Eastern reflector, 27 November 1914

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For Ten
. Only.
Worth of Goods to Sold at Prices
In r to reduce ck d clear cut lines that we will not handle in the future. Cost and regular prices forgotten in this
of prices for this Mammoth Fall Clearing Sale. Our cf ard shoes, and slip-
a full Dry Goods, Dress Goods, and Silks, Cloaks, Skirts and Suits, Millinery, Ladies and Underwear,
Mens and Boys Underwear, Socks, Shirts, Pants, Blankets, Suit Casts, Club Etc.
Thursday, Nov. 19th to
. i .
Read The List Some of The the List When You Visit the Store.
Ex Brand-all wool, Regular .
Essex wool, Regular i value for .
Clifton Mills, Regular value for .
Clifton Regular BOo value for .
Clifton Regular value for .
wool, Regular value for .
Clifton Mill and Regular 11.00 value for
Clifton Mills and Regular tOo value for We
for .
Regular sellers for .
Regular sellers for.
Regular for .
for .
. S
ladies, i i gad I aid Arrow
Regular value for Regular value for lie pair
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular Me. value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Silk Hosiery Silk, Regular value for .
Hosiery Silk, value for .
Regular value for .
for .
Regular for . Ia
Regular I value .
Regular f 11.10 for.
and Regular M
values for .
Regular for. We
Regular K .
Regular -I
SOc. -7
1-t Per Tare
la Per
Regular prices your choice . Ma
Just received frost lurk all latest be
tee no appreciated
Red Fox Pillow Muff, Regular I M for .
Red Fox Neck Piece, Regular price for .
Hare Pillow Muff, Regular for .
Black Hare Neck Piece. Regular price. for . IS-Mi
French Lynx Pillow Muff, Regular Price for .,. 17.79
Near Seal Neck Piece, Regular price for .
Trench Pillow Muff, Regular price for . Ml
French Neck Regular price for .
Tiger Muff, Regular price for .
Tiger Neck Piece, Regular price for .
fail aspect these velars. See the la Natural
Made in coat style, pockets, buttons In Black and nil
colors, all sites . Tr, De and
Colors, and all sixes
Regular price sale price . e
Mercerized Silk, Regular and for .
your friends u chance save sums Tell them about this
and the wonderful bargains.
MENS Kl lilt I S
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular for .
Hi values for .
Regular values for . Me
la Beer Skis, Plash,
value for
Regular value
Regular value for
Regular IS so value
Regular value Tie
Regular Ma
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Regular value for
Ike we ere during this big isle ere regular
feeds advertised breads and manufacturer of food reputations.
He have not added our stock any cheap shoddy goods question.
able la order to enable us offer bargains. We are fit-
Inf bargains class foods which compote our regular stock.
Newest Patterns Designs
Regular value
Regular value for.
Regular value for
Regular value
H for
Regular value for .
Regular H value for.
Regular value for .
Regular value for.
Regular value for .
Regular value for . Me
Regular value for .
Mo value
Me value for . Mi
for .
Sixes Latest Shape
Regular value for. ear a
N. T.
value, Sale Price.
Regular and per yard lie
Regular value for
MO Greta, An Size
be value fer . I 1-1
lie for.
value . lie
M value for. lie
lie. lie, and lie per
ill -Ilk
Select Pro-
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
Regular value for-----
Regular value for .
Regular value for .
j President, Regular value for Me
Regular value for II-
, Napoleon, Regular value for .
Jefferson. Regular value for. He
Tear dollars do doable duly
this big
Regular value per pair for . Te
Regular value per pair for . He
Regular value per pair for .
Regular value per pair for .
I Regular
Latest Styles
value for
value for .
for .
value for .
value for
value for
value for .
Regular value for .
I for . lie
A large assort-eat of
Regular lie yd value
Regular per yd value for . I
Regular per yd value for .
Regular per yd value for .
Regular and value for and
Regular value Me
Regular value
Regular value
Regular 2.60 value
Regular value KM
Regular value Jr
la store Is marked
figures and at
Telephone orders not
vet these yon must come
end for the-.
We will wait on country merchant every night between and I o'clock
and sell good at advertised price. Terms cash and no whet-
ever on sale prices.
Ultra Brand
Regular per pr value for .,
Regular per pr value for .
Regular and per yard value for per
I In a choice of designs.
I Regular sales price .
I Regular values, sale price .
Regular value, price .
Regular value, sale price .
MENS ft H per pair fer.
. We
lie value for
value for
lie for
. Se
value for .
value for .
value for .
value for .
for .
value for .
It for .
Bey We, Me, lie Me.
These shoe oust from to per pair
. Me
with dainty garland and
II for . He
value for . Me
is for .
it value fer
Regular value for
Regular I for .
Designs for Year Selection
Regular per yard for .
Regular per yard value for .
Regular per yard value for .
per yard value for.
MENS Bread
All wool, garment for .
All wool, Regular garment for .
B. . D. Union Suite. Regular fer .
B. Y. D. Regular garment for .
Meat Negligee
and value fer Mo
Regular and value for . Me
Give year n
tell her the
Please Remember the terms
of the Sale are CASH.
fit eat ea
all in a splendid assortment of patterns
Regular fer .
Regular vale for . Me
Regular value for . Me
for .
N. c, FRIDAY November
Justice Bows Her Head
Weeps In Very Shame
Statements From the
Bench to Jury in the
presenting the defense.
The second trial of ease opened
last Thursday morning and the case
went to the Jury Saturday evening
o'clock. This trial did not 00-
i much time, for the reason that
much testimony Introduced was not
under certain rulings of the
Judge on the. bench at this term.
of Legal Talent.
Possibly there was never a
array of talent in a
criminal case In this State -certainly
never in Pitt County. The suite la
represented by Solicitor
II. s. Ward, Harding and Pierce, W.
justice the crowning purpose of R . Dunn. the
Civilized and attorney. Harry
Peebles Jury
They Agree This Afternoon They
Hill he To Pay
Their Own
American Troops How on
Way Home From
Vera Cruz
Governor Thomas J. Ex-Go
William K.
and Son, Brown, W, II.
Long, Outlaw, v. M. I.
I. Moore, and Judge Manning.
The defendants attorneys included
two i . , cat state
i x-mayor of the
bows her head and weeps in very
In Pitt County.
With a ease on trial, the Jury
suable to agree, the people who
beard the trial its very beginning
and who have, because that trial,
felt ii and by
of the apparent fact that a faro . county
being enacted, there la In or u . .
today, among those ,.
with the facts t r. all Ian
that . r. .,,,
d peculiar at-1
Solicitor Abernathy r- in
, i a Ii h he received
in open court, when Solicitor Ah
rose to address the Court, III
bis official capacity as the attorney
for the stale, the is shock-
ed and shamed with the
rebuke Sit opinion ha
been requested.
Hut was merely one of the In
of the trial.
This morning, the Jury, after being
enable to agree on a verdict was
told In open court, by the Judge on
the bench, that unless they agreed
upon a verdict before o'clock this
afternoon, they would be heN, at their
cost for board and lodging
a verdict was rendered,
though it took them until the last day
the year 1914.
Quietly, for there was the fear
the august presence upon every man,
did the people from the court home
and across the yard. Then, out m
tho open, men again, they stopped in
and discussed the Incident--
What it all mean Is the Judge
striving to coerce the Jury The
has been heard many times to-
Inserting His
Standing before the Judge
Is the Jury of twelve men, they
were sworn to hear the testimony In
the case and on their oath to bring
In a verdict. Since Saturday
those twelve men have had the
ease, they have considered It In the
light of the evidence
to come before them. They have not
upon a
They are ordered to state they
Individually but
Then they hear this
from the don't think
ought to be a mistrial. This
ease ought not be tried again. If
a small minority Is for conviction
they ought to yield. If a small minor
Is for acquittal, they ought no;
to That is my view about It.
Justice weeps again
This case is that of the State
against S. M. Pollard, charged
killing Chief of Smith at Farm
in January Headers
The Reflector are familiar with the
facts shooting and the former
trial of Mi Pollard reuniting in
I and sen
t, of five years in the
Jed to
Court and Pollard was given a no v
trial based upon the
of certain objected
lo at trial the all r
from Judge which
i n this t thO
court criminal cases would be taken
up trial in order in which
were docketed with the exception of
jail cases and submissions. The I
o the State against Pollard was No.
on the docket and the county Jail
had prisoners for trial.
Of The Beginnings.
Early in the week Solicitor
asked the Judge if it would be
to take up the Pollard case
Pollard being out on bond and was in-
that the case would be taken
up in Its turn. Last Wednesday even-
after reaching the end of the
Jail cases, there remained a
case, with tho defendant in Jail
and Solicitor Abernathy announced
his Intention to ask for a verdict at
murder in the first degree.
Immediately, Judge Peebles ordered
the case continued until January,
tho defendant In Jail and announced
the next case to be the case against
S. M. Pollard. Attorneys for the
filed a motion at once for
a continuance, accompanied by
davits establishing the absence of two
Important witnesses, both being men
who were present at the scene of the
killing. The motion was denied and
the case ordered to trial.
