Eastern reflector, 16 January 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

-i if
J. R. J. G.
Department Store
A store that pleases its customers
W C ard Feed You in a Pleasing Way
No matter whether you are search of
best f coo f ti tor n an or the
best or Pa I Trent the
outer man we have t at the right
prices to , we a st we
have bet
r t n s. n y
accessories cir daily
uses any any of which would be an accept-
able He lie Hi ii
We cordially invite you and
inspect our immense stock.
J. R. J. G.
. .-
A. R. Stepp
Office For Rent Located
at Five Points
Apply to
W. X
We have just received a shipment r
I. I i for
l . garages and homes.
The extinguisher i. only three
inches in r, fourteen inches
only v pound. It
can be I d m
it also con attachment
for the
It is approved i i- Nation d of Fire I
and v II j. s in i ; reduce yew inn i per cent on
t ;
Ask your n c me to see us and lit us
show you this id e mat
The n Company
Call to see A. R. STEPP
Fresh Beef, Po k, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, we sell for CASH strictly.
Beef Steak . Ma per n.
Park Steak . Lie per
Oysters . tic per qt
Just across the river bridge. No delivering in
town. We will save you money if you to us.
and tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
sleep. All his life
he ha, been bothered way. For
no whatever sloop would sud-
him and when It
it abandoned the rest
of the Family, meaning Mrs.
and the bulldog.
When Mrs. would an-
sadly to their acquaintance
that Tom had begun waking up at
one O'clock and Staying awake till six
not going to deep at all until half-
peat-three it was exactly as tragic
though she was breaking the news
that be had a victim to tho
suicide habit or bad begun murdering
people again after a short vacation.
Those to whom she spoke always had
an feeling that they ought to
send or something.
absolutely refused to go
to the doctor about it. He said the
physician would merely ask him if he
had any trust funds or had
anything else on his conscience, and
would appear annoyed because he
just would
say In martyred tores wake up
and then begin ind I cant
stop worry about what would hap-
pen if ten years from now a long,
winter should set in and I didn't have
any work. Then there is Dave.
who Iris all ills money In
a gold mine, and what If lie should
lose it And think of the
of the people ever there in the
regions during cruel
Tom I i u b an absurd-
Thai till the
alee con
i me, and then i l
from t first I
would read rod to Ki
. . m d to
m to sleep.
ii an ii
more often
the light i
i I
being i expel
I of I lead for
you d
. . . . ., .
. r fell
I .
n ad aloud i Tl if Hot
Water . b
i Ii
r I. He said
If it kept v much he i i
i i. .
I heir
Hi . milk I
I i k, put a
under hi head and
I and I
I In sis out
six times, crossed his fingers and
counted Jumping sheep.
When they were out In the even
Mrs. had the habit of
watching her husband nervously, and
If bis eyelid twitched she would grab
tho person next to her and
is going to have another sleep-
less she would say. is
getting the blinks Poor man
don't know what is going to become
of him Isn't it awful to
the afflicted one, over here where
you won't get tho cigar
makes you nervous, I
All of this happened before the
rival of Mrs. who had known
at the age
of ten, and had never the
habit. The first time she was present
at one of these sad exhibitions she
transfixed the with a dis-
gusted glance and spoke her mind.
and nonsense. Tommy
said she. never heard of
such tomfoolery I never saw a per-
son put on the airs you do Are you
any better than any one else that you
can't sleep as the rest of us do You
say that your life Is without reproach,
and if it is there's no excuse for your
not sleeping. The idea Smoke that
cigar and drink that cup of coffee and
go home and go to bed and go to
sleep You're a perfect goose I
think the trouble Is that your head Is
only big enough for one Idea at a time,
and you've grown attached to this
sleepless Idea and hate to tell It to
move on. I'm ashamed of you And
your wife is an easy
think she is horribly Mrs.
kept saying all the way
home. doesn't understand your
sensitive nature at
yawned. Whereupon he went to sleep
when his head touched tho pillow and
Mrs. had to set the bulldog
loose on him in the morning to get
him up at all.
That ended insomnia-
The burglar took the
set clock off the mantel and re-
placed It with a sixty-cent timepiece,
o that the Bleeping owner would not
miss the familiar tick.
times have
the burglar as he crept out Into
the cold
been to and see
you ever since you get buck from your
wedding began the caller, who
was considerably older than the bride
and whoso cards wire lab-led
murmured the bride in
a slightly vague tone. was still
In the throes of horror that rack a
pretty girl who has been discover d in
a dusting apron and cap and who ha
the profound cent Ion that there
must be on her face. .
bark so hardly expected
I said the caller,
pathetically. aren't formally
homo for a month yet. according to
your cards, but knew you wouldn't
mind me, even if you weren't settled.
I'd love to help you People think I
have pretty good Judgment about
hanging things and all that Are you
going to have that picture there My
dear, don't you see the greens in it
gees out in tho other ex-
plained the bride.
haven't finished and we sol it hero
cried the caller in a little ere.
wail as she peered the
room in question, shook her hi id
gently and sadly, too i
mourned, somebody didn't v
you before you picked out
; . It went i List spring and
J, .- have ,
really a crime n you want
right up to date. Yen
them i I away to
it all our thin k i r
a brown
,, th bride. it dull
shade I
d ; i caller,
i r know
years I
v j u on i. I
; beg by lei
k is i . . boy,
he i Why.
i use tor;
J lit that i I over
; rushed right I
ho v
has .
Ilka my m
a A trifle stiffly,
. . E
i I the a
. I sin aid
la l iv
Jack at our
e i I night m
Isn't it a
for g pi
They are . of I
but they d
i ton t they i How
I to have to in s room i
and a yell . I a blue and a
brown I
Your Teeth on
your teeth on edge And it must grate
on so sensitive to color
It's odd you never noticed it
I pointed it
can't very well smash Bald
the bride, Indignantly.
gifts. And they really are very
lovely. When get up hang-
get all these old rags out of
tho goodness, these are
never your cried the caller
in a pained voice. every one
has her own Ideas. They must have
come from Egypt and all that, but
and, my dear, what are you ever going
to do With all those embroidered
luncheon that I noticed among
your wedding
I must run along, for I'm sure
you want to get dressed and
looking before comes home.
Tell him I've so enjoyed my chat
with you I'm you can be con-
tented In this apartment if you make
up your mind to be. There's every-
thing In that I'll run in again soon,
I'm sun I can help you make
things look Iota better
breathed the bride. Then
ran Into the back room and,
picking up the plaster head with a pro-
file her caller's, with great
and dispatch crammed it Into
the waste basket and smashed It with
the pump removed from her
left Dally
He did not look it. Even
himself, as he viewed his
lovely reflection in the cracked
of his room up under the farm
house eaves, even he could but ac-
knowledge that he was indeed as Aunt
Sarah said. homely as a hedge
There was no gainsaying tho
fact, and as poor turned from
the sight of hilt large features, and red
hair, he Ho was used lo being
plain, but since encountering
mocking black eyes of Mattie
life had taken on a somber tint never
known before. Her laughing acorn was
no coy. maidenly coquetry. He realized
would do something ho
felt like it. He would go to BOO-
ton This wild scheme he put into ex-
and soon the little New Eng-
land village of his birth knew him no
Once really arrived at the
things began to happen. reach-
the city by boat the harbor scenes
interested him that he walked
about the wharves for a time, forget-
ting everything save the fact that he
was seeing the world. As he stood
. steamer about to sail for
a southern port, a taxi drew near, and
two men alighted. The younger man
was white and thin as it from recent
A they stepped from the cab a mes-
boy met them. West-
he Inquired.
i he elder man nodded, whereupon
a letter was handed to him. He tore it
open and seal
a be
has w an accident,
and can't go with
the other.
I'll go .
like you to go alone, Ralph,
you're not
tested the young
drew l . you
to sort
i a
you asked
. had
as I ac-
. I rob
tor Ii
i v. ring their i l in
the i city. th l i
i re . i , Sud
aware of m notion
a pi ; .
lac ; to a can las tear madly to-
ward i, men sen Alone
a girl, grasp-
nil her might tho i ml and
side of hide. . . . I
and before his companion guessed his
n, be hi d bound, d Into the
and with an agile spring
I d He bridle of the near horse,
it s the risk of life and limb, or
i i . to
I . the following morning a boy
the hotel for
had told bis compel
name to some of spectators of the
r. of the previous day. Tho boy
brought a note from Miss Carl r beg-
him to call that she might I ink
him in person.
groaned he en-
her you're the man. Silo
didn't see who
don't catch me strutting around in
A compromise was at length
ranged, and agreed to ac-
company and stand by Ins friend
tho dreadful ordeal.
Miss Carter's home was a fine, old
southern mansion, and tho drawing
room, Into which tho two young men
were shown, seemed the acme of
to at least one of them. A mo-
later Dorothy Carter appeared, a
not unattractive girl, wearing a white
questioned doubtfully.
one am I to
pushed the blushing
am forward and that young man man-
aged to take her proffered hand with
the words. Hubbard, but
you needn't thank me. That's all
but I shall. tho
continued the girl, turning to
a maid. want to clearly my
bravo and handsome
gasped. he
mered, think that. I
II expect I'm as home-
as they make
we'll speak of your
tho girl returned. Is not to
Miss Carter was deeply Interested in
hearing about life In the north, and It
took a second, even a third call for
to tell all wished to hear.
It seemed, Indeed, that
bravery had quite blinded the girl to
his physical defects, or, It may be that
tho proverbial blindness of love alone
was enough. Hut the young man came,
was seen, and conquered.
Extract from a letter written by
to his
the great event has taken and
morning I p st
the wedding of Dorothy Carter and my
esteemed friend, Hubbard.
Who would have thought It when
aw him standing valise In hand
of our first meeting Talk about
comparing truth with fiction The lat-
will to take a back seat If
Jetsam Hubbard s not a hero cf to
what Is
l. M. c I. SICK
A l at La If
and a Specialty.
In office i.-i.
and Blow.
u Moore W. H. Long
at Law
In Third at.
service are
II. HI Kit, n. II.
limited to of the Eye,
Ear Throat.
Washington c. N. o
. Alia Dr. L. L. Green-
. day every SI a m to i pm
N. .
at Law
by J. L.
B, J.
at Law
Edwards on the Court
House Square
J. B,
at R. L. Smith's stables, with
hospital ,
treat all animals Calls
day or night.
MM mil. 147-L.
Practicing In all the Courts
tn Women Bonding en
street Court
P. V.
In ii ranee
Fire and Accident
m-e Fourth
I i. . . .
. ties
. be in
-ii-n ind Large Late Drum Iliad.
j tor shipment I
Prepared far in from
HI l 1.13 per
user it per f.
lint e
and guaranteed,
L. C. Arthur
Nuts, Raisins,
Candies, Figs,
Cakes, Oranges,
Apples, Bananas,
Celery, Grapefruit
Lemons, Citron,
Powdered Sugar,
Toys, Wagons,
Dolls, Vases now
in stock at
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
B. C
acre cleared. acres In fin
woodland, soil light loam, clay
grow anything. One
tenant house, one large pack house,
one tobacco barn, stables and other
necessary outbuildings. Located near
House, N. C Price per acre.
Terms, one-fourth cash. to
I House. N. C.
-i I
Molten Lava m
Many of The Inhabitants
Public at Free Will Baptist Preacher President Sends William's Message Bristles With
Hundreds Meet Death
iii bridge at
Major II. IV. Corps of En-
United States Army, sends
From Home
Since December
In for Comptroller
Reference to
And Many Their by Bo-
finders Continue
Japan, Jan. tidal
wave added its terrors to the earth-
quakes and eruption which
struck In Southern Japan
yesterday, according to official
It Is believed here that the
disaster will prove to be one
of the most serious in Japan's history.
Professor C. W. one the
most promoters the Sunday
School cause in this section of
Carolina paid the First
Church Washington, N. C, a visit
or Sun lay morning last, and made an
able address taking Ins theme.
Stand Prof. Wilson was
heard large audience mid the Wash
ii Daily News has the
to say of
. , t a day. C. W.
Wilson, of the faculty of the
Carolina Training School.
N C. was by Mr.
tho following notice tor farmer and member and
A public hearing will be held auctioneer for the Williamson Real
Carolina at p. tn. Estate company
on January 23rd, ism. In the matte- here Tuesday, December SO, on
of a proposed to be erected the a. m. northbound train, and
over the Tar River, at or near Boyd's
Kerry. N. C, by the county
sinners of Pitt North Caro-
At this hearing opportunity will be.
given to all interested parties to p. e
it their views, either or In
writing and it is especially desired
that the views of navigation Inter-
and of the of city
t is n or local association, whose In
MT. OLIVE, Jan. 13-Rev. Charles WASHINGTON, Jan. pres-
C. Orton, Free Will Baptist minister Went to the senate today the
nomination of John Williams.
COLUMBIA, B. C. Organ-
of the two houses was effected
and Governor Cole
Virginia, to be the I message presented during the
of this place, left currency and member the
federal reserve hoard which will ad-
minister the affairs the new cur-
The nomination was referred to tin
committee on hauling and currency
affairs a brief executive session of
sent to the finance committee.
