consideration
of all matters and the consequent
of acting hastily sometimes upon
vital questions was tho chief
men in support of the proposed con-
General Assembly of the necessity
attending to purely local
an amendment that should have been
adopted, In our opinion, but a majority
of the voters of the State decided
otherwise, and consequently the
legislature will be confronted by
the usual problems considering all
kinds of matters, important and other
wise Sentinel.
T Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. 31st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
We Point To Furniture
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
is now said to hold tho
of power her entrance
the war is eagerly looked I
by tho allies. When she does r
the conflict it will be the last link in
the longest battle line ever known.
Eighty of the Indiana men who were
recently arrested charged with
been connected with election fraud
hare admitted their guilt in court
Thirty-four, among them the mayor
of Terre have plead not guilty
and will fight the charges in
The papers are counting the days
is retired from office
will be general satisfaction
-whoa thin event not only in
oath Carolina but in this state
flaw stairs. The reign of
i almost at an end.
a. comparison of the amount
money spent la church building and
in brewery building during the past
few years shows that the money spent
A brewery improvements is rapidly
decreasing while the total money
spent in church building and Improve-
is growling faster than ever
evidence of tho growth of
Tho suffrage woman suffrage adv.
have just met another set
The House of Representative by a
decisive vote refused to submit the
amendment to the states. This is
I he second time have lost out
lately and in addition
son refused to lend them his aid it.
sixth application to for help
In spite of these defeats they declare
will not give up the tight but
will exert all the more effort to win.
The boys of Pitt county should bl
planning to do some corn club work
this spring. This county is weak on
kind of work but there are
boys In tho county who would be will-
to join the club were they aware
f the fine results that may be
lined through such work. Coin
have done much toward intro-
improved farming methods in
South better methods means
n heavier and more money
The plan to the summit of
Mount Mitchell a state park has b.-
possible since a bill has been
introduced in the Legislature
it passed will authorize the
of the park. A park on the
mountain peak will be enjoyed by the
few persons who manage to get up
there each year, but if the money that
i ill be spent on this park were spent
on other parks more people would bl
able to enjoy the results of the e-
The season has opened up in this
section for fresh fish, and we have
opened up again to do business we are
expecting some nice assortment of
fish next week. Come and partake of
this groat brain food. Phone
City Market.
Settled Fart.
exchange takes a hearty
ct what it considers the of date
people of because
of the fact that in some of the
ties down nearer the coast the
are still arguing and fussing
about the fence
Here in Henderson there
are some and other
business men who are still
about whether advertising
question that at least ninety per cent
of the successful business men of
America have decided in the
long Gold Leaf
The Great Problem
The health problem is the great-
est problem that the cities of North
Carolina have to solve. How to con-
serve life is the big question that
must be answered. Disease keeps, a
an Incessant warfare against the
race, and eternal vigilance is price
of health. We must light without
and we must adopt the moat
modern methods of warfare if we are
to conquer the forces of poverty
A Desirable
When we reach the state of
at which we shall boast of
purchases as proud-
as an American woman now brags
about imported wearing apparel
American securities will be the sound-
est value in the world
What is needed in North
is a law to protect the child from th
oppressions of the ignorant and
parent, rather than from tho mer
manufacturer. Tho unnatural
parents who would hire a six or i
year old child to labor long hours in
a cotton mill, would probably
more unpleasant for him. On
the whole, child of such parent.-
is fortunate to be kept for a part of
tho time at least, beyond tyranny
of his natural protectors
The Torrens land system does not
MB to be as popular as its
had thought it would be. The
last passed an act
that titles to land might be reg-
In this state according to tho
Torrens system but very few per-
sons have availed themselves of it
provisions This act was passed in
compliance with the demand of the
and other bodies
supposed to represent the
but the do not seem to
It as much as was declared. No
one laud title in this
has been guaranteed as provided II
that law, and we doubt If many
in the whole have had
one. Many things are in
the name of the which
not really care anything about
and this much talked of Torrens land
title system seems to he one of them.
President Wilson's
eked upon a remark made In his
Day address at Indianapolis
an announcement of his
for re-election Tho
dent now comes out with a state
denying that ho intended hi
as a declaration of his In May
Martens by
Jan Wheat M
May Wheat
Ian Corn 7-S
Way Cora t
Jan Lard HO
Jan Ribs
Neither Claude nor Agnes nor Polly
nor I liked Aunt Jenny Leila bated
her, and Peter, the baby, to
make faces to himself and cry when-
ever she came into the room. She
was a crabbed old thing. I suppose
It was because she bad never been
able to get married.
she has her use In world,
my said father to mother.
knows has been kind
enough to
because she as occupy
this house rent-free, ex-
claimed mother. her million
or so, ah ought to do a great deal
more tor you than
However, to resume. Leila la
and Lester the baa been
ever since they were at
wheel together Lester la
and clerks Mr. Boom day
thinks Mr Grimes will take
Into partnership. I asked Mr.
It, and be Lester had nerve
enough to expect anything.
However, to resume again. Aunt
Jenny, who la sixty nine, let fall a
bombshell In our humble home the
other night. It cam about In this
We had just finished dinner
when she popped in. Aunt Jenny
lives down the street In the big white
house. A man left her a
think they were engaged once; any-
way, he died and left her a fortune
and she couldn't get another man
oven with that, she is so crabbed.
But to resume. In pops Aunt Jenny
and in her abrupt way. which mother
comes from the not
from her side of the family, she
you too many
for a poor man. How many
Father counts us. h an-
I'm going to lake one of them
and bring up to inherit my
she says She looked round
the room, and, of course, her eye fell
on Leila, who was trying to make her-
self Invisible against the wallpaper.
take this she said.
Peter, the baby, burst into tears,
and Leila was so scared that she fol-
lowed Aunt Jenny without a word.
And none of us recovered our wits
to say anything until they were half-
down the street.
Then and mother went after
them, and they did not get back till
late. Mother had been crying, and
father looked very serious.
to be, my said father.
all, Jenny can do more for
than we can. It will a
did chum e for the child to be taken
to Europe and put In a finishing
how about asked
mother, sighing.
answered father. And that
ended that conversation
bet Lester Blythe was
mad. He wasn't allowed to go to
Aunt Jenny's house, because she bates
young men, but be did manage to see
Leila on the rare occasions she was
let -nine
we she
we beadle baa made as
eke way treat
beet and
that n leeks better anal las
at saw
sneer We as
call and ear
Oar e Be I
Taft Vandyke
Evens Street.
Greenville, N. C.
All the people left in Belgium-
seven million women, children and
facing starvation.
conquerors will not or
teed them. The allies will not or can-
not feed them. America alone
trying to keep them alive this winter.
Commission for Roller In Bel
which is the only channel
through which food is transmitted
to the suffering land, has worked out
the department and
with express companies a plan
whereby any one who Is willing to
eat a little less this winter In order
that Belgian woman or
may live, can contribute bis gift of
food. Only imperishable foods, of
course can be handled; for example--
canned salmon, rolled oats
low corn meal dried peas granulated
sugar, prunes, wheat Sour salt etc.
wants any kind of food how-
ever that will stand ocean
Belgium also wants clothing
and blankets. If the giver wishes it.
the money expended for parcel post
stamps or for will re-
turned to him.
Detailed directions for sending these
packages and for the refund
will be given upon application
at any post or express office
the United Stages or at the office of
be Commission tor Belief In Belgium
Broadway. New York City.
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
Now, to . Aunt and
Leila were to sail on Saturday,
and the were booked, and
our house was mighty glum. I can
tell you. Leila had come to spend tho
afternoon, and of course, cam
hard upon her heels.
says Claude. their last
meeting. Let's leave the poor champs
alone till father cornea
We hated to do It, but we are all
sports, even Including Peter. So we
left them. But somehow I couldn't
help overhearing what they were say-
as I sat reading quietly on the
hall chair, just outside the room.