Change of Venue Refused.
Tho next move was the filing of an
on the part of the State ask-
for a change of venue or
a special from another county.
This motion was based on the facts,
that the prominence of the defendant,
the. political standing of attorneys
the defense and tho former trial of
the case with the publication the
testimony, would operate against u
fair trial In this county. The
was denied. The special
another county was refused. The
then asked for a Special I
this county to try the ease and this
was also refused.
The Trial
Thursday morning the case t.
trial. The State was A to
traduce the testimony t the
trial by the witness lb
at this time the two witnesses who o
basis of the
i for a
Attorneys tor at tin
opening of the case admitted the
lug with a deadly weapon and I
on Page
Vera Cruz. Nov. American
forces of occupation evacuated Vera
Cruz today alter having been in
session of the city for seven months
The Withdrawal of the Americans
greased without disorder. At
clock they commenced going on the
waiting transports, and by half
one they were practically all on board.
As the Americans withdrew
can took possession
of the city. There little
little and no trouble
of any kind.
Washington, Nov.
troops, alter Vera Crux
last April, the city and sail-
ed for borne today. Officials here ex-
tomorrow Will see the Mexican
flag floating again over the ancient
fortress of Juan and the
troopers well on their way homeward.
patches early today from Major
General said bis furthered
outposts had been withdrawn at
o'clock; at ten troops
railroads the approaches to tho c ;
were withdrawn and at eleven the em-
was on in earnest.
General sailed tor Calve
ton noon. He reported i-
is troops under Gent u
en r. taking possession of city.
Occupation of the Mexican pent
reprisal for insult to ting
has cost the United
more than a score of lives, some III
battle and some from disease, and. ac-
cording to some estimates, as
ten million dollars. But Mexico
will be to pay no Indemnity.
Administration officials want
fact to stand out as an added
of the disinterested of
United States for her southern neigh-
General established his
headquarters on board tho transport
Cristobal at an early hour this morn-
and all the organizations of Us
command began at daylight tho work
of moving out their equipment
to final evacuation. Every
thing progressed smoothly and In ac-
with previous arrangement.
Ministers are Sent u to
During the
Coming Year
Comparatively Changes Here
I Year Been
Successful, Ken
lime Added.
Leo frank Denied a Hew
by Justice Lamar
in Supreme Court
Washington. Nov. -Justice
today refused to issue a writ of error
to bring to the Supreme Court,
review the conviction of M. Prank
for the murder of Mary a
girl, in Atlanta. Ga, III 1913.
Attorneys applied to Justice
for writ on the ground a right
under the Federal Constitution had
been denied when the
verdict was returned during his ab
from the e room.
Horn Ale gander for
Frank, stated he was unable tee say
whether the application for the
he presented to other or
in,; until had consulted with his
ladies Assisting Ii
till Nations
m m phi. for
Washington, Nov. final
Hi Conference was held here
today was taken up mainly with
the announcements of tho appoint-
of the different members of the
Several made reports
bi i the report of
committee on Sabbath observance
. r better Sabbath observance.
A law pro rid for r
co Of tho was advocated.
and congratulated the church on the
work of the Methodist Orphanage.
The Hoard of Missions reported.
They urged greater zeal and effort
of the board to be held at
January 15-16. Also a country
church conference to be held
College. The report showed a
financial year, the mm
for foreign missions being and
home and conference missions
Dr. R. C. was appoint-
ed to preach the next opening sermon,
Rev. K. H. Davis alternate.
The statistical reports were made
No of local preachers and members
preachers licensed during the
year, Infants baptized. adults
baptized, 2.826; Leagues,
members, Sunday schools,
officers and teachers, scholars,
contributed for missions, for-
home and conference,
church extension. for
American Society, support
of presiding elders,
bishops, number of
church buildings.
Indebtedness, pastoral
charges. parsonages.
Indebtedness. dis-
district parsonages, value,
Indebtedness, collect-
ed for all purposes,
Perhaps the most of all
L. J. A. Instructor In i addition on profession of
French, Joined the territorial troop. the largest number brought
his native town of Mans In past years.
I- ranee, and is In charge of the office tho adjournment of the N
at that depot of the French Conference Monday, tho
Dr. Alfred an assistant Instruct for year wire real
or In Harvard Medical School, Is at-; tor the Washington district are.
. . .- -11.1 . . . . J
New A n
lac k for
until he had consulted wan battlefields Is
Henry Peeples, who is In . ;,;. , ., , ,.
suburbs of the city. here by tremendous
Justice Lamar, In denying the
cation, explained bis action In written
i, formal opinion.
between all
and Pi who
Frank, i. announced no further
would be today Tie I
still have the choice of apply-
lie , C I. c.
the writ they sought on w
from or they may
as a whole when It hi art
motions . Mi
There were some Indications, how-
ever, that the st move In tho light
fir Frank's life might be directed to
obtain eh
Georgia or the .
Pardon Board,
Vet Hopeful.
Ga., Nov. still have
hope that the death sentence against
tile will not be declare ,
orders from the warning
. Ii. A m , u
retched Red Cross head-
quarters supply
absorb t a, bandages,
and ale, and
b Is In-
three weeks ago
. rat om there have tin,
. while wounded still
re ti Rod
Cross reports. Many deaths from
, an,
In i ii hospitals
necessities are like the
of kings Gauze and anti-
serum are very difficult
gel and cotton is
Many American manufacturers are
not exec ,
M. Frank In county Jail here
Four Teachers In War.
Cambridge, Mass. Nov.
members of the Harvard faculty and
five graduates of arc seeing
service In the War.
J. of tho depart-
of architecture Is In Paris as a
1-1 subject to call should Paris
be again endangered. He Is devoting
own fortune to Red Cross
Allard has rendered
as an Interpreter, and Is now station-
ed at In Hospital N
today, when told that Justice Lamar
in Washington had refused to grant a
writ of error to take his case before
the United States Supreme Court for
review. The prisoner declined to make
further comment.
Following receipt here of the news
of Justice Lamar's decision, Solicitor
General Horsey said he would take
steps st once to have Frank re-sen-
The State Supreme Court is expect-.-d
to hand down a Wednesday
and the solicitor general plans to
still unable to till huge orders. One
manufacturer estimated that more
than of bandages and
had been shipped to Russia.
Austria Germany and France
since the war began. One large or-
for surgical instruments has been
placed In New York by
No restrictions are made by the
Red Cross In making shipments Of
medial supplies as fast as they can
be purchased or donated. Great
of hospital clothing supplies and
surgical dressings are being receive,
Frank brought
county Superior Court next Friday
Saturday to have him re-sentenced and
the date set the third time for bis
the Fulton here from voluntary organizations
Mrs. Patroness.
New York. Nov. the benefit
o, lb. Dig Sisters, a ll.
women throughout the country. The
French line steamship company is
forwarding free of charge all dona-
of supplies for the allied soldiers
Still those in charge of the relief
work say nil this response constitutes
of which Mrs. William K.
is president, there will be
a dance tonight at the
Mrs. is one of the
Inched to the medical corps of th
Austrian Army.
Four expedition.
N. w York, Nov. Congo Ex-
sent out by the American Mu-
of Natural History In
with the Belgian Government has
completed Its four work In
according to advices receive
hi re Over was expended
the museum The collection gathered
consists of 5.000 specimens, exclusive
,. ;., I more
, pages of and many photon
Herbert Land who bad charge of the
will remain in Africa
Presiding L. Reed.
Aurora E.
Ayden Circuit Jr.
Bath Circuit Lewis.
Bethel Circuit H. K.
Elm City J. M- Ashby.
limit-Y. K. Wright.
John P.
Fremont Circuit J.
Greenville- J
v Daniel.
circuit w. P, Con
Circuit P. A.
III Circuit C. E Dur-
Nashville Circuit J. W. Autry
Rocky R
C. Craven.
South Rocky Mount J. C, Humble,
Stantonsburg Circuit -D, A. Cu-
Spring Hope Circuit W. T.
Swan Quarter- R. R. Grant.
I, Glass.
Vanceboro J
Washington E M. Snipes.
-If. Bradshaw,
Former Greenville pastors
assigned as
Fir- church F.
supplies for which the
Europe are appealing
hospitals of
k Elder Raleigh
i , Plyler
n B John.
Spring II M ore.
Weldon J a
The Sans Book Club wishes
to thank the people in Greenville-
who have contributed to their Obi
Campaign and also the people
out of Greenville who have so kindly
sent us packages by parcel post.
We shall continue collecting all
kind of white for you can I
from the above notice how badly It .
needed, look through your closet.-,
trunks, etc., and send us the White
goods for bandages
it does not how badly worn
It eel it on.
If you have do way to lend you
donation to tho lad named below, If
you will them they will tot that
it is called for.
v,. ,
to the K la Nevi
v., , i no ban I-
, ; It r in
Be old en n.

and 2nd EASTERN
. . ii.
. m
AU a
. M U bill
The corn
sud laird
in .-. .