Senator Owen, the chairman, said
The loss of life and property increase Vaughan. he subject of the
with fuller news from
rs-What the work Corps of s. A
Stands Prof. Wilson,
NAGASAKI, Japan. Jan.
cations today are that the death
from the earthquakes and volcanic
disturbances around will
run the thousands.
oilier things
i am going to throw out
which seem to he worth
while and have you all to them
which are worth
while to not only and
but to young people in gen-
which is almost com- In the of Christ at
buried in volcanic ashes and the temple the age of twelve yon
stones, bad a remember alter his mother and
the last census. The population rather had fulfilled the duties of this
tho adjoining island of the service which they were attending
center of Hi disturbance, is given as started home they had
On island hundreds an i-.,,. a day's before they
reported lo have perished beneath round Christ was not with them
the of lava from the volcano . that is. without i
whereabouts at this time unknown
to his family, friends of business as-
and his Is a source
much anxiety to his friends and
I o family he said the day he left.
am going up the road i
members of the East Coast
Company he said he was going u
Saratoga, in Wilson county, to look
r Borne real estate, and it Is known p committee would take up the
may reasonably be expected, that he purchased a ticket j ,, near future. It may be
to be affected by the proposed though it Is not known before the nomination Is
Hire, be presented. or or not he did actually go to
Plans of the proposed structure, and toga. It is known, however, that he
may of Its location be available licit Wilson that night on southbound
for at tn Atlantis No
H. W. SICKLES, he informed W. C. Hatcher, general
manager of the ML Olive
Company, who left this train
at Fayetteville, that he was going
Winterville Hems. S. C.
Since that time nothing whatever
F. Jan, and j beard from him, although lei-
Mrs, w B. Tucker have returned from inquiry have been sent in great financial
near LaGrange where they have been , He about year- were opposing him Mr.
their daughter, Byrd. I f has here a wife and selection was announced after
See It. W. Dall for your apple-i, children and no one knows the B conference between President
and bananas. cause for his continued absence with- It i-
J. Cox and S have Just receive out letting family hear from bin . understood during II
a large shipment nice fresh why should have Muted for .,.,,,.,,, has hi
day of the regular session of the
South Carolina legislature. The
speaker, M. 1-. Smith, Camden,
over from last year. C. T n
veteran member, was elected speaker
pro tern.
In the senate interest en
tho senate during which an effort the remarks of Lieut- Governor Char-
was made to have It referred to the lea A. Smith, who, us presiding of-
on finance. Heretofore, of senate, called that
a nomination would have been
Mr. Williams Is now see
rotary the treasury in charge of
lite u am Secretary Mi
first assistant in matters
k finance.
The office of comptroller of th
currency has been vacant for
months. Various reports have been
afloat of opposition against the
of Mr. Williams. It was
to order. Mr. Smith paid a
to President Wilson and hi
The governor's message, which
considerable length, was read
in full, hut wan printed in the
It bristled with references
his political enemies and
recommendations ranging from In-
of the et
in public dinning rooms con-
of a movement to
the primary laws. The governor
characteristically declared there had
I ii no objection to the. primary laws
until was
Principal recommendations
ed in the mess-age
One mill for public h
Bi educational
r; i Ion
Abolishment it
. -1,
his friends here
to. hi
of Many mine wen
drowned while attempt
to escape.
Doctors have started to the seem
which Is hard to reach because rail-
road communication is Impeded
ashes the tracks have been dis-
located by the earthquakes.
The violence of the eruption of
is so groat show-
ere of dust are falling hare today
carry with you any-
See them for their prices. I South Carolina
Mrs J I,. Rollins is hi n
parents, and Mrs. Lemuel Taylor,
have plenty plant bed cloth,
about th lion
and It will bi
has -u II I I
I also have all kinds of plant
d fer
thing else I this morning
, , ,,.,. thought with A. W, Ange and
veil. without Mr. I
Young men and women travel- Jaw
without Jeans. We are travel- spent the week-end,
ling whether we will or not. Shoes, hats, caps and all kinds
Of time la rushing us on clothing cheap at
.,, f,,, TO TOMORROW
Guard In
A. c,
A. W. Ange went to Greenville yes
, When you want fresh oysters,
ii. w. Dall.
We are still ling your
to J. Cox and Son for your
ether we that fact or not
we whether there is
anything definite In view or not-You
The distance between Nagasaki an. an Individual are sum
la about miles. where, and rapidly. Al-
A refugee who arrived here ready a third of the firs month
from Kagoshima gave the following the year Is and it seems ,. low prices for cash. Col
of the disaster. the beginning of the year was only and be convinced,
eruption suddenly wit rapidly. and Co.
columns of thick black smoke and you traveling without Jesus Ar
a from the crater of as an Individual, n young man drinks, mild cigars and sweet candle.
inhabitants of the or woman, traveling without They have them.
nail island rushed to the search and Jesus Is at to suggest some thing Mrs. J, C Smith, of Norfolk, Va
for you about with reference i visiting her Mrs. Jim
. this Journey alone life's and v- B i;
of which wears all bouts, rubber shoes and rain
We are . Harrington, r and C
direction you Mr. B, P. has ed
u t. people turned ha new auto.
, in search of Pistols, ,
no another d barrel guns and
t u them, A-e. and Co
ii, process traveling in- See for your plant bed
. . ; prep have Just a p
Monday night, where he
tint., Jan. i
of the Dominion parliament from the
Harrington, Bar. western and lower i, as well
i. fr. Ontario and
Cox, n. L. Abbott and are all In the capital In a
nation falters when it alt i
foretell the grandeur and
of gold lace and bubbling
which will be seen at the Old Guard
ball In Madison Square Garden t-
of tie -Pining of the .
big building will be tram
to an Immense tent,
accompanied by the customary
flame i
Hundreds of the
small l-land rush
on board junks and steamers
which carried tin m across three miles
of water to ashes, stone
particles of white hot lava tailing
all the while on the de
Kagoshima the heal was in
torn e. The eons In ti
of glowing cinder, made h
horror was Increased by
shaking caused by Inn -ant earth . , v. never start on a
quakes. More than length without
shocks ware recorded before nightfall. t; try preparation for
lied along the highways Journey, We want
west and north of the city They had , pleasant companions.
abandoned everything Boon were men and women with us
Buffering from lack of food and drink stare our A Joy Is half a
the unless shared with some
resembled an in the sorrows come
glowing from the to we Want who can
of the mountain to the summit Dur-1 share our sorrows with us as
night lava i
the entire district. The volcano
constantly emitted thunderous
Hurtling rock and ashes set fire
several villages. At on the th
display and galleries of both
houses will probably be wit i
the usual large special in
rally speaking a very interest-
s. salon Is looked for. The pro-
as calls for leg i-
dealing railways. In
corp u and shipping
In I lo Ii
u-t. fr hi
the e
n d there will be con-
Hotter i t of liquor las
Count tuition of p
. from i re.
Ii lo Hi
Thai is ah
be p
for r to bi
in of legal i I r-
i. of i
Buckeye State farmer.
M Aim.
led i here
I r
the auspices
Urn I Tin two
r pr r ad In n
Illuminated the o
Deli representing the
organization Bo ton PI no I I
Hartford and other . I r i ho sill
will be among the
feature of the
The spec efforts I
l all. i iii a I I I I
yes . will tho d mill i . . ,,,
march at mid I I
the music of Old rattle,
band, a ind i m ire off mil do
ti . full in i i if their r I Is, and the v.
. , sill p . . . . , ,,
.,,. at n forget tin
carry the steel beam Vulcan Plow.
plow i, band and line
II. n Forrest and Co.
who can
railway one hundreds per
sons were killed. Several village.-
along the foot of the volcano wan
burled In lava yesterday.
you know
Frank over
Goodness, Why
-Oh. the wretch stopped cull
I lag and and that, I
I New York Globe,
for Senator.
Pa., Jan.
rally of Pennsylvania Progressives
marling the Opening of the Wash-
party's Unites States senator-
and campaign. b
here today and will continue
tomorrow. County chairmen and
other party leaders from all over the
slate are In attendance. In
the Is Increased by tin
probability that the rally will
made tho for the formal
launching of candidacy of
i am .- In Si
n. 14.-
d i Texas n,
i . FORT I Ian
League or d . need the I i
and nil i
I i of
i i large
op number of
of the stab or
sell of i for W, D. I
. pried The a.
bishop I Its e
the exchange of gathering to order and delivered hi ;, ,,,,. ., . . , , ,
the s listened to annual address, which dealt with Hi
I the address of c the
of r officers and
standing . Much of the
; time of the convention, which will
continue In session three will
I devote,; to of
proved methods In packing, shipping
distributing fruits, vegetables and
other food products.
Charley a full-fledged
manager now. He has signed
the Princeton pitcher for his
warehouse bill and
alters in which the
is Interested. The convention
Ions will continue over
Prominent among those on the pro-
gram for i,
president of the Union III
Tennessee, B. A. Calvin of
ton, former president the
division of the national organization.
d i h
con aeration ceremony.
Joe Rivers I's to get 14.000 for box-
Ad In Milwaukee
This tho Ire
I tO
ii,, Veneer Company to I
I S that was on the roof
of the building en the edge of tho
water tank After tho
arrived required but a
to put It out
The will amount to
fl covered by

,. . .
I ii. I Into
I ii in-
the i
log . tan tor
ml i
in- i
room lo
d the trap
In the i I n
disturbed from hit p i
by unusual .,
room l la
. ;
i was, for the trap
kind of a I
it set to work to
liberal , hen hi p
the bu p
on ti toot,
and this II the i i i
of Vi I Irish blood; he
ached tor
II ii in light
i he had sum ail
as dead, be sat hi bad bead i
a coon, teeth like a tiger, claws like
., panther, i a and i
ambition a lion, and fought like
Jo but I i i i
and dumped the dead car-
i the yard, and had hi
d, and r the excite
n i I, and his Ii
an to cool he decided to
i the d animal, and lo. h-
i. U a a an I in tin
darkness, but Joe is still on
his crutches and baa a very bad
Ii g as the n f com
contact with dreadful
u. i- t-e
wood scarce, but don't
i I cook es J, it.
Smith and Bros., that will do tin
to Mr. . I Mrs I, I C
rd. a son I I Sun I
i Police an t
y Tax Co to be
. .
d and i
Mr. James
i-o moved
Mr. P. Ci formerly with
. Tut ii with
i n
Mr. Ulna, I wit.-
Mesa K. Smith and Bros.,
.-- k. W and Co.
All kinds of school supplies at J
It. Smith and
We bad a i all fr
and Mrs. C. I. of
last lay on their way to Greene
Mr, Little I us I a n
read, r of county paver
and enjoyed the Ayden department
Just received solid car of
Now if you want to carry th
we will furnish the home for
J. R. Smith and Bro,
Moss. and tolls
l . . r t two
pill i, side of
b there
I i t
. ; . I me i
lien Gr of
Robert I in
her home I ear t i.
and was I m i In tin
is I .
r I .
splitting i
b lust ; I by J, n.
should wade the i
looking tor shingles, when you can
lib i n I n i-ii to
ii r to put on and more i u
T. i. Smith i i. o
tough en j
I .
and street Improvements, and the
. .
ail their from
i the
I I lit
New v
j h i a nu i end
L 1842.
i . asked
I you in B i i. the i
In t, b
it on I
M . it will be
However, we have Just rue
; I .
ares complied by life insurance
along tin lines. Certain life
Great Britain, have found the
i ii a a i
i it are quoted a
life Insurance rate than others.
r however,
I by a Now
which showed the ratio of
increases as the amount In-
r and lob ;, co H. re
are the
in Exported
I .
AI . . M
Tl bi tween the death I
. .
nil roe- Ind i
la i. striking Tl i
t, I
i in
I and I are i
. i ,. t . i . r n
. own life
Items of More or Less Interest Than
Concern Doings of the
The engagement is announced of
Show, daughter Mis.
Slum, to Mr William Mar-
. only sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Worsen
Mr. Worsen by the way.
cones of u good old family. They
have always been His
C is an
Intellectual man, having the
f. notes a fashion paper near-
a v. bole season. And his son. Mar-
once took a prize at a horse
It is rumored that Miss
ling has broken her engagement to
Mr Ruhr. Hut
seemed quite cheerful last Saturday
at his club.
It is whispered the F. Spend-
are not so happy
as might Our readers
will remember Mrs. was
the charming Miss a noted
belle of Mr. is more
than attentive to Mrs. Jimmy Over-
load, while Mrs. is constantly
sec with the young duke of
and lie comes of an ancient
family. A greater part of this last
season I a visitor at
Cliffs, the summer homo of the P.
Mrs. Leeds is preparing
for an active social season. She is
now visiting Mrs. P. de
V R Their charming
D Mrs turns
from Saturday or. Nausea
or Is it the Crown
Tin- will tell.
Garment Is Described as Being In
Vogue in Times of Lycurgus
the Law Giver.
must reread Plutarch. We must
reread some of the other so-called
not for antiquity's sake,
either. Thomas Owen Topeka in-
forms us we are centuries out in
saying the slit skirt is only 1400 years
old. Speaking of the Law-
giver and his times. Plutarch relates
writes Mr.
skirts of the habit which the
virgins wore were sewed to the
bottom, but opened at the sides as they
walked, and discovered the thigh, as
Sophocles very plainly
in the light dress struts Her-
Whose opening folds display the naked
This passage of Plutarch Is well
worth looking up for more details
of or years before
the Christian era, says a writer in Col-
lier's We may read there of
the complaint made that women in
those times were too bold,
line, to prone to make themselves mis-
tresses of the they inhabited;
and even wanted a share in
affairs of Aristophanes
feminism In a comedy that is
now centuries still acted
If you have time to do only
reading, you would cut out the
periodicals and read the Creeks. To
ll. owe
is modern in our the
Mart with the new
the W
from our exceptional clear-
prices or sale prices all suites and tine single pieces,
and ready for
early choice.
Tail Vandyke
pan w
, are
f .
Important Court Decision.
