Eastern reflector, 23 January 1914

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Within the recollection of tie
had never before been ill.
had tied up cut Angers and filled
hot water bags and out
medicine to everybody else, but never
bad she taken to her bed and caused
Chess to be performed for
s ; she fell ill recently the
family was had
as though a bomb in go
hi, turn d to and
took re of Mr- el I
v . Blind they had a .
ti-i They piled on blankets and
held consultations and took
Blanket I tad
then decided la lower them, they r. .
what she ate they d
tn subdued and kept the light
dimly. And when she began
getting better they had grown so to
their authority
that the Invalid not cope with
no, Ruth
would say, soothingly, If Mrs.
attempted to throw back one of her
bed coverings, must keep that
en. You'll catch
I'm really too protest-
ad the invalid.
feel all right
Ruth would say In level tones as she
tucked hack the blanket about her
pan lie still,
i exactly as bad. When
be pealed to aim he merely shook
his hi id and mother, you
just lie quiet and let us manage
K. hi slowly grew In the breast
Of the invalid.
As sue the returning in
her I her eyes often snapped after
had been routed and laid low by
s. m of the family.
The Idea that Ruth, who was scarcely
past the age when she had been
and put to bed
Was actually bossing her roused Mrs.
grim ire.
Likewise that Henry, who only a
Short time ago had been refused more
Jam. h id be regulating what she
ate u depriving her of what she
Wanted and irritated her.
The day Mrs. said she want-
d to up the entire family proceed-
ed to shriek In horror.
m said anxious-
stay in bed and get a good
rest while you have the
should say added
let me wait on you. am
glad to do it. Don't throw that
cover back,
if you get put In Henry.
Jr., be eating all sorts of things
that you shouldn't. You wanted grid-
cakes this remember
Griddle cakes, Henry spoke
In of horror
Then Ruth lowered the shad-s five
Inches and Henry
raised them inches, while
abstracted the salt collar on r table
and n moved one slice of toast from
her tray. not he
ran her
Just lie i
laid In Chi II II
e, I. I breathed hard
an.; glared at I
ill r It
the told
son d hi
party this I I
tell said Ruth,
v p an on I
yon at all, mother. You'll
be sure to do
i Mrs.
ii i i . be bed clothes
r n hen
Win ii Mary accord g to
prom e, to cast her eye
d found up and
do you Ml
casually. . on would go
c .
plenty of
ha v.- coffee, to
fry an or
It. I
The In u
la I i
I .
n tin I
Its i
Mexican Mines Becoming Wells.
Practically all the mines of Tar-
es lbs
do A large party of has
recently come out of the country
tin- ; of Mr. en-
during much hardship on the way Dur-
a part of the Journey were
In with the refugees from
which place been entirely
abandoned by foreigners; the mines
are Ailing with water at the rate of
gallons a minute. The condition
of the refugees In many nines la
Most of them hare lost all their
belongings Some have fortunes.
Engineering and Mining Journal
Traveler Writes of Peculiar
of Romance Noted in Ire-
Returning to woods, I am
struck once more by the peculiar
character of their romance, says a
writer in Magazine. It is
so different from that of a German
forest, where the imagination Is lured
and lost in the depth of thickets and
baffled by endless Inns of serried
trunks I over by the canopy
of d booths. inter-
-i woods
I . era Is
but not quite to
be U
without end and end-
in and out, in
d green light among the big
t-i n toy bushes under the oaks,
and the high grasses and meadow-
sweet and their open spaces.
i and dowered with pale lilac
where the sunset sky is wide,
and there is the gibbet for wicked
hawks, and where not merely wild
duck rustle up. but a great heraldic
where at dusk It becomes
frightening among the immense
pale oak trunks.
A wayward In-and-out romance, as
too page of a book, that one in-
r . s in because one chooses
the necessity of the
m and av i forests in these
Irish Ii and alongside brown.
Char river, which under the great
mils has tortoise-shell
Si odes On It and Into the
by em
i that carried Sir or
I. up r down like
broken off narratives of the poets
Young Wife Scored Heavily When
Hubby Forward With the
Stereotyped Comment.
There was a worried look on the
face as he ruined hatless down
the street and ran up the steps of
Acacia Villa,
sorry to say there's been a
slight mistake. Mrs. he
panted. ordered two pounds of
i yesterday, and by mistake my
apprentice put up some sawdust that
Our grapes came packed
replied the lady. I
reckon my got
through about a pound the rood
for break
don't mean to Bay that he
ate gasped the man in the apron.
was the reply.
The lady leaned back on the door-
post and for three minutes indulged In
a laugh that all her neighbors
to the scene.
that's right-down she
Observed with a laugh.
queried the grocer.
funny we've been mar-
ear come 1st of April, and
Charles as never paid ma a
till this at
w Ii II d pat
f o that i is . told
me it the i
i .
of the Day.
mi r wonderful
new day is
, p with each r
i attendant
ad fresh
. . ,
i. or losses hours,
or are unmarked
clock is nothing
a hint of what
. hour hold or to remind
of time, or tin- brevity
of pro-
i n of one by
i to our o is as the i,
v i i. ii ea us the;
another Each one is surround
world -if his own. full of
ll and i en t of the
Pi I K by Hi Ii a
Humanitarian Movement One of the
Most Successful of Present
Day Endeavor.
Among all the human move-
of the time, there is perhaps
none which has been inure free
the spectacular and the sensational
than that for the redaction of infant
mortality, it has been steadily prose-
quietly and patiently though
with vigor and enthusiasm, both by
authorities and by
r s action
r, It has cons n
tongs re there is
t and I
. .
has an
evil tint exists when the I
taken the test trouble to find out
it baa or d
The workers go about the
very differently. They infant
mortality neither because it Is great-
nor because it is less than it was
years ago. but because they know-
that by the taking of proper measures
the lives of thousands of infants can
be saved. Put they unquestionably
do find great stimulus, as w-ell as
great satisfaction, in such figures
those presented by Dr. I.
Holt of New York president of the
American Association for the Study
and Prevention of Infant Mortality,
at the annual meeting of the
in Washington the other day.
1890, in New York he said.
death-rate was 8.8 per cent, of
In It was 18.8 per
in only a little more than
This means that tn New York city
ever infant that now dies
three would have d under the con-
a quarter of a century ago
that or little ones are
saved their parents every year in
this city the improvements
that have taken York
Evening Post
In the Opinion of Sir Gilbert Parker,
the Modern Race of Man Is Los-
Its Senses.
The astonishing question of Sir Gil-
Parker, Are our lenses growing
less fact, degenerating has
aroused great Interest. Sir Gilbert
thinks our life may have been made
so mechanically easy that some of
our senses are losing their vitality
and usefulness.
night be by
some as evidence- that the acuteness
of seeing and hearing is on the In-
said Sir Gilbert recently.
marvelous quick-
of eye, by which he observes
danger, and by a hairbreadth, es-
capes It by skilled precision, might
be pointed to. but I regard that as
a kind of specialization, exceptionally
narrow and confined to a limited
the chauffeur is like a
In can only see one
way down a narrow lane Many
dents are duo to limited and
I knew a
who i ii very veil ah ad of
If be ants Us t to the
has to hi-; bead
to right or left Every one knows that
the trail d and educated eye can see
to -i . left without turning
the In ad.
j. THE
the moon might vary Its
time of rising and the stars might
v and tardier each night
in n. c their Knits
sky, old Mrs
the d. of
In the she r
per . read n the
no s, I news, the
the She
i . read
. , i
I no p news
i I i lighten . of
her, and so-
u were lb
her Int of view, the ad-
l no desires, for
she had no to whet mere-
rend the was all.
In the i her meal.
Then she ate it all alone. She did
not know whit a monotonous meal
was. it. surrounded by the
faded portraits of the dead. She had
long ago that she was all
alone. The pain loneliness she
could never know again. Neither
could she ever again desire or
On summer after meal
over she sat out DO porch
and watched the re by. She
watched them Without taking any in-
In them. She see little
of her neighbors and she heard loss.
now and then woman
Who lived triad to
talk to her. The woman who lived
across the street was lonesome. Her
dead were to her. and she
longed to lee tn . kiss their I
She often over old Mrs.
and felt old Mrs.
loneliness, too. The woman who lived
across the street did not realize what
a potent at line had proved
Itself to be In old Mrs. case.
The of loneliness was real to
So woman who lived the
street hit upon the idea of giving a
little dinner and Inviting old Mrs.
In doing this she meant
Old Mrs. Pearson had watched the
postman pass by her day
day as she hail watched every one and
everything else pass by. When one
morning the entered her
gate and knocked en her door, it was
very strange. He handed her a let-
She opened I and read without
any particular surprise the Invitation
to the dinner over the way. She,
the people she read in the news-
Emigration From Scotland.
t o, ave on, Liver
I . . . that the year
I t every In
l , end ear
i . , i . .
i . . .
ii II i
. bi th
i . , Scotland are be-
ii. ii h are
i d main London
Names That Live.
I- w j I Interesting to ascertain
how many people have given
to tin English language in the
m i that Mackintosh and Macadam
g theirs, To Captain Boycott
owe the word to Lord Sand-
the popular of light rs
to Doctor tin
by which our gag
the house of to the brave
soldier of the great Napoleon, Ber-
word Chauvinism;
to the r
tn Portugal, word to
Thomas the word
in Mr Gladstone, a popular form
of handbag and to Wellington and
iota ear. Mr.
for the
ones i e B I in o.
nor of Now Hampshire, was one of
four brothers were In
College In While not
lo many as four were there together at
any one time, there was a good
of the family from the
val of the first one until
of the last. And the roomed
together the top of Dartmouth hall,
getting their own meals as a measure
of self-help. They were known as the
The subsequent careers of the
have been In keeping with this
endeavor of their college
For the in Winter.
A ii of some s n Ii a
come pi to Is In cold
weather In
r . . .
lei i i re on
. i
for the I d the
sure not
i evergreen
warm and
i I ks i
m a- on
P .
r hi mi. ii.-h . in
mulched and with pine
boughs. When they finish
i .,. i., ill,., . burrow
ground and eat the
Ate II All Alone,
paper every day, was going out to
dins. Then when u began to think
it over she that she was n
human like hi r human beings, and
then a really surprising thing
about. She recovered from the
She did not ill much that night.
Ti and tossing on her bed, and
thinking and thin chief-
wondering what should wear
to the dinner Scroll the Way.
she was very human, She was even
in the morning she get up unusually
early and once ho ho- d search-
I, i i r i How wonder-
fully they had i in in d
of the y an
The garments as befit-
ting i ion Is Id out upon
the boil nine o'clock in the morn
Celine took s run
down to which was
widowed sisters country place, she
to do anything she
wanted to. She romped with the
digs. chickens, milked the
d shoveled snow, if it happened
to be and ran the
if it wok
In -ion lo that, she occasionally
. rook out of the kitchen and
prepared s a according to the
king school at-
tend. In the city.
On this particular day. at
o'clock in the afternoon, the cook was
cut, and the sister had gone to the
village, was ft all alone,
and one of the things she
ed for deceptively
called dinner by a share of the
an old-fashioned custard.
First get the eggs. They could be
found in the
walked down the path to the gate to
get a view up and down the highway
before going after the eggs.
And what she saw as she leaned
over the gate was an automobile
Its sole occupant was the
young man at the steering wheel.
Something was wrong. It hobbled. It
limped It baited.
Opposite the gate and tho girl tho
machine to a bait.
The the young man stared
at each other.
finally asked
think are looking at sonic-
replied Miss
smart for a he
cook, thank was retort-
my trouble Is that this
has gene lame on me, and can't find
Miss opened the gate and
passed out to the machine, and after
u minute
believe they feed these things
gasoline to make them go. No
line, no
whispered the young
man. as he inspected the empty tank.
now you can fetch a tin of
gasoline from the garage to last you
a few though you
start out the tires next
Ard with that the girl started off
for the and gave him no
Mr. bad five miles to go to
Ma father's home, and he reached It
without further adventure.
ho said when ho reached
home, don't you fire our fat and
old cook and get something
for what
she Isn't a dandy. Pack
here a few miles I saw a handsome
young lady who was a
gent, and classy I almost
permitted to admire
smart said the mother.
In t a dollar to a that
have been fooled. Is she a
my sen was and is
Mrs. Mason's sister home was
is . i down
haps every few Mow does it
i to t. n for s
cot even with her for
was the reply, and the sub
was n I
Every day for the two week
was out on the
teaming to run his hut he
went so far as the white hone on tho
It was when he thought he
had absorbed all thorn, to learn,
i line confidence, that he sped
In that direction. When he if a
mile of the house he saw an auto come
nut of the drive. It contained two
ladles only.
must be the and her
ho mused. one who
made a fool of me Will be St the wheel,
flood Now to shatter her
He put on speed ahead.
His coining was not noticed until he
passing, told him
that the girl r as tho
rook was a-. . . i;,, machine. With
p he bowed and
. . straight
ind i re flash. road soon
Hob was only a wood-
worker and worked in the finishing
room of the big
id her bi all out of narrowed, was no
i in hour sud a halt lo pa ; m hi i s ha i waited
late. I paper, with his machine.
it i Into the ditch, knocked
rods of rail fence,
he d and no then stopped still after vain-
I , . to climb over an old
ii plats I
d water,
fit de d i to I
rest In I h
i i dinner Bo bi lay down on
her c ch. carol to i
hi i finery was out
on the bed. i dropped
off to sloop I t soundly.
When she with a start It
was dark In room.
Mils had to turn her head
ind look. It to do,
but mi h r I
it. Smash Crash Her auto was
on side
comes of n hired driving
an she i lid.
a he retorted.
Is fill this talk de-
factory. He had
no education and
could hardly n
and lit i
drifted through
life until
twenty eight,
B ling what
future had no
.-,.,, or
form to him.
When Low was
twenty-six a new
Influence entered
his life. He fell
blindly and
in love
with Minnie Car-
son, the pretty
daughter of the
She had a good
education, having
been sent to the
male seminary
after graduating
from the public schools. Also she
was ambitious and belonged to liter-
clubs. Once she had a piece in
the Daily Palladium. It was in tho
form of a communication, was nearly
a column long and was signed with,
her name in full. Minnie Minerva Car-
son. was Status of
the Women of Ore, Com-
pared With That of the American
Women of Hob had seen it
and treasured the paper among his
few valuables. Had he heard the com-
of the editor of the Palladium,
don't know what In thunder It
means, but we've got to give the
women a show or down goes the cir-
he might not have felt so
much awe.
The one great thought the piece in
the paper gave was that to ac-
quire this divinity he have to
lift himself to a plane somewhat
hers. He was confirmed in
this Idea by overhearing a bit of con-
between Miss Carson and
Stokes, the assistant secretary of the
company, who was very sweet on
Miss Carson.
One day they stood near where
was working and he
conversation. It was all about books
and authors and plays a id philosophy
and poetry and theories of life and
things of which Bob had a very dim
comprehension. his love
and when once he
his passion he set about find-
a way to gratify It with the same
dogged persistence that had made
the best workman In the shop Grasp
the Idea that learning was
first step to put him within hailing
distance of the maiden of his choice,
he enrolled himself In a night school
and began slowly to master the
In the meantime Stokes had been
himself more and more In
Miss Carson's heart, lie was hand-
some, college bred, of a good family,
with a position In the host society,
drawing a good salary and every
to anticipate rapid advance.
and a liberal Inheritance. It
was altogether natural Miss Car-
son should regard him with favor.
But Hob knew Stokes was
nil that the husband o Miss Carson
should he and he his time His
opportunity came He was waiting
for a street car one day when Stokes
came down the street, Just as lie was
passing Hob a woman Wei him. She
greeted him with a broken-hearted
she cried.
where have yon been Why have
Stokes pulled the pathetic, weeping
creature into a hallway out of sight,
but Hob could not help hearing what
was said.
promised to marry me. you
know you did. n hundred, live hundred
times. And after It was too late you
ran away and I found that you had
Mod to mo and that I do not even
know your real
What Stokes said was In so low a
voles Bob did hear It. Rut tho
don't want to be taken care or in
way. I want mi honest name for
myself and my I can work my
fingers off for food shelter, but I
want an I want
yo i b cause I love you
Stoke nil something i I o and
wont up the stain in the office bi Id-
a white
face close to hi--. It win. of Min-
Carson. She evidently had hoard
the conversation In the stairway. Ilia
heart gave a great, pliant leap.
that Mr. talking to
that girl in there I came along just
after they went In. From the glimpse
I got I thought It was he. Was I
Defining the Difference.
