Eastern reflector, 27 February 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I . I
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, wont leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
North Carolina. Pitt County.
la the Superior Court. Before D.
C. Moore. Clerk.
K. Williams Ad-
min of tin- estate of E. F
Williams, Leila Williams.
minors and heirs at law of ft F.
of a seen of
ml of Pitt county made by
C. Moor, clerk Of the superior
Pitt county, on the day
of December, in the above en-
; aM com-
will on -nil
i March. Mi, ease to pub-
sale the court door
m to I I
tor case., the i
or parcels of land.
and being hi Falkland
By of the power of sale con-
d in a certain mortgage
ed and delivered by Geo. A.
wife to Ida U to W C,
James on the day of December.
mortgage was duly re-
corded In the office of of
deed of Pitt county in boot
page the undersigned will sell
for bl tore the court house door
in on Tuesday. February
P- m-
undivided In
.,,; tract of That tract
of land In Bethel
lag the lands of Reuben James. Jr.
a con
, acres more
or lea, end helm land Inherited
I, from bet mother Re-
ft, interest being
,. to the life of
Bryan, said land known as the
W C JAMES Mortgagee
I ltd
By virtue of the power and author-
given by a certain mortgage deed
executed by C L-. Barrett and wife
Nora L. Barrett, to J. R- Garrett,
Saved Girl's life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles.
they went in on her, but one good dose of
made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
S malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar
j ailments, has proved itself a safe, f
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- I
It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five J
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for
J young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents. g
and wing in . ,.
Pitt county. North x Ham, tract of land. To
and bin. Lot No I. the d- sat
of the H. P. Williams land
and at a stake on the
I Snow Hill road near the crossing of
I Pasture Branch and running with
said road north east poles,
i then north 1-2. east
north east 1-2 poles to the
bridge across a ditch, then with said
i ditch south west poles to a
I sweet gum. T. and K. F.
I corner, then south east
I to a Poplar In a prong of Jacobs
I north 1-2, east poles to a stake,
south 1-2. welt to a White
thence north west poles
j to the beginning, containing 1-2
acres more or
i -Also one other tract In said town-
ship, county and state and beginning
at a stake Emma J. corner
and runs south 3-4, west poles
to a Popular In a prong of Jacob's
Branch, then down the run of
cob's Branch to a stake, corner of
W R Williams. Jr., then with his
line north 3-4, east poles to a
stake at J. corner.
then south SO 1-2. east poles to the
beginning, containing acres, more
or less. The two tracts constituting
Lot No. In the division of H. P.
land, which was allotted
E F Williams by division deed
dated the day of June. 1907. as
appears of record In the register's of-
in county in book T page
By of a mortgage executed
t me by the Independent
I executed on the 23rd day of
1912. and registered in book I-
page MB, of the Pitt rag
tort certain term-
stipulations which have not
piled with. I herewith to
to the bidder at the
. court house m the
one-half March. MM, Si noon, the fol-
following lowing described propel
Situated in M near ad-
joining the lands
B. T. A. Q Col Bad
others Pot better ref-
is given to deed bearing even
gate of this giving
meat ind I for
deed being nude a
ind la Independent
Inion and the purchase of said
hind by living
the said Independent Villon
I,, indebted to A. Cox and
this deed of trust -is
for the same.
Terms of sale cash.
This the 16th day of 1914
A. G. Cox, Mortgagee
S J EVERETT, Attorney.
You Should Keep Always
on Hand a Bottle of
Notice is hereby given that a
i. i. hied by the Board at its
lister of deed, for the county of, regular meeting February 1914
in book page the that a road be laid out In Con-
lowing property will be sold at pub- township, as follows,
auction Tia Starting at a point near J. P law-
and lot in the sons in and
town of N. C, bounded OB and running
the east by Main on the across J P. land, to
by the graded school lot. on the west. the Manning farm now own-
by the heir, land, on the ed by W, L, thence across
north by the lands of W. H. said farm to J. C. s line
son and known a. the Nora U Bar-; across his land to his creek road
house an, lot and containing j thence with his road by his home
one acre more or less. I to the Snow Hill and New road
Place of sale, court house door In being about one and one-half miles
N C Time of sale, two In length, same will be heard
o'clock m. Wednesday. February regular meeting of the board March
Terms of sale. cash. It, by order of the Hoard
hut h n h-
MM in, th
t ii an for Mas
ken can E no with
A. C
Ml Sell
AND 11.00
J. H
This January 20th, 1914,
JR. GARRETT, Mortgagee
is hereby given that on Mon-
day, March 1914, at o'clock
till Pest Houses at County Home
By virtue of a power of con- . .
in a certain mortgage deed known as number one, two and three
This sale will be made for the executed and delivered by W. U l. will be at public sale, at th.
of making of the estate and wife N. J. U. Corey to court house door in D.
F. F. Williams, deceased, and v. Hooker, dated 3rd day of Jun- Julius county attorney
. . i . j in the order of the Hoard of Cc
Will you me space in your
to say that the old soldiers
and the citizens of at large, arc
to be congratulated that the Commit-
tee on has secured
honorable J. W, Bailey, of Raleigh,
to deliver the address at the Reunion
of Bryan Grimes Camp of
rate Veterans on May 12th 10th
being memorial day. There
should assemble with those old pa
who wore the gray a large crowd
to hear this distinguished son of our
state, who Is one of the leading
of the progressive thoughts of the
state. As a scholar, thinker
speaker hi is second to none in
North Carolina, and those who
so fortunate as to hear him will not
be disappointed
Chairman of
sale will also include the dower la-
of Leila E Williams
widow of the said E F Williams and
the purchaser at said sale will take
the entire fee simple title, clear of
all encumbrances
This the 23rd day of January, 1914
F HARDING. Commissioner
HARDING Attorneys.
By virtue of i second r
the superior court of Pitt county, in
the case of Haddock, widow
vs. R. W. Smith, It all., the
commissioner will offer for sale be-
fore the court house door in Green-
ville, on Monday. March lad, fol-
lowing described tract of Sit-
in the y of Pitt and In
township. That tr lot of bind
lying on the side of Folk Swamp,
bounded on the north by the lands of
sirs. If. U Cox. et all., containing
acres more less, and being
same tract of land conveyed to
I. R. Haddock by Mary A. id-
dock and being the land upon which
John R, Haddock resided at
of his death.
Terms of sale, one-half
January 1st. 1915
This February 4th. 1914.
U W. SMITH. Commissioner.
Q JAMBS and Attorneys.
w-6-13 .
and by virtue of a power
of sale contained in a certain d id
of trust executed to me by
Jenkins, and bearing date 21st,
, lull, to the payment of a
And notice and warning is hereby certain bond of even date therewith,
further given, that the law, the stipulations contained In
fence the stock law territory deed of trust not having been
as created by Chapter of the I compiled with, and upon request of
Public Local Laws of 1811 Is still the power of said bond, the under-
within said territory will violate
law and be subject to the penalties
All persons are hereby notified that
thy must keep up their stock with-
tin stock law e and protected by
la or unlawfully Inter-
.-. win bi prose-
i H provided i law
By of the Hoard of Commit-
of Pitt County, at their regain
it. m. LEWIS Chairman,
a d
It the of all Industry
i. till of all good finning. Write for
bulletin by the authority in the United
stork law territory
. . . . ., of the lone. Don t
by Chapter of Public Local
of 1911. as Bald territory Is still
t to the stock
allowing his stock
law and any one
to run it large
A postal will give you reason.
signed will sell at public gain, for
cash on the day of March. 1914,
at two o'clock p. m.
on tho premises hereinafter
ed, the following lands described In
said deed of trust,
Lying and being In the county of
Pitt. Carolina township, North Car-
and adjoining the of
Jenkins, Wade Williams, Mad
Bryant and others, and bound on
j the north by the lands of Pollard,
I and Walter Harper, on east by
the lands of Walter Harper, on
south by the lands of Wade Williams
and on the west by the lands
Jenkins, and being all that
tract of land whereon the said
Jenkins now lives, and being a part
of the lands I to Jen
kins by deed from John Rollins, an
Containing acres, more or
This Jan.
I Id
1911. and duly recorded in the
r, in Pitt county, in
book V-9, page the undersigned
will, on Saturday, the 7th day of
March, 1914, at o'clock, noon, ex-1
pose to public sale at the court
DOOM door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follow-
described tracts or parcels of
1.1 and being in the county
Pitt and state of North Carolina and
specifically described as
FIRST TRACT. Situated in
township, bounded on the north by
the lands of S F Worthington
Jane Edward's; on the by
lands of Jesse Nelson and Dennis
Branch; on the south by
tract of land of W. U F. Cony and
on the salt by tho lands of Amy
containing acres, more or
less and being the same tract of land
on which the said W. L. F Corey
and wife now reside.
SECOND TRACT. Situated in Chi-
township on the east side of
Fork Swamp adjoining the lands of
and other, and
containing l more or less
and being the same tract of land
conveyed by Samuel Corey to I.
F. Corey by deed recorded In the
office In Pitt county In
E-5, page
THIRD TRACT. Situated in CM-
cod township, on con-
acres more or less, and
being the land granted by the state
of North Carolina to Samuel Corey
an appears of record In book Y-3,
TRACT. Lying and bi-
order of the Hoard of
of Pitt
The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
This February 6th. 1914.
ii. d. Chairman
Clerk of the Board,
North county.
In the superior court January
term, 1914.
Adams vs. David Adams.