A decision will be of assistance
lo executors in settling estates com-
prising a large amount of securities,
was handed down the court of
peals of New York In the case of Luke
V. Lockwood vs. U. S. Steel corpora-
The court held that a foreign
corporation having an office in this
state for the transfer and registry of
its corporate stock may be compelled
to make such transfer at its New
York office on demand of the local
executor of a testator who was
dent in a foreign country at the time
of his and stock was in
the possession of the executor.
The court ruled that the doctrine
that the situs of personal property
owned by a decedent is deemed to
be either at bis domicile or at the
domicile of the corporation does not
stand in the way of such transfer,
since the maintenance of a transfer of-
here makes this state its
to that extent
I Md Ii Hope That City
I- Par in
p ii t r O.
t, v ho I hi r
. I ting
i , I. f. the r-s
mail delivery In Greenville, left
q ,. v, i for hit home In S
. . . i
. Wit . i A INS
cur i-. ,
i . . i
i; HA I W, H l . TO i II W r
M Until. SALE.
Mm-1 unable.
oilers .-ale
. r,
DOLLARS bond, hearing
i. 1st 1814, to run
. bi k lot bi at
per annum, pay
., i . i-l day
of each eat These bonds will
by virtue an the
ii I Session,
and ratify by a u vote
the said District at an election held
under said Act, mil will be sold Li
den m and i. re-
i -r bonds are nun-taxable.
bids will I e d tin
undersigned at his In
N C for these mi February
1st. A deposit of per cent
m bid accompany each
Chairman Board
The Greenville Drug Company
of P ire Digs, Chemicals, Patent
Sundries, Stationary, School Supplies,
A Sick Rom Prompt Deliveries
Most Carefully
J. Key Brown, D.
Coward woolen Drug Co.
in Out
Ail Soda Fountain
In Department
We offer every facility available in good sound and modern
In Oar
per Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in the sum of One Dollar and upward
Oily Bink In
t is no than a
Visit let a service to personally
Located Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Saturday night from to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Cox, frost. F A. Cashier.
R. R. Fleming, V-P. M B, Bryan.
Kodak I
Coward-Woolen Drug Co.
This Paper has space for
Your Ad also, try
You plant your crop, Cultivate and harvest
it, considerable cost of time and money.
no chances with the money you get
for your crop but it this strong Your money will they be absolutely safe and
Take No
JAMES L. LITTLE, President.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
. a sale con- h. Jan.
In a certain mortgage . . , . Soul,
lei mid wife Martha Has . to H. J
dated 1st
and recorded in the .
office in Pitt county, in boon
L-iV. . Hie
at Ii O'clock NOON
to public sale, the court
door In Greenville, m lb
who la
at Greenville, and III
Mime In-
H. Forrest and Co., for your
fresh meat.
u a B W.
COX It ;. i. .
I I mi nil her parent, lb
AI the
OF in oil
The report
Virginia ill Ask
Va. Jan. A
est bidder, for cash, the follow A
.- in.
and Son
A ii and
described parcel land i
Situated la Chi id township, I
. a i
a take, I
l ate road and i
north l-l
Bel con
T. C thence
Cannon line S. B, W. pi
and pointer In
thence 1-8 poll i t i
a stake with holly and pine
Bailie Proctor's corner;
with her line M M W,
S. corner on
I road; thence
Mid road N. W. M to
I. containing
or Ii and In
to K by H. J,
the Isl day
is i to
H J. M
i ltd
Ida, and ti r, . i mi i
,. . lion I a and I It
ii of the amount at
I pi lice. II
of North Carolina, County Intel
Pitt, an
i. W. U th. tend
the Con I
Inf duly two, bl I I the contrary.
Sunday morning In Memorial tin board of din I the laid for the state of New It
church. C. M. Rock i ed. to appear on the ground r.-d
of i re i
, . ,., m the i. ; . i pan her ear
; i. . . I m . . i I of Ti i
owed State State of North I I
the heal i t Installed but win- i . . i by petition
. .
life They Ii
ii e i
and t special line assorted i. .
,, W hail.
Mr Wall i- Braxton left
i standing in the
i hi it iii tome bus-
The horse took fright and ran
bu over, vi red
;. bi
i Jot ma .
i ha him ell ll I
ii I inti re -i In
or work. He will
; from pi
nigh i of on seven
e Sunday Tin
f I . Kt i-,. Interest
be equally
i .
h i
. ,
A H. 1913.
II ,. N r
ll is. Ii
,. I.
. .
. .
a so Ii
. . . ; . . .
i the r n h-i
, mi In
. . . . . .-
Id in
I , .
. . i .
. . . .
Mint i.
t is Irate
,, th, i of ll- T. y, I
,. ., late of the county PHI
state of North Carolina, la
, lie horse was
I ii I . . ii.
rubber shoes,
have them
lot of A all n st. el .
; how
also suppl i with all
n r V d Co.
. ,, if. and Mrs C
all having claims
the estate of the deceased
exhibit them to
or before the 10th day of
1916, or notice ill be
bar of their recovery.
Ail persons Indebted to the
H. T make prompt will be Interested lo
i this morning,
Rosa went lo
n i morning
Mr, rot Pastes Eighty-Fifth
The many friends Mrs.
in. t the ii
Tl .
i t.
The firm of U I C
. U. b
J. doing a
tin- at N- C
has day dissolved
U. Moore liming sold his I
the business B. M. and I
business will in- conducted
under j. j.
All Indebted to old
i,,.,., ,
make i lo i J, i and Bro
all p i out holding t again
Hi,, said i in -i i
the -aid Arm of D. O. Moore
Company will present their claim., to
j. for payment, he having
and to i I
; th, 1914.
D, O,
Ii. M El KS,
l ltd II
; ii, j i C A Bun even
rices of the New
i , r. r. C.
, ,. i at I
j, , i man had
d the i I I V. W
. I
and the Ml
i . th- i
Mr ti it
j ;, M by which man i
met with man i
, . apt f
In I
Ho tea
should put upon
The students fell the m
. . from ill life ind the
ii pet force
I arm rs
The stale
lure in arranging dales for the hold-
of Institutes during
and next, makes three appoint
or Pitt county. They
January 17th;
i i Thursday Mrs,
i. Tin d Ii
. i I
old I . i
. . .,,. ,,
Mr-. Con H r A. i.
COX, Mrs A, l. COX, B.
Mrs. W. Mrs,
Jackson, Mrs W, H. Route of
and P of Ashe
On i .
Mi- sen . i clock, the
. .
. , . i .; ii i -ii r
ii ii,.,. daughter, Leonard
bride Mr. i Prank
win hi. i . ii
. i ,;. In p
II . ll i; p i .
ii hall an
bill the Ii r
., pyramid
,,. ins an
t scene.
I .;,, . I II
. In the parlor
The i
, v Ii her
broth i met
his best m I L. U
. i , .
. , . ,,. . .
,. . . . r
I v .
bin of I
union I I at
It M believed
, , . . . . i. reverse.
. . . niter I brought to t vol
In the
. i nice,
v a. mi the
,,, e I
need I
, .
pr to I
took i
of the l
el the Refugees i- Intense, a
I in I slid no
Fr Hal In . by
nit ion i. ultra to
. till
flu Th Is
. tin m a
Shelter. Federal- lied
right hundred Mexican federal
rah .
two cannons, tour I
i pieces and civilian
In to the
. i. .
i . i
. mattered I the
Edge brought In u
Urgent is for In mi
in I
. I
, ; . and
g of Ni a
. B. II A
ii when he removal of soldiers and n
Stanford White.
The ii. mm I
have reached definite and positive
as to the present mental con-
of Ti., I hi
other were lent Major lie
to the war department, through
General Bliss.
Among of the n
t ti
now In
of mind all lime of t undisputed of a vs I
i f Mexico, an
I. Romero. A
are In custody of
awaiting poi in
i On t i an
I . . I
. i
ii Imp
. . i .
bUll i
. i . ,. ; , I
i., sin
North C
in the Superior
is VS N I Moo-1
. i . .
to o
in I I
take I a Is i ,.,
t the in vi
, cot to h
he . l i 1914, at
, N C r or d
plaintiff will I
; i MOO
they . i
i, Ion in view of r
i tin court not to i in
, litigation lore
i . . I
in vol
. . , ii r man l
I I and i long the border to so
. Pi I
. ,. . I our I were i mp
i I . i
i Thaw
id On
fur I
. r
r, in r
Third Trial Of Ni-i .
I'M I STINE, . Jan
third time i d, i
, a whit
. .
n t.
. Tl
I held
. .
t of
. J
r H
In Hie cut room a pi
. i ,
t DI
,. . ,.
rick , eased, i
. i
. i Mi
. l
I .
r in
. , I . C I
. .
. ii be
trial of the Base, has I
for several years. Al
first trial Hyde was
guilty and to life
The second hearing resulted
In a nil the third ended in
a Jury disagreement
Hal i ; Iii-j.
NEW YORK, Jan Battling
. .
ii the most
weight that has bean unearthed
i long lime will be seen In action
tomorrow night. th,
Boston lighter, will be hit opponent
bout will be ten-round affair
will place before the Na-
Sporting Club
I ; . r., I
U New i-
also I
;,, Mi is- which brief
the moll
Into mental and
also had before said
i exhibits,
is and oilier documents used upon
,. . i,
. a
s , . I
i that legislature year ago, cleared, in high state U
.,. In the road running i mi
county Court here stand e and barn I rail
on a of first degree for rash, or cash,
Is of on easy terms. rein
ind killed W. to good tenant. Apply to
hon-o near ear M. C.
last November. I I lid

and and
I i I lac
us .
mom no, H
rates Imp lid
at ti la . .
In. .
All US I.- . .- . . .
seat -I
.-.-. ill
is lies, up to lines
.- snood class
v .
set i ,
Variety is spice of LOVE,
pi peace.
Fool fads are all the rage
. says UM Atlanta
The that a fool
one parted.
An has been extended to
Fairfax Harrison, the recently elect- y I
d president of the Southern BOBS RECKLESS DRIVE S AM.
. . , V X
to meet with the ,. m; .,.,
North at open
A French engineer rises to an- to be held under the
that the Panama canal la too Hew the Greater western
J; By W. F. CODY.
. . lit
A typical man of the west was talk-
Its ill wind that a man Ad et Proved Association February M. II and
for the French company which tack Is the desire of the of th
i. e
I'll;. OF u. Ill
Notice is hereby given that the
Nil I m make a man bill
. a
In I I
rate a
a I as you
tin . I
or double m.
U cold i in; pa.
led the Job and gave it up.
which has its
the boosting of the of tin
A stranger In town lost Bight want- to have Mr. Harrison to
, , ,., m , v the light- the principal
not lighted, and when told that meeting.
the good old times of the overland
and pony express. Indian fights, of the town
and when the had man from Bit- , ,.,,., regular assembled
was much in evidence. ,, ,, ,,,, or.
The westerner Col M. IV , ,,, m ,.
,. .,,. sell and ho looked just
what lie man who had been
Carolina, on Tuesday the 17th of
was because the moon was shin- o was one drive over the Over- 1914, at the regular polling
I regarded it as n huge joke. But At a Pay celebration In land trail which I guess tho six Place in the town Bethel on the
vi i, B explained trial Greenville t Louis Senator Reed said that the who took it will remember to or proposition Issuing
it explained ,.,.,. ., their day of passing in their chips. If Thousand Dollars worth
M , It lit. .,,.,,
practices . have to bear Inter-
he did not think it was strangle-hold of the beneficiaries gone
The the colonel.
party nay make mistakes, but II
Hiram Johnson has announced not Join in a deliberate
that would seek re-election as against the common man. Th,
A shoe polish
a man look . ., He bad an- president owes hit election to
Bald , ,,,. ,.,., interest
payable annually, and to run tor a
thirty years from date
.-no and the tax rate for the the
purpose of paying the Interest on
was In nob coach and
run, and be It Hob was tho
best, yet the most reckless, driver on
the Overland trail.
was in the early and tho aid and for paying said bonds,
coach came in to Horseshoe with the not exceed twenty-live cents on
r. that he desired to special Interests. Members of con , only, and was loaded bundled worth of prop-
No m i Inter, but oh,
-i try.
R nerve l W i II.
. . . prosperity
r . ; u
leek of the i
recognize down with their baggage.
Scott was to take the
Iron politics because of fail-
He decided to their duties as similar to those of the
reins drive the old hearse
stay in polities, he said, save president Insofar as their and the driver that
to pay
. t now until I
. . .
ting rid of I
some guy In
it Is a sure l
i i Sam i
Fort be d
tram or .
the powers permit
t p understood.
State militia
Si rota y Daniela says bids .; the country conform
for the manufacture army In
; pro for show with the Hick act 1908 or else I
d i . l-e
i year. If th drawn, it was announced today.
y ;., i pan takes advantage of tin my officers believed that ii
. v. I Increase orders by per ti,,. state national guard organize
Secretary I aid. a can meet regular army require-
k coffee a . for the government menu. Little or no attention has bee
, t en-
will be the result of the restoration paid to bringing state organizations
open and real competition W, to an standard. This
brought them in told how the six pas-
had grumbled all along tho
trail against slow rate they went.
v. r had taken his share of
abuse, one had passed word
along to about it.
m. bloody eyes, but you
don't know anything about staging in
this heathen
one of tho to Hob Scott.