J reap Kill i
Met i n wind.
to . i i d
. i . t
North Carolina On-
la doing thing. Not only do
The advice to farmers from
source la diversify your crops
One of It i
North Carolinians of policy is the
lint visitors whoso advice is probably wort I
make the same than ail the real together
Union is ---------a
. man a never paper an Inclination lo
the is their troubles am
The farm, rs are
to they have
in made the goat all th u
little too it . to II
N . I
n arena la doing
to bring about a holy
in Asia The selling
the two ships to Turkey n
. . favorable sol ll
men In toward f
There baa been many other
done to Hid ha a .
in favor At present, how-
all In such i n
i , .; i i. true lb it e
., war with the allies but war
. mi In such a
i, holy war. Turkey
started the war ind i tat
In i troop i
, There are tors
other . i peopled
it c i
by U an I
of course . lid bi i
i lb n i pi
. r has fail
.-. n i In
. duo t. the pi
. will
have to light her battles With the help
of Austria and Turkey, neither
which are In a position to give much.
help lust now
. vi . la like we are ban
u t trouble r own
i, brought l the man- bothering about the other fellows. The
the are supporting fellow who always
the other pan of the people better hard usually has them Ml
an themselves. They let the time to.
i the price and weight
product and let him the price tobacco market
weight of what they buy All of made a splendid record so far.
v. wig SI thanks to i number of pounds sold date is
lion and co-operation ii is little the total sales for
changed. The Union is one of the With a good deal more tobacco
i factors bringing this about this market is going to push
d it is starting. Of the candidates for first
The are not second place
blame wholly for this State of affairs.
they in many cases foil that; It Is reported that a lire Inspector
they were imposed upon but to whom bad. a few hours before the fire
they turn for help. occurred, warned the owner of tin
intelligent than other building burned recently In Winston-
although they get credit for b Salem bis building was lire
Mich, they have just lacked trap. He also had several doors m-
the farmer begins to locked which bad formerly Been
In union there Is strength all the time. Others should
thing, are going to happen, it by man's
ll in u of the Union
trying lo do, organize the farmers i Wilson county woman been
i i ad in concert.
North Carolina.
the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Rodger, Administrator of
John Teel, Ward. BIB Will
lams and Teel, heirs-at-law
Gideon Teel
ill.- defendant, Ella Teel.
d will take That an
North Carolina
Pitt County
In Superior Court,
A. T. Moore, Clerk.
a Who Shows o Favor.
A mer. Judge is Father Time
I Noble, Hi Craft and wife him the weak and the wanting
Sarah A. Craft, T. F. Nobles, George go to the wall. Only the truth
and wife Hail, W. L. bland. For the following state-
Nobles and wife Cornelia Nobles, J. mi from a Greenville resident has
withstood Ibis sternest of all tests.
Mrs. I,. K. Fifth St.,
Kidney Pills art
N Nobles and Addie Nobles
vs Notice of Sale
W. A. Nobles
By virtue of a decree of not a new remedy to me as have
Court of Pitt County made In the above used them on different occasions and
entitled by A. T. Moore, Clerk, have found them to be u remedy if
entitled as above was commenced undersigned Commissioner, will great merit. I bad been troubled with
against the defendants above
the undersigned Clerk of the
Sup. Court on the day
1914, and that said action is
brought by the plaintiff above named
for the purpose of selling that
tract of land of which the
Gideon Teel died and possessed,
lying, being and situate in the County
on Monday, the day of kidney complaint and a lame and
her, 1914, at II o'clock Noon, It being log back. Finally procured
the day of the December Term of Kidney Pills from the J. L. Wooten
Pitt County Superior Court, expose Drag Co. and used them with
to public sale before Court results. I feel Justified in re
Door In Greenville, to the highest bid- Commending Ibis remedy for the
for cash, the following described I have received. I have had no
tract or parcel of land, to use Kidney Pills for
in Township, the past three years as the cure they
f Pitt and State of North Pitt County, North Carolina, adjoining made for has been a lasting
the lands of J. II. the lands of J. U Nobles, Price at all dealers. Don't
Harriet Whitfield, at and contain-1 Fletcher and C. N. Nobles on the cast; simply ask for a kidney
seventy acres more or less, and tho lands of Fletcher, Charles Kidney same that
II g the same tract of land that was and others on tho Mrs. had. Co.
conveyed to the said Gideon Teel by land adjoining tho Freeman entry Props. Buffalo, N. Y.
E. A. Cherry and wife by that deed or lands on the West and the Freeman en
record in the office of the Register and others on North.
Heeds for Pitt County In Book at. containing 1-2 acres more BY
Page to which reference is made VISIT TO
III order to secure assets with The above tract of land will be,
to pay outstanding debts against the sub-divided eight lots or parcels Kinston, Nov. Taylor and
of the said Gideon Teel. of land as nearly equal as practical h. V. Allen threw
And the said BUM Teel will and will be sold ill said several lots tn r a bunch of young
take notice that said action will be and will also be sold as a whole. j gamblers Sunday afternoon while they
la ard before the Clerk of the Super- This sale will be made for the through Park
of Pitt County at his office at pose of making partition among ton- the river bridge. There
the court house In Greenville on the common. j or between HO and engaged In
Mill day of December, when and This the 14th. day of November, of small games of chance
where, the said Teel is required 1914. I an, ranged from lo
appear and answer, or the relief, y. HARDING. A number of names were
in the complaint will be Commissioner. and some that
Then been more rail . years, until the nest con-1 granted. Pierce, Attorneys.
armors than ever -v. she money In a under my band this the day
of -ii . boot and hid the book in a
. .
of November,
. forced then and they are . hoard bx Saturday slit clerk Superior Court. CATHARTIC TABLETS,
The farm, is n visiting to a and re-, kg Al. wholesome, thoroughly cleans
hi that they must I ; home found a thief bad have a stimulating effect on
, if they would the house, and among stomach, liver and b
are beginning to do this ton bad her money. And
be called upon to tell about it to the
pram jury at the December term.
For many years the place has
a popular resort for the sportingly
on Sunday afternoons and
who are not out of their
are frequently found among them.
to do this too had
. done before. Th t there are plenty of In Wilson
. and well pi the
Will I Completed in a Month. no
workmen are now putting the . after effects, stout people
. v. and floor in tho and they give Immense relief and
building, mil comfort. by all
woman's money In and all tho hard wood floors are being It
The workmen You Need n Tonic
ll are her n ll
ll advice. Ii s
already n who escaped from
rs- Union Ii lined to s and In get-
of the strongest powers In ting away temporarily ten
and if properly shots Bred at could tell
and controlled will be of untold from bis own experience how it feels
to the whole country. Watch th to be ill a hail of bullet which we
res. of the Union and by all hear much about these days.
means get in it if you are a farmer.
the; . m have the building com-
I j the . of December.
X. C, Nov.
aged ninety-four, register of
deeds for Orange county for the past
years and believed to held
record of tho United Slates for
O. of Rocky Mount
was a vi. i;. to city .
Women Buffer Terribly
Around on her feet all won
Take Grove's
The Standard Crow's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
i Tonic because contains the continuous service to an elective of-
v pneumonia at his home
, . , . here a, f. o'clock this morning. H.
up the Whole System. cents. I the only man who ever held office
as register of deeds of Orange
FOR KENT. Laws was twice married the sec
One two horse farm located three time when ho was
the home consumption.
This one company uses
Then.- has been several hold-ups
in this county
this fall of those reported
been and In lonely places
bill one reported this week occur-
red in broad daylight and just out of
town, it was one of the boldest
attempted in this part of the
and it shows that
in this county This rob-
did not hesitate lo use bis gun
it wonder bis victim was
not kilted Instantly. The robber has
been found
were used.
ll m, unless some of these
rs are caught and there
will be no to their operations. ,.,,,
In y ran and con-
do not hesitate lo attempt
. Dogs should be kept with-
y f I rill -t
Heal b n a after
attempt Sow requires some
time to gel the dogs and the
ill is a good l on bis
is said the boll-weevil has been
a to the farmers, it has
forced diversification of crops. Th's
war situation will also be u blessing
f It forces the same thing.
It is lo be hoped that the American
instead of jute bags formerly used public is saving its money while the
their goods.
lie of the largest packing houses
fertilizer firms in America,
Company, has just announced that
hereafter they will use cotton
Th. y are doing this to exchanges are closed.
help the sale of cotton to Increase
Joe Cannon refused to com-
as to women suffrage
a woman has backache, headache, miles from Bethel. The land Is adapt age. He is survived by his
swollen Joints, weariness, poor ed to the raising of tobacco, peanuts second wife and children by
-lei i and kidney trouble. Foley Kid and cotton, especially tobacco, and his second marriage.
y Pills give quick relief for these will produce as good crop as any land
They strengthen the kidneys In this or adjoining counties. Renter The girl who was shot butt
take away the aches, pain and wear- will be required to furnish his teams, Saturday was unable to attend th
Make life worth living again etc. Good residence and all necessary Mayor's court this morning and th
Try Foley Kidney Pills and see how out buildings on the place. ease had to be postponed,
much better you by all JOHN A. STATON, Born to Mr. and Mrs Jasper Clark
Bethel, N. C. a Nov.