The defendant David Adams will
herewith take notice that a summons
has been issued out of the office
the clerk of the superior court of Pitt
county, requiring him to be present
to defend a suit Instituted by
wife Adams for divorce and
that he will take notice that if h-
does not appear on or before the 3rd
Monday of March, 1914, being th
16th day of that month and answer
or demur to the complaint filed h-
the plaintiff In this office, or the
plaintiff will be granted the release
This January 1914.
Clerk Superior Court
pretty lure sign of a
aid nature in work. You
will be surprised at the
beneficial results. At your
druggist sugar coated or
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt
as administrator of the of C. II
deceased, Is
given lo all persons Indebted to
estate to make immediate payment ti
the undersigned; and all persons
claims against said
notified to present the MOIl to th-
undersigned tor payment on or be
fore the 31st day of January, 1918,
notice will he plead in bar cf
This 31st clay of January, 1914.
of C, B. deceased.
By i of the power conferred
upon by a decree the superior
court of Pitt county made February
in u special proceeding
in Which Joseph I. Hobgood, lad-
of Curr is plain-
In Swift Creek township, adjoin- Up against Stocks. OH
. . . . .,. . ,
The Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
You know what you are when you Tonic
the is pt hated on label showing that it contains the well
properties and IRON. It is as strong as the bitter
tonic and ii la Form. It has no equal for Malaria.
general debility and loss of appetite. Hie and to girting
Mother and Pall. Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness
Relieve depression and low Arouses the to settee and
perinea the blood. A True Tonic and Sure A Complete
No without it. by year Druggist. SOt
We will at public auction at
Brooks Farm, about one mile from
18th, 1914. ill the personal prop-
of the late John Z. con
of I horses, colts
finely bred, one stallion, standard
bred, about head of cattle, several
good milk cows, about a
large quantity of improved farming
machinery, wagons, carts, plows,
etc. Also one out-
Sale to begin promptly at o'clock.
Terms of sale, cash.
This February 2nd. 1911.
J. C.
i j Administrators
Hie lands of Nashville Wilson
W n U H and
R . tabling gores,
I. i
Ell . II TRACT. Lying and
in Swift Creek township mid on
both sides of the Washington load,
adjoining lands of R, H.
On and and
containing II acres, more or
This sale will be made for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and the above
described land will be
Into smaller and will be sold
both as a whole in subdivision,
to suit purchasers.
This the day of February. 1914
Z. V HOOKER, Mortgagee
small row; lips horns
awed off reward for her
recovery U. Little,
w I ltd
but. Ada Nobles, Carr
George. John h Carr, Fair-
Mart and other
heirs of Richard de
i win on
v 1814, in of court
door in lire for sash lo
bidder following de-
ii piece in Of land, sit
in township, in
I'm count th lands of Al-
Carr, Boss, the
Tripp land ind others,
eighteen acres or less and being
the on which Oar
ed II the of Said lot
or panel of land will be sold subject
t the Interest of Harriet Can
widow of Carr and Mil
will take place about noon
Tills Feb. Hi, 1914.
is ltd
for County Home.
The board of county commission
era worn in special session
to consider the offers for a situ for
a new county home.
Several sites came under rifle
but a final decision of was
not readied at silting
the board
Marriage Licenses.
week or Deeds Bell
issued licenses to the fol
Hay wood Hall gad Vain
Joe and Jennie Warren
Clarence Darner and Julia
Moore and Mamie
Cooper and Francis Spain.
Will Roes and Jones.
Amos Jordan and Rattle Chapman
Arden and Lucy
K. on boa.
best layers of pure white
shell egg-. per of 12-
Mi B. C. King. Falkland, N. C.
U Your Skin
Clear as a
C, FEBRUARY , 1911
Refuses to Up Dead Body
W. S. Benton
Of lit
ind He Fears to Lest
Hi Condition Indicate
of Death Other Than
El. PASO, Feb. Fran
Villa, at Chihuahua today
ed to up Hie body of William s-
Benton, a British executed in
Juarez several days Ms reasons
embodied in a private telegram, have
arouse bitter feeling along the
will not give up the body out
inspect to the Villa's
aid. was Interred with all
observances and a cross erected
over It and I will not allow the
of its
This word came in response to ii
telegram lent by one of sub-
ordinates at Juarez informing
that no personal idea should keep
him from permitting the transfer of
tho body to the widow and Informing
him that he was not familiar
with the storm of criticism that hail
greet, i his failure to do
A definite refusal to give up tho
was received by a consular of
Beer of the United States late today
end forwarded to Washington. Tl-c
came to
Many persons here today said
refusal Indicated to their minds that
Benton by Villa and that he
leered to deliver the body lest
condition Indicate the of death
other than
It Is hoped that within a day or
two the statement of a competent wit-
to the shooting, alleged by
mica of Villa to takes place In
his headquarters, may he obtained
Americans and representatives of tin
Mexican government are working
this end.
Villa's statement, telegraphed from
Chihuahua today, that Benton U
four murder, and milking a
of cattle was
by friends With derision.
knew Benton intimately Blurted
mi charge of the sort ever had n
brought against the Englishman.
United men
today Information
had met similar
to Benton, Thoma l, Edwards,
consul at has
a lured In
a review of bis MM
wherein he is charged with being n
Meanwhile Marion consul
st ft.-r I search of
and and diligent
has been to find
In an Interview last night asserted to
newspaper men that he had not taken
the from lit
James Conley
Sentenced To
Chain Gang
ATLANTA. Ga., Feb.
Conley, factory sweeper, was
found guilty today of being an
after the fact to the
of Mary
He was sentenced to twelve months
in a convict
Conley was the principal Witness
against Leo M. Frank at the
Which resulted last August in Frank's
conviction for murder. He
lied he aided Frank in concealing tin
I girl's body after Frank had killed
her, Frank is under sentence
for the crime.
Conley defense was the
that his alleged acts were not
to the murder.
The sentence imposed upon him is
the extreme punishment under
laws for the crime he was con-
trial began yesterday and
taking of evidence was completed at
Some Boy or Girl Will
Win a Shetland Tony
Without Cost to Them
Five of Will In-
a Voting Contest on Next
That Will Continue
Under Death
New Trial
N. Y Feb.
that they were to die and that Becki r
to have a new trial reached Gyp
the Blood, Lewis. Frank
and Lefty Louie Rosenberg
in the death house almost at the same
time that it reached New York.
tin- session.
The charge of suppression of
was based upon first
the murder in which
his testimony at the trial of Leo. M.
Frank who was convicted of the
end sentenced to death. This
and you want u Shetland Pony FREE f ml
cost to you If you a hustler here is your opportunity. On
Monday, next, five Greenville business houses will
rate a Shetland Pony Contest open to any white hoy or girl
fifteen of age, They are going to conduct a voting con-
test, give away absolutely t some hoy or girl in thin
community a beautiful, young, gentle and sound Shetland Pony
with saddle and bridal. Those conducting the contest are Mun-
ford Quality Shop, dealers in dry goods, notions and shoes, mil-
tailer-made clothes; W. Ricks, fancy groceries;
Co., furniture and household furnishings;
he professed ignorance high-class and and
Tho accessory charge Is based on Reflector Company, publishers of The Daily and M-
Sector and high fob printers.
During the progress of the contest coupons will he given out
each firm conducting tho contest, on all moneys received in
Payment of new the payment of old accounts,
she had been killed by Frank was read
at tho trial
Attorney for Conley argued today
that these alleged acts of were
not accessory to the murder.
Attorneys for Leo M. Frank,
death sentence for the murder
of Mary today filed in the
supreme court of Georgia a motion
for of arguments of Frank's
appeal for a new trial. The appeal
filed after a new trial had been re-
fused by superior court, was de-
by the supreme court February
Two Justices dissented.
In their motion today attorneys for
the convicted factory superintendent
hold that certain grounds submitted
In their appeal not fully
by the court, and present
to support of contention
There is a space on each coupon for insertion of the child's
name, which must be plainly and the coupon deposited
in one of the ballot boxes provided for tins purpose,
At the close of the contest the votes will lie counted by a com-
and the child receiving the largest number of votes will
be given the pony, saddle and bridle.
In the event of a tie between two or more of the contestants,
and the outfit cannot be satisfactorily divided among them, 1800.00
in gold will be equally divided among the tying contestants.
This outfit will not go to the idle boy or girl, but to the one
that is a hustler.
Any white child under fifteen years of age may a
Alliance Convention.
TORONTO, Ont., Feb. -The
to .
, lie a decided from ti I
annual convention opened here today
by Um of tho Do-
minion Alliance. Delegates
temperance societies and church or-
throughout Ontario are In
attendance The two program
calls for great public
meetings at which addresses will be
delivered by of wide prom-
ml secret.
Feb. Mr A great
Biased by discovery of
body of engineer named Ca-
of u factory
Who mysteriously disappear-
ed last December. The story of the
the body is a
one. brother of II.
making nine using effort to solve
riddle of the disappearance,
ed I letter from I at Nancy,
iii which was U account of a con-
the writer had had with a
fortune-teller, The missing man, the
tune teller had said, was murder-
ed by a dark, bearded man of
about thirty-live years, who bad hid
den the body In a ditch in a wood no.
far from the factory, and covered it
with earth. The dead man's brother
although Incredulous, made a search
In the place Indicated and at the ex-
act spot described by the fortune-
teller the body was The
latest development In the case Is the
arrest a of the
man on an accusation of having com-
tho crime. The is
said to answer the description of the
murderer as given by tho fortune
Hand does to
Italian band that mud
headquarters here during tho
ALBANY, N. Y, Feb. 24.-A now
trial today was
the former York
lieutenant, under death sentence for
the murder Herman b.
of appeals.