I I beard Leila
say, half crying.
not, he was asking.
we are married we can snap
our fingers at the old cat. It's easy
to get the license, and I know a min-
who'll do the trick. I saved up
five dollars last week on purpose. Say
you will,
Whether Leila would have said she
would or not will never be known, for
at that moment In came father and
mother, and Aunt Jenny, too. We all
followed them Into the parlor. Lester
and Leila were sitting at opposite
ends of the lounge, looking at
site ends of the room, and it looked
sort of suspicious, but nobody minded
am absolutely Aunt
Jenny. penny I have, except
my little hoard of five thousand and
house, wiped out In that oil
do you hear that I am
says you
will have to go back to your family,
and there will be no Europe for you,
and no finishing school,
was to see Leila go to
Aunt Jenny's side. mind.
she said. ran stay
and keep together
began but Leila
cut him short.
soon as Mr. Grimes raises Les-
salary. Aunt she an
Father said afterward that that was
the most sensible thing Leila had aver
w n.
Can a B.
F. O.
Ford Supply Co.
Ive Proves It
A Seal -as Cut oat this
enclose with cents to
Chicago, and receive a free trial
package containing Honey sad
Tar Compound for coughs, colds
bronchial and
Kidney Pills and Pole Cathartic Tab-
lets. For sale In your town by
North Booth
No. H ft. an. Mo. II B.
So, f B. No. U
eat Boon West
Ha. ft. BL MO. I a. r
No. t am No. IT 7.14 a. as
II ft. Mr. a
Strawberry Plants
Plant thefts new, W
Pansy Planks, and Hi
Oils Anything
Prevents Rust Everywhere
sad an
an. company
with today this
will no advertise-
eat any ever the tale-
or otherwise to he
If the amount N less
than Heretofore we
have this bat It has t as
mere than the bill Is worth f
ft. la many a trip
extending several blocks baa been
made several to a few
seats whisk makes sack
this H the
only reason M
Bo ear to tho Bay
for sT the
the ha
beet varieties el
Chain Cat all
Kinds In
Fat Please la any
Roe. bashes, I
trees. Hedge plants and
Mall, telegraph telephone
promptly by U
ft CO. N. .
Store Mt
Norfolk Southern
a. am. dally,
oar Bar
North and Want.
p. m daily,
a. m.
and Want.
and Went.
ft. m. dally,
C ft, dairy
For further
ration In
L. Agent, M.
H. O
ft J.
mi n
I mi as
Detroit, Jan. the
new Common Council organizes to-
morrow, the saloon-keepers who usu-
ally dominate that body will be well
weeded out. Only two keepers of bar-
be whereas
D C. Jan eight of them, pr-
preliminary reply to p-o
lest the United states against in-H the
Ir Claims
She Has Done lo
American commerce l
Sine- la--i four t the eight
fleet was made public here retired from
and in London today by mutual agree
between the State
and the foreign office.
Tile British not concurs
them were defeated in
Senator Harding and Representative
both spent Saturday
Sunday at home .
Mr. Samuel and wife
Apex were in yesterday.
Mr. K. K. Bryan of Raleigh was In
town yesterday.
Mrs. n. s. White visited at Mr
V. Saturday.
rams Saturday
Mrs. Ferrell who has been
Mrs A. Mitchell
has to her home.
Mrs. N. H. Tripp of Kinston
visiting relatives in Greenville.
Mr. K. of Scotland Neck
in yesterday.
Mr. W. Harrell of Kinston was
iii Sunday.
Rev. B. W. of Kinston came
Saturday to sea his brother Mr.
ll. who has just returned
from a hospital In Baltimore, hi.
friends are Kind
I is being restored
Rev. and Mrs. George
Clinton who have been visiting Mr.
Fleming loft Saturday.
Miss Dixon of Ayden spent
Sunday visiting Miss Minnie Rives.
II i . -I -1 ll Hi on Iliad.
Mr. Dixon, one of the oldest
citizens of died this after-
noon at about o'clock. Ho had boon
in bad health for some time,
confined to his room almost a year.
When a young man he was struck on
the chest by a lop at a log
which injured his left lung causing
him much trouble. This trouble lie-
much worse during tho past few
years owing to his ago which was near
He was born and raised Greene
county near moving i i
Greenville about fifteen years ago.
was twice married, his second wife
who survive him was before her mar-
Miss Etta of Green
Ho was a member of a large
family of which live brothers and
tors survive
Mr. was a very Industrious
and hard working man. had
Amassed a comfortable fortune before
coming Greenville and . in
lime been looking after his farm
lie served during the whole four
j ears of the war and made a good re
cord. Ho was a member of
The funeral will preached by Rm
I. J. Walker, pastor of the Chris inn
i of which Mr was n
nor. The remains will be taken to
the old homo place on the early train
tomorrow for Interment in Hie family
burying ground.
Two members were secured by lei-
the church Sunday night.
The good weather is improving the
condition of reels and roads.
The new policemen are on their job.
The interior of the building formerly
ii. as a drug store by the late Mr.
is being renovated into an
for Mr. II. Harris.
The ladies the Hound Table will
with Mrs. T. M. Hooker Tuesday
at o'clock.
To lull Police.
Beginning with tonight two
officers will he on duty at One
of these officers will be on patrol
and the other stationed at the city
hall when he may he reached by call-
telephone number I. These
rs will alternate in doing patrol a id
fixed post duly bill one of them may
always be secured by calling the
a hove number.
Rec at the Training School
Mrs. Frances
Tickets on sale at the door.
view of the United States that com and la
bet wen neutral nations should at 1-8 per off B I
be with only when
lately necessary and officials lure con
ii as conceding the
expressed by the American pro
were just.
The only formal was
issued by Secretary
answer being preliminary
and not being intended as a complete
reply we will postpone comment until
the full answer is
Briefly, the British reply while con-
the principles on which the
American contentions are
points inn in actual
by shippers and cites statistics
rotors lo alleged
showing an increase rather than a
decline in certain neutral commerce
ill of Great
Germany an
have been directly obtaining contra-
band I rough neutral countries
The note promises, however that
will make redress when-
ever the action of fleet
may unintentionally exceed limits
of law.
Though officials reserved in SHOES YESTERDAY AND TODAY
Maj Set Suffrage Vole
Washington. II
live Henry, chairman of the House
Rules Committee, planning to put be
fore Congress tomorrow
suffrage constitutional amendment
for limited debate, and a vole.
leaden here in lone ex
peeling witness I victory for their
Vancouver. P. C. 8-
a Hindu, will he hanged
on Monday for shooting William Hop-
a Canadian Immigration In-
in the corridor of the tour
house in October last.
guilty and sentenced within
nine days of the murder. Tho in-
was active in preventing the
landing of several hundred
a steamer which had been char-
by a countryman of theirs
the Columbia exclusion
comment, ii was said
of the Latest Coal Suits at halt price,
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deeds Bell has
issued licenses to the following
couples since last report.
Mills K. Bell Of and Male
II. of
and Bessie Edwards of
Calvin Jones and Nora Dudley
Swill Creek.
Herbert K. Hathaway of Carolin,
and Ida Irene Pollard of
Herbert U Harris of Grifton
i Lie of Hanrahan.
Henry A. Manning and Lena Hope
lively tonight that they regard the
tone of the note as
and believe further
Which will follow it will lie carried on
in the same vein.
Admission by Groat by one
of the chief points in American
nine the relations between
were those of normal limes ll
peace not of war was gratifying
Products of the Modern Last Hardly
Justify the Poet's Somewhat
Contemptuous Phrase.
The poet Whittier selected the shoe
as the symbol of maturity, the passing
of prison cells of
was the phrase In which he described
shoes. In that homely poem, with
The announcement that the
States government will purchase near-
worth of shoes In St. Louis
for the Indian tribes that constitute
Repair the Leak
A small leak may sink a ship.
A regularly incurred may hinder, ii
not ruin, your for success.
You can watch the when you pay by check
You you write a check for needless
this Bank keep checking account.
National Bank of
Janet I. Little,
F. J. Forbes,
in town would probably frighten the
oldest inhabitant, but we are prepared
for necessary remedies even for
and are supplied with fresh-
stock of drugs to compound any
kind of a doctor's prescription With
the newest medicine
or drugs of any description.
is prompt and mistakes are
unknown here.
