Eastern reflector, 4 December 1908

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In Charge of F. C. NYE
Authorized Agent The Eastern Reflector tor and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application
Notice of Sale.
Fresh drugs just in. , N. C. For
Harrington Barber A Co.
Ml. T. Proctor, of Grimes-
land, spent while bare
this week with relatives and
and service they cannot be
Any one in need of a good and
Up-to buggy will do well to
see Mr. Hunsucker at the A. G.
A lot of salt, just in, Cox Manufacturing Co. before
V A. Edmundson and F. F.
Cox went to Greenville
day night to bear the Wake For-
est Glee dub. They report an
I entertainment.
S i i. Ange Co. for best
they buy Buggy business is
rushing and we would advise
that you place your orders early.
A full line of best mattresses
just A. Co.
The sunshine is not
now but the showers will be
Trustee's Sale.
Under and by virtue of authority
vested in me by a certain deed ii. trust
to I y
and wife, Matthews on the
th day of May, nineteen hundred and
eight, to secure the payment of a
bond bearing even date therewith,
and registered ii the office of the
register of deeds for county, in
book at and the
contained in said deed in trust
not having been complied with, and
upon the request of J. W. H.
the trust therein named, I
shall, on the 31st day of
December, nineteen hundred and eight
at ten o'clock a. m., in the town
in front of the Bank of Bethel.
T . i
. II, King will j and hosiery at A. W. Ange
i-.- ii
i p at H at
i the and a
th . Ba lei church T
i . p. m. and Pr f. G. Line-
ill c service
tool h at
U one here health abounds.
With Impure blood there can-
not be good health.
Wit ha disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action. ,
A healthy LIVER pore
Pure blood health.
Health happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
from Tarboro road
swamp at the of
. Ann at ground bridge; thence
Co. They are selling them with said line a northwesterly
p j course to the line of the James
I, thence with nail line to
One of the prettiest lines of thence with laid
,. . . s line a southwesterly
ever displayed HI to the line of James
i ilk at Harrington Barber to the
, beginning, acres, more
id CO. or less, known as the Sallie Ann
The people blankets and harness m.
to t i services.,. specialty. -A, G. Cox Mfg. Co. J- C. Smith. Trustee.
amount of furniture going The
i A. Ange cook stoves are among Notice.
r best days j the best have them at prices
North Carolina I S. C. Before
Pitt County D. C. Moore, Ck
B. F. and wife, Nannie
Ed Forbes. W. Harvey
Allen and wife, Clara J. Craw-
ford, C. H. Forbes, Mrs. Nora
A. M- Allen and wife.
Bertha E. Allen and Pearl A.
By virtue of the judgment and
decree of the clerk of the
court, made in the above
entitled cause, the 13th day
of November 1908, the under-
signed J. L. Fleming,
appointed the court,
will sell to the highest bidder for
cash, for partition, at the court
house door of Pitt county in
Greenville, on the 14th day of
The North Carolina Christian December, 1908, all the right,
Missionary Convention has just title and interest of the parties
closed an interesting session at to the aforesaid proceeding in
Kinston. The following officers the
. , . . tracts or parcels of land, to
were elected the next ., ,. int
i c t i l 1st. A certain tractor
of Rocky in and State.
president. and bounded as Lying
J. H. S. Hodges, of Ayden, and being in the town of Green-
vice-president ville, South side of 10th
T R Rountree of Kinston street and on the west side of
j. k. or union.
corresponding secretary. I a stake at the intersection of 10th
Geo. Hackney, of street and Washington street,
treasurer. and runs about
CM, Morton, of Wilson, re- f to a stake, lot
,. No. thence with lot No.
secretary. about feet to a
stake, thence n and
WHAT WOULD YOU DOt parallel with Washington sheet
n of a burn or what would feet to 10th Street; thence
you do to relieve the pain v such with street to
Missionary Convention Officers.
branch; thence down the various
courses of the said branch poles
below the mill thence south
1-2. thence north
1-2, east poles to the mill
road; thence down the said road
south poles; thence north
east poles a .-take thence
north A west to red oaks
near the mill road; thence south
1-2, west poles to William
corner; south 1-2,
poles to the beginning,
containing acres, mow or
This the 13th day of Nov. 1908.
J. L. FUming.
T f are at low that will interest you. We also
d hiding i have a full line of heaters and
e them a trial ping. Barber
. B. Harper n I , of Co,
,; Thursday A g Cox Manufacturing
with j. N. Harper, Co. are now to position to sup-
ply you with their
i . ts, bodies and Tumbling
, bodies. Prices made right.
By virtue of the power sale contained
e deed executed and delivered; them.
Such in-
liable to in any family
be prepared the of Washington street,
Iain's Salve applied on the beginning, it being the east
as shown
Moore land,
North Carolina in book x page Coward containing one fourth of an acre,
more or less, and being the lot i
by Price and wife Delia Price j a soft will relieve the pain lot No.
U. Cherry on the in-. -j-Km the injury a P
of Sept. and duly recorded in the very one, will the parts J V
of office Pitt county, to leaving a scar. For a
in V I. mid Toward K- h i
ft e love just received
lot of salt. A W. t o.
R. Greene spent
and at his old home
While away
E. H Small, of Suffolk, held bis
down Mr. Small
the will expose to public Wooten.
sale, before the house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder on
Tar Heel I Thursday. Dec. a certain tract
or parcel land lying and the
and State of North Caro-
For Rent.
and see th m
Harrington, Barber Co.
A lint line of tubs and buckets
. beef, pork, oysters, lo ,.,,.
i. led to morn can be found deed.
Lunches on short j h day Nov.
buggy and notice, Sutton. i J. B. Cherry
harm s tor sale cheap. .
about a j ear.
For year 1909. the Joel Tyson
farm, miles west of Greenville.
Call and follows,
I lot in South Greenville upon ,,.
I which the Trice and contains acres o
now Bounded by the room dwelling good to-
Stewart Gray, Joe Cray, house and four barns.
by Main street extended, lying Q for growing any Crop.
A. W . Ange Co. I just South pi the Southern . . t ,, , T,.
railway. For accurate description ref-
conveyed to Victoria
by the Greenville Lumber Com-
in 1895 and by deed which
appears of record in the office
of the register of deeds of Pitt
county, in book U-6, page
and the fame lot deeded by II.
C. and wife Vic-
to Noah Forbes,
B- W. Edwards et
a VS.
Snow Hill Supply Co.
A corporation
virtue of an order issued
on November 1908, Hon.
O. L Allen judge presiding 3rd
judicial district of North Caro-
you are hereby notified that
a hearing before the undersigned
as referee, will be held at Snow
Hill, N. C. beginning on No-
1908. at o'clock a.
m. and to continue until
ed, to hear all contests as to
claims against tie Snow Hill
Supply C. and any competent
motion of any creditor, ; to the
disbursement funds, if
desired before the dis-
of and any
other matter contemplated by
the insolvency law of North
You are further notified
cause on date m why
various sundry accounts, amount-
to due for
received by said Company
after 1908, the
date on which application for
receiver was made, should not
be paid in full.
And, further, that the time for
filing claim against said Company
has been extended to November
C. r, Receiver,
Snow Hill Co. Referee.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
by deed which appears of mortgage
rill.,. r and delivered G. S.
in the Office the register to , on the
deeds of Pitt in of March 1605, duly
page reference to both of I recorded in the of
proof j Which deedS is hereby made f lice, of r ma,
has been rung
i n.
Miss Ho of Jami
. spent several her
v Mr. in d Mr A W.
Sh r d home day.
B d-hand p n
heater t sale, nearly new.
. ors,
cheap, F. C.
Mil E f w to
in May.
a l for
hon bl. ts.
G. Cox Mfg, .
V. A. W.
. n. T. Co and Di
The sewing ma-
chine is one of the best on the
market. See us for prices that
will lie of interest to you.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
Fresh seed rye. is one who does into in-
Harrington, Barber Co. tend to treat the tradesman fair-
Rev. H. filled his reg and squarely. There are
appointment at the Method-1 persons who seem to believe that
East church here Sunday morning they have at once a right to
and night. This was his last i ignore their financial obligations
appointment before the annual and the right to demand that I
conference meets The church j their tradesmen, and others who
prospered under his excel-are acquainted with their
lent leadership and he has a accord them a degree of
host of friends here among all courtesy that is accorded to per-
ch sons who recognize their
Years of Proof.
have had years of ,.
that Dr. King a New U the an accurate description.
beet to take tor 2nd- That certain
K page
will expose to n
house door in
before the
to the
The Way of the Dill Dodger.
The man who hotly resents the g
attempt of tradesman to Dr. New Discovery i.
what is due his establishment near the
hemorrhage of the and the early place Of deceased.
of Its timely use and running With the new m,
along the various courses of said I with the first line, foe to
If it is job printing that ditch to a Stake; north; with the line of
i a have a nice lite
fresh groceries on band.
Lust Wednesday evening
the prayer meeting
vice eight candidates received
the ordinance of baptism a the
Baptist church.
the Hunsucker bug-
are going. Call Lo gee
our nice Stock of runabouts be-
fore you buy. are
Mrs, F. C. Nye went to Green-
ville this morning.
are carrying a nice Una of
Caskets, Prices are
light and car. furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Mack Smith of Grimes-
to Ayden last Miss Laura Cox. who is teach
graded school at
, dropped in on her home
quite unexpectedly last Fri-
day night and remained
Monday morning when she re-
turned to her work.
Rev. Mr Huske, of Greenville,
will preach at
next Sunday afternoon at
o'clock at o'clock. All are
moat cordially invited,
Vivian Roberson and
Elizabeth Boushall spent Sunday
with Miss Eva Langston.
The Meeting of Win-
held a most interesting
w In the auditorium of the
academy Monday evening at
All in highest terms of
Miss Norma has
do their utmost to dis-
charge them promptly. Such
persons, rather than collectors
who are sent to solicit settle-
and a public nuisance. That the
exasperated bill collector does not
use violence in such cases is to
the credit of his calling. Louis-
ville Courier-Journal.
you want
The Reflector 1881, west
Do not that Dr. Both
is the best for nil
Bowell warranted by
J. Wooten.
Drank and
A porter In n bin New York ware-
house in Greenwich
discharged for drank and
a The
sobered him Instantly, coming a sud-
den hard Chock, lie he would
take the oath never to touch liquor
again, but ids tor reinstate-
were unheeded. He searched
everywhere for the parcel, but could
not recollect what disposition he bad
made of It. Of his honesty there had
never been a question In twenty years.
. Overcome by the loss of his place, he
i i an easterly direction, feet to
. J.-S. OWL the containing one acre.
Black gum; north One o her lot beginning
st poles, to a a at the comer of and
I Saw dUSt pile; thence south I ts and running from thence with
. ii ,,,,,. thence eastern line of street a
to a nut. v to the
W B and 16th
stump, M. G. near j thence with the northern line of
direction, 1-2
northerly direction,
the first . to
., thence southern
thence north It, West poles of street, a westerly direction,
to a Stake; thence west poles. 1- feet to the beginning, contain-
tn o north east more or to satisfy
16th day Nov. 1908.
This distressing results from
a disordered condition of the
and can be cured b taking Chamber- got violently drunk and while In this
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get condition recollected where he bad left
a free sump O at Jno. . and I parcel and went and recovered It.
Coward i;
try it.
drug stores and
land is visiting relatives a school up in the
this week.
Chickens and eggs a specialty.
Come and get the best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Jeannette Cox gave a
party last in of the
Junior class of High
For Sale One mule and two
horses cheap. Harrington, Bar-
Miss Hattie Kittrell went to
Greenville today.
We have opened a large
line of best enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. W. Ange Co.
Remember the Tar Heel
wagons carts made by the
A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co,
J- E. Greene spent Sunday
night in Grifton with relatives.
Miss Vivian Roberson left
Tuesday afternoon to attend the
wedding today.
She will play the march.
Mrs. J. Di Cox and Miss Laura
Cox spent Sunday afternoon
with relatives at Ayden.
Leon Smith, of Greenville, was
here last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Evelyn Cox left Friday
morning for Wilmington where
she will visit her son, Rev. W. E.
J. L. Jackson spent Sunday at
F. A. to
A Tremendous Task.
you are going study law
to make a specialty of
are too easy.
What I want is to be accurately
and reliably informed as to what
months in the year and days in
the week it permitted to shoot
certain game in the various sec-
of the
New York Times.
Where Willie
The the dinner
Oh. by the way. have
you seen your little boy Willie lately
Mrs. Ho, professor, have
not seen him since o'clock, and I
can't Imagine what has become of bun,
thence with the Kinston road
South west poles to the
beginning, acres
mo. e or less.
J. That n tract or par-
of land, in said county and
State, bounded as follows, lying
and being in Greenville township,
beginning at the fork of the Kin-
and new road, near the
home place of Noah Forbes, de-
ceased, and running with the J
Kinston road north east public sale, be-
thence north east I fore the court house door in
1153-5 poles to a small bridge i the bidder on Monday, De-
w.- i 21st. 1908, a certain tract or
across the said road, thence with , of ,. in tn, town
the various courses the ditch j of Greenville, county of Pitt and State
the field to the new road; of Carolina and as
thence with the new road Being lot No. l on the
i. .- . ., V. Plan,, nit
C. Arthur Mortgagee.
By virtue of the power of con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by Perkins
and wife, Ida Perkins, to Adrian
age on the 16th day of February, 1906,
and duly recorded in the register of
deeds of Pitt county, North Caro-
in book J-8, page the under-
r- In sale
Sprains, swellings and
promptly by
This liniment reduce in-
and so that a
I may be cured in about one-third
the time required by treat-
and certs for sale by
J. L. Wooten and Coward Wooten.
Subscribe for Toe Reflector.
i which unfortunately escaped
it was just about
I think, that saw little Willie
down the
be hear op-
do fall-
tire d . all
4th. That certain tract or par
col of land, in said county and
State, known as the Mill tract,
bounded as Lying and
being in Greenville township,
beginning at a wire fence, corner
on William line, and run-
south 1-2. east 1-2
poles; thence north 1-2 degree
west 1-2 poles to a small
feet to Fleming street, thence
with said street 1-4 east
feet inches to the old Clark line,
thence north 1-2 feet
to the beginning, containing one
quarter acre more, or less, and being
the lot this day conveyed to
by Adrian to
said mortgage deed. Terms of
This 20th day of Nov.
Adrian Savage, Mortgagee.
because it rids the
r, Cough, tung and Bronchial Remedies,
as a cathartic on the No opiates.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Pd Year
VOL. No.
How Draws Attention to Ike
And Gets Other people
The Reflector is in receipt of
the following letter from a
man in Massachusetts,
shows how a local paper attracts
the attention of people gets
them interested in its town. W e
frequently receive requests for,
sample copies of the paper from j
people in other states who want
to know something about Green-
ville and this st of the State,
and these judge the town
largely by the paper.
The letter referred to
Greenville, N. C-
I wish heartily to thank you
for the copy of i Daily and of
Weekly Reflector of recent date
kindly sent me at request.
My asking was that
I hope to take a little vacation
trip winter, and had some
desire to see some parts of the
eastern section of North Caro-
I am not prospecting with
a view of locating; but from
prints, especially some of the
N. S. R. R-. and similar
became interested to see
the region and enjoy the pleas-
ant climate. And, because
thought that might gain some
interesting points from some
local papers sent to you and to
a very few others. I was glad
to see your little articles with
reference to Mr. Bryan; I had
but dimly hoped he might be
elected, and I voted for him.
Though born in Boston. I had a
home in Georgia from the time
was six years old until I was
grown, and have lived in other
Southern states a of
years besides.
Permit me to say that you
alone a copy of both
Daily and weekly; the others-
weekly. And, I
have no hesitation in telling you
that yours is a far better paper
editorially than any of the others
that came. I note that very
soon you are to have a trade
edition; probably that will have a
good deal that would interest a
and I request you to
send me a copy.
If you know of any little pub-
that describes minutely
or in good detail that section of
country and the points interest-
to visit, or the ways of reach-
different points, I will thank
you to tell ma of it and of i the
price of the little book. Railway
official guides show all railway
routes and schedules and all
through steamship lines. They
are not descriptive. And they
do not give much about inland
waterways of travel. Yet, I
have, as noted above, some
prints that are partially
and I know about some of
the boat lines and have some
hotel rates listed in some of the
little folders,
A Word to Subscribers.
