Eastern reflector, 2 January 1914

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a u s I n ;
M Will H
Fierce Conflict Between
The Federals and Rebels
for Than Hours
Battle Waged
Kill mm wounded
lawmakers Virginia
Found Guilty of Accept-
Mrs. Cherry's Impersonation
Mights blob
Mrs. Griffith was a charming
ten . the Club at its premiums truthfulness, Ion
meeting Monday, November -n find these rat traps at J K.
in v tows of win n
i den, Hit I
Mr. George Prescott, tell us I he
t at rats in a Ire
in one string, Mr. All Manning
, c I at mi
time. these gentlemen have
I Almost all the members were present
j and n number of guests enjoyed a
I delightful program. The president,
j Mrs. Rose, called the meeting to
W, Va Dec. 30.- The responses were on
Dive members the West Virginia Thanksgiving and Included many bits
Legislature are guilty accepting M as
bribes in connection with the thoughts.
of a United Stales Senator Mrs. Lincoln had charge
the regular session held In January the entertainment for the
the federal Is
able Because Ortega Or.
den to Execute So-Call-
Tex., Dec. bat-
between 5.000 rebels under Gen-
and the northern
division the Mexican federal j expelled, according to th
around Mexico U joint legislative committee made Mr. o
c o he horde from tots place today. One member of Christian Church and Mrs
sens t. and members of t, James Burton Cherry, o, Greenville.
and Bro.
We are glad to note the Improve-
of Mr. Lorenzo who
has been confined to his room Co.
When a man speak evil of
name, is a test of patience;
when he digs by hand, that is
a test of Judgment Why not
of tin- man who Started tip-
Christmas Eve catastrophe by calling
in a crowded hall her.- was
tonight by O. II. Hilton
i chief counsel of the Western Fed-
, . ,,. .,.,.,.
Is Statement Issued by General
Julian S. Carr
February, 1818, aim should bi and surprised the club by
Mrs. wife of the
I dynamite Just received
ton at
Cell tonight. No bullets came across
he border.
The had been engaged for
dirty six hours and many had beer
and wounded,
Ortega executing a
J. II. Smith and Bro.
Labor has been resumed on both
bank building and the depot, and
with a few more weeks of good
we hone to see these needed
house of delegates were indicted last N. C, who entertained us most en-
charred with accenting Mrs. sang buildings
SETS by Osgood, Dr. Fountain Co,
not been brought
the market Those who
Five of men under indictment
flan movements, steadily kept on since have been tried, convicted and
naive, gaining loot foot to terms in the state peal
to the federal stronghold,
The federal forces, crippled state Senator lien A. Smith
organized by the rebel onslaught. Delegates S. U. O. Rhodes, Duff
clung to the hillside trenches, where Dr. H. F. Asbury and David Hill arc-
their leaders had decided to make
last stand. They rallied somewhat
from the panic that seized many
them with the first volleys of the
rebels when daylight disclosed the
of Ortega's men and put up a
plucky fight against heavy odds,
though their losses were
wounds and desertions. Many wound-
ed and deserters waded waist deep
through the river to the American
it was Impossible to even
mate the number of dead and wound-
ed. Fifteen federal wounded who
waded the river were allowed to re-
main and were cared for by the United
States army physicians but several
unwounded federal deserter
were disarmed by the United Stated-
border patrol under Major
and sent hack across the border.
Army officers were convinced that
casualties had been heavy and
Cross representatives sent requests
for more help and hospital
Neither the opposing forces is
provided with the hospital facilities.
and the wounded have been left on
the hillsides where they fell.
Although 5.000 rebels were engaged,
much of the tire was Ineffective In
the early hours of the battle because
of the position they occupied below
the village.
a cluster of adobe build-
stands a mile from the border
t the top of high hills which line th.
through which the rebels ad-
When day dawned Ortega's
men had gained the foot of a bill
three miles-front the village, where
the had planted a fort to
command approaches to the town
DUN it, i-----
Edwards as United States sen- responding with Song b,
to see us a few minutes Monday
and tells us be Will return to
i in- , .
in a most pleasing and captivating bis studies In New York as soon as
Mrs. Cherry next delighted the holidays are over. We personally
us with her vivid portrayal of great things of this young
life the old south. She is I southerner, and no doubt but he will
as an impersonator of this reflect great credit on the profession
race, which Is fast disappearing, and when he finishes his post graduate
Which will soon be found only in th course,
annals of past history. She Mr. Stand Hodges has purchased
recommended tor expulsion ,. reeling of the two houses and lots of Dr. J. W.
gates Geo. B. Van Meter and Thomas almost to worship
Smith have
that existed between the de
and his and
who abused their slaves
being the exception and the disgrace
attached to the same having
near the Seminar
It is said by some that
a curry comb and brush is hall feed,
end a blanket, is even more, you can
g, i all these at J, R. Smith and Bros.
Mr. W. P Hart, is spending a few
nil to even days at enjoying the
to the time. boat riding, if not bathing
She gave In dialect many tales of, t .
their quaint songs and folklore.
were blended with the laughter as
we listened to and Ole
Adam and many
Miss Hard.
Catkin of Grimesland, and i
Jenkins of Greenville are
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper.
We are offering our new Hut Club
True Merit and Quality How shoes
rates for the next sixty days , TOng, given
These shoes are among the very best. . , A .,, i
The ladies expressed regret that
the market Those who navel am, . ,,.
worn these know their merits. they had
in declaring that they I. id never
let us supply you wren . a mi
or Children shoes Mfg pr ,,.
in while
Come and let us
B. D. Forrest and Co.
Mr. A. W. Ange and family
here Sunday for Martin county where
will spend a few days with his
It is cold now, come and see
Harbor and Co., for your rub-
shoes and boots.
See It. W. Hail for your meats of
all kinds. He also carries a nice lint
of groceries.
Clara went to
villa yesterday.
Go to and Co., for your
bicycle auto supplies,
Mrs. T. Cox went to Ayden
See Harrington and Barber Co.
your steel bean plows, peg tooth and
disc harrows.
Begin the New rightly by
Buggy, a Tar
talked of
here in our city.
A rising vote of thanks were given
to Mrs. Mrs Cherry and
Mrs. Leah, the ladies expressing the
hope that they would be treated to
a slice of at their next meet-
at the home of Mrs. Ell
-The Ind.
M t V
i s t Buggy, a
Keel and v Q. Cox MU
. Co., will in you up with buggy bar-
They spread along the hillsides and and a few o wire In
opened s lire which was your wagon and you may expect I
day and which was supported
ten machine guns they bad dragged
,, the de-i rt from
Foot by foot the rebels approach.
the federal trenches until their Are
became too severe for the defenders
who retired until, as darkness fell, all
federals who had not fled were
In the shelter of the town Itself
the rebels tonight appear-
ed to have much
th struggle was
defined. mt the will
render because General
bat explicit orders to
the so-i ailed volunteers, and
co. foes Antonio Rojas,
I I a and On
year throughout
Mr. F. W. Carroll left here
morning Wake Forest College.
If you have hogs or beet cattle Col
sale, see or write R, W.
For your heaters, stoves, ranged
and all of hardware, especial-
roofing, see A, W. and Co.
Braxton has returned
i. sou an In a d nun -r
oil or gasoline see and Co.
Mrs. Sarah aim son,
Bethel are visiting her brother, Mr,
L. Rollins.
Mr and Mrs. Jenkins, Of
who been Visiting Mrs.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ;
c, ,. Monday.
i . nuts, bananas, lea and
CHICAGO, Dec. The New
will be ushered In tomorrow
with a festival of fisticuffs
the Atlantic to the Pacific
Though no championship bouts an
n the calendar there are Si M
contents billed that should afford
some good entertainment tor the
light fans. Iii a scheduled
lout at Leach Croat
the New lightweight, en
to repeat the trick knock-
out Bud Anderson, the
hoy. Another light should bi
worth seeing will be the 10-round
at New Orleans between Johnny
Dundee Welsh, Dillon will I
for i rounds at In
and Joe and Earl
hi r arc hooked to go the
distance at Cincinnati George chip
the victor over Frank Klaus. Is to
i. i i am i
Pittsburgh In another bout
have Joe us an
machinery, at the power w.
having no street lights, we hope tie-
trouble will soon be remedied, as we
light to darkness
Mr, Sol Jackson son Mr. S
Jackson, has the pneumonia.
Mrs. Mary Move of near Hooker-
ton has rented the and
will move her family here In the near
With steam you can encompass
world, with Electricity, you can do
the same, with shot gun and revolver
you can protect your family and
money. Plenty Of these can he found
at J. R, Smith and Bros.
How much higher will land go
Mr. C. E Hart, of has re
fused 14.000.00 for his Harper farm
Chief of Police, Mr M. H Bum-
roll has resigned his position, and
will soon move his family near the
town of
Mr. Hen Craft spent Tuesday
in the and tells us that he has
Bl or ten cotton In
the Held, and when the I want
money, he tells then,
pd k a bale of n d sell II
tells us I
lion is bad. very
Mess, stocks Bros. Hookerton
hi the Mr.
it. k, on i street Mr.
will move In the country i i
his near I Id.
There is a nice i tor a shoe
workman to open . here, and
do a general repairing business as
harness like,
Mrs. Alice I. Harrington, and
daughter, Velma, of
Ml of
who has been ti i A C
C visiting rel and Mi
ration of Miners. Mr. Hilton ask-
ed that the coroner's Inquest Into
the tragedy of deaths be adjourned
until tomorrow, saying that he de-
sired to produce witnesses who claim-
ed they could identify the man.
The greater part of the
again today was that the cry or lire
came from within the hall. Three of
the thirty or more witnesses claimed
to have seen a Citizen's Alliance but-
ton on the man. Several the
saw the man who cried lire, most
of them said they had no pin
lb- was seen, persons In
different puts of the hall, and there
were half a score descriptions of
Uncompromising adherence to their
determination never by direct or in-
direct means to the Wes-
tern of Miners was pro-
today by mine owners
the copper strike district who
willing to the visit her.
John H. solicitor of
Department of Labor, could not
with the Federation, even If we
said F. W. Denton, manager
of the Range
Work. men at work never
would consider employment under-
ground with members the union
for there always would be ti
end In of the fact I
men are working for the companies,
we cannot Ignore
The strike i to enter upon its final
within two days, tome row
log the last upon which the
will receive applications for
from strikers. Originally. December
been set as the limit. What-
ever good the extension of thirty
might have accomplished was. wiped
cut by the Italian Hall disaster, the
controversy to who give re
lief to afflicted families and the
of Charles H Meyer president
Of the Federation.
The detailed figures Obtained from
both sides today found In I
claims as wide apart as the
Employers said there were less that
actual strikers l In tin
union fur-
trike hen. I in- P
Expresses Gratitude t
tin- Letter- Containing Offers i
support. Expressions
Dec. 30- In a
;. today, Gem Julian s
Carr says that be is not a candidate
fir Governor and he makes it plain
that he not authorized any ore to
a that he would accept the
if tendered him. His n
am not a candidate for to
nor. have not said, nor have i
any one ; say for Die
I would accept the nomination. am
; I'll to n lot
r which have me
ting my nomination and
of support l genuinely
i lat all these, my .
i to remain In private station.
st lively,
Strong Demand Hint to Bus.
Ii is known that strong pres-
sure was brought to bear on General
Can- to gel In the raj . rout
letters and telegrams were received
y him assuring him support.
notable and tin la-
notice of his supposed
by en- State press, some the
known publications urging
to t i- in the race
being that the nomination
. of Governor would be
a compliment to him. but to all
the Confederate veterans of the
the opportunity to bestow
whom is fast slipping aw a;.
Th. mention
in the net
by the Democrats for Governor
was made about a month age lb-
idea struck a popular chord and
became s topic of gen. ml news
discussion and comment all
the State, the Impression being
that the Durham man had never
received from the people tin I
adequate evidences of appreciation
the great S hi b
. rosily lie lob i I
be derided to gel in the e
ii friends say that
, no i I ha i
I it
The companies heir, d
men were d I I
the strike i they el
,. en were h I nil of I differ-
two I
gone to ;
Is league clubs i.
from sales of last
n The W-r IT lOSS-
en to higher leagues.
Houses Entered.
There hi en i
lea of dwelling
of He bi In the v. tern
.,, lion the town, The Ii u es on-
i red so i
We learn M Boyd, Jr., Mr, A. J.
. o here In the and Mi E. B
near future, and I n cotton seed,
, sell
is a lo of changing of
iii . farmers In this com-
We i it la all for the
best, tall;
no -ii
iii each Instance
entered i In the and
some ow familiar with
II. The f or
thieves be looking
v. and in ii Mr
a small sum obtained
i i Water.
I ii in., r 30th
Mr, L. Allen, Supt.
a Commission
; i . N, C.
I am In r of the an
of oar iii W made I
St I. of
i 23rd . 1913, am
.-pi. . my of
The analysis, I am I
water to be
l inking
. you on the
r as shown by
. ,
n. i i s. of
Yours i n
. has on. I
I . n, who I
first i,. In
America, died In Ne
Horn In 1802.

J. R. J. G.
Department Store
A store that pleases its customers
We Clothe and Feed You in a Pleasing Way-
No matter whether you are in search the
best Food Stuffs tor rt an or the
best or Raiment for the
outer man we have it and at the right
prices too, we may add that we
have many thoughtful gifts for the
your ard nary
accessories cit deer daily
uses any any of which would be an accept-
able Holiday arc
We cordially invite you to cc me and
inspect our immense stock.
J. R. J- G.
The Right
Only Way
To satisfy a boy or girl at is
with a BICYCLE
SANTA CLAUS has left with us a com-
stock for the
comprised of all sizes. SANTA CLAUS
has also cautioned us to make our prices
moderate in order that all of his little
pie may have one.
Come to see and let us show you what
we have.
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Established 1866.
River Bridge MARKET
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, and we sell for CASH strictly.
Keel Steak . Ute per lb.