Drug Company
Buy your Cow Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
to Officials who believed the the wards of Uncle Sam within our
,, own borders tells the story, In bald
now would resolve a. . , ,,
and Unvarnished terms, of the Indian s
frank discussion what were th graduation from the class of Infancy,
actual necessities which impel inter and his achieving of man's estate.
. , . .,,,,. is the moccasin, together with
e a when , . , ,.,
the wigwam and the
that the ultimate . of prairie and forest. The shoe
of ii neutral cargo is belligerent baa made its appearance.
Getting hack to phrase,
prison cells of we may
hint that the shoos of the Quaker
poet's day were not made in St.
Tie- wore often made by the
Individual, who was his own shoe-
I working with the leather lie
had probably tanned himself.
Perhaps here and an excellent
shoe resulted from that individual
method of workmanship; but it needs
hut a Blight exercise of the
to i i us rule a
III Till
The Training School nu
Evening nth.
Instead of miscellaneous pro-
Alonso Swift gram, as staled In Friday's piper
culling Margaret i shoe was i and wonderfully
mode under old They
must have been
Malaria or
Five or six doses will brash say case,
if taken then the Paver will mm
return. It ct o. the
and docs out o.
Boost Bigger
V. ft
The V. c. a. of the Training
School hopes to enough
j from Honk's recital to increase
materially the fund to send delegate
lo the Summer V. A. e
at nine Ridge, Bach year Training
School has sent delegates. This is
always I source of very great help
get in close touch
These delegates get ill dose nun I
with the V. W. A. work and pass on
to others what the association here
doing, liaising money for this is
deed a worthy cause.
The recital he In Hie auditorium
the Training School on
evening. January S p. BL
Tho admission will be twenty-live
cents, and tickets may be secured
the door.
That Lewis and of tho Hi Hon
have cut lo one a
Joyner and Florence program i ever
must orders
for want ads, except from those
having advertising
The rate is cents
line, six to the lint. Tel-
No. It.
-Ill I
or you can buy them elsewhere.
Our attractive styles will impress
your customers of your desire
please and will bring you new
Satisfaction guaranteed.
for Illustrations and prices.
Hock Hill, S t
You Need a General Tonic
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
hit sufficient y I Tonic because it contains the
large enough for another residence
Till is a lull r a quick bu; r
In t I or
F. C. Hi X C
l l ii
well known tonic QUININE
and IRON. It acts on Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Builds up the. Whole System. cents.
u i
nu Ill-fitting shoe la far more than a
It is an
of Louis Times.
Sam and Lane
Cameroon and Luis
Polly Circus Is
play, Those who have never seen tit
piny will welcome opportunity
hear story, and the
seen it as a play will lie interested lo
Sain While and if hear it as a reading, and gel Mrs
Greenville township.
Tony Tyson and Angle
Jones Lillian Lena Ward
of Carolina.
Stephen Mason and Vance
Meadows and Mamie Hays-
more of Greenville,
Arthur and Cherry
John Coward and
Albert Langley and Victoria Daniel
as administrator
J. Patrick late of Pitt
county. North Carolina, this is to
all persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
mouths of this date or this notice
pleaded in bar of their recovery.
All Indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment
This, the 21st day of December 1914
J. P.
F. G. JAMES SON, Attorneys
I Interpretation
Pawn Their
Broadway, i r second street,
New York, In July is known as
Yon see, most of
who have the actors and have been
out of work a few weeks, and
month of July It Is a case of
all going out and untiling coming In.
with result that they are
their cracked
Diamonds are the saving banks of
nil Broadway talent, and they are the
next best thing to real money when
ii Following
Irons, Heaters, Lights and fixtures
Proctor Hotel Building.
ed rooms with water and light
Dickinson Ave, Phone 294-L,
house of Ann Tobacco
o. m broke every
i big parade of military and person In July. one pair of spectacles with
of the state, the Inauguration They may only a few hundred ,.,, railing
beans to tide them over until they
. Frank Willis Governor up off a and paying for this notice.
Ohio took place today The parade or and get tho kale from
was the one public even, of the day the that they are visiting In
for inaugural ball was omitted.
at the request of the new Governor
Who seeks lo do away With and lie firmly believed that the years
spent In school wore far morn
ts. W. CARTER, M. B.
limited to diseases of th
Eye, Far, Nose tied Throat
The fitting of Glasses
with Dr. L. James,
N. C, every Monday.
Home I
Ii. M. t LARK
at Law
and Drainage cases a Specialty
In office formerly i opted by
i a if
in public events.
In the formation of
General John f. was Mar all the many years after-
shall of the parade which started wards. There was one way In
. ,. ,, , the character of a man best showed
l this afternoon. On a stand ,,,
erected on the north side of Capital
were the new- Governor
members of Ids official family.
Inaugural ion ceremony was attended
. ,, , ., , , , , rut ion of James as
by of the state and federal
Salem, Ore., Jan. II. The
government. The governor, who
resigned his seat in Congress
has i a strong
with many recommendations
that he has gathered In bis long ex-
in public life.
Boost Bigger
Governor of Oregon today brought
about n change from Democratic to
. an rule. Governor Oswald
West, Who retires after a notable ad-
smoothed the way
for his with whom ho con-
regarding appointments for
coming year.
marked white, with black spots.
reward If returned to W, I
or Imperial Tobacco factory.
I end.
child Wishes In private
in Greenville. References exchanged
Write i lees. Clinton, C.
Miss Bottle Warren
with Sales Company
where he will lie glad lo serve Ills oil
friends and the public generally.
Fresh Buck-
wheat, Pan-
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Washington Crisps,
Quakers Corn Flakes,
Post Post
Porridge, Grape
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flour,

Pitt County
by Judge at
in Some time
. men from I'm rood
l; claiming i
i lo i W
for u
worked up
. . ,.
The Ural ease tailed last
. holding
his name
I had i w y
brought tin
ilia .
f the
. . .
., , Li i
v i one
m up sale
few change have been ma.
clerks the stores of the town
at la Bros,
and Bessie a.
resigned her
to keep bout
for bi Kr Rouse W. U
to the i
know being
Can- who has lite a
with typhoid fever it seine
Mrs. Fred Smith quit sick win
Ir i C. Joyner who led us to
In Norfolk returned
and resumed ins practice. Our
lo not like pay a doctor
his visits and then have to ride lo
town for the medicine. do
Is a
to do.
in tor drainage
Creek its
pro abut
t in b
in bone
N a
Ml VI UH 11.1.1
i ii Grifton was In Iowa
business Thursday.
We have just received a nice line w
tobacco cloth. grade you
and right.
Replace your old I
sprints with new . We have a
complete line prices to rail you,
When you are killing your bogs, re
a,, A u. Ange a Co. haw
meal salt lard stands
mills and Bluffers.
Mr. Spin left here Thursday
in enter s Business College
Richmond Va we wish the young
nil. II all ii . I
When you wan anything
notions see Harrington
Barbi r St Co. They have a i U
i and
v. u need good dress or w i
. . us. We carry i
Hunt Club other
Mr n. of Ayden. i
n town Thursday lo i. ii he
Interest the students of
High s. ho an o taking a
g Thai he
Former MaR Com-
Suicide at Norfolk
By Drinking Poison
Norfolk. Jan. I. A.
years old Bent Hie, N.
ended his about
drinking .
Main street died
elevator St. Vincent's
where he was carried In the
in., patrol after a hurried run. Dr
r s Knight, city coroner is making
an Investigation
i- aid lo have come to
on Thanksgiving day from
ville, K. C. He is said to have hail a
considerable amount of money at the
time and was a lavish spender but hi
funds are said to have given a few
ago. He is said to have s
gated with a woman at
Pouring poison into a water
and bidding those in the room goal
I. M.
New Bern. in. Senator F.
chairman of the
of the States Scout. .
i- spending days In the city at the
In. his daughter, Mrs K.