Scott and said,
tee What I can do to
Bob went to tho stables and
got the stock tenders to hitch up six
of the pony express horses for
his team that day, and animals not all
broken to coaching.
strike on time, or
I ago walk, i's lie
limit, but the
of n. must bi
judging from the
It is so e now that Ore, is
making much noise, but at th-
into i I e Is much
going on increased building on
Men taken to ; at point
a headline. Could you
blame them. Judging from the
of mine of
time ago e a i in
real a. bets a I i. one
asked the i tell what
would term a S ; r. th
replied that i never
any la except J
City, Hoboken, Newark
and Brooklyn, he t d a
i nil l spot in a
up is Hi the bold spot o.
has greatly impaired the possible know why grimly said Bob
I th the
i ; I . I, on o for-
Ml Ml
I, lit.
of the militia should
be called upon to supplement the reg-
r .- i
; . and towns
I i s Wiles.
you cat the came kind of grub
you teed e summer
Scott, and he mounted the box as tho
Englishmen came out from dinner and
eyed the new- team, with men holding
them on the earth.
if I don't believe that's
a fair going team of said one.
shouted Bob.
you. turn and
i late mi
; are em-
Vi mighty sin
. man la i whose
d th Mod ti
farmer's life is a hard one, ain't
with much abuse.
trail led up a long hill, half a
ville Courier.
It i- run the low city's affairs
in mm ii same a
a of a bus-
i r in looking alter
i mes from
v ;. ,. most of the snail towns and
cities have such officials. These man
i not i for any
. but Instead their
II affairs the town 88888888888888888
r city In I I like manner. As
y towns and cites of this FROM I II I
Now that Harry Thaw ha have adopted this method
he may soon drop and the town to decide on till
I Virginia will for
statewide i the next
the general assembly
which convenes on
Hen ping that the Virginia
I bi a ballot.
A I like head;
responded tho city dozen miles in length, but then came
a sharp and rough descent.
came Bob's chance, and. wild
tho abuse heaped upon him, he gave
a yell, threw the reins, on one
side, three on other, to drag on
the ground, and began to lay tho whip
upon the team.
the Englishmen at first were
pleased, it was only for a moment, as
drew his revolver and six
shots in the air, yelling as he fired.
next mad act was to tear first
lamp, then the other from the
sides, and hurl them full at tho
leaders, the tingling of tho broken
glass startling them the more.
Englishmen were scared half
out of their wits by this time.
dared not jump out. though
e is the man who has the DOS
and skill
To stern the torrent a woman's
Germany u she will, you may d.-
i And if she won't, she won't;
So there's an end
and seventy-live cents on tin
the received from me
. me ate to be used for the purpose
i building and Installing electric
plant the town
is in chapter IT the
mate Laws North Carolina 1911.
And notice is further
a the registration books will
. ii i iv the registration
i . . In an entitled to re
. t. r and who are not
;. -n the 14th day
I, and bi d -on bi t
Saturday the March, 1914
that S. M. Jones has
t for said pill
at i ch Saturday during said
the registration books will b
l at the regular polling place in
lie town of Bethel and at all other
. .- E lid period opened
i Bethel at II i I
id all do
e not already registered and who
to vote at -said election will
e required to register.
This the 10th day of January, mi
Mayor of Bethel
k of the Board of Commissioners
of the town of Bethel, North Caro-
I law
it every one made New Year
on tie first of
has kept them up to the present
date was to conic up and
their names we fear today's
sheet, th nigh small, would
carry number of signatures.
Out a time.
. how j full a man will
hundred dollars for
it he i
Ins. t i her ten dollars for
plan i- one of the lead
and best known suburbs .
is a beautiful suburb whose
residents are mostly men who a-
well up In the business world of
Chicago, and it Is only natural that
S S S S S S S hasty council of war decided
On account of the congested con- they were being driven by
of labor on the Canadian Fa- a , add tee, Bob leaned
Cine coast and the Hindu question back am
the government of British Columbia does this style of
has promulgated an order prohibit- staging please
until March entry into groan chorus was the an-
of all and labor-1 ewer.
next station was ten
A civil term of superior court be-
should prefer the business mar.- Organized labor In Washington. D
from Horseshoe, and with a hop,
and Jump the coach went along.
C. is making arrangements to give a dragged Dy maddened team.
big dinner In that city on January; -The stock tenders heard the I
Congratulations to the i
on having In-
deed triumphantly, it;
nineteenth In Cowan an
Proprietor has a
fine brace of newspapermen on
bring, The year 1911 should prove
a good one tor the
News and Observer,
Me too
in . n ordinance
mainly at the solicitation of
the women, prohibiting the sale
cigarettes la the city
the smokers who. with the Idea of
retaliation, circulated a petition to
women wearing corsets and
on the ground that
these were Injurious to the health if
the wearers. Imagine the
of the men when a majority of
women in the city signed that
The laying off of the town Into
under the supposition
the fire whistle would blow certain
to the district h
which a Are occurred, seems to re
suit little or no benefit. When
alarm is given have to
Jet as they always did. excited-
her there Inquiring of others
ill. excited until they can
learn where the lire is. Such con-
fusion from lack of Information
es delay and danger, and again brings
up Ike subject that Greenville should
have a good and accurate fire
here yesterday with Judge Frank ager plan In the conduct of the n a
, ,,,,.,. , affairs of the suburb. big dinner in city on , tenders heard the noise
in honor of Samuel horses tearing along, and
This l the court he ii village trustees advertised for a of the American Federation knew that they were running away,
county, but be to already manager and no less than cf Labor, on the occasion of his and quickly threw the stable doors
were received. Mr fourth birthday anniversary. wide open, knowing the animals would
chairman of the village board. In a P. general president In. hut Bob
lining c d.- f the new manager the International out. a fresh
compared the city by man- who recently returned to toe head hitched up, and Quietly called
.,., quarters offices in Indianapolis after ,
ager to any big business cit-i out.
. it d t. an through the we , aboard,
Item as stockholders and its ,,, working condition-1 the six Englishmen had had
tees as directors It is apparent that organization were never bet- more than their money's worth and
the idea of a business manager to than at the present time.
Virtue Of a decree of the
court of Pitt county in the
of Haddock, widow, vs.
W, Smith, ct as the
commissioner will
the court door
on Monday. 2nd,
the following described tract
Situate in the county of Pitt
d in township, that tract of
lying on tile east Bide of Fork
amp, bounded on the north by the
of F. A. Haddock, on the
the lands of Mrs. M. I. Cox
hers, containing acres more or
and being the same tract of land
to John R. Haddock by Mary
. Haddock, and being the land up-
n which John u. Haddock resided
the time of his death, Terms
one-half rash, balance In twelve
This January 12th. 1914,
u. smith.
o here He will also
the criminal term beginning
Elsewhere in this paper
C L. publishes n card an-
his candidacy for
The district has had no better
prosecuting attorney than Mr. Ab-
He gives his duties dill-
conduct municipal affair, to one j The Mr,
will crow in popularity. Icons which
n business men of a town come has Its headquarters In Indianapolis,
gent attention and has a host , conclusion that the affairs reported to have set aside a fund
of million dollars to protect Its
I am a candidate myself
s Solicitor of the Fifth DIs-
and take this method of making
my desires to the District.
I have tried to the very beet of my
Their fill of Hob Scott, and refuse, to to perform the high duties of
office conscientiously,
Impartially. feel that If I have
tilled the position acceptably to
people of the district
I should be and -e-
The position Is one of great
and the experience I
ave gained while in office,
Held Letter Thirty Years.
Max Norman, passenger agent for a
large steamship line, had
friends In every county he serves. be conducted against a movement now returned to him a letter that he mailed
lie Is held high esteem by the pen- In way they are consider- way the substitution of con- to Captain Larson of the bark
pie of Pitt county. . , of most Crete work for brick work in building Superior more than
addressed to the captain care me to better perform
of When construction.
Raleigh. Greensboro, Golds- town Is Improved In Its g
hero, and other and towns in ,. as a place l .,,.,. and and o b.-r
North Carolina have endorsed Rich- trade. On the other hand, the town has , employ- an
for one of tho regional banks that doe. get the trade of Its directing their it- was written Sweden to behalf for the
but not until they had told her how people and community Is likely to be to the provided for their Captain Mr. Norman re- f and reelected
nut t . ., , one of our clerks when them the public, that
mean she had treated us over the the town In government and In use In case of threatened strikes or w the nm ft , continue as In the past,
. i I lookout, out to thorn . ill
to exhaust all peaceful and h fear or favor
t. When i construction. . of the Swedish and Norwegian . t, , n d , h d
It For the purpose of averting t Prance. and the envelope
n which to Massachusetts In 1914. the state the postmark, York.
n which to , CT. ,.,. I request my friends throughout the
freight rate matter.
Cold weather may effect the nose In I. the of one who methods resorting to a breach when he arrived. He never came, and n
ways If proper care Is not reverences the traditions of the past ct Industrial peace.
I never heard what became of the
Although the recent referendum Swedish bark
vote of the membership of the
Masons and Inter-
exercised to prevent redness en- Senator Luke of Tennessee
which indigestion In an address before the city club of
and more common cause do tn m. overwhelmingly
says Moore. And we the redoubts against Socialist with the
I told It was hope that puts the This can be done by of Labor, the officers of
The French authorities had
stamped the letter New
York World.
bloom on the snoot.
each contributing K part towards the organization say that It la
It Can't Be Dons.
you believe that all things are
the radicalism of ti
the the delegates -f the local
mm In favor of the
the right,
the left. Owner can get
same by Identifying and paring
L. P. Dudley, N
Don't . good resolution, Id lea f . to- they vote a
constantly carry a repair kit wit morrow. Discontent and unrest have tn
walked for the last ten years n Houston, Texas
Sims been that fore-
Cotton Is quoted at 1-2 told a of conflict. u
In Atlanta and only 1-2 In Green-1 e
ville. This Is certainly some cold weather
then explain
Here's the announcement of the en-
which meet.
couple, after a very romantic court- .,, not ,.,
how the To Cure B
up and be a
it In the ear the j Di t
l . UM
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
By A L
. . M
Washington. D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte, N. C.
W. Va.
i. C
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic. She says began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today
GETTING list in
In U
adopted The an-
of which was
times made during fall, the
lists have been in
to bruin today dropping
names of those who failed to pay. It
a days yet to
the work and get all the list revised
but It will be finished as early as
We dislike to drop any
from the but it was either hart
a. cash system or increase the sub-
nice of the paper, and
considering the matter carefully
the cash system was decided upon a
best for the subscriber and best
the paper. We hope those who
lint Be Cart Ma
the J. h. of
Jones Count.
The lint in the for the
office of solicitor of the superior
court In this district has been thrown
in the ring. J. K. Warren, a well
known attorney of Jones county,
whose home is at Trenton, an-
that he is a candidate
It is at the request of many of nil
all over the district that he
is taking action and there is
reason to believe that he
make other candidates sit up and
take notice. Mr. Warren is at pres-
for six years been the
chairman of tho
In that county and
thoroughly familiar with every rot-
or In county as well as enjoying
n large acquaintance all over the dis-
He has practiced law In Jones
county for a number of years and Is
Two men stood side by side In the
heart of the one autumn after-
noon as the sun was going down. They
were nearly of the. same age, and In
the very prime of life.
Had, was armed with a long rifle
and a knife.
Upon their faces was a mingled look
of sorrow, and stern determination,
which plainly showed that some for-
tun had come to
indeed, ill luck had come to one
of them. All that he possessed in this
world which dear to him had fall-
en beneath the hand of the red de-
His wife and had that very
morning been slain by the savages,
and the cabin Which bad been their
ha home given to the
Me had been absent the
forest at the time, and knew nothing
of the terrible misfortune which had
befallen him until he upon the
edge of his clearing, and saw the work
of devastation which the red fiends
had Jone.
Dick White, his friend, stood by and
cheered him as well as he could In
this, his of need. lie seemed to
divine what was passing in Harts
mind, and he
cannot help them. They are
past our aid now. But tin re is one
Simon, we can do. We can
live and work tor vengeance. Let
follow the and not give
over the search until they are wiped
from the earth, or we have tired our
are right. answered the
grasping him by the hand.
will live for
For the space of a minute he
way to his anguish, then lie exclaimed.
the trail Is pin in
Let us take it and follow on at once.
I lever before thirsted for the blood
of a redskin. I would wipe out
th whole accursed race at one blow
If I hut had power to do
They lost no more time about the
ruins of the cabin, but started off at
once. The trail was easy to follow,
and they had gone on until they had
retched the point where we see them
standing in the heart of the great
forest, with the sun down
before them.
For a few moments they had beer
Minding motionless, a word
passing between but now Dick
While broke the silence by exclaim-
we are almost upon
makes you think so,
Do you not see how fresh
the trail is It cannot have been made
a half hour ago. There Did you see
that twig spring up there It would
net have done so had It not Just been
pressed down. They are not a mil
away now, and I'll bet they're going
camp about the Hallow
hope that you may be right.
long to be dealing blows of vengeance
Upon them . It does seem though I
could not content myself much
Swiftly, yet cautiously, they glided
the trail, while the sun
down behind the western tree top
the shadows of evening began to
gather thickly about them.
Crowning an eminence, they could
through tho twilight the hollow
oak, beneath the brandies of
they felt sure of finding the savages.
The night was come when at length
they stood close to it, and saw shin
through trees the light of a
Camp fire.
Silently they crept nearer and near-
until at last they stood so close to
the tree that they could count the
ages clustering about the Are. They
were seven in number.
As motionless as statues they stood
there, with their eyes upon their
enemies. Slowly the minutes went by.
It seemed that the time for them to
strike would nevi r come.
The light of the camp lire grew paler
and paler, and at lost only a faint glow
remained. The savages huddled about
It, and to all each and
every one was In slumber.
The hour of had arrived.
Noiselessly the two hunters crept to-
ward their victims. In one hand they
held their rifles and In the other their
knives. A few steps brought them to
side of the nearest savages.
my wife, my ex-
claimed Simon Hart, in a whisper, as
be led his knife to the hilt in the
heart of a ravage.