Pork Steak . per lb.
Oysters . lot per
Just across the river bridge. No delivering
town. We will save you money if you come to us.
Stepp Fleming
Office For Rent Located
at Five Points
Apply to
and tools always guaranteed. Stag and
Vapor, Oil and Carolina and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaiter.
Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
By L. O. HUME.
There la no more lonely experience
than being among strangers In a
large city, upon a holiday; so thought
Hargrave, as started out for
the one Thanksgiving after-
noon. In a brave effort to enjoy the ,
day. In spite of her lonely condition. ;
belonged to an old cultivated
family of Hartford, but, like so many
of our old r r i families, the
strength of the had bean
given to accumulation of culture
than cumulation of
and had accepted
In a young boarding school
Mr. Joshua Wheeler,
well-to-do and a merchant of Han
found himself held in Buffalo
this same Thanksgiving day He did
not know that a in Buffalo
indeed, ho had no let a nor thought
of her Since she was a child.
Lydia, as she turned down
street, headed for the Star theater,
was delighted to see some one from
her old home, and approached Mr.
Wheeler with happy confidence. As
came near enough to speak to him.
plainly that he did not
her. She hesitated, and filled With
embarrassment and indignation,
on She had not gone far, when .
she heard rapid footsteps behind her,
and turning immediately, discovered
Mr. Wheeler. In his most man-
Mr. Wheeler raised his hat and ,
Inquired If she was going to the j
I join murmured Mr.
should be most pleased to have
she replied.
Lydia had been rowing her own boat ;
for over six years and bad learned to .
Mr. Wheeler secured their seats and
they were comfortably settled with ,
minuses to chat before the
went up. could not feel ,
certain that Mr. Wheeler did not know
her. and In order to test the point
you must tell me who you
Mr, Wheeler hesitated, then with
emphasis that Was slightly
I haven't a card ;
with me, I'm
Then she knew.
where you from, Mr, Cal-
sweetly murmured
from New
from the metropolis. And
now you must tell mo your
could not think of any high-
sounding, romantic so
come now, your name isn't
Jones; tell me what It really
It is Jones, and It is unkind of
you to doubt it. It is bad enough to
have to go through with such a
plebeian name without having people
make personal remarks about
Here the curtain went up and their
conversation was Interrupted. Just be-
fore the last act her escort said;
going to you
said Lydia, trying fence,
is so far out to my house that you
would get lost, and perhaps never get
going to take you home. You
have led me to believe that I might,
and I don't intend to let you go
your interpretation is wrong
other interpretation Is
I had every right to speak to
right to let you go to the
with me, for I have enjoyed
your acquaintance, and the acquaint-
of your wife and daughters, for
many years, Mr. Joshua Wheeler, of
Lydia donned her wraps, and still
rolling broadly, extended hind.
thank you for the after-
noon of my life. Now will you take
me to my
heaven's name, who are
ejaculated Joshua.
of smiled
Lydia. you take me to my
And he did.
wants to know if she can
have began small Clara,
Into Mrs. Brown's back hall. Then
she sniffed.
guess I smell ah
exclaimed, stepping slowly but sure
toward the kitchen door haven't
had any fudge for the longest time
isn't fudge Well. I'm sure it
What Is it
ll. like that. too.
I DO, I'm not hungry. That is
I am hungry, but don't think I'd bet-
t. ;. , Veil, I would
like a maybe. It smells like fudge
and chocolate soda. I had a
. last night.
that In the little pan It's
such a cunning little pan Eggs Why
don't you just boil them in the tea-
kettle I don't see why It wouldn't
be clean. I'm sure my mother does
Anyway, she would if she thought
what's that cunning little
brush Why. It's a toothbrush, Isn't
It Do you brush your teeth out here
Oh. you It for vegetables Do
some of them have teeth the same as
potatoes have eyes I'm sure my
mother doesn't brush our
yes. I see. You scrub the dirt
off them. That's nice. Just hate to
sand on baked potatoes.
I think the toothbrush for the
vegetables is line. Is It yours or Mr.
I it was just a worn
out one were using up out here.
You know, sometimes the bristles get
old aid fall stick into you
but they wouldn't hurt the vegetables,
would they I think It is a very good
way to use up your old
Mr. Drown has such big teeth that he
must use up lots of them. Oh, yes, I
forgot; you did say this was a new-
one. But I think when I tell mother
she'll use old ones, for we've got so
many around.
I brushed my
how know about the loose bristles.
don't know whose brush it was, but
it was the nicest looking one in the
bathroom, so I took some of mother's
new face cream and put on It and
then brushed tho baby's teeth. He
made such u fuss that I Just brushed
my own to show him It was all right
only, of course, I didn't use face
cream on my teeth. I could tell from
the way the baby acted that It didn't
taste as good as it But the
bristles came out all over my mouth
To Honor
A committee comprising the heads
of leading Italian
and presided over by the king
of Italy has been formed to obtain
money by public subscription pay-
suitable honor to the memory of
Prof. Giovanni the dis-
astronomer, it is d
to erect a monument to him at his
birthplace, In Piedmont,
and to place a memorial tablet In
palace at Milan. Ho con
with the observatory of
for years, most of the time as
rector. To tho world at large
was famous his
discovery of the canals of
Mars In 1877.
Game Did Not Appeal to Them.
Four Armenians sat In a
park the other day watching tho
says tho Manchester
Guardian. Their calm faces betrayed
r some one
paused by then to watch the game,
the oldest Armenian rose and put a
polite question; please do they
pay money to do Yes, they
pay A flash of amazement
passed over tho Armenian faces. One
could see that, for the first time, they
the folly of the Anglo-aux-
in race.
Made Such a
and was sorry I'd brushed my teeth.
chocolate was awfully good.
Were you making It for lunch or Just
for for a meals lunch If
It was Just made for us, I'll drink an-
other cup with you.
don't you drink any You
want to save for Mr. Brown
Sometimes my mother does Just like
that. She says she things
wrong. That's what you did. Isn't It
I should think you'd make a big pan-
for any one as big as Mr. Brown.
mother puts more cream In
chocolate than you do, but I this
Just as well.
you make any dessert for
lunch I don't like to eat very well
Without dessert. like pie with Ice
cream on It, but guess it costs a
good deal
Blown doesn't dessert
Oh. he's fooling you. Don't you be-
. s him.
thought I paw some over
re. Oh, that's for company to-
night I Would you cull mo
company win a Just came up In tho
morning Would you like me to show
you my dull tonight
my mother calling. She
asked to come here and get
I forgot what. I'll Just run down
and and then I'll come back.
I bring my doll to show your
company Chicago Dally
v. v
Sure to Do Good Work.
Warden new
work can you do What your
was a In an
Warden Well, we'll set you to
work wood.
We wish to announce
the winners of the three
prizes offered by us.
in Gold 1st
L. C. Fletcher, N. C,
in Gold
t- Jas. F. Johnson, Snow Hill, N. C.
Route I.
Peter Ellison, colored, Bruce,
We wish to thank our
friends and patrons for
their patronage for the
past season and trust that
we shall have the pleas-
of serving you
the next year.
acres cleared, acres In Hue
soil light loam, clay
Will grow anything. One
tenant one large pack
me tobacco barn, stables and other
necessary outbuildings. Located near
House, N. C. Price per acre.
Terms, one-fourth cash. Apply to
House, N. C.
Practicing In all the Courts
Office In Wooten Building on
treat, fronting Court House
via the
The Standard of the South
Tickets be on sale from all
points on the Atlantic Coast to
all points south of the Ohio and Po-
and east of the Mississippi
en including Washington, Cincinnati
and Cairo, for all trains
Dec, IT,
and and Jan. l limited
Jan, to in the north-
vest and southwest on Dec.
mil limited returning Jan and
from in Va N. C and s.
to Havana, Cuba, on Dee
returning Jan,
must original starting
by or before midnight of return lint
it . pi rilled.
For further particulars, schedules
reservations, etc. apply to ticket
Atlantic Coast or ad
dress T. WHITE,
W. J.
Pa Hangar Traffic Manager,
y v c
Attorney at Law
Laud and Drainage Cases a Specialty.
In office formerly occupied y
Jan is and Blow.
L I. Moore W. H. Long
Attorney at Law
Office in i, Building. Third It.
Practices his services
Greenville, North Carolina
Practice limited to diseases of the
Nose and Throat.
Washington. N. C. Greenville, N. a
Office with Dr. D. L. James. Green-
ville, day every Monday. a m to i pro
Attorney at Law
Office formerly occupied by J. U
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, on the Court
House Square
Into N
2nd ft
and Et
No. .
J. E.
at R. L. Smith's stables, with
hospital service.
I treat all animals. Calls answered
day or
Hay Phone Mil. Night Phone
Attorneys at Law
Greenville. North Carolina
About acres, cleared, well
with pine, oak and gum,
one dwelling house with rooms,
4-room tenant house, barn, stables
pack house two tobacco
barns. Land has clay foundation and
is as good land as In Pitt county.
This tract Is on creek road mile
Bare also two
one wagon, barrels of corn and
about sticks. For par-
apply to
W. H.
N, Route S.
FOR Ai g
Two six room dwellings in good repairs
and convenient to business part of town
situated one block from Courthouse.
Real Estate Agents
of Currency Act Will Out
l Hanks Today if
Get Them Ready.
the federal reserve act, the
to be adopted by banks which want to
enter tho system and the blank drawn
the organization committee for use
of applicants for membership will
mailed tomorrow to every national
bank in the United States.
There are 7.500 national banks in
the country and since the time limit
for their entrance into the system
was set by congress at days, treas-
officials will all their
tomorrow to give them this sort
Of formal notification of the enact-
of the law. The other
banks in the United States will
notified as soon as the national
list is completed. There Is no I
limit upon bank's of the latter class
The physical effort to get en-
and of mail ready to
by tomorrow night will tax the
treasury department's resources.
special force of trained men will
put to work early in the day, how-
ever, and the commit-
tee hopes It will able to finish
the task by nightfall.
Mr. and Mrs. James
announce the marriage of their
Mary Fowle
Mr. Henry Harward
Wednesday, December the twenty-
nineteen hundred and thirteen
Durham, North Carolina
At Home
North Carolina
Philologists Meet ill
Philologists from nearly all of the
Institution of learning in
the United Slates, as well as from
some the Canadian and European
universities, met at Harvard
today for the opening of the an-
meeting of the American Phil-
Association. At the same
time and the Modern Language
Association of America opened
annual meeting. Both meetings will
over tomorrow and
Appropriate Sermon For the
Last Sunday In
Mr C a Dickens, of
Springs, who has been visiting here.
left this afternoon to visit In Scot-
land Neck.
Miss Rhodes, of Washing
in,, Is visiting Clara
We have just a car load of Ford Touring Cars
invite everybody to come and get one. Why it
it cost less to run them. They the simplest earn
now on the market. They are the best cheap car built.
Ford Supply Co.
lull line of accessories on hand
and Heed it.
Hut generally you.
. the
I the color is unnatural
If there are settlings
frequent, scanty, painful
Its time to fear serious kidney
t loan I Kidney Pills
have done great work it
Mrs. G. E. Edwards, E M
Hi i N C .
, -.-i,,. from and
pains my
kidneys The kidney secretions
ed me I
remedies, but had no relief
In s-t
ed That
went away and I am now
Wen Is I
, agent
must accompany orders
ads. from those
having regular advertising ac-
counts The rate Is cents per
line, six words to the line. Tel-
be sold at wholesale prices. Every
one a bargain. Come early. Mun-
ford's Quality Shop.
t, at S, M.
On Sunday morning in lie Baptist
Church Rev. C. M, Hock a
most sermon fur the
Sunday in the year. His test was
are all of us hers alive tills
In the lessons drawn from
this text lie said that to some whom
it applied a year ago it was not
today, as during the
had en from earth,
It doubtless applied to tome
to whom it will not be u
the close of the coming year. We
who are alive this day have been
by the mercies of Cod.
have been spared for a purpose,
that purpose is to do Clod's will while
in earth and he prepared lo line
Him when the rail to go horns
It was a forceful of
sped and prospect.
At night the pulpit was occupied
by Rev. John R. Carroll, at present
, teacher in High School
who Interesting sermon on
. lite of and how lie failed t
use the opportunities his position an I
held out to him. Prom
Ibis failure of
his birthright ho drew some
lessons applicable In tin- present
I or Weakness and Less of Appetite
The Standard tonic,
El I
, . .,,., , I, up ll mm v i
t It bI n.
I Mo., M
to the distinction of
.- i
Mississippi, If not in all the United
has started out to acquire an
M. s ,
have passed the half mark
recently organized high school class
. .
and star of the
Hare Enjoyed the Singing.
The late Rev. It. of
England, once told story of
five choristers who. Sunday eve-
were walking along the banks
Of the Mersey in Cheshire. After a
time they sat down on the grass
began to sing an anthem. A hare pass-
with great swiftness tho
place where they were stopped
at about distance from them.
She appeared to bu highly delighted
with music, and as soon as the
singing ceased returned slowly to the
wood. When she had nearly reached
the end of the field the choristers be-
to sing again. The hare stopped,
turned round and came swiftly to tho
same place, and remained listening In
seeming rapture and until the
singing ceased, when she returned to
the wood.
prices. Now- is the time to buy.
Quality Shop.
Bald, Charleston
lied Much Plants
proof Crown from
and Sons prize seed, by H. B,
I as son Conetoe, N. C.
hosiery, potions, underwear, etc., at
bargain prices. Now is the time to
buy before the best ones arc picked
out. Quality Shop.
Harrows before us.
e making special prices. It and
lea and rooting It. and J. G i
Valuable Farms For Sale
Acres, I cleared, woodland heavily timbered,
home room home and good tenant houses and out-
buildings good location.
I Acres, cleared, woodland good buildings located
in desirable neighborhood.
I Acres, cleared, I ready lo be taken in, wood-
land, a good community.