The. court stood six to one.
Werner the only dissenting
YORK, Feb. crime
for which Booker and the four gun-
men received sentence of death stir-
red every of New York so-
Herman a gambler,
shot on the morning of
July In front the Hotel
In heart of the Ten-
Ho was sitting in hotel
when a man told him he
wanted outside. He walked to the
and fell dead before a fusillade
pistol The men who killed
him Jumped into a waiting
bile and sped away.
Tho failed to trace the
until the clerk of the Club near
by told them Its number. The car
was found, Its owner and its
were and other arrests
followed rapidly.
Tho convictions of Becker and the
gunmen were chiefly baaed on th.-
of Jack Rose, a
partner, and,
Harry one of their agents,
This trio turned state's evidence
declared they had hired the four
to kill Rosenthal at re-
quest, was a police
ant in charge of tho arm
whose duties were to keep
in subjection gangs of City ind
to regulate gambling and
houses of Ill-tame.
Rose, Webber and said that
the lieutenant made UM
position iii collect money from then
homes as the price of letting them
do Rosenthal w
these operation, they mid. and,
a grievance against Dee her, .
about lo turn over evidence to
district attorney.
The slate's witness,., insisted
Becker urged threatened them
until they do III bidding
Bucket arrested 1912
but nearly two months elapsed
tin- police, found the gunmen.
The convictions the four
win. appealed with Be k t won on
Officers Get
Three Negroes
At Big Mill
The big mill In the southern part of
the city is quite a resent for
fugitives from Justice. About ten
day age. officers found a
employed there that I
been iii search of some time and
Tuesday afternoon Constable Pal
and -ii officer o. P. Clark i aid
second t it it tin re, and found um
Mercer and Jun i
a here last week on
their stopped
brick yard and there came across m
Babe Fleming, a well n
hen and wanted in Beaufort en mi
tor escaping from chain gang
When Mercer and Resold
brought before Magistrate
end bound over to criminal court
el. r bond of one hundred dollars
Dudley discovered that
o. them had list. their
true, win led for this
c Bent and both remanded
the cage.
The Beaufort were
Red Of the of Fleming and an
officer arrived today and returned
with his man
know that my friends
like to few others sad
have resumed the fame
position with the Brest Mutual Lite
Insurance Company of New York as
I held for the past fourteen
And during which time I have
built up quite a of
business among the very best
citizens of eastern North Carolina
for which I am profoundly grateful.
and will appreciate further favors.
l have- moved from Main street to
in door to J. K. office,
with Mr. II. F. Tyson, where I am
fitted up in office and will be
glad to have my friends all.
for other
Yen will tint find me standing
mi the In the cold, nor
around the s other bu i
people, con tort n
. ;. v,, Hi and
I am yours
. I.
m mi rim
In ml
The fund of the Hop
. to I
ii i. Coward
C S. I I
Hotel tor .
ii. .
W, ii Long .
Home lei and Tel. Co.
by enrolling his her name, in person, or
some friend, at each of the places of business mentioned.
It coats nothing to the contest; only hard work urn
Show pluck starting i once, fight-
to the finish.
The winner of this beautiful pony will he the happiest child
in the county.
At each, of the will be found a card on
which be the name the
name o. your child, or some
favorite child let them
for this prize.
headquarters here during the winter The these
social season. left Tuesday evening comprise acres of the finest blue grass land, Situated,
for Washington City. The band Virginia, out miles from Washington
composed of clever musician. f home of comprising over pure
These from the very best imported
having been over in one year the herd was
founded. .
Some of tho noted owned at the farm hove been
Howard II winner of the first prize for stallions ii.
f nineteen the World's Fair s Chicago twice
champion on the Islands another
of the Shetland Belle I
Belle Belle Meade Clipper.
The hitter four ponies won first prize tor lour in at
the Virginia State Fair at in 1918, and two of these
ponies have won first prizes in fours and tandem for several
past at the Virginia State Fairs.
get a button, little folks and make an
Mr will be to charge of the contest in behalf of the
Reflector and will gladly furnish any information desired by
those contemplating becoming contestants.

U. I. Editor.
ma; had upon
Hi office III
corner Evans
mil streets
All curds of resolution
f reaped will b at
c-iii word.
will be charged for at three
cent per Hue. up to linen.
August lulu, at the at
Carolina unfit
It easy for a good man to
a bad break
feels a bull llama
tome plan
Men arc not boosters for their him arid he planned to hie Ilk-
town when they will so elsewhere not even taking the other
Tor their needs, that can be supplied Into big confidence the
in South America Col. at home. being. He fitted up the club rooms
with sound-multiplying telephone re-
A true citizen the one that will and at a given time during
We should adopt the buying home even the entertainment the
though their prices In some Instance of Governor who from
are a little higher. the governors mansion In Raleigh
o delivered an address over ion
The Iron Is growing cold and not
a leader yet.
h your . No
man's money Is good as his money
A door was made to shut, but some
sensible people seem to forget this
The man that will knock his own
town would shove little chickens
I he creek
An army never charges without the
command of a leader. Choose your
Friday afternoon rain.
Know. Saturday morning Mr, Bonn
changes in the weather.
T up. . will
ripe, and till may be the
loon b
last cold
mil give an
taking few weeks of
ed rest
e days bring the
dear old spring time around. La
Choosing a wife Is like pl king out
the on a lottery ticket,
your Is -ii t to be as gout
M your
Supreme Is
as good as any other when it has the
law with it.
What sort of an attorney general distance telephone to two hundred
Is it who does not have a voice people in Henderson, who heard
selecting his own distinctly. A Raleigh
lady sang H solo through the
telephone, and there were a
novel surprise for the guests.
It should be an
The administration
Feb. Will
of Washington, was here
Dr. Joshua Taylor passed through
here Tuesday.
Mr. Church, of Norfolk, who rep
Reuben son
John and A. K Rob
was born In Pitt county, June
1842. lie was raised to young
resents Swift and Co. was here on fathers farm about
from Greenville.
W. of who Confederate army
represents the N. Co. of of aDd
Wilmington. N. C. hero last throughout the civil war
week On June th, 1862. while engaged
Mr II. A. Keller, of Now York a on army In
city, who is special agent for a he
Peters Cartridge Co. was here Thurs wounded by a
mention a thaw
without somebody getting their
on Harry.
Harry will gel freedom Just
in time to tour Ho- country In g
i lino .
. the preside I
popular Is that, In a i i
n ill hi .
going to be music when the
woman's suffrage amendment gel
be the senate,
The ground hog to take i
nice of bi here, and call
off his had weather
A woman's Idea of telling the
proximate about her age is
divide the actual figures by two
There are people ho are pi
delighted ti in
not pa bill
ii n
is If it r. bean . Now
turn ii lo know
;. . f
one baa Invented an I
Instead or
wonder what next
From the Mexican federal point o
view a strong strategic position II
Di. the
Democratic opponents of Roger
dare screaming Ion
enough to a little
ding to tin
ton t the originate
i Give u
icy for storms
Joseph Weldon Bailey, the
basso soloist, was in Chicago
singing bis celebrated
From the
Jack the
in tarred Republic, is t be mar
Thai man II lucky in hating In
appeals answered promptly
B recall the eon
ii George
birthday, but anniversary
Carolina and Ii
have u real
problem on hand In wisely handling
the Mexican trouble. If the matte
is adjusted with the avoidance- of
war, as Is earnestly hoped. It
be a credit to those in
Spring time Is almost here, where
Is our park committee You'll have
to hurry to get a park ready by the
lino the birds begin to sing to re-
mind us we like to
the park
George Washington's
just been sold for whereas his
chert brought only
Why this marked discrimination In immigration Bill will become a
favor Of to milder weapons ,,, t. t ha.
pal tin house by a vole
A hold committed in , and
Baltimore, a few nights ago, When to so if President
three masked men entered the
The unwritten law, that a man
the right to slay an Invader of his
home, was asserted In a verdict of not
guilty In the trial that came to
conclusion in Mecklenburg superior
court. Saturday. Monroe
being tried for his life on the charge
of killing Dr. Wooten. on the night
February 10th, whom he found In his
home an upon Ills
wife. The unwritten law stands that
a man is justifiable in protecting his
home such Invasion.
nil Hi
it is very evident that the New
J. W Paul, of Washington, who
represent here Fri-
Mr. W. B. Proctor and A. O.
Clark, Misses Proctor, Mary
Proctor, Mm W. S. Galloway, at-
of shell, which disabled him
from held duty the remainder of
He carried sears of battle
to his grave.
Two years after the close of
war, on April 4th, he married
Mattie II. Hooker and located
the play at Washington Thurs-1 Greenville where he engaged
day night. They report a line play merchandising,
and a good time.
Mr. A. M. Moseley, of Greenville,
was here last week.
Julia Jones, of B. C. T. T
S. spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mis. Jennie Proctor.
Rev, J. A. of Wilson,
tilled his regular appointment
Sunday and Sunday night. His
mons were fine.
Miss Ann
failed, In the hope of prolonging
her life he moved to Charlotte, and
later to Florida where she died In
There were three children by
this marriage, all of whom
and now reside In Greenville. They
arc Mr. W. A Mrs. Mary
A. Sugg and . . Mattie M.
After his wife's death In Florida
Mr. to
I Parker who Is Worked as a traveling
graded school of then engaged with the OW
my of Music-, overpowered the watch
and got
man. blew open the safe
away with about 15.000.