Mrs Fish, at one of those
that have made her talked
with shrew of a in.
that said Mrs In-
In a shocked tone,
that man to marry that beautiful girl
Hut Isn't s tremendous difference
In their
said Mrs.
found a mulch. Striking It sh van.
looked at the clock and discovered The other two looked at each other
that it hours past the for a few then to
set for the dinner at the house of the laugh.
across the street have learned since the other
Old Mrs. was relieved be- said Miss you are not a
measure by this discovery. Now hired man. I therefore beg
she did not nave to go to the dinner and I have also learned
at since the other day that are not
She put her clothes he family cook. I
fully In the trunk with calm Mr. and are
Then she ate some frequently seen riding out together,
drank a cup of tea and relapsed Into and attitude exactly that of
her normal Dally News, two young persona In love.
life. As he looked Into the anxious
and drawn face of the girl ha
realized in a flash that she loved
Stokes and that the truth would
break her
It not he laid
said the girl, break-
into a sunny smile. you
and pardon for my
And she tripped lightly down the
street, leaving with a leaden
Is the i.
I 1.1
N. C, FRIDAY a mil.
Frequent Applause Greet
The President's Message
by Every
Third Party asserted That the gag.
the Solution of
the Trait Here
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.- President
Wilson's suggestion to congress to-
day In his trust address that the
government and business men are
ready to meet each Other hall way
a common effort to square
methods with both public
ion and the fell on attentive
ears and struck a responsive . In
representatives of differing political
The atmosphere of co-operation and
in the message;
the reforms proposed, expressed in
terms of conversation, and the spirit
friendliness to supersede
ism In dealing With
at Which dominated the
thoughts, aroused expressions of
from all sides. Few discord-
ant notes were sounded in comments
from member of the congress who
are to pass upon legislation urged to
prohibit monopoly hold nun of
business within the law.
Throughout the delivery of the ad-
the assembled senators and
representatives listened intently to
every word, applauding frequently
when the president began
of which he believed need-
ed remedying.
ills proposal for an Interstate trade
to facilitate business and
keep It In the straight the re-
of laws to prohibit
interlocking and holding
suggestions for authority
regulate railroad securities for an
act that the courts be opened to
harmed by illegal business
all these were received with general
approval, evidenced by enthusiast
Before the plaudits of his audience
had Ceased and as the president was
passing from tho Chamber
where his successive appearances
since lust April have contributed to
tho nation's history, his utterance
km precipitated action.
Representative Underwood, major-
leader of the was the first
to act. As soon as the
after the joint session, held to
hear the president, he offered i mo-
to refer to the Interstate and
foreign Con meres Committee
suggestions for the creation of an
Interstate Trade Commission, and for
a law empowering tho
Commerce Commission to regulate
the Issuance of railroad securities and
to the committee on Judiciary, the
proposals relating to legislation de-
signed to supplement hut not
the Sherman antitrust act This
was adopted mid It was an-
later that both
would begin work once and
range for public hearings.
bill. Representative Clayton had pro
tested vainly against of trust
regulation grain being taken from
Ills committee and while Mr.
I wood was offering his motion, to re-
i fer. Mr, Clayton and
Carlin. of Virginia, stood at his elbow
pleading that he change his
of action.
Member of the House Judiciary
Committee and members of the Senate
Interstate Commerce Committee
headed by Senator of Ne-
conferred again on plans for ex-
the hills to be. admitted to
congress. Later Senator
talked with Joseph K. Com-
missioner of Corporations, who read
the trade commission bill
the Judiciary This
measure new will he introduced from
the senate committee probably
Expressions on the message came
freely from Senators and Represent
Democratic, Republican and
Progressive. The only unfavorable
criticisms enacted f om
lives, Representative Murdoch;, the
party leader, asserting that
suggestion for the solution of tin
trust evil were and
would render the trust evil more
One of the most
Hunts cams from Senator
lead of the minority in
the upper House, who represents the
moat conservative type of
i- m.
president's recommendations
are said Senator
for the part. wise. It
seems to me there Is nothing In the
recommendations that need disturb
business nun or that would Justify
radical legislation, if the Democratic
members in both branches of con-
win formulate bills along the
lines suggested by the president and
abandon their method of legislation
by party i aliens, they will find the Re-
publicans ready to co-operate with
them in bringing about legislation
that will be of real benefit to the
country will harm no
Senator Lodge remarked that
message was and
Senator Alden Smith,
Michigan, said, president has
attacked the problem from ills own
but probably his program
i will do some
Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, who rep-
resents the
wing of the party, praised the ad-
was he said,
am In full accord with it. especially
that portion which would personal
guilt for violation of om trust laws
Representative Mann, the minority
in the House, also commended
tho menage, particularly the
for government regulation of Is-
of railroad stocks
Senator of Kansas, assert-
ed he would wait to see the bills
spring from the
before he made comment,
Democratic leaders were
tic over tho message. Senator Kern
declared n would command the
ration and confidence the country.
Representative Underwood said it left
no can-e for alarm by the business In-
said II
The anniversary of General Robert
Lee's birthday, is the 18th,
of January, was celebrated yesterday
morning at the East
Training School under the
supervision of Miss Davis of the His-
as Miss said
is titling that in this practical
I time vie should occasionally I
lay aside our busy and dwell on
the and memories of a wonder i
till past and pay respect and homage
to those who made
The were opened by the
singing of different patriotic songs
each symbolic of a different type of
patriotism. River which was
Snag by the Glee Club, stood as an
example of faithful, g- loyalty
which is the highest of patriot-
Ism. The spirit of longing the old
heart was well expressed In
the soft humming of the girl's voices
in the chorus.
Davis then goes to the stud
body an address which she Introduced
by stating that the Civil War will be-
the romance of future is and
Lee one of Its heroes.
in early days of government there
were two ideals of liberty, one for
the union the other for the state, but
; It was not long before the South found
herself standing alone In her
to the state then came the
tragedy Civil War, in which tho
two strong conflicting forces of a
nation were brought together. But
time Is a groat healer and today the
South Is through a greater
drama, a reconciliation of
Mats Davis gave a brief sketch
of Lee's and made the statement
that It Is not so much what a man
does as what he stands for. From
the view point of accomplishment
life was a failure; but from
tile view point of what he stood for
be was one of the greatest of
Americans. Men from other count-
have his true noble-
placing the highest estimates on
such n life and character. The same
lofty opinions of him were held by,
those who ill war were his enemies.
General and General Grant
and all Southern biographers haw
given the highest to General
Root B. Lea,
The School arose at the end Of the
and sang with the
spirit Davis had inspired.
pride and Joy In our great country i
and her great men The other
were the ex-
the patriotism of the
r. and n
trail to the above, the tried
p in.
Oklahoma Convict Mutiny
The action of the House In refer-
line portions of the massage to
Interstate and Fun l
Committee. f which
of Georgia, is chairman
Somewhat disturbed the program
mapped out by the Judiciary
headed by Representative
Clayton, of Alabama, which already
held bearing and prepared o
draft of a trade
and Speaker
NEW Jan JO.- Miss Alice
A. Holmes, who delighted In the title
the Poetess Jersey
Is dead In her In that city ill
her year MISS Holmes, who
was a friend and school mate of Miss
Lonnie J, Crosby, the blind hymn
nil r. died Sunday but the fact be-
generally known today.
Miss did not begin lo write
poetry until she
poetry until she was more than
years old. she published four vol-
b Alice
i mill HUM
ii in Which Seven
sous Here Killed n Rat-
prevailed today at the state
where last night seven persons
were killed during a between
guards and three convicts who at-
tempted to escape.
Bodies of the three prison em-
shot down while at their posts
three eon i- at the
penitentiary morgue, while in this
city, the body of John it.
Thomas, B visitor at
the ion. killed by a
await for ship-
to relatives.
In the prison hospital suffering
from bullet wounds were Miss Mary
l me operator at the
prison. John Martin, turnkey, and C.
I,. Wood, guard.
The bodies of H, Droved, head
of the department; Patrick
Oates, assistant deputy warden, and
y. c. Godfrey, a guard, will be held
for word from relatives,
Pistols, smuggled Into tho prison,
and reaching the hands of Charles
China Reed and Tom
the who gave up their lives
their dash for liberty, made the
tragedy possible,
Today Warden W. R. Dick
his investigation to discover the
means which the came
within wails.
Arm. with their pistols, Reed.
and when labor ended
for the day in the tailor shop, where
they were made their way
through a ha. store room
up a dark stairway to the entry room
of the mail building. There stood
John Martin, the turnkey, but before
he realized what the presence of the
i ii a shot passed through his
bee, knocking down. Quickly the
men tie kc s
With a shout to the other prisoner
tn Join them the three rushed for-
ward. Oates, the assistant warden
stood In their path, Reed shot him
the heart. Ne r the
of the warden's office Judge
Thomas, s-ho a i a g to so.
Warden Dick on business, I
em Innocent bystander lust here
on in i. its I judge
be sprang to his I and put up
his bands.
The convicts dead. An-
other wound Wood, n guard
Miss Poster, tho t
to . th i ii In for With
mi oath the witch-
board hoping lo eel the Ires,
this time I
mi prevail id C wore shout-
cheering I y ran
I., i -ii the Half crying
as the rifles the i r n I
from various the three eon-
the gate
PARIS, Jan. Tl h for-
office today Instructed
French minister to Mexico i. protest
to Provisional President Huerta
. i- suspension of the payment of
interest on the Mexican public debt
The French note differentiates he-t
tween the loans of 1910 and
The first of these, secured by per
cent of the Mexican customs duties.
received the formal approval of the
French government, which
ed the listing of the bonds on
Tho foreign office therefore pro-
on its own against the
default of Interest on that loan. The
second protest is made on behalf of
and at the request of French bank-
In regard to the loan of 1918,
which was secured by per cent of
the an customs duties, but
which did not receive the
of the French government
It la understood that the note
Provisional Huerta mentions In care-
terms that the French govern
will not exercise Its i
age of forced collection of the Mex-
duties and the document
framed In such a way as to imply
tacit support of the Mexican policy
Of the Tinted States.
Rebels to Authorize Operation of j
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Jan. new
mining law by which the Constitution-;
government hopes to revive ac-
In districts under Its control
effective January
Officials hope that by granting val-
id titles owners will be persuaded
to operate the mines, thus relieving
poverty the lower classes.
Those who comply with the
ions of the new law guaranteed
a valid title, and when their
cations have been accepted by the
government they may start to p
Shooters at
N, C, Jan.
Scores of trap-shooting enthusiastic
assembled here today for the opening
j of tho seventh annual
handicap tournament given under the
auspices of the Country
Club. In all more than in add-
ed money and trophies will he dis-
among those making the
best scores. Half a hundred Of the
j best amateur and professional
. of the country, among them John
j Philip the traps in
opening rounds of the
Is a In and id
setting forth what Is de
by the situation with won
i ; i them mid
they would hit the
How Anally came from
i and it hit Miss In
e leg, Reaching the gate the II
dropped their after unlock-
the last to freedom and
sprang Into a buggy. Lashing th
j hi n the aped down the road,
The dash for short,
however, on horses
came within shooting distance and
a running light began. The Con-
made a desperate fight as
buggy lurched but ii was soon
over, Bullet after bullet from the
nuns of the guard found its mark
when the horse last fill and
the guards came up the three convict
lay dead in buggy.
within the prison the work-
ally, driving the eon I lets to
i ,
Rocket so fur Consist el
Mean liquor and shooting Irons
a little gambling ha played a
pal art this week in criminal
now in session here, and practical-
every case His Honor, Judge
Daniels gave guilty parties about
the limit and warned them
practices. The following
have been disposed of the
of court Monday
.; guilt;.
n d on payment of
Ross Floyd, with
and cots.
Faulkner, carrying concealed
weapon, fined and touts.
Jim Williams, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty
pended on payment of
Charlie Vines, assault
weapon, pleads guilty. f ft
Fred carrying
ads guilty tired 810.00
Charlie assault with lead
weapon. suspended
payment of
Charlie Am t
ton. gambling. that
pay all the i
suspended as to
I., n. Mills, assault with
weapon, was
ed on payment of
Q M. Campbell, assault with dead
weapon, suspended o
t. M. Campbell, assault with
. suspend d on i
costs in case and also i
J r. court on peace bond.
Chas. Williams and Cum
larceny, four Judgment
pended upon payment of costs
Dock Moore, assault with
p pie guilt
and oats.
Moore, carrying .
Is guilty,
i ,
Judgment -i
. ti
r . Randolph
tier, th
i ass . gum
and it resulted I
o ts
I i r. I
a. pleads .
i i led ii pas moat of costs.
I i t
i ids guilty, ii, i
and costs and Parker sent to
the roads for a I Oil .
Simon Harris, gambling,
and us.
Albert Freeman, carrying
ed weapon, pleads
Tho Realty Com-
of Greenville Is conducting a
o land sales In Florida
Some merchants who are
themselves might
with profit along now
In several of the eastern
of smallpox are re-
The market is having
one of the attempt
ed to hall them, Promptly he
I to A bullet that
wild passed the office door
of Drover, the expert, and
killed the building. Reed.
and Lane made their way to
the gale on a trot None of the
dared to shoot. They wore afraid
The three persona bun during
will recover, it is said. At-
I tempts tn get a detailed account
the of
from Mail the
operator, futile today
She M from the shock.
Members of the state prison board
began in Investigation today.
Vinos situ Asa
is f, els
i .
I Cannon, with
i weapon, guilty, fined i
and costs
selling It
prayer tor a
i prayer continued
of other three ii
pended on payment sf

Crew Rescued from fuller
Palmer Had Given Up
their h
after had given up all th.
II numbers of the crew of th
. .-. boom r Fuller r
In aboard
I Donaldson line steamer M
. was made by I I
, . . .
M of Cod
had keep
I, the I
. that s
. ml had
. i.
t Its
. . .- i i
ml I lea the I vessel
With all
in tin
. . lined a
. . , It Tl
. ti ii
. I
n from the vessel. I
. .,
Is to Um we, k-end.
a Cox, B. L. Abbott
bare been attending court week,
Mr. Tucker writ to Kinston
, , .- la aft
and Son for your
j a line of other
B. T. Co spent a days
with her parent, Mr. and lira. L L.
at Ayden.
Mrs. J. J. S.
et life Si;
ear-Old Daughter Mr.
Ufa, Mas,
the tour-year-old
Mr. and
called to
ring with
. days, when I
. . .- l took r home
the people as U
, hand
II of I
H. C., Jan. 9th, UM
Mr. C. . Wilkinson. Agent.
Casualty Company, New Tort
l desire to thank you for check covering my recent disability on
account of sickness. Your company Is a good one and have a
I . , and i congratulate you upon the manner m which
claims. This is my second check in the last lour
i in both the settlement was entirely satisfactory to
me, and I commend you and your company to the public for
With kind personal regards. I am,
Yours very truly,
School District, Pitt
county, North Carolina, offer for
BAND DOLLARS of bond, bearing
. ;. i
, ken, .
i January 1st, to run to
. . bearing interest at
;, pi; i annum, p
, on the of Jan ,
or each y Br I
be Ii d i . virtue an Act i I I
Famous Violinist Always a Favor- Hen. Assembly, Extra Best Ion.
In This Country, Where His
Ability Was . said District at an election held
. . , Act, and b sold In
The American appearance of,, . . , , f. j;,,
bonds are non-taxable.
bills will be received by tin
at his office in Greenville.
the church, but from his early child- X. C, for these bonds till February
hood b manifested a for 1914. A deposit of per cent
For The
New Year
Marl off with new fur-
the needs so
badly -make choice
our exceptional clear-
I prices or sale price- all miles and line single pieces,
chairs tablet- fancy and now for your
an early choice.
Taft Vandyke
which could not be denied. His amount of bid must accompany each
In Memory general lee.
Go, Jan. 19.- The ,
first matter a German violin-
, . . , ,, ,, , i , st, was not much impressed by his F
t. Le II.
commander tin ton- encouraged his ambition. Chairman Board Trustee,
rate armies. wounded a German In a duel and 1913.
mill la I where he was
. Trusted to Keep
Timepieces of Great City Correct
of In
In all I
. . Ii. .
Timepieces of Great City Correct
to the Second.
. i.
Rev. C. M. R pi
I till
as why
dealt l
. .
attempt at provided him
the mean of continuing his mu-
and ho soon developed
Into a genius. HI American tour Women are sometimes accused or
luted two and was a financial not being on time, may-
and In 1852 prising to some to learn
ere of the returned to London's champion I a
America and attempted to plant a woman. Miss has an
Scandinavian colony In Pennsylvania, office unlike any held by a woman In
but lest most of bis fortune In the any other part of the world. Mm
i , . m project and returned to tho concert as purveyor of the correct time in Lon-
Two Mo a great don.
boats reported In favorite with Americans, and at his With her which is one
, ;. tonight death, which occurred at Bergen, Nor- of the in the world and a
Fair Oak way, In 1880, was sincerely mourned triumph of the watchmakers skill, she
. on Me of At-
In Oar Commercial Department j
We offer you every facility available in good sound modern y
Saving Department
We pay per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in sum of One Dollar and upward
Only Saving Bink la
is no batter protection than a
s wings
t i. i service y m
Located Dickinson Ave. A. C. L Depot.
Open nights from to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
T. C x, P. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. Flaming, V-P. B,
f. F
I i . hi r main
gone a
,. . i
u p el by.
I . off Coos Ba
. I .
I .
. I I
la in
ii as i .
. th Carolina Plant Breeders.