Residence and Business Property
Seven room house, lot x good location, good home
Two houses rooms each, lots x I west of A. C. L.
Four good building lots west A. C. L Depot
Two building lots in Ayden, N, C.
Business or Factory Site on Railroad lot x
All of Properties on Easy Terms.
Tall on or write to
Standard Realty Co.
H. Manager.
I TAKEN it cow on
the day color,
smooth crop on
ear. On of I took up
two calves, color, red, H, C.
Greenville, N C, Bouts
The Greenville Drug Company
of Pare Drugs, Patent
Stationary, School Supplies,
Pei. Cigars, and
All Sick Prompt Deliveries
Prescriptions Most Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
FOR on
street Apply to Charles Cobb,
Truly a Venerable Person.
The maiden lady of uncertain age
became Indignant when tho census
taker asked her age.
you the girls next
he asked; Hill
replied the census
did they tell you their
she snapped as she shut
door in his lace, just as old as
very said the census
man to himself, and he wrote down
in his
old as the
replied the waitress;
uncertain Whether he wanted It
or she
you like ginger ale.
I want ho roared.
dry my sen I want It
as as got
a beginner, salary, commission
expense money, Liberal offer and
i. I E. Chicago
i Building. r nice
rooms on this Hour. Possession
, a January I Apply to
I- t
taken I p
morning, Dec 27th,
light red con, crop to
to I'll.
spot in her face. Owner can gel
by paying damages
N c
Malaria or Chills Fever
Prescription No, prepared especially
live or ill will break cane.
If taken then as a will
return. It acts on the
docs not i . -c
all occasions, Roses,
Violets the lead-
s. Our art in wedding arrange-
are of the latest
liner in floral to he had.
Blooming pot plants, Hy-
palms, ferns, Norfolk pines
aid ninny other nice pot plants.
Rose bushes, evergreens,
, lo plants and shade trees,
Vail, telegraph telephone orders
executed by
I,. A Co.
store Greenhouse
N. C
I. Jr,
Ac i Greenville, and Vicinity
I acres land, open suited lo
peanuts and houses,
ham and good section.
miles Iron railroad 14160.00, 11600.00
cash, remainder in three
N. C
J. C.
II la
Cabbage Plants
slim mill I Drum Head
this should
oils the
for shipment i
fur shipment in lots from
to at per
per f
a, b. N. I. Inn
rulers any
Count and
L. C. Arthur
Nuts, Raisins,
Candies, Figs,
Cakes, Oranges,
Apples, Bananas,
Celery, Grapefruit
Lemons, Citron,
Powdered Sugar,
Toys, Wagons,
Dolls, Vases now
in stock at
K. N. C.
J. W. Little
MM 1st i Residence MT-L.
N. C.
We thank our many friends for their liberal and appreciated
patronage given us in and wish one and all a Merry
Christmas and Prosperous New Year for 1914.
Greenville's Up-to-date

la ring on las
year, in-
rates bad
tuple the
The corner
All earns M resolutions
will tie charged n
cent r a-.,,;.
l. ill Le cm t-tr three
p T u; lo lilies.
i. Class
poet at
act of -i.
. i
I i
I W III KIM we are fortunate in not having
POST, early, do Letter in
The factor In the increased the than I did on th
i; up fr a M of living is that the supply ban stalks in Mr.
mis reek, and there trill be nut kepi pact with the demand. thus heats the record of getting two
this supply could be I In- crops n one from stubble
I II the millions o gave two crops last year.
la bruits and vegetables that are If o
. i ii ii j .-t in rut an our farms could be mar-l The charge is now made that there
ell it for hall Heretofore, the cost of die- is a lemon trust. We'll bet our la-t
in moat cases hat made ii summer straw hat that If there
II co to produce is that will the
II Parcel post with Juice out of it.
should co a little further and do the its Increased weight allowance to
ante thing the cotton pounds within the and second The preparation of new year
---------o j together with the low is in order.
The Christmas tree disaster hit charged, is opening up new die-
Calumet, Mich., and writes the editor of Southern Belated Christmas presents, and
i the New England
Joy to sorrow.
at Atlanta. those sent in for unexpected
Much produce that formerly ones received, are yet lining
only be turned in to the local -store In the mail sacks.
a law price In trade can now
I give it H
i i and keep it i lean.
you iii . mas, on
an look far the Mil to be com-
1.1 IS I made a r
in feel proud of, in is
I. i ti
S Carr, of Durham, hi- sold at a good profit to the Yon should he helping to plan
his s to be a Many a farmer's wife or son or things for Greenville the coming
for If tho daughter is now building up a year This year has brought many
the state him to do so. He aide mail order business in Improvements to the town and the;
has man.- in all ,.,. , s ., , .,,. should be to greater one
; to gel customers, while suitable ship year.
i ping cartons can be readily obtain-
Officers of the Order of ,, Tr,. ,,. .,. .,,
assurances to administration officials Th, variety of things as the United States senate who
they entertained do no m i be Included in these nave ,., , ,,,.,,.,,
to as on-
excelled for terseness, clear-
scholarly handling of
questions, and for the subordination
of the lesser matters to the
of Mrs. Mary Brad-
ford has ordered the message be
made a textbook for the use all
students of civics in the schools o
The foundation of all good farm-
is the of the soil
The man who makes land
Is a poor farmer, no matter what else
he may he doing; and our whole
system of farming has been a
system. It is time for a
change. True, the change is being
made, but much mole slowly than
it should he. Naturally, such
can only be made by Individual, an I
until the Dumber of individuals
i rs who farm for the future exceeds
the number of those who think not
their land, but only of what they
can get out of it. we shall be on tin-
wrong Progressive Farm-
. . . V ;
. .,;
. on
. . . . I
. . s.-- I.-.
y n
. i .;. .
. .-I . nth i not
. . I
, . . . r,.
, v -.-I . .
. .-
. .
. . . can be rent fa
. v Ailments an . . by
X Intestinal tract with and
I . allowing
n and the
Wonderful Stomach
removes these
i end to
the .- b and
. i loins
. ., fat Stomach
i. . H Chemist,
m . . for free booklet on
. many grateful
i.-u who have restored,
Sale In . I.,
and Druggists everywhere
Do I ft ft o i
during the old year,
lit.- in . i en ii tin
i inn mi SEW.
. .
yea old i pa--
Into . ind a new i on e
to begin i
.; d i.- t T r. i- always a goal
II I the
car I . . ;.
log year ha-
Mankind i-
P at I. but Is ell
our i
hi Wilson's Philippine
Ill I. till c
ii. public officials.
shipments enable the farmers t. f ,,,,,, .,
of the maximum ,;,. ,.,,,., ,.; at ,,,., An,.
the .
ding that limit. Burton, of
suffragists recently ;. pens . Including the postage charge
i tin. .- around Jericho
march, th
r the House In case Pres- nil tic particulars ;.
D . i, will eel post Ian from u
now I. around the i a a i i i e II mi
legislators i -i u able business in disposing of
and pat ; g an produce.
to i
p . i obtained will yield a hand- he could
some after deducing all ex- detail Of course he will never
g i another term, lie got into th
on a rain check anyway.
Pat LU on
ROCK, Ark. Dec Th
blow ever liquor I Manager frank Chance, of the
Hi.- in effective Yankees, believe Brooklyn put over
midnight tonight, which is B trade when Joe Tinker was
time fixed for the coming Into landed for is credited
ton of the Going law. was en-, with saying that Joe Is worth
noted by the last legislature. The law an-- club's money.
i quires a petition signed by the ma-
n solution ready for tin
A young woman tried to lie
and did not look at th
mi y that she gave to the
In. i but he meekly gave In I
leek the on which was will
i offered by the it long. The effort to do -y never cease to love
Carolina members the special com- may b, while, and the man ,, ,. ,. , h .
never tries is to be pitied. . little brothers to and
to t rural . , ,
inn bi excused,
county lies ,,. ,,,;,, new year
completed the organization . ,, , a
a rural credit association modeled , T .
alter bull ling and loan plan,
the -I the i om nil
pity of the while adults of a com-
before a license can be Is-
sued to conduct a saloon. It i- be-
prohibition through
out the state will r, suit from the op-
i ration of the law,
New k Committee th
Pi sounds an
i I .
half lib of eye
i . , i to the bar-
. . that .-in
;., , n. ll
an I on
ward, ring lion of the fumes or drop-
. I of the I the
r If a
rd of i
Let its lag bi as i
i .;
Mrs. i. Bracket Bishop, of Chicago.
has decided have fifteen babies of
pail in digging a channel different races in her house.
ii i win be of no value principal object is to show that
it is utilized tor a boat line. ,,,. of can
harmony together, she is very fond
CROPS of children and it will give her
In Prince Amelia and pleasure to educate fifteen little ones
counties of Virginia
l-ave in i n ., harder High and in the million-dollar
hint ii will l Norfolk yard the
ml I winter hip v moat, alter a
Inter . or live yea m in i
co started th . for the I Tl . I ;
, . stubble up In the without serious mishap considering
a fair crop of tobacco i i her absolute hi I i i-
resulted, In neighbor due i a remarkable Teat In
Passes in Illinois.
of the railroads doing business in
Illinois will tomorrow abolish the
privilege, except as it applied
to their This is In com-
with i. provision
Victim of Taken i Jail for led- in the new Public Utilities act An-
mid Die-. other provision tho same act for-
Va., Dee. bids Individuals and corporations
Jefferson, a white man original- from attempting to secure service
from Henderson. X. C. but who from the railroads at less than the
has been living In for scheduled rates,
some time, employed as collect
Installment house, died m the jail Call The Reflector man and let
here last night. Jefferson is said to him lake your order for any job work
have been the victim epileptic fits, you may need. Phone
Yesterday morning he fell In a con
. I the corner of
and Sycamore streets and
his head against the pavement,
a fracture the skull. II-
was removed to the police station
medical and thence to the
where he died,
Coroner Leigh held an Inquest to-
and the returned a verdict
to lie . t dial death resulted from
fr tun i base the skull.
i performed the battleship Dela-
. , ,, , ,. , ,
. ere loft isl r and n ware.
to brighten way. but let at Kinston th protection was the root, o .
new sun I . u mM
days of Justice, General and , . ,.,,.
tobacco, not quite as good the Iniquities in our system
you. are yours, look seemed to prevail, according to
out a .
as u ii
. winter, but still marketable as it is indeed a remedy for
i, writes George E. Winy, u. perhaps most other iniquities.
S i Farming. Now. If tobacco the of land
and alfalfa will keep on growing year should he required to publish the
after year the arduous work of farm- which every trail
plant patches, seeding, covering is assessed. Such a procedure would
and transplanting tobacco will b let lie on many dark places
considered reduced. Of course last Progressive Farmer. N
say. WM m
Nitrogen is the costly plant leader of and ,,,,.,, vegetation in Substituting Pasteurized
which usually succumbs to severe milk, at that- the Tennessee
them with a Joyful heart and make reports, and one official the
tho most of them, If every u clerk of said to have been
your is not made better the Sea
one, to extent you hove rail d
your beat in 1914. judge blind, or also
How's This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CO. Toledo, o.
We, the undersigned, have known V. J.
for the last years, and
him perfectly honorable In all
transactions and financially able to ear-y
out any obligations by bis firm.
Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh cure is Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
surfaces the system.
Sent free. cents p. r bottle
b nil
Pills fur
n YORK I II vs
NEW YORK, Dec. The most
i Ii in the of New
York will he held tomorrow, when
more children of the lower
East Side win vote in the first
election of a
The movement has been or-
by the East Side Protective
Association with a view to giving the
future citizens a practical training in
self-government and politics. The
polling places will be at the public
schools, and assemblymen, congress-
food, if it is bought; it is the on for tin ring of her life when in-
from sol, the stage the was abundance
by leaching, and ii is generally d. ii.,, rs,, i's Victoria In In the early spring.
In Southern soils. de- Work, and delivers a
frosts came through all and Iron and Railroad Company,
if tobacco stubble can be
Ii probably due more large address afternoon and evening for year after year, the cost,
to climate conditions than to a week
faulty farming methods, both i, you to see the
have played an Important pan r , .,. together and fling
nitrogen necessary to maintain a clothes lino.
increase soil Fertility I .
obtained only tho Cumberland count to
of legume crops, w I ;, , . , expert ,,,,,., , .,,., ,
building of I-- ,,, employees In such a manner as
Humus not only Improve, the t. , r.,., Th , considered a long step , , .,. , ,,,, , fr, ,, ,.
lure of the soil, hut also enables forward for Cumberland county, Th o
to hold moisture and soluble plan pr who can gin , ,. , , . ,,.,., .
J. Bowman of Amelia county writes I n and after January I, men
roods, and in it decay furnishes I his. whole Urns to and bring to
to food the crops and afford technical knowledge
employs more than any other com-
in the south, is making an
fort to break employees from the
use of beer and liquor. Around tho
hazards and the labor Of tobacco rah- big works milk stations have bee i
certainly he greatly provided. In addition to establish-
Sugar h protected U a dairy with a number of fine
great advantage year after year an cows, the company has made a
it may be possible to apply similar with dairymen for
methods lo tobacco in the north. Tin- Which is
at I Beach,
promises to he the most
of polo in the
i C Club will be
tomorrow and will
limed through a period of nearly
II I. At least ten Hi.
are t l in the
tournaments. The competitions an
International in character. ii
and Canadian teams being entered
with Pacific coast teams and teams
the Atlantic seaboard and the
Middle West. The feature entry i-
that of an English team composed of
Lords Hugh,
Canadian contestants will he the well.
known Calgary team which has en-;
, ,, i men, mayors and heads municipal
the t tournaments re.-r-. . .
, , . will be nominated. The
some years.
general election will be held on Lin-
birthday, when candidates lead-
In the primary will be voted on
The original idea was to limit
voting rights to the The an-
to this effect, however
In ought forth a vigorous protest from
the girls, with the result that a pro-
i granting equal suffrage
was promptly Issued.