It is December now, and so far
not many of our subscribers have
paid for The Reflector. Know-
that money was tight we
have not said much about pay-
during the fall but the
year is now near out, and money
is so much needed in this
establishment, that we ask all
to let s have what they owe.
To our good subscribers we be-
this simple statement is
Retail of 1908 Election in N. C.
Showing Great Gain in Democracy,
Gain in Democratic vote on
State ticket over the vote in 1906,
over the vote
Glenn received in
received in 1906.
123.272 vote.
Kitchin received in
votes. .
The State ticket earned the
fifth district by 1,875 majority.
The State ticket lost the eighth
district by majority.
The State ticket lost the tenth
district by majority.
Except on presidential years,
the 8th district is Democratic.
Barring a colossal corruption
fund, the 10th district is safely
Democratic. Apart from local
personal contests, that may
come to any party at any time,
the 5th district is a
stronghold of Democracy and
will remain so.
The Republican vote this year
is a mere spurt. It is abnormal
and cannot be maintained. It,
was their last opportunity to
fool and frighten the illiterate
vote about the suffrage amend-
It was their last
golden opportunity to practice
duplicity in regard to both rail-
load and prohibition legislation.
It was their year to use the pow-
of commercialism in politics
to frighten the honest and timid
and to purchase the purchasable.
The Democratic gain this year,
great as it appears, is normal,
and will be maintained. The
Democratic party is accustomed
to cast a large vote each election,
because it has worthy measures
and men to be voted for. Not
so with the Republicans. Since
1896 thousands of Republican
have refused to vote they
had no stomach for their party.
This time they were able to sit
up and take their medicine even
in company with a large inert
of the brother-in black.
The Democrats have taken
notice and are glad to know just
what the utmost strength of
their opponents They are
for the people of North Car-
to know that they are safe
only so long as the true Demo-
remains true, true to
true to party unity and
true at the ballot box. They are
glad people to be re-
minded how easily the benefits
of white supremacy can be lost,
lost irreparably the moment the
present to
their old allies in charge of the
registration and election laws.
The chief boast of the
is that Bryan's majority is
only In 1900 it was only
with a much smaller vote
than he received this year. Judge
Parker had a larger
in 1904, but his vote that year
was Mr. Bryan's vote
this year is 136.927, a gain for
Mr. Bryan on the presidential
vote of
What hope for Republicans or
fear Democrats springs from the
see-saw record of the 8th and
At Three of the Town's Churches
Prospective Preacher Preached.
Sunday was a day of especial
interest to three of the churches
and their large congregations of
At Jarvis Memorial church, be-
sides a good sermon by the pas-
tor, Rev. M. T. the sing-
was much enjoyed, Mr. J.
Wesley White, of Wilmington,
being with the choir at the morn-
service. He sang a
selection for the offertory.
At the Presbyterian church,
Rev. G. W. a missionary,
preached in the morning. At
this service a splendid new organ
purchased by tin church, was
used for the first time. At
night J. N. H.
preached. He is to serve this
church one Sunday night in
each month. He has served
the church before and is esteem ,
ed highly by Gr
At Memorial Baptist church
Rev. W. Smith, of Louis-
ville, Ky., preached both morn-
and evening. This church
recently invited Mr. Smith to be-
come its pastor, and while
the matter under
he decided to make the
church a visit. His sermon made
a deep on our people
and many expressed the opinion j
that tho church and the
will be fortunate to secure
such an able preacher. It is
earnestly hoped that his
will be to accept the call. The
choir gave splendid music at
both services.
At the Christian church Rev.
D. W. Arnold preached as usual
at the morning hour for service.
Neither this church nor the
Methodist church had service at
both the pastors attending
the service in the church.
The of Christian fellow-
ship between the churches of
Greenville is very strong.
To Be Held Greenville at Early
Greenville is soon to have a
grand auction sale of some of her
beautiful city lots, the date of
which will be announced in these
later. Mr. L. C Arthur
has consigned to the Southern;
Land and Auction Co , of
beautiful dwelling house
Iota, which will be sold at
to the highest bidder, which,
means at your own price, let
owner make or lose-and on.
terms so easy that anybody can,
own a lot.
This company is composed of
the State's best business men
whose character and reputation
is unquestioned, and is capital-;
Hon. James H. is president, I
Mr. Albert L. Murray, vice pres- j
and treasurer and Mr.
David F. Fort, Jr. is secretary.
Mr. Murray and Mr. Fort are
acknowledged all to be among
the best real estate men in the
entire State, as the results o.
these operations will show. Let
everybody mike arrangements
now to attend this grand sale.
and see the biggest land sale ever
held in Pitt county.
At this sale they will give
absolutely free a choice
lot, in gold a bag of
I The best in the
I South will sell this land, and all
who attend will hear a good
band free.
What do for the Poor at Christ-
ii Extended.
William Astor pro-
the lodging
with a Thanksgiving or a Christ-
mas dinner. E. H
that figure of the financial world
upon whom so much vituperation
and praise is alternately hurled
is found to be the mainstay of
the Club, and furnishes
eight hundred dinners every
day. Mrs. William
Sloane and Mrs. William E.
Dodge are women
whom the world is fa-
treat you
Justice H. was called
for this morning to go in the
country to a marriage
ceremony for a runaway couple.
The contracting parties were Mr.
N. C. of this township
and Carson, of Beth-
el. The marriage took place at
the home of Mr. Dud-
Year Senate House Joint
x Ind.
Examine the
Tenth dist.
The man who is wise and loves his wife
Will carry enough insurance on his life.
So that when he is dead,
won't suffer ford
T L. I
10th districts
Eighth dist.
1900 Republican
1902 Democratic
1904 Republican
1906 Democratic
1908 Republican
What Republican is so bold as
to count on victory; what Demo-
so timid as to fear defeat in
the legislature with the following
table before him
Year Senate House Joint
The legislature of 1882 was
lost to the Democrats of this
State following the prohibition
of 1881. In Ohio and
Indiana the Republicans this
year had to bear the brunt of a
prohibition election, and they
went down in defeat. Rock rib-
bed Maine barely escaped.
That the Democracy of
Carolina has grappled with this
problem and with the other
great problem of regulating pub-
service corporations and has
emerged from the conflict with
its vote increased 21.880 over
two years ago per
and with its great majority in
the legislature unscathed, may
well cause our critics to pause and
asK themselves if the wish is not
father to the thought when they
tails Democratic
treat you
Wanted A
At the last regular annual
meeting of the alumnae
of the State Normal and
Industrial College of North Car-
a committee of alumnae
was appointed to select a song
that may be and
by the college as distinctively
her own.
The committee, therefor-,
offers a prize of ten dollars in
gold to the person who
write most appropriate song.
Any one desiring to may
for this prize, but the
committee reserves the right to i
reject any and every poem that
not adequately represent
the spirit of the college.
The literary value of the songs
sent to the committee will be pass-
ed upon by competent judges.
If any contribution is accepted
as worthy to be made the col-
song, the writer will be
notified of his success as early as
possible after the
is reached.
In the event of the authors
desiring to set his own words to
an original musical composition,
such a composition will be care-
fully judged by musical critics,
with the understanding that the
committee of alumnae may reject
any or all of such contributions.
In order that the song may be
introduced, the name of the
author announced, and the prize
awarded at the college com-
in May. 1909, all
competitors for the prize are
urged to have their contributions
in the hands of the committee
before April 1st, 1909.
L. Barnett,
Bertha M. Lee,
Emily Austin,
Ethel Lewis Harris,
through the
as leaders of and
Mrs. Sloane is known among
the poor as the fairy godmother
who ended the handsome Sixth
Street industrial and who
B over children
with a Christmas
dinner, a tree, clothing, toys and
candy. Mrs. Dodge is the pa-
saint of the Lodge, on
i Second to the
of which she a Christmas
dinner and warm clothing and
blankets the winter.
The West Side Lodging House
has a membership nine
i hundred and eighty boys. List
each received the
present of a shirt, he-
sides the
the donors in this instance
being Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Robinson. The
School is the special interest of
Miss who is one of
its founders, and of Mrs. An-
drew Carnegie is a woman of
wide philanthropy. We find her
connected with many homes,
schools and institutes, and
ways willing to lend a listening
ear and ready sympathy and aid
to the An evidence
that she of tie
characteristics was shown in
her gift last Christmas to the
School of a library
of some two hundred books.
Mrs. Beverly Robinson has her
especial in the West
School, which
I presented two hundred
shirts at Christmas,
to which, during th pat
she has given fifteen
other garments. Among
other social leaders we find Mis.
Osborn, Mrs. Anson Phelps
Stokes and Mr. Philip Sands,
looking out for the Phelps Indus-
trial School; Mr. and Mrs.
for the East River
School, and Mrs. Richard Irvin,
Mrs. R. E. and Mrs.
Frank Browne prominent
among the managers of the
Day De-
signer for December.
Blood Hounds do Good Work
the Criminals.
Recently Mr. R. A. Nichols, of
Beaver Dam township, has been
considerably by thieves
into an near
his and stealing
which he kept stored there.
Twice the was entered and
the thieves got away without
detection. A few nights ago
there was another robbery, and
Mr. Nichols being tired of such
annoyance and loss came to
Greenville to get Mr. W. C.
Wood hounds to hunt for
the The were
taken to the scene and struck
trails which th y followed
to the homes f colored people
living in the neighborhood.
Four arrests follow d, and two
of the at a preliminary
bearing bond for appear-
at court, an j the other two
were brought to Jail. The two
in ire Jim Holloway and
Fred Washington, and w learn
they have e confession of
the part they took v the house
will treat you
Turkish Tobacco i-i North Car
A left r which in.
great to Carolina was
received to-day by Governor
Glenn and was immediately
turned to the Agricultural
Department. l ii from
Bros., New York tobacco
and cigarette
who are Turks and handle
tobacco and mike
The firm in-
forms the Governor that for
twelve years it has been
these cigarettes; that
when it first began business the
imports of Turkish
aggregated only in value,
but y v retched the
great of
Km, say
they ii mil n i be
co for tells
the Governor that it that
in all probability North Carolina
is the best in which to
this tobacco in the United
States and that it will pay
far better to raise it than the
ordinary leaf. The firm, there-
fore, desires to know whether
any persons in the State could
give the use of acres of
suitable land for a test of this
Turkish tobacco. If a tender of
such land is made the firm will
send a representative to North
Carolina to reside and to give
thorough instruction as to the
growth and curing of such to-
the methods being entire-
different from those in vise
here curing leaf. The firm has
had years of personal experience
in cultivating and curing the
Turkish leaf. This is a very
Big Day Coming.
Next Monday will bean .,,
day. The new county important matter and
ho inducted into of Agriculture Graham is
officers will be inducted into
office and take charge of affairs
for the beginning of a new
year. A term of civil court will
begin that day. and several big
land sales are also to take place
before the court house door.
Tobacco Sales.
Mr. C. W. Harvey, secretary
of the Tobacco Board of Trade,
furnishes us the following figures
of tobacco sales for the
Sales for month of November
220.036 pounds at an average
naturally much interested in it.
Raleigh Charlotte Observer.
For Sale-A four-horse farm,
one mile South of Greenville It
is fine tobacco land and has three
tenant For particulars
I see John W. Tucker.
I in and w
will treat you
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha Mon-
day Tuesday and Wednesday
Dec 7th, 8th and 9th for the
purpose of treating diseases of
the eye and fitting glasses.
Those who desire to see about
having work done will be charged
no fee unless terms are agreed
upon. All glasses furnished are
per hundred upon.
Sales for season from as to fit and quality
1st to November 30th,
a fit .
1st --y j
pounds at an average price
per hundred.
See our line of bid i m slip-
for ladies and
will treat you Pulley Bowen's.

We will deem it a privilege to show you a very extensive
assortment of
Dress Goods, Dry Goods,
Trimmings, Laces,
Ladies Tailor-made Skirts,
Shoes to Fit all feet and
Any Size Purse
Remember that we represent all things as they are and
regulate the price by the true value of the article.
We feel confident that the most critical examination of our
complete and very Appropriate Lines of Desirable Goods will
convince you that they are NOT EQUALED ELSEWHERE
Come to us for any Goods you may need. Look through
our beautiful stock and you will be pleased.
of Good
National Banks
Are the safest places to bank,
for the United States laws, as
well as most rigid govern-
supervision, make them
IT. j
This bank has been established over two years, during
which time it has served the banking; public faithfully and
built up a large and prosperous business. The best service
is none to good for both our town and country customers.
Our Stockholders and Directors are responsible, well-to-do bus-
Therefore in the selection of your bank, have permanency
in view and establish yourself for your present and future well
being with a good sound bank.
The National Bank of Greenville
of an of tho
Of the eminent physicians of
England during the early part of
the lust century not one was more
justly celebrated, than Dr.
ham. Of the anecdotes of his med-
experience, related by himself,
the following is worth
For ft long time the doctor had
been consulted by a gentleman of
wealth and leisure who was per-
in his demands for medical
help, who all the medicines
prescribed, but who did not appear
to improve. At length Dr.
said to
done all I can. If
you would be thoroughly cured you
must consult Dr. at In-
in Scotland, He is exceed-
clever in such diseases as
yours, and if I give you a letter to
him can assure you he will
It was a long journey from Lon-
don away to the extreme north of
Scotland, but the patient had
of leisure, lie had money
enough, he had good horses and car-
above all, he was
to be cured. So away he went.
Bat, arrived at Inverness after a
laborious jaunt of fully three weeks,
he searched for Dr. in
vain. He could find no such doctor.
And. what was more, he was
informed that such a doctor had
never lived there. The patient bot-
up his wrath, had his horses
harnessed and their heads turned
homeward, and the distance, which
had occupied him three weeks in
going, he covered in ten days on
his return. Upon reaching London
he made once for the house of
Dr. upon whom ho burst
like a whirlwind.
Ha. Sir I am glad to
see and to see you looking so
no thanks to you, you grace-
loss rascal Why did you so deceive
you, Sir
You told me I should find
Dr. and you knew there
was no such man there. Now, what
is excuse What is your ex-
George, answer me. Are
you not better now than you have
been before for years In short,
are not entirely recovered from
that old
The baronet thought a little and
was forced to confess that such was
the case.
sir. is that my
returned the
frankly. knew that a
into highlands of Scotland
would cure you. and I took the only
means in power to send you
I told the truth you would
not have gone. But to see Dr.
were willing to venture.
So, Sir George, let us bless Dr.
Sir George surrendered.
London Tit-Bits.
Haw Time Change.
Two members of congress board-
ed at the house of a comely matron
whose daughters were well on in
years and remarkable for their talk-
After a time tho two n en
parted and did not meet again for
several years. Naturally, then, they
fell to chatting over old times, arid
one asked the Other if ho knew what
had become of that skinny, cackling
old maid Jenny.
I'm She is my wife, was
the unexpected
By Wholesale.
Colonel James was once call-
ed to meet ft woman who recalled
his father's days as a peddler and
defamed him. He had lied to her
about a yard of calico, so
she asserted, but did not think
the old man would tell a lie for L-
cents, although possibly might
tell eight for L It is said that the
elder refused to subscribe for
the erection of a fence about the
the home
of the on the ground that
pone was needed, because no man
was out of it wanted to get in
and none of those who were in could
Guarantee of Bank Deposits
is the conservative and faith-
management of the Bank.
Sympathy For the Orphans.
An elephant while stamping throat
the faults one day quite unintentional-
stepped upon a mother bird, crush-
It to death. Hearing the cries of
the little In the hushes near by.
she sought out the nest with a
pathetic sigh Tear little things
I've been a mother myself.
you she thou proceeded
to sit upon the T.
Fable, Kind Hearted
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in two certain
executed and delivered by J. E.
o's to F. G. James on the 23rd day
of 1906. and duly recorded
register of Deeds office of Pitt com
North Carolina, in book X page
and the other dated Mar. HOT, and
recorded in book Q page the
will expose to public sale,
before the court door in
ville, to the highest bidder on Thurs-
day, Dec. 1908, a certain tract or
parcel of land, lying and being in
i he county of Pitt and State of North
Carolina and described at follows, to-
That tract land in
township, adjoining the lands of T. A.