I yards of bagging material a year and Other day. His questioner was
can be seen that this amount of a pretty girl.
goods will materially aid in
the demand for cotton. It has been
all those
-rs who have using jute
were to change to cotton it would in-
crease this country's consumption of
cotton by 3.000,000 bales
As company depends largely
on farmer far sale of their
The famous is a
genius of course but the more new
vegetables he develops the higher
cost of living goes. There is no tell-
what was the cause of the trouble.
policy shows they are desirous of help-
farmer. This is just another
it is a easy to use a
product as an Imported one
and this change is In line with all
the in. v.
for tile aid of I sit I
Military men engaged in censorship
are naturally impatient as they find i
that the work of giving out news
could be performed by a clerk with
a series of form letters.
American Flag will haul-1
down today at Vera Crux and cue
, troops will evacuate that city after a
so ma attempts
made no man who is at nil-lit
in the country Is safe. Whether n
man has any money or he l liable
be held up a d There are
Trotter who a few days ago spoke
lo has
I repudiated by the better
of it Is said that his
ideas are directly against Hooker T
Washington which explains lo a
month's slay. We venture to
say the city will i returned In
i much better shape than it was in
when received.
color line is clearly drawn in
have Put Bias Girths.
They cross under t h e
horse's body and hold the
blanket firmly In place,
U Hi.
We Are In The
Cook Stoves, Heating
Stoves and Ranges
farmers to ibis market every WM .
day and should have so hag he
They are to gel the proper , of ,.
protection until some of these f Q-t
caught and and every
. . y has the right to
ask or demand protection. We would
certainly like to see some of these The University has recently sent out
the South and from present
Is being more dearly drawn In
the North.
and we hear nothing
social equality from him.
ll will remembered tins ban I
of men operated about or after the
civil war and their exploits were
many and They were the but
to carry out such a great number o
robberies for since their time a new
Buggy Horse-Blank-
Shot Guns, Pistols, Riles and
and Harness.
V-Crimp, Galvanized and Rubber Red
apprehended and loaf booklet on clubs which should come
terms In the penitentiary or punish- be in the of every man In this n would he tolerated.
in. n; to of the It is in line with the
community service work which pro-
With number of accidents In
handling newspaper
reporting it would he safe to rut I
inc off the day program.
Rumors as to war
b The man who pays the war certainly saves a lot of running offer as a aeries of
bill has a right to gel what he wants, j around to get up I thrills as a aerial story.
work v. f r our State
The parcel post has made it
to things from cities that It; On reading some of the papers
has forced merchant who bow they were filled up be-
hold his trade to be and fore th European war started ti,
Greenville, N. C.
Pollard Jury Dave Been
Unable to Agree on
at last Reports
Y .
tear's Sales, Being Only About r
are still bun
Pounds less
Are And
Ire Well Pleased With Conditions
of The -Much
lo Be Sold
The tobacco sales on Ibis market
fall have been exceedingly good.
In present indications are that
a great deal more tobacco will be sold
here Ibis year than bas ever boon
sold before, while number
pounds sold each day is not as I
as It was some time ago the sales are
regular and on one or two occasion-
week sale required almost
The jurors who were selected for
the Pollard trial have been trying to
reach a decision since Saturday night
when the case, was given to them,
forty-eight hours they
g up. It is rumored
Stand to In favor
acquittal and have stood this way
since early
Altar having been out this Ions
without agreement there is
chance of an agreement The jurors
have been ordered to agree if
and they will be held until all
of mi agreement is past before
being ab.
This Is the second trial and on the
former trial the Jury was out
about lour hours before bringing in
T Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. 31st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
For Safekeeping.
We Unroll As Many Carpets
I like
here to select. We don't con-
sider it trouble and deal
want you to think we do.
re here to suit yen with
floor covering and well do it
if we have to unroll every
the store. So
be afraid to ask to see at
many patterns as you like
The carpels and salesmen are
for that purpose
Marriage i.-e-
Register of Deed Bell has
issued licensee to the following
couples since last
Win. P, Taylor Roanoke Rapids
Established 1875
Taft Vandyke
Greenville, N. C.
mil hours to There is a Lawrence, of Ayden.
of tobacco yet lo be sold and ii
i expected that heavy sales will con-
for time. When it is ail
over and the final given
out ibis is going to compare
with highest sellers
In- prices during this season have
been very satisfactory indeed. The
war affected almost all price.
I in of that fact
has been bringing about all that
be expected the grad-
there has been general
With prices received.
The total amount of tobacco sob
on Ibis market this fall amounts to
pounds. Compared with the
total sale for last year which was
H and Ad lie
I. u. Everett and Mary
r y of
Harris and
of Falkland.
Moore and Moore
of Norfolk and i
Rowe Woolen of Falkland and Maul
Williams of Edgecombe county.
Fernando and Sadie
and Lady
for id i
having ac-
count, h
line, U word, to i.-
store last Saturday morning a
Bicycle, any information as to its re-
will be appreciated. C.
Forbes. 11-23-21,1.
Ask Your Grocer for MOSS ROSE
the best U
Silas Long. Jr., and S
pounds Ibis year's Bales of
lo last Friday are only pounds and Rosa
the total sales for last year. ,
With the tobacco that Joseph Heat of county
to be sold It is certain to run this Bradley of Pitt county.
figures much higher. The total Kilter Hines and Julia Simons SEE E. II. FOR
sale for last week was pounds
figures are only about Gay, Sr , and Isabel l
pounds behind some of the highest
week's sales registered Ibis year. ;
On whole this has been a Tory NOTICE,
good year for the tobacco grower of a t
pipes, elbows, fire boards, and put up
your stoves. S. T. Hicks.
Irons, Heaters, Lights and fixtures
Proctor Hotel Building.
Apply to S. W. Co. store
Evans Street.
Fresh Buck-
wheat, Hominy, Pan-
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Washington Crisps,
Quakers Corn Flakes.
Post Post
els, Porridge, Grape
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Flour.
Self-rising Flour, Con-
M Schultz
It requires experience and
An apprentice is all right bis place
but long training is necessary to make
full-hedged plumbers out of them. We
send experienced men to every Job be
cause it is
Cheaper for Ta
and the work gives satisfaction. We
make our money by doing more Job.
as a result of your recommendation.
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
He has suffered as other one of made at
has but has had a good mar- 1914 in an boo n pots
et vs. John J.
et which judgment appointed
With raw tickling throat,
sore longs, you need
Honey and Tar Compound, and quick-
It. The first dose helps, it leaves a
undersigned a Commissioner to RENT MODERN FIVE
land f or six room dwelling in Greenville. of the latest Nothing
No. While the Eastern Is
involved in war we are lucky to
received all of our imported bulbs
from France and Hyacinth,
Tulips, and in great
Place your order early.
Choice Cut Flowers for all Occasions.
No. Roses, Carnations,
and Chrysanthemums,
flowers. Our art in wedding arrange-
Touring Cars F. B. Detroit
F. O. Detroit
We have several hand Ford and other
Cars, almost as good as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
N. C.
in the day of January 1915. It be- p Q Clinton, N. C.
the first Monday of January 1915
at p. m., expose to public sale at
toothing, healing coating as It glides . WE WANT TO BUT A NUMBER OF, ,
your yo-i better a. C; Rood milch cows. Dairy
once. user Is a Greenville, N. C. ll-f.-.-0-d. If
by all druggists.
land lying and being in Town-
ship. Pitt County. N. and more to th Pal and Sickly
particularly described as
Adjoining lands of Mack
Joe Jenkins, and others and being .,. Fur urn
qualified as executors of ,, Na , in
the last will and testament of Alston
land, and beginning at a
finer In Floral Offerings for funeral
Plants In Varieties.
No. Ferns, Norfolk
d many other choice plants for
culture Rose bushes, ever-
greens, shade shrubberies, and
hedge plants.
Mall, telegraph or telephone orders
promptly executed by J. L.
Co. Raleigh, N. P. Phones,
Strawberry Plants
Plant them now, cents per
Cut Flowers and funeral designs i B
notice. Orders taken for Shade j
Tree., Vines, Rose
Pansy Plants. Hyacinth and Narcissus
a. in
i a. in
It t n in
stake in lot No. of said Having qualified as Administratrix KM ,, shippers and f
Deceased, late of
County, North Carolina, this is to
notify all persons having claims u, a cornet County, this is to notify nil
against the the said deceased East pole to claims against the estate of
running thence
lo a pin
North 1-2 East R. K. Stokes, deceased, late of Pitt
lo exhibit them lo the undersigned
on or before the 1st day of November,
or this notice will be pleaded In
bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted lo said
ill please make immediate payment
This day of October. 1914.
Washington, N. c. Executors
10- SI- 11.1
line, thence with White-
line to corner of lot No.
I hence along the line of lot No. -o
the beginning, containing
more or loss. And being the same
land conveyed to Louis Smith by E.