The Old Jill
ii Doesn't In
Drug Store.
You have heard dozens of times
the old story that a drug store was r.
ace lo Just as
There is least one druggist in the
Ohio Saloons Must Toe the Murk.
O., Dec. year
I I'M i not likely to wet its feet when
It makes its entry into Ohio. Much
the liquid refreshments usually ac-
companying the New Year's Eve rev-
will lie missing. The state
license commission, which has
been given a -strangle hold on tic
liquor traffic by recent legislation.
has handed out the order that every
saloon in the state must its
doors promptly at midnight. The In-
are that order will be
generally obeyed,
cling of Teachers.
Wyo., Dee. SI.
teachers gathered bee
II is certain an Inferior article
activity or bacteria, which in break , , ,,,,,,
down the hum is or rename mat s expected to put Cumberland In the
also free adds which very front rank of good roads
I noticed you Chesterfield- who wish to marry in Wisconsin
are Interested In growing a crop must certificates of health
by reputable physicians. The
have a field and it Is now being eugenic law passed at the last
topped. ii covers one acre of the legislature goes into effect
ties This came about as have attention, hut X and not even the
other words, grow legumes that result, of a movement started by th , ,,, n. ,., ,,,
,. ,, , any way of avoiding it. It also pro-i
ply humus, and the question , do . work on this that any person going to
I u when i could do nothing else i have other to marry can not return
P -New V, day square a first cutting and it is now to Wisconsin within a period of on-
the world. in nu, tobaCCO The op year unless he presents a physician's
Is as good as the average ran to- j certificate. Intent to defraud is pun
if everybody gays ha will n parts, but not as good, with of
really gets at it. there .,. the best. A second crop is one to thirty years.
be lining up In Green- mowing and It Ionics as though H
i would he better than the If
in force today for the annual
of their and the
meetings of the several affiliated bod-
proceedings will
until Saturday. among the
scheduled speakers arc President
X Snyder of Colorado State Tench
Collage, Hr. June Downey of the
University of Wyoming, and II
will never submitted for a
one Greenville Drug Com
Take for Instance a safe re
liable remedy for constipation and
liver trouble like Dodson's Liver Tone
This harmless vegetable liquid has
proved so satisfactory a liver
and reliever of biliousness,
of the Untied stales depart- take the place of
of agriculture.
Pail Butler
In The
M U killed
leading an
of an An,. ii lull e again
Kile twelve pitchers, nine
report to Manager of the Cubs
ii Tampa, Ha., for spring work-land if you are not satisfied with it
out. Greenville Drug Company will hand
without any danger, that
dozens of springing up
with Imitations of Its claims
r is g .
do all that is claimed for It.
your money hack with a smile. Any
The Washington club directors person going to this store for a hot-
paid a putty nifty compliment t i tie of Liver Tone will In
Walter Johnson when sun of getting a large bottle of
of for a hundred genuine remedy in exchange for his
Classing recent message thousand dollars I hall dolls
i ,
J. R. G. MO YE
When You Pain
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add
to it one-half the cost of Paint.
LINSEED OIL-that's way the M. SEMI-MIXED
But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. M. PAINT
ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into the Paint
by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of LINSEED OIL with every
gallons of L. M. PAINT
and MIX the Oil, with PAINT.
If the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
flans return whatever you have used, and get back ALL you paid
tor the WHOLE In and besides, the money you paid lo Palmer.
The Terrible Case of Mike Mulligan
Down about old town, in the district of Hack
Mike had his and also ran n dray. Hut the
Fates one day got after Mike, they would not lit him he. and
BO one line he had the pleurisy. Then followed coughs,
sore throat and colds, and finally grippe and bolls, and sun-
burn Inflammation not him in their coils. Mike
so Rot some bruises, corn.; bunions, hums and sprains lie had
rheumatic symptoms and cave his pains. Neuralgia,
toothache, felons, crowded fast upon his ills, and
then knocked him of his sills. The doctor
too, would come mist any day, and it looked like
might have a job of riding his own Hut Just as death
began to dance and mourn all looked grim, B kindly good
Old neighbor stuff on And so
took beloved Mike and ml him hard all day. and
sings praises and Mike still drives his dray.
mis is Sold and Guaranteed nil
she said, suddenly breaking
a long are to be
in six
happy fact which occupied
my mind to its fullest he
answered. sometimes wonder that
Co. don't fire me for lack
of attention to
She gave a little laugh. is
danger, isn't Then, after a
much money have you
bank, will you tell
He shifted is position the better
to see her face. he said,
we don't drink too much Ice cream and
too much soda at the picnic
next week, I to make m do-
posit an even by next Saturday
Will have you got all
admitted the girl with the
coat of tan, was at a really stylish
resort. And I've bad the time
They were perfectly wonderfully nice
to they entertained
dressed early the first day and
hurried down to the after a
book on card games before the party
began, because knew that was
ignorant of anything except old maid
and I've heard how they played
nothing hut bridge whist and such
things. I hated to appear like an
by the time the party began
I had the principal rules of
bridge and GOO, and I kept repeating
them under my breath, for fear I'd
forget when they put out the
that Just wait until you try and we were gathered around he of recitation, and time re-
to make it include everything from a l had them so mixed up that couldn't
gas range to a parlor set; then you'll think for the life of me which was
Naturalist Tells of Wonderful
for Which Ha Has Not Yet
Taken Out a Patent.
I still Indulged my
love of mechanical
John Muir volume, of My
Boyhood and invented s
desk which the books had to
study were arranged in order at the
beginning of each term. I also made a
bed which set me on my feet every
morning at the hour determined on.
and In dark winter mornings Just as
the bed set me on the floor it lighted
lamp. Then, after minutes
lowed for dressing had elapsed,
click was heard, and the first book
to be studied was pushed up from a
rack below the top of th desk, thrown
open, and allowed to remain there the
number of minutes required. Then
the machinery closed the book and
lowed It to drop back Into Its stall.
then moved forward and
threw up the next in order, and so on,
all the day being divided according to
The held the first
Sabbath observance in
Settlement at Plymouth.
Leon former Dicta-
tor of France, died. Horn
April S, 1838
I will sell at my home, known
the Will White farm, on Route
Greenville, on Friday, January a
quantity farming Implements, in-
plows and hoes, also cow-
horses, hogs, wagons and buggy.
Route Greenville, N.
U ltd
Manager has men on
the Boston rosier, of whom
slab artists.
1829 lien Guerrero resigned the
presidency of Mexico.
The Indianapolis club h. s
Harrington to the
Club, of the New
State League.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
. and and works off CoM
refund money if fails to cure.
. on each box.
Freeman, for Ills
home runs when he played In the big
leagues a few years ago. Is n stoker
in the boiler room of a silk mill In
has stored
away a good-sized fortune, hut hr
ill feels that he must stick on the
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and up
the Whole by stem. People and
You know what you are taking when you Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formula is printed on vary label showing that it well known
tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as Strong as the bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no for Malaria, Chills and
Weakness, debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Removes Biliousness without purging
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
A True Tonic and Sure A Complete
No family should be without it. Guaranteed by Druggist,
never asked me If I had a bank
she said in reply.
kind of a cur do you think
I he asked. business of
whether you have one or
have nearly as much as
she said, do you know what I
wants but little hero below,
nor wants that little; but woman
Wants it all, you know, and wants it
mighty ho solemnly respond-
don't deserve
cried, such a parody, but if
you'll he good I'll tell
He folded his arms, seated himself
more comfortably on the hillside and
heaved a sigh. goodness Is like
Abraham profits when he
I buy for one dollar and I
for two, and that me one
per and that Is also tho size of
the want-to-get that will floor
you. Do you know that just
living in a
Margaret, you know I told you
J was not rich. I have only my salary,
and that isn't very large. To take a
house will cost far more than we will
be able to afford, he stopped.
she responded.
can't we buy a place of our
He shook his head. wish we
might, but it will take all the cash to
furnish that yet-to-be-discovered and
She fished down into the purse
pended from her belt. read
was her command, producing a
newspaper clipping.
He obeyed. It was an advertise-
well, doesn't he said,
returning it. what I can't under-
stand is When a person has such
an as that I pointing to tho
clipping, why don't they hang on to
It for
been said, rub-
bing her chin thoughtfully with her
forefinger, two months.
not And anything that suited until
struck this one. I've been to see ii
and it's nice. Will you go out and
lock at it with
lie sprang up. on. it's only
ten miles from here. If it can
take the train back and
Nearly an hour later they were
walking down a country road border-
ed on either side by maple trees,
whoso branches met above their heads
In a grand triumphal arch. Suddenly
at a bend in the roadway they came
upon a cottage nestling in a group
magnificent pines. As Margaret turn-
ed In at the gate her companion gave
a little start, but he followed without
a word. She rang the bell and a mo-
later It was answered by a
cheery did you spring
on the far end of the wide veranda-
She turned swiftly as Will sang
Moll, out to take din-
I with you. Got anything to de-
Tho owner of the voice came for-
ward and tho irrepressible Will ran
this Is the best look-
and best mannered cousin I've got.
and she to the name of Mrs.
Molly Logan. Moll, this is Miss Grey-
j The ladies laughed. met Miss
when you around to
Introduce came Mrs. Logan's
welcome. and I are Interested
what brought us out here
Will responded.
Margaret turned appealing- toward
Will. didn't you tell she
said. believe you knew all
know a thing; how was I to
know it was Moll who Is selling
Mrs. Logan looked from one to the
other. she cried,
I caught you now What do you
two want to buy a homo
do you want to sell ho
demanded. up. what's wrong
i with this place Is It that you and
j Logan are candidates for South
I or tho lunatic
to to
of that end of Brown's banana bush
I We want to sell everything,
furniture and all What re you buy-
They capitulated. didn't pro-
pose that anyone should know until
said Margaret, with a
want to go in six weeks, you'll
be married right here, and we'll take
your wedding trip for was Mrs.
decision, which they
which and was in a cold perspiration
of fear. I knew I was about to ruin
all my prospects of a reputation for
what do you suppose
and boards were laid for checkers I
was so relieved at that couldn't
speak. Of course I used to play check-
when was young, and
bow. so I got along swimming-
I never dreamed of explaining
where I'd got my training and couldn't
imagine why they were all so
prised that could beat occasionally.
at the next party went to
we found after luncheon that
noes was the game. Dominoes Why,
I used to beat even dad and mother at
dominoes when I was about eight. It
seemed like home, for I hadn't even
seen a domino since my early school
won almost every game I played.
You'd have thought I had done some-
thing marvelous from the way they
congratulated me It was sort of em-
for thought they were
being just perhaps a little
the guest of honor, and
wasn't used to being a lion
tried to explain it was
that I really couldn't help beating
when they made it so easy, but
hated to tell them that they were like
a lot of babies as far as adding and
were d or they'd
have been nearer my score. It seemed
unkind, not to say rude, to tell them
that I'd outgrown that easy game
years before So I to accept the
beautiful prize as gracefully as
when we got to the next party
and found on the beautiful inlaid card
tables held my breath
winks Imagine Why, I'd
shot into the dish
much that it was harder to miss than
this, I thought it would be
a fine thing the summer time, when
tho sun rose early, to dispense with
clock-controlled bed machinery,
and make use of sunbeams Instead.
This I did simply by taking a lens out
of my small spy glass, fixing It on a
frame on the sill of my bedroom win-
pointing It to the sunrise;
the sunbeams on a thread,
burned It through, allowing tho bed
machinery to put me on my feet.
I wished to arise at any
given time after sunrise, I had only
to turn the pivoted frame that held
the lens the requisite number of de-
or minutes. Thus I took
son's advice and hitched my dump-
wagon bed to a
Animal's Suicide In
Explained to Satisfaction of
Officials of the canal commission
believe that If no further slides take
place the ship will go through
in January, instead of some
time summer, as had been ex-
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
and delivered Edward to
B, Brown, to secure the purchase
n one; the land hereinafter de-
on the 15th day of December,
1804, and duly recorded in the office
Of the register of deeds of Pitt
t. in hook T-7. page the
will exp to public sale be-
fore the court house door in
i lo. to the highest bidder, on Sat-
the 17th day of January.
at o'clock, noon, a certain tract or
l of land lying and being in the
county it and state North Car-
and described as follows, to-
in Pitt county start-
at an old pine on the Anderson
line near Wash Edwards home on
i north aide the
i. then due north yards to
o pine, thence west yards, then
south Minis to the road, then
with the said mud yards to the
beginning, containing acres, more
or and being known as part of
the And. to said
Terms of sale. Cash. This the
day of December,
W. H. BROWN, Mortgagee.
Greenville, X. C.
It Is a sad, sad and tho de-
tails will never he the
giraffe at the
Paris zoo, committed suicide.
This who held the
in her class for hi was
The attendants noticed tho
other day that she looked troubled.
She stood in her front yard waving
her long neck from side to side, her
eyes In tho clouds. Then she dashed .
her head against the side of her
causing concussion of the
The commissary of police was
of her death and ho opened an
Inquest. What were the reasons for
suicide She was of high standing,
four and a half meters. was not
Involved In the troubles of married
life, for the reason that she
was not married. Perhaps, however, I
she in love.
When the commissary to this,
question ho felt sure ho was on the
right track. From the keepers he
learned fact that the some
time previously had fallen in love
with a turtle, but the latter showed
stony indifference to her ad-
She tried to make eyes at
the turtle, but ho seemingly paid no j
to her. The turtle seemed j
to II Ink there was an Inseparable dis-1
between them. The Inquest
was ended and It only remained
the commissary to the family
of tho deceased.
Th. Peoria Three-I club is trying
in land Manager Ned Egan, of the
team, to pilot the Distillers,
Egan been such a consistent pent
mint inner that he is known as ti
Connie Mack tin
Pitcher Jack ha- returned
to home in Me.