Patterson The Senator tor tome
days been unwell and his physician
advised him to come home
a few a rest He Ml
Washington on Thursday
mi to intending to
lake train through to New Bern.
a the case of late, the
trains missed connection and be
was forced lo spend Friday there,
riving in a Bern on the afternoon
train. In an Inti given las
night Senator Simmons stated he
would probably pay a visit lo his farm
In Jones before returning
Washington and be would. In all
probability resume his work
first par of the coming week.
Florida ft is Lather.
Fla . Jan, The Florid i
federation of Labor.
met here loan tor its annual
is important-
will be urged on the
legislature, looking laws
for working men and women.
Ai a regular monthly meeting Of
the Greenville Tobacco Hoard of
Trade the; decided lo down
the market on Feb. and Would
suggest the farmers please
their tobacco on marks before
The Tobacco Board of
J. F.
Winslow's Stables
Houston lice.
. i Mo. Jan. Farmers
Week of Missouri
Ai least two tau of h a h re.
lo be picked with carry a nice line fresh
much prospect of its ever bi fish and oysters and also i which opened today with a big
housed line groceries Come to see us. from the rural sections, will
there i- to be an to i c. VINCENT CO, made notable this year by the pr
loan I .
i he may gain .
, for Count; When In need of hardware or farm
. ;., some one please explain supplies f any kind conic sec us
ii a Recorder's Court Is. is ii a can please you in quality and price,
ii opened Saturday morn-1 to give two more an a. w. CO
it became known the office Ti. Literary Society
i departed. Solicitor All We are glad to know Pitt High School
consented that charge Is to have s superintendent o night and elected new officers for the
to have superintendent
the persons who hajj health who will give his time term, and also received
Is en used of selling liquor should to the furtherance of the health prob-; ,. members into the Society.
r. r .,, I this county, what a officers were elected
term cases one Dr. would Warren Tucker,
then in then he dismissed in made Tyree Wyatt; Secretary . J.
i show they had n
b; drained glass. Pr, l
Collier was called and worked in Raleigh, Jan. a bill abolishing
the man until the arrival of the the old of administering the
oath of office by kissing bible
introduced in the house today by Rep
Hutchison. The amend-
would allow the administering of
oath by laving hands on the bible
or uplifting the hand,
The method of ob-
of crime would
be barred from North Carolina by
bill Introduced today by
Douglass of Wake county.
hill would make confession obtained
I that only confessions
lo the null and void, and
and sworn to before magistrates l
other notarial officers signed and
sworn to by the are to allow
as evidence.
i Ian In meantime.
v, lib
We would like to have some of Treasure. Frank Vincent; Supervisor
orphaned children of the Belgians hut x. J. Chaplain P. D,
if older Belgians were to can Marshall. C. C. Cox.
of David F. Houston. Secretary
who will speak on Wed-
Tomorrow Governor Maim
will be present and deliver an address
Lectures on all phases of farm work
will be given, and practical demon
ration of up-to-date methods in
nil lire will he furnished.
i iV-
Practicing in all the Courts
Office in Woolen Building on Third
street, fronting Court House.
Attorney law
office iii Building, Third St
Practices wherever his are
North Carolina
New Tori
The above
f and p a
the work of these w
as II ma be of to
reader.-. A phone message from
that the young men
are Messrs. and H
would not they gravitate to the towns
the Syrians have
fair methods in working up their
The young men applied lo
a place on the force as de-
lives hut as he was unable to em-l
Crawford of Arthur. The them they were told
also conveys the news that the , police to go ahead and work up
men arc right In their u cases. This they did the result
The season has opened up in this
for fresh fish, and we have
opened up again lo do business are
some nice assortment of
I next week. Come and partake of
great brain food. Phone
lay hare employed and ,;, stated above
City Mark.
Oklahoma City, Okla., II. This
is in Oklahoma for the
merchants, who are attending lectures
beginning this morning, on common
and industry at University of Okla-
Speakers of ability have been
secured from many sections and
lines of activity. Paul H.
Of the University Wisconsin.
Cowan of Chicago and other experts
are among them. A joint conference
of the merchants will take place her.-.
CM Sons Outer Remedies Won't Cum.
Kentucky Men
Louisville, Ky. Jan. II. The annual
meeting of the Kentucky State
Labor opened here this mom
report of the executive
hoard occupied most of
In view of the fact the
workmen's compensation act has been
declared unconstitutional, st grout
deal of discussion is expected on
Attorney at Law
In Building on the Court
Still Witt
t. Life
Conner Fourth and Evans Streets
Beth Day and Bight
Send Tear
The Quinine That Does Hot Affect
Recluse its tonic and laxative effect.
I than ordinary
are c-ired m old V- and does cans.- nor
i nil. It in head Remember the toll name and
I lock the
I I-. W. lie.
Office over Frank Wilson's Store
Best Is None Too.
Good For You
In this day and time majority of men
look for the best the market
affords in all lines.
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked with
to meet the wants all men.
e a
Greenville. N C.
Fleet Will
Washington, IS, The proposed
international naval rendezvous at
i lamp ton Roads has been abandoned,
according to plans announced tonight
by Secretary Daniels for the cruise of
UM Atlantic fleet and visiting foreign
war craft to Ban Francisco in
of the Panama canal opening.
Instead, the program provides that the
ships shall proceed directly to
at the eastern entrance to the
-anal, to be passed through at stated
Consent of Congress must be ob-
for the change, as the law
the cruise provided that
United States should invite the
nations the world to send
vessels to Hampton Roads for the
event. Secretary Daniel said, how-
ever, ho had no doubt the
legislation would be enacted at once.
Me pointed out that the war had made
impossible a rendezvous of the inter-
national character contemplated by
Congress, and that the isthmus
be a more convenient gathering
tor the American fleet participate.
Only Spain, Portugal. Argentina and
Cuba so far have indicated their in-
of sending ships.
The program has been worked oat
in the confident belief that passage
through the canal will be possible
though Governor hue given
notice that he cannot guarantee it on
of recent slides. February It
Is fixed as the date for passage of the
vanguard of the Atlantic feet
vessels will go through day by day
until March when President
son Is due to arrive on the battleship
New York and transfer to the old
Oregon for the trip through the water-
All the plans have been framed par-
with a view to Interfering as
little as possible with the winter man-
and drills of the Atlantic
Carnegie May Attend.
Washington, Jan. twenty-
fifth anniversary of the
of the Washington Board of Trade will
be observed tonight. Andrew Car-
and Geo. H. Harries, the only
honorary members of the board,
expected to be present and address
tin gathering.
Malaria ha b too P
We are headquarters for the best make of fire arms such as
the Famous L. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca and Winchester shot
guns. Remington Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith
Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistols.
We are also headquarters for all kinds of gun Shells and
Cartridges. We sell all size gun shells,
Gage, Gage and Gage. Come to see us.
J. R. J. G
Singletons was the acutest mind
not connected with any regular police
bureau, as everyone knew. But Hairy
Harrington did not believe that be
could save her husband. Charles, from
dying an atrocious death. This was
the situation, as she outlined It to him
In the parlor of the lonely little
There were three brothers. Henry.
James and Charles The two elder
ones were unmarried. The father had
left bis money equally among the
three, but. after two elder ones
were dead. It was all to vest in the
youngest. Charles If be died child-
less, it was to be divided equally be-
tween the widow and Stephen Barnes,
a step-brother by s second marriage,
whom old Harrington bad hated.
Stephen was a ne'er do-well, and held
a position as a Jeweler's assistant In
the little nearby town.
Three months previously, at ST,
the body of lbs eldest brother had
been found, blown to pieces, upon the
footpath of a field leading from the
town to his home. The time of bis
death was Indicated by bis watch,
was found fairly Intact beside
him. Whether he had been the
of an assassin's bomb or what
had happened nobody could ascertain.
After some weeks of Investigation the
matter ceased to be one of Immediate
public Interest.
Exactly two months later sec-
brother died. A violent explosion
hook the In which the family
lived. The body of James was found
In his bed, with a gaping wound In
the abdomen. The evidence given by
Mary Harrington at the Inquest
bowed that he died at five minutes
past one.