This the day of November 1914.1
the deceased to exhibit them to th
undersigned within twelve months
from this date or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery.
All indebted to said
will make Immediate
This 23rd day of November. 1914
James Son.
Freight in North Carolina.
The freight rates, beth
and Joint made effective by the law
of North Carolina. October 13th. 1914
are on file of this com
Agents will furnish applies
full to these rates
No. It
No. It
t i.
No I 1.1 a. i
No lit a
H- .
. I
I ea I -.-. I J- i I.
; Aid ii eat.
j V---.-
. . .
Johnston Foxhall sold lbs for average 15.40
Six Other Warehouses sole lbs at average 13.21
Market sold lbs average 13.61
Johnston Foxhall averaged their customers 2.19 p-r pound more
than their competitors and paid them more for the same
amount of tobacco than that sold by the other six warehouses
figures for themselves. If you want the
highest price for your Tobacco to see us.
O. G Rucker, Auctioneer.
Johnston Foxhall
. .

A of in good with Road
Siding on e;
e two New
house and two tobacco barns;
Good tobacco cotton and peanut lard.
Apply to
Real Estate Agents.
i mm
Nor. Mr- Herbert
. Aulander in visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. fox.
while Messrs. K. F f
. i, tar J
ho were driving u double team
American leave Vera
; Stay in Mexico
I i I i
Indian Pa l Play to be
I The
. i
I nor
. I
I t a primitive
i go beads
. i and
. . i,
Nov. SO
industrious colored man went
hog pen Tuesday with an
knife in band to kill
and he om the other
ed over it and In the the
deep In I BUdd
, a manner passed and the tun was each a aft.
of them and right v- u
through the wind shield Mr Hodges Ridge Spring
and Mr. Harrington in the s that the
a very painful although can Perkins Tablets are the beat
lot a serious wound. for run down systems he ever
W. are doing bu la the same tried, tor by J. B
.-, giving every- Smith Bro.
body a sonars deal on anything In v BriM-
Bi s.- says that
march will be played
ii yon buy heavy I before
that some music
and rough weather Ilk
r soldiers.
r their and i
g shells,
i color study as
will- i
r seized
i .
. .
. when you I
We i
n dress
I i e . Bee us If J Ml
a a gall
last A
lex lean port with ii
; Wilson t received a
. at Vera Ci Carl on
Mi t ma I
, , i mt Club
ii . . I pi i Co,
. . t of i r a
their war the
i boat
U. i. and will
W. Dall.
arrived last i
i the
i emblems
and i trolled
i. ; v
r .
D . .
. .
, . .,.,.
,. pa of th I ind to vi M. t-
. events
. given In a pl-tun
ind the
tween factions In Mex-
, II INK'S I I it
III st
will v
i . but the American govern-
i the
of the d SI I
i . mi will Interfere In
I.- o, M Prank, of mi
Fairy's Tar Compound
. . you
. , the alleged murderer
.-I., from g the I
I. i were made to the
h i hi hi n i i. y by
and H n i Al I
of Atlanta were at
i Mar hall, a
expert of York.
t Out Mobile
. . D Vi s b am
at i In
. year ago I
i He
Frank was i i om when
II would bi m Int . . , . , returned and be was
F, oar at
head down
to I i ranch on the west
. r.
we all Kinds
we re-
Prof i Hog
., . , Smith Bro
, in , m the
. . ,; at Mr.
in rt Gan to Mr. Dick
and will shorten
to market tor all those
. hat portion of as
and prove a great
i to all the traveling public for
we wish to thank
i . I F, will hold their dis-
My book la . ting here on Many
Li i an on the pro
among them is Hon, Charles
An A rich
. i, on ill who bear him,
Mr. W. E, Hooks, our clever in-
. Just completed one
i modem and
n in town, ii in the East-
part of the State, ii Is i
in tin- grove the old
id pi boot, II has two fronts north and
i, and an ideal home.
who never things
Why should tin rs leak and
the animals Imagine Strange
. can get metal roofing from
H. Smith k Urn's, for per
i . l them dry. Just
i a ear load.
N is the season persimmon
beer, and roasted potatoes with those
i old kilns. II us of
Repair the Leak
A small I- may sink a ship.
A small regularly may if
not your chances success.
You can watch the when you pay
You will before you write a check a red less
Lei this Bank keep your checking account.
National Bank of
lame I. Little.
V. J.
Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
under All
breathing, call I
. I Tar i
,., , the croup. It ens th.
same Hate r The very
my the phlegm . . , . .,,.
opens th f. . .
sold by all drug . . . .
. i every
Farm Bale, no
, upon which i childhood days on the farm.
I rs I We are glad to shake the hands if
mt writ of error to act as a Rev. B. E. Si who made our
the penalty I a I. g visit on his way from the
i, the met ployed In I Mr.
trial. It was alleged held a cl d m-
i carried the benedictions of all
hi knew
Electrical Supplies find
Heating Devices
Electric Irons, Flashlights and Battery's
Have your res id other Id ire
ed for electric All work
satisfactory and PRICES LOW. I have in
stock nice line of a id t it e
Call d
given all calls.
Give steady, bright light
Easy to light Easy to
clean and Don't
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
D. C.
Richmond, V.
Norfolk. V.
N. C
i. i W. Va.
H Vi
i If each were for members of oar
family. We use none but
purest drugs. W use every
to accuracy and faith
Have your prescriptions Ml-
G and you ten have perfect
l the medicine. And confidence,
. nu. a help In effecting a
i farm in g the ant
i . i lose to
ired and
n, self
. bars i, II
d in d by pr i
. r, I rested In
Sheriff-elect Joseph
purchase himself a
In last there was and is getting read for Hie first of
justice .
if u la hardware of kind
us we have the stock from a
to a cutter. J. B. Smith Bro.
Protect your widow and orphans
II . policy, y
. . p ; In the bank, an i
by purchasing a good
smith .-. u. revolver J. R.
. your loyalty to coin--
. i by nil Urn- the navy nor
i your a to gov-
. . , i o to Mi but
i your i
be lb Hi The i aper that
Drug Company
Norfolk Southern
. nos
I of I
H. I
no pa
I health
By virtue of authority vested in me
y u mortgage executed by Gideon
Teal, on May 2nd, 1910, and
in 0-9, Page Pitt F TUB
of Heeds the terms of Schedule In Effect lib.
which have not been complied X. following
will sell for cash to the highest published as ONLY
on Monday, December -1st, 1914, and are not
noon at the Court Mouse door n LEAVE
N. the following -EAST
II i daily,
Beginning at the i a
watering hole the Nona
i of it J. W Carson's Held A.
Theme u
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with Hie woman's
tonic. She says began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. soon
gained pounds, and now, do all my housework,
as well as run a water mill.
wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
Of f o
ll.-v. In Miens Ii Tuple.
X .
I day No
the O H floor
. , n of Greenville, sell . . of i u
i. r i ea b, three . . the fie
. , . i i up h n tomorrow.
I i
seen is ; la
. ., or H. C. Edward i. .
Mrs 28th, 1914. n realized. Al
.; J
Th Tl at Mot
Only One
,. He not only i I
all the with you In all uprising and
i i . mi
an I a penny
Bay the
it Health
former Having qualified as administrator
rest of the . of County,
the par- ,;. ; to notify persons having
in , again I estate to present
el to me or to my attorney, Albion
II follow iii i , . on or before the 9th day of
Intent or ,. . D or this notice will b
object of the Health pleaded in bar of their Ail
the run and courses of j
i hole branch to a water In
Hie run of said branch on the Baal
side of the road, thence running with
a d road of roads and
reboot thence with
Westerly to a light wood on the
aide said mad,
line between J. II.
Southerly emu
agreed line to the beginning
u. South
pi i I ii
lei d
Only i r and th.
h ire been
i, ms huh said i will
ii Immediate pa n
i ii bar 1914,
n, Attorney,
I mini sleeping Norfolk.
a. daily, tor Plymouth, Elisa-
beth City and
Parlor Car Service K
Norfolk. for all points
North and West.
i, p. in. daily. Sunday for
5.32 a. m. daily
and Went. Car
Service. North,
mid West.
a. dally, Sunday, for
Wilson and Connects for
Why You Should Always Use
Bee Brand Flavoring Extracts
. Because they are than Purr Food
Laws require
Because they will go further than inferior goods.
Because their delicacy of flavor is
Because their and Quality ii absolute.
Because th-y are guaranteed.
i poles to the eon- p. in. daily for and
Intermediate stations.
further information and
in Bleeping Can to J
I, Agent. N. C.
seventy acres
r leas. Bald land
lands of J. H Whitehurst, Harriet
This November Hit 1911.
By virtue of a judgment of the
Court of County, made at j
Term 1914 in an
entitled et vs. John I. I
it which Judgment appointed
the undersigned a Commissioner
-ill the land herein described, I will
n the day of January 1916, it be-
the first Monday of January
at p. m., expose to public sale at
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
In the Superior Court.