Is slowly recovering from his long
siege illness, but it is still
doubtful If he will be able
report to the Athletics next spring.
lot on which m stands
en the Coast Line Railway, next to
e Imperial i o Co. Size
i feet. If d, Si E.
in C
Set your
new year.
e a liberal advertiser
share business in
I Had to
Progressive Saskatchewan.
A traveler hub asked by a fellow
passenger who had just boarded the
train call It
Saskatchewan. what do yon
think of The traveler
his testimony, which was to the
effect that he thought
was a real live town, a cute town, a
town which meant to get there and
which had a great future ahead of It,
a town which had made remarkable
to get them And do you know, not progress during the short time It had
another of those people could play been in existence. were you
even half way straight I was inquired the man from Boost-
ashamed, truly, to appear so superior three weeks
I tried to miss, but somehow I the traveler replied. cried the
couldn't in that
that time I was friendly enough Implied ignorance could
with some of the people to ask about You seen it this morn-
and News.
said my hostess, all
so tired of those old games We've
had such a time something
new and original -and were so de-
lighted with these that we've
those high and mighty persons improves greatly
In earnest about my in- when subjected to cons
i acres in fine
soil light loam, clay
Will grow anything. One
tenant house, one large pack house,
me tobacco barn, stables and other
necessary outbuildings. Located near
House, V C. Price per acre.
Terms, one-fourth cash Apply to
G House. N. C.
Peculiarity of Cast Iron.
Singularly enough, cast Iron, never
considered very strong, and thought
by most people to be far less durable
games And they thought they d This was proved by guns of
found something new They had service. Guns tried
passed their youth playing ft but at the-
tennis and and bat- seventieth or eightieth discharge,
and if they'd ever heard of had for
six years, failed to burst after 2.000
or and cast iron,
burs, after being subjected to shocks,
frequently gain per cent, in
strength. But, In nil cases, tho cast
Iron which proved strongest was cast
Iron which bad had In be-
tween tho bard work.
common games they d forgotten
I've come homo quite satisfied.
I've dug out my old checker board
and I've bought a game of
winks and a game of dominoes, and
we play these old games all the time
looked on with amusement at
but now he has entered the con-
test, and we hardly stop to cat
so glad went, because If I
I'd have been to be
caught playing these old games, and
they're perfectly fascinating
Come over to my house and en- ,., ,
your name. We're getting up a
league, you Dally
World's Biggest
Construction of
fortress, the greatest fortress In the
world, designed for tho protection
St. Petersburg. has begun.
This fortress will consist of a chain
of Island forts extending across the
Gulf of a distance of over
The double has long been a
and drama; Th
immediately comes to
mind. One encounters him constantly
on the stage, in of the
kind of which Great
was a master. So close. Indeed, was
the resemblance between him and
professional double that after
In a hotel fire In Glasgow
lime a matter of uncertainty
whether It was his body or that of th
other man which was found In th
ruins. The matter Is a curious one.
It might be worth Investigating
School District. Pitt
County, North Carolina, offers for sale
to the highest bidder, SIX THOU-
SAND of bonds, bearing
date January 1st, to run for
thirty years, hearing interest at
ate of E per cent per annum, pay-
annually, on the 1st day of Jan-
of each year. These bonds will
ho issued by virtue of an Act of the
General Assembly, Extra Session. 1913.
and ratify by a unanimous vote of
the said District at an election held
under said Act. and will be sold in
denominations WOO and 1500 re-
These bonds are non-taxable.
Sealed bids will he received by the
undersigned at his office In Greenville.
N. for these bond tin February
1st, 1914. A deposit of per cent
of amount bid must accompany each
Chairman Hoard Trustees.
pi c U, 1918.
Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders The National Hank
Greenville will be held Tuesday. Jan-
nary 14th, 1914, at in the
city Hail

V It
AI t
Carver, woman,
run down killed t C.
hen the became confused and step-
in Front of his motor ear at
I south end of bridge on Green
street, In tin city, this afternoon.
after had been taken over
j the ground where the
curred and reviewed the
Dec showed that Trio., had used his
the store of Polish- best efforts to avoid running
lug Company, on Lois street, tho the woman. The aged woman, who
wagon in which a crippled man -t in the country on the side
who ha been In the city several of ch Capo Pear river and was in
from one place to town to do shopping, was on th
or. the man's leather knee walkway at the south of th
tors, a pair of shoe and the blocks i going south when the car
v which he pushed himself along . by and John Williams
wore all found yesterday morning
at o'clock by three young white
boys, Walter Mac Stiles and
Charles Butler. The owner i.- miss-
Police headquarters wore
notified and an Investigation
followed, though the whereabouts of
the man wore not found. -No trace
him further than 10.15 o'clock Sal
night could in round, he hem
so. a on Kim street at that time.
The man's name is A.
Atlanta, he having registered
;. die Clegg hotel night
name It was found that
-p ,.
Friday that he also visited that
place for a s I I
i at the hotel that he
to their place
night registered, staling that he
tilted to take a hath and Bleep
awhile registered and paid mi
., It After t Bis ho had not been
a around hotel.
Owing to fact that of
legs have been cut oil at tin
It it is almost an
him to gotten to the pi
. lea e I
help ho i go
and down Mops, it is out ,
i i bi he would or
i d have gone to place and
left even if he had
sired lo leave the city.
Officers searched every place near
re his articles were found, but no
i or of the miming mac
i be found. It is thought
possibly had some money and i
some one enticed him to that ; an
the and relieved him of his
though tills i ma
able, a the man would have no doubt
the i had In
n I So far the affair is
left a i ti -f, the
authorities, as they n
. Ira the man.
entered at the north end. An iron
railing separating walk from th i
driveway hid her from Trice's view
until she stopped Into the street at
the end the bridge, when be
ed his car lo one side, taking over
the between the two
driveways. Hut the confused old
woman's notions were such as
In her death Her n- ct
ii I were n ind she die .
within a w t Her
in and no tar
the scene of the tragedy when it .
Mi; I y for M- I
on in th
N. C.
In in
prominent scholars From many
In attendance,
central division of the
America be-
Hew Parcel Post Regulations
fill be Effective
for ts object advancement of re-
search work in the field of modern
MM I Hi Hi HI I ill I
Sentenced ti
Cal., Di
Fa all is John k.
his own i hi. was
On after January b
w ill . n, Thursday, the limit
of fourth-, las
mull I r within the
Mid Si lie a.-o,
x , pounds, and in
lo pounds.
and after h Id. lull.
books will lo embraced in mail mat-
of the fourth-class, fixing th
rate on those weighing eight ounces
or less at one cent for each two
or traction thereof,
the regular zone rat, s ii
those weighing in excess of eight
p rate now on i
neighing more than four ounces it
fin- first and second zones
;, ii, remain as
bi i I for the first i
it additional ad-
pound, and local
live cents the first pound and on
for i additional
ii two ;
Pan It lour i
ill lo he
Its Scope,
AMES, la. annual
v Inter short at Iowa Stab
g in today with an enroll
at of hundreds of men, women and
Id r en from all parts the State
Heretofore the short courses have
been directed toward the scientific
I of doth from
standpoint of the farmer and th
farmer's wife. This year the scope o
Instruction is to embrace not
brunches of agriculture, but man.
Other industries and trades as well
Yesterday afternoon one of
mer houses in Greenville
was destroyed by lire. The origin
the fire i.- unknown,
n I
rate of one i for mini
an i. r
mi He l
iii Hare in
Third District
NEW Dec .-. Hon. Charles
R. Thomas, of will ho in
s the
North district to succeed
II. now representing
an i, n this district.
sentenced distance. The announcement of the
here to bi hanged Parcels mi of Mr. Thomas is made by nu-
days for tin murder Horace K ounces In weight in the third, and at a later dale he
agent, on fourth, firth and will bi make a Formal announcement
December when held a follows. Mr. Thomas served as a member
a Southern train at Third cents for the fir congress for several terms. His
I pound am two coins for each friendship and acquaintance through-
I'm.- waived all and made pound of fraction I j out the district are and
no defense. Throughout the proceed- Fourth gone Seven cents for tin the authorized announcement that he
he clung to the name John and four cents for each
ti k which belongs to a pound or fraction thereof
California, man who worked Eight cents for tin
where was employed. He was pound and cents for each
under name, but when additional pound or fraction thereof.
told him that his change has bean made with
were coming from Bakers- to the limit size of fourth-
Held in ice him he revealed his Parcels of matter
School District,
County, Carolina, offers for sale
to the highest bidder, SIX THOU-
date January 1st, to run
thirty years, bearing interest at
rate S per cent per annum, pay-
able annually, on the 1st day of Jan-
of each year. These bonds will
be issued by virtue of an Act of the
General Assembly, Extra Session, 1913,
and ratify by a unanimous vote
the said District at an election held
under said Act, and will be sold in
denominations of and re-
Tin bonds are non-taxable.
Si bids will be received by the
undersigned at his office in Greenville,
N. C. for these bonds till February
1914, A deposit of per cent
of amount of bid must accompany each
Chairman Hoard of Trustees.
Dec. 1913.
B. f.
Life. Fire, Sick and Accident
on Fourth near
Wilson's Stars
or G doses will break
my case of Chills Fever, Colds
it nets on the liver
-r than and no
c or sit -.-2-.
let tin ill i lie said
am Ralph and I have mad
trouble for them all my life. I i an-
not see them said Iii i
father Is James a man
v ha- been In Southern
i at Bait for
He also s ii be had man h i
at Marion, Iowa
greater in size than
length and combined shall n I
be accepted for mailing,
Greene. Hires.
Miss Dell Rives and Mr
wore married Rev Dallas
of officiating
OKLAHOMA Okla . Dec.
Many men widely known as
l lives the lunch and bar
hi re today at the opening
the annual meeting of the Oklahoma
Bar A The
overs two days and ha m Its lend-
feature an address Rome
Down, of Minneapolis, on Re
ail of Constitutional
is to contest for the nomination will
be i. ad with inti
Former Judge II. of this
city, Representative Pal son will
also be in the race, and there have
been newspaper publication that Mr
George E Hood, of Goldsboro, will
also be a candidate
A quiet home marriage was
yesterday afternoon at o'clock
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
V on Dickinson avenue when
their daughter, Nellie, became
the bride of Mr. I Moore.
The wedding was a Surprise to
host or of contracting
parties. ,
after ceremony tic
couple boarded the i
Norfolk Southern a bridal
Norfolk Southern H. R.
Ti W Tilt
Effect November
will following schedule
published as information only
are not guaranteed.
I a-t Hound
a. m. dally,
car for Norfolk.
a, m. daily, for Plymouth, Eliza-
beth City and Car
service Washington to Norfolk. Con
for all points north and west
p. in. daily, except Sunday
West Hound
a. m. daily for Wilson, Raleigh
and west. Pullman sleeping car
service. Connects north, south and
a. m. daily except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
all points.
p. m. for Wilson and
For further Information and
in sleeping care, apply to J
I. Agent. Greenville, N. C.
General Agent
General Superintendent
Latest styles that embody
the ideas of the best
in styles
In dining-room, bedroom
room suites.
Sow is the time to get the
new furniture in time for use find that
prices do not prevail here.
Taft Vandyke
We are showing
the loveliest
advance styles
you ever saw
right now.
TAKE this chic
for instance. You
can have the blouse
and tunics in chiffon,
the under section of
the skirt in satin and the trimming of
swan's-down. We have the exact mate-
rials you want for this stunning frock.
is showing all the smartest,
newest advance styles. Call and get the
latest Fashion Sheet FREE.
W. A. Bowen's Store
Greenville's Authority on Wear
Phone Greenville, N. C.
In Oar Commercial Department
We offer you every facility available in good sound and modern
In Oar Saving Department
We per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in the sum of One Dollar and upward
Only Saving Bank In .
is no better protection than a
Visit our place and let us explain our service to you personally
Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday nights from to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Cox, F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. Fleming, V-P.
Take No Chances
You plant your crop, Cultivate and harvest
it, at considerable cost of time and money.
Take no chances with the money you get
for your crop but place it in this strong bank. Your money will they be absolutely safe and
at your disposal as you need it. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN PITT COUNTY
JAMES L. LITTLE, President.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
Ayden Items.
CAM MET, Mi-i. Dec. n
i ratios of Miners burled
it dead today. Fifty-nine In-
Jading those of -u children, were
carried through the streets, down
country highway and laid In
in a snow-enshrouded
tery within of Lake Superior
Thousands saddened miners form-
ti the escort of the funeral parties
and passed between other thousands
who as spectators testified to the grief
that has the community
sine e men, and Children
were killed In the eve
in Hall.
For hours the calm was
broken by the tolling of bells and
of rices Intoning burial chants.
In hair dozen churches services wire
held and the mourners went about
the streets, passing from their homes
to the churches back to their homes
after brief respites and again to th i
Churches to prepare for the last
trip to the gravesides.
Delegations of Strikers began com-
Into Calumet early in the day. The
special of nine brought
hundreds of from
Iron mines of and
and every town mining
in the copper country sent
and friends of the union to swell
the ranks of marchers In the after-
Behind the hearse was a section of
the procession which brought tears
and sobs from onlookers.
while coffins, their site testifying to
the life of the little forms
carried by relays of striker.
Wont men bore each and their
arms grew weary or their feet
ed oil tho roadway, companions re-
them of their burden.
Fifty singers chanted hymns in the
wake of those carrying the children s
Most of these men were
miners, who had learned In Corn-
wall to chant Christmas carols in the
streets and years ago brought this oil
custom to the copper country.
however, they did not sing songs of .-.
new life born. Lover of Ms-
of and
My Cod, to came from the
throats thick with emotion, but
harmonies were full and rich.
As tho singers turned Into
street, which led to the cemetery road
the open ranks of marchers wheeled
into lino. and
men came followed by a brass
All but half a dozen bodies
placed In common graves dug
day by the members of the union. The
ground belongs to the federation
II was stated that a monument would
be erected there, the formal
to take place a year hence
Tho cemetery Is In two
One is consecrated to the dead of
the Roman Catholic faith, the other
lo those belonging to Protestant de-
nominations. In the former three
trenches had been excavated and In
bodies were laid.