South i I'll in
. ad W. H.
once a week and checks her
by that official then carries
It around to her clients. A great many
Jan. M
Smith and Si Bra went
. i i i night.
.,. p. w , a good
S r and Co., for
ii H ave th
bi it sty
Mr Of N who
Ii u, b tea It r Mr, it.
Chapman and Jim
d home I
Brother farmer sit up mid take
notice, that we carry nearly every-1
. j in need In your line. Come
i our prices. B. D.
A new lot of kind
in at A. Co.
f of of
i i that had from
dial town, near The
paned through here, it
known here the did.
mini but i oats at
in, Barber and Co
p the
morning at o'clock
Wanted at once, on hundred
, el cattle. prices paid.
pump pipe, black pipe,
on hand at a W ant sod Co
it COX,
,.,; ;. form
If yon want an typewriter
one of the beet machines on the mar
Hen J. Con and Son.
When you want your paint
ed or your out Come U
u . we have the bent on the mar
net. Try and hi I II
and Co.
Mia Whichard left
day for whore
, . of California Is now transported find her chronometer able to mate
.-.,.,. the shipping notion. J
point m away, men i. ., an known. M- el la
. ,. .,, y. ,,,, recent- to be much more met than tho
; , electric clocks are e. a
material Is conveyed In and ten a few
I. days -co at the
of the found to have on f
k ; mil of one-tenth of ft second during n. i.
, , ., . . week's time.
been carried an
. . over linden, but Is . y little
by traveling .
i II electric tram, for it has M . d. I -d
I ,. ., , um . . than SO from
. of getting the to time In a week.
mule power ha. Mia. Belleville tan
unique occupation. Her father.
from the as-
royal about ball a century
B to the correct time from the
where he employed
by chronometer makers. After
death his carried on tho
and no a- daughter Is keeping up
the work by bringing tho time to
Wat makers all over London.
The Greenville Drug Company
if tut i A Pare D Che
Sun Ides, Stationary, Supplies,
Jul ;., ii Ii. ;. , ind
Sick R Prompt O liveries
.-t Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
Herman Cortes, Who Conquered
try, I. Undoubtedly Entitled to
the Distinction.
The first man of European blood to
rule over Mexico Herman
who died at Seville. Spain, year
ago on December Cortes
first on tho little Island In the
harbor of now tho site at
; tho famous prison tor political
i era. this point, a. hi.
with the aid of tribes hos-
tile to the he carried on a cam-
that finally resulted in the com-
destruction of the great A slue
empire A brilliant military
also without
of a and made use
of where force failed to
hi. purposes. Emperor Mon-
and per-
and were mad
the slave of their Spanish master and
forced to exploit the rich resources
the country for the enrichment of their
conqueror. In three years after
first landed on Mexican sol.
conquest complete, and
appointed first governor of
Spain, Mexico was originally
ailed. He soon and
1636 New Spain made a
including all the Spanish
In north and central America.
Sixty-two viceroy gov-
Mexico, the last being
who withdrew In when
free and Independent.
The adoption of a system
recently submitted to the
of tho Bricklayer. Mason,
and International Union
been carried by a ma
Coward woolen Drug Co.
in Our
I Or.
Ail Li-
Drug Co.
Parmele Industrial Institute
For The Training Youths
in Domestic Science, Music, and Agriculture. Tuition
to teachers and those who are planning to teach m Pitt,
Martin, and Healthy location, splendid
railroad facilities. For further information, write.
William Claudius Chance,
President ck Founder.
This Paper has space for
Your Ad also, try one
total membership of the Amer- crease of about 300.000 for the yea.
The of the
lean of now for i
t which is a of a million dollars
Officer Smith Is Shot
Down By S. M. Pollard in
Farmville Saturday Night
Died Sunday Morning in Hospital
a Washington
hotting Occurred in the Men- Ml,
Pollard, Is Sew lb
Jail Here A nail-
According evidence given the
,. ti t. one th coldest
I i i I
within the Pitt county was
elite when I Police T. H,
, i lo -1,
the hand B, M. Pollard, s drug-
hi town, i. prov-
ed fatal in the officer, n i o died
morning the hospital In It
win ,. ho taken on
Norfolk a while
Her Haas Being Used a
Mis name is
inn used as leading argument hi
the I t here tango, the
the bi waltz and
i. . Headed by the
C. T. V., many prominent n
urging council i i
an ;. prohibiting the i.
d The council,
. i, thought be In favor
an action u
to i lain opinion
Ms the . tat i gt Ii
mechanical college and man the
leading young a on en the
an. opposing the pr I
attended ii ball Twelfth
m. i Hi. Hen In Ni w Orleans two
v . pro, a the go and
ii i freely Indulged In
The; a word
hill i ,, b and I with
turns on
Killing The
the shooting, the o
saving his through an M
Hut upon arrival the hospital n.,,.,.,., .,.,,, dial what
one in. and
enough r daughter of pr-
was good enough the
the physicians that
steel ball had penetrated his
n ii an ration would
eve his Ilia. dances are conducting a
i o'clock . .,. .
entered the
Mr, Pollard and bi i d
r n. young ii In tho
join them a punching board,
r lined, and Is In-
stance the proprietor, Mr. Pollard
campaign and the town
Into two d
,. equally Influential camps
Interest i running higher than i.
political the
carpet bagging.
turned the officer and with i
drowned ordered him to leave bi
since business once, and accord-
to some f th evidence Mr
Smith asked him what the
tor. Then Mr. Pollard exclaimed ii
out m my place, I tall and Bred
fatal shot in an instant, Al
point two men clinched when Mi
Pollard Bred the second shot
in through the had of the
had hold of the barrel
tho and twisting it In an an-
other direction. Mr. Smith,
holding man about the n
Mill Prevail f tin-
Until in-t Week, lair
Jan. Is Somewhat
unsettled weather Mil the
the over much f the
country, the of the week will
I,, generally fair, tho weather bureau
are the official
i nil. tin sold, rains and snows
vii you have and killed r n. Rocky will
,. it a cowardly and terminated alter Monday. In the
when near the door, being aided home plains states and the northwest snows
by onlookers, he threw hi with continued high tern-
over Ills shoulder and Bred are probably Tuesday or
the druggist, hi aim , Wednesday, followed by fair and cold-
about a toot
alter the shooting Mr. East of the Missouri river the
surrendered to the will be unsettled, with snow
. Jan. Caught
by a rail
u . i, H
tho branch
title K , . r B. Curie
. I I
both I Charlotte,
Son other was hurl p r
I , it i shock h
. ti r and
. and
., i,, ti o i o ii hi
up i the train.
Thin Is II b the I
that i i within
i I the David a
i. to sic n The
left the rail on a i ii
B I'll Will
Dairy i Opened at
Ind. Jan.
Hundreds . Is rs and
n homes In
parts Hi. today with
ii.- as their destination, and
they It arrive nil .
all prepared to enrolled Ii
the ., dairy school at
i r Tho courses In
tills afternoon and
, in ,.,,,,, for weeks. Two
pi , i arc I n,
y com and t
in. Jan. ID. Women
from all over o state are
was n. here today under the
auspices of house
hold f the University
Illinois. The course will
ten days. University Illinois teach
era appear on the program, which in
divided Into lectures on tho
food, clothing and health.
Sophie sat boll upright ht-r
mother and listened round
eyes. In the first place there was a
strange man in Doctor Stewart's
pit and ho talked in a ringing
voice and his as
were afraid h would not have time
all he wanted to say. Doctor Stew-
art almost drawled and did not lean
I, . h
had did this man.
So this man was we'll word,
II.- man wan l- . ,
tale of missionary in a ear-
of the country. ho
ended be simply but
the people whom he worked
needed and everything.
only he said, clothes, all
tho life what
have told you and give freely
; phi glide her
mother when they reached the open
air. are to V in
Inquired I n i
mother d shortly.
. i i aid. sent
ail our old clothes to the mission
I'm of money, i a at
many If and if do any
money there's that I i I
mind wandered. Teas were
vague things that required little girls
to stay upstairs.
j mother said I In the e a
sixth bi I I to know
i they the u
; people. me I As if one
wasn't driven nearly crazy with band
on every Don't bother me
HOW- Oh, we'll , nil cot
it v. u the n l day that
thinking, Mother had said
send something, m was out
for the nothing bad boon sent.
Sophie slid down from the couch
wandered about, frowning. Maybe the
poor people wars reeling Lo death at
very moment.
She decided that she might as well
gave her mother tho trouble of
things, Inasmuch as her mother's con-
sent had been won. proceeded
to her mother's large closet
For a moment she stood sniffing de-
the faint fragrance of violet
sachet that emanated from all tho
Footsore, Ragged, Rem-
of Huerta's Army
Made Way Into Marja
, I
Workers of the Brought
Their Products to a High De-
The period human in-
ti. be-
cause in discing about among the re-
mains Of find
relics made of always lower
down than i natal,
The ,
workers In stone Th In each
region for their
purpose. found where
i Mu
and Traveled
, ; .
. .
. from tacit
purpose. .
under beat eon- i ,.,.
,,,. to I over a i
for n and quarrying routed i Mas., lbs
it I with n I
long distances, ;.;,., ,, . . rived to
th,. v. and kl,,,., u . ,,,. u
in Kales.
NEW La., Jan.
nun in all i
ti do and Industry are being can-
for their opinions regarding
permission for the railroads to
freight rates. The returns thus far
how ninety per cent of the business
men In favor of granting the railroad;
the right to Increase their rates
per cent.
officials and when the i
reached Mr- Smith
as dead, and being
bond for a Sheriff
, m to hi
,,,., i , Jail where
he now trial, which will i
ably come oil tho
criminal court.
The trouble grew out an all r
cation seven weeks ago, and it
Mr. Pollard had told
officer not to come Into store.
The occurrence has a gloom
not over the Immediate
from which it comes bat r
tire county as both men were
Officer Smith had served the town
Of Farmville as for
teen years, entering upon the duties
when only twenty-one years of an
He has proven himself faithful
efficient In discharging duties
Mi office, and his record in one
will doubtless novel he
The remain- were brought from
night and this morn
interred in the cemetery In
wile Mr. is
by an aged mother and several
sisters brothers.
i r rain-i during much of tho week.
that it will be
I la. In it
valleys, and on Tue
. in the l n n and
in the south weather will be
i tiled Monday and Tue flay, ii
local rain , followed i g
v., I III. r of week.
be Monday over tie
central portion of tho country and on
Tuesday In and south. No
unusually is
at present for any portion of
hostile to ire the to p ,
how each kind of stone ought to be The i . I
worked and how II wort army, in
after Ii s To a count ban f , I i
of perfection they arrive our terminal n by the rebels, will bi t
most skillful worker, aided by ;,,. , ,. .,
finest tool of today, are not aw Q ; They i
to reproduce some of the ,., . , i t.
to be found in our mu- .
H id .
lei on
,., within I i
U h
of H
; Mere ado
but he,., of a
should return
i ; ,.
, General Mi
with the i d s i
I , ii in i as guard, were tie led
era generals i.;.
and all i
swim,, but still re-
their uniforms,
p march
i . I,., id, . i
the i i
the h water in
the ling away In
the man Ii and the round
Meet In
Texas, Jan. M.-
of the Texas
from all over
tending the annual convention of th
which met
for a two day's session, P
Cherry of and S
. W. A. Jo u
in tho
T. Got.
n. Ian, Tho ad-
guard or visitors d th
today attend tho Inauguration
of P Fielder, who was recent-
elected governor of New
The will take place In
the r Opera House tomorrow
and will be accompanied all
ceremonies which Custom
for occasion.
Son. My
A gent
in one of the I
g at r of
room . In
gentlemen In a seat.
in and m bin
with affectionate cries of
son, my
It was heartily touching, bat
opposed son was in honesty
ed to deny the relationship.
senior argued point
been eight years in India, and
Just come back. You're So-and
Tho and
were quite correct, the surname
Ins by no means a common one. but
tho younger man had not been in In-
nor had he a father In England.
The real son was in the hotel, how-
ever, and bad arrived th night be-
fore. his namesake.
registration clerks had not Imagined
It necessary to anticipate a f , . ,,,,,
when they directed tho ,
to the visitors room.
Value of Talk.
Talk has the reputation Of the
cheapest thing is. I
and demand have something It II
of tho difficulties with
the United Stales s
had to intend.
.-, from vie hilltop, the
.,,,. i. II
the and
to do with value, doubtless the sup- Into tho dusty distance ten
ply of talk is what gives it n bargain
counter value.
Ind., Jan
More than 1,500 delegates, i
Of United Mine Workers
America, hi arrival this In
of the opening of
,.,,,,,. th International
th The eon
will have Its formal
Hail tomorrow morn
u II thus will
i, r week v
usual, Important i
, .,,,. I
framing t Bat wags t.
,, He present with
operators which will expire on Al
i Tl miners will and d
upon the demands which
win present at the Joint
t,. he held with tho nail
Faith, under Indictment In the
murder case, wan arraigned
Judge today tor trial. Jo-
II the murder victim
an aged and money lend-
doing In a downtown of
Bee building, December, 1912. he
was stabbed, beaten, shot and burn
death by acid. murder
curred in his office in the middle of
II., day The motive for tin- crime
was never determined, nor was
lightest clue to the
nearly two years. Some months
a tale told by a woman led to the
rest Faith as one of the r
faith Is alleged to have mad
n partial confession In which ho
Harold Beholder,
recently tried and acquitted
the charge.
Fashions Made by Accident.
The origin of tho
more than ordinarily interesting.
Duchess do suffer-
a boil on bar cheek, resort-
ed to the device of putting on a hit
of black mixture, which, she had been
told, possessed great curative power.
Next morning she either forgot to
wash tare or, did not use enough
can so tale goes and appeared
before the world of fashion with a
potted face. Powdered and per-
she received her caller who
found th accidental black
so much so, that i
night had com., they anointed their
faces with black ointment.
ft Tax Labor to Aid Strike.
WASHINGTON, C . Jan. 19.-
Matters of than ordinary in,
to labor are
to come before
here today the execute
council the in
Labor Though the officials of the
declined make so
In of
meeting it Is understood that a pro
. i f i las on ail labor
through oat In
if the sinking in
met region it to b
Deep Fresh Water Lakes.
Lake Tanganyika la Africa, with a
depth of feet in soundings, Joel
led by Captain Jacobs of H. M B
I the second
est fresh water lakes the world.
Baikal stands Brat with a re-
corded sounding let The
Bulletin American
notes that, as the surface
Tanganyika is but 1.859
a Ii it mu, i be regarded i
the greatest
for Us Boor sinks to
feet below sea
The ladies of Hie Methodist
ITS preparing for an i
and novelties.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
mat works Com
i money if i I Ml
K . . , taoS t.
North Bound Hound
o. a m. No. p.
so p. m. No. p.
Hound West Bound
a. m. No a. m
a. m Mo. II a u
No. IS p m No p in
Are to
things deer i d u overhang-
era and hanging i-i a straight row on
tho brass rod th it r a, n
tie room, in a v
her hands delightedly
over the violet velvet dress. That
could go-mother bad said the last
wore it that she just bated
it be. Celeste had d it. The
poor folks would he glad It even II
It wan botched. They could wear it
to market or something,
And that pink chiffon evening dress
hadn't mother remarked that
simply never would wear the thing
again after said about
a woman of her appearing in girl-
There was tho blue
mother could give that when
she had three other cloth dresses.
And here were five this
most like being given away, tho
brown, silky one. with the nice fur
collar and r It was
able boa everything com-
Into a There would
be plenty of room for some things of
is for poor, man.
Aft. r arching gar-
father's I
them Sophie decided on a
father didn't are about
At any rate, he new r wore it.
carefully told lip Ions
i i coat and r. of the things
and added them lease,
to s I, of I mi
ii happened that hand i land-
ed in the end of the r devoted to
her pan i i's n rear, b n
with a relieved I
i;,. and out.
m moth, told
en at church v i were n w
thin tho situ
i, . i angelically.
good to carry this
nil the said i worn
hat evening mother had
u I,.,. on over the
phone, she laid to fa-
mil because tin
had my on i that they know
whom to Call up. dress rail d
i .
win It s
Sophie's father chuckle,
on suit. almost
ho said,
hadn't been any name on the
Sophie's hi ii right place,
anyway Dally New.
Things that are cheap i ;
If talk we , -1 to
done more than lo the
would .
Sen, ii I he i
,,,,,. . on
of In- He replied that
than fOl
feet Of
miles av was a picture
although ii l
reaching seemed I i
glue i t, from
the M
. t I
. i
. i. r Hut
I with H
I . all and -at
own work In world I ho carried by wagon. a
, lad and without bi
their iring night
Finger Prints of Babies.
Ai Spokane, the linger prints of all
newly-born children are taken upon
the certificate of birth. By this
means, the identity of a can
traced from the cradle to
all the tho u
women were the best There were
lam i of women o I i
places i ii or burros lo am
ah uniform ranks
grave were arm. g the ma
at foundling asylums, when an- f
fortunate mothers their babied, I end animals while in places we
men. w ill, ii red BO I
gave i.
the in . r r was 11-
in the line or between bi-
ll ere wan almost sure to . BU I
,., i rooster, saved from the wreck
,.,. crowded fr i H
of a to ti i was i
attached with a I st. .