SOD should veto the bill, congress
will then pass It over his head. II
is well known that President
vetoed bill at the suggestion of
Cardinal Gibbons who It bitterly op
posed lo the It will keep hi
a man recently said that real
in Greenville wee as high It Catholic brethren from coming over
is in Baltimore. many trans m .,,,,,,.
. rs . made h week In On n
and In each Instance g o
I Ii
proof we hat
teaching in th .
pent the week-end with Dr. Dominion steamship Company, be
and C. M. and returned b agency
. .,. and then transferred u
Our It K carrier. Mr. W. T. Washington with the same company
Bike, has purchased an It. C. II. nu- company
You can just bet our town some twenty-Odd years, until the
is making preparation for a big Tar river transportation
this summer. followed by a purchase by the Nor-
It looks as If we are going to have
some bad weather again.
the Ideal
folk Southern railroad and withdraw
. boats from the river. last
work was of Norfolk South-
railroad at Arthur, which
he when stricken with hi-
TO RECEIVE DONATIONS l,;,,,,, sickness.
October he married Miss
committee of the Hope Fire j May Warren, of Greenville. One
Company in charge of receiving do- Hon, u Edward tale
i nations for the furnishing of their
that Wilson will take or report many h, ,.,,,, Mr
from any prelate from their circular recently church, and
alee but his own good walk of life be was a faithful
The following contributions He loved th.
ii of bu
should . satisfied with
population of six thousand
with an opportunity to add
more to the number Every day men
are asking to our town for
their families, but necessarily tin
are refined because there are not
sufficient dwellings. Greenville cat
ml I In- In I,
have in
end and political , ,,. ,.,,, .,.
lent Taft be a warn- Dr. Laughinghouse
to President Dr. D. .
,, w. P. .
A. F A. M. No.
The prepared by .
Attorney Brown, giving the .
facts and citing supreme court S. T. Hicks .
Ions bearing upon tin- stock law situ- Harris
county, ought to convince
any person of ordinary
. 8.00
, 1.00
. 6.00
. 2.50
Muster, did what in- could to ad-
His kingdom on the earth and
lo his fellowman. He was n
good and an honor to bin com-
He was also a
the fraternity.
His death occurred on Sunday
morning. February 22nd, following
Illness of about weeks.
of several men of means
could furnish these homes, and board of county commissioner
the course- of a few years reap In th.
Hose- Co .
Cavil .
I O. O. F.
Hall and Moore .
Frank Wilson .
1.00 wore conducted at the late
. 6.00
. 6.00
on Monday afternoon, con-
ducted by his pastor, Rev. J. M
Daniel, assisted by Daniel
of Ayden. The Interment was at
More and more people who
papers are learning lo
th. in them, A week.
. II r I . I I I
in the e n lb-
Mrs. I.,
i. to
on points, ., ma
one I hi Ii
afraid dog
I, a on
preachers and trying to gel
it lice in. a
p . a us e on th.
read In the news-
The and clamor .
D. C. Moore .
has been made, mainly by or and Foxhall
the of one Person for his J, H. Fort .
own political alms, for count II. .
commissioners to place a debt upon
the county lo tin fence,
the- people in the district effected
must do and
of the for not
heeding thin clamor, Is
e much bluster. The horns. Owner can calf by idea
re inking wise and h.-i lifting and pay nil Charges,
the old family burial ground In tho
the pall beaters being
W. I. I,
Starker. F, R, stretch, d. d.
O. K. Harris. I,. II. Pander
and A. II. Ellington.
I heifer calf taken up at my house,
pale red with white spot on back near
his hips, also white place about one
fool I end of tall, under
breast; about one tear old small
Curs Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure.
The no bow
me Hie wonderful, old Di
-I-1 oil.
mid the time,
1.1 t.-. of a fellow In Virginia
. ii, run . . raj
I pi pi
I -1
Ml km
i lug
in I Id
mil . their
action, ii fa. t gel th Mr
Brown fully show.
Ii is time tin people the d
11.11 . ere ope ping tin Ii
. -ii
In On h. d
it. v.
No. I, N
i hi run been
. It .
push the h. . do.
. I
mi -i tin v.
n in v th.
both America, n
wire to deal n
aw .
. .
n ill
. I
. tell r.
I In-
e I
; an b.
e. pend
led In ton Ha Born In
;. ii.
. I
pill . i ;
For Stomach and Liver
Healed will ho received
until o'clock in on the 23rd
March, 1914, the office
tin- town
Hi.- purchase
year C Bond In
p . able Bl I.
cheek per cent
nil 1.1
R. I.
Mr. Hope,
the at Washington
a strong ml practical talk to
the Women's Christian
t His r
v drawn from tho word of Paul
an and rough
b. mi . life tills pa
v In-re girls a
work iii paring for duties Hi
r the need pr. paring th-
hi an the mind, and
. that, without the hoard being
lured, tho work of tho
ii directed wrongly, He also
the element of and
In gelling in
fa. t
on Into k Ii
Tho mil v. Ding pill-
In good c on
I a beautiful
II . . ill s
ml two hen US. i, In Lord II M
-i . ml Id. ll sun
1.1 either,
Ii v ill Hi- d In
All lie pie .
1.1. . . .
a Mil th
. u in . is
ad. r in., hill
lilt, work
.-I ;
novel well II
Ills .-. a until-
. ;
I hi-i
r club,
. III II. on, Mi
it m .-i man n
Hie Bl I ill drop . n. I b.
I mi I . .
lit.- .
is . I . r. Ii
think ye
. o.
hi l
Ir . . . .
Di I sod
s . ml i
Ii N.,
In. Ii ., . Ml
done h
n J.-U .- . , Ii
a in been is l- .-.
. . . . . .
Conn let
Is. N M
walks of life
A II. Mil SI ,
Your Own Paint
for Sale la n. C by
n urn id
Druggist everywhere
this HOW
gala. I. M. M REAL
per gal.
gal id mix with it
You then . . pure for
y per gal.
. . . th OIL with PAINT.
. y gal, ready paint
ll. I u vi M w U PAINT It Will
. ,.,,,
ITS- a n- 1- I mi
., t . t mom y back.
A U till N II.
i nu nu. III. N r.
. CO, t
Now is the time to do
your Spring sewing
weather is cold and the even-
are long, so when Spring comes you
can enjoy the sunshine and air, while your
neighbor is sweating over her sewing.
We are showing a big line of
laces in all the new styles and
All the new fabrics in white
goods, Linens, Voiles, Crepes,
Flowers and fancy white
A big line of wash goods,
Ginghams, Percales, Pop-
lines, fancy Crepes
Everything new in Silks and
We will be glad to show you through
our line,
J. R. J. G.
Arrange Summer
Coups in Manner for Use
During Cold Weather.
When lo
in 1.1 inure- house- room
tin- In.
There- are- several In which
summer colony coops BU be to
piece out winter If there
Is but one It may be placed close to
the main house used as an extra
and exercising room. The
fowls may then pass from the main
room to the addition by means of a
tube constructed of boards and SCI
Into opening about by inches
slue, cut near the floor of each
building. A dry goods box with top
and bottom removed will answer nice-
as a passageway.
Some people fit up the summer col-
coops as laying arranging
nests in them and thus
whole space In the main building for
use of the hens in the daytime,
others use the coops as dusting rooms.
Especially do the early brooder houses
answer nicely for this, as there Is usu-
ally plenty of sunlight. The dust may
be kept moist and free from trash and
for vs
.- ac-
line, six ill el-
as No.
at S. M
In Our Commercial Department
you every facility available in
In Our Saving
W pay per cent Interest Compound Quarterly,
received in sum of One Dollar and upward
he Only g Bank In
is no better protection than a
our place us explain
Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday d lo P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Cox, F. A. Cashier.
R. R. V-P.
W AM Kill
to begin.
,. i- in e-
Take orders i
smoking and
Co. O, v irk, N.
a tar load W
Terra pipe, and I
small cow; of horn
lawed off. Liberal reward for bar
It. I-.
Hilt III Will III k
let pure
does not get Into the food and water eggs. Batting U.
as it often does when nest ins Mrs. B. C. King, Falkland, N C.
and must he done in the same i
room. two or three
these coops are used together for a
small Hock, one being used for a roost, COURTESY ALWAYS AN ASSET
room, for a nest room and
exercise. In each case they are That Should Not For-
a wooden tube or passageway. gotten Even Rapidity of
make their summer colony
coops of knockdown sections so
. or six of them
I be Bel up together In one
iii- for the bin n
pi n mu be
b Iced with r cove
. pr to make II
proof, U lime ha j birds
other I ones an
Tuesday and Wednesday
Those Comedy Entertainers.
Singing, Talking, Dancing
Good Motion Each Night
Vessel Is to Prevent Litter
Being Scratched Into
Is Easily Made.
The accompanying or a
combination pan and grit
box appeared In a recent issue- of
Idea of
eating the drinking pan la to keep the
water clean and prevent Utter being
scratched It Tho birds soon
learn to upon the perch in
of the pan, to clear water.
Tho pan itself is made
deep, so that when the
becomes It be easily
Modern Life.
cum of tin- minor virtues Is to say
A mini surrenders ins i to a
mi in ear, and
. II la no n-ore
lo .