The blow of Dick White was no less
strong and sure, and two of the
tossed his cigar
the grate and lighted a cigarette.
don't know why I telling you
all he was always
one to contend against
I am at a loss to understand
why you haven't told me before, con-
what good friends we've
I regarded him almost hopelessly.
I had never seen a fellow change so.
to the time of his marriage, live
or six years before, he was the
most open-hearted, ingenious
boy I had ever known. The wedding
took place Ireland, to an Irish girl.
She was reputed to be beautiful, and
as good as she was beautiful. They
lived U t
After the separation Remington was
never the same.
No one ever knew the real
of the rupture. Neither vouchsafed
any explanation, and the public was
too wise, for once, to Invent one.
When he came back home every-
thing he said to me
ask me any Questions,
I loved I'm a broken-hearted
Today, for the first time, ho had
given me his confidence.
think I can sympathize with you
better than any out I told
appreciate your temperament
and am marred my-
self. I know what it means a
as you did that
it is your opinion that I was
entirely blameless
NEW Jan. II. I In
for the
the International Congress on B
in e, w I. i to held In
Washington year, wire
i at a n i In Id by the
ii- . Ami an
st the Union i I In
i The general purpose Um
i t. congress, which held its
j i . .-n in Rome years ago,
investigate and collect Informs-
I n social
liability laws,
ire in throughout world I
i pi that the Wat I
. ill be ii
more deli
lo Prevent Wood
once n
i . i t relieves p is I
III. . i.
in the
have been
Monument Dealers.
Indiana Retail Monument
annual con i-
today with man.
. In c. During ll
pi i r re p i
i r questions of In-
i will conclude
i a banquet the
v. the trade.
well qualified to perform the duties
of the office. His formal announce- ages lay weltering In their gore, their one thing
the paper will soon get their names De within a few days, career ended forever.
So silently and surely
back on the list
Now a word to those who have fail-
ed to pay what they already owe tho
We shall wait a reasonable
for these accounts to be paid,
and those remaining unsettled at tin
of that time will be turned
over to an attorney for collection
Those who have the
should be willing to pay for It without
delay. A statement showing the
due was sent to every sub-
New Bern Journal.
Newfoundland Legislature.
JOHN'S. N. P.,
Newfoundland legislature was
by Davidson, attend-
ed by a large military staff, and with
the usual The
Is the first that has met since
general election last October. Sir
Edward the premier,
in power, but with a reduced ma-
Never Closed My
Eyes Last
How often have
I been forced to
these very words. You
evidently have never
which gently
your system and stir
your liver to action.
Sugar coated or plain
at your druggist.
had the
blows been struck that neither had
so much as a groan. Their com-
still slept on, of
the doom Impending.
Again of the avengers
were raised, and true to aim they
did the work assigned to
But three of the now re-
blow for my murdered
shouted Simon Hart, In a
of triumph which rang out like a
trumpet through stillness
The remaining savages sprang to
their feet, but before they could raise
an arm their defense a couple of
bullets ended the career of two of them
forever. The remaining savage turned
to Bee, but he had hardly his
tracks before Simon Hart was upon
him, and one blow completed the work
For years thereafter the Hollow
was known to tho settlers of that
region as the Tree of Death.
don't admit anything of
was the one
don't take much notice of
that kind. In all
the action was merely a text to
her whole
Remington whitened mis, but
said nothing. Then, a r a pause
was young. I
didn't give her a even
half a chance I don't believe she
was guilty after
you divorced
entire course was marked out
by passionate. Had I
loved her things have
you a picture of
I asked presently.
one; I burned them
As he spoke, lie pulled out his
watch, and slatted to his feet with a
little gesture of surprise.
mustn't think of leaving with-
out seeing my I objected, lay-
a protest Inf. hand on his arm.
want you to meet her; I want you to
see what admirable taste I have in
selecting a companion. We've been
married Just one
Remington smiled and passed a re-
hand across his forehead.
easy enough to see how the
wind is blowing in your
he laughed.
We smoked away in silence for
minutes, and presently the
opened and my wife softly entered
the room.
She wore a dinner gown of pretty
pale yellow stuff that fell about her
In graceful scallops and made a faint,
musical swish as she moved. In the
semi-darkness her bare shoulders
gleamed like snow, and pendant
of her necklace rose and fell almost
Imperceptibly on her white bosom
with each gently taken breath.
As she came further Into the light
toward us, Remington stood up and
acknowledged my introduction with a
low bow. When he lifted his face It
was the color of ashes, and man
seemed to have aged ten years,
the ghostly glare of the fire.
My wife had left the room to give
some order about the dinner, and
Remington turned to me with an ab-
excuse for leaving.
will make my apologies to
your wife, old man I am positively
to keep up much longer.
Fact Is, I've been feeling knocked out
all day, and wouldn't give In. When
I feel better, I shall be glad to drop
In on you both some time
Hut we did not see him again. Two
days later he wrote me. stating that
his regiment had been ordered away.
Several months after leaving London.
Remington wrote the following let-
Old been Intend-
to drop you a line ever since my
then another coming up, I've kept
putting It off
do not need to remind you of the
conversation we had on that last
night at your house. Do you
all I told you about her You
will recall that I was more than half
Inclined to condemn own action
all the way through. Well, since then
certain facts have come to my
edge establishing her complete
beyond the question of a
how I've suffered Rut it is
too late now for me to make any
reparation. She Is married again
married to one of tho finest fellows
I know.
you ever should chance to run
across her. I want you tn remember
she Is Innocent My only atone-
must consist proving her
stainless before the world. Sincere-
And my wife, with her pretty Irish
brogue says she pities my
n Sal
Uriel Middling . 1-t
. I-
Middling Tinge . n i
i Low Middling .
Tinned .
Low- Tinged .
Middling .
Ordinary .
w Middling Tinged .
stain ordinary .
, i York cotton market
spots .
Opening Closer,
. 12-2.1
iv .
I lit- Time and a
Hill be lied
Hill lie
Institutes will be mad
month in
i las
.-,.,, Department vi Agriculture in
co-operation with the m-
i e the county, i
lust meeting be held at
land Saturday, .
m, -3,
aid I i. in eat .
. . i lib
a will be inter-
cut and . to . mall . , r-
. rations, crops,
lock, k ling, . . ill
the principal the day
. V. ill ll
afternoon as -i
will prove beneficial to our
. b, for more n . a- than cue,
ting are
hi- l
, . .
en iii at sine
time and e, a Woman
to which all women are invited to
; i i
i .
ti. i.
on u, and n i h i
We i
. .
. pond in
n o
. . .-. ,,
to a magazine ill
For Wen f Appetite
Old tonic
ti true ton
i r. in North l . i
babies and In extending tin- lull
II a i .- vital ties
in tin
To this end Just t
t at. in I i. y
whose birth is recorded under
this law, be ft iii w rite n.
a litter and not only compliment
her her motherhood, but
I i- i ;. appreciation her I iv-
availed herself p .
in w law. Babies whose pa-
not I t en ugh .
,. births n d ill of
i not he the r.
Along with the governor's letter
the state board of health has anted
in bi allowed to send some of Us beat
literature on the cure and feeding of
in way endeavor to
r. duce our tremendous infant
The governor fully appreciates the
privilege the slue affords Its
In making complete official
i- their births and deaths.
It u provision In the new la
births and deaths that
r before the law became
ill Control
Fielder administration.
Jersey legislature and or-
today for the 1914 session
are In control of tin
which Is prepared to support the
Wilson policies in New Jersey,
victory over the Nugent
i on element.
The to he a bu
me. There is just a possibility
the lawmakers will undertake to
the corporation laws,
s the and passed
pressure exercised by President
when governor, if any
are made, however, they wile
of a comparatively unimportant
Other matters that will probably
e brought before the legislature for
and action are Jury re
i m, changes In the system of
the of natural re-
sources, measures to give the
municipality of the stale free-
from legislative control.
The woman suffrage constitutional
amendment which passed rear
ind over which there is a doubt be-
in it Is contended it was not prop-
advertised will probably be
at the present session. Instead
is interesting to note that our own
governor was the citizen of the
in of this
and to file ins birth certificate. Since
that dale many other births have been.
similarly record d,
the Oriel Stricken on
death f Their Little Child.
Hie Democratic Is expected and loved ones.
to pane the suffrage resolution as If;
r the first time, which will put the
whole proposition off, so far as the
election Is concerned, until
Little the three year
i Mr. and Mr,. U M. av-
was called to eternal on
i a lite heart crushed
lather offering from a who
lute be
in the knowledge that your child in
rest, sweet, peaceful rest, and that
although her going has anguished
she missed
world of sorrow and woe. She
no sin and sometime In
the life beyond this vale of tears an I
you may yet join your
darling where there Is no grief and
sorrow no parting with friends
but life eternal.
King of
penetrates quickly. just
rub It on. scatters
congestion and inflammation,
this way a cold that may
lead to Pneumonia or Croup Is
quickly checked. No
ed fumes to get In your
Is endorsed by
cal physicians. You should
a bottle In the home for
Croup comes In the
slight sough might
be by morning.
Druggists guarantee
Three and
Concord, N. C
Bishop lion den Consecrated.
large and distinguished congregation
gathered today St. John's Church,
In Georgetown, to witness the con-
of Rev. Frederick B. How-
den as Episcopal bishop of New Mex
A number of well known
of the church took part the
ceremonies, which were of a
elaborate character of
Missouri officiated and Rowe
Of Alaska preached the
A very few eases have been disport-
ed of since Pitt superior court con-
on Monday morning, the case of
Madison Morris against the
County Oil which resulted
Slab in or the plaintiff, occupy-
a majority of the time. Three
divorce cases were disposed of, they
Alice House was granted
from Robert House; John Green
ft Green and BUM
from Nettle Moore.

. .
The Columbia Tailoring
of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Will give a display sale
of mens made to meas-
suits on next Wed-
and Thursday of
Jan. 14th and 15th,
we invite the public to
come in and inspect this
nice line of samples we
assure you the make-up
and fit of these garments
cannot be excelled.
J. R. J. G.
., i- .-
couldn't deep. All his
bothered way.
reason r i ; would sud-
desert him and It
Ki it abandoned the rest
of tin- family, meaning Mrs.
and the bulldog.
When Mrs. would an-
sadly to acquaintance
that Tom bad i P at
d all
to sleep i
past-three it was exact
i i Mai -v
he had fallen u to the
I or had begun
r a i raw
Those to whom she m
an lug they ought
send Hold ere or I
absolutely refused to go
to the doctor about It. Up said the
c would merely ash him if he
had i any trust or hail
anything else on his conscience, and
would appear annoyed because he
say in martyred tones wake up
and then I
atop I about hap-
a Intel in and e
. i. re Is
II his n
tie. and f I I
. , ,
i. r in the
Kan cruel
Tom didn't have such an absurd-
tender Mrs.
would sigh proudly.
Fenton watched grimly
Howard gray team drew u;
before Betty's He could see the
bide of gown as sin
sci i Betty h.- was I
i mi bird flitted I
v run
. .-t
I , V
only I A n
answered Howard Mayhew, will
it concerns sold Fen-
see but one In which you
Into I be q n lo
re la en be-
I in take i
has a
to H hi
. i pi to be
no-, a d In a
t deny I
. of l
driving it had sup
r i to ;
. h.
Mir. Of Mil-. I I
in hunt Miner i,
published a
M a. in.
cat Norfolk
a in. dally,
lb Broiler
service lo Norfolk
for all points i I ks
i . to
us It
all l
p. Wilson and
I . . U I e.-e
in ping can ., to J
Kill I M. I
II. M. I.
at Law
and a specialty
lo office occupied
Jams and
. Moult. Long
A tie rue at Law
In u Third a
ins services
d. sired
ii. h. hit. a. ii.
limited to t the
N v N
el I to i V.
A i
S. C
W. t
Thai is. proudly till tho . , , . .
. .
We have just a of
Fire for
garages d h mes.
Tie c; y
es in
high and w i i o.
can be attached t-1
it also comes with a bracket attachment
for the garage and
It is approved by The c Fire
and will I cent on
e and
Ask your a u see us and us
show you this re.
The John f i i; Company
M River Bridge MARKET
Call to a. R. S r
its CASH
M. i; I.-;, in
. SHORT Ill i ll I .
lust across
We will U l to us-
A. Re Step
always guaranteed. Stag and
Detroit Oil and Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor hard Wall Plaiter.
Atlas Cement O-Cedar Oil and Mops,
sleep -s bad continued
eon then aha grew pi e
from lack of slumber. At first she
would rend aloud to or
would arise and. descending to the
kitchen, would concoct two
o'clock lunches of tried egg sand-
to lull him to sleep. Later on
she took to making s.
Following heart to talks,
up coffee and Cigars
and cm In a bile d to
the i lit it often I
were i Ira.
. . ; y .
at l
i i
the I on
i mind
; his. I'd it.
I i telling you set
that in a aw
fully it I'm just dead
you sleepy,
asked, In hurt tones. wouldn't
l give f. l that
hereupon Mrs. . II
ashamed of desire to sleep and
read aloud from Theory of Hot
all r until i be top
r. sound .
Killing, r really suffer I. i I. I
If it K.; up i
friends were In
ill Ion . j ad K I-
linger drank hot milk
drank cold milk, put a bot water hug
under b d i and then an Ice hug.
stood i and walked on bis
i in b and out
six i i Angers
I In
log Mrs. K I tho
i I
i .
outgrown I
p- r-
. .
i the real
go ti
and hate
. ml
nil the
i understand
I. lie v. em to sleep
d i be pillow and
bad to set the
i the morning to git
, i . ii all
i ii. insomnia
he It An agree-
mi of l kind you Intimate i an
mean nothing but an
Have asked Betty Martin to mar-
Joli- Fenton. you think I'm f.