I , iron pen d lop
l. I
In .,. .
mad,, celebration tho one pr.
hundredth of death . i and punched i
name Is
ably associated with the a
as s P or, . . . .,, ,
Louis XVI promised to help him ,. ,,
launch them by giving a banquet at
which they were lo he B an yielded the I i . M
attractive novelty royal cook burro lo i
unfortunately misunderstood in-
given to him Instead of
boiling tho tubercle, cooked tho
leaves a kind of . i The
courtiers, after trying
able sort of with the
there would always a means of
Identification A recent cube line called
attention to of human
of French Cook Came Very
Near Putting Out Com-
mission as an
In Prance, are being
i lot k trow I
; policemen Trial
i . m II
able condiment me prep , . ,,
ration, pronounced Ban
and declared that would I
them ever to it again, lo stand trial a i
Inquiry, however, detected th i. The
which had he. n made, and a ,, . ; , . , i Italian I
brought tho delicacy j.,,,. , bare cleaned up
Into high favor. , L dollar past year two
Do many remember that Mr. a
Introduced the into ,,,,,.,,,. , , ,
with intention of making
tubers of which it hours so good a l charge,
crop for potatoes
j J.,. .
Lockout Had pas is tor o
mil an trade,
unionist, one of tho .
hand, who effects of the look- Retail
out. After the union Hill and Montana. Incident P F.
of his bosom friends called at Hi , . tiled the to t
the n. Into a Slimy . . a
the program for discussion.

and mm and EASTERN
rM. in.
D. J. tumor.
livery fellow who can drive a
straight and push a saw to the mark
can find work In Greenville.
The ringing of the and hammer
n the a true
ever In ard and In most parts
it of town the is plentiful.
. . M
. . upon
i, . ill
nils i a r
i I Kl i
. , .
Another good feature of th build
operations of the present,
is the class of buildings
going up.
If you are bunting work
. ling to do t. come to
and Si -t waiting to b
. i int-
no idea the railroads wire farmer, but to the resident of
such a poor set. and were In such small town as well. The rising gen
. on verge of COl- ,. not wont to be so content
laps. One might think such was tin life as WON lather
Lg statements rail- and mothers. They must have
road before though easily
the state special commission ill reach of their are oft. I
I only to be
I I late. The country
Ci g d . my it made as attractive as an
i Tn lover other, more
late is demanding not put in To make It s.
. to i the of
the boy.- and girls on the farm so
la the borne town.
i ; . but it
I i a. planning tor a i
A good lie la I m nine ;. ; , ., .
n is half
ii ten I I and eleven
a man's head the u
go far as the labor problem
A loses bis illusions first, bin goes, farmer is going to com
ti . ind sad his follies
n i now like a collapse
i n in Mexico is near a
just before Christmas days are
sorts after Christmas the men
can by a man's
whether things con i
,. aim before yon pull the
looking for a
a I all.
to bars
than never to haw
out best who plants no acres
than be can cultivate well with the
help available.
it the f. . -i
come large enough to pay
who should be reading
sent out from the revenue depart-
s government. The r
must be made by the first of March
With only per Ci I I
land of the United States tin
raps i n
last year are estimated at ten
lion dollars. Just think v. bat a
vest this country could make if all
land was cultivated.
railroad Into bankruptcy.
not by an means
spends i
in a Institution.
, ii he iii take Urns to
Is d I la i ml bi
a . of
, . In other i I a
Out put
. I by
. i
. a., ,. t ii . i
. . , i , in a. ii r. . to
tin , . .-. it . ii
lived smaller towns, would not
their i and the
. i. i the . spend on .
. . , but t.- would pi
health and i lives.
If all the time now is wasted in
waiting tor service and attention in
big city department stores were
saved, it exceed In value
the supposed differences between
s the big and and
the net result be a big saving.
be annual expense M
returning In the big
stores add a tremendous amount
. . . .
. i ii ally eliminated in tho
. i his i- largely
i in Chi ago Tribune, in n
editorial, comments on tho Ind
of environment as
m Lincoln was born
tr; i in
-r. You must move with the world pupils at and in the alter
you'll get stepped on. noons. There Is now no room for
The can give you its games. The best order cannot b
and its thousands of maintained and healthy school spirit
and privileges of a cannot be developed among the s
foundation. But you must be a The school yard ought to
You must keep in motion. The and Improved and made
force that drove you yesterday gave Pleasant surrounding
you the momentum that you start beget pride and respect In the pupils
mt with today. You must continue Dental and medical Inspection
to supply the fuel. You can't go very children. Health Is so
with the momentum that it ought never to be neg-
more especially where the
If fail In keep up your pace child is cm.-mod.
If you fail to keep on you There ought to be domestic
lag behind you are hurting your manual training depart
I depend upon things would add
vi-u. to the of the boys
A log r pot ahead or the e ad girls that go through school
and the world knows him as Lincoln. it is the business off the
a farmer boy ahead of his time- ,,,. what i
lame the great Empire Build- ,. , . ,
I. inn. a in f can bad y.
. poverty, while it may have
been I had not the ting of
of today. H guide
. tors and kindness, the Bil I
. . . re. N n
. but It was his fortune lo
Into proper and, to
Inspiring ; His
studies absorbed Mm. They supplied
ambition and stuff for
might bear an entirely
if Napoleon, in-
stead of having been born In
had born in the underworld of
underworld of even is
day. If Abraham Lincoln had been
born in a slum like those we have
in Chicago or Haw fork today, he
nut have ended as the great
reflections are forced to
ind the recent utterances of
Charles W. ex-president
New York broke away from ,,.,.,. in , r u the
i came ti s at
T. Stewart one made would
,.,,, interest Is ,
cal. Use your bead. Discover your , . progress, what
pace end develop it carefully ;,,. ,. starting place Is there than
Keep daily Increase your .,,.,,. L. ,; ,. who want bettor
strength. Think school conditions for children
i all Impediments, Lot
nothing stop yen point;
get yesterday's victories by set-
tine new standards for today.
That which applies to you He isn't handsome, far from that.
to your town. We must get ahead As manly beauty goal;
, ,, He doesn't sport the latest hat
as a common as well as
Or up-to-date clothes.
US. Let US M builders. Let us make Am ye, u, h
this town keep up the t blooming roost;
el town, and if possible, And likes for
a little faster ahead. Let OS work HIS middle name la Boost.
rot only for our Individual
the town In which we live. The
opp of both the town our-
selves is today. Today's
is always the best
11.11 bow many wive
awakened from love's
n rs
is so with other at-
that not a thought Is given to
park play ground
pr IS lie. .
North on
Raleigh CI s . a
S the Navy Josephus
Daniels is keeping up his good work
young saving large sums of money to the
government On contracts for pro
placed last week, the saving
. more than I million
When It Is ii Into
that a murder like the one In
Saturday night, can I traced
liquor as the prime use,
it right
om of the regional re banks D man not unite bis efforts
and I-- Richmond take her- ti
-ii tire out the traffic in it.
it la . . thins
men say that is go
forward than any town
Carolina, Thai la what
There are m my I I p In
and ought to got to
it In North
Carolina COUld better enforce her pro-
. v, re it for tin In-
You to go piles of our
of rial on the IS when
yon know that n ins a new
is really moving
all in the in ill. r . I a
line on Tar Riv, r. the pace Is
low it Is not perceptible.
Today was the
the of lien B, and Is
ii Si as a
people have the habit of talk
a great deal about things
mi .- or nothing about.
accidents do not com
by automobiles The other day a
U- Of I, C, was kill
ed hi
Saturday morning several the
of Institute
ire destroyed by fire, and at once
to rebuild the
school in a larger place. It was S
lire not long since that took the HOT
school away from Oxford.
brings no harm t the how
,. . to locate them in the
. mi the th
the gainers thereby.
Harvard, extolling poverty and
plying that H make for virtue mediately seized. Ho not wait
,, than for vice. The sincerity of the the future to make this a good town
He do wear the latest styles
Or know the latest fail;
Hut lie and smiles and
When things are going bad.
He talks a lot, when pour,
Of crops they have produced;
He sees their silver lining, for
His middle name l-i
the la. t tint personal sad
. . while In th
. store, . . can not or to make you something that you
u to a , Is com- want Rather lay hold of the Oat out yourself and
. in the large store, corns out the life of present and make the future
big stores will deny this, but their of big o
departments prove mile.
truth. breeds slums. The slums
destroy the health of their
HOME HEAL, And , ,
To a certain extent the a. ,, i an unhealthy body. Where
absolved from blame for luring the the conditions of life are as brutish
The school Is the one Institution
that lo the whole community
boy from the farm and the more or and foul as they are In the slums. f Its
b Me the tiller of Poverty In gen-1
sou to uncertain lot of -rations past may sometimes have h b,
,, laborer or clerk. According . been a to ambition. u
arguments advanced by those who
,. de a study small town
. bl
or the of land by
young real with the
;. , with farmers tin m
farmer bas r
bi mi t. In his crops
cattle, and a bank account more
he In comfort of his wife
children. With the City man it
And folks along.
For knocking never makes a hit
When tilings are breaking wrong
If you should hear a kicker road.
Just bump him or the roost
And show the folks you're plugging
Your middle name Is Boost.
or Kit
been a spur to ambition. The grind-
poverty in the slums today
always crushes and
Lei the boy who haw been brought
up in the country understand that.
even though finds the country
tbs city with Its r
but little, If any different from the
light which attracts the will
eventually destroy Unless the
young man can come to the city and
meet employers of labor on an
with other employees, he
out tho slums as a
The funeral in ill.- Monday
abode, since his earning capacity will
not permit of his being otherwise
n The wife of hi.
mechanic, income wan
smaller and immeasurably less secure on Me will
than Hie Income of farmer, ,.,.,, that h
for years been having hot and after all
water In her kitchen, a bath tub In , ,
house and gas and electricity with no w tin
which cook, wash and Iron. II. connected with At.
in proportion to the given ii morning at o'clock of Officer T.
by the people. The teachers alone who on Saturday night
., . ., shot by Mr. S. M. Pollard, was one
cannot make it what it ought to De.
not to i- forgotten by the
The parent, must lend band. . p .,.,,,,.,, ,.
Happily, there is in . ,; ,,.,, ,.,.,,
of enlightened of town had for their de-
and interest. Everybody parted officer and friend, practically
the best school possible. Ha- every business house In the town was
, , . . ., i,, closed during the funeral and burial,
rents are loyal and patient. But one
And BI marched
thing IS There is p. . ,,,.,, ,, town
no way by which the people, the ,,
especially, can make their night for thirteen years, softly tolled
interest effective. Individual effort Nearly population of Farm
cannot accomplish what ought to be
is necessary,
women Of ought to be or l
U Interest of the Oracled
School, of action could work
wonders. And this would not be j
their last sad rites over the remains
lot the depart, d
and others who experiment either. There are
hold work has been cut to a
I .,,,, The wife of the farmer men.
cast Is still the town. The clubs work in the
Unnecessarily Because of this OR BE Interest of and
Trouble You
and the want of a comfortable
and consequently Interesting
live home, the migration to the city
has been unprecedented In recent
One has only to use his brain lit-
to discover the various machines
which might be Installed In
A bill baa been Introduced in con
Brass to appropriate a
year Ml federal aid to road
the various slates It Is stat-
ed that North Carolina win got the
Of ,.
I et work go on.
The world Time flies. Men
change. Commerce develops. The op-
of today are greater that
those of yesterday. Those are some
of tho forces that compose universal
To succeed, you must move. You
must keep on going, If you are filled
with the ambition to keep on top
To stand still means to go backward
There Is no future In the past.
Today is dedicated to you,
you have the opportunity to on
going. You even have the chance to
speed up and forge ahead,
the others. You can't expect to ad-1
If you loiter or stop on the
way to rent. There Is no need of
looking backward Cast eyes tn
but the towns in this Slate, thing wrong their farm and way
Here In to see their children Be of
F. M. Simmons
returned lo City after
spending a vacation at his home in
Ne and In talking about tin-
prosperous conditions of at a comparatively small e
pictured how much great.-i and which would go u long
would be but for the scarcity of labor way toward making life on the
head-on collision of two expressed the belief that fully j lighter for the women and more st-
out laborers could find Immediate and tractive for the children. It la a
o employment In Oils farms run on s modern
is surprising that so many people I pay larger dividends. Farms so run
will loaf around without not only keep the children at horn-
Is the large cities where but keep them Interested In the r
Is congested, when they home. In the farm and the farm
South and find plenty worst wart
KM only Farmers who feel that there is
a sort of constant yearn-
i around for example . a w i.
farmers are preparing to building operators la the lark, to get away- will And a solution it folly to depend upon per
crease acreage and raise an Immense mechanics Almost any kind to the whole problem of keeping the j while you are thinking
tobacco crop this year case gets from 12.60 to a family together, in brightening up some success In the past, a
they had as well make up their minds day more and home and giving it an air of modern-more Mgr n, new model school will help but will
is accept a small for it next at this people have ha almost get ahead of you. . not be sufficient.
buy mechanics to work done j Not only is this applicable to tho or b, climbed o- space for the
ready many successful organizations, Successfully Taken in Cases
of Stomach, Liver and In-
One Dos Often
will change
Lon race
, CU
want and to furnish the means to pro- hr ,.,,, a remedy m.
. m . w- . .- . It gives in the
for it. Why should the best
,, . , ,, n . from one end of country to other. No
In the State satisfied with people who
. . ,. , with Liver
thing of I etc. and been
, . ,, . . . , i health are loud In of thin
A complete list needs in . ,., There Is not but what one
. , . , . remedy
school would be very and are Ii acts
. .,
but a few of the most pressing ones tho bile
out m, e . -i ins id-
may be mentioned. in the
. to
Another building lo relieve Hie which alone should relieve your
. you that Wonderful St
crowded condition.
side of life; The missionary
lea and aid societies aid the churches;
the of
patriotism, and on, All or-
are right and proper, and
serve their purposes well. The
could not get along without them.
Hut the scope of their Influence
One large in
dependent of everything else Is I
would help the people
make known the kind of school they I
. .
you to
to a teat will be
hundred and fifty children now and will over quick re-
ad again know of
Into a building that was In- Send or in-kin on Ailments In
for about three hundred The
Halo la ti. by
I I IN trill
Ind. Jan. j
Hall was filled to
today when John
called to order the international con-
of Mine Workers
of America The convention Is the
held by
organization and first that
has been held since the plan for bi
conventions was adopted.
The roll call by Secretary William
Green showed that the convention
it the largest in point of
in the history of the
The gathering also is one of the stoat
mat the lave
it held. More than deli
la their lbs proceed
span. ;. lb. m the.
miners of th
whole Of United States and Can-
the of Penn-
and the miners ii
bituminous fields
in West Virginia, la great
Illinois and Kentucky, K n-
Oklahoma. New
and the ml tS north-
west ii Colombia.
The delegates welcomed
City in addresses deliver-
ed by Governor Ralston of Indiana
and Mayor Hell of Kc-
tor the visitors was
In annual address of
dent While. The address of the pres-
and the reports of the other of-1 they been sell tor
lie, is and standing and Important and that
nil that the organization at the
time is in a most nourishing to put In the Jury bog the names of
In two years the paid up 111.111- capable, honest, men, and
of the organization Campaign be felt the commissioners had
carried on In the nonunion fields done their duty. That the success of
West Virginia, and Colorado and our government SB
Pennsylvania. upon the of officer.-
The convention will continue in ed. that officers,
session for two and perhaps three on the bun h.
weeks. The will be
largely with routine
all of the old factional
that existed in the
some years ago have
and all Indications point to a
gathering. The Socialists ale-
I to the
as He. of
rial, I and
The Term of Criminal
Court convened hire will.
Judge A. presiding, and
Abernathy representing
Below is the grand Jury for
G. E. Harris, foreman. O, P. Pol-
BI L. U.
Joe lames, w. j.
B M Crisp, W. P. a
A. May, M. Fleming. J. M.
W. K. Nannie. J. It. Finning. J. H.
on. a. j Tyson, J- O. stays
The Charge.
H Judge talked t
the Grand Jury for about two and
one-hall hours. is charge
excellent review of our social,
mural program lie
with the grand Jury
things iii environment if
beings go slight
and characters makes law
abiding and pointed out
some of the evils that tend to drug
v warning to evil do-
sad those Who Support and pat-
immoral influences; us
as a warm commendation
Christian, moral i-
for law enforcement and the
advancement and of the
He said in part to the Jury, that
, to the Jurymen urging the
of pr.-s, true bills.
etc, and Judge closed his barge
by directing n Inspect th.