I . .
a Into the re-
place so much
i lie- bi
Similarly, bi u one baa
a gratuity amount cost
the I in
to have the pock-
. as i- of right, and a
Walters and porters who are
to Insure life of the one
practice of tipping would well to
observe much of the well-defined
popular i of custom la
duo to tins attitude of
the lent. I la human
to at least a civil
we think we have con-
a favor, and many a man who
gives tip regrets it when his gen-
accepted without a word.
The practical value of courtesy as
II. M. Ilk
Attorney at in.-,
Laud and a
. Blow,
in N
Third a
II. w. t a.
. N
. . I
Mi as to
j hopper or box under the
i or be divided into compartments so that
I drinking pun Is made on
principle, and may he used for
grit, or divided
. . ii
I'll in I
Icing in th Courts
, Wooten Building en
treat, fronting
We have r n e
bicycle d
we beg ad e that we
are now prepared to do any
and all kinds t pair
It will be our to do all of this
as reasonable as possible, and are
certain that if you will give us a trial,
we will continue to hold your patron-
Come to tee
The John Flanagan Boggy Co.
Buggies, Harness, Bicycles, Etc.,
modern employer considers politeness,
together with honesty mid sobriety, us
for one who seeks to enter his service.
The brusque, ill-natured
drives business from the door, even
us the deferential attracts trade
and makes friends the establish-
. I Moore W H
Norfolk Southern R. R.
in Effect
N B The following schedule
published as Information only
not guaranteed.
. . ii for Norfolk.
City and Norfolk. Broiler
Car . e
Sunday, for
. for
. ah plug
north, south
7.54 a, iii dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh, connect
Tor all ;
p in dully for Raleigh and ail
Intermediate stations.
For further Information
In sleeping to J
L. agent, Greenville. N, C.
Drinking Pan and Hopper.
for hi and grit, or
scrap. Tho frame on which the
rest, is made to Hi over
tho hopper, . being
on the top of r. W
contrivance can be easily
odds and lumber
around most poultry or .
The combination, when
hung on the wall at a
; j
and tools always guaranteed. Stag and .
paint. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
King Windsor hard Wall Platter.
Atlas O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
Better Prices Are Always Secured
When Eggs Are Sorted According
to Size and Color.
Even buyers at the country store
appreciate your efforts It you will
sort your according to and
color. Graded eggs show up a great
deal butter than that am piled
In promiscuously, and should and
a better price It the
dealer's attention Is called to tact,
and ho Is that your egg will
that way all the time.
are even or country
stores, that would not be
command a tor uniform,
clean, eggs, attractively picked,
and one that produces that kind th
year round can an advance in
tho price. I.;. shippers
will jump at the chance to secure eggs
of this class, and always ready to
pay a higher price.
One iii in made the statement re-
that strictly first-class eggs
were eight cents a dozen more
to their trade man eggs
could rot guarantee. It Is the
cheapest possible way lo the
poultry income. Try It.
Woman's World.
hat goes off to all tho
did body young women who appear
prominently every morning In shop
or office, their work competently
and without complaining, go home
night mill make or launder
clothes, and somehow keep In
touch with the world movements
around with book and music
mill drama, in my lifetime and
few years ago called myself young
tho miracle be been
There never anything like be-
fore in any age.
rank. They com Interior
decorator; they set up manicuring
they open millinery They
won't be content any longer to at
home do fancy work And
men who would win and keep their
affections must be prepared lo share
their numerous
II. r.
In mi ram e
k and Accident
. t . f
Legend of Glastonbury Thorn.
Tho Glastonbury thorn, which has
broken tradition by failing to blossom
this Christmas. Is said by Iconoclastic-
ally minded folk to be only a
the original thorn, which
was destroyed the time the
says a recent Issue the Lon-
don Chronicle Glastonbury people,
however, will you that
really el was that only one of
the limbs the tree was felled, and
that when the raised his an
against the second he was suddenly
struck blind. The legends agree In
tracing the thorn to Joseph of
then. Hut according to one version II
sprang limn staff which he stuck
Into the ground when tired with
while another has It that he
planted here g tho.-n from crown
of thorns
A of wheat and oats makes
one of the very best grain rations for
. They lay on It because It con-
the of which mad
Will cure your Rheumatism
Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps,
C Sprains, Bruises, and
Burns, Old Sores, Stings of
Etc. Anodyne, in-
and externally. Price
Once Almost Indispensable Furniture
of Every Kitchen Has Been Large-
Done Away With.
l-Hows, in the in which
once It familiar in every house-
hold, is still used in homes where op. n
tin s are maintained, but the giant
low In old times as
an adjunct or the
shop as the forge is Steadily be-
supplanted by blower of other
Now village blacksmith lakes
down tho big old limn bellows, stores
It on beams up under tho roof and
Installs near tho fire a compact little
rotary blower which is operated by
turning a crank, and where electricity
Is men now use that for
blowing purposes.
In a long established city black-
smith shop located on downtown
waterfront, where once, across the
way. the wharves Were lined with
sparred sailing ships, there was in
those days of those big. old time
bellows. When tine blacksmith want-
ed to blow tho fire he rested band
and forearm on the end of the. long
lever and swayed on it gently, while
with the other hand, be
palled the fire-. Hut now
Now from the wharves across the
way the sailing ships have
and from this old waterfront
blacksmith s shop the old time bellows
has ton. The anvil Is still
there, to sure, and people halt now
Just as they have always done, to look
and see the R when the
-J his helper strike
the Iron, but now when th
blacksmith wants to blow th fire
h put his arm a hi bellow
lever and sway and away; now he
Imply up and a little
witch That start a blast,
which can be t
that b required.
Me stale lo our
mill m
r opened a la
t enter Warehouse, mi
Ave, where m
terr nil M
meat e in-. I
wish to notify
ii.- I
i-id repairing to store
apposite and
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red Bliss
Irish Cobblers
Seed Oats
Rape Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
Poultry Powder

Required Jury
lo Render
ii Ills
S Al
I K. Jo
H, L C
Money to Loan on
farm lands at
per annum.
I will be it the following
on dates given for the
purpose taxes
for the 191.3.
examination of our com-
I in superb k-
reveal the truth of our
claims for hating; of
Hi i- v i. Prices right mail, i rich in
our stacks appeal t. I lie critical i
mil at before log I
Taft Vandyke
I ant
K. H
Township at
Township .
a .
i. Una at ,.
aloes it .
lip .
a I .
. Arthur .
i Road
Bethel Bail.
. .
Mali ii I
March ;
. March ;
March Hi
Ii ;
Coward Co.
the Lot
All I
In an
. . t -i
Did you
. Car
, r I D
Supply Co.
. .
tie Industrial Institute
r I raining Colored Youths
ii D i n tic ice. Music, and Agriculture. Tuition
Ir i an I I h i an lo leach in Pitt,
i. C is. M I c splendid
railroad facilities. For further information, write.
William Claudius Chance,
I Founder.
p now mi m
River Bridge MARKET
Call to see A. R. STEPP
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
always fresh, we sell Strictly,
Heel IT per Hi.
Steal . l-ii- r lb.
Oysters . per
Just across th bridge. No delivering in
town. We Will save you money it you come to us.
I u-
A. R. Stepp
. . .
n on I
to Or. V Clod
and I
n heard Ii
, lie Mm a
mi M
ii at In ; .
Dr Wooten avowed bis In with testimony offered
Intent He ii I in led there
Mrs. bad Invited bin and . to prove an In
to come Ho and Wooten was la the hon
M and but tor the or an or u
weather on of and i
tin- Br Wooten a mid
no. .
Pin . lb. tali
I Mr
or G doses will break
c Fever, Colds
on the liver j
and does not
. in
;. . i Kl Hi
ti bad
Blooming put Hi
ii Die. pot
bushes, shrub
hedge plants and shade tree
Mall, telegraph and telephone order
promptly executed by
J. I,. Co.
N. C.
D. J. Jr
Agent All Greenville and
I II I ill I II
Kin r mil.
a more
with ivory and equip-
Ba l
, , and bun
of thousands of miles
proved m n
n I
Ii it. r than
output and
buying I
I yet to
the price Bit
. gut on r u
on n send a op
hi our
The Empire Sales Co.
Write Call or phone Don,
work our specialty.
Buy them now before
they go higher
Ii I'll
C. is.
i S, A. By, Chap-
Mrs. C,
I Via I rd Mr Line
All i n OS,
t the trip.
including stops at st
Palo Miami nay-
over the
of the
Si . to Key West,
and Steamer to Havana. Many side-
trips Included, both Florida and
Optional hide trip to
First clans the best hotels
everywhere, Pullman, room
sleepers Dining Cars, Meals
and Stateroom on steamer.
For Itinerary lull details.
Write the
Raleigh. . C.
Cabbage Plants
, Jersey
lion large ate Drum Head,
this selection should
gag headings through the
for I 1.1
for in lot
to at per
over 10.000 at per thousand t
n. b. N. Can
any size.
Count and guaranteed.
L. C. Arthur
s n in
ave a car
Genuine Maine Grown
Seed Potatoes
Leave your orders with us
Colored Association.
The Colored Teachers An
of Pitt county to be held at Green-
ville, February
Program follows.
Paper Necessity of good order and
how to obtain
a attention.
Every teacher Is urged to be pres-
and take part in discussion fol
owing each
Announcement for next meeting
Adjournment p. m.
m n
Feb. lit-
societies of
School will give the debate
night, which wan postponed last
Friday night
We have to look at. suits to
wear, suits to thou who
sire to dress well. B. Forrest am
lime, building lime
and cement always on hand at A
XV. and Co.
Mr. I-. L. Kittrell. of as
here Monday.