Nichols. Nannie B. Nichols and Alfred
Nichols land, containing acres more
less. Known as lot No. in the
vision of J. B. Nichols land. Abo one
piece or tract, adjoining the lands of
H. G. Nichols, Mrs Agnes and
T. A. Nichols, being lot No. in said
division, containing 101-4 acres, to
satisfy said mortgage deed. Terms of
sale cash.
This 24th day of November, 1908.
Our surplus and prof.
All of the above stands for
the protection of every de-
Business solicited, and we extend a cordial to call
in to see us.
The Bank of Greenville
END me your order for anything in the JEWELERS line,
if you are thinking over buying Wedding or Holiday presents
We have them in the best Lines, Goods and Prices. Both
lay of
James, Mortgagee,
backed by one
Evans Street
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a Mortgage
Deed executed and delivered by Silas
and wife to P. W.
Brooks the 1st day of January, 1907.
and duly recorded in the register of
deeds office of Pitt county. North Caro-
in book B page the under-
signed will expose to public sale, before
the court house door in Greenville, to
the highest bidder on Thursday, Dec.
24th, a certain tract parcel of
land lying and being In the county
Pitt and State of North Carolina ad
described as follows, to
That tract of land in
township near the town of Grifton, ad-
joining the lands of William Daws n,
A. Blount, Louisa and
others, containing acres more or
less, the pieces sold off. For ac-
curate reference is hereby
made to the mortgage. The
to he sold being the interest of
Silas S. in said tract of
land to satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms of sale cash.
This 24th day of November. 1808.
P. W. Brooks. Mortgagee.
F. G. Atty. ltd
A Representative of a
Will Conduct a
Five Day Popular Girl Contest
at Our Store
During Next Few Days. Don't Miss It.
Stockholders liability
F. G, JAMES, J. P.
For undersigned
guardian will rent at public
before the court house door
in Greenville on Friday Dec.
11th, 1908, the following
ed Lot Nos. and
the same allotted to Bruce
Annie E.
and W. O. in the
division of the lands of their
mother, L. A.
Renter to keep up fences and
clean out ditches.
This Nov. 24th, 1908.
Q. V. Bland, Guardian.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by W. K. and
wife, Q. C. to Mary Branch on
the 14th September, 1906, and
duly recorded in the Register of Deeds
office of Pitt county. North Carolina,
in book J-8, page the undersigned
will expose to public sale, before the
court house door in Greenville, the
highest bidder on Monday, Dec. 28th,
1908, a certain tract or parcel of land
Mas and being in the county of Pitt
and State of North and de-
scribed as follows, to The. vacant
lot described in said mortgage and
being eastern part of said lot.
Bounded on the north by the lot of Mary
Mutual Life
1843. Assets over
E. on the east by the lot of
W. B. on the by Second
street, and on the West by the other
part of the said Isaac lot upon
which stands the building, the vacant
lot to be sold being about I feet front
on Second street and running back
about feet to satisfy said Mortgage
Deed. Term of sale Cash.
This day Nov. l.
Mary Branch, Mortgagee.
F. G. James, Attorney.
Dr. Morrill
Office on Third Masonic
Temple, Formerly Occupied by Dr Bag-
well. M
A number of small farms for
sale right away. Fine tobacco
lands and other farm lands, and
some manufacturing sites. Pub-
sales at court house door in
Greenville, December, 7th, 8th
14th. J. L. Fleming, Atty.
Five days Popular Girl Con-
of ad for A. B.
Ellington Co. Page
Remember the land sales De-
7th, 8th and Now
have about small farms for
sale, on easy terms, and large
bodies of land. All within from
one to five miles of Greenville and
of the East Carolina Teachers
Training School.
J. L. Fleming, Atty.
It you want your HORSE to trot
fast and pull strong buy your
Hay, Oats
and Corn.
of W. B. He will sell
you Better Feed and More for Less
Money than any man in town,
W. B.
headquarters for Corn, Hay,
Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls,
Brand, Chicken Hominy, Cracked
Corn, corn Meal and all kinds of
DR R. L.
Dry Goods and Ladies Dress Goods.
have purchased the interest of the
late B. E. Patrick in the firm of B. E.
Patrick Co., and will continue to
carry on a general dry goods business
at the same stand.
A ladies department with a special
of dress goods and trimmings has been
added, Miss Barnhill being in
charge of this department. The ladies
ate cordially invited to call and at
this line. B. F. PATRICK
If it is good job printing that
you want, try The Reflector
Subscribe to The Daily Reflector, subscribe to The Reflector.
farm or business for sale;
not particular about location;
wish to hear from owner only,
who will direct to buyer;
give price, description and state
when be had.
L. Box
Rochester, N. Y.
Dr. Major P. Manning
I am now and will be located in Beth-
el, N. C, until Jan. 1st, Anyone
desiring services can find me at Hotel.
Miss Henrietta Pate
Offers her services to the people of
Greenville and community
N. C.
Ladies and Gents Tailor,
Greenville, N- C.
Pressing, Altering, Repairing, Dyeing,
Scouring, Chemical and Dry Cleaning.
Satisfaction or no charges.
In rear of Edmonds Fleming's Bar
Mrs. Maggie at the
building near courthouse, bones every
day. bread, rolls, and pies. Or-
filled in town, lea
cream sold dally.
Fresh Oysters
I get fresh oysters every day,
and make delivery anywhere
in town at cents a quart and
Phone your orders to Number
Market. J J
Four Story Structure For
Bros. Only of its Kind in Norfolk
Application is now pending be-
fore the State Corporation Com-
mission for a charter for the
Whichard Realty Corporation, a
concern lately the of-
and stockholders of which
are practically the same as those
of the Whichard Brothers Com-
wholesale dry goods deal-
The new company has
chased for a site, forty
feet wide and one hundred feet
deep, on street back
of the Atlantic hotel, and will at
once erect there a build-
which will be used as larger
quarters for the Whichard
Brothers Company.
The officers of the new concern
are H. W- Whichard, president;
C. C. Cobb, vice-president; C. L.
Whichard, secretary and treas-
The structure to be built on
the Randolph street site will be
four stories high, and according
to the present plan, will have
solid concrete walls.
H. W. Whichard, president of
the company, said yesterday that
he was negotiating with Mr.
Ham, of New York, who patent-
ed the solid concrete forms, and
that, although the present plans
are only tentative, he thought
it most probable that the building
will be constructed on the solid
concrete plan. Should this
of construction be used
the Whichard building will be the
only one in Norfolk of the kind.
Mr. Whichard will go to New
York next week for the
of Inspecting buildings there
which are the solid concrete
The new quarters will it
about per cent large than
the building Main street
occupied by to hit-hard eon-
Mr. Whichard tie
entire square feet,
will be used by the
Norfolk Virginian-Pilot,
North Carolina at Alaska Exposition.
Seattle, Wash. Nov.
participation of Carolina
et the exposition
next year would serve to call
attention to the vast resources
of the South to thousands of
visitors from the middle western
and Pacific coast states. North
Carolina's fine exhibit of
co, cotton, woods, minerals and
agriculture would prove interest-
to persons who have never
visited the southern states and
would serve as an educational
feature inasmuch as it would
acquaint the people in one part
of the country with the vast
resources of another section.
The general result would be to
familiarize visitors to the 1909
exhibition with progress in all
parts of the United States.
The ex-
position commissioners for North
Carolina have been appointed
and the division of exhibits is in
of a letter from P. II.
Hanes, of Winston Salem, a
member of the commission, who
informs exposition officials that a
meeting of the North Carolina
commissioners has been called
for December 9th. at Raleigh.
Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, of
Chapel Hill, chairman of the
commission, has assembled the
mineral exhibit for the United
States government at previous
expositions and is being depend-
ed upon to work for an
for Seattle in 1909.
In the State of Washington are
many former residents of
Carolina who will visit the ex-
position next year. With low
rates it is very evident that there
will be considerable travel from
the southern states to the Pacific
coast next year. Whether or not
North Carolina erects a building
a roster of all North Carolinians
will be kept and visitors from
that state to will he in a
position to
or who have
moved to Seattle. The list of
former North Carolinians will be
arranged by in-
and c unties.
Seth Hooker Entertains.
Olds contracted t this of
the year quickly relieved h
Laxative Om. it
h. a t the
to take, fur n
f. r coughs, c . croup aw -i pin
h L.
of Sympathy
Whereas it, pleased
Great Spirit to enter the of
our brother, W. S. Galloway, and
remove his baby, and whereat
we that the Spirit never
makes an error in His pro-
therefore be it resolved
1st. That we. the members
of the Shawnee Tribe N. I.
O. R. M- extend to Brother
sympathy in
this sad hour which has befallen
2nd. That we commend Broth.
Galloway to Him who
all things well, and can heal cur
3rd- That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon our
records, a copy be sent to Broth-
Galloway and a copy- furnish-
ed The Daily Reflector for
Dr. C. M. Jones.
A. O. Clark.
D. G. Moore,
M n m
ed net h
ii c.-mt
-I c nil a-i.
. B. CO t in-
1-2 i the tic
Sold by John
for Reflector.
At the home on his parents on
Greene street, Seth Hooker
entertained most delightfully
Thanksgiving evening. The
guests were greeted at the door
by the host and ushered into the
sitting room, where Mrs. J. C.
Lanier took the picture every
guest which she developed in
the twinkling of an eye. Sever
very interesting contests were
held. The first was twenty ad-
and every guest
had to guess what they
Miss Florence Blow guess-
all of them was awarded a
beautiful piece of Japanese ware.
The three other contests were
seeing, smelling and feeling.
There were twenty objects on
a table and every guest had to
look at the table for a minute
and then write what was on it.
There were ten bottles contain-
some kind of medicine or
flavoring and the guests had to
smell of them and guess what
each bottle contained. There
were also ten objects wrapped in
bundles and the guests had to
feel the bundles and guess the
objects that were in them.
Miss Gertrude Critcher guessing
a larger number than any one
else was awarded a box of candy.
The guests were then invited
into the dining room. The girls
in a room and the
boys in a darkened one. There
was a across the door of
the lighted room and a girl stood
behind the curtain, the boys in
turn had to guess the girl that
was standing behind the curtain
and if he guessed correctly he
accompanied her into the dining
room, where delicious refresh-
were served by Mrs. S. T.
Hooker, Mrs. J. C. Lanier, Misses
Wade, Lanier and Stallings.
After enjoying several
by Miss Wade, many games
lot and much barn
the guests departed
Mr. Hooker a most delightful
The home was beautifully
orated, the color scheme in the
hall, sitting room, and dining
room were red and green and
the parlor was pink.
seats success i
U A trill
j oar customer.
Write to-day; Mention Ibis Paper.
M I- Wt t v J
ail e-f ,
Farm Meetings.
C. R. Hudson, of the govern-
agricultural department,
will meet with the farmers of
Pitt county at the following
times and places for explaining
farm demonstration work, and
securing the cooperation of
farmers in this work
Farmville. Monday, 7th,
at a. m.
Falkland, Monday, Dec. 7th,
at p. m.
Ayden, Tuesday, Dec. 8th, at
a. m.
Winterville, Tuesday, Dec.
8th. at p. m.
Wednesday, Dec.
9th, at a m.
Stokes, Wednesday, Dec. 9th,
at p. m.
All farmers convenient to these
places are invited to be present
and take part in these meetings,
as this demonstration work is for
their benefit. J. F. Evans,
Agent for Pitt County
A lair greeted
this play in the opera house Fri-
day night. Mr. in the
roll of Damon was decidedly the
best feature of the play, and
some of the support was good,
especially the part of Mr.
as Mr.
brought over the cast from
Washington the play was I
presented a week ago, only a few
home people being in minor
For FARM Supplies and HARDWARE.
Don't tail to see our machine.
We carry a full stock, also a lull line re-
pairs tor our Machines only, which is
There is none better, remember
they always give perfect satisfaction. We
would also cull you attention to our . .
American Wire Fencing
We carry the best quality only Lime and j
Cement and keep a stock on hand. Hear in j
mind that Baker Mart's is place to buy j
lull assortment always in stock to choose
Quality the highest, in fact there is none
it being guaranteed per cent. pure.
It you wish to build it is to your interest j
to see U as we are in position to look alter .
your every need. Don't forget that our line .
General Hardware is kept complete with
the very best quality goods. We can fill
your orders a box tax to a car load of
nails. Give us a call.
Farmers holding their cotton for higher
should not run the risk loss by
parts. All did quite
well for
I have made arrangements with my companies to allow to
issue Certificates for any amount, it no difference how small or
I can write them for one one year; any length of
time you desire.
Personal experience with a tube of
convince you
it is immediate r, lief for all form of
Piles. Guaranteed by John
L. Woolen.
Parker Fountain Pea.
The Reflector Book Store has
just received a large lot of the
famous Parker
fountain pens, the kind that has
no equal among fountain pens.
This lot was ordered
for holiday trade and the designs
are beautiful. Prices run from
to and nothing makes a
more appropriate Christmas
present. Make your selection
early so as to get the best. Hun-
of Parker fountain pens
have been sold
and there are
Warning to the
If any member of the
John Appleton family invites
you to a meal, here's a
Don't accept. The
are adopting the d
of chewing their food, and in
order not to make any mistake
they count as they shew,
is a sample of the n
heard at the Appleton
you asks Mi.
Appleton, putting a piece of
bread in her mouth, -one,
two, three, four, five,
her widow
on North Fourth
eight, nine, to be mar-
She swallows the bread
and takes a bite of meat.
guess it is two.
three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten. eleven, twelve
so, Her mother-thirteen, four-
me The
goes down and the visitor takes
a long breath. The guest hears
so much counting in the next
hour that he he
is at dinner or in a kindergarten.
Moreover, the
don't set as good a
table as formerly. Their girl
refused to wait two hours at
every meal while counted
their chews, and quit, and Mrs.
Appleton takes so much in
chewing that she has little left
for Globe.
for the s are little
lobules which net directly on
kidneys. A will convince you
of ck results for backache,
trial f They
purify the by John I .
A Sober Thought.
Have you thought that this
may be the last Christmas that
you will live to give your wife
and children a present
It takes about two weeks to get
a gift of real value from New
York. Nothing could be better
than a policy in Old Reliable
-Mutual Life of N. Y.
H. Bentley Harris.
Thanksgiving Ball Games.
There was much here
in the two games of football
played Thanksgiving day be-
tween college teams of North
Carolina and Virginia. The
of the two States play-
ed in Richmond and the score
was to in favor of the
The A. M. of North Carolina I
and V. P. I- of Virgins played in
Norfolk, the game there result-1
score of to in favor
of the North Carolina
A pill iii that will
lies, constipation, ;
lo not Pi ice Sold by j
i,. Woolen.
For bilious
n. I
on Saloon
Elegant Dinner Ob Break I to e.
attention and the wry heal .- in every way
Leave Norfolk of t U daily
Arrive in Baltimore a m.
lines for New
Roll of Honor Antioch Public School.
lie Jacks n.
Butt, Emma Jackson,
Hassell James, Whitford.
4th ,
Jackson, Mark Dixon.
be for The
Can made la
minutes t f
One Cent a Plats.
Stir content package
Mr. E. L, Sutton, of Kim ton.
died Wednesday night at the
Home of one of his in
county. Biter an illness of
several months. He was the
only brother of the
late Mr. H. A. Button, of Green-
ville, an uncle of Mrs. I. J. j J
Whichard. He leaves several
Pot ail Information and r
E. T. LAMB, Gen. CHAS.
Not Quite
The Big Sale is s- I
.- .
. Bow often
t lack in
T .
Ambitious young men and
ladies should learn telegraphy;
for, since the now 8-hour law be-
came effective there is a shortage
of many thousand
Positions pay from to a
month to beginners. The Na
in this section, Telegraph Institute of
no Columbus. S. and five other
cities is operated under super-
users of them. liens are of R K, officials and all
the best made. Pretty are placed when
mas boxes go with the holiday Write them for particulars,
pens. U
Mi ICE CREW Powder
int. a quail of freeze.
,, no heating, nothing
to add. Everything but the
milk in the package.
This makes S quarts of moat
delicious ice ream yon ever ate.