On tho Protestant side of the bur-
place two largo graves received
bodies. Tho other six were laid
In plots. Only brief
delivered In tho cemetery. Eu-
gene eulogized the dead In
and of St
Louis, Frank
and other federation leaders deliver-
ed addresses In Austrian, Finnish
American Association.
CHARLESTON, a. Dec. 29.-
heads the list of
more than fifty topics that are to re-
attention at the annual
of the American Historical As-
which convened In this
today for a two session. Prof.
It. M. Johnson of Harvard will
sent a report from the committee On
and Major
I Wood is scheduled to
C the discussion. Also of Interest to
the military historians will he an ad-
dress by Assistant of War
Henry on Arch-
hes of War
week, an Influential feature
ii rural uplift movement in
begun today at the
. State College Hundreds of
,,. , . I
are . he
will be marked lecture.
practical demonstrations. The
rural school, tin principle 00-
operation, breeding,
soil fertility and the handling
of on the farm are among th
subjects that will receive attention.
N. C, Dec.
Wingate, who has been attend-
i boot at Greenville. C and
Miss Sallie Hi t at St. Mary's
are home spending the holidays.
We feel that honor is due the
who come to our city, and our
thrifty neighbors, as many of the
old citizens, tell us they never saw
s nun Christmas free from
discord, strife, and heart burnings
from the large amount of Virginia
and Kentucky whiskey that been
pouring Into our of late on.
would judge was calculate
to stir up all of def-
of but our people
On the night of the 24th. while
some were banging up their stock-
bigs, some of the older ones wort
preparing to bring gladness into the
hearts of others. Rev. J. I.
was called to speak the words that
would make man and wife of Mr
Cox and Miss Jackson.
Mi Joe Lawrence and Bob
left on Wednesday for
Va., to a few days
With the family of Dr. Joseph Dixon
and expected to return Saturday, bin
crossing the bay, they encountered
a heavy storm, and they were afraid
return until they wrote home for
a Turners N. almanac, to see what
kind of weather was on hand, be-
fore they would return to the
line. Plenty of these valuable
at J. H. Smith and Bros,
Mr. It. J. Skinner was a pleasant
caller at our sanctum Friday. Ben
always spreads sunshine wherever he
Mr. J. H. who left here
two years ago and has math
his home in the palmetto state,
making an effort to remove some
the disabilities and return, as b-
ks some good holdings in this town
Frank Dall of
has bought Forrest farm from
Mr. William Dall, near Spring,
f 12.600.00. This entire farm sold
about ten years ago for Tills
shows what the foundation upon
which this country is built.
Mr. F. O. Stokes has purchased
the farm of Mr. C. Manning, near
the Slaughter farm about four mile,
Our Chief of Police tells us that
last Christmas night the wind blew
his house off the blocks. No
was home, but the chief says no
damage was done other than h
could not close the doors as the
t of plumb.
Dr. J. W. Taylor, of Greensboro
is in town shaking hands with lib
many friends.
J. F. Bright has purchased
the farm adjoining him from Mr. Ed
All kinds of hardware and mill
supplies, metal and rubber roofing
lime, windows and doors at J. B
Smith and Bro.
Mr. I. H. Allen has bought a
of A G. Coward farm from
Mr. J. F near in
A new shipment of school books
and other school supplies at J. B
Smith and Pro.
A little child of Mr. Calvin Venter.-
died Wednesday night and was bur-
Mr. B. T. Smith Christina-
in town visiting his daughter, Mrs
Mr. Eugene Cannon has purchased
a farm from Mr. Tom on
the Gum Swamp road a portion
the Wilson track.
Mr. Ed Patrick says that
roofing Is the very stuff to build
shelters and with which
he has Just finished a large shed to
hold a car of wagons and buggies
you can find plenty of this roofing
all lengths at J. R. Smith and Bro
Mr. David Jackson says It Is econ-
to blow up your stumps
dynamite and let your trees stand for
timber, so says David Smith. Plenty
m dynamite at J. B. Smith and Bro.
Mrs. K L, Brown and daughter
Miss Claire, arc visiting friend
Sonic man has said that
m a test of principle, and we say that
cutting com and cotton stalk's by
baud and digging slumps, Is a thing
of the pagan past when you can
n stalk cutter, and all the dynamite
you can use at T If. Smith and Bro.
Just about twilight Friday even
the spirit of Mrs Richard
sen, of took Us Right, she
had lick but a abort time,
a few hour, and her family
all thought her condition much
proved when she look n relapse, and
never recovered. Mrs. Jackson was
Hater to Messrs. John. Jim. Charles
and Sam Turnage. She was Indeed
an Industrious woman, splendid neigh-
in both sickness and health. She
leaves a large family of children and
Chief Events of the Past
Twelve Months.
History of the World Told In
An Appropriation of twenty-five mil
for aid to
l construction of good
la proposed In a Mil introduced by
Son a of Virginia.
. I. . of
Property by
-Worm wed
j. Pared i
was defeated U
eighteenth round In e contest fur
white heavyweight lull with Luther
at Una Ii t,
Dan, E M Civil
veteran and ex-governor
Violent wind and rain norm
worked destruction In sections of the
James it noted
and In New York; aged
Jen Davis, United
from is and former governor,
at Little aged U
Lewis noted
mer, Marathon, N. v. n
The steamer
was wrecked on Peacock Spit. Ore.;
pocket billiard of the world,
saved his title by defeating James
In New
Loss of I j burning of a
cold storage plant at Calgary, Alberta.
The house of com-
mons Irish home rule bill
by a majority of Raymond
care, prime minister f France, was
elected president or the republic.
Dr. Thaddeus S C. Lowe,
and inventor, at Pasadena, Cat;
aged K. Bailey, editor,
connected with the in Observer for
CO years, aged
U. Mrs. Julia C, R. poet
and author, at Rutland, Vt.; aged T.
lives lost In the wrecking
of the liner Veronese off
Helen tho
married to Finley J. in
The Brazilian super-Dreadnought,
largest and moat powerful battleship
launched at
tie. England.
Pasha, commander or
tho Turkish army, killed In a political
uprising which overthrew the govern-
X. Balkan Turkish de-
fending Constantinople opened tire upon
the Bulgarians,
The German bark
sunk in a collision in the English
and of her drowned.
The house of lords
rejected the Irish home rule hill by k
vote of 3-ii to
Dr. Theodor
noted German diplomat. In Berlin;
Balkan Tho Bulgarian artillery re-
bombardment if on
expiration of the peace truce.
Constitutional The
amendment to the United States con-
Income tax was
approved by Delaware, Wyoming and
New Mexico; three-fourths of the stated
having it. the amendment be-
came law.
Willie retained his
18.2 balk line billiard championship by
defeating George Button In a title match
In New York; count to
Balkan Bulgarians attacked Turk
lull forts on the Darda-
g Sporting made a
new world's Indoor record by running
tulles in minutes seconds In New
I John Brown, noted
painter of street boys, died In New
York city; aged
Revolution in Mexico, beaded
by Col Felix besieged President
In bis palace, The revolution-
leader Bernardo killed
In battle.
D News of the disaster to
Capt- It. F. Scott's antarctic
was cabled from New Zealand;
the south pole was reached March a.
1912, and subsequently Scott and four
of his companions perished in a
A truce reigned between Ma-
government and the Mexican
Strike In a strike riot neat
W. Va. strikers and
mine were killed and J persons
U. The Mexican revolutionists
and government forces bombarded each
other's positions With heavy artillery
It Harm the
Finnish runner, made a new world's
mile record by going the distance In
minutes seconds In New York.
Mexican continued
Bring In the streets of City or
Mexico. Tho revolution gained frosh
it. Charles Major, author
many popular novels of old
life. Including Knighthood
in Plower aged
Fighting continued In the Cit
Of troops revolt-
ed. agreed to resign the
diplomat. In New York city.
ti. x It made a new
mil. .-1 l .--
II Balkan Fierce attack of Monte
troops on t Turks at
H With loss to the as-ad
Mills Of I
II poet
the In tho Piedmont
California; egad
Lee, son of toe late
gad M
President Isadora resigned nil
ogles aft by
one of
Huerta, the national
the presidency.
Raymond in-
of France.
k. d by the revolutionists
Over buildings
Ye Na La,
press of China, P
aged b
Tho deposed
m of Ml J
I .
n- r under j I
g Alfi
challenger for Us
The I
. , ,
l .-
I. i Ai
p i
at S
and of
f tin
Commodore Peri
is on . ;, I
rs from bottom of tin
The red J
from the T ks,
Pi The senate med eel
den I cabinet as
follows William J I
ska; Will Gibbs
of New York;
Murray of New Jersey;
general, Jan
of Ten m . post muster general,
rt Sidney n T
Jo . of North
. I b kl -i K night Lane t
If on agriculture, I I
r. if Missouri; commerce,
Cm Red field of New York; labor,
William Wilson of
scored a new world's
rd by hurling the pound shot
Inches m New York
KI vial made a world's record by
running yards In minutes
seconds In New fork
About men killed
Injured by explosion of dynamite In
transit on the steamship Alum Chine
In Baltimore harbor
At Yokohama; loss of
Dr. J. Billings, Federal
war veteran, author and librarian, In
New York
tornado swept over
the lower southern and southwestern
stales; MM
Plant of the Telegram de-
A raged from
to lie Dakota
Greece; King George assassinated at
and cyclonic storm
ravaged the central and southwestern
States, destroying over lives and
property valued at several million
King Constantino ascended the
Frank S. Black, ax-governor
of New York and noted lawyer, In
Storm; Cyclone killed outright at
Terra and In ired over many
mortally over killed in Omaha,
the California land bill
Obituary; n nag and
railway at Weal Palm Beach,
Fla.; egad
Mario O. was In-
the Cuban re-
a The anniversary Of
the birth of Rs the mas-
j people killed and many
Injured by tie pas a pier
l-on i
Jerome D. Travers on the
h p h New a f.
i i
j l ; . A .
Of .
kl war soldier,
; I
IT. Convent
. .
. .
Obit Lab
ID. Bo
To M s
. t ; .
of the crew th
I ; a i
II. . won
s at Bi n I
v icing lei three
I. K a r and
at e, N. J.; aged
Alfred poet
land, -1- L-d
st i r p V u .-.
from Now v a walking
match to Minneapolis cling
i s In
won E
Railroad I kill i many in-
a railway collision at
ford, an,
won the Brooklyn
C. II. i shipbuild-
. i Tr s
New Jersey If I defeat-
Oswald I up lo
Dr. C, A noted
once tried for heresy, in New
York city; aged Dr l- Forbes
noted English
London; aged
Fire; in a business block In
Springfield, Mo., caused loss of
Americans won
game International polo
match at Meadow brook, N x.,
by Its goals the English team
Count Zeppelin's dirigible
loon flew from to Vienna
miles, about, In v hours, beating ex
press train time, h Is hours,
over hours,
British house commons
passed to a reading the home
rule for Ireland hill in the face
fiery opposition.
II. Pa I
of Turkey, assassinated In streets
of Constantinople.
where were burned or It ti American soldiers killed
and 1- wounded in battle between
troops and M
won the de-
game n international polo
match at N. Y.
the team to
Anniversary; 26th anniversary the
reign William r Germans
celebrated by ceremonies In Berlin.
Delia Pox, light opera
SB, NeW ed
met In Minneapolis
New world's record for a
four mill relay race made by the team
of the Boston Athletic association at
Boston; time minutes second
wrecked. Many Nebraska
Field Marshal Viscount Gar-
net Joseph famous British
soldier, Men tone, France; aged so.
Waters reached their height In
Ohio; lives lost, and estimated prop-
loss 1300.000,000.
Balkan Turks surrendered
to the Bulgarians and
With Allied trOOpS at-
tacked ti.- Turkish lines at the
defenses Constantinople.
John Morgan, cap-
in Roma; aged
Ex-President w. H. Tali
took up his duties as professor at Yale is. Obituary; The n a. journal
international congress of
historical studios convened In London
Emmeline Pankhurst sen-
to imprisonment m
London for suffragette outrages.
g President Wilson read a mes-
and author, in New York city,
w n the Ascot Der-
by at Ascot Heath, England.
Railroad killed, injured
in a head-on collision of electric trains
sage before congress joint session, Sport Syracuse won varsity
reviving a custom abandoned In
Major baseball leagues n
ed the season of 1913.
John It. Henderson, former
United States senator and author of ,
the 13th amendment to the constitution.
in aged
Railroad In a coin-
on the Vermont Central near St.
Lambert, Canada,
Belgian workmen went
on a strike for equal suffrage
Illness of Pope changed
for tho worse
Carl noted animal
collector and show man, near Hamburg.
Germany; aged
Congress of the
of the American devolution opened In
Funeral of John
Morgan held In New York city.
National Council of Women
met in Washington.
Aviation The French
balloon Zodiac burst a height
of feet at France,
and a pilot killed.
Crisis in the Illness of
Pius; death seemed Imminent.
Mrs William dimming
elected president of the
Daughters of the An Revolution.
Balkan The h fortress of
with a bridge the
of Tenses river. La . drowning
l n W II ed I
Willie won the
In New V. h
gin of i in the or
n,, Ami r. in pi nil . company at
ind phi a ton
c m I of Salvation
Arms mi t In Phil
the Stud and Pi v
m U h ton
Political The wood tariff bill
the use n b
U ii ind Ml Injured a
tornado at
Obituary Arlington, the old
time minstrel, died at An-
I m Bi He t
Domingo Cuban art-
fr. Key West to
winning u pi
U. Panama The waters of Pa-
ocean re admitted to
eight oared race, defeating Cornell.
time minutes i Whisk
Broom II. won the Handicap
Harvard won the game in the
cl ball s with Vale
. it o injured
by explosion mill dust In the II us
Milling pant. Buffalo
X. Cold Snow In Massachusetts
George Thatcher, old time
minstrel, at East Orange, N J.;
Balkan War; Bulgarian troops
in battle with at
Sporting Whisk Broom II won the
Suburban Handicap, beating a year
world's record by running a mile and a
quarter In minutes flat
persons drowned by the
of a raft ferry near Leech
burg, Pa.