When in need spurting
see J. Cox and Son, they a good
supply on hand,
A concert will given by
Juliette Miss
vocal soloist, and
Louise Futrell, violinist, of Raleigh,
N. C. In the High
auditorium, Saturday evening, March
the seventh at eight o'clock. The ad-
mission will be twenty-five cents.
Our stock of shoes are now more
than we ever had. In-
your Inspection when in need
Come and them. Harrington
Barber and Co,
Prof, K. c. Nye spent a
it is cold and has snowed a
the weather may get worse
However, It. W. Hail has plenty
mats, hoof, sausage and oysters
N. A. of
was here yesterday.
A word to the ladles We
just opened up our spring line
dross goods. Come and look over
our stock. It. Forrest and Co.
Prof. R. Carroll went to Kin
Monday afternoon.
If it is good Hour that you are look-
for go to Harbor and
Co. and your wants shall ho supplied
Miss Cora Walston, of
pent the week-end with Miss Anna
If you are expecting to travel this
you should a. w.
and Co and buy one of those fast
bicycles. She's a hummer.
When you are In town and get
see R. W. he Is prepared
to serve nice oysters and barbecue
Mr. David of Clay Hoot
was here Sunday night.
J. Cox and Son for your fruits
candies, lee cream and all kinds of
soft drinks.
Murder And Arson
milted by
CHARLOTTE, Feb. A charred
body, believed to be that of Clerk
and the
of citizens, who were attracted
store at Harbor's June
by a pistol shot at o'clock, go
to Indicate that a store was robbed,
murder probably committed and th.
tore by the robbers at
place tonight.
The first to arrive n the scene say
that two boxes wore against the
dour of the building, the safe door
was upon and a lamp, turned lo
gleaming feebly on the floor beside
it. while flames won spreading from
the roar of the building ail over Hie
store. No attempt wan made to so
ii the content, of the safe had been
tampered with, In the limited time
t ear ii was for
iv. ho was supposed to have been
in the store.
He could mil but by the
light of embers, when the build-
was In ashes, a body SM found In
what had boon the back part of the
This Is supposed to he
Lyerly, as It was practically certain
that tie was In the store at o'clock.
No examination was made of the
tonight, sheriff
from Salisbury, are search-
for a to the robbers If such
were, but the affair tonight Is
i seemingly Impenetrable mystery.
King of
penetrates quickly. You just
rub It on. scatters
congestion Inflammation.
In this way a cold that may
lead to Pneumonia or Croup Is
quickly checked. No
ed fumes to get In your
Strangulation of infants
is endorsed by
cal physicians. You should have
a bottle in the home for
Croup comes in tho
night. The slight sough might
ho by morning.
Druggists guarantee
Three sizes. and 11.00.
Concord, I, V,
A very large congregation attended
services ill Memorial Moth
church, it in in.
oh. the fiftieth
ii I o or., mil of tin-
is of The member
Tar River Lodge K P
ii. a and occupied the pi w
The sermon was y Rev. J. It, Daniel
pastor the From to
we be ho preached t
of tone and eloquence, H
fittingly emphasized bonds
friendship have existed from ti
lime the words of the text were spoken
by Abraham lo Lot down through tin
ages, and tho value b
man, strong in character, who is
ways ready to extend the helping
band to the weak. The strong
of devotion between and P
referred to beautifully I
the speaker It the kind of
n that leaves a lasting
A feature the musical tin
services wee a duet by Mrs j c
Move Mr Lewis
Every year LOSE buy the
that is rod them withe l Farm Mat
We carry an up-to-date line Farm and Machines
that will yon absolute sat Th ire most
practical and dependable on the mar net.
Wm In stock Cutters, Disc Ha rows. Ma-
rt j re s r a H C and Corn Planters, Chi I . I
and S Plows, besides many Other farm and B tools.
and the the most
successful made.
See to it that do not lose money
this year.
T I. Moore
g I
Cottony Maple Scale In Past Ten
Year. Has Wrought Serious Dam-
age to Many Trees.
Tho cottony maple scale is la
sect that for the past ten years
a serious enemy to thousands of
and valuable Th
plants of the scale are numerous,
th. most Important being the soft
linden, box elder, elm. oak.
poplar, beech, hawthorn,
more, locust,
mulberry, grape, poison try, Virginia
rose, gooseberry,
plum, pear and apple
In with the It Is
necessary lo in ease the
advisability of artificial means of con-
trolling It. In localities the
enemies of this pest
very efficient work, making In many
eases application, of remedies
The Illinois
station stales that scale In
great numbers at Intervals night
Sen years.
The Infested trees, advises tho de-
can be treated during the
dormant season with a strong solution
f kerosene emulsion without any in-
to trees This emulsion used
at per cent, or more In strength, or
oil at the rate of one
pound to a gallon of water, has been
reported In be very effective in killing
the bit by the spray.
In spraying during the period when
trees are in foliage a weaker so-
must necessarily be used. It Is
not safe lo use kerosene emulsion
r than a to per oil,
and at this strength there might
a slight Injury to the foliage. It
has been B Single
application of a in per i I a
emulsion applied at the proper time
In summer will destroy about two
thirds of recently d inserts
and two applications, one applied
tho and the other at end
of tho period destroy
font of them
Implement Designed by Utah Black-
smith Enables One Man to Plant
Many Trees In Short Time.
With a tool designed
by a Utah blacksmith, the hole Is dug.
little tree Inserted and tho earth
packed around the roots In one
The Implement consists of a
bar With a crossarm at tho top and
Fire, Health and Accident
Opposite Proctor Hotel
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved New Store n Fourth Street
Allen's Stables
Estimates Cheerfully Given on all Work Large or Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Residence Phone
Office Phone
The Universal Car
roaring Runabout 500.00
I o b. Detroit
Ford Supply Co.
Phone Greenville, N. C.
I will be at the following
places on ca e given for the
purpose collecting taxes
for the year 1913.
Heaver Hum at .
ii, tin i Township at .
Town-hip ill.-----
I blend at .
Township . .
i an, Township .
i Township lit
Township at .
Swift at
Meet me and save costs
Arthur March t
i Roads . ti
Hi Hunk
Falkland March t
I Hunk. . March
S. I. Dudley, Sheriff,
Tics With Machine.
three t
i I hat hi a level
I . I
it, ml
The i Equally
Valuable as a General liver,
Drives Out B up
Whole System.
. i
i . .
tonic and
Weal , ,, ,. i. .
. I .
i VA
Old Way Planting With Three
in. or tho
made by
one man with ibis tool can plant
small trees In S-
The time la combat when h. I
per cant Iran will be a curiosity,
and the man who n. a t.
th i u
t Hull I i . i II I
I . ,
en Our art I w
i t
plant i, i , ii
aid other plant.
It a. a
So p i
s a
no i
a. w. N
. . . i . , . r
, ,
graph la
located by
I. I.
R vi i s i
l. J. Jr.
J. C. Lanier
. i
, bi iii

, II
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar oat Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years
At Dealers Everywhere
North Carolina. Pitt
In th Superior Court. Before D.
C. Moore. Clerk.
Leila E. Williams Ad-
Of K. K
Verla William, and Leila
minors and half at law of B, I
of a decree
of Pitt county mad by
c Ink I
I'm county, on the
1913, in th en-
titled cause tin- mod com-
loner on Monday, the
of March, expose to pub-
tale before court house door
in Ci. in highest bidder
for cash,
or pan i Ii land,
Lying being m
By of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage
ed and delivered by A.
wife to Ida L. Knox to W. C.
Jami-a on the 30th day of December.
which was duly re-
corded in tho office of
of Pitt county in book Q
Bag MS, the will sell
tor before the court house door
In on Tuesday, February
24th. at p. m. a one half
In the following
described tract of tract
of land in Bethel
By of a mortgage executed
t me by the Independent Loving
executed on the 23rd day of
July. and registered in hook 1-
page MS, of the Pitt county reg
t, try. setting forth certain terms and
stipulation which haw not been com
piled with. I herewith advertise for
ale to the highest bidder at
COUrt house on Wednesday, the
f March. ISM, BOOS, the fol-
lowing described
Situated in an near ad-
the lands Thomas Cannon
J. W
North A. Harris tract of
Una and being Lot No. S. in the said mortgage.
the lands of James. Dr. it. T. Cox. A. fox and
Bailie A and others, con-1 others. For better description, ref-
by estimation -r. acres is given to deed bearing even
or and being the land inherited date of this instrument giving
Ida U Knox from mother Re-Intent and boundary for acre
A Harris, said Interest being hand, said deed being made by A. G.
the lite estate of Cox and to independent
Bryan, said land known as the
o . I C.
Richmond. V.
Charlotte. N. C
I ii W. V.
vision of the II. P. Williams land
and beginning at a stake on the
Snow Hill road near the crossing of
Pasture Branch and running with
said road north east poles.
then north 1-2. east poles, then
north IS, east 1-2 poles to the
i bridge a ditch, then with said
ditch south west poles to a
sweet gum. T. I. and E K
i corner, then south anal poles
I to a Poplar in a prong of Jacob's
1-2. east poles to a stake,
then south 1-2. west to a White
W. C. IAMBS Mortgagee.
IS ltd
virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain deed
executed and delivered by W. L. F.
and wife N. J. Corey to
Z. V. Hooker, dated 3rd day of Jan-
1911. and duly recorded In the
to the purchase of said
land by Independent loving
the said Independent Loving Union
became indebted to A, c and
gives deed of trust as security
the same.