Ck . p
you gal
driver or
. a good
tool box be fiT
la a desire,
we see your tool
ft box does not lack a
w. useful
Of C our Si
You get Ham s
for creditors. Cone quick a
. Lie Low Prices.
. s-.
Lead and
farm Implement
s i e
Edge Tools,

D. Editor and Proprietor
Entered as second natter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March
graft i if.
And Miss Ethel Roosevelt hat.
And now is taking
his tarn at bat.
Next week will begin
another one-sided game.
Lots all got to rooting for good
roads in Pitt county.
The slip back in the price of
cotton is not making
Wonder why Hitchcock denied
it when the plum was already to
be put in the pot for him.
It keeps right on looking like
Greenville. Sure we have the
best town its size in the State.
Call the roll of the procession
when you will, and you will find
Pit up at the head.
You need not lay too much
stress on these Republican ex-
or wanting to revise the
If the government would wipe
out the unmerited part of her
enormous pension graft,
not be a big deficit
in running expenses.
As long as the government
pays millions of dollars in
deserved pensions just to get
A. R votes, deficits
expenses may not be unexpected.
Nothing like home pride. A
man just back from Norfolk tells
us he did not see in that city a
street as prettily paved as
treat and Dickinson avenue in
side that wins does not care who
on the other side gets bit in the
Ye good women of
Can't you open your to
what you might accomplish for
your town through the
of a or
civic pride club Lets plan for
big things in the coming year.
While the president is busy-
himself appointing
to hunt for worms, he
might do the disciples of
Walton a a
hunt for a kind of worm at
which they will be guaranteed
to bite.
Governor Glenn gave Thanks-
giving pardons to four State
prisoners who had made good
records since their confinement.
In each instance he selected
prisoners who seemed to have no
friends to take interest in their
for turning out good work. And
if you bring along the price of a
subscription receipt and leave it
with us it will give no offense.
U. N. will of course, defeat
V. Va., at Richmond Thanks-
giving day, and right here we
desire to remind every one who
proposes to join in celebrating
the coming victory that the cap-
of the N. squad is a
Charlotte News,
This seems to have been about
on a par with election
a few days beforehand.
Here is a chunk of advice
handed out by The Rocky Mount
that is worth
you are of a combative
and tight some one,
of the next house would he a of town, don't
approval of a large majority of
the newspaper men in North
Carolina. Besides the fact that
Mr. election as speaker
Watch for the
or trade edition of The
Reflector. It is going to be a
The papers could afford to lot
South Carolina and Georgia
alone, and send the rag over to
This way of spending several
times more to get an office than
the salary of the office amounts
to, does not look good.
ally there must be an evening up
A government that nearly half
a century after a war has closed
has more names on a pension
roll than it had soldiers in the
war, may expect to have deficits
in running expenses.
The State board of
have this week been tabulating
the returns of the
in this State. The figures
show that Mr. majority
for governor was
Most of them are through with
Thanksgiving turkey hash and
will wait for to get
the next bait.
If you want to make Green-
ville a more attractive appear-
town, be talking and work-
in that direction.
One way to help the looks of
the town is to do away with
front yard fences. Several
property owners have
done this with improved appear-
in each instance.
you shoot off your
so much
a chronic grumbler. Sure we
better can be talk-
ed about. Ami if such kickers
as you were out of the way the
more results.
The Charlotte cartoon-
showed Charlotte's prosperity
in with the picture of a
large turkey gobbler. We hope
it did not mean to indicate that
that prosperity turkey's head
would go off along with tin
other Thanksgiving day victims
Wake Forest College came out
winner in the debate at Raleigh,
Thanksgiving night, with Ran-
College, of
There is more honor and
more to be proud of in a victory
of this kind than in all the foot-
ball games that could played.
When our neighbor town Kin-
was having street and side-
walk paving done, one of her
citizens refused to pay the pro-
assessment levied against
him for the work along his
property. The town sued him
for the amount and the matter
went through the courts. The
Supreme court has recently
handed down a decision on the
case and sustains the town in its
contention. This decision is
important as it shows that cities
and towns have authority to re-
quire owners of abutting prop-
to help pay for paving.
recognition of the services of tin
press of the State, he is in every-
way qualified to make an ideal
presiding officer of our
body. lie has for several
terms represented the
county of Mecklenburg in
the legislature, and came very-
near being elected at
the last session. Mr. Dowd is
the man for that position at the
coming session.
war among yourselves. What in
truth we need is co-operation,
helpful co-operation. Let us pull
t and push together
the old town rings with anew
life and industrial vitality, until
ever man smiles, and is happy
he is making money
Returns Are Completed.
The State Board of Canvassers
yesterday completed the tabula-
and addition of the votes
cast in November, and having
signed up all the necessary pa-
The verification of figures
published on Sunday showed
that the Taft vote in Wake
county, in place of being
should have been which
gave the total for Mr. Taft as
published heretofore an increase
of him a total
in North Carolina, taking the
highest elector on his ticket, of
while the highest vote
for Mr. Bryan was
Mr. Bryan's majority
The Socialist candidate for pres-
Eugene V. Debs, received
When the board had completed
its work and the last paper was
signed, yesterday, Mr. A. B
Freeman, of Hendersonville. the
Republican member, remarked
that he was the first Republican
to sign a canvassing board report
When they get to
paper from cotton stalks in
earnest, perhaps we will not
have to pay so much for it.
If you will not do anything to
help make Greenville grow,
stand off and watch, but do not
get in the other fellow's way.
Too bad that our University
boys got such a licking at Rich-
but the A. and M. boys
came off with the honors at Nor-
Greenville should be reaching
out to secure the location of the
orphanage. There is
not a better location in the
State for it.
We heard Postmaster
drop the remark, that at the
rate things are moving now over
at the Greenville will
have free delivery in less than
two years. Just watch us grow.
The New York woman who
would not regret it if she had
blood in her veins, has a
right to think that way if she
wants to, but we are glad there
are none of that kind in the
In order that he may hold his
job Speaker Cannon is showing
an inclination to come down
from his high perch and not be
so bull-headed. But he is a
foxy old fellow and will bear
Athletic contests are extend-
to the female colleges.
Monday a basket ball game was
played in Greensboro between
teams of Greensboro Female
and Salem Female Col-
One Salem girl was struck
on the nose with a
It is very to the
friends of Secretary of State J.
Bryan Grimes here in his home
county, as it must be to him also,
to note from the report of the
State canvassing board that he
led the entire tidbit in this
State in the recent election.
Mr. Grimes received votes
more than any other candidate .
on the ticket, Mr. for I that showed that the Republican
lieutenant-governor being second I North Carolina had
, . , . i polled over one hundred thous-
Mr. buy for
Quick as a flash replied Mr.
Wilson G. Lamb, of Williamston,
of the board,
you will be the last one. That's
j the high-water mark of
in this
And the other members of the
board, Messrs. R. L. Smith, of
Albemarle, and R. T. Claywell,
of Morganton, smiled in agree-
with Mr. Lamb. Mr.
Freeman held the opposite view
and put inn claim for the pen
that was used in signing the re-
port as he it as a sou-
It was awarded to him
and the board
News and Observer.
coming third. It is no
small honor to be the head man
on a ticket for u whole State,
and we are proud that this honor
comes to Pitt's worthy son.
If any of our readers have
friends in other States to whom
they would like a copy of the
coming trade edition sent, give
us the name and address now
and we will do the rest. Just
send a postal card containing
the address of the person you
want the copy sent to.
Quit chewing the rag and
grumbling about hard times.
Get busy and do something.
Put an ad. in The Reflector and
see results coming your way.
The Wilmington Star inti-
mates that North Carolina must
look to the A. Ac M. rather than
to the University to win the
football championship next year.
Tennessee is at it again. A
mob at rushed into
court where a trial was in
dragged out three
and lynched them.
Knowing what the people
generally think about him,
Speaker Cannon may be far
enough in his dotage to want to
take spite on everything and
everybody he gets his
job again.
The State canvassing board in
tabulating the returns from the
counties And that Bryan's ma-
in North Carolina was
h Hi. This was about less
than Kitchin and the other
State officers received.
After all we believe that the
chief trouble with the Greens-
News is the fight between
the two Republican party
to control it. And the
The trust magnates and high
protectionists are jumping on
Andrew Carnegie for expressing
himself as favoring a reduction
of the tariff. As got
hie out of the tariff
before retiring they think he
ought to keep quiet and let
them rob the people.
In Tennessee they resort to
night treatment on
most any kind of pretext. Two
boys were taken out in the woods
at night by masked men and
whipped because they would not
work, and another was whipped
for the reason that he had been
talking too much.
The Reflector establishment
belongs to Greenville and Pitt
county, and our friends are in-
to drop in and
note the improvements going on
Have you been out to look at
that piece of new sand-clay road
the county commissioners are
having built as an experiment,
the supervision a gov-
expert road builder f
It begins at the A. L. rail-
road on Dickinson avenue and
will extend a mile out of town.
Even before completed it
is creating such enthusiasm for
good roads that people are talk-
about subscribing a fund to
get the commissioners to carry
the work on for several miles.
In fact such a movement is
ready on foot and subscription
lists will be circulated with this
object in view. Whoop it up,
and lets carry that road clear to
the Greene county line if
and follow it with the same
kind of work until we have good
roads all over the county. It is
the thing to do.
We desire to see Hon. W. C.
Dowd, of Charlotte,
burg county, elected speaker of
the house of representatives
which meets the first of January.
He has the ability and
to make a strong leader and
would draw his brother
together on all public
He is safe and
and that is the of
siding the coming
will need. He is a broth-
editor and his election would
show the press of the State some
little recognition for the worn it
always does for the party. Give
us Dowd for the next speaker,
and not only the press but the
people of the entire State will
have reasons to feel
Warrenton Record.
The foregoing will meet the
They tell a story of a
school committee and the
examination of a teacher
employment was under
The applicant was
mountaineer also. you
teach geography round or
asked one of the committee.
With infinite confidence the
answered, can teach
it round or flat, whichever the
committee Andy Car-
seems possessed with a
similar versatility of talent. He
can preach tariff high or low, ac-
cording to circumstances. If the
tariff on steel was put low
enough some of the water would
be squeezed out of steel stock
and the bondholders might get
the whole holds a
majority of the
About the
on Earth.
Does it ever occur to the
when he is sweeping through
country in the luxurious com-
fort of his heavily upholstered seat
in a Pullman car that in order to
give him that accommodation the
railroad company must haul over
the tracks not merely his individual
pounds of weight, but an ad-
two tons of weight of the
car The largest modern Pullmans
will weigh over sixty tons, and
since they provide only sixteen sec-
it follows that for every pas-
carried, even when the car
is full, two tons of dead weight
mint also be moved. In respect of
the weight hauled per passenger,
therefore, Pullman train is the
most extravagant and costly
of transportation in the world,
as the following comparative facts
will A touring car capable,
when running on n good road and
if. like the railroad train,
ed peed restrictions, will carry
seven people at the same speed as a
Pullman train. The machine will
weigh about 3.500 pounds, or
pounds to the passenger.
A seven horse power motorcycle,
weighing pounds and running
on a good road without speed
will transport two persons on
the level at a speed of forty miles
per hour, while a bicycle weighing
only pounds can be
en an ordinary rider on a good
road from twelve to fifteen miles
per hour and by a racing man at
from to twenty-five miles an
hour. Even good old standby,
the two seated buggy, weighing, let
us say, pounds, will convey its
two in comfort and
safety at a speed of from fifteen to
twenty miles an hour. Summing up
our comparative results, then, we
Sad that the weight necessary
to earn a passenger in a touring
car is pounds, on a motorcycle
pounds, on a bicycle pounds
and in a horse drawn buggy
pounds as against the enormous
load of two tons of dead weight
for the transportation of
a Pullman It may be
objected that the Pullman car rep-
resents an extreme case and that
much of the weight is due to the
provision of sleeping
but we find that, even in the
first class day coach, the dead
eight per passenger is very high,
being, in the case of coaches ac-
according to size,
from seventy to eighty-four people,
about one and one-third tons of
dead weight per
If you H.
till tomorrow. If o
About every afternoon paper
in the State outside of
celebrates today by suspending
publication. We hope our
of the press will further
carry out the Thanksgiving spirit
by being conducted to seats in
the church, Every editor who
not work on Thanksgiving
day ought to go to church and he
should know what is expected of
Heart Action
There are certain serves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation,
fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol-
low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus-
structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it
I with what
thought win stomach trouble, when
the doctor, told mo I had
I had tried many remedies,
when the Dr. almanac came
Into my hands, and concluded to
try Dr. Miles Heart Cure.
taken three bottles, and now
not Buffering st all. am cured
this medicine did II. I writs this la
the hope that It will the at-
We expect you will find the
newspaper boys come about as
holding up their end in this
as other class.
M Main HI. Ky.
Your druggist sails Dr.
Curs, him to return
Cries of first bottle If It fall
benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
. w,, , v in nope it win nm .- r
him when the hat is passed.-
M l . . M . . VII Wain flt
Raymond and
Miss Daisy, of Black JacK, were
visiting Misses Nannie and Lee
Nichols during the past week.
Miss Gladys Chapman, of
ton, was here on a visit to friends
D. S. Smith, of Greenville,
spent Saturday in den.
M. M. Sauls. Sauls and
Miss Sauls came horn--
Friday a to
relatives in Richmond.
Those from here who attended
the games of ball at Norfolk and
from cooperage mills in all
pans of the United States show
an increase of or
per cent, the value of last
year's product over that of the
previous year.
In distinct contrast to tight
cooperage which in the
main n quires oak timber for its
Richmond have come home and j manufacture was far more wide-
report a good time. y distributed than is the case
Mrs. Charity from the with that of tight cooperage
important trees in the
country, and for this reason its
country, has been here on a visit I
to relatives for the past several
J. L. of Vanceboro,
came to see us S
R. L. Joyner, of was
was here Friday closing a land
Miss Mary Edwards, of Kin-
passed through on
her way to her school
ville. She had been spending
the holidays at home.
Walter of Grifton.
was on our cotton market Mon-
We regret that it has been
found necessary to send Mr. El
Roberson, whose home is near
here, to the hospital
for a short while. Mr. Roberson
has been sick for time
bis mind has become very much
much impaired. Ii is th
stock. Twenty-one species of
wood contributed to the total
slack stave production last year.
Authorized The Eastern Reflector for vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
Rape seed at J. R. Smith Mer.
Thanksgiving was observed by
our whole community in a way
most commendable indeed. All
business houses were closed,
there were religious services,
big dinners, family reunions and
a good time generally seemed to
be realized by everyone.
planted your gar-
den is the question every
one is asking. Woods Seed are
the best for the South- You will I
find all kinds perfectly at
Drug Store. Don't make
the mistake of getting some
C. A. Fair and wife
Wednesday from their recent
visit up in Maryland. We re-
very much to learn that
Miss Julia not
back but will remain at home
with her father.
Smith Co. are running
their factory and mills on full
time. General sawing trimming
and repairing of all kinds neatly
Tuesday about o'clock p- m.
some thief went to the pen of R.
H. Garris, who lives near here,
and stole one of his finest hours.
He took the hog just a shore dis-
from the house and after
it cut it half in two
carrying one part away and
leaving the other part in the jam
of the fence, which when found
was still warm. It was a daring
and bold thief and we have no
doubt had Mr. Garris sent
for the hounds at once in
stead cf waiting until next morn-
he would have got his man
Mr. Garris, we
will give twenty-five dollars
the apprehension of the thief.
M. M. makes the
cold drinks that can be mad- at
the cold year
round- Try one.
A Mr. Gary was hero Tuesday
getting a write up of the town
which will come out in f he Re
fleeter soon.
You will find a nice line of
Fires Into Pout
Wilmington, N. C , Nov. 30.-
Sheriff Jackson of
Brunswick county, was shot and
perhaps wounded Sunday
night by a white man
Walker, upon whom he and r.
posse of were tan
a warrant for store breaking,
th scene of the shooting being
Walker's home, four miles below
Shallotte, in a remote part of e
country. Walker is said to be
deserter from an army
raw material, slack cooperage i-
particularly and Georgia, and came to
heading utilized in greater several years ago, i
less most of the
daughter of Mr. Frank Leonard,
a well to do citizen. He was a
roving, shiftless fellow, general-
regarded as desperate, and
recently after several stores in
Shallotte had been broken into,
he was suspected and a warrant
was issued.