.- you passed
h pen Betty me All I have
to say lo you, sir. is that I want you
to bi r alone
-t cried Mayhew,
I v. . O.
I ledge
. .
t conn
log in .
P. St. ad
grays disappear the twilight,
ii by anger as had never
before touched self-centered,
liberate existence, an r a i
grew with every slip be took in
direction of Hetty Martin.
Betty sat on her dilapidated front
steps contemplating the hand spread
out on her blue-clad There was
a soft and twinkling about It
. d delightful
thrill- through Betty's whole
i mat i bi ever have a
or rel g such
as If when
John In at and
in. lo tin he i. d,
I with Hie ring upon
and hi r sternly,
t you marrying
do fullered Betty.
v. I l you are not go-
Inc to i you i am
el aside In this fashion
i i take it hack
,. in the mi
in i of
one e.-in .
-i has s ed n
. r of no one
re i i
rt as i
because of our la
to J i i any.
i id
It. I i for
At the First of Discomfort.
Effective Remedies ,
Should Be Employed.
An excellent Illustration of the old
adage, breeds contempt, is
found in the tendency of most people
to pay little or no attention to that
very common complaint, sore throat.
As a matter of fact, neglect of a
throat is only extremely unwise,
but may have fatal results. Director
of tho department of health and
charities, points in his weekly
the consequences that
may and very often do follow such
Among the deadly diseases of which
sore throat Is one of early
J. t.
N. i ii in inn
at K I. Smith
I treat all
day or night
Practicing In the Courts
Office in Wooten on
street fronting Court House
In mi ranee
Ufa. Fire Sick and
on Fourth street near
For all occasions. Roses,
Violets and the Is id
Our art In wedding arrange-
am scarlet fever, and of the touch.
. I offerings to hi I
I pot
; k
ill mt pi
Rose hushes,
The mortality
been re-
the discovery
but If l
of cure is materially
; tor Ni pol out that
there has not been a single death at hedge
Philadelphia hospital for Wall, pi and telephone -s
diseases where diphtheria anti-
toxin was administered on the day
of disease, whereas the ratio of
a steadily Increased as
was delayed, until It rose to
nine per cent, where the remedy was
not applied until the fifth day.
A mere glance at the mortality stat-
of diphtheria, scarlet fever and
septic throat the Import-
of precaution. The
advice of Doctor Neff is that every
person with a throat should
ii examined at once by a physician.
Such a simple precaution may stop in
time any one of these dread diseases
and may save your life or your child's
life. It is also extremely important to
bear In mind that most sore throats
are contagious, wherefore contact
those thus should be
Naive Statement cf Convicted
Removed All Question as
to His Guilt.
When Judge BI i of Vermont
at i ti i d
v murder of -r race
. afterward to tint ho
i ad serious doubts of prisoner's
i ho began lo pronounce sen-
had pleaded not guilty
and r on i d
bad d with u en pi i
didn't do The I not
. d the .;
prised n the Jury u In a
of His i i,
when, r
bad bi a tried . n U
Is i to warn
r iv your days on earth are
n and I to avail
If of little ant of time
d to you to ma i
i tho i
i executed
I. Co.
P. Ir.
Cent Or
Cabbage Plants
i pi no Kit
nut .
Ilium Hen,,.
This n
for shipment I
Prepared for shipment ill lot Iron
i, III mill HI per r
11.00 per I,
I h, in . Pan
and H
L. C. Arthur
l. II. I .
, . kill
Th h din-
set clock the mantel and re-
placed It with a sixty-cent timepiece,
so that the sleeping owner would not
miss the familiar tick.
times have
the burglar he crept out Into
the cold
a had
. . .-.
. in
; is
, i. . hat said
I no right to speak
I i . tor tO
ii bettor
o mil l Mayhew, And I
i I i selling
. . .-.;.
man. not tit to ask your for
Ans right I've been
nothing but a in a
With a sharp intake of breath,
drew the ring from her finger and
thrust It Into his astonished hand.
It baa and tell him shall not
MAI A, IA or
i .
i I i not ice.
N Him-.-.
NAM ct H T
r and
Candies, h gs,
Dates, Coco
Cakes, Oranges,
Apples, Bananas,
Lemons, n,
Toys, Wagons,
Dolls, Vases now
in stock at
in ii
i . I to acre in
. ii
J. W. Little
. ft
tattoo. Will grow anything. One
tenant house, one large pack house,
barn, other
outbuildings. Located near
House, N. C. Price per acre.
Terms, one-fourth cash. Apply to
r, House. N. C
Comp n c
this A y
m S s, .-
Leading Fire Insurance fa
CASE Mill I V-l .
., I.
M Ike
Mr. Clarence Passes
Away Alter An Illness
Ml B I
i. S
After an illness of about three
weeks of Amoebic Mr
Clarence B, passed
night at O'clock at the hum.
of Mrs. Dot Patrick on Green
his year His
unexpected his most
friends, as his condition was
to be serious for several days
It is gad indeed to see a young
from our midst by the hand
f death, and especially is this
able in the passing of Mr.
A young man possessed with many
good traits with a bright and prosper-
He had made his home
for the past six year and was at
time he was taken ill employed
the Norfolk-Southern Hail way in
their offices here.
The remains were taken to
morning by sever
friends and members from local
lodge Knights of which
fraternity the deceased was a
i .--. The at took place
afternoon In the burying
ground around which a large con-
Borrowing Friends bad
to pay last sad rites.
Mr. is survived by mother
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Cortes Barn-
and one sister. Miss Maud
bill, all of Bethel.
The sympathy Of con.
goes out to the bereaved one;.
Alter being closed down . me
time account the sea-
sou, the resumed
good break, prices equally
as they were in me earner
the season. All buyers an
back on their job and it a predict-
ed that much the weed that is now
in country will be
shortly, the
Following is taken the
m and
A gain nearly pounds
cu market BOOM
over supports
the tobacco t
k be
this year.
months Of the 1913 have
been the beet on.; since
on the
II i III 1-e
I. e I .
l . W, l e,
tn I i . i
I have b.,
Pills, Dial i got
the John U I I Co To i
1.1 f tile kl c-
in i ed me and no-
that the flow scanty.
t , in. Pills and
my kidneys have been In
The i e must carry
conviction lo the mind every read-
Don't simply ask tor a
; k distinctly for
Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Law
bad the remedy bucked
I testimony. all -tires.
Co., Props., Buffalo, N
When Your Hack Is -Re
i , ll e
Last w eek Register of Heeds, lira's
Bell Issued marriage
for the marriage or the following
and .
Andrew K. and Leonard
ti. Wilson.
Jno. S. Nichols and Lee Elks.
Willie James and Dora Everett
W. Jasper Clark and Pattie Smith
John Cannon and Violet
Michael Wilson and Annie Lane.
Carl and Rosa Harper.
Carr and Ida Daniel.
Jan don Edmonson Jane Rogers.
Dan Phillips and M
Mr. W. H. hi
Through n telegram received here
i a. afternoon, i Hie an-
of W
i . of Virginia Beach. H-
, o brother Mr E ll
H-i., Smith, n of Mrs
friends being
in .
Kev, Daniel, the new
, r j Mi tin III i u,
i already very popular with
the t--i tow n
generally. His sermons are excellent,
.-nil lie near at
every e. A us year lot
. . . ml i i to the ii ,. looked ard to
n re tin U his ministry.
.,.,,. there U
ii i -i
.- . . .
than December a year ago
, been little drop the
prices according to the facts sent
the department here. It is Bell-
then it did any time the
11112-11113 which closed in lb.
the year. The tobacco crop
i bring to
North Carolina and it is believed that
it has more than that rather portly
sum. The year showed but
i minis for December. This
year there Is a gain.
The following markets have re-
and the and second hand
ales are
. . . i . t
, i
i i i .
Ml II k
. n . .
u ti i . n leading to i.
ti Early, Palmyra, N C.
i s ti
u i i v i n rut i mil in
Terra pipe. I and Inch.
T Hicks. Phone I
sale. J. S. James, It. I,
N C. I
headed; the right,
the left. Owner can gel
same by Identifying and paying
charges. I. P. Dudley, Greenville. N.
C. l
Going Out Of
to not having a suitable store in
which to t our we ill
within next few our entire
st ck G
quick. You will be pleased with the
the Proctor
Ml Weld
Tin annual trials of l
lean Trial Club, the last of the
no en of Its kind for Hi-
in, i .; in here today under
a highly
month and ; , ,.
Take orders i i aim ;
r and
tobaccos. -u ale
I ton w V irk. X
We have Just a car load of Ford Touring Cars. W
invite everybody lo come and get one. Why Because it
It cost less lo run them. They are the simplest can operated
now on the market. They are the best cheap car built
Ford Supply Co.
i E n-VILLE,
Full line on
or doses will break
any c r Si Fever, Colds
i I i i on the liver
. does
To i
Wilson .
Oxford .
i .
Ml. Airy .
Ho lion .
Cove . . .
. .
hi Mountain,.
I -c ii
.,. .
. . 185.943
. ., .
Had Objection.
Night approaching and It
Total with raining hard. The traveler dismount-
dealers ed from horse and rapped at the
door of the one farmhouse ho had
In a live-mile stretch of
No one came to the door.
As he on the doorstep the
from the trickled down his
collar. lie rapped again. Still on an-
He could feel the stream of
water coursing down his An-
oilier spell and finally the
Lead of a lad twelve was out
of the a
I ,. n i.
in know I can stay here
over the traveler answered
Tho red-headed lad watched the mat
tor a minute or two before answering
kin far all of anally an-
. .
wared, then closed the window
h Old St
sure A.
. i ; . o
one ton
Stop i l
bile Urea is decidedly e
If you do i
service returns from our in
vestment YOU
The way to
loss is to equip your em
tires that have behind tin n
a quality guarantee
G J 11-
offer a four-fold
quality because they
of lour
of tires
I'M .
They have I
age.- I
In other
ii. inn., in
South I .
Gen ilium
Plumbing Contractor
M v St re i Street
Op n's
K-t in h-c Given i n or Small
R pair a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
t on
Ph. e 385-L
Office Phone
A n.
Say it BO I
Commission Hen Meet.
morrow and continue through the
v. , i It
is with Work.
i ii i, have come all D. C, Jan IS.
to I'd t, of i
. . i a the Nation , , n , a recess the
I Men Tin , holidays, which began
ions of the convention will begin to- ,.,,,,,
mm is
Since the close of the tobacco market for the y season the ownership of
the Sta Warehouse has changed hands and is now known as Smith Sugg
and under their personal management the business will be conducted through
the remainder this, and next seasons.
gentlemen are well known to the tobacco growers this, and adjoining
counties and solicit a continuance of your patronage,
courteous treatment and the best prices obtainable for your tobacco.
They assure you

Within the recollection of tie
had never before been ill.
had tied up cut Angers and filled
hot water bags and out
medicine to everybody else, but never
bad she taken to her bed and caused
Chess to be performed for
s ; she fell ill recently the
family was had
as though a bomb in go
hi, turn d to and
took re of Mr- el I
v . Blind they had a .
ti-i They piled on blankets and
held consultations and took
Blanket I tad
then decided la lower them, they r. .
what she ate they d
tn subdued and kept the light
dimly. And when she began
getting better they had grown so to
their authority
that the Invalid not cope with
no, Ruth
would say, soothingly, If Mrs.
attempted to throw back one of her
bed coverings, must keep that
en. You'll catch
I'm really too protest-
ad the invalid.
feel all right
Ruth would say In level tones as she
tucked hack the blanket about her
pan lie still,
i exactly as bad. When
be pealed to aim he merely shook
his hi id and mother, you
just lie quiet and let us manage
K. hi slowly grew In the breast
Of the invalid.
As sue the returning in
her I her eyes often snapped after
had been routed and laid low by
s. m of the family.
The Idea that Ruth, who was scarcely
past the age when she had been
and put to bed
Was actually bossing her roused Mrs.
grim ire.
Likewise that Henry, who only a
Short time ago had been refused more
Jam. h id be regulating what she
ate u depriving her of what she
Wanted and irritated her.
The day Mrs. said she want-
d to up the entire family proceed-
ed to shriek In horror.
m said anxious-
stay in bed and get a good
rest while you have the
should say added
let me wait on you. am
glad to do it. Don't throw that
cover back,
if you get put In Henry.
Jr., be eating all sorts of things
that you shouldn't. You wanted grid-
cakes this remember
Griddle cakes, Henry spoke
In of horror
Then Ruth lowered the shad-s five
Inches and Henry
raised them inches, while
abstracted the salt collar on r table
and n moved one slice of toast from
her tray. not he
ran her
Just lie i
laid In Chi II II
e, I. I breathed hard
an.; glared at I
ill r It
the told
son d hi
party this I I
tell said Ruth,
v p an on I
yon at all, mother. You'll
be sure to do
i Mrs.
ii i i . be bed clothes
r n hen
Win ii Mary accord g to
prom e, to cast her eye
d found up and
do you Ml
casually. . on would go
c .
plenty of
ha v.- coffee, to
fry an or
It. I
The In u
la I i
I .
n tin I
Its i
Mexican Mines Becoming Wells.
Practically all the mines of Tar-
es lbs
do A large party of has
recently come out of the country
tin- ; of Mr. en-
during much hardship on the way Dur-
a part of the Journey were
In with the refugees from
which place been entirely
abandoned by foreigners; the mines
are Ailing with water at the rate of
gallons a minute. The condition
of the refugees In many nines la
Most of them hare lost all their
belongings Some have fortunes.