Terms of sale
This the 16th day of February, 1914.
A. G. Cox. Mortgagee.
S. I. EVERETT, Attorney.
Will you allow me space In your
to say that the old soldiers
and the of Pitt at large, are
to be congratulated that the Commit-
to on Exercises has secured the
Honorable J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh.
to deliver the address at the Reunion
of Bryan Camp of Coated
on May 12th 10th
being memorial day. There
should assemble those old pa-
wore the gray a large crowd
bear this son of
state, who is one the loading minds
of the progressive thought of the
slate. As a thinker and
s of speaker he is second to none
North Carolina, and
so fortunate as to hear him will not
be disappointed.
Chairman of
Notice Is hereby given that a
was filed by the Board at Its
regular meeting February 1914,
register's In Pitt county.
book page the undersigned asking that a road be laid out In Con-
will, on Saturday, the day of township, as
I West 1914, at o'clock, noon,
tO the beginning, containing 1-2
Alter Foot Years of Discouraging so could not stand,
and l gave up In despair.
Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
Cab-on, an interesting letter
from this place, Mrs. Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, womanly troubles, and during
this time, I could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
all. At times, I would have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called In, and his treat-
relieved me for a while, but was
soon confined to my bed again. After
that, nothing seemed to do me any good
At last, my husband me a
Die woman's tonic, and I com-
taking it. From the very first
could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its
tiring and am doing all my
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
the woman's Ionic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its
success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend Begin taking today.
D-pl. Venn., foe
n your e book. Mom
for In
Starting at a point near J, P.
to public sale at the court eon's house in and
door in to Road and running westward-
, wt ;
ship, and state and beginning tracts or pared of t career.
t. a Popular in a prong of Jacob's Pitt and Mate of North Carolina and across his land to road
Branch then down the run of described as thence with by his home
Branch corner of tract, situated m u, the inn and New Ban, road
W I Williams. Jr., then with his township, bounded on the north by being about one and one-ha f mil. s;
line north S-4. east pole, to . S. P. In length, same w II heard at he
at Emma J. Jam- on the by the regular meeting of the board March
then so I-, east poles to the of Nelson and Dennis
beginning, containing acres, more Branch; on the by
or less The two tracts land of W. I, K. Corey and S
lot No, the II P. on the east by
lands, which allotted containing acres, more or
to E, P. Williams by deed loss and being the
dated the 14th day of June, 1907, as on which
appears of record in the register's of-
Bee In Pitt county In book T S, page
Think of All
You Eat
No wonder you some-
time have a
headache, feel dizzy,
are troubled with in-
digestion and can't i
will help your liver do
work regularly, as
it Take no
coated or plain.
by order of the Hoard.
HELL. Clerk
tract of land
L. V.
TM sale will be made for the
pose of making assets of the j
of E P, Williams, deceased, and
sale will also Include the dower in-
of Leila E Williams i
widow of the said E E. Williams and
at said sale wilt lake
the entire fee simple title, clear of
all encumbrances.
Tills the day of January, 1914,
P. C HARDING, Commissioner,
HARDING a Attorneys.
the lands of Amy
Notice is hereby given that on Mon-
W. L. P. Corey day. March at o'clock
and Wife now reside the Peat Houses at County Home
SECOND TRACT. Situated in Chi- known as number one. two and three.
cod township on the east side of will be sold at public sale, at the
r. Fork Swamp adjoining the lands of court house door In Greenville, by
and Others, and Julius Brown, county attorney.
containing acres, more or less order of the Hoard of
and being the same tract of land of county.
conveyed by Samuel Corey to W. I. The board reserves the right
Covey by deed r corded in the rev reject and all
b the Basis of all Industry
LARD silk.
By virtue of a second decree of
the superior court of county. In
the case of Haddock, widow,
vs. It W Smith, et all., the
commissioner will offer for sale be-
fore the court door In
on Monday. March 2nd, the j ban of all good farming. Write for
i Basis of all
by the bl a in the United
State on Lime on t Farm, and get price
of the lime, j bur
etc. A postal will give you
lowing described tract Sit
In tho county of and In
township. That tract of land
lying on the side of Swamp.
on north by the lands of POWHATAN LIME CO.
Mrs. at L. Cox, at containing STRASBURG VIRGINIA
NO acres more or less, and
the same tract of land convoyed tn
it k by Mary a. Had-
dock and being UM land upon which
John it. Haddock i
Ti tie, one-hall tub
an i i l-t. 1918
. February 4th,
virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by Ellen E
to W, B Brown on the
mi I'll, and duly re-
ti. JAMES and Attorney,
d 5-28
BRIDGE ii m into in mks.
u w. smith. Commissioner, corded In of the
deed county, North Car-
hook ii page Ml, the
ii, expose to public, sale
i i how e door in Green-
ville, to highest bidder, on Sat
the day of March.
I at o'clock, Boon, certain tract
or parcel of laud, lying and
In the Town of County
j Of and North Carolina
and described as follows,
Beginning at Mania Cindy's corner
las t i t.
j. at her home in I
sir. et, entertained a a
friend at a luncheon, In hon-
or of Mrs John h Small, of
legion and Margaret Bryan, runs west to Mill street, thane
New Barn. During the game trail about foal south, those parallel
tarred, followed at th. with line to th railroad right
Conclusion by a three lunch-1 of way, thence north about feet to
The were the being that portion of
anted a pretty hyacinths the lot which the
further description
deed from S. J. Nobles to Ellen
E. recorded In book T-S.
Terms of sale cash.
w it BROWN, Mortgage
N. C.
Under and by virtue a power
of sale contained in a certain deed
of trust executed to by Riley
Jenkins, and bearing date 21st,
1912, to the payment of a
certain bond of even therewith,
and the stipulation contained In
said deed of trust not having been
compiled with, and upon request of
the power of said bond, the under
signed will sell at public for
cash on the 4th day of March, 1914,
at two o'clock p. m.
tho hereinafter
ed, the follow lands described In
said deed of trust,
Lying and being In the county of
Carolina township. North Car-
and adjoining the Lands of
Jenkins. Wade Williams,
Bryant and Others, and bound m
Hie north by the lands of
r Harper, on the east by
the lands Walter Harper, on th,
south by the lands Wade William
and on the west by the lands
Jenkins, and being all
tract of land whereon the said
now Ursa, and being a part
of the lands sold to Jen
kin deed from John Rollins an
lining SI acres, more or less
Jan, 88th, 1914.
JOHN T Trustee
J C, SMITH Atty.
Church a
The Memorial church
changed its plan, noted recently, w
parsonage ill the south-
east portion of the town, and has
purchased the Cherry house
nearly opposite the church on
street, to use for that purpose. Th
for tin property was executed
I yesterday. Just the
th church makes the In
I cation very for a parsonage
., I d-
run search m-n
ii u-
,,, l
Washington. C.
under Taylor
defeated the Mexican under
Anna In battle of
best layer or pure white
hell eggs per of
Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C
and ex
Vice President were
shot and killed in the
of Mexico city
office In Pitt county in book
E-B, page
THIRD TRACT, Situated in
township, on
acres, more or less, and
being the land granted by the state
of North Carolina to Samuel Corey
appears of record in book Y-3.
TRACT. Lying and be-
In Swift Creek township, adjoin-
the lands of Nashville Wilson
W. B. Bland. R. H. Carrie and Sal-
lie Bland, containing acres, more
or leas.
TRACT. Lying and
In Swift Creek township and on
both sides of the Washington road,
adjoining the of R. H. Car-
Haywood Cox and others and
containing acres, more or
This sale will be made for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and the above I
described land will be subdivided
Into smaller traces and will be sold
both as a whole and in subdivision,
to suit purchasers.
This the 5th day of February. 1914 ,
z. v. hooker. Mortgage
This February
n. I.
lewis. Chairman,
Clerk of the
Of the many social events
to Mrs. John H small, of
Washington, one of the most
and attractive was party
by Mis B. B her
lovely home on Fifth street.
The was
ed with Mowers and
Let E Rot Year Compost
I . -ii the champion I ha world.
I'll rot
or t. t,
n o m
in lets two
t en ;. I
. a of that
U nit f i
C r ,
s it
. n t,
I Mo., i a
t , I . t ; i. .
I am Red Devil Lye
, . .
; WT I.
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by a decree the superior
the court of county made February
v bole lower floor being thrown o. In n special
to the numerous In which Joseph L, Hobgood, ad-
no the were served of Carr is plain
delicious punch, and were then Stocks, Lizzie Gil-
moat attractive Ada Nobles, Alb, it Carr
ore i aids, as the game of the John H. Carr. Lena
Euchre and Rook. cloth, Mary E. Tyson others
th most game it at law of Richard Carr are
ii that a world of arrived fondants I will on Wednesday,
to reward the winners. All i IS. in front of the court house
of the prizes of the most I door In sell for sash to to-date line of men's pants Com.
attractive and designs the highest bidder the following de- and let us give you the beet fit and
Mr. J. W. Ferrell at piece or parcel of land, sit- lowest price you ever got,
and Mrs captured the In township, In and Co.