For several weeks the sheriff
Nearly two-thirds of the output, had been unable to locate
however, was manufactured from I Sunday night when he and
the red gum, pine. j three other officers,
elm. and beech, in the order A. S. White and James
long, came upon him at his home
How is Your Digestion
Mrs. Mary of No. 8th
Ave., San Francisco, recommends a
remedy for stomach trouble.
for the wonderful effect of
Electric Hitters in a case of acute
prompt this I
am fully convinced that t r stomach
and liver troubles Electric Bitters N
the best remedy on the
This great tonic and alternative
cine invigorates the purifies
the blood and is especially helpful in
all forms of f. male weakness. at
Jno. L. Wooten's drug store.
J. R. Smith Co ,
Miss Meredith,
a trained nurse, who has located
here, is quite sick at Hotel
Blount. Miss Smith, a trained
nurse from Washington came
Tuesday night to attend her.
J. R, Smith Co. Dixon have
hustling st the
plant. Besides their reg
line of work they are mailing
tobacco hogsheads to be
used on this market.
Barnes who has been
living near for some-
time has moved his family back
to den. He says is no
place like
J. R. Smith Co. Dixon have
a nice lot of coffins and caskets
on hand and can furnish hearse
when desired. Give them a call
when in need of any of their
goods. This firm has a good sup
ply of first class wagons, a few
good buggies, and are run over
making hogsheads and repairing.
Truly Ed Garris, the manager,
is a busy man.
Moving in different of
the town will soon be the order
of Then it will be where's
For public school books go to
J, R. Smith Mer. Co.
and Bibles also on hand.
J. R. May. a prosperous young
farmer and of Commissioner
J. J. May. was on our market
M. M. Sauls baa just received
a fine lot of perfumes and toilet
Henry West, a clever an
of J. J. Edwards, returned from
yesterday where he
had been feasting on turkey and
cranberry sauce.
Miss Annie Ross is spending
sometime in Farmville.
Some Crop Statistics.
That cotton is produced in
, . counties of North
est wish of his numerous Menus Carolina at an average of
that he may soon home per bale; wheat in seven-
fully restored. counties at cents per
Mrs. W. M. bushel; corn in ad the counties
Monday in Greenville average of cents per
Nat of bushel; oats in eighty-six
the tobacco market here ties at per bushel and to-
in fifty counties at per
II. F. Manning and A. L. Jack-j hundred pounds is the showing
son. of made in a summary just compiled
in tho office of the State com-
missioner of labor and printing
from reports from reputable
farmers in every locality of
every county in the State.
Another feature of the com-
shows that the cost of
living for the farmers has in-
creased in ninety counties and
the wage of farm laborers has
the highest average
this year being
less than the average monthly
wage last year. The lowest
decrease of
from the previous year.
tabulation the reports of
increase in farm wages come
from twenty counties and re-
ports of decrease in wage from
Charlotte Chronicle.
while at supper.
Walker opened fire on the
party with an army revolver,
Sheriff falling with a
bullet through his kidneys be-
fore the man was overpowered
by other members of the posse.
Walker was sent to Southport to
jail under heavy guard for fear
of vengeance by the sheriff's
friends in the event his wounds
prove fatal.
At last accounts the sheriff
was at the home of Walker's
father-in-law near the scene of
the shooting and three physicians
are with him. There is no
phone connections below
and information is hard to
den a short while
On December 16th the tobacco
will do;. Be-
tween now and the
be for tobacco
is brought in. Daring;
there were sold
coffins and caskets on hand at this market something hue one
and one-half million pounds
the golden weed. Part of the
time there was only one ware-
house and being a new enter-
prise here our farmers were at
first dubious about patronizing it,
becoming satisfied with its back-
and surroundings it was not
long before everyone realized
that that the tobacco market in
Ayden was a fixture and that
it has been so wonderful a sue
far surpasses the most
sanguine expectations of its
owners and patrons. Next sea-
son larger preparations will be
made and greater
afforded in order to build
up one of the best tobacco mar-
in the State. Our ware-
housemen will advertise more
extensively and new life and
vim put forth to bring about the
end in view.
Watched for Fifteen Years.
fifteen years I have watched the
work of Salve; and it
baa never i to cure any sore, boll,
ulcer or burn to It It
hat saved many a doctor
A. F. Hard v. of East Wilton. Maine,
at Jno. L. Wooten drug store.
Four Coming Eclipses.
of 1909 foretell
four eclipses to transpire
the coming year, three of
them being total, and the
being equally divided be-
tween the sun and the moon.
Three will be visible here, while
the fourth will not favor the
citizens of this land.
A total eclipse of the sun.
which will occur on June 17th,
will be visible to the United
States, with the exception of . a
small part of the Pacific coast
A total eclipse of the moon will
appear, or rather disappear, June
3rd, which will also be visible in
this part of the country.
A total eclipse of the moon is
scheduled for November 26th and
27th, which will be in the nature
of a Thanksgiving offering. This
eclipse will be in plain view in
A partial eclipse of the sun,
December 12th, 13th, will not be
visible to the people of the
A First View cf Romantic
City of Melancholy.
A Baltic fog rolled in from the
north a sty rolled in the
writing of Ger-
many in the Century,
bringing an ideal hour for the first
of a city so full of
northern melancholy, a so far
from the so
as Danzig, Down net
full gargoyles strange -lone
platforms then lo through the
mi-t a monstrous church, crowned
with and a huge, blunt
A seemed like the facade
of an Italian palace pierced by a
triumphal arch opened on a street
of fascinating old gables, and
them a with a
most exquisite steeple. passed be-
tween tall, slim palaces, through
the arches of a water gate and came
nut the river, to fill my
with a sudden draft of ozone and to
realize that I was almost in the
presence of the Baltic.
Toward the sea swept an
ken line of romantic architecture,
narrow, sharp gabled houses inter-
mingled With towered water gate-,
and. of all. the profile of the
or Crane gate. Dan-
unique landmark, its stories
projecting one beyond another. On
the island formed by two arms of
the the black and white of
half timbered granaries started
strongly oat of the mist.
The river bristled with
shipping, and as I walked along th-1
quay I taught between cables.
the glow of the light of the
flushing the fog into a
cloud, the center of which was
steeple of the It was a-
beauty had been given an
I turned a corner and wandered
the shore of the island, past n
deserted waterway and a
.-rumbling tower called the Milk-
can gate, then again to the
Green bridge. The darkness had
thickened that one could no
longer distinguish the separate
house fronts, but all the lamps
along the shore had their soft auras
of mist, and the surface of the
was one delicate shimmer, with
strong columns of light at regular
intervals, among which the crimson
lantern of n passing boat wrought
amazing effects.
Where had I known such an even-
before As memory wandered
about the harbor of
the bridges of Nuremberg, the riv-
sides of and
Much Popular Misinformation
The notion loosely floating about
the is that the Bible I S I
Sown from heaven, cleanly printed,
in morocco and
if A, with a a a
text which been e rue-
made to declare that S-
is inspired of God. i his i
en sent volume is i
in the minutest detail. Every ca-
. word Bl A lot r i -1
punctuation mark is infallibly
to tho knowledge of the pi r-
writer, has r Hull I el d
Mite that theory of i
Bid if the pi
were it wot Id
inference And this
in for
a printed in the El l
. read in our Yd ;
the world knows, or .
that the revised version n-hit-h we
now possess is based on tin i
version, which is an
edition of the Bible, i
was a bad cony of I
which was based on
translations of Dutch and
translations and
Bible And if we i
find rigidly accurate me
from the very mind of i
ed in a version of a
is a translation of a translation. a
are demanding the most
of all conceivable miracles.
popular misinformation abort
the Bible rooms to
Million far
Washington, D. C. Nov. 28.-
The with his potatoes and
his apples, the miller with his
flour and meal, the hardware
man with his nails, the cement
manufacturer, and the many
other users of the faithful slack
that combination of
hoops and heading, which
is not intended to hold water or
something in fluid form,
used forest products last year
having the enormous value of
The man little suspect
that the humble barrel plays so
important a part in the expense
st v f
in the State of North Carolina, at the close of Sept.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts . . . 110.04
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from 12,828.54
Gold coin .
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 1,244.68
National bank notes
and other V. S. notes
Capital stock . .
Surplus fund . . 11,250.00
Undivided profits, less
current exp. paid 380.68
Bills payable 10,000.00
Deposits subject took. 45,158.54
Cashier's eke. outstanding 78.87
I was flashed in a trice to the
of sea that film
upon the wonder fraught ocean of
and it to me with
glow of pleasure that place had
from of old called
of the
This, then, was my
to Danzig, and I never think of it
without seeing streets full of high.
narrow facades, melting one into
gently curving streets
alive with rich reliefs; statues of
blurred worthies and inquisitive
the blunt, mighty Church
of St. Marv looming above them
like a mountain. I can never
the name of Danzig without be-
holding a dusky waterway lined with
jewel of
art with rosy aureole.
of Mr.
Mr. dined the other even-
with sonic friends. When the
guests were seated the host bent his
head and began in a sub-
tone. what's that- de-
who sat beside him
and who is rather deaf. The host
smiled patiently and began again in
a louder voice.
a little louder. I don t
catch what you per-
A low ripple of laughter
went round the table. The host,
his face crimson with embarrass-
raised his voice still higher.
The poor old man did his best to
hear, but failed.
did you say r he demand-
ed irascibly.
The host cast him an angry
glance. it. I'm saying
of n copy In i book
Vet the adventure of the Bib
documents the day of the
printing press constitute one of
romances of history. The I
Hebrew copy of Old
of undisputed date goes back
to the tenth century A. I. r.-w a
period, therefore, of not less
1,800 years and perhaps of
copy succeeding copy, gen-
following generation the-
world of books even as in the Ira-
race. Twenty centuries
had gone the way of all
papyri, even as twenty centime of
human beings hid gone way of
all flesh, and this parchment was
heir of all those ages in the fore-
most files Had no
made one mistake in the o
of twice a thousand years As com-
for the late date of o
Hebrew authorities can be set, it ll
true, the scrupulous fidelity with
which the Hebrew amanuensis
his work, his reverence for the
of the document on which be
was engaged and the
comparative purity and
of the Charles P.
in Appleton's.
Division cf
a of the old
Sam. .
fashioned strutting through
the village street as proud any
said n man
had occasionally given him en odd
job. you've taken a partner
Married yesterday.
Sam, hope you believe in
an equal division of labor and will
not expect your partner to do nil
indeed, I does
believe we should do our share.
Wife's to
I'm be de
Not long ago u New York
manager came in unexpectedly
upon the rehearsal of one of bis
shows and didn't like the way
of the comedians was delivering
lines. The man, who had never met
the manager, was slow, lackadaisical
in manner and lacked spirit.
here, this won't do at
aid the manager, striding down tho
aisle toward the stage. steam
there, more steam That's what yon
said the man. gazing down
on the manager. am
don't want an want
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North Carolina.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office Bank
mi Dart m expense Smith, Cashier of the above bank, do
important a pair in W U, is to the beat o. my knowledge and belief.
accounts of the American farmer SM
swear that
and and W
I fore this day of Sept.
with the United States
forest service develop this j STANCIL HODGES,
truth. Moreover,
tics taken directly from Notary
SMITH, Cashier.
W. H. Smith has purchased
the of A. D. Cox in the
Co. and will conduct the DU
at the sane place-
work promptly looked after. Mr.
Cox will still with the
Seed Wheat,
Oats, Rye and Barley.
We are not only the largest
era in Seed i in the but
we sell the best, cleanest and
heaviest qualities. Our stocks are
secured from the best and t-
crops, and our warehouse
are fully equipped with the best
and most improved machinery for
cleaning. If you want superior
Plant Wood's Seeds.
Prices quoted on request
giving full information about all I
seeds, mailed free.

Notice of Sale.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a of trust, executed and
delivered by Leonidas Fleming and
others U U. Salisbury, dated on the
1st day of January, 1908, and re-
corded in the register of deeds office of
Pitt county. North Caro in Book
Z-8, page the will ex-
Ce to c sale, before the court
door in Greenville, for cash, to
the highest bidder.
On December 8th, 1903,
the following real property, to
certain tracts of land,
lying and being in the county of
Pitt aforesaid, and more
described and defined, as
follows, to
The present home farm
of Leonidas Fleming, composed
of what was formerly known as
the Leonidas Fleming
and that portion of the Briley
tract not heretofore conveyed to
L. Mayo. acres,
more or less, and adjoining the
lands of Harrington L. A.
Mayo, J. Fleming. W. J.
Briley. Randolph Bros, and
The lands being situ
ate on th north side of Tar river,
in Greenville township, and be-
split open north and south by
the Leonidas Fleming road con-
the Tarboro
road an. the Tar
and being
east ard west by the Pleas-
Tarboro road, there
upon said farm about or
acres in cultivation and
in wood
Those certain two pieces
of land which were allotted to
piece, lying on the south side of
the road leading from Elihu
to Great Swamp church,
which was allotted to Leonidas
Fleming, in the divisions of the
lands of Ivey Fleming,
deceased, adjoining the
lands of Kenneth Staton and
others, containing, according to
plot 1-2 acres more or less.
Lot No. Being the share
of land allotted to Leon
Notice of Sale for Partition
North Carolina, the S. C. re
Pitt County D. C. Moore, clerk.
W. T. Harris. V. S. Frank
Harriss, James H. Bilk
and husband. Samuel
Dixon and wife, Carrie Dix-
on, Emma Wilson, and
wife Susan Elizabeth Ex
Order of and Com-
By of an order and decree made
by D. C. Moore, Clerk of the Superior
Court of Pitt county in the foregoing
in the divisions of cause, on the 22nd day of November,
the lands of Ivey undersigned commissioner
noon, ox-
Tuesday the 22nd day
deceased, adjoining the lands at o'clock, i
Kenneth Fleming, W. J. Flem- J pose to public before cw
and Containing, door in Greenville, the big
according to plot. acres more j b the follow tracts.,
or less.
To satisfy said deed of trust.
This Nov. 6th, 1908.
One t or parcel of land, situated
in Creek township. county,
North Carolina, at a sweet
i gum on the west side of the
from the . lea Frank
by J. L. Fleming, Attorney.
Leonidas Fleming in the division
of lands of Ivey Fleming,.
one of said pie cs and county,
acres more or less,
and adj the lands of Ken-
Staton, Joseph Bradley and
others, and the other niece con-
acres more or less,
and adjoining the lands of Ken-
Staton. J. Fleming and
The home farm of
Fleming, consisting of acres,
more or less, will be offered
for as lots ard parcels, and
then as a whole, as follows, to
Lot No. Known the
school house piece, bounded on
west b the- lands of W. J,
on the south by the
home place to the Fred Cannon
place at corner of Lot No.
the i of the Willis Wilson
and runs S. E. poles to
stake thence north 281-2 east poles to
a stake, them south east es to
. . i stake with oak and pine pointers,
By virtue the power sale then , west poles to a
contained in a certain mortgage small post oak, i n the south side of a
deed and delivered by Fred Cannons then north
tn C Carr on 1-2. west 19-1 to a stake, corner
W. W. Moore to U b. on then with
the 9th day of 1906, and east m to line reversed N.
recorded in the register of beginning. Containing acres
deeds office of Pitt county. North more or .,., ,,
in A so r tract of land in said
Carolina, in two P-8. pages ,,, county d adjoining the
etc. the undersigned will expose of Oliver Cox, Simon Mills and
to public sale, before the court others and being the home place of the
house door in Greenville, N. C, said Charles Frank containing
to the highest bidder on Monday.
1908, two certain pix r, om dwelling house, nicely painted
tracts or parcels of land lying and an.; ell plastered, three brick
being in the county of Pitt and i one good five room tenant
t ard de- house with brick underpinning and
State worn i one r ten-
scribed as ant house x feet, two shingle top
piece or parcel lying in tobacco barns and tobacco pack
township, State
beginning at shed and shelters attach, d.
corner of lot No. in the western nod well of water. Land has good
line of the A. L. Carr tract, and clay foundation, well adapted
runs north x of corn- cotton, peanuts and tobacco.
. this the 21st day of November. 1908.