Bill Of
virtue of a power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage
by K. Ha
and wife Martha Hazel, to H. J.
and what they were doing, and Williams dated the
Unit the convict was In 1913. and recorded in
proper order. And with special em- office in county, in book
be tie in to t-10. page the will
the home for the poor. See on the day of
bass good Whole- at U o'clock NOON
and to public sale. the court
as clean, warm bedding and house door In Greenville, to the high-
bidder, for cash, the following
for said In. it is a I tract or parcel of land to-
to any county to neglect its poor
With Advancement In Medical
Has Come the Passing of
Family Physician.
allow them to suffer in their old age
1.1 it is ti
j tins ago, to our progress and pros-
sale Small tract of
it bang First n-
r. l- o'clock m. at the
court door in lire, in ill.-. I
i . t i t bid-
situated in
. North Carolina, and
stake, i n. corner on the
corner, i r at
T. C. Cannon land; thence with tin-
B w is p l
. ire. I Inti in Dan
Bran ; B
. with holly
s i M
. . . l i i. by
times, threaten, some old . Cola
Among the most
is the lessening field of a cop. a personal Utter
family doctor. To him. as Immortal- I Said M writ
lied by were confided the lea b i H. R.
hopes and of many a mailed a
, t frank The order directing the
Modern medicine with its many ,,,,,. embodied In a
branch.-a, its and ,,.; , r,.,.,,
dallies, ha. perceptibly reduced U I , .,
ailment now suggest Its own
one almost divide
Ufa the ., ages of medical J W
from tho at
birth, th- of early infancy,
the s to now
natural deformities of Childhood, lbs . . ,
the following described I corner;
land in Greenville township, her I W. ti poles lo
county, beginning at s stake on th B. Q. corner on the
i road thence
road S. in. w. to
i ,. . . the same Ian I
to K. n. by H. J. Williams, on
then south i-- E to the
then with canal to
Una, thence with said Tool's
line and with a ditch to said road.
then the street or road, north B
poles; then south It II -1 poles t Ibis the 1st day of 1911
the road, north BL poles; then This is mads to
south poles lo lbs beginning said mortgage dead,
containing r leas
Also live acres, known as the
WOOdS land, sold to John bl
ii. ii. Brown, the said land being
was the duty of the commissioners known as a part of the W, Brown
lands. This land Is in a high state of
cultivation, with all necessary ten-
ant houses.
This hind is to be sold for the
purpose of making division between
tin owners.
Terms of One-third cash,
In one and two time.
This Jan. 1914.
This the 8th of January,
II J. WILLIAMS. Mortgagee
i ltd
oculist to proscribe glasses
the ;. for the
of i d, the for
poles ti the digestive troubles of
i i Ins point- the for tin- deafness of oW
And though the chance lo -us with
a higher there
Is much to regret In the loss con-
of the friendship and counsel
of the family doctor. His Interest la
tho patient was personal. He knew
the physical weaknesses, as well as
the disposition Of each member of
the family. Ho had followed them
from birth. Ho was than a
He was a guide, philosopher
and friend.
may to enliven the proceed-
by the introduction of some rail
resolutions, hut the
have such a substantial major
among the delegates that anything
not their liking can
voted down.
Tho wage scale to replace the pres-
contract With the coal mine ope
which expires April i. next,
i-. the principal business before
convention. Tho delegates will dis-
cuss decide upon their
and these will be presented later if
tho Joint conference with the ope-
Talks with the delegates In-
a gen- feeling that BO agree-
will be reached this with
comparatively little difficulty. From
I ills II hi gathered that the general
sentiment among the la in fa-
of demands. Then
has been some talk that the
miners in Pennsylvania would
hold out for a substantial wage iii
crease and some radical changes If
working conditions, but tho
from that section declare that
nothing of the kind bag yet d-
by the miners.
In the wage the
Important matter to come before the
Will a general revision
oft he constitution of the United Mini
Workers, Of recent years the or-
has grown
ship. Influence and
more than servants of Hie
and that it is an Intelligent
that puts into office nun
character and courage who have In-
and capability, The of-
said be, are what you make
Hero Judge Daniels look up th.
cause of unlimited education and
showed the great progress
through education and that
coupled with Christian homes
promptly presided over by Christian mothers
and noble Christian fathers, was the
foundation and the fertility from
which sprung an moral
law abiding people. He
the fact that it was not the Idler
drunkard, or the Ignorant and de-
generate that build up the towns
with cotton mills and other enter-
prises, and till the soil, but that the
Christian, moral, people
are the ones Unit do these things. And
they are the ones that can and must
that the blind tiger, the gambling
den and houses of fume are
driven out.
Regarding question,
Judge Daniels of
all of the you have to pass up-
on grows out of the use of whiskey
and drugs. We had the open bar, but i
so much evil that we de- i
l try dispensary, but that j
was n failure, so we are now trying
prohibition. So far prohibition
been of much benefit but It has not I
accomplished what It should Have j
Ii Is true the great bulk of drinking
I done by the but the whiles
do too much and being so much
ho in member- parlor, they should
g example.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county in the
of Haddock, widow,
W. Smith, ct the
commissioner will offer
the court house door
on Monday. February
l the following described tract
of in the county of I
Having qualified as
r i estate of H T. de
., i . d, late of the county of Pitt
state of North Carolina, this is ti
all persons having claims
the estate the
exhibit them to the undersigned
or before the 10th day of January
ii this notice will be pleaded
r bur of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to the I its
H. T. will make prompt pay-
to the undersigned.
hi. of January. 1914.
or H, T. Dec
I lid
in township, that tract oil Saturday afternoon While the lit
lad lying on the east side o, M th daughter of Mr. J. N. Hart
swamp, on the north by the
lands A. Haddock, on
by the Mrs. M. U Cox end
rs, containing ZOO acres more or
less, and being the same of land
to John It Haddock by Mai riding a bicycle on the o,
A Haddock, and being land up
. king along the sidewalk In the
western purl of the town she was
by a ridden by t boy
but fortunately not hurt
There is ordinance against any-
on which John R. Haddock resided
. , the time his Terms
one-hall i h, In twelve
month i.
This January 1914.
I ltd
but dally both white
colored boys disobeying
those laws. There a remedy
those disregarding town or-
and I cur
th, iii Mayor bus it.
Telegraph Clerk Amounted to Nothing
When Sweet Innocence Was
Sending a Message.
She sailed into telegraph office
and rapped on counter. The clerk
remembered that sin- had been there
ten minutes before as he came
forward to meet her, lie wondered
what she this time.
she said, me have that
telegram I wrote just now; I forgot
something very Important I wanted
to underscore in
acknowledging receipt of that
bracelet. Will it cost anything ex-
said the clerk as he
handed the m -age.
The young lady drew two heavy
lines beneath the words and
awfully go, d of you to let me
do that, it will please Arthur ever
mention said the clerk.
you would like It I will put a few
drops of violet extract on the
gram at the same
thank you, sir You don't
know how much I would appreciate
It I'm going to send all my
grams through this You are
And tho smile she gave him would
done any one good with tho
exception of Arthur.
. is aid In
Ail tho facts . t out
;. . ordered, as I
, p u in be. An . II it v in he n ids
Dr i his lady
, n
ii-i know
ml are at all ill reads
alleged to sent
i the
To Prevent Wood
-riv Hi. old .- II
I . . i i i at
, . . . hut. ii, SO.
Labor In
Pa., Jan -i
or unions in parts of
have mads arrangements for the
today of s great labor
campaign win last tea
nil will be conducted under the
-s of state Federation of
The purpose of move-
is to stir up Interest among
people with s view to
1911 banner year for or-
labor In Pennsylvania. Night-
. m are to be held under the
p . i labor o sanitations
, r- of national and State labor
will the meetings.
Membership campaigns will in-
plans for
., the i of laws to
. n. the working classes at the
ii session Of the legislature.
Cure a In One Day
l, works
wist, refund money if it
. GROVE'S mill-ire
wet the
here Is still too
are now deemed much whiskey shipped In, hut with
In the original constitution I all of that there L less evil coming
Another subject that
The firm n. ii. Moore and Com-
composed of D. Moors mil
J. J. doing a general
business tit N. C.
bus ibis day dissolved by mutual
consent said two partners, Mr. i.
Moore having sold his interest
the business to It. M. and Hi
will whiskey and drinking
much attention Is that of more safe
In mines. During the past year
I here been a heavy loss of life
In mine accidents throughout th;
Om- Pennsylvania mine ills-
aster cost a hundred lives. Another
happened In Colorado, which
miners their lives and
disasters occurred n Alabama and
New Mexico.
X. Holmes, chief of the
ed States of Mines, has been
invited to address the convention
the subject of the work that Is be-
done by the federal government
in the way of bettor safeguarding the
health and of those employed
under ground. Secretary of
Wilson, once a worker In
and later International
of tho United Work
rs, is expected to speak before th.
convention If his official duties
other engagements permit. Senator
W. Kern, who was the author
the resolution under
the senate committee made an ex
Investigation of conditions Ir
than ever before In the history
North Carolina. The evil of whiskey
is not confined to the asylum,
court room, or the county home. It
Is smeared all about you. It leads lo
gambling sod lewd.
women, consequently to
ruin. The liquor habit la one of the
This afternoon half past two
o'clock a gasoline tank exploded in
the cleaning and p e ting
of William Mason, colored, on
Fifth street, the building
in the rear that of the
Drug Company,
it only required a few seconds for
the lire to destroy clothing to the
amount of about three hundred
building prob-
to the extent of about one
dollars. The lire company was
quick to service and their re-
to the call probably saved the
burning Of the entire block. As we
go to press we were unable lo learn
business will hereafter be conducted
under the firm name of J. J. Ell, amount of Insurance on either
building or its contents.
Radium In the Arts.
While the most Important use of
is undoubtedly that a
agent for cancer and skin dis-
eases. It is also of great value in
ways. A disk currying u
quantity of radium is attached to a
spools voltmeter and used for meas-
at a tile
of a conductor, which It does
at a distance of in
the case of a current of not more than
volts and a three
meters in high voltage.
Another use is tho prevention of
tho electrification of machines and
fibers In the textile Industry.
in silk mills. This Is
by dipping the textile into a
bath containing a very small quantity
of radium and by applying radio-ac-
matter to tho cylinders.
tin so applications, radium
Is incorporated manures, to which
It gives a highly stimulating effect
upon vegetation.
to Held
Seventh Adventist workers,
churches In Iowa,
and the will be attract-
ed to city week by the sixth
biennial Northern
on Conference, Three bishops from
th.- denominational headquarters in
Washington, D- C will be here to
urge world-wide missionary endeavor.
Tin- publishing work of the
nation will lie another leading sub-
i discussion at
The officers report
worth literature is distributed an-
the Adventist
Mont, Jan.
i. an Influential In Urn
rural uplift movement In Montana.
began at the state college here.
Hundreds progressive farmers,
of accompanied by their
wives families, have gathered
listen to tin lei on scientific
farming and the betterment
of rural life. During the week
will be short courses dairy-
poultry raising, Judging,
crops, horticulture, cooking,
home economics, health and
All persons Indebted to tho old
of D. Moore Company will
payment to J. J. Burn and Bro.
and all holding against
said of J. J, Cr
the said firm Of D Q, Moore and
principal obstacles to our progress Company will present their claims to
and we as Christian people should. J. for payment, he having
tolerate It assumed and promised to pay
In discussing the prohibition
Judge warmly praised the
en and the preachers and the teach-
for the part they took In carry-
the election. The young men o.
today, said he, are cleaner and more
moral, and prohibition and Christian-
Is largely responsible. No man
Is a good citizen who violates or en-
courages the violation of this law,
and the hack-woods Ignorant kind
who still do It. must he educated
above II.
Tho Judge took occasion in a gen
oral way to condemn Hint class
Officers who make I great fuss and
have a big chase to a poor
has be.
West Virginia coal fields, for stealing a
n invited to address the eon-1st the same time allow blind tigers.
I gambling house, and houses of
. to exist under noses
rowers. Public should not tolerate
ATHENS, On, Jan. -The hut should see that the
college of Agriculture Is entertain-j law Is enforced In every particular
for two days annual he
Con the As to pistol toting, said Judge Dan
Many els. there ought to be a law taking
and experts the discretion out of the
were in attendance when President
This January
Hew way Is the
R. C. called tho gathering
t.- order for Its Initial session today
and making the crime a six months
then It can he broken
Some instructions were then given
North county.
In the superior
term, 1914.
Adams vs. David Adams.
Tho defendant David Adams will
take notice that I summons
has been Issued out of the office of
the clerk of the superior court of Pill
county, requiring Mm to he present
to defend a suit Instituted by
wile Adams for divorce
that ho will take notice If h
s not appear on or rd
Monday of March. being th
16th day of that month answer
or demur lo the complaint lied hi-
the plaintiff In thin office, or the
plaintiff will be granted the
This January 14th, 1914.
D. C
Clerk Superior Court.
I It
Former Hoy to Wed.
Friends here who remember him
win be Interested in the following
Mrs. Cells
Invites you to be present
at the marriage of her
Margaret Hell
Mr James Yellowley,
on the evening of Wednesday
January twenty-eighth
nineteen hundred and fourteen
seven o'clock
Methodist Church
At Home
February fifteenth
Baton Rogue, La.
Docs it sometimes that
you simply could not get your
work done Do you constantly
feel like down Per-
heps you yawn continually.
Than you need
Because your liver is sluggish
and should be stirred to ac-
your druggist's,
sugar coted or plain.
Connecticut men.
Conn, J. u. The
annual meeting of tho Connecticut
Association Is being held
here Ibis week. It began this morn-
c and will continue until
night Prof Hugh Van of
Waterloo. Iowa; C S Seville, of
N. Prof. Cyril . Hop-
kins, of Illinois and several other
dairy experts of wide reputation
in the program for addresses.
honey, there would fewer colds.
There is something about It that Fielder
seems strengthening to the lungs. One N. J. Jan. The in-
must use In eating honey, how-1 of James F. Fielder a
ever, for sometimes bees alp from of New Jersey took place In
poisonous although fragrant beautiful Opera House at noon In
day. In the presence of members of
both bronchi's of the legislature
.- large number of other spectator.
oath of office was administered
by Chief Justice The great
of the state was handed
to Governor by the retiring set
governor. R Taylor, after
which governor delivered Mr
Eat Honey.
that child honey; It Is the
best thing to stop Its said u
matronly woman to a young woman,
whose girl was coughing violent-
Honey Is tho extracted sweet of
Honors obtained by bees during the
busy summer tor their own
during tho winter. It Is, to a
certain extent, natural food for man
kind, a wild honey tree Is con-
a groat find among ail
If more people would eat
flowers, the honey has been
known to cause Illness, there
are some who cannot eat hon-
results. Hut for
who can, It Is a grateful appetizing
and healthy food.
Selling Opportunity.
did you come to marry the
Indy who Is now your
was very romantic We were
out skating. went to a place
where the was and broke In.
I rescued her after a terrible
Poor girl, she was nearly frozen
before we got borne, but I proposed
to her on tho
sake Do you
to say that you made a declaration
or love to a girl who was soaked
Icy and uncomfortable You bad
your nerve, I must
but there's nothing
while the Iron is
Jan. Import-
ant conference of the expert tobacco
examiners employed by the Federal
government was begun In city
today. All the leading
porting centers of the are
represented The examiners will
several days In to
and exchanging with the Idea
or their methods

The Columbia Tailoring
of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Will give a display sale
of mens made to meas-
suits on next Wed-
and Thursday of
Jan. 14th and 15th,
we invite the public to
come in and inspect this
nice line of samples we
assure you the make-up
and fit of these garments
cannot be excelled.
J. R. J. G.
COURTSHIP Or Kb Nautical Term. Common Today
I Easily Traced to Days of
Old Vikings.
We have just received a shipment of
Fire Extinguishers for
garages and homes.
The extinguisher is only three
inches in diameter, fourteen inches
high and weighs only five pound. It
can be attached to mobile and
it also comes with a bracket attachment
for the garage and home.
is approved by The National Board of Fire
and will positively reduce percent en
automobile and garages.
Ask your Insurance Agent, then cone to see us and let us
show you this machine.
The John Flanagan Buggy
Established 1866.
River Bridge MARKET
Call to see A.
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, and we sell for CASH strictly.
Beef Steak . per lb.
Steak . l-e per lb.
Oysters . tie per qt
Just across the river bridge. No delivering in
town. We will save you money if you come to us.
A. R. Stepp
Cow Peas and Seed Peanuts
Apply to
Carrier tools always guaranteed. Stag and
vaunts. Detroit Vapor Oil and Stove and
King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
cut polish Oil and Mops,
was a moat
and Intelligent and
was pointed to
with pride by the
faculty of mi-
who hold
bun UP an ex-
ample the loss
While perfectly
polite to his fol-
low students,
never for-
got I ha was a
in his own
country, that
him a
running back tor
t h s t a d of
The American
appealed to
an a
and won-
being. As
to the ho
should inn sort pay
their heathen attributes, but the
en were utterly beyond and apart from
his traditions and his understanding.