Root prize Visitors prizes were pro , county adjoining the of Al-
to Mn, Small and i Carr. Hoes, Prank-
an of New Bern. En land and others, containing
Kt wide were eighteen acres more or leas and being
Little Minnie Mae Smith Continues to
Improve. Other
Mae Smith, the little 11-year-old
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. s.
smith was taken with the
In December, but her people
thought there was nothing
about the child's Illness. The child
continued to grow worse. However
at length they took her to the Rob-
Bruce Memorial Hospital
at Kinston. Her case had already de-
Into the when she
got there. Dr. J. M. told
her parents that there was absolute
no hope for her an opera-
ton and only one chance In a
and with the operation. The
was performed In each side. It
reported that the child was dead
and lie grandmother started to the
burial, hut fortunately the report
false. It was ten weeks yesterday
since little Minnie Mae went to th
and her little eyes are as
bright as little jewels. She Is
proving every day and we are hop-
that she will soon able
v about again. Dr. J. M. Parrott
says that this case has been the
remarkable one In the history of bis
practice. It looked as If there
no possible chance for the child ts
live. Her parents and friends are
very grateful to Dr. Parrott for the
excellent attention he gave her.
If It Is cash you want bring your
beef cattle, chickens and
pigs to R. W. nail.
See Harrington. Barber and Cora
for your stalk cutters, they have
two styles and good ones.
If you want rubber boots or shoes
see before you buy. A. W.
and Co.
Go to J. Cox and Son for
nice Ice cream and soft drinks of
Misses Smith and
Corey went to Ayden yesterday.
When you want feed stuff, hay grain
ate . see Kittrell and Co.
Our men's suits are going last
Low prices are moving them, Com
get your part of the bargains.
ask for n ticket from the cash
it means live per cent back to you
In trade, B, i. Formal and Co.
Daniel Lane will preach at
the Methodist church Sunday morn-
Oysters at It. W. Hull's; try them
If you want a good cook stove or
nice range see us and get our price
In fore buy. A. W Ange and
The genuine seed
potatoes can he found at Harrington
Barber and Co.
We are Just opening up a nice up
When you want nice
ox and Son.
fruit see
for ill tho tallies and the whole
occasion wan one laughter and mer-
Delirious refreshments were
ed the hostess, bringing to
close a most happy and enjoyable
Mrs. Hose Davenport is visiting re
r lives at Staton
the lands on which Richard Carr
the time of his death. Said lot
or of land will be sold subject
to the Interest of Harriet Carr
widow of Richard Carr and the sale
will take place about noon.
and Commissioner.
lg ltd
i ., B
-1 vi ,
int f M
. ,
i .
.- . .-
A best
wish BET-
is the Useful, Host Healthful the Most Noble Employment el
nil ME
Negro to Death in
Attempt to
Concert In Winterville High Mr. H. P. Strange Visiting Here Carolina Will feet Men Clamoring For food Be
School Saturday
Was Heard by Odd Fellows
last Slight
Mr. II. I. Strange, of
at Durham
fuse to Work for
Cents Hour
Daniel Mitchell a neg. arrest- WINTERVILLE, March II. P. Strange, of tattle. L
el here Friday by tho local A will be given by Mis- in I . I. . I. . t. , ., ,
fr county Juliette Loving, Kate to while . . i ,
with was vocal will, M.-s. l. t. James he ts .
i . i . , nil III. , , , .
chard with y, vocal and Mir. will, Mr II. V. o
u. death Walstonburg violinist, Ra Mr. Strange was . p em n
lust night. The hoping to N. C, in Winterville Manning. S. . bin for n. e f t In . .
Enthused Each p- H. .
Little Contestants More
wag h m. ., n, , ; ;,,.,. ,,,,. night,
but failed in his effort as his body t eight The t th V. S n I N , ,
w M
H is f you need nails, win- Pa. c Coast,
i ,; . lent any
, , i- . . ,
here ;
nm. ,, -M-ii i. . . , . iii here delivered .
wind lime. e or any s. Strange was , .,,,.,; pr, elem
,., ., . ,., in a that the con- thins in Hit- hardware line sec , night phi was the ;
I , ;. a ho M. L. L. of of ,. men to I
ii I r iv . lay. the
and to K. W. for J.-fresh . led work The this i
the ., . , . , ,. .,.,. ;,, beef, f,,., . will end in three I ,
much was done by eon.- ENTERTAINS ,., ,. has been the I
even more was j u ., . ., ; f , ,
as they seem to ., corner of , J I n ,., I ; I I
I,. i . el iv e was i.,. f
;,,. U- . J. Carr of i r state
the th. i I Io a few of . , here. ,. ,,,,, ,,,, I
for.,,,,, s.,,,, ,., m , ;, .
night. the boys and a , if her sons. v deliver the I ten
o n lie In I -i
Lei friends that you arc During evening the blouse. .; us i
will feel more dis- engaged in van us games. .,., one. IV At i o.
to help you. u . I several
It-i v-our yon arc evening .
and they will feel more dis- engaged in van games, .,. one. B. D. t to.
. help you. n several See Co., for your a- v
every contestant have vocal selections by Misses , and v
friends would gladly Brown and ,, and their are
, subscription to the ago added much to the entertain-
,. .-. . . lie .
i or renew their of the evening. was taking Miss
for and lines from Arthur to
veil- Remember a prim awarded, present den to see her mother Monday
fifteen Misses Mary and Linda , being acquainted with .-
votes and that are Warren, Lillie Deft and he drove the car into the
the same number for all Critcher, Annie Belle and ditch. No one was hurl only do
renewals for a year. You also Evelyn Lang, ,. a
Aged Woman
a ii II
The Davidson College S. I
will meet Mark's an I said I at mien
team in u i lie
There will lie a meeting of tin of I hi meeting.
engineers and last we have a u.
public roads in let the city know what e want,
March Carolina in Hall who is an Indus
Judge Prank Carter, presiding 17-19. trial W of the
court , The manager of began. are .
o, ,.
at the of
. in the line notions.
at the close of the rung. ,
is More stated the winner must The young people departed hats. . , ,
t and will con for their homos at declaring , and prices
as to tin- end.
At Burlington
We v- ant u i
t w n day.
mini union i m I n
the style prices work
charming hostess. us you buy. J e,,,,.,,, ,,,, I . v,. . . , .
I-, D .;. , Waving the to die from ex- York to entertain ti big ,, .,.
I,. .-. of
t i leaving the to die from ex- y , i, expels to enter m. ti . , , to jail.
GOES , and of
ON TOUR, conference hen . MU. during the end of ibis week, w i I and fraternal .
the of last March worlds will be s r. for a
WAKE FOREST. March I l find intense indignation long ,,.,, . , l
The Club of Wake chairs and so. i The aged prison- i train carrying several ,,,, aid i
College, under the leadership has in jail, whence Chicago fans is due to
,, w. N, Poteat, left will she will to Raleigh later and. h
At M N. she will t taken to Raleigh late
morning for their spring tour o , . in the week.
March state. will be absent. i . of
Ralph a young about two and will give en- mattresses at .
the new Piedmont Railway in Fay- prices. CASE FIN ALLY END.
Company's plan Lumber . an, 3-j I
here, was electrocuted today at other points. Um i Co., are prepared to
o'clock by coming in eon- this year is one Deal with
tad with a live wire. The bee here for they .,
wind of the past few days no doubt reflect
had crossed the lines in so many I college and on themselves.
will lie taken to Raleigh later town tomorrow and other
are I
start Huston.
Washington and other j
i; H VI I r I
i, mid Go Sin i
i; ., has. Q in
The Biltmore Hotel has i,., ,;,,. league
, .,,, as headquarters for n baiting last has jumped
WILMINGTON, demonstration of welcome and the ,,, ,,
B. Penny against Giants and White f
were sent. . . ,,,,.,,.,.,,
particularly . be can PITCHER SUGGS SIGNS FOR
Young Warren had LIFE.
started to climb one of the light . ,; ,. . .
to adjust where KINSTON, H. C-
I. Park avenue. That wedding took place here to-
so,,,,, way he came in contact day of Miss Cox, member of
with n wire as soon as he started a prominent Kinston family, and
polo and fell back on George f. the well known
ground unconscious. People rush- base player, whose home also
ed physician is in this city. Suggs is widely
n- major league pitcher.
He began his base ball career ten
years ago at Jacksonville, I-la.
after several seasons with
Memphis was by the Do
team. From Detroit he
went to Cincinnati five years
remained there until traded
ball l.-t them serve with nice
l. only about five mil
and did regain
The deceased born in
well county, but came to Burling
ton when a small boy and ha-
t his entire life here. He was
ears old. December 1918 In
PT Minn-. March
lid given at the recent term of co
superior court, and also paid the
amounting to
training some
in spurting some
ti of guests, will gather about the in daily practice in tho
I,. board the Biltmore the gymnasium
V r arranged . honor
5-year old daughter of W. ti,.
cars ii . , .,
married to Miss Page, of St. Louis Nationals at the
of last season,
w. . the baseball
Newton, foreman f the Evening
the family how team
were displayed i j,,, ,,. wagon
ii St. Paul today in j which destroyed the New
token of the sixtieth, birth-1 ton barn, some miles from the
day St. Paul was in city. The building was wrapped
as a city in when the girl into
it as a tho stall and blind folded the
and military post for horse with her sweater, and led
rears prior to date. through the smoke.
The opening of the
league season has been set
back almost a week. The
race started April IS last year, but
will under way until April
this year.
this The Springfield
I league baseball
to play exhibition game
with the St. Federals, More
troubled for organized baseball,
Clark Griffith has placed the
Federal league in the
class. Meaning that the
to will explode on or about
Fourth of July.
a T
r- r

Eastern reflector, 27 February 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 27, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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