That was all, except that
was momentarily expecting the same
Singleton thought for about eight
minutes, resting motionless n his
you let me see your
he asked of at the end of that
Charles Harrington gave him his
watch. Singleton took off the case
and examined It under a microscope.
haven't had It regulated late-
he asked.
It is you should ask
me that, became my
Stephen Is anxious to
late It for nothing when I go Into
Ton don't him of
complicity In this
heavens, answer
Charles Harrington.
had regulated your
watches before the of each
that Is answered
Charles. certainly had,
suggest there was a bomb
the watch of Henry or James V
you take your
watch to Stephen and let him
late It Arrange to call for It at
the store doesn't close till six. I
The arranged was five ahead.
At the appointed hour Charles
duly met Singleton outside
the jeweler's shop. He accosted him,
but Singleton only stared at him
am afraid you have the advantage
of me, he answered.
Charles remembered and went In.
Singleton, following, saw a pale-faced,
meager-looking man, with a furtive ex-
standing behind the counter.
I've got your watch ready,
he said, and. opening a
drawer, he handed It to him.
can I do for you, he continued
to the detective.
The detective took the watch from
Charles Harrington's hands.
burst out Stephen, for-
got something. Will you let me keep
your watch till tomorrow
The clocks In the pointed to
minutes past the hour.
Singleton laid the watch down on
the counter, but kept his hand over It.
Stephen grabbed at It. and Singleton
grabbed Stephen by the collar.
he said briefly. With
the other hand turned the watch
over. him, Mr. Harrington,
I stop the Infernal he said.
I He opened the case and stopped the
watch, twisting hairspring into a
of tangled wire Then he
opened the
I at the minute be
lo the Jeweler
looks kind of said the old
Is It Fulminate of Iodide,
and the most violent explosive known
In four minutes this tiny mass pasted
under the minute hand would have
caught the hour hand, and
I you can guess what would hap-
But the murderer
always leaves a trail, and he left his
in the fact that his two victims
died when the bands were together.
Ill take this
lies He said he was a col-
gasped the trembling man.
answered Singleton,
opening his coat and displaying an
officer's badge. have lust been
made a police officer In this
town for today. You see, I am col-
nit, w. a. .
till Be Heard From.
Many women have attempted to
cold affection into the hearts of men,
we have heard or one who
hi.-r notice how closely life
examiners look for o.
kidney diseases They do so because
weakened kidneys lead to many forms
of dreadful life-shortening afflictions.
If you any like pain in
the back, frequent, scanty or painful
action, tired feeling, aches and pains,
get Foley Kidney Pills today For
sale by all druggists.
North Carolina.
I'm County
In the Superior Court.
January Term, 1911.
V. Hooker
Notice of Sale
W L. F. Corey N. J
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
made In the above entitled cause
by His Honor H. W. Judge
Presiding at January Term. 1816, Pill
County Superior Court, the undersign
commissioner, will on Monday, th
Mb day of February. 1915, at
clock Noon expose to public sale be-
fore the Court House Door In Green-
ville, to highest bidder for cash, the
following described tracts or parcels
of land,
First Situated in
Pitt County bounded on the
Ni by the lands of S. F. Worthing-
ton and June Edwards; bounded on
the West by the lands of James
son and Dennis on the
-l j i
s i t--------j
What Women Can Do
Federal and National-
co. Diplomat
Norway's legation In
co. Assistant D. S. Dist. At bin
Annette A. Adams, of
Register of I-and Half
W. at Denver Colo. Chief of
Children's Julia C.
Senator Helen King
of Colorado. Francis
W. Arizona. Representative
Mrs Rachel Kerry, Arizona
Marian Ore-
Commissioner of
Dr. Margaret
Strike Mediator
Cherry County, Nebraska. Auditor
Mrs. Carrie Trueman, Pueblo
California. Bertha U
Donnell, County, New York
Supt. Of Education Mrs.
Marietta County.
Mayor Mrs. Clara C. Munson, War
Oregon. Treasurer
Shelton. Wash
by another tract of land of W. L. F.
Corey and on the East by the lands of I Comptroller Miss Bessie
Amy Hines, containing acres I Atlantic City. N. J.
or less and being the tract of land oil Merle A. Cutler, Kansas City.
which the said W, L. F. Corey and Miss Ida A. Ryun.
wife now reside. Mass. F. E. Her
Second Situated in i ring. Tyro, Kansas. Chief of Dept of
Township. Pitt County on the East Corrections- Kathrine Davis, New
side of Fork Swamp, adjoining tin York City. Supt. of Public
lands of Josephus and other.; Miss Ryan,
containing acres more or and i Inspector of
being the land deeded by Barrow Can- Pierce, Philadelphia. Chief Market
to Providence Cooper and Cannon , Sarah A.
Mills and by them conveyed to Sam
Corey and by Samuel Corey to
L. F. Corey by Deed which is of re-
cord in the Register's Office in Pit
County in Book E-6. page
Third Situated in
Township, Pitt County, in Jame
containing acres more or
less and being the same land granted
to the said W. L. F. Corey by the
Slate of North Carolina by grant
which is on record in the office if
the Register of Deeds of Pill county
In Book Y-3, page
Fourth Tract; Situated in Swift
Creek Township. Pitt County, ad-
Joining the lands of Nashville Wilson
W. B. Bland, R. H. and Sal-
lie Bland, containing acres more or
Fifth Situated in Swift
Creek Township Pitt County, on
sides of the Washington Road adjoin
the tract last above mentioned
and adjoining the lands of E. H. Gar-
Hay wood Cox and others con
acres more or less
The above lands will be sold In
separate tracts and also in
of the separate tracts and also as
a whole.
The first tract above described has
been sub-divided into eight
the second tract above described
been sub-divided eight
and said lands will be sold ac-
cording to said sub-divisions and also
as a whole.
This the 11th, day of January.
I Commissioner
Portland, Ore. Supt. of Education.
Mrs. Ella Young, Chicago. De
Probate Nellie
Warren, Ohio. Juvenile
E. C. Runge, St. Louis
Police C. W. Me
Evanston, III.
We are having quiet again
Christmas is over and the boys and
girls are busy with their books
Misses Agnes and Smith
Misses Roberson and Ethel
and Mr. Robert
have returned lo their schools for toe
spring term.
Mrs. Betsey Tucker wife of Mr
Arden Tucker died New Years
and was buried Mr. Iron
the old family burying ground.
Mr. Mark Smith mid Mr.
spent m Hooker
ton take
Messrs. H. E Man.
Smith. Arthur Joyner and Hack
attended a show in last
Miss Joyner gave h very cu
lovable party at her home
Saturday evening After various I
games and etc. supper was served nil i
returned home declaring Miss Lillian
a charming hostess.
Miss Gertrude Eason and Mr Han ,
1-in of were visiting at Mr.
C. D. Smith's Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mrs. A. Flanagan
spent Sunday afternoon a.
Mr Mills Smiths
By virtue a power of sale contain-
ed In a certain Mortgage Deed executed
and delivered by J. A. and
Wife Ethel Eve to W. H.
Jr.,, dated the nth. day of August
1914, and duly recorded In the Re
Office In Pitt County. In Boo
A page and also by virtue of
a Mortgage executed and delivered by
E. A. to W. H. Jr.,
dated , 1914, and
recorded In the Register's Office la
Pitt County, the undersigned will,
Saturday, the 6th. day of February
1915. at o'clock Noon expose to pub
He sale before the Court House door
in Greenville, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described tract
or parcel of land,
one fifth undivided la
of J. A. and also tho
life estate E. A. Everette in the one
fifth undivided interest of
said J. A. Everette in that certain
tract or parcel of land situated ii
Township. Pitt County, North.
Carolina adjoining the lands of Tho
mas Haddock on the East; the Hardy
land on the West; the Evans land
South and the land o
the North and containing acre,
more or
This sale is made for the purpose
of satisfying the terms of said
This the 4th. day of January.
W H.