Therefore it clearly became his duty
to study nils strange phenomena.
lie as wide as
possible with the young women of
the college town and Indulged, so far
as tie was able, in the social pleasures
of tho students. Making little
in this general campaign ho de-
to select an Individual specimen
for investigation and analysis. Where-
upon, after due consideration, he de-
upon Miss Florence Maynard.
I figured It Miss
I Maynard was exceedingly popular.
therefore she must be a good sped
men of tho most attractive of her
So tho was begun and It
great comment and much
j Joking. Miss Florence demurely ac-
the friendly advances tho
young foreigner thought It a
great lark.
From tho first Miss Florence
purpose of the Japanese
and she accepted the conditions with
a mischievous twinkle in her blue
eyes. And led him a merry
chase in Ills investigations. In fact
no had he reached a
along a Hue than
smashed it all to smithereens.
have highly ho
ail the Information which
arrived to the
that of tho American girl I do
not know
Then as he rolled his ho
thought of his home going within tho
week and of the termination of bis
Investigations of Miss Maynard.
is be asked himself
in stern self analysis. emotion
of unrest which my bosom Is with-
in why do i of
when l that I am with Miss
Maynard In this evening to fore-
gather Also of what reason does
my heart beat more forcefully when
l ct ration
I will see her not any presently and
what is the foundation of tho
that Inflicts my
and did he ponder
upon these questions until finally it
loams to him be In with
I fair barbarian,
much astonishment Is he
Cried, a prince house
of of 4.000 years In Its
. should with favor Inspect this
I woman whoso family was born
day. It must that tho spirit of a
has found in her
diving form. will marry
With a sigh of virtuous
he donned his hat and went to
Inform his lady his do-
When Into tho drawing
room he stood grave and heroic In
tho center of the Boot,
could speak he
Is of tho grave mission I have
arrived to see you today. de-
to many you
The flush of Indignation in girl's
face faded into a then Into
downright laughter,
Was this important decision
she asked.
ho replied with
dignity. do you
US so replied Miss
Florence. you deter-
mined upon the details of tho wed-
Is not or that I
replied tho is
of that talk. I
love you and will make you
my wife. Of arrangements of
the marriage have not thought.
Your customs I do not have
edge of. Only I must sail within
This brought forth a fresh peal of
laughter from tho girl.
gazed at her Intently.
he said. understand-
you not. am sorry. It Is a
mistake of tho I have
encountered. It is not the
had thought. la a Joke.
now observe the I
did not at first see tho humor. We
not a people. I
to present my adieus and to make
When we say a ship Is bound for a
certain port or homeward bound, we
are using, not the past particle, as
we might think, of the verb to
bind, but of a Scandinavian word
meaning to prepare, to get
word which the form of still
on in northern dialects.
is probably a Scandinavian
word which survived In of the
northern or eastern dialects, which
still preserve so many words.
It made Us way into southern
In a literary standing by its use by
Spenser and
for the track of a is
another Scandinavian word preserved
la dialect. Its original meaning, as
Professor tells us, was that of
an opening the ice. especially the
passage cut for a ship in a frOM n
Of Baa, and then, from being applied
to smooth watery track left by the
Ship after Its passage through the Ice,
it came to ha used when there was no
lea at nil. This useful word is of
the terms which the French
have borrowed from the
though It Is not easy to recognize it at
in its French form of ard
it Is still used on the Norfolk broads
with Its original meaning of an open
place the Review.
Attorney at Law
Lund and Drainage Canes a Specialty.
In office formerly occupied y
Jams and
L I. Moore W. H.
Motherhood Most Highly Developed
Among the of tho
Lower Creation.
The contention that the hen Is tho
most compassionate tiling In creation
is strikingly Illustrated by a case of
motherhood in nature related In
try Ufa, A tails how
a were puppies for
whom the mother bad DO affection, so
an old lion took pity on them, and
when she went to roost they followed
her. Squatting a corner of a cart
shed, she lifted a wing and the two
youngsters crawled under for the
night, her chicks on tho
He a large, raw-boned,
kind of a fellow, with a shock
or red hair that
reached nearly to
his shoulders. His
general make-up
proclaimed him to
be the desert pros-
Ho came to tho
city several
months ago.
arriving he put up
at a well-known,
downtown hotel,
and as ho banded
a sack of
mens and his grip
over to tho clerk,
stay a couple
pert id. . where
you make
bunk down, only I'd kinder like
on floor, case lire,
Having been assured, he remarked
to that ho thought would
stroll around a Mt.
bad scarcely reached the cross-
before ha is accosted by a man
who had been seated In tho hotel lob-
by and who had been an interested
listener to his conversation with tho
he said, I have
just learned of your arrival In
city, and knowing Of your interest in
mining affairs, through hearsay,
have taken the liberty of speaking to
yon regarding your
The bail was ample for our
Friend, and he forthwith began to
on merits of his prospects.
see, my friend,
the sonic claims out by Can-
yon Springs, as our powder
grub is putty low, as all
them thought as I was best-1
posted one in the bunch, all
was too smart to be taken
Attorney at Law
Office in Building. Third Bi
Practices his services are
Greenville, Carolina
H. W, M. .
Practice limited to of the Eye
Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C
with Dr. D. L. James.
day every Monday. a m to i pm
R, W.
Attorney st Law
formerly by J. L.
S. J.
Attorney at Law
In on the Court
House s
Located at R. L. Smith's stables, with
hospital service.
I treat all animals. Calls answered
day or night.
Day Phone Ml. Phone 17-1
In all the Courts
in Woolen on
fronting Court House
Life. Fire, Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth near
Attorneys st Law
North Carolina
For all occasions. Hoses,
Violets and the lead-
Our art in wedding arrange-
are of latest touch.
In floral offerings to be had.
pot plants, Hy-
palms, ferns, Norfolk
aid many other nice pot plants.
Rose bushes, evergreens, shrub-
hedge plants and shade trees.
Vail, telegraph and order
promptly executed by
I. A Co.,
Store Greenhouse
N. C.
P. VI Jr.,
Agent Villa and Vicinity
backs of the puppies
As a proof of how strongly mother-
hood is developed In the lower by any of sure-thing fellers, why,
two Incidents occurred recently. ,,, concluded to get together
A cat. having carried away a young there was in the camp
crow from its nest, was attacked by Riv it
six older birds and killed. Tho other up Here and some
Incident was where a hen blackbird help out winter, or
held at hay a cat. The cat hid behind s,, a or two. So here I be,
some bushes, and not three yards in the capitalist, wall, say,
front of the hush bird stood cluck
most indignantly. Tho cat lay -What's say What
quiet for a time, the bird still holding me for
Its ground. When it quieted down tickled. I never
Somewhat, the cat crouched forward thought as how it would so easy,
as If to spring, but the bird set up here I am, gone and got some cue
again n delimit clucking and tho cat interested tho very outer
withdrew. This lasted for minutes the box. Well, there's the
until tho cat was removed into the which Is a true Usher vein I
house. traced M mile, an- Is feet
Inches wide. will essay
Turner's Generosity. the ton, and the for mash
Tho pictures of Turner, tho ever set eyes on; there's
artist, who died Chelsea In 1851, Golden Dream, Its ex-
have mounted to prices nearly as great tho Pipe Dream, which Is a
us those of old masters. He hoard- corker, and the of
ed hie sketches eagerly as a miser lot. down on her ton-foot,
hoards his money and now as of Pans from wall to wall.
these from time to time get into the yes. we plenty wood The Jersey Waist.
market they bring large sums. slather- of it water, too. Held,
ii. r d his grand picture of looking for i take
ago to order for It was Oh. for the but
by his patron. He afterwards received if r want one two, I'll come
an Offer of for it, but refused to town.
accept offer and gave it to money's no object, and the
It is now valued at more than a per the hotter Well, Jest know these
dozen times that amount He Claims are jest what want,
generous to oilier artists. Ha black- know Mr. them
a bright sky one of his behind back
pictures which hung two be tickled to death when they
of Lawrence's, so as to cast its merits know how lucky bin in
into the shade. In this condition he such a i Yes. give
lowed his own production to remain a bond on it . say,
throughout tho exhibition, and you jest them there tellers
to a friend to allay his and them send the money over lo-
Lawrence was so die-
tressed. Never mind, it'll wash off; It's After ho had signed a number of
mysterious documents that had bean
i resented to by his new-found
friend, and had partaken of
and divers lemonades ho man-
aged to find his way hack to the hotel,
a marked development of tactile and h tho
muscular sensibility and an excellent
Men and Women
Good women typists usually exhibit
Cabbage Plants
slim Large Late Drum Head.
This should
Hie summer.
for shipment I
Prepared for shipment In lots from
ION to per
over at per thousand f.
O, h. N. C. Can
ciders any sine.
Count and guaranteed.
L. C. Arthur
I. C.
memory for letters, and especially for
concrete phrases, remarks the
American. The right and left
hands are nearly equal in strength
exclaimed to the
her I I
a crackerjack. sole a
fer a dollars slow
me, ch Mel business
heir attention Is keen and well sue- buy all my claims
Their relative slowness of No.
auditory reaction Is a theoretical do- , ,, . to a
feet, but the value of a typist depends fellers what
rather upon a combination of good a , He's all
points than upon a groat superiority in ,,. pay back when
one particular. , ,,,, shay,
Men exhibit greater uniformity than , p be tracks fer
women, but the difference between ad up to my bunk. Say.
good and poor typists are, -hut level I'm
less, well marked. In general, men gt at say,
surpass women In rapidity of auditory a canteen my coppers
action and consequently In speed of
work, but are Inferior to women, per
haps, in power of sustained attention.
Somewhat Chary of Praise.
Tho mountaineers of Virginia and
Tennessee arc notoriously chary of
praise. Miss the social work-
who came down from the north, es-
a among the Yo
and labored with them, found
the people hard to get along with and
said so. Put there another side of
It. A trader came Into the lit-
college town near l one day and
was questioned by one of
long has been out
In Lost onto four
answered John. people like her,
banks far courtesy you have she's a
shown me mighty good woman, urged the
Hewing low he withdrew professor. out there working
returned to Japan with n
the mystery of the American girl be s done
I all. said John reluctantly. I
will say ain't no
And with a parting wave of the
hand to clerk, ho managed to
reach the elevator and was whisked
to the above.
Tho embryo millionaire is still in
town. I mat him the other day. I In
moved from tho hotel has
found cheaper Ho thinks tho
air is bad In big hotels, and prefers
to unroll bis blankets on tho river
bottom, which ho says Is more com-
Tho not so
materialized, but notwithstanding
;.;. .
to he still faith In
visions of that to bis. I
which conjured In his mind by
sundry promoters.
Nuts, Raisins,
Candies, Figs,
Cakes, Oranges,
Apples, Bananas,
Celery, Grapefruit
Lemons, Citron,
Powdered Sugar,
Toys, Wagons,
Dolls, Vases now
in stock at
Poor Management.
made a humiliating mistake
shore this
permitted a married man to I
cue me from drowning
cleared, acres tn fine
woodland, soil light loam, clay
grow anything.
tenant house, one large pack
tobacco barn, stables and other
necessary outbuildings. Located
House, N. C. Price MO
Terms one-fourth cash. Apply to
Hones. N. C
H st
Six loom house with modern improvements
in West Greenville
Two six room houses within block of Court
Two valuable lots on Evans and Washing-
ton Streets
Real Estate Agents
or Deed, Bell
kept quite busy a portion last
week Issuing licenses.
Of list given below was
secured Saturday.
Leslie Harris Lee
Prank Corey.
King D.
Charles K. Howard
Adam i.
D. Will-cm Julia II. Smith.
j. j. Elks
Joe Smith
L. C. Vincent.
II. S. Clark.
Israel Taft.
George Newton Cora
Henry Moore.
Tucker Nobles.
John Newton.
Hay Washington
Ward Nellie House.
Redmond Person Ann
Picket Waxed Indignant at
Action of Scouting Party of
the Enemy.
a man to war without
the conception of what It
really said a veteran of Gen.
Robert K. Lee's army. I had
command of a detail made up of a
dozen or two recruits that had Just
come up from the gulf states. The
first night we were near the enemy. I
managed to find a deserted cabin, and,
after placing my picket out In front,
we flung down to sleep. In
the middle of the night I changed
picket, for duty a young
fellow who had exhibited the most In-
tense longing to exterminate the en-
tire northern army.
dawn I was awakened by
the well known of bullets
against tho of the cabin and the
expostulating voice of my picket. Go-
to the door I saw that a small
scouting party of federal soldiers had
discovered of Confederates In
the cabin and were trying to drive
us out by firing from the opposite
hill. I turned to my picket and gave
a of The young
men stood In midst of the clear-
while the bullets whistled around
him. There was no sign of fear
S. I i P ,
Cash must accompany orders
for want ads, except from those
bating regular advertising ac-
counts. rate cents per
line, six words to line. Tel-
street, key ring, carrying
limit citizen keys. Kinder plea
return to w. A. Ted, Jr.
Wilmington Van Enters Suit
Against telephone Company
for IS,
HUM. I It. f.
WILMINGTON, Jan. ISA rather about him. but he was tremendously
novel and int. .-ling civil action baa excited. He bad dropped bis musket
been brought In Superior court here and was waving his arms, trying to at-
b ti. J Hart, formerly a clerk In the of
. , ., . , shouting at the top of bis voice In
office of the Wilmington.
and Southern railroad, against the you over
Southern Hell Telephone and Hie- a he In
graph company. The plaintiff folks in York
to recover of the defendant Evening Post.
damages, not only for loss
but for suffering in mind and
for the alleged Intercepting and
of the contents of a private
telephone message over the lines of
the defendant company, which result
ed iii his summary dismissal from a
position that paid a month.
Halt was employed by the II.
S railroad in the here and lie
coffee at s. M.
wagon. T. W. White-
l. pipe, I and inch. S.
T Phone
Going Out
Owing to not having a suitable store in
which to conduct our business, we will
within the next few days offer our entire
stock of Dry Goods Cheap. Come
quick. You will be pleased with the
and Sugg
Next to the Proctor Hotel
Sweetest Reward That Can Be Given,
and the One the Least Easy
to Classify.
Gratitude given or received Is one
of the best things in the world. We
need far more of It and far better
. j I quality. Yet I have never read any
Daniels. alleges in his complaint that on of what so
nary S, last, he had a conversation writes Richard C. Cabot
over the with Jones Atlantic. Its value begins just
at Bolivia, in Brunswick conn- where the value of pay ends. Thanks
with reference to a claim hold are personal and attempt to lit an
that firm for the delay in response to the particular
meat Of . ear containing P-formed I. an
shipped to Wilmington to be repair.
ed; that he told members tin
firm with whom be was talking
I lie came to Wilmington on tin
following day. as he had Indicated
over the telephone he Intended to do
that If lie came to the office, he would
i prefer to take the matter up With bin
At the morning services at the
Christian church yesterday Rev. J. J
Walked preached to a large and all
congregation, taking as bi
his Interesting discourse the
briefly of the history. the W. m R Q .
church and u, n.
its organization by
little more than a ,.,,.,.,, . avers
years,,,,. His bearer, man
impressed with his plea for th
. office and repeated the entire corner
At the evening services ,
on everyone to do dismissed
Hay of when, of the company.
knee bow and every . shall M m rt
confess. not as large a
was present as attend-
u, the rooming services his
equally as tor, and Interest-
Held Jan.
called to odder
exercise papers-How
I., teach Drawing and Its necessity.
How to teach writing.
Punctuality and how to teach it
All teacher- are to be
., and part in general
ion or each subject.
Announcement for
The plaintiff out that he
cents for the telephone converse
and that the defendant company
entered into contract with him
mi was be secretly,
inn privately transmitted
the line, without being divulged Or
intercepted ill the of the
transmission, and that II Hie wires,
receivers, transmitters and officers
the said company had been
and prudently governed, directed ant
controlled as defendant had contract-
c d to do and as It was the duty of the
defendant to do, the message would
been transmitted
coin Which has been banded out to
many others before It reaches you, and
will go to many others when It leaves
you. It is your right and you are not
grateful for It. But thanks ore a free
gift and enrich the giver. There is no
nobler art than the art of expressing
one's gratitude in fresh,
terms which answer de-
with fresh devotion, fancy with
new fancy, clarity with sincerity. Art-
who get their reward only in
money and In the plaudits of
clapping hands are restless for some-
thing more individual. They want to
be intimately understood and
fully answered. For such gratitude
they look to brother to the few
who really understand. There they
find their beat reward; but even this
leaves something wanting.
The dollar sign Is the only sign In
which the modern
pears to have any real faith.
Sunday morning tho Methodist
Class, President It. H. Wright
delivered a very interesting talk on
the subject of Prayer. Mr. Wright
at his best, and hi hand-
ling of such a difficult subject was a
ran treat for tho fortunate who
heard Ho will take up the same
subject again next Sunday.