SO. persons drowned the
collapse of a bathhouse gangway on
river at Lawrence, Mass
Hot Record breaking heat
in Chicago; thermometer on street
level; deaths
Veteran Reunion; Opening of ilia Dim
Gray reunion -i G n lo i el
the of the hat
Henri noted French
politician ii ; l In Paris; aged
Z b A
of M
s burs i i
in I
battle of . ed on tin
i Pi
i i i
g; close th n
C Convention v I
s it I
a HI i
ii I In Kn i
Mi i I i I
and other t o l
Perry's naval
Lake K. I
Obi tun i .
war veteran i diploma k
n i d n
N i I ban
i i rd II
up I
s. Balkan w in
tum to Bulgaria to
Km in t
H Obi
M d Pa d M
Ambassador to
Mexico Henry Wilson summoned
from his post i Ion
by In a dike II. Balkan I I
Bi I a
Johns of war by King e
Fire in plant of the
City, Ind. . -i lo
Sea from Paris Berlin, ah
in stop.
a. r killed and
ii of electric trains at
Los Am
i Do survives of
the f Light
In iv i, at N I 31-
t . pointed
i its i
a. Balkan W Turk
. n i
I hi no I
mi o in
a h
t, t . re
i i
I in of
i .
i wed a toes of
t . i. . plant
i is ward
of Si
d Pay son Wes-
. ., he started
y. cl in
City, Pa,
the i forte
i . . , . . .-i
. .
In and
;, i . the
r, on tin i i M n,
p, of U Will
I he
j. i . .
i ;. i . , olds
the first mile in
Fire; I a
hotel In ti i . Mar,
, destroyed
World . J i; in-d In
N. a , It; i Hit
p in ,.
, record
Robert C ml
p at t, Mi
i of
a London
sin i m i ii n n
Petroleum . .
i d ,. ; i I
A-. on i. S. F d .
Alders hot, the tall t
up b h hi i d for
the government
War ii the arms and navy
war In Long Island Bound
enemy v to forcing
m pas go at forts by army
for,. i
Ni . alb n and
Jape i s t In Pail
Balkan treaty between
against Greece, Sir via and l .-
mania was m i
Gen F Jones, civil
war veteran hero the march through
Baltimore April and noted In
politic . commerce,
N V . aged K
Obituary; August Gen.
t leader, h; d II
Governor William of
New York Impeached by the
Rear Admiral Casey,
U. N red. veteran of
i-F x
to, escaped from
asylum criminals at
N. v.
lives lost at the of
stale of California in r
oil AI take
is. the
i . am i c I d through
la and I i v
En o i H l i r, i H I i
of in Icon it An
i, ., France; . .
i n
I lot lion, V.
inti I i ,
hi p T a l hi l
Fire II ,. t .
i r-M-y i
i Frederick J He; bold,
min i n
Sim ire N- k. m i ;. vet-
died m ii n N J
Ma. of
Mich . aged a I
M. Convent I n h anal M
opened at I
. . III
y. Pin shops burned at
Ti l h h I
V. Fin bi in the Smith
yards Hay Point,
Mexico. President Wilson delivered a
. s to congress on the situation in
M lien Record August heal In st.
Louis; thermometer In
w. Pennant won the Futurity
lit Springs, N v.
I killed by boilers
of steamer Alice on the Ohio
Panama The Pacific end the
canal op I by ex i i dynamite,
letting the waters of the ocean Into
the M M HIS
i I s I trades
ion i . In i i r,
i Con
h ; T in
i. . killed
i a Ion on
it , New i and i-
ford m I . . i w I
, o
d at i
. . French
Mi men
I, to
v i- miles in
i i rags i u mil, i
. i i I
i i p city of i
a the I
the I i la mountains,
fort toll
I v i. rd i ks In Hot
B k , loss 16,000.00 he
i i i
China ti oops cap-
end i the
I lemma P Ti rs won
the i r golf
I i o i; John An-
up i to ploy, at
Cl. N V.
Obituary. Henri
. fOl
in the in
la; aged SB
f i i i

North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court, before C
Moore clerk.
C. S
Martin by hie guardian MM
Tripp. and
by r next C. S.
By virtue decree of Ike super-
court Pitt county, made D
C. Moore, clerk, on the 4th day
bet in the above
undersigned o will
Monday, the 5th day of
I . o'clock, noon, i I
till court
Grew to I
i r on i terms i
p it. the fol-
low I real
in Greenville township
at I so
i town ind situated
both i A the Band
sweet gum, P. M
iv a In a ill
and runt with his line north
art pole to n large
tin I of liver, thence
ii said river to a a corner
of lot No u iii the I. C.
with the
17-45 I
a cent red by small In
Allen's line; thence with
Md . lie north . -t
pole i
acres U
a , certain in
the being part of
lot do In the plot of said town
g a point on Pitt i
i and I hi from tho corner
of Nos and and running
with Third t feel; tin n i
a northerly com i r I a
to Tl thence an
course with Third street to
street; I a
course with street begin-
a description which proper-
may he found in Hook D-7, page
in the register's office of Pitt
This sale will he made for the
pose making partition among the
tenant in common.
This the 4th day of December, 1913
is ltd Commissioner
and by virtue of bale con-
in a mortgage from Samuel
to the undersigned Hawaii
Supply Company, dated February
Carolina, county.
In the Superior Court.
Annie Moore is. Herbert Moore.
defendant above named will
i h duly recorded In the take notice that an action entitled as
county. North above has been commenced in tin
Carolina, in hook HO, page the superior court Pitt count tor the
on the day of baring the of mat-
January, at IS o'clock, noon hi slating between
it public auction, tor cash, the the plaintiff and the defendant die-
real estate solved and ad i to tin
g county, North Carolina, and plaintiff; and t
township, being all that part take I I i to
Miles Little land allotted J term I
Little a one of heirs . i i r be
said Little, the I i Id on I
n of n cord In U d March, II
Bee of the clerk of a court January, at i
r t
aid complain
i . Dec, In. 1913.
Clerk C i
. i to tor i in In said county
bring a certain X. C, an I
part of I land bought by the
Little from Robert Pit
d is also r m to I r fur
Hut description; bounded on U
ii. the lands Will
i , w -t the land Sarah Lit-
on I s creek, the Harding and
I line between Samuel Little and IS ltd Si
down the said creek
i i . corner between and
then with the run of
n , k and B line to
i lug; containing SO acres
Being and i ed In
. c ltd
6th 1913
a mortgage i d
By virtue of authority vested in mi
by mortgage executed to me by Sam
Little and Annie Little, on the 12th
day of November, 1908, and registered
in book Q-8, page
registry, I shall tell to the
bidder for cash at courthouse door
Monday noon, December 12th, 1911
tin; following described
my interest In the lands of my
deeded by land division among bit
heirs and described as
Beginning at an iron stake, corner
Little, Bert Little and Sarah
Little and running with C Little
lino sixty-two degrees,
i n i. nulled and
fie i j t to a stake in Creek
with gum pointer, Little's
thence down run ;
Creek to a hollow at the
of a branch, Willis Little's corner
thence With Willis Little's line
twenty-eight degrees, ten
east nineteen hundred and I feel
to th. containing
four i or less, ii
No. on a map of the i
Mies Little land made by B
A Clark on March
This December 12th, 1913.
J. K. Mortgagee
S. J. EVERETT, Assignee.
IS ltd
m; inn or
North Carolina, County of
I, W, I. the secretary of
the Hanrahan Milling Company, be-
i sworn, on oath says that
i board of director of the said
company have caused the
i of the Hanrahan Mill-
and deliver, d h W. II
and wife to no ; own . n the
nth day of December. 1909, which
was dull d in I
tin Hi sitter
r. in honk pages and
the sell for cash
the curt home door In
at noon on Saturday,
84th, 1914, the following
i of parcel of Situate In
the county Pitt and In Greenville
township, en the Bide of Tar
River, adjoining the Savage lands,
lands l. C. Arthur. William Mai
John May, Alonzo and other.
II as ill.- lands
and being the same tract deeded t.
Sophia and Paul Nichols
Also the tract of land adjoining tie
. ,
above tract, being the same purchased
by W. II. from An
ii i is u
in one. and being the lands upon
which the said W. II.
resides, containing acres, more or
To said mortgage.
unto annexed, issued by tho
of State of the of North
Carolina, dated the day of
. 1913, to be published in the
Reflector, n newspaper
published at the city of Greenville and
circulated in the county of Pitt, I S
the county In which said com-
has been located and conduct- p
business, for the period ll
lour weeks successively, at least once
week, commencing on the NOTICE OP RESALE OP A. It. OAR
day of December, 1918, as
Thu December 24th, 1918,
Owner of the Debt
Pursuant to a power of sale con-
in that certain real estate
gage executed by J. A. Gardner
A M. to J. W. Stewart bear-
date of the 1st day of December.
1909, the same being recorded in the
of the register of deeds of
county in book M-8, page will
at the court door in Green-
ville, N. C, on Tuesday, the 80th nay
of December, at the boar of II
m. to the highest bidder for cash, all
of the following described property as
conveyed mortgage
A Certain tract iii land lying in
Creek township, County
bounded on the north by the land
of ii. a Gardner, on the east by the
lauds of ii a Gardner, on the
by T s and on the wen
the of -i. W, and be-
Iota N m I, S, and , in I.
of the late B. ind eon-
raped to J. II, P
on the Sill Not 1894,
US a more or
d by J. K. A. A.
by deed dated Nov, 1903 and re-
corded in tire register Of d I
In Pitt county in book page
New N C Nov.
by Chapter of the
Sworn an subscribed before me
the day of Nov . A D.
R L. N. P.
the lands of
The the lands of A. II
II. made Dee. 1st, 1913,
been because of a
the bid and a new sale having been
ordered by the superior court
My commission expires July 1914. Power
conferred upon me said decree of-
fir for sale before the court home
door in Greenville on Monday, Jan-
12th, 1914, to the highest bidder
cash that certain tract or parcel
of land situate on south side of Swill
In Creek In
county of Pitt adjoining the lands
l;. ll. W, B, Harris. J.
i;. Tingle, Mary a. Johnson, J, W,
Burney, and contain-
about two hundred and
acres more or less, and being
lands V. B Harris offered for sale
by me Di e, 1st, 1913, and off
R, II Harris.
a valuable tract of land
and land purchasers are urged to bi
lit at day and place of I ale and
bid on It.
December 10th, 1913.
l ltd Commissioner,
virtue of power vested In
of that mortgage of record
in at page of the
office and executed to D. C.
ire C R. Cannon and wife Mat-
tie Cannon on the 15th day of
i. r. 1911, shall sell for cash to
I bidder at public auction at the
i house door in Greenville,
lock noun on Monday, the 29th
December, tho following
n estate, lying, being and
in Creek township, Pill
and stats of North Carolina
Thai tract of land hounded on the
north by the lands of Anderson
on the east by Jas Hardy and Bun
Haddock, on the south by tho lands
of Guilford Stokes, and on the west
the land.-, of Worthing, con-
acres, more or less, and
known as part of the William Wilson
Old Place.
This November 1913.
B. T. WHITE, Assignee
of D. O. Moore. Mortgagee
DUNN, Attorney.
virtue of authority vested in me
an order made and entered In
A Virginian visiting in Greenville
during the has fallen
p. lately in hue With Green
and its surroundings, He re
marked that be bad heard much
I N Carolina and
lolly this section Pitt county, but
ad no idea he would line it oven
greater than had been recommended
Young and charming. Mrs Curtis
sat in tho extreme corner of the big
double box which
was slowly filling
with Mrs Potter's
and looked
over the great
Among ail
d folk
in tho box none
an object upon
which to
young Mrs. Cur-
I. The gods had
. her with
, beauty and
that subtle charm
which may be
or a hair
other things.
The box was
now all but filled.
One lone seat re-
and it hap-
to be be-
side Mrs. Curtis.
Mrs. Potter, a lit-
is Mr. Curtis mid the only s,
bit is beside Mrs. Curtis. did not
you, and had arranged that
seat for Huron Now you
pear unexpectedly and I this moment
r. Ive a note from Hie baron that ho
is unexpectedly detained, I was sure
Mrs Curtis said you would not
here. Well, of all things that a man
and his should vis-a-
vis at a box
And there was a ripple of laughter
as Mr. Curtis gravely seated himself
beside his wife. Her fan trembled
just perceptibly and the eyes still scan-
the audience were unseeing eyes.
as we are on dress pa-
and full public ho said,
leaning over and whispering In her
ear, might be best to act it out
and display enough decent Interest in
each Other as not to gratify tho
fierce longing for scandal which per-
the kind hearts about
are quite she replied
coldly. did not expect you. I
thought you started for Mexico to-
decided to defer it until
he replied. It were possible
for you to at
you know, but at somebody in the
audience, it might servo to lessen the
Interest of the dear friends about
you could think of subject
for sustained conversation it might
she said.
he answered sharply, turn-
toward her. will tell you tho
story of a great and its unhappy
hero was but an unformed
boy. thrown into tho realities of life
early because he happened to
been born Into Hie hothouse
of money Ho
thought he was mature, experienced
and even when really ho was
more Ignorant himself than the com-
this pathetically unequipped
hero fell in love with the heroine, of
course. Yes, ho truly fell In love. He
hardly knew it at the time, for ho was
a selfish young animal and little
what really meant, Per-
haps It was more desire than love.
Anyway ho won the heroine.
then, you see, trouble began.
He was a primitive sort of animal and
his real civilization only began to
when ho married tho
Ho demanded everything,
;. little, and thought And nil
the time ho knew- that she loved him.