Harding A Pierce
Alert, clear headed,
men and are in demand. Mod
en business cannot use in office, tar
or on the road, persona
I dull, lifeless, inert, half sick or tired
Keep in trim, lie in a condition
wards off disease Foley
Tablets clean the system, keep
stomach sweet, liver active eh.
bowels regular For sale by all drag
Madison, Jan Ian. i
It daughter of Prof Rankin
of the University of Minnesota, h.-
appointed I member of
efficiency bureau by
Washington, Jan.
of an interim
figure In the move
which swept Europe during
die decade, is lecturing
lea In behalf of She will
In ft Louis, Detroit, Chicago and
other the west
i . 11- it Training School.
Mr. L. H. Wilson, librarian the
University of North Carolina, will
speak Monday evening at o'clock, in
auditorium at the Training School
on to use a This
dress will be of Interest lo all who
are interested in books, in using a
library and In reading It will o
particular Interest to people
are directly interested In public
r a r .
The public is invited t

North Carolina
By virtue of authority contained
a certain mortgage executed by T. H
Smith and wife, bearing date
and executed to the
signed mortgagee as will appear
record in I. page I'm
County said undersigned
Mortgagee will, on Monday III
HIE. before the door
Put county, at o'clock M . sell
highest bidder for cash the
lowing described land, lying and .
to the town of in
country and State aforesaid, and being
sore fully described as follows
ti lot number Fourteen of
Ike Townsend and division
at the south east
f lot No II and running with
the line of lot No westerly feet
to a stake, thence southerly S
feet, thence easterly feet to
street, thence northerly with said
street feet to the beginning
This said sale is made for the
post of satisfying th terms of sail
This 1st. 1915.
Harding attorneys.
Solomon, Bankrupt.
No. in Bankruptcy.
Petition for Discharge
To the Honorable H. O. Connor, Judge
of the District Court of the United
States for the District of
North Carolina
Solomon, of Greenville, in the
and State of North
Carolina, in the said District, respect-
fully represents that on the day of
Sept. last past, he was duly adjudged
bankrupt under the acts Congress
relating to bankruptcy; that he bar
duly surrendered all his property and
rights of property, and has fully com-
plied with all the requirement of said
sets and of the orders of the court
touching bis bankruptcy.
Wherefore he Prays that he may be de-
creed by the court to have a full dis-
charge from all debts provable against
hid estate under said bankrupt sets,
except such debts as exempted by
law from such
Dated this , 11-
MM i l
mm how. win It.
i . .
Seventh St., Washington. D. C.
Administrator's notice
laving qualified us
C. T. A., of Kenneth
Fleming deceased, late of
County, N. C. is now
made fr the purpose of notify
all persons having claims
against estate of the said de-
ceased to exhibit them to the
or before the 84th.
day f December 1915 r this no
will plead in of then
recovery. All indebted to
estate please make
mediate settlement to the under
This day of December
Administrator. C. T. A
By virtue of power vested in me b
that Deed of Trust executed to me
by W. C. Smith, and of record in the
Office of the Register of Deeds for Pitt
County, in Book T-10 at Page
shall sell at public auction to th-
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door in Greenville, u the
day of February, 1915, at
M., the following described parcel of
real estate, lying, being and situate-
in Township. County
Pitt, and State of North Carolina, to-
Farm No. Twelve on
part of land formerly owned b
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
in Map Rook at Page o.
the Register of Deeds Office for PHI
County and containing Three and 16-
This January 1915.
Albion Dunn, Atty. l-5-ltd
as administrator
et the estate ;. Mills, deceased.
late of Pitt county, Carolina.
this Is to all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
at N. C, on or
before the 10th day of November
or this notice will be pleaded in bar
of their recovery. All persons in
to said estate will please make
This th day of November
Administrator of B J Mills, d.
M seed.
JAMES U Attorney.
Having duly the
superior court clerk of
as administrator the of Cal-
Jones, deceased, la
given to all persons to the
estate to make to
the undersigned; and u ;
claims against said are no-
tilled to present the the under
signed for payment on before the
16th of December, or this
notice will be plead la f recovery.
This day of 1914.
of Calvin Jones.
North Carolina.
Pitt County
in the Superior Court
Before the Clerk
N. B
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
Pitt County
North Carolina.
In the Superior four;,
Cotton Mills. Inc.
I, B, Somerville
Notice of Summons and Warrant
The defendant, I. K.
above named, will notice that u
summons in above entitled action
was issued against him on the 1811
day December, 1914, out or the
Court f Pitt County, on an
affidavit Mid order attachment, for
the sum of Hundred
and 48-100 Dollars due tin
plaintiff by an error overlooking the
payment of a check In the aforesaid
when settlement was made with
said defendant for a con-
tract in building and constructing
employee houses on property of
the plaintiff, which amount of
Hundred Fifty-five and 42-100
is now due by the defendant
ville to this plaintiff, and said sum-
mons was made returnable on tin
day of January. 1915. to tho
Court of said County, held In
Greenville on said date.
The defendant will also lake notice
that u warrant of attachment was Is-
sued by tho said Court on the 18th
day December, 1914. the
property of the defendant. The
ville Hanking and Trust Co., which
properly of the
consisted of certain deposits of money
in tho said Greenville Banking and
Trust CO., which warrant of attach-
is returnable at tho
date of January 1915. before the
Judge, at the Court House In the
Town of Greenville when and where
said defendants are required to
pear answer or demur to the com-
plaint, or the relief demanded will be
This, ilia 32nd
J. l. COX.
Clerk Superior Court.
Hy virtue the power or sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed ex-
and delivered by A. I.
and T. Jackson to C H.
the first day of September 1906, and
duly recorded in the Pitt County Reg-
in Book page the under-
will expose to public sale be-
fore the Court House door In Green-
ville, N C, to the bidder for
cash on Monday, the day of Feb-
1915, at P. M. a lot or
tract of land being and lying in the
town of Grifton, Pitt county, N. C
and more particularly described as
follows, All of the lot of land
purchased by the said H.
Mrs Martha whereon her
store was located, adjoining the lots
of Jacob and K. laing In the old pa t
of the town of Grifton. Also one
other tract or lot land which was
deeded to P. H. by U J. Chap-
man and wife, Chapman and
Spencer Brooks, located in that part
of the town Grifton known as New
Town and is the lot on which was lo-
. the C. H. store, and
Where be did I mercantile business
until the lire which burned up the
store, said lot adjoining the lots of
J. U. Fleming and R. U Murphy, said
lot is feet wide by feet long.
Sale made to satisfy the above de-
scribed mortgage deed
Phis the day of December, 1911.
Brown, Attorney.
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Sups Court.
Maggie Perry
H. P. Perry
The defendant above
That an action entitled above
commenced in the Court of
Pitt County on the of
1914, to procure i divorce
the causes set forth In Complaint
filed in the office the Clerk or
An the said Will take
further notice that he acquired
appear at the January of the
Superior Court of said Co to be
held on tho 2nd Moods; of January
1915, at the Court
In Greenville, N. C, ticS answer or
demur to the complaint o said ac-
or the plaintiff will supply to the
court for the relief in MM
Clerk of Superior Court.
This the 7th day of 1914
S. J. Atty. for- plaintiff.
Flora Ann Moore, Ada Thomas, Beat-
rice Thomas. Pearlie Thomas, lie.,
Thomas, Nina Hell Thomas am
The defendants above named will
take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commence, in the
Superior Court of Pitt County to sell
tor partition Lot No. in
of lands of Jordan Cox, de-
ceased, lying near Ayden, N. C, an
the said defendants will further
notice that they are required to
pear the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt County at his office la
court Monday. January 25th
1915, and answer or demur to the
filed In said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
I he relief demanded in said petition.
This 24th day of December 1914.
J. D. COX.
Clerk Superior Court
F. G. SON.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Washington. D. C.
Norfolk. Vs.
Charlotte. N. C
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C.
Majority Friend Thought Mr.
Would Die, Bat
Helped Him to
Interesting ad-
vice from this Sir. A. J.
as was down with
stomach trouble five years, and
would have so bad, at
tunes, that I thought surely would die.
I tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so I could not eat or sleep,
lad all my except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
taking other medicine. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence in It.
I have now been taking
for three months, and It has cured
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since I began using It.
I am so thankful what buck-
ha done for
ha been
found a very valuable medicine for de-
of the stomach and liver, ft
is composed of pure, vegetable herb,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
a package today.
Only a quarter. u
Administrator Notice
Having as administrator
s R. deceased late put
County. North Carolina, this to
all persons having claims against
the estate said deceased to
them to the undersigned within twelve
months of this or this notice
be pleaded in bar of recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment
This, the 7th day of January 1915.
Administrator Net ice.
Having qualified as administrator
J. I Patrick deceased, late of
county, North Carolina, this Is to
all persons having claims
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned
months of this date or this notice
e pleaded In bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment
This, the 21st day of December 1914
P. G i, SON. Attorneys.
Si is hereby given that it. L.
this day sold all In
i Interests in the
Company, of
ville X . to A. E ind M
W. Wallace and that from this date
the said K. L. Little has no further
interest In said business
This the 1st. day of January I tit.
R, L.
A. B.
By virtue of power of sale
in a certain mortgage given by
C. Crawford to W. H. Allen, dated
July 1914 and recorded In Book
page In office th
Register Deeds, the undersigned
will offer for sale at public auction
on the 9th day of January 1915 be-
fore tho court door in Green-
ville at o'clock M the following
m property
All the right, title, and interest
said H C. Crawford la the lands of the
late Ann K. Crawford, adjoining the
lands of JOSS Tyson, J. Nichols and
others, known as Polly
land containing acres more or
less; also all interest and title as a-
acres more or less, the deed for i
Is recorded In Book II page GT,
Unite description.
Terms of sale cash. Said sale mad
to satisfy said mortgage.
Dec I, 1914
W. H
Mortgage v
W Attorney
qualified as administrator
of the of G. W. Bullock, deceased
late of Pitt County, North Carolina,
this la to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
at Bethel, N. C, on or
before the 13th day of November HI
or this will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All la
to said estate will pleas make
Immediate payment
This 14th day November
Administrator S. W. Hillock, i
virtue of authority v in
by a mortgage, in book
S-10, Page Register of Deeds of-
by A. IS. lo
C. S. Carr, assignee, on t she 24th.
of November, 1913, I for
sale on the third Monday January
1915. being tho 19th do thereof, for
cash, to tho highest bid the
Court House door, at noon follow-
described property;
That lot in the plan
known as part of lot at the
corner of the fence on t
at the corner of
Streets, and running
with street,
feet, thence p with
First street and with Ho as It
now runs, forty-nine feet,
southerly parallel first line
ninety-live feet to street
thence easterly with Flu St street for-
feet to
containing an acre,
more or less, and L same lot
conveyed to K If. by W. II.
Cox and wife.
This the day of 1911
c. s.
S Atty.
Puts and calls are th safest
surest of trading In wheat,
ii or oats. Because loss ts
limited to the
bought No further risk.
Positively the most profitable war
Open an account. You can buy
or calls on
grain for or you can buy both
for or as many more as you wish.
An advance or decline of cent
the chance to lake profit
A movement of t cents 1600 profit.
Write for full particular and bank
k. w.
Columbus, Ohio.
all mall to Lock Boa nil
Executor's Notice
Having as Executor of
Adam deceased, late of Pitt
county, North Carolina, this Is to
all persons having against
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
them to the undersigned within
months of this date or this notice will
be pleaded in bar of their
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment
This, the 21st day of December 1914.
F. G. SON. Attorneys
The of J. Cox Son has this
day been by J. Cox who has
to . R. Cox his Interest in the
of Cox ft Son, doing
in Ufa town of N C. All
persona owing the said firm make
payments to J R. Cog and all
sons having claims the firm
present them to J. It. Cox also.
J. It. COX
Dec. II, N
I rates, no of how
re Hie J. old
State North
To Taker
Pitt County, the
being n Citizen c State of
North Carolina, hereby- t forth in i
shows, that th tract -r
parcel of land to-wit. and be-
in Pitt
fount, North Carolina
acre on th
south side of Tar river n
Township, and more III sly described
in smith by
the lands of I W, H.
heirs, on the east by N, Nobles,
on north by is v.-t and, and on
the west by J- K. Win-
Same hi he vacant
e . hi
N. .-tit ard cl to Entry
lb here-
by mikes Entry f. to,
and prays tor n arid
This the i of 1911
This above Bled
17th, day of Des. 1914.
ii Taker.
Having as administrator.
of the estate of Ernul deceased
late of Pitt county North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against tho estate of the
deceased to exhibit them to the
at Greenville, N. C, on or
before the 22nd day of December 1915
or this notice will be pleaded In bar
of their recovery. All in-
to said will please make
This 22nd day of December 1914
Administrators of Ernul, de-
The Quinine That Do
not . nor
ringing In
look tor the K V W.
Your Skin
Clear as a
a w .-
SI.,, I. I. I
. ,.
By virtue of authority ii
me by a mortgage made by W. H.
Clark to Macon on the
7th day of January. 1913, and I
qualified as Administrator here-
by offer for sale on tho third Mon-
day of 1915, being the
day thereof, for cash to the
bidder, at the Court House door at
noon, the following described pro-
Lying and being in Swift Creek
Township. Pitt County. North Caro
line, beginning at a cypress on the
run of Swift Creek near the old foot
way and runs S K poles to a
stake, James Walls corner, then N
E poles to a forked pine, then S
poles to water oak, then N
W Hi poles to a black gum on the
run of Swift Creek, then down the
various courses of Swift Crock,
acres more or less.
in Hook page
Also one oilier tract adjoining the
described and adjoining
lands t J. P- Clark. Clark,
James others,
acres more or lees.
his. the day of December
R. A.
of Macon
N W. Atty.
Is the lest the eh set
if Motif Club flax Spec-
Meeting ti
An Intelligent and Capable
in The Future We
Must Make Healthy and
Children Today.
Propose lo Shorten the term
of legislature to
Long Expected Raid on
England by the Germans
Zeppelin Airships Made
The blessing the Schools
are too to need any argument
r them and trier are Important lac
an in promoting public health because
are an avenue by which all the
of all the people may be
M To these benefits, this
avenue must be used and used right.
A railroad may be built through a
wonderful whore
possibilities abound but unless trains
aerate on this no benefits
will be reaped by tho people living
a the through which it
it is with the public school and
me public we use th.-
avenue Into all the homes, for the
of the health the
In tie homes, we lose one of the
great opportunities for universal good.
Parents readily respond to those
things which benefits to their
in which benefits the parents
share. In fact the welfare of
and their parents is
able, and through the school we
reach both.
Health is the foundation all pros-
and happiness, much more
than many of the studies
pursued by our children.
Without health life beer men a burden
and the possibilities for much
school Is the of
knowledge, and should include
knowledge of how to conserve
health and prevent disease, only
way to have healthy, strong men and
women la to raise healthy children
and create conditions which will In-
sure health.
The public school a op-
to tor proper
knowledge evil will help us to avoid
It for knowledge Is tho mother
action. It has been said that in the
school of future compulsory
cation will Include compulsory
because the latter Is necessary to the
Ail government ported th
interest of their citizens, but
duty of conserving the health of
is Just its relative
The healthy man and woman be
come an asset to a nation, while a dis-
eased becomes a burden an
often a menace The relative value
on page
Jan. Woolen
on yesterday finished his committee as-
reserving three big com-
appropriations and in
to the last. Mr. of
Alleghany Is the chairman of
committee, Mr.
of Buncombe, that of
and Mr. Page of Moore, of In-
The chairmanship of the fin-
committee Is not new to Mr
as he held the place during
the session of the House in 1911. Two
years ago Mr. Williams of
was chairman of the finance
The Insurance question Is one that
is very near to Mr. Page and he was
the logical man for the chairmanship
of this committee where many Import-
ant matters are to come this et-
Felicitations to Jackson
It a pretty sentiment of Mr.
yesterday when he Intro-
a resolution of felicitation to
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson widow of the
groat Confederate who re-
sides at Charlotte. Mrs. Jackson has
boon critically tor several weeks
and her life has at times been de-
of but with that strong iron
will no common to the women of tho
South has defied death and is now
on the road to recovery
Bond Issues For Bad
Two good roads bills passed their
second reading yesterday, one author-
a bond issue of for
Alexander county and one of
for Yadkin county, to be
to the voters. The good leave-i
is at work In North Carolina and in
the course of time North Carolina will
have as fine a system of highways as
is to be found In South.