Engineering and Mining Journal
Traveler Writes of Peculiar
of Romance Noted in Ire-
Returning to woods, I am
struck once more by the peculiar
character of their romance, says a
writer in Magazine. It is
so different from that of a German
forest, where the imagination Is lured
and lost in the depth of thickets and
baffled by endless Inns of serried
trunks I over by the canopy
of d booths. inter-
-i woods
I . era Is
but not quite to
be U
without end and end-
in and out, in
d green light among the big
t-i n toy bushes under the oaks,
and the high grasses and meadow-
sweet and their open spaces.
i and dowered with pale lilac
where the sunset sky is wide,
and there is the gibbet for wicked
hawks, and where not merely wild
duck rustle up. but a great heraldic
where at dusk It becomes
frightening among the immense
pale oak trunks.
A wayward In-and-out romance, as
too page of a book, that one in-
r . s in because one chooses
the necessity of the
m and av i forests in these
Irish Ii and alongside brown.
Char river, which under the great
mils has tortoise-shell
Si odes On It and Into the
by em
i that carried Sir or
I. up r down like
broken off narratives of the poets
Young Wife Scored Heavily When
Hubby Forward With the
Stereotyped Comment.
There was a worried look on the
face as he ruined hatless down
the street and ran up the steps of
Acacia Villa,
sorry to say there's been a
slight mistake. Mrs. he
panted. ordered two pounds of
i yesterday, and by mistake my
apprentice put up some sawdust that
Our grapes came packed
replied the lady. I
reckon my got
through about a pound the rood
for break
don't mean to Bay that he
ate gasped the man in the apron.
was the reply.
The lady leaned back on the door-
post and for three minutes indulged In
a laugh that all her neighbors
to the scene.
that's right-down she
Observed with a laugh.
queried the grocer.
funny we've been mar-
ear come 1st of April, and
Charles as never paid ma a
till this at
w Ii II d pat
f o that i is . told
me it the i
i .
of the Day.
mi r wonderful
new day is
, p with each r
i attendant
ad fresh
. . ,
i. or losses hours,
or are unmarked
clock is nothing
a hint of what
. hour hold or to remind
of time, or tin- brevity
of pro-
i n of one by
i to our o is as the i,
v i i. ii ea us the;
another Each one is surround
world -if his own. full of
ll and i en t of the
Pi I K by Hi Ii a
Humanitarian Movement One of the
Most Successful of Present
Day Endeavor.
Among all the human move-
of the time, there is perhaps
none which has been inure free
the spectacular and the sensational
than that for the redaction of infant
mortality, it has been steadily prose-
quietly and patiently though
with vigor and enthusiasm, both by
authorities and by
r s action
r, It has cons n
tongs re there is
t and I
. .
has an
evil tint exists when the I
taken the test trouble to find out
it baa or d
The workers go about the
very differently. They infant
mortality neither because it Is great-
nor because it is less than it was
years ago. but because they know-
that by the taking of proper measures
the lives of thousands of infants can
be saved. Put they unquestionably
do find great stimulus, as w-ell as
great satisfaction, in such figures
those presented by Dr. I.
Holt of New York president of the
American Association for the Study
and Prevention of Infant Mortality,
at the annual meeting of the
in Washington the other day.
1890, in New York he said.
death-rate was 8.8 per cent, of
In It was 18.8 per
in only a little more than
This means that tn New York city
ever infant that now dies
three would have d under the con-
a quarter of a century ago
that or little ones are
saved their parents every year in
this city the improvements
that have taken York
Evening Post
In the Opinion of Sir Gilbert Parker,
the Modern Race of Man Is Los-
Its Senses.
The astonishing question of Sir Gil-
Parker, Are our lenses growing
less fact, degenerating has
aroused great Interest. Sir Gilbert
thinks our life may have been made
so mechanically easy that some of
our senses are losing their vitality
and usefulness.
night be by
some as evidence- that the acuteness
of seeing and hearing is on the In-
said Sir Gilbert recently.
marvelous quick-
of eye, by which he observes
danger, and by a hairbreadth, es-
capes It by skilled precision, might
be pointed to. but I regard that as
a kind of specialization, exceptionally
narrow and confined to a limited
the chauffeur is like a
In can only see one
way down a narrow lane Many
dents are duo to limited and
I knew a
who i ii very veil ah ad of
If be ants Us t to the
has to hi-; bead
to right or left Every one knows that
the trail d and educated eye can see
to -i . left without turning
the In ad.
j. THE
the moon might vary Its
time of rising and the stars might
v and tardier each night
in n. c their Knits
sky, old Mrs
the d. of
In the she r
per . read n the
no s, I news, the
the She
i . read
. , i
I no p news
i I i lighten . of
her, and so-
u were lb
her Int of view, the ad-
l no desires, for
she had no to whet mere-
rend the was all.
In the i her meal.
Then she ate it all alone. She did
not know whit a monotonous meal
was. it. surrounded by the
faded portraits of the dead. She had
long ago that she was all
alone. The pain loneliness she
could never know again. Neither
could she ever again desire or
On summer after meal
over she sat out DO porch
and watched the re by. She
watched them Without taking any in-
In them. She see little
of her neighbors and she heard loss.
now and then woman
Who lived triad to
talk to her. The woman who lived
across the street was lonesome. Her
dead were to her. and she
longed to lee tn . kiss their I
She often over old Mrs.
and felt old Mrs.
loneliness, too. The woman who lived
across the street did not realize what
a potent at line had proved
Itself to be In old Mrs. case.
The of loneliness was real to
So woman who lived the
street hit upon the idea of giving a
little dinner and Inviting old Mrs.
In doing this she meant
Old Mrs. Pearson had watched the
postman pass by her day
day as she hail watched every one and
everything else pass by. When one
morning the entered her
gate and knocked en her door, it was
very strange. He handed her a let-
She opened I and read without
any particular surprise the Invitation
to the dinner over the way. She,
the people she read in the news-
Emigration From Scotland.
t o, ave on, Liver
I . . . that the year
I t every In
l , end ear
i . , i . .
i . . .
ii II i
. bi th
i . , Scotland are be-
ii. ii h are
i d main London
Names That Live.
I- w j I Interesting to ascertain
how many people have given
to tin English language in the
m i that Mackintosh and Macadam
g theirs, To Captain Boycott
owe the word to Lord Sand-
the popular of light rs
to Doctor tin
by which our gag
the house of to the brave
soldier of the great Napoleon, Ber-
word Chauvinism;
to the r
tn Portugal, word to
Thomas the word
in Mr Gladstone, a popular form
of handbag and to Wellington and
iota ear. Mr.
for the
ones i e B I in o.
nor of Now Hampshire, was one of
four brothers were In
College In While not
lo many as four were there together at
any one time, there was a good
of the family from the
val of the first one until
of the last. And the roomed
together the top of Dartmouth hall,
getting their own meals as a measure
of self-help. They were known as the
The subsequent careers of the
have been In keeping with this
endeavor of their college
For the in Winter.
A ii of some s n Ii a
come pi to Is In cold
weather In
r . . .
lei i i re on
. i
for the I d the
sure not
i evergreen
warm and
i I ks i
m a- on
P .
r hi mi. ii.-h . in
mulched and with pine
boughs. When they finish
i .,. i., ill,., . burrow
ground and eat the
Ate II All Alone,
paper every day, was going out to
dins. Then when u began to think
it over she that she was n
human like hi r human beings, and
then a really surprising thing
about. She recovered from the
She did not ill much that night.
Ti and tossing on her bed, and
thinking and thin chief-
wondering what should wear
to the dinner Scroll the Way.
she was very human, She was even
in the morning she get up unusually
early and once ho ho- d search-
I, i i r i How wonder-
fully they had i in in d
of the y an
The garments as befit-
ting i ion Is Id out upon
the boil nine o'clock in the morn
Celine took s run
down to which was
widowed sisters country place, she
to do anything she
wanted to. She romped with the
digs. chickens, milked the
d shoveled snow, if it happened
to be and ran the
if it wok
In -ion lo that, she occasionally
. rook out of the kitchen and
prepared s a according to the
king school at-
tend. In the city.
On this particular day. at
o'clock in the afternoon, the cook was
cut, and the sister had gone to the
village, was ft all alone,
and one of the things she
ed for deceptively
called dinner by a share of the
an old-fashioned custard.
First get the eggs. They could be
found in the
walked down the path to the gate to
get a view up and down the highway
before going after the eggs.
And what she saw as she leaned
over the gate was an automobile
Its sole occupant was the
young man at the steering wheel.
Something was wrong. It hobbled. It
limped It baited.
Opposite the gate and tho girl tho
machine to a bait.
The the young man stared
at each other.
finally asked
think are looking at sonic-
replied Miss
smart for a he
cook, thank was retort-
my trouble Is that this
has gene lame on me, and can't find
Miss opened the gate and
passed out to the machine, and after
u minute
believe they feed these things
gasoline to make them go. No
line, no
whispered the young
man. as he inspected the empty tank.
now you can fetch a tin of
gasoline from the garage to last you
a few though you
start out the tires next
Ard with that the girl started off
for the and gave him no
Mr. bad five miles to go to
Ma father's home, and he reached It
without further adventure.
ho said when ho reached
home, don't you fire our fat and
old cook and get something
for what
she Isn't a dandy. Pack
here a few miles I saw a handsome
young lady who was a
gent, and classy I almost
permitted to admire
smart said the mother.
In t a dollar to a that
have been fooled. Is she a
my sen was and is
Mrs. Mason's sister home was
is . i down
haps every few Mow does it
i to t. n for s
cot even with her for
was the reply, and the sub
was n I
Every day for the two week
was out on the
teaming to run his hut he
went so far as the white hone on tho
It was when he thought he
had absorbed all thorn, to learn,
i line confidence, that he sped
In that direction. When he if a
mile of the house he saw an auto come
nut of the drive. It contained two
ladles only.
must be the and her
ho mused. one who
made a fool of me Will be St the wheel,
flood Now to shatter her
He put on speed ahead.
His coining was not noticed until he
passing, told him
that the girl r as tho
rook was a-. . . i;,, machine. With
p he bowed and
. . straight
ind i re flash. road soon
Hob was only a wood-
worker and worked in the finishing
room of the big
id her bi all out of narrowed, was no
i in hour sud a halt lo pa ; m hi i s ha i waited
late. I paper, with his machine.
it i Into the ditch, knocked
rods of rail fence,
he d and no then stopped still after vain-
I , . to climb over an old
ii plats I
d water,
fit de d i to I
rest In I h
i i dinner Bo bi lay down on
her c ch. carol to i
hi i finery was out
on the bed. i dropped
off to sloop I t soundly.
When she with a start It
was dark In room.
Mils had to turn her head
ind look. It to do,
but mi h r I
it. Smash Crash Her auto was
on side
comes of n hired driving
an she i lid.
a he retorted.
Is fill this talk de-
factory. He had
no education and
could hardly n
and lit i
drifted through
life until
twenty eight,
B ling what
future had no
.-,.,, or
form to him.
When Low was
twenty-six a new
Influence entered
his life. He fell
blindly and
in love
with Minnie Car-
son, the pretty
daughter of the
She had a good
education, having
been sent to the
male seminary
after graduating
from the public schools. Also she
was ambitious and belonged to liter-
clubs. Once she had a piece in
the Daily Palladium. It was in tho
form of a communication, was nearly
a column long and was signed with,
her name in full. Minnie Minerva Car-
son. was Status of
the Women of Ore, Com-
pared With That of the American
Women of Hob had seen it
and treasured the paper among his
few valuables. Had he heard the com-
of the editor of the Palladium,
don't know what In thunder It
means, but we've got to give the
women a show or down goes the cir-
he might not have felt so
much awe.
The one great thought the piece in
the paper gave was that to ac-
quire this divinity he have to
lift himself to a plane somewhat
hers. He was confirmed in
this Idea by overhearing a bit of con-
between Miss Carson and
Stokes, the assistant secretary of the
company, who was very sweet on
Miss Carson.
One day they stood near where
was working and he
conversation. It was all about books
and authors and plays a id philosophy
and poetry and theories of life and
things of which Bob had a very dim
comprehension. his love
and when once he
his passion he set about find-
a way to gratify It with the same
dogged persistence that had made
the best workman In the shop Grasp
the Idea that learning was
first step to put him within hailing
distance of the maiden of his choice,
he enrolled himself In a night school
and began slowly to master the
In the meantime Stokes had been
himself more and more In
Miss Carson's heart, lie was hand-
some, college bred, of a good family,
with a position In the host society,
drawing a good salary and every
to anticipate rapid advance.
and a liberal Inheritance. It
was altogether natural Miss Car-
son should regard him with favor.
But Hob knew Stokes was
nil that the husband o Miss Carson
should he and he his time His
opportunity came He was waiting
for a street car one day when Stokes
came down the street, Just as lie was
passing Hob a woman Wei him. She
greeted him with a broken-hearted
she cried.
where have yon been Why have
Stokes pulled the pathetic, weeping
creature into a hallway out of sight,
but Hob could not help hearing what
was said.
promised to marry me. you
know you did. n hundred, live hundred
times. And after It was too late you
ran away and I found that you had
Mod to mo and that I do not even
know your real
What Stokes said was In so low a
voles Bob did hear It. Rut tho
don't want to be taken care or in
way. I want mi honest name for
myself and my I can work my
fingers off for food shelter, but I
want an I want
yo i b cause I love you
Stoke nil something i I o and
wont up the stain in the office bi Id-
a white
face close to hi--. It win. of Min-
Carson. She evidently had hoard
the conversation In the stairway. Ilia
heart gave a great, pliant leap.
that Mr. talking to
that girl in there I came along just
after they went In. From the glimpse
I got I thought It was he. Was I
Defining the Difference.