L A. Randolph and E. S.
trading under the firm name if
Ford Supply Company
Frank Lilly.
of and
Tin- defendant In the above entitled
house door in Greenville, N. action will take notice that on the
C , the following described land, i- day of October, a summons in the said
certain tract or parcel action was Issued I the defend-
land lying and being in Bethel Town- by the Clerk of the Superior
County. N. and more Court for County. North Carolina
particularly described as plaintiffs claiming the of two
Adjoining the lands of Mach , thousand two hundred thirty three
Joe Jenkins, and others and being dollars, due on a note and for
lot No. ill the division of the Nancy sold and delivered, which sum-
land, and beginning a moats is returnable to the December
Stake in lot No, of said division. Superior Court, com-
running thence North ST 1-2 East IS , on the 14th day of I
poles to a pine corner of lot No. held in the Court House, In
thence North East poles to In said State and county.
line, theme with White- The defendant will also take notice
lino to corner of lot No. that a warrant of attachment was la-
North Carolina,
Pitt County. .
la Superior Court
Z. V. Hooker
W. L. F. Corey
N, J. Corey.
virtue of a decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt my made at th-
. I i in. 1914 of
Superior Court by His R. a.
residing, in the above
entitled cease, the Com
will, on Monday, the 7th
day Of December 1914. at o'clock
Noon, it being the Brat I
December, expose to pubic
before the Court House I in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder for
following described tracts or par-
f land,
Lying and being in the county
theme along the line of lot No.
the beginning, containing acres
more or less. And being the same
land conveyed to Louis Smith by E.
This the day of November
Having qualified as Administratrix
of It. F. Stokes, deceased, late of Pill
County, this Is to notify nil persons
claims against the estate of
the deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned within twelve months
from this date or this notice will he
pleaded in bar of their recovery.
Ail persons Indebted to said
will make Immediate payment.
This 23rd day of November,
James ti
i I
sued by said Clerk of the Superior
Court, on the day of October
1914, against the property of said de-
which warrant is returnable
to the December term of the Superior
Court for County, at time and
place named for the return of
summons, above mentioned, when
the defendant is required to
appear and answer or demur to the
complaint, or the relief demanded will
This October 1914.
Clerk of the Superior Court.
and calla are the safest and r, ,,.,.
described as
First Situated in
Township, County, bounded on the
North by the lands of S. F. Worthing
ton and Jane Edwards; bounded
the West by the lands of James Nelson
and Dennis Branch; and on the South
by another tract of land of L. F.
Corey and on the Hast by the lands
of Amy Hines, containing
more or less and being the tract of
land on which the said W, L. F
Con now reside.
Second Situated In
Township, County on the East
side of Fork Swamp, adjoining
land.; of and others
containing acres more or less and
being the land deeded by Farrow
Cannady to Providence Cooper an I
Cannon Mills and them conveyed to
Samuel Cray to W, L. F. Corey, by
Died which la of record in the Regis-
Office In Pitt County in Hook
Notice is hereby given that at Use
regular meeting of the Hoard of
of Pitt held Monday.
November 1914, there was filed
v. said Board, petition asking that a
id be laid out in
. p II follows
i; at some point b
. . r Creek on
i Bridge t
and p the
lands of J. O. and W. B. Ir. tor and
G plantation own a
II, owned by Mr.
; on th-
road running from
. r inks
The same will be heard at the re
of the Hoard of Com-
of Pitt i to be held
Monday. December 1914, all
d i 1.- hi I'd are ask
to be present on said date, done by
order Of the Hoard, this the
of Now 1914.
Bell, Clerk.
on Thursday, the i Nov-
ember, at o'clock Edwards
Building, mar the Court d
of i will
to the higher bidder tor cash, three
hundred opera chairs sold by
Van Dyke to Powell n Bryan, this sale
g made under the order of Court
sell mortgage property.
Chairs can be seen by calling upon I
Taft or H. C. Edwards.
This October 1914.
Commissioner, i
mi of ti . ii .
i , your loss Is
absolutely limited to the amount
No further
Positively most profitable
Open at m
puts or la call . bu
,. for I or it i bus I
or many more as you wish
Third Trail E I in I
Township. County, in James r,
In, containing acres more or
It as and being the same land granted
i said W. L. i by th
of Ca B by v
is of record
of ii Pitt t lit
i a I i in Swift
v. . or of cent .
you . the i of X
of I I profit. m r, h. r-
for full ti , . ,, ;
Bit end Fifth in Swift
Town hip P on both
Ohio. of the i it ad adjoin-
Address all mail to Lock Hex 1480,
tract last re Hi and ad-
joining the lands of it.
wood Cox and others, containing
On Monday December 1914 at
M. before the Court-house la
Greenville, N C, The Hoard of Com-
missioners of Pitt County will rent or
to the bidder for the
year 1915, the following tract of land.
to-wit. A certain tract or parcel o
land being and lying In Greenville
Township and on the North Side
Tar River about one mile from Green
on the Wist side of the Green
and Bethel road and on the
North side of the Greenville and Tar
read, adjoining the lands of C.
T, Randolph J. W
Ferrel and others and being a part
Susan Brown tract of land, con-
acres more or less. About
of said land is cleared and
in a good of cultivation, there la
a food house, barn and stab-
and e i n said
land, i an well of
The A. C. L. ad
, k ad
nil I land, i eon
. The person
, . ,, i,. r. to furnish
right to re t or
can be had
f Bras-
, i r J Bi Done
order of the Board of
This the day of November 1914
County Attorney
North Carolina,
Pitt County
In Superior Court
Before A T. Moore. Clerk.
Ulla E. Williams
Administratrix of the estate
of F. Williams
vs. .
Court of County made by A
Verla Williams and Leila Williams,
minors heirs at law of F.
Williams, deceased.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
Farm For Sale.
For sale one acre farm situated or
near Everetts, N. C close to schools These lands will be subdivided
churches, HO cleared and in lots of r, acres
stale of cultivation, self draining with HUt purchasers. Carolina
young growth of limber. Eight room 2nd day of November. 1914. Pitt County
dwelling practically new, two tenant c c PIERCE, By virtue of a power of I
houses, and several other out buildings Commissioner In a
two new tobacco barns, will HARDING PIERCE, Attorneys,
sell and Include farm
teams and etc. If so desired by pros-
purchaser, if Interested In a
write. P. O. Box Everetts
N. C.
certain Deed of Trust.
, and delivered by W. A.
and J. C. Taylor and wife Cora
Taylor to F. C, Harding Trustee on
the lest clay of April, 1914, and duly
recorded in the Register's Office in
By virtue of a In Book All, page
in a certain Mortgage Deed M Trustee,, will; a
executed and delivered by Pa-
WEDNESDAY, the 16th. day of Do
Having qualified as executors of
the last will and testament Alston
Grimes, Deceased, late of Grimesland,; q, page
Pitt county. North Carolina, this Is a of
T. Moore. Clerk, on the 6th. day notify all having claims k certain Mortgage
ill u i . v- la
trick to Turnage Brothers, dated the 1914 at
day of October, 19.3. and duly being the third day of th, December
recorded In the Register's Office In Term of the Pit. County Superior
Court, expose to public sale before
the Court House Dour In Greenville.
In the highest bidder for cash. th-
This 30th day of October. 1914.
in Greenville, to highest bidder bar of their recovery.
cash, the following described tracts, All persons indebted to said estate
or parcels of land, to I ill make immediate
and being in Falkland Town-
ship, Pitt County, North Carolina and
being It No. in the Division of the
II. P. Williams land and beginning at Washington. N. C.
a stake in the Snow Hill Load near,
the crossing of Pasture Branch and
running with said road N
poles; then N K i poles; then;
N E -2 poles to a bridge across
in page the under-
signed, will on Monday, the 7th day,
of December, 1914 expose to public
sale before the court house door In
scribed as
FIRST Lying on the West
side of the Railroad leading from Heth
to Greenville bounded by said
an j
at nil
. ft Co.,
horse farm. Will soil for cash or en
easy terms. Address Calvin Mills,
N. Route
At The Grand Fall I
Clearing Sale at. b -n
-----Extra Bargains put on each Sale ends Nov.
A AI A D I I Watch for the Airships and Balloons night and day, each one carries good
W Mil HI I IN for twenty-five cents in trade.
Von r Ski ii
as a
. i ii
I i.
.,. i
Is the of all Industry
it the bull of all good finning.
bulletin by the authority i the United of making of of
mi o. Farm, and pried ,,, deceased.
a ditch; then wt said ditch S W
poles to a gum, T. L. Hi.
V. Williams corner then S K 6.4
poles to a stake, the line; then
N 1-2 K poles to a Make; then
S SO 1-J W to a white oak; then N
K poles to the beginning con-
1-1 sored more or less.