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in a mortgage deed
executed and delivered by James
and wife, Mahala
to R. L. Smith Co., on the
20th day of November, 1905. and
duly dad in the register of
deed office of Pitt county, North
Carolina, in J page
the will expose to
public sale, before the court
house door in Greenville, for
cash, to the highest bidder, on
Monday the 14th day of
1908. at noon, it
being of the
term 1908 of Pitt county
Superior court, the following
parcel of land to Situated
in Pitt county, adjoining the
of Silas Hardy,
and others. Beginning
at an oak Silas Hardy's. Mary
Hardy's and Cherry's
corner and thence west
poles to a slake
Silas Hardy s corners, thence S.
poles to Guilford
line, thence his line reversed
east to Marv Hardy's second
W. poles
to the beginning, containing
acres to satisfy said mortgage
This 7th day of Nov
R. L. Smith Co. Mortgagee.
By F. C. Harding,
Great Land Sale
On the first Monday in December
and on Tuesday after sell, strict-
under the hammer, at the court
house door in Greenville, more th n a
dozen small farm. Some i ash
but most of them on long time, with a
payment of only one-fourth ca-h Be-
the 7th and
Have also some for sale privately on
long time between now and above date.
These lands are all within from one
to five miles of the town of Greenville,
and in the best neighborhoods to live
to be found anywhere, and are among
the best agricultural lands in Pitt
This is s great opportunity for
men and others wishing to begin life on
the farm.
The splendid Training School will
open in Greenville next fall and then
you'll want to be convenient to it.
You had better buy now while you
have the opportunity.
P other information can be
had at my office; See also my other
notices in The Reflector,
J. L. FLEMING. Attorney.
Notice of Execution Sale.
State of North Carolina.
Pitt County.
In the
chains to the corner of said tract,
a pine; thence with the outside
boundary of said tract north
chains to a stake; thence
x chains
with said boundary line to a
stake; thence north east with
said boundary chains to a
Trustee's Sale.
Under and by virtue of authority
vested in me by a certain deed in trust
executed to me by Ea on Matthews
and wife, Elizabeth Matthews on the
th day of May. nineteen hundred and
stake, with the various g, the of a
of boundary bond bearing even date therewith,
line of the said A. L. Carr tract and registered in tie office of the
of land to Little
ii ; . book a aw. and in
creek; thence down the various in Trust
courses of said creek to the dower not having been complied with, and
line of Mrs Alice Harper and the upon the of J. w. H.
therein I
Administrator's Notice.
Having duly qualified as
tor of the estate of H. N. Gray, de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to ail
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersign-
and all persons having claims
raid estate -re notified to
the same to the
n or before 16th day of November,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery.
This 16th day of November
H. A. Gray.
of H. N Gray.
Administrator's Notice.
B- W. Edwards et
Snow Hill Supply Co.
A corporation
virtue of an order issued
on November Kith, by Hon.
O. L Allen, judge pr aiding
judicial district of North Caro-
you are hereby notified that the estate are notified to
a hearing before the undersized g
referee, will be held at Know
Having duly qualified before the
c clerk of Pitt county as .
of the of W. D. i n ltd
Moore, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to the estate
make Immediate payment to the under-1
-Mil. and all persons having claims
are to j
The Bank of Lauderdale.
W. E.
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Superior
court of Pitt in the above
will on Monday,
at o'clock M. at the
court house of said county, at
N. C, sell to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said
a I the right title, and interest
which tin said W. E. the
n the following described
property in a Situated in the town
of on west side of railroad and
north tide of Second street, beginning
on street at W. I. Jenkins
S. E. corner and runs a northerly
course with said Jenkins line to a ditch,
Mary E. line, thence an
easterly v ditch and
Mary E. line to W. B.
a north west corner, thence a
southerly course with said
line to Second street, thence with
Second a course to
I containing 3-8 of acre,
more or less, and formerly known
the Isaac Hardy lot
The following, as described, is except-
ed from the above lot from it be-
that part of the said lot which is in-
in the homestead allotment of W.
E. as fully appear on record,
one other lot on Main street
beginning at W. I. S. E.
on Main street, thence with W. I.
line a course to a
ditch, thence with said ditch an east-
course feet, thence a south-
course and with Jen-
line to Main street, thence with
Main street, a course to
W. I. corner, the
All of said lot except that portion just
described as being within the home-
allotment of W E. to be
sold under this execution.
This November
L. Tucker. Sheriff of Pitt county
W. acres more or and being
of the identical tract of land that
Hill, N. C. beginning on No-
1908, at a.
in. and to continue
ed, to hear all as to
claims against the Hill
Supply Co. and any competent
motion of any creditor, a.- to the
disbursement of funds, it same is
desired before the general dis-
of assets, and any
other matter contemplated by n
the insolvency law of
further notified to show
date m- why
dry accounts, amount-
51.88 due for
d by sud Company
notice will be plead in
This 30th day of October W
of V. Moore.
ton land to the
lands of Randolph Bros., and on
the north by the lands of Ran
Bros ard . J. Briley.
containing acres or
excepting and reserving
from the above description the
one acre lot lo the
Pitt county Bard of Education
whereon the new two
school building now stands.
Lot No. on the south
or this will be in
b-r of
This day of October.
S. T. White,
bidder, ore-third ed; ., Administrator of C F. White,
m the de-crib after the
of l situate in PI date on which application for
By virtue of the power of tale con-
this in a Mortgage Deed executed and
d livered by Jno. A. Nichols, to P. H.
Kittrell on the of April, 1907,
arid duly recorded in the Register of
Deeds office of Pitt County, in Book Q-8
the undersigned will expose
to public sale, before the Court House
door in Greenville, for cash, to the high-
. ., ; est bidder, on Monday, the of
Administrator's NOtiCe. I December. 1908; at ll o'clock non, it
being the first day of the December
duly qualified as term of Pitt County Superior
tor of the e of C. F. White, de- j the following parcel of land,
notice is hereby given to all Situated in the Town of Winterville, N.
indebted to the estate to make C., on the east side of the near
to the undersign-1 the Girl's Dormitory, I on the
and all persons having claims j south by lot of W Hie Buck, on the west
against s-id estate are notified to by the lot Elizabeth on
present the to the undersigned I on the north by Mount street and on
on or before the 26th day of October, the east by Church street, containing
1-2 acre more or less. This sale is made
to v terms of mortgage.
This 7th day of November.
P. II. Kittrell, Mortgagee.
By F. C. Harding, Attorney.
was assigned to C. S. Carr in the county, township, and more made, should not
division of the lands of his I be paid m lull.
father. A. L Carr, and known as and Tarboro road to And, that the time for
lot No. in the said division. Gum swamp at the of I filing claim Company
Reference is hereby made the Ann Ham-. at aground bridge; extended to November
record of division of lands with Hum- 191-8
. 1- . . curse to the line of the . . , . .
No. and to c. Reviver,
of Superior Court s with Hill Supply Co. Referee.
of Pitt county for a com- line u sou
of said lot of o.
r . thence with d Ward a I to the
beginning, g SI seres, mote.
Also the life estate and dower or less, a, I known as the Sallie Ann
interest of Mrs. Alice Harper in ind.
. , . , I mortgage
Terms of sale-Cash, or cash.
side of the public road leading
from House Station to Mt- Pleas-
ant church and on the west side land to small triangular
of the road, just staked out. I shaped of land embraced
leading from mouth th- Leon- j within her upon lot No.
Fl road, the new in the div the lands of the
school building. Straight A. L Carr, and which covers
lands of L. A. Mayo, and
the lands of L. A Mayo, was
J. and the other
Fleming lands, containing
44.4 acres more o less.
Lot No. Lying on tho south
side of the rod leading from
House Station to Mt. Pleasant
church and on the east side of
the new road, just staked out.
leading from the mouth of the
Leonidas road, near the
new school building, straight to
the lands of L. A. Mayo, and ad-
joining the lands of L. A. Mayo,
O. Harrington, and the other
Leonidas Fleming lands, contain
40.2 acres more or less.
Lot No. Lying on the east
of the Leonidas Fleming
road, opposite the new school
building, and on the north side
of the road leading from House
Station to Mt. Pleasant church,
and adjoining the lands of
Harrington and the other lands
of Leonidas Fleming,
acres more or less.
Lot No. Whereon is situate
the dwelling house, house,
barn, stables and etc. of the
said Leonidas Fleming, and lying
on both sides of the Leonidas
Fleming road, adjoining the
of O. Harrington,
J. Fleming, Elihu Briley, Ran-
Bros., and others, and
adjoining the line of lot No.
straight from Ran-
corner to O. W.
ton s containing 81.85
more or leas and what is
now called the home field of
Leonidas Fleming, on both sides
of the road.
The lands allotted to Leonidas
Fleming in the division of the
lands of Ivey Fleming, deceased,
will be offered for sale in two
lots, as
Lot No. 6-Being the acre
This the day of Nov
J. C Smith, Trustee.
register of deeds county.
The dower of the said Mrs. Alice
Harper covering the entire lands before the curt ions- door in
of lot No. assigned to the said to the highest
By virtue of the of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and by G. S.
and wife to L C Arthur on the
1st of . Mar.-h 1605, and duly
d in the Register of Deeds 01-
of Pitt c North Carolina, in
Hook page Hi, undersigned
to the
lying and in the county
of Pitt and Stale of North
and in the town of Greenville, bounded
and described as follows, One
By virtue of the power of con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and by
wife. Ida Perkins, to
age the 16th day of
and duly in the register of
North Carolina I
Pitt County. In the S. Court.
A. Savage and G. A.
us A. Savage Company,
D. L.
By virtue of an execution is-
deeds office of Pitt county. North Care- above entitled Cause,
Una, in book J-8. page 2.0, the . . . Claim A.
will to c sale, be-i
wherein O A. and A.
e-i win c sale, ,. . e
court house door in Greenville,, Savage trading as A. Savage
to the highest on Monday, are plaintiffs, and D.
camber Slat a c ruin tract or l is by D.
parcel of land being in th-town-. pip, the
of county of Pitt and State MOOre.
of North Carolina, and Pitt county, the under-
follows, Being lot No. l on the L. Tucker, sheriff of
north side of Fleming street in whit is; county, will on Tuesday, the
, of December. 1903
ard the the second day of
lot at the corner of Evans
on I and streets and running from
C. T. ard cherry me the
com r, December term, 1908, of Pitt
feet h inches, thence South west j Superior court, at o'clock
feet inches to the old of said court for the
thence north 1-2 l o feet I noon recess on said day,
itches to the beginning, containing one public sale at the court house
quarter are more, or and being . d , Greenville. Pitt county,
the this day conveyed to . ,. . . . t,
Perkins by Adrian to to the highest bidder for cash.
said mortgage deed. Terms of sale the following described tracts
said A. L. Carr for a more par- which the said and wife
description of said twenty
two acres of said land embraced and by Main street extended, lying
in the description of lot No. in just South of the Norfolk Southern I
the said to satisfy said railway. For description ref-.
, . j is made to said to I
mortgage deed. , deed. Terms of I
reasonable deferred payments.
This Nov. 1908.
C. S. Carr, Mortgagee.
Skinner Whedbee,
This 24th day of Nov. 1908.
J. B. Cherry Mortgagees.
James ard James, Attorneys.
North Carolina, I
Pitt County, i In Superior Court.
W. A, James, Jr. administrator of
Alfred James, deceased.
David I., James, Nancy E. Williamson,
Harriett L. all, heirs at law.
The defendants Harriett L. Ward,
W. II. Che t r Alfred
Swindell and Minnie Swindell will take
notice that a special Proceeding,
led as above, has been commenced in
Superior Court of Pitt county before
the Clerk to sell the real estate of
Alfred James, deceased, in order to
make assets for the payment of
and the said defendants will further
take notice that they are required to
appear at the office of said Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt County on Tues-
day December 3rd, in Greenville,
N. answer or demur to the
complaint filed in action,
or the plaintiff will n, to the Court
for the relief demanded therein.
This 4th day of November 1908.
u. C. Moore.
C of Superior Court,
Blow, for
street, a westerly
thence a northerly direction,
with the first line. fee to 14th
with the southern line of 14th
street an easterly direction, feet to
the beginning, cunt lining one acre,
more or less. One oilier lot beginning
at the corner of and
and running from thence with
I the eastern line of street a
direction, feet to I he
corner of and 15th streets;
I thence with the line of 15th
street, an direction, 1511-2
I thence a northerly direction,
parallel with the Drat line, SI I feet to
I 14th street, thence the southern
Having duly qualified as line of 14th street, a westerly direction,
tor, with the will annexed, of the 1-H feet to the beginning, contain-
estate of M R. E. Bel-her, deceased, one acre, more or less to satisfy
notice is hereby to all persons said mortgage Terms of tale,
indebted to the estate to make cash.
payment to the undersigned, and This Nov. 1908.
all persons having claims against said i L. C Mortgagee.
estate are notified that they Jarvis Blow, II
present the same to the undersigned on
or before the 6th day of November,
1909, or this notice will be plead in bar
or recovery.
of November, 1908,
of Mrs. R. E. Belcher.
This 20th of Nov, 1908.
Adrian Savage, Mortgagee.
Id. w.
Notice to Creditors
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Notice to creditors.
Notice to creditors
Having duly qualified
tors of the estate of J, S. Harris, de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned,
and nil persons having claims against
estate are notified that they must
Having qualified as executor of Sue present the same to the undersigned on
May decease., Farm- or before the 2nd day of November,
Pitt county, North Carolina, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar
is to notify all persons having a of recovery.
but the estate of decease l tot
exhibit them to tie undersigned within
twelve from this date, or
notice be pleaded in r. r of their
recovery. All persons i to said
estate will make immediate,
payment. j
C. Dupree,
F. G. James, ltd
This 2nd day of November
J. T. and II. S. HARRIS.
of J. S. Harris.
The next holiday is Christmas,
it it, leas u
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol i n a
Office corner and Third
formerly occupied by the late Col. I.
A. Sugg.
Every Tub Stands
On Its Own Bottom.
The first tract lying and
it township, Pitt county
beginning at a sweet on the
new road, the corner of L. G.
land with his
line to a stake on a ditch, thence
down said ditch to a stake at a
bridge, thence a straight line to
the run of creek to a paw-
paw gum, thence down the run
of said creek to M. E. Jenkins
corner, thence with her line to
to the beginning, containing
acres, more or
Also the undivided interest of
D. L. in and to that
certain tract or parcel of land
and being in town-
ship, Pitt county, adjoining the
lands of Willis on the
east, the lands of M. Sermons,
and Mason
containing acres more or leas.
Also one other parcel or tract
of land situated in town-
ship. Pitt county, adjoining the
lands of M. E. West-
Ross and others, containing
acre more or less.
This sale be made to
an issued from the
Superior Court Pitt county in
the above entitled cause. This
the 14th day of November. 1908.
L. W. Tucker,
Sheriff of Pitt County.
And so does every town.
If the bottom of this town drops out,
what arc we going to stand on
And the bottom will drop out
If we fall to stand together and work
together for the good of the
yourself and the other
In order to build to the top, there
must be solid bottom.
Two Thousand Families
The intellects of America,
have one nils magazine buying
The Review of Review first,
because it is a
for A
f-y hie
The Review
Has attained a larger subscription lint than any magazine that
deals wholly with serious subjects and is accepted as the beat
periodical to keep one up with the times. It is non-partisan.
With Dr. Albert the with th
cartoon o. month, with the contributed on
the MM ire in, with beat picked
out all the other the world you. with the
sketches of i he l the moment--you can keep
coat effort and money
ordering next year, it pages special
offers, including all the leading magazines and periodicals. It
will show you how lo save money on buying.
This interesting and is FREE.
The Review of Reviews Company, Astor Place, New York
Methods Used to Train the Bust For
Show Purposes.