Mrs Fish, at one of those
that have made her talked
with shrew of a in.
that said Mrs In-
In a shocked tone,
that man to marry that beautiful girl
Hut Isn't s tremendous difference
In their
said Mrs.
found a mulch. Striking It sh van.
looked at the clock and discovered The other two looked at each other
that it hours past the for a few then to
set for the dinner at the house of the laugh.
across the street have learned since the other
Old Mrs. was relieved be- said Miss you are not a
measure by this discovery. Now hired man. I therefore beg
she did not nave to go to the dinner and I have also learned
at since the other day that are not
She put her clothes he family cook. I
fully In the trunk with calm Mr. and are
Then she ate some frequently seen riding out together,
drank a cup of tea and relapsed Into and attitude exactly that of
her normal Dally News, two young persona In love.
life. As he looked Into the anxious
and drawn face of the girl ha
realized in a flash that she loved
Stokes and that the truth would
break her
It not he laid
said the girl, break-
into a sunny smile. you
and pardon for my
And she tripped lightly down the
street, leaving with a leaden
Is the i.
I 1.1
N. C, FRIDAY a mil.
Frequent Applause Greet
The President's Message
by Every
Third Party asserted That the gag.
the Solution of
the Trait Here
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.- President
Wilson's suggestion to congress to-
day In his trust address that the
government and business men are
ready to meet each Other hall way
a common effort to square
methods with both public
ion and the fell on attentive
ears and struck a responsive . In
representatives of differing political
The atmosphere of co-operation and
in the message;
the reforms proposed, expressed in
terms of conversation, and the spirit
friendliness to supersede
ism In dealing With
at Which dominated the
thoughts, aroused expressions of
from all sides. Few discord-
ant notes were sounded in comments
from member of the congress who
are to pass upon legislation urged to
prohibit monopoly hold nun of
business within the law.
Throughout the delivery of the ad-
the assembled senators and
representatives listened intently to
every word, applauding frequently
when the president began
of which he believed need-
ed remedying.
ills proposal for an Interstate trade
to facilitate business and
keep It In the straight the re-
of laws to prohibit
interlocking and holding
suggestions for authority
regulate railroad securities for an
act that the courts be opened to
harmed by illegal business
all these were received with general
approval, evidenced by enthusiast
Before the plaudits of his audience
had Ceased and as the president was
passing from tho Chamber
where his successive appearances
since lust April have contributed to
tho nation's history, his utterance
km precipitated action.
Representative Underwood, major-
leader of the was the first
to act. As soon as the
after the joint session, held to
hear the president, he offered i mo-
to refer to the Interstate and
foreign Con meres Committee
suggestions for the creation of an
Interstate Trade Commission, and for
a law empowering tho
Commerce Commission to regulate
the Issuance of railroad securities and
to the committee on Judiciary, the
proposals relating to legislation de-
signed to supplement hut not
the Sherman antitrust act This
was adopted mid It was an-
later that both
would begin work once and
range for public hearings.
bill. Representative Clayton had pro
tested vainly against of trust
regulation grain being taken from
Ills committee and while Mr.
I wood was offering his motion, to re-
i fer. Mr, Clayton and
Carlin. of Virginia, stood at his elbow
pleading that he change his
of action.
Member of the House Judiciary
Committee and members of the Senate
Interstate Commerce Committee
headed by Senator of Ne-
conferred again on plans for ex-
the hills to be. admitted to
congress. Later Senator
talked with Joseph K. Com-
missioner of Corporations, who read
the trade commission bill
the Judiciary This
measure new will he introduced from
the senate committee probably
Expressions on the message came
freely from Senators and Represent
Democratic, Republican and
Progressive. The only unfavorable
criticisms enacted f om
lives, Representative Murdoch;, the
party leader, asserting that
suggestion for the solution of tin
trust evil were and
would render the trust evil more
One of the most
Hunts cams from Senator
lead of the minority in
the upper House, who represents the
moat conservative type of
i- m.
president's recommendations
are said Senator
for the part. wise. It
seems to me there Is nothing In the
recommendations that need disturb
business nun or that would Justify
radical legislation, if the Democratic
members in both branches of con-
win formulate bills along the
lines suggested by the president and
abandon their method of legislation
by party i aliens, they will find the Re-
publicans ready to co-operate with
them in bringing about legislation
that will be of real benefit to the
country will harm no
Senator Lodge remarked that
message was and
Senator Alden Smith,
Michigan, said, president has
attacked the problem from ills own
but probably his program
i will do some
Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, who rep-
resents the
wing of the party, praised the ad-
was he said,
am In full accord with it. especially
that portion which would personal
guilt for violation of om trust laws
Representative Mann, the minority
in the House, also commended
tho menage, particularly the
for government regulation of Is-
of railroad stocks
Senator of Kansas, assert-
ed he would wait to see the bills
spring from the
before he made comment,
Democratic leaders were
tic over tho message. Senator Kern
declared n would command the
ration and confidence the country.
Representative Underwood said it left
no can-e for alarm by the business In-
said II
The anniversary of General Robert
Lee's birthday, is the 18th,
of January, was celebrated yesterday
morning at the East
Training School under the
supervision of Miss Davis of the His-
as Miss said
is titling that in this practical
I time vie should occasionally I
lay aside our busy and dwell on
the and memories of a wonder i
till past and pay respect and homage
to those who made
The were opened by the
singing of different patriotic songs
each symbolic of a different type of
patriotism. River which was
Snag by the Glee Club, stood as an
example of faithful, g- loyalty
which is the highest of patriot-
Ism. The spirit of longing the old
heart was well expressed In
the soft humming of the girl's voices
in the chorus.
Davis then goes to the stud
body an address which she Introduced
by stating that the Civil War will be-
the romance of future is and
Lee one of Its heroes.
in early days of government there
were two ideals of liberty, one for
the union the other for the state, but
; It was not long before the South found
herself standing alone In her
to the state then came the
tragedy Civil War, in which tho
two strong conflicting forces of a
nation were brought together. But
time Is a groat healer and today the
South Is through a greater
drama, a reconciliation of
Mats Davis gave a brief sketch
of Lee's and made the statement
that It Is not so much what a man
does as what he stands for. From
the view point of accomplishment
life was a failure; but from
tile view point of what he stood for
be was one of the greatest of
Americans. Men from other count-
have his true noble-
placing the highest estimates on
such n life and character. The same
lofty opinions of him were held by,
those who ill war were his enemies.
General and General Grant
and all Southern biographers haw
given the highest to General
Root B. Lea,
The School arose at the end Of the
and sang with the
spirit Davis had inspired.
pride and Joy In our great country i
and her great men The other
were the ex-
the patriotism of the
r. and n
trail to the above, the tried
p in.
Oklahoma Convict Mutiny
The action of the House In refer-
line portions of the massage to
Interstate and Fun l
Committee. f which
of Georgia, is chairman
Somewhat disturbed the program
mapped out by the Judiciary
headed by Representative
Clayton, of Alabama, which already
held bearing and prepared o
draft of a trade
and Speaker
NEW Jan JO.- Miss Alice
A. Holmes, who delighted In the title
the Poetess Jersey
Is dead In her In that city ill
her year MISS Holmes, who
was a friend and school mate of Miss
Lonnie J, Crosby, the blind hymn
nil r. died Sunday but the fact be-
generally known today.
Miss did not begin lo write
poetry until she
poetry until she was more than
years old. she published four vol-
b Alice
i mill HUM
ii in Which Seven
sous Here Killed n Rat-
prevailed today at the state
where last night seven persons
were killed during a between
guards and three convicts who at-
tempted to escape.
Bodies of the three prison em-
shot down while at their posts
three eon i- at the
penitentiary morgue, while in this
city, the body of John it.
Thomas, B visitor at
the ion. killed by a
await for ship-
to relatives.
In the prison hospital suffering
from bullet wounds were Miss Mary
l me operator at the
prison. John Martin, turnkey, and C.
I,. Wood, guard.
The bodies of H, Droved, head
of the department; Patrick
Oates, assistant deputy warden, and
y. c. Godfrey, a guard, will be held
for word from relatives,
Pistols, smuggled Into tho prison,
and reaching the hands of Charles
China Reed and Tom
the who gave up their lives
their dash for liberty, made the
tragedy possible,
Today Warden W. R. Dick
his investigation to discover the
means which the came
within wails.
Arm. with their pistols, Reed.
and when labor ended
for the day in the tailor shop, where
they were made their way
through a ha. store room
up a dark stairway to the entry room
of the mail building. There stood
John Martin, the turnkey, but before
he realized what the presence of the
i ii a shot passed through his
bee, knocking down. Quickly the
men tie kc s
With a shout to the other prisoner
tn Join them the three rushed for-
ward. Oates, the assistant warden
stood In their path, Reed shot him
the heart. Ne r the
of the warden's office Judge
Thomas, s-ho a i a g to so.
Warden Dick on business, I
em Innocent bystander lust here
on in i. its I judge
be sprang to his I and put up
his bands.
The convicts dead. An-
other wound Wood, n guard
Miss Poster, tho t
to . th i ii In for With
mi oath the witch-
board hoping lo eel the Ires,
this time I
mi prevail id C wore shout-
cheering I y ran
I., i -ii the Half crying
as the rifles the i r n I
from various the three eon-
the gate
PARIS, Jan. Tl h for-
office today Instructed
French minister to Mexico i. protest
to Provisional President Huerta
. i- suspension of the payment of
interest on the Mexican public debt
The French note differentiates he-t
tween the loans of 1910 and
The first of these, secured by per
cent of the Mexican customs duties.
received the formal approval of the
French government, which
ed the listing of the bonds on
Tho foreign office therefore pro-
on its own against the
default of Interest on that loan. The
second protest is made on behalf of
and at the request of French bank-
In regard to the loan of 1918,
which was secured by per cent of
the an customs duties, but
which did not receive the
of the French government
It la understood that the note
Provisional Huerta mentions In care-
terms that the French govern
will not exercise Its i
age of forced collection of the Mex-
duties and the document
framed In such a way as to imply
tacit support of the Mexican policy
Of the Tinted States.
Rebels to Authorize Operation of j
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Jan. new
mining law by which the Constitution-;
government hopes to revive ac-
In districts under Its control
effective January
Officials hope that by granting val-
id titles owners will be persuaded
to operate the mines, thus relieving
poverty the lower classes.
Those who comply with the
ions of the new law guaranteed
a valid title, and when their
cations have been accepted by the
government they may start to p
Shooters at
N, C, Jan.
Scores of trap-shooting enthusiastic
assembled here today for the opening
j of tho seventh annual
handicap tournament given under the
auspices of the Country
Club. In all more than in add-
ed money and trophies will he dis-
among those making the
best scores. Half a hundred Of the
j best amateur and professional
. of the country, among them John
j Philip the traps in
opening rounds of the
Is a In and id
setting forth what Is de
by the situation with won
i ; i them mid
they would hit the
How Anally came from
i and it hit Miss In
e leg, Reaching the gate the II
dropped their after unlock-
the last to freedom and
sprang Into a buggy. Lashing th
j hi n the aped down the road,
The dash for short,
however, on horses
came within shooting distance and
a running light began. The Con-
made a desperate fight as
buggy lurched but ii was soon
over, Bullet after bullet from the
nuns of the guard found its mark
when the horse last fill and
the guards came up the three convict
lay dead in buggy.
within the prison the work-
ally, driving the eon I lets to
i ,
Rocket so fur Consist el
Mean liquor and shooting Irons
a little gambling ha played a
pal art this week in criminal
now in session here, and practical-
every case His Honor, Judge
Daniels gave guilty parties about
the limit and warned them
practices. The following
have been disposed of the
of court Monday
.; guilt;.
n d on payment of
Ross Floyd, with
and cots.
Faulkner, carrying concealed
weapon, fined and touts.
Jim Williams, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty
pended on payment of
Charlie Vines, assault
weapon, pleads guilty. f ft
Fred carrying
ads guilty tired 810.00
Charlie assault with lead
weapon. suspended
payment of
Charlie Am t
ton. gambling. that
pay all the i
suspended as to
I., n. Mills, assault with
weapon, was
ed on payment of
Q M. Campbell, assault with dead
weapon, suspended o
t. M. Campbell, assault with
. suspend d on i
costs in case and also i
J r. court on peace bond.
Chas. Williams and Cum
larceny, four Judgment
pended upon payment of costs
Dock Moore, assault with
p pie guilt
and oats.
Moore, carrying .
Is guilty,
i ,
Judgment -i
. ti
r . Randolph
tier, th
i ass . gum
and it resulted I
o ts
I i r. I
a. pleads .
i i led ii pas moat of costs.
I i t
i ids guilty, ii, i
and costs and Parker sent to
the roads for a I Oil .
Simon Harris, gambling,
and us.
Albert Freeman, carrying
ed weapon, pleads
Tho Realty Com-
of Greenville Is conducting a
o land sales In Florida
Some merchants who are
themselves might
with profit along now
In several of the eastern
of smallpox are re-
The market is having
one of the attempt
ed to hall them, Promptly he
I to A bullet that
wild passed the office door
of Drover, the expert, and
killed the building. Reed.
and Lane made their way to
the gale on a trot None of the
dared to shoot. They wore afraid
The three persona bun during
will recover, it is said. At-
I tempts tn get a detailed account
the of
from Mail the
operator, futile today
She M from the shock.
Members of the state prison board
began in Investigation today.
Vinos situ Asa
is f, els
i .
I Cannon, with
i weapon, guilty, fined i
and costs
selling It
prayer tor a
i prayer continued
of other three ii
pended on payment sf

Eastern reflector, 16 January 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 16, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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