Also one other tract in said Town
hip, County and State beginning at
take Emma J. comer and
ram S W poles to a poplar
a prong of Jacob's then I
down run of Jacob's to a
stake, corner of W. R. Williams I
then Ills line N 3-4 E poles
to a stake at J.
then 1-2 R poles to the
beginning containing acres more
The two constituting
Ll No, In the Division of the II. P.
land, which was allotted to
V. F. Williams by Division Deed dated
lie 14th. day of June, as
pears of record In the Register's Of-
In Pitt County, In book T page
This sale is made for the purpose
Mile . . . ,.
to the highest bidder for Harrington W. A and I Hay
cash the following described tract or others
parcel of land, ;
tract of land in Bearer
record It. map book I. page
Having as administrator of
C. A. White, late of Pitt County, North
Carolina, this is to notify all persons
having claims against t
said deceased to exhibit them to th i
undersigned administrator within
months from date or
notice win be pleaded In bar of their
persons Indebted to estate
will please make Immediate
This November S 1914.
II 8- ltd
Two Farms For Bale r Rent.
One farm containing sores, about
acres on the north
Tar Hirer, suitable for cotton, com.
tobacco, peanut, and truck about
miles from Greenville, One farm con-
lures about acres clear-
ed 1-2 miles from
will sell with a reasonable cash pay-
and easy terms on balance,
Will rent the farm solid rent
let parties furnish and two
thirds of crop.
N. C
Township, beginning at a stake on
old plank road, the dividing line
Amos and Pa
trick and runs N K poles to I
Lying on the
Weal of the Head leading from
Bethel to bounded by sail
and the above tract.
land, Taylor and others con
a rt a more or at and be
composed the C.
Thence s h acres
, all persons a ,, Bethe
he estate of N , , ,,. , a toad
thence N E poles to a corner
pine, thence N V. poles to ti
stake, th
in the old Nicholas line.
the lime.
A postal
Don't buy saith, wad,
This day of November,
F. C.
Cured In to
Your will money it
OINTMENT cum any
Blind, or I
Ems Roi. iv
W goo to a stake, the
S 1-2 W poles.
a straight line to the beginning, Be
the same land conveyed by
Mount and wife to Silas Patrick date
of August 30th 1905, as will appear
r record In P Pitt
This sale is made to satisfy th
term of said Mortgage Deed.
This the day of November
Declare Mar on
Rheumatism is an awful thing
more painful. Don't let
a but St twinges
Kile. Kidney PI . They work
directly on your
build them op, make
our I and It clear or
told. Keep Pills
of rheumatism -Sold V
. side Creek
on the South by the Eureka Lumber
Company, on the North by Tract No
on by the run
Creek, containing acres more or
l II
For a more accurate description of
each the aforesaid tracts land
reference is hereby made to a map of
the lands formerly belonging to W.
A. J. C. Taylor recorded in the
Office In Pitt County In
Map Hook I. page
This sale will be made to
the terms of and stipulations set out
said Mortgage Deed.
This 10th. day of November,
corn Cars
he wont fair, no matter bow
cured the wonderful, old Dr.
. . I . . s

More room,
more luxury,
more power,
more beauty.
The latest en-
comfort re-
ed to the old
and economy
Greenville Motor
Justice Bows Her Head
from first
lo furnish the proof of their
self-defense and upon this
mission the Judge the
of the State gave the
opening and closing of the case
This resulting in an advantage to
the defense, evident to every one.
The first witness introduced, in the
opening of the case was the defendant,
M. Pollard and Ex-Governor Jarvis
examined the witness in reference o
the location of objects In the store at
the time of the killing.
afternoon, the witness was turned
to the State for and
the court adjourned with the
ruination in progress.
Friday morning with the opening of
court. Judge Peebles stopped the cross-
examination with the remark that M
did not see how any attorneys Will
any learning should think that the
location of articles in the room of the
alleged killing was important.
Attorneys Dumbfounded.
The attorneys were dumbfound
particularly in view of the
that the Supreme Court in reviewing j
The case after the first trial had
printed In full this very evidence
earning the location.
Continuing the case, the State Intro-
a large number, more than
of the best citizens of j
to prove the bad character of
During tho testimony, Judge Peebles
interrupted one of the witnesses and
demanded upon what ho based the as-
of a bad character. The wit-
replied that Pollard had been
charged with gambling, being a blind
tiger and enticing young men
Ml place that he might secure their
In making their arguments, the at-
for the State, referred to
testimony, and Judge Peebles in nil
charge instructed the jury that being
a gambler, a blind tiger or having a
bad character had nothing to do With
the case the only matter to the jury
was as to the truthfulness of tho de-
The State was not permitted
l; introduce evidence to show the
previous trouble the dead Chi it
of Police Smith had with Pollard,
order to bring out the theory of
meditation, or intent to kill. Judge
stating that the only
permitted would be the events of the
time of the killing and the fact of the
use of a deadly weapon.
Case to The Jury.
Finally, after a short charge of not
I over fifteen minutes, the case went to
the jury Saturday evening at
clock. Sunday morning Judge Peebles
railed the jury before him when
be bad given them some charge
i the caution with
they should consider the dying
mi I i- Of Smith, be asked them
they and added that he
collectively. One of Jury
we are to
Monday morning, when court opened
the Judge again sent for the jury and
asked them the standing and the reply
was to The Judge then said
that he would hold the jury together
two week If they did not agree sooner
and reminded them that the trial was
resting the State much money and
they should consider the necessity of
Monday afternoon, the jury was call-
Evans at center, Mayer. Ward and ed out and Jude
In the are true foot-i Peebles stated that there was a law
ball stars but when they attempt somewhere to the effect that If a Jury
Tar Heel aggregation they have a two for conviction and ten for
whole tea into whip. And the team the two should yield to the
they meet has as much stuff at their
Judge Peebles held in his hand
one of the olden time reports of th-
Supreme read an opinion
written by Judge who
listened wondered If the fact that
the City of Raleigh, tins very day. the
unveiling of a busts to the famous
jurist had not drawn the attention of
the judge to the opinion. The case
was directly opposite to the Pollard
case. In the case quoted the
was Innocence of crime.
the Pollard case the defendant
with a deadly
and stands for on the ground
self defense.
In the Judge Gaston states
that the defendant should be given tho
benefit of the doubt. Judge Peebles
used it as an argument to bring the
jury to a verdict of acquittal.
the Jury, the judge
told them that he would give them
until p. m. and that if they had
agreed on a verdict at that hour, he
would adjourn court, hold to-
at their own cost for boa.-l
until a verdict was rendered it
It took then until the last hour of the
year 1914. He said further that he
would instruct the sheriff of tho
to adjourn court from day to
until the verdict was brought In.
The audience tiled out of the court
room after the remarkable
out in yard
and on the streets that are
dear attempt to coerce a
Congressman Weds.
Washington, Nov.
Martin A Morrison, of tho Ninth In-
District, took as his bride hero
today Mis Katherine
Washington. It was the second mar-
for the Congressman. In
be wedded Miss Lillian L. Thompson
of Franklin, who died seven years
Tarboro, Nov. ISA probable lynch-
was avoided at Tarboro Saturday
by the of a strange
who, without provocation, struck Mr
Sam Taylor the bead with a
club inflicting serious injury. Several
gathered in the store of R. B.
and began an altercation. Mr
ordered them from the
later, was compelled to forcibly
om his place of
One of the a stranger,
up a club and endeavored o
strike Mr. Hyman, but the latter was
too quick for the man. Just then Mr,
Taylor came around the corner count-
a large sum of money with which
he to pay off his
Without a word of warning the
Mr. Taylor. He was taken
hospital and It was necessary to
take eighteen in the I
across his head.
A the citizens gathered
with shot guns, but were unable
locate the who at ala hour
today had not been captured.
Battle I Expected in
Chanel Hill, Nov. Is no
doubt but that the Virginia
team is rally for the annual light
with Carolina at Richmond Thanks-
giving Day. A report from
gave It that a number of the
Virginia players were suffering from
no slight injuries but it is expert
that the Virginia team will be n first
when it meets
formidable foe from Chapel Hill.
Indications are that Carolina's
will reply on the work of their,
five particular stars to win the game
But Carolina in this respect is differ-
from her rival. Baker at
Pass Christian, Miss., Nov.
Mayor Saucier of Pass Christian his
received a letter from President
son announcing that ho will be
able to accept the invitation of the
city council of Pass Christian to re-
peat his visit of last winter. The let-
Washington D. C, Nov. IT, 1914.
Sir and
warmly appreciate the kind
passed by the city council of
Pass I with with all my
heart that I could accept the
I look back with great pleasure
to the brief vacation spent in
Mississippi and I am deeply
that I cannot repeat it. Letters
as your give me the greatest plea-
and and I
the confidence so highly
Cordially and sincerely yours.
at West Is
On Sunday
Durham. Nov. morning
when the was opened It
discovered that it had been j
and safe had been
ed by the combination and the locks
on the doors broken. The
amount of money and stamps taken
cannot be given at present but it is j
believed to be in the neighborhood of,
cash and 3.000 of
denominations. The State In-
is an inventory to as-
certain the exact loss.
The robbers entered the back of the
by spreading the bars apart
and breaking the locks of the win-
Every indication shows that l
was the work of experts and
think it was the work of who Is
familiar with the office.