Fifteen feet of slack rope were
the animal as the trainer
once more to the scat,
and once more he failed to under-
stand. Then, says a writer in Ev-
Magazine, the order to
hoist was given, and as the men
pulled the tiger felt the collar tight-
en about neck. His head grad-
was lifted up until his fore
legs left the ground, and he pranced
on his hind paws. With the fear of
strangulation and the instinct of
self preservation, his brain became
a mental mud puddle. He boat the
air with his fore paws, whirled,
squirmed and wriggled in a
fort to get out of the collar that
clutched his throat. Every move-
of bis body brought him near-
to the Beat over which hung the
block and tackle. When he reach-
ed it assistant grabbed tail
through the bars of the cage and
pulled him toward the little stool,
while the trainer punched him
against it with the iron bar.
him clear of the
he called. make him take
that Mat All together And
as the men laid their combined
weight on the rope the big cat was
hoisted until his hind legs dangled
two feet above the floor, dancing a
madman's jig. The helpless,
brute fought the useless fight
of n fish out of water. Had not the
muscles over his throat been like
solid rubber tires he would have
strangled as he curled his body into
a coil, trying to escape the weight
hung from his own neck.
With much pushing and hauling
the struggling beast finally was
landed on the seat. But the mo-
ho felt support under his feet
he leaped for the floor. He was met
by the trainer, who walloped the
sore, nose with the hick-
handle of his whip and follow-
this up by firing the burning
powder of a blank cartridge straight
into the nostril. The tiger turned
to run. but the trainer yelled,
him, And as the crew threw
their weight on the rope the beast's
head and fore legs were yanked
from the ground, and he pranced
along for a few steps with only the
claws of his hind feet touching the
boards. When the momentum of
his own body had carried him clear
of the floor he swung back,
pended in the air, more like a life-
less tiger skin than a blood filled
beast of flesh and sinew.
Get a large display ad space on
our special trade edition cover.
It Met Requirements.
Charles tho farce writer,
once invited a friend to go to the
theater with him.
play queried his friend.
Blank in
said the playwright, naming a very
popular actor.
very said the friend,
you'll have to count me
tho asked
in surprise.
to frank with you, I
don't Blank in anything. I hate
him personally and can't enjoy him
as an actor, and, as far as I am con-
I wouldn't mind seeing him
this is your slyly
added Mr. Hoyt in his peculiar
dialect. don't want
to miss it. They hang him in tin
Too Much For Ferret.
An old buck rabbit Is not to be
y tackier by weasel, stoat or even
ferret. On the sanded floor of a small
public house a ferret of long
was matched with an old lop
cared buck, tho property of the land-
lord. The ferret made for the
rabbit's throat, but tho latter was In
the air master ferret could
reach arid, leaping clean over the
ferret's hear, let out with those power-
hind lets of his a kick which
hurled tho ferret bodily against the
wainscot. Twice tho ferret returned
to the attack, and twice be missed his
grip and went hurtling through tho
air. The third repulse enough for
lie knew be beaten and
could not be persuaded to stand up for
a fourth
Tragedy of Kiss.
Ho not known her very long,
but she stood in the moonlight a
white dress and a blue sash set off
her figure so well that he thought he
never seen a prettier picture.
And then ho did an awful thing
ho kissed her. The innocent girl
shrank from him in horror, and the
man realized that had
gone far. Indeed, as the pant-
girl strove to collect herself
to express the scorn
in her bosom the young man
thought of the beating he must en-
the next day from her father
and brothers and of the long ac-
counts of the fight that would
pear in the newspapers. Fortunate-
be bad his hat in his band
turned to go. But the girl struggled
to speak. She would express her
contempt for his action though it
killed her. she said in a
low, faltering voice, full of deep
seated hatred, you coming
again Globe.
Breaking tho Ice.
Beautiful Ella came into the
room and drew her low scat so close
up to her father's big armchair that
be looked up from his newspaper to
see what was the matter.
likes you,
she said as soon as she saw that she
had his attention.
I have been under the
for sonic time that he liked
some one remarked the old
gentleman, I've never seen any
indications that I was the
will the very next time
you sec Mr. said the beau-
girl, with conviction.
be going to de-
going to ask you if you
consent to lie
explained the beautiful girl.
Th Way That Clever Rogues Operas
Through the Mails.
Sam is as proud and Watch-
of his mails as a father of
child, yet it is through the
that the succulent
i.-.; frequently ticked for, some-
time by a thin line of correspond-
reeled out miles away.
and be has been known to snap at
DISC honk with avidity while at the
he bad another in his gills.
man engaged a small room
; downtown office building, New
or. installed a single typewriter,
be manipulated himself, and
from an investment of less than
; within two months cleared over
How did be do it Let
is to to the day that his
rent began.
First, he had his door adorned
with handsome gold lettering, as fol-
and Diamond Men
A capacious letter box was then
attached to the door, and, removing
his coat, Henry with a
newspaper directory at bis elbow.
struck off several hundred
ten letters to as many different
newspapers throughout the country,
in each letter cents in
stamps and asking that he be for-
warded ii of the latest
As fast as copies of these papers
came in he looked over the death
columns and, selecting one or two
likely names from each paper,
the decedent a typewritten
begging that be kindly remit tie-
balance due the hundred
dollar diamond ring which be i
purchased would go forward by
press. A neat bill was with
the made out as though
in installments bad already beer
paid in on the diamond.
When this letter reached its
with it was sent an
of watch and
it was opened by the
widow of the decedent, and thirteen
times out of a baker's dozen the
was remitted in baste by that
prised yet not less pleased lady.
An early letter informed the
widow that her remittance had been
received and the diamond would go
forward by express within twenty
days direct, from the
house. Should fail to
it, would she be good enough to
notify the firm, etc.
When the inspectors
looked into the matter Borne
months later they found correspond
showing that Henry
watch and diamond merchant, had
netted over but that gen-
bad thoughtfully betaken hit
person to greener Mark
Lemon in Bohemian Magazine.
Norfolk and Southern Railway
Fitzgerald, Kerr. Receivers.
For Washington, Belhaven, Colombia, Eden-
p. m. ton. E Suffolk, Norfolk, and
Intermediate stations, Raleigh to
I For Grimesland, Chocowinity, and
p. m. j
a. m. Per Farmville, Wilson Zebulon. Raleigh, and
m. Stations.
t From Washington, Chocowinity, and Inter-
a. m. stations.
I From Norfolk, Suffolk. E Hertford
p. m. Columbia. Belhaven. Plymouth. , and
I mediate Stations.
a m. I From Raleigh. Wendell. and
p. m. i stations.
NOTICE-Above schedules published only as and are
not guaranteed.
M. W
H. C.
G- P- A.
Raleigh, and Atlanta, Ga
Effective 6th Southern Railway through
Atlanta, Ga., on the following convenient
Call cm Ticket Agents Southern Railway connection
lines for detailed information, or
Norfolk, Va
The millennium will be a time when
out their good
Expert Evidence.
At the courts a case concerning
motor driving was being heard,
when the chauffeur declared that
when driving at forty miles an hour
he could, if necessary, pull up in ten
or twelve feet.
said the judge.
Then the next witness an ex-
his evidence.
Said his lordship, a motor car
at forty an
hour and the brakes could be put
in such a manner as to stop it
within ten or twelve feet, where
Tery on the sort
been said the ex-
Prefers Wood to
The looker on was watching s
contractor doing sonic figuring
where his men were building
house. He too; out his pencil am
carefully put away in his pocket
small block of paper, which, how
ever, was evidently intended to I
used for hasty scribbling and note.-.
Then he a frenzied
search for r small Mock of wood nm
finally compromised by figuring rig
the frame of a window.
didn't you the
humbly questioned the looker on.
or looked
Then he laughed. tell you the
truth, I don't he said,
that I've got into the habit of
working on anything else but a piece
of paper, so never feel at home
I have found a scrap of wood or
Too Fair For
late Bishop said a
famous beauty at a dinner in Sew
York, pay charming
He paid me a
compliment when I was a
was at a country house in
Vermont. Bishop Potter was very
busy in the library one morning
when I entered. Ho once asked
me to help him. Ho gave mo a list
of charity subscriptions to add up.
As I set to work Bishop Potter,
bending over me.
must forgive me. I
grave compunctions about asking
to do anything useful. It is as
if one should eat hash from a gold
dish carved by Cellini or
use for a napkin a square of
An Exciting Pursuit.
Once an international photo-
graphic congress tho question was
raised which was the most exciting
pursuit in connection with the cam-
era. One member averred,
graphing wild beasts in
Another gave it as his opinion that
photographing the treacherous sum-
of the Alps and Himalayas was
the most nerve racking; another
mentioned submarine photography.
When they had all finished, a pale,
wild eyed man got up and
all these things
placid diversions compared with my
I am a child
Taft Vandyke
solid car load BUCK STOVES
Also Rolls Fine Line Couches, and Lace Curtains
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise.
Pulley boweN
Home of Women's Fashions, Greenville C.
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty. Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Cobb Bros.
Cotton Buyers. Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging; Ties and Bags.,
Correspondence and shipments
Harry Skinner. Skinner, Jr
H. . Whedbee.
am. s. c
S. B
At New Market in i of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.

e of F. C. NYE
in w.
Agent of The i. Rates on Application J
nil r
the Tar Heel;
save the dyspeptic many
day s of and enable him to cat
he wishes. They prevent
day seemed like
bu, N. C.
and carts made by the
Cox Co.
T. B K pr i able ; A
i .
. the
N. C, Dec. 1908
R. E. Willoughby went to
service they cannot be Greenville last Tuesday to sell
cotton, and one of his got
sick and caused him to have to
G. King, in a the night the.-e. The
t Dover week. was alright Wednesday
in need of a good he brought him home.
baggy will do well to Mills Smith went to Farmville
shall i gee Mr. Hunsucker at the A. evening on business.
.-. All i
our people went a u-
i of no o Lr. J H. K
ck. R
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle. sugar
Take Mo Substitute.
Cox Co. R- Smith, of Farmville,
they buy
I .; . id we
i is t it you place your orders early.
t. i for . Chapman returned
i a . r Monday morning
. . I E L .,,.
c . befit
I A W.
Outgoing and Governors Ar-
for at the Date.
It is agreed that the
of Hon. W. W. Kitchin as
governor cf North Carolina will
Mr. Glenn
J. F. and wife, Nannie B. J
Forbes road; thence down the load
y south poles; thence north
ea.-t poles to a stake
north weft to red oaks
Allen and wife, Clara J. Craw
ford, C. H. Forbes, Mrs. Nora
A. M. Allen ard wife,
Bertha E. Allen and Pearl A.
Neva A. Forbes.
near the mill road; thence south
1-2, west poles to William
corner; thence south
poles to the beginning,
containing acres, more or
By virtue of the judgment and
decree of the clerk of the
court, made in the above
entitled cause, on day
of November 1908, the under-
signed J. L. Fleming,
appoint, d the court,
This the 13th day of Nov. 1908.
J. L. Fleming.
By of the power of sale con-
will sell to the highest bidder for in a certain deed en
cash, for partition, at the COUrt by
u, W.- Pitt in wife Q. C. Move to Mary Branch o
to Mills Smith's on January
id bat was much better Kitchin have i
. .
; vi the
V. w a
t ; .
A. V.
l d .
. i. U.
I in
. a. to
T . Q u-. I .
o in rt. An v
u . .--
an at I. , -tees
. ; . ml-
G. them a trial.
C. Vine
spent her i
ii any
to attend a meet-
. trustees the blind
the lines of
,.; i. in Win
at Harrington Barber
A. u. Cox will have a pretty
lie is
a cement put in.
ii. .- and harness
. . A. G. Co.
Mb returned
a visit u
.- i
. v are among
. best.
that interest you. We also
. a ft of heaters and
and was so much better
Thursday that he returned home
to resume his duties on police
Misses Ma; Brooks and Mary
house door of Pitt county in
Greenville, on the day of
December, 1908, all the right,
title of the parties
ed this agreement- Mr. Kitchin the aforesaid proceeding in
wanted the inauguration January
or but Governor Glenn has
important business
in Washington on these date and
Joyner, the teachers at Smith's Mr. Kitchin yielded to the wishes
school, left Wednesday Governor Glenn for the
lo spend Thanksgiving at home, j to be January The
Mills Smith and J. B. Joyner legislature meets January aid
went to Greenville
J. Ii. Joyner and Mills Smith canvass the vote
went to Farmville Thursday and declare Mr.
and to the following
tracts or parcels of land, to wit
1st. A certain tract Of lot of
land, in said county and State,
as Lying
and being in the tow n of Green-
ville, on South side of 10th
street and on the west side of
the day of September, 1906. and
duly recorded in the Register of Deeds
office of Pitt county. North Caroline,
in k J-8, page the undersigned
will expose to public sale, the
court door in Greenville, the
highest bidder on Monday, Dec. 28th,
1908, a tract or parcel of land
g a d i in the county of
and State of North Carolina and de-
d as follows, to The Vacant
lot described in said mortgage and
t e eastern part of said lot.
d on the north by the lot of Mary
E. on the east by the lot of
W. Ii. on the south by Second
Washington Street, beginning at street, and on the West by other
j Kith . the said Isaac lot upon
Tuesday Will, On the 8th, in at , V , , , I which stands the building, the vacant
street and Washington ,. u, front
I with the requirements of
as preliminaries to the w
four days later.
Register of R. Williams
evening on easiness.
Thanksgiving day was kept by
a great many people here in
I hunting, and there was so much
a part of morning that j
it me war a
back in the sixties. I report.
R. E. Willoughby went white.
Farmville Friday on business. Henry B and Maude
The Hookerton Union meeting Brown.
convened at Smith's school, Staten and Maggie
house Friday night, and closed Novella Bunting.
Sunday night. There were j arid L.
en in the
Prom Wilson we had J. C. w. T. Allan and Neva T.
S. P H. H- Settle, Forbes.
j H ayes Parish C. M. Morton. N. and Lydia Car
From we had S. W.
. the e Washington street,
I the beginning, it being the east
has issued the following licenses No as shown
and runs about ard g lack
feet t. ; the corner of lot about to s. id Mortgage
Mo, thence with lot No. f
about Co feet to a
thence n p. G. James,
with to
on map made by P. Matthews in
By virtue of tie power of sen
in a Mortgage
Deed executed tie i by Situ
and wife lo W,
1892 of the William Moore land, Brooks the 1st day of January,
containing one fourth of an acre, . duly recorded in th.- register of
Powell, an old student from D.
have just received a new . now
lot of salt. A. look-keeper in Baltimore,
Misses Roberson and spent here with re-
returned from Bethel Thursday
afternoon. The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
A good second-hand buggy and Co. are now in position to am
harness sale cheap. Buggy ply you their
has been running about a year, Carts, bodies and Tumbling
I bodies, Prices made right Call
a number of the m-
Thanksgiving day at home.
Second-hand open
Ernest Staten and Eva House.
Emmet Highsmith and
We had a good attendance Fri-
day night, and it was much
larger Saturday. The good David
people round about served a, Burney.
bountiful dinner on the grounds Joe and Dora
Tar help-
ed themselves until they were
satisfied, and like it was
when Christ fed the five thous
I and there were twelve baskets
full taken up. On Sunday there
Nobles and Janie
Michael Phillips and
Ellison and Martha
more or less, and being the lot county,
. i ., I Una, in book B y page the
conveyed to Victoria
by the Greenville Lumber Com-, the court door in Greenville, to
in 1895 and by deed which I u highest Under on Thursday,
appears of record in the a certain parcel
t of and in the county
of register pat of North Carolina ard
by the Greenville Lumber Com-, the in Greenville, to
1895 and by deed which I highest binder on Thursday, Dec.
el of
,, n a. St. vi U
county, in Look B-o, page described as follows, to
and the same by That of land in
C and wife Vic-1 township near the town of Grifton, ad-
to Noah Forbes, I -of t
by deed which appears of record
v-. L. Blount. Louisa and
others, containing acres more or
less, less the pistes sold If. For ac-
curate description, reference is hereby
made to the The
tote sold being the of
S. Worth in said tract of
lo satisfy raid deed.
Terms of
This of r.
P. W. Brooks. Mortgagee.
F. G. James, Atty. ft ltd
Fresh Pork Sausage at S. M.
Fountain Pen.
W e headquarters for
horse blankets.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
A. G. Cox is having a cement
floor put in his large concrete
This be one of
handsomest stores in town.
Miss spent
Thanksgiving day at
Remember the Hunsucker bug-
are still going. Call to see
our nice stock of runabouts be-
fore you buy. Prices are inter-
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. sent a bad
of buggies to Greenville this
Miss Myrtle went to
Ayden Friday evening.
We are carrying a nice line of j
Coffins and Caskets. Prices are
right and can furnish nice hearse
service. A. G. Mfg. Co.