And he loved her. too, more blindly
and passionately every moment that
he did the very things to kill her
course tho end was bound to
come. There were and
Saved Girl's life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
they went in on her, but one good dose of
made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar
ailments, has proved itself a safe, f
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black-
It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents. s
Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use under All
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light Easy to
clean and Don't
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
D. C.
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk, v.
N. C
Charleston. W. Vi.
Charleston, S. C.
Meet in Montreal.
savants from all parts of the
in-lit assembled in lids city
the annual meeting of the
Institute of America.
three days the visitors Will
in the exchange of hypothesis on the,
many debatable questions of an-
were opened today at Winds
Hotel, The regular sessions will be
held at University,
n joint session will be hell
the Canadian branch of the In
of which His Royal Highness
the Duke of Is the patron.
Having duly qualified before the
scenes and there was brutal clerk county as
and exasperating slights.
the crash came.
bitter things she said In answer to
the bitter things ho said rankled In
his heart until ho no longer could
stand it, and ho
away and forget.
administrator of the estate of
deceased, Is here-
y given to all persons Indebted to
Hie estate to make immediate payment
determined to go to the undersigned; and all persons
So the hero and tho having claims against laid arc
pet ill proceedings in superior court.
to him. Before leaving Virgin-
heroine agreed to disagree and tho notified to present the SUM the
was to left for Mexico to- for payment on or be-
en S. T. Carson, Administrator,
T, ii. mount, against Edgar mount
Hula Blount, ii
i l ill sell to
tor on Monday the day of
January 1914 at the court house In
I that ti sot o
hand in Bethel township, this
as T share
being lot I. bounded on the north
by the lands of Theodore on
southwest the land of J. J.
on the southeast by tin
and on the north
east lands of M o mount
containing acres, more or less. A
town, i said he had
no of making this
, section after
highest bidder and
e here that
. had about come
to Hi i in n to return to
bis Inti real there
. i , i t To you
Mr. Visitor it Is -our
turn ii
On Friday. at
lock a. m. at my
win offer for sale at auction to
for cash all farm
description can be had two mules, one horse,
by referring the land division of
the late v. ., Won I
This day
S. J,
I ltd Commissioner
limy team win
play a series games I I
Ii ire
Columbus next April
Oil lorn, Hit
wont caw, tin
pi la Chins male hog, baggies, wagon
. ii f
fodder, in i ;. l will
at this sale one sulk disc bar
in good condition and one Kala-
cultivator I'm particulars ad
If. C
Routs I, iS
never trouble tho heroine
And why did he not asked tho
went to tho train and boarded
tho man replied, regarding her
steadily, the flood gates of his
memory opened and the tide of
great love swept over him the
knowledge that there was to ho this
boa party came to him, and he knew
he WOUld here- and the hunger of
his heart him to leave tho
train to come Into and Bee her once
if only from S d stance. And
he is a boy DO longer, hut a man who
has put away boyish things
the woman very
softly, also very young and had
Bevel been taught things she
should have known. never knew
about tact sort of
thing. also had a gnat love
s the years but did not know
how to express
you the hero might
have another they
might he said i
The smile she turned toward him
was so soft and womanly that the face
fore Dec 4th. 1914, or this will
In- plead in of recovery.
This of December, 1913.
It is not your
is your liver. No one
can be in good spirits
when their system is
not carrying off the
waste products.
regulate the bile ducts
and p you in a good
humor with yourself
and the world. At
your druggist- sugar
dated or plain.
No Less Than Six Ducks Taken From
Stomach of Snake Shot by Hunt-
In Bombay.
The Journal of the Bombay Na-
Historical Society published the
following account of the voracity of a
python, by Mr. P. R. I. C.
Not. 1912, during the
holidays, while at
near in the dis-
I was walking after snipe In
company with Mr. J. H, B.
I. C. S., when one of the beaters call-
ed out that there was a big snake.
We found that it was a large python,
lying torpid. We proceeded to shoot
it, and as it was lying half up.
its body was naturally a good deal In-
In the process. Seeing a
sticking out of a wound, we told
one of our men to extract the bird to
which it belonged. He pulled a duck
out of the wound, and took out five
others, one after the other, six ducks
In all. They were all quite, or recent-
fresh, their feathers being com-
and none far gone In digestion.
They looked as If they had alt been
swallowed at about the same time.
There and
among ducks, but we did not note
the description of all the ducks. All
had been swallowed head foremost.
Tho python, when stretched out and
roughly was fully eight
feet long. Is not this an unusually
heavy meal for a python to make
Shortly after, In the
water after a wounded duck, I saw a
snake near It made
little attempt to avoid me, and I shot
It through the head. It was a
about six feet in
To Prevent Wood Poisoning
at om-e the wonderful Old
laid sad
name lime. Not m Sc. ll .
Takes l.
On in, place on
I. . , v., bib
black and white spotted, unmarked.
short tall, weight about pounds
Own k g t
s. K. WARD,
Route N c.
.-- .
. , , .--.---.
I i .
. ;
; saW-i
Ci . I .
W ;
l is Reel Healthful. .
, . ,.
DE HA . lit
. C, 1911.
TEACHERS MM M on Men's Banquet
Jab Next
At the Proctor Hotel
will go t l did Ii government to
. lie. ll.- also sized i i I n . I of the
a better i river. .
County Association is Now Doing
i ,. i. ; and mi
r I n i
Ml-, it.
I I , .
s that on
I. I .
i ind l
I each I
and a en
i pi .
i .
. iii
The coin
n Ill nu et in In
l ii
. Kat ii i-. r i
; . to what her
i for . .
will be,
in hi e ported to
to tell exactly how will pro-
that I on to on Mi n
Story reproduction and
will be discussed.
To the teacher the
drawing exhibit, Mr. Edward
will again present a picture. No
v will he accepted for
it except that done during the pact
Grammar tirade
1st tar do the duties and
of the Principals of rural
extend Hiss Ethel
3rd. Certificates in rural schools
Miss Tucker,
Every member is earnestly request-
ed to lie present at o'clock, if
The roll win he called
regular work is taken up,
Chapters to eleven
a Discussion of the topics
us Happiness the
and Training.
In the school room, The
problem of discipline as
plied to the conditions in the
Arithmetic in the high school. Chi r
of the subject matter r
method. Expression of opinion I ex-
i. with reasons for the
; i-,
hi III i hi Southern
nil, M
i arriving
Hi i i .
i T.
. I
Set .
. . .
Alison has i
In pi i
i. ; i
I .
not kn rid
i it.
II in
i j on
p I .
. i r i
I l in Proctor
night. The
, I . i .
i in
. i
j- I
i i
Mr. B I. Ev-
. i i om-
I .
ed ban
i a a
I . . . a
r Greet
. i
, s lion i i
i old I
Mr. S. J i t tin
to M . us l
I win I H I
in ti I
J- James
el I capital m
there no
Unit I pr lion
I hi ml
colder hen I than
d I en
In ii
. i He referred to t
of I'll, county, In pr
. n I It w
In Hi
i . John ii
the sin i of hi n who i-
held In such warm esteem by
loved hi climbed brought an outburst
n l down th bunkers with a .
i proved him in fie best of health
invited to in- a Fireman
Miss., Jan. .
address welcome was re
M. i i by M s. M.
of Bethel; T, C, Turnage, of
he acted as u fire chief J. It. Turnage, of Ayden, am
. the home of Judge II. Neville
flames, President Wilson
invited to become an honorary
her of the lire department
The president sent letter today for
accepting the membership.
A quiet hit pretty marriage was
solemnized last Sunday afternoon at
the home Of Mr. and Mrs. John I.
Causey, near X Roads,
when their daughter, Miss Lena, be-
came the of Mr. James Smith
Only a few friends being present
is years a
i rail Mr ti
the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Smith left for home near
t noted
divine, horn In Hound
Brook, i iii Wash
D. C. April It
NEW YORK, Jan. G.-The
policemen who will constitute the re-
received Instructions to ope
rate under the state vagrancy law by
Police Commission I.
Kay In to rid the city of
profession criminals.
The law classifies as a vagrant any
pi mole than once convicted of
theft, burglary or picking t.
who is found loitering around
waiting rooms of steamboat landings
railway stations, iii baking In-
millions, crowded thoroughfares, cars
and who Is unable to give
a satisfactory explanation of his
Because of the difficulty In the
in obtaining under this
law. Commissioner
conferred with chief Magistrate Me-
who declared that be did not
believe In for u
to license.
it comes to be
that a professional criminal cannot
escape with a he said,
when the lawyers who represent them
city, come to understand that pro-
criminality means prison. I
believe there win be n change in the
The British naval and
military expedition
County Commissioner B. M. Lewis
Farmville, each of whom
ed his town and section ready to
join hands and co-operate with Green-
ville In making this the best conn
town and the banner count
in North Carolina.
After Introductory
the following menu was served
Oyster Cocktail
Celery Baited Almonds Olives
Pilot of Sole an Blanc
County Turkey a
Mashed Potatoes
Orange Sorbet a la Proctor
Cream Fancy Cake
American Cheese
Toastmaster James announced the
following t i -1 which were
to by the gentlemen named,
Training President
ll n Wright
W. ii.
Proctor Col, P, t
Recorder's Mr. r C
Dr, C,
w s. Bernard,
Congressman John II
President Wright declared our
test asset is and this is
best developed by training, lie told
that when the Training School was
four ago. If was then
thought to be large enough to meet
the I'd for ten years, but Instead
of this have already been mot
than a th applicants denied
through lack of room
a trained toot her to .
community cannot i s n n d by
. i.
ago t t Sim ; n Pill I
such i
ii It hat i
our i
i .-1
., . . .
lance, I led
to cm I
were reared
two miles I
n r ii
. i .
led to the vast I. ti t of I
. is I
I for
Bind lie hail
ll to
Mr II i
Is i Justin In this respect l
county made no ;
what a Recorder's court i
and i i the need
a court in Pitt county, lie spoke
of of tho com is, and
ii as a reflection on the in-
ti H of comity we
not progressed beyond this, lie de-
the Recorder's court I- a
for the administration
lice in county.
in-. topic was one
of vital tor n healthy
body must go with a Healthy
ii man is to be fitted tor service.
Without health there can be no
In county the only duty
Incumbent upon a health officer Ii
the care of the convicts in prison
in the inmates of the
home, while no attention is given ti
the general body of people. The
should employ a capable health
officer for all bis time, and genera
health conditions looked after. Pit
will not do her duty
public health until has county
hospital owned and rout oiled by the
people of the county, fly tax st ;
tic- showed how a county with
the wealth of Pitt an addition
at lax of cents on the hundred
valuation, enough In
nu.- year to bull Is
are needlessly dying embarrass
I'd financially for i n of to
a hospital. His appeal for a
in behalf of of
county was
At the conclusion of Dr, Laugh-
Midi- is, the toastmaster
digressed from the program to call
on Col, Mary Skinner some re-
on the i hospital, and
is response n timely.
comparison he In came reminiscent
told of what Greenville and
were when he here in
I ll ,. an As
much as we bare increased In
education I n i yet greater Green
and grander we
I and he hO.
Lint out this gathering lie
pip know, said r, that I
I'm generally opposed i bonds u
I Hunt to say here that I will i
bonding tic county to
II only home
Prof. said
i invest
by M
I Ilia . e
. . . .
. , .
. ,
Cons S
i . i
Lie sol i
Service to n l
tho a
man, the
this should he an
to greater human
to join hands in the better-
about an. our
greatest blessing. There was n time
when said even here In
Carolina, that every man should ed
his own children, and the
n poor parents wen
Now .-very man is feeling the burden
of responsibility to help his neigh-
and the community spirit hi grow-
every where. He hoped the hos-
spirit aroused this
would Increase until a
for Pitt county is a certainty.
Then coming to his subject
he pointed out the ways ii
which this river can be used the
progress of Greenville and Pitt mini
He said enough
power can he I I I
between Greenville and M
tn supply all of and
every neighboring county. The up
per Tar affords the
of congress tin
channel of Tar river had n
. ii . i i c channel from
Washington to On tn ill. ,
ii-a If will Ii on more
than it would to build n railroad an I
falling to put trains mi it. Green-
ville should by all build a
ll r t. on tin river front, There
should mads to this
The town should also build
own a bell line to this terminal, rent
th.- privilege of using it to tin. rail-
road. Do this there will be
trouble about having water
and competition freight rates
make I I
point for many neighboring
towns This can he used
tee advancement of if
I- pie it had enough to .
Mr. A Willie mined that a
vote of thanks he extended Con-
Small for his speech, and
an expression of of what
. .
. M
. i I
h I,
M. . P. H
I'm m, ft. H.
M re, II As i
T. Sn n F .
U. C Skinner, R J C I b, Hit
Skit in r, D. C. M r T .
E. B M Ian.
roe n W, c Thomas,
T R ii R. i. i
i, J. nu l
Clark, C Jr. I s Cat
W S Pugh, A. Mo i
T. Dupree, W. A IV n
S T. White, P. II. Stretch T
Ho . I Ski
S, E.
t lull
Call in Tuck r y Smith, V
s. c. Whitehurst, J. ll
W. ll re, v, s i M . .
W. E. Proctor, Jno, ll. Small
ell ah .
n who o-
.-ponded to the invitation to tho ban-
ow to u
weal i of the .
I i. mi. At his
rs anise to tie .
net a of
iii those men for their Interest
for the good of the county
Me.-.-is J. O, Proctor, A
G, Cox, W, M. Lang. R. It.
J, ll Spier, T. m. Davis J R
and R. I.
Mr. A. I.
Carolina Club, Mi C. i
d tho banquet
Me i B J. Everett, J
C. Oil. H
M Clark and W. J. Harden,
Out ll most gladly an
these, the hotel management and the
lady waiters were extended a
. thanks before the i part-
It was ii little past one o'clock
v hen the banquet closed, and goes
down in history as one the best
Greenville had.

Eastern reflector, 2 January 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 02, 1914
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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