In Pros. Wright, and Prof. Austin
the regular the Methodist
has two men who never fall
bring something good on
and the class is deriving
much benefit from their inspiring
leadership. The public
invited to come and Join with us In
Health Is Worth and Some
People Know Bow
to Save
Many people take their
lives ill their hands by neglecting the
kidneys when they know these organs
need help kidneys are
for a vast amount of suffering
and ill slightest delay is
dangerous. Use Moan's Kidney Pills
-a remedy that has helped thousands
of kidney sufferers. Hero Is a
ville citizen's recommendation.
Mrs. Moore. Pitt St.
N. C. feel very
grateful for the relief got from
Kidney Pills, procured at the
John L. Woolen Drug Co. Backache
Lavender as Tobacco Substitute.
Sweet lavender is now on the mar-
on the side table and the smell
of it is clean, sweet and delicious.
fays the London chronicle win-
man. did you ever smoke
This business of the tobacco trust
worries the smoker who may have to
pay more for his Then comes
the glad news that we are growing to-
and even cigar
order to beat Sumatra her own
game. also comes a Madrid pro-
inquiring what the ancient
mans smoked. Pine pipes have been
dug up in Spain from Roman settle-
but they no trace of to-
or opium. Yet they are adorned
with bas-reliefs picturing the lavender
plant. And In 1276--before tobacco
came to Spanish writer
said that smokes lavender
feels active, ardent and But
why Is It that smoking never crept
Into Roman
175.00 PER
month and expenses to begin.
p i. nut absolutely necessary
Take orders i dealers for cigar-
cigars, snuff, smoking and
chewing tobaccos. Porn
Tobacco O. O. Maw X.
We Are All Too Apt to Forget Those
Traits Which Link Them With
Their Fellow.
In spite of the saying that no man
Is a hero to his own valet. Napoleon's
man servant has given us a
account of his master from his
own point of view, now,
there appear a life of King
Edward by his chauffeur and a book
about Cecil Rhodes by one of his
en private secretaries. King Edward
was not a history maker tho
of tho words, but a
peacemaker, and the story of his life
Is anecdotal rather than epic. That
even kings are not exempt from en-
trouble and tire trouble and the
rest of the ills that flesh is heir to
Is seen In bis chauffeur's description.
Here we have Cecil Rhodes as he
was In fatigue uniform, as it
were. When they told that the
Dutch in Africa were salt of the earth,
ho like to know
where come He was not
mindful of his own merits.
genius, that's what I've ho would
say. a great thing to
But he was not of the number of
those who do not recognize an
higher power than their own.
a man be a Mohammedan, let
him be u Christian, or what you
lot call himself what he likes, but
if he not believe in a Supreme
he Is no Is no better
than a
ah to soon the Impersonal
the era In which a strong man
dwelt, the era profoundly affected by
bis Indomitable will and resolute
pose, forgets those natural traits
which link him v his fellows. We
behold him larger than lire and his
shadow glory It Is of
peculiar interest to ordinary mortals
when he Is restored to a truer per-
hi relation to the universe,
so that he Is seen no longer a
demigod, but at a man.
We have Just unloaded a car load of Ford Touring Cars. We
Invite everybody to come get one. Why Because It cost
it cost less to run them. They are the simplest cars operated
now on the market. They are the best cheap car built
Ford Supply Co.
Full line of accessories always band
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved New Store on Fourth Street
Allen's Stables
Estimates Cheerfully Given on all Work Large or Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Residence Phone 385-L
Office Phone
Norfolk Southern R. R.
in Effect January II,
N. following schedule
published as Information ONLY
and are not i d.
r. C. I, Head
Alp- a long Illness Mrs.
wife of Mr. c. K. Bradley,
died at their home on Dickinson ave
nu She was an estimable woman
and a member of Memorial
, husband she Is
by sis children.
n. funeral look place at
this morning with Interment
g the
being conducted by Rev. C M.
The pall bearers were Messrs. W. B
W. J. I Car
per. J. S. A C. and
Taken From the
The origin of the American dollar
mark the abbreviation of the Span-
with tho p and
the s monogrammed, was described by
Dr. of college
the Popular Science Monthly. Doc-
tor gives more data on the
history of the mark, showing that In
t usually follows the nu-
the short advertisements In
newspapers, but usually precedes the
numerals when they arranged in
columns. Mr. E. of the Omaha
public library says It contains an
original ledger of George Washington.
Id tho S is used frequently. Tho
diary of Ezra written
, in 1776. shows the earliest occurrence
me and was much lame- known of use. II became
and weakness through my loins, lent gradually, being used at first us
My kidneys did not do their work as an substitute for the word
and the kidneys secretions
bothered me. Kidney Tills
gave me relief from these symptom,
of kidney complaint and improved my
condition in every
Fur sale by all dealers Price
cents. Co. Buffalo
N Y. sole agents for
spelled out.
sunsets Been by the Russian
explorers in the newly discovered
polar land hare been matched in Eng-
land. Throughout November and De-
of sunsets after-
tho United were of wonderful Intensity and
varied colors. At Chelsea especially
Politicians began taking their
place on the Hiring line.
the sun weal down over the
-mid a of unearthly beauty
from deepest red to green, as
may be seen in a of waler color
sketches at the time and now
preserved tn Chelsea free library.
B or dote will break sir Norman and other as-
case of Chills ft Fever. Cold, attributed these
it acts on the liver set. to the volcanic projected by
Remember name
take no
When Illumination Is Too Strong, tho
Optic Nerve Is Subjected to a
Severe Strain.
How few persons realize that they
are actually suffering from snow blind-
in miniature every time they
read or work over a white surface on
which a brilliant light shines directly.
Half-tone paper, for which is
tho common medium for tho majority
of books we read, will throw a blind-
glare into the eye of tho reader
If the light strikes it at the wrong
angle, and it forms an excellent test
for the selection of proper lighting for
a room and for the placing of the
lighting fixtures, diffusion i
should be such to allow comfort-1.
reading from paper in
any position.
A dome hanging above a dining
table on which is white cloth causes
the light to reflect Into the eyes of
those around the table at an angle
that produces muscular strain. This
has a peculiar upon tho senses,
and drowsiness and mental Inertia
are likely to result. People are likely
to complain of a feeling of dullness at
table, or that they have Indigestion,
when It Is. In reality, the effect the
light A brilliant light shining
into the eye plays many curious
psychological tricks. Deaf for
Instance, cannot hear so well If they
are facing a brilliantly lighted room,
and as for being to see better by
a bright light than a dim one, exactly
th Is Out case, for details of
objects become practically to the
eye when too light enter, ft.
Suburban Life.
Trains Leave
a. m. daily.
Pullman sleeping ear for Norfolk
a in daily, for Plymouth, Elisa-
beth City and Norfolk.
Parlor Car Washington
tn Norfolk, Connects all
points and west.
p. m. daily except Sunday, for
a. m. daily for Wilson. Raleigh
and west. Pullman sleeping car
service. Connects south
and west.
a. m. daily, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
for all points.
p. m. daily for Raleigh and all
intermediate stations.
For further Information and
in sleeping cars, apply to J
U Greenville. N. C.
General Passenger
General Superintendent.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL as
cannot reach the of th disease C.
Is a Mood or disease,
and In II you must take In-
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
Internally, directly upon
Wood and mucous surfaces. Hall
Catarrh Cure Is net a quack II
was prescribed by one of the best
In this country for years and Is
u prescription II composed
the best tonics known, combined with th
blood purifiers, acting dire. on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect commas-
el the two Ingredients Is pro-
such wonderful results In curing
Send for testimonials, free.
r. ft CO. Props. Toledo. O.
murals a. price
Stop your tire
bile tires is decidedly an ex-
pensive occupation.
II you do not get adequate
service returns from your In-
vestment YOU LOSE.
way prevent this
loss is to equip your car with
tires that have behind them
a quality guarantee.
G and J
a four-fold guarantee
of quality because they com-
all of strong points
of four world-famous brands
of tires.
Like all STATES
TIRES Q have the
strength of four every
They have service
age which you will not find
in other tires.
W. H.
Rubber Co.
Gen Southern
J. C. Lanier
better than and not
the great eruption of Krakatoa tn
Java, la the August
For Weakness and Less of Appetite
OH tools, ;
and builds up A true
anS sow F astute SOt
f Mil
Into N Stables
Corner tog Streets
Transfer Men
and Express
No. Day
Meets all
J. W. Little
x. r,
to the Pale and
A For Mai Mr.

For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out. Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
Raise the Price or Beef
In n I Shipments
Had Tied up by
the Strike.
GLEN FALLS, N. Y. Jan. The
beef mm two cast pound
Richmond. V. Chi O
Norfolk. Va.
Notice in hereby given the
hi of the town
. i Bethel in regular assembled
on the MO day January. or-
d. rid an election to be held In
Iowa of rut North
Carolina, on Tuesday of
March, 1914, at the regular polling
place in the town Bethel on th-
or proposition of
Thousand Dollars worth o
Eh. Light Honda to hoar inter
. it at per cent per annum, Interest
payable annually, and to run tor a
period of thirty year from date
issue and the tax rate for the the
purpose paying the Interest
said hi I
shall exceed twenty-live on
the hundred dollars worth of prop-
and seventy-live cents on tin
poll, the received from the
same an to be used the purpose
building and Installing an
light plant for the town of
as provided in Chapter of
Private Laws of North Carolina
notice is further hereby
en that the registration books will
be opened for the n of
such who are entitled to
Inter and vote and are not
ready registered, on the day
February. 1914, and closed at sun Bel
on Saturday the of March, 1914
and that S. M. Jones been up-
i I n tor said purpose
that on each Saturday during said
period the registration books will b
that the Strike on the Delaware and
had tied up
some farmers think will
have to cure with coal
already we notice a great many the
country people are buying coal stoves
in here thought
wood was plentiful.
Most ate day
Office, only one can
gal and who that will be Is the
Question, we hope ware Will be no
limited, are out. Only shop workers
and office employee remain on duty.
of the discharged
kith full back pay is the only
union iii
Strike Mill MM
Pa., Jan.
on the Delaware and
i ii . d complete
and bond,. , ,., receive
b of the
If any train
vice is restored before the strike I
I nothing will be but
malls. No attempt Will he made to
carry passengers
Ayden Items.
Jan. are of the
name of tin- man who prefer-
led being hurled alive to shelling a
of corn by baud, when you
Can get the celebrated Blank Haw
heller for 82.00 at J. Smith and
The wicked lieu when o man per-1 methods u. ed to defeat
James as we are all
taken to the tall limb.--, and will continue to be. So lets
rather thug say the pi.-.-. the and give
Smith he didn't do It. I it to the one I want- it worst, and
Now when It comes to catching stop it.
standing army to
,. the discharge two employer
by the Delaware and on Railway
led to a strike today Which had
up the entire operating cud the
system, About men. it la as- , ,.,.,.,. ,,,. t n requires a
la- whole township skinned. He guard interest of Uncle Sam, at a
tells us with the of Bud. salary, while one will
bis wire trap and dog. he killed a guard your tobacco bed. day and
thousand during the year j night iS cents, and they get the
J. It. Smith and keep a full sup-
ply of these traps.
Thai is Ideal weather, and when a
man complains of hard times we
Mole every tune, plenty of them at
J. It. Smith and Bro.
We beat that
of will build H BOW to-
think It Is chronic or he Is grouchy, this spring and winter
We bear Moil H. Small The Mayor and his Cabinet held a
to make a tour of his part of his special ion last Friday night, look
In the near future, and take to the development of the City,
s for the new p
for the primary to de-
the question. We have beard it
to pardon Mr. w. in.
Mr. Herbert Corey, has rented the
house of Mr. J. C. Jones on West
Broadway, and will soon move there-
Thirty coal mines operated by the I M Mg
Delaware and Hudson Company , in office M made
ably win be shut down. Counting m,,, ., u
Other mines that will involve. ,,,, ,,,
about miners will be affected L, To ,,,
Mall Train on Time.
The morning mall trains from
and I n
Carbondale on time and were return-
ed to those places at the hours.
carrying mail only, the crews being
under instructions to have the trains
mi reaching their terminals. Express
v as loaded on both trains at Carbon
The tribulation Hall was busy Mon-
day meting out to the law-
less of Saturday night, some for play-
rather rough, and some for
When a man offers to sell his
The drummers are around lot for a handsome profit
selling the grade stuff, and business, when lie gets cash for it.
the think theirs are the thats money, but when he sells, and
bast hut this fall the tune will bl
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In
writing of her experience with the woman s
tonic. She says began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
dale, but the crews refused to move
opened at the regular polling j
All Men Unit.
the town of Bethel and at all other
times during said period opened in
town of Bethel at mount Hot I
and all citizens desiring to vote
are not already registered and who
desire to vote at said election will
required to register.
This the 10th day of January. 1914
Mayer of Bethel
J. E.
of the Board of Commissioner
of the town of Bethel, North Caro
This Is the way the profits went.
It is a Carnal can go three
days without eating, but who want
lo be like a caned, when you can go
a barrel of Merry Widow flour
6.04 at J. R. Smith and Bros., all
ready mixed.
Mr. Asher who has for
men employed by the M the convict
ALBANY, N. Y. Jan.
Report the Condition
Ayden, C.
at the dose of business Jan.
Loans and counts.
cured .
Banking 18,178.00;
Furniture and
Demand loans . 500.00
Due from banks and bank-
Gold .
Silver coin, including all
coin currency. 1,032.24
National hank notes and
r. notes .
loch paid In .
. II
Undivided profits, cur-
rent exp ii-.- and taxi
paid . 12.688.01
to i k.
Baring deposit . I
. 474.117
Report of the Condition of
rill OP
Grifton, N.
at close business Jan. 1914
Loans and discounts .
Overdrafts secured,
cured . 102.73
All other Stocks, bonds and
mortgages . 1,600.00
Banking houses, furniture
and fixtures . 1,474.52
Due from banks and bank-
.-- 13,310.00
Cash items . 6.70
Gold coin . 20.00
coin, Including all
minor coin currency .
National hank notes and
. 5,572.00
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Com
walked out quietly early today
The strike order was last night
ti every union engineer, fireman, con
trainman and telegrapher at
work along the line from
Point. N. Y-. to Pa,
Mediation from both national
State had been requested by
company. W. W. Hanger, of the
federal board of mediation and con-
telegraphed to Martin
force on the road, has resigned
moved bis family to town, and o--
a house on Harts fiat.
cant rent, and has to move to another
town, bad, the school of M-
is the bast after all, b
a lot on Planes and build
to suit notion.
Adversity is a test of dig-
ping stumps by hand is a test
judgment, when you can get
in any at J. It. Smith and
The little old wood store of Mess.
Dall and Son on the corner has been
removed and we soon expect to
market business from Mr. and
moved his family here and occupies
the house on Ian-
Mr. Robert Johnson has moved hi
family here from near Johnson Mill-
and occupies the Davis house In
Client. welcome all these new
miners to our town hope
Carey, in charge of the strike but ., , war a
Car. y die is east. On-
j the concessions we ask will
about a
The men demand the
of two men who were discharged for
alleged disobedience.
NEW YORK, Jan. Dela
ware and railroad,
I lie leading man of tho theatrical
company Modern that play-
ed in the opera house at Washington
Monday night was the victim of a Be-
accident immediately alter the
performance, The actor was assist-
members of the company in car-
their baggage and etc., out of
building an elevator, that is
used ti r purpose. And after
the elevator and in the
i . returning to the second floor of
machinery Icon-
troll I in- winking of the elevator be-
came and the
man being the only passenger,
his body Was rapidly carried to
tilling of the and his hack
broken With other serious Injuries
He was Immediately taken to the hos-
Total .
state of North Carolina, County
l Hodges, th
above-named bank do
that the above statement is true to
the B I of knowledge and be-
HODGES, Cashier
ed and to fore me
this day of Jan. 1914.
j. c
My expires Jan. ,
Cut Old Remedies Won't Cm.
The no mallet how
r ti the wonderful, old tenable In
Oil. It
King off Externals
Is in
field of external
for forms of
i n in million such us
pin union in,
bare been
tor dud
j, um f
our most
H .
All SI. Ms.
Total .
Capital stock paid In .
Surplus fund .
Undivided profits, less cur-
rent expenses and taxes
paid . 2.341.23
Time of deposit 21,212.29
Deposit subject to check .
Checks outstanding 1,197.58
owned and leased lines and track-
age rights, comprises In all about
The lines extend from
barre. and N. Y
to Rutland, Vt, on the east and to.
Point. N, Y. on the Canadian
line. Al that point the road connects
with lines of the Quebec,
and n railway company, Which
I controls.
Tho Delaware Hudson Com-
is one of largest miners um
carriers of anthracite coal In the
country. Its coal lands have
estimated to contain tone
of coal.
Mr. F. Harris has purchased th. I another block of brick or granite to
take its place.
Mr. J. A. Griffin is making
needed on the
property recently bought, and tells
us he will soon he able to
date the public.
Ayden can boast of as ninny widows
and widowers as any town of Its file
we have something like twenty of the
former, and forty of tho latter, and
they are Ideal citizens.
We are of the opinion that every
county, has arrangements t take
of unfortunate ones, without
having go abroad soliciting alms
from Strangers We truly believe that
before a should be allowed
work a town with his card, no mat-
If he is worthy, he should have
the from his home of-
It is a common thing for a
tramp passing through here
each week with his cup and lancet.