M went to
Ayden yesterday.
and eggs a specialty.
Come and get best prices.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Annie Mumford, of
den, is spending sometime here
with relatives and friends.
For Sale- One mule and two
horses cheap. Harrington, Bar-
Miss Bessie Kittrell is spend-
a few days with relatives at
We have just opened a large
line of best enamel ware. Come
and get your pick.
A. W. Ange Co.
Our Christmas goods will be on
market in a few days.
A. W. Ange Co-
Fresh beef, pork, oysters,
and fish can be at our
market, Lunches en short
r Bail Sutton.
to a serious accident Monday
at oil mill. In
to put on a in the seed room,
a ladder was knocked from under
him by the belt causing him to
fall and break his leg just above
his ankle. Both bones were
broken. Dr. Cox was summoned
at once and dressed his wounds.
The sewing ma-
chine is one of the best, on the
market. See us for prices that
will be of interest to you.
A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Nettie Nobles, of Lenoir
county, entered school Monday.
Fresh seed rye.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The new reversible disc
row is indispensable on an up-to-
date farm. See us before buy-
Harrington, Barber Co.
Get the plow for
tearing up new grounds.
Harrington, Barber Co-
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. sent
joy it greatly.
the preachers
delegates took the train at
Monday morning for especial y
sun. and Farmville.
in the office of the register of
deeds of Pitt county, in book G-
page reference to both of
which deeds is hereby made for
an accurate description.
2nd- That certain or
parcel of land, in said county and I
State, bounded as lying
and being in Greenville town-
ship, beginning at fork of
the Kinston road, near the home
of Noah Forbes, deceased,
and with the new road
north west. poles; thence execute and delivered by J. hi.
welt poles; thence G-
. m i sod duly d lithe
went piles to a small., of
bridge the road; North Carolina, in bk X page
Of said and the Mar and
I ditch to a stake; thence north book Q x, page the
on t ,. o . i. lo public sale,
west poles to a marked;,,,, the court j,,
Black gum; thence I ville, highest bidder on
the j west GO pales, to a near a day, Do . a tract or
thence south lying aid
By virtue of the power of tale
in two mortgage
Jas- L. Smith, of Maple Cy-
press, came up Saturday to at-
tend the union meeting and to
visit his son, Hay wood. A Mr.
Kirkman came up with him and
and they returned home Monday
C. D. Smith's daughter, Sallie,
has been sick for a week with
fever. And Miss Mamie is sick
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as executor of Mrs.
P. deceased, late of Pitt
county, N. C, this is to notify all
persons having claims against the
estate of sail to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months from date of this notice, or
notice will j pleaded in bar of
All persona indebted to estate
will please make immediate payment.
Book Store
a large lot of
Parker I dust pile;
fountain pens, the I ind that has , . i
south east poles to a pine
stump, M. G. line near I That
the Kinston road; thence across I township adjoining the lands of T A
the road east Nannie B. Alfred
poles to a stake and water oak;
thence north west poles
to a stake; thence west poles
to a stake; thence north east
poles to the Kinston road;
with the Kinston road
west poles to the
beg containing acres
mo. e or less.
3rd. That n tract or par-
of land, in said county and
State, bounded as follows, lying
and being in Greenville township,
beginning at the fork of the Kin-
and new road, near the
home place of Noah Forbes, de-
We are offering our entire line ceased, and running with the
of children's clothing Kinston road north J, east
at cost, as we will discontinue thence north
1153-5 poles to a small bridge
across the said road; thence with
the various courses of the ditch
across the field to the new road;
with the new road south
east north
are beautiful. Prices run from
to and nothing makes a
more appropriate Christmas
present. Make your selection
early so as to get the best. Hun-
of Parker pens
have been sold in this section
and there are no dissatisfied
users of them. Parker pens are
the best made. Pretty Christ-
also, but we hope she will not s boxes go with the holiday
have the fever. P i i
Misses May Brooks and Mary
Joyner returned Saturday night
to be at the Union Sunday and
to take charge of their school
Monday morning.
, This the 23rd day of November 1908.
a large shipment Of school desks I ltd Henry Sheppard,
to Charleston, S. C, a few
selling these
ago. They are
desks in large orders.
cost, as
this line.
Pulley Bowen.
as book-
Wanted Position
keeper by lady of experience,.
can reference Address U Poles- thence south
u . east poles to the beginning,
C. L. Hargett street, more or less.
Raleigh, N. C.
Carolina ind described at follow-,
tract f land in Beaver Dam
land, . molt
or loss. as lot Do. the
vision of J. B. s land. Also one
piece or tract, . the lands of
H. G. Nichols, Mrs Agnes Blount and
T. A. Nichols, being lot No. in
division, containing 1-1 acres, to
satisfy said mortgage deed. Terms of
sale cash.
This day of 1908.
F. G. Mortgagee.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed
and delivered by Samuel Ros
and wife, Mary E. Rots
as on the 1st day of March, and
duly recorded in the register of deeds
Pitt county, N. C, in J
page the undersigned will expose
to public sale before the court
door in Greenville to the highest bidder
on Monday, January 3rd, at
o'clock p. m., a certain tract or
of land lying and being in the county
Pitt and State of N. C., and described
as follows to One house and lot
g and lying in or near the town of
Bethel, N. O. Beginning at the edge
of the Bethel and Tarboro road and the
corner of W. J. lot, thence
with the public road about yards to
M. O. walling, thence a par-
line with W. J. Burundi's line
about yards to M. O. back
I walling, thence about yards to W.
J. line, thence with W. J.
A number of small farms for
sale right away. Fine tobacco
lands and other farm lands, and
some manufacturing sites. Pub-
at court house door in
Greenville, December, 7th, 8th Training School.
J. L Fleming, Any. L. Atty.
Remember the land sales De-
7th, 8th and Now
have about small farms for
sale, on terms, and large
bodies of land. All within from
one to five miles of Greenville and
of the East Carolina Teachers
4th. That certain tract or par-
of land, in said county and
State, known as the Mill tract, j
as Lying and
I offer for sale my store buildings, Greenville township. Barnhill a line to the beginning, con-
lot and the entire stock of general mer- at a fence corner yards more or less,
also my dwelling house and . beginning Wire comer . it being the lot conveyed to Mary E.
lot, all in the town of on William line, run- by M. O. Blount. To satisfy said
south east 1-21 deed. Terms of sale cash.
I poles; thence north 1-2 degree November,
west 1-2 poles to a small
Subscribe for The Reflector.
Thomas, Mortgagee.
Julius Brown, Atty.
An Improvement over many Bronchial because It rids the
v ten, of by t- a cathartic on bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to
or refunded. Prepared by CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
V. . ft
J s

Cotton Insurance
and Real Estate
N. Carolina
Jewelry is something easily misrepresented and the intelligent buyers can appreciate
One Price It gives faith to the public and leaves a long train of satisfied
Square dealing is the formula, each article sold sells another and so on down the
line. We carry a full Jeweler's line and can furnish anything you may need for all occasions,
Wedding, Christmas and Birthday Presents
To select from you have the gold goods Bracelets, Necklaces and Rings with
Diamond and Pearl setting; Sterling goods, Silver Plated Hollow Ware, Cut Glass, China in
and hand painted. Art Goods, Cutlery, Clocks, Musical numbers of others.
W arc making a specialty in showing THE DETACHABLE. GOLD SILK UMBRELLA. When nicely engraved makes a Swell Christmas Gilt. It will please.
No. Evans Street
C. E. Bradley, jeweler
Something Useful
No doubt, you have given your friend, husband or sweetheart a Christmas Present heretofore
and if you had thought the time, you would have given a present that would have been more
useful to them.
OR RAIN COAT is an ideal gift and
more to a man's appearance than any other garment
AT OR PAIR OF SHOES, will make any one think of
you on a rainy day and at the same time give the head or fee
j j
OR MUFFLER will be a pleasing surprise to
both; satisfaction to your friend, cast to you.
. J.
Home Of Women's
attractive this season; the
patterns are rich and are distinctly stylish.
j . .
Space forbids to enumerate the many HEAL THINGS we are showing this season, but if
you will call in, we'll take you in hind and you next t of our new things for a
II you art anxious about we Gin satisfy wants, just as easy.
N Carolina
Our line is especially
strong this season on
Goods, Silks, Em-
Cloaks, Coat
Suits and Shoes.
We want your trade sole-
upon the merits of our
goods. You will profit by
trading here. W
Greenville N. Carolina
D. J. mi On
ii m
in to
Abound in Money Saving Opportunities for Securing
Home, Farm, and Personal Needs.
Large Stocks, Ample Variety of Standard Productions, Bed Rock Prices, Reliable
and a Courteous and an Attentive Service Maintains Unsurpassed Buying
Conditions---Sketches of Greenville's Popular and Progressive
and the given for their Constantly Increasing
Popularity all Over Pitt County.
As here the purpose of this Trade Edition
when or of
of the stores, and one at once secures the of the which Ask variety of make or quality or price in any of the
price in New York, Philadelphia or any of large cities and a is action and that there is no need whatever to go away send away for any article what-
to t of
and SHeek. in all line, contain the very latest and productions on the market, special effort, taking been made for the holiday season, and the exhibits in the
many stores and interesting on their reputations In this one respect and they
Then, again, the great feature of reliability M B f r y what they are in Greenville, there is no desire to misinform or misrepresent, for the open and
regard this reputation Another consideration, one that is not accredited with the importance
candid way is the way to create satisfaction in the end, the sat shed customer u e home. Remember every dollar is a power in itself for development, and dollars
that it deserves, and that is beneficial advantages that accrue ts all as a b keep , development of the cities or towns to which they are sent. Remember, too,
home with home merchants mean home development. iS as for dice the Id of bridges and roads and all alike share in their benefits. So that
he given to supply our every need, for it is, after a., his right to
expect, it is for him the DEAL pure and simple Greenville keeps up its reputation as being one of the leading tobacco markets of the country, its warehouses are
conducted f ft
The municipal improvements which have recently been made i, ck homes surrounded by beautiful lawns and refreshing shade
to Greenville's citizens and for its population these improvements laced ass by deservedly merited. As business people as citizens the spirit of
compel the admiration of the visitor and he can be excused should he onward course in mercantile and industrial pursuits, for present advantages
of activity. Come to Greenville and get in the push.
Manufacturer Phaetons,
Carriages, Elf.
It Is a pleasure to note the
In of an establish-
which is representative of
best Ideals In Its In
of operative faculties and pro-
a concern Whose name-
plate Is assurance and guarantee
Brit class workmanship and prime
quality material, enterprise which
ha reached a position of popularity
and distinction along the path of
merit and, although not classed
among the largest manufacturing in-
of Its kind In the country,
till what U lacking In magnitude Is
made up In superiority. These re-
marks may sound as being Idly com-
but, nevertheless, they
re but the cold of a fact, and
tiny apply with special emphasis
and appropriateness to tho
Flanagan Buggy Co., founded by
late John In
whose policies are enforced down to
their veriest details by Its present
owners and managers. Today, ob
for the past forty-two years of SB-
concern responds to every
demand In tho construction of
quality vehicles comprising buggies.
carriages, phaetons, surreys, run-
abouts, both and rubber-tired.
These vehicle are points
all over the entire South, being sold
largely through the medium of
The enviable reputation of
the concern for superior work, all of
which is guaranteed for one year,
an the absolute reliability of Its
prices making this a successful sales
method us a result of the constant
Inquiry and demand for tho
vehicle. Traveling
lives visit the trade in Georgia and
Florida in which territory a constant-
Increasing business Is being done.
The Flanagan Buggy Co.
their own newly constructed
model appointed three story brick
factory and building which is
locate at tho comer of and
Fourth streets. Tills building Is
equipped throughout with the very
machinery appliances for
the needs of the business and which
are all operated by electric power.
substantial structure Is
feet in dimensions and has a total
floor area aggregating square
feet, and which, with n well equip-
blacksmith shop In the rear, sup-
plies facilities for the select force of
employed to turn out in the
neighborhood of three thousand
per annum.
In the construction of these
only Hi Si illS Iron, steel, wood,
paint trimmings are used and
best of mechanical skill em-
ployed. Every detail of construct
receives the closest and constant sup-
for Flanagan
Co's at can only be reached
through vigilance, expertness and
prime quality material.
Since th
In 1904. the officers are and
K. I. Flanagan. President
and Malinger; T. M. Hooker
Secretary, and W. E. Hooker. Treas-
As, at present the
i spirit and policy of Its executive of-
has been of a truly progressive
character In new factory buildings,
the best mechanical equipment and
methods of conducting the business
are all among the
esteemed citizens and business men
of Eastern North Carolina and arc-
certainly to be commended for their
enterprise in their identity with an
Industry which Is and ought to be a
credit In line and which is a con-
source of pride to the
lb which It nourishes. Mr. E. G.
the President and General
Manager of the business, Is the son
of Its founder, John Flanagan,
whose Immediate guidance he
acquired pronounced mechanical
ability In all the departments of
He Is connected with
several successful enterprises, being
a director of the Greenville Dunking
and Trust Co., one of Eastern North
Carolina prosperous monetary
Greenville Has
And are up-to-date, sober
industrious people, neighborly,
kind and charitable. She needs
more people, capital and
tries to help develop the won-
resources that exist in
the town and surrounding
community. J J J
Manufacturers of Hough and Dressed
North Carolina MM BOX
and Crate.
In the magnitude of Its operations
and in Its standing among the In-
in North Carolina In its line
the Greenville Lumber and Veneer
Company enjoys tho distinction of
being the in Import-
This concern was established
in 1903 by a group of enterprising
men who saw the present and future
possibilities for milling operations
to supply packages of all kinds for
the shipment of truck productions,
the cultivation of which is Increasing
yearly throughout this entire sec-
They secured several acres of
hind near the Coast and the
Norfolk Southern tracks, an, with
best possible railway us-
they erected on tho property t
mill having a dully capacity of
Met, a box factory with ca-
equipment for feet, a
with a combined out-
put of MM barrels and i
dally, dry a capacity
of feel f lumber, and a
shed I in length. Doing
practically of resent construction, the
mechanical equipment Is of very
for quick work and labor
saving methods, so th.-t In this
feature the facilities possess-
are unsurpassed. Then, again,
this concern has secured a position
which enables It to control all the
conditions from the stump to the
product, and to quote con-
on this basis bed rock prices
on quantity consignments,
u prompt and reliable de-
and conforming In every par-
to letter of the agree-
The Greenville Lumber and
Veneer Company make a specialty
of box shook, truck barrels, baskets
and crates, which are shipped to all
points In Virginia and North Caro-
to supply needs the truck
farmers of that section. All
I goods are made to resist the rough
usage Incident to the marketing of
I productions by the various methods
transportation, and their Strength
land durability are the features
commend them to patrons sea-
Icon after season and Increases the
demand from all directions when
ones their merits are Introduced
and established, This concern
and ships constantly rough
and dressed t in general to
out in all directions, so its in-
are far reaching in the sub-
benefits conferred. The of-
of the Greenville Lumber
Veneer Co. A. B. Miner.
O. G. Calhoun, Vice-president;
W. M. Pugh. General Manager and
Geo. H. Cole. Secretary. As General
Manager. Mr. is burdened
with all the responsibilities of the
business. Since his connection
with the company he has discharged
efficiently the duties of book-keeper
and lumber inspector, in both of
which positions he acquired valuable
knowledge and experience
nary to his acceptance of the office
of general manager In September,
in Which he has demonstrated
pronounced executive ability In
carrying successfully settled
plans and policies in the interests of
the business.
Work Greenville.
leading markets of the North and
Bast patronage has
bees established. Employ-
as ii does in seasons, near-
j person Hie departments
the of this enterprise m
a valuable acquisition to
aim ha been all along a pronounced
source of progress which mini
Itself in every direction for, It
is ii well known fact
of every community of the
permanent character comes only
through Industrial operations which
employ large workmen. The
roll of these establishments goes
Pitt County Has
There is not a better county
in the State. Almost any crop
can be grown here, climate is
best and most conducive to
health in the United States.
Three railroads thoroughly
cover it in every direction,
D. routes distribute mail
to every house daily, good
phone systems, etc. J J
mi ii i ii

Eastern reflector, 4 December 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 04, 1908
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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