To Shorten
Resolved by the House of j
the Senate
That it is the judgment of
Assembly that its
shall be completed so that it
adjourn sine die not later that
forty days from the beginning of
the session.
Second. That a committee shall
be consisting of three on the
part of Senate, to be appointed
by the Lieutenant Governor,
four on the part of the House of
Representatives, to be appointed
by the Speaker, whose duty It sh-ill
he to confer with the chairman of
the various committees and with
the members of
from time to time, and h to M
the holiness lo the end
the body may adjourn as suggest I
in section one l reel.
The above resolution was
ed in both branches of the
Assembly yesterday, that in the m
being tattered by I
and the sponsor In the the
resolution being Representative
Towns an and Many
Bombs Thrown Damage
Heavy Snow Falls
Operations II West, Russians Con-
to Report In
Kant Carpathian
London. Jan. aircraft
their long threatened raid on
England and attempted to
blow up with bombs, the King's royal
residence In County
King George and Queen Mary, who
have stayed at with
their family, only yesterday returned
to London.
It Is not definitely known whether
the raiders Zeppelins or
but Zeppelins were reported
yesterday as passing over tho
Sea in a westerly direction, and some
believe were the raiders.
Six Towns Call.
were dropped in
King's Lynn.
and Every-
where, except at
and damage to property resulted.
The place visited was the
seaside resort and fishing
town of yarn h.
A man and a woman were killed a
number of persons were injured, an
much damage to property was done
by the raiders. Their visit lasted lea
Four or five bombs were dropped in
When the attack began
tho authorities have instructions that
all be extinguished and other
precautionary measures were taker j
Few signs of panic were seen daring,
the raid.
Steered For Palace.
Apparently the raiders after
flew over where
they dropped bombs, and then went to
Inland from there they made for Sand-
dropping explosive
there and at King's Lynn, where a
was killed and a man, woman and a
child were Injured. Two houses
The damage at has
not been reported. It is known, how-
ever, that the royal palace was i
harmed. A bomb penetrated B house
did not explode
Only ye Scotland Yard
issued Instruct I n lei i
to be sty the p
and other officials In tho event of en
Snow In France.
London, Jan. snow falls
In Franco and In con-
lined entirely lo
i There been
one exception, however, southwest o
near where
the French are reported to have
a few hundred yards nearer
the German frontier.
Military men attach considerable
importance to operations In this re-
for, they say in conjunction
the continued French pressure on the
German lines west of tho Fortress of
they will check if
German operations against
around they have had a half
circle drawn since they invade
Training School Celebrates
With Big Dinner
Gov. Jarvis was born Mon-
day. January 1836. Yesterday
the teachers. officers and student
body of the Carolina Teacher.;
Training School gave him a dinner
party in honor of tho
of that event. It was an occasion of
peculiar interest, and was an evidence
the high esteem and genuine
that the school feels
man who has been a constant in-
and help to them.
At one o'clock the faculty, officers
and seniors gathered in
and greeted
nor Jarvis. Then all went to the din-
room, where the other Student
bad gathered. dining
room was very tastefully decorate
in green pine and potted The
Cuts Short his Charge lo Gran.
Jury Giving More line
to Trials
Wreck on Seaboard
Raleigh. Jan. 20-Engineer tables were arraigned in two hollow
S. Stone, of Raleigh was killed
Hogan was said to be dying last
night, and Messengers B. H.
and T. F- both of
Washington, D. C, were injured when
the Seaboard fast mall, bound for Jack
Fla., was wrecked at
good about miles from Raleigh
evening about o'clock.
It reported that no
were hurt beyond a and
Tho engine which Is one of the
largest used on the road turned
squares. Tho tables of the larger
for students, were placed near
tho walls. Within this, at the smaller
square of tables, place cards we-e
arraigned for Gov. Jarvis, the
and seniors. Down the center of
tables a chain of the beautiful par-
vine with its red berries form-
ed a graceful decoration. Cut flowers
furnished further decoration. Members
of the Junior Class served the dinner
Near the close of the dinner Hi
Alice Herring, president of the
class came in, bearing the
on It side and the firs, three cars were m. -it the figure formed by
derailed the express car being thrown colored, lighted candles, and placed
cross-wise the track. The other eight Before Gov. Jarvis. After the great
cars kept the track and were pulled j applause, which followed, had ended
away from the wrecked part of the Wright arose and said
train, i is always difficult to
The train about M it is to attempt it. Seventy-
miles an hour It Is sail, and split a
I switch which caused the wreck.
nine years ago, on Monday, no one
would have dared prophecy the
Stone was pinned under career of the little born
the engine could not be removed that day; nor did they know that at
until the arrival of
Count j.
Lexington, Ky. Jan.
County, in Kentucky,
will appropriate the re-
b of its principal roadways is
hems decided today J special
The citizens of the county have
held many meeting and it was
. d to the roads question as
In principal Beans of putting Green-
County in a thriving condition. Re-
t trOW the town of which
the County to the effect
hat the bond is will undoubtedly
. carried n today's election.
the close he would be associated with
an institution that stands for the de-
of the beef there is I,,
We have met to commemorate the
birthday of one whom all love. W
of this school own more to than
to any other living being. It I beat-
that tho of this school
should contribute to this celebration.
Five will give an outline of his fifty
years of public service; each one re-
viewing briefly tho achievements of
ten years. The best historian cannot
Are Disposed of An I
In Able Manner The Judge
Delay Unless
The January term of
convened here this morning with
Judge H. W. presiding. As
it a resident of Green-
ville and holding court on a
appointment tho court room was
filled when tho grand Jury had been
drawn waiting to hear the charge to
the jury.
Judge charging jury
said in part that he would not deliver
a long charge tor he believed that
per cent of the time given to
Juries was thrown away He sail
that he saw men on the jury who
served on Grand Juries before he be
the practice of law and that these
men ought to be able by this time to
understand thoroughly the duties re
quired of a Grand Juror. In the
course of his instructions tho Judge
said It would be to define
one of the cases on the docket. The
necessity of long charges has been
for the juror of today has a
much opportunity than former
to learn duly as a Juror. The
entire law of county is in the
hands of of the jury they should
stand by their oath or guilty r
perjury The jury was also cautioned
using more time than
in examining but to
. witnesses to enable them
learn whether to hold or discharge
to determine the guilty or innocence it
the accused. The jury was also
ed to look into the condition of the
public institution of the county and
to them as well as the
l officials there be a need for
such action. The Jury was thou sent
to the jury room to begin their
There arc for this term over
give more than an outline.
B . w. cases docketed and It was
man can give a full history of . .
M- liable-.
Washington, Jan. -Miss Margaret
Wilson has promised to award the
career, he must write it
He then announced Miss
Fagan gave following review
of the years from
the close of the war we find that
Thomas Jordan Jarvis who entered
a baby contest to be held here , the war as a private has risen to the
been deeply in-j rank of Captain The qualities it
in the better baby movement made a successful soldier were Just
Over babies have been the qualities needed In leadership
The examination of the Judges will the state. His first public service
complicated The champion fifty years ago was In the state
I will be decorated by Miss convention in in which he
herself, on page
on Ibis account that ibis term of com
was ordered held in the absence of
Judge Connor.
After having Charged the Jury an I
the other preliminary
judge culled cases t
trial. There was no undue
still the cases wire posed of -i
short order. Almost every one
in the court room was struck with
th ease sad rapidity with which
, were disposed. No unnecessary
delay was permitted and when
evidence was in those case not r
, i on rage

Eastern reflector, 15 January 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 15, 1915
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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