Protect your life and money
buying you an Iron safe and revolver
from J. H. Smith and
Hess, A. O. Cox and II. L. Abbott
a trip Wednesday, they
j are both hustlers and are trying .
produce two blades of grass where
It is dangerous to kindle fin
with oil. why not use you
can get them up with no labor, use
dynamite. Just received a ton. J
It. Smith and
an easy comfortable living, a
shoe cobbler and repairing harm's,
would sure pay well In Mr
George Cooper has lots of old shoes
waiting for his coming.
Twain, the humorist,
that providence did not create
opossum but what he planted a per
tree close by, so the summer
storm destroyed the farmers fodder
and most of their hay crop, hut here
come the day oat, to help it out.
Plenty of these and the rust pro if
ASSOCIATION HEWS. at J. h. smith and
Mrs. of Washington
Miss Pratt, president of Ml visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
the One Year Class, led the Y. W. A-
C. A. services at tho Training school i
Sunday evening.
For scripture lesson, she chose la. purchased of Mr. I, his
the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians. entire outfit, consisting of electric
the lesson of love. The thoughts system, buggy factory,
saw mill, and good will.
contemplates enlarging
this lesson were beautifully reflected
plant, and also add an plant,
which is thing badly needed, and I eruptions and earthquake
we have also heard that he would
soon add a fertilizer feature. With
his combined energy and capability
J. A.
Total .
State of North Carolina, County of
I. A. M. Hooper, of
above-named hank, do solemnly n of
that the above statement she told well, made vivid
true to the best of my knowledge and u.
b -suns contained therein, but left it
A. M. Cashier. to to make his own in-
and sworn to before me, j One got, however, from
this III day of Jan. 1914. , a,
J. C. Notary Public st of When a boy loves a girl, that is hi.
My commission expires Jan. 1811. love of the w In n she loves that's her
. of nature, and love business, and when gel married
our fellowman to the extent we their when
an- willing to help and lift Hi, in go to housekeeping Units our business
flora misery of any kind received I solid car load of
Stoves and Matting. Be
Years Old. to get our prices, J. It. Smith and
Sunday T J. S. people change and unwise
Delved the congratulation of many never. Mr. J, I. Jones has again
on tin- passing of Ills an chased famous pitch
Notwithstanding his age beach, ordered hull a new and U
taking orders for and hopes to be
about his duties daily lb l Ci.-in orders by the
moil and moat honored and has supplied himself with two
of which
Caused such widespread
occurred here today. They were ac-
companied by earthquakes and
lent subterranean noises.
Tho governor of Hokkaido today
estimates that out 30.000 people
the island of will need relief
refugees from were bur-
under a falling cliff in a neigh-
boring village today. One hundred
bodies have been recovered.
The new disaster Is a result of a
volcanic and earthquake which for
a week have the Island of
and wrecked this city. The
Mayor James had before bis
morning tWO ,, vigorous, and go
nabbed while taking an active
ii. a game being overheard
calling for and an
wore taken Into cu
and tins morning at Hie hearing,
hound over to
criminal court.
will he
la the of all
Pence to St Hack.
last meeting rd
stock law fence In he rebuilt on
old It the
, , ., . , . i of all ruining,
were , hanged by the
tore of 1811.
i n. all hops that he
spared yet for many
c Bi of all
To Cure a Cold In One Day
h and and Cold.
. II fail, la cure.
each boa.
H. .
y the Deal in the United
Lime on Farm, and M price
lime, Don't buy earth,
etc. A postal will give you reason.
i hot bigs to hold tho doe.
Old I Joe who was
bitten by he know exactly what
has decided that It must have been n
as he resides near a
but lie is still on crutches.
Mr. watches Hie town, while
me Bide, .
Just received a shipment of the Oliver
steel beam plows, fertilizer
distributors, Held fence, metal roof-
and can fill your orders at J. R.
Smith and ,
wood is an object among
our people, and we hear the same com
VIRGINIA from the country, and
hut with activity much
Japan, January
narrative of the eruption an
earthquakes the is
land Of the town of
on January Is given today
by Theo It. of Wisconsin, as
volcano of
the of eruption res. in
bled a of tire, from
. i were hurled
UM night January a
c was heard, followed
by a Hash of flames Hit
cloud amoks and ash broad
of lava he plainly seen flow-
down slopes. Forests on Hit
mountain quickly
the flames spread to numerous
western line
Beamed to be ablaze.
I- i. three
the hay. people Bed in
stricken crowds
still was actively
I the
night, but the earthquake, shocks
less violent
wan filled with
went within a short distance
hut it was Impossible to reach
tho became of floating
of pumice stone.
the Most Noble of Washington.
Wilson Accused of Being
Wendell Mob Lynches
Jim Wilson For Brutal
Murder of Mrs. Lynch
to a limb, hut it was too elastic and
Negro Confesses the Crime
Officers Is the Report
Mud the guns stopped to listen.
lie may, or may not have con
fessed a crime greater than murder
Certain it is that the man who heard
isn't bragging about it now. Ir
is unquestionably true that Wilson
in the Murder is Hushed and there is no
In Raleigh fur Sale keeping. I tho of the people
Jan. Wilson, a here that the mob murdered th.
of essentially
type, lies dead in a swamp BU, J
, Wendell miles away a blow-out on
to death about -M
noon by a mob
the friends o. f- J ; j, they heard a volley.
whom he murdered night , . .
tag , , ,,. and bl.
which long distance ten.-
and heard the approach of and b, lieu,.
are a subject strange con-
here. That he confessed a
murder of the most atrocious
stance, la hut there Is no-
body to tell you that he heard It.
Scores heard other scores and the
is the undisputed circumstance
attending mobs violence today
one inconsequential Incident is the
absence of rope a hang-
Worth Sanders, whom Wilson ac
finally complicity in the kill-
was released and relatives of the
dead woman complained bitterly that i
one accused a was should
have escaped the formality of a mobs
Tonight a story can.
to Wendell that Sanders had I.
,, the country to
and iron, there to Raleigh to III
placed in penitentiary tor
The mob slew Wilson w
quid enough, according to Wend. Ii
People Are Complaining of
Fast Driving Over the
County Bridge
Asks Oath Dees
a Grand Juror
The spot chosen the mob
forded perfect protection from attack
without. Had lbs b.-u
a few yard's away it could have
vented no shooting. tree were
between them and the men
With the swamp. Still undisguised
and without fear of do-
the men went shout With
pistols and guns and quietly left
their homes. hour later all ex-
had gone and sun-down.
Wilson a body lay In the with
little public Interest in
as there would have been in a
died u natural death,
i,. people went to the place
the afternoon and as
ii were from afar as
i t. h i morbid i that
attends all crimes
to have been ah-. hero
Sunday was never quiet-
. men never appeared to have been
sober. The friends the dead
; woman's family merely referred to
people today, when Wilson came ,. H there w In re
the killing took
some time past The
baa been asked both town
and out of town people to enter com-
plaint of the fast driving of auto-
across the county bridge at tin-
foot of Pitt Street.
When the bridge was built a sign
hoard was placed on each end of It
warning all persons that a line of
would In- Imposed for fast
across bridge. This warning
has no doubt been seen by every car
driver that has to pass that
way and yet a majority of them are
not disposed to obey the laws.
Very often lading coming in or go-
out of town with horse and buggy
are overtaken on bride car
drivers, and very often the horse they
are driving becomes frightened. And
i any Instances
the position of the occupants
Of the vehicle and speedily goes on.
Nothing serious has occurred so far.
but who knows how soon sonic one
may be injured or killed a
animal. The car drivers should
not only he U- observe the
county laws, but should take Into
consideration that often the lives
others are endangered, and further
more they should show the propel
p. that is due to the ladies and
their man.
New this n driving con-
th., but if the proper
would enforce the law In ease
and Impose a line on the
lei for this ii will be stopped.
Atlantic Coast Realty Com-
Makes Kit in Florida
N. C, Jan. 1814.
What oath docs a grand Juror lake
In fact, is it not tills will keep
inviolate all matters coming
us pertaining to the state and her
interest, we will not publish
the names of offenders who true
hills have been found against before
they have been arrested and
safe keeping or released
on r. Justified
Ne . in the lace of tills most sol-
oath I see that the grand Jury
who served last week in Pitt
In their earnest desire to serve;
their slate and county and in
great D to bring before bar
of Justice offender, of the law, have
found a true bill against W. I., lb
Law horn, W. A. Forbes and Dr. P. B.
Loftin, staling that the offense was
a grave one Now if these three men
have perpetrated a grave
against the peace and dignity of the
state why should this august body
of Interpreters of the law, In the
face or oath, publish the
Of these three men before they ;
been arrested and imprisoned or
on a Justified bond Why not
neat these men on an equal foot-
with other .
Jurors have given these men
a chance to escape, and not be
. to justice if they an- guilty
of so grave an Offense your ac-
would signify.
How, Grand will
, r why
in automobile attended by
county Officer. The people, men and
boys, with a few women, gathered
a house in which Wilson was be-
detained preparatory to a lire
hearing to develop such
us they had. Wilson had been
brought from He spent the
night there and In that Jail
James Knott, Sanders
Jackson, Petersburg Marcus,
and Sum I latter in
morning he absolved all from
except Sanders, And ii.
afternoon was need and
went about the place without moles-
The trial ready to pro
representative In the
Assembly, K. V.
is Implored tho mob to
its ti They declare I
lb. has been w lynch
six years and that there is rot
shiner enough within law t
all offenses and offender
people listened There was an
move thin. the mi
It did not stop to par-
ii according to
Wendell people and the effect they
declare ma that of swatting
net's nest with u has nail bat.
pi line announced the coin
lag of other troops the
Ill II broke
bonds, Wilson up, slummed
In the automobile and dashed
1,1.11 across Holds to the pines In
the swamps.
A rope of a few was about
Wilson's neck and here the historians
fall out One says he was pulled up
The morbid memory of the dead
brute will he imparted to nobody
more than can be helped. A
young, powerful fellow, one
speculates upon the possibility of his
having committed double capital
crime. Hut shot to pieces, mutilated
and dismembered In part, there h
but remnant of the man, Just the
,, , thin of the fellow alive.
he father of Mrs. Lynch and
husband talked freely of the crime
night, little of the
expressed no feeling
In the matter further than one
the unutterable grief of father for
child husband for wife.
Hr, Albert
lives within half a mile of the
n Bl BOO, The husband lives
j quarter Of a mile nearer Wendell.
Mis. Lynch had to her father's
and had also gone In Store
near both homes, she returned to
her own ho. with a promise to
back soon again. Mr, Lynch
t home Inn dill find
Mrs. Lynch there Ha ate supper
and went out to find he.
The family does it
have been later In
ii i when Mrs. Lynch must have gone
lo her home. do not believe
It have been
later bad
Mr. Lynch set nut neigh-
lo find his wife. Ho returned
t her father's hut the homo people
said she had gone home. He went t
houses but no clue.
Hearing that Mrs. Lynch's broth-
bad gone U Wendell and Hint her
MADISON, Win., Jan, 28.- The Wis
. Conference, one
or tin- first of Its kind
formed in the United Stale,, not at
the coll. g. . I Ii today
its fourth annual meeting. A
and representative attendance
gave evidence of the keen Internal
has Ii. mi aroused In tills stale
In the movement to better
of rural life.
The sessions of tho conference will
continue The program
among lb leading features ad-
III- i V . I .-II
Taylor of Chicago on Bo-
of the Rural
and op Webb, of Milwaukee, who
will be heard on the subject of
mid the Bur-
sister was ill there, Mr. Lynch con-
she had gone up town
Thai suggestion was followed but
avail. Then he returned
home and With her father they be-
gun to about the premises
n. the fodder slack they found a
hood. II bad a drop of blood on Ii
i continued search and M
Richardson discovered his I
in a brush-heap With one foot stick-
her covered With leaves
i colored woman said she
i heard Mrs. Lynch for hi
ii did to be
treat sin-
II What II was t ill
The of Wilson himself
i, true To Johnston officer.
.-. In ale went
home and Wilson carried fodder
for Mrs. Lynch. Wilson asked her
for something lo eat. Mrs. Lynch
I got to get supper for
all of Sanders said. mat-
not a II d n about and
struck Mrs. Lynch with the
U. j
ii i course If member of I u
,, grand Jury wants to n ply to
above II is Ills privilege to do
The Reflector will say In ad
that the grand Jury had
in do with matter
v,,. n the re.-t of I
was Bled In court it a
mailer Of record which any one
could who Ired to do so, rid
in ping Its 111.--1.1111 The Re
copied the and pub
it, Just as is done at the
of every term of criminal court
What says about the
jurors and their oath Is Without
foundation, -The
To Inn.
anti-trust law and tin
corporate activity, with particular
i to vie.- in. . J
I i, did. In hi- recent c-
ma saga to II la to be
I I i ad annual meeting
. Commerce,
v la to be held In next
five hundred
,,.,, representing
business re I the
win he tin
meeting, One of I prim tea
lines he an ail
B. tin
ii , of i ho a
on Relation the
l. h , i i. Com-
paper that comes to us from
towns and cities where the Atlantic
Coast Realty Company ban conducted
sales has nothing but praise for the
company. During their recent trip
through Florida several papers Com-
upon the gentile manner In
which they conduct their sales. The
following is taken iron, the Plant
The most successful auction
of lots Conducted In Plant City In
several years was that of the
wold sub-division by the
C last Realty Company last Friday.
The sales company have their own
band, and a good one It was. The
various agents of the company
ed in City in their own private
car Friday morning.
lots and live parcel
of truck land were sold In three or j
bur hours. The lots brought piles
Hinging from to which eon-
beautiful situation-
the property M considered very
The fair open methods of the
of Um Atlantic Coast
Realty Company won the
en approval of Plant people and
the confidence that this en
I had a great deal to do With
the of the sale.
u. K, the advertising man-
r and c. James, the engineer
in charge of the work laying on, I
and beautifying the property both
conducted themselves In a manner
in mark, d t to the
m i. m imp n
If Atlantic I lo ill
I should hold m
i, any future time II i- mi
they would he cordial
Plant City people
Steady For liar,
Twenty-Four Hours
Reeling of Pennsylvania Stall
Hoard of
Jan. II
farming is to be promoted
and rural life improved through dis-
and the Into change of views
then marked advance along both lines
may expected to follow the an-
meeting the Iv
Hoard of Agriculture, which
assembled at the today for a
three Those in i
the me, Hi i have pro-
, mm i- . all-.- for more man one
bun ii, i i It
. an i
i. w, ii i to speak sub-
in addition
ii,. , p is tie- speaker will
i elude the II of nun I
departments and bur. am , a ho will
report i i the meeting on
particular in lores I to those engaged
I V II. A. Meeting.
Col. Ian
um completed elaborate
r the reception entertain-
pi the gates to the twenty-
sixth annual of the Col-
Young Men's Christian
The convention sessions
begin tomorrow and
over Sunday. Several speakers of
national reputation will be to
address meeting.
in Hull el lame.
URBAN A, in . Jan. IS A portrait
n th,. late Philip Armour,
to the University of Illinois b;
l. n Armour sen ram
chi, ago her and merchant
was placed In II
hall of fame today.
presentation was accompanied In-
i, iv ting n
delivered bl lames ins
I Henry A
Wheel. I, president of
Chamber of and Dr.
Armour The
unveiled by Miss
of Philip U. Armour
Trail Leads
cripple Overland
sons drowned, all forms of
. i land transportation handicapped,
six train loads of passengers ma
and this section of the
damaged to th extent
a million dollars by storms, pros-
relief bright, With the
appearance the SUB today,
The rainfall for the hour end-
at midnight was ha BOO,
making I th a on 14.32
More rain f. II t than
the total for the 1813 season to Jan-
Santa Barbara, where the great-
est damage was a heavy in
was failing ibis morning,
storms Subsiding.
BAN Cain Jan
drenched and pelted a
from the lo
Mi caused a I
, i eight n
, iv today
. ,
been d ft out
to I
n ., ho.
, ,,,. , i i i
Ir Hi r
lower part of C N.
g , rippled, . i II
re Improving
In the
of the state In mend m At
the total for I
hours amounted to
Ti.- Ventura i r l on
Bridges amount-
ed to teen
a v. a v.
I heel i
In . . i. d
With tin iv n river out
and rain
day. I Is maintained on
i . , tin
The sudden i I
. rain near Baal i
i he atom baa
be, ii in-, north the
mountains, The Ba ram. and D
i ., i leered i-
an i i I
tor i. while ed I
town . i to
th,. i I all t t
feet, the I I 1881
a have disrupt, d r
,, , in b
i In i n Ban
. ., i.,,. baa been
I, hours,
washouts have Hell lip
in Nevada. A at
m train is i tailed i v
miles of track iv
water on the
Colorado and Oregon
on the Virginia and Line
have cut off Virginia City.

Eastern reflector, 23 January 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 23, 1914
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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