Having qualified administrator
of the estate of B. J. Mills, deceased,
late of Pitt county, North Carolina.;
this is to notify all persons having
claims against estate of the
deceased to exhibit them to the
at N. C on
before tho 10th day of November
or this notice will be pleaded In bar
Of their recovery. All persons In- i
to said estate will please make
Immediate payment
This 6th day of November 1914.
Administrator of B. J. Mills de-
JAMES L EVANS. Attorney,
Having qualified as administrator
of tho of G. W. Bullock, deceased
late of Pitt County, North Carolina,
this Is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased to exhibit them to the
at Bethel, H. C, on or
before the 13th day of November 1915
or this notice will be pleaded in bar
of their recovery. All persons in-
to said estate will please make
immediate payment.
This 14th day of November 1914.
Administrator of G. W. Bullock, do
command as can reasonable
handle, and likely more. The Tar
ll.-els are of one equal temper, they
have, all of their old time fighting
ten, but that if It were the other war,
the minority should not yield without
mature conviction.
Immediately Solicitor Abernathy
rose and suggested to the Judge that
to give Virginia the toughest battle should not be coerced and re-
minded him that Juries certain
powers and duties as well as judges.
Judge Peebles replied that he knew
his duty and power as well as any
Judge on the bench and that ho could
be as stubborn as any Juror.
Rumors Concerning The Jury.
But that was not all. Judge Peebles
told the jury he had been informed
that one man on the Jury who
prior to the trial talked with the de-
Pollard and had expressed the
opinion that Pollard should be ac-
has had In Richmond for many a
Marry In Ohio.
Hamilton, O., Nov.
mil take
th bride-to-be, th-
groom at I clergy ion
are all The
is Rev.
pastor of II; st
In City and later head resident
of the Settlement In that I and in view of these rumors
The groom Is the Rev. C. C. Conner, standing for conviction. It this were
pastor of the Church case, said the Judge, that man
Hamilton. The ceremony Is to take should be Indicted for perjury,
place at the home of bride's broth- Solicitor Abernathy said that he
had heard of one man on the Jury.
The bride was the first woman to who shortly after the previous trial
occupy a pulpit in Kansas City. had argued that Pollard should be ac-
went there In 1902 and held her pas- ad in view of these
until 1909, when she concerning the Jury, the Solicitor
continue her studies In thought they should be discharged and
work. She Is a graduate of mistrial ordered.
College at Akron, and specialized In j Here Judge Peebles crossly
In the University n Chicago. I the Solicitor be quiet, that b
In 1912 she returned to City advice in this matter had not been
and took up settlement work, but r.- asked.
signed this spring because of a Tat This Horning,
with the directors th This morning the climax came
of the settlement house. there may be another who
Instead of opening court
clock, tho bell called the people to
at and the was sent
J. K.
Phone- II
for and the Jury was still ten to two.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
Under and by virtue of the authority
conferred upon me by the provisions
of a certain Deed of Trust
by J. A. Reddick, of the County of Pitt
and State of North Carolina, to Harry
Whedbee, of said County and State
which duly recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds of Pitt county
in Book M-9, pages 61-63; said
of Trust having been given to secure
a certain bond of even date therewith;
and the said Reddick having failed
satisfy said bond; and holder
bald bond having applied to
signed to sell the lands to satisfy
bond. Now pursuant thereto the
will sell at the Court House
door In Greenville, Pitt County, North
Carolina, on the 30th day of
1914. at the hour of M. to the
highest bidder for cash, following
described land, being In Pitt County
North Carolina
the lands of M.
B. F. Ward, T. A. Carson, others,
and containing ninety five more
or less, and the same being my home
place, and also being the who's
tracts of land I bought from
the heirs of Gray Blount,
known as part of the Gray Blount
Reference Is made to the deeds from
Blount heirs to J. A.
for a full description.
This the 29th. day of November
at . , Hill
f Ne
r A
By virtue of authority of an order
by the Clerk of the Superior
Court, approved by the Judge of the
5th Judicial District, I will sell to the
highest bidder for cash ,
the remainder payable in one, two and
three years from date, with
at the House door, at o'clock
noon, on Monday, the seventh day of
December, 1914, the following ;
d tract of
Bi the Herbert
or lot No. in the
land division, found in Book No.
Page of Land Division, of-
of of Court.
Beginning at a stake on the
road and runs to Patience Evans heirs
line North s. West poles to u
stake; thence North East poles
to a thence South East
poles a large thence South
Vast to the head of a
thence with sail ditch to the
With said road to the beginning
i sixteen acres more or
This the 6th day of November. I.
Pitt County.
In Superior Court.
A. T. Moore, Clerk.
Dr. of the
estate of T. L. Williams, deceased
Williams, Widow, Will-
J. M. Williams, L.
and wife Dupree, Willis Du-
and wife Emma Dupree. Q. H.
and wife Rosa
Williams and Leila
being minors without guardian.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
of Pitt County made by A.
T. Moore, Clerk, in the above entitled
cause, on the 4th day of November,
1914, the undersigned Commissioner
will on MONDAY, the 7th. day of De-
1914 at o'clock noon, ex-
pose to public sale before the Court
House Door in Greenville, to the high-
est for cash, the following
tracts or parcels of land u
and being in Falkland Town-
ship, Pitt County. North Carolina and
Hill and Greenville Road In Falkland
Township, Pitt County and running
up tho Snow Hill Road to a small
bridge across a ditch to E. F. Will-
corner; then up said .-
E poles to another ditch E. V
Williams other corner; up the
said ditch about poles to T. L
Williams corner; thence with said
Williams line E poles to th
Greenville Road; thence up said road
to the beginning including dwell-
and other houses thereon, con-
acres more or less.
Also one other parcel or tract of
land in said Township. County and
State beginning on the public road
beginning at the Fork of the Snow
leading from Snow Hill to
mid east of Otter's Creek and fork of
the Old Mill Run and running wit
said road S 1-2 W poles; thence
S W poles; then S 1-2 W
poles; then S 1-2 W poles to a
stake Mrs. H. P. corner
then N 1-2 W poles to the Old
Mill Run; then down the various
courses of said Mill Run to the mouth;
then down Otter's Creek to the County
Bridge on the Tarboro Road; then
. down said Road to the beginning con-
acres more or less. The
two tracts above described
lot No. in the Division of the
lands of the late H. F.
This sale will be made for the
pose of making assets of the estate or
T. I Williams, deceased.
Tills 4th. day of November.
There Is unusually large amount
of tobacco in town today. It Is
mated at from five to six hundred
thousand and the sale be
blocked on account of such a
amount being on the floors. The e
Is good today and bids fair to continue
so. The rush today is probably due
to the fact that no sales will take place
this week after tomorrow and the farm
want to get bk much sold as
Ready for To-morrow
Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than
other farm animals. In order to insure
digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your
horses readier for next day's work, add to their
evening a teaspoonful of
Bee Dee medicine
It will lessen your feed bins.
It will increase your profits.
vi f r Dr c
mi horses regularly and
a saving proposition
n feed. also makes
then healthy,
Ira Johnston.
R F. D. No. I.
and per can.
At your dealer's.
Rey. T. W. o is
Greenville today on business.
Mr. P. B. Parker of Rocky Mount
was in Greenville yesterday.
By virtue of power vested in me by
that Deed of Trust date, tho
23rd day of November, 1912, duly
by of record in th-
Office of the Register of Deeds fr;
County In Book Ii-lO, at page
I shall sell for cash to the highest
bidder at public auction at tho court
house door In the Town of Greenville
on Monday, the 7th day of December
1914, at o'clock noon, the following
described tract of real estate, lying,
being and situate In the County of
and State of North Carolina,
Adjoining the lands of R
on the West, the lands
K. Clark on the South and East, and
bounded by creek on the
North, and being the same land that
was conveyed to R. J. Cobb by E. B.
Higgs. et by that of record
in Pitt county In Book W-7 at page
and being the same of land
fully set out and described the
deed of trust above referred to.
This November 6th, 1914,
Farmers Build Own Railway
Mich., Nov. 24.- -Already
becked by several thousand farmer i
end business men, many of them f
fortunes, with the com-
Incorporated at and
the right of practically
franchises voted, the
Railway, from to
aw seems an assured success. It will
America's t real
-a road.
j other that littered
part of the stale during recent
years, the new company is asking no
Mile after mile of right of
Wow Cold as the dickens
Why do you put up with such a nuisance
You don't have to if you furnish your house
with a
Cole's Original
Hot Blast Heater
You build only one fire each winter.
It is never out from fall till Spring.
You get up and dress in rooms
warmed with the fuel put in the night
This is not possible with other stoves.
Burns coal, hard coal
or wood.
Come in and sec this great fire keeper
and fuel saver.
name on door
of cat h Won. without it
has been donated. Options have been of p will be given stock, I
secured for terminal properties. fr finance will b l-
cf the farmers have pledged their out-, ho- ed. The Directors that an
tits of horses and hired men to aid capitalized road
. ii nod as i other money-inn
particular individual Is to profit project, I it t
the building of this road. Ne M i their In it.

Eastern reflector, 27 November 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 27, 1914
Original Format
Local Identifier
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